 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
 * Nicolas Fortin, Atelier SIG, IRSTV FR CNRS 24888
 * Support for the operator "&&" as an alias for SPATIAL_INTERSECTS
package org.h2.command;

import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.ALL;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.ARRAY;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.CASE;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.CHECK;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.CONSTRAINT;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.CROSS;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.CURRENT_DATE;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.CURRENT_TIME;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.CURRENT_USER;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.DISTINCT;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.EXCEPT;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.EXISTS;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.FALSE;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.FETCH;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.FOR;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.FOREIGN;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.FROM;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.FULL;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.GROUP;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.HAVING;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.IDENTIFIER;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.IF;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.INNER;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.INTERSECT;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.INTERSECTS;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.INTERVAL;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.IS;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.JOIN;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.LIKE;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.LIMIT;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.LOCALTIME;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.LOCALTIMESTAMP;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.MINUS;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.NATURAL;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.NOT;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.NULL;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.OFFSET;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.ON;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.ORDER;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.PRIMARY;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.QUALIFY;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.ROW;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.ROWNUM;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.SELECT;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.TABLE;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.TRUE;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.UNION;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.UNIQUE;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.VALUES;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.WHERE;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.WINDOW;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil.WITH;
import static org.h2.util.ParserUtil._ROWID_;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.api.IntervalQualifier;
import org.h2.api.Trigger;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterIndexRename;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterSchemaRename;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterSequence;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAddConstraint;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAlterColumn;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableDropConstraint;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableRename;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableRenameColumn;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableRenameConstraint;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterUser;
import org.h2.command.ddl.AlterView;
import org.h2.command.ddl.Analyze;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CommandWithColumns;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateAggregate;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateConstant;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateDomain;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateFunctionAlias;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateIndex;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateLinkedTable;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateRole;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateSchema;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateSequence;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateSynonym;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateTable;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateTrigger;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateUser;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateView;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DeallocateProcedure;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DefineCommand;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropAggregate;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropConstant;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropDatabase;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropDomain;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropFunctionAlias;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropIndex;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropRole;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropSchema;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropSequence;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropSynonym;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropTable;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropTrigger;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropUser;
import org.h2.command.ddl.DropView;
import org.h2.command.ddl.GrantRevoke;
import org.h2.command.ddl.PrepareProcedure;
import org.h2.command.ddl.SchemaCommand;
import org.h2.command.ddl.SequenceOptions;
import org.h2.command.ddl.SetComment;
import org.h2.command.ddl.TruncateTable;
import org.h2.command.dml.AlterTableSet;
import org.h2.command.dml.BackupCommand;
import org.h2.command.dml.Call;
import org.h2.command.dml.CommandWithValues;
import org.h2.command.dml.Delete;
import org.h2.command.dml.ExecuteProcedure;
import org.h2.command.dml.Explain;
import org.h2.command.dml.Insert;
import org.h2.command.dml.Merge;
import org.h2.command.dml.MergeUsing;
import org.h2.command.dml.NoOperation;
import org.h2.command.dml.Query;
import org.h2.command.dml.Replace;
import org.h2.command.dml.RunScriptCommand;
import org.h2.command.dml.ScriptCommand;
import org.h2.command.dml.Select;
import org.h2.command.dml.SelectOrderBy;
import org.h2.command.dml.SelectUnion;
import org.h2.command.dml.Set;
import org.h2.command.dml.SetTypes;
import org.h2.command.dml.TransactionCommand;
import org.h2.command.dml.Update;
import org.h2.constraint.ConstraintActionType;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.DbObject;
import org.h2.engine.Domain;
import org.h2.engine.FunctionAlias;
import org.h2.engine.Mode;
import org.h2.engine.Mode.ModeEnum;
import org.h2.engine.Procedure;
import org.h2.engine.Right;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.User;
import org.h2.engine.UserAggregate;
import org.h2.expression.Alias;
import org.h2.expression.BinaryOperation;
import org.h2.expression.BinaryOperation.OpType;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionColumn;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionList;
import org.h2.expression.Parameter;
import org.h2.expression.Rownum;
import org.h2.expression.SequenceValue;
import org.h2.expression.Subquery;
import org.h2.expression.UnaryOperation;
import org.h2.expression.ValueExpression;
import org.h2.expression.Variable;
import org.h2.expression.Wildcard;
import org.h2.expression.aggregate.AbstractAggregate;
import org.h2.expression.aggregate.Aggregate;
import org.h2.expression.aggregate.AggregateType;
import org.h2.expression.aggregate.JavaAggregate;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.DataAnalysisOperation;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.Window;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.WindowFrame;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.WindowFrameBound;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.WindowFrameBoundType;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.WindowFrameExclusion;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.WindowFrameUnits;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.WindowFunction;
import org.h2.expression.analysis.WindowFunctionType;
import org.h2.expression.condition.CompareLike;
import org.h2.expression.condition.Comparison;
import org.h2.expression.condition.ConditionAndOr;
import org.h2.expression.condition.ConditionExists;
import org.h2.expression.condition.ConditionIn;
import org.h2.expression.condition.ConditionInParameter;
import org.h2.expression.condition.ConditionInSelect;
import org.h2.expression.condition.ConditionNot;
import org.h2.expression.function.Function;
import org.h2.expression.function.FunctionCall;
import org.h2.expression.function.JavaFunction;
import org.h2.expression.function.TableFunction;
import org.h2.index.Index;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.result.SortOrder;
import org.h2.schema.Schema;
import org.h2.schema.Sequence;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.FunctionTable;
import org.h2.table.IndexColumn;
import org.h2.table.IndexHints;
import org.h2.table.RangeTable;
import org.h2.table.Table;
import org.h2.table.TableFilter;
import org.h2.table.TableFilter.TableFilterVisitor;
import org.h2.table.TableView;
import org.h2.util.IntervalUtils;
import org.h2.util.ParserUtil;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.util.geometry.EWKTUtils;
import org.h2.value.CompareMode;
import org.h2.value.DataType;
import org.h2.value.ExtTypeInfo;
import org.h2.value.ExtTypeInfoEnum;
import org.h2.value.ExtTypeInfoGeometry;
import org.h2.value.TypeInfo;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueArray;
import org.h2.value.ValueBoolean;
import org.h2.value.ValueBytes;
import org.h2.value.ValueDate;
import org.h2.value.ValueDecimal;
import org.h2.value.ValueInt;
import org.h2.value.ValueInterval;
import org.h2.value.ValueLong;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;
import org.h2.value.ValueRow;
import org.h2.value.ValueString;
import org.h2.value.ValueTime;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone;

The parser is used to convert a SQL statement string to an command object.
Author:Thomas Mueller, Noel Grandin, Nicolas Fortin, Atelier SIG, IRSTV FR CNRS 24888
/** * The parser is used to convert a SQL statement string to an command object. * * @author Thomas Mueller * @author Noel Grandin * @author Nicolas Fortin, Atelier SIG, IRSTV FR CNRS 24888 */
public class Parser { private static final String WITH_STATEMENT_SUPPORTS_LIMITED_SUB_STATEMENTS = "WITH statement supports only SELECT, TABLE, VALUES, " + "CREATE TABLE, INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE or DELETE statements"; // used during the tokenizer phase private static final int CHAR_END = 1, CHAR_VALUE = 2, CHAR_QUOTED = 3; private static final int CHAR_NAME = 4, CHAR_SPECIAL_1 = 5, CHAR_SPECIAL_2 = 6; private static final int CHAR_STRING = 7, CHAR_DOT = 8, CHAR_DOLLAR_QUOTED_STRING = 9; // this are token types, see also types in ParserUtil
Token with parameter.
/** * Token with parameter. */
private static final int PARAMETER = WITH + 1;
End of input.
/** * End of input. */
private static final int END = PARAMETER + 1;
Token with value.
/** * Token with value. */
private static final int VALUE = END + 1;
The token "=".
/** * The token "=". */
private static final int EQUAL = VALUE + 1;
The token ">=".
/** * The token ">=". */
private static final int BIGGER_EQUAL = EQUAL + 1;
The token ">".
/** * The token ">". */
private static final int BIGGER = BIGGER_EQUAL + 1;
The token "<".
/** * The token "<". */
private static final int SMALLER = BIGGER + 1;
The token "<=".
/** * The token "<=". */
private static final int SMALLER_EQUAL = SMALLER + 1;
The token "<>" or "!=".
/** * The token "<>" or "!=". */
private static final int NOT_EQUAL = SMALLER_EQUAL + 1;
The token "@".
/** * The token "@". */
private static final int AT = NOT_EQUAL + 1;
The token "-".
/** * The token "-". */
private static final int MINUS_SIGN = AT + 1;
The token "+".
/** * The token "+". */
private static final int PLUS_SIGN = MINUS_SIGN + 1;
The token "||".
/** * The token "||". */
private static final int STRING_CONCAT = PLUS_SIGN + 1;
The token "(".
/** * The token "(". */
private static final int OPEN_PAREN = STRING_CONCAT + 1;
The token ")".
/** * The token ")". */
private static final int CLOSE_PAREN = OPEN_PAREN + 1;
The token "&&".
/** * The token "&amp;&amp;". */
private static final int SPATIAL_INTERSECTS = CLOSE_PAREN + 1;
The token "*".
/** * The token "*". */
private static final int ASTERISK = SPATIAL_INTERSECTS + 1;
The token ",".
/** * The token ",". */
private static final int COMMA = ASTERISK + 1;
The token ".".
/** * The token ".". */
private static final int DOT = COMMA + 1;
The token "{".
/** * The token "{". */
private static final int OPEN_BRACE = DOT + 1;
The token "}".
/** * The token "}". */
private static final int CLOSE_BRACE = OPEN_BRACE + 1;
The token "/".
/** * The token "/". */
private static final int SLASH = CLOSE_BRACE + 1;
The token "%".
/** * The token "%". */
private static final int PERCENT = SLASH + 1;
The token ";".
/** * The token ";". */
private static final int SEMICOLON = PERCENT + 1;
The token ":".
/** * The token ":". */
private static final int COLON = SEMICOLON + 1;
The token "[".
/** * The token "[". */
private static final int OPEN_BRACKET = COLON + 1;
The token "]".
/** * The token "]". */
private static final int CLOSE_BRACKET = OPEN_BRACKET + 1;
The token "~".
/** * The token "~". */
private static final int TILDE = CLOSE_BRACKET + 1;
The token "::".
/** * The token "::". */
private static final int COLON_COLON = TILDE + 1;
The token ":=".
/** * The token ":=". */
private static final int COLON_EQ = COLON_COLON + 1;
The token "!~".
/** * The token "!~". */
private static final int NOT_TILDE = COLON_EQ + 1; private static final String[] TOKENS = { // Unused null, // KEYWORD null, // IDENTIFIER null, // ALL "ALL", // ARRAY "ARRAY", // CASE "CASE", // CHECK "CHECK", // CONSTRAINT "CONSTRAINT", // CROSS "CROSS", // CURRENT_DATE "CURRENT_DATE", // CURRENT_TIME "CURRENT_TIME", // CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", // CURRENT_USER "CURRENT_USER", // DISTINCT "DISTINCT", // EXCEPT "EXCEPT", // EXISTS "EXISTS", // FALSE "FALSE", // FETCH "FETCH", // FOR "FOR", // FOREIGN "FOREIGN", // FROM "FROM", // FULL "FULL", // GROUP "GROUP", // HAVING "HAVING", // IF "IF", // INNER "INNER", // INTERSECT "INTERSECT", // INTERSECTS "INTERSECTS", // INTERVAL "INTERVAL", // IS "IS", // JOIN "JOIN", // LIKE "LIKE", // LIMIT "LIMIT", // LOCALTIME "LOCALTIME", // LOCALTIMESTAMP "LOCALTIMESTAMP", // MINUS "MINUS", // NATURAL "NATURAL", // NOT "NOT", // NULL "NULL", // OFFSET "OFFSET", // ON "ON", // ORDER "ORDER", // PRIMARY "PRIMARY", // QUALIFY "QUALIFY", // ROW "ROW", // _ROWID_ "_ROWID_", // ROWNUM "ROWNUM", // SELECT "SELECT", // TABLE "TABLE", // TRUE "TRUE", // UNION "UNION", // UNIQUE "UNIQUE", // VALUES "VALUES", // WHERE "WHERE", // WINDOW "WINDOW", // WITH "WITH", // PARAMETER "?", // END null, // VALUE null, // EQUAL "=", // BIGGER_EQUAL ">=", // BIGGER ">", // SMALLER "<", // SMALLER_EQUAL "<=", // NOT_EQUAL "<>", // AT "@", // MINUS_SIGN "-", // PLUS_SIGN "+", // STRING_CONCAT "||", // OPEN_PAREN "(", // CLOSE_PAREN ")", // SPATIAL_INTERSECTS "&&", // ASTERISK "*", // COMMA ",", // DOT ".", // OPEN_BRACE "{", // CLOSE_BRACE "}", // SLASH "/", // PERCENT "%", // SEMICOLON ";", // COLON ":", // OPEN_BRACKET "[", // CLOSE_BRACKET "]", // TILDE "~", // COLON_COLON "::", // COLON_EQ ":=", // NOT_TILDE "!~", // End }; private static final Comparator<TableFilter> TABLE_FILTER_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<TableFilter>() { @Override public int compare(TableFilter o1, TableFilter o2) { if (o1 == o2) return 0; assert o1.getOrderInFrom() != o2.getOrderInFrom(); return o1.getOrderInFrom() > o2.getOrderInFrom() ? 1 : -1; } }; private final Database database; private final Session session;
See Also:
  • databaseToLower.databaseToLower
/** * @see org.h2.engine.DbSettings#databaseToLower */
private final boolean identifiersToLower;
See Also:
  • databaseToUpper.databaseToUpper
/** * @see org.h2.engine.DbSettings#databaseToUpper */
private final boolean identifiersToUpper;
indicates character-type for each char in sqlCommand
/** indicates character-type for each char in sqlCommand */
private int[] characterTypes; private int currentTokenType; private String currentToken; private boolean currentTokenQuoted; private Value currentValue; private String originalSQL;
copy of originalSQL, with comments blanked out
/** copy of originalSQL, with comments blanked out */
private String sqlCommand;
cached array if chars from sqlCommand
/** cached array if chars from sqlCommand */
private char[] sqlCommandChars;
index into sqlCommand of previous token
/** index into sqlCommand of previous token */
private int lastParseIndex;
index into sqlCommand of current token
/** index into sqlCommand of current token */
private int parseIndex; private CreateView createView; private Prepared currentPrepared; private Select currentSelect; private ArrayList<Parameter> parameters; private ArrayList<Parameter> indexedParameterList; private ArrayList<Parameter> suppliedParameters; private ArrayList<Parameter> suppliedParameterList; private String schemaName; private ArrayList<String> expectedList; private boolean rightsChecked; private boolean recompileAlways; private boolean literalsChecked; private int orderInFrom; public Parser(Session session) { this.database = session.getDatabase(); this.identifiersToLower = database.getSettings().databaseToLower; this.identifiersToUpper = database.getSettings().databaseToUpper; this.session = session; }
Parse the statement and prepare it for execution.
  • sql – the SQL statement to parse
Returns:the prepared object
/** * Parse the statement and prepare it for execution. * * @param sql the SQL statement to parse * @return the prepared object */
public Prepared prepare(String sql) { Prepared p = parse(sql); p.prepare(); if (currentTokenType != END) { throw getSyntaxError(); } return p; }
Parse a statement or a list of statements, and prepare it for execution.
  • sql – the SQL statement to parse
Returns:the command object
/** * Parse a statement or a list of statements, and prepare it for execution. * * @param sql the SQL statement to parse * @return the command object */
public Command prepareCommand(String sql) { try { Prepared p = parse(sql); if (currentTokenType != SEMICOLON && currentTokenType != END) { addExpected(SEMICOLON); throw getSyntaxError(); } try { p.prepare(); } catch (Throwable t) { CommandContainer.clearCTE(session, p); throw t; } if (parseIndex < sql.length()) { sql = sql.substring(0, parseIndex); } CommandContainer c = new CommandContainer(session, sql, p); if (currentTokenType == SEMICOLON) { String remaining = originalSQL.substring(parseIndex); if (!StringUtils.isWhitespaceOrEmpty(remaining)) { return prepareCommandList(c, sql, remaining); } } return c; } catch (DbException e) { throw e.addSQL(originalSQL); } } private CommandList prepareCommandList(CommandContainer command, String sql, String remaining) { try { ArrayList<Prepared> list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); boolean stop = false; do { if (stop) { return new CommandList(session, sql, command, list, parameters, remaining); } suppliedParameters = parameters; suppliedParameterList = indexedParameterList; Prepared p; try { p = parse(remaining); } catch (DbException ex) { // This command may depend on results of previous commands. if (ex.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.CANNOT_MIX_INDEXED_AND_UNINDEXED_PARAMS) { throw ex; } return new CommandList(session, sql, command, list, parameters, remaining); } if (p instanceof DefineCommand) { // Next commands may depend on results of this command. stop = true; } list.add(p); if (currentTokenType == END) { break; } if (currentTokenType != SEMICOLON) { addExpected(SEMICOLON); throw getSyntaxError(); } } while (!StringUtils.isWhitespaceOrEmpty(remaining = originalSQL.substring(parseIndex))); return new CommandList(session, sql, command, list, parameters, null); } catch (Throwable t) { command.clearCTE(); throw t; } }
Parse the statement, but don't prepare it for execution.
  • sql – the SQL statement to parse
Returns:the prepared object
/** * Parse the statement, but don't prepare it for execution. * * @param sql the SQL statement to parse * @return the prepared object */
Prepared parse(String sql) { Prepared p; try { // first, try the fast variant p = parse(sql, false); } catch (DbException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_1) { // now, get the detailed exception p = parse(sql, true); } else { throw e.addSQL(sql); } } p.setPrepareAlways(recompileAlways); p.setParameterList(parameters); return p; } private Prepared parse(String sql, boolean withExpectedList) { initialize(sql); if (withExpectedList) { expectedList = new ArrayList<>(); } else { expectedList = null; } parameters = suppliedParameters != null ? suppliedParameters : Utils.<Parameter>newSmallArrayList(); indexedParameterList = suppliedParameterList; currentSelect = null; currentPrepared = null; createView = null; recompileAlways = false; read(); return parsePrepared(); } private Prepared parsePrepared() { int start = lastParseIndex; Prepared c = null; switch (currentTokenType) { case END: case SEMICOLON: c = new NoOperation(session); setSQL(c, null, start); return c; case PARAMETER: // read the ? as a parameter readTerm(); // this is an 'out' parameter - set a dummy value parameters.get(0).setValue(ValueNull.INSTANCE); read(EQUAL); read("CALL"); c = parseCall(); break; case OPEN_PAREN: case FROM: case SELECT: case TABLE: case VALUES: c = parseSelect(); break; case WITH: read(); c = parseWithStatementOrQuery(); break; case IDENTIFIER: if (currentTokenQuoted) { break; } switch (currentToken.charAt(0)) { case 'a': case 'A': if (readIf("ALTER")) { c = parseAlter(); } else if (readIf("ANALYZE")) { c = parseAnalyze(); } break; case 'b': case 'B': if (readIf("BACKUP")) { c = parseBackup(); } else if (readIf("BEGIN")) { c = parseBegin(); } break; case 'c': case 'C': if (readIf("COMMIT")) { c = parseCommit(); } else if (readIf("CREATE")) { c = parseCreate(); } else if (readIf("CALL")) { c = parseCall(); } else if (readIf("CHECKPOINT")) { c = parseCheckpoint(); } else if (readIf("COMMENT")) { c = parseComment(); } break; case 'd': case 'D': if (readIf("DELETE")) { c = parseDelete(); } else if (readIf("DROP")) { c = parseDrop(); } else if (readIf("DECLARE")) { // support for DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE... c = parseCreate(); } else if (readIf("DEALLOCATE")) { c = parseDeallocate(); } break; case 'e': case 'E': if (readIf("EXPLAIN")) { c = parseExplain(); } else if (readIf("EXECUTE")) { c = parseExecute(); } break; case 'g': case 'G': if (readIf("GRANT")) { c = parseGrantRevoke(CommandInterface.GRANT); } break; case 'h': case 'H': if (readIf("HELP")) { c = parseHelp(); } break; case 'i': case 'I': if (readIf("INSERT")) { c = parseInsert(); } break; case 'm': case 'M': if (readIf("MERGE")) { c = parseMerge(); } break; case 'p': case 'P': if (readIf("PREPARE")) { c = parsePrepare(); } break; case 'r': case 'R': if (readIf("ROLLBACK")) { c = parseRollback(); } else if (readIf("REVOKE")) { c = parseGrantRevoke(CommandInterface.REVOKE); } else if (readIf("RUNSCRIPT")) { c = parseRunScript(); } else if (readIf("RELEASE")) { c = parseReleaseSavepoint(); } else if (readIf("REPLACE")) { c = parseReplace(); } break; case 's': case 'S': if (readIf("SET")) { c = parseSet(); } else if (readIf("SAVEPOINT")) { c = parseSavepoint(); } else if (readIf("SCRIPT")) { c = parseScript(); } else if (readIf("SHUTDOWN")) { c = parseShutdown(); } else if (readIf("SHOW")) { c = parseShow(); } break; case 't': case 'T': if (readIf("TRUNCATE")) { c = parseTruncate(); } break; case 'u': case 'U': if (readIf("UPDATE")) { c = parseUpdate(); } else if (readIf("USE")) { c = parseUse(); } break; } } if (c == null) { throw getSyntaxError(); } if (indexedParameterList != null) { for (int i = 0, size = indexedParameterList.size(); i < size; i++) { if (indexedParameterList.get(i) == null) { indexedParameterList.set(i, new Parameter(i)); } } parameters = indexedParameterList; } if (readIf(OPEN_BRACE)) { do { int index = (int) readLong() - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= parameters.size()) { throw getSyntaxError(); } Parameter p = parameters.get(index); if (p == null) { throw getSyntaxError(); } read(COLON); Expression expr = readExpression(); expr = expr.optimize(session); p.setValue(expr.getValue(session)); } while (readIf(COMMA)); read(CLOSE_BRACE); for (Parameter p : parameters) { p.checkSet(); } parameters.clear(); } setSQL(c, null, start); return c; } private DbException getSyntaxError() { if (expectedList == null || expectedList.isEmpty()) { return DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex); } return DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex, StringUtils.join(new StringBuilder(), expectedList, ", ").toString()); } private Prepared parseBackup() { BackupCommand command = new BackupCommand(session); read("TO"); command.setFileName(readExpression()); return command; } private Prepared parseAnalyze() { Analyze command = new Analyze(session); if (readIf(TABLE)) { Table table = readTableOrView(); command.setTable(table); } if (readIf("SAMPLE_SIZE")) { command.setTop(readNonNegativeInt()); } return command; } private TransactionCommand parseBegin() { TransactionCommand command; if (!readIf("WORK")) { readIf("TRANSACTION"); } command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.BEGIN); return command; } private TransactionCommand parseCommit() { TransactionCommand command; if (readIf("TRANSACTION")) { command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.COMMIT_TRANSACTION); command.setTransactionName(readUniqueIdentifier()); return command; } command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.COMMIT); readIf("WORK"); return command; } private TransactionCommand parseShutdown() { int type = CommandInterface.SHUTDOWN; if (readIf("IMMEDIATELY")) { type = CommandInterface.SHUTDOWN_IMMEDIATELY; } else if (readIf("COMPACT")) { type = CommandInterface.SHUTDOWN_COMPACT; } else if (readIf("DEFRAG")) { type = CommandInterface.SHUTDOWN_DEFRAG; } else { readIf("SCRIPT"); } return new TransactionCommand(session, type); } private TransactionCommand parseRollback() { TransactionCommand command; if (readIf("TRANSACTION")) { command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION); command.setTransactionName(readUniqueIdentifier()); return command; } if (readIf("TO")) { read("SAVEPOINT"); command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT); command.setSavepointName(readUniqueIdentifier()); } else { readIf("WORK"); command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.ROLLBACK); } return command; } private Prepared parsePrepare() { if (readIf("COMMIT")) { TransactionCommand command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.PREPARE_COMMIT); command.setTransactionName(readUniqueIdentifier()); return command; } String procedureName = readAliasIdentifier(); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { ArrayList<Column> list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); for (int i = 0;; i++) { Column column = parseColumnForTable("C" + i, true, false); list.add(column); if (!readIfMore(true)) { break; } } } read("AS"); Prepared prep = parsePrepared(); PrepareProcedure command = new PrepareProcedure(session); command.setProcedureName(procedureName); command.setPrepared(prep); return command; } private TransactionCommand parseSavepoint() { TransactionCommand command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.SAVEPOINT); command.setSavepointName(readUniqueIdentifier()); return command; } private Prepared parseReleaseSavepoint() { Prepared command = new NoOperation(session); readIf("SAVEPOINT"); readUniqueIdentifier(); return command; } private Schema findSchema(String schemaName) { if (schemaName == null) { return null; } Schema schema = database.findSchema(schemaName); if (schema == null) { if (equalsToken("SESSION", schemaName)) { // for local temporary tables schema = database.getSchema(session.getCurrentSchemaName()); } } return schema; } private Schema getSchema(String schemaName) { if (schemaName == null) { return null; } Schema schema = findSchema(schemaName); if (schema == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND_1, schemaName); } return schema; } private Schema getSchema() { return getSchema(schemaName); } /* * Gets the current schema for scenarios that need a guaranteed, non-null schema object. * * This routine is solely here * because of the function readIdentifierWithSchema(String defaultSchemaName) - which * is often called with a null parameter (defaultSchemaName) - then 6 lines into the function * that routine nullifies the state field schemaName - which I believe is a bug. * * There are about 7 places where "readIdentifierWithSchema(null)" is called in this file. * * In other words when is it legal to not have an active schema defined by schemaName ? * I don't think it's ever a valid case. I don't understand when that would be allowed. * I spent a long time trying to figure this out. * As another proof of this point, the command "SET SCHEMA=NULL" is not a valid command. * * I did try to fix this in readIdentifierWithSchema(String defaultSchemaName) * - but every fix I tried cascaded so many unit test errors - so * I gave up. I think this needs a bigger effort to fix his, as part of bigger, dedicated story. * */ private Schema getSchemaWithDefault() { if (schemaName == null) { schemaName = session.getCurrentSchemaName(); } return getSchema(schemaName); } private Column readTableColumn(TableFilter filter) { boolean rowId = false; String columnName = null; if (currentTokenType == _ROWID_) { read(); rowId = true; } else { columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(DOT)) { String tableAlias = columnName; if (currentTokenType == _ROWID_) { read(); rowId = true; } else { columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(DOT)) { String schema = tableAlias; tableAlias = columnName; if (currentTokenType == _ROWID_) { read(); rowId = true; } else { columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(DOT)) { if (!equalsToken(schema, database.getShortName())) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND_1, schema); } schema = tableAlias; tableAlias = columnName; if (currentTokenType == _ROWID_) { read(); rowId = true; } else { columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); } } } if (!equalsToken(schema, filter.getTable().getSchema().getName())) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND_1, schema); } } } if (!equalsToken(tableAlias, filter.getTableAlias())) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND_1, tableAlias); } } } return rowId ? filter.getRowIdColumn() : filter.getTable().getColumn(columnName); } private Update parseUpdate() { Update command = new Update(session); currentPrepared = command; int start = lastParseIndex; TableFilter filter = readSimpleTableFilter(0, null); command.setTableFilter(filter); parseUpdateSetClause(command, filter, start, true); return command; } private void parseUpdateSetClause(Update command, TableFilter filter, int start, boolean allowExtensions) { read("SET"); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { ArrayList<Column> columns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { Column column = readTableColumn(filter); columns.add(column); } while (readIfMore(true)); read(EQUAL); Expression expression = readExpression(); if (columns.size() == 1 && expression.getType().getValueType() != Value.ROW) { // the expression is parsed as a simple value command.setAssignment(columns.get(0), expression); } else { for (int i = 0, size = columns.size(); i < size; i++) { Column column = columns.get(i); Function f = Function.getFunction(database, "ARRAY_GET"); f.setParameter(0, expression); f.setParameter(1, ValueExpression.get(ValueInt.get(i + 1))); f.doneWithParameters(); command.setAssignment(column, f); } } } else { do { Column column = readTableColumn(filter); read(EQUAL); command.setAssignment(column, readExpressionOrDefault()); } while (readIf(COMMA)); } if (readIf(WHERE)) { Expression condition = readExpression(); command.setCondition(condition); } if (allowExtensions) { if (readIf(ORDER)) { // for MySQL compatibility // (this syntax is supported, but ignored) read("BY"); parseSimpleOrderList(); } if (readIf(LIMIT)) { Expression limit = readTerm().optimize(session); command.setLimit(limit); } } setSQL(command, "UPDATE", start); } private TableFilter readSimpleTableFilter(int orderInFrom, Collection<String> excludeTokens) { Table table = readTableOrView(); String alias = null; if (readIf("AS")) { alias = readAliasIdentifier(); } else if (currentTokenType == IDENTIFIER) { if (!equalsTokenIgnoreCase(currentToken, "SET") && (excludeTokens == null || !isTokenInList(excludeTokens))) { // SET is not a keyword (PostgreSQL supports it as a table name) alias = readAliasIdentifier(); } } return new TableFilter(session, table, alias, rightsChecked, currentSelect, orderInFrom, null); } private Delete parseDelete() { Delete command = new Delete(session); Expression limit = null; if (readIf("TOP")) { limit = readTerm().optimize(session); } currentPrepared = command; int start = lastParseIndex; if (!readIf(FROM) && database.getMode().getEnum() == ModeEnum.MySQL) { readIdentifierWithSchema(); read(FROM); } TableFilter filter = readSimpleTableFilter(0, null); command.setTableFilter(filter); if (readIf(WHERE)) { command.setCondition(readExpression()); } if (limit == null && readIf(LIMIT)) { limit = readTerm().optimize(session); } command.setLimit(limit); setSQL(command, "DELETE", start); return command; } private IndexColumn[] parseIndexColumnList() { ArrayList<IndexColumn> columns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { IndexColumn column = new IndexColumn(); column.columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); column.sortType = parseSortType(); columns.add(column); } while (readIfMore(true)); return columns.toArray(new IndexColumn[0]); } private int parseSortType() { int sortType = parseSimpleSortType(); if (readIf("NULLS")) { if (readIf("FIRST")) { sortType |= SortOrder.NULLS_FIRST; } else { read("LAST"); sortType |= SortOrder.NULLS_LAST; } } return sortType; } private int parseSimpleSortType() { if (!readIf("ASC") && readIf("DESC")) { return SortOrder.DESCENDING; } return SortOrder.ASCENDING; } private String[] parseColumnList() { ArrayList<String> columns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { String columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); columns.add(columnName); } while (readIfMore(false)); return columns.toArray(new String[0]); } private Column[] parseColumnList(Table table) { ArrayList<Column> columns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); HashSet<Column> set = new HashSet<>(); if (!readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { do { Column column = parseColumn(table); if (!set.add(column)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_1, column.getSQL(false)); } columns.add(column); } while (readIfMore(false)); } return columns.toArray(new Column[0]); } private Column parseColumn(Table table) { if (currentTokenType == _ROWID_) { read(); return table.getRowIdColumn(); } return table.getColumn(readColumnIdentifier()); }
Read comma or closing brace.
