 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.table;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.Prepared;
import org.h2.command.dml.AllColumnsForPlan;
import org.h2.constraint.Constraint;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.DbObject;
import org.h2.engine.Right;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.UndoLogRecord;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionVisitor;
import org.h2.index.Index;
import org.h2.index.IndexType;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.Trace;
import org.h2.result.Row;
import org.h2.result.RowList;
import org.h2.result.SearchRow;
import org.h2.result.SimpleRow;
import org.h2.result.SimpleRowValue;
import org.h2.result.SortOrder;
import org.h2.schema.Schema;
import org.h2.schema.SchemaObjectBase;
import org.h2.schema.Sequence;
import org.h2.schema.TriggerObject;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.value.CompareMode;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;

This is the base class for most tables. A table contains a list of columns and a list of rows.
/** * This is the base class for most tables. * A table contains a list of columns and a list of rows. */
public abstract class Table extends SchemaObjectBase {
The table type that means this table is a regular persistent table.
/** * The table type that means this table is a regular persistent table. */
public static final int TYPE_CACHED = 0;
The table type that means this table is a regular persistent table.
/** * The table type that means this table is a regular persistent table. */
public static final int TYPE_MEMORY = 1;
The columns of this table.
/** * The columns of this table. */
protected Column[] columns;
The compare mode used for this table.
/** * The compare mode used for this table. */
protected CompareMode compareMode;
Protected tables are not listed in the meta data and are excluded when using the SCRIPT command.
/** * Protected tables are not listed in the meta data and are excluded when * using the SCRIPT command. */
protected boolean isHidden; private final HashMap<String, Column> columnMap; private final boolean persistIndexes; private final boolean persistData; private ArrayList<TriggerObject> triggers; private ArrayList<Constraint> constraints; private ArrayList<Sequence> sequences;
views that depend on this table
/** * views that depend on this table */
private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<TableView> dependentViews = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private ArrayList<TableSynonym> synonyms;
Is foreign key constraint checking enabled for this table.
/** Is foreign key constraint checking enabled for this table. */
private boolean checkForeignKeyConstraints = true; private boolean onCommitDrop, onCommitTruncate; private volatile Row nullRow; private boolean tableExpression; public Table(Schema schema, int id, String name, boolean persistIndexes, boolean persistData) { super(schema, id, name, Trace.TABLE); columnMap = schema.getDatabase().newStringMap(); this.persistIndexes = persistIndexes; this.persistData = persistData; compareMode = schema.getDatabase().getCompareMode(); } @Override public void rename(String newName) { super.rename(newName); if (constraints != null) { for (Constraint constraint : constraints) { constraint.rebuild(); } } } public boolean isView() { return false; }
Lock the table for the given session. This method waits until the lock is granted.
  • session – the session
  • exclusive – true for write locks, false for read locks
  • forceLockEvenInMvcc – lock even in the MVCC mode
Returns:true if the table was already exclusively locked by this session.
/** * Lock the table for the given session. * This method waits until the lock is granted. * * @param session the session * @param exclusive true for write locks, false for read locks * @param forceLockEvenInMvcc lock even in the MVCC mode * @return true if the table was already exclusively locked by this session. * @throws DbException if a lock timeout occurred */
public abstract boolean lock(Session session, boolean exclusive, boolean forceLockEvenInMvcc);
Close the table object and flush changes.
  • session – the session
/** * Close the table object and flush changes. * * @param session the session */
public abstract void close(Session session);
Release the lock for this session.
  • s – the session
/** * Release the lock for this session. * * @param s the session */
public abstract void unlock(Session s);
Create an index for this table
  • session – the session
  • indexName – the name of the index
  • indexId – the id
  • cols – the index columns
  • indexType – the index type
  • create – whether this is a new index
  • indexComment – the comment
Returns:the index
/** * Create an index for this table * * @param session the session * @param indexName the name of the index * @param indexId the id * @param cols the index columns * @param indexType the index type * @param create whether this is a new index * @param indexComment the comment * @return the index */
public abstract Index addIndex(Session session, String indexName, int indexId, IndexColumn[] cols, IndexType indexType, boolean create, String indexComment);
Get the given row.
