 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.table;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.Parser;
import org.h2.command.dml.AllColumnsForPlan;
import org.h2.command.dml.Select;
import org.h2.engine.Right;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionColumn;
import org.h2.expression.condition.Comparison;
import org.h2.expression.condition.ConditionAndOr;
import org.h2.index.Index;
import org.h2.index.IndexCondition;
import org.h2.index.IndexCursor;
import org.h2.index.IndexLookupBatch;
import org.h2.index.ViewIndex;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.result.Row;
import org.h2.result.SearchRow;
import org.h2.result.SortOrder;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueLong;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;

A table filter represents a table that is used in a query. There is one such object whenever a table (or view) is used in a query. For example the following query has 2 table filters: SELECT * FROM TEST T1, TEST T2.
/** * A table filter represents a table that is used in a query. There is one such * object whenever a table (or view) is used in a query. For example the * following query has 2 table filters: SELECT * FROM TEST T1, TEST T2. */
public class TableFilter implements ColumnResolver { private static final int BEFORE_FIRST = 0, FOUND = 1, AFTER_LAST = 2, NULL_ROW = 3;
Whether this is a direct or indirect (nested) outer join
/** * Whether this is a direct or indirect (nested) outer join */
protected boolean joinOuterIndirect; private Session session; private final Table table; private final Select select; private String alias; private Index index; private final IndexHints indexHints; private int[] masks; private int scanCount; private boolean evaluatable;
Batched join support.
/** * Batched join support. */
private JoinBatch joinBatch; private int joinFilterId = -1;
Indicates that this filter is used in the plan.
/** * Indicates that this filter is used in the plan. */
private boolean used;
The filter used to walk through the index.
/** * The filter used to walk through the index. */
private final IndexCursor cursor;
The index conditions used for direct index lookup (start or end).
/** * The index conditions used for direct index lookup (start or end). */
private final ArrayList<IndexCondition> indexConditions = Utils.newSmallArrayList();
Whether new window conditions should not be accepted.
/** * Whether new window conditions should not be accepted. */
private boolean doneWithIndexConditions;
Additional conditions that can't be used for index lookup, but for row filter for this table (ID=ID, NAME LIKE '%X%')
/** * Additional conditions that can't be used for index lookup, but for row * filter for this table (ID=ID, NAME LIKE '%X%') */
private Expression filterCondition;
The complete join condition.
/** * The complete join condition. */
private Expression joinCondition; private SearchRow currentSearchRow; private Row current; private int state;
The joined table (if there is one).
/** * The joined table (if there is one). */
private TableFilter join;
Whether this is an outer join.
/** * Whether this is an outer join. */
private boolean joinOuter;
The nested joined table (if there is one).
/** * The nested joined table (if there is one). */
private TableFilter nestedJoin; private ArrayList<Column> naturalJoinColumns; private boolean foundOne; private Expression fullCondition; private final int hashCode; private final int orderInFrom; private LinkedHashMap<Column, String> derivedColumnMap;
Create a new table filter object.
  • session – the session
  • table – the table from where to read data
  • alias – the alias name
  • rightsChecked – true if rights are already checked
  • select – the select statement
  • orderInFrom – original order number (index) of this table filter in
  • indexHints – the index hints to be used by the query planner
/** * Create a new table filter object. * * @param session the session * @param table the table from where to read data * @param alias the alias name * @param rightsChecked true if rights are already checked * @param select the select statement * @param orderInFrom original order number (index) of this table filter in * @param indexHints the index hints to be used by the query planner */
public TableFilter(Session session, Table table, String alias, boolean rightsChecked, Select select, int orderInFrom, IndexHints indexHints) { this.session = session; this.table = table; this.alias = alias; this.select = select; this.cursor = new IndexCursor(this); if (!rightsChecked) { session.getUser().checkRight(table, Right.SELECT); } hashCode = session.nextObjectId(); this.orderInFrom = orderInFrom; this.indexHints = indexHints; }
Get the order number (index) of this table filter in the "from" clause of the query.
Returns:the index (0, 1, 2,...)
/** * Get the order number (index) of this table filter in the "from" clause of * the query. * * @return the index (0, 1, 2,...) */
public int getOrderInFrom() { return orderInFrom; } public IndexCursor getIndexCursor() { return cursor; } @Override public Select getSelect() { return select; } public Table getTable() { return table; }
Lock the table. This will also lock joined tables.
