 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.view;

import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED;

import static java.lang.Math.max;

import android.animation.AnimatorInflater;
import android.animation.StateListAnimator;
import android.annotation.CallSuper;
import android.annotation.ColorInt;
import android.annotation.DrawableRes;
import android.annotation.FloatRange;
import android.annotation.IdRes;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.LayoutRes;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.Size;
import android.annotation.TestApi;
import android.annotation.UiThread;
import android.content.ClipData;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.ContextWrapper;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Insets;
import android.graphics.Interpolator;
import android.graphics.LinearGradient;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.Outline;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.PorterDuff;
import android.graphics.PorterDuffXfermode;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.graphics.Region;
import android.graphics.Shader;
import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.os.Trace;
import android.text.InputType;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.FloatProperty;
import android.util.LayoutDirection;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.LongSparseLongArray;
import android.util.Pools.SynchronizedPool;
import android.util.Property;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.util.StateSet;
import android.util.SuperNotCalledException;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.AccessibilityIterators.CharacterTextSegmentIterator;
import android.view.AccessibilityIterators.ParagraphTextSegmentIterator;
import android.view.AccessibilityIterators.TextSegmentIterator;
import android.view.AccessibilityIterators.WordTextSegmentIterator;
import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventSource;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProvider;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
import android.view.animation.Transformation;
import android.view.autofill.AutofillId;
import android.view.autofill.AutofillManager;
import android.view.autofill.AutofillValue;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.Checkable;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable;

import com.android.internal.R;
import com.android.internal.view.TooltipPopup;
import com.android.internal.view.menu.MenuBuilder;
import com.android.internal.widget.ScrollBarUtils;

import com.google.android.collect.Lists;
import com.google.android.collect.Maps;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

This class represents the basic building block for user interface components. A View occupies a rectangular area on the screen and is responsible for drawing and event handling. View is the base class for widgets, which are used to create interactive UI components (buttons, text fields, etc.). The ViewGroup subclass is the base class for layouts, which are invisible containers that hold other Views (or other ViewGroups) and define their layout properties.

Developer Guides

For information about using this class to develop your application's user interface, read the User Interface developer guide.

Using Views

All of the views in a window are arranged in a single tree. You can add views either from code or by specifying a tree of views in one or more XML layout files. There are many specialized subclasses of views that act as controls or are capable of displaying text, images, or other content.

Once you have created a tree of views, there are typically a few types of common operations you may wish to perform:

  • Set properties: for example setting the text of a TextView. The available properties and the methods that set them will vary among the different subclasses of views. Note that properties that are known at build time can be set in the XML layout files.
  • Set focus: The framework will handle moving focus in response to user input. To force focus to a specific view, call requestFocus.
  • Set up listeners: Views allow clients to set listeners that will be notified when something interesting happens to the view. For example, all views will let you set a listener to be notified when the view gains or loses focus. You can register such a listener using setOnFocusChangeListener(OnFocusChangeListener). Other view subclasses offer more specialized listeners. For example, a Button exposes a listener to notify clients when the button is clicked.
  • Set visibility: You can hide or show views using setVisibility(int).

Note: The Android framework is responsible for measuring, laying out and drawing views. You should not call methods that perform these actions on views yourself unless you are actually implementing a ViewGroup.

Implementing a Custom View

To implement a custom view, you will usually begin by providing overrides for some of the standard methods that the framework calls on all views. You do not need to override all of these methods. In fact, you can start by just overriding onDraw(Canvas).

Category Methods Description
Creation Constructors There is a form of the constructor that are called when the view is created from code and a form that is called when the view is inflated from a layout file. The second form should parse and apply any attributes defined in the layout file.
onFinishInflate() Called after a view and all of its children has been inflated from XML.
Layout onMeasure(int, int) Called to determine the size requirements for this view and all of its children.
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) Called when this view should assign a size and position to all of its children.
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) Called when the size of this view has changed.
Drawing onDraw(Canvas) Called when the view should render its content.
Event processing onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent) Called when a new hardware key event occurs.
onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) Called when a hardware key up event occurs.
onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent) Called when a trackball motion event occurs.
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) Called when a touch screen motion event occurs.
Focus onFocusChanged(boolean, int, Rect) Called when the view gains or loses focus.
onWindowFocusChanged(boolean) Called when the window containing the view gains or loses focus.
Attaching onAttachedToWindow() Called when the view is attached to a window.
onDetachedFromWindow Called when the view is detached from its window.
onWindowVisibilityChanged(int) Called when the visibility of the window containing the view has changed.


Views may have an integer id associated with them. These ids are typically assigned in the layout XML files, and are used to find specific views within the view tree. A common pattern is to:
  • Define a Button in the layout file and assign it a unique ID.
  • From the onCreate method of an Activity, find the Button
         Button myButton = findViewById(R.id.my_button);

View IDs need not be unique throughout the tree, but it is good practice to ensure that they are at least unique within the part of the tree you are searching.


The geometry of a view is that of a rectangle. A view has a location, expressed as a pair of left and top coordinates, and two dimensions, expressed as a width and a height. The unit for location and dimensions is the pixel.

It is possible to retrieve the location of a view by invoking the methods getLeft() and getTop(). The former returns the left, or X, coordinate of the rectangle representing the view. The latter returns the top, or Y, coordinate of the rectangle representing the view. These methods both return the location of the view relative to its parent. For instance, when getLeft() returns 20, that means the view is located 20 pixels to the right of the left edge of its direct parent.

In addition, several convenience methods are offered to avoid unnecessary computations, namely getRight() and getBottom(). These methods return the coordinates of the right and bottom edges of the rectangle representing the view. For instance, calling getRight() is similar to the following computation: getLeft() + getWidth() (see Size for more information about the width.)

Size, padding and margins

The size of a view is expressed with a width and a height. A view actually possess two pairs of width and height values.

The first pair is known as measured width and measured height. These dimensions define how big a view wants to be within its parent (see Layout for more details.) The measured dimensions can be obtained by calling getMeasuredWidth() and getMeasuredHeight().

The second pair is simply known as width and height, or sometimes drawing width and drawing height. These dimensions define the actual size of the view on screen, at drawing time and after layout. These values may, but do not have to, be different from the measured width and height. The width and height can be obtained by calling getWidth() and getHeight().

To measure its dimensions, a view takes into account its padding. The padding is expressed in pixels for the left, top, right and bottom parts of the view. Padding can be used to offset the content of the view by a specific amount of pixels. For instance, a left padding of 2 will push the view's content by 2 pixels to the right of the left edge. Padding can be set using the setPadding(int, int, int, int) or setPaddingRelative(int, int, int, int) method and queried by calling getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(), getPaddingRight(), getPaddingBottom(), getPaddingStart(), getPaddingEnd().

Even though a view can define a padding, it does not provide any support for margins. However, view groups provide such a support. Refer to ViewGroup and MarginLayoutParams for further information.


Layout is a two pass process: a measure pass and a layout pass. The measuring pass is implemented in measure(int, int) and is a top-down traversal of the view tree. Each view pushes dimension specifications down the tree during the recursion. At the end of the measure pass, every view has stored its measurements. The second pass happens in layout(int, int, int, int) and is also top-down. During this pass each parent is responsible for positioning all of its children using the sizes computed in the measure pass.

When a view's measure() method returns, its getMeasuredWidth() and getMeasuredHeight() values must be set, along with those for all of that view's descendants. A view's measured width and measured height values must respect the constraints imposed by the view's parents. This guarantees that at the end of the measure pass, all parents accept all of their children's measurements. A parent view may call measure() more than once on its children. For example, the parent may measure each child once with unspecified dimensions to find out how big they want to be, then call measure() on them again with actual numbers if the sum of all the children's unconstrained sizes is too big or too small.

The measure pass uses two classes to communicate dimensions. The MeasureSpec class is used by views to tell their parents how they want to be measured and positioned. The base LayoutParams class just describes how big the view wants to be for both width and height. For each dimension, it can specify one of:

  • an exact number
  • MATCH_PARENT, which means the view wants to be as big as its parent (minus padding)
  • WRAP_CONTENT, which means that the view wants to be just big enough to enclose its content (plus padding).
There are subclasses of LayoutParams for different subclasses of ViewGroup. For example, AbsoluteLayout has its own subclass of LayoutParams which adds an X and Y value.

MeasureSpecs are used to push requirements down the tree from parent to child. A MeasureSpec can be in one of three modes:

  • UNSPECIFIED: This is used by a parent to determine the desired dimension of a child view. For example, a LinearLayout may call measure() on its child with the height set to UNSPECIFIED and a width of EXACTLY 240 to find out how tall the child view wants to be given a width of 240 pixels.
  • EXACTLY: This is used by the parent to impose an exact size on the child. The child must use this size, and guarantee that all of its descendants will fit within this size.
  • AT_MOST: This is used by the parent to impose a maximum size on the child. The child must guarantee that it and all of its descendants will fit within this size.

To initiate a layout, call requestLayout. This method is typically called by a view on itself when it believes that is can no longer fit within its current bounds.


Drawing is handled by walking the tree and recording the drawing commands of any View that needs to update. After this, the drawing commands of the entire tree are issued to screen, clipped to the newly damaged area.

The tree is largely recorded and drawn in order, with parents drawn before (i.e., behind) their children, with siblings drawn in the order they appear in the tree. If you set a background drawable for a View, then the View will draw it before calling back to its onDraw() method. The child drawing order can be overridden with custom child drawing order in a ViewGroup, and with setZ(float) custom Z values} set on Views.

To force a view to draw, call invalidate().

Event Handling and Threading

The basic cycle of a view is as follows:

  1. An event comes in and is dispatched to the appropriate view. The view handles the event and notifies any listeners.
  2. If in the course of processing the event, the view's bounds may need to be changed, the view will call requestLayout().
  3. Similarly, if in the course of processing the event the view's appearance may need to be changed, the view will call invalidate().
  4. If either requestLayout() or invalidate() were called, the framework will take care of measuring, laying out, and drawing the tree as appropriate.

Note: The entire view tree is single threaded. You must always be on the UI thread when calling any method on any view. If you are doing work on other threads and want to update the state of a view from that thread, you should use a Handler.

Focus Handling

The framework will handle routine focus movement in response to user input. This includes changing the focus as views are removed or hidden, or as new views become available. Views indicate their willingness to take focus through the isFocusable method. To change whether a view can take focus, call setFocusable(boolean). When in touch mode (see notes below) views indicate whether they still would like focus via isFocusableInTouchMode and can change this via setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean).

Focus movement is based on an algorithm which finds the nearest neighbor in a given direction. In rare cases, the default algorithm may not match the intended behavior of the developer. In these situations, you can provide explicit overrides by using these XML attributes in the layout file:


To get a particular view to take focus, call requestFocus().

Touch Mode

When a user is navigating a user interface via directional keys such as a D-pad, it is necessary to give focus to actionable items such as buttons so the user can see what will take input. If the device has touch capabilities, however, and the user begins interacting with the interface by touching it, it is no longer necessary to always highlight, or give focus to, a particular view. This motivates a mode for interaction named 'touch mode'.

For a touch capable device, once the user touches the screen, the device will enter touch mode. From this point onward, only views for which isFocusableInTouchMode is true will be focusable, such as text editing widgets. Other views that are touchable, like buttons, will not take focus when touched; they will only fire the on click listeners.

Any time a user hits a directional key, such as a D-pad direction, the view device will exit touch mode, and find a view to take focus, so that the user may resume interacting with the user interface without touching the screen again.

The touch mode state is maintained across Activitys. Call isInTouchMode to see whether the device is currently in touch mode.


The framework provides basic support for views that wish to internally scroll their content. This includes keeping track of the X and Y scroll offset as well as mechanisms for drawing scrollbars. See scrollBy(int, int), scrollTo(int, int), and awakenScrollBars() for more details.


Unlike IDs, tags are not used to identify views. Tags are essentially an extra piece of information that can be associated with a view. They are most often used as a convenience to store data related to views in the views themselves rather than by putting them in a separate structure.

Tags may be specified with character sequence values in layout XML as either a single tag using the android:tag attribute or multiple tags using the <tag> child element:

    <View ...
          android:tag="@string/mytag_value" />
    <View ...>
        <tag android:id="@+id/mytag"
             android:value="@string/mytag_value" />

Tags may also be specified with arbitrary objects from code using setTag(Object) or setTag(int, Object).


By default, Views are created using the theme of the Context object supplied to their constructor; however, a different theme may be specified by using the android:theme attribute in layout XML or by passing a ContextThemeWrapper to the constructor from code.

When the android:theme attribute is used in XML, the specified theme is applied on top of the inflation context's theme (see LayoutInflater) and used for the view itself as well as any child elements.

In the following example, both views will be created using the Material dark color scheme; however, because an overlay theme is used which only defines a subset of attributes, the value of android:colorAccent defined on the inflation context's theme (e.g. the Activity theme) will be preserved.

        <View ...>


The View class exposes an ALPHA property, as well as several transform-related properties, such as TRANSLATION_X and TRANSLATION_Y. These properties are available both in the Property form as well as in similarly-named setter/getter methods (such as setAlpha(float) for ALPHA). These properties can be used to set persistent state associated with these rendering-related properties on the view. The properties and methods can also be used in conjunction with Animator-based animations, described more in the Animation section.


Starting with Android 3.0, the preferred way of animating views is to use the animation package APIs. These Animator-based classes change actual properties of the View object, such as alpha and translationX. This behavior is contrasted to that of the pre-3.0 Animation-based classes, which instead animate only how the view is drawn on the display. In particular, the ViewPropertyAnimator class makes animating these View properties particularly easy and efficient.

Alternatively, you can use the pre-3.0 animation classes to animate how Views are rendered. You can attach an Animation object to a view using setAnimation(Animation) or startAnimation(Animation). The animation can alter the scale, rotation, translation and alpha of a view over time. If the animation is attached to a view that has children, the animation will affect the entire subtree rooted by that node. When an animation is started, the framework will take care of redrawing the appropriate views until the animation completes.


Sometimes it is essential that an application be able to verify that an action is being performed with the full knowledge and consent of the user, such as granting a permission request, making a purchase or clicking on an advertisement. Unfortunately, a malicious application could try to spoof the user into performing these actions, unaware, by concealing the intended purpose of the view. As a remedy, the framework offers a touch filtering mechanism that can be used to improve the security of views that provide access to sensitive functionality.

To enable touch filtering, call setFilterTouchesWhenObscured(boolean) or set the android:filterTouchesWhenObscured layout attribute to true. When enabled, the framework will discard touches that are received whenever the view's window is obscured by another visible window. As a result, the view will not receive touches whenever a toast, dialog or other window appears above the view's window.

For more fine-grained control over security, consider overriding the onFilterTouchEventForSecurity(MotionEvent) method to implement your own security policy. See also MotionEvent.FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED.

See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityHeading
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_alpha
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_background
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_clickable
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_contentDescription
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_drawingCacheQuality
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_duplicateParentState
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_id
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fadeScrollbars
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fadingEdgeLength
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_filterTouchesWhenObscured
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fitsSystemWindows
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_isScrollContainer
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusable
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusableInTouchMode
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusedByDefault
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_hapticFeedbackEnabled
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_keepScreenOn
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_keyboardNavigationCluster
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_layerType
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_layoutDirection
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_longClickable
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_minHeight
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_minWidth
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextClusterForward
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusDown
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusLeft
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusRight
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusUp
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_onClick
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_outlineSpotShadowColor
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_outlineAmbientShadowColor
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_padding
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingHorizontal
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingVertical
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingBottom
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingLeft
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingRight
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingTop
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingStart
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingEnd
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_saveEnabled
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_rotation
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_rotationX
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_rotationY
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scaleX
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scaleY
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollX
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollY
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarSize
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarStyle
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbars
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarFadeDuration
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarTrackHorizontal
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarThumbHorizontal
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarThumbVertical
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarTrackVertical
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_stateListAnimator
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_transitionName
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_soundEffectsEnabled
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_tag
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_textAlignment
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_textDirection
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotX
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotY
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_translationX
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_translationY
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_translationZ
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_visibility
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_theme
/** * <p> * This class represents the basic building block for user interface components. A View * occupies a rectangular area on the screen and is responsible for drawing and * event handling. View is the base class for <em>widgets</em>, which are * used to create interactive UI components (buttons, text fields, etc.). The * {@link android.view.ViewGroup} subclass is the base class for <em>layouts</em>, which * are invisible containers that hold other Views (or other ViewGroups) and define * their layout properties. * </p> * * <div class="special reference"> * <h3>Developer Guides</h3> * <p>For information about using this class to develop your application's user interface, * read the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/index.html">User Interface</a> developer guide. * </div> * * <a name="Using"></a> * <h3>Using Views</h3> * <p> * All of the views in a window are arranged in a single tree. You can add views * either from code or by specifying a tree of views in one or more XML layout * files. There are many specialized subclasses of views that act as controls or * are capable of displaying text, images, or other content. * </p> * <p> * Once you have created a tree of views, there are typically a few types of * common operations you may wish to perform: * <ul> * <li><strong>Set properties:</strong> for example setting the text of a * {@link android.widget.TextView}. The available properties and the methods * that set them will vary among the different subclasses of views. Note that * properties that are known at build time can be set in the XML layout * files.</li> * <li><strong>Set focus:</strong> The framework will handle moving focus in * response to user input. To force focus to a specific view, call * {@link #requestFocus}.</li> * <li><strong>Set up listeners:</strong> Views allow clients to set listeners * that will be notified when something interesting happens to the view. For * example, all views will let you set a listener to be notified when the view * gains or loses focus. You can register such a listener using * {@link #setOnFocusChangeListener(android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener)}. * Other view subclasses offer more specialized listeners. For example, a Button * exposes a listener to notify clients when the button is clicked.</li> * <li><strong>Set visibility:</strong> You can hide or show views using * {@link #setVisibility(int)}.</li> * </ul> * </p> * <p><em> * Note: The Android framework is responsible for measuring, laying out and * drawing views. You should not call methods that perform these actions on * views yourself unless you are actually implementing a * {@link android.view.ViewGroup}. * </em></p> * * <a name="Lifecycle"></a> * <h3>Implementing a Custom View</h3> * * <p> * To implement a custom view, you will usually begin by providing overrides for * some of the standard methods that the framework calls on all views. You do * not need to override all of these methods. In fact, you can start by just * overriding {@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)}. * <table border="2" width="85%" align="center" cellpadding="5"> * <thead> * <tr><th>Category</th> <th>Methods</th> <th>Description</th></tr> * </thead> * * <tbody> * <tr> * <td rowspan="2">Creation</td> * <td>Constructors</td> * <td>There is a form of the constructor that are called when the view * is created from code and a form that is called when the view is * inflated from a layout file. The second form should parse and apply * any attributes defined in the layout file. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onFinishInflate()}</code></td> * <td>Called after a view and all of its children has been inflated * from XML.</td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td rowspan="3">Layout</td> * <td><code>{@link #onMeasure(int, int)}</code></td> * <td>Called to determine the size requirements for this view and all * of its children. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int)}</code></td> * <td>Called when this view should assign a size and position to all * of its children. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int)}</code></td> * <td>Called when the size of this view has changed. * </td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td>Drawing</td> * <td><code>{@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)}</code></td> * <td>Called when the view should render its content. * </td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td rowspan="4">Event processing</td> * <td><code>{@link #onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent)}</code></td> * <td>Called when a new hardware key event occurs. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)}</code></td> * <td>Called when a hardware key up event occurs. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent)}</code></td> * <td>Called when a trackball motion event occurs. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)}</code></td> * <td>Called when a touch screen motion event occurs. * </td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td rowspan="2">Focus</td> * <td><code>{@link #onFocusChanged(boolean, int, android.graphics.Rect)}</code></td> * <td>Called when the view gains or loses focus. * </td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onWindowFocusChanged(boolean)}</code></td> * <td>Called when the window containing the view gains or loses focus. * </td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td rowspan="3">Attaching</td> * <td><code>{@link #onAttachedToWindow()}</code></td> * <td>Called when the view is attached to a window. * </td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onDetachedFromWindow}</code></td> * <td>Called when the view is detached from its window. * </td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td><code>{@link #onWindowVisibilityChanged(int)}</code></td> * <td>Called when the visibility of the window containing the view * has changed. * </td> * </tr> * </tbody> * * </table> * </p> * * <a name="IDs"></a> * <h3>IDs</h3> * Views may have an integer id associated with them. These ids are typically * assigned in the layout XML files, and are used to find specific views within * the view tree. A common pattern is to: * <ul> * <li>Define a Button in the layout file and assign it a unique ID. * <pre> * &lt;Button * android:id="@+id/my_button" * android:layout_width="wrap_content" * android:layout_height="wrap_content" * android:text="@string/my_button_text"/&gt; * </pre></li> * <li>From the onCreate method of an Activity, find the Button * <pre class="prettyprint"> * Button myButton = findViewById(R.id.my_button); * </pre></li> * </ul> * <p> * View IDs need not be unique throughout the tree, but it is good practice to * ensure that they are at least unique within the part of the tree you are * searching. * </p> * * <a name="Position"></a> * <h3>Position</h3> * <p> * The geometry of a view is that of a rectangle. A view has a location, * expressed as a pair of <em>left</em> and <em>top</em> coordinates, and * two dimensions, expressed as a width and a height. The unit for location * and dimensions is the pixel. * </p> * * <p> * It is possible to retrieve the location of a view by invoking the methods * {@link #getLeft()} and {@link #getTop()}. The former returns the left, or X, * coordinate of the rectangle representing the view. The latter returns the * top, or Y, coordinate of the rectangle representing the view. These methods * both return the location of the view relative to its parent. For instance, * when getLeft() returns 20, that means the view is located 20 pixels to the * right of the left edge of its direct parent. * </p> * * <p> * In addition, several convenience methods are offered to avoid unnecessary * computations, namely {@link #getRight()} and {@link #getBottom()}. * These methods return the coordinates of the right and bottom edges of the * rectangle representing the view. For instance, calling {@link #getRight()} * is similar to the following computation: <code>getLeft() + getWidth()</code> * (see <a href="#SizePaddingMargins">Size</a> for more information about the width.) * </p> * * <a name="SizePaddingMargins"></a> * <h3>Size, padding and margins</h3> * <p> * The size of a view is expressed with a width and a height. A view actually * possess two pairs of width and height values. * </p> * * <p> * The first pair is known as <em>measured width</em> and * <em>measured height</em>. These dimensions define how big a view wants to be * within its parent (see <a href="#Layout">Layout</a> for more details.) The * measured dimensions can be obtained by calling {@link #getMeasuredWidth()} * and {@link #getMeasuredHeight()}. * </p> * * <p> * The second pair is simply known as <em>width</em> and <em>height</em>, or * sometimes <em>drawing width</em> and <em>drawing height</em>. These * dimensions define the actual size of the view on screen, at drawing time and * after layout. These values may, but do not have to, be different from the * measured width and height. The width and height can be obtained by calling * {@link #getWidth()} and {@link #getHeight()}. * </p> * * <p> * To measure its dimensions, a view takes into account its padding. The padding * is expressed in pixels for the left, top, right and bottom parts of the view. * Padding can be used to offset the content of the view by a specific amount of * pixels. For instance, a left padding of 2 will push the view's content by * 2 pixels to the right of the left edge. Padding can be set using the * {@link #setPadding(int, int, int, int)} or {@link #setPaddingRelative(int, int, int, int)} * method and queried by calling {@link #getPaddingLeft()}, {@link #getPaddingTop()}, * {@link #getPaddingRight()}, {@link #getPaddingBottom()}, {@link #getPaddingStart()}, * {@link #getPaddingEnd()}. * </p> * * <p> * Even though a view can define a padding, it does not provide any support for * margins. However, view groups provide such a support. Refer to * {@link android.view.ViewGroup} and * {@link android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams} for further information. * </p> * * <a name="Layout"></a> * <h3>Layout</h3> * <p> * Layout is a two pass process: a measure pass and a layout pass. The measuring * pass is implemented in {@link #measure(int, int)} and is a top-down traversal * of the view tree. Each view pushes dimension specifications down the tree * during the recursion. At the end of the measure pass, every view has stored * its measurements. The second pass happens in * {@link #layout(int,int,int,int)} and is also top-down. During * this pass each parent is responsible for positioning all of its children * using the sizes computed in the measure pass. * </p> * * <p> * When a view's measure() method returns, its {@link #getMeasuredWidth()} and * {@link #getMeasuredHeight()} values must be set, along with those for all of * that view's descendants. A view's measured width and measured height values * must respect the constraints imposed by the view's parents. This guarantees * that at the end of the measure pass, all parents accept all of their * children's measurements. A parent view may call measure() more than once on * its children. For example, the parent may measure each child once with * unspecified dimensions to find out how big they want to be, then call * measure() on them again with actual numbers if the sum of all the children's * unconstrained sizes is too big or too small. * </p> * * <p> * The measure pass uses two classes to communicate dimensions. The * {@link MeasureSpec} class is used by views to tell their parents how they * want to be measured and positioned. The base LayoutParams class just * describes how big the view wants to be for both width and height. For each * dimension, it can specify one of: * <ul> * <li> an exact number * <li>MATCH_PARENT, which means the view wants to be as big as its parent * (minus padding) * <li> WRAP_CONTENT, which means that the view wants to be just big enough to * enclose its content (plus padding). * </ul> * There are subclasses of LayoutParams for different subclasses of ViewGroup. * For example, AbsoluteLayout has its own subclass of LayoutParams which adds * an X and Y value. * </p> * * <p> * MeasureSpecs are used to push requirements down the tree from parent to * child. A MeasureSpec can be in one of three modes: * <ul> * <li>UNSPECIFIED: This is used by a parent to determine the desired dimension * of a child view. For example, a LinearLayout may call measure() on its child * with the height set to UNSPECIFIED and a width of EXACTLY 240 to find out how * tall the child view wants to be given a width of 240 pixels. * <li>EXACTLY: This is used by the parent to impose an exact size on the * child. The child must use this size, and guarantee that all of its * descendants will fit within this size. * <li>AT_MOST: This is used by the parent to impose a maximum size on the * child. The child must guarantee that it and all of its descendants will fit * within this size. * </ul> * </p> * * <p> * To initiate a layout, call {@link #requestLayout}. This method is typically * called by a view on itself when it believes that is can no longer fit within * its current bounds. * </p> * * <a name="Drawing"></a> * <h3>Drawing</h3> * <p> * Drawing is handled by walking the tree and recording the drawing commands of * any View that needs to update. After this, the drawing commands of the * entire tree are issued to screen, clipped to the newly damaged area. * </p> * * <p> * The tree is largely recorded and drawn in order, with parents drawn before * (i.e., behind) their children, with siblings drawn in the order they appear * in the tree. If you set a background drawable for a View, then the View will * draw it before calling back to its <code>onDraw()</code> method. The child * drawing order can be overridden with * {@link ViewGroup#setChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled(boolean) custom child drawing order} * in a ViewGroup, and with {@link #setZ(float)} custom Z values} set on Views. * </p> * * <p> * To force a view to draw, call {@link #invalidate()}. * </p> * * <a name="EventHandlingThreading"></a> * <h3>Event Handling and Threading</h3> * <p> * The basic cycle of a view is as follows: * <ol> * <li>An event comes in and is dispatched to the appropriate view. The view * handles the event and notifies any listeners.</li> * <li>If in the course of processing the event, the view's bounds may need * to be changed, the view will call {@link #requestLayout()}.</li> * <li>Similarly, if in the course of processing the event the view's appearance * may need to be changed, the view will call {@link #invalidate()}.</li> * <li>If either {@link #requestLayout()} or {@link #invalidate()} were called, * the framework will take care of measuring, laying out, and drawing the tree * as appropriate.</li> * </ol> * </p> * * <p><em>Note: The entire view tree is single threaded. You must always be on * the UI thread when calling any method on any view.</em> * If you are doing work on other threads and want to update the state of a view * from that thread, you should use a {@link Handler}. * </p> * * <a name="FocusHandling"></a> * <h3>Focus Handling</h3> * <p> * The framework will handle routine focus movement in response to user input. * This includes changing the focus as views are removed or hidden, or as new * views become available. Views indicate their willingness to take focus * through the {@link #isFocusable} method. To change whether a view can take * focus, call {@link #setFocusable(boolean)}. When in touch mode (see notes below) * views indicate whether they still would like focus via {@link #isFocusableInTouchMode} * and can change this via {@link #setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean)}. * </p> * <p> * Focus movement is based on an algorithm which finds the nearest neighbor in a * given direction. In rare cases, the default algorithm may not match the * intended behavior of the developer. In these situations, you can provide * explicit overrides by using these XML attributes in the layout file: * <pre> * nextFocusDown * nextFocusLeft * nextFocusRight * nextFocusUp * </pre> * </p> * * * <p> * To get a particular view to take focus, call {@link #requestFocus()}. * </p> * * <a name="TouchMode"></a> * <h3>Touch Mode</h3> * <p> * When a user is navigating a user interface via directional keys such as a D-pad, it is * necessary to give focus to actionable items such as buttons so the user can see * what will take input. If the device has touch capabilities, however, and the user * begins interacting with the interface by touching it, it is no longer necessary to * always highlight, or give focus to, a particular view. This motivates a mode * for interaction named 'touch mode'. * </p> * <p> * For a touch capable device, once the user touches the screen, the device * will enter touch mode. From this point onward, only views for which * {@link #isFocusableInTouchMode} is true will be focusable, such as text editing widgets. * Other views that are touchable, like buttons, will not take focus when touched; they will * only fire the on click listeners. * </p> * <p> * Any time a user hits a directional key, such as a D-pad direction, the view device will * exit touch mode, and find a view to take focus, so that the user may resume interacting * with the user interface without touching the screen again. * </p> * <p> * The touch mode state is maintained across {@link android.app.Activity}s. Call * {@link #isInTouchMode} to see whether the device is currently in touch mode. * </p> * * <a name="Scrolling"></a> * <h3>Scrolling</h3> * <p> * The framework provides basic support for views that wish to internally * scroll their content. This includes keeping track of the X and Y scroll * offset as well as mechanisms for drawing scrollbars. See * {@link #scrollBy(int, int)}, {@link #scrollTo(int, int)}, and * {@link #awakenScrollBars()} for more details. * </p> * * <a name="Tags"></a> * <h3>Tags</h3> * <p> * Unlike IDs, tags are not used to identify views. Tags are essentially an * extra piece of information that can be associated with a view. They are most * often used as a convenience to store data related to views in the views * themselves rather than by putting them in a separate structure. * </p> * <p> * Tags may be specified with character sequence values in layout XML as either * a single tag using the {@link android.R.styleable#View_tag android:tag} * attribute or multiple tags using the {@code <tag>} child element: * <pre> * &lt;View ... * android:tag="@string/mytag_value" /&gt; * &lt;View ...&gt; * &lt;tag android:id="@+id/mytag" * android:value="@string/mytag_value" /&gt; * &lt;/View> * </pre> * </p> * <p> * Tags may also be specified with arbitrary objects from code using * {@link #setTag(Object)} or {@link #setTag(int, Object)}. * </p> * * <a name="Themes"></a> * <h3>Themes</h3> * <p> * By default, Views are created using the theme of the Context object supplied * to their constructor; however, a different theme may be specified by using * the {@link android.R.styleable#View_theme android:theme} attribute in layout * XML or by passing a {@link ContextThemeWrapper} to the constructor from * code. * </p> * <p> * When the {@link android.R.styleable#View_theme android:theme} attribute is * used in XML, the specified theme is applied on top of the inflation * context's theme (see {@link LayoutInflater}) and used for the view itself as * well as any child elements. * </p> * <p> * In the following example, both views will be created using the Material dark * color scheme; however, because an overlay theme is used which only defines a * subset of attributes, the value of * {@link android.R.styleable#Theme_colorAccent android:colorAccent} defined on * the inflation context's theme (e.g. the Activity theme) will be preserved. * <pre> * &lt;LinearLayout * ... * android:theme="@android:theme/ThemeOverlay.Material.Dark"&gt; * &lt;View ...&gt; * &lt;/LinearLayout&gt; * </pre> * </p> * * <a name="Properties"></a> * <h3>Properties</h3> * <p> * The View class exposes an {@link #ALPHA} property, as well as several transform-related * properties, such as {@link #TRANSLATION_X} and {@link #TRANSLATION_Y}. These properties are * available both in the {@link Property} form as well as in similarly-named setter/getter * methods (such as {@link #setAlpha(float)} for {@link #ALPHA}). These properties can * be used to set persistent state associated with these rendering-related properties on the view. * The properties and methods can also be used in conjunction with * {@link android.animation.Animator Animator}-based animations, described more in the * <a href="#Animation">Animation</a> section. * </p> * * <a name="Animation"></a> * <h3>Animation</h3> * <p> * Starting with Android 3.0, the preferred way of animating views is to use the * {@link android.animation} package APIs. These {@link android.animation.Animator Animator}-based * classes change actual properties of the View object, such as {@link #setAlpha(float) alpha} and * {@link #setTranslationX(float) translationX}. This behavior is contrasted to that of the pre-3.0 * {@link android.view.animation.Animation Animation}-based classes, which instead animate only * how the view is drawn on the display. In particular, the {@link ViewPropertyAnimator} class * makes animating these View properties particularly easy and efficient. * </p> * <p> * Alternatively, you can use the pre-3.0 animation classes to animate how Views are rendered. * You can attach an {@link Animation} object to a view using * {@link #setAnimation(Animation)} or * {@link #startAnimation(Animation)}. The animation can alter the scale, * rotation, translation and alpha of a view over time. If the animation is * attached to a view that has children, the animation will affect the entire * subtree rooted by that node. When an animation is started, the framework will * take care of redrawing the appropriate views until the animation completes. * </p> * * <a name="Security"></a> * <h3>Security</h3> * <p> * Sometimes it is essential that an application be able to verify that an action * is being performed with the full knowledge and consent of the user, such as * granting a permission request, making a purchase or clicking on an advertisement. * Unfortunately, a malicious application could try to spoof the user into * performing these actions, unaware, by concealing the intended purpose of the view. * As a remedy, the framework offers a touch filtering mechanism that can be used to * improve the security of views that provide access to sensitive functionality. * </p><p> * To enable touch filtering, call {@link #setFilterTouchesWhenObscured(boolean)} or set the * android:filterTouchesWhenObscured layout attribute to true. When enabled, the framework * will discard touches that are received whenever the view's window is obscured by * another visible window. As a result, the view will not receive touches whenever a * toast, dialog or other window appears above the view's window. * </p><p> * For more fine-grained control over security, consider overriding the * {@link #onFilterTouchEventForSecurity(MotionEvent)} method to implement your own * security policy. See also {@link MotionEvent#FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED}. * </p> * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityHeading * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_alpha * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_background * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_clickable * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_contentDescription * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_drawingCacheQuality * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_duplicateParentState * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_id * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fadeScrollbars * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fadingEdgeLength * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_filterTouchesWhenObscured * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fitsSystemWindows * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_isScrollContainer * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusable * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusableInTouchMode * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusedByDefault * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_hapticFeedbackEnabled * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_keepScreenOn * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_keyboardNavigationCluster * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_layerType * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_layoutDirection * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_longClickable * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_minHeight * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_minWidth * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextClusterForward * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusDown * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusLeft * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusRight * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusUp * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_onClick * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_outlineSpotShadowColor * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_outlineAmbientShadowColor * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_padding * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingHorizontal * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingVertical * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingBottom * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingLeft * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingRight * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingTop * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingStart * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingEnd * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_saveEnabled * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_rotation * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_rotationX * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_rotationY * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scaleX * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scaleY * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollX * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollY * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarSize * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarStyle * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbars * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarFadeDuration * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarTrackHorizontal * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarThumbHorizontal * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarThumbVertical * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarTrackVertical * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_stateListAnimator * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_transitionName * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_soundEffectsEnabled * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_tag * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_textAlignment * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_textDirection * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotX * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotY * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_translationX * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_translationY * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_translationZ * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_visibility * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_theme * * @see android.view.ViewGroup */
@UiThread public class View implements Drawable.Callback, KeyEvent.Callback, AccessibilityEventSource { private static final boolean DBG = false;
/** @hide */
public static boolean DEBUG_DRAW = false;
The logging tag used by this class with android.util.Log.
/** * The logging tag used by this class with android.util.Log. */
protected static final String VIEW_LOG_TAG = "View";
When set to true, apps will draw debugging information about their layouts.
/** * When set to true, apps will draw debugging information about their layouts. * * @hide */
public static final String DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY = "debug.layout";
When set to true, this view will save its attribute data.
/** * When set to true, this view will save its attribute data. * * @hide */
public static boolean mDebugViewAttributes = false;
Used to mark a View that has no ID.
/** * Used to mark a View that has no ID. */
public static final int NO_ID = -1;
Last ID that is given to Views that are no part of activities. {@hide}
/** * Last ID that is given to Views that are no part of activities. * * {@hide} */
public static final int LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2;
Attribute to find the autofilled highlight
See Also:
  • getAutofilledDrawable()
/** * Attribute to find the autofilled highlight * * @see #getAutofilledDrawable() */
private static final int[] AUTOFILL_HIGHLIGHT_ATTR = new int[]{android.R.attr.autofilledHighlight};
Signals that compatibility booleans have been initialized according to target SDK versions.
/** * Signals that compatibility booleans have been initialized according to * target SDK versions. */
private static boolean sCompatibilityDone = false;
Use the old (broken) way of building MeasureSpecs.
/** * Use the old (broken) way of building MeasureSpecs. */
private static boolean sUseBrokenMakeMeasureSpec = false;
Always return a size of 0 for MeasureSpec values with a mode of UNSPECIFIED
/** * Always return a size of 0 for MeasureSpec values with a mode of UNSPECIFIED */
static boolean sUseZeroUnspecifiedMeasureSpec = false;
Ignore any optimizations using the measure cache.
/** * Ignore any optimizations using the measure cache. */
private static boolean sIgnoreMeasureCache = false;
Ignore an optimization that skips unnecessary EXACTLY layout passes.
/** * Ignore an optimization that skips unnecessary EXACTLY layout passes. */
private static boolean sAlwaysRemeasureExactly = false;
Relax constraints around whether setLayoutParams() must be called after modifying the layout params.
/** * Relax constraints around whether setLayoutParams() must be called after * modifying the layout params. */
private static boolean sLayoutParamsAlwaysChanged = false;
Allow setForeground/setBackground to be called (and ignored) on a textureview, without throwing
/** * Allow setForeground/setBackground to be called (and ignored) on a textureview, * without throwing */
static boolean sTextureViewIgnoresDrawableSetters = false;
Prior to N, some ViewGroups would not convert LayoutParams properly even though both extend MarginLayoutParams. For instance, converting LinearLayout.LayoutParams to RelativeLayout.LayoutParams would lose margin information. This is fixed on N but target API check is implemented for backwards compatibility. {@hide}
/** * Prior to N, some ViewGroups would not convert LayoutParams properly even though both extend * MarginLayoutParams. For instance, converting LinearLayout.LayoutParams to * RelativeLayout.LayoutParams would lose margin information. This is fixed on N but target API * check is implemented for backwards compatibility. * * {@hide} */
protected static boolean sPreserveMarginParamsInLayoutParamConversion;
Prior to N, when drag enters into child of a view that has already received an ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED event, the parent doesn't get a ACTION_DRAG_EXITED event. ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION and ACTION_DROP were delivered to the parent of a view that returned false from its event handler for these events. Starting from N, the parent will get ACTION_DRAG_EXITED event before the child gets its ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED. ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION and ACTION_DROP are never propagated to the parent. sCascadedDragDrop is true for pre-N apps for backwards compatibility implementation.
/** * Prior to N, when drag enters into child of a view that has already received an * ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED event, the parent doesn't get a ACTION_DRAG_EXITED event. * ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION and ACTION_DROP were delivered to the parent of a view that returned * false from its event handler for these events. * Starting from N, the parent will get ACTION_DRAG_EXITED event before the child gets its * ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED. ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION and ACTION_DROP are never propagated to the parent. * sCascadedDragDrop is true for pre-N apps for backwards compatibility implementation. */
static boolean sCascadedDragDrop;
Prior to O, auto-focusable didn't exist and widgets such as ListView use hasFocusable to determine things like whether or not to permit item click events. We can't break apps that do this just because more things (clickable things) are now auto-focusable and they would get different results, so give old behavior to old apps.
/** * Prior to O, auto-focusable didn't exist and widgets such as ListView use hasFocusable * to determine things like whether or not to permit item click events. We can't break * apps that do this just because more things (clickable things) are now auto-focusable * and they would get different results, so give old behavior to old apps. */
static boolean sHasFocusableExcludeAutoFocusable;
Prior to O, auto-focusable didn't exist and views marked as clickable weren't implicitly made focusable by default. As a result, apps could (incorrectly) change the clickable setting of views off the UI thread. Now that clickable can effect the focusable state, changing the clickable attribute off the UI thread will cause an exception (since changing the focusable state checks). In order to prevent apps from crashing, we will handle this specific case and just not notify parents on new focusables resulting from marking views clickable from outside the UI thread.
/** * Prior to O, auto-focusable didn't exist and views marked as clickable weren't implicitly * made focusable by default. As a result, apps could (incorrectly) change the clickable * setting of views off the UI thread. Now that clickable can effect the focusable state, * changing the clickable attribute off the UI thread will cause an exception (since changing * the focusable state checks). In order to prevent apps from crashing, we will handle this * specific case and just not notify parents on new focusables resulting from marking views * clickable from outside the UI thread. */
private static boolean sAutoFocusableOffUIThreadWontNotifyParents;
Prior to P things like setScaleX() allowed passing float values that were bogus such as Float.NaN. If the app is targetting P or later then passing these values will result in an exception being thrown. If the app is targetting an earlier SDK version, then we will silently clamp these values to avoid crashes elsewhere when the rendering code hits these bogus values.
/** * Prior to P things like setScaleX() allowed passing float values that were bogus such as * Float.NaN. If the app is targetting P or later then passing these values will result in an * exception being thrown. If the app is targetting an earlier SDK version, then we will * silently clamp these values to avoid crashes elsewhere when the rendering code hits * these bogus values. */
private static boolean sThrowOnInvalidFloatProperties;
Prior to P, #startDragAndDrop accepts a builder which produces an empty drag shadow. Currently zero size SurfaceControl cannot be created thus we create a dummy 1x1 surface instead.
/** * Prior to P, {@code #startDragAndDrop} accepts a builder which produces an empty drag shadow. * Currently zero size SurfaceControl cannot be created thus we create a dummy 1x1 surface * instead. */
private static boolean sAcceptZeroSizeDragShadow;
/** @hide */
@IntDef({NOT_FOCUSABLE, FOCUSABLE, FOCUSABLE_AUTO}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface Focusable {}
This view does not want keystrokes.

Use with setFocusable(int) and android:focusable.

/** * This view does not want keystrokes. * <p> * Use with {@link #setFocusable(int)} and <a href="#attr_android:focusable">{@code * android:focusable}. */
public static final int NOT_FOCUSABLE = 0x00000000;
This view wants keystrokes.

Use with setFocusable(int) and android:focusable.

/** * This view wants keystrokes. * <p> * Use with {@link #setFocusable(int)} and <a href="#attr_android:focusable">{@code * android:focusable}. */
public static final int FOCUSABLE = 0x00000001;
This view determines focusability automatically. This is the default.

Use with setFocusable(int) and android:focusable.

/** * This view determines focusability automatically. This is the default. * <p> * Use with {@link #setFocusable(int)} and <a href="#attr_android:focusable">{@code * android:focusable}. */
public static final int FOCUSABLE_AUTO = 0x00000010;
Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for focus.
/** * Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for focus. */
private static final int FOCUSABLE_MASK = 0x00000011;
This view will adjust its padding to fit sytem windows (e.g. status bar)
/** * This view will adjust its padding to fit sytem windows (e.g. status bar) */
private static final int FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS = 0x00000002;
/** @hide */
@IntDef({VISIBLE, INVISIBLE, GONE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface Visibility {}
This view is visible. Use with setVisibility and android:visibility.
/** * This view is visible. * Use with {@link #setVisibility} and <a href="#attr_android:visibility">{@code * android:visibility}. */
public static final int VISIBLE = 0x00000000;
This view is invisible, but it still takes up space for layout purposes. Use with setVisibility and android:visibility.
/** * This view is invisible, but it still takes up space for layout purposes. * Use with {@link #setVisibility} and <a href="#attr_android:visibility">{@code * android:visibility}. */
public static final int INVISIBLE = 0x00000004;
This view is invisible, and it doesn't take any space for layout purposes. Use with setVisibility and android:visibility.
/** * This view is invisible, and it doesn't take any space for layout * purposes. Use with {@link #setVisibility} and <a href="#attr_android:visibility">{@code * android:visibility}. */
public static final int GONE = 0x00000008;
Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for visibility. {@hide}
/** * Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for visibility. * {@hide} */
static final int VISIBILITY_MASK = 0x0000000C; private static final int[] VISIBILITY_FLAGS = {VISIBLE, INVISIBLE, GONE};
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with an email address.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "emailAddress").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with an email address. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_EMAIL_ADDRESS}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "emailAddress";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a user's real name.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "name").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a user's real name. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_NAME}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_NAME = "name";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a username.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "username").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a username. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_USERNAME}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_USERNAME = "username";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a password.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "password").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a password. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_PASSWORD}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_PASSWORD = "password";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a phone number.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "phone").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a phone number. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_PHONE}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_PHONE = "phone";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a postal address.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "postalAddress").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a postal address. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_POSTAL_ADDRESS}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "postalAddress";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a postal code.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "postalCode").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a postal code. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_POSTAL_CODE}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_POSTAL_CODE = "postalCode";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card number.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "creditCardNumber").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card number. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER = "creditCardNumber";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card security code.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "creditCardSecurityCode").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card security code. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_SECURITY_CODE}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_SECURITY_CODE = "creditCardSecurityCode";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration date.

It should be used when the credit card expiration date is represented by just one view; if it is represented by more than one (for example, one view for the month and another view for the year), then each of these views should use the hint specific for the unit (AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DAY, AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_MONTH, or AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_YEAR).

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "creditCardExpirationDate").

When annotating a view with this hint, it's recommended to use a date autofill value to avoid ambiguity when the autofill service provides a value for it. To understand why a value can be ambiguous, consider "April of 2020", which could be represented as either of the following options:

  • "04/2020"
  • "4/2020"
  • "2020/04"
  • "2020/4"
  • "April/2020"
  • "Apr/2020"

You define a date autofill value for the view by overriding the following methods:

  1. getAutofillType() to return AUTOFILL_TYPE_DATE.
  2. getAutofillValue() to return a date autofillvalue.
  3. autofill(AutofillValue) to expect a data autofillvalue.

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration date. * * <p>It should be used when the credit card expiration date is represented by just one view; * if it is represented by more than one (for example, one view for the month and another view * for the year), then each of these views should use the hint specific for the unit * ({@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DAY}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_MONTH}, * or {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_YEAR}). * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE}</code>). * * <p>When annotating a view with this hint, it's recommended to use a date autofill value to * avoid ambiguity when the autofill service provides a value for it. To understand why a * value can be ambiguous, consider "April of 2020", which could be represented as either of * the following options: * * <ul> * <li>{@code "04/2020"} * <li>{@code "4/2020"} * <li>{@code "2020/04"} * <li>{@code "2020/4"} * <li>{@code "April/2020"} * <li>{@code "Apr/2020"} * </ul> * * <p>You define a date autofill value for the view by overriding the following methods: * * <ol> * <li>{@link #getAutofillType()} to return {@link #AUTOFILL_TYPE_DATE}. * <li>{@link #getAutofillValue()} to return a * {@link AutofillValue#forDate(long) date autofillvalue}. * <li>{@link #autofill(AutofillValue)} to expect a data autofillvalue. * </ol> * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE = "creditCardExpirationDate";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration month.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "creditCardExpirationMonth").

When annotating a view with this hint, it's recommended to use a text autofill value whose value is the numerical representation of the month, starting on 1 to avoid ambiguity when the autofill service provides a value for it. To understand why a value can be ambiguous, consider "January", which could be represented as either of

  • "1": recommended way.
  • "0": if following the Calendar.MONTH convention.
  • "January": full name, in English.
  • "jan": abbreviated name, in English.
  • "Janeiro": full name, in another language.

Another recommended approach is to use a date autofill value - see AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE for more details.

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration month. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_MONTH}</code>). * * <p>When annotating a view with this hint, it's recommended to use a text autofill value * whose value is the numerical representation of the month, starting on {@code 1} to avoid * ambiguity when the autofill service provides a value for it. To understand why a * value can be ambiguous, consider "January", which could be represented as either of * * <ul> * <li>{@code "1"}: recommended way. * <li>{@code "0"}: if following the {@link Calendar#MONTH} convention. * <li>{@code "January"}: full name, in English. * <li>{@code "jan"}: abbreviated name, in English. * <li>{@code "Janeiro"}: full name, in another language. * </ul> * * <p>Another recommended approach is to use a date autofill value - see * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE} for more details. * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_MONTH = "creditCardExpirationMonth";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration year.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "creditCardExpirationYear").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration year. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_YEAR}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_YEAR = "creditCardExpirationYear";
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration day.

Can be used with either setAutofillHints(String[]) or android:autofillHint (in which case the value should be "creditCardExpirationDay").

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about autofill hints.

/** * Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration day. * * <p>Can be used with either {@link #setAutofillHints(String[])} or * <a href="#attr_android:autofillHint"> {@code android:autofillHint}</a> (in which case the * value should be <code>{@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DAY}</code>). * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about autofill hints. */
public static final String AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DAY = "creditCardExpirationDay";
Hints for the autofill services that describes the content of the view.
/** * Hints for the autofill services that describes the content of the view. */
private @Nullable String[] mAutofillHints;
Autofill id, lazily created on calls to getAutofillId().
/** * Autofill id, lazily created on calls to {@link #getAutofillId()}. */
private AutofillId mAutofillId;
/** @hide */
@IntDef(prefix = { "AUTOFILL_TYPE_" }, value = { AUTOFILL_TYPE_NONE, AUTOFILL_TYPE_TEXT, AUTOFILL_TYPE_TOGGLE, AUTOFILL_TYPE_LIST, AUTOFILL_TYPE_DATE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface AutofillType {}
Autofill type for views that cannot be autofilled.

Typically used when the view is read-only; for example, a text label.

See Also:
  • getAutofillType()
/** * Autofill type for views that cannot be autofilled. * * <p>Typically used when the view is read-only; for example, a text label. * * @see #getAutofillType() */
public static final int AUTOFILL_TYPE_NONE = 0;
Autofill type for a text field, which is filled by a CharSequence.

AutofillValue instances for autofilling a View can be obtained through AutofillValue.forText(CharSequence), and the value passed to autofill a View can be fetched through AutofillValue.getTextValue().

See Also:
/** * Autofill type for a text field, which is filled by a {@link CharSequence}. * * <p>{@link AutofillValue} instances for autofilling a {@link View} can be obtained through * {@link AutofillValue#forText(CharSequence)}, and the value passed to autofill a * {@link View} can be fetched through {@link AutofillValue#getTextValue()}. * * @see #getAutofillType() */
public static final int AUTOFILL_TYPE_TEXT = 1;
Autofill type for a togglable field, which is filled by a boolean.

AutofillValue instances for autofilling a View can be obtained through AutofillValue.forToggle(boolean), and the value passed to autofill a View can be fetched through AutofillValue.getToggleValue().

See Also:
/** * Autofill type for a togglable field, which is filled by a {@code boolean}. * * <p>{@link AutofillValue} instances for autofilling a {@link View} can be obtained through * {@link AutofillValue#forToggle(boolean)}, and the value passed to autofill a * {@link View} can be fetched through {@link AutofillValue#getToggleValue()}. * * @see #getAutofillType() */
public static final int AUTOFILL_TYPE_TOGGLE = 2;
Autofill type for a selection list field, which is filled by an int representing the element index inside the list (starting at 0).

AutofillValue instances for autofilling a View can be obtained through AutofillValue.forList(int), and the value passed to autofill a View can be fetched through AutofillValue.getListValue().

The available options in the selection list are typically provided by ViewNode.getAutofillOptions().

See Also:
/** * Autofill type for a selection list field, which is filled by an {@code int} * representing the element index inside the list (starting at {@code 0}). * * <p>{@link AutofillValue} instances for autofilling a {@link View} can be obtained through * {@link AutofillValue#forList(int)}, and the value passed to autofill a * {@link View} can be fetched through {@link AutofillValue#getListValue()}. * * <p>The available options in the selection list are typically provided by * {@link android.app.assist.AssistStructure.ViewNode#getAutofillOptions()}. * * @see #getAutofillType() */
public static final int AUTOFILL_TYPE_LIST = 3;
Autofill type for a field that contains a date, which is represented by a long representing the number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT (see Date.getTime().

AutofillValue instances for autofilling a View can be obtained through AutofillValue.forDate(long), and the values passed to autofill a View can be fetched through AutofillValue.getDateValue().

See Also:
/** * Autofill type for a field that contains a date, which is represented by a long representing * the number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely * January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT (see {@link java.util.Date#getTime()}. * * <p>{@link AutofillValue} instances for autofilling a {@link View} can be obtained through * {@link AutofillValue#forDate(long)}, and the values passed to * autofill a {@link View} can be fetched through {@link AutofillValue#getDateValue()}. * * @see #getAutofillType() */
public static final int AUTOFILL_TYPE_DATE = 4;
/** @hide */
Automatically determine whether a view is important for autofill.
See Also:
/** * Automatically determine whether a view is important for autofill. * * @see #isImportantForAutofill() * @see #setImportantForAutofill(int) */
public static final int IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO = 0x0;
The view is important for autofill, and its children (if any) will be traversed.
See Also:
/** * The view is important for autofill, and its children (if any) will be traversed. * * @see #isImportantForAutofill() * @see #setImportantForAutofill(int) */
public static final int IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES = 0x1;
The view is not important for autofill, but its children (if any) will be traversed.
See Also:
/** * The view is not important for autofill, but its children (if any) will be traversed. * * @see #isImportantForAutofill() * @see #setImportantForAutofill(int) */
public static final int IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO = 0x2;
The view is important for autofill, but its children (if any) will not be traversed.
See Also:
/** * The view is important for autofill, but its children (if any) will not be traversed. * * @see #isImportantForAutofill() * @see #setImportantForAutofill(int) */
The view is not important for autofill, and its children (if any) will not be traversed.
See Also:
/** * The view is not important for autofill, and its children (if any) will not be traversed. * * @see #isImportantForAutofill() * @see #setImportantForAutofill(int) */
/** @hide */
@IntDef(flag = true, prefix = { "AUTOFILL_FLAG_" }, value = { AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface AutofillFlags {}
Flag requesting you to add views that are marked as not important for autofill (see setImportantForAutofill(int)) to a ViewStructure.
/** * Flag requesting you to add views that are marked as not important for autofill * (see {@link #setImportantForAutofill(int)}) to a {@link ViewStructure}. */
public static final int AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS = 0x1;
This view is enabled. Interpretation varies by subclass. Use with ENABLED_MASK when calling setFlags. {@hide}
/** * This view is enabled. Interpretation varies by subclass. * Use with ENABLED_MASK when calling setFlags. * {@hide} */
static final int ENABLED = 0x00000000;
This view is disabled. Interpretation varies by subclass. Use with ENABLED_MASK when calling setFlags. {@hide}
/** * This view is disabled. Interpretation varies by subclass. * Use with ENABLED_MASK when calling setFlags. * {@hide} */
static final int DISABLED = 0x00000020;
Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating whether this view is enabled {@hide}
/** * Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating whether * this view is enabled * {@hide} */
static final int ENABLED_MASK = 0x00000020;
This view won't draw. onDraw(Canvas) won't be called and further optimizations will be performed. It is okay to have this flag set and a background. Use with DRAW_MASK when calling setFlags. {@hide}
/** * This view won't draw. {@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)} won't be * called and further optimizations will be performed. It is okay to have * this flag set and a background. Use with DRAW_MASK when calling setFlags. * {@hide} */
static final int WILL_NOT_DRAW = 0x00000080;
Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating whether this view is will draw {@hide}
/** * Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating whether * this view is will draw * {@hide} */
static final int DRAW_MASK = 0x00000080;

This view doesn't show scrollbars.

/** * <p>This view doesn't show scrollbars.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int SCROLLBARS_NONE = 0x00000000;

This view shows horizontal scrollbars.

/** * <p>This view shows horizontal scrollbars.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL = 0x00000100;

This view shows vertical scrollbars.

/** * <p>This view shows vertical scrollbars.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL = 0x00000200;

Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating which scrollbars are enabled.

/** * <p>Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating which * scrollbars are enabled.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int SCROLLBARS_MASK = 0x00000300;
Indicates that the view should filter touches when its window is obscured. Refer to the class comments for more information about this security feature. {@hide}
/** * Indicates that the view should filter touches when its window is obscured. * Refer to the class comments for more information about this security feature. * {@hide} */
static final int FILTER_TOUCHES_WHEN_OBSCURED = 0x00000400;
Set for framework elements that use FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS, to indicate that they are optional and should be skipped if the window has requested system UI flags that ignore those insets for layout.
/** * Set for framework elements that use FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS, to indicate * that they are optional and should be skipped if the window has * requested system UI flags that ignore those insets for layout. */
static final int OPTIONAL_FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS = 0x00000800;

This view doesn't show fading edges.

/** * <p>This view doesn't show fading edges.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int FADING_EDGE_NONE = 0x00000000;

This view shows horizontal fading edges.

/** * <p>This view shows horizontal fading edges.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int FADING_EDGE_HORIZONTAL = 0x00001000;

This view shows vertical fading edges.

/** * <p>This view shows vertical fading edges.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int FADING_EDGE_VERTICAL = 0x00002000;

Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating which fading edges are enabled.

/** * <p>Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating which * fading edges are enabled.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int FADING_EDGE_MASK = 0x00003000;

Indicates this view can be clicked. When clickable, a View reacts to clicks by notifying the OnClickListener.


/** * <p>Indicates this view can be clicked. When clickable, a View reacts * to clicks by notifying the OnClickListener.<p> * {@hide} */
static final int CLICKABLE = 0x00004000;

Indicates this view is caching its drawing into a bitmap.

/** * <p>Indicates this view is caching its drawing into a bitmap.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED = 0x00008000;

Indicates that no icicle should be saved for this view.


/** * <p>Indicates that no icicle should be saved for this view.<p> * {@hide} */
static final int SAVE_DISABLED = 0x000010000;

Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for the saveEnabled property.

/** * <p>Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for the saveEnabled * property.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int SAVE_DISABLED_MASK = 0x000010000;

Indicates that no drawing cache should ever be created for this view.


/** * <p>Indicates that no drawing cache should ever be created for this view.<p> * {@hide} */
static final int WILL_NOT_CACHE_DRAWING = 0x000020000;

Indicates this view can take / keep focus when int touch mode.

/** * <p>Indicates this view can take / keep focus when int touch mode.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE = 0x00040000;
/** @hide */
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = { "DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_" }, value = { DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_LOW, DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH, DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_AUTO }) public @interface DrawingCacheQuality {}

Enables low quality mode for the drawing cache.

Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Enables low quality mode for the drawing cache.</p> * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public static final int DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_LOW = 0x00080000;

Enables high quality mode for the drawing cache.

Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Enables high quality mode for the drawing cache.</p> * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public static final int DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH = 0x00100000;

Enables automatic quality mode for the drawing cache.

Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Enables automatic quality mode for the drawing cache.</p> * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */

Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for the cache quality property.

/** * <p>Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for the cache * quality property.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_MASK = 0x00180000;

Indicates this view can be long clicked. When long clickable, a View reacts to long clicks by notifying the OnLongClickListener or showing a context menu.

/** * <p> * Indicates this view can be long clicked. When long clickable, a View * reacts to long clicks by notifying the OnLongClickListener or showing a * context menu. * </p> * {@hide} */
static final int LONG_CLICKABLE = 0x00200000;

Indicates that this view gets its drawable states from its direct parent and ignores its original internal states.

/** * <p>Indicates that this view gets its drawable states from its direct parent * and ignores its original internal states.</p> * * @hide */
static final int DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE = 0x00400000;

Indicates this view can be context clicked. When context clickable, a View reacts to a context click (e.g. a primary stylus button press or right mouse click) by notifying the OnContextClickListener.

/** * <p> * Indicates this view can be context clicked. When context clickable, a View reacts to a * context click (e.g. a primary stylus button press or right mouse click) by notifying the * OnContextClickListener. * </p> * {@hide} */
static final int CONTEXT_CLICKABLE = 0x00800000;
/** @hide */
The scrollbar style to display the scrollbars inside the content area, without increasing the padding. The scrollbars will be overlaid with translucency on the view's content.
/** * The scrollbar style to display the scrollbars inside the content area, * without increasing the padding. The scrollbars will be overlaid with * translucency on the view's content. */
public static final int SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY = 0;
The scrollbar style to display the scrollbars inside the padded area, increasing the padding of the view. The scrollbars will not overlap the content area of the view.
/** * The scrollbar style to display the scrollbars inside the padded area, * increasing the padding of the view. The scrollbars will not overlap the * content area of the view. */
public static final int SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET = 0x01000000;
The scrollbar style to display the scrollbars at the edge of the view, without increasing the padding. The scrollbars will be overlaid with translucency.
/** * The scrollbar style to display the scrollbars at the edge of the view, * without increasing the padding. The scrollbars will be overlaid with * translucency. */
public static final int SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY = 0x02000000;
The scrollbar style to display the scrollbars at the edge of the view, increasing the padding of the view. The scrollbars will only overlap the background, if any.
/** * The scrollbar style to display the scrollbars at the edge of the view, * increasing the padding of the view. The scrollbars will only overlap the * background, if any. */
public static final int SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_INSET = 0x03000000;
Mask to check if the scrollbar style is overlay or inset. {@hide}
/** * Mask to check if the scrollbar style is overlay or inset. * {@hide} */
static final int SCROLLBARS_INSET_MASK = 0x01000000;
Mask to check if the scrollbar style is inside or outside. {@hide}
/** * Mask to check if the scrollbar style is inside or outside. * {@hide} */
static final int SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_MASK = 0x02000000;
Mask for scrollbar style. {@hide}
/** * Mask for scrollbar style. * {@hide} */
static final int SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK = 0x03000000;
View flag indicating that the screen should remain on while the window containing this view is visible to the user. This effectively takes care of automatically setting the WindowManager's LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON.
/** * View flag indicating that the screen should remain on while the * window containing this view is visible to the user. This effectively * takes care of automatically setting the WindowManager's * {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON}. */
public static final int KEEP_SCREEN_ON = 0x04000000;
View flag indicating whether this view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching.
/** * View flag indicating whether this view should have sound effects enabled * for events such as clicking and touching. */
public static final int SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED = 0x08000000;
View flag indicating whether this view should have haptic feedback enabled for events such as long presses.
/** * View flag indicating whether this view should have haptic feedback * enabled for events such as long presses. */
public static final int HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED = 0x10000000;

Indicates that the view hierarchy should stop saving state when it reaches this view. If state saving is initiated immediately at the view, it will be allowed. {@hide}

/** * <p>Indicates that the view hierarchy should stop saving state when * it reaches this view. If state saving is initiated immediately at * the view, it will be allowed. * {@hide} */
static final int PARENT_SAVE_DISABLED = 0x20000000;

Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for PARENT_SAVE_DISABLED.

/** * <p>Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for PARENT_SAVE_DISABLED.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int PARENT_SAVE_DISABLED_MASK = 0x20000000; private static Paint sDebugPaint;

Indicates this view can display a tooltip on hover or long press.

