 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.value;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.api.Interval;
import org.h2.api.IntervalQualifier;
import org.h2.api.TimestampWithTimeZone;
import org.h2.engine.Mode;
import org.h2.engine.SessionInterface;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcArray;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcBlob;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcClob;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcLob;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.util.JdbcUtils;
import org.h2.util.LocalDateTimeUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;

This class contains meta data information about data types, and can convert between Java objects and Values.
/** * This class contains meta data information about data types, * and can convert between Java objects and Values. */
public class DataType {
This constant is used to represent the type of a ResultSet. There is no equivalent java.sql.Types value, but Oracle uses it to represent a ResultSet (OracleTypes.CURSOR = -10).
/** * This constant is used to represent the type of a ResultSet. There is no * equivalent java.sql.Types value, but Oracle uses it to represent a * ResultSet (OracleTypes.CURSOR = -10). */
public static final int TYPE_RESULT_SET = -10;
The Geometry class. This object is null if the jts jar file is not in the classpath.
/** * The Geometry class. This object is null if the jts jar file is not in the * classpath. */
public static final Class<?> GEOMETRY_CLASS; private static final String GEOMETRY_CLASS_NAME = "org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry";
The list of types. An ArrayList so that Tomcat doesn't set it to null when clearing references.
/** * The list of types. An ArrayList so that Tomcat doesn't set it to null * when clearing references. */
private static final ArrayList<DataType> TYPES = new ArrayList<>(96); private static final HashMap<String, DataType> TYPES_BY_NAME = new HashMap<>(128);
Mapping from Value type numbers to DataType.
/** * Mapping from Value type numbers to DataType. */
static final DataType[] TYPES_BY_VALUE_TYPE = new DataType[Value.TYPE_COUNT];
The value type of this data type.
/** * The value type of this data type. */
public int type;
The data type name.
/** * The data type name. */
public String name;
The SQL type.
/** * The SQL type. */
public int sqlType;
How closely the data type maps to the corresponding JDBC SQL type (low is best).
/** * How closely the data type maps to the corresponding JDBC SQL type (low is * best). */
public int sqlTypePos;
The maximum supported precision.
/** * The maximum supported precision. */
public long maxPrecision;
The lowest possible scale.
/** * The lowest possible scale. */
public int minScale;
The highest possible scale.
/** * The highest possible scale. */
public int maxScale;
If this is a numeric type.
/** * If this is a numeric type. */
public boolean decimal;
The prefix required for the SQL literal representation.
/** * The prefix required for the SQL literal representation. */
public String prefix;
The suffix required for the SQL literal representation.
/** * The suffix required for the SQL literal representation. */
public String suffix;
The list of parameters used in the column definition.
/** * The list of parameters used in the column definition. */
public String params;
If this is an autoincrement type.
/** * If this is an autoincrement type. */
public boolean autoIncrement;
If this data type is an autoincrement type.
/** * If this data type is an autoincrement type. */
public boolean caseSensitive;
If the precision parameter is supported.
/** * If the precision parameter is supported. */
public boolean supportsPrecision;
If the scale parameter is supported.
/** * If the scale parameter is supported. */
public boolean supportsScale;
The default precision.
/** * The default precision. */
public long defaultPrecision;
The default scale.
/** * The default scale. */
public int defaultScale;
If this data type should not be listed in the database meta data.
/** * If this data type should not be listed in the database meta data. */
public boolean hidden; static { Class<?> g; try { g = JdbcUtils.loadUserClass(GEOMETRY_CLASS_NAME); } catch (Exception e) { // class is not in the classpath - ignore g = null; } GEOMETRY_CLASS = g; DataType dataType = new DataType(); dataType.defaultPrecision = dataType.maxPrecision = ValueNull.PRECISION; add(Value.NULL, Types.NULL, dataType, new String[]{"NULL"} ); add(Value.STRING, Types.VARCHAR, createString(true), new String[]{"VARCHAR", "CHARACTER VARYING", "VARCHAR2", "NVARCHAR", "NVARCHAR2", "VARCHAR_CASESENSITIVE", "TID"} ); add(Value.STRING, Types.LONGVARCHAR, createString(true), new String[]{"LONGVARCHAR", "LONGNVARCHAR"} ); add(Value.STRING_FIXED, Types.CHAR, createString(true), new String[]{"CHAR", "CHARACTER", "NCHAR"} ); add(Value.STRING_IGNORECASE, Types.VARCHAR, createString(false), new String[]{"VARCHAR_IGNORECASE"} ); add(Value.BOOLEAN, Types.BOOLEAN, createNumeric(ValueBoolean.PRECISION, 0, false), new