  • s – the session
  • exclusive – true if an exclusive lock is required
  • forceLockEvenInMvcc – lock even in the MVCC mode
/** * Lock the table. This will also lock joined tables. * * @param s the session * @param exclusive true if an exclusive lock is required * @param forceLockEvenInMvcc lock even in the MVCC mode */
public void lock(Session s, boolean exclusive, boolean forceLockEvenInMvcc) { table.lock(s, exclusive, forceLockEvenInMvcc); if (join != null) { join.lock(s, exclusive, forceLockEvenInMvcc); } }
Get the best plan item (index, cost) to use for the current join order.
  • s – the session
  • filters – all joined table filters
  • filter – the current table filter index
  • allColumnsSet – the set of all columns
Returns:the best plan item
/** * Get the best plan item (index, cost) to use for the current join * order. * * @param s the session * @param filters all joined table filters * @param filter the current table filter index * @param allColumnsSet the set of all columns * @return the best plan item */
public PlanItem getBestPlanItem(Session s, TableFilter[] filters, int filter, AllColumnsForPlan allColumnsSet) { PlanItem item1 = null; SortOrder sortOrder = null; if (select != null) { sortOrder = select.getSortOrder(); } if (indexConditions.isEmpty()) { item1 = new PlanItem(); item1.setIndex(table.getScanIndex(s, null, filters, filter, sortOrder, allColumnsSet)); item1.cost = item1.getIndex().getCost(s, null, filters, filter, sortOrder, allColumnsSet); } int len = table.getColumns().length; int[] masks = new int[len]; for (IndexCondition condition : indexConditions) { if (condition.isEvaluatable()) { if (condition.isAlwaysFalse()) { masks = null; break; } int id = condition.getColumn().getColumnId(); if (id >= 0) { masks[id] |= condition.getMask(indexConditions); } } } PlanItem item = table.getBestPlanItem(s, masks, filters, filter, sortOrder, allColumnsSet); item.setMasks(masks); // The more index conditions, the earlier the table. // This is to ensure joins without indexes run quickly: // x (x.a=10); y (x.b=y.b) - see issue 113 item.cost -= item.cost * indexConditions.size() / 100 / (filter + 1); if (item1 != null && item1.cost < item.cost) { item = item1; } if (nestedJoin != null) { setEvaluatable(true); item.setNestedJoinPlan(nestedJoin.getBestPlanItem(s, filters, filter, allColumnsSet)); // TODO optimizer: calculate cost of a join: should use separate // expected row number and lookup cost item.cost += item.cost * item.getNestedJoinPlan().cost; } if (join != null) { setEvaluatable(true); do { filter++; } while (filters[filter] != join); item.setJoinPlan(join.getBestPlanItem(s, filters, filter, allColumnsSet)); // TODO optimizer: calculate cost of a join: should use separate // expected row number and lookup cost item.cost += item.cost * item.getJoinPlan().cost; } return item; }
Set what plan item (index, cost, masks) to use.
  • item – the plan item
/** * Set what plan item (index, cost, masks) to use. * * @param item the plan item */
public void setPlanItem(PlanItem item) { if (item == null) { // invalid plan, most likely because a column wasn't found // this will result in an exception later on return; } setIndex(item.getIndex()); masks = item.getMasks(); if (nestedJoin != null) { if (item.getNestedJoinPlan() != null) { nestedJoin.setPlanItem(item.getNestedJoinPlan()); } else { nestedJoin.setScanIndexes(); } } if (join != null) { if (item.getJoinPlan() != null) { join.setPlanItem(item.getJoinPlan()); } else { join.setScanIndexes(); } } }
Set all missing indexes to scan indexes recursively.
/** * Set all missing indexes to scan indexes recursively. */
private void setScanIndexes() { if (index == null) { setIndex(table.getScanIndex(session)); } if (join != null) { join.setScanIndexes(); } if (nestedJoin != null) { nestedJoin.setScanIndexes(); } }
Prepare reading rows. This method will remove all index conditions that can not be used, and optimize the conditions.
