 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.engine;

import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.value.DataType;
import org.h2.value.Value;

The compatibility modes. There is a fixed set of modes (for example PostgreSQL, MySQL). Each mode has different settings.
/** * The compatibility modes. There is a fixed set of modes (for example * PostgreSQL, MySQL). Each mode has different settings. */
public class Mode { public enum ModeEnum { REGULAR, DB2, Derby, MSSQLServer, HSQLDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Ignite, }
Determines how rows with NULL values in indexed columns are handled in unique indexes.
/** * Determines how rows with {@code NULL} values in indexed columns are handled * in unique indexes. */
public enum UniqueIndexNullsHandling {
Multiple rows with identical values in indexed columns with at least one indexed NULL value are allowed in unique index.
/** * Multiple rows with identical values in indexed columns with at least one * indexed {@code NULL} value are allowed in unique index. */
Multiple rows with identical values in indexed columns with all indexed NULL values are allowed in unique index.
/** * Multiple rows with identical values in indexed columns with all indexed * {@code NULL} values are allowed in unique index. */
Multiple rows with identical values in indexed columns are not allowed in unique index.
/** * Multiple rows with identical values in indexed columns are not allowed in * unique index. */
FORBID_ANY_DUPLICATES } private static final HashMap<String, Mode> MODES = new HashMap<>(); // Modes are also documented in the features section
When enabled, aliased columns (as in SELECT ID AS I FROM TEST) return the alias (I in this case) in ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName() and 'null' in getTableName(). If disabled, the real column name (ID in this case) and table name is returned.
/** * When enabled, aliased columns (as in SELECT ID AS I FROM TEST) return the * alias (I in this case) in ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName() and 'null' in * getTableName(). If disabled, the real column name (ID in this case) and * table name is returned. */
public boolean aliasColumnName;
When inserting data, if a column is defined to be NOT NULL and NULL is inserted, then a 0 (or empty string, or the current timestamp for timestamp columns) value is used. Usually, this operation is not allowed and an exception is thrown.
/** * When inserting data, if a column is defined to be NOT NULL and NULL is * inserted, then a 0 (or empty string, or the current timestamp for * timestamp columns) value is used. Usually, this operation is not allowed * and an exception is thrown. */
public boolean convertInsertNullToZero;
When converting the scale of decimal data, the number is only converted if the new scale is smaller than the current scale. Usually, the scale is converted and 0s are added if required.
/** * When converting the scale of decimal data, the number is only converted * if the new scale is smaller than the current scale. Usually, the scale is * converted and 0s are added if required. */
public boolean convertOnlyToSmallerScale;
Creating indexes in the CREATE TABLE statement is allowed using INDEX(..) or KEY(..). Example: create table test(id int primary key, name varchar(255), key idx_name(name));
/** * Creating indexes in the CREATE TABLE statement is allowed using * <code>INDEX(..)</code> or <code>KEY(..)</code>. * Example: <code>create table test(id int primary key, name varchar(255), * key idx_name(name));</code> */
public boolean indexDefinitionInCreateTable;
Meta data calls return identifiers in lower case.
/** * Meta data calls return identifiers in lower case. */
public boolean lowerCaseIdentifiers;
Concatenation with NULL results in NULL. Usually, NULL is treated as an empty string if only one of the operands is NULL, and NULL is only returned if both operands are NULL.
/** * Concatenation with NULL results in NULL. Usually, NULL is treated as an * empty string if only one of the operands is NULL, and NULL is only * returned if both operands are NULL. */
public boolean nullConcatIsNull;
Identifiers may be quoted using square brackets as in [Test].
/** * Identifiers may be quoted using square brackets as in [Test]. */
public boolean squareBracketQuotedNames;
The system columns 'CTID' and 'OID' are supported.
/** * The system columns 'CTID' and 'OID' are supported. */
public boolean systemColumns;
Determines how rows with NULL values in indexed columns are handled in unique indexes.
/** * Determines how rows with {@code NULL} values in indexed columns are handled * in unique indexes. */
public UniqueIndexNullsHandling uniqueIndexNullsHandling = UniqueIndexNullsHandling.ALLOW_DUPLICATES_WITH_ANY_NULL;
Empty strings are treated like NULL values. Useful for Oracle emulation.
/** * Empty strings are treated like NULL values. Useful for Oracle emulation. */
public boolean treatEmptyStringsAsNull;
Support the pseudo-table SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1.
/** * Support the pseudo-table SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1. */
public boolean sysDummy1;
Text can be concatenated using '+'.
/** * Text can be concatenated using '+'. */
public boolean allowPlusForStringConcat;
The function LOG() uses base 10 instead of E.
/** * The function LOG() uses base 10 instead of E. */
public boolean logIsLogBase10;
The function REGEXP_REPLACE() uses \ for back-references.