/** * <p>Indicates this view can display a tooltip on hover or long press.</p> * {@hide} */
static final int TOOLTIP = 0x40000000;
/** @hide */
@IntDef(flag = true, prefix = { "FOCUSABLES_" }, value = { FOCUSABLES_ALL, FOCUSABLES_TOUCH_MODE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface FocusableMode {}
View flag indicating whether addFocusables(ArrayList<View>, int, int) should add all focusable Views regardless if they are focusable in touch mode.
/** * View flag indicating whether {@link #addFocusables(ArrayList, int, int)} * should add all focusable Views regardless if they are focusable in touch mode. */
public static final int FOCUSABLES_ALL = 0x00000000;
View flag indicating whether addFocusables(ArrayList<View>, int, int) should add only Views focusable in touch mode.
/** * View flag indicating whether {@link #addFocusables(ArrayList, int, int)} * should add only Views focusable in touch mode. */
public static final int FOCUSABLES_TOUCH_MODE = 0x00000001;
/** @hide */
@IntDef(prefix = { "FOCUS_" }, value = { FOCUS_BACKWARD, FOCUS_FORWARD, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_RIGHT, FOCUS_DOWN }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface FocusDirection {}
/** @hide */
@IntDef(prefix = { "FOCUS_" }, value = { FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_RIGHT, FOCUS_DOWN }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface FocusRealDirection {} // Like @FocusDirection, but without forward/backward
Use with focusSearch(int). Move focus to the previous selectable item.
/** * Use with {@link #focusSearch(int)}. Move focus to the previous selectable * item. */
public static final int FOCUS_BACKWARD = 0x00000001;
Use with focusSearch(int). Move focus to the next selectable item.
/** * Use with {@link #focusSearch(int)}. Move focus to the next selectable * item. */
public static final int FOCUS_FORWARD = 0x00000002;
Use with focusSearch(int). Move focus to the left.
/** * Use with {@link #focusSearch(int)}. Move focus to the left. */
public static final int FOCUS_LEFT = 0x00000011;
Use with focusSearch(int). Move focus up.
/** * Use with {@link #focusSearch(int)}. Move focus up. */
public static final int FOCUS_UP = 0x00000021;
Use with focusSearch(int). Move focus to the right.
/** * Use with {@link #focusSearch(int)}. Move focus to the right. */
public static final int FOCUS_RIGHT = 0x00000042;
Use with focusSearch(int). Move focus down.
/** * Use with {@link #focusSearch(int)}. Move focus down. */
public static final int FOCUS_DOWN = 0x00000082;
Bits of getMeasuredWidthAndState() and getMeasuredWidthAndState() that provide the actual measured size.
/** * Bits of {@link #getMeasuredWidthAndState()} and * {@link #getMeasuredWidthAndState()} that provide the actual measured size. */
public static final int MEASURED_SIZE_MASK = 0x00ffffff;
Bits of getMeasuredWidthAndState() and getMeasuredWidthAndState() that provide the additional state bits.
/** * Bits of {@link #getMeasuredWidthAndState()} and * {@link #getMeasuredWidthAndState()} that provide the additional state bits. */
public static final int MEASURED_STATE_MASK = 0xff000000;
Bit shift of MEASURED_STATE_MASK to get to the height bits for functions that combine both width and height into a single int, such as getMeasuredState() and the childState argument of resolveSizeAndState(int, int, int).
/** * Bit shift of {@link #MEASURED_STATE_MASK} to get to the height bits * for functions that combine both width and height into a single int, * such as {@link #getMeasuredState()} and the childState argument of * {@link #resolveSizeAndState(int, int, int)}. */
public static final int MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT = 16;
Bit of getMeasuredWidthAndState() and getMeasuredWidthAndState() that indicates the measured size is smaller that the space the view would like to have.
/** * Bit of {@link #getMeasuredWidthAndState()} and * {@link #getMeasuredWidthAndState()} that indicates the measured size * is smaller that the space the view would like to have. */
public static final int MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL = 0x01000000; /** * Base View state sets */ // Singles
Indicates the view has no states set. States are used with Drawable to change the drawing of the view depending on its state.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view has no states set. States are used with * {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} to change the drawing of the * view depending on its state. * * @see android.graphics.drawable.Drawable * @see #getDrawableState() */
protected static final int[] EMPTY_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is enabled. States are used with Drawable to change the drawing of the view depending on its state.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is enabled. States are used with * {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} to change the drawing of the * view depending on its state. * * @see android.graphics.drawable.Drawable * @see #getDrawableState() */
protected static final int[] ENABLED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is focused. States are used with Drawable to change the drawing of the view depending on its state.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is focused. States are used with * {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} to change the drawing of the * view depending on its state. * * @see android.graphics.drawable.Drawable * @see #getDrawableState() */
protected static final int[] FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is selected. States are used with Drawable to change the drawing of the view depending on its state.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is selected. States are used with * {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} to change the drawing of the * view depending on its state. * * @see android.graphics.drawable.Drawable * @see #getDrawableState() */
protected static final int[] SELECTED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed. States are used with Drawable to change the drawing of the view depending on its state.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed. States are used with * {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} to change the drawing of the * view depending on its state. * * @see android.graphics.drawable.Drawable * @see #getDrawableState() */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view's window has focus. States are used with Drawable to change the drawing of the view depending on its state.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view's window has focus. States are used with * {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} to change the drawing of the * view depending on its state. * * @see android.graphics.drawable.Drawable * @see #getDrawableState() */
protected static final int[] WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET; // Doubles
Indicates the view is enabled and has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is enabled and has the focus. * * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] ENABLED_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is enabled and selected.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is enabled and selected. * * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] ENABLED_SELECTED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is enabled and that its window has focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is enabled and that its window has focus. * * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] ENABLED_WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is focused and selected.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is focused and selected. * * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] FOCUSED_SELECTED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view has the focus and that its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view has the focus and that its window has the focus. * * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] FOCUSED_WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is selected and that its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is selected and that its window has the focus. * * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] SELECTED_WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET; // Triples
Indicates the view is enabled, focused and selected.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is enabled, focused and selected. * * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] ENABLED_FOCUSED_SELECTED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is enabled, focused and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is enabled, focused and its window has the focus. * * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] ENABLED_FOCUSED_WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is enabled, selected and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is enabled, selected and its window has the focus. * * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Indicates the view is focused, selected and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is focused, selected and its window has the focus. * * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Indicates the view is enabled, focused, selected and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is enabled, focused, selected and its window * has the focus. * * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Indicates the view is pressed and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed and its window has the focus. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed and selected.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed and selected. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_SELECTED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed, selected and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, selected and its window has the focus. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Indicates the view is pressed and focused.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed and focused. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed, focused and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, focused and its window has the focus. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_FOCUSED_WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed, focused and selected.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, focused and selected. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_FOCUSED_SELECTED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed, focused, selected and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, focused, selected and its window has the focus. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Indicates the view is pressed and enabled.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed and enabled. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_ENABLED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed, enabled and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, enabled and its window has the focus. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_ENABLED_WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed, enabled and selected.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, enabled and selected. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_ENABLED_SELECTED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed, enabled, selected and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, enabled, selected and its window has the * focus. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Indicates the view is pressed, enabled and focused.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, enabled and focused. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
protected static final int[] PRESSED_ENABLED_FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
Indicates the view is pressed, enabled, focused and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, enabled, focused and its window has the * focus. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Indicates the view is pressed, enabled, focused and selected.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, enabled, focused and selected. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Indicates the view is pressed, enabled, focused, selected and its window has the focus.
See Also:
/** * Indicates the view is pressed, enabled, focused, selected and its window * has the focus. * * @see #PRESSED_STATE_SET * @see #ENABLED_STATE_SET * @see #SELECTED_STATE_SET * @see #FOCUSED_STATE_SET * @see #WINDOW_FOCUSED_STATE_SET */
Accessibility event types that are dispatched for text population.
/** * Accessibility event types that are dispatched for text population. */
private static final int POPULATING_ACCESSIBILITY_EVENT_TYPES = AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_LONG_CLICKED | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SELECTED | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_ENTER | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_EXIT | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED | AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_TRAVERSED_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY; static final int DEBUG_CORNERS_COLOR = Color.rgb(63, 127, 255); static final int DEBUG_CORNERS_SIZE_DIP = 8;
Temporary Rect currently for use in setBackground(). This will probably be extended in the future to hold our own class with more than just a Rect. :)
/** * Temporary Rect currently for use in setBackground(). This will probably * be extended in the future to hold our own class with more than just * a Rect. :) */
static final ThreadLocal<Rect> sThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Rect>();
Map used to store views' tags.
/** * Map used to store views' tags. */
private SparseArray<Object> mKeyedTags;
The next available accessibility id.
/** * The next available accessibility id. */
private static int sNextAccessibilityViewId;
The animation currently associated with this view.
/** * The animation currently associated with this view. * @hide */
protected Animation mCurrentAnimation = null;
Width as measured during measure pass. {@hide}
/** * Width as measured during measure pass. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "measurement") int mMeasuredWidth;
Height as measured during measure pass. {@hide}
/** * Height as measured during measure pass. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "measurement") int mMeasuredHeight;
Flag to indicate that this view was marked INVALIDATED, or had its display list invalidated, prior to the current drawing iteration. If true, the view must re-draw its display list. This flag, used only when hw accelerated, allows us to clear the flag while retaining this information until it's needed (at getDisplayList() time and in drawChild(), when we decide to draw a view's children's display lists into our own). {@hide}
/** * Flag to indicate that this view was marked INVALIDATED, or had its display list * invalidated, prior to the current drawing iteration. If true, the view must re-draw * its display list. This flag, used only when hw accelerated, allows us to clear the * flag while retaining this information until it's needed (at getDisplayList() time and * in drawChild(), when we decide to draw a view's children's display lists into our own). * * {@hide} */
boolean mRecreateDisplayList = false;
The view's identifier. {@hide}
See Also:
/** * The view's identifier. * {@hide} * * @see #setId(int) * @see #getId() */
@IdRes @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(resolveId = true) int mID = NO_ID;
The ID of this view for autofill purposes.
  • == NO_ID: ID has not been assigned yet
  • LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID: View is not part of a activity. The ID is unique in the process. This might change over activity lifecycle events.
  • > LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID: View is part of a activity. The ID is unique in the activity. This stays the same over activity lifecycle events.
/** The ID of this view for autofill purposes. * <ul> * <li>== {@link #NO_ID}: ID has not been assigned yet * <li>&le; {@link #LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID}: View is not part of a activity. The ID is * unique in the process. This might change * over activity lifecycle events. * <li>&gt; {@link #LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID}: View is part of a activity. The ID is * unique in the activity. This stays the same * over activity lifecycle events. */
private int mAutofillViewId = NO_ID; // ID for accessibility purposes. This ID must be unique for every window private int mAccessibilityViewId = NO_ID; private int mAccessibilityCursorPosition = ACCESSIBILITY_CURSOR_POSITION_UNDEFINED;
The view's tag. {@hide}
See Also:
/** * The view's tag. * {@hide} * * @see #setTag(Object) * @see #getTag() */
protected Object mTag = null; // for mPrivateFlags:
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS = 0x00000001;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_FOCUSED = 0x00000002;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_SELECTED = 0x00000004;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE = 0x00000008;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS = 0x00000010;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_DRAWN = 0x00000020;
When this flag is set, this view is running an animation on behalf of its children and should therefore not cancel invalidate requests, even if they lie outside of this view's bounds. {@hide}
/** * When this flag is set, this view is running an animation on behalf of its * children and should therefore not cancel invalidate requests, even if they * lie outside of this view's bounds. * * {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_DRAW_ANIMATION = 0x00000040;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW = 0x00000080;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_REQUEST_TRANSPARENT_REGIONS = 0x00000200;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_DRAWABLE_STATE_DIRTY = 0x00000400;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET = 0x00000800;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT = 0x00001000;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED = 0x00002000; private static final int PFLAG_PRESSED = 0x00004000;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID = 0x00008000;
Flag used to indicate that this view should be drawn once more (and only once more) after its animation has completed. {@hide}
/** * Flag used to indicate that this view should be drawn once more (and only once * more) after its animation has completed. * {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_ANIMATION_STARTED = 0x00010000; private static final int PFLAG_SAVE_STATE_CALLED = 0x00020000;
Indicates that the View returned true when onSetAlpha() was called and that the alpha must be restored. {@hide}
/** * Indicates that the View returned true when onSetAlpha() was called and that * the alpha must be restored. * {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_ALPHA_SET = 0x00040000; /** * Set by {@link #setScrollContainer(boolean)}. */ static final int PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER = 0x00080000; /** * Set by {@link #setScrollContainer(boolean)}. */ static final int PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED = 0x00100000;
View flag indicating whether this view was invalidated (fully or partially.)
/** * View flag indicating whether this view was invalidated (fully or partially.) * * @hide */
static final int PFLAG_DIRTY = 0x00200000;
View flag indicating whether this view was invalidated by an opaque invalidate request.
/** * View flag indicating whether this view was invalidated by an opaque * invalidate request. * * @hide */
static final int PFLAG_DIRTY_OPAQUE = 0x00400000;
/** * Mask for {@link #PFLAG_DIRTY} and {@link #PFLAG_DIRTY_OPAQUE}. * * @hide */
static final int PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK = 0x00600000;
Indicates whether the background is opaque.
/** * Indicates whether the background is opaque. * * @hide */
static final int PFLAG_OPAQUE_BACKGROUND = 0x00800000;
Indicates whether the scrollbars are opaque.
/** * Indicates whether the scrollbars are opaque. * * @hide */
static final int PFLAG_OPAQUE_SCROLLBARS = 0x01000000;
Indicates whether the view is opaque.
/** * Indicates whether the view is opaque. * * @hide */
static final int PFLAG_OPAQUE_MASK = 0x01800000;
Indicates a prepressed state; the short time between ACTION_DOWN and recognizing a 'real' press. Prepressed is used to recognize quick taps even when they are shorter than ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout().
/** * Indicates a prepressed state; * the short time between ACTION_DOWN and recognizing * a 'real' press. Prepressed is used to recognize quick taps * even when they are shorter than ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout(). * * @hide */
private static final int PFLAG_PREPRESSED = 0x02000000;
Indicates whether the view is temporarily detached.
/** * Indicates whether the view is temporarily detached. * * @hide */
static final int PFLAG_CANCEL_NEXT_UP_EVENT = 0x04000000;
Indicates that we should awaken scroll bars once attached PLEASE NOTE: This flag is now unused as we now send onVisibilityChanged during window attachment and it is no longer needed. Feel free to repurpose it.
/** * Indicates that we should awaken scroll bars once attached * * PLEASE NOTE: This flag is now unused as we now send onVisibilityChanged * during window attachment and it is no longer needed. Feel free to repurpose it. * * @hide */
private static final int PFLAG_AWAKEN_SCROLL_BARS_ON_ATTACH = 0x08000000;
Indicates that the view has received HOVER_ENTER. Cleared on HOVER_EXIT.
/** * Indicates that the view has received HOVER_ENTER. Cleared on HOVER_EXIT. * @hide */
private static final int PFLAG_HOVERED = 0x10000000;
Flag set by AutofillManager if it needs to be notified when this view is clicked.
/** * Flag set by {@link AutofillManager} if it needs to be notified when this view is clicked. */
private static final int PFLAG_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_MANAGER_ON_CLICK = 0x20000000;
/** {@hide} */
static final int PFLAG_ACTIVATED = 0x40000000;
Indicates that this view was specifically invalidated, not just dirtied because some child view was invalidated. The flag is used to determine when we need to recreate a view's display list (as opposed to just returning a reference to its existing display list).
/** * Indicates that this view was specifically invalidated, not just dirtied because some * child view was invalidated. The flag is used to determine when we need to recreate * a view's display list (as opposed to just returning a reference to its existing * display list). * * @hide */
Indicates that this view has reported that it can accept the current drag's content. Cleared when the drag operation concludes.
/** * Indicates that this view has reported that it can accept the current drag's content. * Cleared when the drag operation concludes. * @hide */
static final int PFLAG2_DRAG_CAN_ACCEPT = 0x00000001;
Indicates that this view is currently directly under the drag location in a drag-and-drop operation involving content that it can accept. Cleared when the drag exits the view, or when the drag operation concludes.
/** * Indicates that this view is currently directly under the drag location in a * drag-and-drop operation involving content that it can accept. Cleared when * the drag exits the view, or when the drag operation concludes. * @hide */
static final int PFLAG2_DRAG_HOVERED = 0x00000002;
/** @hide */
@IntDef(prefix = { "LAYOUT_DIRECTION_" }, value = { LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR, LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL, LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT, LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) // Not called LayoutDirection to avoid conflict with android.util.LayoutDirection public @interface LayoutDir {}
/** @hide */
@IntDef(prefix = { "LAYOUT_DIRECTION_" }, value = { LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR, LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface ResolvedLayoutDir {}
A flag to indicate that the layout direction of this view has not been defined yet.
/** * A flag to indicate that the layout direction of this view has not been defined yet. * @hide */
public static final int LAYOUT_DIRECTION_UNDEFINED = LayoutDirection.UNDEFINED;
Horizontal layout direction of this view is from Left to Right. Use with setLayoutDirection.
/** * Horizontal layout direction of this view is from Left to Right. * Use with {@link #setLayoutDirection}. */
public static final int LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR = LayoutDirection.LTR;
Horizontal layout direction of this view is from Right to Left. Use with setLayoutDirection.
/** * Horizontal layout direction of this view is from Right to Left. * Use with {@link #setLayoutDirection}. */
public static final int LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL = LayoutDirection.RTL;
Horizontal layout direction of this view is inherited from its parent. Use with setLayoutDirection.
/** * Horizontal layout direction of this view is inherited from its parent. * Use with {@link #setLayoutDirection}. */
public static final int LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT = LayoutDirection.INHERIT;
Horizontal layout direction of this view is from deduced from the default language script for the locale. Use with setLayoutDirection.
/** * Horizontal layout direction of this view is from deduced from the default language * script for the locale. Use with {@link #setLayoutDirection}. */
public static final int LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE = LayoutDirection.LOCALE;
Bit shift to get the horizontal layout direction. (bits after DRAG_HOVERED)
/** * Bit shift to get the horizontal layout direction. (bits after DRAG_HOVERED) * @hide */
Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for horizontal layout direction.
/** * Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for horizontal layout direction. * @hide */
Indicates whether the view horizontal layout direction has been resolved and drawn to the right-to-left direction.
/** * Indicates whether the view horizontal layout direction has been resolved and drawn to the * right-to-left direction. * @hide */
Indicates whether the view horizontal layout direction has been resolved.
/** * Indicates whether the view horizontal layout direction has been resolved. * @hide */
Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for resolved horizontal layout direction.
/** * Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for resolved horizontal layout direction. * @hide */
static final int PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK = 0x0000000C << PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT; /* * Array of horizontal layout direction flags for mapping attribute "layoutDirection" to correct * flag value. * @hide */ private static final int[] LAYOUT_DIRECTION_FLAGS = { LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR, LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL, LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT, LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE };
Default horizontal layout direction.
/** * Default horizontal layout direction. */
Default horizontal layout direction.
/** * Default horizontal layout direction. * @hide */
Text direction is inherited through ViewGroup
/** * Text direction is inherited through {@link ViewGroup} */
public static final int TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT = 0;
Text direction is using "first strong algorithm". The first strong directional character determines the paragraph direction. If there is no strong directional character, the paragraph direction is the view's resolved layout direction.
/** * Text direction is using "first strong algorithm". The first strong directional character * determines the paragraph direction. If there is no strong directional character, the * paragraph direction is the view's resolved layout direction. */
public static final int TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG = 1;
Text direction is using "any-RTL" algorithm. The paragraph direction is RTL if it contains any strong RTL character, otherwise it is LTR if it contains any strong LTR characters. If there are neither, the paragraph direction is the view's resolved layout direction.
/** * Text direction is using "any-RTL" algorithm. The paragraph direction is RTL if it contains * any strong RTL character, otherwise it is LTR if it contains any strong LTR characters. * If there are neither, the paragraph direction is the view's resolved layout direction. */
public static final int TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL = 2;
Text direction is forced to LTR.
/** * Text direction is forced to LTR. */
public static final int TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR = 3;
Text direction is forced to RTL.
/** * Text direction is forced to RTL. */
public static final int TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL = 4;
Text direction is coming from the system Locale.
/** * Text direction is coming from the system Locale. */
public static final int TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE = 5;
Text direction is using "first strong algorithm". The first strong directional character determines the paragraph direction. If there is no strong directional character, the paragraph direction is LTR.
/** * Text direction is using "first strong algorithm". The first strong directional character * determines the paragraph direction. If there is no strong directional character, the * paragraph direction is LTR. */
public static final int TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR = 6;
Text direction is using "first strong algorithm". The first strong directional character determines the paragraph direction. If there is no strong directional character, the paragraph direction is RTL.
/** * Text direction is using "first strong algorithm". The first strong directional character * determines the paragraph direction. If there is no strong directional character, the * paragraph direction is RTL. */
public static final int TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL = 7;
Default text direction is inherited
/** * Default text direction is inherited */
Default resolved text direction
/** * Default resolved text direction * @hide */
Bit shift to get the horizontal layout direction. (bits after LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED)
/** * Bit shift to get the horizontal layout direction. (bits after LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED) * @hide */
static final int PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT = 6;
Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for text direction.
/** * Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for text direction. * @hide */
Array of text direction flags for mapping attribute "textDirection" to correct flag value.
/** * Array of text direction flags for mapping attribute "textDirection" to correct * flag value. * @hide */
Indicates whether the view text direction has been resolved.
/** * Indicates whether the view text direction has been resolved. * @hide */
Bit shift to get the horizontal layout direction. (bits after DRAG_HOVERED)
/** * Bit shift to get the horizontal layout direction. (bits after DRAG_HOVERED) * @hide */
Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for resolved text direction.
/** * Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for resolved text direction. * @hide */
Indicates whether the view text direction has been resolved to the "first strong" heuristic.
/** * Indicates whether the view text direction has been resolved to the "first strong" heuristic. * @hide */
/** @hide */
Default text alignment. The text alignment of this View is inherited from its parent. Use with setTextAlignment(int)
/** * Default text alignment. The text alignment of this View is inherited from its parent. * Use with {@link #setTextAlignment(int)} */
public static final int TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT = 0;
Default for the root view. The gravity determines the text alignment, ALIGN_NORMAL, ALIGN_CENTER, or ALIGN_OPPOSITE, which are relative to each paragraph’s text direction. Use with setTextAlignment(int)
/** * Default for the root view. The gravity determines the text alignment, ALIGN_NORMAL, * ALIGN_CENTER, or ALIGN_OPPOSITE, which are relative to each paragraph’s text direction. * * Use with {@link #setTextAlignment(int)} */
public static final int TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY = 1;
Align to the start of the paragraph, e.g. ALIGN_NORMAL. Use with setTextAlignment(int)
/** * Align to the start of the paragraph, e.g. ALIGN_NORMAL. * * Use with {@link #setTextAlignment(int)} */
public static final int TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START = 2;
Align to the end of the paragraph, e.g. ALIGN_OPPOSITE. Use with setTextAlignment(int)
/** * Align to the end of the paragraph, e.g. ALIGN_OPPOSITE. * * Use with {@link #setTextAlignment(int)} */
public static final int TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END = 3;
Center the paragraph, e.g. ALIGN_CENTER. Use with setTextAlignment(int)
/** * Center the paragraph, e.g. ALIGN_CENTER. * * Use with {@link #setTextAlignment(int)} */
public static final int TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER = 4;
Align to the start of the view, which is ALIGN_LEFT if the view’s resolved layoutDirection is LTR, and ALIGN_RIGHT otherwise. Use with setTextAlignment(int)
/** * Align to the start of the view, which is ALIGN_LEFT if the view’s resolved * layoutDirection is LTR, and ALIGN_RIGHT otherwise. * * Use with {@link #setTextAlignment(int)} */
public static final int TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START = 5;
Align to the end of the view, which is ALIGN_RIGHT if the view’s resolved layoutDirection is LTR, and ALIGN_LEFT otherwise. Use with setTextAlignment(int)
/** * Align to the end of the view, which is ALIGN_RIGHT if the view’s resolved * layoutDirection is LTR, and ALIGN_LEFT otherwise. * * Use with {@link #setTextAlignment(int)} */
public static final int TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END = 6;
Default text alignment is inherited
/** * Default text alignment is inherited */
Default resolved text alignment
/** * Default resolved text alignment * @hide */
Bit shift to get the horizontal layout direction. (bits after DRAG_HOVERED)
/** * Bit shift to get the horizontal layout direction. (bits after DRAG_HOVERED) * @hide */
static final int PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_MASK_SHIFT = 13;
Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for text alignment.
/** * Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for text alignment. * @hide */
Array of text direction flags for mapping attribute "textAlignment" to correct flag value.
/** * Array of text direction flags for mapping attribute "textAlignment" to correct * flag value. * @hide */
Indicates whether the view text alignment has been resolved.
/** * Indicates whether the view text alignment has been resolved. * @hide */
Bit shift to get the resolved text alignment.
/** * Bit shift to get the resolved text alignment. * @hide */
Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for text alignment.
/** * Mask for use with private flags indicating bits used for text alignment. * @hide */
Indicates whether if the view text alignment has been resolved to gravity
/** * Indicates whether if the view text alignment has been resolved to gravity */
Shift for the bits in mPrivateFlags2 related to the "importantForAccessibility" attribute.
/** * Shift for the bits in {@link #mPrivateFlags2} related to the * "importantForAccessibility" attribute. */
Automatically determine whether a view is important for accessibility.
/** * Automatically determine whether a view is important for accessibility. */
public static final int IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO = 0x00000000;
The view is important for accessibility.
/** * The view is important for accessibility. */
public static final int IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES = 0x00000001;
The view is not important for accessibility.
/** * The view is not important for accessibility. */
public static final int IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO = 0x00000002;
The view is not important for accessibility, nor are any of its descendant views.
/** * The view is not important for accessibility, nor are any of its * descendant views. */
public static final int IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS = 0x00000004;
The default whether the view is important for accessibility.
/** * The default whether the view is important for accessibility. */
Mask for obtaining the bits which specify how to determine whether a view is important for accessibility.
/** * Mask for obtaining the bits which specify how to determine * whether a view is important for accessibility. */
Shift for the bits in mPrivateFlags2 related to the "accessibilityLiveRegion" attribute.
/** * Shift for the bits in {@link #mPrivateFlags2} related to the * "accessibilityLiveRegion" attribute. */
Live region mode specifying that accessibility services should not automatically announce changes to this view. This is the default live region mode for most views.

Use with setAccessibilityLiveRegion(int).

/** * Live region mode specifying that accessibility services should not * automatically announce changes to this view. This is the default live * region mode for most views. * <p> * Use with {@link #setAccessibilityLiveRegion(int)}. */
public static final int ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE = 0x00000000;
Live region mode specifying that accessibility services should announce changes to this view.

Use with setAccessibilityLiveRegion(int).

/** * Live region mode specifying that accessibility services should announce * changes to this view. * <p> * Use with {@link #setAccessibilityLiveRegion(int)}. */
public static final int ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_POLITE = 0x00000001;
Live region mode specifying that accessibility services should interrupt ongoing speech to immediately announce changes to this view.

Use with setAccessibilityLiveRegion(int).

/** * Live region mode specifying that accessibility services should interrupt * ongoing speech to immediately announce changes to this view. * <p> * Use with {@link #setAccessibilityLiveRegion(int)}. */
public static final int ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_ASSERTIVE = 0x00000002;
The default whether the view is important for accessibility.
/** * The default whether the view is important for accessibility. */
Mask for obtaining the bits which specify a view's accessibility live region mode.
/** * Mask for obtaining the bits which specify a view's accessibility live * region mode. */
Flag indicating whether a view has accessibility focus.
/** * Flag indicating whether a view has accessibility focus. */
static final int PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED = 0x04000000;
Flag whether the accessibility state of the subtree rooted at this view changed.
/** * Flag whether the accessibility state of the subtree rooted at this view changed. */
Flag indicating whether a view failed the quickReject() check in draw(). This condition is used to check whether later changes to the view's transform should invalidate the view to force the quickReject test to run again.
/** * Flag indicating whether a view failed the quickReject() check in draw(). This condition * is used to check whether later changes to the view's transform should invalidate the * view to force the quickReject test to run again. */
static final int PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED = 0x10000000;
Flag indicating that start/end padding has been resolved into left/right padding for use in measurement, layout, drawing, etc. This is set by resolvePadding() and checked by measure(int, int) to determine if padding needs to be resolved during measurement. In some special cases this is required such as when an adapter-based view measures prospective children without attaching them to a window.
/** * Flag indicating that start/end padding has been resolved into left/right padding * for use in measurement, layout, drawing, etc. This is set by {@link #resolvePadding()} * and checked by {@link #measure(int, int)} to determine if padding needs to be resolved * during measurement. In some special cases this is required such as when an adapter-based * view measures prospective children without attaching them to a window. */
static final int PFLAG2_PADDING_RESOLVED = 0x20000000;
Flag indicating that the start/end drawables has been resolved into left/right ones.
/** * Flag indicating that the start/end drawables has been resolved into left/right ones. */
static final int PFLAG2_DRAWABLE_RESOLVED = 0x40000000;
Indicates that the view is tracking some sort of transient state that the app should not need to be aware of, but that the framework should take special care to preserve.
/** * Indicates that the view is tracking some sort of transient state * that the app should not need to be aware of, but that the framework * should take special care to preserve. */
static final int PFLAG2_HAS_TRANSIENT_STATE = 0x80000000;
Group of bits indicating that RTL properties resolution is done.
/** * Group of bits indicating that RTL properties resolution is done. */
Flag indicating that view has a transform animation set on it. This is used to track whether an animation is cleared between successive frames, in order to tell the associated DisplayList to clear its animation matrix.
/** * Flag indicating that view has a transform animation set on it. This is used to track whether * an animation is cleared between successive frames, in order to tell the associated * DisplayList to clear its animation matrix. */
static final int PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_TRANSFORM = 0x1;
Flag indicating that view has an alpha animation set on it. This is used to track whether an animation is cleared between successive frames, in order to tell the associated DisplayList to restore its alpha value.
/** * Flag indicating that view has an alpha animation set on it. This is used to track whether an * animation is cleared between successive frames, in order to tell the associated * DisplayList to restore its alpha value. */
static final int PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_ALPHA = 0x2;
Flag indicating that the view has been through at least one layout since it was last attached to a window.
/** * Flag indicating that the view has been through at least one layout since it * was last attached to a window. */
static final int PFLAG3_IS_LAID_OUT = 0x4;
Flag indicating that a call to measure() was skipped and should be done instead when layout() is invoked.
/** * Flag indicating that a call to measure() was skipped and should be done * instead when layout() is invoked. */
Flag indicating that an overridden method correctly called down to the superclass implementation as required by the API spec.
/** * Flag indicating that an overridden method correctly called down to * the superclass implementation as required by the API spec. */
static final int PFLAG3_CALLED_SUPER = 0x10;
Flag indicating that we're in the process of applying window insets.
/** * Flag indicating that we're in the process of applying window insets. */
static final int PFLAG3_APPLYING_INSETS = 0x20;
Flag indicating that we're in the process of fitting system windows using the old method.
/** * Flag indicating that we're in the process of fitting system windows using the old method. */
static final int PFLAG3_FITTING_SYSTEM_WINDOWS = 0x40;
Flag indicating that nested scrolling is enabled for this view. The view will optionally cooperate with views up its parent chain to allow for integrated nested scrolling along the same axis.
/** * Flag indicating that nested scrolling is enabled for this view. * The view will optionally cooperate with views up its parent chain to allow for * integrated nested scrolling along the same axis. */
static final int PFLAG3_NESTED_SCROLLING_ENABLED = 0x80;
Flag indicating that the bottom scroll indicator should be displayed when this view can scroll up.
/** * Flag indicating that the bottom scroll indicator should be displayed * when this view can scroll up. */
static final int PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP = 0x0100;
Flag indicating that the bottom scroll indicator should be displayed when this view can scroll down.
/** * Flag indicating that the bottom scroll indicator should be displayed * when this view can scroll down. */
static final int PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM = 0x0200;
Flag indicating that the left scroll indicator should be displayed when this view can scroll left.
/** * Flag indicating that the left scroll indicator should be displayed * when this view can scroll left. */
static final int PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_LEFT = 0x0400;
Flag indicating that the right scroll indicator should be displayed when this view can scroll right.
/** * Flag indicating that the right scroll indicator should be displayed * when this view can scroll right. */
static final int PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_RIGHT = 0x0800;
Flag indicating that the start scroll indicator should be displayed when this view can scroll in the start direction.
/** * Flag indicating that the start scroll indicator should be displayed * when this view can scroll in the start direction. */
static final int PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_START = 0x1000;
Flag indicating that the end scroll indicator should be displayed when this view can scroll in the end direction.
/** * Flag indicating that the end scroll indicator should be displayed * when this view can scroll in the end direction. */
static final int PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_END = 0x2000; static final int DRAG_MASK = PFLAG2_DRAG_CAN_ACCEPT | PFLAG2_DRAG_HOVERED; static final int SCROLL_INDICATORS_NONE = 0x0000;
Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating which scroll indicators are enabled.
/** * Mask for use with setFlags indicating bits used for indicating which * scroll indicators are enabled. */
Left-shift required to translate between public scroll indicator flags and internal PFLAGS3 flags. When used as a right-shift, translates PFLAGS3 flags to public flags.
/** * Left-shift required to translate between public scroll indicator flags * and internal PFLAGS3 flags. When used as a right-shift, translates * PFLAGS3 flags to public flags. */
/** @hide */
Scroll indicator direction for the top edge of the view.
See Also:
/** * Scroll indicator direction for the top edge of the view. * * @see #setScrollIndicators(int) * @see #setScrollIndicators(int, int) * @see #getScrollIndicators() */
Scroll indicator direction for the bottom edge of the view.
See Also:
/** * Scroll indicator direction for the bottom edge of the view. * * @see #setScrollIndicators(int) * @see #setScrollIndicators(int, int) * @see #getScrollIndicators() */
Scroll indicator direction for the left edge of the view.
See Also:
/** * Scroll indicator direction for the left edge of the view. * * @see #setScrollIndicators(int) * @see #setScrollIndicators(int, int) * @see #getScrollIndicators() */
Scroll indicator direction for the right edge of the view.
See Also:
/** * Scroll indicator direction for the right edge of the view. * * @see #setScrollIndicators(int) * @see #setScrollIndicators(int, int) * @see #getScrollIndicators() */
Scroll indicator direction for the starting edge of the view.

Resolved according to the view's layout direction, see getLayoutDirection() for more information.

See Also:
/** * Scroll indicator direction for the starting edge of the view. * <p> * Resolved according to the view's layout direction, see * {@link #getLayoutDirection()} for more information. * * @see #setScrollIndicators(int) * @see #setScrollIndicators(int, int) * @see #getScrollIndicators() */
Scroll indicator direction for the ending edge of the view.

Resolved according to the view's layout direction, see getLayoutDirection() for more information.

See Also:
/** * Scroll indicator direction for the ending edge of the view. * <p> * Resolved according to the view's layout direction, see * {@link #getLayoutDirection()} for more information. * * @see #setScrollIndicators(int) * @see #setScrollIndicators(int, int) * @see #getScrollIndicators() */

Indicates that we are allowing ViewStructure to traverse into this view.

/** * <p>Indicates that we are allowing {@link ViewStructure} to traverse * into this view.<p> */
static final int PFLAG3_ASSIST_BLOCKED = 0x4000;
Flag indicating that the view is a root of a keyboard navigation cluster.
See Also:
/** * Flag indicating that the view is a root of a keyboard navigation cluster. * * @see #isKeyboardNavigationCluster() * @see #setKeyboardNavigationCluster(boolean) */
private static final int PFLAG3_CLUSTER = 0x8000;
Flag indicating that the view is autofilled
See Also:
/** * Flag indicating that the view is autofilled * * @see #isAutofilled() * @see #setAutofilled(boolean) */
private static final int PFLAG3_IS_AUTOFILLED = 0x10000;
Indicates that the user is currently touching the screen. Currently used for the tooltip positioning only.
/** * Indicates that the user is currently touching the screen. * Currently used for the tooltip positioning only. */
private static final int PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN = 0x20000;
Flag indicating that this view is the default-focus view.
See Also:
/** * Flag indicating that this view is the default-focus view. * * @see #isFocusedByDefault() * @see #setFocusedByDefault(boolean) */
private static final int PFLAG3_FOCUSED_BY_DEFAULT = 0x40000;
Shift for the bits in mPrivateFlags3 related to the "importantForAutofill" attribute.
/** * Shift for the bits in {@link #mPrivateFlags3} related to the * "importantForAutofill" attribute. */
Mask for obtaining the bits which specify how to determine whether a view is important for autofill.
/** * Mask for obtaining the bits which specify how to determine * whether a view is important for autofill. */
Whether this view has rendered elements that overlap (see hasOverlappingRendering(), forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean), and getHasOverlappingRendering() ). The value in this bit is only valid when PFLAG3_HAS_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED has been set. Otherwise, the value is determined by whatever hasOverlappingRendering() returns.
/** * Whether this view has rendered elements that overlap (see {@link * #hasOverlappingRendering()}, {@link #forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean)}, and * {@link #getHasOverlappingRendering()} ). The value in this bit is only valid when * PFLAG3_HAS_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED has been set. Otherwise, the value is * determined by whatever {@link #hasOverlappingRendering()} returns. */
private static final int PFLAG3_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED_VALUE = 0x800000;
Whether forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean) has been called. When true, value in PFLAG3_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED_VALUE is valid.
/** * Whether {@link #forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean)} has been called. When true, value * in PFLAG3_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED_VALUE is valid. */
private static final int PFLAG3_HAS_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED = 0x1000000;
Flag indicating that the view is temporarily detached from the parent view.
See Also:
/** * Flag indicating that the view is temporarily detached from the parent view. * * @see #onStartTemporaryDetach() * @see #onFinishTemporaryDetach() */
static final int PFLAG3_TEMPORARY_DETACH = 0x2000000;
Flag indicating that the view does not wish to be revealed within its parent hierarchy when it gains focus. Expressed in the negative since the historical default behavior is to reveal on focus; this flag suppresses that behavior.
See Also:
/** * Flag indicating that the view does not wish to be revealed within its parent * hierarchy when it gains focus. Expressed in the negative since the historical * default behavior is to reveal on focus; this flag suppresses that behavior. * * @see #setRevealOnFocusHint(boolean) * @see #getRevealOnFocusHint() */
private static final int PFLAG3_NO_REVEAL_ON_FOCUS = 0x4000000;
Flag indicating that when layout is completed we should notify that the view was entered for autofill purposes. To minimize showing autofill for views not visible to the user we evaluate user visibility which cannot be done until the view is laid out.
/** * Flag indicating that when layout is completed we should notify * that the view was entered for autofill purposes. To minimize * showing autofill for views not visible to the user we evaluate * user visibility which cannot be done until the view is laid out. */
static final int PFLAG3_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_ENTER_ON_LAYOUT = 0x8000000;
Works like focusable for screen readers, but without the side effects on input focus.
See Also:
  • setScreenReaderFocusable(boolean)
/** * Works like focusable for screen readers, but without the side effects on input focus. * @see #setScreenReaderFocusable(boolean) */
private static final int PFLAG3_SCREEN_READER_FOCUSABLE = 0x10000000;
The last aggregated visibility. Used to detect when it truly changes.
/** * The last aggregated visibility. Used to detect when it truly changes. */
private static final int PFLAG3_AGGREGATED_VISIBLE = 0x20000000;
Used to indicate that mAutofillId was explicitly set through setAutofillId(AutofillId).
/** * Used to indicate that {@link #mAutofillId} was explicitly set through * {@link #setAutofillId(AutofillId)}. */
private static final int PFLAG3_AUTOFILLID_EXPLICITLY_SET = 0x40000000;
Indicates if the View is a heading for accessibility purposes
/** * Indicates if the View is a heading for accessibility purposes */
private static final int PFLAG3_ACCESSIBILITY_HEADING = 0x80000000; /* End of masks for mPrivateFlags3 */
Always allow a user to over-scroll this view, provided it is a view that can scroll.
See Also:
/** * Always allow a user to over-scroll this view, provided it is a * view that can scroll. * * @see #getOverScrollMode() * @see #setOverScrollMode(int) */
public static final int OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS = 0;
Allow a user to over-scroll this view only if the content is large enough to meaningfully scroll, provided it is a view that can scroll.
See Also:
/** * Allow a user to over-scroll this view only if the content is large * enough to meaningfully scroll, provided it is a view that can scroll. * * @see #getOverScrollMode() * @see #setOverScrollMode(int) */
public static final int OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS = 1;
Never allow a user to over-scroll this view.
See Also:
/** * Never allow a user to over-scroll this view. * * @see #getOverScrollMode() * @see #setOverScrollMode(int) */
public static final int OVER_SCROLL_NEVER = 2;
Special constant for setSystemUiVisibility(int): View has requested the system UI (status bar) to be visible (the default).
See Also:
/** * Special constant for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: View has * requested the system UI (status bar) to be visible (the default). * * @see #setSystemUiVisibility(int) */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE = 0;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): View has requested the system UI to enter an unobtrusive "low profile" mode.

This is for use in games, book readers, video players, or any other "immersive" application where the usual system chrome is deemed too distracting.

In low profile mode, the status bar and/or navigation icons may dim.

See Also:
/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: View has requested the * system UI to enter an unobtrusive "low profile" mode. * * <p>This is for use in games, book readers, video players, or any other * "immersive" application where the usual system chrome is deemed too distracting. * * <p>In low profile mode, the status bar and/or navigation icons may dim. * * @see #setSystemUiVisibility(int) */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE = 0x00000001;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): View has requested that the system navigation be temporarily hidden.

This is an even less obtrusive state than that called for by SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE; on devices that draw essential navigation controls (Home, Back, and the like) on screen, SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION will cause those to disappear. This is useful (in conjunction with the FLAG_FULLSCREEN and FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN window flags) for displaying content using every last pixel on the display.

There is a limitation: because navigation controls are so important, the least user interaction will cause them to reappear immediately. When this happens, both this flag and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN will be cleared automatically, so that both elements reappear at the same time.

See Also:
/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: View has requested that the * system navigation be temporarily hidden. * * <p>This is an even less obtrusive state than that called for by * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE}; on devices that draw essential navigation controls * (Home, Back, and the like) on screen, <code>SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION</code> will cause * those to disappear. This is useful (in conjunction with the * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN FLAG_FULLSCREEN} and * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN} * window flags) for displaying content using every last pixel on the display. * * <p>There is a limitation: because navigation controls are so important, the least user * interaction will cause them to reappear immediately. When this happens, both * this flag and {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN} will be cleared automatically, * so that both elements reappear at the same time. * * @see #setSystemUiVisibility(int) */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION = 0x00000002;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): View has requested to go into the normal fullscreen mode so that its content can take over the screen while still allowing the user to interact with the application.

This has the same visual effect as WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, meaning that non-critical screen decorations (such as the status bar) will be hidden while the user is in the View's window, focusing the experience on that content. Unlike the window flag, if you are using ActionBar in overlay mode with Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY, then enabling this flag will also hide the action bar.

This approach to going fullscreen is best used over the window flag when it is a transient state -- that is, the application does this at certain points in its user interaction where it wants to allow the user to focus on content, but not as a continuous state. For situations where the application would like to simply stay full screen the entire time (such as a game that wants to take over the screen), the window flag is usually a better approach. The state set here will be removed by the system in various situations (such as the user moving to another application) like the other system UI states.

When using this flag, the application should provide some easy facility for the user to go out of it. A common example would be in an e-book reader, where tapping on the screen brings back whatever screen and UI decorations that had been hidden while the user was immersed in reading the book.

See Also:
/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: View has requested to go * into the normal fullscreen mode so that its content can take over the screen * while still allowing the user to interact with the application. * * <p>This has the same visual effect as * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN * WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN}, * meaning that non-critical screen decorations (such as the status bar) will be * hidden while the user is in the View's window, focusing the experience on * that content. Unlike the window flag, if you are using ActionBar in * overlay mode with {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY * Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY}, then enabling this flag will also * hide the action bar. * * <p>This approach to going fullscreen is best used over the window flag when * it is a transient state -- that is, the application does this at certain * points in its user interaction where it wants to allow the user to focus * on content, but not as a continuous state. For situations where the application * would like to simply stay full screen the entire time (such as a game that * wants to take over the screen), the * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN window flag} * is usually a better approach. The state set here will be removed by the system * in various situations (such as the user moving to another application) like * the other system UI states. * * <p>When using this flag, the application should provide some easy facility * for the user to go out of it. A common example would be in an e-book * reader, where tapping on the screen brings back whatever screen and UI * decorations that had been hidden while the user was immersed in reading * the book. * * @see #setSystemUiVisibility(int) */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN = 0x00000004;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): When using other layout flags, we would like a stable view of the content insets given to fitSystemWindows(Rect). This means that the insets seen there will always represent the worst case that the application can expect as a continuous state. In the stock Android UI this is the space for the system bar, nav bar, and status bar, but not more transient elements such as an input method. The stable layout your UI sees is based on the system UI modes you can switch to. That is, if you specify SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN then you will get a stable layout for changes of the SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN mode; if you specify SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION, then you can transition to SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION with a stable layout. (Note that you should avoid using SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION by itself.) If you have set the window flag LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN to hide the status bar (instead of using SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN), then a hidden status bar will be considered a "stable" state for purposes here. This allows your UI to continually hide the status bar, while still using the system UI flags to hide the action bar while still retaining a stable layout. Note that changing the window fullscreen flag will never provide a stable layout for a clean transition.

If you are using ActionBar in overlay mode with Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY, this flag will also impact the insets it adds to those given to the application.

/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: When using other layout * flags, we would like a stable view of the content insets given to * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)}. This means that the insets seen there * will always represent the worst case that the application can expect * as a continuous state. In the stock Android UI this is the space for * the system bar, nav bar, and status bar, but not more transient elements * such as an input method. * * The stable layout your UI sees is based on the system UI modes you can * switch to. That is, if you specify {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} * then you will get a stable layout for changes of the * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN} mode; if you specify * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} and * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, then you can transition * to {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN} and {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION} * with a stable layout. (Note that you should avoid using * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION} by itself.) * * If you have set the window flag {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN} * to hide the status bar (instead of using {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN}), * then a hidden status bar will be considered a "stable" state for purposes * here. This allows your UI to continually hide the status bar, while still * using the system UI flags to hide the action bar while still retaining * a stable layout. Note that changing the window fullscreen flag will never * provide a stable layout for a clean transition. * * <p>If you are using ActionBar in * overlay mode with {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY * Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY}, this flag will also impact the * insets it adds to those given to the application. */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE = 0x00000100;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): View would like its window to be laid out as if it has requested SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION, even if it currently hasn't. This allows it to avoid artifacts when switching in and out of that mode, at the expense that some of its user interface may be covered by screen decorations when they are shown. You can perform layout of your inner UI elements to account for the navigation system UI through the fitSystemWindows(Rect) method.
/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: View would like its window * to be laid out as if it has requested * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, even if it currently hasn't. This * allows it to avoid artifacts when switching in and out of that mode, at * the expense that some of its user interface may be covered by screen * decorations when they are shown. You can perform layout of your inner * UI elements to account for the navigation system UI through the * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} method. */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION = 0x00000200;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): View would like its window to be laid out as if it has requested SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN, even if it currently hasn't. This allows it to avoid artifacts when switching in and out of that mode, at the expense that some of its user interface may be covered by screen decorations when they are shown. You can perform layout of your inner UI elements to account for non-fullscreen system UI through the fitSystemWindows(Rect) method.

Note: on displays that have a DisplayCutout, the window may still be placed differently than if SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN was set, if the window's layoutInDisplayCutoutMode is LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT. To avoid this, use either of the other modes.

See Also:
/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: View would like its window * to be laid out as if it has requested * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN}, even if it currently hasn't. This * allows it to avoid artifacts when switching in and out of that mode, at * the expense that some of its user interface may be covered by screen * decorations when they are shown. You can perform layout of your inner * UI elements to account for non-fullscreen system UI through the * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} method. * * <p>Note: on displays that have a {@link DisplayCutout}, the window may still be placed * differently than if {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN} was set, if the * window's {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#layoutInDisplayCutoutMode * layoutInDisplayCutoutMode} is * {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT * LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT}. To avoid this, use either of the other modes. * * @see WindowManager.LayoutParams#layoutInDisplayCutoutMode * @see WindowManager.LayoutParams#LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT * @see WindowManager.LayoutParams#LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_ALWAYS * @see WindowManager.LayoutParams#LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_NEVER */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN = 0x00000400;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): View would like to remain interactive when hiding the navigation bar with SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION. If this flag is not set, SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION will be force cleared by the system on any user interaction.

Since this flag is a modifier for SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION, it only has an effect when used in combination with that flag.

/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: View would like to remain interactive when * hiding the navigation bar with {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}. If this flag is * not set, {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION} will be force cleared by the system on any * user interaction. * <p>Since this flag is a modifier for {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, it only * has an effect when used in combination with that flag.</p> */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE = 0x00000800;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): View would like to remain interactive when hiding the status bar with SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN and/or hiding the navigation bar with SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION. Use this flag to create an immersive experience while also hiding the system bars. If this flag is not set, SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION will be force cleared by the system on any user interaction, and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN will be force-cleared by the system if the user swipes from the top of the screen.

When system bars are hidden in immersive mode, they can be revealed temporarily with system gestures, such as swiping from the top of the screen. These transient system bars will overlay app’s content, may have some degree of transparency, and will automatically hide after a short timeout.

Since this flag is a modifier for SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION, it only has an effect when used in combination with one or both of those flags.

/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: View would like to remain interactive when * hiding the status bar with {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN} and/or hiding the navigation * bar with {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}. Use this flag to create an immersive * experience while also hiding the system bars. If this flag is not set, * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION} will be force cleared by the system on any user * interaction, and {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN} will be force-cleared by the system * if the user swipes from the top of the screen. * <p>When system bars are hidden in immersive mode, they can be revealed temporarily with * system gestures, such as swiping from the top of the screen. These transient system bars * will overlay app’s content, may have some degree of transparency, and will automatically * hide after a short timeout. * </p><p>Since this flag is a modifier for {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN} and * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, it only has an effect when used in combination * with one or both of those flags.</p> */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY = 0x00001000;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): Requests the status bar to draw in a mode that is compatible with light status bar backgrounds.

For this to take effect, the window must request FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS but not FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS.

See Also:
  • windowLightStatusBar.windowLightStatusBar
/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: Requests the status bar to draw in a mode that * is compatible with light status bar backgrounds. * * <p>For this to take effect, the window must request * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS * FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS} but not * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS * FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS}. * * @see android.R.attr#windowLightStatusBar */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR = 0x00002000;
This flag was previously used for a private API. DO NOT reuse it for a public API as it might trigger undefined behavior on older platforms with apps compiled against a new SDK.
/** * This flag was previously used for a private API. DO NOT reuse it for a public API as it might * trigger undefined behavior on older platforms with apps compiled against a new SDK. */
private static final int SYSTEM_UI_RESERVED_LEGACY1 = 0x00004000;
This flag was previously used for a private API. DO NOT reuse it for a public API as it might trigger undefined behavior on older platforms with apps compiled against a new SDK.
/** * This flag was previously used for a private API. DO NOT reuse it for a public API as it might * trigger undefined behavior on older platforms with apps compiled against a new SDK. */
private static final int SYSTEM_UI_RESERVED_LEGACY2 = 0x00010000;
Flag for setSystemUiVisibility(int): Requests the navigation bar to draw in a mode that is compatible with light navigation bar backgrounds.

For this to take effect, the window must request FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS but not FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION.

See Also:
  • windowLightNavigationBar.windowLightNavigationBar
/** * Flag for {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}: Requests the navigation bar to draw in a mode * that is compatible with light navigation bar backgrounds. * * <p>For this to take effect, the window must request * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS * FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS} but not * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION * FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION}. * * @see android.R.attr#windowLightNavigationBar */
public static final int SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR = 0x00000010;
Deprecated:Use SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE instead.
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE} instead. */
@Deprecated public static final int STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN = SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE;
Deprecated:Use SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE instead.
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE} instead. */
@Deprecated public static final int STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE = SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to make the status bar not expandable. Unless you also set STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS, new notifications will continue to show.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to make the status bar not expandable. Unless you also * set {@link #STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS}, new notifications will continue to show. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_EXPAND = 0x00010000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to hide notification icons and scrolling ticker text.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to hide notification icons and scrolling ticker text. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS = 0x00020000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to disable incoming notification alerts. This will not block icons, but it will block sound, vibrating and other visual or aural notifications.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to disable incoming notification alerts. This will not block * icons, but it will block sound, vibrating and other visual or aural notifications. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ALERTS = 0x00040000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to hide only the scrolling ticker. Note that STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS implies STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_TICKER.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to hide only the scrolling ticker. Note that * {@link #STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS} implies * {@link #STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_TICKER}. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_TICKER = 0x00080000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to hide the center system info area.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to hide the center system info area. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_SYSTEM_INFO = 0x00100000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to hide only the home button. Don't use this unless you're a special part of the system UI (i.e., setup wizard, keyguard).
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to hide only the home button. Don't use this * unless you're a special part of the system UI (i.e., setup wizard, keyguard). */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_HOME = 0x00200000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to hide only the back button. Don't use this unless you're a special part of the system UI (i.e., setup wizard, keyguard).
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to hide only the back button. Don't use this * unless you're a special part of the system UI (i.e., setup wizard, keyguard). */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_BACK = 0x00400000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to hide only the clock. You might use this if your activity has its own clock making the status bar's clock redundant.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to hide only the clock. You might use this if your activity has * its own clock making the status bar's clock redundant. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_CLOCK = 0x00800000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to hide only the recent apps button. Don't use this unless you're a special part of the system UI (i.e., setup wizard, keyguard).
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to hide only the recent apps button. Don't use this * unless you're a special part of the system UI (i.e., setup wizard, keyguard). */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_RECENT = 0x01000000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to disable the global search gesture. Don't use this unless you're a special part of the system UI (i.e., setup wizard, keyguard).
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to disable the global search gesture. Don't use this * unless you're a special part of the system UI (i.e., setup wizard, keyguard). */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_SEARCH = 0x02000000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to specify that the status bar is displayed in transient mode.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to specify that the status bar is displayed in transient mode. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_TRANSIENT = 0x04000000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to specify that the navigation bar is displayed in transient mode.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to specify that the navigation bar is displayed in transient mode. */
public static final int NAVIGATION_BAR_TRANSIENT = 0x08000000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to specify that the hidden status bar would like to be shown.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to specify that the hidden status bar would like to be shown. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_UNHIDE = 0x10000000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to specify that the hidden navigation bar would like to be shown.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to specify that the hidden navigation bar would like to be shown. */
public static final int NAVIGATION_BAR_UNHIDE = 0x20000000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to specify that the status bar is displayed in translucent mode.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to specify that the status bar is displayed in translucent mode. */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_TRANSLUCENT = 0x40000000;
@hide NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. Flag to specify that the navigation bar is displayed in translucent mode.
/** * @hide * * NOTE: This flag may only be used in subtreeSystemUiVisibility. It is masked * out of the public fields to keep the undefined bits out of the developer's way. * * Flag to specify that the navigation bar is displayed in translucent mode. */
public static final int NAVIGATION_BAR_TRANSLUCENT = 0x80000000;
@hide Makes navigation bar transparent (but not the status bar).
/** * @hide * * Makes navigation bar transparent (but not the status bar). */
public static final int NAVIGATION_BAR_TRANSPARENT = 0x00008000;
@hide Makes status bar transparent (but not the navigation bar).
/** * @hide * * Makes status bar transparent (but not the navigation bar). */
public static final int STATUS_BAR_TRANSPARENT = 0x00000008;
@hide Makes both status bar and navigation bar transparent.
/** * @hide * * Makes both status bar and navigation bar transparent. */
/** * @hide */
public static final int PUBLIC_STATUS_BAR_VISIBILITY_MASK = 0x00003FF7;
These are the system UI flags that can be cleared by events outside of an application. Currently this is just the ability to tap on the screen while hiding the navigation bar to have it return.
/** * These are the system UI flags that can be cleared by events outside * of an application. Currently this is just the ability to tap on the * screen while hiding the navigation bar to have it return. * @hide */
Flags that can impact the layout in relation to system UI.
/** * Flags that can impact the layout in relation to system UI. */
/** @hide */
@IntDef(flag = true, prefix = { "FIND_VIEWS_" }, value = { FIND_VIEWS_WITH_TEXT, FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface FindViewFlags {}
Find views that render the specified text.
See Also:
  • findViewsWithText(ArrayList, CharSequence, int)
/** * Find views that render the specified text. * * @see #findViewsWithText(ArrayList, CharSequence, int) */
public static final int FIND_VIEWS_WITH_TEXT = 0x00000001;
Find find views that contain the specified content description.
See Also:
  • findViewsWithText(ArrayList, CharSequence, int)
/** * Find find views that contain the specified content description. * * @see #findViewsWithText(ArrayList, CharSequence, int) */
public static final int FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = 0x00000002;
Find views that contain AccessibilityNodeProvider. Such a View is a root of virtual view hierarchy and may contain the searched text. If this flag is set Views with providers are automatically added and it is a responsibility of the client to call the APIs of the provider to determine whether the virtual tree rooted at this View contains the text, i.e. getting the list of AccessibilityNodeInfos representing the virtual views with this text.
See Also:
/** * Find views that contain {@link AccessibilityNodeProvider}. Such * a View is a root of virtual view hierarchy and may contain the searched * text. If this flag is set Views with providers are automatically * added and it is a responsibility of the client to call the APIs of * the provider to determine whether the virtual tree rooted at this View * contains the text, i.e. getting the list of {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s * representing the virtual views with this text. * * @see #findViewsWithText(ArrayList, CharSequence, int) * * @hide */
public static final int FIND_VIEWS_WITH_ACCESSIBILITY_NODE_PROVIDERS = 0x00000004;
The undefined cursor position.
/** * The undefined cursor position. * * @hide */
Indicates that the screen has changed state and is now off.
See Also:
  • onScreenStateChanged(int)
/** * Indicates that the screen has changed state and is now off. * * @see #onScreenStateChanged(int) */
public static final int SCREEN_STATE_OFF = 0x0;
Indicates that the screen has changed state and is now on.
See Also:
  • onScreenStateChanged(int)
/** * Indicates that the screen has changed state and is now on. * * @see #onScreenStateChanged(int) */
public static final int SCREEN_STATE_ON = 0x1;
Indicates no axis of view scrolling.
/** * Indicates no axis of view scrolling. */
public static final int SCROLL_AXIS_NONE = 0;
Indicates scrolling along the horizontal axis.
/** * Indicates scrolling along the horizontal axis. */
public static final int SCROLL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL = 1 << 0;
Indicates scrolling along the vertical axis.
/** * Indicates scrolling along the vertical axis. */
public static final int SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL = 1 << 1; /** * Controls the over-scroll mode for this view. * See {@link #overScrollBy(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean)}, * {@link #OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS}, {@link #OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS}, * and {@link #OVER_SCROLL_NEVER}. */ private int mOverScrollMode;
The parent this view is attached to. {@hide}
See Also:
/** * The parent this view is attached to. * {@hide} * * @see #getParent() */
protected ViewParent mParent;
/** * {@hide} */
AttachInfo mAttachInfo;
/** * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(flagMapping = { @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT, equals = PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT, name = "FORCE_LAYOUT"), @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED, equals = PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED, name = "LAYOUT_REQUIRED"), @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID, equals = PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID, name = "DRAWING_CACHE_INVALID", outputIf = false), @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = PFLAG_DRAWN, equals = PFLAG_DRAWN, name = "DRAWN", outputIf = true), @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = PFLAG_DRAWN, equals = PFLAG_DRAWN, name = "NOT_DRAWN", outputIf = false), @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK, equals = PFLAG_DIRTY_OPAQUE, name = "DIRTY_OPAQUE"), @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK, equals = PFLAG_DIRTY, name = "DIRTY") }, formatToHexString = true) /* @hide */ public int mPrivateFlags; int mPrivateFlags2; int mPrivateFlags3;
This view's request for the visibility of the status bar.
/** * This view's request for the visibility of the status bar. * @hide */
Reference count for transient state.
See Also:
  • setHasTransientState(boolean)
/** * Reference count for transient state. * @see #setHasTransientState(boolean) */
int mTransientStateCount = 0;
Count of how many windows this view has been attached to.
/** * Count of how many windows this view has been attached to. */
int mWindowAttachCount;
The layout parameters associated with this view and used by the parent ViewGroup to determine how this view should be laid out. {@hide}
/** * The layout parameters associated with this view and used by the parent * {@link android.view.ViewGroup} to determine how this view should be * laid out. * {@hide} */
protected ViewGroup.LayoutParams mLayoutParams;
The view flags hold various views states. {@hide}
/** * The view flags hold various views states. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(formatToHexString = true) int mViewFlags; static class TransformationInfo {
The transform matrix for the View. This transform is calculated internally based on the translation, rotation, and scale properties. Do *not* use this variable directly; instead call getMatrix(), which will load the value from the View's RenderNode.
/** * The transform matrix for the View. This transform is calculated internally * based on the translation, rotation, and scale properties. * * Do *not* use this variable directly; instead call getMatrix(), which will * load the value from the View's RenderNode. */
private final Matrix mMatrix = new Matrix();
The inverse transform matrix for the View. This transform is calculated internally based on the translation, rotation, and scale properties. Do *not* use this variable directly; instead call getInverseMatrix(), which will load the value from the View's RenderNode.
/** * The inverse transform matrix for the View. This transform is calculated * internally based on the translation, rotation, and scale properties. * * Do *not* use this variable directly; instead call getInverseMatrix(), * which will load the value from the View's RenderNode. */
private Matrix mInverseMatrix;
The opacity of the View. This is a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means completely transparent and 1 means completely opaque.
/** * The opacity of the View. This is a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means * completely transparent and 1 means completely opaque. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty float mAlpha = 1f;
The opacity of the view as manipulated by the Fade transition. This is a hidden property only used by transitions, which is composited with the other alpha values to calculate the final visual alpha value.
/** * The opacity of the view as manipulated by the Fade transition. This is a hidden * property only used by transitions, which is composited with the other alpha * values to calculate the final visual alpha value. */
float mTransitionAlpha = 1f; }
/** @hide */
public TransformationInfo mTransformationInfo;
Current clip bounds. to which all drawing of this view are constrained.
/** * Current clip bounds. to which all drawing of this view are constrained. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") Rect mClipBounds = null; private boolean mLastIsOpaque;
The distance in pixels from the left edge of this view's parent to the left edge of this view. {@hide}
/** * The distance in pixels from the left edge of this view's parent * to the left edge of this view. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") protected int mLeft;
The distance in pixels from the left edge of this view's parent to the right edge of this view. {@hide}
/** * The distance in pixels from the left edge of this view's parent * to the right edge of this view. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") protected int mRight;
The distance in pixels from the top edge of this view's parent to the top edge of this view. {@hide}
/** * The distance in pixels from the top edge of this view's parent * to the top edge of this view. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") protected int mTop;
The distance in pixels from the top edge of this view's parent to the bottom edge of this view. {@hide}
/** * The distance in pixels from the top edge of this view's parent * to the bottom edge of this view. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") protected int mBottom;
The offset, in pixels, by which the content of this view is scrolled horizontally. {@hide}
/** * The offset, in pixels, by which the content of this view is scrolled * horizontally. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "scrolling") protected int mScrollX;
The offset, in pixels, by which the content of this view is scrolled vertically. {@hide}
/** * The offset, in pixels, by which the content of this view is scrolled * vertically. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "scrolling") protected int mScrollY;
The left padding in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the left edge of this view and the left edge of its content. {@hide}
/** * The left padding in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the * left edge of this view and the left edge of its content. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") protected int mPaddingLeft = 0;
The right padding in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the right edge of this view and the right edge of its content. {@hide}
/** * The right padding in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the * right edge of this view and the right edge of its content. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") protected int mPaddingRight = 0;
The top padding in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the top edge of this view and the top edge of its content. {@hide}
/** * The top padding in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the * top edge of this view and the top edge of its content. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") protected int mPaddingTop;
The bottom padding in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the bottom edge of this view and the bottom edge of its content. {@hide}
/** * The bottom padding in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the * bottom edge of this view and the bottom edge of its content. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") protected int mPaddingBottom;
The layout insets in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the visible edges of this view its bounds.
/** * The layout insets in pixels, that is the distance in pixels between the * visible edges of this view its bounds. */
private Insets mLayoutInsets;
Briefly describes the view and is primarily used for accessibility support.
/** * Briefly describes the view and is primarily used for accessibility support. */
private CharSequence mContentDescription;
If this view represents a distinct part of the window, it can have a title that labels the area.
/** * If this view represents a distinct part of the window, it can have a title that labels the * area. */
private CharSequence mAccessibilityPaneTitle;
Specifies the id of a view for which this view serves as a label for accessibility purposes.
/** * Specifies the id of a view for which this view serves as a label for * accessibility purposes. */
private int mLabelForId = View.NO_ID;
Predicate for matching labeled view id with its label for accessibility purposes.
/** * Predicate for matching labeled view id with its label for * accessibility purposes. */
private MatchLabelForPredicate mMatchLabelForPredicate;
Specifies a view before which this one is visited in accessibility traversal.
/** * Specifies a view before which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. */
private int mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = NO_ID;
Specifies a view after which this one is visited in accessibility traversal.
/** * Specifies a view after which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. */
private int mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = NO_ID;
Predicate for matching a view by its id.
/** * Predicate for matching a view by its id. */
private MatchIdPredicate mMatchIdPredicate;
Cache the paddingRight set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size.
/** * Cache the paddingRight set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size. * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") protected int mUserPaddingRight;
Cache the paddingBottom set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size.
/** * Cache the paddingBottom set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size. * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") protected int mUserPaddingBottom;
Cache the paddingLeft set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size.
/** * Cache the paddingLeft set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size. * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") protected int mUserPaddingLeft;
Cache the paddingStart set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size.
/** * Cache the paddingStart set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size. * */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") int mUserPaddingStart;
Cache the paddingEnd set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size.
/** * Cache the paddingEnd set by the user to append to the scrollbar's size. * */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding") int mUserPaddingEnd;
Cache initial left padding.
/** * Cache initial left padding. * * @hide */
int mUserPaddingLeftInitial;
Cache initial right padding.
/** * Cache initial right padding. * * @hide */
int mUserPaddingRightInitial;
Default undefined padding
/** * Default undefined padding */
private static final int UNDEFINED_PADDING = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Cache if a left padding has been defined
/** * Cache if a left padding has been defined */
private boolean mLeftPaddingDefined = false;
Cache if a right padding has been defined
/** * Cache if a right padding has been defined */
private boolean mRightPaddingDefined = false;
/** * @hide */
int mOldWidthMeasureSpec = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
/** * @hide */
int mOldHeightMeasureSpec = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private LongSparseLongArray mMeasureCache; @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(deepExport = true, prefix = "bg_") private Drawable mBackground; private TintInfo mBackgroundTint; @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(deepExport = true, prefix = "fg_") private ForegroundInfo mForegroundInfo; private Drawable mScrollIndicatorDrawable;
RenderNode used for backgrounds.

When non-null and valid, this is expected to contain an up-to-date copy of the background drawable. It is cleared on temporary detach, and reset on cleanup.

/** * RenderNode used for backgrounds. * <p> * When non-null and valid, this is expected to contain an up-to-date copy * of the background drawable. It is cleared on temporary detach, and reset * on cleanup. */
private RenderNode mBackgroundRenderNode; private int mBackgroundResource; private boolean mBackgroundSizeChanged;
The default focus highlight.
See Also:
/** The default focus highlight. * @see #mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled * @see Drawable#hasFocusStateSpecified() */
private Drawable mDefaultFocusHighlight; private Drawable mDefaultFocusHighlightCache; private boolean mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged;
True if the default focus highlight is needed on the target device.
/** * True if the default focus highlight is needed on the target device. */
private static boolean sUseDefaultFocusHighlight;
True if zero-sized views can be focused.
/** * True if zero-sized views can be focused. */
private static boolean sCanFocusZeroSized;
Always assign focus if a focusable View is available.
/** * Always assign focus if a focusable View is available. */
private static boolean sAlwaysAssignFocus; private String mTransitionName; static class TintInfo { ColorStateList mTintList; PorterDuff.Mode mTintMode; boolean mHasTintMode; boolean mHasTintList; } private static class ForegroundInfo { private Drawable mDrawable; private TintInfo mTintInfo; private int mGravity = Gravity.FILL; private boolean mInsidePadding = true; private boolean mBoundsChanged = true; private final Rect mSelfBounds = new Rect(); private final Rect mOverlayBounds = new Rect(); } static class ListenerInfo {
Listener used to dispatch focus change events. This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. {@hide}
/** * Listener used to dispatch focus change events. * This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. * {@hide} */
protected OnFocusChangeListener mOnFocusChangeListener;
Listeners for layout change events.
/** * Listeners for layout change events. */
private ArrayList<OnLayoutChangeListener> mOnLayoutChangeListeners; protected OnScrollChangeListener mOnScrollChangeListener;
Listeners for attach events.
/** * Listeners for attach events. */
private CopyOnWriteArrayList<OnAttachStateChangeListener> mOnAttachStateChangeListeners;
Listener used to dispatch click events. This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. {@hide}
/** * Listener used to dispatch click events. * This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. * {@hide} */
public OnClickListener mOnClickListener;
Listener used to dispatch long click events. This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. {@hide}
/** * Listener used to dispatch long click events. * This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. * {@hide} */
protected OnLongClickListener mOnLongClickListener;
Listener used to dispatch context click events. This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. {@hide}
/** * Listener used to dispatch context click events. This field should be made private, so it * is hidden from the SDK. * {@hide} */
protected OnContextClickListener mOnContextClickListener;
Listener used to build the context menu. This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. {@hide}
/** * Listener used to build the context menu. * This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. * {@hide} */
protected OnCreateContextMenuListener mOnCreateContextMenuListener; private OnKeyListener mOnKeyListener; private OnTouchListener mOnTouchListener; private OnHoverListener mOnHoverListener; private OnGenericMotionListener mOnGenericMotionListener; private OnDragListener mOnDragListener; private OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener mOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener; OnApplyWindowInsetsListener mOnApplyWindowInsetsListener; OnCapturedPointerListener mOnCapturedPointerListener; private ArrayList<OnUnhandledKeyEventListener> mUnhandledKeyListeners; } ListenerInfo mListenerInfo; private static class TooltipInfo {
Text to be displayed in a tooltip popup.
/** * Text to be displayed in a tooltip popup. */
@Nullable CharSequence mTooltipText;
View-relative position of the tooltip anchor point.
/** * View-relative position of the tooltip anchor point. */
int mAnchorX; int mAnchorY;
The tooltip popup.
/** * The tooltip popup. */
@Nullable TooltipPopup mTooltipPopup;
Set to true if the tooltip was shown as a result of a long click.
/** * Set to true if the tooltip was shown as a result of a long click. */
boolean mTooltipFromLongClick;
Keep these Runnables so that they can be used to reschedule.
/** * Keep these Runnables so that they can be used to reschedule. */
Runnable mShowTooltipRunnable; Runnable mHideTooltipRunnable;
Hover move is ignored if it is within this distance in pixels from the previous one.
/** * Hover move is ignored if it is within this distance in pixels from the previous one. */
int mHoverSlop;
Update the anchor position if it significantly (that is by at least mHoverSlop) different from the previously stored position. Ignoring insignificant changes filters out the jitter which is typical for such input sources as stylus.
Returns:True if the position has been updated.
/** * Update the anchor position if it significantly (that is by at least mHoverSlop) * different from the previously stored position. Ignoring insignificant changes * filters out the jitter which is typical for such input sources as stylus. * * @return True if the position has been updated. */
private boolean updateAnchorPos(MotionEvent event) { final int newAnchorX = (int) event.getX(); final int newAnchorY = (int) event.getY(); if (Math.abs(newAnchorX - mAnchorX) <= mHoverSlop && Math.abs(newAnchorY - mAnchorY) <= mHoverSlop) { return false; } mAnchorX = newAnchorX; mAnchorY = newAnchorY; return true; }
Clear the anchor position to ensure that the next change is considered significant.
/** * Clear the anchor position to ensure that the next change is considered significant. */
private void clearAnchorPos() { mAnchorX = Integer.MAX_VALUE; mAnchorY = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } TooltipInfo mTooltipInfo; // Temporary values used to hold (x,y) coordinates when delegating from the // two-arg performLongClick() method to the legacy no-arg version. private float mLongClickX = Float.NaN; private float mLongClickY = Float.NaN;
The application environment this view lives in. This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. {@hide}
/** * The application environment this view lives in. * This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK. * {@hide} */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(deepExport = true) protected Context mContext; private final Resources mResources; private ScrollabilityCache mScrollCache; private int[] mDrawableState = null; ViewOutlineProvider mOutlineProvider = ViewOutlineProvider.BACKGROUND;
Animator that automatically runs based on state changes.
/** * Animator that automatically runs based on state changes. */
private StateListAnimator mStateListAnimator;
When this view has focus and the next focus is FOCUS_LEFT, the user may specify which view to go to next.
/** * When this view has focus and the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_LEFT}, * the user may specify which view to go to next. */
private int mNextFocusLeftId = View.NO_ID;
When this view has focus and the next focus is FOCUS_RIGHT, the user may specify which view to go to next.
/** * When this view has focus and the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_RIGHT}, * the user may specify which view to go to next. */
private int mNextFocusRightId = View.NO_ID;
When this view has focus and the next focus is FOCUS_UP, the user may specify which view to go to next.
/** * When this view has focus and the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_UP}, * the user may specify which view to go to next. */
private int mNextFocusUpId = View.NO_ID;
When this view has focus and the next focus is FOCUS_DOWN, the user may specify which view to go to next.
/** * When this view has focus and the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_DOWN}, * the user may specify which view to go to next. */
private int mNextFocusDownId = View.NO_ID;
When this view has focus and the next focus is FOCUS_FORWARD, the user may specify which view to go to next.
/** * When this view has focus and the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_FORWARD}, * the user may specify which view to go to next. */
int mNextFocusForwardId = View.NO_ID;
User-specified next keyboard navigation cluster in the FOCUS_FORWARD direction.
See Also:
/** * User-specified next keyboard navigation cluster in the {@link #FOCUS_FORWARD} direction. * * @see #findUserSetNextKeyboardNavigationCluster(View, int) */
int mNextClusterForwardId = View.NO_ID;
Whether this View should use a default focus highlight when it gets focused but doesn't have state_focused.state_focused defined in its background.
/** * Whether this View should use a default focus highlight when it gets focused but doesn't * have {@link android.R.attr#state_focused} defined in its background. */
boolean mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled = true; private CheckForLongPress mPendingCheckForLongPress; private CheckForTap mPendingCheckForTap = null; private PerformClick mPerformClick; private SendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent; private UnsetPressedState mUnsetPressedState;
Whether the long press's action has been invoked. The tap's action is invoked on the up event while a long press is invoked as soon as the long press duration is reached, so a long press could be performed before the tap is checked, in which case the tap's action should not be invoked.
/** * Whether the long press's action has been invoked. The tap's action is invoked on the * up event while a long press is invoked as soon as the long press duration is reached, so * a long press could be performed before the tap is checked, in which case the tap's action * should not be invoked. */
private boolean mHasPerformedLongPress;
Whether a context click button is currently pressed down. This is true when the stylus is touching the screen and the primary button has been pressed, or if a mouse's right button is pressed. This is false once the button is released or if the stylus has been lifted.
/** * Whether a context click button is currently pressed down. This is true when the stylus is * touching the screen and the primary button has been pressed, or if a mouse's right button is * pressed. This is false once the button is released or if the stylus has been lifted. */
private boolean mInContextButtonPress;
Whether the next up event should be ignored for the purposes of gesture recognition. This is true after a stylus button press has occured, when the next up event should not be recognized as a tap.
/** * Whether the next up event should be ignored for the purposes of gesture recognition. This is * true after a stylus button press has occured, when the next up event should not be recognized * as a tap. */
private boolean mIgnoreNextUpEvent;
The minimum height of the view. We'll try our best to have the height of this view to at least this amount.
/** * The minimum height of the view. We'll try our best to have the height * of this view to at least this amount. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "measurement") private int mMinHeight;
The minimum width of the view. We'll try our best to have the width of this view to at least this amount.
/** * The minimum width of the view. We'll try our best to have the width * of this view to at least this amount. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "measurement") private int mMinWidth;
The delegate to handle touch events that are physically in this view but should be handled by another view.
/** * The delegate to handle touch events that are physically in this view * but should be handled by another view. */
private TouchDelegate mTouchDelegate = null;
Solid color to use as a background when creating the drawing cache. Enables the cache to use 16 bit bitmaps instead of 32 bit.
/** * Solid color to use as a background when creating the drawing cache. Enables * the cache to use 16 bit bitmaps instead of 32 bit. */
private int mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0;
Special tree observer used when mAttachInfo is null.
/** * Special tree observer used when mAttachInfo is null. */
private ViewTreeObserver mFloatingTreeObserver;
Cache the touch slop from the context that created the view.
/** * Cache the touch slop from the context that created the view. */
private int mTouchSlop;
Object that handles automatic animation of view properties.
/** * Object that handles automatic animation of view properties. */
private ViewPropertyAnimator mAnimator = null;
List of registered FrameMetricsObservers.
/** * List of registered FrameMetricsObservers. */
private ArrayList<FrameMetricsObserver> mFrameMetricsObservers;
Flag indicating that a drag can cross window boundaries. When startDragAndDrop(ClipData, DragShadowBuilder, Object, int) is called with this flag set, all visible applications with targetSdkVersion >= API 24 will be able to participate in the drag operation and receive the dragged content.