  • session – the session
  • key – the primary key
Returns:the row
/** * Get the given row. * * @param session the session * @param key the primary key * @return the row */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public Row getRow(Session session, long key) { return null; }
Remove a row from the table and all indexes.
  • session – the session
  • row – the row
/** * Remove a row from the table and all indexes. * * @param session the session * @param row the row */
public abstract void removeRow(Session session, Row row);
Locks row, preventing any updated to it, except from the session specified.
  • session – the session
  • row – to lock
Returns:locked row, or null if row does not exist anymore
/** * Locks row, preventing any updated to it, except from the session specified. * * @param session the session * @param row to lock * @return locked row, or null if row does not exist anymore */
public Row lockRow(Session session, Row row) { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("lockRow()"); }
Remove all rows from the table and indexes.
  • session – the session
/** * Remove all rows from the table and indexes. * * @param session the session */
public abstract void truncate(Session session);
Add a row to the table and all indexes.
  • session – the session
  • row – the row
/** * Add a row to the table and all indexes. * * @param session the session * @param row the row * @throws DbException if a constraint was violated */
public abstract void addRow(Session session, Row row);
Update a row to the table and all indexes.
  • session – the session
  • oldRow – the row to update
  • newRow – the row with updated values (_rowid_ suppose to be the same)
/** * Update a row to the table and all indexes. * * @param session the session * @param oldRow the row to update * @param newRow the row with updated values (_rowid_ suppose to be the same) * @throws DbException if a constraint was violated */
public void updateRow(Session session, Row oldRow, Row newRow) { newRow.setKey(oldRow.getKey()); removeRow(session, oldRow); addRow(session, newRow); }
Check if this table supports ALTER TABLE.
  • DbException – if it is not supported
/** * Check if this table supports ALTER TABLE. * * @throws DbException if it is not supported */
public abstract void checkSupportAlter();
Get the table type name
Returns:the table type name
/** * Get the table type name * * @return the table type name */
public abstract TableType getTableType();
Get the scan index to iterate through all rows.
  • session – the session
Returns:the index
/** * Get the scan index to iterate through all rows. * * @param session the session * @return the index */
public abstract Index getScanIndex(Session session);
Get the scan index for this table.
  • session – the session
  • masks – the search mask
  • filters – the table filters
  • filter – the filter index
  • sortOrder – the sort order
  • allColumnsSet – all columns
Returns:the scan index
/** * Get the scan index for this table. * * @param session the session * @param masks the search mask * @param filters the table filters * @param filter the filter index * @param sortOrder the sort order * @param allColumnsSet all columns * @return the scan index */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public Index getScanIndex(Session session, int[] masks, TableFilter[] filters, int filter, SortOrder sortOrder, AllColumnsForPlan allColumnsSet) { return getScanIndex(session); }
Get any unique index for this table if one exists.
Returns:a unique index
/** * Get any unique index for this table if one exists. * * @return a unique index */
public abstract Index getUniqueIndex();
Get all indexes for this table.
Returns:the list of indexes
/** * Get all indexes for this table. * * @return the list of indexes */
public abstract ArrayList<Index> getIndexes();
Get an index by name.
  • indexName – the index name to search for
Returns:the found index
/** * Get an index by name. * * @param indexName the index name to search for * @return the found index */
public Index getIndex(String indexName) { ArrayList<Index> indexes = getIndexes(); if (indexes != null) { for (Index index : indexes) { if (index.getName().equals(indexName)) { return index; } } } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INDEX_NOT_FOUND_1, indexName); }
Check if this table is locked exclusively.
Returns:true if it is.
/** * Check if this table is locked exclusively. * * @return true if it is. */
public abstract boolean isLockedExclusively();
Get the last data modification id.
Returns:the modification id
/** * Get the last data modification id. * * @return the modification id */
public abstract long getMaxDataModificationId();
Check if the table is deterministic.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check if the table is deterministic. * * @return true if it is */
public abstract boolean isDeterministic();
Check if the row count can be retrieved quickly.
Returns:true if it can
/** * Check if the row count can be retrieved quickly. * * @return true if it can */
public abstract boolean canGetRowCount();
Check if this table can be referenced.
Returns:true if it can
/** * Check if this table can be referenced. * * @return true if it can */
public boolean canReference() { return true; }
Check if this table can be dropped.
