 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.table;

import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.util.Objects;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.Parser;
import org.h2.command.ddl.SequenceOptions;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.Domain;
import org.h2.engine.Mode;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionVisitor;
import org.h2.expression.SequenceValue;
import org.h2.expression.ValueExpression;
import org.h2.expression.condition.ConditionAndOr;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.result.Row;
import org.h2.schema.Schema;
import org.h2.schema.Sequence;
import org.h2.util.MathUtils;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.value.DataType;
import org.h2.value.TypeInfo;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueInt;
import org.h2.value.ValueLong;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;
import org.h2.value.ValueString;
import org.h2.value.ValueTime;
import org.h2.value.ValueUuid;

This class represents a column in a table.
/** * This class represents a column in a table. */
public class Column {
The name of the rowid pseudo column.
/** * The name of the rowid pseudo column. */
public static final String ROWID = "_ROWID_";
This column is not nullable.
/** * This column is not nullable. */
public static final int NOT_NULLABLE = ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls;
This column is nullable.
/** * This column is nullable. */
public static final int NULLABLE = ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable;
It is not know whether this column is nullable.
/** * It is not know whether this column is nullable. */
public static final int NULLABLE_UNKNOWN = ResultSetMetaData.columnNullableUnknown; private final TypeInfo type; private Table table; private String name; private int columnId; private boolean nullable = true; private Expression defaultExpression; private Expression onUpdateExpression; private Expression checkConstraint; private String checkConstraintSQL; private String originalSQL; private SequenceOptions autoIncrementOptions; private boolean convertNullToDefault; private Sequence sequence; private boolean isComputed; private TableFilter computeTableFilter; private int selectivity; private SingleColumnResolver resolver; private String comment; private boolean primaryKey; private boolean visible = true; private boolean rowId; private Domain domain;
Appends the specified columns to the specified builder.
  • builder – string builder
  • columns – columns
  • alwaysQuote – quote all identifiers
Returns:the specified string builder
/** * Appends the specified columns to the specified builder. * * @param builder * string builder * @param columns * columns * @param alwaysQuote * quote all identifiers * @return the specified string builder */
public static StringBuilder writeColumns(StringBuilder builder, Column[] columns, boolean alwaysQuote) { for (int i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) { if (i > 0) { builder.append(", "); } columns[i].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } return builder; }
Appends the specified columns to the specified builder.
  • builder – string builder
  • columns – columns
  • separator – separator
  • suffix – additional SQL to append after each column
  • alwaysQuote – quote all identifiers
Returns:the specified string builder
/** * Appends the specified columns to the specified builder. * * @param builder * string builder * @param columns * columns * @param separator * separator * @param suffix * additional SQL to append after each column * @param alwaysQuote * quote all identifiers * @return the specified string builder */
public static StringBuilder writeColumns(StringBuilder builder, Column[] columns, String separator, String suffix, boolean alwaysQuote) { for (int i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) { if (i > 0) { builder.append(separator); } columns[i].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote).append(suffix); } return builder; } public Column(String name, int valueType) { this(name, TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(valueType)); } public Column(String name, TypeInfo type) { this.name = name; this.type = type; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } else if (!(o instanceof Column)) { return false; } Column other = (Column) o; if (table == null || other.table == null || name == null || other.name == null) { return false; } if (table != other.table) { return false; } return name.equals(other.name); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (table == null || name == null) { return 0; } return table.getId() ^ name.hashCode(); } public Column getClone() { Column newColumn = new Column(name, type); newColumn.copy(this); return newColumn; }
Convert a value to this column's type.
  • v – the value
Returns:the value
/** * Convert a value to this column's type. * * @param v the value * @return the value */
public Value convert(Value v) { return convert(v, null); }
Convert a value to this column's type using the given Mode.

Use this method in case the conversion is Mode-dependent.

  • v – the value
  • mode – the database Mode to use
Returns:the value
/** * Convert a value to this column's type using the given {@link Mode}. * <p> * Use this method in case the conversion is Mode-dependent. * * @param v the value * @param mode the database {@link Mode} to use * @return the value */
public Value convert(Value v, Mode mode) { try { return v.convertTo(type, mode, this); } catch (DbException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1) { String target = (table == null ? "" : table.getName() + ": ") + getCreateSQL(); throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, e, v.getTraceSQL() + " (" + target + ")"); } throw e; } } boolean getComputed() { return isComputed; }
Compute the value of this computed column.