If this is the only flag set, then the drag recipient will only have access to text data and intents contained in the ClipData object. Access to URIs contained in the ClipData is determined by other DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_* flags

/** * Flag indicating that a drag can cross window boundaries. When * {@link #startDragAndDrop(ClipData, DragShadowBuilder, Object, int)} is called * with this flag set, all visible applications with targetSdkVersion >= * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#N API 24} will be able to participate * in the drag operation and receive the dragged content. * * <p>If this is the only flag set, then the drag recipient will only have access to text data * and intents contained in the {@link ClipData} object. Access to URIs contained in the * {@link ClipData} is determined by other DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_* flags</p> */
public static final int DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL = 1 << 8; // 256
When this flag is used with DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL, the drag recipient will be able to request read access to the content URI(s) contained in the ClipData object.
See Also:
/** * When this flag is used with {@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL}, the drag recipient will be able to * request read access to the content URI(s) contained in the {@link ClipData} object. * @see android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION */
When this flag is used with DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL, the drag recipient will be able to request write access to the content URI(s) contained in the ClipData object.
See Also:
/** * When this flag is used with {@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL}, the drag recipient will be able to * request write access to the content URI(s) contained in the {@link ClipData} object. * @see android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION */
When this flag is used with DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_READ and/or DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_WRITE, the URI permission grant can be persisted across device reboots until explicitly revoked with Context.revokeUriPermission(Uri, int) Context.revokeUriPermission}.
See Also:
/** * When this flag is used with {@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_READ} and/or {@link * #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_WRITE}, the URI permission grant can be persisted across device * reboots until explicitly revoked with * {@link android.content.Context#revokeUriPermission(Uri, int)} Context.revokeUriPermission}. * @see android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION */
When this flag is used with DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_READ and/or DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_WRITE, the URI permission grant applies to any URI that is a prefix match against the original granted URI.
See Also:
/** * When this flag is used with {@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_READ} and/or {@link * #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_WRITE}, the URI permission grant applies to any URI that is a prefix * match against the original granted URI. * @see android.content.Intent#FLAG_GRANT_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION */
Flag indicating that the drag shadow will be opaque. When startDragAndDrop(ClipData, DragShadowBuilder, Object, int) is called with this flag set, the drag shadow will be opaque, otherwise, it will be semitransparent.
/** * Flag indicating that the drag shadow will be opaque. When * {@link #startDragAndDrop(ClipData, DragShadowBuilder, Object, int)} is called * with this flag set, the drag shadow will be opaque, otherwise, it will be semitransparent. */
public static final int DRAG_FLAG_OPAQUE = 1 << 9;
Vertical scroll factor cached by getVerticalScrollFactor.
/** * Vertical scroll factor cached by {@link #getVerticalScrollFactor}. */
private float mVerticalScrollFactor;
Position of the vertical scroll bar.
/** * Position of the vertical scroll bar. */
private int mVerticalScrollbarPosition;
Position the scroll bar at the default position as determined by the system.
/** * Position the scroll bar at the default position as determined by the system. */
public static final int SCROLLBAR_POSITION_DEFAULT = 0;
Position the scroll bar along the left edge.
/** * Position the scroll bar along the left edge. */
public static final int SCROLLBAR_POSITION_LEFT = 1;
Position the scroll bar along the right edge.
/** * Position the scroll bar along the right edge. */
public static final int SCROLLBAR_POSITION_RIGHT = 2;
Indicates that the view does not have a layer.
See Also:
/** * Indicates that the view does not have a layer. * * @see #getLayerType() * @see #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) * @see #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE * @see #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE */
public static final int LAYER_TYPE_NONE = 0;

Indicates that the view has a software layer. A software layer is backed by a bitmap and causes the view to be rendered using Android's software rendering pipeline, even if hardware acceleration is enabled.

Software layers have various usages:

When the application is not using hardware acceleration, a software layer is useful to apply a specific color filter and/or blending mode and/or translucency to a view and all its children.

When the application is using hardware acceleration, a software layer is useful to render drawing primitives not supported by the hardware accelerated pipeline. It can also be used to cache a complex view tree into a texture and reduce the complexity of drawing operations. For instance, when animating a complex view tree with a translation, a software layer can be used to render the view tree only once.

Software layers should be avoided when the affected view tree updates often. Every update will require to re-render the software layer, which can potentially be slow (particularly when hardware acceleration is turned on since the layer will have to be uploaded into a hardware texture after every update.)

See Also:
/** * <p>Indicates that the view has a software layer. A software layer is backed * by a bitmap and causes the view to be rendered using Android's software * rendering pipeline, even if hardware acceleration is enabled.</p> * * <p>Software layers have various usages:</p> * <p>When the application is not using hardware acceleration, a software layer * is useful to apply a specific color filter and/or blending mode and/or * translucency to a view and all its children.</p> * <p>When the application is using hardware acceleration, a software layer * is useful to render drawing primitives not supported by the hardware * accelerated pipeline. It can also be used to cache a complex view tree * into a texture and reduce the complexity of drawing operations. For instance, * when animating a complex view tree with a translation, a software layer can * be used to render the view tree only once.</p> * <p>Software layers should be avoided when the affected view tree updates * often. Every update will require to re-render the software layer, which can * potentially be slow (particularly when hardware acceleration is turned on * since the layer will have to be uploaded into a hardware texture after every * update.)</p> * * @see #getLayerType() * @see #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) * @see #LAYER_TYPE_NONE * @see #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE */
public static final int LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE = 1;

Indicates that the view has a hardware layer. A hardware layer is backed by a hardware specific texture (generally Frame Buffer Objects or FBO on OpenGL hardware) and causes the view to be rendered using Android's hardware rendering pipeline, but only if hardware acceleration is turned on for the view hierarchy. When hardware acceleration is turned off, hardware layers behave exactly as software layers.

A hardware layer is useful to apply a specific color filter and/or blending mode and/or translucency to a view and all its children.

A hardware layer can be used to cache a complex view tree into a texture and reduce the complexity of drawing operations. For instance, when animating a complex view tree with a translation, a hardware layer can be used to render the view tree only once.

A hardware layer can also be used to increase the rendering quality when rotation transformations are applied on a view. It can also be used to prevent potential clipping issues when applying 3D transforms on a view.

See Also:
/** * <p>Indicates that the view has a hardware layer. A hardware layer is backed * by a hardware specific texture (generally Frame Buffer Objects or FBO on * OpenGL hardware) and causes the view to be rendered using Android's hardware * rendering pipeline, but only if hardware acceleration is turned on for the * view hierarchy. When hardware acceleration is turned off, hardware layers * behave exactly as {@link #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE software layers}.</p> * * <p>A hardware layer is useful to apply a specific color filter and/or * blending mode and/or translucency to a view and all its children.</p> * <p>A hardware layer can be used to cache a complex view tree into a * texture and reduce the complexity of drawing operations. For instance, * when animating a complex view tree with a translation, a hardware layer can * be used to render the view tree only once.</p> * <p>A hardware layer can also be used to increase the rendering quality when * rotation transformations are applied on a view. It can also be used to * prevent potential clipping issues when applying 3D transforms on a view.</p> * * @see #getLayerType() * @see #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) * @see #LAYER_TYPE_NONE * @see #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE */
public static final int LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE = 2; @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYER_TYPE_NONE, to = "NONE"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, to = "SOFTWARE"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, to = "HARDWARE") }) int mLayerType = LAYER_TYPE_NONE; Paint mLayerPaint;
Set to true when drawing cache is enabled and cannot be created.
/** * Set to true when drawing cache is enabled and cannot be created. * * @hide */
public boolean mCachingFailed; private Bitmap mDrawingCache; private Bitmap mUnscaledDrawingCache;
RenderNode holding View properties, potentially holding a DisplayList of View content.

When non-null and valid, this is expected to contain an up-to-date copy of the View content. Its DisplayList content is cleared on temporary detach and reset on cleanup.

/** * RenderNode holding View properties, potentially holding a DisplayList of View content. * <p> * When non-null and valid, this is expected to contain an up-to-date copy * of the View content. Its DisplayList content is cleared on temporary detach and reset on * cleanup. */
final RenderNode mRenderNode;
Set to true when the view is sending hover accessibility events because it is the innermost hovered view.
/** * Set to true when the view is sending hover accessibility events because it * is the innermost hovered view. */
private boolean mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents;
Delegate for injecting accessibility functionality.
/** * Delegate for injecting accessibility functionality. */
AccessibilityDelegate mAccessibilityDelegate;
The view's overlay layer. Developers get a reference to the overlay via getOverlay() and add/remove objects to/from the overlay directly through the Overlay methods.
/** * The view's overlay layer. Developers get a reference to the overlay via getOverlay() * and add/remove objects to/from the overlay directly through the Overlay methods. */
ViewOverlay mOverlay;
The currently active parent view for receiving delegated nested scrolling events. This is set by startNestedScroll(int) during a touch interaction and cleared by stopNestedScroll() at the same point where we clear requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent.
/** * The currently active parent view for receiving delegated nested scrolling events. * This is set by {@link #startNestedScroll(int)} during a touch interaction and cleared * by {@link #stopNestedScroll()} at the same point where we clear * requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent. */
private ViewParent mNestedScrollingParent;
Consistency verifier for debugging purposes.
/** * Consistency verifier for debugging purposes. * @hide */
protected final InputEventConsistencyVerifier mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = InputEventConsistencyVerifier.isInstrumentationEnabled() ? new InputEventConsistencyVerifier(this, 0) : null; private static final AtomicInteger sNextGeneratedId = new AtomicInteger(1); private int[] mTempNestedScrollConsumed;
An overlay is going to draw this View instead of being drawn as part of this View's parent. mGhostView is the View in the Overlay that must be invalidated when this view is invalidated.
/** * An overlay is going to draw this View instead of being drawn as part of this * View's parent. mGhostView is the View in the Overlay that must be invalidated * when this view is invalidated. */
GhostView mGhostView;
Holds pairs of adjacent attribute data: attribute name followed by its value.
/** * Holds pairs of adjacent attribute data: attribute name followed by its value. * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "attributes", hasAdjacentMapping = true) public String[] mAttributes;
Maps a Resource id to its name.
/** * Maps a Resource id to its name. */
private static SparseArray<String> mAttributeMap;
Queue of pending runnables. Used to postpone calls to post() until this view is attached and has a handler.
/** * Queue of pending runnables. Used to postpone calls to post() until this * view is attached and has a handler. */
private HandlerActionQueue mRunQueue;
The pointer icon when the mouse hovers on this view. The default is null.
/** * The pointer icon when the mouse hovers on this view. The default is null. */
private PointerIcon mPointerIcon;
/** * @hide */
String mStartActivityRequestWho; @Nullable private RoundScrollbarRenderer mRoundScrollbarRenderer;
Used to delay visibility updates sent to the autofill manager
/** Used to delay visibility updates sent to the autofill manager */
private Handler mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler;
Simple constructor to use when creating a view from code.
  • context – The Context the view is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc.
/** * Simple constructor to use when creating a view from code. * * @param context The Context the view is running in, through which it can * access the current theme, resources, etc. */
public View(Context context) { mContext = context; mResources = context != null ? context.getResources() : null; mViewFlags = SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED | HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED | FOCUSABLE_AUTO; // Set some flags defaults mPrivateFlags2 = (LAYOUT_DIRECTION_DEFAULT << PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT) | (TEXT_DIRECTION_DEFAULT << PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT) | (PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT) | (TEXT_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT << PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_MASK_SHIFT) | (PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_DEFAULT) | (IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_DEFAULT << PFLAG2_IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_SHIFT); mTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop(); setOverScrollMode(OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS); mUserPaddingStart = UNDEFINED_PADDING; mUserPaddingEnd = UNDEFINED_PADDING; mRenderNode = RenderNode.create(getClass().getName(), this); if (!sCompatibilityDone && context != null) { final int targetSdkVersion = context.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion; // Older apps may need this compatibility hack for measurement. sUseBrokenMakeMeasureSpec = targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1; // Older apps expect onMeasure() to always be called on a layout pass, regardless // of whether a layout was requested on that View. sIgnoreMeasureCache = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT; Canvas.sCompatibilityRestore = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.M; Canvas.sCompatibilitySetBitmap = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.O; Canvas.setCompatibilityVersion(targetSdkVersion); // In M and newer, our widgets can pass a "hint" value in the size // for UNSPECIFIED MeasureSpecs. This lets child views of scrolling containers // know what the expected parent size is going to be, so e.g. list items can size // themselves at 1/3 the size of their container. It breaks older apps though, // specifically apps that use some popular open source libraries. sUseZeroUnspecifiedMeasureSpec = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.M; // Old versions of the platform would give different results from // LinearLayout measurement passes using EXACTLY and non-EXACTLY // modes, so we always need to run an additional EXACTLY pass. sAlwaysRemeasureExactly = targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M; // Prior to N, layout params could change without requiring a // subsequent call to setLayoutParams() and they would usually // work. Partial layout breaks this assumption. sLayoutParamsAlwaysChanged = targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M; // Prior to N, TextureView would silently ignore calls to setBackground/setForeground. // On N+, we throw, but that breaks compatibility with apps that use these methods. sTextureViewIgnoresDrawableSetters = targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M; // Prior to N, we would drop margins in LayoutParam conversions. The fix triggers bugs // in apps so we target check it to avoid breaking existing apps. sPreserveMarginParamsInLayoutParamConversion = targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N; sCascadedDragDrop = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.N; sHasFocusableExcludeAutoFocusable = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.O; sAutoFocusableOffUIThreadWontNotifyParents = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.O; sUseDefaultFocusHighlight = context.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_useDefaultFocusHighlight); sThrowOnInvalidFloatProperties = targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P; sCanFocusZeroSized = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.P; sAlwaysAssignFocus = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.P; sAcceptZeroSizeDragShadow = targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.P; sCompatibilityDone = true; } }
Constructor that is called when inflating a view from XML. This is called when a view is being constructed from an XML file, supplying attributes that were specified in the XML file. This version uses a default style of 0, so the only attribute values applied are those in the Context's Theme and the given AttributeSet.

The method onFinishInflate() will be called after all children have been added.

  • context – The Context the view is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc.
  • attrs – The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view.
See Also:
/** * Constructor that is called when inflating a view from XML. This is called * when a view is being constructed from an XML file, supplying attributes * that were specified in the XML file. This version uses a default style of * 0, so the only attribute values applied are those in the Context's Theme * and the given AttributeSet. * * <p> * The method onFinishInflate() will be called after all children have been * added. * * @param context The Context the view is running in, through which it can * access the current theme, resources, etc. * @param attrs The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view. * @see #View(Context, AttributeSet, int) */
public View(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); }
Perform inflation from XML and apply a class-specific base style from a theme attribute. This constructor of View allows subclasses to use their own base style when they are inflating. For example, a Button class's constructor would call this version of the super class constructor and supply R.attr.buttonStyle for defStyleAttr; this allows the theme's button style to modify all of the base view attributes (in particular its background) as well as the Button class's attributes.
  • context – The Context the view is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc.
  • attrs – The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view.
  • defStyleAttr – An attribute in the current theme that contains a reference to a style resource that supplies default values for the view. Can be 0 to not look for defaults.
See Also:
/** * Perform inflation from XML and apply a class-specific base style from a * theme attribute. This constructor of View allows subclasses to use their * own base style when they are inflating. For example, a Button class's * constructor would call this version of the super class constructor and * supply <code>R.attr.buttonStyle</code> for <var>defStyleAttr</var>; this * allows the theme's button style to modify all of the base view attributes * (in particular its background) as well as the Button class's attributes. * * @param context The Context the view is running in, through which it can * access the current theme, resources, etc. * @param attrs The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view. * @param defStyleAttr An attribute in the current theme that contains a * reference to a style resource that supplies default values for * the view. Can be 0 to not look for defaults. * @see #View(Context, AttributeSet) */
public View(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { this(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, 0); }
Perform inflation from XML and apply a class-specific base style from a theme attribute or style resource. This constructor of View allows subclasses to use their own base style when they are inflating.

When determining the final value of a particular attribute, there are four inputs that come into play:

  1. Any attribute values in the given AttributeSet.
  2. The style resource specified in the AttributeSet (named "style").
  3. The default style specified by defStyleAttr.
  4. The default style specified by defStyleRes.
  5. The base values in this theme.

Each of these inputs is considered in-order, with the first listed taking precedence over the following ones. In other words, if in the AttributeSet you have supplied <Button * textColor="#ff000000"> , then the button's text will always be black, regardless of what is specified in any of the styles.

  • context – The Context the view is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc.
  • attrs – The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view.
  • defStyleAttr – An attribute in the current theme that contains a reference to a style resource that supplies default values for the view. Can be 0 to not look for defaults.
  • defStyleRes – A resource identifier of a style resource that supplies default values for the view, used only if defStyleAttr is 0 or can not be found in the theme. Can be 0 to not look for defaults.
See Also:
/** * Perform inflation from XML and apply a class-specific base style from a * theme attribute or style resource. This constructor of View allows * subclasses to use their own base style when they are inflating. * <p> * When determining the final value of a particular attribute, there are * four inputs that come into play: * <ol> * <li>Any attribute values in the given AttributeSet. * <li>The style resource specified in the AttributeSet (named "style"). * <li>The default style specified by <var>defStyleAttr</var>. * <li>The default style specified by <var>defStyleRes</var>. * <li>The base values in this theme. * </ol> * <p> * Each of these inputs is considered in-order, with the first listed taking * precedence over the following ones. In other words, if in the * AttributeSet you have supplied <code>&lt;Button * textColor="#ff000000"&gt;</code> * , then the button's text will <em>always</em> be black, regardless of * what is specified in any of the styles. * * @param context The Context the view is running in, through which it can * access the current theme, resources, etc. * @param attrs The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view. * @param defStyleAttr An attribute in the current theme that contains a * reference to a style resource that supplies default values for * the view. Can be 0 to not look for defaults. * @param defStyleRes A resource identifier of a style resource that * supplies default values for the view, used only if * defStyleAttr is 0 or can not be found in the theme. Can be 0 * to not look for defaults. * @see #View(Context, AttributeSet, int) */
public View(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) { this(context); final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, com.android.internal.R.styleable.View, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes); if (mDebugViewAttributes) { saveAttributeData(attrs, a); } Drawable background = null; int leftPadding = -1; int topPadding = -1; int rightPadding = -1; int bottomPadding = -1; int startPadding = UNDEFINED_PADDING; int endPadding = UNDEFINED_PADDING; int padding = -1; int paddingHorizontal = -1; int paddingVertical = -1; int viewFlagValues = 0; int viewFlagMasks = 0; boolean setScrollContainer = false; int x = 0; int y = 0; float tx = 0; float ty = 0; float tz = 0; float elevation = 0; float rotation = 0; float rotationX = 0; float rotationY = 0; float sx = 1f; float sy = 1f; boolean transformSet = false; int scrollbarStyle = SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY; int overScrollMode = mOverScrollMode; boolean initializeScrollbars = false; boolean initializeScrollIndicators = false; boolean startPaddingDefined = false; boolean endPaddingDefined = false; boolean leftPaddingDefined = false; boolean rightPaddingDefined = false; final int targetSdkVersion = context.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion; // Set default values. viewFlagValues |= FOCUSABLE_AUTO; viewFlagMasks |= FOCUSABLE_AUTO; final int N = a.getIndexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { int attr = a.getIndex(i); switch (attr) { case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_background: background = a.getDrawable(attr); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_padding: padding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1); mUserPaddingLeftInitial = padding; mUserPaddingRightInitial = padding; leftPaddingDefined = true; rightPaddingDefined = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_paddingHorizontal: paddingHorizontal = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1); mUserPaddingLeftInitial = paddingHorizontal; mUserPaddingRightInitial = paddingHorizontal; leftPaddingDefined = true; rightPaddingDefined = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_paddingVertical: paddingVertical = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_paddingLeft: leftPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1); mUserPaddingLeftInitial = leftPadding; leftPaddingDefined = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_paddingTop: topPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_paddingRight: rightPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1); mUserPaddingRightInitial = rightPadding; rightPaddingDefined = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_paddingBottom: bottomPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_paddingStart: startPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, UNDEFINED_PADDING); startPaddingDefined = (startPadding != UNDEFINED_PADDING); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_paddingEnd: endPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, UNDEFINED_PADDING); endPaddingDefined = (endPadding != UNDEFINED_PADDING); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_scrollX: x = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(attr, 0); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_scrollY: y = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(attr, 0); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_alpha: setAlpha(a.getFloat(attr, 1f)); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_transformPivotX: setPivotX(a.getDimension(attr, 0)); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_transformPivotY: setPivotY(a.getDimension(attr, 0)); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_translationX: tx = a.getDimension(attr, 0); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_translationY: ty = a.getDimension(attr, 0); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_translationZ: tz = a.getDimension(attr, 0); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_elevation: elevation = a.getDimension(attr, 0); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_rotation: rotation = a.getFloat(attr, 0); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_rotationX: rotationX = a.getFloat(attr, 0); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_rotationY: rotationY = a.getFloat(attr, 0); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_scaleX: sx = a.getFloat(attr, 1f); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_scaleY: sy = a.getFloat(attr, 1f); transformSet = true; break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_id: mID = a.getResourceId(attr, NO_ID); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_tag: mTag = a.getText(attr); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_fitsSystemWindows: if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { viewFlagValues |= FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS; viewFlagMasks |= FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_focusable: viewFlagValues = (viewFlagValues & ~FOCUSABLE_MASK) | getFocusableAttribute(a); if ((viewFlagValues & FOCUSABLE_AUTO) == 0) { viewFlagMasks |= FOCUSABLE_MASK; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_focusableInTouchMode: if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { // unset auto focus since focusableInTouchMode implies explicit focusable viewFlagValues &= ~FOCUSABLE_AUTO; viewFlagValues |= FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE | FOCUSABLE; viewFlagMasks |= FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE | FOCUSABLE_MASK; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_clickable: if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { viewFlagValues |= CLICKABLE; viewFlagMasks |= CLICKABLE; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_longClickable: if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { viewFlagValues |= LONG_CLICKABLE; viewFlagMasks |= LONG_CLICKABLE; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_contextClickable: if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { viewFlagValues |= CONTEXT_CLICKABLE; viewFlagMasks |= CONTEXT_CLICKABLE; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_saveEnabled: if (!a.getBoolean(attr, true)) { viewFlagValues |= SAVE_DISABLED; viewFlagMasks |= SAVE_DISABLED_MASK; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_duplicateParentState: if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { viewFlagValues |= DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE; viewFlagMasks |= DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_visibility: final int visibility = a.getInt(attr, 0); if (visibility != 0) { viewFlagValues |= VISIBILITY_FLAGS[visibility]; viewFlagMasks |= VISIBILITY_MASK; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_layoutDirection: // Clear any layout direction flags (included resolved bits) already set mPrivateFlags2 &= ~(PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK | PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK); // Set the layout direction flags depending on the value of the attribute final int layoutDirection = a.getInt(attr, -1); final int value = (layoutDirection != -1) ? LAYOUT_DIRECTION_FLAGS[layoutDirection] : LAYOUT_DIRECTION_DEFAULT; mPrivateFlags2 |= (value << PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_drawingCacheQuality: final int cacheQuality = a.getInt(attr, 0); if (cacheQuality != 0) { viewFlagValues |= DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_FLAGS[cacheQuality]; viewFlagMasks |= DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_MASK; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_contentDescription: setContentDescription(a.getString(attr)); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_accessibilityTraversalBefore: setAccessibilityTraversalBefore(a.getResourceId(attr, NO_ID)); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_accessibilityTraversalAfter: setAccessibilityTraversalAfter(a.getResourceId(attr, NO_ID)); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_labelFor: setLabelFor(a.getResourceId(attr, NO_ID)); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_soundEffectsEnabled: if (!a.getBoolean(attr, true)) { viewFlagValues &= ~SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED; viewFlagMasks |= SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED; } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_hapticFeedbackEnabled: if (!a.getBoolean(attr, true)) { viewFlagValues &= ~HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED; viewFlagMasks |= HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED; } break; case R.styleable.View_scrollbars: final int scrollbars = a.getInt(attr, SCROLLBARS_NONE); if (scrollbars != SCROLLBARS_NONE) { viewFlagValues |= scrollbars; viewFlagMasks |= SCROLLBARS_MASK; initializeScrollbars = true; } break; //noinspection deprecation case R.styleable.View_fadingEdge: if (targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { // Ignore the attribute starting with ICS break; } // With builds < ICS, fall through and apply fading edges case R.styleable.View_requiresFadingEdge: final int fadingEdge = a.getInt(attr, FADING_EDGE_NONE); if (fadingEdge != FADING_EDGE_NONE) { viewFlagValues |= fadingEdge; viewFlagMasks |= FADING_EDGE_MASK; initializeFadingEdgeInternal(a); } break; case R.styleable.View_scrollbarStyle: scrollbarStyle = a.getInt(attr, SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY); if (scrollbarStyle != SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY) { viewFlagValues |= scrollbarStyle & SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK; viewFlagMasks |= SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK; } break; case R.styleable.View_isScrollContainer: setScrollContainer = true; if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { setScrollContainer(true); } break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_keepScreenOn: if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { viewFlagValues |= KEEP_SCREEN_ON; viewFlagMasks |= KEEP_SCREEN_ON; } break; case R.styleable.View_filterTouchesWhenObscured: if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) { viewFlagValues |= FILTER_TOUCHES_WHEN_OBSCURED; viewFlagMasks |= FILTER_TOUCHES_WHEN_OBSCURED; } break; case R.styleable.View_nextFocusLeft: mNextFocusLeftId = a.getResourceId(attr, View.NO_ID); break; case R.styleable.View_nextFocusRight: mNextFocusRightId = a.getResourceId(attr, View.NO_ID); break; case R.styleable.View_nextFocusUp: mNextFocusUpId = a.getResourceId(attr, View.NO_ID); break; case R.styleable.View_nextFocusDown: mNextFocusDownId = a.getResourceId(attr, View.NO_ID); break; case R.styleable.View_nextFocusForward: mNextFocusForwardId = a.getResourceId(attr, View.NO_ID); break; case R.styleable.View_nextClusterForward: mNextClusterForwardId = a.getResourceId(attr, View.NO_ID); break; case R.styleable.View_minWidth: mMinWidth = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, 0); break; case R.styleable.View_minHeight: mMinHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, 0); break; case R.styleable.View_onClick: if (context.isRestricted()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The android:onClick attribute cannot " + "be used within a restricted context"); } final String handlerName = a.getString(attr); if (handlerName != null) { setOnClickListener(new DeclaredOnClickListener(this, handlerName)); } break; case R.styleable.View_overScrollMode: overScrollMode = a.getInt(attr, OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS); break; case R.styleable.View_verticalScrollbarPosition: mVerticalScrollbarPosition = a.getInt(attr, SCROLLBAR_POSITION_DEFAULT); break; case R.styleable.View_layerType: setLayerType(a.getInt(attr, LAYER_TYPE_NONE), null); break; case R.styleable.View_textDirection: // Clear any text direction flag already set mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK; // Set the text direction flags depending on the value of the attribute final int textDirection = a.getInt(attr, -1); if (textDirection != -1) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_FLAGS[textDirection]; } break; case R.styleable.View_textAlignment: // Clear any text alignment flag already set mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_MASK; // Set the text alignment flag depending on the value of the attribute final int textAlignment = a.getInt(attr, TEXT_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT); mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_FLAGS[textAlignment]; break; case R.styleable.View_importantForAccessibility: setImportantForAccessibility(a.getInt(attr, IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_DEFAULT)); break; case R.styleable.View_accessibilityLiveRegion: setAccessibilityLiveRegion(a.getInt(attr, ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_DEFAULT)); break; case R.styleable.View_transitionName: setTransitionName(a.getString(attr)); break; case R.styleable.View_nestedScrollingEnabled: setNestedScrollingEnabled(a.getBoolean(attr, false)); break; case R.styleable.View_stateListAnimator: setStateListAnimator(AnimatorInflater.loadStateListAnimator(context, a.getResourceId(attr, 0))); break; case R.styleable.View_backgroundTint: // This will get applied later during setBackground(). if (mBackgroundTint == null) { mBackgroundTint = new TintInfo(); } mBackgroundTint.mTintList = a.getColorStateList( R.styleable.View_backgroundTint); mBackgroundTint.mHasTintList = true; break; case R.styleable.View_backgroundTintMode: // This will get applied later during setBackground(). if (mBackgroundTint == null) { mBackgroundTint = new TintInfo(); } mBackgroundTint.mTintMode = Drawable.parseTintMode(a.getInt( R.styleable.View_backgroundTintMode, -1), null); mBackgroundTint.mHasTintMode = true; break; case R.styleable.View_outlineProvider: setOutlineProviderFromAttribute(a.getInt(R.styleable.View_outlineProvider, PROVIDER_BACKGROUND)); break; case R.styleable.View_foreground: if (targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M || this instanceof FrameLayout) { setForeground(a.getDrawable(attr)); } break; case R.styleable.View_foregroundGravity: if (targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M || this instanceof FrameLayout) { setForegroundGravity(a.getInt(attr, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY)); } break; case R.styleable.View_foregroundTintMode: if (targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M || this instanceof FrameLayout) { setForegroundTintMode(Drawable.parseTintMode(a.getInt(attr, -1), null)); } break; case R.styleable.View_foregroundTint: if (targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M || this instanceof FrameLayout) { setForegroundTintList(a.getColorStateList(attr)); } break; case R.styleable.View_foregroundInsidePadding: if (targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M || this instanceof FrameLayout) { if (mForegroundInfo == null) { mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo(); } mForegroundInfo.mInsidePadding = a.getBoolean(attr, mForegroundInfo.mInsidePadding); } break; case R.styleable.View_scrollIndicators: final int scrollIndicators = (a.getInt(attr, 0) << SCROLL_INDICATORS_TO_PFLAGS3_LSHIFT) & SCROLL_INDICATORS_PFLAG3_MASK; if (scrollIndicators != 0) { mPrivateFlags3 |= scrollIndicators; initializeScrollIndicators = true; } break; case R.styleable.View_pointerIcon: final int resourceId = a.getResourceId(attr, 0); if (resourceId != 0) { setPointerIcon(PointerIcon.load( context.getResources(), resourceId)); } else { final int pointerType = a.getInt(attr, PointerIcon.TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED); if (pointerType != PointerIcon.TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED) { setPointerIcon(PointerIcon.getSystemIcon(context, pointerType)); } } break; case R.styleable.View_forceHasOverlappingRendering: if (a.peekValue(attr) != null) { forceHasOverlappingRendering(a.getBoolean(attr, true)); } break; case R.styleable.View_tooltipText: setTooltipText(a.getText(attr)); break; case R.styleable.View_keyboardNavigationCluster: if (a.peekValue(attr) != null) { setKeyboardNavigationCluster(a.getBoolean(attr, true)); } break; case R.styleable.View_focusedByDefault: if (a.peekValue(attr) != null) { setFocusedByDefault(a.getBoolean(attr, true)); } break; case R.styleable.View_autofillHints: if (a.peekValue(attr) != null) { CharSequence[] rawHints = null; String rawString = null; if (a.getType(attr) == TypedValue.TYPE_REFERENCE) { int resId = a.getResourceId(attr, 0); try { rawHints = a.getTextArray(attr); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) { rawString = getResources().getString(resId); } } else { rawString = a.getString(attr); } if (rawHints == null) { if (rawString == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not resolve autofillHints"); } else { rawHints = rawString.split(","); } } String[] hints = new String[rawHints.length]; int numHints = rawHints.length; for (int rawHintNum = 0; rawHintNum < numHints; rawHintNum++) { hints[rawHintNum] = rawHints[rawHintNum].toString().trim(); } setAutofillHints(hints); } break; case R.styleable.View_importantForAutofill: if (a.peekValue(attr) != null) { setImportantForAutofill(a.getInt(attr, IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO)); } break; case R.styleable.View_defaultFocusHighlightEnabled: if (a.peekValue(attr) != null) { setDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled(a.getBoolean(attr, true)); } break; case R.styleable.View_screenReaderFocusable: if (a.peekValue(attr) != null) { setScreenReaderFocusable(a.getBoolean(attr, false)); } break; case R.styleable.View_accessibilityPaneTitle: if (a.peekValue(attr) != null) { setAccessibilityPaneTitle(a.getString(attr)); } break; case R.styleable.View_outlineSpotShadowColor: setOutlineSpotShadowColor(a.getColor(attr, Color.BLACK)); break; case R.styleable.View_outlineAmbientShadowColor: setOutlineAmbientShadowColor(a.getColor(attr, Color.BLACK)); break; case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_accessibilityHeading: setAccessibilityHeading(a.getBoolean(attr, false)); } } setOverScrollMode(overScrollMode); // Cache start/end user padding as we cannot fully resolve padding here (we dont have yet // the resolved layout direction). Those cached values will be used later during padding // resolution. mUserPaddingStart = startPadding; mUserPaddingEnd = endPadding; if (background != null) { setBackground(background); } // setBackground above will record that padding is currently provided by the background. // If we have padding specified via xml, record that here instead and use it. mLeftPaddingDefined = leftPaddingDefined; mRightPaddingDefined = rightPaddingDefined; if (padding >= 0) { leftPadding = padding; topPadding = padding; rightPadding = padding; bottomPadding = padding; mUserPaddingLeftInitial = padding; mUserPaddingRightInitial = padding; } else { if (paddingHorizontal >= 0) { leftPadding = paddingHorizontal; rightPadding = paddingHorizontal; mUserPaddingLeftInitial = paddingHorizontal; mUserPaddingRightInitial = paddingHorizontal; } if (paddingVertical >= 0) { topPadding = paddingVertical; bottomPadding = paddingVertical; } } if (isRtlCompatibilityMode()) { // RTL compatibility mode: pre Jelly Bean MR1 case OR no RTL support case. // left / right padding are used if defined (meaning here nothing to do). If they are not // defined and start / end padding are defined (e.g. in Frameworks resources), then we use // start / end and resolve them as left / right (layout direction is not taken into account). // Padding from the background drawable is stored at this point in mUserPaddingLeftInitial // and mUserPaddingRightInitial) so drawable padding will be used as ultimate default if // defined. if (!mLeftPaddingDefined && startPaddingDefined) { leftPadding = startPadding; } mUserPaddingLeftInitial = (leftPadding >= 0) ? leftPadding : mUserPaddingLeftInitial; if (!mRightPaddingDefined && endPaddingDefined) { rightPadding = endPadding; } mUserPaddingRightInitial = (rightPadding >= 0) ? rightPadding : mUserPaddingRightInitial; } else { // Jelly Bean MR1 and after case: if start/end defined, they will override any left/right // values defined. Otherwise, left /right values are used. // Padding from the background drawable is stored at this point in mUserPaddingLeftInitial // and mUserPaddingRightInitial) so drawable padding will be used as ultimate default if // defined. final boolean hasRelativePadding = startPaddingDefined || endPaddingDefined; if (mLeftPaddingDefined && !hasRelativePadding) { mUserPaddingLeftInitial = leftPadding; } if (mRightPaddingDefined && !hasRelativePadding) { mUserPaddingRightInitial = rightPadding; } } internalSetPadding( mUserPaddingLeftInitial, topPadding >= 0 ? topPadding : mPaddingTop, mUserPaddingRightInitial, bottomPadding >= 0 ? bottomPadding : mPaddingBottom); if (viewFlagMasks != 0) { setFlags(viewFlagValues, viewFlagMasks); } if (initializeScrollbars) { initializeScrollbarsInternal(a); } if (initializeScrollIndicators) { initializeScrollIndicatorsInternal(); } a.recycle(); // Needs to be called after mViewFlags is set if (scrollbarStyle != SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY) { recomputePadding(); } if (x != 0 || y != 0) { scrollTo(x, y); } if (transformSet) { setTranslationX(tx); setTranslationY(ty); setTranslationZ(tz); setElevation(elevation); setRotation(rotation); setRotationX(rotationX); setRotationY(rotationY); setScaleX(sx); setScaleY(sy); } if (!setScrollContainer && (viewFlagValues&SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL) != 0) { setScrollContainer(true); } computeOpaqueFlags(); }
An implementation of OnClickListener that attempts to lazily load a named click handling method from a parent or ancestor context.
/** * An implementation of OnClickListener that attempts to lazily load a * named click handling method from a parent or ancestor context. */
private static class DeclaredOnClickListener implements OnClickListener { private final View mHostView; private final String mMethodName; private Method mResolvedMethod; private Context mResolvedContext; public DeclaredOnClickListener(@NonNull View hostView, @NonNull String methodName) { mHostView = hostView; mMethodName = methodName; } @Override public void onClick(@NonNull View v) { if (mResolvedMethod == null) { resolveMethod(mHostView.getContext(), mMethodName); } try { mResolvedMethod.invoke(mResolvedContext, v); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not execute non-public method for android:onClick", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not execute method for android:onClick", e); } } @NonNull private void resolveMethod(@Nullable Context context, @NonNull String name) { while (context != null) { try { if (!context.isRestricted()) { final Method method = context.getClass().getMethod(mMethodName, View.class); if (method != null) { mResolvedMethod = method; mResolvedContext = context; return; } } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // Failed to find method, keep searching up the hierarchy. } if (context instanceof ContextWrapper) { context = ((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext(); } else { // Can't search up the hierarchy, null out and fail. context = null; } } final int id = mHostView.getId(); final String idText = id == NO_ID ? "" : " with id '" + mHostView.getContext().getResources().getResourceEntryName(id) + "'"; throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find method " + mMethodName + "(View) in a parent or ancestor Context for android:onClick " + "attribute defined on view " + mHostView.getClass() + idText); } }
Non-public constructor for use in testing
/** * Non-public constructor for use in testing */
View() { mResources = null; mRenderNode = RenderNode.create(getClass().getName(), this); } final boolean debugDraw() { return DEBUG_DRAW || mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mDebugLayout; } private static SparseArray<String> getAttributeMap() { if (mAttributeMap == null) { mAttributeMap = new SparseArray<>(); } return mAttributeMap; } private void saveAttributeData(@Nullable AttributeSet attrs, @NonNull TypedArray t) { final int attrsCount = attrs == null ? 0 : attrs.getAttributeCount(); final int indexCount = t.getIndexCount(); final String[] attributes = new String[(attrsCount + indexCount) * 2]; int i = 0; // Store raw XML attributes. for (int j = 0; j < attrsCount; ++j) { attributes[i] = attrs.getAttributeName(j); attributes[i + 1] = attrs.getAttributeValue(j); i += 2; } // Store resolved styleable attributes. final Resources res = t.getResources(); final SparseArray<String> attributeMap = getAttributeMap(); for (int j = 0; j < indexCount; ++j) { final int index = t.getIndex(j); if (!t.hasValueOrEmpty(index)) { // Value is undefined. Skip it. continue; } final int resourceId = t.getResourceId(index, 0); if (resourceId == 0) { // Value is not a reference. Skip it. continue; } String resourceName = attributeMap.get(resourceId); if (resourceName == null) { try { resourceName = res.getResourceName(resourceId); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) { resourceName = "0x" + Integer.toHexString(resourceId); } attributeMap.put(resourceId, resourceName); } attributes[i] = resourceName; attributes[i + 1] = t.getString(index); i += 2; } // Trim to fit contents. final String[] trimmed = new String[i]; System.arraycopy(attributes, 0, trimmed, 0, i); mAttributes = trimmed; } public String toString() { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(128); out.append(getClass().getName()); out.append('{'); out.append(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))); out.append(' '); switch (mViewFlags&VISIBILITY_MASK) { case VISIBLE: out.append('V'); break; case INVISIBLE: out.append('I'); break; case GONE: out.append('G'); break; default: out.append('.'); break; } out.append((mViewFlags & FOCUSABLE) == FOCUSABLE ? 'F' : '.'); out.append((mViewFlags&ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED ? 'E' : '.'); out.append((mViewFlags&DRAW_MASK) == WILL_NOT_DRAW ? '.' : 'D'); out.append((mViewFlags&SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL) != 0 ? 'H' : '.'); out.append((mViewFlags&SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL) != 0 ? 'V' : '.'); out.append((mViewFlags&CLICKABLE) != 0 ? 'C' : '.'); out.append((mViewFlags&LONG_CLICKABLE) != 0 ? 'L' : '.'); out.append((mViewFlags&CONTEXT_CLICKABLE) != 0 ? 'X' : '.'); out.append(' '); out.append((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE) != 0 ? 'R' : '.'); out.append((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0 ? 'F' : '.'); out.append((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_SELECTED) != 0 ? 'S' : '.'); if ((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_PREPRESSED) != 0) { out.append('p'); } else { out.append((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_PRESSED) != 0 ? 'P' : '.'); } out.append((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_HOVERED) != 0 ? 'H' : '.'); out.append((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_ACTIVATED) != 0 ? 'A' : '.'); out.append((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_INVALIDATED) != 0 ? 'I' : '.'); out.append((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) != 0 ? 'D' : '.'); out.append(' '); out.append(mLeft); out.append(','); out.append(mTop); out.append('-'); out.append(mRight); out.append(','); out.append(mBottom); final int id = getId(); if (id != NO_ID) { out.append(" #"); out.append(Integer.toHexString(id)); final Resources r = mResources; if (id > 0 && Resources.resourceHasPackage(id) && r != null) { try { String pkgname; switch (id&0xff000000) { case 0x7f000000: pkgname="app"; break; case 0x01000000: pkgname="android"; break; default: pkgname = r.getResourcePackageName(id); break; } String typename = r.getResourceTypeName(id); String entryname = r.getResourceEntryName(id); out.append(" "); out.append(pkgname); out.append(":"); out.append(typename); out.append("/"); out.append(entryname); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) { } } } out.append("}"); return out.toString(); }

Initializes the fading edges from a given set of styled attributes. This method should be called by subclasses that need fading edges and when an instance of these subclasses is created programmatically rather than being inflated from XML. This method is automatically called when the XML is inflated.

  • a – the styled attributes set to initialize the fading edges from
/** * <p> * Initializes the fading edges from a given set of styled attributes. This * method should be called by subclasses that need fading edges and when an * instance of these subclasses is created programmatically rather than * being inflated from XML. This method is automatically called when the XML * is inflated. * </p> * * @param a the styled attributes set to initialize the fading edges from * * @removed */
protected void initializeFadingEdge(TypedArray a) { // This method probably shouldn't have been included in the SDK to begin with. // It relies on 'a' having been initialized using an attribute filter array that is // not publicly available to the SDK. The old method has been renamed // to initializeFadingEdgeInternal and hidden for framework use only; // this one initializes using defaults to make it safe to call for apps. TypedArray arr = mContext.obtainStyledAttributes(com.android.internal.R.styleable.View); initializeFadingEdgeInternal(arr); arr.recycle(); }

Initializes the fading edges from a given set of styled attributes. This method should be called by subclasses that need fading edges and when an instance of these subclasses is created programmatically rather than being inflated from XML. This method is automatically called when the XML is inflated.

  • a – the styled attributes set to initialize the fading edges from
@hideThis is the real method; the public one is shimmed to be safe to call from apps.
/** * <p> * Initializes the fading edges from a given set of styled attributes. This * method should be called by subclasses that need fading edges and when an * instance of these subclasses is created programmatically rather than * being inflated from XML. This method is automatically called when the XML * is inflated. * </p> * * @param a the styled attributes set to initialize the fading edges from * @hide This is the real method; the public one is shimmed to be safe to call from apps. */
protected void initializeFadingEdgeInternal(TypedArray a) { initScrollCache(); mScrollCache.fadingEdgeLength = a.getDimensionPixelSize( R.styleable.View_fadingEdgeLength, ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledFadingEdgeLength()); }
Returns the size of the vertical faded edges used to indicate that more content in this view is visible.
Returns:The size in pixels of the vertical faded edge or 0 if vertical faded edges are not enabled for this view.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fadingEdgeLength
/** * Returns the size of the vertical faded edges used to indicate that more * content in this view is visible. * * @return The size in pixels of the vertical faded edge or 0 if vertical * faded edges are not enabled for this view. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fadingEdgeLength */
public int getVerticalFadingEdgeLength() { if (isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled()) { ScrollabilityCache cache = mScrollCache; if (cache != null) { return cache.fadingEdgeLength; } } return 0; }
Set the size of the faded edge used to indicate that more content in this view is available. Will not change whether the fading edge is enabled; use setVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean) or setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean) to enable the fading edge for the vertical or horizontal fading edges.
  • length – The size in pixels of the faded edge used to indicate that more content in this view is visible.
/** * Set the size of the faded edge used to indicate that more content in this * view is available. Will not change whether the fading edge is enabled; use * {@link #setVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean)} or * {@link #setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean)} to enable the fading edge * for the vertical or horizontal fading edges. * * @param length The size in pixels of the faded edge used to indicate that more * content in this view is visible. */
public void setFadingEdgeLength(int length) { initScrollCache(); mScrollCache.fadingEdgeLength = length; }
Returns the size of the horizontal faded edges used to indicate that more content in this view is visible.
Returns:The size in pixels of the horizontal faded edge or 0 if horizontal faded edges are not enabled for this view.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fadingEdgeLength
/** * Returns the size of the horizontal faded edges used to indicate that more * content in this view is visible. * * @return The size in pixels of the horizontal faded edge or 0 if horizontal * faded edges are not enabled for this view. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fadingEdgeLength */
public int getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength() { if (isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled()) { ScrollabilityCache cache = mScrollCache; if (cache != null) { return cache.fadingEdgeLength; } } return 0; }
Returns the width of the vertical scrollbar.
Returns:The width in pixels of the vertical scrollbar or 0 if there is no vertical scrollbar.
/** * Returns the width of the vertical scrollbar. * * @return The width in pixels of the vertical scrollbar or 0 if there * is no vertical scrollbar. */
public int getVerticalScrollbarWidth() { ScrollabilityCache cache = mScrollCache; if (cache != null) { ScrollBarDrawable scrollBar = cache.scrollBar; if (scrollBar != null) { int size = scrollBar.getSize(true); if (size <= 0) { size = cache.scrollBarSize; } return size; } return 0; } return 0; }
Returns the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
Returns:The height in pixels of the horizontal scrollbar or 0 if there is no horizontal scrollbar.
/** * Returns the height of the horizontal scrollbar. * * @return The height in pixels of the horizontal scrollbar or 0 if * there is no horizontal scrollbar. */
protected int getHorizontalScrollbarHeight() { ScrollabilityCache cache = mScrollCache; if (cache != null) { ScrollBarDrawable scrollBar = cache.scrollBar; if (scrollBar != null) { int size = scrollBar.getSize(false); if (size <= 0) { size = cache.scrollBarSize; } return size; } return 0; } return 0; }

Initializes the scrollbars from a given set of styled attributes. This method should be called by subclasses that need scrollbars and when an instance of these subclasses is created programmatically rather than being inflated from XML. This method is automatically called when the XML is inflated.

  • a – the styled attributes set to initialize the scrollbars from
/** * <p> * Initializes the scrollbars from a given set of styled attributes. This * method should be called by subclasses that need scrollbars and when an * instance of these subclasses is created programmatically rather than * being inflated from XML. This method is automatically called when the XML * is inflated. * </p> * * @param a the styled attributes set to initialize the scrollbars from * * @removed */
protected void initializeScrollbars(TypedArray a) { // It's not safe to use this method from apps. The parameter 'a' must have been obtained // using the View filter array which is not available to the SDK. As such, internal // framework usage now uses initializeScrollbarsInternal and we grab a default // TypedArray with the right filter instead here. TypedArray arr = mContext.obtainStyledAttributes(com.android.internal.R.styleable.View); initializeScrollbarsInternal(arr); // We ignored the method parameter. Recycle the one we actually did use. arr.recycle(); }

Initializes the scrollbars from a given set of styled attributes. This method should be called by subclasses that need scrollbars and when an instance of these subclasses is created programmatically rather than being inflated from XML. This method is automatically called when the XML is inflated.

  • a – the styled attributes set to initialize the scrollbars from
/** * <p> * Initializes the scrollbars from a given set of styled attributes. This * method should be called by subclasses that need scrollbars and when an * instance of these subclasses is created programmatically rather than * being inflated from XML. This method is automatically called when the XML * is inflated. * </p> * * @param a the styled attributes set to initialize the scrollbars from * @hide */
protected void initializeScrollbarsInternal(TypedArray a) { initScrollCache(); final ScrollabilityCache scrollabilityCache = mScrollCache; if (scrollabilityCache.scrollBar == null) { scrollabilityCache.scrollBar = new ScrollBarDrawable(); scrollabilityCache.scrollBar.setState(getDrawableState()); scrollabilityCache.scrollBar.setCallback(this); } final boolean fadeScrollbars = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.View_fadeScrollbars, true); if (!fadeScrollbars) { scrollabilityCache.state = ScrollabilityCache.ON; } scrollabilityCache.fadeScrollBars = fadeScrollbars; scrollabilityCache.scrollBarFadeDuration = a.getInt( R.styleable.View_scrollbarFadeDuration, ViewConfiguration .getScrollBarFadeDuration()); scrollabilityCache.scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade = a.getInt( R.styleable.View_scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade, ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay()); scrollabilityCache.scrollBarSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize( com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_scrollbarSize, ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledScrollBarSize()); Drawable track = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.View_scrollbarTrackHorizontal); scrollabilityCache.scrollBar.setHorizontalTrackDrawable(track); Drawable thumb = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.View_scrollbarThumbHorizontal); if (thumb != null) { scrollabilityCache.scrollBar.setHorizontalThumbDrawable(thumb); } boolean alwaysDraw = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.View_scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack, false); if (alwaysDraw) { scrollabilityCache.scrollBar.setAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack(true); } track = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.View_scrollbarTrackVertical); scrollabilityCache.scrollBar.setVerticalTrackDrawable(track); thumb = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.View_scrollbarThumbVertical); if (thumb != null) { scrollabilityCache.scrollBar.setVerticalThumbDrawable(thumb); } alwaysDraw = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.View_scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack, false); if (alwaysDraw) { scrollabilityCache.scrollBar.setAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack(true); } // Apply layout direction to the new Drawables if needed final int layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection(); if (track != null) { track.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection); } if (thumb != null) { thumb.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection); } // Re-apply user/background padding so that scrollbar(s) get added resolvePadding(); } private void initializeScrollIndicatorsInternal() { // Some day maybe we'll break this into top/left/start/etc. and let the // client control it. Until then, you can have any scroll indicator you // want as long as it's a 1dp foreground-colored rectangle. if (mScrollIndicatorDrawable == null) { mScrollIndicatorDrawable = mContext.getDrawable(R.drawable.scroll_indicator_material); } }

Initalizes the scrollability cache if necessary.

/** * <p> * Initalizes the scrollability cache if necessary. * </p> */
private void initScrollCache() { if (mScrollCache == null) { mScrollCache = new ScrollabilityCache(ViewConfiguration.get(mContext), this); } } private ScrollabilityCache getScrollCache() { initScrollCache(); return mScrollCache; }
Set the position of the vertical scroll bar. Should be one of SCROLLBAR_POSITION_DEFAULT, SCROLLBAR_POSITION_LEFT or SCROLLBAR_POSITION_RIGHT.
  • position – Where the vertical scroll bar should be positioned.
/** * Set the position of the vertical scroll bar. Should be one of * {@link #SCROLLBAR_POSITION_DEFAULT}, {@link #SCROLLBAR_POSITION_LEFT} or * {@link #SCROLLBAR_POSITION_RIGHT}. * * @param position Where the vertical scroll bar should be positioned. */
public void setVerticalScrollbarPosition(int position) { if (mVerticalScrollbarPosition != position) { mVerticalScrollbarPosition = position; computeOpaqueFlags(); resolvePadding(); } }
See Also:
Returns:The position where the vertical scroll bar will show, if applicable.
/** * @return The position where the vertical scroll bar will show, if applicable. * @see #setVerticalScrollbarPosition(int) */
public int getVerticalScrollbarPosition() { return mVerticalScrollbarPosition; } boolean isOnScrollbar(float x, float y) { if (mScrollCache == null) { return false; } x += getScrollX(); y += getScrollY(); if (isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() && !isVerticalScrollBarHidden()) { final Rect touchBounds = mScrollCache.mScrollBarTouchBounds; getVerticalScrollBarBounds(null, touchBounds); if (touchBounds.contains((int) x, (int) y)) { return true; } } if (isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled()) { final Rect touchBounds = mScrollCache.mScrollBarTouchBounds; getHorizontalScrollBarBounds(null, touchBounds); if (touchBounds.contains((int) x, (int) y)) { return true; } } return false; } boolean isOnScrollbarThumb(float x, float y) { return isOnVerticalScrollbarThumb(x, y) || isOnHorizontalScrollbarThumb(x, y); } private boolean isOnVerticalScrollbarThumb(float x, float y) { if (mScrollCache == null) { return false; } if (isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() && !isVerticalScrollBarHidden()) { x += getScrollX(); y += getScrollY(); final Rect bounds = mScrollCache.mScrollBarBounds; final Rect touchBounds = mScrollCache.mScrollBarTouchBounds; getVerticalScrollBarBounds(bounds, touchBounds); final int range = computeVerticalScrollRange(); final int offset = computeVerticalScrollOffset(); final int extent = computeVerticalScrollExtent(); final int thumbLength = ScrollBarUtils.getThumbLength(bounds.height(), bounds.width(), extent, range); final int thumbOffset = ScrollBarUtils.getThumbOffset(bounds.height(), thumbLength, extent, range, offset); final int thumbTop = bounds.top + thumbOffset; final int adjust = Math.max(mScrollCache.scrollBarMinTouchTarget - thumbLength, 0) / 2; if (x >= touchBounds.left && x <= touchBounds.right && y >= thumbTop - adjust && y <= thumbTop + thumbLength + adjust) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isOnHorizontalScrollbarThumb(float x, float y) { if (mScrollCache == null) { return false; } if (isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled()) { x += getScrollX(); y += getScrollY(); final Rect bounds = mScrollCache.mScrollBarBounds; final Rect touchBounds = mScrollCache.mScrollBarTouchBounds; getHorizontalScrollBarBounds(bounds, touchBounds); final int range = computeHorizontalScrollRange(); final int offset = computeHorizontalScrollOffset(); final int extent = computeHorizontalScrollExtent(); final int thumbLength = ScrollBarUtils.getThumbLength(bounds.width(), bounds.height(), extent, range); final int thumbOffset = ScrollBarUtils.getThumbOffset(bounds.width(), thumbLength, extent, range, offset); final int thumbLeft = bounds.left + thumbOffset; final int adjust = Math.max(mScrollCache.scrollBarMinTouchTarget - thumbLength, 0) / 2; if (x >= thumbLeft - adjust && x <= thumbLeft + thumbLength + adjust && y >= touchBounds.top && y <= touchBounds.bottom) { return true; } } return false; } boolean isDraggingScrollBar() { return mScrollCache != null && mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState != ScrollabilityCache.NOT_DRAGGING; }
Sets the state of all scroll indicators.

See setScrollIndicators(int, int) for usage information.

  • indicators – a bitmask of indicators that should be enabled, or 0 to disable all indicators
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollIndicators
/** * Sets the state of all scroll indicators. * <p> * See {@link #setScrollIndicators(int, int)} for usage information. * * @param indicators a bitmask of indicators that should be enabled, or * {@code 0} to disable all indicators * @see #setScrollIndicators(int, int) * @see #getScrollIndicators() * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollIndicators */
public void setScrollIndicators(@ScrollIndicators int indicators) { setScrollIndicators(indicators, SCROLL_INDICATORS_PFLAG3_MASK >>> SCROLL_INDICATORS_TO_PFLAGS3_LSHIFT); }
Sets the state of the scroll indicators specified by the mask. To change all scroll indicators at once, see setScrollIndicators(int).

When a scroll indicator is enabled, it will be displayed if the view can scroll in the direction of the indicator.

Multiple indicator types may be enabled or disabled by passing the logical OR of the desired types. If multiple types are specified, they will all be set to the same enabled state.

For example, to enable the top scroll indicatorExample: setScrollIndicators @param indicators the indicator direction, or the logical OR of multiple indicator directions. One or more of:

See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollIndicators
/** * Sets the state of the scroll indicators specified by the mask. To change * all scroll indicators at once, see {@link #setScrollIndicators(int)}. * <p> * When a scroll indicator is enabled, it will be displayed if the view * can scroll in the direction of the indicator. * <p> * Multiple indicator types may be enabled or disabled by passing the * logical OR of the desired types. If multiple types are specified, they * will all be set to the same enabled state. * <p> * For example, to enable the top scroll indicatorExample: {@code setScrollIndicators * * @param indicators the indicator direction, or the logical OR of multiple * indicator directions. One or more of: * <ul> * <li>{@link #SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP}</li> * <li>{@link #SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM}</li> * <li>{@link #SCROLL_INDICATOR_LEFT}</li> * <li>{@link #SCROLL_INDICATOR_RIGHT}</li> * <li>{@link #SCROLL_INDICATOR_START}</li> * <li>{@link #SCROLL_INDICATOR_END}</li> * </ul> * @see #setScrollIndicators(int) * @see #getScrollIndicators() * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollIndicators */
public void setScrollIndicators(@ScrollIndicators int indicators, @ScrollIndicators int mask) { // Shift and sanitize mask. mask <<= SCROLL_INDICATORS_TO_PFLAGS3_LSHIFT; mask &= SCROLL_INDICATORS_PFLAG3_MASK; // Shift and mask indicators. indicators <<= SCROLL_INDICATORS_TO_PFLAGS3_LSHIFT; indicators &= mask; // Merge with non-masked flags. final int updatedFlags = indicators | (mPrivateFlags3 & ~mask); if (mPrivateFlags3 != updatedFlags) { mPrivateFlags3 = updatedFlags; if (indicators != 0) { initializeScrollIndicatorsInternal(); } invalidate(); } }
Returns a bitmask representing the enabled scroll indicators.

For example, if the top and left scroll indicators are enabled and all other indicators are disabled, the return value will be View.SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP | View.SCROLL_INDICATOR_LEFT.

To check whether the bottom scroll indicator is enabled, use the value of (getScrollIndicators() & View.SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM) != 0.

Returns:a bitmask representing the enabled scroll indicators
/** * Returns a bitmask representing the enabled scroll indicators. * <p> * For example, if the top and left scroll indicators are enabled and all * other indicators are disabled, the return value will be * {@code View.SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP | View.SCROLL_INDICATOR_LEFT}. * <p> * To check whether the bottom scroll indicator is enabled, use the value * of {@code (getScrollIndicators() & View.SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM) != 0}. * * @return a bitmask representing the enabled scroll indicators */
@ScrollIndicators public int getScrollIndicators() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & SCROLL_INDICATORS_PFLAG3_MASK) >>> SCROLL_INDICATORS_TO_PFLAGS3_LSHIFT; } ListenerInfo getListenerInfo() { if (mListenerInfo != null) { return mListenerInfo; } mListenerInfo = new ListenerInfo(); return mListenerInfo; }
Register a callback to be invoked when the scroll X or Y positions of this view change.

Note: Some views handle scrolling independently from View and may have their own separate listeners for scroll-type events. For example, ListView allows clients to register an AbsListView.OnScrollListener to listen for changes in list scroll position.

  • l – The listener to notify when the scroll X or Y position changes.
See Also:
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when the scroll X or Y positions of * this view change. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> Some views handle scrolling independently from View and may * have their own separate listeners for scroll-type events. For example, * {@link android.widget.ListView ListView} allows clients to register an * {@link android.widget.ListView#setOnScrollListener(android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener) AbsListView.OnScrollListener} * to listen for changes in list scroll position. * * @param l The listener to notify when the scroll X or Y position changes. * @see android.view.View#getScrollX() * @see android.view.View#getScrollY() */
public void setOnScrollChangeListener(OnScrollChangeListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnScrollChangeListener = l; }
Register a callback to be invoked when focus of this view changed.
  • l – The callback that will run.
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when focus of this view changed. * * @param l The callback that will run. */
public void setOnFocusChangeListener(OnFocusChangeListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnFocusChangeListener = l; }
Add a listener that will be called when the bounds of the view change due to layout processing.
  • listener – The listener that will be called when layout bounds change.
/** * Add a listener that will be called when the bounds of the view change due to * layout processing. * * @param listener The listener that will be called when layout bounds change. */
public void addOnLayoutChangeListener(OnLayoutChangeListener listener) { ListenerInfo li = getListenerInfo(); if (li.mOnLayoutChangeListeners == null) { li.mOnLayoutChangeListeners = new ArrayList<OnLayoutChangeListener>(); } if (!li.mOnLayoutChangeListeners.contains(listener)) { li.mOnLayoutChangeListeners.add(listener); } }
Remove a listener for layout changes.
  • listener – The listener for layout bounds change.
/** * Remove a listener for layout changes. * * @param listener The listener for layout bounds change. */
public void removeOnLayoutChangeListener(OnLayoutChangeListener listener) { ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li == null || li.mOnLayoutChangeListeners == null) { return; } li.mOnLayoutChangeListeners.remove(listener); }
Add a listener for attach state changes. This listener will be called whenever this view is attached or detached from a window. Remove the listener using removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(OnAttachStateChangeListener).
  • listener – Listener to attach
See Also:
/** * Add a listener for attach state changes. * * This listener will be called whenever this view is attached or detached * from a window. Remove the listener using * {@link #removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(OnAttachStateChangeListener)}. * * @param listener Listener to attach * @see #removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(OnAttachStateChangeListener) */
public void addOnAttachStateChangeListener(OnAttachStateChangeListener listener) { ListenerInfo li = getListenerInfo(); if (li.mOnAttachStateChangeListeners == null) { li.mOnAttachStateChangeListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<OnAttachStateChangeListener>(); } li.mOnAttachStateChangeListeners.add(listener); }
Remove a listener for attach state changes. The listener will receive no further notification of window attach/detach events.
  • listener – Listener to remove
See Also:
/** * Remove a listener for attach state changes. The listener will receive no further * notification of window attach/detach events. * * @param listener Listener to remove * @see #addOnAttachStateChangeListener(OnAttachStateChangeListener) */
public void removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(OnAttachStateChangeListener listener) { ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li == null || li.mOnAttachStateChangeListeners == null) { return; } li.mOnAttachStateChangeListeners.remove(listener); }
Returns the focus-change callback registered for this view.
Returns:The callback, or null if one is not registered.
/** * Returns the focus-change callback registered for this view. * * @return The callback, or null if one is not registered. */
public OnFocusChangeListener getOnFocusChangeListener() { ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; return li != null ? li.mOnFocusChangeListener : null; }
Register a callback to be invoked when this view is clicked. If this view is not clickable, it becomes clickable.
  • l – The callback that will run
See Also:
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when this view is clicked. If this view is not * clickable, it becomes clickable. * * @param l The callback that will run * * @see #setClickable(boolean) */
public void setOnClickListener(@Nullable OnClickListener l) { if (!isClickable()) { setClickable(true); } getListenerInfo().mOnClickListener = l; }
Return whether this view has an attached OnClickListener. Returns true if there is a listener, false if there is none.
/** * Return whether this view has an attached OnClickListener. Returns * true if there is a listener, false if there is none. */
public boolean hasOnClickListeners() { ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; return (li != null && li.mOnClickListener != null); }
Register a callback to be invoked when this view is clicked and held. If this view is not long clickable, it becomes long clickable.
  • l – The callback that will run
See Also:
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when this view is clicked and held. If this view is not * long clickable, it becomes long clickable. * * @param l The callback that will run * * @see #setLongClickable(boolean) */
public void setOnLongClickListener(@Nullable OnLongClickListener l) { if (!isLongClickable()) { setLongClickable(true); } getListenerInfo().mOnLongClickListener = l; }
Register a callback to be invoked when this view is context clicked. If the view is not context clickable, it becomes context clickable.
  • l – The callback that will run
See Also:
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when this view is context clicked. If the view is not * context clickable, it becomes context clickable. * * @param l The callback that will run * @see #setContextClickable(boolean) */
public void setOnContextClickListener(@Nullable OnContextClickListener l) { if (!isContextClickable()) { setContextClickable(true); } getListenerInfo().mOnContextClickListener = l; }
Register a callback to be invoked when the context menu for this view is being built. If this view is not long clickable, it becomes long clickable.
  • l – The callback that will run
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when the context menu for this view is * being built. If this view is not long clickable, it becomes long clickable. * * @param l The callback that will run * */
public void setOnCreateContextMenuListener(OnCreateContextMenuListener l) { if (!isLongClickable()) { setLongClickable(true); } getListenerInfo().mOnCreateContextMenuListener = l; }
Set an observer to collect stats for each frame rendered for this view.
/** * Set an observer to collect stats for each frame rendered for this view. * * @hide */
public void addFrameMetricsListener(Window window, Window.OnFrameMetricsAvailableListener listener, Handler handler) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { if (mAttachInfo.mThreadedRenderer != null) { if (mFrameMetricsObservers == null) { mFrameMetricsObservers = new ArrayList<>(); } FrameMetricsObserver fmo = new FrameMetricsObserver(window, handler.getLooper(), listener); mFrameMetricsObservers.add(fmo); mAttachInfo.mThreadedRenderer.addFrameMetricsObserver(fmo); } else { Log.w(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "View not hardware-accelerated. Unable to observe frame stats"); } } else { if (mFrameMetricsObservers == null) { mFrameMetricsObservers = new ArrayList<>(); } FrameMetricsObserver fmo = new FrameMetricsObserver(window, handler.getLooper(), listener); mFrameMetricsObservers.add(fmo); } }
Remove observer configured to collect frame stats for this view.
/** * Remove observer configured to collect frame stats for this view. * * @hide */
public void removeFrameMetricsListener( Window.OnFrameMetricsAvailableListener listener) { ThreadedRenderer renderer = getThreadedRenderer(); FrameMetricsObserver fmo = findFrameMetricsObserver(listener); if (fmo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to remove OnFrameMetricsAvailableListener that was never added"); } if (mFrameMetricsObservers != null) { mFrameMetricsObservers.remove(fmo); if (renderer != null) { renderer.removeFrameMetricsObserver(fmo); } } } private void registerPendingFrameMetricsObservers() { if (mFrameMetricsObservers != null) { ThreadedRenderer renderer = getThreadedRenderer(); if (renderer != null) { for (FrameMetricsObserver fmo : mFrameMetricsObservers) { renderer.addFrameMetricsObserver(fmo); } } else { Log.w(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "View not hardware-accelerated. Unable to observe frame stats"); } } } private FrameMetricsObserver findFrameMetricsObserver( Window.OnFrameMetricsAvailableListener listener) { for (int i = 0; i < mFrameMetricsObservers.size(); i++) { FrameMetricsObserver observer = mFrameMetricsObservers.get(i); if (observer.mListener == listener) { return observer; } } return null; }
/** @hide */
public void setNotifyAutofillManagerOnClick(boolean notify) { if (notify) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_MANAGER_ON_CLICK; } else { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_MANAGER_ON_CLICK; } } private void notifyAutofillManagerOnClick() { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_MANAGER_ON_CLICK) != 0) { try { getAutofillManager().notifyViewClicked(this); } finally { // Set it to already called so it's not called twice when called by // performClickInternal() mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_MANAGER_ON_CLICK; } } }
Entry point for performClick() - other methods on View should call it instead of performClick() directly to make sure the autofill manager is notified when necessary (as subclasses could extend performClick() without calling the parent's method).
/** * Entry point for {@link #performClick()} - other methods on View should call it instead of * {@code performClick()} directly to make sure the autofill manager is notified when * necessary (as subclasses could extend {@code performClick()} without calling the parent's * method). */
private boolean performClickInternal() { // Must notify autofill manager before performing the click actions to avoid scenarios where // the app has a click listener that changes the state of views the autofill service might // be interested on. notifyAutofillManagerOnClick(); return performClick(); }
Call this view's OnClickListener, if it is defined. Performs all normal actions associated with clicking: reporting accessibility event, playing a sound, etc.
Returns:True there was an assigned OnClickListener that was called, false otherwise is returned.
/** * Call this view's OnClickListener, if it is defined. Performs all normal * actions associated with clicking: reporting accessibility event, playing * a sound, etc. * * @return True there was an assigned OnClickListener that was called, false * otherwise is returned. */
// NOTE: other methods on View should not call this method directly, but performClickInternal() // instead, to guarantee that the autofill manager is notified when necessary (as subclasses // could extend this method without calling super.performClick()). public boolean performClick() { // We still need to call this method to handle the cases where performClick() was called // externally, instead of through performClickInternal() notifyAutofillManagerOnClick(); final boolean result; final ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnClickListener != null) { playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants.CLICK); li.mOnClickListener.onClick(this); result = true; } else { result = false; } sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED); notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(true); return result; }
Directly call any attached OnClickListener. Unlike performClick(), this only calls the listener, and does not do any associated clicking actions like reporting an accessibility event.
Returns:True there was an assigned OnClickListener that was called, false otherwise is returned.
/** * Directly call any attached OnClickListener. Unlike {@link #performClick()}, * this only calls the listener, and does not do any associated clicking * actions like reporting an accessibility event. * * @return True there was an assigned OnClickListener that was called, false * otherwise is returned. */
public boolean callOnClick() { ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnClickListener != null) { li.mOnClickListener.onClick(this); return true; } return false; }
Calls this view's OnLongClickListener, if it is defined. Invokes the context menu if the OnLongClickListener did not consume the event.
Returns:true if one of the above receivers consumed the event, false otherwise
/** * Calls this view's OnLongClickListener, if it is defined. Invokes the * context menu if the OnLongClickListener did not consume the event. * * @return {@code true} if one of the above receivers consumed the event, * {@code false} otherwise */
public boolean performLongClick() { return performLongClickInternal(mLongClickX, mLongClickY); }
Calls this view's OnLongClickListener, if it is defined. Invokes the context menu if the OnLongClickListener did not consume the event, anchoring it to an (x,y) coordinate.
  • x – x coordinate of the anchoring touch event, or Float.NaN to disable anchoring
  • y – y coordinate of the anchoring touch event, or Float.NaN to disable anchoring
Returns:true if one of the above receivers consumed the event, false otherwise
/** * Calls this view's OnLongClickListener, if it is defined. Invokes the * context menu if the OnLongClickListener did not consume the event, * anchoring it to an (x,y) coordinate. * * @param x x coordinate of the anchoring touch event, or {@link Float#NaN} * to disable anchoring * @param y y coordinate of the anchoring touch event, or {@link Float#NaN} * to disable anchoring * @return {@code true} if one of the above receivers consumed the event, * {@code false} otherwise */
public boolean performLongClick(float x, float y) { mLongClickX = x; mLongClickY = y; final boolean handled = performLongClick(); mLongClickX = Float.NaN; mLongClickY = Float.NaN; return handled; }
Calls this view's OnLongClickListener, if it is defined. Invokes the context menu if the OnLongClickListener did not consume the event, optionally anchoring it to an (x,y) coordinate.
  • x – x coordinate of the anchoring touch event, or Float.NaN to disable anchoring
  • y – y coordinate of the anchoring touch event, or Float.NaN to disable anchoring
Returns:true if one of the above receivers consumed the event, false otherwise
/** * Calls this view's OnLongClickListener, if it is defined. Invokes the * context menu if the OnLongClickListener did not consume the event, * optionally anchoring it to an (x,y) coordinate. * * @param x x coordinate of the anchoring touch event, or {@link Float#NaN} * to disable anchoring * @param y y coordinate of the anchoring touch event, or {@link Float#NaN} * to disable anchoring * @return {@code true} if one of the above receivers consumed the event, * {@code false} otherwise */
private boolean performLongClickInternal(float x, float y) { sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_LONG_CLICKED); boolean handled = false; final ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnLongClickListener != null) { handled = li.mOnLongClickListener.onLongClick(View.this); } if (!handled) { final boolean isAnchored = !Float.isNaN(x) && !Float.isNaN(y); handled = isAnchored ? showContextMenu(x, y) : showContextMenu(); } if ((mViewFlags & TOOLTIP) == TOOLTIP) { if (!handled) { handled = showLongClickTooltip((int) x, (int) y); } } if (handled) { performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS); } return handled; }
Call this view's OnContextClickListener, if it is defined.
  • x – the x coordinate of the context click
  • y – the y coordinate of the context click
Returns:True if there was an assigned OnContextClickListener that consumed the event, false otherwise.
/** * Call this view's OnContextClickListener, if it is defined. * * @param x the x coordinate of the context click * @param y the y coordinate of the context click * @return True if there was an assigned OnContextClickListener that consumed the event, false * otherwise. */
public boolean performContextClick(float x, float y) { return performContextClick(); }
Call this view's OnContextClickListener, if it is defined.
Returns:True if there was an assigned OnContextClickListener that consumed the event, false otherwise.
/** * Call this view's OnContextClickListener, if it is defined. * * @return True if there was an assigned OnContextClickListener that consumed the event, false * otherwise. */
public boolean performContextClick() { sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_CONTEXT_CLICKED); boolean handled = false; ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnContextClickListener != null) { handled = li.mOnContextClickListener.onContextClick(View.this); } if (handled) { performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.CONTEXT_CLICK); } return handled; }
Performs button-related actions during a touch down event.
  • event – The event.
Returns:True if the down was consumed.
/** * Performs button-related actions during a touch down event. * * @param event The event. * @return True if the down was consumed. * * @hide */
protected boolean performButtonActionOnTouchDown(MotionEvent event) { if (event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE) && (event.getButtonState() & MotionEvent.BUTTON_SECONDARY) != 0) { showContextMenu(event.getX(), event.getY()); mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_CANCEL_NEXT_UP_EVENT; return true; } return false; }
Shows the context menu for this view.
See Also:
Returns:true if the context menu was shown, false otherwise
/** * Shows the context menu for this view. * * @return {@code true} if the context menu was shown, {@code false} * otherwise * @see #showContextMenu(float, float) */
public boolean showContextMenu() { return getParent().showContextMenuForChild(this); }
Shows the context menu for this view anchored to the specified view-relative coordinate.
  • x – the X coordinate in pixels relative to the view to which the menu should be anchored, or Float.NaN to disable anchoring
  • y – the Y coordinate in pixels relative to the view to which the menu should be anchored, or Float.NaN to disable anchoring
Returns:true if the context menu was shown, false otherwise
/** * Shows the context menu for this view anchored to the specified * view-relative coordinate. * * @param x the X coordinate in pixels relative to the view to which the * menu should be anchored, or {@link Float#NaN} to disable anchoring * @param y the Y coordinate in pixels relative to the view to which the * menu should be anchored, or {@link Float#NaN} to disable anchoring * @return {@code true} if the context menu was shown, {@code false} * otherwise */
public boolean showContextMenu(float x, float y) { return getParent().showContextMenuForChild(this, x, y); }
Start an action mode with the default type ActionMode.TYPE_PRIMARY.
  • callback – Callback that will control the lifecycle of the action mode
See Also:
Returns:The new action mode if it is started, null otherwise
/** * Start an action mode with the default type {@link ActionMode#TYPE_PRIMARY}. * * @param callback Callback that will control the lifecycle of the action mode * @return The new action mode if it is started, null otherwise * * @see ActionMode * @see #startActionMode(android.view.ActionMode.Callback, int) */
public ActionMode startActionMode(ActionMode.Callback callback) { return startActionMode(callback, ActionMode.TYPE_PRIMARY); }
Start an action mode with the given type.
See Also:
Returns:The new action mode if it is started, null otherwise
/** * Start an action mode with the given type. * * @param callback Callback that will control the lifecycle of the action mode * @param type One of {@link ActionMode#TYPE_PRIMARY} or {@link ActionMode#TYPE_FLOATING}. * @return The new action mode if it is started, null otherwise * * @see ActionMode */
public ActionMode startActionMode(ActionMode.Callback callback, int type) { ViewParent parent = getParent(); if (parent == null) return null; try { return parent.startActionModeForChild(this, callback, type); } catch (AbstractMethodError ame) { // Older implementations of custom views might not implement this. return parent.startActionModeForChild(this, callback); } }
Call Context.startActivityForResult(String, Intent, int, Bundle) for the View's Context, creating a unique View identifier to retrieve the result.
  • intent – The Intent to be started.
  • requestCode – The request code to use.
/** * Call {@link Context#startActivityForResult(String, Intent, int, Bundle)} for the View's * Context, creating a unique View identifier to retrieve the result. * * @param intent The Intent to be started. * @param requestCode The request code to use. * @hide */
public void startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int requestCode) { mStartActivityRequestWho = "@android:view:" + System.identityHashCode(this); getContext().startActivityForResult(mStartActivityRequestWho, intent, requestCode, null); }
If this View corresponds to the calling who, dispatches the activity result.
  • who – The identifier for the targeted View to receive the result.
  • requestCode – The integer request code originally supplied to startActivityForResult(), allowing you to identify who this result came from.
  • resultCode – The integer result code returned by the child activity through its setResult().
  • data – An Intent, which can return result data to the caller (various data can be attached to Intent "extras").
Returns:true if the activity result was dispatched.
/** * If this View corresponds to the calling who, dispatches the activity result. * @param who The identifier for the targeted View to receive the result. * @param requestCode The integer request code originally supplied to * startActivityForResult(), allowing you to identify who this * result came from. * @param resultCode The integer result code returned by the child activity * through its setResult(). * @param data An Intent, which can return result data to the caller * (various data can be attached to Intent "extras"). * @return {@code true} if the activity result was dispatched. * @hide */
public boolean dispatchActivityResult( String who, int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (mStartActivityRequestWho != null && mStartActivityRequestWho.equals(who)) { onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); mStartActivityRequestWho = null; return true; } return false; }
Receive the result from a previous call to startActivityForResult(Intent, int).
  • requestCode – The integer request code originally supplied to startActivityForResult(), allowing you to identify who this result came from.
  • resultCode – The integer result code returned by the child activity through its setResult().
  • data – An Intent, which can return result data to the caller (various data can be attached to Intent "extras").
/** * Receive the result from a previous call to {@link #startActivityForResult(Intent, int)}. * * @param requestCode The integer request code originally supplied to * startActivityForResult(), allowing you to identify who this * result came from. * @param resultCode The integer result code returned by the child activity * through its setResult(). * @param data An Intent, which can return result data to the caller * (various data can be attached to Intent "extras"). * @hide */
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { // Do nothing. }
Register a callback to be invoked when a hardware key is pressed in this view. Key presses in software input methods will generally not trigger the methods of this listener.
  • l – the key listener to attach to this view
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when a hardware key is pressed in this view. * Key presses in software input methods will generally not trigger the methods of * this listener. * @param l the key listener to attach to this view */
public void setOnKeyListener(OnKeyListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnKeyListener = l; }
Register a callback to be invoked when a touch event is sent to this view.
  • l – the touch listener to attach to this view
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when a touch event is sent to this view. * @param l the touch listener to attach to this view */
public void setOnTouchListener(OnTouchListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnTouchListener = l; }
Register a callback to be invoked when a generic motion event is sent to this view.
  • l – the generic motion listener to attach to this view
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when a generic motion event is sent to this view. * @param l the generic motion listener to attach to this view */
public void setOnGenericMotionListener(OnGenericMotionListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnGenericMotionListener = l; }
Register a callback to be invoked when a hover event is sent to this view.
  • l – the hover listener to attach to this view
/** * Register a callback to be invoked when a hover event is sent to this view. * @param l the hover listener to attach to this view */
public void setOnHoverListener(OnHoverListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnHoverListener = l; }
Register a drag event listener callback object for this View. The parameter is an implementation of OnDragListener. To send a drag event to a View, the system calls the OnDragListener.onDrag(View, DragEvent) method.
/** * Register a drag event listener callback object for this View. The parameter is * an implementation of {@link android.view.View.OnDragListener}. To send a drag event to a * View, the system calls the * {@link android.view.View.OnDragListener#onDrag(View,DragEvent)} method. * @param l An implementation of {@link android.view.View.OnDragListener}. */
public void setOnDragListener(OnDragListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnDragListener = l; }
Give this view focus. This will cause onFocusChanged(boolean, int, Rect) to be called. Note: this does not check whether this View should get focus, it just gives it focus no matter what. It should only be called internally by framework code that knows what it is doing, namely requestFocus(int, Rect).
  • direction – values are FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT or FOCUS_RIGHT. This is the direction which focus moved when requestFocus() is called. It may not always apply, in which case use the default View.FOCUS_DOWN.
  • previouslyFocusedRect – The rectangle of the view that had focus prior in this View's coordinate system.
/** * Give this view focus. This will cause * {@link #onFocusChanged(boolean, int, android.graphics.Rect)} to be called. * * Note: this does not check whether this {@link View} should get focus, it just * gives it focus no matter what. It should only be called internally by framework * code that knows what it is doing, namely {@link #requestFocus(int, Rect)}. * * @param direction values are {@link View#FOCUS_UP}, {@link View#FOCUS_DOWN}, * {@link View#FOCUS_LEFT} or {@link View#FOCUS_RIGHT}. This is the direction which * focus moved when requestFocus() is called. It may not always * apply, in which case use the default View.FOCUS_DOWN. * @param previouslyFocusedRect The rectangle of the view that had focus * prior in this View's coordinate system. */
void handleFocusGainInternal(@FocusRealDirection int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { if (DBG) { System.out.println(this + " requestFocus()"); } if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) == 0) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_FOCUSED; View oldFocus = (mAttachInfo != null) ? getRootView().findFocus() : null; if (mParent != null) { mParent.requestChildFocus(this, this); updateFocusedInCluster(oldFocus, direction); } if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mTreeObserver.dispatchOnGlobalFocusChange(oldFocus, this); } onFocusChanged(true, direction, previouslyFocusedRect); refreshDrawableState(); } }
Sets this view's preference for reveal behavior when it gains focus.

