 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.value;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.api.TimestampWithTimeZone;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils;
import org.h2.util.LocalDateTimeUtils;

Implementation of the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type.
See Also:
/** * Implementation of the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type. * * @see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_zone_designators"> * ISO 8601 Time zone designators</a> */
public class ValueTimestampTimeZone extends Value {
The default precision and display size of the textual representation of a timestamp. Example: 2001-01-01 23:59:59.123456+10:00
/** * The default precision and display size of the textual representation of a timestamp. * Example: 2001-01-01 23:59:59.123456+10:00 */
public static final int DEFAULT_PRECISION = 32;
The maximum precision and display size of the textual representation of a timestamp. Example: 2001-01-01 23:59:59.123456789+10:00
/** * The maximum precision and display size of the textual representation of a timestamp. * Example: 2001-01-01 23:59:59.123456789+10:00 */
public static final int MAXIMUM_PRECISION = 35;
The default scale for timestamps.
/** * The default scale for timestamps. */
static final int DEFAULT_SCALE = ValueTimestamp.DEFAULT_SCALE;
The default scale for timestamps.
/** * The default scale for timestamps. */
static final int MAXIMUM_SCALE = ValueTimestamp.MAXIMUM_SCALE;
A bit field with bits for the year, month, and day (see DateTimeUtils for encoding)
/** * A bit field with bits for the year, month, and day (see DateTimeUtils for * encoding) */
private final long dateValue;
The nanoseconds since midnight.
/** * The nanoseconds since midnight. */
private final long timeNanos;
Time zone offset from UTC in minutes, range of -18 hours to +18 hours. This range is compatible with OffsetDateTime from JSR-310.
/** * Time zone offset from UTC in minutes, range of -18 hours to +18 hours. This * range is compatible with OffsetDateTime from JSR-310. */
private final short timeZoneOffsetMins; private ValueTimestampTimeZone(long dateValue, long timeNanos, short timeZoneOffsetMins) { if (timeNanos < 0 || timeNanos >= DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "timeNanos out of range " + timeNanos); } /* * Some current and historic time zones have offsets larger than 12 hours. * JSR-310 determines 18 hours as maximum possible offset in both directions, so * we use this limit too for compatibility. */ if (timeZoneOffsetMins < (-18 * 60) || timeZoneOffsetMins > (18 * 60)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "timeZoneOffsetMins out of range " + timeZoneOffsetMins); } this.dateValue = dateValue; this.timeNanos = timeNanos; this.timeZoneOffsetMins = timeZoneOffsetMins; }
Get or create a date value for the given date.
  • dateValue – the date value, a bit field with bits for the year, month, and day
  • timeNanos – the nanoseconds since midnight
  • timeZoneOffsetMins – the timezone offset in minutes
Returns:the value
/** * Get or create a date value for the given date. * * @param dateValue the date value, a bit field with bits for the year, * month, and day * @param timeNanos the nanoseconds since midnight * @param timeZoneOffsetMins the timezone offset in minutes * @return the value */
public static ValueTimestampTimeZone fromDateValueAndNanos(long dateValue, long timeNanos, short timeZoneOffsetMins) { return (ValueTimestampTimeZone) Value.cache(new ValueTimestampTimeZone( dateValue, timeNanos, timeZoneOffsetMins)); }
Get or create a timestamp value for the given timestamp.
  • timestamp – the timestamp
Returns:the value
/** * Get or create a timestamp value for the given timestamp. * * @param timestamp the timestamp * @return the value */
public static ValueTimestampTimeZone get(TimestampWithTimeZone timestamp) { return fromDateValueAndNanos(timestamp.getYMD(), timestamp.getNanosSinceMidnight(), timestamp.getTimeZoneOffsetMins()); }
Parse a string to a ValueTimestamp. This method supports the format +/-year-month-day hour:minute:seconds.fractional and an optional timezone part.
  • s – the string to parse
Returns:the date
/** * Parse a string to a ValueTimestamp. This method supports the format * +/-year-month-day hour:minute:seconds.fractional and an optional timezone * part. * * @param s the string to parse * @return the date */
public static ValueTimestampTimeZone parse(String s) { try { return (ValueTimestampTimeZone) DateTimeUtils.parseTimestamp(s, null, true); } catch (Exception e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_DATETIME_CONSTANT_2, e, "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE", s); } }
A bit field with bits for the year, month, and day (see DateTimeUtils for encoding).
