 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.expression.function;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.Command;
import org.h2.command.Parser;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.Mode;
import org.h2.engine.Mode.ModeEnum;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionColumn;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionVisitor;
import org.h2.expression.SequenceValue;
import org.h2.expression.ValueExpression;
import org.h2.expression.Variable;
import org.h2.index.Index;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.mode.FunctionsMSSQLServer;
import org.h2.mode.FunctionsMySQL;
import org.h2.mvstore.db.MVSpatialIndex;
import org.h2.schema.Schema;
import org.h2.schema.Sequence;
import org.h2.security.BlockCipher;
import org.h2.security.CipherFactory;
import org.h2.store.fs.FileUtils;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.ColumnResolver;
import org.h2.table.LinkSchema;
import org.h2.table.Table;
import org.h2.table.TableFilter;
import org.h2.tools.CompressTool;
import org.h2.tools.Csv;
import org.h2.util.Bits;
import org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils;
import org.h2.util.IOUtils;
import org.h2.util.JdbcUtils;
import org.h2.util.MathUtils;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.value.DataType;
import org.h2.value.TypeInfo;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueArray;
import org.h2.value.ValueBoolean;
import org.h2.value.ValueBytes;
import org.h2.value.ValueCollectionBase;
import org.h2.value.ValueDate;
import org.h2.value.ValueDouble;
import org.h2.value.ValueInt;
import org.h2.value.ValueLong;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;
import org.h2.value.ValueResultSet;
import org.h2.value.ValueString;
import org.h2.value.ValueTime;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone;
import org.h2.value.ValueUuid;

This class implements most built-in functions of this database.
/** * This class implements most built-in functions of this database. */
public class Function extends Expression implements FunctionCall { public static final int ABS = 0, ACOS = 1, ASIN = 2, ATAN = 3, ATAN2 = 4, BITAND = 5, BITOR = 6, BITXOR = 7, CEILING = 8, COS = 9, COT = 10, DEGREES = 11, EXP = 12, FLOOR = 13, LOG = 14, LOG10 = 15, MOD = 16, PI = 17, POWER = 18, RADIANS = 19, RAND = 20, ROUND = 21, ROUNDMAGIC = 22, SIGN = 23, SIN = 24, SQRT = 25, TAN = 26, TRUNCATE = 27, SECURE_RAND = 28, HASH = 29, ENCRYPT = 30, DECRYPT = 31, COMPRESS = 32, EXPAND = 33, ZERO = 34, RANDOM_UUID = 35, COSH = 36, SINH = 37, TANH = 38, LN = 39, BITGET = 40, ORA_HASH = 41; public static final int ASCII = 50, BIT_LENGTH = 51, CHAR = 52, CHAR_LENGTH = 53, CONCAT = 54, DIFFERENCE = 55, HEXTORAW = 56, INSERT = 57, INSTR = 58, LCASE = 59, LEFT = 60, LENGTH = 61, LOCATE = 62, LTRIM = 63, OCTET_LENGTH = 64, RAWTOHEX = 65, REPEAT = 66, REPLACE = 67, RIGHT = 68, RTRIM = 69, SOUNDEX = 70, SPACE = 71, SUBSTR = 72, SUBSTRING = 73, UCASE = 74, LOWER = 75, UPPER = 76, POSITION = 77, TRIM = 78, STRINGENCODE = 79, STRINGDECODE = 80, STRINGTOUTF8 = 81, UTF8TOSTRING = 82, XMLATTR = 83, XMLNODE = 84, XMLCOMMENT = 85, XMLCDATA = 86, XMLSTARTDOC = 87, XMLTEXT = 88, REGEXP_REPLACE = 89, RPAD = 90, LPAD = 91, CONCAT_WS = 92, TO_CHAR = 93, TRANSLATE = 94, /* 95 */ TO_DATE = 96, TO_TIMESTAMP = 97, ADD_MONTHS = 98, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ = 99; public static final int CURRENT_DATE = 100, CURRENT_TIME = 101, LOCALTIME = 102, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 103, LOCALTIMESTAMP = 104, DATE_ADD = 105, DATE_DIFF = 106, DAY_NAME = 107, DAY_OF_MONTH = 108, DAY_OF_WEEK = 109, DAY_OF_YEAR = 110, HOUR = 111, MINUTE = 112, MONTH = 113, MONTH_NAME = 114, QUARTER = 115, SECOND = 116, WEEK = 117, YEAR = 118, EXTRACT = 119, FORMATDATETIME = 120, PARSEDATETIME = 121, ISO_YEAR = 122, ISO_WEEK = 123, ISO_DAY_OF_WEEK = 124, DATE_TRUNC = 125;
Pseudo functions for DATEADD, DATEDIFF, and EXTRACT.
/** * Pseudo functions for DATEADD, DATEDIFF, and EXTRACT. */
public static final int MILLISECOND = 126, EPOCH = 127, MICROSECOND = 128, NANOSECOND = 129, TIMEZONE_HOUR = 130, TIMEZONE_MINUTE = 131, DECADE = 132, CENTURY = 133, MILLENNIUM = 134, DOW = 135; public static final int DATABASE = 150, USER = 151, CURRENT_USER = 152, IDENTITY = 153, SCOPE_IDENTITY = 154, AUTOCOMMIT = 155, READONLY = 156, DATABASE_PATH = 157, LOCK_TIMEOUT = 158, DISK_SPACE_USED = 159, SIGNAL = 160, ESTIMATED_ENVELOPE = 161; private static final Pattern SIGNAL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[0-9A-Z]{5}"); public static final int IFNULL = 200, CASEWHEN = 201, CONVERT = 202, CAST = 203, COALESCE = 204, NULLIF = 205, CASE = 206, NEXTVAL = 207, CURRVAL = 208, ARRAY_GET = 209, CSVREAD = 210, CSVWRITE = 211, MEMORY_FREE = 212, MEMORY_USED = 213, LOCK_MODE = 214, SCHEMA = 215, SESSION_ID = 216, ARRAY_LENGTH = 217, LINK_SCHEMA = 218, GREATEST = 219, LEAST = 220, CANCEL_SESSION = 221, SET = 222, TABLE = 223, TABLE_DISTINCT = 224, FILE_READ = 225, TRANSACTION_ID = 226, TRUNCATE_VALUE = 227, NVL2 = 228, DECODE = 229, ARRAY_CONTAINS = 230, FILE_WRITE = 232, UNNEST = 233, ARRAY_CONCAT = 234, ARRAY_APPEND = 235, ARRAY_SLICE = 236; public static final int REGEXP_LIKE = 240;
/** * Used in MySQL-style INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... VALUES */
public static final int VALUES = 250;
This is called H2VERSION() and not VERSION(), because we return a fake value for VERSION() when running under the PostgreSQL ODBC driver.
/** * This is called H2VERSION() and not VERSION(), because we return a fake * value for VERSION() when running under the PostgreSQL ODBC driver. */
public static final int H2VERSION = 231;
The flags for TRIM(LEADING ...) function.
/** * The flags for TRIM(LEADING ...) function. */
public static final int TRIM_LEADING = 1;
The flags for TRIM(TRAILING ...) function.