String[]{"BOOLEAN", "BIT", "BOOL"} ); add(Value.BYTE, Types.TINYINT, createNumeric(ValueByte.PRECISION, 0, false), new String[]{"TINYINT"} ); add(Value.SHORT, Types.SMALLINT, createNumeric(ValueShort.PRECISION, 0, false), new String[]{"SMALLINT", "YEAR", "INT2"} ); add(Value.INT, Types.INTEGER, createNumeric(ValueInt.PRECISION, 0, false), new String[]{"INTEGER", "INT", "MEDIUMINT", "INT4", "SIGNED"} ); add(Value.INT, Types.INTEGER, createNumeric(ValueInt.PRECISION, 0, true), new String[]{"SERIAL"} ); add(Value.LONG, Types.BIGINT, createNumeric(ValueLong.PRECISION, 0, false), new String[]{"BIGINT", "INT8", "LONG"} ); add(Value.LONG, Types.BIGINT, createNumeric(ValueLong.PRECISION, 0, true), new String[]{"IDENTITY", "BIGSERIAL"} ); if (SysProperties.BIG_DECIMAL_IS_DECIMAL) { addDecimal(); addNumeric(); } else { addNumeric(); addDecimal(); } add(Value.FLOAT, Types.REAL, createNumeric(ValueFloat.PRECISION, 0, false), new String[] {"REAL", "FLOAT4"} ); add(Value.DOUBLE, Types.DOUBLE, createNumeric(ValueDouble.PRECISION, 0, false), new String[] { "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE PRECISION" } ); add(Value.DOUBLE, Types.FLOAT, createNumeric(ValueDouble.PRECISION, 0, false), new String[] {"FLOAT", "FLOAT8" } ); add(Value.TIME, Types.TIME, createDate(ValueTime.MAXIMUM_PRECISION, ValueTime.DEFAULT_PRECISION, "TIME", true, ValueTime.DEFAULT_SCALE, ValueTime.MAXIMUM_SCALE), new String[]{"TIME", "TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE"} ); add(Value.DATE, Types.DATE, createDate(ValueDate.PRECISION, ValueDate.PRECISION, "DATE", false, 0, 0), new String[]{"DATE"} ); add(Value.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP, createDate(ValueTimestamp.MAXIMUM_PRECISION, ValueTimestamp.DEFAULT_PRECISION, "TIMESTAMP", true, ValueTimestamp.DEFAULT_SCALE, ValueTimestamp.MAXIMUM_SCALE), new String[]{"TIMESTAMP", "TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE", "DATETIME", "DATETIME2", "SMALLDATETIME"} ); // 2014 is the value of Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE // use the value instead of the reference because the code has to // compile (on Java 1.7). Can be replaced with // Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE once Java 1.8 is required. add(Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ, 2014, createDate(ValueTimestampTimeZone.MAXIMUM_PRECISION, ValueTimestampTimeZone.DEFAULT_PRECISION, "TIMESTAMP_TZ", true, ValueTimestampTimeZone.DEFAULT_SCALE, ValueTimestampTimeZone.MAXIMUM_SCALE), new String[]{"TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE"} ); add(Value.BYTES, Types.VARBINARY, createString(false), new String[]{"VARBINARY", "BINARY VARYING"} ); add(Value.BYTES, Types.BINARY, createString(false), new String[]{"BINARY", "RAW", "BYTEA", "LONG RAW"} ); add(Value.BYTES, Types.LONGVARBINARY, createString(false), new String[]{"LONGVARBINARY"} ); dataType = new DataType(); dataType.prefix = dataType.suffix = "'"; dataType.defaultPrecision = dataType.maxPrecision = ValueUuid.PRECISION; add(Value.UUID, Types.BINARY, createString(false), // UNIQUEIDENTIFIER is the MSSQL mode equivalent new String[]{"UUID", "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER"} ); add(Value.JAVA_OBJECT, Types.OTHER, createString(false), new String[]{"OTHER", "OBJECT", "JAVA_OBJECT"} ); add(Value.BLOB, Types.BLOB, createLob(), new String[]{"BLOB", "BINARY LARGE OBJECT", "TINYBLOB", "MEDIUMBLOB", "LONGBLOB", "IMAGE", "OID"} ); add(Value.CLOB, Types.CLOB, createLob(), new String[]{"CLOB", "CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT", "TINYTEXT", "TEXT", "MEDIUMTEXT", "LONGTEXT", "NTEXT", "NCLOB"} ); add(Value.GEOMETRY, Types.OTHER, createGeometry(), new String[]{"GEOMETRY"} ); dataType = new DataType(); dataType.prefix = "ARRAY["; dataType.suffix = "]"; add(Value.ARRAY, Types.ARRAY, dataType, new String[]{"ARRAY"} ); dataType = new DataType(); dataType.maxPrecision = dataType.defaultPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE; add(Value.RESULT_SET, DataType.TYPE_RESULT_SET, dataType, new String[]{"RESULT_SET"} ); dataType = createString(false); dataType.supportsPrecision = false; dataType.supportsScale = false; add(Value.ENUM, Types.OTHER, dataType, new String[]{"ENUM"} ); for (int i = Value.INTERVAL_YEAR; i <= Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND; i++) { addInterval(i); } // Row value doesn't have a type name dataType = new DataType(); dataType.type = Value.ROW; dataType.name = "ROW"; dataType.sqlType = Types.OTHER; dataType.prefix = "ROW("; dataType.suffix = ")"; TYPES_BY_VALUE_TYPE[Value.ROW] = dataType; } private static void addDecimal() { add(Value.DECIMAL, Types.DECIMAL, createNumeric(Integer.MAX_VALUE, ValueDecimal.DEFAULT_PRECISION, ValueDecimal.DEFAULT_SCALE), new String[]{"DECIMAL", "DEC"} ); } private static void addNumeric() { add(Value.DECIMAL, Types.NUMERIC, createNumeric(Integer.MAX_VALUE, ValueDecimal.DEFAULT_PRECISION, ValueDecimal.DEFAULT_SCALE), new String[]{"NUMERIC", "NUMBER"} ); } private static void addInterval(int type) { IntervalQualifier qualifier = IntervalQualifier.valueOf(type - Value.INTERVAL_YEAR); String name = qualifier.toString(); DataType dataType = new DataType(); dataType.prefix = "INTERVAL "; dataType.suffix = ' ' + name; dataType.supportsPrecision = true; dataType.defaultPrecision = ValueInterval.DEFAULT_PRECISION; dataType.maxPrecision = ValueInterval.MAXIMUM_PRECISION; if (qualifier.hasSeconds()) { dataType.supportsScale = true; dataType.defaultScale = ValueInterval.DEFAULT_SCALE; dataType.maxScale = ValueInterval.MAXIMUM_SCALE; dataType.params = "PRECISION,SCALE"; } else { dataType.params = "PRECISION"; } add(type, Types.OTHER, dataType, new String[]{("INTERVAL " + name).intern()} ); } private static void add(int type, int sqlType, DataType dataType, String[] names) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { DataType dt = new DataType(); dt.type = type; dt.sqlType = sqlType; dt.name = names[i]; dt.autoIncrement = dataType.autoIncrement; dt.decimal = dataType.decimal; dt.maxPrecision = dataType.maxPrecision; dt.maxScale = dataType.maxScale; dt.minScale = dataType.minScale; dt.params = dataType.params; dt.prefix = dataType.prefix; dt.suffix = dataType.suffix; dt.supportsPrecision = dataType.supportsPrecision; dt.supportsScale = dataType.supportsScale; dt.defaultPrecision = dataType.defaultPrecision; dt.defaultScale = dataType.defaultScale; dt.caseSensitive = dataType.caseSensitive; dt.hidden = i > 0; for (DataType t2 : TYPES) { if (t2.sqlType == dt.sqlType) { dt.sqlTypePos++; } } TYPES_BY_NAME.put(dt.name, dt); if (TYPES_BY_VALUE_TYPE[type] == null) { TYPES_BY_VALUE_TYPE[type] = dt; } TYPES.add(dt); } }
Create a width numeric data type without parameters.
  • precision – precision
  • scale – scale
  • autoInc – whether the data type is an auto-increment type
Returns:data type
/** * Create a width numeric data type without parameters. * * @param precision precision * @param scale scale * @param autoInc whether the data type is an auto-increment type * @return data type */
public static DataType createNumeric(int precision, int scale, boolean autoInc) { DataType dataType = new DataType(); dataType.defaultPrecision = dataType.maxPrecision = precision; dataType.defaultScale = dataType.maxScale = dataType.minScale = scale; dataType.decimal = true; dataType.autoIncrement = autoInc; return dataType; }
Create a numeric data type.
  • maxPrecision – maximum supported precision
  • defaultPrecision – default precision
  • defaultScale – default scale
Returns:data type
/** * Create a numeric data type. * * @param maxPrecision maximum supported precision * @param defaultPrecision default precision * @param defaultScale default scale * @return data type */
public static DataType createNumeric(int maxPrecision, int defaultPrecision, int defaultScale) { DataType dataType = new DataType(); dataType.maxPrecision = maxPrecision; dataType.defaultPrecision = defaultPrecision; dataType.defaultScale = defaultScale; dataType.params = "PRECISION,SCALE"; dataType.supportsPrecision = true; dataType.supportsScale = true; dataType.maxScale = maxPrecision; dataType.decimal = true; return dataType; }
Create a date-time data type.
  • maxPrecision – maximum supported precision
  • precision – default precision
  • prefix – the prefix for SQL literal representation
  • supportsScale – whether the scale parameter is supported
  • scale – default scale
  • maxScale – highest possible scale
Returns:data type
/** * Create a date-time data type. * * @param maxPrecision maximum supported precision * @param precision default precision * @param prefix the prefix for SQL literal representation * @param supportsScale whether the scale parameter is supported * @param scale default scale * @param maxScale highest possible scale * @return data type */
public static DataType createDate(int maxPrecision, int precision, String prefix, boolean supportsScale, int scale, int maxScale) { DataType dataType = new DataType(); dataType.prefix = prefix + " '"; dataType.suffix = "'"; dataType.maxPrecision = maxPrecision; dataType.defaultPrecision = precision; if (supportsScale) { dataType.params = "SCALE"; dataType.supportsScale = true; dataType.maxScale = maxScale; dataType.defaultScale = scale; } return dataType; } private static DataType createString(boolean caseSensitive) { DataType dataType = new DataType(); dataType.prefix = "'"; dataType.suffix = "'"; dataType.params = "LENGTH"; dataType.caseSensitive = caseSensitive; dataType.supportsPrecision = true; dataType.maxPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE; dataType.defaultPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return dataType; } private static DataType createLob() { DataType t = createString(true); t.maxPrecision = Long.MAX_VALUE; t.defaultPrecision = Long.MAX_VALUE; return t; } private static DataType createGeometry() { DataType dataType = new DataType(); dataType.prefix = "'"; dataType.suffix = "'"; dataType.params = "TYPE,SRID"; dataType.maxPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE; dataType.defaultPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return dataType; }
Get the list of data types.
Returns:the list
/** * Get the list of data types. * * @return the list */
public static ArrayList<DataType> getTypes() { return TYPES; }
Read a value from the given result set.