Returns:the data value
/** * A bit field with bits for the year, month, and day (see DateTimeUtils for * encoding). * * @return the data value */
public long getDateValue() { return dateValue; }
The nanoseconds since midnight.
Returns:the nanoseconds
/** * The nanoseconds since midnight. * * @return the nanoseconds */
public long getTimeNanos() { return timeNanos; }
The timezone offset in minutes.
Returns:the offset
/** * The timezone offset in minutes. * * @return the offset */
public short getTimeZoneOffsetMins() { return timeZoneOffsetMins; } @Override public Timestamp getTimestamp() { return DateTimeUtils.convertTimestampTimeZoneToTimestamp(dateValue, timeNanos, timeZoneOffsetMins); } @Override public TypeInfo getType() { return TypeInfo.TYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ; } @Override public int getValueType() { return TIMESTAMP_TZ; } @Override public int getMemory() { // Java 11 with -XX:-UseCompressedOops return 40; } @Override public String getString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(ValueTimestampTimeZone.MAXIMUM_PRECISION); DateTimeUtils.appendTimestampTimeZone(builder, dateValue, timeNanos, timeZoneOffsetMins); return builder.toString(); } @Override public StringBuilder getSQL(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '"); DateTimeUtils.appendTimestampTimeZone(builder, dateValue, timeNanos, timeZoneOffsetMins); return builder.append('\''); } @Override public boolean checkPrecision(long precision) { // TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type does not have precision parameter return true; } @Override public Value convertScale(boolean onlyToSmallerScale, int targetScale) { if (targetScale >= MAXIMUM_SCALE) { return this; } if (targetScale < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("scale", targetScale); } long n = timeNanos; long n2 = DateTimeUtils.convertScale(n, targetScale); if (n2 == n) { return this; } long dv = dateValue; if (n2 >= DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY) { n2 -= DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY; dv = DateTimeUtils.incrementDateValue(dv); } return fromDateValueAndNanos(dv, n2, timeZoneOffsetMins); } @Override public int compareTypeSafe(Value o, CompareMode mode) { ValueTimestampTimeZone t = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) o; // Maximum time zone offset is +/-18 hours so difference in days between local // and UTC cannot be more than one day long dateValueA = dateValue; long timeA = timeNanos - timeZoneOffsetMins * 60_000_000_000L; if (timeA < 0) { timeA += DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY; dateValueA = DateTimeUtils.decrementDateValue(dateValueA); } else if (timeA >= DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY) { timeA -= DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY; dateValueA = DateTimeUtils.incrementDateValue(dateValueA); } long dateValueB = t.dateValue; long timeB = t.timeNanos - t.timeZoneOffsetMins * 60_000_000_000L; if (timeB < 0) { timeB += DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY; dateValueB = DateTimeUtils.decrementDateValue(dateValueB); } else if (timeB >= DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY) { timeB -= DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY; dateValueB = DateTimeUtils.incrementDateValue(dateValueB); } int cmp = Long.compare(dateValueA, dateValueB); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } return Long.compare(timeA, timeB); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } else if (!(other instanceof ValueTimestampTimeZone)) { return false; } ValueTimestampTimeZone x = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) other; return dateValue == x.dateValue && timeNanos == x.timeNanos && timeZoneOffsetMins == x.timeZoneOffsetMins; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) (dateValue ^ (dateValue >>> 32) ^ timeNanos ^ (timeNanos >>> 32) ^ timeZoneOffsetMins); } @Override public Object getObject() { if (SysProperties.RETURN_OFFSET_DATE_TIME && LocalDateTimeUtils.isJava8DateApiPresent()) { return LocalDateTimeUtils.valueToOffsetDateTime(this); } return new TimestampWithTimeZone(dateValue, timeNanos, timeZoneOffsetMins); } @Override public void set(PreparedStatement prep, int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { prep.setString(parameterIndex, getString()); } @Override public Value add(Value v) { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException( "manipulating TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values is unsupported"); } @Override public Value subtract(Value v) { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException( "manipulating TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values is unsupported"); } }