/** * Prepare reading rows. This method will remove all index conditions that * can not be used, and optimize the conditions. */
public void prepare() { // forget all unused index conditions // the indexConditions list may be modified here for (int i = 0; i < indexConditions.size(); i++) { IndexCondition condition = indexConditions.get(i); if (!condition.isAlwaysFalse()) { Column col = condition.getColumn(); if (col.getColumnId() >= 0) { if (index.getColumnIndex(col) < 0) { indexConditions.remove(i); i--; } } } } if (nestedJoin != null) { if (nestedJoin == this) { DbException.throwInternalError("self join"); } nestedJoin.prepare(); } if (join != null) { if (join == this) { DbException.throwInternalError("self join"); } join.prepare(); } if (filterCondition != null) { filterCondition = filterCondition.optimize(session); } if (joinCondition != null) { joinCondition = joinCondition.optimize(session); } }
Start the query. This will reset the scan counts.
  • s – the session
/** * Start the query. This will reset the scan counts. * * @param s the session */
public void startQuery(Session s) { this.session = s; scanCount = 0; if (nestedJoin != null) { nestedJoin.startQuery(s); } if (join != null) { join.startQuery(s); } }
Reset to the current position.
/** * Reset to the current position. */
public void reset() { if (joinBatch != null && joinFilterId == 0) { // reset join batch only on top table filter joinBatch.reset(true); return; } if (nestedJoin != null) { nestedJoin.reset(); } if (join != null) { join.reset(); } state = BEFORE_FIRST; foundOne = false; } private boolean isAlwaysTopTableFilter(int filter) { if (filter != 0) { return false; } // check if we are at the top table filters all the way up SubQueryInfo info = session.getSubQueryInfo(); while (true) { if (info == null) { return true; } if (info.getFilter() != 0) { return false; } info = info.getUpper(); } }
Attempt to initialize batched join.
  • jb – join batch if it is already created
  • filters – the table filters
  • filter – the filter index (0, 1,...)
Returns:join batch if query runs over index which supports batched lookups, null otherwise
/** * Attempt to initialize batched join. * * @param jb join batch if it is already created * @param filters the table filters * @param filter the filter index (0, 1,...) * @return join batch if query runs over index which supports batched * lookups, {@code null} otherwise */
public JoinBatch prepareJoinBatch(JoinBatch jb, TableFilter[] filters, int filter) { assert filters[filter] == this; joinBatch = null; joinFilterId = -1; if (getTable().isView()) { session.pushSubQueryInfo(masks, filters, filter, select.getSortOrder()); try { ((ViewIndex) index).getQuery().prepareJoinBatch(); } finally { session.popSubQueryInfo(); } } // For globally top table filter we don't need to create lookup batch, // because currently it will not be used (this will be shown in // ViewIndex.getPlanSQL()). Probably later on it will make sense to // create it to better support X IN (...) conditions, but this needs to // be implemented separately. If isAlwaysTopTableFilter is false then we // either not a top table filter or top table filter in a sub-query, // which in turn is not top in outer query, thus we need to enable // batching here to allow outer query run batched join against this // sub-query. IndexLookupBatch lookupBatch = null; if (jb == null && select != null && !isAlwaysTopTableFilter(filter)) { lookupBatch = index.createLookupBatch(filters, filter); if (lookupBatch != null) { jb = new JoinBatch(filter + 1, join); } } if (jb != null) { if (nestedJoin != null) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(); } joinBatch = jb; joinFilterId = filter; if (lookupBatch == null && !isAlwaysTopTableFilter(filter)) { // createLookupBatch will be called at most once because jb can // be created only if lookupBatch is already not null from the // call above. lookupBatch = index.createLookupBatch(filters, filter); if (lookupBatch == null) { // the index does not support lookup batching, need to fake // it because we are not top lookupBatch = JoinBatch.createFakeIndexLookupBatch(this); } } jb.register(this, lookupBatch); } return jb; } public int getJoinFilterId() { return joinFilterId; } public JoinBatch getJoinBatch() { return joinBatch; }
Check if there are more rows to read.
