 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.command.ddl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.CommandInterface;
import org.h2.command.dml.Query;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.expression.Parameter;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.schema.Schema;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.Table;
import org.h2.table.TableType;
import org.h2.table.TableView;
import org.h2.value.TypeInfo;
import org.h2.value.Value;

This class represents the statement CREATE VIEW
/** * This class represents the statement * CREATE VIEW */
public class CreateView extends SchemaCommand { private Query select; private String viewName; private boolean ifNotExists; private String selectSQL; private String[] columnNames; private String comment; private boolean orReplace; private boolean force; private boolean isTableExpression; public CreateView(Session session, Schema schema) { super(session, schema); } public void setViewName(String name) { viewName = name; } public void setSelect(Query select) { this.select = select; } public void setIfNotExists(boolean ifNotExists) { this.ifNotExists = ifNotExists; } public void setSelectSQL(String selectSQL) { this.selectSQL = selectSQL; } public void setColumnNames(String[] cols) { this.columnNames = cols; } public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } public void setOrReplace(boolean orReplace) { this.orReplace = orReplace; } public void setForce(boolean force) { this.force = force; } public void setTableExpression(boolean isTableExpression) { this.isTableExpression = isTableExpression; } @Override public int update() { session.commit(true); session.getUser().checkAdmin(); Database db = session.getDatabase(); TableView view = null; Table old = getSchema().findTableOrView(session, viewName); if (old != null) { if (ifNotExists) { return 0; } if (!orReplace || TableType.VIEW != old.getTableType()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, viewName); } view = (TableView) old; } int id = getObjectId(); String querySQL; if (select == null) { querySQL = selectSQL; } else { ArrayList<Parameter> params = select.getParameters(); if (params != null && !params.isEmpty()) { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("parameters in views"); } querySQL = select.getPlanSQL(true); } Column[] columnTemplatesAsUnknowns = null; Column[] columnTemplatesAsStrings = null; if (columnNames != null) { columnTemplatesAsUnknowns = new Column[columnNames.length]; columnTemplatesAsStrings = new Column[columnNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; ++i) { // non table expressions are fine to use unknown column type columnTemplatesAsUnknowns[i] = new Column(columnNames[i], TypeInfo.TYPE_UNKNOWN); // table expressions can't have unknown types - so we use string instead columnTemplatesAsStrings[i] = new Column(columnNames[i], Value.STRING); } } if (view == null) { if (isTableExpression) { view = TableView.createTableViewMaybeRecursive(getSchema(), id, viewName, querySQL, null, columnTemplatesAsStrings, session, false /* literalsChecked */, isTableExpression, false/*isTemporary*/, db); } else { view = new TableView(getSchema(), id, viewName, querySQL, null, columnTemplatesAsUnknowns, session, false/* allow recursive */, false/* literalsChecked */, isTableExpression, false/*temporary*/); } } else { // TODO support isTableExpression in replace function... view.replace(querySQL, columnTemplatesAsUnknowns, session, false, force, false); view.setModified(); } if (comment != null) { view.setComment(comment); } if (old == null) { db.addSchemaObject(session, view); db.unlockMeta(session); } else { db.updateMeta(session, view); } // TODO: if we added any table expressions that aren't used by this view, detect them // and drop them - otherwise they will leak and never get cleaned up. return 0; } @Override public int getType() { return CommandInterface.CREATE_VIEW; } }