  • session – the session
  • rs – the result set
  • columnIndex – the column index (1 based)
  • type – the data type
Returns:the value
/** * Read a value from the given result set. * * @param session the session * @param rs the result set * @param columnIndex the column index (1 based) * @param type the data type * @return the value */
public static Value readValue(SessionInterface session, ResultSet rs, int columnIndex, int type) { try { Value v; switch (type) { case Value.NULL: { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } case Value.BYTES: { /* * Both BINARY and UUID may be mapped to Value.BYTES. getObject() returns byte[] * for SQL BINARY, UUID for SQL UUID and null for SQL NULL. */ Object o = rs.getObject(columnIndex); if (o instanceof byte[]) { v = ValueBytes.getNoCopy((byte[]) o); } else if (o != null) { v = ValueUuid.get((UUID) o); } else { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } break; } case Value.UUID: { Object o = rs.getObject(columnIndex); if (o instanceof UUID) { v = ValueUuid.get((UUID) o); } else if (o != null) { v = ValueUuid.get((byte[]) o); } else { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } break; } case Value.BOOLEAN: { boolean value = rs.getBoolean(columnIndex); v = rs.wasNull() ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueBoolean.get(value); break; } case Value.BYTE: { byte value = rs.getByte(columnIndex); v = rs.wasNull() ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueByte.get(value); break; } case Value.DATE: { Date value = rs.getDate(columnIndex); v = value == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueDate.get(value); break; } case Value.TIME: { Time value = rs.getTime(columnIndex); v = value == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueTime.get(value); break; } case Value.TIMESTAMP: { Timestamp value = rs.getTimestamp(columnIndex); v = value == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueTimestamp.get(value); break; } case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: { Object obj = rs.getObject(columnIndex); if (obj == null) { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else if (LocalDateTimeUtils.isJava8DateApiPresent() && LocalDateTimeUtils.OFFSET_DATE_TIME.isInstance(obj)) { v = LocalDateTimeUtils.offsetDateTimeToValue(obj); } else { TimestampWithTimeZone value = (TimestampWithTimeZone) obj; v = ValueTimestampTimeZone.get(value); } break; } case Value.DECIMAL: { BigDecimal value = rs.getBigDecimal(columnIndex); v = value == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueDecimal.get(value); break; } case Value.DOUBLE: { double value = rs.getDouble(columnIndex); v = rs.wasNull() ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueDouble.get(value); break; } case Value.FLOAT: { float value = rs.getFloat(columnIndex); v = rs.wasNull() ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueFloat.get(value); break; } case Value.INT: { int value = rs.getInt(columnIndex); v = rs.wasNull() ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueInt.get(value); break; } case Value.LONG: { long value = rs.getLong(columnIndex); v = rs.wasNull() ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueLong.get(value); break; } case Value.SHORT: { short value = rs.getShort(columnIndex); v = rs.wasNull() ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueShort.get(value); break; } case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: { String s = rs.getString(columnIndex); v = (s == null) ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueStringIgnoreCase.get(s); break; } case Value.STRING_FIXED: { String s = rs.getString(columnIndex); v = (s == null) ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueStringFixed.get(s); break; } case Value.STRING: { String s = rs.getString(columnIndex); v = (s == null) ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueString.get(s); break; } case Value.CLOB: { if (session == null) { String s = rs.getString(columnIndex); v = s == null ? ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(Value.CLOB, s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } else { Reader in = rs.getCharacterStream(columnIndex); if (in == null) { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { v = session.getDataHandler().getLobStorage(). createClob(new BufferedReader(in), -1); } } if (session != null) { session.addTemporaryLob(v); } break; } case Value.BLOB: { if (session == null) { byte[] buff = rs.getBytes(columnIndex); return buff == null ? ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(Value.BLOB, buff); } InputStream in = rs.getBinaryStream(columnIndex); v = (in == null) ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : session.getDataHandler().getLobStorage().createBlob(in, -1); session.addTemporaryLob(v); break; } case Value.JAVA_OBJECT: { if (SysProperties.serializeJavaObject) { byte[] buff = rs.getBytes(columnIndex); v = buff == null ? ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(null, buff, session.getDataHandler()); } else { Object o = rs.getObject(columnIndex); v = o == null ? ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(o, null, session.getDataHandler()); } break; } case Value.ARRAY: { Array array = rs.getArray(columnIndex); if (array == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } Object[] list = (Object[]) array.getArray(); if (list == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } int len = list.length; Value[] values = new Value[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { values[i] = DataType.convertToValue(session, list[i], Value.NULL); } v = ValueArray.get(values); break; } case Value.ENUM: { int value = rs.getInt(columnIndex); v = rs.wasNull() ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueInt.get(value); break; } case Value.ROW: { Object[] list = (Object[]) rs.getObject(columnIndex); if (list == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } int len = list.length; Value[] values = new Value[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { values[i] = DataType.convertToValue(session, list[i], Value.NULL); } v = ValueRow.get(values); break; } case Value.RESULT_SET: { ResultSet x = (ResultSet) rs.getObject(columnIndex); if (x == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } return ValueResultSet.get(session, x, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } case Value.GEOMETRY: { Object x = rs.getObject(columnIndex); if (x == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } return ValueGeometry.getFromGeometry(x); } case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR: case Value.INTERVAL_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: { Object x = rs.getObject(columnIndex); if (x == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } Interval interval = (Interval) x; return ValueInterval.from(interval.getQualifier(), interval.isNegative(), interval.getLeading(), interval.getRemaining()); } default: if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getValue(type, rs.getObject(columnIndex), session.getDataHandler()); } throw DbException.throwInternalError("type="+type); } return v; } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } }
Get the name of the Java class for the given value type.