When set to true, this is a signal to ancestor views in the hierarchy that this view would prefer to be brought fully into view when it gains focus. For example, a text field that a user is meant to type into. Other views such as scrolling containers may prefer to opt-out of this behavior.

The default value for views is true, though subclasses may change this based on their preferred behavior.

  • revealOnFocus – true to request reveal on focus in ancestors, false otherwise
See Also:
/** * Sets this view's preference for reveal behavior when it gains focus. * * <p>When set to true, this is a signal to ancestor views in the hierarchy that * this view would prefer to be brought fully into view when it gains focus. * For example, a text field that a user is meant to type into. Other views such * as scrolling containers may prefer to opt-out of this behavior.</p> * * <p>The default value for views is true, though subclasses may change this * based on their preferred behavior.</p> * * @param revealOnFocus true to request reveal on focus in ancestors, false otherwise * * @see #getRevealOnFocusHint() */
public final void setRevealOnFocusHint(boolean revealOnFocus) { if (revealOnFocus) { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_NO_REVEAL_ON_FOCUS; } else { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_NO_REVEAL_ON_FOCUS; } }
Returns this view's preference for reveal behavior when it gains focus.

When this method returns true for a child view requesting focus, ancestor views responding to a focus change in ViewParent.requestChildFocus(View, View) should make a best effort to make the newly focused child fully visible to the user. When it returns false, ancestor views should preferably not disrupt scroll positioning or other properties affecting visibility to the user as part of the focus change.

See Also:
Returns:true if this view would prefer to become fully visible when it gains focus, false if it would prefer not to disrupt scroll positioning
/** * Returns this view's preference for reveal behavior when it gains focus. * * <p>When this method returns true for a child view requesting focus, ancestor * views responding to a focus change in {@link ViewParent#requestChildFocus(View, View)} * should make a best effort to make the newly focused child fully visible to the user. * When it returns false, ancestor views should preferably not disrupt scroll positioning or * other properties affecting visibility to the user as part of the focus change.</p> * * @return true if this view would prefer to become fully visible when it gains focus, * false if it would prefer not to disrupt scroll positioning * * @see #setRevealOnFocusHint(boolean) */
public final boolean getRevealOnFocusHint() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_NO_REVEAL_ON_FOCUS) == 0; }
Populates outRect with the hotspot bounds. By default, the hotspot bounds are identical to the screen bounds.
  • outRect – rect to populate with hotspot bounds
@hideOnly for internal use by views and widgets.
/** * Populates <code>outRect</code> with the hotspot bounds. By default, * the hotspot bounds are identical to the screen bounds. * * @param outRect rect to populate with hotspot bounds * @hide Only for internal use by views and widgets. */
public void getHotspotBounds(Rect outRect) { final Drawable background = getBackground(); if (background != null) { background.getHotspotBounds(outRect); } else { getBoundsOnScreen(outRect); } }
Request that a rectangle of this view be visible on the screen, scrolling if necessary just enough.

A View should call this if it maintains some notion of which part of its content is interesting. For example, a text editing view should call this when its cursor moves.

The Rectangle passed into this method should be in the View's content coordinate space. It should not be affected by which part of the View is currently visible or its scroll position.

  • rectangle – The rectangle in the View's content coordinate space
Returns:Whether any parent scrolled.
/** * Request that a rectangle of this view be visible on the screen, * scrolling if necessary just enough. * * <p>A View should call this if it maintains some notion of which part * of its content is interesting. For example, a text editing view * should call this when its cursor moves. * <p>The Rectangle passed into this method should be in the View's content coordinate space. * It should not be affected by which part of the View is currently visible or its scroll * position. * * @param rectangle The rectangle in the View's content coordinate space * @return Whether any parent scrolled. */
public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(Rect rectangle) { return requestRectangleOnScreen(rectangle, false); }
Request that a rectangle of this view be visible on the screen, scrolling if necessary just enough.

A View should call this if it maintains some notion of which part of its content is interesting. For example, a text editing view should call this when its cursor moves.

The Rectangle passed into this method should be in the View's content coordinate space. It should not be affected by which part of the View is currently visible or its scroll position.

When immediate is set to true, scrolling will not be animated.

  • rectangle – The rectangle in the View's content coordinate space
  • immediate – True to forbid animated scrolling, false otherwise
Returns:Whether any parent scrolled.
/** * Request that a rectangle of this view be visible on the screen, * scrolling if necessary just enough. * * <p>A View should call this if it maintains some notion of which part * of its content is interesting. For example, a text editing view * should call this when its cursor moves. * <p>The Rectangle passed into this method should be in the View's content coordinate space. * It should not be affected by which part of the View is currently visible or its scroll * position. * <p>When <code>immediate</code> is set to true, scrolling will not be * animated. * * @param rectangle The rectangle in the View's content coordinate space * @param immediate True to forbid animated scrolling, false otherwise * @return Whether any parent scrolled. */
public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(Rect rectangle, boolean immediate) { if (mParent == null) { return false; } View child = this; RectF position = (mAttachInfo != null) ? mAttachInfo.mTmpTransformRect : new RectF(); position.set(rectangle); ViewParent parent = mParent; boolean scrolled = false; while (parent != null) { rectangle.set((int) position.left, (int) position.top, (int) position.right, (int) position.bottom); scrolled |= parent.requestChildRectangleOnScreen(child, rectangle, immediate); if (!(parent instanceof View)) { break; } // move it from child's content coordinate space to parent's content coordinate space position.offset(child.mLeft - child.getScrollX(), child.mTop -child.getScrollY()); child = (View) parent; parent = child.getParent(); } return scrolled; }
Called when this view wants to give up focus. If focus is cleared onFocusChanged(boolean, int, Rect) is called.

Note: When not in touch-mode, the framework will try to give focus to the first focusable View from the top after focus is cleared. Hence, if this View is the first from the top that can take focus, then all callbacks related to clearing focus will be invoked after which the framework will give focus to this view.

/** * Called when this view wants to give up focus. If focus is cleared * {@link #onFocusChanged(boolean, int, android.graphics.Rect)} is called. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> When not in touch-mode, the framework will try to give focus * to the first focusable View from the top after focus is cleared. Hence, if this * View is the first from the top that can take focus, then all callbacks * related to clearing focus will be invoked after which the framework will * give focus to this view. * </p> */
public void clearFocus() { if (DBG) { System.out.println(this + " clearFocus()"); } final boolean refocus = sAlwaysAssignFocus || !isInTouchMode(); clearFocusInternal(null, true, refocus); }
Clears focus from the view, optionally propagating the change up through the parent hierarchy and requesting that the root view place new focus.
  • propagate – whether to propagate the change up through the parent hierarchy
  • refocus – when propagate is true, specifies whether to request the root view place new focus
/** * Clears focus from the view, optionally propagating the change up through * the parent hierarchy and requesting that the root view place new focus. * * @param propagate whether to propagate the change up through the parent * hierarchy * @param refocus when propagate is true, specifies whether to request the * root view place new focus */
void clearFocusInternal(View focused, boolean propagate, boolean refocus) { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_FOCUSED; clearParentsWantFocus(); if (propagate && mParent != null) { mParent.clearChildFocus(this); } onFocusChanged(false, 0, null); refreshDrawableState(); if (propagate && (!refocus || !rootViewRequestFocus())) { notifyGlobalFocusCleared(this); } } } void notifyGlobalFocusCleared(View oldFocus) { if (oldFocus != null && mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mTreeObserver.dispatchOnGlobalFocusChange(oldFocus, null); } } boolean rootViewRequestFocus() { final View root = getRootView(); return root != null && root.requestFocus(); }
Called internally by the view system when a new view is getting focus. This is what clears the old focus.

NOTE: The parent view's focused child must be updated manually after calling this method. Otherwise, the view hierarchy may be left in an inconstent state.

/** * Called internally by the view system when a new view is getting focus. * This is what clears the old focus. * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> The parent view's focused child must be updated manually * after calling this method. Otherwise, the view hierarchy may be left in * an inconstent state. */
void unFocus(View focused) { if (DBG) { System.out.println(this + " unFocus()"); } clearFocusInternal(focused, false, false); }
Returns true if this view has focus itself, or is the ancestor of the view that has focus.
Returns:True if this view has or contains focus, false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if this view has focus itself, or is the ancestor of the * view that has focus. * * @return True if this view has or contains focus, false otherwise. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "focus") public boolean hasFocus() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0; }
Returns true if this view is focusable or if it contains a reachable View for which hasFocusable() returns true. A "reachable hasFocusable()" is a view whose parents do not block descendants focus. Only VISIBLE views are considered focusable.

As of VERSION_CODES.O views that are determined to be focusable through FOCUSABLE_AUTO will also cause this method to return true. Apps that declare a ApplicationInfo.targetSdkVersion of earlier than VERSION_CODES.O will continue to see this method return false for views not explicitly marked as focusable. Use hasExplicitFocusable() if you require the pre-VERSION_CODES.O behavior.

See Also:
Returns:true if the view is focusable or if the view contains a focusable view, false otherwise
/** * Returns true if this view is focusable or if it contains a reachable View * for which {@link #hasFocusable()} returns {@code true}. A "reachable hasFocusable()" * is a view whose parents do not block descendants focus. * Only {@link #VISIBLE} views are considered focusable. * * <p>As of {@link Build.VERSION_CODES#O} views that are determined to be focusable * through {@link #FOCUSABLE_AUTO} will also cause this method to return {@code true}. * Apps that declare a {@link android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo#targetSdkVersion} of * earlier than {@link Build.VERSION_CODES#O} will continue to see this method return * {@code false} for views not explicitly marked as focusable. * Use {@link #hasExplicitFocusable()} if you require the pre-{@link Build.VERSION_CODES#O} * behavior.</p> * * @return {@code true} if the view is focusable or if the view contains a focusable * view, {@code false} otherwise * * @see ViewGroup#FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS * @see ViewGroup#getTouchscreenBlocksFocus() * @see #hasExplicitFocusable() */
public boolean hasFocusable() { return hasFocusable(!sHasFocusableExcludeAutoFocusable, false); }
Returns true if this view is focusable or if it contains a reachable View for which hasExplicitFocusable() returns true. A "reachable hasExplicitFocusable()" is a view whose parents do not block descendants focus. Only VISIBLE views for which getFocusable() would return FOCUSABLE are considered focusable.

This method preserves the pre-VERSION_CODES.O behavior of hasFocusable() in that only views explicitly set focusable will cause this method to return true. A view set to FOCUSABLE_AUTO that resolves to focusable will not.

See Also:
Returns:true if the view is focusable or if the view contains a focusable view, false otherwise
/** * Returns true if this view is focusable or if it contains a reachable View * for which {@link #hasExplicitFocusable()} returns {@code true}. * A "reachable hasExplicitFocusable()" is a view whose parents do not block descendants focus. * Only {@link #VISIBLE} views for which {@link #getFocusable()} would return * {@link #FOCUSABLE} are considered focusable. * * <p>This method preserves the pre-{@link Build.VERSION_CODES#O} behavior of * {@link #hasFocusable()} in that only views explicitly set focusable will cause * this method to return true. A view set to {@link #FOCUSABLE_AUTO} that resolves * to focusable will not.</p> * * @return {@code true} if the view is focusable or if the view contains a focusable * view, {@code false} otherwise * * @see #hasFocusable() */
public boolean hasExplicitFocusable() { return hasFocusable(false, true); } boolean hasFocusable(boolean allowAutoFocus, boolean dispatchExplicit) { if (!isFocusableInTouchMode()) { for (ViewParent p = mParent; p instanceof ViewGroup; p = p.getParent()) { final ViewGroup g = (ViewGroup) p; if (g.shouldBlockFocusForTouchscreen()) { return false; } } } // Invisible, gone, or disabled views are never focusable. if ((mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) != VISIBLE || (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) != ENABLED) { return false; } // Only use effective focusable value when allowed. if ((allowAutoFocus || getFocusable() != FOCUSABLE_AUTO) && isFocusable()) { return true; } return false; }
Called by the view system when the focus state of this view changes. When the focus change event is caused by directional navigation, direction and previouslyFocusedRect provide insight into where the focus is coming from. When overriding, be sure to call up through to the super class so that the standard focus handling will occur.
  • gainFocus – True if the View has focus; false otherwise.
  • direction – The direction focus has moved when requestFocus() is called to give this view focus. Values are FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT, FOCUS_FORWARD, or FOCUS_BACKWARD. It may not always apply, in which case use the default.
  • previouslyFocusedRect – The rectangle, in this view's coordinate system, of the previously focused view. If applicable, this will be passed in as finer grained information about where the focus is coming from (in addition to direction). Will be null otherwise.
/** * Called by the view system when the focus state of this view changes. * When the focus change event is caused by directional navigation, direction * and previouslyFocusedRect provide insight into where the focus is coming from. * When overriding, be sure to call up through to the super class so that * the standard focus handling will occur. * * @param gainFocus True if the View has focus; false otherwise. * @param direction The direction focus has moved when requestFocus() * is called to give this view focus. Values are * {@link #FOCUS_UP}, {@link #FOCUS_DOWN}, {@link #FOCUS_LEFT}, * {@link #FOCUS_RIGHT}, {@link #FOCUS_FORWARD}, or {@link #FOCUS_BACKWARD}. * It may not always apply, in which case use the default. * @param previouslyFocusedRect The rectangle, in this view's coordinate * system, of the previously focused view. If applicable, this will be * passed in as finer grained information about where the focus is coming * from (in addition to direction). Will be <code>null</code> otherwise. */
@CallSuper protected void onFocusChanged(boolean gainFocus, @FocusDirection int direction, @Nullable Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { if (gainFocus) { sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED); } else { notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } // Here we check whether we still need the default focus highlight, and switch it on/off. switchDefaultFocusHighlight(); InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); if (!gainFocus) { if (isPressed()) { setPressed(false); } if (imm != null && mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mHasWindowFocus) { imm.focusOut(this); } onFocusLost(); } else if (imm != null && mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mHasWindowFocus) { imm.focusIn(this); } invalidate(true); ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnFocusChangeListener != null) { li.mOnFocusChangeListener.onFocusChange(this, gainFocus); } if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mKeyDispatchState.reset(this); } notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(gainFocus); }
/** @hide */
public void notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(boolean enter) { if (canNotifyAutofillEnterExitEvent()) { AutofillManager afm = getAutofillManager(); if (afm != null) { if (enter && isFocused()) { // We have not been laid out yet, hence cannot evaluate // whether this view is visible to the user, we will do // the evaluation once layout is complete. if (!isLaidOut()) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_ENTER_ON_LAYOUT; } else if (isVisibleToUser()) { // TODO This is a potential problem that View gets focus before it's visible // to User. Ideally View should handle the event when isVisibleToUser() // becomes true where it should issue notifyViewEntered(). afm.notifyViewEntered(this); } } else if (!enter && !isFocused()) { afm.notifyViewExited(this); } } } }
Visually distinct portion of a window with window-like semantics are considered panes for accessibility purposes. One example is the content view of a fragment that is replaced. In order for accessibility services to understand a pane's window-like behavior, panes should have descriptive titles. Views with pane titles produce AccessibilityEvents when they appear, disappear, or change title.
  • accessibilityPaneTitle – The pane's title. Setting to null indicates that this View is not a pane. {@see AccessibilityNodeInfo#setPaneTitle(CharSequence)}
/** * Visually distinct portion of a window with window-like semantics are considered panes for * accessibility purposes. One example is the content view of a fragment that is replaced. * In order for accessibility services to understand a pane's window-like behavior, panes * should have descriptive titles. Views with pane titles produce {@link AccessibilityEvent}s * when they appear, disappear, or change title. * * @param accessibilityPaneTitle The pane's title. Setting to {@code null} indicates that this * View is not a pane. * * {@see AccessibilityNodeInfo#setPaneTitle(CharSequence)} */
public void setAccessibilityPaneTitle(@Nullable CharSequence accessibilityPaneTitle) { if (!TextUtils.equals(accessibilityPaneTitle, mAccessibilityPaneTitle)) { mAccessibilityPaneTitle = accessibilityPaneTitle; notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_PANE_TITLE); } }
Get the title of the pane for purposes of accessibility.
Returns:The current pane title. {@see #setAccessibilityPaneTitle}.
/** * Get the title of the pane for purposes of accessibility. * * @return The current pane title. * * {@see #setAccessibilityPaneTitle}. */
@Nullable public CharSequence getAccessibilityPaneTitle() { return mAccessibilityPaneTitle; } private boolean isAccessibilityPane() { return mAccessibilityPaneTitle != null; }
Sends an accessibility event of the given type. If accessibility is not enabled this method has no effect. The default implementation calls onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) first to populate information about the event source (this View), then calls dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) to populate the text content of the event source including its descendants, and last calls ViewParent.requestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) on its parent to request sending of the event to interested parties.

If an AccessibilityDelegate has been specified via calling setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) its AccessibilityDelegate.sendAccessibilityEvent(View, int) is responsible for handling this call.

See Also:
/** * Sends an accessibility event of the given type. If accessibility is * not enabled this method has no effect. The default implementation calls * {@link #onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)} first * to populate information about the event source (this View), then calls * {@link #dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)} to * populate the text content of the event source including its descendants, * and last calls * {@link ViewParent#requestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent)} * on its parent to request sending of the event to interested parties. * <p> * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} has been specified via calling * {@link #setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate)} its * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#sendAccessibilityEvent(View, int)} is * responsible for handling this call. * </p> * * @param eventType The type of the event to send, as defined by several types from * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent}, such as * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED} or * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_ENTER}. * * @see #onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * @see #dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * @see ViewParent#requestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) * @see AccessibilityDelegate */
public void sendAccessibilityEvent(int eventType) { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { mAccessibilityDelegate.sendAccessibilityEvent(this, eventType); } else { sendAccessibilityEventInternal(eventType); } }
Convenience method for sending a AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT AccessibilityEvent to make an announcement which is related to some sort of a context change for which none of the events representing UI transitions is a good fit. For example, announcing a new page in a book. If accessibility is not enabled this method does nothing.
  • text – The announcement text.
/** * Convenience method for sending a {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT} * {@link AccessibilityEvent} to make an announcement which is related to some * sort of a context change for which none of the events representing UI transitions * is a good fit. For example, announcing a new page in a book. If accessibility * is not enabled this method does nothing. * * @param text The announcement text. */
public void announceForAccessibility(CharSequence text) { if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled() && mParent != null) { AccessibilityEvent event = AccessibilityEvent.obtain( AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT); onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event); event.getText().add(text); event.setContentDescription(null); mParent.requestSendAccessibilityEvent(this, event); } }
See Also:
/** * @see #sendAccessibilityEvent(int) * * Note: Called from the default {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * * @hide */
public void sendAccessibilityEventInternal(int eventType) { if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled()) { sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent.obtain(eventType)); } }
This method behaves exactly as sendAccessibilityEvent(int) but takes as an argument an empty AccessibilityEvent and does not perform a check whether accessibility is enabled.

If an AccessibilityDelegate has been specified via calling setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) its AccessibilityDelegate.sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(View, AccessibilityEvent) is responsible for handling this call.

  • event – The event to send.
See Also:
/** * This method behaves exactly as {@link #sendAccessibilityEvent(int)} but * takes as an argument an empty {@link AccessibilityEvent} and does not * perform a check whether accessibility is enabled. * <p> * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} has been specified via calling * {@link #setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate)} its * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(View, AccessibilityEvent)} * is responsible for handling this call. * </p> * * @param event The event to send. * * @see #sendAccessibilityEvent(int) */
public void sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent event) { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { mAccessibilityDelegate.sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(this, event); } else { sendAccessibilityEventUncheckedInternal(event); } }
See Also:
/** * @see #sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent) * * Note: Called from the default {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * * @hide */
public void sendAccessibilityEventUncheckedInternal(AccessibilityEvent event) { // Panes disappearing are relevant even if though the view is no longer visible. boolean isWindowStateChanged = (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED); boolean isWindowDisappearedEvent = isWindowStateChanged && ((event.getContentChangeTypes() & AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_PANE_DISAPPEARED) != 0); if (!isShown() && !isWindowDisappearedEvent) { return; } onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event); // Only a subset of accessibility events populates text content. if ((event.getEventType() & POPULATING_ACCESSIBILITY_EVENT_TYPES) != 0) { dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event); } // In the beginning we called #isShown(), so we know that getParent() is not null. ViewParent parent = getParent(); if (parent != null) { getParent().requestSendAccessibilityEvent(this, event); } }
Dispatches an AccessibilityEvent to the View first and then to its children for adding their text content to the event. Note that the event text is populated in a separate dispatch path since we add to the event not only the text of the source but also the text of all its descendants. A typical implementation will call onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) on the this view and then call the dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) on each child. Override this method if custom population of the event text content is required.

If an AccessibilityDelegate has been specified via calling setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) its AccessibilityDelegate.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) is responsible for handling this call.

Note: Accessibility events of certain types are not dispatched for populating the event text via this method. For details refer to AccessibilityEvent.

  • event – The event.
Returns:True if the event population was completed.
/** * Dispatches an {@link AccessibilityEvent} to the {@link View} first and then * to its children for adding their text content to the event. Note that the * event text is populated in a separate dispatch path since we add to the * event not only the text of the source but also the text of all its descendants. * A typical implementation will call * {@link #onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)} on the this view * and then call the {@link #dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)} * on each child. Override this method if custom population of the event text * content is required. * <p> * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} has been specified via calling * {@link #setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate)} its * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent)} * is responsible for handling this call. * </p> * <p> * <em>Note:</em> Accessibility events of certain types are not dispatched for * populating the event text via this method. For details refer to {@link AccessibilityEvent}. * </p> * * @param event The event. * * @return True if the event population was completed. */
public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { return mAccessibilityDelegate.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(this, event); } else { return dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEventInternal(event); } }
See Also:
/** * @see #dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * * Note: Called from the default {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * * @hide */
public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEventInternal(AccessibilityEvent event) { onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event); return false; }
Called from dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) giving a chance to this View to populate the accessibility event with its text content. While this method is free to modify event attributes other than text content, doing so should normally be performed in onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent).

Example: Adding formatted date string to an accessibility event in addition to the text added by the super implementation:

 public void onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
    final int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY;
    String selectedDateUtterance = DateUtils.formatDateTime(mContext,
        mCurrentDate.getTimeInMillis(), flags);

If an AccessibilityDelegate has been specified via calling setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) its AccessibilityDelegate.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) is responsible for handling this call.

Note: Always call the super implementation before adding information to the event, in case the default implementation has basic information to add.

  • event – The accessibility event which to populate.
See Also:
/** * Called from {@link #dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)} * giving a chance to this View to populate the accessibility event with its * text content. While this method is free to modify event * attributes other than text content, doing so should normally be performed in * {@link #onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)}. * <p> * Example: Adding formatted date string to an accessibility event in addition * to the text added by the super implementation: * <pre> public void onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { * super.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event); * final int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY; * String selectedDateUtterance = DateUtils.formatDateTime(mContext, * mCurrentDate.getTimeInMillis(), flags); * event.getText().add(selectedDateUtterance); * }</pre> * <p> * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} has been specified via calling * {@link #setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate)} its * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent)} * is responsible for handling this call. * </p> * <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Always call the super implementation before adding * information to the event, in case the default implementation has basic information to add. * </p> * * @param event The accessibility event which to populate. * * @see #sendAccessibilityEvent(int) * @see #dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) */
@CallSuper public void onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { mAccessibilityDelegate.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(this, event); } else { onPopulateAccessibilityEventInternal(event); } }
See Also:
/** * @see #onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * * Note: Called from the default {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * * @hide */
public void onPopulateAccessibilityEventInternal(AccessibilityEvent event) { if ((event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(getAccessibilityPaneTitle())) { event.getText().add(getAccessibilityPaneTitle()); } }
Initializes an AccessibilityEvent with information about this View which is the event source. In other words, the source of an accessibility event is the view whose state change triggered firing the event.

Example: Setting the password property of an event in addition to properties set by the super implementation:

 public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {

If an AccessibilityDelegate has been specified via calling setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) its AccessibilityDelegate.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) is responsible for handling this call.

Note: Always call the super implementation before adding information to the event, in case the default implementation has basic information to add.

  • event – The event to initialize.
See Also:
/** * Initializes an {@link AccessibilityEvent} with information about * this View which is the event source. In other words, the source of * an accessibility event is the view whose state change triggered firing * the event. * <p> * Example: Setting the password property of an event in addition * to properties set by the super implementation: * <pre> public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { * super.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event); * event.setPassword(true); * }</pre> * <p> * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} has been specified via calling * {@link #setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate)} its * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent)} * is responsible for handling this call. * </p> * <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Always call the super implementation before adding * information to the event, in case the default implementation has basic information to add. * </p> * @param event The event to initialize. * * @see #sendAccessibilityEvent(int) * @see #dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) */
@CallSuper public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { mAccessibilityDelegate.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(this, event); } else { onInitializeAccessibilityEventInternal(event); } }
See Also:
/** * @see #onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * * Note: Called from the default {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * * @hide */
public void onInitializeAccessibilityEventInternal(AccessibilityEvent event) { event.setSource(this); event.setClassName(getAccessibilityClassName()); event.setPackageName(getContext().getPackageName()); event.setEnabled(isEnabled()); event.setContentDescription(mContentDescription); switch (event.getEventType()) { case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED: { ArrayList<View> focusablesTempList = (mAttachInfo != null) ? mAttachInfo.mTempArrayList : new ArrayList<View>(); getRootView().addFocusables(focusablesTempList, View.FOCUS_FORWARD, FOCUSABLES_ALL); event.setItemCount(focusablesTempList.size()); event.setCurrentItemIndex(focusablesTempList.indexOf(this)); if (mAttachInfo != null) { focusablesTempList.clear(); } } break; case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED: { CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility(); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { event.setFromIndex(getAccessibilitySelectionStart()); event.setToIndex(getAccessibilitySelectionEnd()); event.setItemCount(text.length()); } } break; } }
Returns an AccessibilityNodeInfo representing this view from the point of view of an AccessibilityService. This method is responsible for obtaining an accessibility node info from a pool of reusable instances and calling onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) on this view to initialize the former.

Note: The client is responsible for recycling the obtained instance by calling AccessibilityNodeInfo.recycle() to minimize object creation.

See Also:
Returns:A populated AccessibilityNodeInfo.
/** * Returns an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} representing this view from the * point of view of an {@link android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService}. * This method is responsible for obtaining an accessibility node info from a * pool of reusable instances and calling * {@link #onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo)} on this view to * initialize the former. * <p> * Note: The client is responsible for recycling the obtained instance by calling * {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#recycle()} to minimize object creation. * </p> * * @return A populated {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. * * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo */
public AccessibilityNodeInfo createAccessibilityNodeInfo() { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { return mAccessibilityDelegate.createAccessibilityNodeInfo(this); } else { return createAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(); } }
See Also:
  • createAccessibilityNodeInfo()
/** * @see #createAccessibilityNodeInfo() * * @hide */
public AccessibilityNodeInfo createAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal() { AccessibilityNodeProvider provider = getAccessibilityNodeProvider(); if (provider != null) { return provider.createAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeProvider.HOST_VIEW_ID); } else { AccessibilityNodeInfo info = AccessibilityNodeInfo.obtain(this); onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(info); return info; } }
Initializes an AccessibilityNodeInfo with information about this view. The base implementation sets:

Subclasses should override this method, call the super implementation, and set additional attributes.

If an AccessibilityDelegate has been specified via calling setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) its AccessibilityDelegate.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View, AccessibilityNodeInfo) is responsible for handling this call.

  • info – The instance to initialize.
/** * Initializes an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} with information about this view. * The base implementation sets: * <ul> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setParent(View)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setBoundsInParent(Rect)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setBoundsInScreen(Rect)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setPackageName(CharSequence)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setClassName(CharSequence)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setContentDescription(CharSequence)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setEnabled(boolean)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setClickable(boolean)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setFocusable(boolean)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setFocused(boolean)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setLongClickable(boolean)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setSelected(boolean)},</li> * <li>{@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setContextClickable(boolean)}</li> * </ul> * <p> * Subclasses should override this method, call the super implementation, * and set additional attributes. * </p> * <p> * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} has been specified via calling * {@link #setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate)} its * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View, AccessibilityNodeInfo)} * is responsible for handling this call. * </p> * * @param info The instance to initialize. */
@CallSuper public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { mAccessibilityDelegate.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(this, info); } else { onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(info); } }
Gets the location of this view in screen coordinates.
  • outRect – The output location
/** * Gets the location of this view in screen coordinates. * * @param outRect The output location * @hide */
public void getBoundsOnScreen(Rect outRect) { getBoundsOnScreen(outRect, false); }
Gets the location of this view in screen coordinates.
  • outRect – The output location
  • clipToParent – Whether to clip child bounds to the parent ones.
/** * Gets the location of this view in screen coordinates. * * @param outRect The output location * @param clipToParent Whether to clip child bounds to the parent ones. * @hide */
public void getBoundsOnScreen(Rect outRect, boolean clipToParent) { if (mAttachInfo == null) { return; } RectF position = mAttachInfo.mTmpTransformRect; position.set(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop); mapRectFromViewToScreenCoords(position, clipToParent); outRect.set(Math.round(position.left), Math.round(position.top), Math.round(position.right), Math.round(position.bottom)); }
Map a rectangle from view-relative coordinates to screen-relative coordinates
  • rect – The rectangle to be mapped
  • clipToParent – Whether to clip child bounds to the parent ones.
/** * Map a rectangle from view-relative coordinates to screen-relative coordinates * * @param rect The rectangle to be mapped * @param clipToParent Whether to clip child bounds to the parent ones. * @hide */
public void mapRectFromViewToScreenCoords(RectF rect, boolean clipToParent) { if (!hasIdentityMatrix()) { getMatrix().mapRect(rect); } rect.offset(mLeft, mTop); ViewParent parent = mParent; while (parent instanceof View) { View parentView = (View) parent; rect.offset(-parentView.mScrollX, -parentView.mScrollY); if (clipToParent) { rect.left = Math.max(rect.left, 0); rect.top = Math.max(rect.top, 0); rect.right = Math.min(rect.right, parentView.getWidth()); rect.bottom = Math.min(rect.bottom, parentView.getHeight()); } if (!parentView.hasIdentityMatrix()) { parentView.getMatrix().mapRect(rect); } rect.offset(parentView.mLeft, parentView.mTop); parent = parentView.mParent; } if (parent instanceof ViewRootImpl) { ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = (ViewRootImpl) parent; rect.offset(0, -viewRootImpl.mCurScrollY); } rect.offset(mAttachInfo.mWindowLeft, mAttachInfo.mWindowTop); }
Return the class name of this object to be used for accessibility purposes. Subclasses should only override this if they are implementing something that should be seen as a completely new class of view when used by accessibility, unrelated to the class it is deriving from. This is used to fill in AccessibilityNodeInfo.setClassName.
/** * Return the class name of this object to be used for accessibility purposes. * Subclasses should only override this if they are implementing something that * should be seen as a completely new class of view when used by accessibility, * unrelated to the class it is deriving from. This is used to fill in * {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#setClassName AccessibilityNodeInfo.setClassName}. */
public CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName() { return View.class.getName(); }
Called when assist structure is being retrieved from a view as part of Activity.onProvideAssistData.
  • structure – Fill in with structured view data. The default implementation fills in all data that can be inferred from the view itself.
/** * Called when assist structure is being retrieved from a view as part of * {@link android.app.Activity#onProvideAssistData Activity.onProvideAssistData}. * @param structure Fill in with structured view data. The default implementation * fills in all data that can be inferred from the view itself. */
public void onProvideStructure(ViewStructure structure) { onProvideStructureForAssistOrAutofill(structure, false, 0); }
Populates a ViewStructure to fullfil an autofill request.

The structure should contain at least the following properties:

It's also recommended to set the following properties - the more properties the structure has, the higher the changes of an AutofillService properly using the structure:

The default implementation of this method already sets most of these properties based on related View methods (for example, the autofill id is set using getAutofillId(), the autofill type set using getAutofillType(), etc.), and views in the standard Android widgets library also override it to set their relevant properties (for example, TextView already sets the text properties), so it's recommended to only override this method (and call super.onProvideAutofillStructure()) when:

Note: The left and top values set in ViewStructure.setDimens(int, int, int, int, int, int) must be relative to the next isImportantForAutofill() predecessor view included in the structure.

Views support the Autofill Framework mainly by:

  • Providing the metadata defining what the view means and how it can be autofilled.
  • Notifying the Android System when the view value changed by calling AutofillManager.notifyValueChanged(View).
  • Implementing the methods that autofill the view.

This method is responsible for the former; autofill(AutofillValue) is responsible for the latter.

  • structure – fill in with structured view data for autofill purposes.
  • flags – optional flags.
See Also:
/** * Populates a {@link ViewStructure} to fullfil an autofill request. * * <p>The structure should contain at least the following properties: * <ul> * <li>Autofill id ({@link ViewStructure#setAutofillId(AutofillId, int)}). * <li>Autofill type ({@link ViewStructure#setAutofillType(int)}). * <li>Autofill value ({@link ViewStructure#setAutofillValue(AutofillValue)}). * <li>Whether the data is sensitive ({@link ViewStructure#setDataIsSensitive(boolean)}). * </ul> * * <p>It's also recommended to set the following properties - the more properties the structure * has, the higher the changes of an {@link android.service.autofill.AutofillService} properly * using the structure: * * <ul> * <li>Autofill hints ({@link ViewStructure#setAutofillHints(String[])}). * <li>Autofill options ({@link ViewStructure#setAutofillOptions(CharSequence[])}) when the * view can only be filled with predefined values (typically used when the autofill type * is {@link #AUTOFILL_TYPE_LIST}). * <li>Resource id ({@link ViewStructure#setId(int, String, String, String)}). * <li>Class name ({@link ViewStructure#setClassName(String)}). * <li>Content description ({@link ViewStructure#setContentDescription(CharSequence)}). * <li>Visual properties such as visibility ({@link ViewStructure#setVisibility(int)}), * dimensions ({@link ViewStructure#setDimens(int, int, int, int, int, int)}), and * opacity ({@link ViewStructure#setOpaque(boolean)}). * <li>For views representing text fields, text properties such as the text itself * ({@link ViewStructure#setText(CharSequence)}), text hints * ({@link ViewStructure#setHint(CharSequence)}, input type * ({@link ViewStructure#setInputType(int)}), * <li>For views representing HTML nodes, its web domain * ({@link ViewStructure#setWebDomain(String)}) and HTML properties * (({@link ViewStructure#setHtmlInfo(android.view.ViewStructure.HtmlInfo)}). * </ul> * * <p>The default implementation of this method already sets most of these properties based on * related {@link View} methods (for example, the autofill id is set using * {@link #getAutofillId()}, the autofill type set using {@link #getAutofillType()}, etc.), * and views in the standard Android widgets library also override it to set their * relevant properties (for example, {@link android.widget.TextView} already sets the text * properties), so it's recommended to only override this method * (and call {@code super.onProvideAutofillStructure()}) when: * * <ul> * <li>The view contents does not include PII (Personally Identifiable Information), so it * can call {@link ViewStructure#setDataIsSensitive(boolean)} passing {@code false}. * <li>The view can only be autofilled with predefined options, so it can call * {@link ViewStructure#setAutofillOptions(CharSequence[])}. * </ul> * * <p><b>Note:</b> The {@code left} and {@code top} values set in * {@link ViewStructure#setDimens(int, int, int, int, int, int)} must be relative to the next * {@link ViewGroup#isImportantForAutofill()} predecessor view included in the structure. * * <p>Views support the Autofill Framework mainly by: * <ul> * <li>Providing the metadata defining what the view means and how it can be autofilled. * <li>Notifying the Android System when the view value changed by calling * {@link AutofillManager#notifyValueChanged(View)}. * <li>Implementing the methods that autofill the view. * </ul> * <p>This method is responsible for the former; {@link #autofill(AutofillValue)} is responsible * for the latter. * * @param structure fill in with structured view data for autofill purposes. * @param flags optional flags. * * @see #AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS */
public void onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure structure, @AutofillFlags int flags) { onProvideStructureForAssistOrAutofill(structure, true, flags); } private void onProvideStructureForAssistOrAutofill(ViewStructure structure, boolean forAutofill, @AutofillFlags int flags) { final int id = mID; if (id != NO_ID && !isViewIdGenerated(id)) { String pkg, type, entry; try { final Resources res = getResources(); entry = res.getResourceEntryName(id); type = res.getResourceTypeName(id); pkg = res.getResourcePackageName(id); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) { entry = type = pkg = null; } structure.setId(id, pkg, type, entry); } else { structure.setId(id, null, null, null); } if (forAutofill) { final @AutofillType int autofillType = getAutofillType(); // Don't need to fill autofill info if view does not support it. // For example, only TextViews that are editable support autofill if (autofillType != AUTOFILL_TYPE_NONE) { structure.setAutofillType(autofillType); structure.setAutofillHints(getAutofillHints()); structure.setAutofillValue(getAutofillValue()); } structure.setImportantForAutofill(getImportantForAutofill()); } int ignoredParentLeft = 0; int ignoredParentTop = 0; if (forAutofill && (flags & AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS) == 0) { View parentGroup = null; ViewParent viewParent = getParent(); if (viewParent instanceof View) { parentGroup = (View) viewParent; } while (parentGroup != null && !parentGroup.isImportantForAutofill()) { ignoredParentLeft += parentGroup.mLeft; ignoredParentTop += parentGroup.mTop; viewParent = parentGroup.getParent(); if (viewParent instanceof View) { parentGroup = (View) viewParent; } else { break; } } } structure.setDimens(ignoredParentLeft + mLeft, ignoredParentTop + mTop, mScrollX, mScrollY, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop); if (!forAutofill) { if (!hasIdentityMatrix()) { structure.setTransformation(getMatrix()); } structure.setElevation(getZ()); } structure.setVisibility(getVisibility()); structure.setEnabled(isEnabled()); if (isClickable()) { structure.setClickable(true); } if (isFocusable()) { structure.setFocusable(true); } if (isFocused()) { structure.setFocused(true); } if (isAccessibilityFocused()) { structure.setAccessibilityFocused(true); } if (isSelected()) { structure.setSelected(true); } if (isActivated()) { structure.setActivated(true); } if (isLongClickable()) { structure.setLongClickable(true); } if (this instanceof Checkable) { structure.setCheckable(true); if (((Checkable)this).isChecked()) { structure.setChecked(true); } } if (isOpaque()) { structure.setOpaque(true); } if (isContextClickable()) { structure.setContextClickable(true); } structure.setClassName(getAccessibilityClassName().toString()); structure.setContentDescription(getContentDescription()); }
Called when assist structure is being retrieved from a view as part of Activity.onProvideAssistData to generate additional virtual structure under this view. The defaullt implementation uses getAccessibilityNodeProvider() to try to generate this from the view's virtual accessibility nodes, if any. You can override this for a more optimal implementation providing this data.
/** * Called when assist structure is being retrieved from a view as part of * {@link android.app.Activity#onProvideAssistData Activity.onProvideAssistData} to * generate additional virtual structure under this view. The defaullt implementation * uses {@link #getAccessibilityNodeProvider()} to try to generate this from the * view's virtual accessibility nodes, if any. You can override this for a more * optimal implementation providing this data. */
public void onProvideVirtualStructure(ViewStructure structure) { onProvideVirtualStructureCompat(structure, false); }
Fallback implementation to populate a ViewStructure from accessibility state.
  • structure – The structure to populate.
  • forAutofill – Whether the structure is needed for autofill.
/** * Fallback implementation to populate a ViewStructure from accessibility state. * * @param structure The structure to populate. * @param forAutofill Whether the structure is needed for autofill. */
private void onProvideVirtualStructureCompat(ViewStructure structure, boolean forAutofill) { final AccessibilityNodeProvider provider = getAccessibilityNodeProvider(); if (provider != null) { if (android.view.autofill.Helper.sVerbose && forAutofill) { Log.v(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "onProvideVirtualStructureCompat() for " + this); } final AccessibilityNodeInfo info = createAccessibilityNodeInfo(); structure.setChildCount(1); final ViewStructure root = structure.newChild(0); populateVirtualStructure(root, provider, info, forAutofill); info.recycle(); } }
Populates a ViewStructure containing virtual children to fullfil an autofill request.

This method should be used when the view manages a virtual structure under this view. For example, a view that draws input fields using draw(Canvas).

When implementing this method, subclasses must follow the rules below:

Views with virtual children support the Autofill Framework mainly by:

  • Providing the metadata defining what the virtual children mean and how they can be autofilled.
  • Implementing the methods that autofill the virtual children.

This method is responsible for the former; autofill(SparseArray<AutofillValue>) is responsible for the latter.

  • structure – fill in with virtual children data for autofill purposes.
  • flags – optional flags.
See Also:
/** * Populates a {@link ViewStructure} containing virtual children to fullfil an autofill * request. * * <p>This method should be used when the view manages a virtual structure under this view. For * example, a view that draws input fields using {@link #draw(Canvas)}. * * <p>When implementing this method, subclasses must follow the rules below: * * <ul> * <li>Add virtual children by calling the {@link ViewStructure#newChild(int)} or * {@link ViewStructure#asyncNewChild(int)} methods, where the {@code id} is an unique id * identifying the children in the virtual structure. * <li>The children hierarchy can have multiple levels if necessary, but ideally it should * exclude intermediate levels that are irrelevant for autofill; that would improve the * autofill performance. * <li>Also implement {@link #autofill(SparseArray)} to autofill the virtual * children. * <li>Set the autofill properties of the child structure as defined by * {@link #onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int)}, using * {@link ViewStructure#setAutofillId(AutofillId, int)} to set its autofill id. * <li>Call {@link android.view.autofill.AutofillManager#notifyViewEntered(View, int, Rect)} * and/or {@link android.view.autofill.AutofillManager#notifyViewExited(View, int)} * when the focused virtual child changed. * <li>Override {@link #isVisibleToUserForAutofill(int)} to allow the platform to query * whether a given virtual view is visible to the user in order to support triggering * save when all views of interest go away. * <li>Call * {@link android.view.autofill.AutofillManager#notifyValueChanged(View, int, AutofillValue)} * when the value of a virtual child changed. * <li>Call {@link * android.view.autofill.AutofillManager#notifyViewVisibilityChanged(View, int, boolean)} * when the visibility of a virtual child changed. * <li>Call * {@link android.view.autofill.AutofillManager#notifyViewClicked(View, int)} when a virtual * child is clicked. * <li>Call {@link AutofillManager#commit()} when the autofill context of the view structure * changed and the current context should be committed (for example, when the user tapped * a {@code SUBMIT} button in an HTML page). * <li>Call {@link AutofillManager#cancel()} when the autofill context of the view structure * changed and the current context should be canceled (for example, when the user tapped * a {@code CANCEL} button in an HTML page). * <li>Provide ways for users to manually request autofill by calling * {@link AutofillManager#requestAutofill(View, int, Rect)}. * <li>The {@code left} and {@code top} values set in * {@link ViewStructure#setDimens(int, int, int, int, int, int)} must be relative to the * next {@link ViewGroup#isImportantForAutofill()} predecessor view included in the * structure. * </ul> * * <p>Views with virtual children support the Autofill Framework mainly by: * <ul> * <li>Providing the metadata defining what the virtual children mean and how they can be * autofilled. * <li>Implementing the methods that autofill the virtual children. * </ul> * <p>This method is responsible for the former; {@link #autofill(SparseArray)} is responsible * for the latter. * * @param structure fill in with virtual children data for autofill purposes. * @param flags optional flags. * * @see #AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS */
public void onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure structure, int flags) { if (mContext.isAutofillCompatibilityEnabled()) { onProvideVirtualStructureCompat(structure, true); } }
Automatically fills the content of this view with the value.

Views support the Autofill Framework mainly by:

  • Providing the metadata defining what the view means and how it can be autofilled.
  • Implementing the methods that autofill the view.

onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int) is responsible for the former, this method is responsible for latter.

This method does nothing by default, but when overridden it typically:

  1. Checks if the provided value matches the expected type (which is defined by getAutofillType()).
  2. Checks if the view is editable - if it isn't, it should return right away.
  3. Call the proper getter method on AutofillValue to fetch the actual value.
  4. Pass the actual value to the equivalent setter in the view.

For example, a text-field view could implement the method this way:

public void autofill(AutofillValue value) {
  if (!value.isText() || !this.isEditable()) {
  CharSequence text = value.getTextValue();
  if (text != null) {

If the value is updated asynchronously, the next call to AutofillManager.notifyValueChanged(View) must happen after the value was changed to the autofilled value. If not, the view will not be considered autofilled.

Note: After this method is called, the value returned by getAutofillValue() must be equal to the value passed to it, otherwise the view will not be highlighted as autofilled.

  • value – value to be autofilled.
/** * Automatically fills the content of this view with the {@code value}. * * <p>Views support the Autofill Framework mainly by: * <ul> * <li>Providing the metadata defining what the view means and how it can be autofilled. * <li>Implementing the methods that autofill the view. * </ul> * <p>{@link #onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int)} is responsible for the former, * this method is responsible for latter. * * <p>This method does nothing by default, but when overridden it typically: * <ol> * <li>Checks if the provided value matches the expected type (which is defined by * {@link #getAutofillType()}). * <li>Checks if the view is editable - if it isn't, it should return right away. * <li>Call the proper getter method on {@link AutofillValue} to fetch the actual value. * <li>Pass the actual value to the equivalent setter in the view. * </ol> * * <p>For example, a text-field view could implement the method this way: * * <pre class="prettyprint"> * &#64;Override * public void autofill(AutofillValue value) { * if (!value.isText() || !this.isEditable()) { * return; * } * CharSequence text = value.getTextValue(); * if (text != null) { * this.setText(text); * } * } * </pre> * * <p>If the value is updated asynchronously, the next call to * {@link AutofillManager#notifyValueChanged(View)} must happen <b>after</b> the value was * changed to the autofilled value. If not, the view will not be considered autofilled. * * <p><b>Note:</b> After this method is called, the value returned by * {@link #getAutofillValue()} must be equal to the {@code value} passed to it, otherwise the * view will not be highlighted as autofilled. * * @param value value to be autofilled. */
public void autofill(@SuppressWarnings("unused") AutofillValue value) { }
Automatically fills the content of the virtual children within this view.

Views with virtual children support the Autofill Framework mainly by:

  • Providing the metadata defining what the virtual children mean and how they can be autofilled.
  • Implementing the methods that autofill the virtual children.

onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure, int) is responsible for the former, this method is responsible for the latter - see autofill(AutofillValue) and onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure, int) for more info about autofill.

If a child value is updated asynchronously, the next call to AutofillManager.notifyValueChanged(View, int, AutofillValue) must happen after the value was changed to the autofilled value. If not, the child will not be considered autofilled.

Note: To indicate that a virtual view was autofilled, ?android:attr/autofilledHighlight should be drawn over it until the data changes.

  • values – map of values to be autofilled, keyed by virtual child id.
@attrref android.R.styleable#Theme_autofilledHighlight
/** * Automatically fills the content of the virtual children within this view. * * <p>Views with virtual children support the Autofill Framework mainly by: * <ul> * <li>Providing the metadata defining what the virtual children mean and how they can be * autofilled. * <li>Implementing the methods that autofill the virtual children. * </ul> * <p>{@link #onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure, int)} is responsible for the * former, this method is responsible for the latter - see {@link #autofill(AutofillValue)} and * {@link #onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure, int)} for more info about autofill. * * <p>If a child value is updated asynchronously, the next call to * {@link AutofillManager#notifyValueChanged(View, int, AutofillValue)} must happen * <b>after</b> the value was changed to the autofilled value. If not, the child will not be * considered autofilled. * * <p><b>Note:</b> To indicate that a virtual view was autofilled, * <code>?android:attr/autofilledHighlight</code> should be drawn over it until the data * changes. * * @param values map of values to be autofilled, keyed by virtual child id. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Theme_autofilledHighlight */
public void autofill(@NonNull @SuppressWarnings("unused") SparseArray<AutofillValue> values) { if (!mContext.isAutofillCompatibilityEnabled()) { return; } final AccessibilityNodeProvider provider = getAccessibilityNodeProvider(); if (provider == null) { return; } final int valueCount = values.size(); for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) { final AutofillValue value = values.valueAt(i); if (value.isText()) { final int virtualId = values.keyAt(i); final CharSequence text = value.getTextValue(); final Bundle arguments = new Bundle(); arguments.putCharSequence( AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_SET_TEXT_CHARSEQUENCE, text); provider.performAction(virtualId, AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SET_TEXT, arguments); } } }
Gets the unique, logical identifier of this view in the activity, for autofill purposes.

The autofill id is created on demand, unless it is explicitly set by setAutofillId(AutofillId).

See setAutofillId(AutofillId) for more info.

Returns:The View's autofill id.
/** * Gets the unique, logical identifier of this view in the activity, for autofill purposes. * * <p>The autofill id is created on demand, unless it is explicitly set by * {@link #setAutofillId(AutofillId)}. * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillId(AutofillId)} for more info. * * @return The View's autofill id. */
public final AutofillId getAutofillId() { if (mAutofillId == null) { // The autofill id needs to be unique, but its value doesn't matter, // so it's better to reuse the accessibility id to save space. mAutofillId = new AutofillId(getAutofillViewId()); } return mAutofillId; }
Sets the unique, logical identifier of this view in the activity, for autofill purposes.

The autofill id is created on demand, and this method should only be called when a view is reused after dispatchProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int) is called, as that method creates a snapshot of the view that is passed along to the autofill service.

This method is typically used when view subtrees are recycled to represent different content* —in this case, the autofill id can be saved before the view content is swapped out, and restored later when it's swapped back in. For example:

EditText reusableView = ...;
ViewGroup parentView = ...;
AutofillManager afm = ...;
// Swap out the view and change its contents
AutofillId oldId = reusableView.getAutofillId();
CharSequence oldText = reusableView.getText();
AutofillId newId = afm.getNextAutofillId();
reusableView.setText("New I am");
// Later, swap the old content back in
/** * Sets the unique, logical identifier of this view in the activity, for autofill purposes. * * <p>The autofill id is created on demand, and this method should only be called when a view is * reused after {@link #dispatchProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int)} is called, as * that method creates a snapshot of the view that is passed along to the autofill service. * * <p>This method is typically used when view subtrees are recycled to represent different * content* &mdash;in this case, the autofill id can be saved before the view content is swapped * out, and restored later when it's swapped back in. For example: * * <pre> * EditText reusableView = ...; * ViewGroup parentView = ...; * AutofillManager afm = ...; * * // Swap out the view and change its contents * AutofillId oldId = reusableView.getAutofillId(); * CharSequence oldText = reusableView.getText(); * parentView.removeView(reusableView); * AutofillId newId = afm.getNextAutofillId(); * reusableView.setText("New I am"); * reusableView.setAutofillId(newId); * parentView.addView(reusableView); * * // Later, swap the old content back in * parentView.removeView(reusableView); * reusableView.setAutofillId(oldId); * reusableView.setText(oldText); * parentView.addView(reusableView); * </pre> * * @param id an autofill ID that is unique in the {@link android.app.Activity} hosting the view, * or {@code null} to reset it. Usually it's an id previously allocated to another view (and * obtained through {@link #getAutofillId()}), or a new value obtained through * {@link AutofillManager#getNextAutofillId()}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the view is already {@link #isAttachedToWindow() attached to * a window}. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the id is an autofill id associated with a virtual view. */
public void setAutofillId(@Nullable AutofillId id) { // TODO(b/37566627): add unit / CTS test for all possible combinations below if (android.view.autofill.Helper.sVerbose) { Log.v(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "setAutofill(): from " + mAutofillId + " to " + id); } if (isAttachedToWindow()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set autofill id when view is attached"); } if (id != null && id.isVirtual()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set autofill id assigned to virtual views"); } if (id == null && (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_AUTOFILLID_EXPLICITLY_SET) == 0) { // Ignore reset because it was never explicitly set before. return; } mAutofillId = id; if (id != null) { mAutofillViewId = id.getViewId(); mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_AUTOFILLID_EXPLICITLY_SET; } else { mAutofillViewId = NO_ID; mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_AUTOFILLID_EXPLICITLY_SET; } }
Describes the autofill type of this view, so an AutofillService can create the proper AutofillValue when autofilling the view.

By default returns AUTOFILL_TYPE_NONE, but views should override it to properly support the Autofill Framework.

See Also:
/** * Describes the autofill type of this view, so an * {@link android.service.autofill.AutofillService} can create the proper {@link AutofillValue} * when autofilling the view. * * <p>By default returns {@link #AUTOFILL_TYPE_NONE}, but views should override it to properly * support the Autofill Framework. * * @return either {@link #AUTOFILL_TYPE_NONE}, {@link #AUTOFILL_TYPE_TEXT}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_TYPE_LIST}, {@link #AUTOFILL_TYPE_DATE}, or {@link #AUTOFILL_TYPE_TOGGLE}. * * @see #onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int) * @see #autofill(AutofillValue) */
public @AutofillType int getAutofillType() { return AUTOFILL_TYPE_NONE; }
Gets the hints that help an AutofillService determine how to autofill the view with the user's data.

See setAutofillHints(String...) for more info about these hints.

Returns:The hints set via the attribute or setAutofillHints(String...), or null if no hints were set.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_autofillHints
/** * Gets the hints that help an {@link android.service.autofill.AutofillService} determine how * to autofill the view with the user's data. * * <p>See {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)} for more info about these hints. * * @return The hints set via the attribute or {@link #setAutofillHints(String...)}, or * {@code null} if no hints were set. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_autofillHints */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty() @Nullable public String[] getAutofillHints() { return mAutofillHints; }
/** * @hide */
public boolean isAutofilled() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_IS_AUTOFILLED) != 0; }
Gets the View's current autofill value.

By default returns null, but subclasses should override it and return an appropriate value to properly support the Autofill Framework.

See Also:
/** * Gets the {@link View}'s current autofill value. * * <p>By default returns {@code null}, but subclasses should override it and return an * appropriate value to properly support the Autofill Framework. * * @see #onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int) * @see #autofill(AutofillValue) */
@Nullable public AutofillValue getAutofillValue() { return null; }
Gets the mode for determining whether this view is important for autofill.

See setImportantForAutofill(int) and isImportantForAutofill() for more info about this mode.

Returns:IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO by default, or value passed to setImportantForAutofill(int).
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_importantForAutofill
/** * Gets the mode for determining whether this view is important for autofill. * * <p>See {@link #setImportantForAutofill(int)} and {@link #isImportantForAutofill()} for more * info about this mode. * * @return {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO} by default, or value passed to * {@link #setImportantForAutofill(int)}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_importantForAutofill */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO, to = "auto"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES, to = "yes"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO, to = "no"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS, to = "yesExcludeDescendants"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS, to = "noExcludeDescendants")}) public @AutofillImportance int getImportantForAutofill() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_MASK) >> PFLAG3_IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_SHIFT; }
Sets the mode for determining whether this view is considered important for autofill.

The platform determines the importance for autofill automatically but you can use this method to customize the behavior. For example:

  1. When the view contents is irrelevant for autofill (for example, a text field used in a "Captcha" challenge), it should be IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO.
  2. When both the view and its children are irrelevant for autofill (for example, the root view of an activity containing a spreadhseet editor), it should be IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS.
  3. When the view content is relevant for autofill but its children aren't (for example, a credit card expiration date represented by a custom view that overrides the proper autofill methods and has 2 children representing the month and year), it should be IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS.

Note: Setting the mode as IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO or IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS does not guarantee the view (and its children) will be always be considered not important; for example, when the user explicitly makes an autofill request, all views are considered important. See isImportantForAutofill() for more details about how the View's importance for autofill is used.

@attrref android.R.styleable#View_importantForAutofill
/** * Sets the mode for determining whether this view is considered important for autofill. * * <p>The platform determines the importance for autofill automatically but you * can use this method to customize the behavior. For example: * * <ol> * <li>When the view contents is irrelevant for autofill (for example, a text field used in a * "Captcha" challenge), it should be {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO}. * <li>When both the view and its children are irrelevant for autofill (for example, the root * view of an activity containing a spreadhseet editor), it should be * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS}. * <li>When the view content is relevant for autofill but its children aren't (for example, * a credit card expiration date represented by a custom view that overrides the proper * autofill methods and has 2 children representing the month and year), it should * be {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS}. * </ol> * * <p><b>Note:</b> Setting the mode as {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO} or * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS} does not guarantee the view (and its * children) will be always be considered not important; for example, when the user explicitly * makes an autofill request, all views are considered important. See * {@link #isImportantForAutofill()} for more details about how the View's importance for * autofill is used. * * @param mode {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO}, {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES}, * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO}, {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS}, * or {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_importantForAutofill */
public void setImportantForAutofill(@AutofillImportance int mode) { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_MASK; mPrivateFlags3 |= (mode << PFLAG3_IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_SHIFT) & PFLAG3_IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_MASK; }
Hints the Android System whether the ViewNode associated with this view is considered important for autofill purposes.

Generally speaking, a view is important for autofill if:

  1. The view can be autofilled by an AutofillService.
  2. The view contents can help an AutofillService determine how other views can be autofilled.

      For example, view containers should typically return false for performance reasons (since the important info is provided by their children), but if its properties have relevant information (for example, a resource id called credentials, it should return true. On the other hand, views representing labels or editable fields should typically return true, but in some cases they could return false (for example, if they're part of a "Captcha" mechanism).

      The value returned by this method depends on the value returned by getImportantForAutofill():

      3. if it returns IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO, then it uses some simple heuristics that can return true in some cases (like a container with a resource id), but false in most.
      4. otherwise, it returns false.

      When a view is considered important for autofill:

      • The view might automatically trigger an autofill request when focused on.
      • The contents of the view are included in the ViewStructure used in an autofill request.

      On the other hand, when a view is considered not important for autofill:

See Also:
Returns:whether the view is considered important for autofill.
/** * Hints the Android System whether the {@link android.app.assist.AssistStructure.ViewNode} * associated with this view is considered important for autofill purposes. * * <p>Generally speaking, a view is important for autofill if: * <ol> * <li>The view can be autofilled by an {@link android.service.autofill.AutofillService}. * <li>The view contents can help an {@link android.service.autofill.AutofillService} * determine how other views can be autofilled. * <ol> * * <p>For example, view containers should typically return {@code false} for performance reasons * (since the important info is provided by their children), but if its properties have relevant * information (for example, a resource id called {@code credentials}, it should return * {@code true}. On the other hand, views representing labels or editable fields should * typically return {@code true}, but in some cases they could return {@code false} * (for example, if they're part of a "Captcha" mechanism). * * <p>The value returned by this method depends on the value returned by * {@link #getImportantForAutofill()}: * * <ol> * <li>if it returns {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES} or * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS}, then it returns {@code true} * <li>if it returns {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO} or * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS}, then it returns {@code false} * <li>if it returns {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO}, then it uses some simple heuristics * that can return {@code true} in some cases (like a container with a resource id), * but {@code false} in most. * <li>otherwise, it returns {@code false}. * </ol> * * <p>When a view is considered important for autofill: * <ul> * <li>The view might automatically trigger an autofill request when focused on. * <li>The contents of the view are included in the {@link ViewStructure} used in an autofill * request. * </ul> * * <p>On the other hand, when a view is considered not important for autofill: * <ul> * <li>The view never automatically triggers autofill requests, but it can trigger a manual * request through {@link AutofillManager#requestAutofill(View)}. * <li>The contents of the view are not included in the {@link ViewStructure} used in an * autofill request, unless the request has the * {@link #AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS} flag. * </ul> * * @return whether the view is considered important for autofill. * * @see #setImportantForAutofill(int) * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_AUTO * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS * @see AutofillManager#requestAutofill(View) */
public final boolean isImportantForAutofill() { // Check parent mode to ensure we're not hidden. ViewParent parent = mParent; while (parent instanceof View) { final int parentImportance = ((View) parent).getImportantForAutofill(); if (parentImportance == IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS || parentImportance == IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS) { return false; } parent = parent.getParent(); } final int importance = getImportantForAutofill(); // First, check the explicit states. if (importance == IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS || importance == IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_YES) { return true; } if (importance == IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO_EXCLUDE_DESCENDANTS || importance == IMPORTANT_FOR_AUTOFILL_NO) { return false; } // Then use some heuristics to handle AUTO. // Always include views that have an explicit resource id. final int id = mID; if (id != NO_ID && !isViewIdGenerated(id)) { final Resources res = getResources(); String entry = null; String pkg = null; try { entry = res.getResourceEntryName(id); pkg = res.getResourcePackageName(id); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) { // ignore } if (entry != null && pkg != null && pkg.equals(mContext.getPackageName())) { return true; } } // If the app developer explicitly set hints for it, it's important. if (getAutofillHints() != null) { return true; } // Otherwise, assume it's not important... return false; } @Nullable private AutofillManager getAutofillManager() { return mContext.getSystemService(AutofillManager.class); } private boolean isAutofillable() { return getAutofillType() != AUTOFILL_TYPE_NONE && isImportantForAutofill() && getAutofillViewId() > LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID; }
/** @hide */
public boolean canNotifyAutofillEnterExitEvent() { return isAutofillable() && isAttachedToWindow(); } private void populateVirtualStructure(ViewStructure structure, AccessibilityNodeProvider provider, AccessibilityNodeInfo info, boolean forAutofill) { structure.setId(AccessibilityNodeInfo.getVirtualDescendantId(info.getSourceNodeId()), null, null, info.getViewIdResourceName()); Rect rect = structure.getTempRect(); info.getBoundsInParent(rect); structure.setDimens(rect.left, rect.top, 0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height()); structure.setVisibility(VISIBLE); structure.setEnabled(info.isEnabled()); if (info.isClickable()) { structure.setClickable(true); } if (info.isFocusable()) { structure.setFocusable(true); } if (info.isFocused()) { structure.setFocused(true); } if (info.isAccessibilityFocused()) { structure.setAccessibilityFocused(true); } if (info.isSelected()) { structure.setSelected(true); } if (info.isLongClickable()) { structure.setLongClickable(true); } if (info.isCheckable()) { structure.setCheckable(true); if (info.isChecked()) { structure.setChecked(true); } } if (info.isContextClickable()) { structure.setContextClickable(true); } if (forAutofill) { structure.setAutofillId(new AutofillId(getAutofillId(), AccessibilityNodeInfo.getVirtualDescendantId(info.getSourceNodeId()))); } CharSequence cname = info.getClassName(); structure.setClassName(cname != null ? cname.toString() : null); structure.setContentDescription(info.getContentDescription()); if (forAutofill) { final int maxTextLength = info.getMaxTextLength(); if (maxTextLength != -1) { structure.setMaxTextLength(maxTextLength); } structure.setHint(info.getHintText()); } CharSequence text = info.getText(); boolean hasText = text != null || info.getError() != null; if (hasText) { structure.setText(text, info.getTextSelectionStart(), info.getTextSelectionEnd()); } if (forAutofill) { if (info.isEditable()) { structure.setDataIsSensitive(true); if (hasText) { structure.setAutofillType(AUTOFILL_TYPE_TEXT); structure.setAutofillValue(AutofillValue.forText(text)); } int inputType = info.getInputType(); if (inputType == 0 && info.isPassword()) { inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD; } structure.setInputType(inputType); } else { structure.setDataIsSensitive(false); } } final int NCHILDREN = info.getChildCount(); if (NCHILDREN > 0) { structure.setChildCount(NCHILDREN); for (int i=0; i<NCHILDREN; i++) { if (AccessibilityNodeInfo.getVirtualDescendantId(info.getChildNodeIds().get(i)) == AccessibilityNodeProvider.HOST_VIEW_ID) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "Virtual view pointing to its host. Ignoring"); continue; } AccessibilityNodeInfo cinfo = provider.createAccessibilityNodeInfo( AccessibilityNodeInfo.getVirtualDescendantId(info.getChildId(i))); ViewStructure child = structure.newChild(i); populateVirtualStructure(child, provider, cinfo, forAutofill); cinfo.recycle(); } } }
Dispatch creation of ViewStructure down the hierarchy. The default implementation calls onProvideStructure and onProvideVirtualStructure.
/** * Dispatch creation of {@link ViewStructure} down the hierarchy. The default * implementation calls {@link #onProvideStructure} and * {@link #onProvideVirtualStructure}. */
public void dispatchProvideStructure(ViewStructure structure) { dispatchProvideStructureForAssistOrAutofill(structure, false, 0); }
Dispatches creation of a ViewStructures for autofill purposes down the hierarchy, when an Assist structure is being created as part of an autofill request.