/** * The flags for TRIM(TRAILING ...) function. */
public static final int TRIM_TRAILING = 2; protected static final int VAR_ARGS = -1; private static final HashMap<String, FunctionInfo> FUNCTIONS = new HashMap<>(256); private static final char[] SOUNDEX_INDEX = new char[128]; protected Expression[] args; protected final FunctionInfo info; private ArrayList<Expression> varArgs; private int flags; protected TypeInfo type; private final Database database; static { // SOUNDEX_INDEX String index = "7AEIOUY8HW1BFPV2CGJKQSXZ3DT4L5MN6R"; char number = 0; for (int i = 0, length = index.length(); i < length; i++) { char c = index.charAt(i); if (c < '9') { number = c; } else { SOUNDEX_INDEX[c] = number; SOUNDEX_INDEX[Character.toLowerCase(c)] = number; } } // FUNCTIONS addFunction("ABS", ABS, 1, Value.NULL); addFunction("ACOS", ACOS, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("ASIN", ASIN, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("ATAN", ATAN, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("ATAN2", ATAN2, 2, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("BITAND", BITAND, 2, Value.LONG); addFunction("BITGET", BITGET, 2, Value.BOOLEAN); addFunction("BITOR", BITOR, 2, Value.LONG); addFunction("BITXOR", BITXOR, 2, Value.LONG); addFunction("CEILING", CEILING, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("CEIL", CEILING, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("COS", COS, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("COSH", COSH, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("COT", COT, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("DEGREES", DEGREES, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("EXP", EXP, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("FLOOR", FLOOR, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("LOG", LOG, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("LN", LN, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("LOG10", LOG10, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("MOD", MOD, 2, Value.LONG); addFunction("PI", PI, 0, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("POWER", POWER, 2, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("RADIANS", RADIANS, 1, Value.DOUBLE); // RAND without argument: get the next value // RAND with one argument: seed the random generator addFunctionNotDeterministic("RAND", RAND, VAR_ARGS, Value.DOUBLE); addFunctionNotDeterministic("RANDOM", RAND, VAR_ARGS, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("ROUND", ROUND, VAR_ARGS, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("ROUNDMAGIC", ROUNDMAGIC, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("SIGN", SIGN, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("SIN", SIN, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("SINH", SINH, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("SQRT", SQRT, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("TAN", TAN, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("TANH", TANH, 1, Value.DOUBLE); addFunction("TRUNCATE", TRUNCATE, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL); // same as TRUNCATE addFunction("TRUNC", TRUNCATE, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL); addFunction("HASH", HASH, VAR_ARGS, Value.BYTES); addFunction("ENCRYPT", ENCRYPT, 3, Value.BYTES); addFunction("DECRYPT", DECRYPT, 3, Value.BYTES); addFunctionNotDeterministic("SECURE_RAND", SECURE_RAND, 1, Value.BYTES); addFunction("COMPRESS", COMPRESS, VAR_ARGS, Value.BYTES); addFunction("EXPAND", EXPAND, 1, Value.BYTES); addFunction("ZERO", ZERO, 0, Value.INT); addFunctionNotDeterministic("RANDOM_UUID", RANDOM_UUID, 0, Value.UUID); addFunctionNotDeterministic("SYS_GUID", RANDOM_UUID, 0, Value.UUID); addFunctionNotDeterministic("UUID", RANDOM_UUID, 0, Value.UUID); addFunction("ORA_HASH", ORA_HASH, VAR_ARGS, Value.LONG); // string addFunction("ASCII", ASCII, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("BIT_LENGTH", BIT_LENGTH, 1, Value.LONG); addFunction("CHAR", CHAR, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("CHR", CHAR, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("CHAR_LENGTH", CHAR_LENGTH, 1, Value.INT); // same as CHAR_LENGTH addFunction("CHARACTER_LENGTH", CHAR_LENGTH, 1, Value.INT); addFunctionWithNull("CONCAT", CONCAT, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunctionWithNull("CONCAT_WS", CONCAT_WS, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("DIFFERENCE", DIFFERENCE, 2, Value.INT); addFunction("HEXTORAW", HEXTORAW, 1, Value.STRING); addFunctionWithNull("INSERT", INSERT, 4, Value.STRING); addFunction("LCASE", LCASE, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("LEFT", LEFT, 2, Value.STRING); addFunction("LENGTH", LENGTH, 1, Value.LONG); // 2 or 3 arguments addFunction("LOCATE", LOCATE, VAR_ARGS, Value.INT); // same as LOCATE with 2 arguments addFunction("POSITION", LOCATE, 2, Value.INT); addFunction("INSTR", INSTR, VAR_ARGS, Value.INT); addFunction("LTRIM", LTRIM, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("OCTET_LENGTH", OCTET_LENGTH, 1, Value.LONG); addFunction("RAWTOHEX", RAWTOHEX, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("REPEAT", REPEAT, 2, Value.STRING); addFunctionWithNull("REPLACE", REPLACE, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("RIGHT", RIGHT, 2, Value.STRING); addFunction("RTRIM", RTRIM, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("SOUNDEX", SOUNDEX, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("SPACE", SPACE, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("SUBSTR", SUBSTR, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("SUBSTRING", SUBSTRING, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("UCASE", UCASE, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("LOWER", LOWER, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("UPPER", UPPER, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("POSITION", POSITION, 2, Value.INT); addFunction("TRIM", TRIM, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("STRINGENCODE", STRINGENCODE, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("STRINGDECODE", STRINGDECODE, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("STRINGTOUTF8", STRINGTOUTF8, 1, Value.BYTES); addFunction("UTF8TOSTRING", UTF8TOSTRING, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("XMLATTR", XMLATTR, 2, Value.STRING); addFunctionWithNull("XMLNODE", XMLNODE, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("XMLCOMMENT", XMLCOMMENT, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("XMLCDATA", XMLCDATA, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("XMLSTARTDOC", XMLSTARTDOC, 0, Value.STRING); addFunction("XMLTEXT", XMLTEXT, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("REGEXP_REPLACE", REGEXP_REPLACE, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("RPAD", RPAD, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("LPAD", LPAD, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("TO_CHAR", TO_CHAR, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunction("TRANSLATE", TRANSLATE, 3, Value.STRING); addFunction("REGEXP_LIKE", REGEXP_LIKE, VAR_ARGS, Value.BOOLEAN); // date addFunctionNotDeterministic("CURRENT_DATE", CURRENT_DATE, 0, Value.DATE, false); addFunctionNotDeterministic("CURDATE", CURRENT_DATE, 0, Value.DATE); addFunctionNotDeterministic("SYSDATE", CURRENT_DATE, 0, Value.DATE, false); addFunctionNotDeterministic("TODAY", CURRENT_DATE, 0, Value.DATE, false); addFunctionNotDeterministic("CURRENT_TIME", CURRENT_TIME, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIME); addFunctionNotDeterministic("LOCALTIME", LOCALTIME, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIME, false); addFunctionNotDeterministic("SYSTIME", LOCALTIME, 0, Value.TIME, false); addFunctionNotDeterministic("CURTIME", LOCALTIME, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIME); addFunctionNotDeterministic("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ, false); addFunctionNotDeterministic("SYSTIMESTAMP", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ, false); addFunctionNotDeterministic("LOCALTIMESTAMP", LOCALTIMESTAMP, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIMESTAMP, false); addFunctionNotDeterministic("NOW", LOCALTIMESTAMP, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIMESTAMP); addFunction("TO_DATE", TO_DATE, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIMESTAMP); addFunction("TO_TIMESTAMP", TO_TIMESTAMP, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIMESTAMP); addFunction("ADD_MONTHS", ADD_MONTHS, 2, Value.TIMESTAMP); addFunction("TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ", TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ); addFunction("DATEADD", DATE_ADD, 3, Value.TIMESTAMP); addFunction("TIMESTAMPADD", DATE_ADD, 3, Value.TIMESTAMP); addFunction("DATEDIFF", DATE_DIFF, 3, Value.LONG); addFunction("TIMESTAMPDIFF", DATE_DIFF, 3, Value.LONG); addFunction("DAYNAME", DAY_NAME, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("DAYNAME", DAY_NAME, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("DAY", DAY_OF_MONTH, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("DAY_OF_MONTH", DAY_OF_MONTH, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("DAY_OF_WEEK", DAY_OF_WEEK, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("DAY_OF_YEAR", DAY_OF_YEAR, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("DAYOFMONTH", DAY_OF_MONTH, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("DAYOFWEEK", DAY_OF_WEEK, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("DAYOFYEAR", DAY_OF_YEAR, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("HOUR", HOUR, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("MINUTE", MINUTE, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("MONTH", MONTH, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("MONTHNAME", MONTH_NAME, 1, Value.STRING); addFunction("QUARTER", QUARTER, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("SECOND", SECOND, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("WEEK", WEEK, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("YEAR", YEAR, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("EXTRACT", EXTRACT, 2, Value.INT); addFunctionWithNull("FORMATDATETIME", FORMATDATETIME, VAR_ARGS, Value.STRING); addFunctionWithNull("PARSEDATETIME", PARSEDATETIME, VAR_ARGS, Value.TIMESTAMP); addFunction("ISO_YEAR", ISO_YEAR, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("ISO_WEEK", ISO_WEEK, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("ISO_DAY_OF_WEEK", ISO_DAY_OF_WEEK, 1, Value.INT); addFunction("DATE_TRUNC", DATE_TRUNC, 2, Value.NULL); // system addFunctionNotDeterministic("DATABASE", DATABASE, 0, Value.STRING); addFunctionNotDeterministic("USER", USER, 0, Value.STRING); addFunctionNotDeterministic("CURRENT_USER", CURRENT_USER, 0, Value.STRING); addFunctionNotDeterministic("IDENTITY", IDENTITY, 0, Value.LONG); addFunctionNotDeterministic("SCOPE_IDENTITY", SCOPE_IDENTITY, 0, Value.LONG); addFunctionNotDeterministic("IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL", IDENTITY, 0, Value.LONG); addFunctionNotDeterministic("LAST_INSERT_ID", IDENTITY, 0, Value.LONG); addFunctionNotDeterministic("LASTVAL", IDENTITY, 0, Value.LONG); addFunctionNotDeterministic("AUTOCOMMIT", AUTOCOMMIT, 0, Value.BOOLEAN); addFunctionNotDeterministic("READONLY", READONLY, 0, Value.BOOLEAN); addFunction("DATABASE_PATH", DATABASE_PATH, 0, Value.STRING); addFunctionNotDeterministic("LOCK_TIMEOUT", LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0, Value.INT); addFunctionWithNull("IFNULL", IFNULL, 2, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("ISNULL", IFNULL, 2, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("CASEWHEN", CASEWHEN, 3, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("CONVERT", CONVERT, 1, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("CAST", CAST, 1, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("TRUNCATE_VALUE", TRUNCATE_VALUE, 3, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("COALESCE", COALESCE, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("NVL", COALESCE, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("NVL2", NVL2, 3, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("NULLIF", NULLIF, 2, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("CASE", CASE, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL); addFunctionNotDeterministic("NEXTVAL", NEXTVAL, VAR_ARGS, Value.LONG); addFunctionNotDeterministic("CURRVAL", CURRVAL, VAR_ARGS, Value.LONG); addFunction("ARRAY_GET", ARRAY_GET, 2, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("ARRAY_CONTAINS", ARRAY_CONTAINS, 2, Value.BOOLEAN); addFunction("ARRAY_CAT", ARRAY_CONCAT, 2, Value.ARRAY); addFunction("ARRAY_APPEND", ARRAY_APPEND, 2, Value.ARRAY); addFunction("ARRAY_SLICE", ARRAY_SLICE, 3, Value.ARRAY); addFunction("CSVREAD", CSVREAD, VAR_ARGS, Value.RESULT_SET, false, false, false, true); addFunction("CSVWRITE", CSVWRITE, VAR_ARGS, Value.INT, false, false, true, true); addFunctionNotDeterministic("MEMORY_FREE", MEMORY_FREE, 0, Value.INT); addFunctionNotDeterministic("MEMORY_USED", MEMORY_USED, 0, Value.INT); addFunctionNotDeterministic("LOCK_MODE", LOCK_MODE, 0, Value.INT); addFunctionNotDeterministic("SCHEMA", SCHEMA, 0, Value.STRING); addFunctionNotDeterministic("SESSION_ID", SESSION_ID, 0, Value.INT); addFunction("ARRAY_LENGTH", ARRAY_LENGTH, 1, Value.INT); addFunctionNotDeterministic("LINK_SCHEMA", LINK_SCHEMA, 6, Value.RESULT_SET); addFunctionWithNull("LEAST", LEAST, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL); addFunctionWithNull("GREATEST", GREATEST, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL); addFunctionNotDeterministic("CANCEL_SESSION", CANCEL_SESSION, 1, Value.BOOLEAN); addFunction("SET", SET, 2, Value.NULL, false, false, true, true); addFunction("FILE_READ", FILE_READ, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL, false, false, true, true); addFunction("FILE_WRITE", FILE_WRITE, 2, Value.LONG, false, false, true, true); addFunctionNotDeterministic("TRANSACTION_ID", TRANSACTION_ID, 0, Value.STRING); addFunctionWithNull("DECODE", DECODE, VAR_ARGS, Value.NULL); addFunctionNotDeterministic("DISK_SPACE_USED", DISK_SPACE_USED, 1, Value.LONG); addFunctionWithNull("SIGNAL", SIGNAL, 2, Value.NULL); addFunctionNotDeterministic("ESTIMATED_ENVELOPE", ESTIMATED_ENVELOPE, 2, Value.LONG); addFunction("H2VERSION", H2VERSION, 0, Value.STRING); // TableFunction addFunctionWithNull("TABLE", TABLE, VAR_ARGS, Value.RESULT_SET); addFunctionWithNull("TABLE_DISTINCT", TABLE_DISTINCT, VAR_ARGS, Value.RESULT_SET); addFunctionWithNull("UNNEST", UNNEST, VAR_ARGS, Value.RESULT_SET); // ON DUPLICATE KEY VALUES function addFunction("VALUES", VALUES, 1, Value.NULL, false, true, false, true); }
Creates a new instance of function.