Returns:true if it can
/** * Check if this table can be dropped. * * @return true if it can */
public abstract boolean canDrop();
Get the row count for this table.
  • session – the session
Returns:the row count
/** * Get the row count for this table. * * @param session the session * @return the row count */
public abstract long getRowCount(Session session);
Get the approximated row count for this table.
Returns:the approximated row count
/** * Get the approximated row count for this table. * * @return the approximated row count */
public abstract long getRowCountApproximation(); public abstract long getDiskSpaceUsed();
Get the row id column if this table has one.
Returns:the row id column, or null
/** * Get the row id column if this table has one. * * @return the row id column, or null */
public Column getRowIdColumn() { return null; } @Override public String getCreateSQLForCopy(Table table, String quotedName) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(toString()); }
Check whether the table (or view) contains no columns that prevent index conditions to be used. For example, a view that contains the ROWNUM() pseudo-column prevents this.
Returns:true if the table contains no query-comparable column
/** * Check whether the table (or view) contains no columns that prevent index * conditions to be used. For example, a view that contains the ROWNUM() * pseudo-column prevents this. * * @return true if the table contains no query-comparable column */
public boolean isQueryComparable() { return true; }
Add all objects that this table depends on to the hash set.
  • dependencies – the current set of dependencies
/** * Add all objects that this table depends on to the hash set. * * @param dependencies the current set of dependencies */
public void addDependencies(HashSet<DbObject> dependencies) { if (dependencies.contains(this)) { // avoid endless recursion return; } if (sequences != null) { dependencies.addAll(sequences); } ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.getDependenciesVisitor( dependencies); for (Column col : columns) { col.isEverything(visitor); } if (constraints != null) { for (Constraint c : constraints) { c.isEverything(visitor); } } dependencies.add(this); } @Override public ArrayList<DbObject> getChildren() { ArrayList<DbObject> children = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); ArrayList<Index> indexes = getIndexes(); if (indexes != null) { children.addAll(indexes); } if (constraints != null) { children.addAll(constraints); } if (triggers != null) { children.addAll(triggers); } if (sequences != null) { children.addAll(sequences); } children.addAll(dependentViews); if (synonyms != null) { children.addAll(synonyms); } ArrayList<Right> rights = database.getAllRights(); for (Right right : rights) { if (right.getGrantedObject() == this) { children.add(right); } } return children; } protected void setColumns(Column[] columns) { this.columns = columns; if (columnMap.size() > 0) { columnMap.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { Column col = columns[i]; int dataType = col.getType().getValueType(); if (dataType == Value.UNKNOWN) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, col.getSQL(false)); } col.setTable(this, i); String columnName = col.getName(); if (columnMap.get(columnName) != null) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_1, columnName); } columnMap.put(columnName, col); } }
Rename a column of this table.
  • column – the column to rename
  • newName – the new column name
/** * Rename a column of this table. * * @param column the column to rename * @param newName the new column name */
public void renameColumn(Column column, String newName) { for (Column c : columns) { if (c == column) { continue; } if (c.getName().equals(newName)) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_1, newName); } } columnMap.remove(column.getName()); column.rename(newName); columnMap.put(newName, column); }
Check if the table is exclusively locked by this session.
  • session – the session
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check if the table is exclusively locked by this session. * * @param session the session * @return true if it is */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean isLockedExclusivelyBy(Session session) { return false; }
Update a list of rows in this table.
  • prepared – the prepared statement
  • session – the session
  • rows – a list of row pairs of the form old row, new row, old row, new row,...