  • type – the value type
  • forResultSet – return mapping for result set
Returns:the class name
/** * Get the name of the Java class for the given value type. * * @param type the value type * @param forResultSet return mapping for result set * @return the class name */
public static String getTypeClassName(int type, boolean forResultSet) { switch (type) { case Value.BOOLEAN: // "java.lang.Boolean"; return Boolean.class.getName(); case Value.BYTE: if (forResultSet && !SysProperties.OLD_RESULT_SET_GET_OBJECT) { // "java.lang.Integer"; return Integer.class.getName(); } // "java.lang.Byte"; return Byte.class.getName(); case Value.SHORT: if (forResultSet && !SysProperties.OLD_RESULT_SET_GET_OBJECT) { // "java.lang.Integer"; return Integer.class.getName(); } // "java.lang.Short"; return Short.class.getName(); case Value.INT: // "java.lang.Integer"; return Integer.class.getName(); case Value.LONG: // "java.lang.Long"; return Long.class.getName(); case Value.DECIMAL: // "java.math.BigDecimal"; return BigDecimal.class.getName(); case Value.TIME: // "java.sql.Time"; return Time.class.getName(); case Value.DATE: // "java.sql.Date"; return Date.class.getName(); case Value.TIMESTAMP: // "java.sql.Timestamp"; return Timestamp.class.getName(); case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: if (SysProperties.RETURN_OFFSET_DATE_TIME && LocalDateTimeUtils.isJava8DateApiPresent()) { // "java.time.OffsetDateTime"; return LocalDateTimeUtils.OFFSET_DATE_TIME.getName(); } // "org.h2.api.TimestampWithTimeZone"; return TimestampWithTimeZone.class.getName(); case Value.BYTES: case Value.UUID: // "[B", not "byte[]"; return byte[].class.getName(); case Value.STRING: case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: case Value.STRING_FIXED: case Value.ENUM: // "java.lang.String"; return String.class.getName(); case Value.BLOB: // "java.sql.Blob"; return java.sql.Blob.class.getName(); case Value.CLOB: // "java.sql.Clob"; return java.sql.Clob.class.getName(); case Value.DOUBLE: // "java.lang.Double"; return Double.class.getName(); case Value.FLOAT: // "java.lang.Float"; return Float.class.getName(); case Value.NULL: return null; case Value.JAVA_OBJECT: // "java.lang.Object"; return Object.class.getName(); case Value.UNKNOWN: // anything return Object.class.getName(); case Value.ARRAY: return Array.class.getName(); case Value.RESULT_SET: return ResultSet.class.getName(); case Value.GEOMETRY: return GEOMETRY_CLASS != null ? GEOMETRY_CLASS_NAME : String.class.getName(); case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR: case Value.INTERVAL_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: // "org.h2.api.Interval" return Interval.class.getName(); default: if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getDataTypeClassName(type); } throw DbException.throwInternalError("type="+type); } }
Get the data type object for the given value type.
  • type – the value type
Returns:the data type object
/** * Get the data type object for the given value type. * * @param type the value type * @return the data type object */
public static DataType getDataType(int type) { if (type == Value.UNKNOWN) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, "?"); } if (type >= Value.NULL && type < Value.TYPE_COUNT) { DataType dt = TYPES_BY_VALUE_TYPE[type]; if (dt != null) { return dt; } } if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { DataType dt = JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getDataTypeById(type); if (dt != null) { return dt; } } return TYPES_BY_VALUE_TYPE[Value.NULL]; }
Convert a value type to a SQL type.
  • type – the value type
Returns:the SQL type
/** * Convert a value type to a SQL type. * * @param type the value type * @return the SQL type */
public static int convertTypeToSQLType(int type) { return getDataType(type).sqlType; }
Convert a SQL type to a value type using SQL type name, in order to manage SQL type extension mechanism.
  • sqlType – the SQL type
  • sqlTypeName – the SQL type name
Returns:the value type
/** * Convert a SQL type to a value type using SQL type name, in order to * manage SQL type extension mechanism. * * @param sqlType the SQL type * @param sqlTypeName the SQL type name * @return the value type */
public static int convertSQLTypeToValueType(int sqlType, String sqlTypeName) { switch (sqlType) { case Types.BINARY: if (sqlTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("UUID")) { return Value.UUID; } break; case Types.OTHER: case Types.JAVA_OBJECT: if (sqlTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("geometry")) { return Value.GEOMETRY; } } return convertSQLTypeToValueType(sqlType); }
Get the SQL type from the result set meta data for the given column. This method uses the SQL type and type name.
  • meta – the meta data
  • columnIndex – the column index (1, 2,...)
Returns:the value type
/** * Get the SQL type from the result set meta data for the given column. This * method uses the SQL type and type name. * * @param meta the meta data * @param columnIndex the column index (1, 2,...) * @return the value type */
public static int getValueTypeFromResultSet(ResultSetMetaData meta, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { return convertSQLTypeToValueType( meta.getColumnType(columnIndex), meta.getColumnTypeName(columnIndex)); }
Convert a SQL type to a value type.
  • sqlType – the SQL type
Returns:the value type
/** * Convert a SQL type to a value type. * * @param sqlType the SQL type * @return the value type */
public static int convertSQLTypeToValueType(int sqlType) { switch (sqlType) { case Types.CHAR: case Types.NCHAR: return Value.STRING_FIXED; case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: case Types.NVARCHAR: case Types.LONGNVARCHAR: return Value.STRING; case Types.NUMERIC: case Types.DECIMAL: return Value.DECIMAL; case Types.BIT: case Types.BOOLEAN: return Value.BOOLEAN; case Types.INTEGER: return Value.INT; case Types.SMALLINT: return Value.SHORT; case Types.TINYINT: return Value.BYTE; case Types.BIGINT: return Value.LONG; case Types.REAL: return Value.FLOAT; case Types.DOUBLE: case Types.FLOAT: return Value.DOUBLE; case Types.BINARY: case Types.VARBINARY: case Types.LONGVARBINARY: return Value.BYTES; case Types.OTHER: case Types.JAVA_OBJECT: return Value.JAVA_OBJECT; case Types.DATE: return Value.DATE; case Types.TIME: return Value.TIME; case Types.TIMESTAMP: return Value.TIMESTAMP; case 2014: // Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE return Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ; case Types.BLOB: return Value.BLOB; case Types.CLOB: case Types.NCLOB: return Value.CLOB; case Types.NULL: return Value.NULL; case Types.ARRAY: return Value.ARRAY; case DataType.TYPE_RESULT_SET: return Value.RESULT_SET; default: throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, Integer.toString(sqlType)); } }
Get the value type for the given Java class.