  • strict – if false additional comma before brace is allowed
Returns:true if comma is read, false if brace is read
/** * Read comma or closing brace. * * @param strict * if {@code false} additional comma before brace is allowed * @return {@code true} if comma is read, {@code false} if brace is read */
private boolean readIfMore(boolean strict) { if (readIf(COMMA)) { return strict || !readIf(CLOSE_PAREN); } read(CLOSE_PAREN); return false; } private Prepared parseHelp() { Select select = new Select(session, null); select.setWildcard(); String informationSchema = database.sysIdentifier("INFORMATION_SCHEMA"); Table table = database.getSchema(informationSchema) .resolveTableOrView(session, database.sysIdentifier("HELP")); Function function = Function.getFunction(database, "UPPER"); function.setParameter(0, new ExpressionColumn(database, informationSchema, database.sysIdentifier("HELP"), database.sysIdentifier("TOPIC"), false)); function.doneWithParameters(); TableFilter filter = new TableFilter(session, table, null, rightsChecked, select, 0, null); select.addTableFilter(filter, true); while (currentTokenType != END) { String s = currentToken; read(); CompareLike like = new CompareLike(database, function, ValueExpression.get(ValueString.get('%' + s + '%')), null, false); select.addCondition(like); } select.init(); return select; } private Prepared parseShow() { ArrayList<Value> paramValues = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("SELECT "); if (readIf("CLIENT_ENCODING")) { // for PostgreSQL compatibility buff.append("'UNICODE' AS CLIENT_ENCODING FROM DUAL"); } else if (readIf("DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION")) { // for PostgreSQL compatibility buff.append("'read committed' AS DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION " + "FROM DUAL"); } else if (readIf("TRANSACTION")) { // for PostgreSQL compatibility read("ISOLATION"); read("LEVEL"); buff.append("'read committed' AS TRANSACTION_ISOLATION " + "FROM DUAL"); } else if (readIf("DATESTYLE")) { // for PostgreSQL compatibility buff.append("'ISO' AS DATESTYLE FROM DUAL"); } else if (readIf("SERVER_VERSION")) { // for PostgreSQL compatibility buff.append("'" + Constants.PG_VERSION + "' AS SERVER_VERSION FROM DUAL"); } else if (readIf("SERVER_ENCODING")) { // for PostgreSQL compatibility buff.append("'UTF8' AS SERVER_ENCODING FROM DUAL"); } else if (readIf("TABLES")) { // for MySQL compatibility String schema = database.getMainSchema().getName(); if (readIf(FROM)) { schema = readUniqueIdentifier(); } buff.append("TABLE_NAME, TABLE_SCHEMA FROM " + "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES " + "WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=? ORDER BY TABLE_NAME"); paramValues.add(ValueString.get(schema)); } else if (readIf("COLUMNS")) { // for MySQL compatibility read(FROM); String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); String schemaName = getSchema().getName(); paramValues.add(ValueString.get(tableName)); if (readIf(FROM)) { schemaName = readUniqueIdentifier(); } buff.append("C.COLUMN_NAME FIELD, " + "C.TYPE_NAME || '(' || C.NUMERIC_PRECISION || ')' TYPE, " + "C.IS_NULLABLE \"NULL\", " + "CASE (SELECT MAX(I.INDEX_TYPE_NAME) FROM " + "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INDEXES I " + "WHERE I.TABLE_SCHEMA=C.TABLE_SCHEMA " + "AND I.TABLE_NAME=C.TABLE_NAME " + "AND I.COLUMN_NAME=C.COLUMN_NAME)" + "WHEN 'PRIMARY KEY' THEN 'PRI' " + "WHEN 'UNIQUE INDEX' THEN 'UNI' ELSE '' END KEY, " + "IFNULL(COLUMN_DEFAULT, 'NULL') DEFAULT " + "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS C " + "WHERE C.TABLE_NAME=? AND C.TABLE_SCHEMA=? " + "ORDER BY C.ORDINAL_POSITION"); paramValues.add(ValueString.get(schemaName)); } else if (readIf("DATABASES") || readIf("SCHEMAS")) { // for MySQL compatibility buff.append("SCHEMA_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA"); } boolean b = session.getAllowLiterals(); try { // need to temporarily enable it, in case we are in // ALLOW_LITERALS_NUMBERS mode session.setAllowLiterals(true); return prepare(session, buff.toString(), paramValues); } finally { session.setAllowLiterals(b); } } private static Prepared prepare(Session s, String sql, ArrayList<Value> paramValues) { Prepared prep = s.prepare(sql); ArrayList<Parameter> params = prep.getParameters(); if (params != null) { for (int i = 0, size = params.size(); i < size; i++) { Parameter p = params.get(i); p.setValue(paramValues.get(i)); } } return prep; } private boolean isSelect() { int start = lastParseIndex; while (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { // need to read ahead, it could be a nested union: // ((select 1) union (select 1)) } boolean select; switch (currentTokenType) { case FROM: case SELECT: case VALUES: case WITH: select = true; break; case TABLE: read(); select = !readIf(OPEN_PAREN); break; default: select = false; } parseIndex = start; read(); return select; } private Prepared parseMerge() { int start = lastParseIndex; read("INTO"); List<String> excludeIdentifiers = Arrays.asList("USING", "KEY"); TableFilter targetTableFilter = readSimpleTableFilter(0, excludeIdentifiers); if (readIf("USING")) { return parseMergeUsing(targetTableFilter, start); } Merge command = new Merge(session); currentPrepared = command; command.setTargetTableFilter(targetTableFilter); Table table = command.getTargetTable(); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { if (isSelect()) { command.setQuery(parseSelect()); read(CLOSE_PAREN); return command; } Column[] columns = parseColumnList(table); command.setColumns(columns); } if (readIf("KEY")) { read(OPEN_PAREN); Column[] keys = parseColumnList(table); command.setKeys(keys); } if (readIf(VALUES)) { parseValuesForCommand(command); } else { command.setQuery(parseSelect()); } return command; } private MergeUsing parseMergeUsing(TableFilter targetTableFilter, int start) { MergeUsing command = new MergeUsing(session, targetTableFilter); currentPrepared = command; if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { /* a select query is supplied */ if (isSelect()) { command.setQuery(parseSelect()); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } String queryAlias = readFromAlias(null, null); if (queryAlias == null) { queryAlias = Constants.PREFIX_QUERY_ALIAS + parseIndex; } command.setQueryAlias(queryAlias); String[] querySQLOutput = {null}; List<Column> columnTemplateList = TableView.createQueryColumnTemplateList(null, command.getQuery(), querySQLOutput); TableView temporarySourceTableView = createCTEView( queryAlias, querySQLOutput[0], columnTemplateList, false/* no recursion */, false/* do not add to session */, true /* isTemporary */ ); TableFilter sourceTableFilter = new TableFilter(session, temporarySourceTableView, queryAlias, rightsChecked, (Select) command.getQuery(), 0, null); command.setSourceTableFilter(sourceTableFilter); } else { /* Its a table name, simulate a query by building a select query for the table */ TableFilter sourceTableFilter = readSimpleTableFilter(0, null); command.setSourceTableFilter(sourceTableFilter); Select preparedQuery = new Select(session, null); preparedQuery.setWildcard(); TableFilter filter = new TableFilter(session, sourceTableFilter.getTable(), sourceTableFilter.getTableAlias(), rightsChecked, preparedQuery, 0, null); preparedQuery.addTableFilter(filter, true); preparedQuery.init(); command.setQuery(preparedQuery); } read(ON); Expression condition = readExpression(); command.setOnCondition(condition); read("WHEN"); do { boolean matched = readIf("MATCHED"); if (matched) { parseWhenMatched(command); } else { parseWhenNotMatched(command); } } while (readIf("WHEN")); setSQL(command, "MERGE", start); return command; } private void parseWhenMatched(MergeUsing command) { Expression and = readIf("AND") ? readExpression() : null; read("THEN"); int startMatched = lastParseIndex; Update updateCommand = null; if (readIf("UPDATE")) { updateCommand = new Update(session); TableFilter filter = command.getTargetTableFilter(); updateCommand.setTableFilter(filter); parseUpdateSetClause(updateCommand, filter, startMatched, false); startMatched = lastParseIndex; } Delete deleteCommand = null; if (readIf("DELETE")) { deleteCommand = new Delete(session); deleteCommand.setTableFilter(command.getTargetTableFilter()); if (readIf(WHERE)) { deleteCommand.setCondition(readExpression()); } setSQL(deleteCommand, "DELETE", startMatched); } if (updateCommand != null || deleteCommand != null) { MergeUsing.WhenMatched when = new MergeUsing.WhenMatched(command); when.setAndCondition(and); when.setUpdateCommand(updateCommand); when.setDeleteCommand(deleteCommand); command.addWhen(when); } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } } private void parseWhenNotMatched(MergeUsing command) { read(NOT); read("MATCHED"); Expression and = readIf("AND") ? readExpression() : null; read("THEN"); if (readIf("INSERT")) { Insert insertCommand = new Insert(session); insertCommand.setTable(command.getTargetTable()); parseInsertGivenTable(insertCommand, command.getTargetTable()); MergeUsing.WhenNotMatched when = new MergeUsing.WhenNotMatched(command); when.setAndCondition(and); when.setInsertCommand(insertCommand); command.addWhen(when); } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } } private Insert parseInsert() { Insert command = new Insert(session); currentPrepared = command; if (database.getMode().onDuplicateKeyUpdate && readIf("IGNORE")) { command.setIgnore(true); } read("INTO"); Table table = readTableOrView(); command.setTable(table); Insert returnedCommand = parseInsertGivenTable(command, table); if (returnedCommand != null) { return returnedCommand; } if (database.getMode().onDuplicateKeyUpdate) { if (readIf(ON)) { read("DUPLICATE"); read("KEY"); read("UPDATE"); do { String columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(DOT)) { String schemaOrTableName = columnName; String tableOrColumnName = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(DOT)) { if (!table.getSchema().getName().equals(schemaOrTableName)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_NAME_MUST_MATCH); } columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); } else { columnName = tableOrColumnName; tableOrColumnName = schemaOrTableName; } if (!table.getName().equals(tableOrColumnName)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND_1, tableOrColumnName); } } Column column = table.getColumn(columnName); read(EQUAL); command.addAssignmentForDuplicate(column, readExpressionOrDefault()); } while (readIf(COMMA)); } } if (database.getMode().isolationLevelInSelectOrInsertStatement) { parseIsolationClause(); } return command; } private Insert parseInsertGivenTable(Insert command, Table table) { Column[] columns = null; if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { if (isSelect()) { command.setQuery(parseSelect()); read(CLOSE_PAREN); return command; } columns = parseColumnList(table); command.setColumns(columns); } if (readIf("DIRECT")) { command.setInsertFromSelect(true); } if (readIf("SORTED")) { command.setSortedInsertMode(true); } if (readIf("DEFAULT")) { read(VALUES); command.addRow(new Expression[0]); } else if (readIf(VALUES)) { parseValuesForCommand(command); } else if (readIf("SET")) { if (columns != null) { throw getSyntaxError(); } ArrayList<Column> columnList = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); ArrayList<Expression> values = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { columnList.add(parseColumn(table)); read(EQUAL); values.add(readExpressionOrDefault()); } while (readIf(COMMA)); command.setColumns(columnList.toArray(new Column[0])); command.addRow(values.toArray(new Expression[0])); } else { command.setQuery(parseSelect()); } return null; }
MySQL compatibility. REPLACE is similar to MERGE.