Returns:true if there are
/** * Check if there are more rows to read. * * @return true if there are */
public boolean next() { if (joinBatch != null) { // will happen only on topTableFilter since joinBatch.next() does // not call join.next() return joinBatch.next(); } if (state == AFTER_LAST) { return false; } else if (state == BEFORE_FIRST) { cursor.find(session, indexConditions); if (!cursor.isAlwaysFalse()) { if (nestedJoin != null) { nestedJoin.reset(); } if (join != null) { join.reset(); } } } else { // state == FOUND || NULL_ROW // the last row was ok - try next row of the join if (join != null && join.next()) { return true; } } while (true) { // go to the next row if (state == NULL_ROW) { break; } if (cursor.isAlwaysFalse()) { state = AFTER_LAST; } else if (nestedJoin != null) { if (state == BEFORE_FIRST) { state = FOUND; } } else { if ((++scanCount & 4095) == 0) { checkTimeout(); } if (cursor.next()) { currentSearchRow = cursor.getSearchRow(); current = null; state = FOUND; } else { state = AFTER_LAST; } } if (nestedJoin != null && state == FOUND) { if (!nestedJoin.next()) { state = AFTER_LAST; if (joinOuter && !foundOne) { // possibly null row } else { continue; } } } // if no more rows found, try the null row (for outer joins only) if (state == AFTER_LAST) { if (joinOuter && !foundOne) { setNullRow(); } else { break; } } if (!isOk(filterCondition)) { continue; } boolean joinConditionOk = isOk(joinCondition); if (state == FOUND) { if (joinConditionOk) { foundOne = true; } else { continue; } } if (join != null) { join.reset(); if (!join.next()) { continue; } } // check if it's ok if (state == NULL_ROW || joinConditionOk) { return true; } } state = AFTER_LAST; return false; }
Set the state of this and all nested tables to the NULL row.
/** * Set the state of this and all nested tables to the NULL row. */
protected void setNullRow() { state = NULL_ROW; current = table.getNullRow(); currentSearchRow = current; if (nestedJoin != null) { nestedJoin.visit(new TableFilterVisitor() { @Override public void accept(TableFilter f) { f.setNullRow(); } }); } } private void checkTimeout() { session.checkCanceled(); }
Whether the current value of the condition is true, or there is no condition.
  • condition – the condition (null for no condition)
Returns:true if yes
/** * Whether the current value of the condition is true, or there is no * condition. * * @param condition the condition (null for no condition) * @return true if yes */
boolean isOk(Expression condition) { return condition == null || condition.getBooleanValue(session); }
Get the current row.
Returns:the current row, or null
/** * Get the current row. * * @return the current row, or null */
public Row get() { if (current == null && currentSearchRow != null) { current = cursor.get(); } return current; }
Set the current row.
  • current – the current row
/** * Set the current row. * * @param current the current row */
public void set(Row current) { this.current = current; this.currentSearchRow = current; }
Get the table alias name. If no alias is specified, the table name is returned.
Returns:the alias name
/** * Get the table alias name. If no alias is specified, the table name is * returned. * * @return the alias name */
@Override public String getTableAlias() { if (alias != null) { return alias; } return table.getName(); }
Add an index condition.
  • condition – the index condition
/** * Add an index condition. * * @param condition the index condition */
public void addIndexCondition(IndexCondition condition) { if (!doneWithIndexConditions) { indexConditions.add(condition); } }
Used to reject all additional index conditions.
/** * Used to reject all additional index conditions. */
public void doneWithIndexConditions() { this.doneWithIndexConditions = true; }
Add a filter condition.
  • condition – the condition
  • isJoin – if this is in fact a join condition
/** * Add a filter condition. * * @param condition the condition * @param isJoin if this is in fact a join condition */
public void addFilterCondition(Expression condition, boolean isJoin) { if (isJoin) { if (joinCondition == null) { joinCondition = condition; } else { joinCondition = new ConditionAndOr(ConditionAndOr.AND, joinCondition, condition); } } else { if (filterCondition == null) { filterCondition = condition; } else { filterCondition = new ConditionAndOr(ConditionAndOr.AND, filterCondition, condition); } } }
Add a joined table.
  • filter – the joined table filter
  • outer – if this is an outer join
  • on – the join condition
/** * Add a joined table. * * @param filter the joined table filter * @param outer if this is an outer join * @param on the join condition */
public void addJoin(TableFilter filter, boolean outer, Expression on) { if (on != null) { on.mapColumns(this, 0, Expression.MAP_INITIAL); TableFilterVisitor visitor = new MapColumnsVisitor(on); visit(visitor); filter.visit(visitor); } if (join == null) { join = filter; filter.joinOuter = outer; if (outer) { filter.visit(new JOIVisitor()); } if (on != null) { filter.mapAndAddFilter(on); } } else { join.addJoin(filter, outer, on); } }
Set a nested joined table.
  • filter – the joined table filter
/** * Set a nested joined table. * * @param filter the joined table filter */
public void setNestedJoin(TableFilter filter) { nestedJoin = filter; }
Map the columns and add the join condition.