The default implementation does the following:

Typically, this method should only be overridden by subclasses that provide a view hierarchy (such as ViewGroup) - other classes should override onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int) or onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure, int) instead.

When overridden, it must:

  • Either call super.dispatchProvideAutofillStructure(structure, flags) or explicitly set the AutofillId in the structure (for example, by calling structure.setAutofillId(getAutofillId())).
  • Decide how to handle the AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS flag - when set, all views in the structure should be considered important for autofill, regardless of what isImportantForAutofill() returns. We encourage you to respect this flag to provide a better user experience - this flag is typically used when an user explicitly requested autofill. If the flag is not set, then only views marked as important for autofill should be included in the structure - skipping non-important views optimizes the overall autofill performance.
  • structure – fill in with structured view data for autofill purposes.
  • flags – optional flags.
See Also:
/** * Dispatches creation of a {@link ViewStructure}s for autofill purposes down the hierarchy, * when an Assist structure is being created as part of an autofill request. * * <p>The default implementation does the following: * <ul> * <li>Sets the {@link AutofillId} in the structure. * <li>Calls {@link #onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int)}. * <li>Calls {@link #onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure, int)}. * </ul> * * <p>Typically, this method should only be overridden by subclasses that provide a view * hierarchy (such as {@link ViewGroup}) - other classes should override * {@link #onProvideAutofillStructure(ViewStructure, int)} or * {@link #onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure, int)} instead. * * <p>When overridden, it must: * * <ul> * <li>Either call * {@code super.dispatchProvideAutofillStructure(structure, flags)} or explicitly * set the {@link AutofillId} in the structure (for example, by calling * {@code structure.setAutofillId(getAutofillId())}). * <li>Decide how to handle the {@link #AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS} flag - when * set, all views in the structure should be considered important for autofill, * regardless of what {@link #isImportantForAutofill()} returns. We encourage you to * respect this flag to provide a better user experience - this flag is typically used * when an user explicitly requested autofill. If the flag is not set, * then only views marked as important for autofill should be included in the * structure - skipping non-important views optimizes the overall autofill performance. * </ul> * * @param structure fill in with structured view data for autofill purposes. * @param flags optional flags. * * @see #AUTOFILL_FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS */
public void dispatchProvideAutofillStructure(@NonNull ViewStructure structure, @AutofillFlags int flags) { dispatchProvideStructureForAssistOrAutofill(structure, true, flags); } private void dispatchProvideStructureForAssistOrAutofill(ViewStructure structure, boolean forAutofill, @AutofillFlags int flags) { if (forAutofill) { structure.setAutofillId(getAutofillId()); onProvideAutofillStructure(structure, flags); onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(structure, flags); } else if (!isAssistBlocked()) { onProvideStructure(structure); onProvideVirtualStructure(structure); } else { structure.setClassName(getAccessibilityClassName().toString()); structure.setAssistBlocked(true); } }
See Also:
/** * @see #onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) * * Note: Called from the default {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * * @hide */
public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { if (mAttachInfo == null) { return; } Rect bounds = mAttachInfo.mTmpInvalRect; getDrawingRect(bounds); info.setBoundsInParent(bounds); getBoundsOnScreen(bounds, true); info.setBoundsInScreen(bounds); ViewParent parent = getParentForAccessibility(); if (parent instanceof View) { info.setParent((View) parent); } if (mID != View.NO_ID) { View rootView = getRootView(); if (rootView == null) { rootView = this; } View label = rootView.findLabelForView(this, mID); if (label != null) { info.setLabeledBy(label); } if ((mAttachInfo.mAccessibilityFetchFlags & AccessibilityNodeInfo.FLAG_REPORT_VIEW_IDS) != 0 && Resources.resourceHasPackage(mID)) { try { String viewId = getResources().getResourceName(mID); info.setViewIdResourceName(viewId); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException nfe) { /* ignore */ } } } if (mLabelForId != View.NO_ID) { View rootView = getRootView(); if (rootView == null) { rootView = this; } View labeled = rootView.findViewInsideOutShouldExist(this, mLabelForId); if (labeled != null) { info.setLabelFor(labeled); } } if (mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId != View.NO_ID) { View rootView = getRootView(); if (rootView == null) { rootView = this; } View next = rootView.findViewInsideOutShouldExist(this, mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId); if (next != null && next.includeForAccessibility()) { info.setTraversalBefore(next); } } if (mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId != View.NO_ID) { View rootView = getRootView(); if (rootView == null) { rootView = this; } View next = rootView.findViewInsideOutShouldExist(this, mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId); if (next != null && next.includeForAccessibility()) { info.setTraversalAfter(next); } } info.setVisibleToUser(isVisibleToUser()); info.setImportantForAccessibility(isImportantForAccessibility()); info.setPackageName(mContext.getPackageName()); info.setClassName(getAccessibilityClassName()); info.setContentDescription(getContentDescription()); info.setEnabled(isEnabled()); info.setClickable(isClickable()); info.setFocusable(isFocusable()); info.setScreenReaderFocusable(isScreenReaderFocusable()); info.setFocused(isFocused()); info.setAccessibilityFocused(isAccessibilityFocused()); info.setSelected(isSelected()); info.setLongClickable(isLongClickable()); info.setContextClickable(isContextClickable()); info.setLiveRegion(getAccessibilityLiveRegion()); if ((mTooltipInfo != null) && (mTooltipInfo.mTooltipText != null)) { info.setTooltipText(mTooltipInfo.mTooltipText); info.addAction((mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup == null) ? AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SHOW_TOOLTIP : AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_HIDE_TOOLTIP); } // TODO: These make sense only if we are in an AdapterView but all // views can be selected. Maybe from accessibility perspective // we should report as selectable view in an AdapterView. info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SELECT); info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION); if (isFocusable()) { if (isFocused()) { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_FOCUS); } else { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_FOCUS); } } if (!isAccessibilityFocused()) { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS); } else { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS); } if (isClickable() && isEnabled()) { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLICK); } if (isLongClickable() && isEnabled()) { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_LONG_CLICK); } if (isContextClickable() && isEnabled()) { info.addAction(AccessibilityAction.ACTION_CONTEXT_CLICK); } CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility(); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { info.setTextSelection(getAccessibilitySelectionStart(), getAccessibilitySelectionEnd()); info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SET_SELECTION); info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_NEXT_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY); info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_PREVIOUS_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY); info.setMovementGranularities(AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_CHARACTER | AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_WORD | AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_PARAGRAPH); } info.addAction(AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN); populateAccessibilityNodeInfoDrawingOrderInParent(info); info.setPaneTitle(mAccessibilityPaneTitle); info.setHeading(isAccessibilityHeading()); }
Adds extra data to an AccessibilityNodeInfo based on an explicit request for the additional data.

This method only needs overloading if the node is marked as having extra data available.

  • info – The info to which to add the extra data. Never null.
  • extraDataKey – A key specifying the type of extra data to add to the info. The extra data should be added to the Bundle returned by the info's AccessibilityNodeInfo.getExtras method. Never null.
  • arguments – A Bundle holding any arguments relevant for this request. May be null if the service provided no arguments.
See Also:
/** * Adds extra data to an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} based on an explicit request for the * additional data. * <p> * This method only needs overloading if the node is marked as having extra data available. * </p> * * @param info The info to which to add the extra data. Never {@code null}. * @param extraDataKey A key specifying the type of extra data to add to the info. The * extra data should be added to the {@link Bundle} returned by * the info's {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#getExtras} method. Never * {@code null}. * @param arguments A {@link Bundle} holding any arguments relevant for this request. May be * {@code null} if the service provided no arguments. * * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#setAvailableExtraData(List) */
public void addExtraDataToAccessibilityNodeInfo( @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo info, @NonNull String extraDataKey, @Nullable Bundle arguments) { }
Determine the order in which this view will be drawn relative to its siblings for a11y
  • info – The info whose drawing order should be populated
/** * Determine the order in which this view will be drawn relative to its siblings for a11y * * @param info The info whose drawing order should be populated */
private void populateAccessibilityNodeInfoDrawingOrderInParent(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { /* * If the view's bounds haven't been set yet, layout has not completed. In that situation, * drawing order may not be well-defined, and some Views with custom drawing order may * not be initialized sufficiently to respond properly getChildDrawingOrder. */ if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS) == 0) { info.setDrawingOrder(0); return; } int drawingOrderInParent = 1; // Iterate up the hierarchy if parents are not important for a11y View viewAtDrawingLevel = this; final ViewParent parent = getParentForAccessibility(); while (viewAtDrawingLevel != parent) { final ViewParent currentParent = viewAtDrawingLevel.getParent(); if (!(currentParent instanceof ViewGroup)) { // Should only happen for the Decor drawingOrderInParent = 0; break; } else { final ViewGroup parentGroup = (ViewGroup) currentParent; final int childCount = parentGroup.getChildCount(); if (childCount > 1) { List<View> preorderedList = parentGroup.buildOrderedChildList(); if (preorderedList != null) { final int childDrawIndex = preorderedList.indexOf(viewAtDrawingLevel); for (int i = 0; i < childDrawIndex; i++) { drawingOrderInParent += numViewsForAccessibility(preorderedList.get(i)); } } else { final int childIndex = parentGroup.indexOfChild(viewAtDrawingLevel); final boolean customOrder = parentGroup.isChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled(); final int childDrawIndex = ((childIndex >= 0) && customOrder) ? parentGroup .getChildDrawingOrder(childCount, childIndex) : childIndex; final int numChildrenToIterate = customOrder ? childCount : childDrawIndex; if (childDrawIndex != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < numChildrenToIterate; i++) { final int otherDrawIndex = (customOrder ? parentGroup.getChildDrawingOrder(childCount, i) : i); if (otherDrawIndex < childDrawIndex) { drawingOrderInParent += numViewsForAccessibility(parentGroup.getChildAt(i)); } } } } } } viewAtDrawingLevel = (View) currentParent; } info.setDrawingOrder(drawingOrderInParent); } private static int numViewsForAccessibility(View view) { if (view != null) { if (view.includeForAccessibility()) { return 1; } else if (view instanceof ViewGroup) { return ((ViewGroup) view).getNumChildrenForAccessibility(); } } return 0; } private View findLabelForView(View view, int labeledId) { if (mMatchLabelForPredicate == null) { mMatchLabelForPredicate = new MatchLabelForPredicate(); } mMatchLabelForPredicate.mLabeledId = labeledId; return findViewByPredicateInsideOut(view, mMatchLabelForPredicate); }
Computes whether this virtual autofill view is visible to the user.

Note: By default it returns true, but views providing a virtual hierarchy view must override it.

Returns:Whether the view is visible on the screen.
/** * Computes whether this virtual autofill view is visible to the user. * * <p><b>Note: </b>By default it returns {@code true}, but views providing a virtual hierarchy * view must override it. * * @return Whether the view is visible on the screen. */
public boolean isVisibleToUserForAutofill(int virtualId) { if (mContext.isAutofillCompatibilityEnabled()) { final AccessibilityNodeProvider provider = getAccessibilityNodeProvider(); if (provider != null) { final AccessibilityNodeInfo node = provider.createAccessibilityNodeInfo(virtualId); if (node != null) { return node.isVisibleToUser(); } // if node is null, assume it's not visible anymore } else { Log.w(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "isVisibleToUserForAutofill(" + virtualId + "): no provider"); } return false; } return true; }
Computes whether this view is visible to the user. Such a view is attached, visible, all its predecessors are visible, it is not clipped entirely by its predecessors, and has an alpha greater than zero.
Returns:Whether the view is visible on the screen.
/** * Computes whether this view is visible to the user. Such a view is * attached, visible, all its predecessors are visible, it is not clipped * entirely by its predecessors, and has an alpha greater than zero. * * @return Whether the view is visible on the screen. * * @hide */
public boolean isVisibleToUser() { return isVisibleToUser(null); }
Computes whether the given portion of this view is visible to the user. Such a view is attached, visible, all its predecessors are visible, has an alpha greater than zero, and the specified portion is not clipped entirely by its predecessors.
  • boundInView – the portion of the view to test; coordinates should be relative; may be null, and the entire view will be tested in this case. When true is returned by the function, the actual visible region will be stored in this parameter; that is, if boundInView is fully contained within the view, no modification will be made, otherwise regions outside of the visible area of the view will be clipped.
Returns:Whether the specified portion of the view is visible on the screen.
/** * Computes whether the given portion of this view is visible to the user. * Such a view is attached, visible, all its predecessors are visible, * has an alpha greater than zero, and the specified portion is not * clipped entirely by its predecessors. * * @param boundInView the portion of the view to test; coordinates should be relative; may be * <code>null</code>, and the entire view will be tested in this case. * When <code>true</code> is returned by the function, the actual visible * region will be stored in this parameter; that is, if boundInView is fully * contained within the view, no modification will be made, otherwise regions * outside of the visible area of the view will be clipped. * * @return Whether the specified portion of the view is visible on the screen. * * @hide */
protected boolean isVisibleToUser(Rect boundInView) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { // Attached to invisible window means this view is not visible. if (mAttachInfo.mWindowVisibility != View.VISIBLE) { return false; } // An invisible predecessor or one with alpha zero means // that this view is not visible to the user. Object current = this; while (current instanceof View) { View view = (View) current; // We have attach info so this view is attached and there is no // need to check whether we reach to ViewRootImpl on the way up. if (view.getAlpha() <= 0 || view.getTransitionAlpha() <= 0 || view.getVisibility() != VISIBLE) { return false; } current = view.mParent; } // Check if the view is entirely covered by its predecessors. Rect visibleRect = mAttachInfo.mTmpInvalRect; Point offset = mAttachInfo.mPoint; if (!getGlobalVisibleRect(visibleRect, offset)) { return false; } // Check if the visible portion intersects the rectangle of interest. if (boundInView != null) { visibleRect.offset(-offset.x, -offset.y); return boundInView.intersect(visibleRect); } return true; } return false; }
Returns the delegate for implementing accessibility support via composition. For more details see AccessibilityDelegate.
Returns:The delegate, or null if none set.
/** * Returns the delegate for implementing accessibility support via * composition. For more details see {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * * @return The delegate, or null if none set. * * @hide */
public AccessibilityDelegate getAccessibilityDelegate() { return mAccessibilityDelegate; }
Sets a delegate for implementing accessibility support via composition (as opposed to inheritance). For more details, see AccessibilityDelegate.

Note: On platform versions prior to API 23, delegate methods on views in the android.widget.* package are called before host methods. This prevents certain properties such as class name from being modified by overriding AccessibilityDelegate.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View, AccessibilityNodeInfo), as any changes will be overwritten by the host class.

Starting in API 23, delegate methods are called after host methods, which all properties to be modified without being overwritten by the host class.

  • delegate – the object to which accessibility method calls should be delegated
See Also:
/** * Sets a delegate for implementing accessibility support via composition * (as opposed to inheritance). For more details, see * {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> On platform versions prior to * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M API 23}, delegate methods on * views in the {@code android.widget.*} package are called <i>before</i> * host methods. This prevents certain properties such as class name from * being modified by overriding * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View, AccessibilityNodeInfo)}, * as any changes will be overwritten by the host class. * <p> * Starting in {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M API 23}, delegate * methods are called <i>after</i> host methods, which all properties to be * modified without being overwritten by the host class. * * @param delegate the object to which accessibility method calls should be * delegated * @see AccessibilityDelegate */
public void setAccessibilityDelegate(@Nullable AccessibilityDelegate delegate) { mAccessibilityDelegate = delegate; }
Gets the provider for managing a virtual view hierarchy rooted at this View and reported to AccessibilityServices that explore the window content.

If this method returns an instance, this instance is responsible for managing AccessibilityNodeInfos describing the virtual sub-tree rooted at this View including the one representing the View itself. Similarly the returned instance is responsible for performing accessibility actions on any virtual view or the root view itself.

If an AccessibilityDelegate has been specified via calling setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) its AccessibilityDelegate.getAccessibilityNodeProvider(View) is responsible for handling this call.

See Also:
Returns:The provider.
/** * Gets the provider for managing a virtual view hierarchy rooted at this View * and reported to {@link android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService}s * that explore the window content. * <p> * If this method returns an instance, this instance is responsible for managing * {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s describing the virtual sub-tree rooted at this * View including the one representing the View itself. Similarly the returned * instance is responsible for performing accessibility actions on any virtual * view or the root view itself. * </p> * <p> * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} has been specified via calling * {@link #setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate)} its * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#getAccessibilityNodeProvider(View)} * is responsible for handling this call. * </p> * * @return The provider. * * @see AccessibilityNodeProvider */
public AccessibilityNodeProvider getAccessibilityNodeProvider() { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { return mAccessibilityDelegate.getAccessibilityNodeProvider(this); } else { return null; } }
Gets the unique identifier of this view on the screen for accessibility purposes.
Returns:The view accessibility id.
/** * Gets the unique identifier of this view on the screen for accessibility purposes. * * @return The view accessibility id. * * @hide */
public int getAccessibilityViewId() { if (mAccessibilityViewId == NO_ID) { mAccessibilityViewId = sNextAccessibilityViewId++; } return mAccessibilityViewId; }
Gets the unique identifier of this view on the screen for autofill purposes.
Returns:The view autofill id.
/** * Gets the unique identifier of this view on the screen for autofill purposes. * * @return The view autofill id. * * @hide */
public int getAutofillViewId() { if (mAutofillViewId == NO_ID) { mAutofillViewId = mContext.getNextAutofillId(); } return mAutofillViewId; }
Gets the unique identifier of the window in which this View reseides.
Returns:The window accessibility id.
/** * Gets the unique identifier of the window in which this View reseides. * * @return The window accessibility id. * * @hide */
public int getAccessibilityWindowId() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mAccessibilityWindowId : AccessibilityWindowInfo.UNDEFINED_WINDOW_ID; }
Returns the View's content description.

Note: Do not override this method, as it will have no effect on the content description presented to accessibility services. You must call setContentDescription(CharSequence) to modify the content description.

See Also:
Returns:the content description
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_contentDescription
/** * Returns the {@link View}'s content description. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> Do not override this method, as it will have no * effect on the content description presented to accessibility services. * You must call {@link #setContentDescription(CharSequence)} to modify the * content description. * * @return the content description * @see #setContentDescription(CharSequence) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_contentDescription */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "accessibility") public CharSequence getContentDescription() { return mContentDescription; }
Sets the View's content description.

A content description briefly describes the view and is primarily used for accessibility support to determine how a view should be presented to the user. In the case of a view with no textual representation, such as ImageButton, a useful content description explains what the view does. For example, an image button with a phone icon that is used to place a call may use "Call" as its content description. An image of a floppy disk that is used to save a file may use "Save".

  • contentDescription – The content description.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_contentDescription
/** * Sets the {@link View}'s content description. * <p> * A content description briefly describes the view and is primarily used * for accessibility support to determine how a view should be presented to * the user. In the case of a view with no textual representation, such as * {@link android.widget.ImageButton}, a useful content description * explains what the view does. For example, an image button with a phone * icon that is used to place a call may use "Call" as its content * description. An image of a floppy disk that is used to save a file may * use "Save". * * @param contentDescription The content description. * @see #getContentDescription() * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_contentDescription */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setContentDescription(CharSequence contentDescription) { if (mContentDescription == null) { if (contentDescription == null) { return; } } else if (mContentDescription.equals(contentDescription)) { return; } mContentDescription = contentDescription; final boolean nonEmptyDesc = contentDescription != null && contentDescription.length() > 0; if (nonEmptyDesc && getImportantForAccessibility() == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO) { setImportantForAccessibility(IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } else { notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION); } }
Sets the id of a view before which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. A screen-reader must visit the content of this view before the content of the one it precedes. For example, if view B is set to be before view A, then a screen-reader will traverse the entire content of B before traversing the entire content of A, regardles of what traversal strategy it is using.

Views that do not have specified before/after relationships are traversed in order determined by the screen-reader.

Setting that this view is before a view that is not important for accessibility or if this view is not important for accessibility will have no effect as the screen-reader is not aware of unimportant views.

  • beforeId – The id of a view this one precedes in accessibility traversal.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityTraversalBefore
/** * Sets the id of a view before which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. * A screen-reader must visit the content of this view before the content of the one * it precedes. For example, if view B is set to be before view A, then a screen-reader * will traverse the entire content of B before traversing the entire content of A, * regardles of what traversal strategy it is using. * <p> * Views that do not have specified before/after relationships are traversed in order * determined by the screen-reader. * </p> * <p> * Setting that this view is before a view that is not important for accessibility * or if this view is not important for accessibility will have no effect as the * screen-reader is not aware of unimportant views. * </p> * * @param beforeId The id of a view this one precedes in accessibility traversal. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityTraversalBefore * * @see #setImportantForAccessibility(int) */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setAccessibilityTraversalBefore(int beforeId) { if (mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId == beforeId) { return; } mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = beforeId; notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); }
Gets the id of a view before which this one is visited in accessibility traversal.
See Also:
Returns:The id of a view this one precedes in accessibility traversal if specified, otherwise NO_ID.
/** * Gets the id of a view before which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. * * @return The id of a view this one precedes in accessibility traversal if * specified, otherwise {@link #NO_ID}. * * @see #setAccessibilityTraversalBefore(int) */
public int getAccessibilityTraversalBefore() { return mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId; }
Sets the id of a view after which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. A screen-reader must visit the content of the other view before the content of this one. For example, if view B is set to be after view A, then a screen-reader will traverse the entire content of A before traversing the entire content of B, regardles of what traversal strategy it is using.

Views that do not have specified before/after relationships are traversed in order determined by the screen-reader.

Setting that this view is after a view that is not important for accessibility or if this view is not important for accessibility will have no effect as the screen-reader is not aware of unimportant views.

  • afterId – The id of a view this one succedees in accessibility traversal.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityTraversalAfter
/** * Sets the id of a view after which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. * A screen-reader must visit the content of the other view before the content of this * one. For example, if view B is set to be after view A, then a screen-reader * will traverse the entire content of A before traversing the entire content of B, * regardles of what traversal strategy it is using. * <p> * Views that do not have specified before/after relationships are traversed in order * determined by the screen-reader. * </p> * <p> * Setting that this view is after a view that is not important for accessibility * or if this view is not important for accessibility will have no effect as the * screen-reader is not aware of unimportant views. * </p> * * @param afterId The id of a view this one succedees in accessibility traversal. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityTraversalAfter * * @see #setImportantForAccessibility(int) */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setAccessibilityTraversalAfter(int afterId) { if (mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId == afterId) { return; } mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = afterId; notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); }
Gets the id of a view after which this one is visited in accessibility traversal.
See Also:
Returns:The id of a view this one succeedes in accessibility traversal if specified, otherwise NO_ID.
/** * Gets the id of a view after which this one is visited in accessibility traversal. * * @return The id of a view this one succeedes in accessibility traversal if * specified, otherwise {@link #NO_ID}. * * @see #setAccessibilityTraversalAfter(int) */
public int getAccessibilityTraversalAfter() { return mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId; }
Gets the id of a view for which this view serves as a label for accessibility purposes.
Returns:The labeled view id.
/** * Gets the id of a view for which this view serves as a label for * accessibility purposes. * * @return The labeled view id. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "accessibility") public int getLabelFor() { return mLabelForId; }
Sets the id of a view for which this view serves as a label for accessibility purposes.
  • id – The labeled view id.
/** * Sets the id of a view for which this view serves as a label for * accessibility purposes. * * @param id The labeled view id. */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setLabelFor(@IdRes int id) { if (mLabelForId == id) { return; } mLabelForId = id; if (mLabelForId != View.NO_ID && mID == View.NO_ID) { mID = generateViewId(); } notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); }
Invoked whenever this view loses focus, either by losing window focus or by losing focus within its window. This method can be used to clear any state tied to the focus. For instance, if a button is held pressed with the trackball and the window loses focus, this method can be used to cancel the press. Subclasses of View overriding this method should always call super.onFocusLost().
See Also:
@hidepending API council approval
/** * Invoked whenever this view loses focus, either by losing window focus or by losing * focus within its window. This method can be used to clear any state tied to the * focus. For instance, if a button is held pressed with the trackball and the window * loses focus, this method can be used to cancel the press. * * Subclasses of View overriding this method should always call super.onFocusLost(). * * @see #onFocusChanged(boolean, int, android.graphics.Rect) * @see #onWindowFocusChanged(boolean) * * @hide pending API council approval */
@CallSuper protected void onFocusLost() { resetPressedState(); } private void resetPressedState() { if ((mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == DISABLED) { return; } if (isPressed()) { setPressed(false); if (!mHasPerformedLongPress) { removeLongPressCallback(); } } }
Returns true if this view has focus
Returns:True if this view has focus, false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if this view has focus * * @return True if this view has focus, false otherwise. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "focus") public boolean isFocused() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0; }
Find the view in the hierarchy rooted at this view that currently has focus.
Returns:The view that currently has focus, or null if no focused view can be found.
/** * Find the view in the hierarchy rooted at this view that currently has * focus. * * @return The view that currently has focus, or null if no focused view can * be found. */
public View findFocus() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0 ? this : null; }
Indicates whether this view is one of the set of scrollable containers in its window.
Returns:whether this view is one of the set of scrollable containers in its window
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_isScrollContainer
/** * Indicates whether this view is one of the set of scrollable containers in * its window. * * @return whether this view is one of the set of scrollable containers in * its window * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_isScrollContainer */
public boolean isScrollContainer() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED) != 0; }
Change whether this view is one of the set of scrollable containers in its window. This will be used to determine whether the window can resize or must pan when a soft input area is open -- scrollable containers allow the window to use resize mode since the container will appropriately shrink.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_isScrollContainer
/** * Change whether this view is one of the set of scrollable containers in * its window. This will be used to determine whether the window can * resize or must pan when a soft input area is open -- scrollable * containers allow the window to use resize mode since the container * will appropriately shrink. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_isScrollContainer */
public void setScrollContainer(boolean isScrollContainer) { if (isScrollContainer) { if (mAttachInfo != null && (mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED) == 0) { mAttachInfo.mScrollContainers.add(this); mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED; } mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER; } else { if ((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED) != 0) { mAttachInfo.mScrollContainers.remove(this); } mPrivateFlags &= ~(PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER|PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED); } }
Returns the quality of the drawing cache.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_drawingCacheQuality
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * Returns the quality of the drawing cache. * * @return One of {@link #DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_AUTO}, * {@link #DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_LOW}, or {@link #DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH} * * @see #setDrawingCacheQuality(int) * @see #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) * @see #isDrawingCacheEnabled() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_drawingCacheQuality * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated @DrawingCacheQuality public int getDrawingCacheQuality() { return mViewFlags & DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_MASK; }
Set the drawing cache quality of this view. This value is used only when the drawing cache is enabled
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_drawingCacheQuality
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * Set the drawing cache quality of this view. This value is used only when the * drawing cache is enabled * * @param quality One of {@link #DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_AUTO}, * {@link #DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_LOW}, or {@link #DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH} * * @see #getDrawingCacheQuality() * @see #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) * @see #isDrawingCacheEnabled() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_drawingCacheQuality * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public void setDrawingCacheQuality(@DrawingCacheQuality int quality) { setFlags(quality, DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_MASK); }
Returns whether the screen should remain on, corresponding to the current value of KEEP_SCREEN_ON.
See Also:
Returns:Returns true if KEEP_SCREEN_ON is set.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_keepScreenOn
/** * Returns whether the screen should remain on, corresponding to the current * value of {@link #KEEP_SCREEN_ON}. * * @return Returns true if {@link #KEEP_SCREEN_ON} is set. * * @see #setKeepScreenOn(boolean) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_keepScreenOn */
public boolean getKeepScreenOn() { return (mViewFlags & KEEP_SCREEN_ON) != 0; }
Controls whether the screen should remain on, modifying the value of KEEP_SCREEN_ON.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_keepScreenOn
/** * Controls whether the screen should remain on, modifying the * value of {@link #KEEP_SCREEN_ON}. * * @param keepScreenOn Supply true to set {@link #KEEP_SCREEN_ON}. * * @see #getKeepScreenOn() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_keepScreenOn */
public void setKeepScreenOn(boolean keepScreenOn) { setFlags(keepScreenOn ? KEEP_SCREEN_ON : 0, KEEP_SCREEN_ON); }
Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_LEFT.
Returns:The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusLeft
/** * Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_LEFT}. * @return The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusLeft */
public int getNextFocusLeftId() { return mNextFocusLeftId; }
Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_LEFT.
  • nextFocusLeftId – The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusLeft
/** * Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_LEFT}. * @param nextFocusLeftId The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should * decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusLeft */
public void setNextFocusLeftId(int nextFocusLeftId) { mNextFocusLeftId = nextFocusLeftId; }
Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_RIGHT.
Returns:The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusRight
/** * Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_RIGHT}. * @return The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusRight */
public int getNextFocusRightId() { return mNextFocusRightId; }
Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_RIGHT.
  • nextFocusRightId – The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusRight
/** * Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_RIGHT}. * @param nextFocusRightId The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should * decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusRight */
public void setNextFocusRightId(int nextFocusRightId) { mNextFocusRightId = nextFocusRightId; }
Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_UP.
Returns:The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusUp
/** * Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_UP}. * @return The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusUp */
public int getNextFocusUpId() { return mNextFocusUpId; }
Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_UP.
  • nextFocusUpId – The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusUp
/** * Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_UP}. * @param nextFocusUpId The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should * decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusUp */
public void setNextFocusUpId(int nextFocusUpId) { mNextFocusUpId = nextFocusUpId; }
Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_DOWN.
Returns:The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusDown
/** * Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_DOWN}. * @return The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusDown */
public int getNextFocusDownId() { return mNextFocusDownId; }
Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_DOWN.
  • nextFocusDownId – The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusDown
/** * Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_DOWN}. * @param nextFocusDownId The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should * decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusDown */
public void setNextFocusDownId(int nextFocusDownId) { mNextFocusDownId = nextFocusDownId; }
Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_FORWARD.
Returns:The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusForward
/** * Gets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_FORWARD}. * @return The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusForward */
public int getNextFocusForwardId() { return mNextFocusForwardId; }
Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is FOCUS_FORWARD.
  • nextFocusForwardId – The next focus ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusForward
/** * Sets the id of the view to use when the next focus is {@link #FOCUS_FORWARD}. * @param nextFocusForwardId The next focus ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should * decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextFocusForward */
public void setNextFocusForwardId(int nextFocusForwardId) { mNextFocusForwardId = nextFocusForwardId; }
Gets the id of the root of the next keyboard navigation cluster.
Returns:The next keyboard navigation cluster ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextClusterForward
/** * Gets the id of the root of the next keyboard navigation cluster. * @return The next keyboard navigation cluster ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should * decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextClusterForward */
public int getNextClusterForwardId() { return mNextClusterForwardId; }
Sets the id of the view to use as the root of the next keyboard navigation cluster.
  • nextClusterForwardId – The next cluster ID, or NO_ID if the framework should decide automatically.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_nextClusterForward
/** * Sets the id of the view to use as the root of the next keyboard navigation cluster. * @param nextClusterForwardId The next cluster ID, or {@link #NO_ID} if the framework should * decide automatically. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_nextClusterForward */
public void setNextClusterForwardId(int nextClusterForwardId) { mNextClusterForwardId = nextClusterForwardId; }
Returns the visibility of this view and all of its ancestors
Returns:True if this view and all of its ancestors are VISIBLE
/** * Returns the visibility of this view and all of its ancestors * * @return True if this view and all of its ancestors are {@link #VISIBLE} */
public boolean isShown() { View current = this; //noinspection ConstantConditions do { if ((current.mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) != VISIBLE) { return false; } ViewParent parent = current.mParent; if (parent == null) { return false; // We are not attached to the view root } if (!(parent instanceof View)) { return true; } current = (View) parent; } while (current != null); return false; }
Called by the view hierarchy when the content insets for a window have changed, to allow it to adjust its content to fit within those windows. The content insets tell you the space that the status bar, input method, and other system windows infringe on the application's window.

You do not normally need to deal with this function, since the default window decoration given to applications takes care of applying it to the content of the window. If you use SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN or SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION this will not be the case, and your content can be placed under those system elements. You can then use this method within your view hierarchy if you have parts of your UI which you would like to ensure are not being covered.

The default implementation of this method simply applies the content insets to the view's padding, consuming that content (modifying the insets to be 0), and returning true. This behavior is off by default, but can be enabled through setFitsSystemWindows(boolean).

This function's traversal down the hierarchy is depth-first. The same content insets object is propagated down the hierarchy, so any changes made to it will be seen by all following views (including potentially ones above in the hierarchy since this is a depth-first traversal). The first view that returns true will abort the entire traversal.

The default implementation works well for a situation where it is used with a container that covers the entire window, allowing it to apply the appropriate insets to its content on all edges. If you need a more complicated layout (such as two different views fitting system windows, one on the top of the window, and one on the bottom), you can override the method and handle the insets however you would like. Note that the insets provided by the framework are always relative to the far edges of the window, not accounting for the location of the called view within that window. (In fact when this method is called you do not yet know where the layout will place the view, as it is done before layout happens.)

Note: unlike many View methods, there is no dispatch phase to this call. If you are overriding it in a ViewGroup and want to allow the call to continue to your children, you must be sure to call the super implementation.

Here is a sample layout that makes use of fitting system windows to have controls for a video view placed inside of the window decorations that it hides and shows. This can be used with code like the second sample (video player) shown in setSystemUiVisibility(int). {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/res/layout/video_player.xml complete}

  • insets – Current content insets of the window. Prior to VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN you must not modify the insets or else you and Android will be unhappy.
See Also:
Returns:true if this view applied the insets and it should not continue propagating further down the hierarchy, false otherwise.
Deprecated:As of API 20 use dispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) to apply insets to views. Views should override onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) or use setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(OnApplyWindowInsetsListener) to implement handling their own insets.
/** * Called by the view hierarchy when the content insets for a window have * changed, to allow it to adjust its content to fit within those windows. * The content insets tell you the space that the status bar, input method, * and other system windows infringe on the application's window. * * <p>You do not normally need to deal with this function, since the default * window decoration given to applications takes care of applying it to the * content of the window. If you use {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN} * or {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION} this will not be the case, * and your content can be placed under those system elements. You can then * use this method within your view hierarchy if you have parts of your UI * which you would like to ensure are not being covered. * * <p>The default implementation of this method simply applies the content * insets to the view's padding, consuming that content (modifying the * insets to be 0), and returning true. This behavior is off by default, but can * be enabled through {@link #setFitsSystemWindows(boolean)}. * * <p>This function's traversal down the hierarchy is depth-first. The same content * insets object is propagated down the hierarchy, so any changes made to it will * be seen by all following views (including potentially ones above in * the hierarchy since this is a depth-first traversal). The first view * that returns true will abort the entire traversal. * * <p>The default implementation works well for a situation where it is * used with a container that covers the entire window, allowing it to * apply the appropriate insets to its content on all edges. If you need * a more complicated layout (such as two different views fitting system * windows, one on the top of the window, and one on the bottom), * you can override the method and handle the insets however you would like. * Note that the insets provided by the framework are always relative to the * far edges of the window, not accounting for the location of the called view * within that window. (In fact when this method is called you do not yet know * where the layout will place the view, as it is done before layout happens.) * * <p>Note: unlike many View methods, there is no dispatch phase to this * call. If you are overriding it in a ViewGroup and want to allow the * call to continue to your children, you must be sure to call the super * implementation. * * <p>Here is a sample layout that makes use of fitting system windows * to have controls for a video view placed inside of the window decorations * that it hides and shows. This can be used with code like the second * sample (video player) shown in {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)}. * * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/res/layout/video_player.xml complete} * * @param insets Current content insets of the window. Prior to * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN} you must not modify * the insets or else you and Android will be unhappy. * * @return {@code true} if this view applied the insets and it should not * continue propagating further down the hierarchy, {@code false} otherwise. * @see #getFitsSystemWindows() * @see #setFitsSystemWindows(boolean) * @see #setSystemUiVisibility(int) * * @deprecated As of API 20 use {@link #dispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets)} to apply * insets to views. Views should override {@link #onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets)} or use * {@link #setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(android.view.View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener)} * to implement handling their own insets. */
@Deprecated protected boolean fitSystemWindows(Rect insets) { if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_APPLYING_INSETS) == 0) { if (insets == null) { // Null insets by definition have already been consumed. // This call cannot apply insets since there are none to apply, // so return false. return false; } // If we're not in the process of dispatching the newer apply insets call, // that means we're not in the compatibility path. Dispatch into the newer // apply insets path and take things from there. try { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_FITTING_SYSTEM_WINDOWS; return dispatchApplyWindowInsets(new WindowInsets(insets)).isConsumed(); } finally { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_FITTING_SYSTEM_WINDOWS; } } else { // We're being called from the newer apply insets path. // Perform the standard fallback behavior. return fitSystemWindowsInt(insets); } } private boolean fitSystemWindowsInt(Rect insets) { if ((mViewFlags & FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS) == FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS) { mUserPaddingStart = UNDEFINED_PADDING; mUserPaddingEnd = UNDEFINED_PADDING; Rect localInsets = sThreadLocal.get(); if (localInsets == null) { localInsets = new Rect(); sThreadLocal.set(localInsets); } boolean res = computeFitSystemWindows(insets, localInsets); mUserPaddingLeftInitial = localInsets.left; mUserPaddingRightInitial = localInsets.right; internalSetPadding(localInsets.left, localInsets.top, localInsets.right, localInsets.bottom); return res; } return false; }
Called when the view should apply WindowInsets according to its internal policy.

This method should be overridden by views that wish to apply a policy different from or in addition to the default behavior. Clients that wish to force a view subtree to apply insets should call dispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets).

Clients may supply an OnApplyWindowInsetsListener to a view. If one is set it will be called during dispatch instead of this method. The listener may optionally call this method from its own implementation if it wishes to apply the view's default insets policy in addition to its own.

Implementations of this method should either return the insets parameter unchanged or a new WindowInsets cloned from the supplied insets with any insets consumed that this view applied itself. This allows new inset types added in future platform versions to pass through existing implementations unchanged without being erroneously consumed.

By default if a view's fitsSystemWindows property is set then the view will consume the system window insets and apply them as padding for the view.

  • insets – Insets to apply
Returns:The supplied insets with any applied insets consumed
/** * Called when the view should apply {@link WindowInsets} according to its internal policy. * * <p>This method should be overridden by views that wish to apply a policy different from or * in addition to the default behavior. Clients that wish to force a view subtree * to apply insets should call {@link #dispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets)}.</p> * * <p>Clients may supply an {@link OnApplyWindowInsetsListener} to a view. If one is set * it will be called during dispatch instead of this method. The listener may optionally * call this method from its own implementation if it wishes to apply the view's default * insets policy in addition to its own.</p> * * <p>Implementations of this method should either return the insets parameter unchanged * or a new {@link WindowInsets} cloned from the supplied insets with any insets consumed * that this view applied itself. This allows new inset types added in future platform * versions to pass through existing implementations unchanged without being erroneously * consumed.</p> * * <p>By default if a view's {@link #setFitsSystemWindows(boolean) fitsSystemWindows} * property is set then the view will consume the system window insets and apply them * as padding for the view.</p> * * @param insets Insets to apply * @return The supplied insets with any applied insets consumed */
public WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets) { if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_FITTING_SYSTEM_WINDOWS) == 0) { // We weren't called from within a direct call to fitSystemWindows, // call into it as a fallback in case we're in a class that overrides it // and has logic to perform. if (fitSystemWindows(insets.getSystemWindowInsets())) { return insets.consumeSystemWindowInsets(); } } else { // We were called from within a direct call to fitSystemWindows. if (fitSystemWindowsInt(insets.getSystemWindowInsets())) { return insets.consumeSystemWindowInsets(); } } return insets; }
Set an OnApplyWindowInsetsListener to take over the policy for applying window insets to this view. The listener's onApplyWindowInsets method will be called instead of the view's onApplyWindowInsets method.
  • listener – Listener to set
See Also:
/** * Set an {@link OnApplyWindowInsetsListener} to take over the policy for applying * window insets to this view. The listener's * {@link OnApplyWindowInsetsListener#onApplyWindowInsets(View, WindowInsets) onApplyWindowInsets} * method will be called instead of the view's * {@link #onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) onApplyWindowInsets} method. * * @param listener Listener to set * * @see #onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) */
public void setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(OnApplyWindowInsetsListener listener) { getListenerInfo().mOnApplyWindowInsetsListener = listener; }
Request to apply the given window insets to this view or another view in its subtree.

This method should be called by clients wishing to apply insets corresponding to areas obscured by window decorations or overlays. This can include the status and navigation bars, action bars, input methods and more. New inset categories may be added in the future. The method returns the insets provided minus any that were applied by this view or its children.

Clients wishing to provide custom behavior should override the onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) method or alternatively provide a OnApplyWindowInsetsListener via the setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener method.

This method replaces the older fitSystemWindows method.

  • insets – Insets to apply
Returns:The provided insets minus the insets that were consumed
/** * Request to apply the given window insets to this view or another view in its subtree. * * <p>This method should be called by clients wishing to apply insets corresponding to areas * obscured by window decorations or overlays. This can include the status and navigation bars, * action bars, input methods and more. New inset categories may be added in the future. * The method returns the insets provided minus any that were applied by this view or its * children.</p> * * <p>Clients wishing to provide custom behavior should override the * {@link #onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets)} method or alternatively provide a * {@link OnApplyWindowInsetsListener} via the * {@link #setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener) setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener} * method.</p> * * <p>This method replaces the older {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect) fitSystemWindows} method. * </p> * * @param insets Insets to apply * @return The provided insets minus the insets that were consumed */
public WindowInsets dispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets) { try { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_APPLYING_INSETS; if (mListenerInfo != null && mListenerInfo.mOnApplyWindowInsetsListener != null) { return mListenerInfo.mOnApplyWindowInsetsListener.onApplyWindowInsets(this, insets); } else { return onApplyWindowInsets(insets); } } finally { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_APPLYING_INSETS; } }
Compute the view's coordinate within the surface.

Computes the coordinates of this view in its surface. The argument must be an array of two integers. After the method returns, the array contains the x and y location in that order.

  • location – an array of two integers in which to hold the coordinates
/** * Compute the view's coordinate within the surface. * * <p>Computes the coordinates of this view in its surface. The argument * must be an array of two integers. After the method returns, the array * contains the x and y location in that order.</p> * @hide * @param location an array of two integers in which to hold the coordinates */
public void getLocationInSurface(@Size(2) int[] location) { getLocationInWindow(location); if (mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl != null) { location[0] += mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mWindowAttributes.surfaceInsets.left; location[1] += mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mWindowAttributes.surfaceInsets.top; } }
Provide original WindowInsets that are dispatched to the view hierarchy. The insets are only available if the view is attached.
Returns:WindowInsets from the top of the view hierarchy or null if View is detached
/** * Provide original WindowInsets that are dispatched to the view hierarchy. The insets are * only available if the view is attached. * * @return WindowInsets from the top of the view hierarchy or null if View is detached */
public WindowInsets getRootWindowInsets() { if (mAttachInfo != null) { return mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl.getWindowInsets(false /* forceConstruct */); } return null; }
  • inoutInsets – the insets given to this view
  • outLocalInsets – the insets that should be applied to this view
@hideCompute the insets that should be consumed by this view and the ones that should propagate to those under it. Note: This is used by appcompat's ActionBarOverlayLayout through reflection.
Deprecated:use computeSystemWindowInsets
/** * @hide Compute the insets that should be consumed by this view and the ones * that should propagate to those under it. * * Note: This is used by appcompat's ActionBarOverlayLayout through reflection. * * @param inoutInsets the insets given to this view * @param outLocalInsets the insets that should be applied to this view * @deprecated use {@link #computeSystemWindowInsets} * @return */
@Deprecated protected boolean computeFitSystemWindows(Rect inoutInsets, Rect outLocalInsets) { WindowInsets innerInsets = computeSystemWindowInsets(new WindowInsets(inoutInsets), outLocalInsets); inoutInsets.set(innerInsets.getSystemWindowInsets()); return innerInsets.isSystemWindowInsetsConsumed(); }
Compute insets that should be consumed by this view and the ones that should propagate to those under it.
  • in – Insets currently being processed by this View, likely received as a parameter to onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets).
  • outLocalInsets – A Rect that will receive the insets that should be consumed by this view
Returns:Insets that should be passed along to views under this one
/** * Compute insets that should be consumed by this view and the ones that should propagate * to those under it. * * @param in Insets currently being processed by this View, likely received as a parameter * to {@link #onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets)}. * @param outLocalInsets A Rect that will receive the insets that should be consumed * by this view * @return Insets that should be passed along to views under this one */
public WindowInsets computeSystemWindowInsets(WindowInsets in, Rect outLocalInsets) { if ((mViewFlags & OPTIONAL_FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS) == 0 || mAttachInfo == null || ((mAttachInfo.mSystemUiVisibility & SYSTEM_UI_LAYOUT_FLAGS) == 0 && !mAttachInfo.mOverscanRequested)) { outLocalInsets.set(in.getSystemWindowInsets()); return in.consumeSystemWindowInsets().inset(outLocalInsets); } else { // The application wants to take care of fitting system window for // the content... however we still need to take care of any overscan here. final Rect overscan = mAttachInfo.mOverscanInsets; outLocalInsets.set(overscan); return in.inset(outLocalInsets); } }
Sets whether or not this view should account for system screen decorations such as the status bar and inset its content; that is, controlling whether the default implementation of fitSystemWindows(Rect) will be executed. See that method for more details.

Note that if you are providing your own implementation of fitSystemWindows(Rect), then there is no need to set this flag to true -- your implementation will be overriding the default implementation that checks this flag.

See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fitsSystemWindows
/** * Sets whether or not this view should account for system screen decorations * such as the status bar and inset its content; that is, controlling whether * the default implementation of {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} will be * executed. See that method for more details. * * <p>Note that if you are providing your own implementation of * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)}, then there is no need to set this * flag to true -- your implementation will be overriding the default * implementation that checks this flag. * * @param fitSystemWindows If true, then the default implementation of * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} will be executed. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fitsSystemWindows * @see #getFitsSystemWindows() * @see #fitSystemWindows(Rect) * @see #setSystemUiVisibility(int) */
public void setFitsSystemWindows(boolean fitSystemWindows) { setFlags(fitSystemWindows ? FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS : 0, FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS); }
Check for state of setFitsSystemWindows(boolean). If this method returns true, the default implementation of fitSystemWindows(Rect) will be executed.
See Also:
Returns:true if the default implementation of fitSystemWindows(Rect) will be executed.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fitsSystemWindows
/** * Check for state of {@link #setFitsSystemWindows(boolean)}. If this method * returns {@code true}, the default implementation of {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} * will be executed. * * @return {@code true} if the default implementation of * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} will be executed. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fitsSystemWindows * @see #setFitsSystemWindows(boolean) * @see #fitSystemWindows(Rect) * @see #setSystemUiVisibility(int) */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean getFitsSystemWindows() { return (mViewFlags & FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS) == FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS; }
/** @hide */
public boolean fitsSystemWindows() { return getFitsSystemWindows(); }
Ask that a new dispatch of fitSystemWindows(Rect) be performed.
Deprecated:Use requestApplyInsets() for newer platform versions.
/** * Ask that a new dispatch of {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} be performed. * @deprecated Use {@link #requestApplyInsets()} for newer platform versions. */
@Deprecated public void requestFitSystemWindows() { if (mParent != null) { mParent.requestFitSystemWindows(); } }
Ask that a new dispatch of onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) be performed.
/** * Ask that a new dispatch of {@link #onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets)} be performed. */
public void requestApplyInsets() { requestFitSystemWindows(); }
For use by PhoneWindow to make its own system window fitting optional.
/** * For use by PhoneWindow to make its own system window fitting optional. * @hide */
public void makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows() { setFlags(OPTIONAL_FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS, OPTIONAL_FITS_SYSTEM_WINDOWS); }
Returns the outsets, which areas of the device that aren't a surface, but we would like to treat them as such.
/** * Returns the outsets, which areas of the device that aren't a surface, but we would like to * treat them as such. * @hide */
public void getOutsets(Rect outOutsetRect) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { outOutsetRect.set(mAttachInfo.mOutsets); } else { outOutsetRect.setEmpty(); } }
Returns the visibility status for this view.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_visibility
/** * Returns the visibility status for this view. * * @return One of {@link #VISIBLE}, {@link #INVISIBLE}, or {@link #GONE}. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_visibility */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = VISIBLE, to = "VISIBLE"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = INVISIBLE, to = "INVISIBLE"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = GONE, to = "GONE") }) @Visibility public int getVisibility() { return mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK; }
Set the visibility state of this view.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_visibility
/** * Set the visibility state of this view. * * @param visibility One of {@link #VISIBLE}, {@link #INVISIBLE}, or {@link #GONE}. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_visibility */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setVisibility(@Visibility int visibility) { setFlags(visibility, VISIBILITY_MASK); }
Returns the enabled status for this view. The interpretation of the enabled state varies by subclass.
Returns:True if this view is enabled, false otherwise.
/** * Returns the enabled status for this view. The interpretation of the * enabled state varies by subclass. * * @return True if this view is enabled, false otherwise. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED; }
Set the enabled state of this view. The interpretation of the enabled state varies by subclass.
  • enabled – True if this view is enabled, false otherwise.
/** * Set the enabled state of this view. The interpretation of the enabled * state varies by subclass. * * @param enabled True if this view is enabled, false otherwise. */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (enabled == isEnabled()) return; setFlags(enabled ? ENABLED : DISABLED, ENABLED_MASK); /* * The View most likely has to change its appearance, so refresh * the drawable state. */ refreshDrawableState(); // Invalidate too, since the default behavior for views is to be // be drawn at 50% alpha rather than to change the drawable. invalidate(true); if (!enabled) { cancelPendingInputEvents(); } }
Set whether this view can receive the focus.

Setting this to false will also ensure that this view is not focusable in touch mode.

  • focusable – If true, this view can receive the focus.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusable
/** * Set whether this view can receive the focus. * <p> * Setting this to false will also ensure that this view is not focusable * in touch mode. * * @param focusable If true, this view can receive the focus. * * @see #setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean) * @see #setFocusable(int) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusable */
public void setFocusable(boolean focusable) { setFocusable(focusable ? FOCUSABLE : NOT_FOCUSABLE); }
Sets whether this view can receive focus.

Setting this to FOCUSABLE_AUTO tells the framework to determine focusability automatically based on the view's interactivity. This is the default.

Setting this to NOT_FOCUSABLE will ensure that this view is also not focusable in touch mode.

See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusable
/** * Sets whether this view can receive focus. * <p> * Setting this to {@link #FOCUSABLE_AUTO} tells the framework to determine focusability * automatically based on the view's interactivity. This is the default. * <p> * Setting this to NOT_FOCUSABLE will ensure that this view is also not focusable * in touch mode. * * @param focusable One of {@link #NOT_FOCUSABLE}, {@link #FOCUSABLE}, * or {@link #FOCUSABLE_AUTO}. * @see #setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusable */
public void setFocusable(@Focusable int focusable) { if ((focusable & (FOCUSABLE_AUTO | FOCUSABLE)) == 0) { setFlags(0, FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE); } setFlags(focusable, FOCUSABLE_MASK); }
Set whether this view can receive focus while in touch mode. Setting this to true will also ensure that this view is focusable.
  • focusableInTouchMode – If true, this view can receive the focus while in touch mode.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusableInTouchMode
/** * Set whether this view can receive focus while in touch mode. * * Setting this to true will also ensure that this view is focusable. * * @param focusableInTouchMode If true, this view can receive the focus while * in touch mode. * * @see #setFocusable(boolean) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusableInTouchMode */
public void setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean focusableInTouchMode) { // Focusable in touch mode should always be set before the focusable flag // otherwise, setting the focusable flag will trigger a focusableViewAvailable() // which, in touch mode, will not successfully request focus on this view // because the focusable in touch mode flag is not set setFlags(focusableInTouchMode ? FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE : 0, FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE); // Clear FOCUSABLE_AUTO if set. if (focusableInTouchMode) { // Clears FOCUSABLE_AUTO if set. setFlags(FOCUSABLE, FOCUSABLE_MASK); } }
Sets the hints that help an AutofillService determine how to autofill the view with the user's data.

Typically, there is only one way to autofill a view, but there could be more than one. For example, if the application accepts either an username or email address to identify an user.


  • autofillHints – The autofill hints to set. If the array is emtpy, null is set.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_autofillHints
/** * Sets the hints that help an {@link android.service.autofill.AutofillService} determine how * to autofill the view with the user's data. * * <p>Typically, there is only one way to autofill a view, but there could be more than one. * For example, if the application accepts either an username or email address to identify * an user. * * <p>These hints are not validated by the Android System, but passed "as is" to the service. * Hence, they can have any value, but it's recommended to use the {@code AUTOFILL_HINT_} * constants such as: * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_USERNAME}, {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_PASSWORD}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_EMAIL_ADDRESS}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_NAME}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_PHONE}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_POSTAL_ADDRESS}, {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_POSTAL_CODE}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER}, {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_SECURITY_CODE}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DAY}, * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_MONTH} or * {@link #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_YEAR}. * * @param autofillHints The autofill hints to set. If the array is emtpy, {@code null} is set. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_autofillHints */
public void setAutofillHints(@Nullable String... autofillHints) { if (autofillHints == null || autofillHints.length == 0) { mAutofillHints = null; } else { mAutofillHints = autofillHints; } }
/** * @hide */
@TestApi public void setAutofilled(boolean isAutofilled) { boolean wasChanged = isAutofilled != isAutofilled(); if (wasChanged) { if (isAutofilled) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_IS_AUTOFILLED; } else { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_IS_AUTOFILLED; } invalidate(); } }
Set whether this view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching.

You may wish to disable sound effects for a view if you already play sounds, for instance, a dial key that plays dtmf tones.

  • soundEffectsEnabled – whether sound effects are enabled for this view.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_soundEffectsEnabled
/** * Set whether this view should have sound effects enabled for events such as * clicking and touching. * * <p>You may wish to disable sound effects for a view if you already play sounds, * for instance, a dial key that plays dtmf tones. * * @param soundEffectsEnabled whether sound effects are enabled for this view. * @see #isSoundEffectsEnabled() * @see #playSoundEffect(int) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_soundEffectsEnabled */
public void setSoundEffectsEnabled(boolean soundEffectsEnabled) { setFlags(soundEffectsEnabled ? SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED: 0, SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED); }
See Also:
Returns:whether this view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_soundEffectsEnabled
/** * @return whether this view should have sound effects enabled for events such as * clicking and touching. * * @see #setSoundEffectsEnabled(boolean) * @see #playSoundEffect(int) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_soundEffectsEnabled */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isSoundEffectsEnabled() { return SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED == (mViewFlags & SOUND_EFFECTS_ENABLED); }
Set whether this view should have haptic feedback for events such as long presses.

You may wish to disable haptic feedback if your view already controls its own haptic feedback.

  • hapticFeedbackEnabled – whether haptic feedback enabled for this view.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_hapticFeedbackEnabled
/** * Set whether this view should have haptic feedback for events such as * long presses. * * <p>You may wish to disable haptic feedback if your view already controls * its own haptic feedback. * * @param hapticFeedbackEnabled whether haptic feedback enabled for this view. * @see #isHapticFeedbackEnabled() * @see #performHapticFeedback(int) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_hapticFeedbackEnabled */
public void setHapticFeedbackEnabled(boolean hapticFeedbackEnabled) { setFlags(hapticFeedbackEnabled ? HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED: 0, HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED); }
See Also:
Returns:whether this view should have haptic feedback enabled for events long presses.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_hapticFeedbackEnabled
/** * @return whether this view should have haptic feedback enabled for events * long presses. * * @see #setHapticFeedbackEnabled(boolean) * @see #performHapticFeedback(int) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_hapticFeedbackEnabled */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isHapticFeedbackEnabled() { return HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED == (mViewFlags & HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED); }
Returns the layout direction for this view.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_layoutDirection
/** * Returns the layout direction for this view. * * @return One of {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR}, * {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL}, * {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT} or * {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_layoutDirection * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR, to = "LTR"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL, to = "RTL"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT, to = "INHERIT"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE, to = "LOCALE") }) @LayoutDir public int getRawLayoutDirection() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK) >> PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT; }
Set the layout direction for this view. This will propagate a reset of layout direction resolution to the view's children and resolve layout direction for this view.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_layoutDirection
/** * Set the layout direction for this view. This will propagate a reset of layout direction * resolution to the view's children and resolve layout direction for this view. * * @param layoutDirection the layout direction to set. Should be one of: * * {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR}, * {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL}, * {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT}, * {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE}. * * Resolution will be done if the value is set to LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT. The resolution * proceeds up the parent chain of the view to get the value. If there is no parent, then it * will return the default {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_layoutDirection */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setLayoutDirection(@LayoutDir int layoutDirection) { if (getRawLayoutDirection() != layoutDirection) { // Reset the current layout direction and the resolved one mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK; resetRtlProperties(); // Set the new layout direction (filtered) mPrivateFlags2 |= ((layoutDirection << PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT) & PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK); // We need to resolve all RTL properties as they all depend on layout direction resolveRtlPropertiesIfNeeded(); requestLayout(); invalidate(true); } }
Returns the resolved layout direction for this view.
Returns:LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL if the layout direction is RTL or returns LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR if the layout direction is not RTL. For compatibility, this will return LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR if API version is lower than VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_layoutDirection
/** * Returns the resolved layout direction for this view. * * @return {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL} if the layout direction is RTL or returns * {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR} if the layout direction is not RTL. * * For compatibility, this will return {@link #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR} if API version * is lower than {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_layoutDirection */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR, to = "RESOLVED_DIRECTION_LTR"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL, to = "RESOLVED_DIRECTION_RTL") }) @ResolvedLayoutDir public int getLayoutDirection() { final int targetSdkVersion = getContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion; if (targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED; return LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; } return ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_RTL) == PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_RTL) ? LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL : LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR; }
Indicates whether or not this view's layout is right-to-left. This is resolved from layout attribute and/or the inherited value from the parent
Returns:true if the layout is right-to-left.
/** * Indicates whether or not this view's layout is right-to-left. This is resolved from * layout attribute and/or the inherited value from the parent * * @return true if the layout is right-to-left. * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") public boolean isLayoutRtl() { return (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL); }
Indicates whether the view is currently tracking transient state that the app should not need to concern itself with saving and restoring, but that the framework should take special note to preserve when possible.

A view with transient state cannot be trivially rebound from an external data source, such as an adapter binding item views in a list. This may be because the view is performing an animation, tracking user selection of content, or similar.

Returns:true if the view has transient state
/** * Indicates whether the view is currently tracking transient state that the * app should not need to concern itself with saving and restoring, but that * the framework should take special note to preserve when possible. * * <p>A view with transient state cannot be trivially rebound from an external * data source, such as an adapter binding item views in a list. This may be * because the view is performing an animation, tracking user selection * of content, or similar.</p> * * @return true if the view has transient state */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") public boolean hasTransientState() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_HAS_TRANSIENT_STATE) == PFLAG2_HAS_TRANSIENT_STATE; }
Set whether this view is currently tracking transient state that the framework should attempt to preserve when possible. This flag is reference counted, so every call to setHasTransientState(true) should be paired with a later call to setHasTransientState(false).

A view with transient state cannot be trivially rebound from an external data source, such as an adapter binding item views in a list. This may be because the view is performing an animation, tracking user selection of content, or similar.

