 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.schema;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.engine.DbObject;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.Trace;
import org.h2.table.Table;

A sequence is created using the statement CREATE SEQUENCE
/** * A sequence is created using the statement * CREATE SEQUENCE */
public class Sequence extends SchemaObjectBase {
The default cache size for sequences.
/** * The default cache size for sequences. */
public static final int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 32; private long value; private long valueWithMargin; private long increment; private long cacheSize; private long minValue; private long maxValue; private boolean cycle; private boolean belongsToTable; private boolean writeWithMargin;
Creates a new sequence for an auto-increment column.
  • schema – the schema
  • id – the object id
  • name – the sequence name
  • startValue – the first value to return
  • increment – the increment count
/** * Creates a new sequence for an auto-increment column. * * @param schema the schema * @param id the object id * @param name the sequence name * @param startValue the first value to return * @param increment the increment count */
public Sequence(Schema schema, int id, String name, long startValue, long increment) { this(schema, id, name, startValue, increment, null, null, null, false, true); }
Creates a new sequence.
  • schema – the schema
  • id – the object id
  • name – the sequence name
  • startValue – the first value to return
  • increment – the increment count
  • cacheSize – the number of entries to pre-fetch
  • minValue – the minimum value
  • maxValue – the maximum value
  • cycle – whether to jump back to the min value if needed
  • belongsToTable – whether this sequence belongs to a table (for auto-increment columns)
/** * Creates a new sequence. * * @param schema the schema * @param id the object id * @param name the sequence name * @param startValue the first value to return * @param increment the increment count * @param cacheSize the number of entries to pre-fetch * @param minValue the minimum value * @param maxValue the maximum value * @param cycle whether to jump back to the min value if needed * @param belongsToTable whether this sequence belongs to a table (for * auto-increment columns) */
public Sequence(Schema schema, int id, String name, Long startValue, Long increment, Long cacheSize, Long minValue, Long maxValue, boolean cycle, boolean belongsToTable) { super(schema, id, name, Trace.SEQUENCE); this.increment = increment != null ? increment : 1; this.minValue = minValue != null ? minValue : getDefaultMinValue(startValue, this.increment); this.maxValue = maxValue != null ? maxValue : getDefaultMaxValue(startValue, this.increment); this.value = startValue != null ? startValue : getDefaultStartValue(this.increment); this.valueWithMargin = value; this.cacheSize = cacheSize != null ? Math.max(1, cacheSize) : DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; this.cycle = cycle; this.belongsToTable = belongsToTable; if (!isValid(this.value, this.minValue, this.maxValue, this.increment)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SEQUENCE_ATTRIBUTES_INVALID, name, Long.toString(this.value), Long.toString(this.minValue), Long.toString(this.maxValue), Long.toString(this.increment)); } }
Allows the start value, increment, min value and max value to be updated atomically, including atomic validation. Useful because setting these attributes one after the other could otherwise result in an invalid sequence state (e.g. min value > max value, start value < min value, etc).
  • startValue – the new start value (null if no change)
  • minValue – the new min value (null if no change)
  • maxValue – the new max value (null if no change)
  • increment – the new increment (null if no change)
/** * Allows the start value, increment, min value and max value to be updated * atomically, including atomic validation. Useful because setting these * attributes one after the other could otherwise result in an invalid * sequence state (e.g. min value > max value, start value < min value, * etc). * * @param startValue the new start value (<code>null</code> if no change) * @param minValue the new min value (<code>null</code> if no change) * @param maxValue the new max value (<code>null</code> if no change) * @param increment the new increment (<code>null</code> if no change) */
public synchronized void modify(Long startValue, Long minValue, Long maxValue, Long increment) { if (startValue == null) { startValue = this.value; } if (minValue == null) { minValue = this.minValue; } if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = this.maxValue; } if (increment == null) { increment = this.increment; } if (!isValid(startValue, minValue, maxValue, increment)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SEQUENCE_ATTRIBUTES_INVALID, getName(), String.valueOf(startValue), String.valueOf(minValue), String.valueOf(maxValue), String.valueOf(increment)); } this.value = startValue; this.valueWithMargin = startValue; this.minValue = minValue; this.maxValue = maxValue; this.increment = increment; }
Validates the specified prospective start value, min value, max value and increment relative to each other, since each of their respective validities are contingent on the values of the other parameters.
  • value – the prospective start value
  • minValue – the prospective min value
  • maxValue – the prospective max value
  • increment – the prospective increment
/** * Validates the specified prospective start value, min value, max value and * increment relative to each other, since each of their respective * validities are contingent on the values of the other parameters. * * @param value the prospective start value * @param minValue the prospective min value * @param maxValue the prospective max value * @param increment the prospective increment */
private static boolean isValid(long value, long minValue, long maxValue, long increment) { return minValue <= value && maxValue >= value && maxValue > minValue && increment != 0 && // Math.abs(increment) <= maxValue - minValue // Can use Long.compareUnsigned() on Java 8 Math.abs(increment) + Long.MIN_VALUE <= maxValue - minValue + Long.MIN_VALUE; }
Calculates default min value.
