 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.schema;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.api.Trigger;
import org.h2.command.Parser;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.DbObject;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.Trace;
import org.h2.result.Row;
import org.h2.table.Table;
import org.h2.util.JdbcUtils;
import org.h2.util.SourceCompiler;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.value.DataType;
import org.h2.value.Value;

A trigger is created using the statement CREATE TRIGGER
/** *A trigger is created using the statement * CREATE TRIGGER */
public class TriggerObject extends SchemaObjectBase {
The default queue size.
/** * The default queue size. */
public static final int DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE = 1024; private boolean insteadOf; private boolean before; private int typeMask; private boolean rowBased; private boolean onRollback; // TODO trigger: support queue and noWait = false as well private int queueSize = DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE; private boolean noWait; private Table table; private String triggerClassName; private String triggerSource; private Trigger triggerCallback; public TriggerObject(Schema schema, int id, String name, Table table) { super(schema, id, name, Trace.TRIGGER); this.table = table; setTemporary(table.isTemporary()); } public void setBefore(boolean before) { this.before = before; } public void setInsteadOf(boolean insteadOf) { this.insteadOf = insteadOf; } private synchronized void load() { if (triggerCallback != null) { return; } try { Session sysSession = database.getSystemSession(); Connection c2 = sysSession.createConnection(false); Object obj; if (triggerClassName != null) { obj = JdbcUtils.loadUserClass(triggerClassName).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); } else { obj = loadFromSource(); } triggerCallback = (Trigger) obj; triggerCallback.init(c2, getSchema().getName(), getName(), table.getName(), before, typeMask); } catch (Throwable e) { // try again later triggerCallback = null; throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.ERROR_CREATING_TRIGGER_OBJECT_3, e, getName(), triggerClassName != null ? triggerClassName : "..source..", e.toString()); } } private Trigger loadFromSource() { SourceCompiler compiler = database.getCompiler(); synchronized (compiler) { String fullClassName = Constants.USER_PACKAGE + ".trigger." + getName(); compiler.setSource(fullClassName, triggerSource); try { if (SourceCompiler.isJavaxScriptSource(triggerSource)) { return (Trigger) compiler.getCompiledScript(fullClassName).eval(); } else { final Method m = compiler.getMethod(fullClassName); if (m.getParameterTypes().length > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No parameters are allowed for a trigger"); } return (Trigger) m.invoke(null); } } catch (DbException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_1, e, triggerSource); } } }
Set the trigger class name and load the class if possible.
  • triggerClassName – the name of the trigger class
  • force – whether exceptions (due to missing class or access rights) should be ignored
/** * Set the trigger class name and load the class if possible. * * @param triggerClassName the name of the trigger class * @param force whether exceptions (due to missing class or access rights) * should be ignored */
public void setTriggerClassName(String triggerClassName, boolean force) { this.setTriggerAction(triggerClassName, null, force); }
Set the trigger source code and compile it if possible.
  • source – the source code of a method returning a Trigger
  • force – whether exceptions (due to syntax error) should be ignored
/** * Set the trigger source code and compile it if possible. * * @param source the source code of a method returning a {@link Trigger} * @param force whether exceptions (due to syntax error) * should be ignored */
public void setTriggerSource(String source, boolean force) { this.setTriggerAction(null, source, force); } private void setTriggerAction(String triggerClassName, String source, boolean force) { this.triggerClassName = triggerClassName; this.triggerSource = source; try { load(); } catch (DbException e) { if (!force) { throw e; } } }
Call the trigger class if required. This method does nothing if the trigger is not defined for the given action. This method is called before or after any rows have been processed, once for each statement.
  • session – the session
  • type – the trigger type
  • beforeAction – if this method is called before applying the changes
/** * Call the trigger class if required. This method does nothing if the * trigger is not defined for the given action. This method is called before * or after any rows have been processed, once for each statement. * * @param session the session * @param type the trigger type * @param beforeAction if this method is called before applying the changes */
public void fire(Session session, int type, boolean beforeAction) { if (rowBased || before != beforeAction || (typeMask & type) == 0) { return; } load(); Connection c2 = session.createConnection(false); boolean old = false; if (type != Trigger.SELECT) { old = session.setCommitOrRollbackDisabled(true); } Value identity = session.getLastScopeIdentity(); try { triggerCallback.fire(c2, null, null); } catch (Throwable e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.ERROR_EXECUTING_TRIGGER_3, e, getName(), triggerClassName != null ? triggerClassName : "..source..", e.toString()); } finally { if (session.getLastTriggerIdentity() != null) { session.setLastScopeIdentity(session.getLastTriggerIdentity()); session.setLastTriggerIdentity(null); } else { session.setLastScopeIdentity(identity); } if (type != Trigger.SELECT) { session.setCommitOrRollbackDisabled(old); } } } private static Object[] convertToObjectList(Row row) { if (row == null) { return null; } int len = row.getColumnCount(); Object[] list = new Object[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { list[i] = row.getValue(i).getObject(); } return list; }
Call the fire method of the user-defined trigger class if required. This method does nothing if the trigger is not defined for the given action. This method is called before or after a row is processed, possibly many times for each statement.
