 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.expression;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.ColumnResolver;
import org.h2.table.TableFilter;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.value.TypeInfo;
import org.h2.value.Value;

A wildcard expression as in SELECT * FROM TEST. This object is only used temporarily during the parsing phase, and later replaced by column expressions.
/** * A wildcard expression as in SELECT * FROM TEST. * This object is only used temporarily during the parsing phase, and later * replaced by column expressions. */
public class Wildcard extends Expression { private final String schema; private final String table; private ArrayList<ExpressionColumn> exceptColumns; public Wildcard(String schema, String table) { this.schema = schema; this.table = table; } public ArrayList<ExpressionColumn> getExceptColumns() { return exceptColumns; } public void setExceptColumns(ArrayList<ExpressionColumn> exceptColumns) { this.exceptColumns = exceptColumns; }
Returns map of excluded table columns to expression columns and validates that all columns are resolved and not duplicated.
Returns:map of excluded table columns to expression columns
/** * Returns map of excluded table columns to expression columns and validates * that all columns are resolved and not duplicated. * * @return map of excluded table columns to expression columns */
public HashMap<Column, ExpressionColumn> mapExceptColumns() { HashMap<Column, ExpressionColumn> exceptTableColumns = new HashMap<>(); for (ExpressionColumn ec : exceptColumns) { Column column = ec.getColumn(); if (column == null) { throw ec.getColumnException(ErrorCode.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND_1); } if (exceptTableColumns.put(column, ec) != null) { throw ec.getColumnException(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_1); } } return exceptTableColumns; } @Override public Value getValue(Session session) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(toString()); } @Override public TypeInfo getType() { throw DbException.throwInternalError(toString()); } @Override public void mapColumns(ColumnResolver resolver, int level, int state) { if (exceptColumns != null) { for (ExpressionColumn column : exceptColumns) { column.mapColumns(resolver, level, state); } } } @Override public Expression optimize(Session session) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_1, table); } @Override public void setEvaluatable(TableFilter tableFilter, boolean b) { DbException.throwInternalError(toString()); } @Override public String getTableAlias() { return table; } @Override public String getSchemaName() { return schema; } @Override public StringBuilder getSQL(StringBuilder builder, boolean alwaysQuote) { if (table != null) { StringUtils.quoteIdentifier(builder, table).append('.'); } builder.append('*'); if (exceptColumns != null) { builder.append(" EXCEPT ("); writeExpressions(builder, exceptColumns, alwaysQuote); builder.append(')'); } return builder; } @Override public void updateAggregate(Session session, int stage) { DbException.throwInternalError(toString()); } @Override public boolean isEverything(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { if (visitor.getType() == ExpressionVisitor.QUERY_COMPARABLE) { return true; } throw DbException.throwInternalError(Integer.toString(visitor.getType())); } @Override public int getCost() { throw DbException.throwInternalError(toString()); } }