 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.command.ddl;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.h2.command.CommandInterface;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.DbObject;
import org.h2.engine.Role;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.User;
import org.h2.schema.Schema;
import org.h2.schema.SchemaObject;
import org.h2.schema.Sequence;
import org.h2.table.Table;
import org.h2.table.TableType;

This class represents the statement DROP ALL OBJECTS
/** * This class represents the statement * DROP ALL OBJECTS */
public class DropDatabase extends DefineCommand { private boolean dropAllObjects; private boolean deleteFiles; public DropDatabase(Session session) { super(session); } @Override public int update() { if (dropAllObjects) { dropAllObjects(); } if (deleteFiles) { session.getDatabase().setDeleteFilesOnDisconnect(true); } return 0; } private void dropAllObjects() { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); session.commit(true); Database db = session.getDatabase(); db.lockMeta(session); // There can be dependencies between tables e.g. using computed columns, // so we might need to loop over them multiple times. boolean runLoopAgain; do { ArrayList<Table> tables = db.getAllTablesAndViews(false); ArrayList<Table> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(tables.size()); for (Table t : tables) { if (t.getName() != null && TableType.VIEW == t.getTableType()) { toRemove.add(t); } } for (Table t : tables) { if (t.getName() != null && TableType.TABLE_LINK == t.getTableType()) { toRemove.add(t); } } for (Table t : tables) { if (t.getName() != null && TableType.TABLE == t.getTableType() && !t.isHidden()) { toRemove.add(t); } } for (Table t : tables) { if (t.getName() != null && TableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE_ENGINE == t.getTableType() && !t.isHidden()) { toRemove.add(t); } } runLoopAgain = false; for (Table t : toRemove) { if (t.getName() == null) { // ignore, already dead } else if (db.getDependentTable(t, t) == null) { db.removeSchemaObject(session, t); } else { runLoopAgain = true; } } } while (runLoopAgain); // TODO session-local temp tables are not removed for (Schema schema : db.getAllSchemas()) { if (schema.canDrop()) { db.removeDatabaseObject(session, schema); } } ArrayList<SchemaObject> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (SchemaObject obj : db.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.SEQUENCE)) { // ignore these. the ones we want to drop will get dropped when we // drop their associated tables, and we will ignore the problematic // ones that belong to session-local temp tables. if (!((Sequence) obj).getBelongsToTable()) { list.add(obj); } } // maybe constraints and triggers on system tables will be allowed in // the future list.addAll(db.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.CONSTRAINT)); list.addAll(db.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.TRIGGER)); list.addAll(db.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.CONSTANT)); list.addAll(db.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.FUNCTION_ALIAS)); for (SchemaObject obj : list) { if (obj.isHidden()) { continue; } db.removeSchemaObject(session, obj); } for (User user : db.getAllUsers()) { if (user != session.getUser()) { db.removeDatabaseObject(session, user); } } for (Role role : db.getAllRoles()) { String sql = role.getCreateSQL(); // the role PUBLIC must not be dropped if (sql != null) { db.removeDatabaseObject(session, role); } } ArrayList<DbObject> dbObjects = new ArrayList<>(); dbObjects.addAll(db.getAllRights()); dbObjects.addAll(db.getAllAggregates()); dbObjects.addAll(db.getAllDomains()); for (DbObject obj : dbObjects) { String sql = obj.getCreateSQL(); // the role PUBLIC must not be dropped if (sql != null) { db.removeDatabaseObject(session, obj); } } } public void setDropAllObjects(boolean b) { this.dropAllObjects = b; } public void setDeleteFiles(boolean b) { this.deleteFiles = b; } @Override public int getType() { return CommandInterface.DROP_ALL_OBJECTS; } }