  • hasTransientState – true if this view has transient state
/** * Set whether this view is currently tracking transient state that the * framework should attempt to preserve when possible. This flag is reference counted, * so every call to setHasTransientState(true) should be paired with a later call * to setHasTransientState(false). * * <p>A view with transient state cannot be trivially rebound from an external * data source, such as an adapter binding item views in a list. This may be * because the view is performing an animation, tracking user selection * of content, or similar.</p> * * @param hasTransientState true if this view has transient state */
public void setHasTransientState(boolean hasTransientState) { final boolean oldHasTransientState = hasTransientState(); mTransientStateCount = hasTransientState ? mTransientStateCount + 1 : mTransientStateCount - 1; if (mTransientStateCount < 0) { mTransientStateCount = 0; Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "hasTransientState decremented below 0: " + "unmatched pair of setHasTransientState calls"); } else if ((hasTransientState && mTransientStateCount == 1) || (!hasTransientState && mTransientStateCount == 0)) { // update flag if we've just incremented up from 0 or decremented down to 0 mPrivateFlags2 = (mPrivateFlags2 & ~PFLAG2_HAS_TRANSIENT_STATE) | (hasTransientState ? PFLAG2_HAS_TRANSIENT_STATE : 0); final boolean newHasTransientState = hasTransientState(); if (mParent != null && newHasTransientState != oldHasTransientState) { try { mParent.childHasTransientStateChanged(this, newHasTransientState); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); } } } }
Returns true if this view is currently attached to a window.
/** * Returns true if this view is currently attached to a window. */
public boolean isAttachedToWindow() { return mAttachInfo != null; }
Returns true if this view has been through at least one layout since it was last attached to or detached from a window.
/** * Returns true if this view has been through at least one layout since it * was last attached to or detached from a window. */
public boolean isLaidOut() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_IS_LAID_OUT) == PFLAG3_IS_LAID_OUT; }
Returns:true if laid-out and not about to do another layout.
/** * @return {@code true} if laid-out and not about to do another layout. */
boolean isLayoutValid() { return isLaidOut() && ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) == 0); }
If this view doesn't do any drawing on its own, set this flag to allow further optimizations. By default, this flag is not set on View, but could be set on some View subclasses such as ViewGroup. Typically, if you override onDraw(Canvas) you should clear this flag.
  • willNotDraw – whether or not this View draw on its own
/** * If this view doesn't do any drawing on its own, set this flag to * allow further optimizations. By default, this flag is not set on * View, but could be set on some View subclasses such as ViewGroup. * * Typically, if you override {@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)} * you should clear this flag. * * @param willNotDraw whether or not this View draw on its own */
public void setWillNotDraw(boolean willNotDraw) { setFlags(willNotDraw ? WILL_NOT_DRAW : 0, DRAW_MASK); }
Returns whether or not this View draws on its own.
Returns:true if this view has nothing to draw, false otherwise
/** * Returns whether or not this View draws on its own. * * @return true if this view has nothing to draw, false otherwise */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public boolean willNotDraw() { return (mViewFlags & DRAW_MASK) == WILL_NOT_DRAW; }
When a View's drawing cache is enabled, drawing is redirected to an offscreen bitmap. Some views, like an ImageView, must be able to bypass this mechanism if they already draw a single bitmap, to avoid unnecessary usage of the memory.
  • willNotCacheDrawing – true if this view does not cache its drawing, false otherwise
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * When a View's drawing cache is enabled, drawing is redirected to an * offscreen bitmap. Some views, like an ImageView, must be able to * bypass this mechanism if they already draw a single bitmap, to avoid * unnecessary usage of the memory. * * @param willNotCacheDrawing true if this view does not cache its * drawing, false otherwise * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public void setWillNotCacheDrawing(boolean willNotCacheDrawing) { setFlags(willNotCacheDrawing ? WILL_NOT_CACHE_DRAWING : 0, WILL_NOT_CACHE_DRAWING); }
Returns whether or not this View can cache its drawing or not.
Returns:true if this view does not cache its drawing, false otherwise
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * Returns whether or not this View can cache its drawing or not. * * @return true if this view does not cache its drawing, false otherwise * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") @Deprecated public boolean willNotCacheDrawing() { return (mViewFlags & WILL_NOT_CACHE_DRAWING) == WILL_NOT_CACHE_DRAWING; }
Indicates whether this view reacts to click events or not.
See Also:
Returns:true if the view is clickable, false otherwise
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_clickable
/** * Indicates whether this view reacts to click events or not. * * @return true if the view is clickable, false otherwise * * @see #setClickable(boolean) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_clickable */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isClickable() { return (mViewFlags & CLICKABLE) == CLICKABLE; }
Enables or disables click events for this view. When a view is clickable it will change its state to "pressed" on every click. Subclasses should set the view clickable to visually react to user's clicks.
  • clickable – true to make the view clickable, false otherwise
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_clickable
/** * Enables or disables click events for this view. When a view * is clickable it will change its state to "pressed" on every click. * Subclasses should set the view clickable to visually react to * user's clicks. * * @param clickable true to make the view clickable, false otherwise * * @see #isClickable() * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_clickable */
public void setClickable(boolean clickable) { setFlags(clickable ? CLICKABLE : 0, CLICKABLE); }
Indicates whether this view reacts to long click events or not.
See Also:
Returns:true if the view is long clickable, false otherwise
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_longClickable
/** * Indicates whether this view reacts to long click events or not. * * @return true if the view is long clickable, false otherwise * * @see #setLongClickable(boolean) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_longClickable */
public boolean isLongClickable() { return (mViewFlags & LONG_CLICKABLE) == LONG_CLICKABLE; }
Enables or disables long click events for this view. When a view is long clickable it reacts to the user holding down the button for a longer duration than a tap. This event can either launch the listener or a context menu.
  • longClickable – true to make the view long clickable, false otherwise
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_longClickable
/** * Enables or disables long click events for this view. When a view is long * clickable it reacts to the user holding down the button for a longer * duration than a tap. This event can either launch the listener or a * context menu. * * @param longClickable true to make the view long clickable, false otherwise * @see #isLongClickable() * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_longClickable */
public void setLongClickable(boolean longClickable) { setFlags(longClickable ? LONG_CLICKABLE : 0, LONG_CLICKABLE); }
Indicates whether this view reacts to context clicks or not.
See Also:
Returns:true if the view is context clickable, false otherwise
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_contextClickable
/** * Indicates whether this view reacts to context clicks or not. * * @return true if the view is context clickable, false otherwise * @see #setContextClickable(boolean) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_contextClickable */
public boolean isContextClickable() { return (mViewFlags & CONTEXT_CLICKABLE) == CONTEXT_CLICKABLE; }
Enables or disables context clicking for this view. This event can launch the listener.
  • contextClickable – true to make the view react to a context click, false otherwise
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_contextClickable
/** * Enables or disables context clicking for this view. This event can launch the listener. * * @param contextClickable true to make the view react to a context click, false otherwise * @see #isContextClickable() * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_contextClickable */
public void setContextClickable(boolean contextClickable) { setFlags(contextClickable ? CONTEXT_CLICKABLE : 0, CONTEXT_CLICKABLE); }
Sets the pressed state for this view and provides a touch coordinate for animation hinting.
  • pressed – Pass true to set the View's internal state to "pressed", or false to reverts the View's internal state from a previously set "pressed" state.
  • x – The x coordinate of the touch that caused the press
  • y – The y coordinate of the touch that caused the press
/** * Sets the pressed state for this view and provides a touch coordinate for * animation hinting. * * @param pressed Pass true to set the View's internal state to "pressed", * or false to reverts the View's internal state from a * previously set "pressed" state. * @param x The x coordinate of the touch that caused the press * @param y The y coordinate of the touch that caused the press */
private void setPressed(boolean pressed, float x, float y) { if (pressed) { drawableHotspotChanged(x, y); } setPressed(pressed); }
Sets the pressed state for this view.
  • pressed – Pass true to set the View's internal state to "pressed", or false to reverts the View's internal state from a previously set "pressed" state.
See Also:
/** * Sets the pressed state for this view. * * @see #isClickable() * @see #setClickable(boolean) * * @param pressed Pass true to set the View's internal state to "pressed", or false to reverts * the View's internal state from a previously set "pressed" state. */
public void setPressed(boolean pressed) { final boolean needsRefresh = pressed != ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_PRESSED) == PFLAG_PRESSED); if (pressed) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_PRESSED; } else { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_PRESSED; } if (needsRefresh) { refreshDrawableState(); } dispatchSetPressed(pressed); }
Dispatch setPressed to all of this View's children.
  • pressed – The new pressed state
See Also:
  • setPressed(boolean)
/** * Dispatch setPressed to all of this View's children. * * @see #setPressed(boolean) * * @param pressed The new pressed state */
protected void dispatchSetPressed(boolean pressed) { }
Indicates whether the view is currently in pressed state. Unless setPressed(boolean) is explicitly called, only clickable views can enter the pressed state.
See Also:
Returns:true if the view is currently pressed, false otherwise
/** * Indicates whether the view is currently in pressed state. Unless * {@link #setPressed(boolean)} is explicitly called, only clickable views can enter * the pressed state. * * @see #setPressed(boolean) * @see #isClickable() * @see #setClickable(boolean) * * @return true if the view is currently pressed, false otherwise */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isPressed() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_PRESSED) == PFLAG_PRESSED; }
See Also:
@hide Indicates whether this view will participate in data collection through ViewStructure. If true, it will not provide any data for itself or its children. If false, the normal data collection will be allowed.
Returns:Returns false if assist data collection is not blocked, else true.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_assistBlocked
/** * @hide * Indicates whether this view will participate in data collection through * {@link ViewStructure}. If true, it will not provide any data * for itself or its children. If false, the normal data collection will be allowed. * * @return Returns false if assist data collection is not blocked, else true. * * @see #setAssistBlocked(boolean) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_assistBlocked */
public boolean isAssistBlocked() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_ASSIST_BLOCKED) != 0; }
  • enabled – Set to true to disable assist data collection, or false (the default) to allow it.
See Also:
@hide Controls whether assist data collection from this view and its children is enabled (that is, whether onProvideStructure and onProvideVirtualStructure will be called). The default value is false, allowing normal assist collection. Setting this to false will disable assist collection.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_assistBlocked
/** * @hide * Controls whether assist data collection from this view and its children is enabled * (that is, whether {@link #onProvideStructure} and * {@link #onProvideVirtualStructure} will be called). The default value is false, * allowing normal assist collection. Setting this to false will disable assist collection. * * @param enabled Set to true to <em>disable</em> assist data collection, or false * (the default) to allow it. * * @see #isAssistBlocked() * @see #onProvideStructure * @see #onProvideVirtualStructure * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_assistBlocked */
public void setAssistBlocked(boolean enabled) { if (enabled) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_ASSIST_BLOCKED; } else { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_ASSIST_BLOCKED; } }
Indicates whether this view will save its state (that is, whether its onSaveInstanceState method will be called).
See Also:
Returns:Returns true if the view state saving is enabled, else false.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_saveEnabled
/** * Indicates whether this view will save its state (that is, * whether its {@link #onSaveInstanceState} method will be called). * * @return Returns true if the view state saving is enabled, else false. * * @see #setSaveEnabled(boolean) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_saveEnabled */
public boolean isSaveEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & SAVE_DISABLED_MASK) != SAVE_DISABLED; }
Controls whether the saving of this view's state is enabled (that is, whether its onSaveInstanceState method will be called). Note that even if freezing is enabled, the view still must have an id assigned to it (via setId(int)) for its state to be saved. This flag can only disable the saving of this view; any child views may still have their state saved.
  • enabled – Set to false to disable state saving, or true (the default) to allow it.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_saveEnabled
/** * Controls whether the saving of this view's state is * enabled (that is, whether its {@link #onSaveInstanceState} method * will be called). Note that even if freezing is enabled, the * view still must have an id assigned to it (via {@link #setId(int)}) * for its state to be saved. This flag can only disable the * saving of this view; any child views may still have their state saved. * * @param enabled Set to false to <em>disable</em> state saving, or true * (the default) to allow it. * * @see #isSaveEnabled() * @see #setId(int) * @see #onSaveInstanceState() * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_saveEnabled */
public void setSaveEnabled(boolean enabled) { setFlags(enabled ? 0 : SAVE_DISABLED, SAVE_DISABLED_MASK); }
Gets whether the framework should discard touches when the view's window is obscured by another visible window. Refer to the View security documentation for more details.
See Also:
Returns:True if touch filtering is enabled.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_filterTouchesWhenObscured
/** * Gets whether the framework should discard touches when the view's * window is obscured by another visible window. * Refer to the {@link View} security documentation for more details. * * @return True if touch filtering is enabled. * * @see #setFilterTouchesWhenObscured(boolean) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_filterTouchesWhenObscured */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean getFilterTouchesWhenObscured() { return (mViewFlags & FILTER_TOUCHES_WHEN_OBSCURED) != 0; }
Sets whether the framework should discard touches when the view's window is obscured by another visible window. Refer to the View security documentation for more details.
  • enabled – True if touch filtering should be enabled.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_filterTouchesWhenObscured
/** * Sets whether the framework should discard touches when the view's * window is obscured by another visible window. * Refer to the {@link View} security documentation for more details. * * @param enabled True if touch filtering should be enabled. * * @see #getFilterTouchesWhenObscured * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_filterTouchesWhenObscured */
public void setFilterTouchesWhenObscured(boolean enabled) { setFlags(enabled ? FILTER_TOUCHES_WHEN_OBSCURED : 0, FILTER_TOUCHES_WHEN_OBSCURED); }
Indicates whether the entire hierarchy under this view will save its state when a state saving traversal occurs from its parent. The default is true; if false, these views will not be saved unless saveHierarchyState(SparseArray<Parcelable>) is called directly on this view.
See Also:
Returns:Returns true if the view state saving from parent is enabled, else false.
/** * Indicates whether the entire hierarchy under this view will save its * state when a state saving traversal occurs from its parent. The default * is true; if false, these views will not be saved unless * {@link #saveHierarchyState(SparseArray)} is called directly on this view. * * @return Returns true if the view state saving from parent is enabled, else false. * * @see #setSaveFromParentEnabled(boolean) */
public boolean isSaveFromParentEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & PARENT_SAVE_DISABLED_MASK) != PARENT_SAVE_DISABLED; }
Controls whether the entire hierarchy under this view will save its state when a state saving traversal occurs from its parent. The default is true; if false, these views will not be saved unless saveHierarchyState(SparseArray<Parcelable>) is called directly on this view.
  • enabled – Set to false to disable state saving, or true (the default) to allow it.
See Also:
/** * Controls whether the entire hierarchy under this view will save its * state when a state saving traversal occurs from its parent. The default * is true; if false, these views will not be saved unless * {@link #saveHierarchyState(SparseArray)} is called directly on this view. * * @param enabled Set to false to <em>disable</em> state saving, or true * (the default) to allow it. * * @see #isSaveFromParentEnabled() * @see #setId(int) * @see #onSaveInstanceState() */
public void setSaveFromParentEnabled(boolean enabled) { setFlags(enabled ? 0 : PARENT_SAVE_DISABLED, PARENT_SAVE_DISABLED_MASK); }
Returns whether this View is currently able to take focus.
Returns:True if this view can take focus, or false otherwise.
/** * Returns whether this View is currently able to take focus. * * @return True if this view can take focus, or false otherwise. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "focus") public final boolean isFocusable() { return FOCUSABLE == (mViewFlags & FOCUSABLE); }
Returns the focusable setting for this view.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusable
/** * Returns the focusable setting for this view. * * @return One of {@link #NOT_FOCUSABLE}, {@link #FOCUSABLE}, or {@link #FOCUSABLE_AUTO}. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusable */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = NOT_FOCUSABLE, to = "NOT_FOCUSABLE"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = FOCUSABLE, to = "FOCUSABLE"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = FOCUSABLE_AUTO, to = "FOCUSABLE_AUTO") }, category = "focus") @Focusable public int getFocusable() { return (mViewFlags & FOCUSABLE_AUTO) > 0 ? FOCUSABLE_AUTO : mViewFlags & FOCUSABLE; }
When a view is focusable, it may not want to take focus when in touch mode. For example, a button would like focus when the user is navigating via a D-pad so that the user can click on it, but once the user starts touching the screen, the button shouldn't take focus
Returns:Whether the view is focusable in touch mode.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusableInTouchMode
/** * When a view is focusable, it may not want to take focus when in touch mode. * For example, a button would like focus when the user is navigating via a D-pad * so that the user can click on it, but once the user starts touching the screen, * the button shouldn't take focus * @return Whether the view is focusable in touch mode. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusableInTouchMode */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "focus") public final boolean isFocusableInTouchMode() { return FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE == (mViewFlags & FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE); }
Returns whether the view should be treated as a focusable unit by screen reader accessibility tools.
See Also:
  • setScreenReaderFocusable(boolean)
Returns:Whether the view should be treated as a focusable unit by screen reader.
/** * Returns whether the view should be treated as a focusable unit by screen reader * accessibility tools. * @see #setScreenReaderFocusable(boolean) * * @return Whether the view should be treated as a focusable unit by screen reader. */
public boolean isScreenReaderFocusable() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_SCREEN_READER_FOCUSABLE) != 0; }
When screen readers (one type of accessibility tool) decide what should be read to the user, they typically look for input focusable (isFocusable()) parents of non-focusable text items, and read those focusable parents and their non-focusable children as a unit. In some situations, this behavior is desirable for views that should not take input focus. Setting an item to be screen reader focusable requests that the view be treated as a unit by screen readers without any effect on input focusability. The default value of false lets screen readers use other signals, like focusable, to determine how to group items.
  • screenReaderFocusable – Whether the view should be treated as a unit by screen reader accessibility tools.
/** * When screen readers (one type of accessibility tool) decide what should be read to the * user, they typically look for input focusable ({@link #isFocusable()}) parents of * non-focusable text items, and read those focusable parents and their non-focusable children * as a unit. In some situations, this behavior is desirable for views that should not take * input focus. Setting an item to be screen reader focusable requests that the view be * treated as a unit by screen readers without any effect on input focusability. The default * value of {@code false} lets screen readers use other signals, like focusable, to determine * how to group items. * * @param screenReaderFocusable Whether the view should be treated as a unit by screen reader * accessibility tools. */
public void setScreenReaderFocusable(boolean screenReaderFocusable) { updatePflags3AndNotifyA11yIfChanged(PFLAG3_SCREEN_READER_FOCUSABLE, screenReaderFocusable); }
Gets whether this view is a heading for accessibility purposes.
Returns:true if the view is a heading, false otherwise.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityHeading
/** * Gets whether this view is a heading for accessibility purposes. * * @return {@code true} if the view is a heading, {@code false} otherwise. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityHeading */
public boolean isAccessibilityHeading() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_ACCESSIBILITY_HEADING) != 0; }
Set if view is a heading for a section of content for accessibility purposes.
  • isHeading – true if the view is a heading, false otherwise.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityHeading
/** * Set if view is a heading for a section of content for accessibility purposes. * * @param isHeading {@code true} if the view is a heading, {@code false} otherwise. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityHeading */
public void setAccessibilityHeading(boolean isHeading) { updatePflags3AndNotifyA11yIfChanged(PFLAG3_ACCESSIBILITY_HEADING, isHeading); } private void updatePflags3AndNotifyA11yIfChanged(int mask, boolean newValue) { int pflags3 = mPrivateFlags3; if (newValue) { pflags3 |= mask; } else { pflags3 &= ~mask; } if (pflags3 != mPrivateFlags3) { mPrivateFlags3 = pflags3; notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } }
Find the nearest view in the specified direction that can take focus. This does not actually give focus to that view.
  • direction – One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT
Returns:The nearest focusable in the specified direction, or null if none can be found.
/** * Find the nearest view in the specified direction that can take focus. * This does not actually give focus to that view. * * @param direction One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT * * @return The nearest focusable in the specified direction, or null if none * can be found. */
public View focusSearch(@FocusRealDirection int direction) { if (mParent != null) { return mParent.focusSearch(this, direction); } else { return null; } }
Returns whether this View is a root of a keyboard navigation cluster.
Returns:True if this view is a root of a cluster, or false otherwise.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_keyboardNavigationCluster
/** * Returns whether this View is a root of a keyboard navigation cluster. * * @return True if this view is a root of a cluster, or false otherwise. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_keyboardNavigationCluster */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "focus") public final boolean isKeyboardNavigationCluster() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_CLUSTER) != 0; }
Searches up the view hierarchy to find the top-most cluster. All deeper/nested clusters will be ignored.
Returns:the keyboard navigation cluster that this view is in (can be this view) or null if not in one
/** * Searches up the view hierarchy to find the top-most cluster. All deeper/nested clusters * will be ignored. * * @return the keyboard navigation cluster that this view is in (can be this view) * or {@code null} if not in one */
View findKeyboardNavigationCluster() { if (mParent instanceof View) { View cluster = ((View) mParent).findKeyboardNavigationCluster(); if (cluster != null) { return cluster; } else if (isKeyboardNavigationCluster()) { return this; } } return null; }
Set whether this view is a root of a keyboard navigation cluster.
  • isCluster – If true, this view is a root of a cluster.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_keyboardNavigationCluster
/** * Set whether this view is a root of a keyboard navigation cluster. * * @param isCluster If true, this view is a root of a cluster. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_keyboardNavigationCluster */
public void setKeyboardNavigationCluster(boolean isCluster) { if (isCluster) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_CLUSTER; } else { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_CLUSTER; } }
Sets this View as the one which receives focus the next time cluster navigation jumps to the cluster containing this View. This does NOT change focus even if the cluster containing this view is current.
/** * Sets this View as the one which receives focus the next time cluster navigation jumps * to the cluster containing this View. This does NOT change focus even if the cluster * containing this view is current. * * @hide */
@TestApi public final void setFocusedInCluster() { setFocusedInCluster(findKeyboardNavigationCluster()); } private void setFocusedInCluster(View cluster) { if (this instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) this).mFocusedInCluster = null; } if (cluster == this) { return; } ViewParent parent = mParent; View child = this; while (parent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) parent).mFocusedInCluster = child; if (parent == cluster) { break; } child = (View) parent; parent = parent.getParent(); } } private void updateFocusedInCluster(View oldFocus, @FocusDirection int direction) { if (oldFocus != null) { View oldCluster = oldFocus.findKeyboardNavigationCluster(); View cluster = findKeyboardNavigationCluster(); if (oldCluster != cluster) { // Going from one cluster to another, so save last-focused. // This covers cluster jumps because they are always FOCUS_DOWN oldFocus.setFocusedInCluster(oldCluster); if (!(oldFocus.mParent instanceof ViewGroup)) { return; } if (direction == FOCUS_FORWARD || direction == FOCUS_BACKWARD) { // This is a result of ordered navigation so consider navigation through // the previous cluster "complete" and clear its last-focused memory. ((ViewGroup) oldFocus.mParent).clearFocusedInCluster(oldFocus); } else if (oldFocus instanceof ViewGroup && ((ViewGroup) oldFocus).getDescendantFocusability() == ViewGroup.FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS && ViewRootImpl.isViewDescendantOf(this, oldFocus)) { // This means oldFocus is not focusable since it obviously has a focusable // child (this). Don't restore focus to it in the future. ((ViewGroup) oldFocus.mParent).clearFocusedInCluster(oldFocus); } } } }
Returns whether this View should receive focus when the focus is restored for the view hierarchy containing this view.

Focus gets restored for a view hierarchy when the root of the hierarchy gets added to a window or serves as a target of cluster navigation.

See Also:
  • restoreDefaultFocus()
Returns:true if this view is the default-focus view, false otherwise
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusedByDefault
/** * Returns whether this View should receive focus when the focus is restored for the view * hierarchy containing this view. * <p> * Focus gets restored for a view hierarchy when the root of the hierarchy gets added to a * window or serves as a target of cluster navigation. * * @see #restoreDefaultFocus() * * @return {@code true} if this view is the default-focus view, {@code false} otherwise * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusedByDefault */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "focus") public final boolean isFocusedByDefault() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_FOCUSED_BY_DEFAULT) != 0; }
Sets whether this View should receive focus when the focus is restored for the view hierarchy containing this view.

Focus gets restored for a view hierarchy when the root of the hierarchy gets added to a window or serves as a target of cluster navigation.

  • isFocusedByDefault – true to set this view as the default-focus view, false otherwise.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_focusedByDefault
/** * Sets whether this View should receive focus when the focus is restored for the view * hierarchy containing this view. * <p> * Focus gets restored for a view hierarchy when the root of the hierarchy gets added to a * window or serves as a target of cluster navigation. * * @param isFocusedByDefault {@code true} to set this view as the default-focus view, * {@code false} otherwise. * * @see #restoreDefaultFocus() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_focusedByDefault */
public void setFocusedByDefault(boolean isFocusedByDefault) { if (isFocusedByDefault == ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_FOCUSED_BY_DEFAULT) != 0)) { return; } if (isFocusedByDefault) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_FOCUSED_BY_DEFAULT; } else { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_FOCUSED_BY_DEFAULT; } if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { if (isFocusedByDefault) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).setDefaultFocus(this); } else { ((ViewGroup) mParent).clearDefaultFocus(this); } } }
Returns whether the view hierarchy with this view as a root contain a default-focus view.
Returns:true if this view has default focus, false otherwise
/** * Returns whether the view hierarchy with this view as a root contain a default-focus view. * * @return {@code true} if this view has default focus, {@code false} otherwise */
boolean hasDefaultFocus() { return isFocusedByDefault(); }
Find the nearest keyboard navigation cluster in the specified direction. This does not actually give focus to that cluster.
  • currentCluster – The starting point of the search. Null means the current cluster is not found yet
  • direction – Direction to look
Returns:The nearest keyboard navigation cluster in the specified direction, or null if none can be found
/** * Find the nearest keyboard navigation cluster in the specified direction. * This does not actually give focus to that cluster. * * @param currentCluster The starting point of the search. Null means the current cluster is not * found yet * @param direction Direction to look * * @return The nearest keyboard navigation cluster in the specified direction, or null if none * can be found */
public View keyboardNavigationClusterSearch(View currentCluster, @FocusDirection int direction) { if (isKeyboardNavigationCluster()) { currentCluster = this; } if (isRootNamespace()) { // Root namespace means we should consider ourselves the top of the // tree for group searching; otherwise we could be group searching // into other tabs. see LocalActivityManager and TabHost for more info. return FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextKeyboardNavigationCluster( this, currentCluster, direction); } else if (mParent != null) { return mParent.keyboardNavigationClusterSearch(currentCluster, direction); } return null; }
This method is the last chance for the focused view and its ancestors to respond to an arrow key. This is called when the focused view did not consume the key internally, nor could the view system find a new view in the requested direction to give focus to.
  • focused – The currently focused view.
  • direction – The direction focus wants to move. One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT.
Returns:True if the this view consumed this unhandled move.
/** * This method is the last chance for the focused view and its ancestors to * respond to an arrow key. This is called when the focused view did not * consume the key internally, nor could the view system find a new view in * the requested direction to give focus to. * * @param focused The currently focused view. * @param direction The direction focus wants to move. One of FOCUS_UP, * FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT. * @return True if the this view consumed this unhandled move. */
public boolean dispatchUnhandledMove(View focused, @FocusRealDirection int direction) { return false; }
Sets whether this View should use a default focus highlight when it gets focused but doesn't have state_focused.state_focused defined in its background.
  • defaultFocusHighlightEnabled – true to set this view to use a default focus highlight, false otherwise.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_defaultFocusHighlightEnabled
/** * Sets whether this View should use a default focus highlight when it gets focused but doesn't * have {@link android.R.attr#state_focused} defined in its background. * * @param defaultFocusHighlightEnabled {@code true} to set this view to use a default focus * highlight, {@code false} otherwise. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_defaultFocusHighlightEnabled */
public void setDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled(boolean defaultFocusHighlightEnabled) { mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled = defaultFocusHighlightEnabled; }
/** Returns whether this View should use a default focus highlight when it gets focused but doesn't have state_focused.state_focused defined in its background.
Returns:True if this View should use a default focus highlight.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_defaultFocusHighlightEnabled
/** /** * Returns whether this View should use a default focus highlight when it gets focused but * doesn't have {@link android.R.attr#state_focused} defined in its background. * * @return True if this View should use a default focus highlight. * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_defaultFocusHighlightEnabled */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "focus") public final boolean getDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled() { return mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled; }
If a user manually specified the next view id for a particular direction, use the root to look up the view.
  • root – The root view of the hierarchy containing this view.
Returns:The user specified next view, or null if there is none.
/** * If a user manually specified the next view id for a particular direction, * use the root to look up the view. * @param root The root view of the hierarchy containing this view. * @param direction One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT, FOCUS_FORWARD, * or FOCUS_BACKWARD. * @return The user specified next view, or null if there is none. */
View findUserSetNextFocus(View root, @FocusDirection int direction) { switch (direction) { case FOCUS_LEFT: if (mNextFocusLeftId == View.NO_ID) return null; return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusLeftId); case FOCUS_RIGHT: if (mNextFocusRightId == View.NO_ID) return null; return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusRightId); case FOCUS_UP: if (mNextFocusUpId == View.NO_ID) return null; return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusUpId); case FOCUS_DOWN: if (mNextFocusDownId == View.NO_ID) return null; return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusDownId); case FOCUS_FORWARD: if (mNextFocusForwardId == View.NO_ID) return null; return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextFocusForwardId); case FOCUS_BACKWARD: { if (mID == View.NO_ID) return null; final int id = mID; return root.findViewByPredicateInsideOut(this, new Predicate<View>() { @Override public boolean test(View t) { return t.mNextFocusForwardId == id; } }); } } return null; }
If a user manually specified the next keyboard-navigation cluster for a particular direction, use the root to look up the view.
Returns:the user-specified next cluster, or null if there is none
/** * If a user manually specified the next keyboard-navigation cluster for a particular direction, * use the root to look up the view. * * @param root the root view of the hierarchy containing this view * @param direction {@link #FOCUS_FORWARD} or {@link #FOCUS_BACKWARD} * @return the user-specified next cluster, or {@code null} if there is none */
View findUserSetNextKeyboardNavigationCluster(View root, @FocusDirection int direction) { switch (direction) { case FOCUS_FORWARD: if (mNextClusterForwardId == View.NO_ID) return null; return findViewInsideOutShouldExist(root, mNextClusterForwardId); case FOCUS_BACKWARD: { if (mID == View.NO_ID) return null; final int id = mID; return root.findViewByPredicateInsideOut(this, (Predicate<View>) t -> t.mNextClusterForwardId == id); } } return null; } private View findViewInsideOutShouldExist(View root, int id) { if (mMatchIdPredicate == null) { mMatchIdPredicate = new MatchIdPredicate(); } mMatchIdPredicate.mId = id; View result = root.findViewByPredicateInsideOut(this, mMatchIdPredicate); if (result == null) { Log.w(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "couldn't find view with id " + id); } return result; }
Find and return all focusable views that are descendants of this view, possibly including this view if it is focusable itself.
  • direction – The direction of the focus
Returns:A list of focusable views
/** * Find and return all focusable views that are descendants of this view, * possibly including this view if it is focusable itself. * * @param direction The direction of the focus * @return A list of focusable views */
public ArrayList<View> getFocusables(@FocusDirection int direction) { ArrayList<View> result = new ArrayList<View>(24); addFocusables(result, direction); return result; }
Add any focusable views that are descendants of this view (possibly including this view if it is focusable itself) to views. If we are in touch mode, only add views that are also focusable in touch mode.
  • views – Focusable views found so far
  • direction – The direction of the focus
/** * Add any focusable views that are descendants of this view (possibly * including this view if it is focusable itself) to views. If we are in touch mode, * only add views that are also focusable in touch mode. * * @param views Focusable views found so far * @param direction The direction of the focus */
public void addFocusables(ArrayList<View> views, @FocusDirection int direction) { addFocusables(views, direction, isInTouchMode() ? FOCUSABLES_TOUCH_MODE : FOCUSABLES_ALL); }
Adds any focusable views that are descendants of this view (possibly including this view if it is focusable itself) to views. This method adds all focusable views regardless if we are in touch mode or only views focusable in touch mode if we are in touch mode or only views that can take accessibility focus if accessibility is enabled depending on the focusable mode parameter.
  • views – Focusable views found so far or null if all we are interested is the number of focusables.
  • direction – The direction of the focus.
  • focusableMode – The type of focusables to be added.
See Also:
/** * Adds any focusable views that are descendants of this view (possibly * including this view if it is focusable itself) to views. This method * adds all focusable views regardless if we are in touch mode or * only views focusable in touch mode if we are in touch mode or * only views that can take accessibility focus if accessibility is enabled * depending on the focusable mode parameter. * * @param views Focusable views found so far or null if all we are interested is * the number of focusables. * @param direction The direction of the focus. * @param focusableMode The type of focusables to be added. * * @see #FOCUSABLES_ALL * @see #FOCUSABLES_TOUCH_MODE */
public void addFocusables(ArrayList<View> views, @FocusDirection int direction, @FocusableMode int focusableMode) { if (views == null) { return; } if (!canTakeFocus()) { return; } if ((focusableMode & FOCUSABLES_TOUCH_MODE) == FOCUSABLES_TOUCH_MODE && !isFocusableInTouchMode()) { return; } views.add(this); }
Adds any keyboard navigation cluster roots that are descendants of this view (possibly including this view if it is a cluster root itself) to views.
  • views – Keyboard navigation cluster roots found so far
  • direction – Direction to look
/** * Adds any keyboard navigation cluster roots that are descendants of this view (possibly * including this view if it is a cluster root itself) to views. * * @param views Keyboard navigation cluster roots found so far * @param direction Direction to look */
public void addKeyboardNavigationClusters( @NonNull Collection<View> views, int direction) { if (!isKeyboardNavigationCluster()) { return; } if (!hasFocusable()) { return; } views.add(this); }
Finds the Views that contain given text. The containment is case insensitive. The search is performed by either the text that the View renders or the content description that describes the view for accessibility purposes and the view does not render or both. Clients can specify how the search is to be performed via passing the FIND_VIEWS_WITH_TEXT and FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION flags.
  • outViews – The output list of matching Views.
  • searched – The text to match against.
See Also:
/** * Finds the Views that contain given text. The containment is case insensitive. * The search is performed by either the text that the View renders or the content * description that describes the view for accessibility purposes and the view does * not render or both. Clients can specify how the search is to be performed via * passing the {@link #FIND_VIEWS_WITH_TEXT} and * {@link #FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION} flags. * * @param outViews The output list of matching Views. * @param searched The text to match against. * * @see #FIND_VIEWS_WITH_TEXT * @see #FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION * @see #setContentDescription(CharSequence) */
public void findViewsWithText(ArrayList<View> outViews, CharSequence searched, @FindViewFlags int flags) { if (getAccessibilityNodeProvider() != null) { if ((flags & FIND_VIEWS_WITH_ACCESSIBILITY_NODE_PROVIDERS) != 0) { outViews.add(this); } } else if ((flags & FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION) != 0 && (searched != null && searched.length() > 0) && (mContentDescription != null && mContentDescription.length() > 0)) { String searchedLowerCase = searched.toString().toLowerCase(); String contentDescriptionLowerCase = mContentDescription.toString().toLowerCase(); if (contentDescriptionLowerCase.contains(searchedLowerCase)) { outViews.add(this); } } }
Find and return all touchable views that are descendants of this view, possibly including this view if it is touchable itself.
Returns:A list of touchable views
/** * Find and return all touchable views that are descendants of this view, * possibly including this view if it is touchable itself. * * @return A list of touchable views */
public ArrayList<View> getTouchables() { ArrayList<View> result = new ArrayList<View>(); addTouchables(result); return result; }
Add any touchable views that are descendants of this view (possibly including this view if it is touchable itself) to views.
  • views – Touchable views found so far
/** * Add any touchable views that are descendants of this view (possibly * including this view if it is touchable itself) to views. * * @param views Touchable views found so far */
public void addTouchables(ArrayList<View> views) { final int viewFlags = mViewFlags; if (((viewFlags & CLICKABLE) == CLICKABLE || (viewFlags & LONG_CLICKABLE) == LONG_CLICKABLE || (viewFlags & CONTEXT_CLICKABLE) == CONTEXT_CLICKABLE) && (viewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED) { views.add(this); } }
Returns whether this View is accessibility focused.
Returns:True if this View is accessibility focused.
/** * Returns whether this View is accessibility focused. * * @return True if this View is accessibility focused. */
public boolean isAccessibilityFocused() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED) != 0; }
Call this to try to give accessibility focus to this view. A view will not actually take focus if AccessibilityManager.isEnabled() returns false or the view is no visible or the view already has accessibility focus. See also focusSearch(int), which is what you call to say that you have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one.
Returns:Whether this view actually took accessibility focus.
/** * Call this to try to give accessibility focus to this view. * * A view will not actually take focus if {@link AccessibilityManager#isEnabled()} * returns false or the view is no visible or the view already has accessibility * focus. * * See also {@link #focusSearch(int)}, which is what you call to say that you * have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one. * * @return Whether this view actually took accessibility focus. * * @hide */
public boolean requestAccessibilityFocus() { AccessibilityManager manager = AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext); if (!manager.isEnabled() || !manager.isTouchExplorationEnabled()) { return false; } if ((mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) != VISIBLE) { return false; } if ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED) == 0) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED; ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRootImpl != null) { viewRootImpl.setAccessibilityFocus(this, null); } invalidate(); sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED); return true; } return false; }
Call this to try to clear accessibility focus of this view. See also focusSearch(int), which is what you call to say that you have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one.
/** * Call this to try to clear accessibility focus of this view. * * See also {@link #focusSearch(int)}, which is what you call to say that you * have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one. * * @hide */
public void clearAccessibilityFocus() { clearAccessibilityFocusNoCallbacks(0); // Clear the global reference of accessibility focus if this view or // any of its descendants had accessibility focus. This will NOT send // an event or update internal state if focus is cleared from a // descendant view, which may leave views in inconsistent states. final ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRootImpl != null) { final View focusHost = viewRootImpl.getAccessibilityFocusedHost(); if (focusHost != null && ViewRootImpl.isViewDescendantOf(focusHost, this)) { viewRootImpl.setAccessibilityFocus(null, null); } } } private void sendAccessibilityHoverEvent(int eventType) { // Since we are not delivering to a client accessibility events from not // important views (unless the clinet request that) we need to fire the // event from the deepest view exposed to the client. As a consequence if // the user crosses a not exposed view the client will see enter and exit // of the exposed predecessor followed by and enter and exit of that same // predecessor when entering and exiting the not exposed descendant. This // is fine since the client has a clear idea which view is hovered at the // price of a couple more events being sent. This is a simple and // working solution. View source = this; while (true) { if (source.includeForAccessibility()) { source.sendAccessibilityEvent(eventType); return; } ViewParent parent = source.getParent(); if (parent instanceof View) { source = (View) parent; } else { return; } } }
Clears accessibility focus without calling any callback methods normally invoked in clearAccessibilityFocus(). This method is used separately from that one for clearing accessibility focus when giving this focus to another view.
  • action – The action, if any, that led to focus being cleared. Set to AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS to specify that focus is moving within the window.
/** * Clears accessibility focus without calling any callback methods * normally invoked in {@link #clearAccessibilityFocus()}. This method * is used separately from that one for clearing accessibility focus when * giving this focus to another view. * * @param action The action, if any, that led to focus being cleared. Set to * AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS to specify that focus is moving within * the window. */
void clearAccessibilityFocusNoCallbacks(int action) { if ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED) != 0) { mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED; invalidate(); if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled()) { AccessibilityEvent event = AccessibilityEvent.obtain( AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS_CLEARED); event.setAction(action); if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { mAccessibilityDelegate.sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(this, event); } else { sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(event); } } } }
Call this to try to give focus to a specific view or to one of its descendants. A view will not actually take focus if it is not focusable (isFocusable returns false), or if it can't be focused due to other conditions (not focusable in touch mode (isFocusableInTouchMode) while the device is in touch mode, not visible, not enabled, or has no size). See also focusSearch(int), which is what you call to say that you have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one. This is equivalent to calling requestFocus(int, Rect) with arguments FOCUS_DOWN and null.
Returns:Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus.
/** * Call this to try to give focus to a specific view or to one of its * descendants. * * A view will not actually take focus if it is not focusable ({@link #isFocusable} returns * false), or if it can't be focused due to other conditions (not focusable in touch mode * ({@link #isFocusableInTouchMode}) while the device is in touch mode, not visible, not * enabled, or has no size). * * See also {@link #focusSearch(int)}, which is what you call to say that you * have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one. * * This is equivalent to calling {@link #requestFocus(int, Rect)} with arguments * {@link #FOCUS_DOWN} and <code>null</code>. * * @return Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus. */
public final boolean requestFocus() { return requestFocus(View.FOCUS_DOWN); }
This will request focus for whichever View was last focused within this cluster before a focus-jump out of it.
/** * This will request focus for whichever View was last focused within this * cluster before a focus-jump out of it. * * @hide */
@TestApi public boolean restoreFocusInCluster(@FocusRealDirection int direction) { // Prioritize focusableByDefault over algorithmic focus selection. if (restoreDefaultFocus()) { return true; } return requestFocus(direction); }
This will request focus for whichever View not in a cluster was last focused before a focus-jump to a cluster. If no non-cluster View has previously had focus, this will focus the "first" focusable view it finds.
/** * This will request focus for whichever View not in a cluster was last focused before a * focus-jump to a cluster. If no non-cluster View has previously had focus, this will focus * the "first" focusable view it finds. * * @hide */
@TestApi public boolean restoreFocusNotInCluster() { return requestFocus(View.FOCUS_DOWN); }
Gives focus to the default-focus view in the view hierarchy that has this view as a root. If the default-focus view cannot be found, falls back to calling requestFocus(int).
Returns:Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus
/** * Gives focus to the default-focus view in the view hierarchy that has this view as a root. * If the default-focus view cannot be found, falls back to calling {@link #requestFocus(int)}. * * @return Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus */
public boolean restoreDefaultFocus() { return requestFocus(View.FOCUS_DOWN); }
Call this to try to give focus to a specific view or to one of its descendants and give it a hint about what direction focus is heading. A view will not actually take focus if it is not focusable (isFocusable returns false), or if it is focusable and it is not focusable in touch mode (isFocusableInTouchMode) while the device is in touch mode. See also focusSearch(int), which is what you call to say that you have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one. This is equivalent to calling requestFocus(int, Rect) with null set for the previously focused rectangle.
  • direction – One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT
Returns:Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus.
/** * Call this to try to give focus to a specific view or to one of its * descendants and give it a hint about what direction focus is heading. * * A view will not actually take focus if it is not focusable ({@link #isFocusable} returns * false), or if it is focusable and it is not focusable in touch mode * ({@link #isFocusableInTouchMode}) while the device is in touch mode. * * See also {@link #focusSearch(int)}, which is what you call to say that you * have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one. * * This is equivalent to calling {@link #requestFocus(int, Rect)} with * <code>null</code> set for the previously focused rectangle. * * @param direction One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT * @return Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus. */
public final boolean requestFocus(int direction) { return requestFocus(direction, null); }
Call this to try to give focus to a specific view or to one of its descendants and give it hints about the direction and a specific rectangle that the focus is coming from. The rectangle can help give larger views a finer grained hint about where focus is coming from, and therefore, where to show selection, or forward focus change internally. A view will not actually take focus if it is not focusable (isFocusable returns false), or if it is focusable and it is not focusable in touch mode (isFocusableInTouchMode) while the device is in touch mode. A View will not take focus if it is not visible. A View will not take focus if one of its parents has ViewGroup.getDescendantFocusability() equal to ViewGroup.FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS. See also focusSearch(int), which is what you call to say that you have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one. You may wish to override this method if your custom View has an internal View that it wishes to forward the request to.
  • direction – One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT
  • previouslyFocusedRect – The rectangle (in this View's coordinate system) to give a finer grained hint about where focus is coming from. May be null if there is no hint.
Returns:Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus.
/** * Call this to try to give focus to a specific view or to one of its descendants * and give it hints about the direction and a specific rectangle that the focus * is coming from. The rectangle can help give larger views a finer grained hint * about where focus is coming from, and therefore, where to show selection, or * forward focus change internally. * * A view will not actually take focus if it is not focusable ({@link #isFocusable} returns * false), or if it is focusable and it is not focusable in touch mode * ({@link #isFocusableInTouchMode}) while the device is in touch mode. * * A View will not take focus if it is not visible. * * A View will not take focus if one of its parents has * {@link android.view.ViewGroup#getDescendantFocusability()} equal to * {@link ViewGroup#FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS}. * * See also {@link #focusSearch(int)}, which is what you call to say that you * have focus, and you want your parent to look for the next one. * * You may wish to override this method if your custom {@link View} has an internal * {@link View} that it wishes to forward the request to. * * @param direction One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT * @param previouslyFocusedRect The rectangle (in this View's coordinate system) * to give a finer grained hint about where focus is coming from. May be null * if there is no hint. * @return Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus. */
public boolean requestFocus(int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { return requestFocusNoSearch(direction, previouslyFocusedRect); } private boolean requestFocusNoSearch(int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { // need to be focusable if (!canTakeFocus()) { return false; } // need to be focusable in touch mode if in touch mode if (isInTouchMode() && (FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE != (mViewFlags & FOCUSABLE_IN_TOUCH_MODE))) { return false; } // need to not have any parents blocking us if (hasAncestorThatBlocksDescendantFocus()) { return false; } if (!isLayoutValid()) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS; } else { clearParentsWantFocus(); } handleFocusGainInternal(direction, previouslyFocusedRect); return true; } void clearParentsWantFocus() { if (mParent instanceof View) { ((View) mParent).mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS; ((View) mParent).clearParentsWantFocus(); } }
Call this to try to give focus to a specific view or to one of its descendants. This is a special variant of requestFocus() that will allow views that are not focusable in touch mode to request focus when they are touched.
See Also:
Returns:Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus.
/** * Call this to try to give focus to a specific view or to one of its descendants. This is a * special variant of {@link #requestFocus() } that will allow views that are not focusable in * touch mode to request focus when they are touched. * * @return Whether this view or one of its descendants actually took focus. * * @see #isInTouchMode() * */
public final boolean requestFocusFromTouch() { // Leave touch mode if we need to if (isInTouchMode()) { ViewRootImpl viewRoot = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRoot != null) { viewRoot.ensureTouchMode(false); } } return requestFocus(View.FOCUS_DOWN); }
Returns:Whether any ancestor of this view blocks descendant focus.
/** * @return Whether any ancestor of this view blocks descendant focus. */
private boolean hasAncestorThatBlocksDescendantFocus() { final boolean focusableInTouchMode = isFocusableInTouchMode(); ViewParent ancestor = mParent; while (ancestor instanceof ViewGroup) { final ViewGroup vgAncestor = (ViewGroup) ancestor; if (vgAncestor.getDescendantFocusability() == ViewGroup.FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS || (!focusableInTouchMode && vgAncestor.shouldBlockFocusForTouchscreen())) { return true; } else { ancestor = vgAncestor.getParent(); } } return false; }
Gets the mode for determining whether this View is important for accessibility. A view is important for accessibility if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_importantForAccessibility
/** * Gets the mode for determining whether this View is important for accessibility. * A view is important for accessibility if it fires accessibility events and if it * is reported to accessibility services that query the screen. * * @return The mode for determining whether a view is important for accessibility, one * of {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO}, {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES}, * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO}, or * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_importantForAccessibility * * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "accessibility", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO, to = "auto"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES, to = "yes"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO, to = "no"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS, to = "noHideDescendants") }) public int getImportantForAccessibility() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_MASK) >> PFLAG2_IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_SHIFT; }
Sets the live region mode for this view. This indicates to accessibility services whether they should automatically notify the user about changes to the view's content description or text, or to the content descriptions or text of the view's children (where applicable).

For example, in a login screen with a TextView that displays an "incorrect password" notification, that view should be marked as a live region with mode ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_POLITE.

To disable change notifications for this view, use ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE. This is the default live region mode for most views.

To indicate that the user should be notified of changes, use ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_POLITE.

If the view's changes should interrupt ongoing speech and notify the user immediately, use ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_ASSERTIVE.

@attrref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityLiveRegion
/** * Sets the live region mode for this view. This indicates to accessibility * services whether they should automatically notify the user about changes * to the view's content description or text, or to the content descriptions * or text of the view's children (where applicable). * <p> * For example, in a login screen with a TextView that displays an "incorrect * password" notification, that view should be marked as a live region with * mode {@link #ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_POLITE}. * <p> * To disable change notifications for this view, use * {@link #ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE}. This is the default live region * mode for most views. * <p> * To indicate that the user should be notified of changes, use * {@link #ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_POLITE}. * <p> * If the view's changes should interrupt ongoing speech and notify the user * immediately, use {@link #ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_ASSERTIVE}. * * @param mode The live region mode for this view, one of: * <ul> * <li>{@link #ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE} * <li>{@link #ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_POLITE} * <li>{@link #ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_ASSERTIVE} * </ul> * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityLiveRegion */
public void setAccessibilityLiveRegion(int mode) { if (mode != getAccessibilityLiveRegion()) { mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_MASK; mPrivateFlags2 |= (mode << PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_SHIFT) & PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_MASK; notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } }
Gets the live region mode for this View.
See Also:
Returns:The live region mode for the view.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityLiveRegion
/** * Gets the live region mode for this View. * * @return The live region mode for the view. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_accessibilityLiveRegion * * @see #setAccessibilityLiveRegion(int) */
public int getAccessibilityLiveRegion() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_MASK) >> PFLAG2_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_SHIFT; }
Sets how to determine whether this view is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen.
  • mode – How to determine whether this view is important for accessibility.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_importantForAccessibility
/** * Sets how to determine whether this view is important for accessibility * which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to * accessibility services that query the screen. * * @param mode How to determine whether this view is important for accessibility. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_importantForAccessibility * * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS * @see #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO */
public void setImportantForAccessibility(int mode) { final int oldMode = getImportantForAccessibility(); if (mode != oldMode) { final boolean hideDescendants = mode == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS; // If this node or its descendants are no longer important, try to // clear accessibility focus. if (mode == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO || hideDescendants) { final View focusHost = findAccessibilityFocusHost(hideDescendants); if (focusHost != null) { focusHost.clearAccessibilityFocus(); } } // If we're moving between AUTO and another state, we might not need // to send a subtree changed notification. We'll store the computed // importance, since we'll need to check it later to make sure. final boolean maySkipNotify = oldMode == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO || mode == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO; final boolean oldIncludeForAccessibility = maySkipNotify && includeForAccessibility(); mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_MASK; mPrivateFlags2 |= (mode << PFLAG2_IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_SHIFT) & PFLAG2_IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_MASK; if (!maySkipNotify || oldIncludeForAccessibility != includeForAccessibility()) { notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } else { notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } } }
Returns the view within this view's hierarchy that is hosting accessibility focus.
  • searchDescendants – whether to search for focus in descendant views
Returns:the view hosting accessibility focus, or null
/** * Returns the view within this view's hierarchy that is hosting * accessibility focus. * * @param searchDescendants whether to search for focus in descendant views * @return the view hosting accessibility focus, or {@code null} */
private View findAccessibilityFocusHost(boolean searchDescendants) { if (isAccessibilityFocusedViewOrHost()) { return this; } if (searchDescendants) { final ViewRootImpl viewRoot = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRoot != null) { final View focusHost = viewRoot.getAccessibilityFocusedHost(); if (focusHost != null && ViewRootImpl.isViewDescendantOf(focusHost, this)) { return focusHost; } } } return null; }
Computes whether this view should be exposed for accessibility. In general, views that are interactive or provide information are exposed while views that serve only as containers are hidden.

If an ancestor of this view has importance IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS, this method returns false.

Otherwise, the value is computed according to the view's getImportantForAccessibility() value:

  3. IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO, return true if view satisfies any of the following:
  4. Has an accessibility pane title, see setAccessibilityPaneTitle
See Also:
Returns:Whether the view is exposed for accessibility.
/** * Computes whether this view should be exposed for accessibility. In * general, views that are interactive or provide information are exposed * while views that serve only as containers are hidden. * <p> * If an ancestor of this view has importance * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS}, this method * returns <code>false</code>. * <p> * Otherwise, the value is computed according to the view's * {@link #getImportantForAccessibility()} value: * <ol> * <li>{@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO} or * {@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS}, return <code>false * </code> * <li>{@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES}, return <code>true</code> * <li>{@link #IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO}, return <code>true</code> if * view satisfies any of the following: * <ul> * <li>Is actionable, e.g. {@link #isClickable()}, * {@link #isLongClickable()}, or {@link #isFocusable()} * <li>Has an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} * <li>Has an interaction listener, e.g. {@link OnTouchListener}, * {@link OnKeyListener}, etc. * <li>Is an accessibility live region, e.g. * {@link #getAccessibilityLiveRegion()} is not * {@link #ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE}. * </ul> * <li>Has an accessibility pane title, see {@link #setAccessibilityPaneTitle}</li> * </ol> * * @return Whether the view is exposed for accessibility. * @see #setImportantForAccessibility(int) * @see #getImportantForAccessibility() */
public boolean isImportantForAccessibility() { final int mode = (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_MASK) >> PFLAG2_IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_SHIFT; if (mode == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO || mode == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS) { return false; } // Check parent mode to ensure we're not hidden. ViewParent parent = mParent; while (parent instanceof View) { if (((View) parent).getImportantForAccessibility() == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS) { return false; } parent = parent.getParent(); } return mode == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES || isActionableForAccessibility() || hasListenersForAccessibility() || getAccessibilityNodeProvider() != null || getAccessibilityLiveRegion() != ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE || isAccessibilityPane(); }
Gets the parent for accessibility purposes. Note that the parent for accessibility is not necessary the immediate parent. It is the first predecessor that is important for accessibility.
Returns:The parent for accessibility purposes.
/** * Gets the parent for accessibility purposes. Note that the parent for * accessibility is not necessary the immediate parent. It is the first * predecessor that is important for accessibility. * * @return The parent for accessibility purposes. */
public ViewParent getParentForAccessibility() { if (mParent instanceof View) { View parentView = (View) mParent; if (parentView.includeForAccessibility()) { return mParent; } else { return mParent.getParentForAccessibility(); } } return null; }
/** @hide */
View getSelfOrParentImportantForA11y() { if (isImportantForAccessibility()) return this; ViewParent parent = getParentForAccessibility(); if (parent instanceof View) return (View) parent; return null; }
Adds the children of this View relevant for accessibility to the given list as output. Since some Views are not important for accessibility the added child views are not necessarily direct children of this view, rather they are the first level of descendants important for accessibility.
  • outChildren – The output list that will receive children for accessibility.
/** * Adds the children of this View relevant for accessibility to the given list * as output. Since some Views are not important for accessibility the added * child views are not necessarily direct children of this view, rather they are * the first level of descendants important for accessibility. * * @param outChildren The output list that will receive children for accessibility. */
public void addChildrenForAccessibility(ArrayList<View> outChildren) { }
Whether to regard this view for accessibility. A view is regarded for accessibility if it is important for accessibility or the querying accessibility service has explicitly requested that view not important for accessibility are regarded.
Returns:Whether to regard the view for accessibility.
/** * Whether to regard this view for accessibility. A view is regarded for * accessibility if it is important for accessibility or the querying * accessibility service has explicitly requested that view not * important for accessibility are regarded. * * @return Whether to regard the view for accessibility. * * @hide */
public boolean includeForAccessibility() { if (mAttachInfo != null) { return (mAttachInfo.mAccessibilityFetchFlags & AccessibilityNodeInfo.FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS) != 0 || isImportantForAccessibility(); } return false; }
Returns whether the View is considered actionable from accessibility perspective. Such view are important for accessibility.
Returns:True if the view is actionable for accessibility.
/** * Returns whether the View is considered actionable from * accessibility perspective. Such view are important for * accessibility. * * @return True if the view is actionable for accessibility. * * @hide */
public boolean isActionableForAccessibility() { return (isClickable() || isLongClickable() || isFocusable()); }
Returns whether the View has registered callbacks which makes it important for accessibility.
Returns:True if the view is actionable for accessibility.
/** * Returns whether the View has registered callbacks which makes it * important for accessibility. * * @return True if the view is actionable for accessibility. */
private boolean hasListenersForAccessibility() { ListenerInfo info = getListenerInfo(); return mTouchDelegate != null || info.mOnKeyListener != null || info.mOnTouchListener != null || info.mOnGenericMotionListener != null || info.mOnHoverListener != null || info.mOnDragListener != null; }
Notifies that the accessibility state of this view changed. The change is local to this view and does not represent structural changes such as children and parent. For example, the view became focusable. The notification is at at most once every ViewConfiguration.getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval() to avoid unnecessary load to the system. Also once a view has a pending notification this method is a NOP until the notification has been sent.
/** * Notifies that the accessibility state of this view changed. The change * is local to this view and does not represent structural changes such * as children and parent. For example, the view became focusable. The * notification is at at most once every * {@link ViewConfiguration#getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval()} * to avoid unnecessary load to the system. Also once a view has a pending * notification this method is a NOP until the notification has been sent. * * @hide */
public void notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(int changeType) { if (!AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled() || mAttachInfo == null) { return; } // Changes to views with a pane title count as window state changes, as the pane title // marks them as significant parts of the UI. if ((changeType != AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_SUBTREE) && isAccessibilityPane()) { // If the pane isn't visible, content changed events are sufficient unless we're // reporting that the view just disappeared if ((getVisibility() == VISIBLE) || (changeType == AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_PANE_DISAPPEARED)) { final AccessibilityEvent event = AccessibilityEvent.obtain(); event.setEventType(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED); event.setContentChangeTypes(changeType); event.setSource(this); onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event); if (mParent != null) { try { mParent.requestSendAccessibilityEvent(this, event); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); } } return; } } // If this is a live region, we should send a subtree change event // from this view immediately. Otherwise, we can let it propagate up. if (getAccessibilityLiveRegion() != ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE) { final AccessibilityEvent event = AccessibilityEvent.obtain(); event.setEventType(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED); event.setContentChangeTypes(changeType); sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(event); } else if (mParent != null) { try { mParent.notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged(this, this, changeType); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); } } }
Notifies that the accessibility state of this view changed. The change is *not* local to this view and does represent structural changes such as children and parent. For example, the view size changed. The notification is at at most once every ViewConfiguration.getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval() to avoid unnecessary load to the system. Also once a view has a pending notification this method is a NOP until the notification has been sent.
/** * Notifies that the accessibility state of this view changed. The change * is *not* local to this view and does represent structural changes such * as children and parent. For example, the view size changed. The * notification is at at most once every * {@link ViewConfiguration#getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval()} * to avoid unnecessary load to the system. Also once a view has a pending * notification this method is a NOP until the notification has been sent. * * @hide */
public void notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded() { if (!AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled() || mAttachInfo == null) { return; } if ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_SUBTREE_ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_CHANGED) == 0) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_SUBTREE_ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_CHANGED; if (mParent != null) { try { mParent.notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged( this, this, AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_SUBTREE); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); } } } }
Change the visibility of the View without triggering any other changes. This is important for transitions, where visibility changes should not adjust focus or trigger a new layout. This is only used when the visibility has already been changed and we need a transient value during an animation. When the animation completes, the original visibility value is always restored.
/** * Change the visibility of the View without triggering any other changes. This is * important for transitions, where visibility changes should not adjust focus or * trigger a new layout. This is only used when the visibility has already been changed * and we need a transient value during an animation. When the animation completes, * the original visibility value is always restored. * * @param visibility One of {@link #VISIBLE}, {@link #INVISIBLE}, or {@link #GONE}. * @hide */
public void setTransitionVisibility(@Visibility int visibility) { mViewFlags = (mViewFlags & ~View.VISIBILITY_MASK) | visibility; }
Reset the flag indicating the accessibility state of the subtree rooted at this view changed.
/** * Reset the flag indicating the accessibility state of the subtree rooted * at this view changed. */
void resetSubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged() { mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_SUBTREE_ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_CHANGED; }
Report an accessibility action to this view's parents for delegated processing.

Implementations of performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle) may internally call this method to delegate an accessibility action to a supporting parent. If the parent returns true from its ViewParent.onNestedPrePerformAccessibilityAction(View, int, Bundle) method this method will return true to signify that the action was consumed.

This method is useful for implementing nested scrolling child views. If isNestedScrollingEnabled() returns true and the action is a scrolling action a custom view implementation may invoke this method to allow a parent to consume the scroll first. If this method returns true the custom view should skip its own scrolling behavior.

  • action – Accessibility action to delegate
  • arguments – Optional action arguments
Returns:true if the action was consumed by a parent
/** * Report an accessibility action to this view's parents for delegated processing. * * <p>Implementations of {@link #performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle)} may internally * call this method to delegate an accessibility action to a supporting parent. If the parent * returns true from its * {@link ViewParent#onNestedPrePerformAccessibilityAction(View, int, android.os.Bundle)} * method this method will return true to signify that the action was consumed.</p> * * <p>This method is useful for implementing nested scrolling child views. If * {@link #isNestedScrollingEnabled()} returns true and the action is a scrolling action * a custom view implementation may invoke this method to allow a parent to consume the * scroll first. If this method returns true the custom view should skip its own scrolling * behavior.</p> * * @param action Accessibility action to delegate * @param arguments Optional action arguments * @return true if the action was consumed by a parent */
public boolean dispatchNestedPrePerformAccessibilityAction(int action, Bundle arguments) { for (ViewParent p = getParent(); p != null; p = p.getParent()) { if (p.onNestedPrePerformAccessibilityAction(this, action, arguments)) { return true; } } return false; }
Performs the specified accessibility action on the view. For possible accessibility actions look at AccessibilityNodeInfo.

If an AccessibilityDelegate has been specified via calling setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) its AccessibilityDelegate.performAccessibilityAction(View, int, Bundle) is responsible for handling this call.

The default implementation will delegate AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD and AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD to nested scrolling parents if nested scrolling is enabled on this view.

  • action – The action to perform.
  • arguments – Optional action arguments.
Returns:Whether the action was performed.
/** * Performs the specified accessibility action on the view. For * possible accessibility actions look at {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. * <p> * If an {@link AccessibilityDelegate} has been specified via calling * {@link #setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate)} its * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#performAccessibilityAction(View, int, Bundle)} * is responsible for handling this call. * </p> * * <p>The default implementation will delegate * {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD} and * {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD} to nested scrolling parents if * {@link #isNestedScrollingEnabled() nested scrolling is enabled} on this view.</p> * * @param action The action to perform. * @param arguments Optional action arguments. * @return Whether the action was performed. */
public boolean performAccessibilityAction(int action, Bundle arguments) { if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) { return mAccessibilityDelegate.performAccessibilityAction(this, action, arguments); } else { return performAccessibilityActionInternal(action, arguments); } }
See Also:
/** * @see #performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle) * * Note: Called from the default {@link AccessibilityDelegate}. * * @hide */
public boolean performAccessibilityActionInternal(int action, Bundle arguments) { if (isNestedScrollingEnabled() && (action == AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD || action == AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD || action == R.id.accessibilityActionScrollUp || action == R.id.accessibilityActionScrollLeft || action == R.id.accessibilityActionScrollDown || action == R.id.accessibilityActionScrollRight)) { if (dispatchNestedPrePerformAccessibilityAction(action, arguments)) { return true; } } switch (action) { case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLICK: { if (isClickable()) { performClickInternal(); return true; } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_LONG_CLICK: { if (isLongClickable()) { performLongClick(); return true; } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_FOCUS: { if (!hasFocus()) { // Get out of touch mode since accessibility // wants to move focus around. getViewRootImpl().ensureTouchMode(false); return requestFocus(); } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_FOCUS: { if (hasFocus()) { clearFocus(); return !isFocused(); } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SELECT: { if (!isSelected()) { setSelected(true); return isSelected(); } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION: { if (isSelected()) { setSelected(false); return !isSelected(); } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS: { if (!isAccessibilityFocused()) { return requestAccessibilityFocus(); } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLEAR_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS: { if (isAccessibilityFocused()) { clearAccessibilityFocus(); return true; } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_NEXT_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY: { if (arguments != null) { final int granularity = arguments.getInt( AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_INT); final boolean extendSelection = arguments.getBoolean( AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_EXTEND_SELECTION_BOOLEAN); return traverseAtGranularity(granularity, true, extendSelection); } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_PREVIOUS_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY: { if (arguments != null) { final int granularity = arguments.getInt( AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_INT); final boolean extendSelection = arguments.getBoolean( AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_EXTEND_SELECTION_BOOLEAN); return traverseAtGranularity(granularity, false, extendSelection); } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SET_SELECTION: { CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility(); if (text == null) { return false; } final int start = (arguments != null) ? arguments.getInt( AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_SELECTION_START_INT, -1) : -1; final int end = (arguments != null) ? arguments.getInt( AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_SELECTION_END_INT, -1) : -1; // Only cursor position can be specified (selection length == 0) if ((getAccessibilitySelectionStart() != start || getAccessibilitySelectionEnd() != end) && (start == end)) { setAccessibilitySelection(start, end); notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); return true; } } break; case R.id.accessibilityActionShowOnScreen: { if (mAttachInfo != null) { final Rect r = mAttachInfo.mTmpInvalRect; getDrawingRect(r); return requestRectangleOnScreen(r, true); } } break; case R.id.accessibilityActionContextClick: { if (isContextClickable()) { performContextClick(); return true; } } break; case R.id.accessibilityActionShowTooltip: { if ((mTooltipInfo != null) && (mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup != null)) { // Tooltip already showing return false; } return showLongClickTooltip(0, 0); } case R.id.accessibilityActionHideTooltip: { if ((mTooltipInfo == null) || (mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup == null)) { // No tooltip showing return false; } hideTooltip(); return true; } } return false; } private boolean traverseAtGranularity(int granularity, boolean forward, boolean extendSelection) { CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility(); if (text == null || text.length() == 0) { return false; } TextSegmentIterator iterator = getIteratorForGranularity(granularity); if (iterator == null) { return false; } int current = getAccessibilitySelectionEnd(); if (current == ACCESSIBILITY_CURSOR_POSITION_UNDEFINED) { current = forward ? 0 : text.length(); } final int[] range = forward ? iterator.following(current) : iterator.preceding(current); if (range == null) { return false; } final int segmentStart = range[0]; final int segmentEnd = range[1]; int selectionStart; int selectionEnd; if (extendSelection && isAccessibilitySelectionExtendable()) { selectionStart = getAccessibilitySelectionStart(); if (selectionStart == ACCESSIBILITY_CURSOR_POSITION_UNDEFINED) { selectionStart = forward ? segmentStart : segmentEnd; } selectionEnd = forward ? segmentEnd : segmentStart; } else { selectionStart = selectionEnd= forward ? segmentEnd : segmentStart; } setAccessibilitySelection(selectionStart, selectionEnd); final int action = forward ? AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_NEXT_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY : AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_PREVIOUS_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY; sendViewTextTraversedAtGranularityEvent(action, granularity, segmentStart, segmentEnd); return true; }
Gets the text reported for accessibility purposes.
Returns:The accessibility text.
/** * Gets the text reported for accessibility purposes. * * @return The accessibility text. * * @hide */
public CharSequence getIterableTextForAccessibility() { return getContentDescription(); }
Gets whether accessibility selection can be extended.
Returns:If selection is extensible.
/** * Gets whether accessibility selection can be extended. * * @return If selection is extensible. * * @hide */
public boolean isAccessibilitySelectionExtendable() { return false; }
/** * @hide */
public int getAccessibilitySelectionStart() { return mAccessibilityCursorPosition; }
/** * @hide */
public int getAccessibilitySelectionEnd() { return getAccessibilitySelectionStart(); }
/** * @hide */
public void setAccessibilitySelection(int start, int end) { if (start == end && end == mAccessibilityCursorPosition) { return; } if (start >= 0 && start == end && end <= getIterableTextForAccessibility().length()) { mAccessibilityCursorPosition = start; } else { mAccessibilityCursorPosition = ACCESSIBILITY_CURSOR_POSITION_UNDEFINED; } sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED); } private void sendViewTextTraversedAtGranularityEvent(int action, int granularity, int fromIndex, int toIndex) { if (mParent == null) { return; } AccessibilityEvent event = AccessibilityEvent.obtain( AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_TRAVERSED_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY); onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event); onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event); event.setFromIndex(fromIndex); event.setToIndex(toIndex); event.setAction(action); event.setMovementGranularity(granularity); mParent.requestSendAccessibilityEvent(this, event); }
/** * @hide */
public TextSegmentIterator getIteratorForGranularity(int granularity) { switch (granularity) { case AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_CHARACTER: { CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility(); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { CharacterTextSegmentIterator iterator = CharacterTextSegmentIterator.getInstance( mContext.getResources().getConfiguration().locale); iterator.initialize(text.toString()); return iterator; } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_WORD: { CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility(); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { WordTextSegmentIterator iterator = WordTextSegmentIterator.getInstance( mContext.getResources().getConfiguration().locale); iterator.initialize(text.toString()); return iterator; } } break; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_PARAGRAPH: { CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility(); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { ParagraphTextSegmentIterator iterator = ParagraphTextSegmentIterator.getInstance(); iterator.initialize(text.toString()); return iterator; } } break; } return null; }
Tells whether the View is in the state between onStartTemporaryDetach() and onFinishTemporaryDetach().

This method always returns true when called directly or indirectly from onStartTemporaryDetach(). The return value when called directly or indirectly from onFinishTemporaryDetach(), however, depends on the OS version.

Returns:true when the View is in the state between onStartTemporaryDetach() and onFinishTemporaryDetach().
/** * Tells whether the {@link View} is in the state between {@link #onStartTemporaryDetach()} * and {@link #onFinishTemporaryDetach()}. * * <p>This method always returns {@code true} when called directly or indirectly from * {@link #onStartTemporaryDetach()}. The return value when called directly or indirectly from * {@link #onFinishTemporaryDetach()}, however, depends on the OS version. * <ul> * <li>{@code true} on {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#N API 24}</li> * <li>{@code false} on {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#N_MR1 API 25}} and later</li> * </ul> * </p> * * @return {@code true} when the View is in the state between {@link #onStartTemporaryDetach()} * and {@link #onFinishTemporaryDetach()}. */
public final boolean isTemporarilyDetached() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_TEMPORARY_DETACH) != 0; }
Dispatch onStartTemporaryDetach() to this View and its direct children if this is a container View.
/** * Dispatch {@link #onStartTemporaryDetach()} to this View and its direct children if this is * a container View. */
@CallSuper public void dispatchStartTemporaryDetach() { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_TEMPORARY_DETACH; notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(false); onStartTemporaryDetach(); }
This is called when a container is going to temporarily detach a child, with ViewGroup.detachViewFromParent. It will either be followed by onFinishTemporaryDetach() or onDetachedFromWindow() when the container is done.
/** * This is called when a container is going to temporarily detach a child, with * {@link ViewGroup#detachViewFromParent(View) ViewGroup.detachViewFromParent}. * It will either be followed by {@link #onFinishTemporaryDetach()} or * {@link #onDetachedFromWindow()} when the container is done. */
public void onStartTemporaryDetach() { removeUnsetPressCallback(); mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_CANCEL_NEXT_UP_EVENT; }
Dispatch onFinishTemporaryDetach() to this View and its direct children if this is a container View.
/** * Dispatch {@link #onFinishTemporaryDetach()} to this View and its direct children if this is * a container View. */
@CallSuper public void dispatchFinishTemporaryDetach() { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_TEMPORARY_DETACH; onFinishTemporaryDetach(); if (hasWindowFocus() && hasFocus()) { InputMethodManager.getInstance().focusIn(this); } notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(true); }
Called after onStartTemporaryDetach when the container is done changing the view.
/** * Called after {@link #onStartTemporaryDetach} when the container is done * changing the view. */
public void onFinishTemporaryDetach() { }
Return the global KeyEvent.DispatcherState for this view's window. Returns null if the view is not currently attached to the window. Normally you will not need to use this directly, but just use the standard high-level event callbacks like onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent).
/** * Return the global {@link KeyEvent.DispatcherState KeyEvent.DispatcherState} * for this view's window. Returns null if the view is not currently attached * to the window. Normally you will not need to use this directly, but * just use the standard high-level event callbacks like * {@link #onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent)}. */
public KeyEvent.DispatcherState getKeyDispatcherState() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mKeyDispatchState : null; }
Dispatch a key event before it is processed by any input method associated with the view hierarchy. This can be used to intercept key events in special situations before the IME consumes them; a typical example would be handling the BACK key to update the application's UI instead of allowing the IME to see it and close itself.
  • event – The key event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
/** * Dispatch a key event before it is processed by any input method * associated with the view hierarchy. This can be used to intercept * key events in special situations before the IME consumes them; a * typical example would be handling the BACK key to update the application's * UI instead of allowing the IME to see it and close itself. * * @param event The key event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled, false otherwise. */
public boolean dispatchKeyEventPreIme(KeyEvent event) { return onKeyPreIme(event.getKeyCode(), event); }
Dispatch a key event to the next view on the focus path. This path runs from the top of the view tree down to the currently focused view. If this view has focus, it will dispatch to itself. Otherwise it will dispatch the next node down the focus path. This method also fires any key listeners.
  • event – The key event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
/** * Dispatch a key event to the next view on the focus path. This path runs * from the top of the view tree down to the currently focused view. If this * view has focus, it will dispatch to itself. Otherwise it will dispatch * the next node down the focus path. This method also fires any key * listeners. * * @param event The key event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled, false otherwise. */
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) { mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onKeyEvent(event, 0); } // Give any attached key listener a first crack at the event. //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnKeyListener != null && (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED && li.mOnKeyListener.onKey(this, event.getKeyCode(), event)) { return true; } if (event.dispatch(this, mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mKeyDispatchState : null, this)) { return true; } if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) { mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onUnhandledEvent(event, 0); } return false; }
Dispatches a key shortcut event.
  • event – The key event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Dispatches a key shortcut event. * * @param event The key event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. */
public boolean dispatchKeyShortcutEvent(KeyEvent event) { return onKeyShortcut(event.getKeyCode(), event); }
Pass the touch screen motion event down to the target view, or this view if it is the target.
  • event – The motion event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Pass the touch screen motion event down to the target view, or this * view if it is the target. * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. */
public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { // If the event should be handled by accessibility focus first. if (event.isTargetAccessibilityFocus()) { // We don't have focus or no virtual descendant has it, do not handle the event. if (!isAccessibilityFocusedViewOrHost()) { return false; } // We have focus and got the event, then use normal event dispatch. event.setTargetAccessibilityFocus(false); } boolean result = false; if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) { mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onTouchEvent(event, 0); } final int actionMasked = event.getActionMasked(); if (actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { // Defensive cleanup for new gesture stopNestedScroll(); } if (onFilterTouchEventForSecurity(event)) { if ((mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED && handleScrollBarDragging(event)) { result = true; } //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnTouchListener != null && (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED && li.mOnTouchListener.onTouch(this, event)) { result = true; } if (!result && onTouchEvent(event)) { result = true; } } if (!result && mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) { mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onUnhandledEvent(event, 0); } // Clean up after nested scrolls if this is the end of a gesture; // also cancel it if we tried an ACTION_DOWN but we didn't want the rest // of the gesture. if (actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL || (actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && !result)) { stopNestedScroll(); } return result; } boolean isAccessibilityFocusedViewOrHost() { return isAccessibilityFocused() || (getViewRootImpl() != null && getViewRootImpl() .getAccessibilityFocusedHost() == this); }
Filter the touch event to apply security policies.
  • event – The motion event to be filtered.
See Also:
Returns:True if the event should be dispatched, false if the event should be dropped.
/** * Filter the touch event to apply security policies. * * @param event The motion event to be filtered. * @return True if the event should be dispatched, false if the event should be dropped. * * @see #getFilterTouchesWhenObscured */
public boolean onFilterTouchEventForSecurity(MotionEvent event) { //noinspection RedundantIfStatement if ((mViewFlags & FILTER_TOUCHES_WHEN_OBSCURED) != 0 && (event.getFlags() & MotionEvent.FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED) != 0) { // Window is obscured, drop this touch. return false; } return true; }
Pass a trackball motion event down to the focused view.
  • event – The motion event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Pass a trackball motion event down to the focused view. * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. */
public boolean dispatchTrackballEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) { mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onTrackballEvent(event, 0); } return onTrackballEvent(event); }
Pass a captured pointer event down to the focused view.
  • event – The motion event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Pass a captured pointer event down to the focused view. * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. */
public boolean dispatchCapturedPointerEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (!hasPointerCapture()) { return false; } //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnCapturedPointerListener != null && li.mOnCapturedPointerListener.onCapturedPointer(this, event)) { return true; } return onCapturedPointerEvent(event); }
Dispatch a generic motion event.

Generic motion events with source class InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER are delivered to the view under the pointer. All other generic motion events are delivered to the focused view. Hover events are handled specially and are delivered to onHoverEvent(MotionEvent).

  • event – The motion event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Dispatch a generic motion event. * <p> * Generic motion events with source class {@link InputDevice#SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER} * are delivered to the view under the pointer. All other generic motion events are * delivered to the focused view. Hover events are handled specially and are delivered * to {@link #onHoverEvent(MotionEvent)}. * </p> * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. */
public boolean dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) { mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onGenericMotionEvent(event, 0); } final int source = event.getSource(); if ((source & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) != 0) { final int action = event.getAction(); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT) { if (dispatchHoverEvent(event)) { return true; } } else if (dispatchGenericPointerEvent(event)) { return true; } } else if (dispatchGenericFocusedEvent(event)) { return true; } if (dispatchGenericMotionEventInternal(event)) { return true; } if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) { mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onUnhandledEvent(event, 0); } return false; } private boolean dispatchGenericMotionEventInternal(MotionEvent event) { //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnGenericMotionListener != null && (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED && li.mOnGenericMotionListener.onGenericMotion(this, event)) { return true; } if (onGenericMotionEvent(event)) { return true; } final int actionButton = event.getActionButton(); switch (event.getActionMasked()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_BUTTON_PRESS: if (isContextClickable() && !mInContextButtonPress && !mHasPerformedLongPress && (actionButton == MotionEvent.BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY || actionButton == MotionEvent.BUTTON_SECONDARY)) { if (performContextClick(event.getX(), event.getY())) { mInContextButtonPress = true; setPressed(true, event.getX(), event.getY()); removeTapCallback(); removeLongPressCallback(); return true; } } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_BUTTON_RELEASE: if (mInContextButtonPress && (actionButton == MotionEvent.BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY || actionButton == MotionEvent.BUTTON_SECONDARY)) { mInContextButtonPress = false; mIgnoreNextUpEvent = true; } break; } if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) { mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onUnhandledEvent(event, 0); } return false; }
Dispatch a hover event.

Do not call this method directly. Call dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent) instead.

  • event – The motion event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Dispatch a hover event. * <p> * Do not call this method directly. * Call {@link #dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)} instead. * </p> * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. */
protected boolean dispatchHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) { ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement if (li != null && li.mOnHoverListener != null && (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED && li.mOnHoverListener.onHover(this, event)) { return true; } return onHoverEvent(event); }
Returns true if the view has a child to which it has recently sent MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER. If this view is hovered and it does not have a hovered child, then it must be the innermost hovered view.
/** * Returns true if the view has a child to which it has recently sent * {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_HOVER_ENTER}. If this view is hovered and * it does not have a hovered child, then it must be the innermost hovered view. * @hide */
protected boolean hasHoveredChild() { return false; }
Dispatch a generic motion event to the view under the first pointer.

Do not call this method directly. Call dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent) instead.

  • event – The motion event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Dispatch a generic motion event to the view under the first pointer. * <p> * Do not call this method directly. * Call {@link #dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)} instead. * </p> * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. */
protected boolean dispatchGenericPointerEvent(MotionEvent event) { return false; }
Dispatch a generic motion event to the currently focused view.

Do not call this method directly. Call dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent) instead.

  • event – The motion event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Dispatch a generic motion event to the currently focused view. * <p> * Do not call this method directly. * Call {@link #dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)} instead. * </p> * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. */
protected boolean dispatchGenericFocusedEvent(MotionEvent event) { return false; }
Dispatch a pointer event.

Dispatches touch related pointer events to onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) and all other events to onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent). This separation of concerns reinforces the invariant that onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) is really about touches and should not be expected to handle other pointing device features.