/** * MySQL compatibility. REPLACE is similar to MERGE. */
private Replace parseReplace() { Replace command = new Replace(session); currentPrepared = command; read("INTO"); Table table = readTableOrView(); command.setTable(table); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { if (isSelect()) { command.setQuery(parseSelect()); read(CLOSE_PAREN); return command; } Column[] columns = parseColumnList(table); command.setColumns(columns); } if (readIf(VALUES)) { parseValuesForCommand(command); } else { command.setQuery(parseSelect()); } return command; } private void parseValuesForCommand(CommandWithValues command) { ArrayList<Expression> values = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { values.clear(); boolean multiColumn; if (readIf(ROW)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); multiColumn = true; } else { multiColumn = readIf(OPEN_PAREN); } if (multiColumn) { if (!readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { do { values.add(readIf("DEFAULT") ? null : readExpression()); } while (readIfMore(false)); } } else { values.add(readIf("DEFAULT") ? null : readExpression()); } command.addRow(values.toArray(new Expression[0])); } while (readIf(COMMA)); } private TableFilter readTableFilter() { Table table; String alias = null; label: if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { if (isSelect()) { Query query = parseSelectUnion(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); query.setParameterList(new ArrayList<>(parameters)); query.init(); Session s; if (createView != null) { s = database.getSystemSession(); } else { s = session; } alias = session.getNextSystemIdentifier(sqlCommand); table = TableView.createTempView(s, session.getUser(), alias, query, currentSelect); } else { TableFilter top; top = readTableFilter(); top = readJoin(top); read(CLOSE_PAREN); alias = readFromAlias(null); if (alias != null) { top.setAlias(alias); ArrayList<String> derivedColumnNames = readDerivedColumnNames(); if (derivedColumnNames != null) { top.setDerivedColumns(derivedColumnNames); } } return top; } } else if (readIf(VALUES)) { table = parseValuesTable(0).getTable(); } else if (readIf(TABLE)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); table = readTableFunction("TABLE", null, database.getMainSchema()); } else { String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(null); Schema schema; if (schemaName == null) { schema = null; } else { schema = findSchema(schemaName); if (schema == null) { if (isDualTable(tableName)) { table = getDualTable(false); break label; } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND_1, schemaName); } } boolean foundLeftBracket = readIf(OPEN_PAREN); if (foundLeftBracket && readIf("INDEX")) { // Sybase compatibility with // "select * from test (index table1_index)" readIdentifierWithSchema(null); read(CLOSE_PAREN); foundLeftBracket = false; } if (foundLeftBracket) { Schema mainSchema = database.getMainSchema(); if (equalsToken(tableName, RangeTable.NAME) || equalsToken(tableName, RangeTable.ALIAS)) { Expression min = readExpression(); read(COMMA); Expression max = readExpression(); if (readIf(COMMA)) { Expression step = readExpression(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); table = new RangeTable(mainSchema, min, max, step, false); } else { read(CLOSE_PAREN); table = new RangeTable(mainSchema, min, max, false); } } else { table = readTableFunction(tableName, schema, mainSchema); } } else { table = readTableOrView(tableName); } } ArrayList<String> derivedColumnNames = null; IndexHints indexHints = null; // for backward compatibility, handle case where USE is a table alias if (readIf("USE")) { if (readIf("INDEX")) { indexHints = parseIndexHints(table); } else { alias = "USE"; derivedColumnNames = readDerivedColumnNames(); } } else { alias = readFromAlias(alias); if (alias != null) { derivedColumnNames = readDerivedColumnNames(); // if alias present, a second chance to parse index hints if (readIf("USE")) { read("INDEX"); indexHints = parseIndexHints(table); } } } if (database.getMode().discardWithTableHints) { discardWithTableHints(); } // inherit alias for CTE as views from table name if (table.isView() && table.isTableExpression() && alias == null) { alias = table.getName(); } TableFilter filter = new TableFilter(session, table, alias, rightsChecked, currentSelect, orderInFrom++, indexHints); if (derivedColumnNames != null) { filter.setDerivedColumns(derivedColumnNames); } return filter; } private Table readTableFunction(String tableName, Schema schema, Schema mainSchema) { Expression expr = readFunction(schema, tableName); if (!(expr instanceof FunctionCall)) { throw getSyntaxError(); } FunctionCall call = (FunctionCall) expr; if (!call.isDeterministic()) { recompileAlways = true; } return new FunctionTable(mainSchema, session, expr, call); } private IndexHints parseIndexHints(Table table) { read(OPEN_PAREN); LinkedHashSet<String> indexNames = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (!readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { do { String indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Index index = table.getIndex(indexName); indexNames.add(index.getName()); } while (readIfMore(true)); } return IndexHints.createUseIndexHints(indexNames); } private String readFromAlias(String alias, List<String> excludeIdentifiers) { if (readIf("AS")) { alias = readAliasIdentifier(); } else if (currentTokenType == IDENTIFIER && (excludeIdentifiers == null || !isTokenInList(excludeIdentifiers))) { alias = readAliasIdentifier(); } return alias; } private String readFromAlias(String alias) { // left and right are not keywords (because they are functions as // well) List<String> excludeIdentifiers = Arrays.asList("LEFT", "RIGHT"); return readFromAlias(alias, excludeIdentifiers); } private ArrayList<String> readDerivedColumnNames() { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { ArrayList<String> derivedColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(); do { derivedColumnNames.add(readAliasIdentifier()); } while (readIfMore(true)); return derivedColumnNames; } return null; } private void discardWithTableHints() { if (readIf(WITH)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); do { discardTableHint(); } while (readIfMore(true)); } } private void discardTableHint() { if (readIf("INDEX")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { do { readExpression(); } while (readIfMore(true)); } else { read(EQUAL); readExpression(); } } else { readExpression(); } } private Prepared parseTruncate() { read(TABLE); Table table = readTableOrView(); boolean restart; if (readIf("CONTINUE")) { read("IDENTITY"); restart = false; } else if (readIf("RESTART")) { read("IDENTITY"); restart = true; } else { restart = false; } TruncateTable command = new TruncateTable(session); command.setTable(table); command.setRestart(restart); return command; } private boolean readIfExists(boolean ifExists) { if (readIf(IF)) { read(EXISTS); ifExists = true; } return ifExists; } private Prepared parseComment() { int type = 0; read(ON); boolean column = false; if (readIf(TABLE) || readIf("VIEW")) { type = DbObject.TABLE_OR_VIEW; } else if (readIf("COLUMN")) { column = true; type = DbObject.TABLE_OR_VIEW; } else if (readIf("CONSTANT")) { type = DbObject.CONSTANT; } else if (readIf(CONSTRAINT)) { type = DbObject.CONSTRAINT; } else if (readIf("ALIAS")) { type = DbObject.FUNCTION_ALIAS; } else if (readIf("INDEX")) { type = DbObject.INDEX; } else if (readIf("ROLE")) { type = DbObject.ROLE; } else if (readIf("SCHEMA")) { type = DbObject.SCHEMA; } else if (readIf("SEQUENCE")) { type = DbObject.SEQUENCE; } else if (readIf("TRIGGER")) { type = DbObject.TRIGGER; } else if (readIf("USER")) { type = DbObject.USER; } else if (readIf("DOMAIN")) { type = DbObject.DOMAIN; } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } SetComment command = new SetComment(session); String objectName; if (column) { // can't use readIdentifierWithSchema() because // it would not read schema.table.column correctly // if the db name is equal to the schema name ArrayList<String> list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { list.add(readUniqueIdentifier()); } while (readIf(DOT)); schemaName = session.getCurrentSchemaName(); if (list.size() == 4) { if (!equalsToken(database.getShortName(), list.remove(0))) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex, "database name"); } } if (list.size() == 3) { schemaName = list.remove(0); } if (list.size() != 2) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex, "table.column"); } objectName = list.get(0); command.setColumn(true); command.setColumnName(list.get(1)); } else { objectName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); } command.setSchemaName(schemaName); command.setObjectName(objectName); command.setObjectType(type); read(IS); command.setCommentExpression(readExpression()); return command; } private Prepared parseDrop() { if (readIf(TABLE)) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropTable command = new DropTable(session, getSchema()); command.setTableName(tableName); while (readIf(COMMA)) { tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropTable next = new DropTable(session, getSchema()); next.setTableName(tableName); command.addNextDropTable(next); } ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); if (readIf("CASCADE")) { command.setDropAction(ConstraintActionType.CASCADE); readIf("CONSTRAINTS"); } else if (readIf("RESTRICT")) { command.setDropAction(ConstraintActionType.RESTRICT); } else if (readIf("IGNORE")) { command.setDropAction(ConstraintActionType.SET_DEFAULT); } return command; } else if (readIf("INDEX")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropIndex command = new DropIndex(session, getSchema()); command.setIndexName(indexName); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); //Support for MySQL: DROP INDEX index_name ON tbl_name if (readIf(ON)) { readIdentifierWithSchema(); } return command; } else if (readIf("USER")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); DropUser command = new DropUser(session); command.setUserName(readUniqueIdentifier()); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); readIf("CASCADE"); command.setIfExists(ifExists); return command; } else if (readIf("SEQUENCE")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String sequenceName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropSequence command = new DropSequence(session, getSchema()); command.setSequenceName(sequenceName); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); return command; } else if (readIf("CONSTANT")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String constantName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropConstant command = new DropConstant(session, getSchema()); command.setConstantName(constantName); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); return command; } else if (readIf("TRIGGER")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String triggerName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropTrigger command = new DropTrigger(session, getSchema()); command.setTriggerName(triggerName); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); return command; } else if (readIf("VIEW")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String viewName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropView command = new DropView(session, getSchema()); command.setViewName(viewName); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); ConstraintActionType dropAction = parseCascadeOrRestrict(); if (dropAction != null) { command.setDropAction(dropAction); } return command; } else if (readIf("ROLE")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); DropRole command = new DropRole(session); command.setRoleName(readUniqueIdentifier()); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); return command; } else if (readIf("ALIAS")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String aliasName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropFunctionAlias command = new DropFunctionAlias(session, getSchema()); command.setAliasName(aliasName); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); return command; } else if (readIf("SCHEMA")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); DropSchema command = new DropSchema(session); command.setSchemaName(readUniqueIdentifier()); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); ConstraintActionType dropAction = parseCascadeOrRestrict(); if (dropAction != null) { command.setDropAction(dropAction); } return command; } else if (readIf(ALL)) { read("OBJECTS"); DropDatabase command = new DropDatabase(session); command.setDropAllObjects(true); if (readIf("DELETE")) { read("FILES"); command.setDeleteFiles(true); } return command; } else if (readIf("DOMAIN") || readIf("TYPE") || readIf("DATATYPE")) { return parseDropDomain(); } else if (readIf("AGGREGATE")) { return parseDropAggregate(); } else if (readIf("SYNONYM")) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String synonymName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); DropSynonym command = new DropSynonym(session, getSchema()); command.setSynonymName(synonymName); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); return command; } throw getSyntaxError(); } private DropDomain parseDropDomain() { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); DropDomain command = new DropDomain(session); command.setTypeName(readUniqueIdentifier()); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); ConstraintActionType dropAction = parseCascadeOrRestrict(); if (dropAction != null) { command.setDropAction(dropAction); } return command; } private DropAggregate parseDropAggregate() { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); DropAggregate command = new DropAggregate(session); command.setName(readUniqueIdentifier()); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); command.setIfExists(ifExists); return command; } private TableFilter readJoin(TableFilter top) { TableFilter last = top; while (true) { TableFilter join; if (readIf("RIGHT")) { readIf("OUTER"); read(JOIN); // the right hand side is the 'inner' table usually join = readTableFilter(); join = readJoin(join); Expression on = null; if (readIf(ON)) { on = readExpression(); } addJoin(join, top, true, on); top = join; } else if (readIf("LEFT")) { readIf("OUTER"); read(JOIN); join = readTableFilter(); join = readJoin(join); Expression on = null; if (readIf(ON)) { on = readExpression(); } addJoin(top, join, true, on); } else if (readIf(FULL)) { throw getSyntaxError(); } else if (readIf(INNER)) { read(JOIN); join = readTableFilter(); top = readJoin(top); Expression on = null; if (readIf(ON)) { on = readExpression(); } addJoin(top, join, false, on); } else if (readIf(JOIN)) { join = readTableFilter(); top = readJoin(top); Expression on = null; if (readIf(ON)) { on = readExpression(); } addJoin(top, join, false, on); } else if (readIf(CROSS)) { read(JOIN); join = readTableFilter(); addJoin(top, join, false, null); } else if (readIf(NATURAL)) { read(JOIN); join = readTableFilter(); Column[] tableCols = last.getTable().getColumns(); Column[] joinCols = join.getTable().getColumns(); String tableSchema = last.getTable().getSchema().getName(); String joinSchema = join.getTable().getSchema().getName(); Expression on = null; for (Column tc : tableCols) { String tableColumnName = tc.getName(); for (Column c : joinCols) { String joinColumnName = c.getName(); if (equalsToken(tableColumnName, joinColumnName)) { join.addNaturalJoinColumn(c); Expression tableExpr = new ExpressionColumn( database, tableSchema, last.getTableAlias(), tableColumnName, false); Expression joinExpr = new ExpressionColumn( database, joinSchema, join.getTableAlias(), joinColumnName, false); Expression equal = new Comparison(session, Comparison.EQUAL, tableExpr, joinExpr); if (on == null) { on = equal; } else { on = new ConditionAndOr(ConditionAndOr.AND, on, equal); } } } } addJoin(top, join, false, on); } else { break; } last = join; } return top; }
Add one join to another. This method creates nested join between them if required.
  • top – parent join
  • join – child join
  • outer – if child join is an outer join
  • on – the join condition
See Also:
/** * Add one join to another. This method creates nested join between them if * required. * * @param top parent join * @param join child join * @param outer if child join is an outer join * @param on the join condition * @see TableFilter#addJoin(TableFilter, boolean, Expression) */
private void addJoin(TableFilter top, TableFilter join, boolean outer, Expression on) { if (join.getJoin() != null) { String joinTable = Constants.PREFIX_JOIN + parseIndex; TableFilter n = new TableFilter(session, getDualTable(true), joinTable, rightsChecked, currentSelect, join.getOrderInFrom(), null); n.setNestedJoin(join); join = n; } top.addJoin(join, outer, on); } private Prepared parseExecute() { ExecuteProcedure command = new ExecuteProcedure(session); String procedureName = readAliasIdentifier(); Procedure p = session.getProcedure(procedureName); if (p == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FUNCTION_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND_1, procedureName); } command.setProcedure(p); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { for (int i = 0;; i++) { command.setExpression(i, readExpression()); if (!readIfMore(true)) { break; } } } return command; } private DeallocateProcedure parseDeallocate() { readIf("PLAN"); String procedureName = readAliasIdentifier(); DeallocateProcedure command = new DeallocateProcedure(session); command.setProcedureName(procedureName); return command; } private Explain parseExplain() { Explain command = new Explain(session); if (readIf("ANALYZE")) { command.setExecuteCommand(true); } else { if (readIf("PLAN")) { readIf(FOR); } } switch (currentTokenType) { case FROM: case SELECT: case TABLE: case VALUES: case WITH: case OPEN_PAREN: Query query = parseSelect(); query.setNeverLazy(true); command.setCommand(query); break; default: if (readIf("DELETE")) { command.setCommand(parseDelete()); } else if (readIf("UPDATE")) { command.setCommand(parseUpdate()); } else if (readIf("INSERT")) { command.setCommand(parseInsert()); } else if (readIf("MERGE")) { command.setCommand(parseMerge()); } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } } return command; } private Query parseSelect() { int paramIndex = parameters.size(); Query command = parseSelectUnion(); int size = parameters.size(); ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<>(size); for (int i = paramIndex; i < size; i++) { params.add(parameters.get(i)); } command.setParameterList(params); command.init(); return command; } private Prepared parseWithStatementOrQuery() { int paramIndex = parameters.size(); Prepared command = parseWith(); int size = parameters.size(); ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<>(size); for (int i = paramIndex; i < size; i++) { params.add(parameters.get(i)); } command.setParameterList(params); if (command instanceof Query) { Query query = (Query) command; query.init(); } return command; } private Query parseSelectUnion() { int start = lastParseIndex; Query command = parseSelectSub(); for (;;) { SelectUnion.UnionType type; if (readIf(UNION)) { if (readIf(ALL)) { type = SelectUnion.UnionType.UNION_ALL; } else { readIf(DISTINCT); type = SelectUnion.UnionType.UNION; } } else if (readIf(EXCEPT) || readIf(MINUS)) { type = SelectUnion.UnionType.EXCEPT; } else if (readIf(INTERSECT)) { type = SelectUnion.UnionType.INTERSECT; } else { break; } command = new SelectUnion(session, type, command, parseSelectSub()); } parseEndOfQuery(command); setSQL(command, null, start); return command; } private void parseEndOfQuery(Query command) { if (readIf(ORDER)) { read("BY"); Select oldSelect = currentSelect; if (command instanceof Select) { currentSelect = (Select) command; } ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderList = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { boolean canBeNumber = !readIf(EQUAL); SelectOrderBy order = new SelectOrderBy(); Expression expr = readExpression(); if (canBeNumber && expr instanceof ValueExpression && expr.getType().getValueType() == Value.INT) { order.columnIndexExpr = expr; } else if (expr instanceof Parameter) { recompileAlways = true; order.columnIndexExpr = expr; } else { order.expression = expr; } order.sortType = parseSortType(); orderList.add(order); } while (readIf(COMMA)); command.setOrder(orderList); currentSelect = oldSelect; } if (command.getLimit() == null) { // make sure aggregate functions will not work here Select temp = currentSelect; currentSelect = null; boolean hasOffsetOrFetch = false; // Standard SQL OFFSET / FETCH if (readIf(OFFSET)) { hasOffsetOrFetch = true; command.setOffset(readExpression().optimize(session)); if (!readIf(ROW)) { readIf("ROWS"); } } if (readIf(FETCH)) { hasOffsetOrFetch = true; if (!readIf("FIRST")) { read("NEXT"); } if (readIf(ROW) || readIf("ROWS")) { command.setLimit(ValueExpression.get(ValueInt.get(1))); } else { Expression limit = readExpression().optimize(session); command.setLimit(limit); if (readIf("PERCENT")) { command.setFetchPercent(true); } if (!readIf(ROW)) { read("ROWS"); } } if (readIf(WITH)) { read("TIES"); command.setWithTies(true); } else { read("ONLY"); } } // MySQL-style LIMIT / OFFSET if (!hasOffsetOrFetch && readIf(LIMIT)) { Expression limit = readExpression().optimize(session); command.setLimit(limit); if (readIf(OFFSET)) { Expression offset = readExpression().optimize(session); command.setOffset(offset); } else if (readIf(COMMA)) { // MySQL: [offset, ] rowcount Expression offset = limit; limit = readExpression().optimize(session); command.setOffset(offset); command.setLimit(limit); } } if (readIf("SAMPLE_SIZE")) { Expression sampleSize = readExpression().optimize(session); command.setSampleSize(sampleSize); } currentSelect = temp; } if (readIf(FOR)) { if (readIf("UPDATE")) { if (readIf("OF")) { do { readIdentifierWithSchema(); } while (readIf(COMMA)); } else if (readIf("NOWAIT")) { // TODO parser: select for update nowait: should not wait } command.setForUpdate(true); } else if (readIf("READ") || readIf(FETCH)) { read("ONLY"); } } if (database.getMode().isolationLevelInSelectOrInsertStatement) { parseIsolationClause(); } }
DB2 isolation clause
/** * DB2 isolation clause */
private void parseIsolationClause() { if (readIf(WITH)) { if (readIf("RR") || readIf("RS")) { // concurrent-access-resolution clause if (readIf("USE")) { read("AND"); read("KEEP"); if (readIf("SHARE") || readIf("UPDATE") || readIf("EXCLUSIVE")) { // ignore } read("LOCKS"); } } else if (readIf("CS") || readIf("UR")) { // ignore } } } private Query parseSelectSub() { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { Query command = parseSelectUnion(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); return command; } if (readIf(WITH)) { Query query; try { query = (Query) parseWith(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_1, "WITH statement supports only SELECT (query) in this context"); } // recursive can not be lazy query.setNeverLazy(true); return query; } return parseSelectSimple(); } private void parseSelectSimpleFromPart(Select command) { do { TableFilter filter = readTableFilter(); parseJoinTableFilter(filter, command); } while (readIf(COMMA)); // Parser can reorder joined table filters, need to explicitly sort them // to get the order as it was in the original query. if (session.isForceJoinOrder()) { Collections.sort(command.getTopFilters(), TABLE_FILTER_COMPARATOR); } } private void parseJoinTableFilter(TableFilter top, final Select command) { top = readJoin(top); command.addTableFilter(top, true); boolean isOuter = false; while (true) { TableFilter n = top.getNestedJoin(); if (n != null) { n.visit(new TableFilterVisitor() { @Override public void accept(TableFilter f) { command.addTableFilter(f, false); } }); } TableFilter join = top.getJoin(); if (join == null) { break; } isOuter = isOuter | join.isJoinOuter(); if (isOuter) { command.addTableFilter(join, false); } else { // make flat so the optimizer can work better Expression on = join.getJoinCondition(); if (on != null) { command.addCondition(on); } join.removeJoinCondition(); top.removeJoin(); command.addTableFilter(join, true); } top = join; } } private void parseSelectSimpleSelectPart(Select command) { Select temp = currentSelect; // make sure aggregate functions will not work in TOP and LIMIT currentSelect = null; if (readIf("TOP")) { // can't read more complex expressions here because // SELECT TOP 1 +? A FROM TEST could mean // SELECT TOP (1+?) A FROM TEST or // SELECT TOP 1 (+?) AS A FROM TEST Expression limit = readTerm().optimize(session); command.setLimit(limit); if (readIf("PERCENT")) { command.setFetchPercent(true); } if (readIf(WITH)) { read("TIES"); command.setWithTies(true); } } else if (readIf(LIMIT)) { Expression offset = readTerm().optimize(session); command.setOffset(offset); Expression limit = readTerm().optimize(session); command.setLimit(limit); } currentSelect = temp; if (readIf(DISTINCT)) { if (readIf(ON)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); ArrayList<Expression> distinctExpressions = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { distinctExpressions.add(readExpression()); } while (readIfMore(true)); command.setDistinct(distinctExpressions.toArray(new Expression[0])); } else { command.setDistinct(); } } else { readIf(ALL); } ArrayList<Expression> expressions = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { if (readIf(ASTERISK)) { expressions.add(parseWildcard(null, null)); } else { Expression expr = readExpression(); if (readIf("AS") || currentTokenType == IDENTIFIER) { String alias = readAliasIdentifier(); boolean aliasColumnName = database.getSettings().aliasColumnName; aliasColumnName |= database.getMode().aliasColumnName; expr = new Alias(expr, alias, aliasColumnName); } expressions.add(expr); } } while (readIf(COMMA)); command.setExpressions(expressions); } private Select parseSelectSimple() { boolean fromFirst; if (readIf(SELECT)) { fromFirst = false; } else if (readIf(FROM)) { fromFirst = true; } else if (readIf(TABLE)) { int start = lastParseIndex; Table table = readTableOrView(); Select command = new Select(session, currentSelect); TableFilter filter = new TableFilter(session, table, null, rightsChecked, command, orderInFrom++, null); command.addTableFilter(filter, true); ArrayList<Expression> expressions = new ArrayList<>(); expressions.add(new Wildcard(null, null)); command.setExpressions(expressions); setSQL(command, "TABLE", start); return command; } else if (readIf(VALUES)) { return parseValues(); } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } Select command = new Select(session, currentSelect); int start = lastParseIndex; Select oldSelect = currentSelect; Prepared oldPrepared = currentPrepared; currentSelect = command; currentPrepared = command; if (fromFirst) { parseSelectSimpleFromPart(command); read(SELECT); parseSelectSimpleSelectPart(command); } else { parseSelectSimpleSelectPart(command); if (!readIf(FROM)) { // select without FROM: convert to SELECT ... FROM // SYSTEM_RANGE(1,1) Table dual = getDualTable(false); TableFilter filter = new TableFilter(session, dual, null, rightsChecked, currentSelect, 0, null); command.addTableFilter(filter, true); } else { parseSelectSimpleFromPart(command); } } if (readIf(WHERE)) { Expression condition = readExpression(); command.addCondition(condition); } // the group by is read for the outer select (or not a select) // so that columns that are not grouped can be used currentSelect = oldSelect; if (readIf(GROUP)) { read("BY"); command.setGroupQuery(); ArrayList<Expression> list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { Expression expr = readExpression(); list.add(expr); } while (readIf(COMMA)); command.setGroupBy(list); } currentSelect = command; if (readIf(HAVING)) { command.setGroupQuery(); Expression condition = readExpression(); command.setHaving(condition); } if (readIf(WINDOW)) { do { int index = parseIndex; String name = readAliasIdentifier(); read("AS"); Window w = readWindowSpecification(); if (!currentSelect.addWindow(name, w)) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, index, "unique identifier"); } } while (readIf(COMMA)); } if (readIf(QUALIFY)) { command.setWindowQuery(); Expression condition = readExpression(); command.setQualify(condition); } command.setParameterList(parameters); currentSelect = oldSelect; currentPrepared = oldPrepared; setSQL(command, "SELECT", start); return command; } private Table getDualTable(boolean noColumns) { Schema main = database.getMainSchema(); Expression one = ValueExpression.get(ValueLong.get(1)); return new RangeTable(main, one, one, noColumns); } private void setSQL(Prepared command, String start, int startIndex) { int endIndex = lastParseIndex; String sql; if (start != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(start.length() + endIndex - startIndex + 1) .append(start).append(' '); sql = StringUtils.trimSubstring(builder, originalSQL, startIndex, endIndex).toString(); } else { sql = StringUtils.trimSubstring(originalSQL, startIndex, endIndex); } command.setSQL(sql); } private Expression readExpressionOrDefault() { if (readIf("DEFAULT")) { return ValueExpression.getDefault(); } return readExpression(); } private Expression readExpression() { Expression r = readAnd(); while (readIf("OR")) { r = new ConditionAndOr(ConditionAndOr.OR, r, readAnd()); } return r; } private Expression readAnd() { Expression r = readCondition(); while (readIf("AND")) { r = new ConditionAndOr(ConditionAndOr.AND, r, readCondition()); } return r; } private Expression readCondition() { if (readIf(NOT)) { return new ConditionNot(readCondition()); } if (readIf(EXISTS)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); Query query = parseSelect(); // can not reduce expression because it might be a union except // query with distinct read(CLOSE_PAREN); return new ConditionExists(query); } if (readIf(INTERSECTS)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); Expression r1 = readConcat(); read(COMMA); Expression r2 = readConcat(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); return new Comparison(session, Comparison.SPATIAL_INTERSECTS, r1, r2); } Expression r = readConcat(); while (true) { // special case: NOT NULL is not part of an expression (as in CREATE // TABLE TEST(ID INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)) int backup = parseIndex; boolean not = readIf(NOT); if (not && isToken(NULL)) { // this really only works for NOT NULL! parseIndex = backup; currentToken = "NOT"; currentTokenType = NOT; break; } if (readIf(LIKE)) { Expression b = readConcat(); Expression esc = null; if (readIf("ESCAPE")) { esc = readConcat(); } recompileAlways = true; r = new CompareLike(database, r, b, esc, false); } else if (readIf("ILIKE")) { Function function = Function.getFunction(database, "CAST"); function.setDataType(new Column("X", Value.STRING_IGNORECASE)); function.setParameter(0, r); r = function; Expression b = readConcat(); Expression esc = null; if (readIf("ESCAPE")) { esc = readConcat(); } recompileAlways = true; r = new CompareLike(database, r, b, esc, false); } else if (readIf("REGEXP")) { Expression b = readConcat(); recompileAlways = true; r = new CompareLike(database, r, b, null, true); } else if (readIf(IS)) { if (readIf(NOT)) { if (readIf(NULL)) { r = new Comparison(session, Comparison.IS_NOT_NULL, r, null); } else if (readIf(DISTINCT)) { read(FROM); r = new Comparison(session, Comparison.EQUAL_NULL_SAFE, r, readConcat()); } else { r = new Comparison(session, Comparison.NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE, r, readConcat()); } } else if (readIf(NULL)) { r = new Comparison(session, Comparison.IS_NULL, r, null); } else if (readIf(DISTINCT)) { read(FROM); r = new Comparison(session, Comparison.NOT_EQUAL_NULL_SAFE, r, readConcat()); } else { r = new Comparison(session, Comparison.EQUAL_NULL_SAFE, r, readConcat()); } } else if (readIf("IN")) { read(OPEN_PAREN); if (readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { if (database.getMode().prohibitEmptyInPredicate) { throw getSyntaxError(); } r = ValueExpression.get(ValueBoolean.FALSE); } else { if (isSelect()) { Query query = parseSelect(); r = new ConditionInSelect(database, r, query, false, Comparison.EQUAL); } else { ArrayList<Expression> v = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); Expression last; do { last = readExpression(); v.add(last); } while (readIf(COMMA)); if (v.size() == 1 && (last instanceof Subquery)) { Subquery s = (Subquery) last; Query q = s.getQuery(); r = new ConditionInSelect(database, r, q, false, Comparison.EQUAL); } else { r = new ConditionIn(database, r, v); } } read(CLOSE_PAREN); } } else if (readIf("BETWEEN")) { Expression low = readConcat(); read("AND"); Expression high = readConcat(); Expression condLow = new Comparison(session, Comparison.SMALLER_EQUAL, low, r); Expression condHigh = new Comparison(session, Comparison.BIGGER_EQUAL, high, r); r = new ConditionAndOr(ConditionAndOr.AND, condLow, condHigh); } else { if (not) { throw getSyntaxError(); } int compareType = getCompareType(currentTokenType); if (compareType < 0) { break; } read(); int start = lastParseIndex; if (readIf(ALL)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); if (isSelect()) { Query query = parseSelect(); r = new ConditionInSelect(database, r, query, true, compareType); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } else { parseIndex = start; read(); r = new Comparison(session, compareType, r, readConcat()); } } else if (readIf("ANY") || readIf("SOME")) { read(OPEN_PAREN); if (currentTokenType == PARAMETER && compareType == 0) { Parameter p = readParameter(); r = new ConditionInParameter(database, r, p); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } else if (isSelect()) { Query query = parseSelect(); r = new ConditionInSelect(database, r, query, false, compareType); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } else { parseIndex = start; read(); r = new Comparison(session, compareType, r, readConcat()); } } else { r = new Comparison(session, compareType, r, readConcat()); } } if (not) { r = new ConditionNot(r); } } return r; } private Expression readConcat() { Expression r = readSum(); while (true) { if (readIf(STRING_CONCAT)) { r = new BinaryOperation(OpType.CONCAT, r, readSum()); } else if (readIf(TILDE)) { if (readIf(ASTERISK)) { Function function = Function.getFunction(database, "CAST"); function.setDataType(new Column("X", Value.STRING_IGNORECASE)); function.setParameter(0, r); r = function; } r = new CompareLike(database, r, readSum(), null, true); } else if (readIf(NOT_TILDE)) { if (readIf(ASTERISK)) { Function function = Function.getFunction(database, "CAST"); function.setDataType(new Column("X", Value.STRING_IGNORECASE)); function.setParameter(0, r); r = function; } r = new ConditionNot(new CompareLike(database, r, readSum(), null, true)); } else { return r; } } } private Expression readSum() { Expression r = readFactor(); while (true) { if (readIf(PLUS_SIGN)) { r = new BinaryOperation(OpType.PLUS, r, readFactor()); } else if (readIf(MINUS_SIGN)) { r = new BinaryOperation(OpType.MINUS, r, readFactor()); } else { return r; } } } private Expression readFactor() { Expression r = readTerm(); while (true) { if (readIf(ASTERISK)) { r = new BinaryOperation(OpType.MULTIPLY, r, readTerm()); } else if (readIf(SLASH)) { r = new BinaryOperation(OpType.DIVIDE, r, readTerm()); } else if (readIf(PERCENT)) { r = new BinaryOperation(OpType.MODULUS, r, readTerm()); } else { return r; } } } private Expression readAggregate(AggregateType aggregateType, String aggregateName) { if (currentSelect == null) { throw getSyntaxError(); } Aggregate r; switch (aggregateType) { case COUNT: if (readIf(ASTERISK)) { r = new Aggregate(AggregateType.COUNT_ALL, new Expression[0], currentSelect, false); } else { boolean distinct = readDistinctAgg(); Expression on = readExpression(); if (on instanceof Wildcard && !distinct) { // PostgreSQL compatibility: count(t.*) r = new Aggregate(AggregateType.COUNT_ALL, new Expression[0], currentSelect, false); } else { r = new Aggregate(AggregateType.COUNT, new Expression[] { on }, currentSelect, distinct); } } break; case LISTAGG: { boolean distinct = readDistinctAgg(); Expression arg = readExpression(), separator = null; ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderByList = null; if (equalsToken("STRING_AGG", aggregateName)) { // PostgreSQL compatibility: string_agg(expression, delimiter) read(COMMA); separator = readExpression(); if (readIf(ORDER)) { read("BY"); orderByList = parseSimpleOrderList(); } } else if (equalsToken("GROUP_CONCAT", aggregateName)){ if (readIf(ORDER)) { read("BY"); orderByList = parseSimpleOrderList(); } if (readIf("SEPARATOR")) { separator = readExpression(); } } else { if (readIf(COMMA)) { separator = readExpression(); } if (readIf(ON)) { read("OVERFLOW"); read("ERROR"); } } Expression[] args = separator == null ? new Expression[] { arg } : new Expression[] { arg, separator }; int index = lastParseIndex; read(CLOSE_PAREN); if (orderByList == null && isToken("WITHIN")) { r = readWithinGroup(aggregateType, args, distinct, false); } else { parseIndex = index; read(); r = new Aggregate(AggregateType.LISTAGG, args, currentSelect, distinct); if (orderByList != null) { r.setOrderByList(orderByList); } } break; } case ARRAY_AGG: { boolean distinct = readDistinctAgg(); r = new Aggregate(AggregateType.ARRAY_AGG, new Expression[] { readExpression() }, currentSelect, distinct); if (readIf(ORDER)) { read("BY"); r.setOrderByList(parseSimpleOrderList()); } break; } case RANK: case DENSE_RANK: case PERCENT_RANK: case CUME_DIST: { if (isToken(CLOSE_PAREN)) { return readWindowFunction(aggregateName); } ArrayList<Expression> expressions = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { expressions.add(readExpression()); } while (readIfMore(true)); r = readWithinGroup(aggregateType, expressions.toArray(new Expression[0]), false, true); break; } case PERCENTILE_CONT: case PERCENTILE_DISC: { Expression num = readExpression(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); r = readWithinGroup(aggregateType, new Expression[] { num }, false, false); break; } case MODE: { if (readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { r = readWithinGroup(AggregateType.MODE, new Expression[0], false, false); } else { Expression expr = readExpression(); r = new Aggregate(aggregateType, new Expression[0], currentSelect, false); if (readIf(ORDER)) { read("BY"); Expression expr2 = readExpression(); String sql = expr.getSQL(true), sql2 = expr2.getSQL(true); if (!sql.equals(sql2)) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(ErrorCode.IDENTICAL_EXPRESSIONS_SHOULD_BE_USED, sqlCommand, lastParseIndex, sql, sql2); } readAggregateOrder(r, expr, true); } else { readAggregateOrder(r, expr, false); } } break; } default: boolean distinct = readDistinctAgg(); r = new Aggregate(aggregateType, new Expression[] { readExpression() }, currentSelect, distinct); break; } read(CLOSE_PAREN); readFilterAndOver(r); return r; } private Aggregate readWithinGroup(AggregateType aggregateType, Expression[] args, boolean distinct, boolean forHypotheticalSet) { read("WITHIN"); read(GROUP); read(OPEN_PAREN); read(ORDER); read("BY"); Aggregate r = new Aggregate(aggregateType, args, currentSelect, distinct); if (forHypotheticalSet) { int count = args.length; ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderList = new ArrayList<>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i > 0) { read(COMMA); } SelectOrderBy order = new SelectOrderBy(); order.expression = readExpression(); order.sortType = parseSimpleSortType(); orderList.add(order); } r.setOrderByList(orderList); } else { readAggregateOrder(r, readExpression(), true); } return r; } private void readAggregateOrder(Aggregate r, Expression expr, boolean parseSortType) { ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderList = new ArrayList<>(1); SelectOrderBy order = new SelectOrderBy(); order.expression = expr; if (parseSortType) { order.sortType = parseSimpleSortType(); } orderList.add(order); r.setOrderByList(orderList); } private ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> parseSimpleOrderList() { ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderList = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { SelectOrderBy order = new SelectOrderBy(); order.expression = readExpression(); order.sortType = parseSortType(); orderList.add(order); } while (readIf(COMMA)); return orderList; } private JavaFunction readJavaFunction(Schema schema, String functionName, boolean throwIfNotFound) { FunctionAlias functionAlias; if (schema != null) { functionAlias = schema.findFunction(functionName); } else { functionAlias = findFunctionAlias(session.getCurrentSchemaName(), functionName); } if (functionAlias == null) { if (throwIfNotFound) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND_1, functionName); } else { return null; } } Expression[] args; ArrayList<Expression> argList = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); if (!readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { do { argList.add(readExpression()); } while (readIfMore(true)); } args = argList.toArray(new Expression[0]); return new JavaFunction(functionAlias, args); } private JavaAggregate readJavaAggregate(UserAggregate aggregate) { boolean distinct = readDistinctAgg(); ArrayList<Expression> params = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { params.add(readExpression()); } while (readIfMore(true)); Expression[] list = params.toArray(new Expression[0]); JavaAggregate agg = new JavaAggregate(aggregate, list, currentSelect, distinct); readFilterAndOver(agg); return agg; } private boolean readDistinctAgg() { if (readIf(DISTINCT)) { return true; } readIf(ALL); return false; } private void readFilterAndOver(AbstractAggregate aggregate) { if (readIf("FILTER")) { read(OPEN_PAREN); read(WHERE); Expression filterCondition = readExpression(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); aggregate.setFilterCondition(filterCondition); } readOver(aggregate); } private void readOver(DataAnalysisOperation operation) { if (readIf("OVER")) { operation.setOverCondition(readWindowNameOrSpecification()); currentSelect.setWindowQuery(); } else if (operation.isAggregate()) { currentSelect.setGroupQuery(); } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } } private Window readWindowNameOrSpecification() { return isToken(OPEN_PAREN) ? readWindowSpecification() : new Window(readAliasIdentifier(), null, null, null); } private Window readWindowSpecification() { read(OPEN_PAREN); String parent = null; if (currentTokenType == IDENTIFIER) { String token = currentToken; if (currentTokenQuoted || ( // !equalsToken(token, "PARTITION") // && !equalsToken(token, "ROWS") // && !equalsToken(token, "RANGE") // && !equalsToken(token, "GROUPS"))) { parent = token; read(); } } ArrayList<Expression> partitionBy = null; if (readIf("PARTITION")) { read("BY"); partitionBy = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { Expression expr = readExpression(); partitionBy.add(expr); } while (readIf(COMMA)); } ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderBy = null; if (readIf(ORDER)) { read("BY"); orderBy = parseSimpleOrderList(); } WindowFrame frame = readWindowFrame(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); return new Window(parent, partitionBy, orderBy, frame); } private WindowFrame readWindowFrame() { WindowFrameUnits units; if (readIf("ROWS")) { units = WindowFrameUnits.ROWS; } else if (readIf("RANGE")) { units = WindowFrameUnits.RANGE; } else if (readIf("GROUPS")) { units = WindowFrameUnits.GROUPS; } else { return null; } WindowFrameBound starting, following; if (readIf("BETWEEN")) { starting = readWindowFrameRange(); read("AND"); following = readWindowFrameRange(); } else { starting = readWindowFrameStarting(); following = null; } int idx = lastParseIndex; WindowFrameExclusion exclusion = WindowFrameExclusion.EXCLUDE_NO_OTHERS; if (readIf("EXCLUDE")) { if (readIf("CURRENT")) { read(ROW); exclusion = WindowFrameExclusion.EXCLUDE_CURRENT_ROW; } else if (readIf(GROUP)) { exclusion = WindowFrameExclusion.EXCLUDE_GROUP; } else if (readIf("TIES")) { exclusion = WindowFrameExclusion.EXCLUDE_TIES; } else { read("NO"); read("OTHERS"); } } WindowFrame frame = new WindowFrame(units, starting, following, exclusion); if (!frame.isValid()) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, idx); } return frame; } private WindowFrameBound readWindowFrameStarting() { if (readIf("UNBOUNDED")) { read("PRECEDING"); return new WindowFrameBound(WindowFrameBoundType.UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING, null); } if (readIf("CURRENT")) { read(ROW); return new WindowFrameBound(WindowFrameBoundType.CURRENT_ROW, null); } Expression value = readExpression(); read("PRECEDING"); return new WindowFrameBound(WindowFrameBoundType.PRECEDING, value); } private WindowFrameBound readWindowFrameRange() { if (readIf("UNBOUNDED")) { if (readIf("PRECEDING")) { return new WindowFrameBound(WindowFrameBoundType.UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING, null); } read("FOLLOWING"); return new WindowFrameBound(WindowFrameBoundType.UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING, null); } if (readIf("CURRENT")) { read(ROW); return new WindowFrameBound(WindowFrameBoundType.CURRENT_ROW, null); } Expression value = readExpression(); if (readIf("PRECEDING")) { return new WindowFrameBound(WindowFrameBoundType.PRECEDING, value); } read("FOLLOWING"); return new WindowFrameBound(WindowFrameBoundType.FOLLOWING, value); } private AggregateType getAggregateType(String name) { if (!identifiersToUpper) { // if not yet converted to uppercase, do it now name = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(name); } return Aggregate.getAggregateType(name); } private Expression readFunction(Schema schema, String name) { if (schema != null) { return readJavaFunction(schema, name, true); } boolean allowOverride = database.isAllowBuiltinAliasOverride(); if (allowOverride) { JavaFunction jf = readJavaFunction(null, name, false); if (jf != null) { return jf; } } AggregateType agg = getAggregateType(name); if (agg != null) { return readAggregate(agg, name); } Function function = Function.getFunction(database, name); if (function == null) { WindowFunction windowFunction = readWindowFunction(name); if (windowFunction != null) { return windowFunction; } UserAggregate aggregate = database.findAggregate(name); if (aggregate != null) { return readJavaAggregate(aggregate); } if (allowOverride) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND_1, name); } return readJavaFunction(null, name, true); } switch (function.getFunctionType()) { case Function.CAST: { function.setParameter(0, readExpression()); read("AS"); Column type = parseColumnWithType(null, false); function.setDataType(type); read(CLOSE_PAREN); break; } case Function.CONVERT: { if (database.getMode().swapConvertFunctionParameters) { Column type = parseColumnWithType(null, false); function.setDataType(type); read(COMMA); function.setParameter(0, readExpression()); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } else { function.setParameter(0, readExpression()); read(COMMA); Column type = parseColumnWithType(null, false); function.setDataType(type); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } break; } case Function.EXTRACT: { function.setParameter(0, ValueExpression.get(ValueString.get(currentToken))); read(); read(FROM); function.setParameter(1, readExpression()); read(CLOSE_PAREN); break; } case Function.DATE_ADD: case Function.DATE_DIFF: { if (currentTokenType == VALUE) { function.setParameter(0, ValueExpression.get(currentValue.convertTo(Value.STRING))); } else { function.setParameter(0, ValueExpression.get(ValueString.get(currentToken))); } read(); read(COMMA); function.setParameter(1, readExpression()); read(COMMA); function.setParameter(2, readExpression()); read(CLOSE_PAREN); break; } case Function.SUBSTRING: { // Different variants include: // SUBSTRING(X,1) // SUBSTRING(X,1,1) // SUBSTRING(X FROM 1 FOR 1) -- Postgres // SUBSTRING(X FROM 1) -- Postgres // SUBSTRING(X FOR 1) -- Postgres function.setParameter(0, readExpression()); if (readIf(FROM)) { function.setParameter(1, readExpression()); if (readIf(FOR)) { function.setParameter(2, readExpression()); } } else if (readIf(FOR)) { function.setParameter(1, ValueExpression.get(ValueInt.get(0))); function.setParameter(2, readExpression()); } else { read(COMMA); function.setParameter(1, readExpression()); if (readIf(COMMA)) { function.setParameter(2, readExpression()); } } read(CLOSE_PAREN); break; } case Function.POSITION: { // can't read expression because IN would be read too early function.setParameter(0, readConcat()); if (!readIf(COMMA)) { read("IN"); } function.setParameter(1, readExpression()); read(CLOSE_PAREN); break; } case Function.TRIM: { int flags; boolean needFrom = false; if (readIf("LEADING")) { flags = Function.TRIM_LEADING; needFrom = true; } else if (readIf("TRAILING")) { flags = Function.TRIM_TRAILING; needFrom = true; } else { needFrom = readIf("BOTH"); flags = Function.TRIM_LEADING | Function.TRIM_TRAILING; } Expression p0, space = null; function.setFlags(flags); if (needFrom) { if (!readIf(FROM)) { space = readExpression(); read(FROM); } p0 = readExpression(); } else { if (readIf(FROM)) { p0 = readExpression(); } else { p0 = readExpression(); if (readIf(FROM)) { space = p0; p0 = readExpression(); } } } if (!needFrom && space == null && readIf(COMMA)) { space = readExpression(); } function.setParameter(0, p0); if (space != null) { function.setParameter(1, space); } read(CLOSE_PAREN); break; } case Function.TABLE: case Function.TABLE_DISTINCT: { int i = 0; ArrayList<Column> columns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { String columnName = readAliasIdentifier(); Column column = parseColumnWithType(columnName, false); columns.add(column); read(EQUAL); function.setParameter(i, readExpression()); i++; } while (readIfMore(true)); TableFunction tf = (TableFunction) function; tf.setColumns(columns); break; } case Function.UNNEST: { ArrayList<Column> columns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); if (!readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { int i = 0; do { function.setParameter(i++, readExpression()); columns.add(new Column("C" + i, Value.NULL)); } while (readIfMore(true)); } if (readIf(WITH)) { read("ORDINALITY"); columns.add(new Column("NORD", Value.INT)); } TableFunction tf = (TableFunction) function; tf.setColumns(columns); break; } default: if (!readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { int i = 0; do { function.setParameter(i++, readExpression()); } while (readIfMore(true)); } } function.doneWithParameters(); return function; } private WindowFunction readWindowFunction(String name) { if (!identifiersToUpper) { // if not yet converted to uppercase, do it now name = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(name); } WindowFunctionType type = WindowFunctionType.get(name); if (type == null) { return null; } if (currentSelect == null) { throw getSyntaxError(); } int numArgs = WindowFunction.getMinArgumentCount(type); Expression[] args = null; if (numArgs > 0) { // There is no functions with numArgs == 0 && numArgsMax > 0 int numArgsMax = WindowFunction.getMaxArgumentCount(type); args = new Expression[numArgsMax]; if (numArgs == numArgsMax) { for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { if (i > 0) { read(COMMA); } args[i] = readExpression(); } } else { int i = 0; while (i < numArgsMax) { if (i > 0 && !readIf(COMMA)) { break; } args[i] = readExpression(); i++; } if (i < numArgs) { throw getSyntaxError(); } if (i != numArgsMax) { args = Arrays.copyOf(args, i); } } } read(CLOSE_PAREN); WindowFunction function = new WindowFunction(type, currentSelect, args); if (type == WindowFunctionType.NTH_VALUE) { readFromFirstOrLast(function); } switch (type) { case LEAD: case LAG: case FIRST_VALUE: case LAST_VALUE: case NTH_VALUE: readRespectOrIgnoreNulls(function); //$FALL-THROUGH$ default: // Avoid warning } readOver(function); return function; } private void readFromFirstOrLast(WindowFunction function) { if (readIf(FROM) && !readIf("FIRST")) { read("LAST"); function.setFromLast(true); } } private void readRespectOrIgnoreNulls(WindowFunction function) { if (readIf("RESPECT")) { read("NULLS"); } else if (readIf("IGNORE")) { read("NULLS"); function.setIgnoreNulls(true); } } private Expression readKeywordFunction(String name) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { return readFunction(null, name); } else { return readFunctionWithoutParameters(name); } } private Expression readFunctionWithoutParameters(String name) { if (database.isAllowBuiltinAliasOverride()) { FunctionAlias functionAlias = database.getSchema(session.getCurrentSchemaName()).findFunction(name); if (functionAlias != null) { return new JavaFunction(functionAlias, new Expression[0]); } } Function function = Function.getFunction(database, name); function.doneWithParameters(); return function; } private Expression readWildcardRowidOrSequenceValue(String schema, String objectName) { if (readIf(ASTERISK)) { return parseWildcard(schema, objectName); } if (readIf(_ROWID_)) { return new ExpressionColumn(database, schema, objectName, Column.ROWID, true); } if (schema == null) { schema = session.getCurrentSchemaName(); } if (readIf("NEXTVAL")) { Sequence sequence = findSequence(schema, objectName); if (sequence != null) { return new SequenceValue(sequence); } } else if (readIf("CURRVAL")) { Sequence sequence = findSequence(schema, objectName); if (sequence != null) { Function function = Function.getFunction(database, "CURRVAL"); function.setParameter(0, ValueExpression.get(ValueString .get(sequence.getSchema().getName()))); function.setParameter(1, ValueExpression.get(ValueString .get(sequence.getName()))); function.doneWithParameters(); return function; } } return null; } private Wildcard parseWildcard(String schema, String objectName) { Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(schema, objectName); if (readIf(EXCEPT)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); ArrayList<ExpressionColumn> exceptColumns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { String s = null, t = null; String name = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(DOT)) { t = name; name = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(DOT)) { s = t; t = name; name = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(DOT)) { if (!equalsToken(database.getShortName(), s)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND_1, s); } s = t; t = name; name = readColumnIdentifier(); } } } exceptColumns.add(new ExpressionColumn(database, s, t, name, false)); } while (readIfMore(true)); wildcard.setExceptColumns(exceptColumns); } return wildcard; } private Expression readTermObjectDot(String objectName) { Expression expr = readWildcardRowidOrSequenceValue(null, objectName); if (expr != null) { return expr; } String name = readColumnIdentifier(); Schema s = database.findSchema(objectName); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { return readFunction(s, name); } else if (readIf(DOT)) { String schema = objectName; objectName = name; expr = readWildcardRowidOrSequenceValue(schema, objectName); if (expr != null) { return expr; } name = readColumnIdentifier(); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { String databaseName = schema; if (!equalsToken(database.getShortName(), databaseName)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND_1, databaseName); } schema = objectName; return readFunction(database.getSchema(schema), name); } else if (readIf(DOT)) { String databaseName = schema; if (!equalsToken(database.getShortName(), databaseName)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND_1, databaseName); } schema = objectName; objectName = name; expr = readWildcardRowidOrSequenceValue(schema, objectName); if (expr != null) { return expr; } name = readColumnIdentifier(); return new ExpressionColumn(database, schema, objectName, name, false); } return new ExpressionColumn(database, schema, objectName, name, false); } return new ExpressionColumn(database, null, objectName, name, false); } private Parameter readParameter() { // there must be no space between ? and the number boolean indexed = Character.isDigit(sqlCommandChars[parseIndex]); Parameter p; if (indexed) { readParameterIndex(); if (indexedParameterList == null) { if (parameters == null) { // this can occur when parsing expressions only (for // example check constraints) throw getSyntaxError(); } else if (!parameters.isEmpty()) { throw DbException .get(ErrorCode.CANNOT_MIX_INDEXED_AND_UNINDEXED_PARAMS); } indexedParameterList = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); } int index = currentValue.getInt() - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= Constants.MAX_PARAMETER_INDEX) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException( "parameter index", index + 1); } if (indexedParameterList.size() <= index) { indexedParameterList.ensureCapacity(index + 1); while (indexedParameterList.size() <= index) { indexedParameterList.add(null); } } p = indexedParameterList.get(index); if (p == null) { p = new Parameter(index); indexedParameterList.set(index, p); parameters.add(p); } read(); } else { read(); if (indexedParameterList != null) { throw DbException .get(ErrorCode.CANNOT_MIX_INDEXED_AND_UNINDEXED_PARAMS); } p = new Parameter(parameters.size()); parameters.add(p); } return p; } private Expression readTerm() { Expression r; switch (currentTokenType) { case AT: read(); r = new Variable(session, readAliasIdentifier()); if (readIf(COLON_EQ)) { Expression value = readExpression(); Function function = Function.getFunction(database, "SET"); function.setParameter(0, r); function.setParameter(1, value); r = function; } break; case PARAMETER: r = readParameter(); break; case SELECT: case FROM: case WITH: r = new Subquery(parseSelect()); break; case TABLE: int index = lastParseIndex; read(); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { r = readFunction(null, "TABLE"); } else { parseIndex = index; read(); r = new Subquery(parseSelect()); } break; case IDENTIFIER: String name = currentToken; if (currentTokenQuoted) { read(); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { r = readFunction(null, name); } else if (readIf(DOT)) { r = readTermObjectDot(name); } else { r = new ExpressionColumn(database, null, null, name, false); } } else { read(); if (readIf(DOT)) { r = readTermObjectDot(name); } else if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { r = readFunction(null, name); } else { r = readTermWithIdentifier(name); } } break; case MINUS_SIGN: read(); if (currentTokenType == VALUE) { r = ValueExpression.get(currentValue.negate()); int rType = r.getType().getValueType(); if (rType == Value.LONG && r.getValue(session).getLong() == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { // convert Integer.MIN_VALUE to type 'int' // (Integer.MAX_VALUE+1 is of type 'long') r = ValueExpression.get(ValueInt.get(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); } else if (rType == Value.DECIMAL && r.getValue(session).getBigDecimal().compareTo(Value.MIN_LONG_DECIMAL) == 0) { // convert Long.MIN_VALUE to type 'long' // (Long.MAX_VALUE+1 is of type 'decimal') r = ValueExpression.get(ValueLong.MIN); } read(); } else { r = new UnaryOperation(readTerm()); } break; case PLUS_SIGN: read(); r = readTerm(); break; case OPEN_PAREN: read(); if (readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { r = ValueExpression.get(ValueRow.getEmpty()); } else { r = readExpression(); if (readIfMore(true)) { ArrayList<Expression> list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); list.add(r); if (!readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { do { list.add(readExpression()); } while (readIfMore(false)); } r = new ExpressionList(list.toArray(new Expression[0]), false); } } break; case ARRAY: read(); read(OPEN_BRACKET); if (readIf(CLOSE_BRACKET)) { r = ValueExpression.get(ValueArray.getEmpty()); } else { ArrayList<Expression> list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); list.add(readExpression()); while (readIf(COMMA)) { list.add(readExpression()); } read(CLOSE_BRACKET); r = new ExpressionList(list.toArray(new Expression[0]), true); } break; case INTERVAL: read(); r = readInterval(); break; case ROW: { read(); read(OPEN_PAREN); if (readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { r = ValueExpression.get(ValueRow.getEmpty()); } else { ArrayList<Expression> list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { list.add(readExpression()); } while (readIfMore(true)); r = new ExpressionList(list.toArray(new Expression[0]), false); } break; } case TRUE: read(); r = ValueExpression.get(ValueBoolean.TRUE); break; case FALSE: read(); r = ValueExpression.get(ValueBoolean.FALSE); break; case ROWNUM: read(); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (currentSelect == null && currentPrepared == null) { throw getSyntaxError(); } r = new Rownum(currentSelect == null ? currentPrepared : currentSelect); break; case NULL: read(); r = ValueExpression.getNull(); break; case _ROWID_: read(); r = new ExpressionColumn(database, null, null, Column.ROWID, true); break; case VALUE: r = ValueExpression.get(currentValue); read(); break; case VALUES: if (database.getMode().onDuplicateKeyUpdate) { read(); r = readKeywordFunction("VALUES"); } else { r = new Subquery(parseSelect()); } break; case CASE: read(); r = readCase(); break; case CURRENT_DATE: read(); r = readKeywordFunction("CURRENT_DATE"); break; case CURRENT_TIME: read(); r = readKeywordFunction("CURRENT_TIME"); break; case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: read(); r = readKeywordFunction("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); break; case CURRENT_USER: read(); r = readKeywordFunction("USER"); break; case LOCALTIME: read(); r = readKeywordFunction("LOCALTIME"); break; case LOCALTIMESTAMP: read(); r = readKeywordFunction("LOCALTIMESTAMP"); break; default: throw getSyntaxError(); } if (readIf(OPEN_BRACKET)) { Function function = Function.getFunction(database, "ARRAY_GET"); function.setParameter(0, r); function.setParameter(1, readExpression()); r = function; read(CLOSE_BRACKET); } if (readIf(COLON_COLON)) { // PostgreSQL compatibility if (isToken("PG_CATALOG")) { read("PG_CATALOG"); read(DOT); } if (readIf("REGCLASS")) { FunctionAlias f = findFunctionAlias(database.getMainSchema().getName(), "PG_GET_OID"); if (f == null) { throw getSyntaxError(); } Expression[] args = { r }; r = new JavaFunction(f, args); } else { Column col = parseColumnWithType(null, false); Function function = Function.getFunction(database, "CAST"); function.setDataType(col); function.setParameter(0, r); r = function; } } return r; } private Expression readTermWithIdentifier(String name) { // Unquoted identifier is never empty char ch = name.charAt(0); if (!identifiersToUpper) { /* * Convert a-z to A-Z. This method is safe, because only A-Z * characters are considered below. */ ch &= 0xffdf; } switch (ch) { case 'C': if (database.getMode().getEnum() == ModeEnum.DB2 && equalsToken("CURRENT", name)) { return parseDB2SpecialRegisters(name); } break; case 'D': if (currentTokenType == VALUE && currentValue.getValueType() == Value.STRING && (equalsToken("DATE", name) || equalsToken("D", name))) { String date = currentValue.getString(); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueDate.parse(date)); } break; case 'E': if (currentTokenType == VALUE && currentValue.getValueType() == Value.STRING && equalsToken("E", name)) { String text = currentValue.getString(); // the PostgreSQL ODBC driver uses // LIKE E'PROJECT\\_DATA' instead of LIKE // 'PROJECT\_DATA' // N: SQL-92 "National Language" strings text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\\\\", "\\"); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueString.get(text)); } break; case 'N': if (equalsToken("NEXT", name) && readIf("VALUE")) { read(FOR); return new SequenceValue(readSequence()); } else if (currentTokenType == VALUE && currentValue.getValueType() == Value.STRING && equalsToken("N", name)) { // SQL-92 "National Language" strings String text = currentValue.getString(); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueString.get(text)); } break; case 'S': if (equalsToken("SYSDATE", name)) { return readFunctionWithoutParameters("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); } else if (equalsToken("SYSTIME", name)) { return readFunctionWithoutParameters("CURRENT_TIME"); } else if (equalsToken("SYSTIMESTAMP", name)) { return readFunctionWithoutParameters("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); } break; case 'T': if (equalsToken("TIME", name)) { boolean without = readIf("WITHOUT"); if (without) { read("TIME"); read("ZONE"); } if (currentTokenType == VALUE && currentValue.getValueType() == Value.STRING) { String time = currentValue.getString(); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueTime.parse(time)); } else if (without) { throw getSyntaxError(); } } else if (equalsToken("TIMESTAMP", name)) { if (readIf(WITH)) { read("TIME"); read("ZONE"); if (currentTokenType != VALUE || currentValue.getValueType() != Value.STRING) { throw getSyntaxError(); } String timestamp = currentValue.getString(); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueTimestampTimeZone.parse(timestamp)); } else { boolean without = readIf("WITHOUT"); if (without) { read("TIME"); read("ZONE"); } if (currentTokenType == VALUE && currentValue.getValueType() == Value.STRING) { String timestamp = currentValue.getString(); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueTimestamp.parse(timestamp, database.getMode())); } else if (without) { throw getSyntaxError(); } } } else if (equalsToken("TODAY", name)) { return readFunctionWithoutParameters("CURRENT_DATE"); } else if (currentTokenType == VALUE && currentValue.getValueType() == Value.STRING) { if (equalsToken("T", name)) { String time = currentValue.getString(); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueTime.parse(time)); } else if (equalsToken("TS", name)) { String timestamp = currentValue.getString(); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueTimestamp.parse(timestamp, database.getMode())); } } break; case 'X': if (currentTokenType == VALUE && currentValue.getValueType() == Value.STRING && equalsToken("X", name)) { byte[] buffer = StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(currentValue.getString()); read(); return ValueExpression.get(ValueBytes.getNoCopy(buffer)); } break; } return new ExpressionColumn(database, null, null, name, false); } private Expression readInterval() { boolean negative = readIf(MINUS_SIGN); if (!negative) { readIf(PLUS_SIGN); } String s = readString(); IntervalQualifier qualifier; if (readIf("YEAR")) { if (readIf("TO")) { read("MONTH"); qualifier = IntervalQualifier.YEAR_TO_MONTH; } else { qualifier = IntervalQualifier.YEAR; } } else if (readIf("MONTH")) { qualifier = IntervalQualifier.MONTH; } else if (readIf("DAY")) { if (readIf("TO")) { if (readIf("HOUR")) { qualifier = IntervalQualifier.DAY_TO_HOUR; } else if (readIf("MINUTE")) { qualifier = IntervalQualifier.DAY_TO_MINUTE; } else { read("SECOND"); qualifier = IntervalQualifier.DAY_TO_SECOND; } } else { qualifier = IntervalQualifier.DAY; } } else if (readIf("HOUR")) { if (readIf("TO")) { if (readIf("MINUTE")) { qualifier = IntervalQualifier.HOUR_TO_MINUTE; } else { read("SECOND"); qualifier = IntervalQualifier.HOUR_TO_SECOND; } } else { qualifier = IntervalQualifier.HOUR; } } else if (readIf("MINUTE")) { if (readIf("TO")) { read("SECOND"); qualifier = IntervalQualifier.MINUTE_TO_SECOND; } else { qualifier = IntervalQualifier.MINUTE; } } else { read("SECOND"); qualifier = IntervalQualifier.SECOND; } try { return ValueExpression.get(IntervalUtils.parseInterval(qualifier, negative, s)); } catch (Exception e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_DATETIME_CONSTANT_2, e, "INTERVAL", s); } } private Expression parseDB2SpecialRegisters(String name) { // Only "CURRENT" name is supported if (readIf("TIMESTAMP")) { if (readIf(WITH)) { read("TIME"); read("ZONE"); return readKeywordFunction("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); } return readKeywordFunction("LOCALTIMESTAMP"); } else if (readIf("TIME")) { // Time with fractional seconds is not supported by DB2 return readFunctionWithoutParameters("CURRENT_TIME"); } else if (readIf("DATE")) { return readFunctionWithoutParameters("CURRENT_DATE"); } // No match, parse CURRENT as a column return new ExpressionColumn(database, null, null, name, false); } private Expression readCase() { if (readIf("END")) { readIf(CASE); return ValueExpression.getNull(); } if (readIf("ELSE")) { Expression elsePart = readExpression().optimize(session); read("END"); readIf(CASE); return elsePart; } int i; Function function; if (readIf("WHEN")) { function = Function.getFunction(database, "CASE"); function.setParameter(0, null); i = 1; do { function.setParameter(i++, readExpression()); read("THEN"); function.setParameter(i++, readExpression()); } while (readIf("WHEN")); } else { Expression expr = readExpression(); if (readIf("END")) { readIf(CASE); return ValueExpression.getNull(); } if (readIf("ELSE")) { Expression elsePart = readExpression().optimize(session); read("END"); readIf(CASE); return elsePart; } function = Function.getFunction(database, "CASE"); function.setParameter(0, expr); i = 1; read("WHEN"); do { function.setParameter(i++, readExpression()); read("THEN"); function.setParameter(i++, readExpression()); } while (readIf("WHEN")); } if (readIf("ELSE")) { function.setParameter(i, readExpression()); } read("END"); readIf("CASE"); function.doneWithParameters(); return function; } private int readNonNegativeInt() { int v = readInt(); if (v < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("non-negative integer", v); } return v; } private int readInt() { boolean minus = false; if (currentTokenType == MINUS_SIGN) { minus = true; read(); } else if (currentTokenType == PLUS_SIGN) { read(); } if (currentTokenType != VALUE) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex, "integer"); } if (minus) { // must do that now, otherwise Integer.MIN_VALUE would not work currentValue = currentValue.negate(); } int i = currentValue.getInt(); read(); return i; } private long readNonNegativeLong() { long v = readLong(); if (v < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("non-negative long", v); } return v; } private long readLong() { boolean minus = false; if (currentTokenType == MINUS_SIGN) { minus = true; read(); } else if (currentTokenType == PLUS_SIGN) { read(); } if (currentTokenType != VALUE) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex, "long"); } if (minus) { // must do that now, otherwise Long.MIN_VALUE would not work currentValue = currentValue.negate(); } long i = currentValue.getLong(); read(); return i; } private boolean readBooleanSetting() { switch (currentTokenType) { case ON: case TRUE: read(); return true; case FALSE: read(); return false; case VALUE: boolean result = currentValue.getBoolean(); read(); return result; } if (readIf("OFF")) { return false; } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } } private String readString() { Expression expr = readExpression().optimize(session); if (!(expr instanceof ValueExpression)) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex, "string"); } return expr.getValue(session).getString(); } // TODO: why does this function allow defaultSchemaName=null - which resets // the parser schemaName for everyone ? private String readIdentifierWithSchema(String defaultSchemaName) { String s = readColumnIdentifier(); schemaName = defaultSchemaName; if (readIf(DOT)) { schemaName = s; s = readColumnIdentifier(); } if (currentTokenType == DOT) { if (equalsToken(schemaName, database.getShortName())) { read(); schemaName = s; s = readColumnIdentifier(); } } return s; } private String readIdentifierWithSchema() { return readIdentifierWithSchema(session.getCurrentSchemaName()); } private String readAliasIdentifier() { return readColumnIdentifier(); } private String readUniqueIdentifier() { return readColumnIdentifier(); } private String readColumnIdentifier() { if (currentTokenType != IDENTIFIER) { /* * Sometimes a new keywords are introduced. During metadata * initialization phase keywords are accepted as identifiers to * allow migration from older versions. * * PageStore's LobStorageBackend also needs this in databases that * were created in 1.4.197 and older versions. */ if (!session.getDatabase().isStarting() || !isKeyword(currentToken)) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex, "identifier"); } } String s = currentToken; read(); return s; } private void read(String expected) { if (currentTokenQuoted || !equalsToken(expected, currentToken)) { addExpected(expected); throw getSyntaxError(); } read(); } private void read(int tokenType) { if (tokenType != currentTokenType) { addExpected(tokenType); throw getSyntaxError(); } read(); } private boolean readIf(String token) { if (!currentTokenQuoted && equalsToken(token, currentToken)) { read(); return true; } addExpected(token); return false; } private boolean readIf(int tokenType) { if (tokenType == currentTokenType) { read(); return true; } addExpected(tokenType); return false; } private boolean isToken(String token) { if (!currentTokenQuoted && equalsToken(token, currentToken)) { return true; } addExpected(token); return false; } private boolean isToken(int tokenType) { if (tokenType == currentTokenType) { return true; } addExpected(tokenType); return false; } private boolean equalsToken(String a, String b) { if (a == null) { return b == null; } else return a.equals(b) || !identifiersToUpper && a.equalsIgnoreCase(b); } private static boolean equalsTokenIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { if (a == null) { return b == null; } else return a.equals(b) || a.equalsIgnoreCase(b); } private boolean isTokenInList(Collection<String> upperCaseTokenList) { String upperCaseCurrentToken = currentToken.toUpperCase(); return upperCaseTokenList.contains(upperCaseCurrentToken); } private void addExpected(String token) { if (expectedList != null) { expectedList.add(token); } } private void addExpected(int tokenType) { if (expectedList != null) { expectedList.add(TOKENS[tokenType]); } } private void read() { currentTokenQuoted = false; if (expectedList != null) { expectedList.clear(); } int[] types = characterTypes; lastParseIndex = parseIndex; int i = parseIndex; int type = types[i]; while (type == 0) { type = types[++i]; } int start = i; char[] chars = sqlCommandChars; char c = chars[i++]; currentToken = ""; switch (type) { case CHAR_NAME: while (true) { type = types[i]; if (type != CHAR_NAME && type != CHAR_VALUE) { break; } i++; } currentTokenType = ParserUtil.getSaveTokenType(sqlCommand, !identifiersToUpper, start, i, false); if (currentTokenType == IDENTIFIER) { currentToken = StringUtils.cache(sqlCommand.substring(start, i)); } else { currentToken = TOKENS[currentTokenType]; } parseIndex = i; return; case CHAR_QUOTED: { String result = null; while (true) { for (int begin = i;; i++) { if (chars[i] == c) { if (result == null) { result = sqlCommand.substring(begin, i); } else { result += sqlCommand.substring(begin - 1, i); } break; } } if (chars[++i] != c) { break; } i++; } currentToken = StringUtils.cache(result); parseIndex = i; currentTokenQuoted = true; currentTokenType = IDENTIFIER; return; } case CHAR_SPECIAL_2: if (types[i] == CHAR_SPECIAL_2) { char c1 = chars[i++]; currentTokenType = getSpecialType2(c, c1); } else { currentTokenType = getSpecialType1(c); } parseIndex = i; return; case CHAR_SPECIAL_1: currentTokenType = getSpecialType1(c); parseIndex = i; return; case CHAR_VALUE: if (c == '0' && (chars[i] == 'X' || chars[i] == 'x')) { // hex number long number = 0; start += 2; i++; while (true) { c = chars[i]; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { number = (number << 4) + c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { number = (number << 4) + c - ('A' - 10); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { number = (number << 4) + c - ('a' - 10); } else { checkLiterals(false); currentValue = ValueInt.get((int) number); currentTokenType = VALUE; currentToken = "0"; parseIndex = i; return; } if (number > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { readHexDecimal(start, i); return; } i++; } } long number = c - '0'; loop: while (true) { c = chars[i]; if (c < '0' || c > '9') { switch (c) { case '.': case 'E': case 'e': readDecimal(start, i, false); break loop; case 'L': case 'l': readDecimal(start, i, true); break loop; } checkLiterals(false); currentValue = ValueInt.get((int) number); currentTokenType = VALUE; currentToken = "0"; parseIndex = i; break; } number = number * 10 + (c - '0'); if (number > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { readDecimal(start, i, true); break; } i++; } return; case CHAR_DOT: if (types[i] != CHAR_VALUE) { currentTokenType = DOT; currentToken = "."; parseIndex = i; return; } readDecimal(i - 1, i, false); return; case CHAR_STRING: { String result = null; while (true) { for (int begin = i;; i++) { if (chars[i] == '\'') { if (result == null) { result = sqlCommand.substring(begin, i); } else { result += sqlCommand.substring(begin - 1, i); } break; } } if (chars[++i] != '\'') { break; } i++; } currentToken = "'"; checkLiterals(true); currentValue = ValueString.get(result, database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); parseIndex = i; currentTokenType = VALUE; return; } case CHAR_DOLLAR_QUOTED_STRING: { int begin = i - 1; while (types[i] == CHAR_DOLLAR_QUOTED_STRING) { i++; } String result = sqlCommand.substring(begin, i); currentToken = "'"; checkLiterals(true); currentValue = ValueString.get(result, database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); parseIndex = i; currentTokenType = VALUE; return; } case CHAR_END: currentTokenType = END; parseIndex = i; return; default: throw getSyntaxError(); } } private void readParameterIndex() { int i = parseIndex; char[] chars = sqlCommandChars; char c = chars[i++]; long number = c - '0'; while (true) { c = chars[i]; if (c < '0' || c > '9') { currentValue = ValueInt.get((int) number); currentTokenType = VALUE; currentToken = "0"; parseIndex = i; break; } number = number * 10 + (c - '0'); if (number > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException( "parameter index", number); } i++; } } private void checkLiterals(boolean text) { if (!literalsChecked && !session.getAllowLiterals()) { int allowed = database.getAllowLiterals(); if (allowed == Constants.ALLOW_LITERALS_NONE || (text && allowed != Constants.ALLOW_LITERALS_ALL)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.LITERALS_ARE_NOT_ALLOWED); } } } private void readHexDecimal(int start, int i) { char[] chars = sqlCommandChars; char c; do { c = chars[++i]; } while ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')); parseIndex = i; String sub = sqlCommand.substring(start, i); BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(sub, 16)); checkLiterals(false); currentValue = ValueDecimal.get(bd); currentTokenType = VALUE; } private void readDecimal(int start, int i, boolean integer) { char[] chars = sqlCommandChars; int[] types = characterTypes; // go until the first non-number while (true) { int t = types[i]; if (t == CHAR_DOT) { integer = false; } else if (t != CHAR_VALUE) { break; } i++; } char c = chars[i]; if (c == 'E' || c == 'e') { integer = false; c = chars[++i]; if (c == '+' || c == '-') { i++; } if (types[i] != CHAR_VALUE) { throw getSyntaxError(); } while (types[++i] == CHAR_VALUE) { // go until the first non-number } } parseIndex = i; checkLiterals(false); BigDecimal bd; if (integer && i - start <= 19) { BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(sqlCommand.substring(start, i)); if (bi.compareTo(ValueLong.MAX_BI) <= 0) { // parse constants like "10000000L" c = chars[i]; if (c == 'L' || c == 'l') { parseIndex++; } currentValue = ValueLong.get(bi.longValue()); currentTokenType = VALUE; return; } bd = new BigDecimal(bi); } else { try { bd = new BigDecimal(sqlCommandChars, start, i - start); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, e, sqlCommand.substring(start, i)); } } currentValue = ValueDecimal.get(bd); currentTokenType = VALUE; } private void initialize(String sql) { if (sql == null) { sql = ""; } originalSQL = sql; sqlCommand = sql; int len = sql.length() + 1; char[] command = new char[len]; int[] types = new int[len]; len--; sql.getChars(0, len, command, 0); boolean changed = false; command[len] = ' '; int startLoop = 0; int lastType = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = command[i]; int type = 0; switch (c) { case '/': if (command[i + 1] == '*') { // block comment changed = true; command[i] = ' '; command[i + 1] = ' '; startLoop = i; i += 2; checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); while (command[i] != '*' || command[i + 1] != '/') { command[i++] = ' '; checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); } command[i] = ' '; command[i + 1] = ' '; i++; } else if (command[i + 1] == '/') { // single line comment changed = true; startLoop = i; while (true) { c = command[i]; if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || i >= len - 1) { break; } command[i++] = ' '; checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); } } else { type = CHAR_SPECIAL_1; } break; case '-': if (command[i + 1] == '-') { // single line comment changed = true; startLoop = i; while (true) { c = command[i]; if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || i >= len - 1) { break; } command[i++] = ' '; checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); } } else { type = CHAR_SPECIAL_1; } break; case '$': if (command[i + 1] == '$' && (i == 0 || command[i - 1] <= ' ')) { // dollar quoted string changed = true; command[i] = ' '; command[i + 1] = ' '; startLoop = i; i += 2; checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); while (command[i] != '$' || command[i + 1] != '$') { types[i++] = CHAR_DOLLAR_QUOTED_STRING; checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); } command[i] = ' '; command[i + 1] = ' '; i++; } else { if (lastType == CHAR_NAME || lastType == CHAR_VALUE) { // $ inside an identifier is supported type = CHAR_NAME; } else { // but not at the start, to support PostgreSQL $1 type = CHAR_SPECIAL_1; } } break; case '(': case ')': case '{': case '}': case '*': case ',': case ';': case '+': case '%': case '?': case '@': case ']': type = CHAR_SPECIAL_1; break; case '!': case '<': case '>': case '|': case '=': case ':': case '&': case '~': type = CHAR_SPECIAL_2; break; case '.': type = CHAR_DOT; break; case '\'': type = types[i] = CHAR_STRING; startLoop = i; while (command[++i] != '\'') { checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); } break; case '[': if (database.getMode().squareBracketQuotedNames) { // SQL Server alias for " command[i] = '"'; changed = true; type = types[i] = CHAR_QUOTED; startLoop = i; while (command[++i] != ']') { checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); } command[i] = '"'; } else { type = CHAR_SPECIAL_1; } break; case '`': // MySQL alias for ", but not case sensitive type = types[i] = CHAR_QUOTED; startLoop = i; while (command[++i] != '`') { checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); c = command[i]; if (identifiersToUpper || identifiersToLower) { char u = identifiersToUpper ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c); if (u != c) { command[i] = u; changed = true; } } } break; case '"': type = types[i] = CHAR_QUOTED; startLoop = i; while (command[++i] != '"') { checkRunOver(i, len, startLoop); } break; case '_': type = CHAR_NAME; break; case '#': if (database.getMode().supportPoundSymbolForColumnNames) { type = CHAR_NAME; } else { type = CHAR_SPECIAL_1; } break; default: if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { if (identifiersToUpper) { command[i] = (char) (c - ('a' - 'A')); changed = true; } type = CHAR_NAME; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { if (identifiersToLower) { command[i] = (char) (c + ('a' - 'A')); changed = true; } type = CHAR_NAME; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { type = CHAR_VALUE; } else { if (c <= ' ' || Character.isSpaceChar(c)) { // whitespace } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) { type = CHAR_NAME; if (identifiersToUpper || identifiersToLower) { char u = identifiersToUpper ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c); if (u != c) { command[i] = u; changed = true; } } } else { type = CHAR_SPECIAL_1; } } } types[i] = type; lastType = type; } sqlCommandChars = command; types[len] = CHAR_END; characterTypes = types; if (changed) { sqlCommand = new String(command); } parseIndex = 0; } private void checkRunOver(int i, int len, int startLoop) { if (i >= len) { parseIndex = startLoop; throw getSyntaxError(); } } private int getSpecialType1(char c0) { switch (c0) { case '?': case '$': return PARAMETER; case '@': return AT; case '+': return PLUS_SIGN; case '-': return MINUS_SIGN; case '*': return ASTERISK; case ',': return COMMA; case '{': return OPEN_BRACE; case '}': return CLOSE_BRACE; case '/': return SLASH; case '%': return PERCENT; case ';': return SEMICOLON; case ':': return COLON; case '[': return OPEN_BRACKET; case ']': return CLOSE_BRACKET; case '~': return TILDE; case '(': return OPEN_PAREN; case ')': return CLOSE_PAREN; case '<': return SMALLER; case '>': return BIGGER; case '=': return EQUAL; default: throw getSyntaxError(); } } private int getSpecialType2(char c0, char c1) { switch (c0) { case ':': if (c1 == ':') { return COLON_COLON; } else if (c1 == '=') { return COLON_EQ; } break; case '>': if (c1 == '=') { return BIGGER_EQUAL; } break; case '<': if (c1 == '=') { return SMALLER_EQUAL; } else if (c1 == '>') { return NOT_EQUAL; } break; case '!': if (c1 == '=') { return NOT_EQUAL; } else if (c1 == '~') { return NOT_TILDE; } break; case '|': if (c1 == '|') { return STRING_CONCAT; } break; case '&': if (c1 == '&') { return SPATIAL_INTERSECTS; } break; } throw getSyntaxError(); } private boolean isKeyword(String s) { return ParserUtil.isKeyword(s, !identifiersToUpper); } private Column parseColumnForTable(String columnName, boolean defaultNullable, boolean forTable) { Column column; boolean isIdentity = readIf("IDENTITY"); if (isIdentity || readIf("BIGSERIAL")) { // Check if any of them are disallowed in the current Mode if (isIdentity && database.getMode(). disallowedTypes.contains("IDENTITY")) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, currentToken); } column = new Column(columnName, Value.LONG); column.setOriginalSQL("IDENTITY"); parseAutoIncrement(column); // PostgreSQL compatibility if (!database.getMode().serialColumnIsNotPK) { column.setPrimaryKey(true); } } else if (readIf("SERIAL")) { column = new Column(columnName, Value.INT); column.setOriginalSQL("SERIAL"); parseAutoIncrement(column); // PostgreSQL compatibility if (!database.getMode().serialColumnIsNotPK) { column.setPrimaryKey(true); } } else { column = parseColumnWithType(columnName, forTable); } if (readIf("INVISIBLE")) { column.setVisible(false); } else if (readIf("VISIBLE")) { column.setVisible(true); } NullConstraintType nullConstraint = parseNotNullConstraint(); switch (nullConstraint) { case NULL_IS_ALLOWED: column.setNullable(true); break; case NULL_IS_NOT_ALLOWED: column.setNullable(false); break; case NO_NULL_CONSTRAINT_FOUND: // domains may be defined as not nullable column.setNullable(defaultNullable & column.isNullable()); break; default: throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_MODE_1, "Internal Error - unhandled case: " + nullConstraint.name()); } if (readIf("AS")) { if (isIdentity) { getSyntaxError(); } Expression expr = readExpression(); column.setComputedExpression(expr); } else if (readIf("DEFAULT")) { Expression defaultExpression = readExpression(); column.setDefaultExpression(session, defaultExpression); } else if (readIf("GENERATED")) { if (!readIf("ALWAYS")) { read("BY"); read("DEFAULT"); } read("AS"); read("IDENTITY"); SequenceOptions options = new SequenceOptions(); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { parseSequenceOptions(options, null, true); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } column.setAutoIncrementOptions(options); } if (readIf(ON)) { read("UPDATE"); Expression onUpdateExpression = readExpression(); column.setOnUpdateExpression(session, onUpdateExpression); } if (NullConstraintType.NULL_IS_NOT_ALLOWED == parseNotNullConstraint()) { column.setNullable(false); } if (readIf("AUTO_INCREMENT") || readIf("BIGSERIAL") || readIf("SERIAL")) { parseAutoIncrement(column); parseNotNullConstraint(); } else if (readIf("IDENTITY")) { parseAutoIncrement(column); column.setPrimaryKey(true); parseNotNullConstraint(); } if (readIf("NULL_TO_DEFAULT")) { column.setConvertNullToDefault(true); } if (readIf("SEQUENCE")) { Sequence sequence = readSequence(); column.setSequence(sequence); } if (readIf("SELECTIVITY")) { int value = readNonNegativeInt(); column.setSelectivity(value); } String comment = readCommentIf(); if (comment != null) { column.setComment(comment); } return column; } private void parseAutoIncrement(Column column) { SequenceOptions options = new SequenceOptions(); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { options.setStartValue(ValueExpression.get(ValueLong.get(readLong()))); if (readIf(COMMA)) { options.setIncrement(ValueExpression.get(ValueLong.get(readLong()))); } read(CLOSE_PAREN); } column.setAutoIncrementOptions(options); } private String readCommentIf() { if (readIf("COMMENT")) { readIf(IS); return readString(); } return null; } private Column parseColumnWithType(String columnName, boolean forTable) { String original = currentToken; boolean regular = false; int originalPrecision = -1, originalScale = -1; if (readIf("LONG")) { if (readIf("RAW")) { original = "LONG RAW"; } } else if (readIf("DOUBLE")) { if (readIf("PRECISION")) { original = "DOUBLE PRECISION"; } } else if (readIf("CHARACTER")) { if (readIf("VARYING")) { original = "CHARACTER VARYING"; } else if (readIf("LARGE")) { read("OBJECT"); original = "CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT"; } } else if (readIf("BINARY")) { if (readIf("VARYING")) { original = "BINARY VARYING"; } else if (readIf("LARGE")) { read("OBJECT"); original = "BINARY LARGE OBJECT"; } } else if (readIf("TIME")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalScale = readNonNegativeInt(); if (originalScale > ValueTime.MAXIMUM_SCALE) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_SCALE_PRECISION, Integer.toString(originalScale)); } read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (readIf("WITHOUT")) { read("TIME"); read("ZONE"); original = "TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE"; } } else if (readIf("TIMESTAMP")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalScale = readNonNegativeInt(); // Allow non-standard TIMESTAMP(..., ...) syntax if (readIf(COMMA)) { originalScale = readNonNegativeInt(); } if (originalScale > ValueTimestamp.MAXIMUM_SCALE) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_SCALE_PRECISION, Integer.toString(originalScale)); } read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (readIf(WITH)) { read("TIME"); read("ZONE"); original = "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE"; } else if (readIf("WITHOUT")) { read("TIME"); read("ZONE"); original = "TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE"; } } else if (readIf(INTERVAL)) { if (readIf("YEAR")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalPrecision = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (readIf("TO")) { read("MONTH"); original = "INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH"; } else { original = "INTERVAL YEAR"; } } else if (readIf("MONTH")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalPrecision = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } original = "INTERVAL MONTH"; } else if (readIf("DAY")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalPrecision = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (readIf("TO")) { if (readIf("HOUR")) { original = "INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR"; } else if (readIf("MINUTE")) { original = "INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE"; } else { read("SECOND"); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalScale = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } original = "INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND"; } } else { original = "INTERVAL DAY"; } } else if (readIf("HOUR")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalPrecision = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (readIf("TO")) { if (readIf("MINUTE")) { original = "INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE"; } else { read("SECOND"); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalScale = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } original = "INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND"; } } else { original = "INTERVAL HOUR"; } } else if (readIf("MINUTE")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalPrecision = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (readIf("TO")) { read("SECOND"); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalScale = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } original = "INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND"; } else { original = "INTERVAL MINUTE"; } } else { read("SECOND"); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalPrecision = readNonNegativeInt(); if (readIf(COMMA)) { originalScale = readNonNegativeInt(); } read(CLOSE_PAREN); } original = "INTERVAL SECOND"; } } else { regular = true; } long precision = -1; ExtTypeInfo extTypeInfo = null; int scale = -1; String comment = null; Column templateColumn = null; DataType dataType; if (!identifiersToUpper) { original = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(original); } Domain domain = database.findDomain(original); if (domain != null) { templateColumn = domain.getColumn(); TypeInfo type = templateColumn.getType(); dataType = DataType.getDataType(type.getValueType()); comment = templateColumn.getComment(); original = forTable ? domain.getSQL(true) : templateColumn.getOriginalSQL(); precision = type.getPrecision(); scale = type.getScale(); extTypeInfo = type.getExtTypeInfo(); } else { Mode mode = database.getMode(); dataType = DataType.getTypeByName(original, mode); if (dataType == null || mode.disallowedTypes.contains(original)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, currentToken); } } if (database.getIgnoreCase() && dataType.type == Value.STRING && !equalsToken("VARCHAR_CASESENSITIVE", original)) { original = "VARCHAR_IGNORECASE"; dataType = DataType.getTypeByName(original, database.getMode()); } if (regular) { read(); } precision = precision == -1 ? dataType.defaultPrecision : precision; scale = scale == -1 ? dataType.defaultScale : scale; if (dataType.supportsPrecision || dataType.supportsScale) { int t = dataType.type; if (t == Value.TIME || t == Value.TIMESTAMP || t == Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ) { if (originalScale >= 0) { scale = originalScale; switch (t) { case Value.TIME: if (original.equals("TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE")) { original = "TIME(" + originalScale + ") WITHOUT TIME ZONE"; } else { original = original + '(' + originalScale + ')'; } break; case Value.TIMESTAMP: if (original.equals("TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE")) { original = "TIMESTAMP(" + originalScale + ") WITHOUT TIME ZONE"; } else { original = original + '(' + originalScale + ')'; } break; case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: original = "TIMESTAMP(" + originalScale + ") WITH TIME ZONE"; break; } } else if (original.equals("DATETIME") || original.equals("DATETIME2")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { originalScale = readNonNegativeInt(); if (originalScale > ValueTime.MAXIMUM_SCALE) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_SCALE_PRECISION, Integer.toString(originalScale)); } read(CLOSE_PAREN); scale = originalScale; original = original + '(' + originalScale + ')'; } } else if (original.equals("SMALLDATETIME")) { scale = 0; } } else if (DataType.isIntervalType(t)) { if (originalPrecision >= 0 || originalScale >= 0) { IntervalQualifier qualifier = IntervalQualifier.valueOf(t - Value.INTERVAL_YEAR); original = qualifier.getTypeName(originalPrecision, originalScale); if (originalPrecision >= 0) { if (originalPrecision <= 0 || originalPrecision > ValueInterval.MAXIMUM_PRECISION) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_SCALE_PRECISION, Integer.toString(originalPrecision)); } precision = originalPrecision; } if (originalScale >= 0) { if (originalScale > ValueInterval.MAXIMUM_SCALE) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_SCALE_PRECISION, Integer.toString(originalScale)); } scale = originalScale; } } } else if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { if (!readIf("MAX")) { long p = readPrecision(); original += "(" + p; if (dataType.supportsScale) { if (readIf(COMMA)) { scale = readInt(); original += ", " + scale; } else { scale = 0; } } precision = p; original += ")"; } read(CLOSE_PAREN); } } else if (dataType.type == Value.DOUBLE && original.equals("FLOAT")) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { int p = readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); if (p > 53) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_SCALE_PRECISION, Integer.toString(p)); } if (p <= 24) { dataType = DataType.getDataType(Value.FLOAT); } original = original + '(' + p + ')'; } } else if (dataType.type == Value.ENUM) { if (extTypeInfo == null) { String[] enumerators = null; if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { java.util.List<String> enumeratorList = new ArrayList<>(); String enumerator0 = readString(); enumeratorList.add(enumerator0); while (readIfMore(true)) { String enumeratorN = readString(); enumeratorList.add(enumeratorN); } enumerators = enumeratorList.toArray(new String[0]); } try { extTypeInfo = new ExtTypeInfoEnum(enumerators); } catch (DbException e) { throw e.addSQL(original); } original += extTypeInfo.getCreateSQL(); } } else if (dataType.type == Value.GEOMETRY) { if (extTypeInfo == null) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { int type = 0; if (currentTokenType != IDENTIFIER || currentTokenQuoted) { throw getSyntaxError(); } if (!readIf("GEOMETRY")) { try { type = EWKTUtils.parseGeometryType(currentToken); read(); if (type / 1_000 == 0 && currentTokenType == IDENTIFIER && !currentTokenQuoted) { type += EWKTUtils.parseDimensionSystem(currentToken) * 1_000; read(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw getSyntaxError(); } } Integer srid = null; if (readIf(COMMA)) { srid = readInt(); } read(CLOSE_PAREN); extTypeInfo = new ExtTypeInfoGeometry(type, srid); original += extTypeInfo.getCreateSQL(); } } } else if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { // Support for MySQL: INT(11), MEDIUMINT(8) and so on. // Just ignore the precision. readNonNegativeInt(); read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (readIf(FOR)) { read("BIT"); read("DATA"); if (dataType.type == Value.STRING) { dataType = DataType.getTypeByName("BINARY", database.getMode()); } } // MySQL compatibility readIf("UNSIGNED"); int type = dataType.type; if (scale > precision && dataType.supportsPrecision && dataType.supportsScale && !DataType.isIntervalType(type)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_SCALE_PRECISION, Integer.toString(scale), Long.toString(precision)); } Column column = new Column(columnName, TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(type, precision, scale, extTypeInfo)); if (templateColumn != null) { column.setNullable(templateColumn.isNullable()); column.setDefaultExpression(session, templateColumn.getDefaultExpression()); int selectivity = templateColumn.getSelectivity(); if (selectivity != Constants.SELECTIVITY_DEFAULT) { column.setSelectivity(selectivity); } Expression checkConstraint = templateColumn.getCheckConstraint( session, columnName); column.addCheckConstraint(session, checkConstraint); } column.setComment(comment); column.setOriginalSQL(original); if (forTable) { column.setDomain(domain); } return column; } private long readPrecision() { long p = readNonNegativeLong(); if (currentTokenType == IDENTIFIER && !currentTokenQuoted && currentToken.length() == 1) { long mul; char ch = currentToken.charAt(0); switch (identifiersToUpper ? ch : Character.toUpperCase(ch)) { case 'K': mul = 1L << 10; break; case 'M': mul = 1L << 20; break; case 'G': mul = 1L << 30; break; case 'T': mul = 1L << 40; break; case 'P': mul = 1L << 50; break; default: throw getSyntaxError(); } if (p > Long.MAX_VALUE / mul) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("precision", p + currentToken); } p *= mul; read(); } if (currentTokenType == IDENTIFIER && !currentTokenQuoted) { // Standard char length units if (!readIf("CHARACTERS") && !readIf("OCTETS") && // Oracle syntax !readIf("CHAR")) { // Oracle syntax readIf("BYTE"); } } return p; } private Prepared parseCreate() { boolean orReplace = false; if (readIf("OR")) { read("REPLACE"); orReplace = true; } boolean force = readIf("FORCE"); if (readIf("VIEW")) { return parseCreateView(force, orReplace); } else if (readIf("ALIAS")) { return parseCreateFunctionAlias(force); } else if (readIf("SEQUENCE")) { return parseCreateSequence(); } else if (readIf("USER")) { return parseCreateUser(); } else if (readIf("TRIGGER")) { return parseCreateTrigger(force); } else if (readIf("ROLE")) { return parseCreateRole(); } else if (readIf("SCHEMA")) { return parseCreateSchema(); } else if (readIf("CONSTANT")) { return parseCreateConstant(); } else if (readIf("DOMAIN") || readIf("TYPE") || readIf("DATATYPE")) { return parseCreateDomain(); } else if (readIf("AGGREGATE")) { return parseCreateAggregate(force); } else if (readIf("LINKED")) { return parseCreateLinkedTable(false, false, force); } // tables or linked tables boolean memory = false, cached = false; if (readIf("MEMORY")) { memory = true; } else if (readIf("CACHED")) { cached = true; } if (readIf("LOCAL")) { read("TEMPORARY"); if (readIf("LINKED")) { return parseCreateLinkedTable(true, false, force); } read(TABLE); return parseCreateTable(true, false, cached); } else if (readIf("GLOBAL")) { read("TEMPORARY"); if (readIf("LINKED")) { return parseCreateLinkedTable(true, true, force); } read(TABLE); return parseCreateTable(true, true, cached); } else if (readIf("TEMP") || readIf("TEMPORARY")) { if (readIf("LINKED")) { return parseCreateLinkedTable(true, true, force); } read(TABLE); return parseCreateTable(true, true, cached); } else if (readIf(TABLE)) { if (!cached && !memory) { cached = database.getDefaultTableType() == Table.TYPE_CACHED; } return parseCreateTable(false, false, cached); } else if (readIf("SYNONYM")) { return parseCreateSynonym(orReplace); } else { boolean hash = false, primaryKey = false; boolean unique = false, spatial = false; String indexName = null; Schema oldSchema = null; boolean ifNotExists = false; if (readIf(PRIMARY)) { read("KEY"); if (readIf("HASH")) { hash = true; } primaryKey = true; if (!isToken(ON)) { ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(null); oldSchema = getSchema(); } } else { if (readIf(UNIQUE)) { unique = true; } if (readIf("HASH")) { hash = true; } if (readIf("SPATIAL")) { spatial = true; } if (readIf("INDEX")) { if (!isToken(ON)) { ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(null); oldSchema = getSchema(); } } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } } read(ON); String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); checkSchema(oldSchema); CreateIndex command = new CreateIndex(session, getSchema()); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); command.setPrimaryKey(primaryKey); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setUnique(unique); command.setIndexName(indexName); command.setComment(readCommentIf()); read(OPEN_PAREN); command.setIndexColumns(parseIndexColumnList()); if (readIf("USING")) { if (hash) { throw getSyntaxError(); } if (spatial) { throw getSyntaxError(); } if (readIf("BTREE")) { // default } else if (readIf("RTREE")) { spatial = true; } else if (readIf("HASH")) { hash = true; } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } } command.setHash(hash); command.setSpatial(spatial); return command; } }
Returns:true if we expect to see a TABLE clause
/** * @return true if we expect to see a TABLE clause */
private boolean addRoleOrRight(GrantRevoke command) { if (readIf(SELECT)) { command.addRight(Right.SELECT); return true; } else if (readIf("DELETE")) { command.addRight(Right.DELETE); return true; } else if (readIf("INSERT")) { command.addRight(Right.INSERT); return true; } else if (readIf("UPDATE")) { command.addRight(Right.UPDATE); return true; } else if (readIf(ALL)) { command.addRight(Right.ALL); return true; } else if (readIf("ALTER")) { read("ANY"); read("SCHEMA"); command.addRight(Right.ALTER_ANY_SCHEMA); command.addTable(null); return false; } else if (readIf("CONNECT")) { // ignore this right return true; } else if (readIf("RESOURCE")) { // ignore this right return true; } else { command.addRoleName(readUniqueIdentifier()); return false; } } private GrantRevoke parseGrantRevoke(int operationType) { GrantRevoke command = new GrantRevoke(session); command.setOperationType(operationType); boolean tableClauseExpected = addRoleOrRight(command); while (readIf(COMMA)) { addRoleOrRight(command); if (command.isRightMode() && command.isRoleMode()) { throw DbException .get(ErrorCode.ROLES_AND_RIGHT_CANNOT_BE_MIXED); } } if (tableClauseExpected) { if (readIf(ON)) { if (readIf("SCHEMA")) { Schema schema = database.getSchema(readAliasIdentifier()); command.setSchema(schema); } else { do { Table table = readTableOrView(); command.addTable(table); } while (readIf(COMMA)); } } } if (operationType == CommandInterface.GRANT) { read("TO"); } else { read(FROM); } command.setGranteeName(readUniqueIdentifier()); return command; } private Select parseValues() { Select command = new Select(session, currentSelect); currentSelect = command; TableFilter filter = parseValuesTable(0); command.setWildcard(); command.addTableFilter(filter, true); return command; } private TableFilter parseValuesTable(int orderInFrom) { Schema mainSchema = database.getMainSchema(); TableFunction tf = (TableFunction) Function.getFunction(database, "TABLE"); ArrayList<Column> columns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Expression>> rows = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { int i = 0; ArrayList<Expression> row = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); boolean multiColumn; if (readIf(ROW)) { read(OPEN_PAREN); multiColumn = true; } else { multiColumn = readIf(OPEN_PAREN); } do { Expression expr = readExpression(); expr = expr.optimize(session); TypeInfo type = expr.getType(); Column column; String columnName = "C" + (i + 1); if (rows.isEmpty()) { if (type.getValueType() == Value.UNKNOWN) { type = TypeInfo.TYPE_STRING; } column = new Column(columnName, type); columns.add(column); } else { if (i >= columns.size()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.COLUMN_COUNT_DOES_NOT_MATCH); } type = Value.getHigherType(columns.get(i).getType(), type); column = new Column(columnName, type); columns.set(i, column); } row.add(expr); i++; } while (multiColumn && readIfMore(true)); rows.add(row); } while (readIf(COMMA)); int columnCount = columns.size(); int rowCount = rows.size(); for (ArrayList<Expression> row : rows) { if (row.size() != columnCount) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.COLUMN_COUNT_DOES_NOT_MATCH); } } for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { Column c = columns.get(i); if (c.getType().getValueType() == Value.UNKNOWN) { c = new Column(c.getName(), Value.STRING); columns.set(i, c); } Expression[] array = new Expression[rowCount]; for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) { array[j] = rows.get(j).get(i); } ExpressionList list = new ExpressionList(array, false); tf.setParameter(i, list); } tf.setColumns(columns); tf.doneWithParameters(); Table table = new FunctionTable(mainSchema, session, tf, tf); return new TableFilter(session, table, null, rightsChecked, currentSelect, orderInFrom, null); } private Call parseCall() { Call command = new Call(session); currentPrepared = command; command.setExpression(readExpression()); return command; } private CreateRole parseCreateRole() { CreateRole command = new CreateRole(session); command.setIfNotExists(readIfNotExists()); command.setRoleName(readUniqueIdentifier()); return command; } private CreateSchema parseCreateSchema() { CreateSchema command = new CreateSchema(session); command.setIfNotExists(readIfNotExists()); command.setSchemaName(readUniqueIdentifier()); if (readIf("AUTHORIZATION")) { command.setAuthorization(readUniqueIdentifier()); } else { command.setAuthorization(session.getUser().getName()); } if (readIf(WITH)) { command.setTableEngineParams(readTableEngineParams()); } return command; } private ArrayList<String> readTableEngineParams() { ArrayList<String> tableEngineParams = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { tableEngineParams.add(readUniqueIdentifier()); } while (readIf(COMMA)); return tableEngineParams; } private CreateSequence parseCreateSequence() { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); String sequenceName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); CreateSequence command = new CreateSequence(session, getSchema()); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); command.setSequenceName(sequenceName); SequenceOptions options = new SequenceOptions(); parseSequenceOptions(options, command, true); command.setOptions(options); return command; } private boolean readIfNotExists() { if (readIf(IF)) { read(NOT); read(EXISTS); return true; } return false; } private boolean readIfAffinity() { return readIf("AFFINITY") || readIf("SHARD"); } private CreateConstant parseCreateConstant() { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); String constantName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Schema schema = getSchema(); if (isKeyword(constantName)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.CONSTANT_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, constantName); } read("VALUE"); Expression expr = readExpression(); CreateConstant command = new CreateConstant(session, schema); command.setConstantName(constantName); command.setExpression(expr); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); return command; } private CreateAggregate parseCreateAggregate(boolean force) { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); CreateAggregate command = new CreateAggregate(session); command.setForce(force); String