  • session – the session
  • row – the row
Returns:the value
/** * Compute the value of this computed column. * * @param session the session * @param row the row * @return the value */
synchronized Value computeValue(Session session, Row row) { computeTableFilter.setSession(session); computeTableFilter.set(row); return defaultExpression.getValue(session); }
Set the default value in the form of a computed expression of other columns.
  • expression – the computed expression
/** * Set the default value in the form of a computed expression of other * columns. * * @param expression the computed expression */
public void setComputedExpression(Expression expression) { this.isComputed = true; this.defaultExpression = expression; }
Set the table and column id.
  • table – the table
  • columnId – the column index
/** * Set the table and column id. * * @param table the table * @param columnId the column index */
public void setTable(Table table, int columnId) { this.table = table; this.columnId = columnId; } public Table getTable() { return table; }
Set the default expression.
  • session – the session
  • defaultExpression – the default expression
/** * Set the default expression. * * @param session the session * @param defaultExpression the default expression */
public void setDefaultExpression(Session session, Expression defaultExpression) { // also to test that no column names are used if (defaultExpression != null) { defaultExpression = defaultExpression.optimize(session); if (defaultExpression.isConstant()) { defaultExpression = ValueExpression.get( defaultExpression.getValue(session)); } } this.defaultExpression = defaultExpression; }
Set the on update expression.
  • session – the session
  • onUpdateExpression – the on update expression
/** * Set the on update expression. * * @param session the session * @param onUpdateExpression the on update expression */
public void setOnUpdateExpression(Session session, Expression onUpdateExpression) { // also to test that no column names are used if (onUpdateExpression != null) { onUpdateExpression = onUpdateExpression.optimize(session); if (onUpdateExpression.isConstant()) { onUpdateExpression = ValueExpression.get(onUpdateExpression.getValue(session)); } } this.onUpdateExpression = onUpdateExpression; } public int getColumnId() { return columnId; }
Get the SQL representation of the column.
  • alwaysQuote – whether to always quote the name
Returns:the SQL representation
/** * Get the SQL representation of the column. * * @param alwaysQuote whether to always quote the name * @return the SQL representation */
public String getSQL(boolean alwaysQuote) { return rowId ? name : Parser.quoteIdentifier(name, alwaysQuote); }
Appends the column name to the specified builder. The name is quoted, unless if this is a row id column.
  • builder – the string builder
  • alwaysQuote – quote all identifiers
Returns:the specified string builder
/** * Appends the column name to the specified builder. * The name is quoted, unless if this is a row id column. * * @param builder the string builder * @param alwaysQuote quote all identifiers * @return the specified string builder */
public StringBuilder getSQL(StringBuilder builder, boolean alwaysQuote) { return rowId ? builder.append(name) : Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, name, alwaysQuote); } public String getName() { return name; } public TypeInfo getType() { return type; } public void setNullable(boolean b) { nullable = b; } public boolean getVisible() { return visible; } public void setVisible(boolean b) { visible = b; } public Domain getDomain() { return domain; } public void setDomain(Domain domain) { this.domain = domain; }
Returns whether this column is a row identity column.
Returns:true for _ROWID_ column, false otherwise
/** * Returns whether this column is a row identity column. * * @return true for _ROWID_ column, false otherwise */
public boolean isRowId() { return rowId; }
Set row identity flag.
  • rowId – true _ROWID_ column, false otherwise
/** * Set row identity flag. * * @param rowId true _ROWID_ column, false otherwise */
public void setRowId(boolean rowId) { this.rowId = rowId; }
Validate the value, convert it if required, and update the sequence value if required. If the value is null, the default value (NULL if no default is set) is returned. Check constraints are validated as well.