  • database – database
  • info – function information
/** * Creates a new instance of function. * * @param database database * @param info function information */
public Function(Database database, FunctionInfo info) { this.database = database; this.info = info; if (info.parameterCount == VAR_ARGS) { varArgs = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); } else { args = new Expression[info.parameterCount]; } } private static void addFunction(String name, int type, int parameterCount, int returnDataType, boolean nullIfParameterIsNull, boolean deterministic, boolean bufferResultSetToLocalTemp, boolean requireParentheses) { FUNCTIONS.put(name, new FunctionInfo(name, type, parameterCount, returnDataType, nullIfParameterIsNull, deterministic, bufferResultSetToLocalTemp, requireParentheses)); } private static void addFunctionNotDeterministic(String name, int type, int parameterCount, int returnDataType) { addFunctionNotDeterministic(name, type, parameterCount, returnDataType, true); } private static void addFunctionNotDeterministic(String name, int type, int parameterCount, int returnDataType, boolean requireParentheses) { addFunction(name, type, parameterCount, returnDataType, true, false, true, requireParentheses); } private static void addFunction(String name, int type, int parameterCount, int returnDataType) { addFunction(name, type, parameterCount, returnDataType, true, true, true, true); } private static void addFunctionWithNull(String name, int type, int parameterCount, int returnDataType) { addFunction(name, type, parameterCount, returnDataType, false, true, true, true); }
Get an instance of the given function for this database. If no function with this name is found, null is returned.
  • database – the database
  • name – the function name
Returns:the function object or null
/** * Get an instance of the given function for this database. * If no function with this name is found, null is returned. * * @param database the database * @param name the function name * @return the function object or null */
public static Function getFunction(Database database, String name) { if (!database.getSettings().databaseToUpper) { // if not yet converted to uppercase, do it now name = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(name); } FunctionInfo info = FUNCTIONS.get(name); if (info == null) { switch (database.getMode().getEnum()) { case MSSQLServer: return FunctionsMSSQLServer.getFunction(database, name); case MySQL: return FunctionsMySQL.getFunction(database, name); default: return null; } } switch (info.type) { case TABLE: case TABLE_DISTINCT: case UNNEST: return new TableFunction(database, info, Long.MAX_VALUE); default: return new Function(database, info); } }
Returns function information for the specified function name.
  • upperName – the function name in upper case
Returns:the function information or null
/** * Returns function information for the specified function name. * * @param upperName the function name in upper case * @return the function information or {@code null} */
public static FunctionInfo getFunctionInfo(String upperName) { return FUNCTIONS.get(upperName); }
Set the parameter expression at the given index.
  • index – the index (0, 1,...)
  • param – the expression
/** * Set the parameter expression at the given index. * * @param index the index (0, 1,...) * @param param the expression */
public void setParameter(int index, Expression param) { if (varArgs != null) { varArgs.add(param); } else { if (index >= args.length) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_PARAMETER_COUNT_2, info.name, Integer.toString(args.length)); } args[index] = param; } }
Set the flags for this function.
  • flags – the flags to set
/** * Set the flags for this function. * * @param flags the flags to set */
public void setFlags(int flags) { this.flags = flags; }
Returns the flags.
Returns:the flags
/** * Returns the flags. * * @return the flags */
public int getFlags() { return flags; } @Override public Value getValue(Session session) { return getValueWithArgs(session, args); } private Value getSimpleValue(Session session, Value v0, Expression[] args, Value[] values) { Value result; switch (info.type) { case ABS: result = v0.getSignum() >= 0 ? v0 : v0.negate(); break; case ACOS: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.acos(v0.getDouble())); break; case ASIN: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.asin(v0.getDouble())); break; case ATAN: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.atan(v0.getDouble())); break; case CEILING: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.ceil(v0.getDouble())); break; case COS: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.cos(v0.getDouble())); break; case COSH: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.cosh(v0.getDouble())); break; case COT: { double d = Math.tan(v0.getDouble()); if (d == 0.0) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DIVISION_BY_ZERO_1, getSQL(false)); } result = ValueDouble.get(1. / d); break; } case DEGREES: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.toDegrees(v0.getDouble())); break; case EXP: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.exp(v0.getDouble())); break; case FLOOR: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.floor(v0.getDouble())); break; case LN: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.log(v0.getDouble())); break; case LOG: if (database.getMode().logIsLogBase10) { result = ValueDouble.get(Math.log10(v0.getDouble())); } else { result = ValueDouble.get(Math.log(v0.getDouble())); } break; case LOG10: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.log10(v0.getDouble())); break; case PI: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.PI); break; case RADIANS: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.toRadians(v0.getDouble())); break; case RAND: { if (v0 != null) { session.getRandom().setSeed(v0.getInt()); } result = ValueDouble.get(session.getRandom().nextDouble()); break; } case ROUNDMAGIC: result = ValueDouble.get(roundMagic(v0.getDouble())); break; case SIGN: result = ValueInt.get(v0.getSignum()); break; case SIN: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.sin(v0.getDouble())); break; case SINH: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.sinh(v0.getDouble())); break; case SQRT: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.sqrt(v0.getDouble())); break; case TAN: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.tan(v0.getDouble())); break; case TANH: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.tanh(v0.getDouble())); break; case SECURE_RAND: result = ValueBytes.getNoCopy( MathUtils.secureRandomBytes(v0.getInt())); break; case EXPAND: result = ValueBytes.getNoCopy( CompressTool.getInstance().expand(v0.getBytesNoCopy())); break; case ZERO: result = ValueInt.get(0); break; case RANDOM_UUID: result = ValueUuid.getNewRandom(); break; // string case ASCII: { String s = v0.getString(); if (s.isEmpty()) { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { result = ValueInt.get(s.charAt(0)); } break; } case BIT_LENGTH: result = ValueLong.get(16 * length(v0)); break; case CHAR: result = ValueString.get(String.valueOf((char) v0.getInt()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case CHAR_LENGTH: case LENGTH: result = ValueLong.get(length(v0)); break; case OCTET_LENGTH: result = ValueLong.get(2 * length(v0)); break; case CONCAT_WS: case CONCAT: { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; int start = 0; String separator = ""; if (info.type == CONCAT_WS) { start = 1; separator = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 0).getString(); } for (int i = start; i < args.length; i++) { Value v = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, i); if (v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { continue; } if (result == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { result = v; } else { String tmp = v.getString(); if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(separator) && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(tmp)) { tmp = separator + tmp; } result = ValueString.get(result.getString() + tmp, database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } } if (info.type == CONCAT_WS) { if (separator != null && result == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { result = ValueString.get("", database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } } break; } case HEXTORAW: result = ValueString.get(hexToRaw(v0.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case LOWER: case LCASE: // TODO this is locale specific, need to document or provide a way // to set the locale result = ValueString.get(v0.getString().toLowerCase(), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case RAWTOHEX: result = ValueString.get(rawToHex(v0.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case SOUNDEX: result = ValueString.get(getSoundex(v0.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case SPACE: { int len = Math.max(0, v0.getInt()); char[] chars = new char[len]; for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { chars[i] = ' '; } result = ValueString.get(new String(chars), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; } case UPPER: case UCASE: // TODO this is locale specific, need to document or provide a way // to set the locale result = ValueString.get(v0.getString().toUpperCase(), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case STRINGENCODE: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.javaEncode(v0.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case STRINGDECODE: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.javaDecode(v0.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case STRINGTOUTF8: result = ValueBytes.getNoCopy(v0.getString(). getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); break; case UTF8TOSTRING: result = ValueString.get(new String(v0.getBytesNoCopy(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case XMLCOMMENT: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.xmlComment(v0.