/** * Update a list of rows in this table. * * @param prepared the prepared statement * @param session the session * @param rows a list of row pairs of the form old row, new row, old row, * new row,... */
public void updateRows(Prepared prepared, Session session, RowList rows) { // in case we need to undo the update Session.Savepoint rollback = session.setSavepoint(); // remove the old rows int rowScanCount = 0; for (rows.reset(); rows.hasNext();) { if ((++rowScanCount & 127) == 0) { prepared.checkCanceled(); } Row o = rows.next(); rows.next(); try { removeRow(session, o); } catch (DbException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.CONCURRENT_UPDATE_1 || e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.ROW_NOT_FOUND_WHEN_DELETING_1) { session.rollbackTo(rollback); session.startStatementWithinTransaction(); rollback = session.setSavepoint(); } throw e; } session.log(this, UndoLogRecord.DELETE, o); } // add the new rows for (rows.reset(); rows.hasNext();) { if ((++rowScanCount & 127) == 0) { prepared.checkCanceled(); } rows.next(); Row n = rows.next(); try { addRow(session, n); } catch (DbException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.CONCURRENT_UPDATE_1) { session.rollbackTo(rollback); session.startStatementWithinTransaction(); rollback = session.setSavepoint(); } throw e; } session.log(this, UndoLogRecord.INSERT, n); } } public CopyOnWriteArrayList<TableView> getDependentViews() { return dependentViews; } @Override public void removeChildrenAndResources(Session session) { while (!dependentViews.isEmpty()) { TableView view = dependentViews.get(0); dependentViews.remove(0); database.removeSchemaObject(session, view); } while (synonyms != null && !synonyms.isEmpty()) { TableSynonym synonym = synonyms.remove(0); database.removeSchemaObject(session, synonym); } while (triggers != null && !triggers.isEmpty()) { TriggerObject trigger = triggers.remove(0); database.removeSchemaObject(session, trigger); } while (constraints != null && !constraints.isEmpty()) { Constraint constraint = constraints.remove(0); database.removeSchemaObject(session, constraint); } for (Right right : database.getAllRights()) { if (right.getGrantedObject() == this) { database.removeDatabaseObject(session, right); } } database.removeMeta(session, getId()); // must delete sequences later (in case there is a power failure // before removing the table object) while (sequences != null && !sequences.isEmpty()) { Sequence sequence = sequences.remove(0); // only remove if no other table depends on this sequence // this is possible when calling ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN if (database.getDependentTable(sequence, this) == null) { database.removeSchemaObject(session, sequence); } } }
Check that these columns are not referenced by a multi-column constraint or multi-column index. If it is, an exception is thrown. Single-column references and indexes are dropped.
  • session – the session
  • columnsToDrop – the columns to drop
  • DbException – if the column is referenced by multi-column constraints or indexes
/** * Check that these columns are not referenced by a multi-column constraint * or multi-column index. If it is, an exception is thrown. Single-column * references and indexes are dropped. * * @param session the session * @param columnsToDrop the columns to drop * @throws DbException if the column is referenced by multi-column * constraints or indexes */
public void dropMultipleColumnsConstraintsAndIndexes(Session session, ArrayList<Column> columnsToDrop) { HashSet<Constraint> constraintsToDrop = new HashSet<>(); if (constraints != null) { for (Column col : columnsToDrop) { for (Constraint constraint : constraints) { HashSet<Column> columns = constraint.getReferencedColumns(this); if (!columns.contains(col)) { continue; } if (columns.size() == 1) { constraintsToDrop.add(constraint); } else { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.COLUMN_IS_REFERENCED_1, constraint.getSQL(false)); } } } } HashSet<Index> indexesToDrop = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList<Index> indexes = getIndexes(); if (indexes != null) { for (Column col : columnsToDrop) { for (Index index : indexes) { if (index.getCreateSQL() == null) { continue; } if (index.getColumnIndex(col) < 0) { continue; } if (index.getColumns().length == 1) { indexesToDrop.add(index); } else { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.COLUMN_IS_REFERENCED_1, index.getSQL(false)); } } } } for (Constraint c : constraintsToDrop) { session.getDatabase().removeSchemaObject(session, c); } for (Index i : indexesToDrop) { // the index may already have been dropped when dropping the // constraint if (getIndexes().contains(i)) { session.getDatabase().removeSchemaObject(session, i); } } }
Create a new row for a table.
  • data – the values.
  • memory – whether the row is in memory.
Returns:the created row.
/** * Create a new row for a table. * * @param data the values. * @param memory whether the row is in memory. * @return the created row. */
public Row createRow(Value[] data, int memory) { return database.createRow(data, memory); } public Row getTemplateRow() { return createRow(new Value[columns.length], Row.MEMORY_CALCULATE); }
Get a new simple row object.