  • startValue – the start value of the sequence.
  • increment – the increment of the sequence value.
Returns:min value.
/** * Calculates default min value. * * @param startValue the start value of the sequence. * @param increment the increment of the sequence value. * @return min value. */
public static long getDefaultMinValue(Long startValue, long increment) { long v = increment >= 0 ? 1 : Long.MIN_VALUE; if (startValue != null && increment >= 0 && startValue < v) { v = startValue; } return v; }
Calculates default max value.
  • startValue – the start value of the sequence.
  • increment – the increment of the sequence value.
Returns:min value.
/** * Calculates default max value. * * @param startValue the start value of the sequence. * @param increment the increment of the sequence value. * @return min value. */
public static long getDefaultMaxValue(Long startValue, long increment) { long v = increment >= 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : -1; if (startValue != null && increment < 0 && startValue > v) { v = startValue; } return v; } private long getDefaultStartValue(long increment) { return increment >= 0 ? minValue : maxValue; } public boolean getBelongsToTable() { return belongsToTable; } public long getIncrement() { return increment; } public long getMinValue() { return minValue; } public long getMaxValue() { return maxValue; } public boolean getCycle() { return cycle; } public void setCycle(boolean cycle) { this.cycle = cycle; } @Override public String getDropSQL() { if (getBelongsToTable()) { return null; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "); return getSQL(builder, true).toString(); } @Override public String getCreateSQLForCopy(Table table, String quotedName) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(toString()); } @Override public synchronized String getCreateSQL() { long v = writeWithMargin ? valueWithMargin : value; StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("CREATE SEQUENCE "); getSQL(buff, true).append(" START WITH ").append(v); if (increment != 1) { buff.append(" INCREMENT BY ").append(increment); } if (minValue != getDefaultMinValue(v, increment)) { buff.append(" MINVALUE ").append(minValue); } if (maxValue != getDefaultMaxValue(v, increment)) { buff.append(" MAXVALUE ").append(maxValue); } if (cycle) { buff.append(" CYCLE"); } if (cacheSize != DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE) { buff.append(" CACHE ").append(cacheSize); } if (belongsToTable) { buff.append(" BELONGS_TO_TABLE"); } return buff.toString(); }
Get the next value for this sequence.
  • session – the session
Returns:the next value
/** * Get the next value for this sequence. * * @param session the session * @return the next value */
public long getNext(Session session) { boolean needsFlush = false; long result; synchronized (this) { if ((increment > 0 && value >= valueWithMargin) || (increment < 0 && value <= valueWithMargin)) { valueWithMargin += increment * cacheSize; needsFlush = true; } if ((increment > 0 && value > maxValue) || (increment < 0 && value < minValue)) { if (cycle) { value = increment > 0 ? minValue : maxValue; valueWithMargin = value + (increment * cacheSize); needsFlush = true; } else { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SEQUENCE_EXHAUSTED, getName()); } } result = value; value += increment; } if (needsFlush) { flush(session); } return result; }
Flush the current value to disk.
/** * Flush the current value to disk. */
public void flushWithoutMargin() { if (valueWithMargin != value) { valueWithMargin = value; flush(null); } }
Flush the current value, including the margin, to disk.
  • session – the session
/** * Flush the current value, including the margin, to disk. * * @param session the session */
public void flush(Session session) { if (isTemporary()) { return; } if (session == null || !database.isSysTableLockedBy(session)) { // This session may not lock the sys table (except if it has already // locked it) because it must be committed immediately, otherwise // other threads can not access the sys table. Session sysSession = database.getSystemSession(); synchronized (database.isMultiThreaded() ? sysSession : database) { flushInternal(sysSession); sysSession.commit(false); } } else { synchronized (database.isMultiThreaded() ? session : database) { flushInternal(session); } } } private void flushInternal(Session session) { final boolean metaWasLocked = database.lockMeta(session); // just for this case, use the value with the margin try { writeWithMargin = true; database.updateMeta(session, this); } finally { writeWithMargin = false; if (!metaWasLocked) { database.unlockMeta(session); } } }
Flush the current value to disk and close this object.
/** * Flush the current value to disk and close this object. */
public void close() { flushWithoutMargin(); } @Override public int getType() { return DbObject.SEQUENCE; } @Override public void removeChildrenAndResources(Session session) { database.removeMeta(session, getId()); invalidate(); } @Override public void checkRename() { // nothing to do } public synchronized long getCurrentValue() { return value - increment; } public void setBelongsToTable(boolean b) { this.belongsToTable = b; } public void setCacheSize(long cacheSize) { this.cacheSize = Math.max(1, cacheSize); } public long getCacheSize() { return cacheSize; } }