  • session – the session
  • value – the value or null
Returns:the new or converted value
/** * Validate the value, convert it if required, and update the sequence value * if required. If the value is null, the default value (NULL if no default * is set) is returned. Check constraints are validated as well. * * @param session the session * @param value the value or null * @return the new or converted value */
public Value validateConvertUpdateSequence(Session session, Value value) { // take a local copy of defaultExpression to avoid holding the lock // while calling getValue final Expression localDefaultExpression; synchronized (this) { localDefaultExpression = defaultExpression; } Mode mode = session.getDatabase().getMode(); if (value == null) { if (localDefaultExpression == null) { value = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { value = convert(localDefaultExpression.getValue(session), mode); if (!localDefaultExpression.isConstant()) { session.getGeneratedKeys().add(this); } if (primaryKey) { session.setLastIdentity(value); } } } if (value == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { if (convertNullToDefault) { value = convert(localDefaultExpression.getValue(session), mode); if (!localDefaultExpression.isConstant()) { session.getGeneratedKeys().add(this); } } if (value == ValueNull.INSTANCE && !nullable) { if (mode.convertInsertNullToZero) { int t = type.getValueType(); DataType dt = DataType.getDataType(t); if (dt.decimal) { value = ValueInt.get(0).convertTo(t); } else if (dt.type == Value.TIMESTAMP) { value = session.getCurrentCommandStart().convertTo(Value.TIMESTAMP); } else if (dt.type == Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ) { value = session.getCurrentCommandStart(); } else if (dt.type == Value.TIME) { value = ValueTime.fromNanos(0); } else if (dt.type == Value.DATE) { value = session.getCurrentCommandStart().convertTo(Value.DATE); } else { value = ValueString.get("").convertTo(t); } } else { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, name); } } } if (checkConstraint != null) { resolver.setValue(value); Value v; synchronized (this) { v = checkConstraint.getValue(session); } // Both TRUE and NULL are ok if (v != ValueNull.INSTANCE && !v.getBoolean()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED_1, checkConstraint.getSQL(false)); } } value = value.convertScale(mode.convertOnlyToSmallerScale, type.getScale()); long precision = type.getPrecision(); if (precision > 0) { if (!value.checkPrecision(precision)) { String s = value.getTraceSQL(); if (s.length() > 127) { s = s.substring(0, 128) + "..."; } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.VALUE_TOO_LONG_2, getCreateSQL(), s + " (" + value.getType().getPrecision() + ')'); } } if (value != ValueNull.INSTANCE && DataType.isExtInfoType(type.getValueType()) && type.getExtTypeInfo() != null) { value = type.getExtTypeInfo().cast(value); } updateSequenceIfRequired(session, value); return value; } private void updateSequenceIfRequired(Session session, Value value) { if (sequence != null) { long current = sequence.getCurrentValue(); long inc = sequence.getIncrement(); long now = value.getLong(); boolean update = false; if (inc > 0 && now > current) { update = true; } else if (inc < 0 && now < current) { update = true; } if (update) { sequence.modify(now + inc, null, null, null); session.setLastIdentity(ValueLong.get(now)); sequence.flush(session); } } }
Convert the auto-increment flag to a sequence that is linked with this table.
  • session – the session
  • schema – the schema where the sequence should be generated
  • id – the object id
  • temporary – true if the sequence is temporary and does not need to be stored
/** * Convert the auto-increment flag to a sequence that is linked with this * table. * * @param session the session * @param schema the schema where the sequence should be generated * @param id the object id * @param temporary true if the sequence is temporary and does not need to * be stored */
public void convertAutoIncrementToSequence(Session session, Schema schema, int id, boolean temporary) { if (autoIncrementOptions == null) { DbException.throwInternalError(); } if ("IDENTITY".equals(originalSQL)) { originalSQL = "BIGINT"; } else if ("SERIAL".equals(originalSQL)) { originalSQL = "INT"; } String sequenceName; do { ValueUuid uuid = ValueUuid.getNewRandom(); String s = uuid.getString(); s = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(s.replace('-', '_')); sequenceName = "SYSTEM_SEQUENCE_" + s; } while (schema.findSequence(sequenceName) != null); Sequence seq = new Sequence(schema, id, sequenceName, autoIncrementOptions.getStartValue(session), autoIncrementOptions.getIncrement(session), autoIncrementOptions.getCacheSize(session), autoIncrementOptions.getMinValue(null, session), autoIncrementOptions.getMaxValue(null, session), Boolean.TRUE.equals(autoIncrementOptions.getCycle()), true); seq.setTemporary(temporary); session.getDatabase().addSchemaObject(session, seq); setAutoIncrementOptions(null); SequenceValue seqValue = new SequenceValue(seq); setDefaultExpression(session, seqValue); setSequence(seq); }
Prepare all expressions of this column.
