 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.result;

import org.h2.command.dml.SelectOrderBy;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionColumn;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.TableFilter;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;
import org.h2.value.ValueRow;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;

A sort order represents an ORDER BY clause in a query.
/** * A sort order represents an ORDER BY clause in a query. */
public class SortOrder implements Comparator<Value[]> {
This bit mask means the values should be sorted in ascending order.
/** * This bit mask means the values should be sorted in ascending order. */
public static final int ASCENDING = 0;
This bit mask means the values should be sorted in descending order.
/** * This bit mask means the values should be sorted in descending order. */
public static final int DESCENDING = 1;
This bit mask means NULLs should be sorted before other data, no matter if ascending or descending order is used.
/** * This bit mask means NULLs should be sorted before other data, no matter * if ascending or descending order is used. */
public static final int NULLS_FIRST = 2;
This bit mask means NULLs should be sorted after other data, no matter if ascending or descending order is used.
/** * This bit mask means NULLs should be sorted after other data, no matter * if ascending or descending order is used. */
public static final int NULLS_LAST = 4;
The default comparison result for NULL, either 1 or -1.
/** * The default comparison result for NULL, either 1 or -1. */
private static final int DEFAULT_NULL_SORT;
The default NULLs sort order bit for ASC indexes.
/** * The default NULLs sort order bit for ASC indexes. */
private static final int DEFAULT_ASC_NULLS;
The default NULLs sort order bit for DESC indexes.
/** * The default NULLs sort order bit for DESC indexes. */
private static final int DEFAULT_DESC_NULLS; static { if (SysProperties.SORT_NULLS_HIGH) { DEFAULT_NULL_SORT = 1; DEFAULT_ASC_NULLS = NULLS_LAST; DEFAULT_DESC_NULLS = NULLS_FIRST; } else { // default DEFAULT_NULL_SORT = -1; DEFAULT_ASC_NULLS = NULLS_FIRST; DEFAULT_DESC_NULLS = NULLS_LAST; } } private final Database database;
The column indexes of the order by expressions within the query.
/** * The column indexes of the order by expressions within the query. */
private final int[] queryColumnIndexes;
The sort type bit mask (DESCENDING, NULLS_FIRST, NULLS_LAST).
/** * The sort type bit mask (DESCENDING, NULLS_FIRST, NULLS_LAST). */
private final int[] sortTypes;
The order list.
/** * The order list. */
private final ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderList;
Construct a new sort order object.
  • database – the database
  • queryColumnIndexes – the column index list
  • sortType – the sort order bit masks
  • orderList – the original query order list (if this is a query)
/** * Construct a new sort order object. * * @param database the database * @param queryColumnIndexes the column index list * @param sortType the sort order bit masks * @param orderList the original query order list (if this is a query) */
public SortOrder(Database database, int[] queryColumnIndexes, int[] sortType, ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderList) { this.database = database; this.queryColumnIndexes = queryColumnIndexes; this.sortTypes = sortType; this.orderList = orderList; }
Create the SQL snippet that describes this sort order. This is the SQL snippet that usually appears after the ORDER BY clause.
  • list – the expression list
  • visible – the number of columns in the select list
  • alwaysQuote – quote all identifiers
Returns:the SQL snippet
/** * Create the SQL snippet that describes this sort order. * This is the SQL snippet that usually appears after the ORDER BY clause. * * @param list the expression list * @param visible the number of columns in the select list * @param alwaysQuote quote all identifiers * @return the SQL snippet */
public String getSQL(Expression[] list, int visible, boolean alwaysQuote) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (int idx : queryColumnIndexes) { if (i > 0) { builder.append(", "); } if (idx < visible) { builder.append(idx + 1); } else { builder.append('='); list[idx].getUnenclosedSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } typeToString(builder, sortTypes[i++]); } return builder.toString(); }
Appends type information (DESC, NULLS FIRST, NULLS LAST) to the specified statement builder.
  • builder – string builder
  • type – sort type
/** * Appends type information (DESC, NULLS FIRST, NULLS LAST) to the specified statement builder. * @param builder string builder * @param type sort type */
public static void typeToString(StringBuilder builder, int type) { if ((type & DESCENDING) != 0) { builder.append(" DESC"); } if ((type & NULLS_FIRST) != 0) { builder.append(" NULLS FIRST"); } else if ((type & NULLS_LAST) != 0) { builder.append(" NULLS LAST"); } }
Compare two expressions where one of them is NULL.
  • aNull – whether the first expression is null
  • sortType – the sort bit mask to use
Returns:the result of the comparison (-1 meaning the first expression should appear before the second, 0 if they are equal)
/** * Compare two expressions where one of them is NULL. * * @param aNull whether the first expression is null * @param sortType the sort bit mask to use * @return the result of the comparison (-1 meaning the first expression * should appear before the second, 0 if they are equal) */
public static int compareNull(boolean aNull, int sortType) { if ((sortType & NULLS_FIRST) != 0) { return aNull ? -1 : 1; } else if ((sortType & NULLS_LAST) != 0) { return aNull ? 1 : -1; } else { // see also JdbcDatabaseMetaData.nullsAreSorted* int comp = aNull ? DEFAULT_NULL_SORT : -DEFAULT_NULL_SORT; return (sortType & DESCENDING) == 0 ? comp : -comp; } }
Compare two expression lists.
  • a – the first expression list
  • b – the second expression list
Returns:the result of the comparison
/** * Compare two expression lists. * * @param a the first expression list * @param b the second expression list * @return the result of the comparison */
@Override public int compare(Value[] a, Value[] b) { for (int i = 0, len = queryColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) { int idx = queryColumnIndexes[i]; int type = sortTypes[i]; Value ao = a[idx]; Value bo = b[idx]; boolean aNull = ao == ValueNull.INSTANCE, bNull = bo == ValueNull.INSTANCE; if (aNull || bNull) { if (aNull == bNull) { continue; } return compareNull(aNull, type); } int comp = database.compare(ao, bo); if (comp != 0) { return (type & DESCENDING) == 0 ? comp : -comp; } } return 0; }
Sort a list of rows.
  • rows – the list of rows
/** * Sort a list of rows. * * @param rows the list of rows */
public void sort(ArrayList<Value[]> rows) { Collections.sort(rows, this); }
Sort a list of rows using offset and limit.
  • rows – the list of rows
  • offset – the offset
  • limit – the limit
/** * Sort a list of rows using offset and limit. * * @param rows the list of rows * @param offset the offset * @param limit the limit */
public void sort(ArrayList<Value[]> rows, int offset, int limit) { int rowsSize = rows.size(); if (rows.isEmpty() || offset >= rowsSize || limit == 0) { return; } if (offset < 0) { offset = 0; } if (offset + limit > rowsSize) { limit = rowsSize - offset; } if (limit == 1 && offset == 0) { rows.set(0, Collections.min(rows, this)); return; } Value[][] arr = rows.toArray(new Value[0][]); Utils.sortTopN(arr, offset, limit, this); for (int i = 0, end = Math.min(offset + limit, rowsSize); i < end; i++) { rows.set(i, arr[i]); } }
Get the column index list. This is the column indexes of the order by expressions within the query.