  • event – The motion event to be dispatched.
Returns:True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise.
/** * Dispatch a pointer event. * <p> * Dispatches touch related pointer events to {@link #onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)} and all * other events to {@link #onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)}. This separation of concerns * reinforces the invariant that {@link #onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)} is really about touches * and should not be expected to handle other pointing device features. * </p> * * @param event The motion event to be dispatched. * @return True if the event was handled by the view, false otherwise. * @hide */
public final boolean dispatchPointerEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (event.isTouchEvent()) { return dispatchTouchEvent(event); } else { return dispatchGenericMotionEvent(event); } }
Called when the window containing this view gains or loses window focus. ViewGroups should override to route to their children.
  • hasFocus – True if the window containing this view now has focus, false otherwise.
/** * Called when the window containing this view gains or loses window focus. * ViewGroups should override to route to their children. * * @param hasFocus True if the window containing this view now has focus, * false otherwise. */
public void dispatchWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) { onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); }
Called when the window containing this view gains or loses focus. Note that this is separate from view focus: to receive key events, both your view and its window must have focus. If a window is displayed on top of yours that takes input focus, then your own window will lose focus but the view focus will remain unchanged.
  • hasWindowFocus – True if the window containing this view now has focus, false otherwise.
/** * Called when the window containing this view gains or loses focus. Note * that this is separate from view focus: to receive key events, both * your view and its window must have focus. If a window is displayed * on top of yours that takes input focus, then your own window will lose * focus but the view focus will remain unchanged. * * @param hasWindowFocus True if the window containing this view now has * focus, false otherwise. */
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) { InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); if (!hasWindowFocus) { if (isPressed()) { setPressed(false); } mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN; if (imm != null && (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0) { imm.focusOut(this); } removeLongPressCallback(); removeTapCallback(); onFocusLost(); } else if (imm != null && (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0) { imm.focusIn(this); } refreshDrawableState(); }
Returns true if this view is in a window that currently has window focus. Note that this is not the same as the view itself having focus.
Returns:True if this view is in a window that currently has window focus.
/** * Returns true if this view is in a window that currently has window focus. * Note that this is not the same as the view itself having focus. * * @return True if this view is in a window that currently has window focus. */
public boolean hasWindowFocus() { return mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mHasWindowFocus; }
Dispatch a view visibility change down the view hierarchy. ViewGroups should override to route to their children.
  • changedView – The view whose visibility changed. Could be 'this' or an ancestor view.
  • visibility – The new visibility of changedView: VISIBLE, INVISIBLE or GONE.
/** * Dispatch a view visibility change down the view hierarchy. * ViewGroups should override to route to their children. * @param changedView The view whose visibility changed. Could be 'this' or * an ancestor view. * @param visibility The new visibility of changedView: {@link #VISIBLE}, * {@link #INVISIBLE} or {@link #GONE}. */
protected void dispatchVisibilityChanged(@NonNull View changedView, @Visibility int visibility) { onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility); }
Called when the visibility of the view or an ancestor of the view has changed.
  • changedView – The view whose visibility changed. May be this or an ancestor view.
  • visibility – The new visibility, one of VISIBLE, INVISIBLE or GONE.
/** * Called when the visibility of the view or an ancestor of the view has * changed. * * @param changedView The view whose visibility changed. May be * {@code this} or an ancestor view. * @param visibility The new visibility, one of {@link #VISIBLE}, * {@link #INVISIBLE} or {@link #GONE}. */
protected void onVisibilityChanged(@NonNull View changedView, @Visibility int visibility) { }
Dispatch a hint about whether this view is displayed. For instance, when a View moves out of the screen, it might receives a display hint indicating the view is not displayed. Applications should not rely on this hint as there is no guarantee that they will receive one.
  • hint – A hint about whether or not this view is displayed: VISIBLE or INVISIBLE.
/** * Dispatch a hint about whether this view is displayed. For instance, when * a View moves out of the screen, it might receives a display hint indicating * the view is not displayed. Applications should not <em>rely</em> on this hint * as there is no guarantee that they will receive one. * * @param hint A hint about whether or not this view is displayed: * {@link #VISIBLE} or {@link #INVISIBLE}. */
public void dispatchDisplayHint(@Visibility int hint) { onDisplayHint(hint); }
Gives this view a hint about whether is displayed or not. For instance, when a View moves out of the screen, it might receives a display hint indicating the view is not displayed. Applications should not rely on this hint as there is no guarantee that they will receive one.
  • hint – A hint about whether or not this view is displayed: VISIBLE or INVISIBLE.
/** * Gives this view a hint about whether is displayed or not. For instance, when * a View moves out of the screen, it might receives a display hint indicating * the view is not displayed. Applications should not <em>rely</em> on this hint * as there is no guarantee that they will receive one. * * @param hint A hint about whether or not this view is displayed: * {@link #VISIBLE} or {@link #INVISIBLE}. */
protected void onDisplayHint(@Visibility int hint) { }
Dispatch a window visibility change down the view hierarchy. ViewGroups should override to route to their children.
  • visibility – The new visibility of the window.
See Also:
/** * Dispatch a window visibility change down the view hierarchy. * ViewGroups should override to route to their children. * * @param visibility The new visibility of the window. * * @see #onWindowVisibilityChanged(int) */
public void dispatchWindowVisibilityChanged(@Visibility int visibility) { onWindowVisibilityChanged(visibility); }
Called when the window containing has change its visibility (between GONE, INVISIBLE, and VISIBLE). Note that this tells you whether or not your window is being made visible to the window manager; this does not tell you whether or not your window is obscured by other windows on the screen, even if it is itself visible.
  • visibility – The new visibility of the window.
/** * Called when the window containing has change its visibility * (between {@link #GONE}, {@link #INVISIBLE}, and {@link #VISIBLE}). Note * that this tells you whether or not your window is being made visible * to the window manager; this does <em>not</em> tell you whether or not * your window is obscured by other windows on the screen, even if it * is itself visible. * * @param visibility The new visibility of the window. */
protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(@Visibility int visibility) { if (visibility == VISIBLE) { initialAwakenScrollBars(); } }
Internal dispatching method for onVisibilityAggregated. Overridden by ViewGroup. Intended to only be called when isAttachedToWindow(), getWindowVisibility() is VISIBLE and this view's parent isShown().
  • isVisible – true if this view's visibility to the user is uninterrupted by its ancestors or by window visibility
Returns:true if this view is visible to the user, not counting clipping or overlapping
/** * Internal dispatching method for {@link #onVisibilityAggregated}. Overridden by * ViewGroup. Intended to only be called when {@link #isAttachedToWindow()}, * {@link #getWindowVisibility()} is {@link #VISIBLE} and this view's parent {@link #isShown()}. * * @param isVisible true if this view's visibility to the user is uninterrupted by its * ancestors or by window visibility * @return true if this view is visible to the user, not counting clipping or overlapping */
boolean dispatchVisibilityAggregated(boolean isVisible) { final boolean thisVisible = getVisibility() == VISIBLE; // If we're not visible but something is telling us we are, ignore it. if (thisVisible || !isVisible) { onVisibilityAggregated(isVisible); } return thisVisible && isVisible; }
Called when the user-visibility of this View is potentially affected by a change to this view itself, an ancestor view or the window this view is attached to.
  • isVisible – true if this view and all of its ancestors are VISIBLE and this view's window is also visible
/** * Called when the user-visibility of this View is potentially affected by a change * to this view itself, an ancestor view or the window this view is attached to. * * @param isVisible true if this view and all of its ancestors are {@link #VISIBLE} * and this view's window is also visible */
@CallSuper public void onVisibilityAggregated(boolean isVisible) { // Update our internal visibility tracking so we can detect changes boolean oldVisible = (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_AGGREGATED_VISIBLE) != 0; mPrivateFlags3 = isVisible ? (mPrivateFlags3 | PFLAG3_AGGREGATED_VISIBLE) : (mPrivateFlags3 & ~PFLAG3_AGGREGATED_VISIBLE); if (isVisible && mAttachInfo != null) { initialAwakenScrollBars(); } final Drawable dr = mBackground; if (dr != null && isVisible != dr.isVisible()) { dr.setVisible(isVisible, false); } final Drawable hl = mDefaultFocusHighlight; if (hl != null && isVisible != hl.isVisible()) { hl.setVisible(isVisible, false); } final Drawable fg = mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null; if (fg != null && isVisible != fg.isVisible()) { fg.setVisible(isVisible, false); } if (isAutofillable()) { AutofillManager afm = getAutofillManager(); if (afm != null && getAutofillViewId() > LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID) { if (mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler != null) { mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler.removeMessages(0); } // If the view is in the background but still part of the hierarchy this is called // with isVisible=false. Hence visibility==false requires further checks if (isVisible) { afm.notifyViewVisibilityChanged(this, true); } else { if (mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler == null) { mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler = new VisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler(afm, this); } // Let current operation (e.g. removal of the view from the hierarchy) // finish before checking state mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler.obtainMessage(0, this).sendToTarget(); } } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(getAccessibilityPaneTitle())) { if (isVisible != oldVisible) { notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(isVisible ? AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_PANE_APPEARED : AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_PANE_DISAPPEARED); } } }
Returns the current visibility of the window this view is attached to (either GONE, INVISIBLE, or VISIBLE).
Returns:Returns the current visibility of the view's window.
/** * Returns the current visibility of the window this view is attached to * (either {@link #GONE}, {@link #INVISIBLE}, or {@link #VISIBLE}). * * @return Returns the current visibility of the view's window. */
@Visibility public int getWindowVisibility() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mWindowVisibility : GONE; }
Retrieve the overall visible display size in which the window this view is attached to has been positioned in. This takes into account screen decorations above the window, for both cases where the window itself is being position inside of them or the window is being placed under then and covered insets are used for the window to position its content inside. In effect, this tells you the available area where content can be placed and remain visible to users.

This function requires an IPC back to the window manager to retrieve the requested information, so should not be used in performance critical code like drawing.

  • outRect – Filled in with the visible display frame. If the view is not attached to a window, this is simply the raw display size.
/** * Retrieve the overall visible display size in which the window this view is * attached to has been positioned in. This takes into account screen * decorations above the window, for both cases where the window itself * is being position inside of them or the window is being placed under * then and covered insets are used for the window to position its content * inside. In effect, this tells you the available area where content can * be placed and remain visible to users. * * <p>This function requires an IPC back to the window manager to retrieve * the requested information, so should not be used in performance critical * code like drawing. * * @param outRect Filled in with the visible display frame. If the view * is not attached to a window, this is simply the raw display size. */
public void getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(Rect outRect) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { try { mAttachInfo.mSession.getDisplayFrame(mAttachInfo.mWindow, outRect); } catch (RemoteException e) { return; } // XXX This is really broken, and probably all needs to be done // in the window manager, and we need to know more about whether // we want the area behind or in front of the IME. final Rect insets = mAttachInfo.mVisibleInsets; outRect.left += insets.left; outRect.top += insets.top; outRect.right -= insets.right; outRect.bottom -= insets.bottom; return; } // The view is not attached to a display so we don't have a context. // Make a best guess about the display size. Display d = DisplayManagerGlobal.getInstance().getRealDisplay(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY); d.getRectSize(outRect); }
Like getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame, but returns the "full" display frame this window is currently in without any insets.
/** * Like {@link #getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame}, but returns the "full" display frame this window * is currently in without any insets. * * @hide */
public void getWindowDisplayFrame(Rect outRect) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { try { mAttachInfo.mSession.getDisplayFrame(mAttachInfo.mWindow, outRect); } catch (RemoteException e) { return; } return; } // The view is not attached to a display so we don't have a context. // Make a best guess about the display size. Display d = DisplayManagerGlobal.getInstance().getRealDisplay(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY); d.getRectSize(outRect); }
Dispatch a notification about a resource configuration change down the view hierarchy. ViewGroups should override to route to their children.
  • newConfig – The new resource configuration.
See Also:
/** * Dispatch a notification about a resource configuration change down * the view hierarchy. * ViewGroups should override to route to their children. * * @param newConfig The new resource configuration. * * @see #onConfigurationChanged(android.content.res.Configuration) */
public void dispatchConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); }
Called when the current configuration of the resources being used by the application have changed. You can use this to decide when to reload resources that can changed based on orientation and other configuration characteristics. You only need to use this if you are not relying on the normal Activity mechanism of recreating the activity instance upon a configuration change.
  • newConfig – The new resource configuration.
/** * Called when the current configuration of the resources being used * by the application have changed. You can use this to decide when * to reload resources that can changed based on orientation and other * configuration characteristics. You only need to use this if you are * not relying on the normal {@link android.app.Activity} mechanism of * recreating the activity instance upon a configuration change. * * @param newConfig The new resource configuration. */
protected void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { }
Private function to aggregate all per-view attributes in to the view root.
/** * Private function to aggregate all per-view attributes in to the view * root. */
void dispatchCollectViewAttributes(AttachInfo attachInfo, int visibility) { performCollectViewAttributes(attachInfo, visibility); } void performCollectViewAttributes(AttachInfo attachInfo, int visibility) { if ((visibility & VISIBILITY_MASK) == VISIBLE) { if ((mViewFlags & KEEP_SCREEN_ON) == KEEP_SCREEN_ON) { attachInfo.mKeepScreenOn = true; } attachInfo.mSystemUiVisibility |= mSystemUiVisibility; ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener != null) { attachInfo.mHasSystemUiListeners = true; } } } void needGlobalAttributesUpdate(boolean force) { final AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; if (ai != null && !ai.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes) { if (force || ai.mKeepScreenOn || (ai.mSystemUiVisibility != 0) || ai.mHasSystemUiListeners) { ai.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes = true; } } }
Returns whether the device is currently in touch mode. Touch mode is entered once the user begins interacting with the device by touch, and affects various things like whether focus is always visible to the user.
Returns:Whether the device is in touch mode.
/** * Returns whether the device is currently in touch mode. Touch mode is entered * once the user begins interacting with the device by touch, and affects various * things like whether focus is always visible to the user. * * @return Whether the device is in touch mode. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isInTouchMode() { if (mAttachInfo != null) { return mAttachInfo.mInTouchMode; } else { return ViewRootImpl.isInTouchMode(); } }
Returns the context the view is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc.
Returns:The view's Context.
/** * Returns the context the view is running in, through which it can * access the current theme, resources, etc. * * @return The view's Context. */
@ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty public final Context getContext() { return mContext; }
Handle a key event before it is processed by any input method associated with the view hierarchy. This can be used to intercept key events in special situations before the IME consumes them; a typical example would be handling the BACK key to update the application's UI instead of allowing the IME to see it and close itself.
  • keyCode – The value in event.getKeyCode().
  • event – Description of the key event.
Returns:If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.
/** * Handle a key event before it is processed by any input method * associated with the view hierarchy. This can be used to intercept * key events in special situations before the IME consumes them; a * typical example would be handling the BACK key to update the application's * UI instead of allowing the IME to see it and close itself. * * @param keyCode The value in event.getKeyCode(). * @param event Description of the key event. * @return If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the * event to be handled by the next receiver, return false. */
public boolean onKeyPreIme(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return false; }
Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyDown(): perform press of the view when KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER or KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER is released, if the view is enabled and clickable.

Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this listener, although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not rely on this to catch software key presses.

  • keyCode – a key code that represents the button pressed, from KeyEvent
  • event – the KeyEvent object that defines the button action
/** * Default implementation of {@link KeyEvent.Callback#onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent) * KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyDown()}: perform press of the view * when {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER} or {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_ENTER} * is released, if the view is enabled and clickable. * <p> * Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this * listener, although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not * rely on this to catch software key presses. * * @param keyCode a key code that represents the button pressed, from * {@link android.view.KeyEvent} * @param event the KeyEvent object that defines the button action */
public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (KeyEvent.isConfirmKey(keyCode)) { if ((mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == DISABLED) { return true; } if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { // Long clickable items don't necessarily have to be clickable. final boolean clickable = (mViewFlags & CLICKABLE) == CLICKABLE || (mViewFlags & LONG_CLICKABLE) == LONG_CLICKABLE; if (clickable || (mViewFlags & TOOLTIP) == TOOLTIP) { // For the purposes of menu anchoring and drawable hotspots, // key events are considered to be at the center of the view. final float x = getWidth() / 2f; final float y = getHeight() / 2f; if (clickable) { setPressed(true, x, y); } checkForLongClick(0, x, y); return true; } } } return false; }
Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyLongPress(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this listener, although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not rely on this to catch software key presses.

/** * Default implementation of {@link KeyEvent.Callback#onKeyLongPress(int, KeyEvent) * KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyLongPress()}: always returns false (doesn't handle * the event). * <p>Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this listener, * although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not rely on this to * catch software key presses. */
public boolean onKeyLongPress(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return false; }
Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyUp(): perform clicking of the view when KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER or KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE is released.

Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this listener, although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not rely on this to catch software key presses.

  • keyCode – A key code that represents the button pressed, from KeyEvent.
  • event – The KeyEvent object that defines the button action.
/** * Default implementation of {@link KeyEvent.Callback#onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) * KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyUp()}: perform clicking of the view * when {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER}, {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_ENTER} * or {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_SPACE} is released. * <p>Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this listener, * although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not rely on this to * catch software key presses. * * @param keyCode A key code that represents the button pressed, from * {@link android.view.KeyEvent}. * @param event The KeyEvent object that defines the button action. */
public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (KeyEvent.isConfirmKey(keyCode)) { if ((mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == DISABLED) { return true; } if ((mViewFlags & CLICKABLE) == CLICKABLE && isPressed()) { setPressed(false); if (!mHasPerformedLongPress) { // This is a tap, so remove the longpress check removeLongPressCallback(); if (!event.isCanceled()) { return performClickInternal(); } } } } return false; }
Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyMultiple(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this listener, although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not rely on this to catch software key presses.

  • keyCode – A key code that represents the button pressed, from KeyEvent.
  • repeatCount – The number of times the action was made.
  • event – The KeyEvent object that defines the button action.
/** * Default implementation of {@link KeyEvent.Callback#onKeyMultiple(int, int, KeyEvent) * KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyMultiple()}: always returns false (doesn't handle * the event). * <p>Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this listener, * although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not rely on this to * catch software key presses. * * @param keyCode A key code that represents the button pressed, from * {@link android.view.KeyEvent}. * @param repeatCount The number of times the action was made. * @param event The KeyEvent object that defines the button action. */
public boolean onKeyMultiple(int keyCode, int repeatCount, KeyEvent event) { return false; }
Called on the focused view when a key shortcut event is not handled. Override this method to implement local key shortcuts for the View. Key shortcuts can also be implemented by setting the shortcut property of menu items.
  • keyCode – The value in event.getKeyCode().
  • event – Description of the key event.
Returns:If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.
/** * Called on the focused view when a key shortcut event is not handled. * Override this method to implement local key shortcuts for the View. * Key shortcuts can also be implemented by setting the * {@link MenuItem#setShortcut(char, char) shortcut} property of menu items. * * @param keyCode The value in event.getKeyCode(). * @param event Description of the key event. * @return If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the * event to be handled by the next receiver, return false. */
public boolean onKeyShortcut(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return false; }
Check whether the called view is a text editor, in which case it would make sense to automatically display a soft input window for it. Subclasses should override this if they implement onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo) to return true if a call on that method would return a non-null InputConnection, and they are really a first-class editor that the user would normally start typing on when the go into a window containing your view.

The default implementation always returns false. This does not mean that its onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo) will not be called or the user can not otherwise perform edits on your view; it is just a hint to the system that this is not the primary purpose of this view.

Returns:Returns true if this view is a text editor, else false.
/** * Check whether the called view is a text editor, in which case it * would make sense to automatically display a soft input window for * it. Subclasses should override this if they implement * {@link #onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo)} to return true if * a call on that method would return a non-null InputConnection, and * they are really a first-class editor that the user would normally * start typing on when the go into a window containing your view. * * <p>The default implementation always returns false. This does * <em>not</em> mean that its {@link #onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo)} * will not be called or the user can not otherwise perform edits on your * view; it is just a hint to the system that this is not the primary * purpose of this view. * * @return Returns true if this view is a text editor, else false. */
public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor() { return false; }
Create a new InputConnection for an InputMethod to interact with the view. The default implementation returns null, since it doesn't support input methods. You can override this to implement such support. This is only needed for views that take focus and text input.

When implementing this, you probably also want to implement onCheckIsTextEditor() to indicate you will return a non-null InputConnection.

Also, take good care to fill in the EditorInfo object correctly and in its entirety, so that the connected IME can rely on its values. For example, EditorInfo.initialSelStart and EditorInfo.initialSelEnd members must be filled in with the correct cursor position for IMEs to work correctly with your application.

  • outAttrs – Fill in with attribute information about the connection.
/** * Create a new InputConnection for an InputMethod to interact * with the view. The default implementation returns null, since it doesn't * support input methods. You can override this to implement such support. * This is only needed for views that take focus and text input. * * <p>When implementing this, you probably also want to implement * {@link #onCheckIsTextEditor()} to indicate you will return a * non-null InputConnection.</p> * * <p>Also, take good care to fill in the {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo} * object correctly and in its entirety, so that the connected IME can rely * on its values. For example, {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#initialSelStart} * and {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#initialSelEnd} members * must be filled in with the correct cursor position for IMEs to work correctly * with your application.</p> * * @param outAttrs Fill in with attribute information about the connection. */
public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) { return null; }
Called by the InputMethodManager when a view who is not the current input connection target is trying to make a call on the manager. The default implementation returns false; you can override this to return true for certain views if you are performing InputConnection proxying to them.
  • view – The View that is making the InputMethodManager call.
Returns:Return true to allow the call, false to reject.
/** * Called by the {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager} * when a view who is not the current * input connection target is trying to make a call on the manager. The * default implementation returns false; you can override this to return * true for certain views if you are performing InputConnection proxying * to them. * @param view The View that is making the InputMethodManager call. * @return Return true to allow the call, false to reject. */
public boolean checkInputConnectionProxy(View view) { return false; }
Show the context menu for this view. It is not safe to hold on to the menu after returning from this method. You should normally not overload this method. Overload onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu) or define an OnCreateContextMenuListener to add items to the context menu.
  • menu – The context menu to populate
/** * Show the context menu for this view. It is not safe to hold on to the * menu after returning from this method. * * You should normally not overload this method. Overload * {@link #onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu)} or define an * {@link OnCreateContextMenuListener} to add items to the context menu. * * @param menu The context menu to populate */
public void createContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) { ContextMenuInfo menuInfo = getContextMenuInfo(); // Sets the current menu info so all items added to menu will have // my extra info set. ((MenuBuilder)menu).setCurrentMenuInfo(menuInfo); onCreateContextMenu(menu); ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnCreateContextMenuListener != null) { li.mOnCreateContextMenuListener.onCreateContextMenu(menu, this, menuInfo); } // Clear the extra information so subsequent items that aren't mine don't // have my extra info. ((MenuBuilder)menu).setCurrentMenuInfo(null); if (mParent != null) { mParent.createContextMenu(menu); } }
Views should implement this if they have extra information to associate with the context menu. The return result is supplied as a parameter to the OnCreateContextMenuListener.onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu, View, ContextMenuInfo) callback.
Returns:Extra information about the item for which the context menu should be shown. This information will vary across different subclasses of View.
/** * Views should implement this if they have extra information to associate * with the context menu. The return result is supplied as a parameter to * the {@link OnCreateContextMenuListener#onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu, View, ContextMenuInfo)} * callback. * * @return Extra information about the item for which the context menu * should be shown. This information will vary across different * subclasses of View. */
protected ContextMenuInfo getContextMenuInfo() { return null; }
Views should implement this if the view itself is going to add items to the context menu.
  • menu – the context menu to populate
/** * Views should implement this if the view itself is going to add items to * the context menu. * * @param menu the context menu to populate */
protected void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) { }
Implement this method to handle trackball motion events. The relative movement of the trackball since the last event can be retrieve with MotionEvent.getX() and MotionEvent.getY(). These are normalized so that a movement of 1 corresponds to the user pressing one DPAD key (so they will often be fractional values, representing the more fine-grained movement information available from a trackball).
  • event – The motion event.
Returns:True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
/** * Implement this method to handle trackball motion events. The * <em>relative</em> movement of the trackball since the last event * can be retrieve with {@link MotionEvent#getX MotionEvent.getX()} and * {@link MotionEvent#getY MotionEvent.getY()}. These are normalized so * that a movement of 1 corresponds to the user pressing one DPAD key (so * they will often be fractional values, representing the more fine-grained * movement information available from a trackball). * * @param event The motion event. * @return True if the event was handled, false otherwise. */
public boolean onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent event) { return false; }
Implement this method to handle generic motion events.

Generic motion events describe joystick movements, mouse hovers, track pad touches, scroll wheel movements and other input events. The source of the motion event specifies the class of input that was received. Implementations of this method must examine the bits in the source before processing the event. The following code example shows how this is done.

Generic motion events with source class InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER are delivered to the view under the pointer. All other generic motion events are delivered to the focused view.

 public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    if (event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_JOYSTICK)) {
        if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
            // process the joystick movement...
            return true;
    if (event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER)) {
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE:
                // process the mouse hover movement...
                return true;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL:
                // process the scroll wheel movement...
                return true;
    return super.onGenericMotionEvent(event);
  • event – The generic motion event being processed.
Returns:True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
/** * Implement this method to handle generic motion events. * <p> * Generic motion events describe joystick movements, mouse hovers, track pad * touches, scroll wheel movements and other input events. The * {@link MotionEvent#getSource() source} of the motion event specifies * the class of input that was received. Implementations of this method * must examine the bits in the source before processing the event. * The following code example shows how this is done. * </p><p> * Generic motion events with source class {@link InputDevice#SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER} * are delivered to the view under the pointer. All other generic motion events are * delivered to the focused view. * </p> * <pre> public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) { * if (event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_JOYSTICK)) { * if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { * // process the joystick movement... * return true; * } * } * if (event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER)) { * switch (event.getAction()) { * case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE: * // process the mouse hover movement... * return true; * case MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL: * // process the scroll wheel movement... * return true; * } * } * return super.onGenericMotionEvent(event); * }</pre> * * @param event The generic motion event being processed. * @return True if the event was handled, false otherwise. */
public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) { return false; }
Implement this method to handle hover events.

This method is called whenever a pointer is hovering into, over, or out of the bounds of a view and the view is not currently being touched. Hover events are represented as pointer events with action MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER, MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE, or MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT.

  • The view receives a hover event with action MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER when the pointer enters the bounds of the view.
  • The view receives a hover event with action MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE when the pointer has already entered the bounds of the view and has moved.
  • The view receives a hover event with action MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT when the pointer has exited the bounds of the view or when the pointer is about to go down due to a button click, tap, or similar user action that causes the view to be touched.

The view should implement this method to return true to indicate that it is handling the hover event, such as by changing its drawable state.

The default implementation calls setHovered to update the hovered state of the view when a hover enter or hover exit event is received, if the view is enabled and is clickable. The default implementation also sends hover accessibility events.

  • event – The motion event that describes the hover.
See Also:
Returns:True if the view handled the hover event.
/** * Implement this method to handle hover events. * <p> * This method is called whenever a pointer is hovering into, over, or out of the * bounds of a view and the view is not currently being touched. * Hover events are represented as pointer events with action * {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_HOVER_ENTER}, {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_HOVER_MOVE}, * or {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_HOVER_EXIT}. * </p> * <ul> * <li>The view receives a hover event with action {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_HOVER_ENTER} * when the pointer enters the bounds of the view.</li> * <li>The view receives a hover event with action {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_HOVER_MOVE} * when the pointer has already entered the bounds of the view and has moved.</li> * <li>The view receives a hover event with action {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_HOVER_EXIT} * when the pointer has exited the bounds of the view or when the pointer is * about to go down due to a button click, tap, or similar user action that * causes the view to be touched.</li> * </ul> * <p> * The view should implement this method to return true to indicate that it is * handling the hover event, such as by changing its drawable state. * </p><p> * The default implementation calls {@link #setHovered} to update the hovered state * of the view when a hover enter or hover exit event is received, if the view * is enabled and is clickable. The default implementation also sends hover * accessibility events. * </p> * * @param event The motion event that describes the hover. * @return True if the view handled the hover event. * * @see #isHovered * @see #setHovered * @see #onHoverChanged */
public boolean onHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) { // The root view may receive hover (or touch) events that are outside the bounds of // the window. This code ensures that we only send accessibility events for // hovers that are actually within the bounds of the root view. final int action = event.getActionMasked(); if (!mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents) { if ((action == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE) && !hasHoveredChild() && pointInView(event.getX(), event.getY())) { sendAccessibilityHoverEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_ENTER); mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = true; } } else { if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT || (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE && !pointInView(event.getX(), event.getY()))) { mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false; sendAccessibilityHoverEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_EXIT); } } if ((action == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE) && event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE) && isOnScrollbar(event.getX(), event.getY())) { awakenScrollBars(); } // If we consider ourself hoverable, or if we we're already hovered, // handle changing state in response to ENTER and EXIT events. if (isHoverable() || isHovered()) { switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER: setHovered(true); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT: setHovered(false); break; } // Dispatch the event to onGenericMotionEvent before returning true. // This is to provide compatibility with existing applications that // handled HOVER_MOVE events in onGenericMotionEvent and that would // break because of the new default handling for hoverable views // in onHoverEvent. // Note that onGenericMotionEvent will be called by default when // onHoverEvent returns false (refer to dispatchGenericMotionEvent). dispatchGenericMotionEventInternal(event); // The event was already handled by calling setHovered(), so always // return true. return true; } return false; }
Returns true if the view should handle onHoverEvent by calling setHovered to change its hovered state.
Returns:True if the view is hoverable.
/** * Returns true if the view should handle {@link #onHoverEvent} * by calling {@link #setHovered} to change its hovered state. * * @return True if the view is hoverable. */
private boolean isHoverable() { final int viewFlags = mViewFlags; if ((viewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == DISABLED) { return false; } return (viewFlags & CLICKABLE) == CLICKABLE || (viewFlags & LONG_CLICKABLE) == LONG_CLICKABLE || (viewFlags & CONTEXT_CLICKABLE) == CONTEXT_CLICKABLE; }
Returns true if the view is currently hovered.
See Also:
Returns:True if the view is currently hovered.
/** * Returns true if the view is currently hovered. * * @return True if the view is currently hovered. * * @see #setHovered * @see #onHoverChanged */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isHovered() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_HOVERED) != 0; }
Sets whether the view is currently hovered.

Calling this method also changes the drawable state of the view. This enables the view to react to hover by using different drawable resources to change its appearance.

The onHoverChanged method is called when the hovered state changes.

  • hovered – True if the view is hovered.
See Also:
/** * Sets whether the view is currently hovered. * <p> * Calling this method also changes the drawable state of the view. This * enables the view to react to hover by using different drawable resources * to change its appearance. * </p><p> * The {@link #onHoverChanged} method is called when the hovered state changes. * </p> * * @param hovered True if the view is hovered. * * @see #isHovered * @see #onHoverChanged */
public void setHovered(boolean hovered) { if (hovered) { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_HOVERED) == 0) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_HOVERED; refreshDrawableState(); onHoverChanged(true); } } else { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_HOVERED) != 0) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_HOVERED; refreshDrawableState(); onHoverChanged(false); } } }
Implement this method to handle hover state changes.

This method is called whenever the hover state changes as a result of a call to setHovered.

  • hovered – The current hover state, as returned by isHovered.
See Also:
/** * Implement this method to handle hover state changes. * <p> * This method is called whenever the hover state changes as a result of a * call to {@link #setHovered}. * </p> * * @param hovered The current hover state, as returned by {@link #isHovered}. * * @see #isHovered * @see #setHovered */
public void onHoverChanged(boolean hovered) { }
Handles scroll bar dragging by mouse input.
  • event – The motion event.
Returns:true if the event was handled as a scroll bar dragging, false otherwise.
/** * Handles scroll bar dragging by mouse input. * * @hide * @param event The motion event. * * @return true if the event was handled as a scroll bar dragging, false otherwise. */
protected boolean handleScrollBarDragging(MotionEvent event) { if (mScrollCache == null) { return false; } final float x = event.getX(); final float y = event.getY(); final int action = event.getAction(); if ((mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState == ScrollabilityCache.NOT_DRAGGING && action != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) || !event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE) || !event.isButtonPressed(MotionEvent.BUTTON_PRIMARY)) { mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState = ScrollabilityCache.NOT_DRAGGING; return false; } switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState == ScrollabilityCache.NOT_DRAGGING) { return false; } if (mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState == ScrollabilityCache.DRAGGING_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR) { final Rect bounds = mScrollCache.mScrollBarBounds; getVerticalScrollBarBounds(bounds, null); final int range = computeVerticalScrollRange(); final int offset = computeVerticalScrollOffset(); final int extent = computeVerticalScrollExtent(); final int thumbLength = ScrollBarUtils.getThumbLength( bounds.height(), bounds.width(), extent, range); final int thumbOffset = ScrollBarUtils.getThumbOffset( bounds.height(), thumbLength, extent, range, offset); final float diff = y - mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingPos; final float maxThumbOffset = bounds.height() - thumbLength; final float newThumbOffset = Math.min(Math.max(thumbOffset + diff, 0.0f), maxThumbOffset); final int height = getHeight(); if (Math.round(newThumbOffset) != thumbOffset && maxThumbOffset > 0 && height > 0 && extent > 0) { final int newY = Math.round((range - extent) / ((float)extent / height) * (newThumbOffset / maxThumbOffset)); if (newY != getScrollY()) { mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingPos = y; setScrollY(newY); } } return true; } if (mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState == ScrollabilityCache.DRAGGING_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR) { final Rect bounds = mScrollCache.mScrollBarBounds; getHorizontalScrollBarBounds(bounds, null); final int range = computeHorizontalScrollRange(); final int offset = computeHorizontalScrollOffset(); final int extent = computeHorizontalScrollExtent(); final int thumbLength = ScrollBarUtils.getThumbLength( bounds.width(), bounds.height(), extent, range); final int thumbOffset = ScrollBarUtils.getThumbOffset( bounds.width(), thumbLength, extent, range, offset); final float diff = x - mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingPos; final float maxThumbOffset = bounds.width() - thumbLength; final float newThumbOffset = Math.min(Math.max(thumbOffset + diff, 0.0f), maxThumbOffset); final int width = getWidth(); if (Math.round(newThumbOffset) != thumbOffset && maxThumbOffset > 0 && width > 0 && extent > 0) { final int newX = Math.round((range - extent) / ((float)extent / width) * (newThumbOffset / maxThumbOffset)); if (newX != getScrollX()) { mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingPos = x; setScrollX(newX); } } return true; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: if (mScrollCache.state == ScrollabilityCache.OFF) { return false; } if (isOnVerticalScrollbarThumb(x, y)) { mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState = ScrollabilityCache.DRAGGING_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR; mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingPos = y; return true; } if (isOnHorizontalScrollbarThumb(x, y)) { mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState = ScrollabilityCache.DRAGGING_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR; mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingPos = x; return true; } } mScrollCache.mScrollBarDraggingState = ScrollabilityCache.NOT_DRAGGING; return false; }
Implement this method to handle touch screen motion events.

If this method is used to detect click actions, it is recommended that the actions be performed by implementing and calling performClick(). This will ensure consistent system behavior, including:

  • obeying click sound preferences
  • dispatching OnClickListener calls
  • handling ACTION_CLICK when accessibility features are enabled
  • event – The motion event.
Returns:True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
/** * Implement this method to handle touch screen motion events. * <p> * If this method is used to detect click actions, it is recommended that * the actions be performed by implementing and calling * {@link #performClick()}. This will ensure consistent system behavior, * including: * <ul> * <li>obeying click sound preferences * <li>dispatching OnClickListener calls * <li>handling {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTION_CLICK ACTION_CLICK} when * accessibility features are enabled * </ul> * * @param event The motion event. * @return True if the event was handled, false otherwise. */
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { final float x = event.getX(); final float y = event.getY(); final int viewFlags = mViewFlags; final int action = event.getAction(); final boolean clickable = ((viewFlags & CLICKABLE) == CLICKABLE || (viewFlags & LONG_CLICKABLE) == LONG_CLICKABLE) || (viewFlags & CONTEXT_CLICKABLE) == CONTEXT_CLICKABLE; if ((viewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == DISABLED) { if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP && (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_PRESSED) != 0) { setPressed(false); } mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN; // A disabled view that is clickable still consumes the touch // events, it just doesn't respond to them. return clickable; } if (mTouchDelegate != null) { if (mTouchDelegate.onTouchEvent(event)) { return true; } } if (clickable || (viewFlags & TOOLTIP) == TOOLTIP) { switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN; if ((viewFlags & TOOLTIP) == TOOLTIP) { handleTooltipUp(); } if (!clickable) { removeTapCallback(); removeLongPressCallback(); mInContextButtonPress = false; mHasPerformedLongPress = false; mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false; break; } boolean prepressed = (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_PREPRESSED) != 0; if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_PRESSED) != 0 || prepressed) { // take focus if we don't have it already and we should in // touch mode. boolean focusTaken = false; if (isFocusable() && isFocusableInTouchMode() && !isFocused()) { focusTaken = requestFocus(); } if (prepressed) { // The button is being released before we actually // showed it as pressed. Make it show the pressed // state now (before scheduling the click) to ensure // the user sees it. setPressed(true, x, y); } if (!mHasPerformedLongPress && !mIgnoreNextUpEvent) { // This is a tap, so remove the longpress check removeLongPressCallback(); // Only perform take click actions if we were in the pressed state if (!focusTaken) { // Use a Runnable and post this rather than calling // performClick directly. This lets other visual state // of the view update before click actions start. if (mPerformClick == null) { mPerformClick = new PerformClick(); } if (!post(mPerformClick)) { performClickInternal(); } } } if (mUnsetPressedState == null) { mUnsetPressedState = new UnsetPressedState(); } if (prepressed) { postDelayed(mUnsetPressedState, ViewConfiguration.getPressedStateDuration()); } else if (!post(mUnsetPressedState)) { // If the post failed, unpress right now mUnsetPressedState.run(); } removeTapCallback(); } mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false; break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: if (event.getSource() == InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN; } mHasPerformedLongPress = false; if (!clickable) { checkForLongClick(0, x, y); break; } if (performButtonActionOnTouchDown(event)) { break; } // Walk up the hierarchy to determine if we're inside a scrolling container. boolean isInScrollingContainer = isInScrollingContainer(); // For views inside a scrolling container, delay the pressed feedback for // a short period in case this is a scroll. if (isInScrollingContainer) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_PREPRESSED; if (mPendingCheckForTap == null) { mPendingCheckForTap = new CheckForTap(); } mPendingCheckForTap.x = event.getX(); mPendingCheckForTap.y = event.getY(); postDelayed(mPendingCheckForTap, ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout()); } else { // Not inside a scrolling container, so show the feedback right away setPressed(true, x, y); checkForLongClick(0, x, y); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: if (clickable) { setPressed(false); } removeTapCallback(); removeLongPressCallback(); mInContextButtonPress = false; mHasPerformedLongPress = false; mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false; mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN; break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (clickable) { drawableHotspotChanged(x, y); } // Be lenient about moving outside of buttons if (!pointInView(x, y, mTouchSlop)) { // Outside button // Remove any future long press/tap checks removeTapCallback(); removeLongPressCallback(); if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_PRESSED) != 0) { setPressed(false); } mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN; } break; } return true; } return false; }
/** * @hide */
public boolean isInScrollingContainer() { ViewParent p = getParent(); while (p != null && p instanceof ViewGroup) { if (((ViewGroup) p).shouldDelayChildPressedState()) { return true; } p = p.getParent(); } return false; }
Remove the longpress detection timer.
/** * Remove the longpress detection timer. */
private void removeLongPressCallback() { if (mPendingCheckForLongPress != null) { removeCallbacks(mPendingCheckForLongPress); } }
Remove the pending click action
/** * Remove the pending click action */
private void removePerformClickCallback() { if (mPerformClick != null) { removeCallbacks(mPerformClick); } }
Remove the prepress detection timer.
/** * Remove the prepress detection timer. */
private void removeUnsetPressCallback() { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_PRESSED) != 0 && mUnsetPressedState != null) { setPressed(false); removeCallbacks(mUnsetPressedState); } }
Remove the tap detection timer.
/** * Remove the tap detection timer. */
private void removeTapCallback() { if (mPendingCheckForTap != null) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_PREPRESSED; removeCallbacks(mPendingCheckForTap); } }
Cancels a pending long press. Your subclass can use this if you want the context menu to come up if the user presses and holds at the same place, but you don't want it to come up if they press and then move around enough to cause scrolling.
/** * Cancels a pending long press. Your subclass can use this if you * want the context menu to come up if the user presses and holds * at the same place, but you don't want it to come up if they press * and then move around enough to cause scrolling. */
public void cancelLongPress() { removeLongPressCallback(); /* * The prepressed state handled by the tap callback is a display * construct, but the tap callback will post a long press callback * less its own timeout. Remove it here. */ removeTapCallback(); }
Sets the TouchDelegate for this View.
/** * Sets the TouchDelegate for this View. */
public void setTouchDelegate(TouchDelegate delegate) { mTouchDelegate = delegate; }
Gets the TouchDelegate for this View.
/** * Gets the TouchDelegate for this View. */
public TouchDelegate getTouchDelegate() { return mTouchDelegate; }
Request unbuffered dispatch of the given stream of MotionEvents to this View. Until this View receives a corresponding MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, ask that the input system not batch MotionEvents but instead deliver them as soon as they're available. This method should only be called for touch events.

This api is not intended for most applications. Buffered dispatch provides many of benefits, and just requesting unbuffered dispatch on most MotionEvent streams will not improve your input latency. Side effects include: increased latency, jittery scrolls and inability to take advantage of system resampling. Talk to your input professional to see if requestUnbufferedDispatch(MotionEvent) is right for you.

/** * Request unbuffered dispatch of the given stream of MotionEvents to this View. * * Until this View receives a corresponding {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_UP}, ask that the input * system not batch {@link MotionEvent}s but instead deliver them as soon as they're * available. This method should only be called for touch events. * * <p class="note">This api is not intended for most applications. Buffered dispatch * provides many of benefits, and just requesting unbuffered dispatch on most MotionEvent * streams will not improve your input latency. Side effects include: increased latency, * jittery scrolls and inability to take advantage of system resampling. Talk to your input * professional to see if {@link #requestUnbufferedDispatch(MotionEvent)} is right for * you.</p> */
public final void requestUnbufferedDispatch(MotionEvent event) { final int action = event.getAction(); if (mAttachInfo == null || action != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && action != MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE || !event.isTouchEvent()) { return; } mAttachInfo.mUnbufferedDispatchRequested = true; } private boolean hasSize() { return (mBottom > mTop) && (mRight > mLeft); } private boolean canTakeFocus() { return ((mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == VISIBLE) && ((mViewFlags & FOCUSABLE) == FOCUSABLE) && ((mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED) && (sCanFocusZeroSized || !isLayoutValid() || hasSize()); }
Set flags controlling behavior of this view.
  • flags – Constant indicating the value which should be set
  • mask – Constant indicating the bit range that should be changed
/** * Set flags controlling behavior of this view. * * @param flags Constant indicating the value which should be set * @param mask Constant indicating the bit range that should be changed */
void setFlags(int flags, int mask) { final boolean accessibilityEnabled = AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled(); final boolean oldIncludeForAccessibility = accessibilityEnabled && includeForAccessibility(); int old = mViewFlags; mViewFlags = (mViewFlags & ~mask) | (flags & mask); int changed = mViewFlags ^ old; if (changed == 0) { return; } int privateFlags = mPrivateFlags; boolean shouldNotifyFocusableAvailable = false; // If focusable is auto, update the FOCUSABLE bit. int focusableChangedByAuto = 0; if (((mViewFlags & FOCUSABLE_AUTO) != 0) && (changed & (FOCUSABLE_MASK | CLICKABLE)) != 0) { // Heuristic only takes into account whether view is clickable. final int newFocus; if ((mViewFlags & CLICKABLE) != 0) { newFocus = FOCUSABLE; } else { newFocus = NOT_FOCUSABLE; } mViewFlags = (mViewFlags & ~FOCUSABLE) | newFocus; focusableChangedByAuto = (old & FOCUSABLE) ^ (newFocus & FOCUSABLE); changed = (changed & ~FOCUSABLE) | focusableChangedByAuto; } /* Check if the FOCUSABLE bit has changed */ if (((changed & FOCUSABLE) != 0) && ((privateFlags & PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS) != 0)) { if (((old & FOCUSABLE) == FOCUSABLE) && ((privateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0)) { /* Give up focus if we are no longer focusable */ clearFocus(); if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).clearFocusedInCluster(); } } else if (((old & FOCUSABLE) == NOT_FOCUSABLE) && ((privateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) == 0)) { /* * Tell the view system that we are now available to take focus * if no one else already has it. */ if (mParent != null) { ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl(); if (!sAutoFocusableOffUIThreadWontNotifyParents || focusableChangedByAuto == 0 || viewRootImpl == null || viewRootImpl.mThread == Thread.currentThread()) { shouldNotifyFocusableAvailable = canTakeFocus(); } } } } final int newVisibility = flags & VISIBILITY_MASK; if (newVisibility == VISIBLE) { if ((changed & VISIBILITY_MASK) != 0) { /* * If this view is becoming visible, invalidate it in case it changed while * it was not visible. Marking it drawn ensures that the invalidation will * go through. */ mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; invalidate(true); needGlobalAttributesUpdate(true); // a view becoming visible is worth notifying the parent about in case nothing has // focus. Even if this specific view isn't focusable, it may contain something that // is, so let the root view try to give this focus if nothing else does. shouldNotifyFocusableAvailable = hasSize(); } } if ((changed & ENABLED_MASK) != 0) { if ((mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED) { // a view becoming enabled should notify the parent as long as the view is also // visible and the parent wasn't already notified by becoming visible during this // setFlags invocation. shouldNotifyFocusableAvailable = canTakeFocus(); } else { if (isFocused()) clearFocus(); } } if (shouldNotifyFocusableAvailable && mParent != null) { mParent.focusableViewAvailable(this); } /* Check if the GONE bit has changed */ if ((changed & GONE) != 0) { needGlobalAttributesUpdate(false); requestLayout(); if (((mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == GONE)) { if (hasFocus()) { clearFocus(); if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).clearFocusedInCluster(); } } clearAccessibilityFocus(); destroyDrawingCache(); if (mParent instanceof View) { // GONE views noop invalidation, so invalidate the parent ((View) mParent).invalidate(true); } // Mark the view drawn to ensure that it gets invalidated properly the next // time it is visible and gets invalidated mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; } if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mViewVisibilityChanged = true; } } /* Check if the VISIBLE bit has changed */ if ((changed & INVISIBLE) != 0) { needGlobalAttributesUpdate(false); /* * If this view is becoming invisible, set the DRAWN flag so that * the next invalidate() will not be skipped. */ mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; if (((mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == INVISIBLE)) { // root view becoming invisible shouldn't clear focus and accessibility focus if (getRootView() != this) { if (hasFocus()) { clearFocus(); if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).clearFocusedInCluster(); } } clearAccessibilityFocus(); } } if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mViewVisibilityChanged = true; } } if ((changed & VISIBILITY_MASK) != 0) { // If the view is invisible, cleanup its display list to free up resources if (newVisibility != VISIBLE && mAttachInfo != null) { cleanupDraw(); } if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).onChildVisibilityChanged(this, (changed & VISIBILITY_MASK), newVisibility); ((View) mParent).invalidate(true); } else if (mParent != null) { mParent.invalidateChild(this, null); } if (mAttachInfo != null) { dispatchVisibilityChanged(this, newVisibility); // Aggregated visibility changes are dispatched to attached views // in visible windows where the parent is currently shown/drawn // or the parent is not a ViewGroup (and therefore assumed to be a ViewRoot), // discounting clipping or overlapping. This makes it a good place // to change animation states. if (mParent != null && getWindowVisibility() == VISIBLE && ((!(mParent instanceof ViewGroup)) || ((ViewGroup) mParent).isShown())) { dispatchVisibilityAggregated(newVisibility == VISIBLE); } notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } } if ((changed & WILL_NOT_CACHE_DRAWING) != 0) { destroyDrawingCache(); } if ((changed & DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED) != 0) { destroyDrawingCache(); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; invalidateParentCaches(); } if ((changed & DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_MASK) != 0) { destroyDrawingCache(); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; } if ((changed & DRAW_MASK) != 0) { if ((mViewFlags & WILL_NOT_DRAW) != 0) { if (mBackground != null || mDefaultFocusHighlight != null || (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null)) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; } else { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; } } else { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; } requestLayout(); invalidate(true); } if ((changed & KEEP_SCREEN_ON) != 0) { if (mParent != null && mAttachInfo != null && !mAttachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes) { mParent.recomputeViewAttributes(this); } } if (accessibilityEnabled) { // If we're an accessibility pane and the visibility changed, we already have sent // a state change, so we really don't need to report other changes. if (isAccessibilityPane()) { changed &= ~VISIBILITY_MASK; } if ((changed & FOCUSABLE) != 0 || (changed & VISIBILITY_MASK) != 0 || (changed & CLICKABLE) != 0 || (changed & LONG_CLICKABLE) != 0 || (changed & CONTEXT_CLICKABLE) != 0) { if (oldIncludeForAccessibility != includeForAccessibility()) { notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } else { notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } } else if ((changed & ENABLED_MASK) != 0) { notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } } }
Change the view's z order in the tree, so it's on top of other sibling views. This ordering change may affect layout, if the parent container uses an order-dependent layout scheme (e.g., LinearLayout). Prior to VERSION_CODES.KITKAT this method should be followed by calls to requestLayout() and invalidate() on the view's parent to force the parent to redraw with the new child ordering.
See Also:
/** * Change the view's z order in the tree, so it's on top of other sibling * views. This ordering change may affect layout, if the parent container * uses an order-dependent layout scheme (e.g., LinearLayout). Prior * to {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} this * method should be followed by calls to {@link #requestLayout()} and * {@link View#invalidate()} on the view's parent to force the parent to redraw * with the new child ordering. * * @see ViewGroup#bringChildToFront(View) */
public void bringToFront() { if (mParent != null) { mParent.bringChildToFront(this); } }
This is called in response to an internal scroll in this view (i.e., the view scrolled its own contents). This is typically as a result of scrollBy(int, int) or scrollTo(int, int) having been called.
  • l – Current horizontal scroll origin.
  • t – Current vertical scroll origin.
  • oldl – Previous horizontal scroll origin.
  • oldt – Previous vertical scroll origin.
/** * This is called in response to an internal scroll in this view (i.e., the * view scrolled its own contents). This is typically as a result of * {@link #scrollBy(int, int)} or {@link #scrollTo(int, int)} having been * called. * * @param l Current horizontal scroll origin. * @param t Current vertical scroll origin. * @param oldl Previous horizontal scroll origin. * @param oldt Previous vertical scroll origin. */
protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) { notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled()) { postSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEventCallback(l - oldl, t - oldt); } mBackgroundSizeChanged = true; mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true; if (mForegroundInfo != null) { mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true; } final AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; if (ai != null) { ai.mViewScrollChanged = true; } if (mListenerInfo != null && mListenerInfo.mOnScrollChangeListener != null) { mListenerInfo.mOnScrollChangeListener.onScrollChange(this, l, t, oldl, oldt); } }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the scroll X or Y positions of a view change.

Note: Some views handle scrolling independently from View and may have their own separate listeners for scroll-type events. For example, ListView allows clients to register an AbsListView.OnScrollListener to listen for changes in list scroll position.

See Also:
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the scroll * X or Y positions of a view change. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> Some views handle scrolling independently from View and may * have their own separate listeners for scroll-type events. For example, * {@link android.widget.ListView ListView} allows clients to register an * {@link android.widget.ListView#setOnScrollListener(android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener) AbsListView.OnScrollListener} * to listen for changes in list scroll position. * * @see #setOnScrollChangeListener(View.OnScrollChangeListener) */
public interface OnScrollChangeListener {
Called when the scroll position of a view changes.
  • v – The view whose scroll position has changed.
  • scrollX – Current horizontal scroll origin.
  • scrollY – Current vertical scroll origin.
  • oldScrollX – Previous horizontal scroll origin.
  • oldScrollY – Previous vertical scroll origin.
/** * Called when the scroll position of a view changes. * * @param v The view whose scroll position has changed. * @param scrollX Current horizontal scroll origin. * @param scrollY Current vertical scroll origin. * @param oldScrollX Previous horizontal scroll origin. * @param oldScrollY Previous vertical scroll origin. */
void onScrollChange(View v, int scrollX, int scrollY, int oldScrollX, int oldScrollY); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the layout bounds of a view changes due to layout processing.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the layout bounds of a view * changes due to layout processing. */
public interface OnLayoutChangeListener {
Called when the layout bounds of a view changes due to layout processing.
  • v – The view whose bounds have changed.
  • left – The new value of the view's left property.
  • top – The new value of the view's top property.
  • right – The new value of the view's right property.
  • bottom – The new value of the view's bottom property.
  • oldLeft – The previous value of the view's left property.
  • oldTop – The previous value of the view's top property.
  • oldRight – The previous value of the view's right property.
  • oldBottom – The previous value of the view's bottom property.
/** * Called when the layout bounds of a view changes due to layout processing. * * @param v The view whose bounds have changed. * @param left The new value of the view's left property. * @param top The new value of the view's top property. * @param right The new value of the view's right property. * @param bottom The new value of the view's bottom property. * @param oldLeft The previous value of the view's left property. * @param oldTop The previous value of the view's top property. * @param oldRight The previous value of the view's right property. * @param oldBottom The previous value of the view's bottom property. */
void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom); }
This is called during layout when the size of this view has changed. If you were just added to the view hierarchy, you're called with the old values of 0.
  • w – Current width of this view.
  • h – Current height of this view.
  • oldw – Old width of this view.
  • oldh – Old height of this view.
/** * This is called during layout when the size of this view has changed. If * you were just added to the view hierarchy, you're called with the old * values of 0. * * @param w Current width of this view. * @param h Current height of this view. * @param oldw Old width of this view. * @param oldh Old height of this view. */
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { }
Called by draw to draw the child views. This may be overridden by derived classes to gain control just before its children are drawn (but after its own view has been drawn).
  • canvas – the canvas on which to draw the view
/** * Called by draw to draw the child views. This may be overridden * by derived classes to gain control just before its children are drawn * (but after its own view has been drawn). * @param canvas the canvas on which to draw the view */
protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { }
Gets the parent of this view. Note that the parent is a ViewParent and not necessarily a View.
Returns:Parent of this view.
/** * Gets the parent of this view. Note that the parent is a * ViewParent and not necessarily a View. * * @return Parent of this view. */
public final ViewParent getParent() { return mParent; }
Set the horizontal scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int) and the view will be invalidated.
  • value – the x position to scroll to
/** * Set the horizontal scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to * {@link #onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int)} and the view will be * invalidated. * @param value the x position to scroll to */
public void setScrollX(int value) { scrollTo(value, mScrollY); }
Set the vertical scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int) and the view will be invalidated.
  • value – the y position to scroll to
/** * Set the vertical scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to * {@link #onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int)} and the view will be * invalidated. * @param value the y position to scroll to */
public void setScrollY(int value) { scrollTo(mScrollX, value); }
Return the scrolled left position of this view. This is the left edge of the displayed part of your view. You do not need to draw any pixels farther left, since those are outside of the frame of your view on screen.
Returns:The left edge of the displayed part of your view, in pixels.
/** * Return the scrolled left position of this view. This is the left edge of * the displayed part of your view. You do not need to draw any pixels * farther left, since those are outside of the frame of your view on * screen. * * @return The left edge of the displayed part of your view, in pixels. */
public final int getScrollX() { return mScrollX; }
Return the scrolled top position of this view. This is the top edge of the displayed part of your view. You do not need to draw any pixels above it, since those are outside of the frame of your view on screen.
Returns:The top edge of the displayed part of your view, in pixels.
/** * Return the scrolled top position of this view. This is the top edge of * the displayed part of your view. You do not need to draw any pixels above * it, since those are outside of the frame of your view on screen. * * @return The top edge of the displayed part of your view, in pixels. */
public final int getScrollY() { return mScrollY; }
Return the width of your view.
Returns:The width of your view, in pixels.
/** * Return the width of your view. * * @return The width of your view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") public final int getWidth() { return mRight - mLeft; }
Return the height of your view.
Returns:The height of your view, in pixels.
/** * Return the height of your view. * * @return The height of your view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") public final int getHeight() { return mBottom - mTop; }
Return the visible drawing bounds of your view. Fills in the output rectangle with the values from getScrollX(), getScrollY(), getWidth(), and getHeight(). These bounds do not account for any transformation properties currently set on the view, such as setScaleX(float) or setRotation(float).
  • outRect – The (scrolled) drawing bounds of the view.
/** * Return the visible drawing bounds of your view. Fills in the output * rectangle with the values from getScrollX(), getScrollY(), * getWidth(), and getHeight(). These bounds do not account for any * transformation properties currently set on the view, such as * {@link #setScaleX(float)} or {@link #setRotation(float)}. * * @param outRect The (scrolled) drawing bounds of the view. */
public void getDrawingRect(Rect outRect) { outRect.left = mScrollX; outRect.top = mScrollY; outRect.right = mScrollX + (mRight - mLeft); outRect.bottom = mScrollY + (mBottom - mTop); }
Like getMeasuredWidthAndState(), but only returns the raw width component (that is the result is masked by MEASURED_SIZE_MASK).
Returns:The raw measured width of this view.
/** * Like {@link #getMeasuredWidthAndState()}, but only returns the * raw width component (that is the result is masked by * {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK}). * * @return The raw measured width of this view. */
public final int getMeasuredWidth() { return mMeasuredWidth & MEASURED_SIZE_MASK; }
Return the full width measurement information for this view as computed by the most recent call to measure(int, int). This result is a bit mask as defined by MEASURED_SIZE_MASK and MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL. This should be used during measurement and layout calculations only. Use getWidth() to see how wide a view is after layout.
Returns:The measured width of this view as a bit mask.
/** * Return the full width measurement information for this view as computed * by the most recent call to {@link #measure(int, int)}. This result is a bit mask * as defined by {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} and {@link #MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL}. * This should be used during measurement and layout calculations only. Use * {@link #getWidth()} to see how wide a view is after layout. * * @return The measured width of this view as a bit mask. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "measurement", flagMapping = { @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = MEASURED_STATE_MASK, equals = MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL, name = "MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL"), }) public final int getMeasuredWidthAndState() { return mMeasuredWidth; }
Like getMeasuredHeightAndState(), but only returns the raw height component (that is the result is masked by MEASURED_SIZE_MASK).
Returns:The raw measured height of this view.
/** * Like {@link #getMeasuredHeightAndState()}, but only returns the * raw height component (that is the result is masked by * {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK}). * * @return The raw measured height of this view. */
public final int getMeasuredHeight() { return mMeasuredHeight & MEASURED_SIZE_MASK; }
Return the full height measurement information for this view as computed by the most recent call to measure(int, int). This result is a bit mask as defined by MEASURED_SIZE_MASK and MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL. This should be used during measurement and layout calculations only. Use getHeight() to see how wide a view is after layout.
Returns:The measured height of this view as a bit mask.
/** * Return the full height measurement information for this view as computed * by the most recent call to {@link #measure(int, int)}. This result is a bit mask * as defined by {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} and {@link #MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL}. * This should be used during measurement and layout calculations only. Use * {@link #getHeight()} to see how wide a view is after layout. * * @return The measured height of this view as a bit mask. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "measurement", flagMapping = { @ViewDebug.FlagToString(mask = MEASURED_STATE_MASK, equals = MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL, name = "MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL"), }) public final int getMeasuredHeightAndState() { return mMeasuredHeight; }
Return only the state bits of getMeasuredWidthAndState() and getMeasuredHeightAndState(), combined into one integer. The width component is in the regular bits MEASURED_STATE_MASK and the height component is at the shifted bits MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT>>MEASURED_STATE_MASK.
/** * Return only the state bits of {@link #getMeasuredWidthAndState()} * and {@link #getMeasuredHeightAndState()}, combined into one integer. * The width component is in the regular bits {@link #MEASURED_STATE_MASK} * and the height component is at the shifted bits * {@link #MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT}>>{@link #MEASURED_STATE_MASK}. */
public final int getMeasuredState() { return (mMeasuredWidth&MEASURED_STATE_MASK) | ((mMeasuredHeight>>MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT) & (MEASURED_STATE_MASK>>MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT)); }
The transform matrix of this view, which is calculated based on the current rotation, scale, and pivot properties.
See Also:
Returns:The current transform matrix for the view
/** * The transform matrix of this view, which is calculated based on the current * rotation, scale, and pivot properties. * * @see #getRotation() * @see #getScaleX() * @see #getScaleY() * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * @return The current transform matrix for the view */
public Matrix getMatrix() { ensureTransformationInfo(); final Matrix matrix = mTransformationInfo.mMatrix; mRenderNode.getMatrix(matrix); return matrix; }
Returns true if the transform matrix is the identity matrix. Recomputes the matrix if necessary.
Returns:True if the transform matrix is the identity matrix, false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if the transform matrix is the identity matrix. * Recomputes the matrix if necessary. * * @return True if the transform matrix is the identity matrix, false otherwise. */
final boolean hasIdentityMatrix() { return mRenderNode.hasIdentityMatrix(); } void ensureTransformationInfo() { if (mTransformationInfo == null) { mTransformationInfo = new TransformationInfo(); } }
Utility method to retrieve the inverse of the current mMatrix property. We cache the matrix to avoid recalculating it when transform properties have not changed.
Returns:The inverse of the current matrix of this view.
/** * Utility method to retrieve the inverse of the current mMatrix property. * We cache the matrix to avoid recalculating it when transform properties * have not changed. * * @return The inverse of the current matrix of this view. * @hide */
public final Matrix getInverseMatrix() { ensureTransformationInfo(); if (mTransformationInfo.mInverseMatrix == null) { mTransformationInfo.mInverseMatrix = new Matrix(); } final Matrix matrix = mTransformationInfo.mInverseMatrix; mRenderNode.getInverseMatrix(matrix); return matrix; }
Gets the distance along the Z axis from the camera to this view.
See Also:
  • setCameraDistance(float)
Returns:The distance along the Z axis.
/** * Gets the distance along the Z axis from the camera to this view. * * @see #setCameraDistance(float) * * @return The distance along the Z axis. */
public float getCameraDistance() { final float dpi = mResources.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi; return -(mRenderNode.getCameraDistance() * dpi); }

Sets the distance along the Z axis (orthogonal to the X/Y plane on which views are drawn) from the camera to this view. The camera's distance affects 3D transformations, for instance rotations around the X and Y axis. If the rotationX or rotationY properties are changed and this view is large (more than half the size of the screen), it is recommended to always use a camera distance that's greater than the height (X axis rotation) or the width (Y axis rotation) of this view.

The distance of the camera from the view plane can have an affect on the perspective distortion of the view when it is rotated around the x or y axis. For example, a large distance will result in a large viewing angle, and there will not be much perspective distortion of the view as it rotates. A short distance may cause much more perspective distortion upon rotation, and can also result in some drawing artifacts if the rotated view ends up partially behind the camera (which is why the recommendation is to use a distance at least as far as the size of the view, if the view is to be rotated.)

The distance is expressed in "depth pixels." The default distance depends on the screen density. For instance, on a medium density display, the default distance is 1280. On a high density display, the default distance is 1920.

If you want to specify a distance that leads to visually consistent results across various densities, use the following formula:

float scale = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
view.setCameraDistance(distance * scale);

The density scale factor of a high density display is 1.5, and 1920 = 1280 * 1.5.

  • distance – The distance in "depth pixels", if negative the opposite value is used
See Also:
/** * <p>Sets the distance along the Z axis (orthogonal to the X/Y plane on which * views are drawn) from the camera to this view. The camera's distance * affects 3D transformations, for instance rotations around the X and Y * axis. If the rotationX or rotationY properties are changed and this view is * large (more than half the size of the screen), it is recommended to always * use a camera distance that's greater than the height (X axis rotation) or * the width (Y axis rotation) of this view.</p> * * <p>The distance of the camera from the view plane can have an affect on the * perspective distortion of the view when it is rotated around the x or y axis. * For example, a large distance will result in a large viewing angle, and there * will not be much perspective distortion of the view as it rotates. A short * distance may cause much more perspective distortion upon rotation, and can * also result in some drawing artifacts if the rotated view ends up partially * behind the camera (which is why the recommendation is to use a distance at * least as far as the size of the view, if the view is to be rotated.)</p> * * <p>The distance is expressed in "depth pixels." The default distance depends * on the screen density. For instance, on a medium density display, the * default distance is 1280. On a high density display, the default distance * is 1920.</p> * * <p>If you want to specify a distance that leads to visually consistent * results across various densities, use the following formula:</p> * <pre> * float scale = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; * view.setCameraDistance(distance * scale); * </pre> * * <p>The density scale factor of a high density display is 1.5, * and 1920 = 1280 * 1.5.</p> * * @param distance The distance in "depth pixels", if negative the opposite * value is used * * @see #setRotationX(float) * @see #setRotationY(float) */
public void setCameraDistance(float distance) { final float dpi = mResources.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi; invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setCameraDistance(-Math.abs(distance) / dpi); invalidateViewProperty(false, false); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); }
The degrees that the view is rotated around the pivot point.
See Also:
Returns:The degrees of rotation.
/** * The degrees that the view is rotated around the pivot point. * * @see #setRotation(float) * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * * @return The degrees of rotation. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getRotation() { return mRenderNode.getRotation(); }
Sets the degrees that the view is rotated around the pivot point. Increasing values result in clockwise rotation.
  • rotation – The degrees of rotation.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_rotation
/** * Sets the degrees that the view is rotated around the pivot point. Increasing values * result in clockwise rotation. * * @param rotation The degrees of rotation. * * @see #getRotation() * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * @see #setRotationX(float) * @see #setRotationY(float) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_rotation */
public void setRotation(float rotation) { if (rotation != getRotation()) { // Double-invalidation is necessary to capture view's old and new areas invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setRotation(rotation); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
The degrees that the view is rotated around the vertical axis through the pivot point.
See Also:
Returns:The degrees of Y rotation.
/** * The degrees that the view is rotated around the vertical axis through the pivot point. * * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * @see #setRotationY(float) * * @return The degrees of Y rotation. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getRotationY() { return mRenderNode.getRotationY(); }
Sets the degrees that the view is rotated around the vertical axis through the pivot point. Increasing values result in counter-clockwise rotation from the viewpoint of looking down the y axis. When rotating large views, it is recommended to adjust the camera distance accordingly. Refer to setCameraDistance(float) for more information.
  • rotationY – The degrees of Y rotation.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_rotationY
/** * Sets the degrees that the view is rotated around the vertical axis through the pivot point. * Increasing values result in counter-clockwise rotation from the viewpoint of looking * down the y axis. * * When rotating large views, it is recommended to adjust the camera distance * accordingly. Refer to {@link #setCameraDistance(float)} for more information. * * @param rotationY The degrees of Y rotation. * * @see #getRotationY() * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * @see #setRotation(float) * @see #setRotationX(float) * @see #setCameraDistance(float) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_rotationY */
public void setRotationY(float rotationY) { if (rotationY != getRotationY()) { invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setRotationY(rotationY); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
The degrees that the view is rotated around the horizontal axis through the pivot point.
See Also:
Returns:The degrees of X rotation.
/** * The degrees that the view is rotated around the horizontal axis through the pivot point. * * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * @see #setRotationX(float) * * @return The degrees of X rotation. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getRotationX() { return mRenderNode.getRotationX(); }
Sets the degrees that the view is rotated around the horizontal axis through the pivot point. Increasing values result in clockwise rotation from the viewpoint of looking down the x axis. When rotating large views, it is recommended to adjust the camera distance accordingly. Refer to setCameraDistance(float) for more information.
  • rotationX – The degrees of X rotation.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_rotationX
/** * Sets the degrees that the view is rotated around the horizontal axis through the pivot point. * Increasing values result in clockwise rotation from the viewpoint of looking down the * x axis. * * When rotating large views, it is recommended to adjust the camera distance * accordingly. Refer to {@link #setCameraDistance(float)} for more information. * * @param rotationX The degrees of X rotation. * * @see #getRotationX() * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * @see #setRotation(float) * @see #setRotationY(float) * @see #setCameraDistance(float) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_rotationX */
public void setRotationX(float rotationX) { if (rotationX != getRotationX()) { invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setRotationX(rotationX); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
The amount that the view is scaled in x around the pivot point, as a proportion of the view's unscaled width. A value of 1, the default, means that no scaling is applied.

By default, this is 1.0f.

See Also:
Returns:The scaling factor.
/** * The amount that the view is scaled in x around the pivot point, as a proportion of * the view's unscaled width. A value of 1, the default, means that no scaling is applied. * * <p>By default, this is 1.0f. * * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * @return The scaling factor. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getScaleX() { return mRenderNode.getScaleX(); }
Sets the amount that the view is scaled in x around the pivot point, as a proportion of the view's unscaled width. A value of 1 means that no scaling is applied.
  • scaleX – The scaling factor.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scaleX
/** * Sets the amount that the view is scaled in x around the pivot point, as a proportion of * the view's unscaled width. A value of 1 means that no scaling is applied. * * @param scaleX The scaling factor. * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scaleX */
public void setScaleX(float scaleX) { if (scaleX != getScaleX()) { scaleX = sanitizeFloatPropertyValue(scaleX, "scaleX"); invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setScaleX(scaleX); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
The amount that the view is scaled in y around the pivot point, as a proportion of the view's unscaled height. A value of 1, the default, means that no scaling is applied.

By default, this is 1.0f.

See Also:
Returns:The scaling factor.
/** * The amount that the view is scaled in y around the pivot point, as a proportion of * the view's unscaled height. A value of 1, the default, means that no scaling is applied. * * <p>By default, this is 1.0f. * * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * @return The scaling factor. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getScaleY() { return mRenderNode.getScaleY(); }
Sets the amount that the view is scaled in Y around the pivot point, as a proportion of the view's unscaled width. A value of 1 means that no scaling is applied.
  • scaleY – The scaling factor.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scaleY
/** * Sets the amount that the view is scaled in Y around the pivot point, as a proportion of * the view's unscaled width. A value of 1 means that no scaling is applied. * * @param scaleY The scaling factor. * @see #getPivotX() * @see #getPivotY() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scaleY */
public void setScaleY(float scaleY) { if (scaleY != getScaleY()) { scaleY = sanitizeFloatPropertyValue(scaleY, "scaleY"); invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setScaleY(scaleY); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
The x location of the point around which the view is rotated and scaled.
See Also:
Returns:The x location of the pivot point.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotX
/** * The x location of the point around which the view is {@link #setRotation(float) rotated} * and {@link #setScaleX(float) scaled}. * * @see #getRotation() * @see #getScaleX() * @see #getScaleY() * @see #getPivotY() * @return The x location of the pivot point. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotX */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getPivotX() { return mRenderNode.getPivotX(); }
Sets the x location of the point around which the view is rotated and scaled. By default, the pivot point is centered on the object. Setting this property disables this behavior and causes the view to use only the explicitly set pivotX and pivotY values.
  • pivotX – The x location of the pivot point.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotX
/** * Sets the x location of the point around which the view is * {@link #setRotation(float) rotated} and {@link #setScaleX(float) scaled}. * By default, the pivot point is centered on the object. * Setting this property disables this behavior and causes the view to use only the * explicitly set pivotX and pivotY values. * * @param pivotX The x location of the pivot point. * @see #getRotation() * @see #getScaleX() * @see #getScaleY() * @see #getPivotY() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotX */
public void setPivotX(float pivotX) { if (!mRenderNode.isPivotExplicitlySet() || pivotX != getPivotX()) { invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setPivotX(pivotX); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); } }
The y location of the point around which the view is rotated and scaled.
See Also:
Returns:The y location of the pivot point.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotY
/** * The y location of the point around which the view is {@link #setRotation(float) rotated} * and {@link #setScaleY(float) scaled}. * * @see #getRotation() * @see #getScaleX() * @see #getScaleY() * @see #getPivotY() * @return The y location of the pivot point. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotY */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getPivotY() { return mRenderNode.getPivotY(); }
Sets the y location of the point around which the view is rotated and scaled. By default, the pivot point is centered on the object. Setting this property disables this behavior and causes the view to use only the explicitly set pivotX and pivotY values.
  • pivotY – The y location of the pivot point.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotY
/** * Sets the y location of the point around which the view is {@link #setRotation(float) rotated} * and {@link #setScaleY(float) scaled}. By default, the pivot point is centered on the object. * Setting this property disables this behavior and causes the view to use only the * explicitly set pivotX and pivotY values. * * @param pivotY The y location of the pivot point. * @see #getRotation() * @see #getScaleX() * @see #getScaleY() * @see #getPivotY() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_transformPivotY */
public void setPivotY(float pivotY) { if (!mRenderNode.isPivotExplicitlySet() || pivotY != getPivotY()) { invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setPivotY(pivotY); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); } }
Returns whether or not a pivot has been set by a call to setPivotX(float) or setPivotY(float). If no pivot has been set then the pivot will be the center of the view.
Returns:True if a pivot has been set, false if the default pivot is being used
/** * Returns whether or not a pivot has been set by a call to {@link #setPivotX(float)} or * {@link #setPivotY(float)}. If no pivot has been set then the pivot will be the center * of the view. * * @return True if a pivot has been set, false if the default pivot is being used */
public boolean isPivotSet() { return mRenderNode.isPivotExplicitlySet(); }
Clears any pivot previously set by a call to setPivotX(float) or setPivotY(float). After calling this isPivotSet() will be false and the pivot used for rotation will return to default of being centered on the view.
/** * Clears any pivot previously set by a call to {@link #setPivotX(float)} or * {@link #setPivotY(float)}. After calling this {@link #isPivotSet()} will be false * and the pivot used for rotation will return to default of being centered on the view. */
public void resetPivot() { if (mRenderNode.resetPivot()) { invalidateViewProperty(false, false); } }
The opacity of the view. This is a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the view is completely transparent and 1 means the view is completely opaque.