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case XMLCDATA: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.xmlCData(v0.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case XMLSTARTDOC: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.xmlStartDoc(), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case CURRENT_DATE: { result = (database.getMode().dateTimeValueWithinTransaction ? session.getTransactionStart() : session.getCurrentCommandStart()).convertTo(Value.DATE); break; } case CURRENT_TIME: case LOCALTIME: { ValueTime vt = (ValueTime) (database.getMode().dateTimeValueWithinTransaction ? session.getTransactionStart() : session.getCurrentCommandStart()).convertTo(Value.TIME); result = vt.convertScale(false, v0 == null ? 0 : v0.getInt()); break; } case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: { ValueTimestampTimeZone vt = database.getMode().dateTimeValueWithinTransaction ? session.getTransactionStart() : session.getCurrentCommandStart(); result = vt.convertScale(false, v0 == null ? 6 : v0.getInt()); break; } case LOCALTIMESTAMP: { Value vt = (database.getMode().dateTimeValueWithinTransaction ? session.getTransactionStart() : session.getCurrentCommandStart()).convertTo(Value.TIMESTAMP); result = vt.convertScale(false, v0 == null ? 6 : v0.getInt()); break; } case DAY_NAME: { int dayOfWeek = DateTimeUtils.getSundayDayOfWeek(DateTimeUtils.dateAndTimeFromValue(v0)[0]); result = ValueString.get(DateTimeFunctions.getMonthsAndWeeks(1)[dayOfWeek], database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; } case DAY_OF_MONTH: case DAY_OF_WEEK: case DAY_OF_YEAR: case HOUR: case MINUTE: case MONTH: case QUARTER: case ISO_YEAR: case ISO_WEEK: case ISO_DAY_OF_WEEK: case SECOND: case WEEK: case YEAR: result = ValueInt.get(DateTimeFunctions.getIntDatePart(v0, info.type, database.getMode())); break; case MONTH_NAME: { int month = DateTimeUtils.monthFromDateValue(DateTimeUtils.dateAndTimeFromValue(v0)[0]); result = ValueString.get(DateTimeFunctions.getMonthsAndWeeks(0)[month - 1], database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; } case DATABASE: result = ValueString.get(database.getShortName(), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case USER: case CURRENT_USER: result = ValueString.get(session.getUser().getName(), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case IDENTITY: result = session.getLastIdentity(); break; case SCOPE_IDENTITY: result = session.getLastScopeIdentity(); break; case AUTOCOMMIT: result = ValueBoolean.get(session.getAutoCommit()); break; case READONLY: result = ValueBoolean.get(database.isReadOnly()); break; case DATABASE_PATH: { String path = database.getDatabasePath(); result = path == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueString.get(path, database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; } case LOCK_TIMEOUT: result = ValueInt.get(session.getLockTimeout()); break; case DISK_SPACE_USED: result = ValueLong.get(getDiskSpaceUsed(session, v0)); break; case ESTIMATED_ENVELOPE: result = getEstimatedEnvelope(session, v0, values[1]); break; case CAST: case CONVERT: { Mode mode = database.getMode(); TypeInfo type = this.type; v0 = v0.convertTo(type, mode, null); v0 = v0.convertScale(mode.convertOnlyToSmallerScale, type.getScale()); v0 = v0.convertPrecision(type.getPrecision(), false); result = v0; break; } case MEMORY_FREE: session.getUser().checkAdmin(); result = ValueInt.get(Utils.getMemoryFree()); break; case MEMORY_USED: session.getUser().checkAdmin(); result = ValueInt.get(Utils.getMemoryUsed()); break; case LOCK_MODE: result = ValueInt.get(database.getLockMode()); break; case SCHEMA: result = ValueString.get(session.getCurrentSchemaName(), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case SESSION_ID: result = ValueInt.get(session.getId()); break; case IFNULL: { result = v0; if (v0 == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { result = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 1); } result = result.convertTo(type, database.getMode(), null); break; } case CASEWHEN: { Value v; if (!v0.getBoolean()) { v = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 2); } else { v = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 1); } result = v.convertTo(type, database.getMode(), null); break; } case DECODE: { int index = -1; for (int i = 1, len = args.length - 1; i < len; i += 2) { if (database.areEqual(v0, getNullOrValue(session, args, values, i))) { index = i + 1; break; } } if (index < 0 && args.length % 2 == 0) { index = args.length - 1; } Value v = index < 0 ? ValueNull.INSTANCE : getNullOrValue(session, args, values, index); result = v.convertTo(type, database.getMode(), null); break; } case NVL2: { Value v; if (v0 == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { v = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 2); } else { v = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 1); } result = v.convertTo(type, database.getMode(), null); break; } case COALESCE: { result = v0; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Value v = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, i); if (v != ValueNull.INSTANCE) { result = v.convertTo(type, database.getMode(), null); break; } } break; } case GREATEST: case LEAST: { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Value v = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, i); if (v != ValueNull.INSTANCE) { v = v.convertTo(type, database.getMode(), null); if (result == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { result = v; } else { int comp = database.compareTypeSafe(result, v); if (info.type == GREATEST && comp < 0) { result = v; } else if (info.type == LEAST && comp > 0) { result = v; } } } } break; } case CASE: { Expression then = null; if (v0 == null) { // Searched CASE expression // (null, when, then) // (null, when, then, else) // (null, when, then, when, then) // (null, when, then, when, then, else) for (int i = 1, len = args.length - 1; i < len; i += 2) { Value when = args[i].getValue(session); if (when.getBoolean()) { then = args[i + 1]; break; } } } else { // Simple CASE expression // (expr, when, then) // (expr, when, then, else) // (expr, when, then, when, then) // (expr, when, then, when, then, else) if (v0 != ValueNull.INSTANCE) { for (int i = 1, len = args.length - 1; i < len; i += 2) { Value when = args[i].getValue(session); if (database.areEqual(v0, when)) { then = args[i + 1]; break; } } } } if (then == null && args.length % 2 == 0) { // then = elsePart then = args[args.length - 1]; } Value v = then == null ? ValueNull.INSTANCE : then.getValue(session); result = v.convertTo(type, database.getMode(), null); break; } case ARRAY_GET: { Value[] list = getArray(v0); if (list != null) { Value v1 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 1); int element = v1.getInt(); if (element < 1 || element > list.length) { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { result = list[element - 1]; } } else { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } break; } case ARRAY_LENGTH: { Value[] list = getArray(v0); if (list != null) { result = ValueInt.get(list.length); } else { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } break; } case ARRAY_CONTAINS: { result = ValueBoolean.FALSE; Value[] list = getArray(v0); if (list != null) { Value v1 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 1); for (Value v : list) { if (database.areEqual(v, v1)) { result = ValueBoolean.TRUE; break; } } } else { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } break; } case CANCEL_SESSION: { result = ValueBoolean.get(cancelStatement(session, v0.getInt())); break; } case TRANSACTION_ID: { result = session.getTransactionId(); break; } default: result = null; } return result; } private static Value[] getArray(Value v0) { int t = v0.getValueType(); Value[] list; if (t == Value.ARRAY || t == Value.ROW) { list = ((ValueCollectionBase) v0).getList(); } else { list = null; } return list; } private static boolean cancelStatement(Session session, int targetSessionId) { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); Session[] sessions = session.getDatabase().getSessions(false); for (Session s : sessions) { if (s.getId() == targetSessionId) { Command c = s.getCurrentCommand(); if (c == null) { return false; } c.cancel(); return true; } } return false; } private static long getDiskSpaceUsed(Session session, Value tableName) { return getTable(session, tableName).getDiskSpaceUsed(); } private static Value getEstimatedEnvelope(Session session, Value tableName, Value columnName) { Table table = getTable(session, tableName); Column column = table.getColumn(columnName.getString()); ArrayList<Index> indexes = table.getIndexes(); if (indexes != null) { for (int i = 1, size = indexes.size(); i < size; i++) { Index index = indexes.get(i); if (index instanceof MVSpatialIndex && index.isFirstColumn(column)) { return ((MVSpatialIndex) index).getEstimatedBounds(session); } } } return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } private static Table getTable(Session session, Value tableName) { return new Parser(session).parseTableName(tableName.getString()); }
Get value transformed by expression, or null if i is out of range or the input value is null.
  • session – database session
  • args – expressions
  • values – array of input values
  • i – index of value of transform
Returns:value or null
/** * Get value transformed by expression, or null if i is out of range or * the input value is null. * * @param session database session * @param args expressions * @param values array of input values * @param i index of value of transform * @return value or null */
protected static Value getNullOrValue(Session session, Expression[] args, Value[] values, int i) { if (i >= args.length) { return null; } Value v = values[i]; if (v == null) { Expression e = args[i]; if (e == null) { return null; } v = values[i] = e.getValue(session); } return v; }
Return the resulting value for the given expression arguments.