  • singleColumn – if only one value need to be stored
Returns:the simple row object
/** * Get a new simple row object. * * @param singleColumn if only one value need to be stored * @return the simple row object */
public SearchRow getTemplateSimpleRow(boolean singleColumn) { if (singleColumn) { return new SimpleRowValue(columns.length); } return new SimpleRow(new Value[columns.length]); } Row getNullRow() { Row row = nullRow; if (row == null) { // Here can be concurrently produced more than one row, but it must // be ok. Value[] values = new Value[columns.length]; Arrays.fill(values, ValueNull.INSTANCE); nullRow = row = database.createRow(values, 1); } return row; } public Column[] getColumns() { return columns; } @Override public int getType() { return DbObject.TABLE_OR_VIEW; }
Get the column at the given index.
  • index – the column index (0, 1,...)
Returns:the column
/** * Get the column at the given index. * * @param index the column index (0, 1,...) * @return the column */
public Column getColumn(int index) { return columns[index]; }
Get the column with the given name.
  • columnName – the column name
Returns:the column
/** * Get the column with the given name. * * @param columnName the column name * @return the column * @throws DbException if the column was not found */
public Column getColumn(String columnName) { Column column = columnMap.get(columnName); if (column == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND_1, columnName); } return column; }
Does the column with the given name exist?
  • columnName – the column name
Returns:true if the column exists
/** * Does the column with the given name exist? * * @param columnName the column name * @return true if the column exists */
public boolean doesColumnExist(String columnName) { return columnMap.containsKey(columnName); }
Get the best plan for the given search mask.
  • session – the session
  • masks – per-column comparison bit masks, null means 'always false', see constants in IndexCondition
  • filters – all joined table filters
  • filter – the current table filter index
  • sortOrder – the sort order
  • allColumnsSet – the set of all columns
Returns:the plan item
/** * Get the best plan for the given search mask. * * @param session the session * @param masks per-column comparison bit masks, null means 'always false', * see constants in IndexCondition * @param filters all joined table filters * @param filter the current table filter index * @param sortOrder the sort order * @param allColumnsSet the set of all columns * @return the plan item */
public PlanItem getBestPlanItem(Session session, int[] masks, TableFilter[] filters, int filter, SortOrder sortOrder, AllColumnsForPlan allColumnsSet) { PlanItem item = new PlanItem(); item.setIndex(getScanIndex(session)); item.cost = item.getIndex().getCost(session, null, filters, filter, null, allColumnsSet); Trace t = session.getTrace(); if (t.isDebugEnabled()) { t.debug("Table : potential plan item cost {0} index {1}", item.cost, item.getIndex().getPlanSQL()); } ArrayList<Index> indexes = getIndexes(); IndexHints indexHints = getIndexHints(filters, filter); if (indexes != null && masks != null) { for (int i = 1, size = indexes.size(); i < size; i++) { Index index = indexes.get(i); if (isIndexExcludedByHints(indexHints, index)) { continue; } double cost = index.getCost(session, masks, filters, filter, sortOrder, allColumnsSet); if (t.isDebugEnabled()) { t.debug("Table : potential plan item cost {0} index {1}", cost, index.getPlanSQL()); } if (cost < item.cost) { item.cost = cost; item.setIndex(index); } } } return item; } private static boolean isIndexExcludedByHints(IndexHints indexHints, Index index) { return indexHints != null && !indexHints.allowIndex(index); } private static IndexHints getIndexHints(TableFilter[] filters, int filter) { return filters == null ? null : filters[filter].getIndexHints(); }
Get the primary key index if there is one, or null if there is none.
Returns:the primary key index or null
/** * Get the primary key index if there is one, or null if there is none. * * @return the primary key index or null */
public Index findPrimaryKey() { ArrayList<Index> indexes = getIndexes(); if (indexes != null) { for (Index idx : indexes) { if (idx.getIndexType().isPrimaryKey()) { return idx; } } } return null; } public Index getPrimaryKey() { Index index = findPrimaryKey(); if (index != null) { return index; } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INDEX_NOT_FOUND_1, Constants.PREFIX_PRIMARY_KEY); }
Validate all values in this row, convert the values if required, and update the sequence values if required. This call will also set the default values if required and set the computed column if there are any.