For the query "select name, id from test order by id, name" this is {1, 0} as the first order by expression (the column "id") is the second column of the query, and the second order by expression ("name") is the first column of the query.

Returns:the list
/** * Get the column index list. This is the column indexes of the order by * expressions within the query. * <p> * For the query "select name, id from test order by id, name" this is {1, * 0} as the first order by expression (the column "id") is the second * column of the query, and the second order by expression ("name") is the * first column of the query. * * @return the list */
public int[] getQueryColumnIndexes() { return queryColumnIndexes; }
Get the column for the given table filter, if the sort column is for this filter.
  • index – the column index (0, 1,..)
  • filter – the table filter
Returns:the column, or null
/** * Get the column for the given table filter, if the sort column is for this * filter. * * @param index the column index (0, 1,..) * @param filter the table filter * @return the column, or null */
public Column getColumn(int index, TableFilter filter) { if (orderList == null) { return null; } SelectOrderBy order = orderList.get(index); Expression expr = order.expression; if (expr == null) { return null; } expr = expr.getNonAliasExpression(); if (expr.isConstant()) { return null; } if (!(expr instanceof ExpressionColumn)) { return null; } ExpressionColumn exprCol = (ExpressionColumn) expr; if (exprCol.getTableFilter() != filter) { return null; } return exprCol.getColumn(); }
Get the sort order bit masks.
Returns:the list
/** * Get the sort order bit masks. * * @return the list */
public int[] getSortTypes() { return sortTypes; }
Returns sort order bit masks with NULLS_FIRST or NULLS_LAST explicitly set, depending on SysProperties.SORT_NULLS_HIGH.
Returns:bit masks with either NULLS_FIRST or NULLS_LAST explicitly set.
/** * Returns sort order bit masks with {@link #NULLS_FIRST} or {@link #NULLS_LAST} * explicitly set, depending on {@link SysProperties#SORT_NULLS_HIGH}. * * @return bit masks with either {@link #NULLS_FIRST} or {@link #NULLS_LAST} explicitly set. */
public int[] getSortTypesWithNullPosition() { final int[] sortTypes = this.sortTypes.clone(); for (int i=0, length = sortTypes.length; i<length; i++) { sortTypes[i] = addExplicitNullPosition(sortTypes[i]); } return sortTypes; }
Returns comparator for row values.
Returns:comparator for row values.
/** * Returns comparator for row values. * * @return comparator for row values. */
public Comparator<Value> getRowValueComparator() { return new Comparator<Value>() { @Override public int compare(Value o1, Value o2) { return SortOrder.this.compare(((ValueRow) o1).getList(), ((ValueRow) o2).getList()); } }; }
Returns a sort type bit mask with NULLS_FIRST or NULLS_LAST explicitly set, depending on SysProperties.SORT_NULLS_HIGH.
  • sortType – sort type bit mask
Returns:bit mask with either NULLS_FIRST or NULLS_LAST explicitly set.
/** * Returns a sort type bit mask with {@link #NULLS_FIRST} or {@link #NULLS_LAST} * explicitly set, depending on {@link SysProperties#SORT_NULLS_HIGH}. * * @param sortType sort type bit mask * @return bit mask with either {@link #NULLS_FIRST} or {@link #NULLS_LAST} explicitly set. */
public static int addExplicitNullPosition(int sortType) { if ((sortType & (NULLS_FIRST | NULLS_LAST)) == 0) { return sortType | ((sortType & DESCENDING) == 0 ? DEFAULT_ASC_NULLS : DEFAULT_DESC_NULLS); } else { return sortType; } } }