  • x – the Java class
Returns:the value type
/** * Get the value type for the given Java class. * * @param x the Java class * @return the value type */
public static int getTypeFromClass(Class <?> x) { // TODO refactor: too many if/else in functions, can reduce! if (x == null || Void.TYPE == x) { return Value.NULL; } if (x.isPrimitive()) { x = Utils.getNonPrimitiveClass(x); } if (String.class == x) { return Value.STRING; } else if (Integer.class == x) { return Value.INT; } else if (Long.class == x) { return Value.LONG; } else if (Boolean.class == x) { return Value.BOOLEAN; } else if (Double.class == x) { return Value.DOUBLE; } else if (Byte.class == x) { return Value.BYTE; } else if (Short.class == x) { return Value.SHORT; } else if (Character.class == x) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, "char (not supported)"); } else if (Float.class == x) { return Value.FLOAT; } else if (byte[].class == x) { return Value.BYTES; } else if (UUID.class == x) { return Value.UUID; } else if (Void.class == x) { return Value.NULL; } else if (BigDecimal.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.DECIMAL; } else if (ResultSet.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.RESULT_SET; } else if (ValueLobDb.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.BLOB; // FIXME no way to distinguish between these 2 types // } else if (ValueLobDb.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { // return Value.CLOB; } else if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.DATE; } else if (Time.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.TIME; } else if (Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.TIMESTAMP; } else if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.TIMESTAMP; } else if (java.io.Reader.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.CLOB; } else if (java.sql.Clob.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.CLOB; } else if (java.io.InputStream.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.BLOB; } else if (java.sql.Blob.class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { return Value.BLOB; } else if (Object[].class.isAssignableFrom(x)) { // this includes String[] and so on return Value.ARRAY; } else if (isGeometryClass(x)) { return Value.GEOMETRY; } else if (LocalDateTimeUtils.LOCAL_DATE == x) { return Value.DATE; } else if (LocalDateTimeUtils.LOCAL_TIME == x) { return Value.TIME; } else if (LocalDateTimeUtils.LOCAL_DATE_TIME == x) { return Value.TIMESTAMP; } else if (LocalDateTimeUtils.OFFSET_DATE_TIME == x || LocalDateTimeUtils.INSTANT == x) { return Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ; } else { if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getTypeIdFromClass(x); } return Value.JAVA_OBJECT; } }
Convert a Java object to a value.
  • session – the session
  • x – the value
  • type – the value type
Returns:the value
/** * Convert a Java object to a value. * * @param session the session * @param x the value * @param type the value type * @return the value */
public static Value convertToValue(SessionInterface session, Object x, int type) { Value v = convertToValue1(session, x, type); if (session != null) { session.addTemporaryLob(v); } return v; } private static Value convertToValue1(SessionInterface session, Object x, int type) { if (x == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } if (type == Value.JAVA_OBJECT) { return ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(x, null, session.getDataHandler()); } if (x instanceof String) { return ValueString.get((String) x); } else if (x instanceof Value) { return (Value) x; } else if (x instanceof Long) { return ValueLong.get((Long) x); } else if (x instanceof Integer) { return ValueInt.get((Integer) x); } else if (x instanceof BigInteger) { return ValueDecimal.get(new BigDecimal((BigInteger) x)); } else if (x instanceof BigDecimal) { return ValueDecimal.get((BigDecimal) x); } else if (x instanceof Boolean) { return ValueBoolean.get((Boolean) x); } else if (x instanceof Byte) { return ValueByte.get((Byte) x); } else if (x instanceof Short) { return ValueShort.get((Short) x); } else if (x instanceof Float) { return ValueFloat.get((Float) x); } else if (x instanceof Double) { return ValueDouble.get((Double) x); } else if (x instanceof byte[]) { return ValueBytes.get((byte[]) x); } else if (x instanceof Date) { return ValueDate.get((Date) x); } else if (x instanceof Time) { return ValueTime.get((Time) x); } else if (x instanceof Timestamp) { return ValueTimestamp.get((Timestamp) x); } else if (x instanceof java.util.Date) { return ValueTimestamp.fromMillis(((java.util.Date) x).getTime()); } else if (x instanceof java.io.Reader) { Reader r = new BufferedReader((java.io.Reader) x); return session.getDataHandler().getLobStorage(). createClob(r, -1); } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Clob) { try { java.sql.Clob clob = (java.sql.Clob) x; Reader r = new BufferedReader(clob.getCharacterStream()); return session.getDataHandler().getLobStorage(). createClob(r, clob.length()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } } else if (x instanceof java.io.InputStream) { return session.getDataHandler().getLobStorage(). createBlob((java.io.InputStream) x, -1); } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Blob) { try { java.sql.Blob blob = (java.sql.Blob) x; return session.getDataHandler().getLobStorage(). createBlob(blob.getBinaryStream(), blob.length()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } } else if (x instanceof java.sql.SQLXML) { try { java.sql.SQLXML clob = (java.sql.SQLXML) x; Reader r = new BufferedReader(clob.getCharacterStream()); return session.getDataHandler().getLobStorage(). createClob(r, -1); } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } } else if (x instanceof java.sql.Array) { java.sql.Array array = (java.sql.Array) x; try { return convertToValue(session, array.getArray(), Value.ARRAY); } catch (SQLException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } } else if (x instanceof ResultSet) { return ValueResultSet.get(session, (ResultSet) x, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else if (x instanceof UUID) { return ValueUuid.get((UUID) x); } Class<?