  • session – the session
  • args – argument expressions
Returns:the result
/** * Return the resulting value for the given expression arguments. * * @param session the session * @param args argument expressions * @return the result */
protected Value getValueWithArgs(Session session, Expression[] args) { Value[] values = new Value[args.length]; if (info.nullIfParameterIsNull) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Expression e = args[i]; Value v = e.getValue(session); if (v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } values[i] = v; } } Value v0 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 0); Value resultSimple = getSimpleValue(session, v0, args, values); if (resultSimple != null) { return resultSimple; } Value v1 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 1); Value v2 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 2); Value v3 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 3); Value v4 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 4); Value v5 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 5); Value result; switch (info.type) { case ATAN2: result = ValueDouble.get( Math.atan2(v0.getDouble(), v1.getDouble())); break; case BITAND: result = ValueLong.get(v0.getLong() & v1.getLong()); break; case BITGET: result = ValueBoolean.get((v0.getLong() & (1L << v1.getInt())) != 0); break; case BITOR: result = ValueLong.get(v0.getLong() | v1.getLong()); break; case BITXOR: result = ValueLong.get(v0.getLong() ^ v1.getLong()); break; case MOD: { long x = v1.getLong(); if (x == 0) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DIVISION_BY_ZERO_1, getSQL(false)); } result = ValueLong.get(v0.getLong() % x); break; } case POWER: result = ValueDouble.get(Math.pow( v0.getDouble(), v1.getDouble())); break; case ROUND: { double f = v1 == null ? 1. : Math.pow(10., v1.getDouble()); double middleResult = v0.getDouble() * f; int oneWithSymbol = middleResult > 0 ? 1 : -1; result = ValueDouble.get(Math.round(Math.abs(middleResult)) / f * oneWithSymbol); break; } case TRUNCATE: { if (v0.getValueType() == Value.TIMESTAMP) { result = ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(((ValueTimestamp) v0).getDateValue(), 0); } else if (v0.getValueType() == Value.DATE) { result = ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(((ValueDate) v0).getDateValue(), 0); } else if (v0.getValueType() == Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ) { ValueTimestampTimeZone ts = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) v0; result = ValueTimestampTimeZone.fromDateValueAndNanos(ts.getDateValue(), 0, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins()); } else if (v0.getValueType() == Value.STRING) { ValueTimestamp ts = ValueTimestamp.parse(v0.getString(), session.getDatabase().getMode()); result = ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(ts.getDateValue(), 0); } else { double d = v0.getDouble(); int p = v1 == null ? 0 : v1.getInt(); double f = Math.pow(10., p); double g = d * f; result = ValueDouble.get(((d < 0) ? Math.ceil(g) : Math.floor(g)) / f); } break; } case HASH: result = getHash(v0.getString(), v1, v2 == null ? 1 : v2.getInt()); break; case ENCRYPT: result = ValueBytes.getNoCopy(encrypt(v0.getString(), v1.getBytesNoCopy(), v2.getBytesNoCopy())); break; case DECRYPT: result = ValueBytes.getNoCopy(decrypt(v0.getString(), v1.getBytesNoCopy(), v2.getBytesNoCopy())); break; case COMPRESS: { String algorithm = null; if (v1 != null) { algorithm = v1.getString(); } result = ValueBytes.getNoCopy(CompressTool.getInstance(). compress(v0.getBytesNoCopy(), algorithm)); break; } case ORA_HASH: result = oraHash(v0, v1 == null ? 0xffff_ffffL : v1.getLong(), v2 == null ? 0L : v2.getLong()); break; case DIFFERENCE: result = ValueInt.get(getDifference( v0.getString(), v1.getString())); break; case INSERT: { if (v1 == ValueNull.INSTANCE || v2 == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { result = v1; } else { result = ValueString.get(insert(v0.getString(), v1.getInt(), v2.getInt(), v3.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } break; } case LEFT: result = ValueString.get(left(v0.getString(), v1.getInt()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case LOCATE: { int start = v2 == null ? 0 : v2.getInt(); result = ValueInt.get(locate(v0.getString(), v1.getString(), start)); break; } case INSTR: { int start = v2 == null ? 0 : v2.getInt(); result = ValueInt.get(locate(v1.getString(), v0.getString(), start)); break; } case REPEAT: { int count = Math.max(0, v1.getInt()); result = ValueString.get(repeat(v0.getString(), count), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; } case REPLACE: { if (v0 == ValueNull.INSTANCE || v1 == ValueNull.INSTANCE || v2 == ValueNull.INSTANCE && database.getMode().getEnum() != Mode.ModeEnum.Oracle) { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { String s0 = v0.getString(); String s1 = v1.getString(); String s2 = (v2 == null) ? "" : v2.getString(); if (s2 == null) { s2 = ""; } result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.replaceAll(s0, s1, s2), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } break; } case RIGHT: result = ValueString.get(right(v0.getString(), v1.getInt()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case LTRIM: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.trim(v0.getString(), true, false, v1 == null ? " " : v1.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case TRIM: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.trim(v0.getString(), (flags & TRIM_LEADING) != 0, (flags & TRIM_TRAILING) != 0, v1 == null ? " " : v1.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case RTRIM: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.trim(v0.getString(), false, true, v1 == null ? " " : v1.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case SUBSTR: case SUBSTRING: { String s = v0.getString(); int offset = v1.getInt(); if (offset < 0) { offset = s.length() + offset + 1; } int length = v2 == null ? s.length() : v2.getInt(); result = ValueString.get(substring(s, offset, length), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; } case POSITION: result = ValueInt.get(locate(v0.getString(), v1.getString(), 0)); break; case XMLATTR: result = ValueString.get( StringUtils.xmlAttr(v0.getString(), v1.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case XMLNODE: { String attr = v1 == null ? null : v1 == ValueNull.INSTANCE ? null : v1.getString(); String content = v2 == null ? null : v2 == ValueNull.INSTANCE ? null : v2.getString(); boolean indent = v3 == null ? true : v3.getBoolean(); result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.xmlNode( v0.getString(), attr, content, indent), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; } case REGEXP_REPLACE: { String input = v0.getString(); String regexp = v1.getString(); String replacement = v2.getString(); String regexpMode = v3 != null ? v3.getString() : null; result = regexpReplace(input, regexp, replacement, regexpMode); break; } case RPAD: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.pad(v0.getString(), v1.getInt(), v2 == null ? null : v2.getString(), true), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case LPAD: result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.pad(v0.getString(), v1.getInt(), v2 == null ? null : v2.getString(), false), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case TO_CHAR: switch (v0.getValueType()){ case Value.TIME: case Value.DATE: case Value.TIMESTAMP: case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: result = ValueString.get(ToChar.toCharDateTime(v0, v1 == null ? null : v1.getString(), v2 == null ? null : v2.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case Value.SHORT: case Value.INT: case Value.LONG: case Value.DECIMAL: case Value.DOUBLE: case Value.FLOAT: result = ValueString.get(ToChar.toChar(v0.getBigDecimal(), v1 == null ? null : v1.getString(), v2 == null ? null : v2.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; default: result = ValueString.get(v0.getString(), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } break; case TO_DATE: result = ToDateParser.toDate(session, v0.getString(), v1 == null ? null : v1.getString()); break; case TO_TIMESTAMP: result = ToDateParser.toTimestamp(session, v0.getString(), v1 == null ? null : v1.getString()); break; case ADD_MONTHS: result = DateTimeFunctions.dateadd("MONTH", v1.getInt(), v0); break; case TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ: result = ToDateParser.toTimestampTz(session, v0.getString(), v1 == null ? null : v1.getString()); break; case TRANSLATE: { String matching = v1.getString(); String replacement = v2.getString(); result = ValueString.get( translate(v0.getString(), matching, replacement), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; } case H2VERSION: result = ValueString.get(Constants.getVersion(), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); break; case DATE_ADD: result = DateTimeFunctions.dateadd(v0.getString(), v1.getLong(), v2); break; case DATE_DIFF: result = ValueLong.get(DateTimeFunctions.datediff(v0.getString(), v1, v2)); break; case DATE_TRUNC: result = DateTimeFunctions.truncateDate(v0.getString(), v1); break; case EXTRACT: result = DateTimeFunctions.extract(v0.getString(), v1, database.getMode()); break; case FORMATDATETIME: { if (v0 == ValueNull.INSTANCE || v1 == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { String locale = v2 == null ? null : v2 == ValueNull.INSTANCE ? null : v2.getString(); String tz = v3 == null ? null : v3 == ValueNull.INSTANCE ? null : v3.getString(); if (v0 instanceof ValueTimestampTimeZone) { tz = DateTimeUtils.timeZoneNameFromOffsetMins( ((ValueTimestampTimeZone) v0).getTimeZoneOffsetMins()); } result = ValueString.get(DateTimeFunctions.formatDateTime( v0.getTimestamp(), v1.getString(), locale, tz), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } break; } case PARSEDATETIME: { if (v0 == ValueNull.INSTANCE || v1 == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { String locale = v2 == null ? null : v2 == ValueNull.INSTANCE ? null : v2.getString(); String tz = v3 == null ? null : v3 == ValueNull.INSTANCE ? null : v3.getString(); java.util.Date d = DateTimeFunctions.parseDateTime( v0.getString(), v1.getString(), locale, tz); result = ValueTimestamp.fromMillis(d.getTime()); } break; } case NULLIF: result = database.areEqual(v0, v1) ? ValueNull.INSTANCE : v0; break; // system case NEXTVAL: { Sequence sequence = getSequence(session, v0, v1); SequenceValue value = new SequenceValue(sequence); result = value.getValue(session); break; } case CURRVAL: { Sequence sequence = getSequence(session, v0, v1); result = ValueLong.get(sequence.getCurrentValue()); break; } case CSVREAD: { String fileName = v0.getString(); String columnList = v1 == null ? null : v1.getString(); Csv csv = new Csv(); String options = v2 == null ? null : v2.getString(); String charset = null; if (options != null && options.indexOf('=') >= 0) { charset = csv.setOptions(options); } else { charset = options; String fieldSeparatorRead = v3 == null ? null : v3.getString(); String fieldDelimiter = v4 == null ? null : v4.getString(); String escapeCharacter = v5 == null ? null : v5.getString(); Value v6 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 6); String nullString = v6 == null ? null : v6.getString(); setCsvDelimiterEscape(csv, fieldSeparatorRead, fieldDelimiter, escapeCharacter); csv.setNullString(nullString); } char fieldSeparator = csv.getFieldSeparatorRead(); String[] columns = StringUtils.arraySplit(columnList, fieldSeparator, true); try { result = ValueResultSet.get(session, csv.read(fileName, columns, charset), Integer.MAX_VALUE); } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } break; } case ARRAY_CONCAT: { final ValueArray array = (ValueArray) v0.convertTo(Value.ARRAY); final ValueArray array2 = (ValueArray) v1.convertTo(Value.ARRAY); if (!array.getComponentType().equals(array2.getComponentType())) throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.GENERAL_ERROR_1, "Expected component type " + array.getComponentType() + " but got " + array2.getComponentType()); final Value[] res = Arrays.copyOf(array.getList(), array.getList().length + array2.getList().length); System.arraycopy(array2.getList(), 0, res, array.getList().length, array2.getList().length); result = ValueArray.get(array.getComponentType(), res); break; } case ARRAY_APPEND: { final ValueArray array = (ValueArray) v0.convertTo(Value.ARRAY); if (v1 != ValueNull.INSTANCE && array.getComponentType() != Object.class && !array.getComponentType().isInstance(v1.getObject())) throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.GENERAL_ERROR_1, "Expected component type " + array.getComponentType() + " but got " + v1.getClass()); final Value[] res = Arrays.copyOf(array.getList(), array.getList().length + 1); res[array.getList().length] = v1; result = ValueArray.get(array.getComponentType(), res); break; } case ARRAY_SLICE: { result = null; final ValueArray array = (ValueArray) v0.convertTo(Value.ARRAY); // SQL is 1-based int index1 = v1.getInt() - 1; // 1-based and inclusive as postgreSQL (-1+1) int index2 = v2.getInt(); // https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/arrays.html#ARRAYS-ACCESSING // For historical reasons postgreSQL ignore invalid indexes final boolean isPG = database.getMode().getEnum() == ModeEnum.PostgreSQL; if (index1 > index2) { if (isPG) result = ValueArray.get(array.getComponentType(), new Value[0]); else result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { if (index1 < 0) { if (isPG) index1 = 0; else result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } if (index2 > array.getList().length) { if (isPG) index2 = array.getList().length; else result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } } if (result == null) result = ValueArray.get(array.getComponentType(), Arrays.copyOfRange(array.getList(), index1, index2)); break; } case LINK_SCHEMA: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); Connection conn = session.createConnection(false); ResultSet rs = LinkSchema.linkSchema(conn, v0.getString(), v1.getString(), v2.getString(), v3.getString(), v4.getString(), v5.getString()); result = ValueResultSet.get(session, rs, Integer.MAX_VALUE); break; } case CSVWRITE: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); Connection conn = session.createConnection(false); Csv csv = new Csv(); String options = v2 == null ? null : v2.getString(); String charset = null; if (options != null && options.indexOf('=') >= 0) { charset = csv.setOptions(options); } else { charset = options; String fieldSeparatorWrite = v3 == null ? null : v3.getString(); String fieldDelimiter = v4 == null ? null : v4.getString(); String escapeCharacter = v5 == null ? null : v5.getString(); Value v6 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 6); String nullString = v6 == null ? null : v6.getString(); Value v7 = getNullOrValue(session, args, values, 7); String lineSeparator = v7 == null ? null : v7.getString(); setCsvDelimiterEscape(csv, fieldSeparatorWrite, fieldDelimiter, escapeCharacter); csv.setNullString(nullString); if (lineSeparator != null) { csv.setLineSeparator(lineSeparator); } } try { int rows = csv.write(conn, v0.getString(), v1.getString(), charset); result = ValueInt.get(rows); } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } break; } case SET: { Variable var = (Variable) args[0]; session.setVariable(var.getName(), v1); result = v1; break; } case FILE_READ: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); String fileName = v0.getString(); boolean blob = args.length == 1; try { long fileLength = FileUtils.size(fileName); final InputStream in = FileUtils.newInputStream(fileName); try { if (blob) { result = database.getLobStorage().createBlob(in, fileLength); } else { Reader reader; if (v1 == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { reader = new InputStreamReader(in); } else { reader = new InputStreamReader(in, v1.getString()); } result = database.getLobStorage().createClob(reader, fileLength); } } finally { IOUtils.closeSilently(in); } session.addTemporaryLob(result); } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException(e, fileName); } break; } case FILE_WRITE: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); result = ValueNull.INSTANCE; String fileName = v1.getString(); try { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName); try (InputStream in = v0.getInputStream()) { result = ValueLong.get(IOUtils.copyAndClose(in, fileOutputStream)); } } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException(e, fileName); } break; } case TRUNCATE_VALUE: { result = v0.convertPrecision(v1.getLong(), v2.getBoolean()); break; } case XMLTEXT: if (v1 == null) { result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.xmlText( v0.getString()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } else { result = ValueString.get(StringUtils.xmlText( v0.getString(), v1.getBoolean()), database.getMode().treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } break; case REGEXP_LIKE: { String regexp = v1.getString(); String regexpMode = v2 != null ? v2.getString() : null; int flags = makeRegexpFlags(regexpMode, false); try { result = ValueBoolean.get(Pattern.compile(regexp, flags) .matcher(v0.getString()).find()); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.LIKE_ESCAPE_ERROR_1, e, regexp); } break; } case VALUES: { Expression a0 = args[0]; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, a0.getSchemaName(), true).append('.'); Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, a0.getTableName(), true).append('.'); Parser.quoteIdentifier(builder, a0.getColumnName(), true); result = session.getVariable(builder.toString()); break; } case SIGNAL: { String sqlState = v0.getString(); if (sqlState.startsWith("00") || !SIGNAL_PATTERN.matcher(sqlState).matches()) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("SQLSTATE", sqlState); } String msgText = v1.getString(); throw DbException.fromUser(sqlState, msgText); } default: throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + info.type); } return result; } private Sequence getSequence(Session session, Value v0, Value v1) { String schemaName, sequenceName; if (v1 == null) { Parser p = new Parser(session); String sql = v0.getString(); Expression expr = p.parseExpression(sql); if (expr instanceof ExpressionColumn) { ExpressionColumn seq = (ExpressionColumn) expr; schemaName = seq.getOriginalTableAliasName(); if (schemaName == null) { schemaName = session.getCurrentSchemaName(); sequenceName = sql; } else { sequenceName = seq.getColumnName(); } } else { throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sql, 1); } } else { schemaName = v0.getString(); sequenceName = v1.getString(); } Schema s = database.findSchema(schemaName); if (s == null) { schemaName = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(schemaName); s = database.getSchema(schemaName); } Sequence seq = s.findSequence(sequenceName); if (seq == null) { sequenceName = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(sequenceName); seq = s.getSequence(sequenceName); } return seq; } private static long length(Value v) { switch (v.getValueType()) { case Value.BLOB: case Value.CLOB: case Value.BYTES: case Value.JAVA_OBJECT: return v.getType().getPrecision(); default: return v.getString().length(); } } private static byte[] getPaddedArrayCopy(byte[] data, int blockSize) { int size = MathUtils.roundUpInt(data.length, blockSize); return Utils.copyBytes(data, size); } private static byte[] decrypt(String algorithm, byte[] key, byte[] data) { BlockCipher cipher = CipherFactory.getBlockCipher(algorithm); byte[] newKey = getPaddedArrayCopy(key, cipher.getKeyLength()); cipher.setKey(newKey); byte[] newData = getPaddedArrayCopy(data, BlockCipher.ALIGN); cipher.decrypt(newData, 0, newData.length); return newData; } private static byte[] encrypt(String algorithm, byte[] key, byte[] data) { BlockCipher cipher = CipherFactory.getBlockCipher(algorithm); byte[] newKey = getPaddedArrayCopy(key, cipher.getKeyLength()); cipher.setKey(newKey); byte[] newData = getPaddedArrayCopy(data, BlockCipher.ALIGN); cipher.encrypt(newData, 0, newData.length); return newData; } private static Value getHash(String algorithm, Value value, int iterations) { if (!"SHA256".equalsIgnoreCase(algorithm)) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("algorithm", algorithm); } if (iterations <= 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("iterations", iterations); } MessageDigest md = hashImpl(value, "SHA-256"); if (md == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } byte[] b = md.digest(); for (int i = 1; i < iterations; i++) { b = md.digest(b); } return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(b); } private static String substring(String s, int start, int length) { int len = s.length(); start--; if (start < 0) { start = 0; } if (length < 0) { length = 0; } start = (start > len) ? len : start; if (start + length > len) { length = len - start; } return s.substring(start, start + length); } private static String repeat(String s, int count) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(s.length() * count); while (count-- > 0) { buff.append(s); } return buff.toString(); } private static String rawToHex(String s) { int length = s.length(); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(4 * length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(s.charAt(i) & 0xffff); for (int j = hex.length(); j < 4; j++) { buff.append('0'); } buff.append(hex); } return buff.toString(); } private static int locate(String search, String s, int start) { if (start < 0) { int i = s.length() + start; return s.lastIndexOf(search, i) + 1; } int i = (start == 0) ? 