  • session – the session
/** * Prepare all expressions of this column. * * @param session the session */
public void prepareExpression(Session session) { if (defaultExpression != null || onUpdateExpression != null) { computeTableFilter = new TableFilter(session, table, null, false, null, 0, null); if (defaultExpression != null) { defaultExpression.mapColumns(computeTableFilter, 0, Expression.MAP_INITIAL); defaultExpression = defaultExpression.optimize(session); } if (onUpdateExpression != null) { onUpdateExpression.mapColumns(computeTableFilter, 0, Expression.MAP_INITIAL); onUpdateExpression = onUpdateExpression.optimize(session); } } } public String getCreateSQLWithoutName() { return getCreateSQL(false); } public String getCreateSQL() { return getCreateSQL(true); } private String getCreateSQL(boolean includeName) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if (includeName && name != null) { Parser.quoteIdentifier(buff, name, true).append(' '); } if (originalSQL != null) { buff.append(originalSQL); } else { type.getSQL(buff); } if (!visible) { buff.append(" INVISIBLE "); } if (defaultExpression != null) { if (isComputed) { buff.append(" AS "); defaultExpression.getSQL(buff, true); } else if (defaultExpression != null) { buff.append(" DEFAULT "); defaultExpression.getSQL(buff, true); } } if (onUpdateExpression != null) { buff.append(" ON UPDATE "); onUpdateExpression.getSQL(buff, true); } if (!nullable) { buff.append(" NOT NULL"); } else if (domain != null && !domain.getColumn().isNullable()) { buff.append(" NULL"); } if (convertNullToDefault) { buff.append(" NULL_TO_DEFAULT"); } if (sequence != null) { buff.append(" SEQUENCE "); sequence.getSQL(buff, true); } if (selectivity != 0) { buff.append(" SELECTIVITY ").append(selectivity); } if (comment != null) { buff.append(" COMMENT "); StringUtils.quoteStringSQL(buff, comment); } if (checkConstraint != null) { buff.append(" CHECK ").append(checkConstraintSQL); } return buff.toString(); } public boolean isNullable() { return nullable; } public void setOriginalSQL(String original) { originalSQL = original; } public String getOriginalSQL() { return originalSQL; } public Expression getDefaultExpression() { return defaultExpression; } public Expression getOnUpdateExpression() { return onUpdateExpression; } public boolean isAutoIncrement() { return autoIncrementOptions != null; }
Set the autoincrement flag and related options of this column.
  • sequenceOptions – sequence options, or null to reset the flag
/** * Set the autoincrement flag and related options of this column. * * @param sequenceOptions * sequence options, or {@code null} to reset the flag */
public void setAutoIncrementOptions(SequenceOptions sequenceOptions) { this.autoIncrementOptions = sequenceOptions; this.nullable = false; if (sequenceOptions != null) { convertNullToDefault = true; } } public void setConvertNullToDefault(boolean convert) { this.convertNullToDefault = convert; }
Rename the column. This method will only set the column name to the new value.
  • newName – the new column name
/** * Rename the column. This method will only set the column name to the new * value. * * @param newName the new column name */
public void rename(String newName) { this.name = newName; } public void setSequence(Sequence sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; } public Sequence getSequence() { return sequence; }
Get the selectivity of the column. Selectivity 100 means values are unique, 10 means every distinct value appears 10 times on average.
Returns:the selectivity
/** * Get the selectivity of the column. Selectivity 100 means values are * unique, 10 means every distinct value appears 10 times on average. * * @return the selectivity */
public int getSelectivity() { return selectivity == 0 ? Constants.SELECTIVITY_DEFAULT : selectivity; }
Set the new selectivity of a column.
  • selectivity – the new value
/** * Set the new selectivity of a column. * * @param selectivity the new value */
public void setSelectivity(int selectivity) { selectivity = selectivity < 0 ? 0 : (selectivity > 100 ? 100 : selectivity); this.selectivity = selectivity; }
Add a check constraint expression to this column. An existing check constraint is added using AND.
  • session – the session
  • expr – the (additional) constraint
/** * Add a check constraint expression to this column. An existing check * constraint is added using AND. * * @param session the session * @param expr the (additional) constraint */
public void addCheckConstraint(Session session, Expression expr) { if (expr == null) { return; } if (resolver == null) { resolver = new SingleColumnResolver(this); } synchronized (this) { String oldName = name; if (name == null) { name = "VALUE"; } expr.mapColumns(resolver, 0, Expression.MAP_INITIAL); name = oldName; } expr = expr.optimize(session); resolver.setValue(ValueNull.INSTANCE); // check if the column is mapped synchronized (this) { expr.getValue(session); } if (checkConstraint == null) { checkConstraint = expr; } else if (!expr.getSQL(true).equals(checkConstraintSQL)) { checkConstraint = new ConditionAndOr(ConditionAndOr.AND, checkConstraint, expr); } checkConstraintSQL = getCheckConstraintSQL(session, name); }
Remove the check constraint if there is one.