/** * The function REGEXP_REPLACE() uses \ for back-references. */
public boolean regexpReplaceBackslashReferences;
SERIAL and BIGSERIAL columns are not automatically primary keys.
/** * SERIAL and BIGSERIAL columns are not automatically primary keys. */
public boolean serialColumnIsNotPK;
Swap the parameters of the CONVERT function.
/** * Swap the parameters of the CONVERT function. */
public boolean swapConvertFunctionParameters;
can set the isolation level using WITH {RR|RS|CS|UR}
/** * can set the isolation level using WITH {RR|RS|CS|UR} */
public boolean isolationLevelInSelectOrInsertStatement;
public boolean onDuplicateKeyUpdate;
Pattern describing the keys the java.sql.Connection.setClientInfo() method accepts.
/** * Pattern describing the keys the java.sql.Connection.setClientInfo() * method accepts. */
public Pattern supportedClientInfoPropertiesRegEx;
Support the # for column names
/** * Support the # for column names */
public boolean supportPoundSymbolForColumnNames;
Whether an empty list as in "NAME IN()" results in a syntax error.
/** * Whether an empty list as in "NAME IN()" results in a syntax error. */
public boolean prohibitEmptyInPredicate;
Whether AFFINITY KEY keywords are supported.
/** * Whether AFFINITY KEY keywords are supported. */
public boolean allowAffinityKey;
Whether to right-pad fixed strings with spaces.
/** * Whether to right-pad fixed strings with spaces. */
public boolean padFixedLengthStrings;
Whether DB2 TIMESTAMP formats are allowed.
/** * Whether DB2 TIMESTAMP formats are allowed. */
public boolean allowDB2TimestampFormat;
Discard SQLServer table hints (e.g. "SELECT * FROM table WITH (NOLOCK)")
/** * Discard SQLServer table hints (e.g. "SELECT * FROM table WITH (NOLOCK)") */
public boolean discardWithTableHints;
Use "IDENTITY" as an alias for "auto_increment" (SQLServer style)
/** * Use "IDENTITY" as an alias for "auto_increment" (SQLServer style) */
public boolean useIdentityAsAutoIncrement;
Convert (VAR)CHAR to VAR(BINARY) and vice versa with UTF-8 encoding instead of HEX.
/** * Convert (VAR)CHAR to VAR(BINARY) and vice versa with UTF-8 encoding instead of HEX. */
public boolean charToBinaryInUtf8;
If true, datetime value function return the same value within a transaction, if false datetime value functions return the same value within a command.
/** * If {@code true}, datetime value function return the same value within a * transaction, if {@code false} datetime value functions return the same * value within a command. */
public boolean dateTimeValueWithinTransaction;
An optional Set of hidden/disallowed column types. Certain DBMSs don't support all column types provided by H2, such as "NUMBER" when using PostgreSQL mode.
/** * An optional Set of hidden/disallowed column types. * Certain DBMSs don't support all column types provided by H2, such as * "NUMBER" when using PostgreSQL mode. */
public Set<String> disallowedTypes = Collections.emptySet();
Custom mappings from type names to data types.
/** * Custom mappings from type names to data types. */
public HashMap<String, DataType> typeByNameMap = new HashMap<>(); private final String name; private final ModeEnum modeEnum; static { Mode mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.REGULAR); mode.nullConcatIsNull = true; mode.dateTimeValueWithinTransaction = true; add(mode); mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.DB2); mode.aliasColumnName = true; mode.sysDummy1 = true; mode.isolationLevelInSelectOrInsertStatement = true; // See // https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPEK_11.0.0/ // com.ibm.db2z11.doc.java/src/tpc/imjcc_r0052001.dita mode.supportedClientInfoPropertiesRegEx = Pattern.compile("ApplicationName|ClientAccountingInformation|" + "ClientUser|ClientCorrelationToken"); mode.prohibitEmptyInPredicate = true; mode.allowDB2TimestampFormat = true; add(mode); mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.Derby); mode.aliasColumnName = true; mode.uniqueIndexNullsHandling = UniqueIndexNullsHandling.FORBID_ANY_DUPLICATES; mode.sysDummy1 = true; mode.isolationLevelInSelectOrInsertStatement = true; // Derby does not support client info properties as of version mode.supportedClientInfoPropertiesRegEx = null; add(mode); mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.HSQLDB); mode.aliasColumnName = true; mode.convertOnlyToSmallerScale = true; mode.nullConcatIsNull = true; mode.uniqueIndexNullsHandling = UniqueIndexNullsHandling.FORBID_ANY_DUPLICATES; mode.allowPlusForStringConcat = true; // HSQLDB does not support client info properties. See // http://hsqldb.org/doc/apidocs/ // org/hsqldb/jdbc/JDBCConnection.html# // setClientInfo%28java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String%29 mode.supportedClientInfoPropertiesRegEx = null; add(mode); mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.MSSQLServer); mode.aliasColumnName = true; mode.squareBracketQuotedNames = true; mode.uniqueIndexNullsHandling = UniqueIndexNullsHandling.FORBID_ANY_DUPLICATES; mode.allowPlusForStringConcat = true; mode.swapConvertFunctionParameters = true; mode.supportPoundSymbolForColumnNames = true; mode.discardWithTableHints = true; mode.useIdentityAsAutoIncrement = true; // MS SQL Server does not support client info properties. See // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-Us/library/dd571296%28v=sql.110%29.aspx mode.supportedClientInfoPropertiesRegEx = null; DataType dt = DataType.createNumeric(19, 4, false); dt.type = Value.DECIMAL; dt.sqlType = Types.NUMERIC; dt.name = "MONEY"; mode.typeByNameMap.put("MONEY", dt); dt = DataType.createNumeric(10, 4, false); dt.type = Value.DECIMAL; dt.sqlType = Types.NUMERIC; dt.name = "SMALLMONEY"; mode.typeByNameMap.put("SMALLMONEY", dt); add(mode); mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.MySQL); mode.convertInsertNullToZero = true; mode.indexDefinitionInCreateTable = true; mode.lowerCaseIdentifiers = true; // Next one is for MariaDB mode.regexpReplaceBackslashReferences = true; mode.onDuplicateKeyUpdate = true; // MySQL allows to use any key for client info entries. See // http://grepcode.com/file/repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/ // mysql-connector-java/5.1.24/com/mysql/jdbc/ // JDBC4CommentClientInfoProvider.java mode.supportedClientInfoPropertiesRegEx = Pattern.compile(".*"); mode.prohibitEmptyInPredicate = true; mode.charToBinaryInUtf8 = true; add(mode); mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.Oracle); mode.aliasColumnName = true; mode.convertOnlyToSmallerScale = true; mode.uniqueIndexNullsHandling = UniqueIndexNullsHandling.ALLOW_DUPLICATES_WITH_ALL_NULLS; mode.treatEmptyStringsAsNull = true; mode.regexpReplaceBackslashReferences = true; mode.supportPoundSymbolForColumnNames = true; // Oracle accepts keys of the form <namespace>.*. See // https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/JJDBC/jdbcvers.htm#JJDBC29006 mode.supportedClientInfoPropertiesRegEx = Pattern.compile(".*\\..*"); mode.prohibitEmptyInPredicate = true; dt = DataType.createDate(/* 2001-01-01 23:59:59 */ 19, 19, "DATE", false, 0, 0); dt.type = Value.TIMESTAMP; dt.sqlType = Types.TIMESTAMP; dt.name = "DATE"; mode.typeByNameMap.put("DATE", dt); add(mode); mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.PostgreSQL); mode.aliasColumnName = true; mode.nullConcatIsNull = true; mode.systemColumns = true; mode.logIsLogBase10 = true; mode.regexpReplaceBackslashReferences = true; mode.serialColumnIsNotPK = true; // PostgreSQL only supports the ApplicationName property. See // https://github.com/hhru/postgres-jdbc/blob/master/postgresql-jdbc-9.2-1002.src/ // org/postgresql/jdbc4/AbstractJdbc4Connection.java mode.supportedClientInfoPropertiesRegEx = Pattern.compile("ApplicationName"); mode.prohibitEmptyInPredicate = true; mode.padFixedLengthStrings = true; // Enumerate all H2 types NOT supported by PostgreSQL: Set<String> disallowedTypes = new java.util.HashSet<>(); disallowedTypes.add("NUMBER"); disallowedTypes.add("IDENTITY"); disallowedTypes.add("TINYINT"); disallowedTypes.add("BLOB"); mode.disallowedTypes = disallowedTypes; dt = DataType.createNumeric(19, 2, false); dt.type = Value.DECIMAL; dt.sqlType = Types.NUMERIC; dt.name = "MONEY"; mode.typeByNameMap.put("MONEY", dt); mode.dateTimeValueWithinTransaction = true; add(mode); mode = new Mode(ModeEnum.Ignite); mode.nullConcatIsNull = true; mode.allowAffinityKey = true; mode.indexDefinitionInCreateTable = true; mode.dateTimeValueWithinTransaction = true; add(mode); } private Mode(ModeEnum modeEnum) { this.name = modeEnum.name(); this.modeEnum = modeEnum; } private static void add(Mode mode) { MODES.put(StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(mode.name), mode); }
Get the mode with the given name.
  • name – the name of the mode
Returns:the mode object
/** * Get the mode with the given name. * * @param name the name of the mode * @return the mode object */
public static Mode getInstance(String name) { return MODES.get(StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(name)); } public static Mode getRegular() { return getInstance(ModeEnum.REGULAR.name()); } public String getName() { return name; } public ModeEnum getEnum() { return this.modeEnum; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } }