 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: Daniel Gredler
package org.h2.expression.function;

import static java.lang.String.format;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone;

Emulates Oracle's TO_DATE function.
This class holds and handles the input data form the TO_DATE-method
/** * Emulates Oracle's TO_DATE function.<br> * This class holds and handles the input data form the TO_DATE-method */
public class ToDateParser { private final Session session; private final String unmodifiedInputStr; private final String unmodifiedFormatStr; private final ConfigParam functionName; private String inputStr; private String formatStr; private boolean doyValid = false, absoluteDayValid = false, hour12Valid = false, timeZoneHMValid = false; private boolean bc; private long absoluteDay; private int year, month, day = 1; private int dayOfYear; private int hour, minute, second, nanos; private int hour12; private boolean isAM = true; private TimeZone timeZone; private int timeZoneHour, timeZoneMinute; private int currentYear, currentMonth;
  • session – the database session
  • functionName – one of [TO_DATE, TO_TIMESTAMP] (both share the same code)
  • input – the input date with the date-time info
  • format – the format of date-time info
/** * @param session the database session * @param functionName one of [TO_DATE, TO_TIMESTAMP] (both share the same * code) * @param input the input date with the date-time info * @param format the format of date-time info */
private ToDateParser(Session session, ConfigParam functionName, String input, String format) { this.session = session; this.functionName = functionName; inputStr = input.trim(); // Keep a copy unmodifiedInputStr = inputStr; if (format == null || format.isEmpty()) { // default Oracle format. formatStr = functionName.getDefaultFormatStr(); } else { formatStr = format.trim(); } // Keep a copy unmodifiedFormatStr = formatStr; } private static ToDateParser getTimestampParser(Session session, ConfigParam param, String input, String format) { ToDateParser result = new ToDateParser(session, param, input, format); parse(result); return result; } private ValueTimestamp getResultingValue() { long dateValue; if (absoluteDayValid) { dateValue = DateTimeUtils.dateValueFromAbsoluteDay(absoluteDay); } else { int year = this.year; if (year == 0) { year = getCurrentYear(); } if (bc) { year = 1 - year; } if (doyValid) { dateValue = DateTimeUtils.dateValueFromAbsoluteDay( DateTimeUtils.absoluteDayFromYear(year) + dayOfYear - 1); } else { int month = this.month; if (month == 0) { // Oracle uses current month as default month = getCurrentMonth(); } dateValue = DateTimeUtils.dateValue(year, month, day); } } int hour; if (hour12Valid) { hour = hour12 % 12; if (!isAM) { hour += 12; } } else { hour = this.hour; } long timeNanos = ((((hour * 60) + minute) * 60) + second) * 1_000_000_000L + nanos; return ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(dateValue, timeNanos); } private ValueTimestampTimeZone getResultingValueWithTimeZone() { ValueTimestamp ts = getResultingValue(); long dateValue = ts.getDateValue(); short offset; if (timeZoneHMValid) { offset = (short) (timeZoneHour * 60 + ((timeZoneHour >= 0) ? timeZoneMinute : -timeZoneMinute)); } else { TimeZone timeZone = this.timeZone; if (timeZone == null) { timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); } long millis = DateTimeUtils.convertDateTimeValueToMillis(timeZone, dateValue, nanos / 1_000_000); offset = (short) (timeZone.getOffset(millis) / 60_000); } return ValueTimestampTimeZone.fromDateValueAndNanos(dateValue, ts.getTimeNanos(), offset); } String getInputStr() { return inputStr; } String getFormatStr() { return formatStr; } String getFunctionName() { return functionName.name(); } private void queryCurrentYearAndMonth() { long dateValue = (session.getDatabase().getMode().dateTimeValueWithinTransaction ? session.getTransactionStart() : session.getCurrentCommandStart()).getDateValue(); currentYear = DateTimeUtils.yearFromDateValue(dateValue); currentMonth = DateTimeUtils.monthFromDateValue(dateValue); } int getCurrentYear() { if (currentYear == 0) { queryCurrentYearAndMonth(); } return currentYear; } int getCurrentMonth() { if (currentMonth == 0) { queryCurrentYearAndMonth(); } return currentMonth; } void setAbsoluteDay(int absoluteDay) { doyValid = false; absoluteDayValid = true; this.absoluteDay = absoluteDay; } void setBC(boolean bc) { doyValid = false; absoluteDayValid = false; this.bc = bc; } void setYear(int year) { doyValid = false; absoluteDayValid = false; this.year = year; } void setMonth(int month) { doyValid = false; absoluteDayValid = false; this.month = month; if (year == 0) { year = 1970; } } void setDay(int day) { doyValid = false; absoluteDayValid = false; this.day = day; if (year == 0) { year = 1970; } } void setDayOfYear(int dayOfYear) { doyValid = true; absoluteDayValid = false; this.dayOfYear = dayOfYear; } void setHour(int hour) { hour12Valid = false; this.hour = hour; } void setMinute(int minute) { this.minute = minute; } void setSecond(int second) { this.second = second; } void setNanos(int nanos) { this.nanos = nanos; } void setAmPm(boolean isAM) { hour12Valid = true; this.isAM = isAM; } void setHour12(int hour12) { hour12Valid = true; this.hour12 = hour12; } void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) { timeZoneHMValid = false; this.timeZone = timeZone; } void setTimeZoneHour(int timeZoneHour) { timeZoneHMValid = true; this.timeZoneHour = timeZoneHour; } void setTimeZoneMinute(int timeZoneMinute) { timeZoneHMValid = true; this.timeZoneMinute = timeZoneMinute; } private boolean hasToParseData() { return !formatStr.isEmpty(); } private void removeFirstChar() { if (!formatStr.isEmpty()) { formatStr = formatStr.substring(1); } if (!inputStr.isEmpty()) { inputStr = inputStr.substring(1); } } private static ToDateParser parse(ToDateParser p) { while (p.hasToParseData()) { List<ToDateTokenizer.FormatTokenEnum> tokenList = ToDateTokenizer.FormatTokenEnum.getTokensInQuestion(p.getFormatStr()); if (tokenList == null) { p.removeFirstChar(); continue; } boolean foundAnToken = false; for (ToDateTokenizer.FormatTokenEnum token : tokenList) { if (token.parseFormatStrWithToken(p)) { foundAnToken = true; break; } } if (!foundAnToken) { p.removeFirstChar(); } } return p; }
Remove a token from a string.
  • inputFragmentStr – the input fragment
  • formatFragment – the format fragment
/** * Remove a token from a string. * * @param inputFragmentStr the input fragment * @param formatFragment the format fragment */
void remove(String inputFragmentStr, String formatFragment) { if (inputFragmentStr != null && inputStr.length() >= inputFragmentStr.length()) { inputStr = inputStr.substring(inputFragmentStr.length()); } if (formatFragment != null && formatStr.length() >= formatFragment.length()) { formatStr = formatStr.substring(formatFragment.length()); } } @Override public String toString() { int inputStrLen = inputStr.length(); int orgInputLen = unmodifiedInputStr.length(); int currentInputPos = orgInputLen - inputStrLen; int restInputLen = inputStrLen <= 0 ? inputStrLen : inputStrLen - 1; int orgFormatLen = unmodifiedFormatStr.length(); int currentFormatPos = orgFormatLen - formatStr.length(); return format("\n %s('%s', '%s')", functionName, unmodifiedInputStr, unmodifiedFormatStr) + format("\n %s^%s , %s^ <-- Parsing failed at this point", format("%" + (functionName.name().length() + currentInputPos) + "s", ""), restInputLen <= 0 ? "" : format("%" + restInputLen + "s", ""), currentFormatPos <= 0 ? "" : format("%" + currentFormatPos + "s", "")); }
Parse a string as a timestamp with the given format.
  • session – the database session
  • input – the input
  • format – the format
Returns:the timestamp
/** * Parse a string as a timestamp with the given format. * * @param session the database session * @param input the input * @param format the format * @return the timestamp */
public static ValueTimestamp toTimestamp(Session session, String input, String format) { ToDateParser parser = getTimestampParser(session, ConfigParam.TO_TIMESTAMP, input, format); return parser.getResultingValue(); }
Parse a string as a timestamp with the given format.
  • session – the database session
  • input – the input
  • format – the format
Returns:the timestamp
/** * Parse a string as a timestamp with the given format. * * @param session the database session * @param input the input * @param format the format * @return the timestamp */
public static ValueTimestampTimeZone toTimestampTz(Session session, String input, String format) { ToDateParser parser = getTimestampParser(session, ConfigParam.TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ, input, format); return parser.getResultingValueWithTimeZone(); }
Parse a string as a date with the given format.
  • session – the database session
  • input – the input
  • format – the format
Returns:the date as a timestamp
/** * Parse a string as a date with the given format. * * @param session the database session * @param input the input * @param format the format * @return the date as a timestamp */
public static ValueTimestamp toDate(Session session, String input, String format) { ToDateParser parser = getTimestampParser(session, ConfigParam.TO_DATE, input, format); return parser.getResultingValue(); }
The configuration of the date parser.
/** * The configuration of the date parser. */
private enum ConfigParam { TO_DATE("DD MON YYYY"), TO_TIMESTAMP("DD MON YYYY HH:MI:SS"), TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ("DD MON YYYY HH:MI:SS TZR"); private final String defaultFormatStr; ConfigParam(String defaultFormatStr) { this.defaultFormatStr = defaultFormatStr; } String getDefaultFormatStr() { return defaultFormatStr; } } }