/** * Remove the check constraint if there is one. */
public void removeCheckConstraint() { checkConstraint = null; checkConstraintSQL = null; }
Get the check constraint expression for this column if set.
  • session – the session
  • asColumnName – the column name to use
Returns:the constraint expression
/** * Get the check constraint expression for this column if set. * * @param session the session * @param asColumnName the column name to use * @return the constraint expression */
public Expression getCheckConstraint(Session session, String asColumnName) { if (checkConstraint == null) { return null; } Parser parser = new Parser(session); String sql; synchronized (this) { String oldName = name; name = asColumnName; sql = checkConstraint.getSQL(true); name = oldName; } return parser.parseExpression(sql); } String getDefaultSQL() { return defaultExpression == null ? null : defaultExpression.getSQL(true); } String getOnUpdateSQL() { return onUpdateExpression == null ? null : onUpdateExpression.getSQL(true); } int getPrecisionAsInt() { return MathUtils.convertLongToInt(type.getPrecision()); } DataType getDataType() { return DataType.getDataType(type.getValueType()); }
Get the check constraint SQL snippet.
  • session – the session
  • asColumnName – the column name to use
Returns:the SQL snippet
/** * Get the check constraint SQL snippet. * * @param session the session * @param asColumnName the column name to use * @return the SQL snippet */
String getCheckConstraintSQL(Session session, String asColumnName) { Expression constraint = getCheckConstraint(session, asColumnName); return constraint == null ? "" : constraint.getSQL(true); } public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } public String getComment() { return comment; } public void setPrimaryKey(boolean primaryKey) { this.primaryKey = primaryKey; }
Visit the default expression, the check constraint, and the sequence (if any).
  • visitor – the visitor
Returns:true if every visited expression returned true, or if there are no expressions
/** * Visit the default expression, the check constraint, and the sequence (if * any). * * @param visitor the visitor * @return true if every visited expression returned true, or if there are * no expressions */
boolean isEverything(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { if (visitor.getType() == ExpressionVisitor.GET_DEPENDENCIES) { if (sequence != null) { visitor.getDependencies().add(sequence); } } if (defaultExpression != null && !defaultExpression.isEverything(visitor)) { return false; } if (checkConstraint != null && !checkConstraint.isEverything(visitor)) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey; } @Override public String toString() { return name; }
Check whether the new column is of the same type and not more restricted than this column.
  • newColumn – the new (target) column
Returns:true if the new column is compatible
/** * Check whether the new column is of the same type and not more restricted * than this column. * * @param newColumn the new (target) column * @return true if the new column is compatible */
public boolean isWideningConversion(Column newColumn) { if (type != newColumn.type) { return false; } if (type.getPrecision() > newColumn.type.getPrecision()) { return false; } if (type.getScale() != newColumn.type.getScale()) { return false; } if (nullable && !newColumn.nullable) { return false; } if (convertNullToDefault != newColumn.convertNullToDefault) { return false; } if (primaryKey != newColumn.primaryKey) { return false; } if (autoIncrementOptions != null || newColumn.autoIncrementOptions != null) { return false; } if (checkConstraint != null || newColumn.checkConstraint != null) { return false; } if (convertNullToDefault || newColumn.convertNullToDefault) { return false; } if (defaultExpression != null || newColumn.defaultExpression != null) { return false; } if (isComputed || newColumn.isComputed) { return false; } if (onUpdateExpression != null || newColumn.onUpdateExpression != null) { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(type.getExtTypeInfo(), newColumn.type.getExtTypeInfo())) { return false; } return true; }
Copy the data of the source column into the current column.
  • source – the source column
/** * Copy the data of the source column into the current column. * * @param source the source column */
public void copy(Column source) { checkConstraint = source.checkConstraint; checkConstraintSQL = source.checkConstraintSQL; name = source.name; // table is not set // columnId is not set nullable = source.nullable; defaultExpression = source.defaultExpression; onUpdateExpression = source.onUpdateExpression; originalSQL = source.originalSQL; // autoIncrement, start, increment is not set convertNullToDefault = source.convertNullToDefault; sequence = source.sequence; comment = source.comment; computeTableFilter = source.computeTableFilter; isComputed = source.isComputed; selectivity = source.selectivity; primaryKey = source.primaryKey; visible = source.visible; } }