name = readIdentifierWithSchema(); if (isKeyword(name) || Function.getFunction(database, name) != null || getAggregateType(name) != null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FUNCTION_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, name); } command.setName(name); command.setSchema(getSchema()); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); read(FOR); command.setJavaClassMethod(readUniqueIdentifier()); return command; } private CreateDomain parseCreateDomain() { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); CreateDomain command = new CreateDomain(session); command.setTypeName(readUniqueIdentifier()); read("AS"); Column col = parseColumnForTable("VALUE", true, false); if (readIf(CHECK)) { Expression expr = readExpression(); col.addCheckConstraint(session, expr); } col.rename(null); command.setColumn(col); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); return command; } private CreateTrigger parseCreateTrigger(boolean force) { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); String triggerName = readIdentifierWithSchema(null); Schema schema = getSchema(); boolean insteadOf, isBefore; if (readIf("INSTEAD")) { read("OF"); isBefore = true; insteadOf = true; } else if (readIf("BEFORE")) { insteadOf = false; isBefore = true; } else { read("AFTER"); insteadOf = false; isBefore = false; } int typeMask = 0; boolean onRollback = false; do { if (readIf("INSERT")) { typeMask |= Trigger.INSERT; } else if (readIf("UPDATE")) { typeMask |= Trigger.UPDATE; } else if (readIf("DELETE")) { typeMask |= Trigger.DELETE; } else if (readIf(SELECT)) { typeMask |= Trigger.SELECT; } else if (readIf("ROLLBACK")) { onRollback = true; } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } } while (readIf(COMMA) || (database.getMode().getEnum() == ModeEnum.PostgreSQL && readIf("OR"))); read(ON); String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); checkSchema(schema); CreateTrigger command = new CreateTrigger(session, getSchema()); command.setForce(force); command.setTriggerName(triggerName); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); command.setInsteadOf(insteadOf); command.setBefore(isBefore); command.setOnRollback(onRollback); command.setTypeMask(typeMask); command.setTableName(tableName); if (readIf(FOR)) { read("EACH"); read(ROW); command.setRowBased(true); } else { command.setRowBased(false); } if (readIf("QUEUE")) { command.setQueueSize(readNonNegativeInt()); } command.setNoWait(readIf("NOWAIT")); if (readIf("AS")) { command.setTriggerSource(readString()); } else { read("CALL"); command.setTriggerClassName(readUniqueIdentifier()); } return command; } private CreateUser parseCreateUser() { CreateUser command = new CreateUser(session); command.setIfNotExists(readIfNotExists()); command.setUserName(readUniqueIdentifier()); command.setComment(readCommentIf()); if (readIf("PASSWORD")) { command.setPassword(readExpression()); } else if (readIf("SALT")) { command.setSalt(readExpression()); read("HASH"); command.setHash(readExpression()); } else if (readIf("IDENTIFIED")) { read("BY"); // uppercase if not quoted command.setPassword(ValueExpression.get(ValueString .get(readColumnIdentifier()))); } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } if (readIf("ADMIN")) { command.setAdmin(true); } return command; } private CreateFunctionAlias parseCreateFunctionAlias(boolean force) { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); String aliasName; if (currentTokenType != IDENTIFIER) { aliasName = currentToken; read(); schemaName = session.getCurrentSchemaName(); } else { aliasName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); } final boolean newAliasSameNameAsBuiltin = Function.getFunction(database, aliasName) != null; if (database.isAllowBuiltinAliasOverride() && newAliasSameNameAsBuiltin) { // fine } else if (isKeyword(aliasName) || newAliasSameNameAsBuiltin || getAggregateType(aliasName) != null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FUNCTION_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, aliasName); } CreateFunctionAlias command = new CreateFunctionAlias(session, getSchema()); command.setForce(force); command.setAliasName(aliasName); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); command.setDeterministic(readIf("DETERMINISTIC")); command.setBufferResultSetToLocalTemp(!readIf("NOBUFFER")); if (readIf("AS")) { command.setSource(readString()); } else { read(FOR); command.setJavaClassMethod(readUniqueIdentifier()); } return command; } private Prepared parseWith() { List<TableView> viewsCreated = new ArrayList<>(); try { return parseWith1(viewsCreated); } catch (Throwable t) { CommandContainer.clearCTE(session, viewsCreated); throw t; } } private Prepared parseWith1(List<TableView> viewsCreated) { readIf("RECURSIVE"); // This WITH statement is not a temporary view - it is part of a persistent view // as in CREATE VIEW abc AS WITH my_cte - this auto detects that condition. final boolean isTemporary = !session.isParsingCreateView(); do { viewsCreated.add(parseSingleCommonTableExpression(isTemporary)); } while (readIf(COMMA)); Prepared p; // Reverse the order of constructed CTE views - as the destruction order // (since later created view may depend on previously created views - // we preserve that dependency order in the destruction sequence ) // used in setCteCleanups. Collections.reverse(viewsCreated); int parentheses = 0; while (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { parentheses++; } if (isToken(SELECT) || isToken(VALUES)) { p = parseWithQuery(); } else if (isToken(TABLE)) { int index = lastParseIndex; read(); if (!isToken(OPEN_PAREN)) { parseIndex = index; read(); p = parseWithQuery(); } else { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_1, WITH_STATEMENT_SUPPORTS_LIMITED_SUB_STATEMENTS); } } else if (readIf("INSERT")) { p = parseInsert(); p.setPrepareAlways(true); } else if (readIf("UPDATE")) { p = parseUpdate(); p.setPrepareAlways(true); } else if (readIf("MERGE")) { p = parseMerge(); p.setPrepareAlways(true); } else if (readIf("DELETE")) { p = parseDelete(); p.setPrepareAlways(true); } else if (readIf("CREATE")) { if (!isToken(TABLE)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_1, WITH_STATEMENT_SUPPORTS_LIMITED_SUB_STATEMENTS); } p = parseCreate(); p.setPrepareAlways(true); } else { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_1, WITH_STATEMENT_SUPPORTS_LIMITED_SUB_STATEMENTS); } for (; parentheses > 0; parentheses--) { read(CLOSE_PAREN); } // Clean up temporary views starting with last to first (in case of // dependencies) - but only if they are not persistent. if (isTemporary) { p.setCteCleanups(viewsCreated); } return p; } private Prepared parseWithQuery() { Query query = parseSelectUnion(); query.setPrepareAlways(true); query.setNeverLazy(true); return query; } private TableView parseSingleCommonTableExpression(boolean isTemporary) { String cteViewName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Schema schema = getSchema(); ArrayList<Column> columns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); String[] cols = null; // column names are now optional - they can be inferred from the named // query, if not supplied by user if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { cols = parseColumnList(); for (String c : cols) { // we don't really know the type of the column, so STRING will // have to do, UNKNOWN does not work here columns.add(new Column(c, Value.STRING)); } } Table oldViewFound; if (!isTemporary) { oldViewFound = getSchema().findTableOrView(session, cteViewName); } else { oldViewFound = session.findLocalTempTable(cteViewName); } // this persistent check conflicts with check 10 lines down if (oldViewFound != null) { if (!(oldViewFound instanceof TableView)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.TABLE_OR_VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, cteViewName); } TableView tv = (TableView) oldViewFound; if (!tv.isTableExpression()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.TABLE_OR_VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, cteViewName); } if (!isTemporary) { oldViewFound.lock(session, true, true); database.removeSchemaObject(session, oldViewFound); } else { session.removeLocalTempTable(oldViewFound); } } /* * This table is created as a workaround because recursive table * expressions need to reference something that look like themselves to * work (its removed after creation in this method). Only create table * data and table if we don't have a working CTE already. */ Table recursiveTable = TableView.createShadowTableForRecursiveTableExpression( isTemporary, session, cteViewName, schema, columns, database); List<Column> columnTemplateList; String[] querySQLOutput = {null}; try { read("AS"); read(OPEN_PAREN); Query withQuery = parseSelect(); if (!isTemporary) { withQuery.session = session; } read(CLOSE_PAREN); columnTemplateList = TableView.createQueryColumnTemplateList(cols, withQuery, querySQLOutput); } finally { TableView.destroyShadowTableForRecursiveExpression(isTemporary, session, recursiveTable); } return createCTEView(cteViewName, querySQLOutput[0], columnTemplateList, true/* allowRecursiveQueryDetection */, true/* add to session */, isTemporary); } private TableView createCTEView(String cteViewName, String querySQL, List<Column> columnTemplateList, boolean allowRecursiveQueryDetection, boolean addViewToSession, boolean isTemporary) { Database db = session.getDatabase(); Schema schema = getSchemaWithDefault(); int id = db.allocateObjectId(); Column[] columnTemplateArray = columnTemplateList.toArray(new Column[0]); // No easy way to determine if this is a recursive query up front, so we just compile // it twice - once without the flag set, and if we didn't see a recursive term, // then we just compile it again. TableView view; synchronized (session) { view = new TableView(schema, id, cteViewName, querySQL, parameters, columnTemplateArray, session, allowRecursiveQueryDetection, false /* literalsChecked */, true /* isTableExpression */, isTemporary); if (!view.isRecursiveQueryDetected() && allowRecursiveQueryDetection) { if (!isTemporary) { db.addSchemaObject(session, view); view.lock(session, true, true); db.removeSchemaObject(session, view); } else { session.removeLocalTempTable(view); } view = new TableView(schema, id, cteViewName, querySQL, parameters, columnTemplateArray, session, false/* assume recursive */, false /* literalsChecked */, true /* isTableExpression */, isTemporary); } // both removeSchemaObject and removeLocalTempTable hold meta locks db.unlockMeta(session); } view.setTableExpression(true); view.setTemporary(isTemporary); view.setHidden(true); view.setOnCommitDrop(false); if (addViewToSession) { if (!isTemporary) { db.addSchemaObject(session, view); view.unlock(session); db.unlockMeta(session); } else { session.addLocalTempTable(view); } } return view; } private CreateView parseCreateView(boolean force, boolean orReplace) { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); boolean isTableExpression = readIf("TABLE_EXPRESSION"); String viewName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); CreateView command = new CreateView(session, getSchema()); this.createView = command; command.setViewName(viewName); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); command.setComment(readCommentIf()); command.setOrReplace(orReplace); command.setForce(force); command.setTableExpression(isTableExpression); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { String[] cols = parseColumnList(); command.setColumnNames(cols); } String select = StringUtils.cache(sqlCommand .substring(parseIndex)); read("AS"); try { Query query; session.setParsingCreateView(true, viewName); try { query = parseSelect(); query.prepare(); } finally { session.setParsingCreateView(false, viewName); } command.setSelect(query); } catch (DbException e) { if (force) { command.setSelectSQL(select); while (currentTokenType != END) { read(); } } else { throw e; } } return command; } private TransactionCommand parseCheckpoint() { TransactionCommand command; if (readIf("SYNC")) { command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.CHECKPOINT_SYNC); } else { command = new TransactionCommand(session, CommandInterface.CHECKPOINT); } return command; } private Prepared parseAlter() { if (readIf(TABLE)) { return parseAlterTable(); } else if (readIf("USER")) { return parseAlterUser(); } else if (readIf("INDEX")) { return parseAlterIndex(); } else if (readIf("SCHEMA")) { return parseAlterSchema(); } else if (readIf("SEQUENCE")) { return parseAlterSequence(); } else if (readIf("VIEW")) { return parseAlterView(); } throw getSyntaxError(); } private void checkSchema(Schema old) { if (old != null && getSchema() != old) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_NAME_MUST_MATCH); } } private AlterIndexRename parseAlterIndex() { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Schema old = getSchema(); AlterIndexRename command = new AlterIndexRename(session); command.setOldSchema(old); command.setOldName(indexName); command.setIfExists(ifExists); read("RENAME"); read("TO"); String newName = readIdentifierWithSchema(old.getName()); checkSchema(old); command.setNewName(newName); return command; } private DefineCommand parseAlterView() { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String viewName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Schema schema = getSchema(); Table tableView = schema.findTableOrView(session, viewName); if (!(tableView instanceof TableView) && !ifExists) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.VIEW_NOT_FOUND_1, viewName); } if (readIf("RENAME")) { read("TO"); String newName = readIdentifierWithSchema(schema.getName()); checkSchema(schema); AlterTableRename command = new AlterTableRename(session, getSchema()); command.setOldTableName(viewName); command.setNewTableName(newName); command.setIfTableExists(ifExists); return command; } else { read("RECOMPILE"); TableView view = (TableView) tableView; AlterView command = new AlterView(session); command.setIfExists(ifExists); command.setView(view); return command; } } private Prepared parseAlterSchema() { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String schemaName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Schema old = getSchema(); read("RENAME"); read("TO"); String newName = readIdentifierWithSchema(old.getName()); Schema schema = findSchema(schemaName); if (schema == null) { if (ifExists) { return new NoOperation(session); } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND_1, schemaName); } AlterSchemaRename command = new AlterSchemaRename(session); command.setOldSchema(schema); checkSchema(old); command.setNewName(newName); return command; } private AlterSequence parseAlterSequence() { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String sequenceName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); AlterSequence command = new AlterSequence(session, getSchema()); command.setSequenceName(sequenceName); command.setIfExists(ifExists); SequenceOptions options = new SequenceOptions(); parseSequenceOptions(options, null, false); command.setOptions(options); return command; } private void parseSequenceOptions(SequenceOptions options, CreateSequence command, boolean forCreate) { for (;;) { if (readIf(forCreate ? "START" : "RESTART")) { readIf(WITH); options.setStartValue(readExpression()); } else if (readIf("INCREMENT")) { readIf("BY"); options.setIncrement(readExpression()); } else if (readIf("MINVALUE")) { options.setMinValue(readExpression()); } else if (readIf("NOMINVALUE")) { options.setMinValue(ValueExpression.getNull()); } else if (readIf("MAXVALUE")) { options.setMaxValue(readExpression()); } else if (readIf("NOMAXVALUE")) { options.setMaxValue(ValueExpression.getNull()); } else if (readIf("CYCLE")) { options.setCycle(true); } else if (readIf("NOCYCLE")) { options.setCycle(false); } else if (readIf("NO")) { if (readIf("MINVALUE")) { options.setMinValue(ValueExpression.getNull()); } else if (readIf("MAXVALUE")) { options.setMaxValue(ValueExpression.getNull()); } else if (readIf("CYCLE")) { options.setCycle(false); } else if (readIf("CACHE")) { options.setCacheSize(ValueExpression.get(ValueLong.get(1))); } else { break; } } else if (readIf("CACHE")) { options.setCacheSize(readExpression()); } else if (readIf("NOCACHE")) { options.setCacheSize(ValueExpression.get(ValueLong.get(1))); } else if (command != null) { if (readIf("BELONGS_TO_TABLE")) { command.setBelongsToTable(true); } else if (readIf(ORDER)) { // Oracle compatibility } else { break; } } else { break; } } } private AlterUser parseAlterUser() { String userName = readUniqueIdentifier(); if (readIf("SET")) { AlterUser command = new AlterUser(session); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_USER_SET_PASSWORD); command.setUser(database.getUser(userName)); if (readIf("PASSWORD")) { command.setPassword(readExpression()); } else if (readIf("SALT")) { command.setSalt(readExpression()); read("HASH"); command.setHash(readExpression()); } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } return command; } else if (readIf("RENAME")) { read("TO"); AlterUser command = new AlterUser(session); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_USER_RENAME); command.setUser(database.getUser(userName)); String newName = readUniqueIdentifier(); command.setNewName(newName); return command; } else if (readIf("ADMIN")) { AlterUser command = new AlterUser(session); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_USER_ADMIN); User user = database.getUser(userName); command.setUser(user); if (readIf(TRUE)) { command.setAdmin(true); } else if (readIf(FALSE)) { command.setAdmin(false); } else { throw getSyntaxError(); } return command; } throw getSyntaxError(); } private void readIfEqualOrTo() { if (!readIf(EQUAL)) { readIf("TO"); } } private Prepared parseSet() { if (readIf(AT)) { Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.VARIABLE); command.setString(readAliasIdentifier()); readIfEqualOrTo(); command.setExpression(readExpression()); return command; } else if (readIf("AUTOCOMMIT")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); boolean value = readBooleanSetting(); int setting = value ? CommandInterface.SET_AUTOCOMMIT_TRUE : CommandInterface.SET_AUTOCOMMIT_FALSE; return new TransactionCommand(session, setting); } else if (readIf("MVCC")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); readBooleanSetting(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("EXCLUSIVE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.EXCLUSIVE); command.setExpression(readExpression()); return command; } else if (readIf("IGNORECASE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); boolean value = readBooleanSetting(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.IGNORECASE); command.setInt(value ? 1 : 0); return command; } else if (readIf("PASSWORD")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); AlterUser command = new AlterUser(session); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_USER_SET_PASSWORD); command.setUser(session.getUser()); command.setPassword(readExpression()); return command; } else if (readIf("SALT")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); AlterUser command = new AlterUser(session); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_USER_SET_PASSWORD); command.setUser(session.getUser()); command.setSalt(readExpression()); read("HASH"); command.setHash(readExpression()); return command; } else if (readIf("MODE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.MODE); command.setString(readAliasIdentifier()); return command; } else if (readIf("COMPRESS_LOB")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.COMPRESS_LOB); if (currentTokenType == VALUE) { command.setString(readString()); } else { command.setString(readUniqueIdentifier()); } return command; } else if (readIf("DATABASE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read("COLLATION"); return parseSetCollation(); } else if (readIf("COLLATION")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); return parseSetCollation(); } else if (readIf("BINARY_COLLATION")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); return parseSetBinaryCollation(SetTypes.BINARY_COLLATION); } else if (readIf("UUID_COLLATION")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); return parseSetBinaryCollation(SetTypes.UUID_COLLATION); } else if (readIf("CLUSTER")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.CLUSTER); command.setString(readString()); return command; } else if (readIf("DATABASE_EVENT_LISTENER")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.DATABASE_EVENT_LISTENER); command.setString(readString()); return command; } else if (readIf("ALLOW_LITERALS")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.ALLOW_LITERALS); if (readIf("NONE")) { command.setInt(Constants.ALLOW_LITERALS_NONE); } else if (readIf(ALL)) { command.setInt(Constants.ALLOW_LITERALS_ALL); } else if (readIf("NUMBERS")) { command.setInt(Constants.ALLOW_LITERALS_NUMBERS); } else { command.setInt(readNonNegativeInt()); } return command; } else if (readIf("DEFAULT_TABLE_TYPE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.DEFAULT_TABLE_TYPE); if (readIf("MEMORY")) { command.setInt(Table.TYPE_MEMORY); } else if (readIf("CACHED")) { command.setInt(Table.TYPE_CACHED); } else { command.setInt(readNonNegativeInt()); } return command; } else if (readIf("CREATE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); // Derby compatibility (CREATE=TRUE in the database URL) read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("HSQLDB.DEFAULT_TABLE_TYPE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("PAGE_STORE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("CACHE_TYPE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("FILE_LOCK")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("AUTO_SERVER")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("AUTO_SERVER_PORT")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("AUTO_RECONNECT")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("ASSERT")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("ACCESS_MODE_DATA")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("OPEN_NEW")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("JMX")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("PAGE_SIZE")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("RECOVER")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("NAMES")) { // Quercus PHP MySQL driver compatibility readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("SCOPE_GENERATED_KEYS")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); read(); return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("SCHEMA")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.SCHEMA); command.setString(readAliasIdentifier()); return command; } else if (readIf("DATESTYLE")) { // PostgreSQL compatibility readIfEqualOrTo(); if (!readIf("ISO")) { String s = readString(); if (!equalsToken(s, "ISO")) { throw getSyntaxError(); } } return new NoOperation(session); } else if (readIf("SEARCH_PATH") || readIf(SetTypes.getTypeName(SetTypes.SCHEMA_SEARCH_PATH))) { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.SCHEMA_SEARCH_PATH); ArrayList<String> list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { list.add(readAliasIdentifier()); } while (readIf(COMMA)); command.setStringArray(list.toArray(new String[0])); return command; } else if (readIf("JAVA_OBJECT_SERIALIZER")) { readIfEqualOrTo(); return parseSetJavaObjectSerializer(); } else { if (isToken("LOGSIZE")) { // HSQLDB compatibility currentToken = SetTypes.getTypeName(SetTypes.MAX_LOG_SIZE); } if (isToken("FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS")) { // MySQL compatibility currentToken = SetTypes .getTypeName(SetTypes.REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY); } String typeName = currentToken; if (!identifiersToUpper) { typeName = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(typeName); } int type = SetTypes.getType(typeName); if (type < 0) { throw getSyntaxError(); } read(); readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, type); command.setExpression(readExpression()); return command; } } private Prepared parseUse() { readIfEqualOrTo(); Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.SCHEMA); command.setString(readAliasIdentifier()); return command; } private Set parseSetCollation() { Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.COLLATION); String name = readAliasIdentifier(); command.setString(name); if (equalsToken(name, CompareMode.OFF)) { return command; } Collator coll = CompareMode.getCollator(name); if (coll == null) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("collation", name); } if (readIf("STRENGTH")) { if (readIf(PRIMARY)) { command.setInt(Collator.PRIMARY); } else if (readIf("SECONDARY")) { command.setInt(Collator.SECONDARY); } else if (readIf("TERTIARY")) { command.setInt(Collator.TERTIARY); } else if (readIf("IDENTICAL")) { command.setInt(Collator.IDENTICAL); } } else { command.setInt(coll.getStrength()); } return command; } private Set parseSetBinaryCollation(int type) { String name = readAliasIdentifier(); if (equalsToken(name, CompareMode.UNSIGNED) || equalsToken(name, CompareMode.SIGNED)) { Set command = new Set(session, type); command.setString(name); return command; } throw DbException.getInvalidValueException(SetTypes.getTypeName(type), name); } private Set parseSetJavaObjectSerializer() { Set command = new Set(session, SetTypes.JAVA_OBJECT_SERIALIZER); String name = readString(); command.setString(name); return command; } private RunScriptCommand parseRunScript() { RunScriptCommand command = new RunScriptCommand(session); read(FROM); command.setFileNameExpr(readExpression()); if (readIf("COMPRESSION")) { command.setCompressionAlgorithm(readUniqueIdentifier()); } if (readIf("CIPHER")) { command.setCipher(readUniqueIdentifier()); if (readIf("PASSWORD")) { command.setPassword(readExpression()); } } if (readIf("CHARSET")) { command.setCharset(Charset.forName(readString())); } return command; } private ScriptCommand parseScript() { ScriptCommand command = new ScriptCommand(session); boolean data = true, passwords = true, settings = true; boolean dropTables = false, simple = false, withColumns = false; if (readIf("NODATA")) { data = false; } else { if (readIf("SIMPLE")) { simple = true; } if (readIf("COLUMNS")) { withColumns = true; } } if (readIf("NOPASSWORDS")) { passwords = false; } if (readIf("NOSETTINGS")) { settings = false; } if (readIf("DROP")) { dropTables = true; } if (readIf("BLOCKSIZE")) { long blockSize = readLong(); command.setLobBlockSize(blockSize); } command.setData(data); command.setPasswords(passwords); command.setSettings(settings); command.setDrop(dropTables); command.setSimple(simple); command.setWithColumns(withColumns); if (readIf("TO")) { command.setFileNameExpr(readExpression()); if (readIf("COMPRESSION")) { command.setCompressionAlgorithm(readUniqueIdentifier()); } if (readIf("CIPHER")) { command.setCipher(readUniqueIdentifier()); if (readIf("PASSWORD")) { command.setPassword(readExpression()); } } if (readIf("CHARSET")) { command.setCharset(Charset.forName(readString())); } } if (readIf("SCHEMA")) { HashSet<String> schemaNames = new HashSet<>(); do { schemaNames.add(readUniqueIdentifier()); } while (readIf(COMMA)); command.setSchemaNames(schemaNames); } else if (readIf(TABLE)) { ArrayList<Table> tables = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); do { tables.add(readTableOrView()); } while (readIf(COMMA)); command.setTables(tables); } return command; }
Is this the Oracle DUAL table or the IBM/DB2 SYSIBM table?
  • tableName – table name.
See Also:
Returns:true if the table is DUAL special table. Otherwise returns false.