  • session – the session
  • row – the row
/** * Validate all values in this row, convert the values if required, and * update the sequence values if required. This call will also set the * default values if required and set the computed column if there are any. * * @param session the session * @param row the row */
public void validateConvertUpdateSequence(Session session, Row row) { for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { Value value = row.getValue(i); Column column = columns[i]; Value v2; if (column.getComputed()) { // force updating the value value = null; v2 = column.computeValue(session, row); } v2 = column.validateConvertUpdateSequence(session, value); if (v2 != value) { row.setValue(i, v2); } } } private static void remove(ArrayList<? extends DbObject> list, DbObject obj) { if (list != null) { list.remove(obj); } }
Remove the given index from the list.
  • index – the index to remove
/** * Remove the given index from the list. * * @param index the index to remove */
public void removeIndex(Index index) { ArrayList<Index> indexes = getIndexes(); if (indexes != null) { remove(indexes, index); if (index.getIndexType().isPrimaryKey()) { for (Column col : index.getColumns()) { col.setPrimaryKey(false); } } } }
Remove the given view from the dependent views list.
  • view – the view to remove
/** * Remove the given view from the dependent views list. * * @param view the view to remove */
public void removeDependentView(TableView view) { dependentViews.remove(view); }
Remove the given view from the list.
  • synonym – the synonym to remove
/** * Remove the given view from the list. * * @param synonym the synonym to remove */
public void removeSynonym(TableSynonym synonym) { remove(synonyms, synonym); }
Remove the given constraint from the list.
  • constraint – the constraint to remove
/** * Remove the given constraint from the list. * * @param constraint the constraint to remove */
public void removeConstraint(Constraint constraint) { remove(constraints, constraint); }
Remove a sequence from the table. Sequences are used as identity columns.
  • sequence – the sequence to remove
/** * Remove a sequence from the table. Sequences are used as identity columns. * * @param sequence the sequence to remove */
public final void removeSequence(Sequence sequence) { remove(sequences, sequence); }
Remove the given trigger from the list.
  • trigger – the trigger to remove
/** * Remove the given trigger from the list. * * @param trigger the trigger to remove */
public void removeTrigger(TriggerObject trigger) { remove(triggers, trigger); }
Add a view to this table.
  • view – the view to add
/** * Add a view to this table. * * @param view the view to add */
public void addDependentView(TableView view) { dependentViews.add(view); }
Add a synonym to this table.
  • synonym – the synonym to add
/** * Add a synonym to this table. * * @param synonym the synonym to add */
public void addSynonym(TableSynonym synonym) { synonyms = add(synonyms, synonym); }
Add a constraint to the table.
  • constraint – the constraint to add
/** * Add a constraint to the table. * * @param constraint the constraint to add */
public void addConstraint(Constraint constraint) { if (constraints == null || !constraints.contains(constraint)) { constraints = add(constraints, constraint); } } public ArrayList<Constraint> getConstraints() { return constraints; }
Add a sequence to this table.
  • sequence – the sequence to add
/** * Add a sequence to this table. * * @param sequence the sequence to add */
public void addSequence(Sequence sequence) { sequences = add(sequences, sequence); }
Add a trigger to this table.
  • trigger – the trigger to add
/** * Add a trigger to this table. * * @param trigger the trigger to add */
public void addTrigger(TriggerObject trigger) { triggers = add(triggers, trigger); } private static <T> ArrayList<T> add(ArrayList<T> list, T obj) { if (list == null) { list = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); } // self constraints are two entries in the list list.add(obj); return list; }
Fire the triggers for this table.
  • session – the session
  • type – the trigger type
  • beforeAction – whether 'before' triggers should be called
/** * Fire the triggers for this table. * * @param session the session * @param type the trigger type * @param beforeAction whether 'before' triggers should be called */
public void fire(Session session, int type, boolean beforeAction) { if (triggers != null) { for (TriggerObject trigger : triggers) { trigger.fire(session, type, beforeAction); } } }
Check whether this table has a select trigger.