> clazz = x.getClass(); if (x instanceof Object[]) { // (a.getClass().isArray()); // (a.getClass().getComponentType().isPrimitive()); Object[] o = (Object[]) x; int len = o.length; Value[] v = new Value[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { v[i] = convertToValue(session, o[i], type); } return ValueArray.get(clazz.getComponentType(), v); } else if (x instanceof Character) { return ValueStringFixed.get(((Character) x).toString()); } else if (isGeometry(x)) { return ValueGeometry.getFromGeometry(x); } else if (clazz == LocalDateTimeUtils.LOCAL_DATE) { return LocalDateTimeUtils.localDateToDateValue(x); } else if (clazz == LocalDateTimeUtils.LOCAL_TIME) { return LocalDateTimeUtils.localTimeToTimeValue(x); } else if (clazz == LocalDateTimeUtils.LOCAL_DATE_TIME) { return LocalDateTimeUtils.localDateTimeToValue(x); } else if (clazz == LocalDateTimeUtils.INSTANT) { return LocalDateTimeUtils.instantToValue(x); } else if (clazz == LocalDateTimeUtils.OFFSET_DATE_TIME) { return LocalDateTimeUtils.offsetDateTimeToValue(x); } else if (x instanceof TimestampWithTimeZone) { return ValueTimestampTimeZone.get((TimestampWithTimeZone) x); } else if (x instanceof Interval) { Interval i = (Interval) x; return ValueInterval.from(i.getQualifier(), i.isNegative(), i.getLeading(), i.getRemaining()); } else if (clazz == LocalDateTimeUtils.PERIOD) { return LocalDateTimeUtils.periodToValue(x); } else if (clazz == LocalDateTimeUtils.DURATION) { return LocalDateTimeUtils.durationToValue(x); } else { if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getValue(type, x, session.getDataHandler()); } return ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(x, null, session.getDataHandler()); } }
Check whether a given class matches the Geometry class.
  • x – the class
Returns:true if it is a Geometry class
/** * Check whether a given class matches the Geometry class. * * @param x the class * @return true if it is a Geometry class */
public static boolean isGeometryClass(Class<?> x) { if (x == null || GEOMETRY_CLASS == null) { return false; } return GEOMETRY_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(x); }
Check whether a given object is a Geometry object.
  • x – the object
Returns:true if it is a Geometry object
/** * Check whether a given object is a Geometry object. * * @param x the object * @return true if it is a Geometry object */
public static boolean isGeometry(Object x) { if (x == null) { return false; } return isGeometryClass(x.getClass()); }
Get a data type object from a type name.
  • s – the type name
  • mode – database mode
Returns:the data type object
/** * Get a data type object from a type name. * * @param s the type name * @param mode database mode * @return the data type object */
public static DataType getTypeByName(String s, Mode mode) { DataType result = mode.typeByNameMap.get(s); if (result == null) { result = TYPES_BY_NAME.get(s); if (result == null && JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { result = JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getDataTypeByName(s); } } return result; }
Check if the given value type is a date-time type (TIME, DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP_TZ).
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if the value type is a date-time type
/** * Check if the given value type is a date-time type (TIME, DATE, TIMESTAMP, * TIMESTAMP_TZ). * * @param type the value type * @return true if the value type is a date-time type */
public static boolean isDateTimeType(int type) { switch (type) { case Value.TIME: case Value.DATE: case Value.TIMESTAMP: case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: return true; default: return false; } }
Check if the given value type is an interval type.
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if the value type is an interval type
/** * Check if the given value type is an interval type. * * @param type the value type * @return true if the value type is an interval type */
public static boolean isIntervalType(int type) { return type >= Value.INTERVAL_YEAR && type <= Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND; }
Check if the given value type is a year-month interval type.
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if the value type is a year-month interval type
/** * Check if the given value type is a year-month interval type. * * @param type the value type * @return true if the value type is a year-month interval type */
public static boolean isYearMonthIntervalType(int type) { return type == Value.INTERVAL_YEAR || type == Value.INTERVAL_MONTH || type == Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH; }
Check if the given value type is a large object (BLOB or CLOB).
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if the value type is a lob type
/** * Check if the given value type is a large object (BLOB or CLOB). * * @param type the value type * @return true if the value type is a lob type */
public static boolean isLargeObject(int type) { return type == Value.BLOB || type == Value.CLOB; }
Check if the given value type is a numeric type.
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if the value type is a numeric type
/** * Check if the given value type is a numeric type. * * @param type the value type * @return true if the value type is a numeric type */
public static boolean isNumericType(int type) { return type >= Value.BYTE && type <= Value.FLOAT; }
Check if the given value type is a String (VARCHAR,...).
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if the value type is a String type
/** * Check if the given value type is a String (VARCHAR,...). * * @param type the value type * @return true if the value type is a String type */
public static boolean isStringType(int type) { return type == Value.STRING || type == Value.STRING_FIXED || type == Value.STRING_IGNORECASE; }
Check if the given type may have extended type information.