0 : start - 1; return s.indexOf(search, i) + 1; } private static String right(String s, int count) { if (count < 0) { count = 0; } else if (count > s.length()) { count = s.length(); } return s.substring(s.length() - count); } private static String left(String s, int count) { if (count < 0) { count = 0; } else if (count > s.length()) { count = s.length(); } return s.substring(0, count); } private static String insert(String s1, int start, int length, String s2) { if (s1 == null) { return s2; } if (s2 == null) { return s1; } int len1 = s1.length(); int len2 = s2.length(); start--; if (start < 0 || length <= 0 || len2 == 0 || start > len1) { return s1; } if (start + length > len1) { length = len1 - start; } return s1.substring(0, start) + s2 + s1.substring(start + length); } private static String hexToRaw(String s) { // TODO function hextoraw compatibility with oracle int len = s.length(); if (len % 4 != 0) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, s); } StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(len / 4); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { try { char raw = (char) Integer.parseInt(s.substring(i, i + 4), 16); buff.append(raw); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, s); } } return buff.toString(); } private static int getDifference(String s1, String s2) { // TODO function difference: compatibility with SQL Server and HSQLDB s1 = getSoundex(s1); s2 = getSoundex(s2); int e = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(i)) { e++; } } return e; } private static String translate(String original, String findChars, String replaceChars) { if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(original) || StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(findChars)) { return original; } // if it stays null, then no replacements have been made StringBuilder buff = null; // if shorter than findChars, then characters are removed // (if null, we don't access replaceChars at all) int replaceSize = replaceChars == null ? 0 : replaceChars.length(); for (int i = 0, size = original.length(); i < size; i++) { char ch = original.charAt(i); int index = findChars.indexOf(ch); if (index >= 0) { if (buff == null) { buff = new StringBuilder(size); if (i > 0) { buff.append(original, 0, i); } } if (index < replaceSize) { ch = replaceChars.charAt(index); } } if (buff != null) { buff.append(ch); } } return buff == null ? original : buff.toString(); } private static double roundMagic(double d) { if ((d < 0.000_000_000_000_1) && (d > -0.000_000_000_000_1)) { return 0.0; } if ((d > 1_000_000_000_000d) || (d < -1_000_000_000_000d)) { return d; } StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append(d); if (s.toString().indexOf('E') >= 0) { return d; } int len = s.length(); if (len < 16) { return d; } if (s.toString().indexOf('.') > len - 3) { return d; } s.delete(len - 2, len); len -= 2; char c1 = s.charAt(len - 2); char c2 = s.charAt(len - 3); char c3 = s.charAt(len - 4); if ((c1 == '0') && (c2 == '0') && (c3 == '0')) { s.setCharAt(len - 1, '0'); } else if ((c1 == '9') && (c2 == '9') && (c3 == '9')) { s.setCharAt(len - 1, '9'); s.append('9'); s.append('9'); s.append('9'); } return Double.parseDouble(s.toString()); } private static String getSoundex(String s) { int len = s.length(); char[] chars = { '0', '0', '0', '0' }; char lastDigit = '0'; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < len && j < 4; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); char newDigit = c > SOUNDEX_INDEX.length ? 0 : SOUNDEX_INDEX[c]; if (newDigit != 0) { if (j == 0) { chars[j++] = c; lastDigit = newDigit; } else if (newDigit <= '6') { if (newDigit != lastDigit) { chars[j++] = newDigit; lastDigit = newDigit; } } else if (newDigit == '7') { lastDigit = newDigit; } } } return new String(chars); } private static Value oraHash(Value value, long bucket, long seed) { if ((bucket & 0xffff_ffff_0000_0000L) != 0L) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("bucket", bucket); } if ((seed & 0xffff_ffff_0000_0000L) != 0L) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("seed", seed); } MessageDigest md = hashImpl(value, "SHA-1"); if (md == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } if (seed != 0L) { byte[] b = new byte[4]; Bits.writeInt(b, 0, (int) seed); md.update(b); } long hc = Bits.readLong(md.digest(), 0); // Strip sign and use modulo operation to get value from 0 to bucket inclusive return ValueLong.get((hc & Long.MAX_VALUE) % (bucket + 1)); } private static MessageDigest hashImpl(Value value, String algorithm) { MessageDigest md; switch (value.getValueType()) { case Value.NULL: return null; case Value.STRING: case Value.STRING_FIXED: case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); md.update(value.getString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw DbException.convert(ex); } break; case Value.BLOB: case Value.CLOB: try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; try (InputStream is = value.getInputStream()) { for (int r; (r = is.read(buf)) > 0; ) { md.update(buf, 0, r); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw DbException.convert(ex); } break; default: try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); md.update(value.getBytesNoCopy()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw DbException.convert(ex); } } return md; } private Value regexpReplace(String input, String regexp, String replacement, String regexpMode) { Mode mode = database.getMode(); if (mode.regexpReplaceBackslashReferences) { if ((replacement.indexOf('\\') >= 0) || (replacement.indexOf('$') >= 0)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < replacement.length(); i++) { char c = replacement.charAt(i); if (c == '$') { sb.append('\\'); } else if (c == '\\' && ++i < replacement.length()) { c = replacement.charAt(i); sb.append(c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? '$' : '\\'); } sb.append(c); } replacement = sb.toString(); } } boolean isInPostgreSqlMode = Mode.ModeEnum.PostgreSQL.equals(mode.getEnum()); int flags = makeRegexpFlags(regexpMode, isInPostgreSqlMode); try { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regexp, flags).matcher(input); return ValueString.get(isInPostgreSqlMode && (regexpMode == null || regexpMode.indexOf('g') < 0) ? matcher.replaceFirst(replacement) : matcher.replaceAll(replacement), mode.treatEmptyStringsAsNull); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.LIKE_ESCAPE_ERROR_1, e, regexp); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException | IllegalArgumentException e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.LIKE_ESCAPE_ERROR_1, e, replacement); } } private static int makeRegexpFlags(String stringFlags, boolean ignoreGlobalFlag) { int flags = Pattern.UNICODE_CASE; if (stringFlags != null) { for (int i = 0; i < stringFlags.length(); ++i) { switch (stringFlags.charAt(i)) { case 'i': flags |= Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE; break; case 'c': flags &= ~Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE; break; case 'n': flags |= Pattern.DOTALL; break; case 'm': flags |= Pattern.MULTILINE; break; case 'g': if (ignoreGlobalFlag) { break; } //$FALL-THROUGH$ default: throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE_2, stringFlags); } } } return flags; } @Override public TypeInfo getType() { return type; } @Override public int getValueType() { return type.getValueType(); } @Override public void mapColumns(ColumnResolver resolver, int level, int state) { for (Expression e : args) { if (e != null) { e.mapColumns(resolver, level, state); } } }
Check if the parameter count is correct.
  • len – the number of parameters set
/** * Check if the parameter count is correct. * * @param len the number of parameters set * @throws DbException if the parameter count is incorrect */
protected void checkParameterCount(int len) { int min = 0, max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; switch (info.type) { case COALESCE: case CSVREAD: case LEAST: case GREATEST: min = 1; break; case CURRENT_TIME: case LOCALTIME: case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: case LOCALTIMESTAMP: case RAND: max = 1; break; case COMPRESS: case LTRIM: case RTRIM: case TRIM: case FILE_READ: case ROUND: case XMLTEXT: case TRUNCATE: case TO_TIMESTAMP: case TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ: min = 1; max = 2; break; case DATE_TRUNC: min = 2; max = 2; break; case TO_CHAR: case TO_DATE: min = 1; max = 3; break; case ORA_HASH: min = 1; max = 3; break; case HASH: case REPLACE: case LOCATE: case INSTR: case SUBSTR: case SUBSTRING: case LPAD: case RPAD: min = 2; max = 3; break; case CONCAT: case CONCAT_WS: case CSVWRITE: min = 2; break; case XMLNODE: min = 1; max = 4; break; case FORMATDATETIME: case PARSEDATETIME: min = 2; max = 4; break; case CURRVAL: case NEXTVAL: min = 1; max = 2; break; case DECODE: case CASE: min = 3; break; case REGEXP_REPLACE: min = 3; max = 4; break; case REGEXP_LIKE: min = 2; max = 3; break; default: DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + info.type); } boolean ok = (len >= min) && (len <= max); if (!ok) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.INVALID_PARAMETER_COUNT_2, info.name, min + ".." + max); } }
This method is called after all the parameters have been set. It checks if the parameter count is correct.
  • DbException – if the parameter count is incorrect.