  • session – the session
  • table – the table
  • oldRow – the old row
  • newRow – the new row
  • beforeAction – true if this method is called before the operation is applied
  • rollback – when the operation occurred within a rollback
Returns:true if no further action is required (for 'instead of' triggers)
/** * Call the fire method of the user-defined trigger class if required. This * method does nothing if the trigger is not defined for the given action. * This method is called before or after a row is processed, possibly many * times for each statement. * * @param session the session * @param table the table * @param oldRow the old row * @param newRow the new row * @param beforeAction true if this method is called before the operation is * applied * @param rollback when the operation occurred within a rollback * @return true if no further action is required (for 'instead of' triggers) */
public boolean fireRow(Session session, Table table, Row oldRow, Row newRow, boolean beforeAction, boolean rollback) { if (!rowBased || before != beforeAction) { return false; } if (rollback && !onRollback) { return false; } load(); Object[] oldList; Object[] newList; boolean fire = false; if ((typeMask & Trigger.INSERT) != 0) { if (oldRow == null && newRow != null) { fire = true; } } if ((typeMask & Trigger.UPDATE) != 0) { if (oldRow != null && newRow != null) { fire = true; } } if ((typeMask & Trigger.DELETE) != 0) { if (oldRow != null && newRow == null) { fire = true; } } if (!fire) { return false; } oldList = convertToObjectList(oldRow); newList = convertToObjectList(newRow); Object[] newListBackup; if (before && newList != null) { newListBackup = Arrays.copyOf(newList, newList.length); } else { newListBackup = null; } Connection c2 = session.createConnection(false); boolean old = session.getAutoCommit(); boolean oldDisabled = session.setCommitOrRollbackDisabled(true); Value identity = session.getLastScopeIdentity(); try { session.setAutoCommit(false); triggerCallback.fire(c2, oldList, newList); if (newListBackup != null) { for (int i = 0; i < newList.length; i++) { Object o = newList[i]; if (o != newListBackup[i]) { Value v = DataType.convertToValue(session, o, Value.UNKNOWN); session.getGeneratedKeys().add(table.getColumn(i)); newRow.setValue(i, v); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (onRollback) { // ignore } else { throw DbException.convert(e); } } finally { if (session.getLastTriggerIdentity() != null) { session.setLastScopeIdentity(session.getLastTriggerIdentity()); session.setLastTriggerIdentity(null); } else { session.setLastScopeIdentity(identity); } session.setCommitOrRollbackDisabled(oldDisabled); session.setAutoCommit(old); } return insteadOf; }
Set the trigger type.
  • typeMask – the type
/** * Set the trigger type. * * @param typeMask the type */
public void setTypeMask(int typeMask) { this.typeMask = typeMask; } public void setRowBased(boolean rowBased) { this.rowBased = rowBased; } public void setQueueSize(int size) { this.queueSize = size; } public int getQueueSize() { return queueSize; } public void setNoWait(boolean noWait) { this.noWait = noWait; } public boolean isNoWait() { return noWait; } public void setOnRollback(boolean onRollback) { this.onRollback = onRollback; } @Override public String getDropSQL() { return null; } @Override public String getCreateSQLForCopy(Table targetTable, String quotedName) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("CREATE FORCE TRIGGER "); builder.append(quotedName); if (insteadOf) { builder.append(" INSTEAD OF "); } else if (before) { builder.append(" BEFORE "); } else { builder.append(" AFTER "); } getTypeNameList(builder).append(" ON "); targetTable.getSQL(builder, true); if (rowBased) { builder.append(" FOR EACH ROW"); } if (noWait) { builder.append(" NOWAIT"); } else { builder.append(" QUEUE ").append(queueSize); } if (triggerClassName != null) { builder.append(" CALL "); Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, triggerClassName, true); } else { builder.append(" AS "); StringUtils.quoteStringSQL(builder, triggerSource); } return builder.toString(); }
Append the trigger types to the given string builder.
  • builder – the builder
Returns:the passed string builder
/** * Append the trigger types to the given string builder. * * @param builder the builder * @return the passed string builder */
public StringBuilder getTypeNameList(StringBuilder builder) { boolean f = false; if ((typeMask & Trigger.INSERT) != 0) { f = true; builder.append("INSERT"); } if ((typeMask & Trigger.UPDATE) != 0) { if (f) { builder.append(", "); } f = true; builder.append("UPDATE"); } if ((typeMask & Trigger.DELETE) != 0) { if (f) { builder.append(", "); } f = true; builder.append("DELETE"); } if ((typeMask & Trigger.SELECT) != 0) { if (f) { builder.append(", "); } f = true; builder.append("SELECT"); } if (onRollback) { if (f) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append("ROLLBACK"); } return builder; } @Override public String getCreateSQL() { return getCreateSQLForCopy(table, getSQL(true)); } @Override public int getType() { return DbObject.TRIGGER; } @Override public void removeChildrenAndResources(Session session) { table.removeTrigger(this); database.removeMeta(session, getId()); if (triggerCallback != null) { try { triggerCallback.remove(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } } table = null; triggerClassName = null; triggerSource = null; triggerCallback = null; invalidate(); } @Override public void checkRename() { // nothing to do }
Get the table of this trigger.
Returns:the table
/** * Get the table of this trigger. * * @return the table */
public Table getTable() { return table; }
Check if this is a before trigger.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check if this is a before trigger. * * @return true if it is */
public boolean isBefore() { return before; }
Get the trigger class name.
Returns:the class name
/** * Get the trigger class name. * * @return the class name */
public String getTriggerClassName() { return triggerClassName; } public String getTriggerSource() { return triggerSource; }
Close the trigger.
/** * Close the trigger. */
public void close() throws SQLException { if (triggerCallback != null) { triggerCallback.close(); } }
Check whether this is a select trigger.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check whether this is a select trigger. * * @return true if it is */
public boolean isSelectTrigger() { return (typeMask & Trigger.SELECT) != 0; } }