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if the value type may have extended type information
/** * Check if the given type may have extended type information. * * @param type the value type * @return true if the value type may have extended type information */
public static boolean isExtInfoType(int type) { return type == Value.GEOMETRY || type == Value.ENUM; }
Check if the given type has total ordering.
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if the value type has total ordering
/** * Check if the given type has total ordering. * * @param type the value type * @return true if the value type has total ordering */
public static boolean hasTotalOrdering(int type) { switch (type) { case Value.BOOLEAN: case Value.BYTE: case Value.SHORT: case Value.INT: case Value.LONG: // Negative zeroes and NaNs are normalized case Value.DOUBLE: case Value.FLOAT: case Value.TIME: case Value.DATE: case Value.TIMESTAMP: case Value.BYTES: // Serialized data is compared case Value.JAVA_OBJECT: case Value.UUID: // EWKB is used case Value.GEOMETRY: case Value.ENUM: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR: case Value.INTERVAL_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: return true; default: return false; } }
Check if the given value type supports the add operation.
  • type – the value type
Returns:true if add is supported
/** * Check if the given value type supports the add operation. * * @param type the value type * @return true if add is supported */
public static boolean supportsAdd(int type) { switch (type) { case Value.BYTE: case Value.DECIMAL: case Value.DOUBLE: case Value.FLOAT: case Value.INT: case Value.LONG: case Value.SHORT: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR: case Value.INTERVAL_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: return true; case Value.BOOLEAN: case Value.TIME: case Value.DATE: case Value.TIMESTAMP: case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: case Value.BYTES: case Value.UUID: case Value.STRING: case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: case Value.STRING_FIXED: case Value.BLOB: case Value.CLOB: case Value.NULL: case Value.JAVA_OBJECT: case Value.UNKNOWN: case Value.ARRAY: case Value.RESULT_SET: case Value.GEOMETRY: return false; default: if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.supportsAdd(type); } return false; } }
Get the data type that will not overflow when calling 'add' 2 billion times.
  • type – the value type
Returns:the data type that supports adding
/** * Get the data type that will not overflow when calling 'add' 2 billion * times. * * @param type the value type * @return the data type that supports adding */
public static int getAddProofType(int type) { switch (type) { case Value.BYTE: return Value.LONG; case Value.FLOAT: return Value.DOUBLE; case Value.INT: return Value.LONG; case Value.LONG: return Value.DECIMAL; case Value.SHORT: return Value.LONG; case Value.BOOLEAN: case Value.DECIMAL: case Value.TIME: case Value.DATE: case Value.TIMESTAMP: case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: case Value.BYTES: case Value.UUID: case Value.STRING: case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: case Value.STRING_FIXED: case Value.BLOB: case Value.CLOB: case Value.DOUBLE: case Value.NULL: case Value.JAVA_OBJECT: case Value.UNKNOWN: case Value.ARRAY: case Value.RESULT_SET: case Value.GEOMETRY: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR: case Value.INTERVAL_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: return type; default: if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getAddProofType(type); } return type; } }
Get the default value in the form of a Java object for the given Java class.
  • clazz – the Java class
Returns:the default object
/** * Get the default value in the form of a Java object for the given Java * class. * * @param clazz the Java class * @return the default object */
public static Object getDefaultForPrimitiveType(Class<?> clazz) { if (clazz == Boolean.TYPE) { return Boolean.FALSE; } else if (clazz == Byte.TYPE) { return (byte) 0; } else if (clazz == Character.TYPE) { return (char) 0; } else if (clazz == Short.TYPE) { return (short) 0; } else if (clazz == Integer.TYPE) { return 0; } else if (clazz == Long.TYPE) { return 0L; } else if (clazz == Float.TYPE) { return (float) 0; } else if (clazz == Double.TYPE) { return (double) 0; } throw DbException.throwInternalError( "primitive=" + clazz.toString()); }
Convert a value to the specified class.
  • conn – the database connection
  • v – the value
  • paramClass – the target class
Returns:the converted object
/** * Convert a value to the specified class. * * @param conn the database connection * @param v the value * @param paramClass the target class * @return the converted object */
public static Object convertTo(JdbcConnection conn, Value v, Class<?> paramClass) { if (paramClass == Blob.class) { return new JdbcBlob(conn, v, JdbcLob.State.WITH_VALUE, 0); } else if (paramClass == Clob.class) { return new JdbcClob(conn, v, JdbcLob.State.WITH_VALUE, 0); } else if (paramClass == Array.class) { return new JdbcArray(conn, v, 0); } switch (v.getValueType()) { case Value.JAVA_OBJECT: { Object o = SysProperties.serializeJavaObject ? JdbcUtils.deserialize(v.getBytes(), conn.getSession().getDataHandler()) : v.getObject(); if (paramClass.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())) { return o; } break; } case Value.BOOLEAN: case Value.BYTE: case Value.SHORT: case Value.INT: case Value.LONG: case Value.DECIMAL: case Value.TIME: case Value.DATE: case Value.TIMESTAMP: case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: case Value.BYTES: case Value.UUID: case Value.STRING: case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: case Value.STRING_FIXED: case Value.BLOB: case Value.CLOB: case Value.DOUBLE: case Value.FLOAT: case Value.NULL: case Value.UNKNOWN: case Value.ARRAY: case Value.RESULT_SET: case Value.GEOMETRY: break; default: if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getObject(v, paramClass); } } throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("converting to class " + paramClass.getName()); } }