/** * This method is called after all the parameters have been set. * It checks if the parameter count is correct. * * @throws DbException if the parameter count is incorrect. */
public void doneWithParameters() { if (info.parameterCount == VAR_ARGS) { checkParameterCount(varArgs.size()); args = varArgs.toArray(new Expression[0]); varArgs = null; } else { int len = args.length; if (len > 0 && args[len - 1] == null) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.INVALID_PARAMETER_COUNT_2, info.name, Integer.toString(len)); } } } public void setDataType(Column col) { TypeInfo type = col.getType(); this.type = type; } @Override public Expression optimize(Session session) { boolean allConst = info.deterministic; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Expression e = args[i]; if (e == null) { continue; } e = e.optimize(session); args[i] = e; if (!e.isConstant()) { allConst = false; } } TypeInfo typeInfo; Expression p0 = args.length < 1 ? null : args[0]; switch (info.type) { case DATE_ADD: { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_TIMESTAMP; if (p0.isConstant()) { Expression p2 = args[2]; switch (p2.getType().getValueType()) { case Value.TIME: typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_TIME; break; case Value.DATE: { int field = DateTimeFunctions.getDatePart(p0.getValue(session).getString()); switch (field) { case HOUR: case MINUTE: case SECOND: case EPOCH: case MILLISECOND: case MICROSECOND: case NANOSECOND: // TIMESTAMP result break; default: type = TypeInfo.TYPE_DATE; } break; } case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: type = TypeInfo.TYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ; } } break; } case EXTRACT: { if (p0.isConstant() && DateTimeFunctions.getDatePart(p0.getValue(session).getString()) == Function.EPOCH) { typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(Value.DECIMAL, ValueLong.PRECISION + ValueTimestamp.MAXIMUM_SCALE, ValueTimestamp.MAXIMUM_SCALE, null); } else { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_INT; } break; } case DATE_TRUNC: typeInfo = args[1].getType(); // TODO set scale when possible if (typeInfo.getValueType() != Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ) { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } break; case IFNULL: case NULLIF: case COALESCE: case LEAST: case GREATEST: { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_UNKNOWN; for (Expression e : args) { if (e != ValueExpression.getNull()) { TypeInfo type = e.getType(); int valueType = type.getValueType(); if (valueType != Value.UNKNOWN && valueType != Value.NULL) { typeInfo = Value.getHigherType(typeInfo, type); } } } if (typeInfo.getValueType() == Value.UNKNOWN) { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_STRING; } break; } case CASE: case DECODE: { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_UNKNOWN; // (expr, when, then) // (expr, when, then, else) // (expr, when, then, when, then) // (expr, when, then, when, then, else) for (int i = 2, len = args.length; i < len; i += 2) { Expression then = args[i]; if (then != ValueExpression.getNull()) { TypeInfo type = then.getType(); int valueType = type.getValueType(); if (valueType != Value.UNKNOWN && valueType != Value.NULL) { typeInfo = Value.getHigherType(typeInfo, type); } } } if (args.length % 2 == 0) { Expression elsePart = args[args.length - 1]; if (elsePart != ValueExpression.getNull()) { TypeInfo type = elsePart.getType(); int valueType = type.getValueType(); if (valueType != Value.UNKNOWN && valueType != Value.NULL) { typeInfo = Value.getHigherType(typeInfo, type); } } } if (typeInfo.getValueType() == Value.UNKNOWN) { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_STRING; } break; } case CASEWHEN: typeInfo = Value.getHigherType(args[1].getType(), args[2].getType()); break; case NVL2: { TypeInfo t1 = args[1].getType(), t2 = args[2].getType(); switch (t1.getValueType()) { case Value.STRING: case Value.CLOB: case Value.STRING_FIXED: case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(t1.getValueType(), -1, 0, null); break; default: typeInfo = Value.getHigherType(t1, t2); break; } break; } case CAST: case CONVERT: case TRUNCATE_VALUE: if (type != null) { // data type, precision and scale is already set typeInfo = type; } else { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_UNKNOWN; } break; case TRUNCATE: switch (p0.getType().getValueType()) { case Value.STRING: case Value.DATE: case Value.TIMESTAMP: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(Value.TIMESTAMP, -1, 0, null); break; case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ, -1, 0, null); break; default: typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_DOUBLE; } break; case ABS: case FLOOR: case ROUND: { TypeInfo type = p0.getType(); typeInfo = type; if (typeInfo.getValueType() == Value.NULL) { typeInfo = TypeInfo.TYPE_INT; } break; } case SET: typeInfo = args[1].getType(); if (!(p0 instanceof Variable)) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.CAN_ONLY_ASSIGN_TO_VARIABLE_1, p0.getSQL(false)); } break; case FILE_READ: { if (args.length == 1) { typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(Value.BLOB, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, null); } else { typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(Value.CLOB, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, null); } break; } case SUBSTRING: case SUBSTR: { long p = args[0].getType().getPrecision(); if (args[1].isConstant()) { // if only two arguments are used, // subtract offset from first argument length p -= args[1].getValue(session).getLong() - 1; } if (args.length == 3 && args[2].isConstant()) { // if the third argument is constant it is at most this value p = Math.min(p, args[2].getValue(session).getLong()); } p = Math.max(0, p); typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, p, 0, null); break; } case ENCRYPT: case DECRYPT: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, args[2].getType().getPrecision(), 0, null); break; case COMPRESS: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, args[0].getType().getPrecision(), 0, null); break; case CHAR: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, 1, 0, null); break; case CONCAT: { long p = 0; for (Expression e : args) { TypeInfo type = e.getType(); p += type.getPrecision(); if (p < 0) { p = Long.MAX_VALUE; } } typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, p, 0, null); break; } case HEXTORAW: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, (args[0].getType().getPrecision() + 3) / 4, 0, null); break; case LCASE: case LTRIM: case RIGHT: case RTRIM: case UCASE: case LOWER: case UPPER: case TRIM: case STRINGDECODE: case UTF8TOSTRING: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, args[0].getType().getPrecision(), 0, null); break; case RAWTOHEX: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, args[0].getType().getPrecision() * 4, 0, null); break; case SOUNDEX: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, 4, 0, null); break; case DAY_NAME: case MONTH_NAME: // day and month names may be long in some languages typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, 20, 0, null); break; default: typeInfo = TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(info.returnDataType, -1, -1, null); } type = typeInfo; if (allConst) { Value v = getValue(session); if (info.type == CAST || info.type == CONVERT) { if (v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { return this; } DataType dt = DataType.getDataType(type.getValueType()); TypeInfo vt = v.getType(); if (dt.supportsPrecision && type.getPrecision() != vt.getPrecision() || dt.supportsScale && type.getScale() != vt.getScale()) { return this; } } return ValueExpression.get(v); } return this; } @Override public void setEvaluatable(TableFilter tableFilter, boolean b) { for (Expression e : args) { if (e != null) { e.setEvaluatable(tableFilter, b); } } } @Override public StringBuilder getSQL(StringBuilder builder, boolean alwaysQuote) { builder.append(info.name); if (info.type == CASE) { if (args[0] != null) { builder.append(' '); args[0].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } for (int i = 1, len = args.length - 1; i < len; i += 2) { builder.append(" WHEN "); args[i].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); builder.append(" THEN "); args[i + 1].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } if (args.length % 2 == 0) { builder.append(" ELSE "); args[args.length - 1].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } return builder.append(" END"); } boolean addParentheses = args.length > 0 || info.requireParentheses; if (addParentheses) { builder.append('('); } switch (info.type) { case TRIM: { switch (flags) { case TRIM_LEADING: builder.append("LEADING "); break; case TRIM_TRAILING: builder.append("TRAILING "); break; } if (args.length > 1) { args[1].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote).append(" FROM "); } args[0].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); break; } case CAST: { args[0].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote).append(" AS ").append(new Column(null, type).getCreateSQL()); break; } case CONVERT: { if (database.getMode().swapConvertFunctionParameters) { builder.append(new Column(null, type).getCreateSQL()).append(','); args[0].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); } else { args[0].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote).append(',').append(new Column(null, type).getCreateSQL()); } break; } case EXTRACT: { ValueString v = (ValueString) ((ValueExpression) args[0]).getValue(null); builder.append(v.getString()).append(" FROM "); args[1].getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote); break; } default: writeExpressions(builder, args, alwaysQuote); } if (addParentheses) { builder.append(')'); } return builder; } @Override public void updateAggregate(Session session, int stage) { for (Expression e : args) { if (e != null) { e.updateAggregate(session, stage); } } } public int getFunctionType() { return info.type; } @Override public String getName() { return info.name; } @Override public ValueResultSet getValueForColumnList(Session session, Expression[] argList) { switch (info.type) { case CSVREAD: { String fileName = argList[0].getValue(session).getString(); if (fileName == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.PARAMETER_NOT_SET_1, "fileName"); } String columnList = argList.length < 2 ? null : argList[1].getValue(session).getString(); Csv csv = new Csv(); String options = argList.length < 3 ? null : argList[2].getValue(session).getString(); String charset = null; if (options != null && options.indexOf('=') >= 0) { charset = csv.setOptions(options); } else { charset = options; String fieldSeparatorRead = argList.length < 4 ? null : argList[3].getValue(session).getString(); String fieldDelimiter = argList.length < 5 ? null : argList[4].getValue(session).getString(); String escapeCharacter = argList.length < 6 ? null : argList[5].getValue(session).getString(); setCsvDelimiterEscape(csv, fieldSeparatorRead, fieldDelimiter, escapeCharacter); } char fieldSeparator = csv.getFieldSeparatorRead(); String[] columns = StringUtils.arraySplit(columnList, fieldSeparator, true); ResultSet rs = null; ValueResultSet x; try { rs = csv.read(fileName, columns, charset); x = ValueResultSet.get(session, rs, 0); } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } finally { csv.close(); JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs); } return x; } default: break; } return (ValueResultSet) getValueWithArgs(session, argList); } private static void setCsvDelimiterEscape(Csv csv, String fieldSeparator, String fieldDelimiter, String escapeCharacter) { if (fieldSeparator != null) { csv.setFieldSeparatorWrite(fieldSeparator); if (!fieldSeparator.isEmpty()) { char fs = fieldSeparator.charAt(0); csv.setFieldSeparatorRead(fs); } } if (fieldDelimiter != null) { char fd = fieldDelimiter.isEmpty() ? 0 : fieldDelimiter.charAt(0); csv.setFieldDelimiter(fd); } if (escapeCharacter != null) { char ec = escapeCharacter.isEmpty() ? 0 : escapeCharacter.charAt(0); csv.setEscapeCharacter(ec); } } @Override public Expression[] getArgs() { return args; } @Override public boolean isEverything(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { for (Expression e : args) { if (e != null && !e.isEverything(visitor)) { return false; } } switch (visitor.getType()) { case ExpressionVisitor.DETERMINISTIC: case ExpressionVisitor.QUERY_COMPARABLE: case ExpressionVisitor.READONLY: return info.deterministic; case ExpressionVisitor.EVALUATABLE: case ExpressionVisitor.GET_DEPENDENCIES: case ExpressionVisitor.INDEPENDENT: case ExpressionVisitor.NOT_FROM_RESOLVER: case ExpressionVisitor.OPTIMIZABLE_AGGREGATE: case ExpressionVisitor.SET_MAX_DATA_MODIFICATION_ID: case ExpressionVisitor.GET_COLUMNS1: case ExpressionVisitor.GET_COLUMNS2: return true; default: throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + visitor.getType()); } } @Override public int getCost() { int cost = 3; for (Expression e : args) { if (e != null) { cost += e.getCost(); } } return cost; } @Override public boolean isDeterministic() { return info.deterministic; } @Override public boolean isBufferResultSetToLocalTemp() { return info.bufferResultSetToLocalTemp; } @Override public boolean isGeneratedKey() { return info.type == NEXTVAL; } @Override public int getSubexpressionCount() { return args.length; } @Override public Expression getSubexpression(int index) { return args[index]; } }