  • on – the condition
/** * Map the columns and add the join condition. * * @param on the condition */
public void mapAndAddFilter(Expression on) { on.mapColumns(this, 0, Expression.MAP_INITIAL); addFilterCondition(on, true); if (nestedJoin != null) { on.mapColumns(nestedJoin, 0, Expression.MAP_INITIAL); } if (join != null) { join.mapAndAddFilter(on); } }
Create the index conditions for this filter if needed.
/** * Create the index conditions for this filter if needed. */
public void createIndexConditions() { if (joinCondition != null) { joinCondition = joinCondition.optimize(session); joinCondition.createIndexConditions(session, this); if (nestedJoin != null) { joinCondition.createIndexConditions(session, nestedJoin); } } if (join != null) { join.createIndexConditions(); } if (nestedJoin != null) { nestedJoin.createIndexConditions(); } } public TableFilter getJoin() { return join; }
Whether this is an outer joined table.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Whether this is an outer joined table. * * @return true if it is */
public boolean isJoinOuter() { return joinOuter; }
Whether this is indirectly an outer joined table (nested within an inner join).
Returns:true if it is
/** * Whether this is indirectly an outer joined table (nested within an inner * join). * * @return true if it is */
public boolean isJoinOuterIndirect() { return joinOuterIndirect; }
Get the query execution plan text to use for this table filter and append it to the specified builder.
  • builder – string builder to append to
  • isJoin – if this is a joined table
  • alwaysQuote – quote all identifiers
Returns:the specified builder
/** * Get the query execution plan text to use for this table filter and append * it to the specified builder. * * @param builder string builder to append to * @param isJoin if this is a joined table * @param alwaysQuote quote all identifiers * @return the specified builder */
public StringBuilder getPlanSQL(StringBuilder builder, boolean isJoin, boolean alwaysQuote) { if (isJoin) { if (joinOuter) { builder.append("LEFT OUTER JOIN "); } else { builder.append("INNER JOIN "); } } if (nestedJoin != null) { StringBuilder buffNested = new StringBuilder(); TableFilter n = nestedJoin; do { n.getPlanSQL(buffNested, n != nestedJoin, alwaysQuote).append('\n'); n = n.getJoin(); } while (n != null); String nested = buffNested.toString(); boolean enclose = !nested.startsWith("("); if (enclose) { builder.append("(\n"); } StringUtils.indent(builder, nested, 4, false); if (enclose) { builder.append(')'); } if (isJoin) { builder.append(" ON "); if (joinCondition == null) { // need to have a ON expression, // otherwise the nesting is unclear builder.append("1=1"); } else { joinCondition.getUnenclosedSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } } return builder; } if (table.isView() && ((TableView) table).isRecursive()) { table.getSchema().getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote).append('.'); Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, table.getName(), alwaysQuote); } else { table.getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } if (table.isView() && ((TableView) table).isInvalid()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.VIEW_IS_INVALID_2, table.getName(), "not compiled"); } if (alias != null) { builder.append(' '); Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, alias, alwaysQuote); if (derivedColumnMap != null) { builder.append('('); boolean f = false; for (String name : derivedColumnMap.values()) { if (f) { builder.append(", "); } f = true; Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, name, alwaysQuote); } builder.append(')'); } } if (indexHints != null) { builder.append(" USE INDEX ("); boolean first = true; for (String index : indexHints.getAllowedIndexes()) { if (!first) { builder.append(", "); } else { first = false; } Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, index, alwaysQuote); } builder.append(")"); } if (index != null) { builder.append('\n'); StringBuilder planBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (joinBatch != null) { IndexLookupBatch lookupBatch = joinBatch.getLookupBatch(joinFilterId); if (lookupBatch == null) { if (joinFilterId != 0) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(Integer.toString(joinFilterId)); } } else { planBuilder.append("batched:").append(lookupBatch.getPlanSQL()).append(' '); } } planBuilder.append(index.getPlanSQL()); if (!indexConditions.isEmpty()) { planBuilder.append(": "); for (int i = 0, size = indexConditions.size(); i < size; i++) { if (i > 0) { planBuilder.append("\n AND "); } planBuilder.append(indexConditions.get(i).getSQL(false)); } } String plan = StringUtils.quoteRemarkSQL(planBuilder.toString()); planBuilder.setLength(0); planBuilder.append("/* ").append(plan); if (plan.indexOf('\n') >= 0) { planBuilder.append('\n'); } StringUtils.indent(builder, planBuilder.append(" */").toString(), 4, false); } if (isJoin) { builder.append("\n ON "); if (joinCondition == null) { // need to have a ON expression, otherwise the nesting is // unclear builder.append("1=1"); } else { joinCondition.getUnenclosedSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } } if (filterCondition != null) { builder.append('\n'); String condition = StringUtils.unEnclose(filterCondition.getSQL(false)); condition = "/* WHERE " + StringUtils.quoteRemarkSQL(condition) + "\n*/"; StringUtils.indent(builder, condition, 4, false); } if (scanCount > 0) { builder.append("\n /* scanCount: ").append(scanCount).append(" */"); } return builder; }
Remove all index conditions that are not used by the current index.