Returns:true if it has
/** * Check whether this table has a select trigger. * * @return true if it has */
public boolean hasSelectTrigger() { if (triggers != null) { for (TriggerObject trigger : triggers) { if (trigger.isSelectTrigger()) { return true; } } } return false; }
Check if row based triggers or constraints are defined. In this case the fire after and before row methods need to be called. @return if there are any triggers or rows defined
/** * Check if row based triggers or constraints are defined. * In this case the fire after and before row methods need to be called. * * @return if there are any triggers or rows defined */
public boolean fireRow() { return (constraints != null && !constraints.isEmpty()) || (triggers != null && !triggers.isEmpty()); }
Fire all triggers that need to be called before a row is updated.
  • session – the session
  • oldRow – the old data or null for an insert
  • newRow – the new data or null for a delete
Returns:true if no further action is required (for 'instead of' triggers)
/** * Fire all triggers that need to be called before a row is updated. * * @param session the session * @param oldRow the old data or null for an insert * @param newRow the new data or null for a delete * @return true if no further action is required (for 'instead of' triggers) */
public boolean fireBeforeRow(Session session, Row oldRow, Row newRow) { boolean done = fireRow(session, oldRow, newRow, true, false); fireConstraints(session, oldRow, newRow, true); return done; } private void fireConstraints(Session session, Row oldRow, Row newRow, boolean before) { if (constraints != null) { for (Constraint constraint : constraints) { if (constraint.isBefore() == before) { constraint.checkRow(session, this, oldRow, newRow); } } } }
Fire all triggers that need to be called after a row is updated. @param session the session @param oldRow the old data or null for an insert @param newRow the new data or null for a delete @param rollback when the operation occurred within a rollback
/** * Fire all triggers that need to be called after a row is updated. * * @param session the session * @param oldRow the old data or null for an insert * @param newRow the new data or null for a delete * @param rollback when the operation occurred within a rollback */
public void fireAfterRow(Session session, Row oldRow, Row newRow, boolean rollback) { fireRow(session, oldRow, newRow, false, rollback); if (!rollback) { fireConstraints(session, oldRow, newRow, false); } } private boolean fireRow(Session session, Row oldRow, Row newRow, boolean beforeAction, boolean rollback) { if (triggers != null) { for (TriggerObject trigger : triggers) { boolean done = trigger.fireRow(session, this, oldRow, newRow, beforeAction, rollback); if (done) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isGlobalTemporary() { return false; }
Check if this table can be truncated.
Returns:true if it can
/** * Check if this table can be truncated. * * @return true if it can */
public boolean canTruncate() { return false; }
Enable or disable foreign key constraint checking for this table.
  • session – the session
  • enabled – true if checking should be enabled
  • checkExisting – true if existing rows must be checked during this call
/** * Enable or disable foreign key constraint checking for this table. * * @param session the session * @param enabled true if checking should be enabled * @param checkExisting true if existing rows must be checked during this * call */
public void setCheckForeignKeyConstraints(Session session, boolean enabled, boolean checkExisting) { if (enabled && checkExisting) { if (constraints != null) { for (Constraint c : constraints) { c.checkExistingData(session); } } } checkForeignKeyConstraints = enabled; }
Returns:is foreign key constraint checking enabled for this table.
/** * @return is foreign key constraint checking enabled for this table. */
public boolean getCheckForeignKeyConstraints() { return checkForeignKeyConstraints; }
Get the index that has the given column as the first element. This method returns null if no matching index is found.
Returns:the index or null
/** * Get the index that has the given column as the first element. * This method returns null if no matching index is found. * * @param column the column * @param needGetFirstOrLast if the returned index must be able * to do {@link Index#canGetFirstOrLast()} * @param needFindNext if the returned index must be able to do * {@link Index#findNext(Session, SearchRow, SearchRow)} * @return the index or null */
public Index getIndexForColumn(Column column, boolean needGetFirstOrLast, boolean needFindNext) { ArrayList<Index> indexes = getIndexes(); Index result = null; if (indexes != null) { for (int i = 1, size = indexes.size(); i < size; i++) { Index index = indexes.get(i); if (needGetFirstOrLast && !index.canGetFirstOrLast()) { continue; } if (needFindNext && !index.canFindNext()) { continue; } // choose the minimal covering index with the needed first // column to work consistently with execution plan from // Optimizer if (index.isFirstColumn(column) && (result == null || result.getColumns().length > index.getColumns().length)) { result = index; } } } return result; } public boolean getOnCommitDrop() { return onCommitDrop; } public void setOnCommitDrop(boolean onCommitDrop) { this.onCommitDrop = onCommitDrop; } public boolean getOnCommitTruncate() { return onCommitTruncate; } public void setOnCommitTruncate(boolean onCommitTruncate) { this.onCommitTruncate = onCommitTruncate; }
If the index is still required by a constraint, transfer the ownership to it. Otherwise, the index is removed.