/** * Is this the Oracle DUAL table or the IBM/DB2 SYSIBM table? * * @param tableName table name. * @return {@code true} if the table is DUAL special table. Otherwise returns {@code false}. * @see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DUAL_table">Wikipedia: DUAL table</a> */
boolean isDualTable(String tableName) { return ((schemaName == null || equalsToken(schemaName, "SYS")) && equalsToken("DUAL", tableName)) || (database.getMode().sysDummy1 && (schemaName == null || equalsToken(schemaName, "SYSIBM")) && equalsToken("SYSDUMMY1", tableName)); } private Table readTableOrView() { return readTableOrView(readIdentifierWithSchema(null)); } private Table readTableOrView(String tableName) { if (schemaName != null) { Table table = getSchema().resolveTableOrView(session, tableName); if (table != null) { return table; } } else { Table table = database.getSchema(session.getCurrentSchemaName()) .resolveTableOrView(session, tableName); if (table != null) { return table; } String[] schemaNames = session.getSchemaSearchPath(); if (schemaNames != null) { for (String name : schemaNames) { Schema s = database.getSchema(name); table = s.resolveTableOrView(session, tableName); if (table != null) { return table; } } } } if (isDualTable(tableName)) { return getDualTable(false); } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND_1, tableName); } private FunctionAlias findFunctionAlias(String schema, String aliasName) { FunctionAlias functionAlias = database.getSchema(schema).findFunction( aliasName); if (functionAlias != null) { return functionAlias; } String[] schemaNames = session.getSchemaSearchPath(); if (schemaNames != null) { for (String n : schemaNames) { functionAlias = database.getSchema(n).findFunction(aliasName); if (functionAlias != null) { return functionAlias; } } } return null; } private Sequence findSequence(String schema, String sequenceName) { Sequence sequence = database.getSchema(schema).findSequence( sequenceName); if (sequence != null) { return sequence; } String[] schemaNames = session.getSchemaSearchPath(); if (schemaNames != null) { for (String n : schemaNames) { sequence = database.getSchema(n).findSequence(sequenceName); if (sequence != null) { return sequence; } } } return null; } private Sequence readSequence() { // same algorithm as readTableOrView String sequenceName = readIdentifierWithSchema(null); if (schemaName != null) { return getSchema().getSequence(sequenceName); } Sequence sequence = findSequence(session.getCurrentSchemaName(), sequenceName); if (sequence != null) { return sequence; } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND_1, sequenceName); } private Prepared parseAlterTable() { boolean ifTableExists = readIfExists(false); String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Schema schema = getSchema(); if (readIf("ADD")) { Prepared command = parseAlterTableAddConstraintIf(tableName, schema, ifTableExists); if (command != null) { return command; } return parseAlterTableAddColumn(tableName, schema, ifTableExists); } else if (readIf("SET")) { read("REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY"); int type = CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_SET_REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY; boolean value = readBooleanSetting(); AlterTableSet command = new AlterTableSet(session, schema, type, value); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); if (readIf(CHECK)) { command.setCheckExisting(true); } else if (readIf("NOCHECK")) { command.setCheckExisting(false); } return command; } else if (readIf("RENAME")) { if (readIf("COLUMN")) { // PostgreSQL syntax String columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); read("TO"); AlterTableRenameColumn command = new AlterTableRenameColumn( session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setOldColumnName(columnName); String newName = readColumnIdentifier(); command.setNewColumnName(newName); return command; } else if (readIf(CONSTRAINT)) { String constraintName = readIdentifierWithSchema(schema.getName()); checkSchema(schema); read("TO"); AlterTableRenameConstraint command = new AlterTableRenameConstraint( session, schema); command.setConstraintName(constraintName); String newName = readColumnIdentifier(); command.setNewConstraintName(newName); return commandIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists, command); } else { read("TO"); String newName = readIdentifierWithSchema(schema.getName()); checkSchema(schema); AlterTableRename command = new AlterTableRename(session, getSchema()); command.setOldTableName(tableName); command.setNewTableName(newName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setHidden(readIf("HIDDEN")); return command; } } else if (readIf("DROP")) { if (readIf(CONSTRAINT)) { boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); String constraintName = readIdentifierWithSchema(schema.getName()); ifExists = readIfExists(ifExists); checkSchema(schema); AlterTableDropConstraint command = new AlterTableDropConstraint( session, getSchema(), ifExists); command.setConstraintName(constraintName); return commandIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists, command); } else if (readIf(FOREIGN)) { // MySQL compatibility read("KEY"); String constraintName = readIdentifierWithSchema(schema.getName()); checkSchema(schema); AlterTableDropConstraint command = new AlterTableDropConstraint( session, getSchema(), false); command.setConstraintName(constraintName); return commandIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists, command); } else if (readIf("INDEX")) { // MySQL compatibility String indexOrConstraintName = readIdentifierWithSchema(schema.getName()); final SchemaCommand command; if (schema.findIndex(session, indexOrConstraintName) != null) { DropIndex dropIndexCommand = new DropIndex(session, getSchema()); dropIndexCommand.setIndexName(indexOrConstraintName); command = dropIndexCommand; } else { AlterTableDropConstraint dropCommand = new AlterTableDropConstraint( session, getSchema(), false/*ifExists*/); dropCommand.setConstraintName(indexOrConstraintName); command = dropCommand; } return commandIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists, command); } else if (readIf(PRIMARY)) { read("KEY"); Table table = tableIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists); if (table == null) { return new NoOperation(session); } Index idx = table.getPrimaryKey(); DropIndex command = new DropIndex(session, schema); command.setIndexName(idx.getName()); return command; } else { readIf("COLUMN"); boolean ifExists = readIfExists(false); ArrayList<Column> columnsToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); Table table = tableIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists); // For Oracle compatibility - open bracket required boolean openingBracketDetected = readIf(OPEN_PAREN); do { String columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); if (table != null) { if (!ifExists || table.doesColumnExist(columnName)) { Column column = table.getColumn(columnName); columnsToRemove.add(column); } } } while (readIf(COMMA)); if (openingBracketDetected) { // For Oracle compatibility - close bracket read(CLOSE_PAREN); } if (table == null || columnsToRemove.isEmpty()) { return new NoOperation(session); } AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn(session, schema); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_DROP_COLUMN); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setColumnsToRemove(columnsToRemove); return command; } } else if (readIf("CHANGE")) { // MySQL compatibility readIf("COLUMN"); String columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); String newColumnName = readColumnIdentifier(); Column column = columnIfTableExists(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); boolean nullable = column == null ? true : column.isNullable(); // new column type ignored. RENAME and MODIFY are // a single command in MySQL but two different commands in H2. parseColumnForTable(newColumnName, nullable, true); AlterTableRenameColumn command = new AlterTableRenameColumn(session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setOldColumnName(columnName); command.setNewColumnName(newColumnName); return command; } else if (readIf("MODIFY")) { // MySQL compatibility (optional) readIf("COLUMN"); // Oracle specifies (but will not require) an opening parenthesis boolean hasOpeningBracket = readIf(OPEN_PAREN); String columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); AlterTableAlterColumn command; NullConstraintType nullConstraint = parseNotNullConstraint(); switch (nullConstraint) { case NULL_IS_ALLOWED: case NULL_IS_NOT_ALLOWED: command = new AlterTableAlterColumn(session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); Column column = columnIfTableExists(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); command.setOldColumn(column); if (nullConstraint == NullConstraintType.NULL_IS_ALLOWED) { command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_DROP_NOT_NULL); } else { command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_NOT_NULL); } break; case NO_NULL_CONSTRAINT_FOUND: command = parseAlterTableAlterColumnType(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); break; default: throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_MODE_1, "Internal Error - unhandled case: " + nullConstraint.name()); } if(hasOpeningBracket) { read(CLOSE_PAREN); } return command; } else if (readIf("ALTER")) { readIf("COLUMN"); String columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); Column column = columnIfTableExists(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); if (readIf("RENAME")) { read("TO"); AlterTableRenameColumn command = new AlterTableRenameColumn( session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setOldColumnName(columnName); String newName = readColumnIdentifier(); command.setNewColumnName(newName); return command; } else if (readIf("DROP")) { if (readIf("DEFAULT")) { AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn(session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setOldColumn(column); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_DEFAULT); command.setDefaultExpression(null); return command; } if (readIf(ON)) { read("UPDATE"); AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn(session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setOldColumn(column); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_ON_UPDATE); command.setDefaultExpression(null); return command; } read(NOT); read(NULL); AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn( session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setOldColumn(column); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_DROP_NOT_NULL); return command; } else if (readIf("TYPE")) { // PostgreSQL compatibility return parseAlterTableAlterColumnDataType(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); } else if (readIf("SET")) { if (readIf("DATA")) { read("TYPE"); return parseAlterTableAlterColumnDataType(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); } AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn( session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setOldColumn(column); NullConstraintType nullConstraint = parseNotNullConstraint(); switch (nullConstraint) { case NULL_IS_ALLOWED: command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_DROP_NOT_NULL); break; case NULL_IS_NOT_ALLOWED: command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_NOT_NULL); break; case NO_NULL_CONSTRAINT_FOUND: if (readIf("DEFAULT")) { Expression defaultExpression = readExpression(); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_DEFAULT); command.setDefaultExpression(defaultExpression); } else if (readIf(ON)) { read("UPDATE"); Expression onUpdateExpression = readExpression(); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_ON_UPDATE); command.setDefaultExpression(onUpdateExpression); } else if (readIf("INVISIBLE")) { command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_VISIBILITY); command.setVisible(false); } else if (readIf("VISIBLE")) { command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_VISIBILITY); command.setVisible(true); } break; default: throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_MODE_1, "Internal Error - unhandled case: " + nullConstraint.name()); } return command; } else if (readIf("RESTART")) { readIf(WITH); Expression start = readExpression(); AlterSequence command = new AlterSequence(session, schema); command.setColumn(column); SequenceOptions options = new SequenceOptions(); options.setStartValue(start); command.setOptions(options); return commandIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists, command); } else if (readIf("SELECTIVITY")) { AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn( session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_SELECTIVITY); command.setOldColumn(column); command.setSelectivity(readExpression()); return command; } else { return parseAlterTableAlterColumnType(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); } } throw getSyntaxError(); } private Table tableIfTableExists(Schema schema, String tableName, boolean ifTableExists) { Table table = schema.resolveTableOrView(session, tableName); if (table == null && !ifTableExists) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND_1, tableName); } return table; } private Column columnIfTableExists(Schema schema, String tableName, String columnName, boolean ifTableExists) { Table table = tableIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists); return table == null ? null : table.getColumn(columnName); } private Prepared commandIfTableExists(Schema schema, String tableName, boolean ifTableExists, Prepared commandIfTableExists) { return tableIfTableExists(schema, tableName, ifTableExists) == null ? new NoOperation(session) : commandIfTableExists; } private AlterTableAlterColumn parseAlterTableAlterColumnType(Schema schema, String tableName, String columnName, boolean ifTableExists) { Column oldColumn = columnIfTableExists(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); Column newColumn = parseColumnForTable(columnName, oldColumn == null ? true : oldColumn.isNullable(), true); if (readIf(CHECK)) { Expression expr = readExpression(); newColumn.addCheckConstraint(session, expr); } AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn(session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_CHANGE_TYPE); command.setOldColumn(oldColumn); command.setNewColumn(newColumn); return command; } private AlterTableAlterColumn parseAlterTableAlterColumnDataType(Schema schema, String tableName, String columnName, boolean ifTableExists) { Column oldColumn = columnIfTableExists(schema, tableName, columnName, ifTableExists); Column newColumn = parseColumnWithType(columnName, true); if (oldColumn != null) { if (!oldColumn.isNullable()) { newColumn.setNullable(false); } if (!oldColumn.getVisible()) { newColumn.setVisible(false); } Expression e = oldColumn.getDefaultExpression(); if (e != null) { newColumn.setDefaultExpression(session, e); } e = oldColumn.getOnUpdateExpression(); if (e != null) { newColumn.setOnUpdateExpression(session, e); } e = oldColumn.getCheckConstraint(session, columnName); if (e != null) { newColumn.addCheckConstraint(session, e); } String c = oldColumn.getComment(); if (c != null) { newColumn.setComment(c); } } AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn(session, schema); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_COLUMN_CHANGE_TYPE); command.setOldColumn(oldColumn); command.setNewColumn(newColumn); return command; } private AlterTableAlterColumn parseAlterTableAddColumn(String tableName, Schema schema, boolean ifTableExists) { readIf("COLUMN"); AlterTableAlterColumn command = new AlterTableAlterColumn(session, schema); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { command.setIfNotExists(false); do { parseTableColumnDefinition(command, schema, tableName, false); } while (readIfMore(true)); } else { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); parseTableColumnDefinition(command, schema, tableName, false); } if (readIf("BEFORE")) { command.setAddBefore(readColumnIdentifier()); } else if (readIf("AFTER")) { command.setAddAfter(readColumnIdentifier()); } else if (readIf("FIRST")) { command.setAddFirst(); } return command; } private ConstraintActionType parseAction() { ConstraintActionType result = parseCascadeOrRestrict(); if (result != null) { return result; } if (readIf("NO")) { read("ACTION"); return ConstraintActionType.RESTRICT; } read("SET"); if (readIf(NULL)) { return ConstraintActionType.SET_NULL; } read("DEFAULT"); return ConstraintActionType.SET_DEFAULT; } private ConstraintActionType parseCascadeOrRestrict() { if (readIf("CASCADE")) { return ConstraintActionType.CASCADE; } else if (readIf("RESTRICT")) { return ConstraintActionType.RESTRICT; } else { return null; } } private DefineCommand parseAlterTableAddConstraintIf(String tableName, Schema schema, boolean ifTableExists) { String constraintName = null, comment = null; boolean ifNotExists = false; boolean allowIndexDefinition = database.getMode().indexDefinitionInCreateTable; boolean allowAffinityKey = database.getMode().allowAffinityKey; if (readIf(CONSTRAINT)) { ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); constraintName = readIdentifierWithSchema(schema.getName()); checkSchema(schema); comment = readCommentIf(); allowIndexDefinition = true; } if (readIf(PRIMARY)) { read("KEY"); AlterTableAddConstraint command = new AlterTableAddConstraint( session, schema, ifNotExists); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY_KEY); command.setComment(comment); command.setConstraintName(constraintName); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); if (readIf("HASH")) { command.setPrimaryKeyHash(true); } read(OPEN_PAREN); command.setIndexColumns(parseIndexColumnList()); if (readIf("INDEX")) { String indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); command.setIndex(getSchema().findIndex(session, indexName)); } return command; } else if (allowIndexDefinition && (isToken("INDEX") || isToken("KEY"))) { // MySQL // need to read ahead, as it could be a column name int start = lastParseIndex; read(); if (DataType.getTypeByName(currentToken, database.getMode()) != null) { // known data type parseIndex = start; read(); return null; } CreateIndex command = new CreateIndex(session, schema); command.setComment(comment); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); if (!readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { command.setIndexName(readUniqueIdentifier()); read(OPEN_PAREN); } command.setIndexColumns(parseIndexColumnList()); // MySQL compatibility if (readIf("USING")) { read("BTREE"); } return command; } else if (allowAffinityKey && readIfAffinity()) { read("KEY"); read(OPEN_PAREN); CreateIndex command = createAffinityIndex(schema, tableName, parseIndexColumnList()); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); return command; } AlterTableAddConstraint command; if (readIf(CHECK)) { command = new AlterTableAddConstraint(session, schema, ifNotExists); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_CHECK); command.setCheckExpression(readExpression()); } else if (readIf(UNIQUE)) { readIf("KEY"); readIf("INDEX"); command = new AlterTableAddConstraint(session, schema, ifNotExists); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE); if (!readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { constraintName = readUniqueIdentifier(); read(OPEN_PAREN); } command.setIndexColumns(parseIndexColumnList()); if (readIf("INDEX")) { String indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); command.setIndex(getSchema().findIndex(session, indexName)); } // MySQL compatibility if (readIf("USING")) { read("BTREE"); } } else if (readIf(FOREIGN)) { command = new AlterTableAddConstraint(session, schema, ifNotExists); command.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_REFERENTIAL); read("KEY"); read(OPEN_PAREN); command.setIndexColumns(parseIndexColumnList()); if (readIf("INDEX")) { String indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); command.setIndex(schema.findIndex(session, indexName)); } read("REFERENCES"); parseReferences(command, schema, tableName); } else { if (constraintName != null) { throw getSyntaxError(); } return null; } if (readIf("NOCHECK")) { command.setCheckExisting(false); } else { readIf(CHECK); command.setCheckExisting(true); } command.setTableName(tableName); command.setIfTableExists(ifTableExists); command.setConstraintName(constraintName); command.setComment(comment); return command; } private void parseReferences(AlterTableAddConstraint command, Schema schema, String tableName) { if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { command.setRefTableName(schema, tableName); command.setRefIndexColumns(parseIndexColumnList()); } else { String refTableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(schema.getName()); command.setRefTableName(getSchema(), refTableName); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { command.setRefIndexColumns(parseIndexColumnList()); } } if (readIf("INDEX")) { String indexName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); command.setRefIndex(getSchema().findIndex(session, indexName)); } while (readIf(ON)) { if (readIf("DELETE")) { command.setDeleteAction(parseAction()); } else { read("UPDATE"); command.setUpdateAction(parseAction()); } } if (readIf(NOT)) { read("DEFERRABLE"); } else { readIf("DEFERRABLE"); } } private CreateLinkedTable parseCreateLinkedTable(boolean temp, boolean globalTemp, boolean force) { read(TABLE); boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); CreateLinkedTable command = new CreateLinkedTable(session, getSchema()); command.setTemporary(temp); command.setGlobalTemporary(globalTemp); command.setForce(force); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setComment(readCommentIf()); read(OPEN_PAREN); command.setDriver(readString()); read(COMMA); command.setUrl(readString()); read(COMMA); command.setUser(readString()); read(COMMA); command.setPassword(readString()); read(COMMA); String originalTable = readString(); if (readIf(COMMA)) { command.setOriginalSchema(originalTable); originalTable = readString(); } command.setOriginalTable(originalTable); read(CLOSE_PAREN); if (readIf("EMIT")) { read("UPDATES"); command.setEmitUpdates(true); } else if (readIf("READONLY")) { command.setReadOnly(true); } return command; } private CreateTable parseCreateTable(boolean temp, boolean globalTemp, boolean persistIndexes) { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); if (temp && globalTemp && equalsToken("SESSION", schemaName)) { // support weird syntax: declare global temporary table session.xy // (...) not logged schemaName = session.getCurrentSchemaName(); globalTemp = false; } Schema schema = getSchema(); CreateTable command = new CreateTable(session, schema); command.setPersistIndexes(persistIndexes); command.setTemporary(temp); command.setGlobalTemporary(globalTemp); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); command.setTableName(tableName); command.setComment(readCommentIf()); if (readIf(OPEN_PAREN)) { if (!readIf(CLOSE_PAREN)) { do { parseTableColumnDefinition(command, schema, tableName, true); } while (readIfMore(false)); } } // Allows "COMMENT='comment'" in DDL statements (MySQL syntax) if (readIf("COMMENT")) { if (readIf(EQUAL)) { // read the complete string comment, but nothing with it for now readString(); } } if (readIf("ENGINE")) { if (readIf(EQUAL)) { // map MySQL engine types onto H2 behavior String tableEngine = readUniqueIdentifier(); if ("InnoDb".equalsIgnoreCase(tableEngine)) { // ok } else if (!"MyISAM".equalsIgnoreCase(tableEngine)) { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException(tableEngine); } } else { command.setTableEngine(readUniqueIdentifier()); } } if (readIf(WITH)) { command.setTableEngineParams(readTableEngineParams()); } // MySQL compatibility if (readIf("AUTO_INCREMENT")) { read(EQUAL); if (currentTokenType != VALUE || currentValue.getValueType() != Value.INT) { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex, "integer"); } read(); } readIf("DEFAULT"); if (readIf("CHARSET")) { read(EQUAL); if (!readIf("UTF8")) { read("UTF8MB4"); } } if (temp) { if (readIf(ON)) { read("COMMIT"); if (readIf("DROP")) { command.setOnCommitDrop(); } else if (readIf("DELETE")) { read("ROWS"); command.setOnCommitTruncate(); } } else if (readIf(NOT)) { if (readIf("PERSISTENT")) { command.setPersistData(false); } else { read("LOGGED"); } } if (readIf("TRANSACTIONAL")) { command.setTransactional(true); } } else if (!persistIndexes && readIf(NOT)) { read("PERSISTENT"); command.setPersistData(false); } if (readIf("HIDDEN")) { command.setHidden(true); } if (readIf("AS")) { if (readIf("SORTED")) { command.setSortedInsertMode(true); } command.setQuery(parseSelect()); if (readIf(WITH)) { command.setWithNoData(readIf("NO")); read("DATA"); } } // for MySQL compatibility if (readIf("ROW_FORMAT")) { if (readIf(EQUAL)) { readColumnIdentifier(); } } return command; } private void parseTableColumnDefinition(CommandWithColumns command, Schema schema, String tableName, boolean forCreateTable) { DefineCommand c = parseAlterTableAddConstraintIf(tableName, schema, false); if (c != null) { command.addConstraintCommand(c); } else { String columnName = readColumnIdentifier(); if (forCreateTable && (currentTokenType == COMMA || currentTokenType == CLOSE_PAREN)) { command.addColumn(new Column(columnName, TypeInfo.TYPE_UNKNOWN)); return; } Column column = parseColumnForTable(columnName, true, true); if (column.isAutoIncrement() && column.isPrimaryKey()) { column.setPrimaryKey(false); IndexColumn[] cols = { new IndexColumn() }; cols[0].columnName = column.getName(); AlterTableAddConstraint pk = new AlterTableAddConstraint( session, schema, false); pk.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY_KEY); pk.setTableName(tableName); pk.setIndexColumns(cols); command.addConstraintCommand(pk); } command.addColumn(column); String constraintName = null; if (readIf(CONSTRAINT)) { constraintName = readColumnIdentifier(); } // For compatibility with Apache Ignite. boolean allowAffinityKey = database.getMode().allowAffinityKey; boolean affinity = allowAffinityKey && readIfAffinity(); if (readIf(PRIMARY)) { read("KEY"); boolean hash = readIf("HASH"); IndexColumn[] cols = { new IndexColumn() }; cols[0].columnName = column.getName(); AlterTableAddConstraint pk = new AlterTableAddConstraint( session, schema, false); pk.setConstraintName(constraintName); pk.setPrimaryKeyHash(hash); pk.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY_KEY); pk.setTableName(tableName); pk.setIndexColumns(cols); command.addConstraintCommand(pk); if (readIf("AUTO_INCREMENT")) { parseAutoIncrement(column); } if (database.getMode().useIdentityAsAutoIncrement) { if (readIf(NOT)) { read(NULL); column.setNullable(false); } if (readIf("IDENTITY")) { parseAutoIncrement(column); } } if (affinity) { CreateIndex idx = createAffinityIndex(schema, tableName, cols); command.addConstraintCommand(idx); } } else if (affinity) { read("KEY"); IndexColumn[] cols = { new IndexColumn() }; cols[0].columnName = column.getName(); CreateIndex idx = createAffinityIndex(schema, tableName, cols); command.addConstraintCommand(idx); } else if (readIf(UNIQUE)) { AlterTableAddConstraint unique = new AlterTableAddConstraint( session, schema, false); unique.setConstraintName(constraintName); unique.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE); IndexColumn[] cols = { new IndexColumn() }; cols[0].columnName = columnName; unique.setIndexColumns(cols); unique.setTableName(tableName); command.addConstraintCommand(unique); } if (NullConstraintType.NULL_IS_NOT_ALLOWED == parseNotNullConstraint()) { column.setNullable(false); } if (readIf(CHECK)) { Expression expr = readExpression(); column.addCheckConstraint(session, expr); } if (readIf("REFERENCES")) { AlterTableAddConstraint ref = new AlterTableAddConstraint( session, schema, false); ref.setConstraintName(constraintName); ref.setType(CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_REFERENTIAL); IndexColumn[] cols = { new IndexColumn() }; cols[0].columnName = columnName; ref.setIndexColumns(cols); ref.setTableName(tableName); parseReferences(ref, schema, tableName); command.addConstraintCommand(ref); } } }
Enumeration describing null constraints
/** * Enumeration describing null constraints */
private enum NullConstraintType { NULL_IS_ALLOWED, NULL_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, NO_NULL_CONSTRAINT_FOUND } private NullConstraintType parseNotNullConstraint() { NullConstraintType nullConstraint = NullConstraintType.NO_NULL_CONSTRAINT_FOUND; if (isToken(NOT) || isToken(NULL)) { if (readIf(NOT)) { read(NULL); nullConstraint = NullConstraintType.NULL_IS_NOT_ALLOWED; } else { read(NULL); nullConstraint = NullConstraintType.NULL_IS_ALLOWED; } if (database.getMode().getEnum() == ModeEnum.Oracle) { if (readIf("ENABLE")) { // Leave constraint 'as is' readIf("VALIDATE"); // Turn off constraint, allow NULLs if (readIf("NOVALIDATE")) { nullConstraint = NullConstraintType.NULL_IS_ALLOWED; } } // Turn off constraint, allow NULLs if (readIf("DISABLE")) { nullConstraint = NullConstraintType.NULL_IS_ALLOWED; // ignore validate readIf("VALIDATE"); // ignore novalidate readIf("NOVALIDATE"); } } } return nullConstraint; } private CreateSynonym parseCreateSynonym(boolean orReplace) { boolean ifNotExists = readIfNotExists(); String name = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Schema synonymSchema = getSchema(); read(FOR); String tableName = readIdentifierWithSchema(); Schema targetSchema = getSchema(); CreateSynonym command = new CreateSynonym(session, synonymSchema); command.setName(name); command.setSynonymFor(tableName); command.setSynonymForSchema(targetSchema); command.setComment(readCommentIf()); command.setIfNotExists(ifNotExists); command.setOrReplace(orReplace); return command; } private CreateIndex createAffinityIndex(Schema schema, String tableName, IndexColumn[] indexColumns) { CreateIndex idx = new CreateIndex(session, schema); idx.setTableName(tableName); idx.setIndexColumns(indexColumns); idx.setAffinity(true); return idx; } private static int getCompareType(int tokenType) { switch (tokenType) { case EQUAL: return Comparison.EQUAL; case BIGGER_EQUAL: return Comparison.BIGGER_EQUAL; case BIGGER: return Comparison.BIGGER; case SMALLER: return Comparison.SMALLER; case SMALLER_EQUAL: return Comparison.SMALLER_EQUAL; case NOT_EQUAL: return Comparison.NOT_EQUAL; case SPATIAL_INTERSECTS: return Comparison.SPATIAL_INTERSECTS; default: return -1; } }
Add double quotes around an identifier if required.
  • s – the identifier
  • alwaysQuote – quote all identifiers
Returns:the quoted identifier
/** * Add double quotes around an identifier if required. * * @param s the identifier * @param alwaysQuote quote all identifiers * @return the quoted identifier */
public static String quoteIdentifier(String s, boolean alwaysQuote) { if (s == null) { return "\"\""; } if (!alwaysQuote && ParserUtil.isSimpleIdentifier(s, false, false)) { return s; } return StringUtils.quoteIdentifier(s); }
Add double quotes around an identifier if required and appends it to the specified string builder.
  • builder – string builder to append to
  • s – the identifier
  • alwaysQuote – quote all identifiers
Returns:the specified builder
/** * Add double quotes around an identifier if required and appends it to the * specified string builder. * * @param builder string builder to append to * @param s the identifier * @param alwaysQuote quote all identifiers * @return the specified builder */
public static StringBuilder quoteIdentifier(StringBuilder builder, String s, boolean alwaysQuote) { if (s == null) { return builder.append("\"\""); } if (!alwaysQuote && ParserUtil.isSimpleIdentifier(s, false, false)) { return builder.append(s); } return StringUtils.quoteIdentifier(builder, s); } public void setLiteralsChecked(boolean literalsChecked) { this.literalsChecked = literalsChecked; } public void setRightsChecked(boolean rightsChecked) { this.rightsChecked = rightsChecked; } public void setSuppliedParameterList(ArrayList<Parameter> suppliedParameterList) { this.suppliedParameterList = suppliedParameterList; }
Parse a SQL code snippet that represents an expression.
  • sql – the code snippet
Returns:the expression object
/** * Parse a SQL code snippet that represents an expression. * * @param sql the code snippet * @return the expression object */
public Expression parseExpression(String sql) { parameters = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); initialize(sql); read(); return readExpression(); }
Parse a SQL code snippet that represents a table name.
  • sql – the code snippet
Returns:the table object
/** * Parse a SQL code snippet that represents a table name. * * @param sql the code snippet * @return the table object */
public Table parseTableName(String sql) { parameters = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); initialize(sql); read(); return readTableOrView(); } @Override public String toString() { return StringUtils.addAsterisk(sqlCommand, parseIndex); } }