/** * Remove all index conditions that are not used by the current index. */
void removeUnusableIndexConditions() { // the indexConditions list may be modified here for (int i = 0; i < indexConditions.size(); i++) { IndexCondition cond = indexConditions.get(i); if (!cond.isEvaluatable()) { indexConditions.remove(i--); } } } public int[] getMasks() { return masks; } public ArrayList<IndexCondition> getIndexConditions() { return indexConditions; } public Index getIndex() { return index; } public void setIndex(Index index) { this.index = index; cursor.setIndex(index); } public void setUsed(boolean used) { this.used = used; } public boolean isUsed() { return used; }
Set the session of this table filter.
  • session – the new session
/** * Set the session of this table filter. * * @param session the new session */
void setSession(Session session) { this.session = session; }
Remove the joined table
/** * Remove the joined table */
public void removeJoin() { this.join = null; } public Expression getJoinCondition() { return joinCondition; }
Remove the join condition.
/** * Remove the join condition. */
public void removeJoinCondition() { this.joinCondition = null; } public Expression getFilterCondition() { return filterCondition; }
Remove the filter condition.
/** * Remove the filter condition. */
public void removeFilterCondition() { this.filterCondition = null; } public void setFullCondition(Expression condition) { this.fullCondition = condition; if (join != null) { join.setFullCondition(condition); } }
Optimize the full condition. This will add the full condition to the filter condition.
  • fromOuterJoin – if this method was called from an outer joined table
/** * Optimize the full condition. This will add the full condition to the * filter condition. * * @param fromOuterJoin if this method was called from an outer joined table */
void optimizeFullCondition(boolean fromOuterJoin) { if (fullCondition != null) { fullCondition.addFilterConditions(this, fromOuterJoin || joinOuter); if (nestedJoin != null) { nestedJoin.optimizeFullCondition(fromOuterJoin || joinOuter); } if (join != null) { join.optimizeFullCondition(fromOuterJoin || joinOuter); } } }
Update the filter and join conditions of this and all joined tables with the information that the given table filter and all nested filter can now return rows or not.
  • filter – the table filter
  • b – the new flag
/** * Update the filter and join conditions of this and all joined tables with * the information that the given table filter and all nested filter can now * return rows or not. * * @param filter the table filter * @param b the new flag */
public void setEvaluatable(TableFilter filter, boolean b) { filter.setEvaluatable(b); if (filterCondition != null) { filterCondition.setEvaluatable(filter, b); } if (joinCondition != null) { joinCondition.setEvaluatable(filter, b); } if (nestedJoin != null) { // don't enable / disable the nested join filters // if enabling a filter in a joined filter if (this == filter) { nestedJoin.setEvaluatable(nestedJoin, b); } } if (join != null) { join.setEvaluatable(filter, b); } } public void setEvaluatable(boolean evaluatable) { this.evaluatable = evaluatable; } @Override public String getSchemaName() { return table.getSchema().getName(); } @Override public Column[] getColumns() { return table.getColumns(); } @Override public String getDerivedColumnName(Column column) { HashMap<Column, String> map = derivedColumnMap; return map != null ? map.get(column) : null; }
Get the system columns that this table understands. This is used for compatibility with other databases. The columns are only returned if the current mode supports system columns.
Returns:the system columns
/** * Get the system columns that this table understands. This is used for * compatibility with other databases. The columns are only returned if the * current mode supports system columns. * * @return the system columns */
@Override public Column[] getSystemColumns() { if (!session.getDatabase().getMode().systemColumns) { return null; } Column[] sys = new Column[3]; sys[0] = new Column("oid", Value.INT); sys[0].setTable(table, 0); sys[1] = new Column("ctid", Value.STRING); sys[1].setTable(table, 0); sys[2] = new Column("CTID", Value.STRING); sys[2].setTable(table, 0); return sys; } @Override public Column getRowIdColumn() { return table.getRowIdColumn(); } @Override public Value getValue(Column column) { if (joinBatch != null) { return joinBatch.getValue(joinFilterId, column); } if (currentSearchRow == null) { return null; } int columnId = column.getColumnId(); if (columnId == -1) { return ValueLong.get(currentSearchRow.getKey()); } if (current == null) { Value v = currentSearchRow.getValue(columnId); if (v != null) { return v; } current = cursor.get(); if (current == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } } return current.getValue(columnId); } @Override public TableFilter getTableFilter() { return this; } public void setAlias(String alias) { this.alias = alias; }
Set derived column list.
  • derivedColumnNames – names of derived columns
/** * Set derived column list. * * @param derivedColumnNames names of derived columns */
public void setDerivedColumns(ArrayList<String> derivedColumnNames) { Column[] columns = getColumns(); int count = columns.length; if (count != derivedColumnNames.size()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.COLUMN_COUNT_DOES_NOT_MATCH); } LinkedHashMap<Column, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String alias = derivedColumnNames.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (alias.equals(derivedColumnNames.get(j))) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_1, alias); } } map.put(columns[i], alias); } this.derivedColumnMap = map; } @Override public Expression optimize(ExpressionColumn expressionColumn, Column column) { return expressionColumn; } @Override public String toString() { return alias != null ? alias : table.toString(); }
Add a column to the natural join key column list.
  • c – the column to add
/** * Add a column to the natural join key column list. * * @param c the column to add */
public void addNaturalJoinColumn(Column c) { if (naturalJoinColumns == null) { naturalJoinColumns = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); } naturalJoinColumns.add(c); }
Check if the given column is a natural join column.
  • c – the column to check
Returns:true if this is a joined natural join column
/** * Check if the given column is a natural join column. * * @param c the column to check * @return true if this is a joined natural join column */
public boolean isNaturalJoinColumn(Column c) { return naturalJoinColumns != null && naturalJoinColumns.contains(c); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; }
Are there any index conditions that involve IN(...).
Returns:whether there are IN(...) comparisons
/** * Are there any index conditions that involve IN(...). * * @return whether there are IN(...) comparisons */
public boolean hasInComparisons() { for (IndexCondition cond : indexConditions) { int compareType = cond.getCompareType(); if (compareType == Comparison.IN_QUERY || compareType == Comparison.IN_LIST) { return true; } } return false; }
Add the current row to the array, if there is a current row.
  • rows – the rows to lock
/** * Add the current row to the array, if there is a current row. * * @param rows the rows to lock */
public void lockRowAdd(ArrayList<Row> rows) { if (state == FOUND) { rows.add(get()); } } public TableFilter getNestedJoin() { return nestedJoin; }
Visit this and all joined or nested table filters.
  • visitor – the visitor
/** * Visit this and all joined or nested table filters. * * @param visitor the visitor */
public void visit(TableFilterVisitor visitor) { TableFilter f = this; do { visitor.accept(f); TableFilter n = f.nestedJoin; if (n != null) { n.visit(visitor); } f = f.join; } while (f != null); } public boolean isEvaluatable() { return evaluatable; } public Session getSession() { return session; } public IndexHints getIndexHints() { return indexHints; }
A visitor for table filters.
/** * A visitor for table filters. */
public interface TableFilterVisitor {
This method is called for each nested or joined table filter.
  • f – the filter
/** * This method is called for each nested or joined table filter. * * @param f the filter */
void accept(TableFilter f); }
A visitor that maps columns.
/** * A visitor that maps columns. */
private static final class MapColumnsVisitor implements TableFilterVisitor { private final Expression on; MapColumnsVisitor(Expression on) { this.on = on; } @Override public void accept(TableFilter f) { on.mapColumns(f, 0, Expression.MAP_INITIAL); } }
A visitor that sets joinOuterIndirect to true.
/** * A visitor that sets joinOuterIndirect to true. */
private static final class JOIVisitor implements TableFilterVisitor { JOIVisitor() { } @Override public void accept(TableFilter f) { f.joinOuterIndirect = true; } } }