  • session – the session
  • index – the index that is no longer required
/** * If the index is still required by a constraint, transfer the ownership to * it. Otherwise, the index is removed. * * @param session the session * @param index the index that is no longer required */
public void removeIndexOrTransferOwnership(Session session, Index index) { boolean stillNeeded = false; if (constraints != null) { for (Constraint cons : constraints) { if (cons.usesIndex(index)) { cons.setIndexOwner(index); database.updateMeta(session, cons); stillNeeded = true; } } } if (!stillNeeded) { database.removeSchemaObject(session, index); } }
Check if a deadlock occurred. This method is called recursively. There is a circle if the session to be tested has already being visited. If this session is part of the circle (if it is the clash session), the method must return an empty object array. Once a deadlock has been detected, the methods must add the session to the list. If this session is not part of the circle, or if no deadlock is detected, this method returns null.
  • session – the session to be tested for
  • clash – set with sessions already visited, and null when starting verification
  • visited – set with sessions already visited, and null when starting verification
Returns:an object array with the sessions involved in the deadlock, or null
/** * Check if a deadlock occurred. This method is called recursively. There is * a circle if the session to be tested has already being visited. If this * session is part of the circle (if it is the clash session), the method * must return an empty object array. Once a deadlock has been detected, the * methods must add the session to the list. If this session is not part of * the circle, or if no deadlock is detected, this method returns null. * * @param session the session to be tested for * @param clash set with sessions already visited, and null when starting * verification * @param visited set with sessions already visited, and null when starting * verification * @return an object array with the sessions involved in the deadlock, or * null */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public ArrayList<Session> checkDeadlock(Session session, Session clash, Set<Session> visited) { return null; } public boolean isPersistIndexes() { return persistIndexes; } public boolean isPersistData() { return persistData; }
Compare two values with the current comparison mode. The values may be of different type.
  • a – the first value
  • b – the second value
Returns:0 if both values are equal, -1 if the first value is smaller, and 1 otherwise
/** * Compare two values with the current comparison mode. The values may be of * different type. * * @param a the first value * @param b the second value * @return 0 if both values are equal, -1 if the first value is smaller, and * 1 otherwise */
public int compareValues(Value a, Value b) { return a.compareTo(b, database.getMode(), compareMode); } public CompareMode getCompareMode() { return compareMode; }
Tests if the table can be written. Usually, this depends on the database.checkWritingAllowed method, but some tables (eg. TableLink) overwrite this default behaviour.
/** * Tests if the table can be written. Usually, this depends on the * database.checkWritingAllowed method, but some tables (eg. TableLink) * overwrite this default behaviour. */
public void checkWritingAllowed() { database.checkWritingAllowed(); } private static Value getGeneratedValue(Session session, Column column, Expression expression) { Value v; if (expression == null) { v = column.validateConvertUpdateSequence(session, null); } else { v = expression.getValue(session); } return column.convert(v); }
Get or generate a default value for the given column.
  • session – the session
  • column – the column
Returns:the value
/** * Get or generate a default value for the given column. * * @param session the session * @param column the column * @return the value */
public Value getDefaultValue(Session session, Column column) { return getGeneratedValue(session, column, column.getDefaultExpression()); }
Generates on update value for the given column.
  • session – the session
  • column – the column
Returns:the value
/** * Generates on update value for the given column. * * @param session the session * @param column the column * @return the value */
public Value getOnUpdateValue(Session session, Column column) { return getGeneratedValue(session, column, column.getOnUpdateExpression()); } @Override public boolean isHidden() { return isHidden; } public void setHidden(boolean hidden) { this.isHidden = hidden; } public boolean isMVStore() { return false; } public void setTableExpression(boolean tableExpression) { this.tableExpression = tableExpression; } public boolean isTableExpression() { return tableExpression; } }