By default this is 1.0f.

Returns:The opacity of the view.
/** * The opacity of the view. This is a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the view is * completely transparent and 1 means the view is completely opaque. * * <p>By default this is 1.0f. * @return The opacity of the view. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getAlpha() { return mTransformationInfo != null ? mTransformationInfo.mAlpha : 1; }
Sets the behavior for overlapping rendering for this view (see hasOverlappingRendering() for more details on this behavior). Calling this method is an alternative to overriding hasOverlappingRendering() in a subclass, providing the value which is then used internally. That is, when forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean) is called, the value of hasOverlappingRendering() is ignored and the value passed into this method is used instead.
  • hasOverlappingRendering – The value for overlapping rendering to be used internally instead of that returned by hasOverlappingRendering().
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_forceHasOverlappingRendering
/** * Sets the behavior for overlapping rendering for this view (see {@link * #hasOverlappingRendering()} for more details on this behavior). Calling this method * is an alternative to overriding {@link #hasOverlappingRendering()} in a subclass, * providing the value which is then used internally. That is, when {@link * #forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean)} is called, the value of {@link * #hasOverlappingRendering()} is ignored and the value passed into this method is used * instead. * * @param hasOverlappingRendering The value for overlapping rendering to be used internally * instead of that returned by {@link #hasOverlappingRendering()}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_forceHasOverlappingRendering */
public void forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean hasOverlappingRendering) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_HAS_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED; if (hasOverlappingRendering) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED_VALUE; } else { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED_VALUE; } }
Returns the value for overlapping rendering that is used internally. This is either the value passed into forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean), if called, or the return value of hasOverlappingRendering(), otherwise.
Returns:The value for overlapping rendering being used internally.
/** * Returns the value for overlapping rendering that is used internally. This is either * the value passed into {@link #forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean)}, if called, or * the return value of {@link #hasOverlappingRendering()}, otherwise. * * @return The value for overlapping rendering being used internally. */
public final boolean getHasOverlappingRendering() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_HAS_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED) != 0 ? (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_OVERLAPPING_RENDERING_FORCED_VALUE) != 0 : hasOverlappingRendering(); }
Returns whether this View has content which overlaps.

This function, intended to be overridden by specific View types, is an optimization when alpha is set on a view. If rendering overlaps in a view with alpha < 1, that view is drawn to an offscreen buffer and then composited into place, which can be expensive. If the view has no overlapping rendering, the view can draw each primitive with the appropriate alpha value directly. An example of overlapping rendering is a TextView with a background image, such as a Button. An example of non-overlapping rendering is a TextView with no background, or an ImageView with only the foreground image. The default implementation returns true; subclasses should override if they have cases which can be optimized.

Note: The return value of this method is ignored if forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean) has been called on this view.

Returns:true if the content in this view might overlap, false otherwise.
/** * Returns whether this View has content which overlaps. * * <p>This function, intended to be overridden by specific View types, is an optimization when * alpha is set on a view. If rendering overlaps in a view with alpha < 1, that view is drawn to * an offscreen buffer and then composited into place, which can be expensive. If the view has * no overlapping rendering, the view can draw each primitive with the appropriate alpha value * directly. An example of overlapping rendering is a TextView with a background image, such as * a Button. An example of non-overlapping rendering is a TextView with no background, or an * ImageView with only the foreground image. The default implementation returns true; subclasses * should override if they have cases which can be optimized.</p> * * <p><strong>Note:</strong> The return value of this method is ignored if {@link * #forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean)} has been called on this view.</p> * * @return true if the content in this view might overlap, false otherwise. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public boolean hasOverlappingRendering() { return true; }
Sets the opacity of the view to a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the view is completely transparent and 1 means the view is completely opaque.

Note: setting alpha to a translucent value (0 < alpha < 1) can have significant performance implications, especially for large views. It is best to use the alpha property sparingly and transiently, as in the case of fading animations.

For a view with a frequently changing alpha, such as during a fading animation, it is strongly recommended for performance reasons to either override hasOverlappingRendering() to return false if appropriate, or setting a layer type on the view for the duration of the animation. On versions VERSION_CODES.M and below, the default path for rendering an unlayered View with alpha could add multiple milliseconds of rendering cost, even for simple or small views. Starting with VERSION_CODES.M, LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE is automatically applied to the view at the rendering level.

If this view overrides onSetAlpha(int) to return true, then this view is responsible for applying the opacity itself.

On versions VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1 and below, note that if the view is backed by a layer and is associated with a layer paint, setting an alpha value less than 1.0 will supersede the alpha of the layer paint.

Starting with VERSION_CODES.M, setting a translucent alpha value will clip a View to its bounds, unless the View returns false from hasOverlappingRendering.

  • alpha – The opacity of the view.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_alpha
/** * Sets the opacity of the view to a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the view is * completely transparent and 1 means the view is completely opaque. * * <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> setting alpha to a translucent value (0 < alpha < 1) * can have significant performance implications, especially for large views. It is best to use * the alpha property sparingly and transiently, as in the case of fading animations.</p> * * <p>For a view with a frequently changing alpha, such as during a fading animation, it is * strongly recommended for performance reasons to either override * {@link #hasOverlappingRendering()} to return <code>false</code> if appropriate, or setting a * {@link #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) layer type} on the view for the duration * of the animation. On versions {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M} and below, * the default path for rendering an unlayered View with alpha could add multiple milliseconds * of rendering cost, even for simple or small views. Starting with * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M}, {@link #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE} is automatically * applied to the view at the rendering level.</p> * * <p>If this view overrides {@link #onSetAlpha(int)} to return true, then this view is * responsible for applying the opacity itself.</p> * * <p>On versions {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP_MR1} and below, note that if * the view is backed by a {@link #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) layer} and is * associated with a {@link #setLayerPaint(android.graphics.Paint) layer paint}, setting an * alpha value less than 1.0 will supersede the alpha of the layer paint.</p> * * <p>Starting with {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M}, setting a translucent alpha * value will clip a View to its bounds, unless the View returns <code>false</code> from * {@link #hasOverlappingRendering}.</p> * * @param alpha The opacity of the view. * * @see #hasOverlappingRendering() * @see #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_alpha */
public void setAlpha(@FloatRange(from=0.0, to=1.0) float alpha) { ensureTransformationInfo(); if (mTransformationInfo.mAlpha != alpha) { setAlphaInternal(alpha); if (onSetAlpha((int) (alpha * 255))) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_ALPHA_SET; // subclass is handling alpha - don't optimize rendering cache invalidation invalidateParentCaches(); invalidate(true); } else { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_ALPHA_SET; invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setAlpha(getFinalAlpha()); } } }
Faster version of setAlpha() which performs the same steps except there are no calls to invalidate(). The caller of this function should perform proper invalidation on the parent and this object. The return value indicates whether the subclass handles alpha (the return value for onSetAlpha()).
  • alpha – The new value for the alpha property
Returns:true if the View subclass handles alpha (the return value for onSetAlpha()) and the new value for the alpha property is different from the old value
/** * Faster version of setAlpha() which performs the same steps except there are * no calls to invalidate(). The caller of this function should perform proper invalidation * on the parent and this object. The return value indicates whether the subclass handles * alpha (the return value for onSetAlpha()). * * @param alpha The new value for the alpha property * @return true if the View subclass handles alpha (the return value for onSetAlpha()) and * the new value for the alpha property is different from the old value */
boolean setAlphaNoInvalidation(float alpha) { ensureTransformationInfo(); if (mTransformationInfo.mAlpha != alpha) { setAlphaInternal(alpha); boolean subclassHandlesAlpha = onSetAlpha((int) (alpha * 255)); if (subclassHandlesAlpha) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_ALPHA_SET; return true; } else { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_ALPHA_SET; mRenderNode.setAlpha(getFinalAlpha()); } } return false; } private void setAlphaInternal(float alpha) { float oldAlpha = mTransformationInfo.mAlpha; mTransformationInfo.mAlpha = alpha; // Report visibility changes, which can affect children, to accessibility if ((alpha == 0) ^ (oldAlpha == 0)) { notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
This property is hidden and intended only for use by the Fade transition, which animates it to produce a visual translucency that does not side-effect (or get affected by) the real alpha property. This value is composited with the other alpha value (and the AlphaAnimation value, when that is present) to produce a final visual translucency result, which is what is passed into the DisplayList.
/** * This property is hidden and intended only for use by the Fade transition, which * animates it to produce a visual translucency that does not side-effect (or get * affected by) the real alpha property. This value is composited with the other * alpha value (and the AlphaAnimation value, when that is present) to produce * a final visual translucency result, which is what is passed into the DisplayList. * * @hide */
public void setTransitionAlpha(float alpha) { ensureTransformationInfo(); if (mTransformationInfo.mTransitionAlpha != alpha) { mTransformationInfo.mTransitionAlpha = alpha; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_ALPHA_SET; invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setAlpha(getFinalAlpha()); } }
Calculates the visual alpha of this view, which is a combination of the actual alpha value and the transitionAlpha value (if set).
/** * Calculates the visual alpha of this view, which is a combination of the actual * alpha value and the transitionAlpha value (if set). */
private float getFinalAlpha() { if (mTransformationInfo != null) { return mTransformationInfo.mAlpha * mTransformationInfo.mTransitionAlpha; } return 1; }
This property is hidden and intended only for use by the Fade transition, which animates it to produce a visual translucency that does not side-effect (or get affected by) the real alpha property. This value is composited with the other alpha value (and the AlphaAnimation value, when that is present) to produce a final visual translucency result, which is what is passed into the DisplayList.
/** * This property is hidden and intended only for use by the Fade transition, which * animates it to produce a visual translucency that does not side-effect (or get * affected by) the real alpha property. This value is composited with the other * alpha value (and the AlphaAnimation value, when that is present) to produce * a final visual translucency result, which is what is passed into the DisplayList. * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getTransitionAlpha() { return mTransformationInfo != null ? mTransformationInfo.mTransitionAlpha : 1; }
Top position of this view relative to its parent.
Returns:The top of this view, in pixels.
/** * Top position of this view relative to its parent. * * @return The top of this view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty public final int getTop() { return mTop; }
Sets the top position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be called by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the property may be changed at any time by the layout.
  • top – The top of this view, in pixels.
/** * Sets the top position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be called * by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the property * may be changed at any time by the layout. * * @param top The top of this view, in pixels. */
public final void setTop(int top) { if (top != mTop) { final boolean matrixIsIdentity = hasIdentityMatrix(); if (matrixIsIdentity) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { int minTop; int yLoc; if (top < mTop) { minTop = top; yLoc = top - mTop; } else { minTop = mTop; yLoc = 0; } invalidate(0, yLoc, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - minTop); } } else { // Double-invalidation is necessary to capture view's old and new areas invalidate(true); } int width = mRight - mLeft; int oldHeight = mBottom - mTop; mTop = top; mRenderNode.setTop(mTop); sizeChange(width, mBottom - mTop, width, oldHeight); if (!matrixIsIdentity) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; // force another invalidation with the new orientation invalidate(true); } mBackgroundSizeChanged = true; mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true; if (mForegroundInfo != null) { mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true; } invalidateParentIfNeeded(); if ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) == PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) { // View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed invalidateParentIfNeeded(); } } }
Bottom position of this view relative to its parent.
Returns:The bottom of this view, in pixels.
/** * Bottom position of this view relative to its parent. * * @return The bottom of this view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty public final int getBottom() { return mBottom; }
True if this view has changed since the last time being drawn.
Returns:The dirty state of this view.
/** * True if this view has changed since the last time being drawn. * * @return The dirty state of this view. */
public boolean isDirty() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) != 0; }
Sets the bottom position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be called by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the property may be changed at any time by the layout.
  • bottom – The bottom of this view, in pixels.
/** * Sets the bottom position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be * called by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the * property may be changed at any time by the layout. * * @param bottom The bottom of this view, in pixels. */
public final void setBottom(int bottom) { if (bottom != mBottom) { final boolean matrixIsIdentity = hasIdentityMatrix(); if (matrixIsIdentity) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { int maxBottom; if (bottom < mBottom) { maxBottom = mBottom; } else { maxBottom = bottom; } invalidate(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, maxBottom - mTop); } } else { // Double-invalidation is necessary to capture view's old and new areas invalidate(true); } int width = mRight - mLeft; int oldHeight = mBottom - mTop; mBottom = bottom; mRenderNode.setBottom(mBottom); sizeChange(width, mBottom - mTop, width, oldHeight); if (!matrixIsIdentity) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; // force another invalidation with the new orientation invalidate(true); } mBackgroundSizeChanged = true; mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true; if (mForegroundInfo != null) { mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true; } invalidateParentIfNeeded(); if ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) == PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) { // View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed invalidateParentIfNeeded(); } } }
Left position of this view relative to its parent.
Returns:The left edge of this view, in pixels.
/** * Left position of this view relative to its parent. * * @return The left edge of this view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty public final int getLeft() { return mLeft; }
Sets the left position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be called by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the property may be changed at any time by the layout.
  • left – The left of this view, in pixels.
/** * Sets the left position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be called * by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the property * may be changed at any time by the layout. * * @param left The left of this view, in pixels. */
public final void setLeft(int left) { if (left != mLeft) { final boolean matrixIsIdentity = hasIdentityMatrix(); if (matrixIsIdentity) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { int minLeft; int xLoc; if (left < mLeft) { minLeft = left; xLoc = left - mLeft; } else { minLeft = mLeft; xLoc = 0; } invalidate(xLoc, 0, mRight - minLeft, mBottom - mTop); } } else { // Double-invalidation is necessary to capture view's old and new areas invalidate(true); } int oldWidth = mRight - mLeft; int height = mBottom - mTop; mLeft = left; mRenderNode.setLeft(left); sizeChange(mRight - mLeft, height, oldWidth, height); if (!matrixIsIdentity) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; // force another invalidation with the new orientation invalidate(true); } mBackgroundSizeChanged = true; mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true; if (mForegroundInfo != null) { mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true; } invalidateParentIfNeeded(); if ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) == PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) { // View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed invalidateParentIfNeeded(); } } }
Right position of this view relative to its parent.
Returns:The right edge of this view, in pixels.
/** * Right position of this view relative to its parent. * * @return The right edge of this view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty public final int getRight() { return mRight; }
Sets the right position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be called by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the property may be changed at any time by the layout.
  • right – The right of this view, in pixels.
/** * Sets the right position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be called * by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the property * may be changed at any time by the layout. * * @param right The right of this view, in pixels. */
public final void setRight(int right) { if (right != mRight) { final boolean matrixIsIdentity = hasIdentityMatrix(); if (matrixIsIdentity) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { int maxRight; if (right < mRight) { maxRight = mRight; } else { maxRight = right; } invalidate(0, 0, maxRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop); } } else { // Double-invalidation is necessary to capture view's old and new areas invalidate(true); } int oldWidth = mRight - mLeft; int height = mBottom - mTop; mRight = right; mRenderNode.setRight(mRight); sizeChange(mRight - mLeft, height, oldWidth, height); if (!matrixIsIdentity) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; // force another invalidation with the new orientation invalidate(true); } mBackgroundSizeChanged = true; mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true; if (mForegroundInfo != null) { mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true; } invalidateParentIfNeeded(); if ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) == PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) { // View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed invalidateParentIfNeeded(); } } } private static float sanitizeFloatPropertyValue(float value, String propertyName) { return sanitizeFloatPropertyValue(value, propertyName, -Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE); } private static float sanitizeFloatPropertyValue(float value, String propertyName, float min, float max) { // The expected "nothing bad happened" path if (value >= min && value <= max) return value; if (value < min || value == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { if (sThrowOnInvalidFloatProperties) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set '" + propertyName + "' to " + value + ", the value must be >= " + min); } return min; } if (value > max || value == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { if (sThrowOnInvalidFloatProperties) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set '" + propertyName + "' to " + value + ", the value must be <= " + max); } return max; } if (Float.isNaN(value)) { if (sThrowOnInvalidFloatProperties) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot set '" + propertyName + "' to Float.NaN"); } return 0; // Unclear which direction this NaN went so... 0? } // Shouldn't be possible to reach this. throw new IllegalStateException("How do you get here?? " + value); }
The visual x position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the translationX property plus the current left property.
Returns:The visual x position of this view, in pixels.
/** * The visual x position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the * {@link #setTranslationX(float) translationX} property plus the current * {@link #getLeft() left} property. * * @return The visual x position of this view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getX() { return mLeft + getTranslationX(); }
Sets the visual x position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the translationX property to be the difference between the x value passed in and the current left property.
  • x – The visual x position of this view, in pixels.
/** * Sets the visual x position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the * {@link #setTranslationX(float) translationX} property to be the difference between * the x value passed in and the current {@link #getLeft() left} property. * * @param x The visual x position of this view, in pixels. */
public void setX(float x) { setTranslationX(x - mLeft); }
The visual y position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the translationY property plus the current top property.
Returns:The visual y position of this view, in pixels.
/** * The visual y position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the * {@link #setTranslationY(float) translationY} property plus the current * {@link #getTop() top} property. * * @return The visual y position of this view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getY() { return mTop + getTranslationY(); }
Sets the visual y position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the translationY property to be the difference between the y value passed in and the current top property.
  • y – The visual y position of this view, in pixels.
/** * Sets the visual y position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the * {@link #setTranslationY(float) translationY} property to be the difference between * the y value passed in and the current {@link #getTop() top} property. * * @param y The visual y position of this view, in pixels. */
public void setY(float y) { setTranslationY(y - mTop); }
The visual z position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the translationZ property plus the current elevation property.
Returns:The visual z position of this view, in pixels.
/** * The visual z position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the * {@link #setTranslationZ(float) translationZ} property plus the current * {@link #getElevation() elevation} property. * * @return The visual z position of this view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getZ() { return getElevation() + getTranslationZ(); }
Sets the visual z position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the translationZ property to be the difference between the z value passed in and the current elevation property.
  • z – The visual z position of this view, in pixels.
/** * Sets the visual z position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the * {@link #setTranslationZ(float) translationZ} property to be the difference between * the z value passed in and the current {@link #getElevation() elevation} property. * * @param z The visual z position of this view, in pixels. */
public void setZ(float z) { setTranslationZ(z - getElevation()); }
The base elevation of this view relative to its parent, in pixels.
Returns:The base depth position of the view, in pixels.
/** * The base elevation of this view relative to its parent, in pixels. * * @return The base depth position of the view, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getElevation() { return mRenderNode.getElevation(); }
Sets the base elevation of this view, in pixels.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_elevation
/** * Sets the base elevation of this view, in pixels. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_elevation */
public void setElevation(float elevation) { if (elevation != getElevation()) { elevation = sanitizeFloatPropertyValue(elevation, "elevation"); invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setElevation(elevation); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); } }
The horizontal location of this view relative to its left position. This position is post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's layout placed it.
Returns:The horizontal position of this view relative to its left position, in pixels.
/** * The horizontal location of this view relative to its {@link #getLeft() left} position. * This position is post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's * layout placed it. * * @return The horizontal position of this view relative to its left position, in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getTranslationX() { return mRenderNode.getTranslationX(); }
Sets the horizontal location of this view relative to its left position. This effectively positions the object post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's layout placed it.
  • translationX – The horizontal position of this view relative to its left position, in pixels.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_translationX
/** * Sets the horizontal location of this view relative to its {@link #getLeft() left} position. * This effectively positions the object post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's * layout placed it. * * @param translationX The horizontal position of this view relative to its left position, * in pixels. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_translationX */
public void setTranslationX(float translationX) { if (translationX != getTranslationX()) { invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setTranslationX(translationX); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
The vertical location of this view relative to its top position. This position is post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's layout placed it.
Returns:The vertical position of this view relative to its top position, in pixels.
/** * The vertical location of this view relative to its {@link #getTop() top} position. * This position is post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's * layout placed it. * * @return The vertical position of this view relative to its top position, * in pixels. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getTranslationY() { return mRenderNode.getTranslationY(); }
Sets the vertical location of this view relative to its top position. This effectively positions the object post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's layout placed it.
  • translationY – The vertical position of this view relative to its top position, in pixels.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_translationY
/** * Sets the vertical location of this view relative to its {@link #getTop() top} position. * This effectively positions the object post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's * layout placed it. * * @param translationY The vertical position of this view relative to its top position, * in pixels. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_translationY */
public void setTranslationY(float translationY) { if (translationY != getTranslationY()) { invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setTranslationY(translationY); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
The depth location of this view relative to its elevation.
Returns:The depth of this view relative to its elevation.
/** * The depth location of this view relative to its {@link #getElevation() elevation}. * * @return The depth of this view relative to its elevation. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public float getTranslationZ() { return mRenderNode.getTranslationZ(); }
Sets the depth location of this view relative to its elevation.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_translationZ
/** * Sets the depth location of this view relative to its {@link #getElevation() elevation}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_translationZ */
public void setTranslationZ(float translationZ) { if (translationZ != getTranslationZ()) { translationZ = sanitizeFloatPropertyValue(translationZ, "translationZ"); invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setTranslationZ(translationZ); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); } }
/** @hide */
public void setAnimationMatrix(Matrix matrix) { invalidateViewProperty(true, false); mRenderNode.setAnimationMatrix(matrix); invalidateViewProperty(false, true); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); }
Returns the current StateListAnimator if exists.
See Also:
Returns:StateListAnimator or null if it does not exists
/** * Returns the current StateListAnimator if exists. * * @return StateListAnimator or null if it does not exists * @see #setStateListAnimator(android.animation.StateListAnimator) */
public StateListAnimator getStateListAnimator() { return mStateListAnimator; }
Attaches the provided StateListAnimator to this View.

Any previously attached StateListAnimator will be detached.

  • stateListAnimator – The StateListAnimator to update the view
See Also:
/** * Attaches the provided StateListAnimator to this View. * <p> * Any previously attached StateListAnimator will be detached. * * @param stateListAnimator The StateListAnimator to update the view * @see android.animation.StateListAnimator */
public void setStateListAnimator(StateListAnimator stateListAnimator) { if (mStateListAnimator == stateListAnimator) { return; } if (mStateListAnimator != null) { mStateListAnimator.setTarget(null); } mStateListAnimator = stateListAnimator; if (stateListAnimator != null) { stateListAnimator.setTarget(this); if (isAttachedToWindow()) { stateListAnimator.setState(getDrawableState()); } } }
Returns whether the Outline should be used to clip the contents of the View.

Note that this flag will only be respected if the View's Outline returns true from Outline.canClip().

See Also:
/** * Returns whether the Outline should be used to clip the contents of the View. * <p> * Note that this flag will only be respected if the View's Outline returns true from * {@link Outline#canClip()}. * * @see #setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider) * @see #setClipToOutline(boolean) */
public final boolean getClipToOutline() { return mRenderNode.getClipToOutline(); }
Sets whether the View's Outline should be used to clip the contents of the View.

Only a single non-rectangular clip can be applied on a View at any time. Circular clips from a circular reveal animation take priority over Outline clipping, and child Outline clipping takes priority over Outline clipping done by a parent.

Note that this flag will only be respected if the View's Outline returns true from Outline.canClip().

See Also:
/** * Sets whether the View's Outline should be used to clip the contents of the View. * <p> * Only a single non-rectangular clip can be applied on a View at any time. * Circular clips from a {@link ViewAnimationUtils#createCircularReveal(View, int, int, float, float) * circular reveal} animation take priority over Outline clipping, and * child Outline clipping takes priority over Outline clipping done by a * parent. * <p> * Note that this flag will only be respected if the View's Outline returns true from * {@link Outline#canClip()}. * * @see #setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider) * @see #getClipToOutline() */
public void setClipToOutline(boolean clipToOutline) { damageInParent(); if (getClipToOutline() != clipToOutline) { mRenderNode.setClipToOutline(clipToOutline); } } // correspond to the enum values of View_outlineProvider private static final int PROVIDER_BACKGROUND = 0; private static final int PROVIDER_NONE = 1; private static final int PROVIDER_BOUNDS = 2; private static final int PROVIDER_PADDED_BOUNDS = 3; private void setOutlineProviderFromAttribute(int providerInt) { switch (providerInt) { case PROVIDER_BACKGROUND: setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider.BACKGROUND); break; case PROVIDER_NONE: setOutlineProvider(null); break; case PROVIDER_BOUNDS: setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider.BOUNDS); break; case PROVIDER_PADDED_BOUNDS: setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider.PADDED_BOUNDS); break; } }
Sets the ViewOutlineProvider of the view, which generates the Outline that defines the shape of the shadow it casts, and enables outline clipping.

The default ViewOutlineProvider, ViewOutlineProvider.BACKGROUND, queries the Outline from the View's background drawable, via Drawable.getOutline(Outline). Changing the outline provider with this method allows this behavior to be overridden.

If the ViewOutlineProvider is null, if querying it for an outline returns false, or if the produced Outline is Outline.isEmpty(), shadows will not be cast.

Only outlines that return true from Outline.canClip() may be used for clipping.

See Also:
/** * Sets the {@link ViewOutlineProvider} of the view, which generates the Outline that defines * the shape of the shadow it casts, and enables outline clipping. * <p> * The default ViewOutlineProvider, {@link ViewOutlineProvider#BACKGROUND}, queries the Outline * from the View's background drawable, via {@link Drawable#getOutline(Outline)}. Changing the * outline provider with this method allows this behavior to be overridden. * <p> * If the ViewOutlineProvider is null, if querying it for an outline returns false, * or if the produced Outline is {@link Outline#isEmpty()}, shadows will not be cast. * <p> * Only outlines that return true from {@link Outline#canClip()} may be used for clipping. * * @see #setClipToOutline(boolean) * @see #getClipToOutline() * @see #getOutlineProvider() */
public void setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider provider) { mOutlineProvider = provider; invalidateOutline(); }
Returns the current ViewOutlineProvider of the view, which generates the Outline that defines the shape of the shadow it casts, and enables outline clipping.
See Also:
/** * Returns the current {@link ViewOutlineProvider} of the view, which generates the Outline * that defines the shape of the shadow it casts, and enables outline clipping. * * @see #setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider) */
public ViewOutlineProvider getOutlineProvider() { return mOutlineProvider; }
Called to rebuild this View's Outline from its outline provider
See Also:
/** * Called to rebuild this View's Outline from its {@link ViewOutlineProvider outline provider} * * @see #setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider) */
public void invalidateOutline() { rebuildOutline(); notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); invalidateViewProperty(false, false); }
Internal version of invalidateOutline() which invalidates the outline without invalidating the view itself. This is intended to be called from within methods in the View class itself which are the result of the view being invalidated already. For example, when we are drawing the background of a View, we invalidate the outline in case it changed in the meantime, but we do not need to invalidate the view because we're already drawing the background as part of drawing the view in response to an earlier invalidation of the view.
/** * Internal version of {@link #invalidateOutline()} which invalidates the * outline without invalidating the view itself. This is intended to be called from * within methods in the View class itself which are the result of the view being * invalidated already. For example, when we are drawing the background of a View, * we invalidate the outline in case it changed in the meantime, but we do not * need to invalidate the view because we're already drawing the background as part * of drawing the view in response to an earlier invalidation of the view. */
private void rebuildOutline() { // Unattached views ignore this signal, and outline is recomputed in onAttachedToWindow() if (mAttachInfo == null) return; if (mOutlineProvider == null) { // no provider, remove outline mRenderNode.setOutline(null); } else { final Outline outline = mAttachInfo.mTmpOutline; outline.setEmpty(); outline.setAlpha(1.0f); mOutlineProvider.getOutline(this, outline); mRenderNode.setOutline(outline); } }
HierarchyViewer only
/** * HierarchyViewer only * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public boolean hasShadow() { return mRenderNode.hasShadow(); }
Sets the color of the spot shadow that is drawn when the view has a positive Z or elevation value.

By default the shadow color is black. Generally, this color will be opaque so the intensity of the shadow is consistent between different views with different colors.

The opacity of the final spot shadow is a function of the shadow caster height, the alpha channel of the outlineSpotShadowColor (typically opaque), and the spotShadowAlpha.spotShadowAlpha theme attribute.

  • color – The color this View will cast for its elevation spot shadow.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_outlineSpotShadowColor
/** * Sets the color of the spot shadow that is drawn when the view has a positive Z or * elevation value. * <p> * By default the shadow color is black. Generally, this color will be opaque so the intensity * of the shadow is consistent between different views with different colors. * <p> * The opacity of the final spot shadow is a function of the shadow caster height, the * alpha channel of the outlineSpotShadowColor (typically opaque), and the * {@link android.R.attr#spotShadowAlpha} theme attribute. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_outlineSpotShadowColor * @param color The color this View will cast for its elevation spot shadow. */
public void setOutlineSpotShadowColor(@ColorInt int color) { if (mRenderNode.setSpotShadowColor(color)) { invalidateViewProperty(true, true); } }
Returns:The shadow color set by setOutlineSpotShadowColor(int), or black if nothing was set
/** * @return The shadow color set by {@link #setOutlineSpotShadowColor(int)}, or black if nothing * was set */
public @ColorInt int getOutlineSpotShadowColor() { return mRenderNode.getSpotShadowColor(); }
Sets the color of the ambient shadow that is drawn when the view has a positive Z or elevation value.

By default the shadow color is black. Generally, this color will be opaque so the intensity of the shadow is consistent between different views with different colors.

The opacity of the final ambient shadow is a function of the shadow caster height, the alpha channel of the outlineAmbientShadowColor (typically opaque), and the ambientShadowAlpha.ambientShadowAlpha theme attribute.

  • color – The color this View will cast for its elevation shadow.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_outlineAmbientShadowColor
/** * Sets the color of the ambient shadow that is drawn when the view has a positive Z or * elevation value. * <p> * By default the shadow color is black. Generally, this color will be opaque so the intensity * of the shadow is consistent between different views with different colors. * <p> * The opacity of the final ambient shadow is a function of the shadow caster height, the * alpha channel of the outlineAmbientShadowColor (typically opaque), and the * {@link android.R.attr#ambientShadowAlpha} theme attribute. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_outlineAmbientShadowColor * @param color The color this View will cast for its elevation shadow. */
public void setOutlineAmbientShadowColor(@ColorInt int color) { if (mRenderNode.setAmbientShadowColor(color)) { invalidateViewProperty(true, true); } }
Returns:The shadow color set by setOutlineAmbientShadowColor(int), or black if nothing was set
/** * @return The shadow color set by {@link #setOutlineAmbientShadowColor(int)}, or black if * nothing was set */
public @ColorInt int getOutlineAmbientShadowColor() { return mRenderNode.getAmbientShadowColor(); }
/** @hide */
public void setRevealClip(boolean shouldClip, float x, float y, float radius) { mRenderNode.setRevealClip(shouldClip, x, y, radius); invalidateViewProperty(false, false); }
Hit rectangle in parent's coordinates
  • outRect – The hit rectangle of the view.
/** * Hit rectangle in parent's coordinates * * @param outRect The hit rectangle of the view. */
public void getHitRect(Rect outRect) { if (hasIdentityMatrix() || mAttachInfo == null) { outRect.set(mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom); } else { final RectF tmpRect = mAttachInfo.mTmpTransformRect; tmpRect.set(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); getMatrix().mapRect(tmpRect); // TODO: mRenderNode.mapRect(tmpRect) outRect.set((int) tmpRect.left + mLeft, (int) tmpRect.top + mTop, (int) tmpRect.right + mLeft, (int) tmpRect.bottom + mTop); } }
Determines whether the given point, in local coordinates is inside the view.
/** * Determines whether the given point, in local coordinates is inside the view. */
/*package*/ final boolean pointInView(float localX, float localY) { return pointInView(localX, localY, 0); }
Utility method to determine whether the given point, in local coordinates, is inside the view, where the area of the view is expanded by the slop factor. This method is called while processing touch-move events to determine if the event is still within the view.
/** * Utility method to determine whether the given point, in local coordinates, * is inside the view, where the area of the view is expanded by the slop factor. * This method is called while processing touch-move events to determine if the event * is still within the view. * * @hide */
public boolean pointInView(float localX, float localY, float slop) { return localX >= -slop && localY >= -slop && localX < ((mRight - mLeft) + slop) && localY < ((mBottom - mTop) + slop); }
When a view has focus and the user navigates away from it, the next view is searched for starting from the rectangle filled in by this method. By default, the rectangle is the getDrawingRect(Rect)) of the view. However, if your view maintains some idea of internal selection, such as a cursor, or a selected row or column, you should override this method and fill in a more specific rectangle.
  • r – The rectangle to fill in, in this view's coordinates.
/** * When a view has focus and the user navigates away from it, the next view is searched for * starting from the rectangle filled in by this method. * * By default, the rectangle is the {@link #getDrawingRect(android.graphics.Rect)}) * of the view. However, if your view maintains some idea of internal selection, * such as a cursor, or a selected row or column, you should override this method and * fill in a more specific rectangle. * * @param r The rectangle to fill in, in this view's coordinates. */
public void getFocusedRect(Rect r) { getDrawingRect(r); }
If some part of this view is not clipped by any of its parents, then return that area in r in global (root) coordinates. To convert r to local coordinates (without taking possible View rotations into account), offset it by -globalOffset (e.g. r.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y)). If the view is completely clipped or translated out, return false.
  • r – If true is returned, r holds the global coordinates of the visible portion of this view.
  • globalOffset – If true is returned, globalOffset holds the dx,dy between this view and its root. globalOffet may be null.
Returns:true if r is non-empty (i.e. part of the view is visible at the root level.
/** * If some part of this view is not clipped by any of its parents, then * return that area in r in global (root) coordinates. To convert r to local * coordinates (without taking possible View rotations into account), offset * it by -globalOffset (e.g. r.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y)). * If the view is completely clipped or translated out, return false. * * @param r If true is returned, r holds the global coordinates of the * visible portion of this view. * @param globalOffset If true is returned, globalOffset holds the dx,dy * between this view and its root. globalOffet may be null. * @return true if r is non-empty (i.e. part of the view is visible at the * root level. */
public boolean getGlobalVisibleRect(Rect r, Point globalOffset) { int width = mRight - mLeft; int height = mBottom - mTop; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { r.set(0, 0, width, height); if (globalOffset != null) { globalOffset.set(-mScrollX, -mScrollY); } return mParent == null || mParent.getChildVisibleRect(this, r, globalOffset); } return false; } public final boolean getGlobalVisibleRect(Rect r) { return getGlobalVisibleRect(r, null); } public final boolean getLocalVisibleRect(Rect r) { final Point offset = mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mPoint : new Point(); if (getGlobalVisibleRect(r, offset)) { r.offset(-offset.x, -offset.y); // make r local return true; } return false; }
Offset this view's vertical location by the specified number of pixels.
  • offset – the number of pixels to offset the view by
/** * Offset this view's vertical location by the specified number of pixels. * * @param offset the number of pixels to offset the view by */
public void offsetTopAndBottom(int offset) { if (offset != 0) { final boolean matrixIsIdentity = hasIdentityMatrix(); if (matrixIsIdentity) { if (isHardwareAccelerated()) { invalidateViewProperty(false, false); } else { final ViewParent p = mParent; if (p != null && mAttachInfo != null) { final Rect r = mAttachInfo.mTmpInvalRect; int minTop; int maxBottom; int yLoc; if (offset < 0) { minTop = mTop + offset; maxBottom = mBottom; yLoc = offset; } else { minTop = mTop; maxBottom = mBottom + offset; yLoc = 0; } r.set(0, yLoc, mRight - mLeft, maxBottom - minTop); p.invalidateChild(this, r); } } } else { invalidateViewProperty(false, false); } mTop += offset; mBottom += offset; mRenderNode.offsetTopAndBottom(offset); if (isHardwareAccelerated()) { invalidateViewProperty(false, false); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); } else { if (!matrixIsIdentity) { invalidateViewProperty(false, true); } invalidateParentIfNeeded(); } notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
Offset this view's horizontal location by the specified amount of pixels.
  • offset – the number of pixels to offset the view by
/** * Offset this view's horizontal location by the specified amount of pixels. * * @param offset the number of pixels to offset the view by */
public void offsetLeftAndRight(int offset) { if (offset != 0) { final boolean matrixIsIdentity = hasIdentityMatrix(); if (matrixIsIdentity) { if (isHardwareAccelerated()) { invalidateViewProperty(false, false); } else { final ViewParent p = mParent; if (p != null && mAttachInfo != null) { final Rect r = mAttachInfo.mTmpInvalRect; int minLeft; int maxRight; if (offset < 0) { minLeft = mLeft + offset; maxRight = mRight; } else { minLeft = mLeft; maxRight = mRight + offset; } r.set(0, 0, maxRight - minLeft, mBottom - mTop); p.invalidateChild(this, r); } } } else { invalidateViewProperty(false, false); } mLeft += offset; mRight += offset; mRenderNode.offsetLeftAndRight(offset); if (isHardwareAccelerated()) { invalidateViewProperty(false, false); invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected(); } else { if (!matrixIsIdentity) { invalidateViewProperty(false, true); } invalidateParentIfNeeded(); } notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } }
Get the LayoutParams associated with this view. All views should have layout parameters. These supply parameters to the parent of this view specifying how it should be arranged. There are many subclasses of ViewGroup.LayoutParams, and these correspond to the different subclasses of ViewGroup that are responsible for arranging their children. This method may return null if this View is not attached to a parent ViewGroup or setLayoutParams(LayoutParams) was not invoked successfully. When a View is attached to a parent ViewGroup, this method must not return null.
Returns:The LayoutParams associated with this view, or null if no parameters have been set yet
/** * Get the LayoutParams associated with this view. All views should have * layout parameters. These supply parameters to the <i>parent</i> of this * view specifying how it should be arranged. There are many subclasses of * ViewGroup.LayoutParams, and these correspond to the different subclasses * of ViewGroup that are responsible for arranging their children. * * This method may return null if this View is not attached to a parent * ViewGroup or {@link #setLayoutParams(android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams)} * was not invoked successfully. When a View is attached to a parent * ViewGroup, this method must not return null. * * @return The LayoutParams associated with this view, or null if no * parameters have been set yet */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(deepExport = true, prefix = "layout_") public ViewGroup.LayoutParams getLayoutParams() { return mLayoutParams; }
Set the layout parameters associated with this view. These supply parameters to the parent of this view specifying how it should be arranged. There are many subclasses of ViewGroup.LayoutParams, and these correspond to the different subclasses of ViewGroup that are responsible for arranging their children.
  • params – The layout parameters for this view, cannot be null
/** * Set the layout parameters associated with this view. These supply * parameters to the <i>parent</i> of this view specifying how it should be * arranged. There are many subclasses of ViewGroup.LayoutParams, and these * correspond to the different subclasses of ViewGroup that are responsible * for arranging their children. * * @param params The layout parameters for this view, cannot be null */
public void setLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) { if (params == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Layout parameters cannot be null"); } mLayoutParams = params; resolveLayoutParams(); if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).onSetLayoutParams(this, params); } requestLayout(); }
Resolve the layout parameters depending on the resolved layout direction
/** * Resolve the layout parameters depending on the resolved layout direction * * @hide */
public void resolveLayoutParams() { if (mLayoutParams != null) { mLayoutParams.resolveLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection()); } }
Set the scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int) and the view will be invalidated.
  • x – the x position to scroll to
  • y – the y position to scroll to
/** * Set the scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to * {@link #onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int)} and the view will be * invalidated. * @param x the x position to scroll to * @param y the y position to scroll to */
public void scrollTo(int x, int y) { if (mScrollX != x || mScrollY != y) { int oldX = mScrollX; int oldY = mScrollY; mScrollX = x; mScrollY = y; invalidateParentCaches(); onScrollChanged(mScrollX, mScrollY, oldX, oldY); if (!awakenScrollBars()) { postInvalidateOnAnimation(); } } }
Move the scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int) and the view will be invalidated.
  • x – the amount of pixels to scroll by horizontally
  • y – the amount of pixels to scroll by vertically
/** * Move the scrolled position of your view. This will cause a call to * {@link #onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int)} and the view will be * invalidated. * @param x the amount of pixels to scroll by horizontally * @param y the amount of pixels to scroll by vertically */
public void scrollBy(int x, int y) { scrollTo(mScrollX + x, mScrollY + y); }

Trigger the scrollbars to draw. When invoked this method starts an animation to fade the scrollbars out after a default delay. If a subclass provides animated scrolling, the start delay should equal the duration of the scrolling animation.

The animation starts only if at least one of the scrollbars is enabled, as specified by isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() and isVerticalScrollBarEnabled(). When the animation is started, this method returns true, and false otherwise. If the animation is started, this method calls invalidate(); in that case the caller should not call invalidate().

This method should be invoked every time a subclass directly updates the scroll parameters.

This method is automatically invoked by scrollBy(int, int) and scrollTo(int, int).

See Also:
Returns:true if the animation is played, false otherwise
/** * <p>Trigger the scrollbars to draw. When invoked this method starts an * animation to fade the scrollbars out after a default delay. If a subclass * provides animated scrolling, the start delay should equal the duration * of the scrolling animation.</p> * * <p>The animation starts only if at least one of the scrollbars is * enabled, as specified by {@link #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled()} and * {@link #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled()}. When the animation is started, * this method returns true, and false otherwise. If the animation is * started, this method calls {@link #invalidate()}; in that case the * caller should not call {@link #invalidate()}.</p> * * <p>This method should be invoked every time a subclass directly updates * the scroll parameters.</p> * * <p>This method is automatically invoked by {@link #scrollBy(int, int)} * and {@link #scrollTo(int, int)}.</p> * * @return true if the animation is played, false otherwise * * @see #awakenScrollBars(int) * @see #scrollBy(int, int) * @see #scrollTo(int, int) * @see #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() * @see #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() * @see #setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(boolean) * @see #setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(boolean) */
protected boolean awakenScrollBars() { return mScrollCache != null && awakenScrollBars(mScrollCache.scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade, true); }
Trigger the scrollbars to draw. This method differs from awakenScrollBars() only in its default duration. initialAwakenScrollBars() will show the scroll bars for longer than usual to give the user more of a chance to notice them.
Returns:true if the animation is played, false otherwise.
/** * Trigger the scrollbars to draw. * This method differs from awakenScrollBars() only in its default duration. * initialAwakenScrollBars() will show the scroll bars for longer than * usual to give the user more of a chance to notice them. * * @return true if the animation is played, false otherwise. */
private boolean initialAwakenScrollBars() { return mScrollCache != null && awakenScrollBars(mScrollCache.scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade * 4, true); }

Trigger the scrollbars to draw. When invoked this method starts an animation to fade the scrollbars out after a fixed delay. If a subclass provides animated scrolling, the start delay should equal the duration of the scrolling animation.

The animation starts only if at least one of the scrollbars is enabled, as specified by isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() and isVerticalScrollBarEnabled(). When the animation is started, this method returns true, and false otherwise. If the animation is started, this method calls invalidate(); in that case the caller should not call invalidate().

This method should be invoked every time a subclass directly updates the scroll parameters.

  • startDelay – the delay, in milliseconds, after which the animation should start; when the delay is 0, the animation starts immediately
See Also:
Returns:true if the animation is played, false otherwise
/** * <p> * Trigger the scrollbars to draw. When invoked this method starts an * animation to fade the scrollbars out after a fixed delay. If a subclass * provides animated scrolling, the start delay should equal the duration of * the scrolling animation. * </p> * * <p> * The animation starts only if at least one of the scrollbars is enabled, * as specified by {@link #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled()} and * {@link #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled()}. When the animation is started, * this method returns true, and false otherwise. If the animation is * started, this method calls {@link #invalidate()}; in that case the caller * should not call {@link #invalidate()}. * </p> * * <p> * This method should be invoked every time a subclass directly updates the * scroll parameters. * </p> * * @param startDelay the delay, in milliseconds, after which the animation * should start; when the delay is 0, the animation starts * immediately * @return true if the animation is played, false otherwise * * @see #scrollBy(int, int) * @see #scrollTo(int, int) * @see #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() * @see #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() * @see #setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(boolean) * @see #setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(boolean) */
protected boolean awakenScrollBars(int startDelay) { return awakenScrollBars(startDelay, true); }

Trigger the scrollbars to draw. When invoked this method starts an animation to fade the scrollbars out after a fixed delay. If a subclass provides animated scrolling, the start delay should equal the duration of the scrolling animation.

The animation starts only if at least one of the scrollbars is enabled, as specified by isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() and isVerticalScrollBarEnabled(). When the animation is started, this method returns true, and false otherwise. If the animation is started, this method calls invalidate() if the invalidate parameter is set to true; in that case the caller should not call invalidate().

This method should be invoked every time a subclass directly updates the scroll parameters.

  • startDelay – the delay, in milliseconds, after which the animation should start; when the delay is 0, the animation starts immediately
  • invalidate – Whether this method should call invalidate
See Also:
Returns:true if the animation is played, false otherwise
/** * <p> * Trigger the scrollbars to draw. When invoked this method starts an * animation to fade the scrollbars out after a fixed delay. If a subclass * provides animated scrolling, the start delay should equal the duration of * the scrolling animation. * </p> * * <p> * The animation starts only if at least one of the scrollbars is enabled, * as specified by {@link #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled()} and * {@link #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled()}. When the animation is started, * this method returns true, and false otherwise. If the animation is * started, this method calls {@link #invalidate()} if the invalidate parameter * is set to true; in that case the caller * should not call {@link #invalidate()}. * </p> * * <p> * This method should be invoked every time a subclass directly updates the * scroll parameters. * </p> * * @param startDelay the delay, in milliseconds, after which the animation * should start; when the delay is 0, the animation starts * immediately * * @param invalidate Whether this method should call invalidate * * @return true if the animation is played, false otherwise * * @see #scrollBy(int, int) * @see #scrollTo(int, int) * @see #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() * @see #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() * @see #setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(boolean) * @see #setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(boolean) */
protected boolean awakenScrollBars(int startDelay, boolean invalidate) { final ScrollabilityCache scrollCache = mScrollCache; if (scrollCache == null || !scrollCache.fadeScrollBars) { return false; } if (scrollCache.scrollBar == null) { scrollCache.scrollBar = new ScrollBarDrawable(); scrollCache.scrollBar.setState(getDrawableState()); scrollCache.scrollBar.setCallback(this); } if (isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() || isVerticalScrollBarEnabled()) { if (invalidate) { // Invalidate to show the scrollbars postInvalidateOnAnimation(); } if (scrollCache.state == ScrollabilityCache.OFF) { // FIXME: this is copied from WindowManagerService. // We should get this value from the system when it // is possible to do so. final int KEY_REPEAT_FIRST_DELAY = 750; startDelay = Math.max(KEY_REPEAT_FIRST_DELAY, startDelay); } // Tell mScrollCache when we should start fading. This may // extend the fade start time if one was already scheduled long fadeStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis() + startDelay; scrollCache.fadeStartTime = fadeStartTime; scrollCache.state = ScrollabilityCache.ON; // Schedule our fader to run, unscheduling any old ones first if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mHandler.removeCallbacks(scrollCache); mAttachInfo.mHandler.postAtTime(scrollCache, fadeStartTime); } return true; } return false; }
Do not invalidate views which are not visible and which are not running an animation. They will not get drawn and they should not set dirty flags as if they will be drawn
/** * Do not invalidate views which are not visible and which are not running an animation. They * will not get drawn and they should not set dirty flags as if they will be drawn */
private boolean skipInvalidate() { return (mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) != VISIBLE && mCurrentAnimation == null && (!(mParent instanceof ViewGroup) || !((ViewGroup) mParent).isViewTransitioning(this)); }
Mark the area defined by dirty as needing to be drawn. If the view is visible, onDraw(Canvas) will be called at some point in the future.

This must be called from a UI thread. To call from a non-UI thread, call postInvalidate().

WARNING: In API 19 and below, this method may be destructive to dirty.

  • dirty – the rectangle representing the bounds of the dirty region
Deprecated:The switch to hardware accelerated rendering in API 14 reduced the importance of the dirty rectangle. In API 21 the given rectangle is ignored entirely in favor of an internally-calculated area instead. Because of this, clients are encouraged to just call invalidate().
/** * Mark the area defined by dirty as needing to be drawn. If the view is * visible, {@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)} will be called at some * point in the future. * <p> * This must be called from a UI thread. To call from a non-UI thread, call * {@link #postInvalidate()}. * <p> * <b>WARNING:</b> In API 19 and below, this method may be destructive to * {@code dirty}. * * @param dirty the rectangle representing the bounds of the dirty region * * @deprecated The switch to hardware accelerated rendering in API 14 reduced * the importance of the dirty rectangle. In API 21 the given rectangle is * ignored entirely in favor of an internally-calculated area instead. * Because of this, clients are encouraged to just call {@link #invalidate()}. */
@Deprecated public void invalidate(Rect dirty) { final int scrollX = mScrollX; final int scrollY = mScrollY; invalidateInternal(dirty.left - scrollX, dirty.top - scrollY, dirty.right - scrollX, dirty.bottom - scrollY, true, false); }
Mark the area defined by the rect (l,t,r,b) as needing to be drawn. The coordinates of the dirty rect are relative to the view. If the view is visible, onDraw(Canvas) will be called at some point in the future.

This must be called from a UI thread. To call from a non-UI thread, call postInvalidate().

  • l – the left position of the dirty region
  • t – the top position of the dirty region
  • r – the right position of the dirty region
  • b – the bottom position of the dirty region
Deprecated:The switch to hardware accelerated rendering in API 14 reduced the importance of the dirty rectangle. In API 21 the given rectangle is ignored entirely in favor of an internally-calculated area instead. Because of this, clients are encouraged to just call invalidate().
/** * Mark the area defined by the rect (l,t,r,b) as needing to be drawn. The * coordinates of the dirty rect are relative to the view. If the view is * visible, {@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)} will be called at some * point in the future. * <p> * This must be called from a UI thread. To call from a non-UI thread, call * {@link #postInvalidate()}. * * @param l the left position of the dirty region * @param t the top position of the dirty region * @param r the right position of the dirty region * @param b the bottom position of the dirty region * * @deprecated The switch to hardware accelerated rendering in API 14 reduced * the importance of the dirty rectangle. In API 21 the given rectangle is * ignored entirely in favor of an internally-calculated area instead. * Because of this, clients are encouraged to just call {@link #invalidate()}. */
@Deprecated public void invalidate(int l, int t, int r, int b) { final int scrollX = mScrollX; final int scrollY = mScrollY; invalidateInternal(l - scrollX, t - scrollY, r - scrollX, b - scrollY, true, false); }
Invalidate the whole view. If the view is visible, onDraw(Canvas) will be called at some point in the future.

This must be called from a UI thread. To call from a non-UI thread, call postInvalidate().

/** * Invalidate the whole view. If the view is visible, * {@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)} will be called at some point in * the future. * <p> * This must be called from a UI thread. To call from a non-UI thread, call * {@link #postInvalidate()}. */
public void invalidate() { invalidate(true); }
This is where the invalidate() work actually happens. A full invalidate() causes the drawing cache to be invalidated, but this function can be called with invalidateCache set to false to skip that invalidation step for cases that do not need it (for example, a component that remains at the same dimensions with the same content).
  • invalidateCache – Whether the drawing cache for this view should be invalidated as well. This is usually true for a full invalidate, but may be set to false if the View's contents or dimensions have not changed.
/** * This is where the invalidate() work actually happens. A full invalidate() * causes the drawing cache to be invalidated, but this function can be * called with invalidateCache set to false to skip that invalidation step * for cases that do not need it (for example, a component that remains at * the same dimensions with the same content). * * @param invalidateCache Whether the drawing cache for this view should be * invalidated as well. This is usually true for a full * invalidate, but may be set to false if the View's contents or * dimensions have not changed. * @hide */
public void invalidate(boolean invalidateCache) { invalidateInternal(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop, invalidateCache, true); } void invalidateInternal(int l, int t, int r, int b, boolean invalidateCache, boolean fullInvalidate) { if (mGhostView != null) { mGhostView.invalidate(true); return; } if (skipInvalidate()) { return; } if ((mPrivateFlags & (PFLAG_DRAWN | PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS)) == (PFLAG_DRAWN | PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS) || (invalidateCache && (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID) == PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID) || (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_INVALIDATED) != PFLAG_INVALIDATED || (fullInvalidate && isOpaque() != mLastIsOpaque)) { if (fullInvalidate) { mLastIsOpaque = isOpaque(); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWN; } mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DIRTY; if (invalidateCache) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; } // Propagate the damage rectangle to the parent view. final AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; final ViewParent p = mParent; if (p != null && ai != null && l < r && t < b) { final Rect damage = ai.mTmpInvalRect; damage.set(l, t, r, b); p.invalidateChild(this, damage); } // Damage the entire projection receiver, if necessary. if (mBackground != null && mBackground.isProjected()) { final View receiver = getProjectionReceiver(); if (receiver != null) { receiver.damageInParent(); } } } }
Returns:this view's projection receiver, or null if none exists
/** * @return this view's projection receiver, or {@code null} if none exists */
private View getProjectionReceiver() { ViewParent p = getParent(); while (p != null && p instanceof View) { final View v = (View) p; if (v.isProjectionReceiver()) { return v; } p = p.getParent(); } return null; }
Returns:whether the view is a projection receiver
/** * @return whether the view is a projection receiver */
private boolean isProjectionReceiver() { return mBackground != null; }
Quick invalidation for View property changes (alpha, translationXY, etc.). We don't want to set any flags or handle all of the cases handled by the default invalidation methods. Instead, we just want to schedule a traversal in ViewRootImpl with the appropriate dirty rect. This method calls into fast invalidation methods in ViewGroup that walk up the hierarchy, transforming the dirty rect as necessary. The method also handles normal invalidation logic if display list properties are not being used in this view. The invalidateParent and forceRedraw flags are used by that backup approach, to handle these cases used in the various property-setting methods.
  • invalidateParent – Force a call to invalidateParentCaches() if display list properties are not being used in this view
  • forceRedraw – Mark the view as DRAWN to force the invalidation to propagate, if display list properties are not being used in this view
/** * Quick invalidation for View property changes (alpha, translationXY, etc.). We don't want to * set any flags or handle all of the cases handled by the default invalidation methods. * Instead, we just want to schedule a traversal in ViewRootImpl with the appropriate * dirty rect. This method calls into fast invalidation methods in ViewGroup that * walk up the hierarchy, transforming the dirty rect as necessary. * * The method also handles normal invalidation logic if display list properties are not * being used in this view. The invalidateParent and forceRedraw flags are used by that * backup approach, to handle these cases used in the various property-setting methods. * * @param invalidateParent Force a call to invalidateParentCaches() if display list properties * are not being used in this view * @param forceRedraw Mark the view as DRAWN to force the invalidation to propagate, if display * list properties are not being used in this view */
void invalidateViewProperty(boolean invalidateParent, boolean forceRedraw) { if (!isHardwareAccelerated() || !mRenderNode.isValid() || (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAW_ANIMATION) != 0) { if (invalidateParent) { invalidateParentCaches(); } if (forceRedraw) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; // force another invalidation with the new orientation } invalidate(false); } else { damageInParent(); } }
Tells the parent view to damage this view's bounds.
/** * Tells the parent view to damage this view's bounds. * * @hide */
protected void damageInParent() { if (mParent != null && mAttachInfo != null) { mParent.onDescendantInvalidated(this, this); } }
Utility method to transform a given Rect by the current matrix of this view.
/** * Utility method to transform a given Rect by the current matrix of this view. */
void transformRect(final Rect rect) { if (!getMatrix().isIdentity()) { RectF boundingRect = mAttachInfo.mTmpTransformRect; boundingRect.set(rect); getMatrix().mapRect(boundingRect); rect.set((int) Math.floor(boundingRect.left), (int) Math.floor(boundingRect.top), (int) Math.ceil(boundingRect.right), (int) Math.ceil(boundingRect.bottom)); } }
Used to indicate that the parent of this view should clear its caches. This functionality is used to force the parent to rebuild its display list (when hardware-accelerated), which is necessary when various parent-managed properties of the view change, such as alpha, translationX/Y, scrollX/Y, scaleX/Y, and rotation/X/Y. This method only clears the parent caches and does not causes an invalidate event.
/** * Used to indicate that the parent of this view should clear its caches. This functionality * is used to force the parent to rebuild its display list (when hardware-accelerated), * which is necessary when various parent-managed properties of the view change, such as * alpha, translationX/Y, scrollX/Y, scaleX/Y, and rotation/X/Y. This method only * clears the parent caches and does not causes an invalidate event. * * @hide */
protected void invalidateParentCaches() { if (mParent instanceof View) { ((View) mParent).mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; } }
Used to indicate that the parent of this view should be invalidated. This functionality is used to force the parent to rebuild its display list (when hardware-accelerated), which is necessary when various parent-managed properties of the view change, such as alpha, translationX/Y, scrollX/Y, scaleX/Y, and rotation/X/Y. This method will propagate an invalidation event to the parent.
/** * Used to indicate that the parent of this view should be invalidated. This functionality * is used to force the parent to rebuild its display list (when hardware-accelerated), * which is necessary when various parent-managed properties of the view change, such as * alpha, translationX/Y, scrollX/Y, scaleX/Y, and rotation/X/Y. This method will propagate * an invalidation event to the parent. * * @hide */
protected void invalidateParentIfNeeded() { if (isHardwareAccelerated() && mParent instanceof View) { ((View) mParent).invalidate(true); } }
/** * @hide */
protected void invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected() { if ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED) != 0) { // View was rejected last time it was drawn by its parent; this may have changed invalidateParentIfNeeded(); } }
Indicates whether this View is opaque. An opaque View guarantees that it will draw all the pixels overlapping its bounds using a fully opaque color. Subclasses of View should override this method whenever possible to indicate whether an instance is opaque. Opaque Views are treated in a special way by the View hierarchy, possibly allowing it to perform optimizations during invalidate/draw passes.
Returns:True if this View is guaranteed to be fully opaque, false otherwise.
/** * Indicates whether this View is opaque. An opaque View guarantees that it will * draw all the pixels overlapping its bounds using a fully opaque color. * * Subclasses of View should override this method whenever possible to indicate * whether an instance is opaque. Opaque Views are treated in a special way by * the View hierarchy, possibly allowing it to perform optimizations during * invalidate/draw passes. * * @return True if this View is guaranteed to be fully opaque, false otherwise. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public boolean isOpaque() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_OPAQUE_MASK) == PFLAG_OPAQUE_MASK && getFinalAlpha() >= 1.0f; }
/** * @hide */
protected void computeOpaqueFlags() { // Opaque if: // - Has a background // - Background is opaque // - Doesn't have scrollbars or scrollbars overlay if (mBackground != null && mBackground.getOpacity() == PixelFormat.OPAQUE) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_OPAQUE_BACKGROUND; } else { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_OPAQUE_BACKGROUND; } final int flags = mViewFlags; if (((flags & SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL) == 0 && (flags & SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL) == 0) || (flags & SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK) == SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY || (flags & SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK) == SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_OPAQUE_SCROLLBARS; } else { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_OPAQUE_SCROLLBARS; } }
/** * @hide */
protected boolean hasOpaqueScrollbars() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_OPAQUE_SCROLLBARS) == PFLAG_OPAQUE_SCROLLBARS; }
Returns:A handler associated with the thread running the View. This handler can be used to pump events in the UI events queue.
/** * @return A handler associated with the thread running the View. This * handler can be used to pump events in the UI events queue. */
public Handler getHandler() { final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { return attachInfo.mHandler; } return null; }
Returns the queue of runnable for this view.
Returns:the queue of runnables for this view
/** * Returns the queue of runnable for this view. * * @return the queue of runnables for this view */
private HandlerActionQueue getRunQueue() { if (mRunQueue == null) { mRunQueue = new HandlerActionQueue(); } return mRunQueue; }
Gets the view root associated with the View.
Returns:The view root, or null if none.
/** * Gets the view root associated with the View. * @return The view root, or null if none. * @hide */
public ViewRootImpl getViewRootImpl() { if (mAttachInfo != null) { return mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl; } return null; }
/** * @hide */
public ThreadedRenderer getThreadedRenderer() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mThreadedRenderer : null; }

Causes the Runnable to be added to the message queue. The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.

  • action – The Runnable that will be executed.
See Also:
Returns:Returns true if the Runnable was successfully placed in to the message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the looper processing the message queue is exiting.
/** * <p>Causes the Runnable to be added to the message queue. * The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.</p> * * @param action The Runnable that will be executed. * * @return Returns true if the Runnable was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. * * @see #postDelayed * @see #removeCallbacks */
public boolean post(Runnable action) { final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { return attachInfo.mHandler.post(action); } // Postpone the runnable until we know on which thread it needs to run. // Assume that the runnable will be successfully placed after attach. getRunQueue().post(action); return true; }

Causes the Runnable to be added to the message queue, to be run after the specified amount of time elapses. The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.

  • action – The Runnable that will be executed.
  • delayMillis – The delay (in milliseconds) until the Runnable will be executed.
See Also:
Returns:true if the Runnable was successfully placed in to the message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the looper processing the message queue is exiting. Note that a result of true does not mean the Runnable will be processed -- if the looper is quit before the delivery time of the message occurs then the message will be dropped.
/** * <p>Causes the Runnable to be added to the message queue, to be run * after the specified amount of time elapses. * The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.</p> * * @param action The Runnable that will be executed. * @param delayMillis The delay (in milliseconds) until the Runnable * will be executed. * * @return true if the Runnable was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. Note that a * result of true does not mean the Runnable will be processed -- * if the looper is quit before the delivery time of the message * occurs then the message will be dropped. * * @see #post * @see #removeCallbacks */
public boolean postDelayed(Runnable action, long delayMillis) { final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { return attachInfo.mHandler.postDelayed(action, delayMillis); } // Postpone the runnable until we know on which thread it needs to run. // Assume that the runnable will be successfully placed after attach. getRunQueue().postDelayed(action, delayMillis); return true; }

Causes the Runnable to execute on the next animation time step. The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.

  • action – The Runnable that will be executed.
See Also:
/** * <p>Causes the Runnable to execute on the next animation time step. * The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.</p> * * @param action The Runnable that will be executed. * * @see #postOnAnimationDelayed * @see #removeCallbacks */
public void postOnAnimation(Runnable action) { final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mChoreographer.postCallback( Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, action, null); } else { // Postpone the runnable until we know // on which thread it needs to run. getRunQueue().post(action); } }

Causes the Runnable to execute on the next animation time step, after the specified amount of time elapses. The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.

  • action – The Runnable that will be executed.
  • delayMillis – The delay (in milliseconds) until the Runnable will be executed.
See Also:
/** * <p>Causes the Runnable to execute on the next animation time step, * after the specified amount of time elapses. * The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.</p> * * @param action The Runnable that will be executed. * @param delayMillis The delay (in milliseconds) until the Runnable * will be executed. * * @see #postOnAnimation * @see #removeCallbacks */
public void postOnAnimationDelayed(Runnable action, long delayMillis) { final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mChoreographer.postCallbackDelayed( Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, action, null, delayMillis); } else { // Postpone the runnable until we know // on which thread it needs to run. getRunQueue().postDelayed(action, delayMillis); } }

Removes the specified Runnable from the message queue.

  • action – The Runnable to remove from the message handling queue
See Also:
Returns:true if this view could ask the Handler to remove the Runnable, false otherwise. When the returned value is true, the Runnable may or may not have been actually removed from the message queue (for instance, if the Runnable was not in the queue already.)
/** * <p>Removes the specified Runnable from the message queue.</p> * * @param action The Runnable to remove from the message handling queue * * @return true if this view could ask the Handler to remove the Runnable, * false otherwise. When the returned value is true, the Runnable * may or may not have been actually removed from the message queue * (for instance, if the Runnable was not in the queue already.) * * @see #post * @see #postDelayed * @see #postOnAnimation * @see #postOnAnimationDelayed */
public boolean removeCallbacks(Runnable action) { if (action != null) { final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { attachInfo.mHandler.removeCallbacks(action); attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mChoreographer.removeCallbacks( Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, action, null); } getRunQueue().removeCallbacks(action); } return true; }

Cause an invalidate to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event loop. Use this to invalidate the View from a non-UI thread.

This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread only when this View is attached to a window.

See Also:
/** * <p>Cause an invalidate to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event loop. * Use this to invalidate the View from a non-UI thread.</p> * * <p>This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread * only when this View is attached to a window.</p> * * @see #invalidate() * @see #postInvalidateDelayed(long) */
public void postInvalidate() { postInvalidateDelayed(0); }

Cause an invalidate of the specified area to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event loop. Use this to invalidate the View from a non-UI thread.

This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread only when this View is attached to a window.

  • left – The left coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • top – The top coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • right – The right coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • bottom – The bottom coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
See Also:
/** * <p>Cause an invalidate of the specified area to happen on a subsequent cycle * through the event loop. Use this to invalidate the View from a non-UI thread.</p> * * <p>This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread * only when this View is attached to a window.</p> * * @param left The left coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param top The top coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param right The right coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param bottom The bottom coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * * @see #invalidate(int, int, int, int) * @see #invalidate(Rect) * @see #postInvalidateDelayed(long, int, int, int, int) */
public void postInvalidate(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { postInvalidateDelayed(0, left, top, right, bottom); }

Cause an invalidate to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event loop. Waits for the specified amount of time.

This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread only when this View is attached to a window.

  • delayMilliseconds – the duration in milliseconds to delay the invalidation by
See Also:
/** * <p>Cause an invalidate to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event * loop. Waits for the specified amount of time.</p> * * <p>This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread * only when this View is attached to a window.</p> * * @param delayMilliseconds the duration in milliseconds to delay the * invalidation by * * @see #invalidate() * @see #postInvalidate() */
public void postInvalidateDelayed(long delayMilliseconds) { // We try only with the AttachInfo because there's no point in invalidating // if we are not attached to our window final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.dispatchInvalidateDelayed(this, delayMilliseconds); } }

Cause an invalidate of the specified area to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event loop. Waits for the specified amount of time.

This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread only when this View is attached to a window.

  • delayMilliseconds – the duration in milliseconds to delay the invalidation by
  • left – The left coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • top – The top coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • right – The right coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • bottom – The bottom coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
See Also:
/** * <p>Cause an invalidate of the specified area to happen on a subsequent cycle * through the event loop. Waits for the specified amount of time.</p> * * <p>This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread * only when this View is attached to a window.</p> * * @param delayMilliseconds the duration in milliseconds to delay the * invalidation by * @param left The left coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param top The top coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param right The right coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param bottom The bottom coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * * @see #invalidate(int, int, int, int) * @see #invalidate(Rect) * @see #postInvalidate(int, int, int, int) */
public void postInvalidateDelayed(long delayMilliseconds, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { // We try only with the AttachInfo because there's no point in invalidating // if we are not attached to our window final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { final AttachInfo.InvalidateInfo info = AttachInfo.InvalidateInfo.obtain(); info.target = this; info.left = left; info.top = top; info.right = right; info.bottom = bottom; attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.dispatchInvalidateRectDelayed(info, delayMilliseconds); } }

Cause an invalidate to happen on the next animation time step, typically the next display frame.

This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread only when this View is attached to a window.

See Also:
  • invalidate()
/** * <p>Cause an invalidate to happen on the next animation time step, typically the * next display frame.</p> * * <p>This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread * only when this View is attached to a window.</p> * * @see #invalidate() */
public void postInvalidateOnAnimation() { // We try only with the AttachInfo because there's no point in invalidating // if we are not attached to our window final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.dispatchInvalidateOnAnimation(this); } }

Cause an invalidate of the specified area to happen on the next animation time step, typically the next display frame.

This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread only when this View is attached to a window.

  • left – The left coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • top – The top coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • right – The right coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
  • bottom – The bottom coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate.
See Also:
/** * <p>Cause an invalidate of the specified area to happen on the next animation * time step, typically the next display frame.</p> * * <p>This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread * only when this View is attached to a window.</p> * * @param left The left coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param top The top coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param right The right coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * @param bottom The bottom coordinate of the rectangle to invalidate. * * @see #invalidate(int, int, int, int) * @see #invalidate(Rect) */
public void postInvalidateOnAnimation(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { // We try only with the AttachInfo because there's no point in invalidating // if we are not attached to our window final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo != null) { final AttachInfo.InvalidateInfo info = AttachInfo.InvalidateInfo.obtain(); info.target = this; info.left = left; info.top = top; info.right = right; info.bottom = bottom; attachInfo.mViewRootImpl.dispatchInvalidateRectOnAnimation(info); } }
Post a callback to send a AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED event. This event is sent at most once every ViewConfiguration.getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval().
/** * Post a callback to send a {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED} event. * This event is sent at most once every * {@link ViewConfiguration#getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval()}. */
private void postSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEventCallback(int dx, int dy) { if (mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent == null) { mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = new SendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent(); } mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent.post(dx, dy); }
Called by a parent to request that a child update its values for mScrollX and mScrollY if necessary. This will typically be done if the child is animating a scroll using a Scroller object.
/** * Called by a parent to request that a child update its values for mScrollX * and mScrollY if necessary. This will typically be done if the child is * animating a scroll using a {@link android.widget.Scroller Scroller} * object. */
public void computeScroll() { }

Indicate whether the horizontal edges are faded when the view is scrolled horizontally.

See Also:
Returns:true if the horizontal edges should are faded on scroll, false otherwise
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge
/** * <p>Indicate whether the horizontal edges are faded when the view is * scrolled horizontally.</p> * * @return true if the horizontal edges should are faded on scroll, false * otherwise * * @see #setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge */
public boolean isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & FADING_EDGE_HORIZONTAL) == FADING_EDGE_HORIZONTAL; }

Define whether the horizontal edges should be faded when this view is scrolled horizontally.

  • horizontalFadingEdgeEnabled – true if the horizontal edges should be faded when the view is scrolled horizontally
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge
/** * <p>Define whether the horizontal edges should be faded when this view * is scrolled horizontally.</p> * * @param horizontalFadingEdgeEnabled true if the horizontal edges should * be faded when the view is scrolled * horizontally * * @see #isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge */
public void setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean horizontalFadingEdgeEnabled) { if (isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled() != horizontalFadingEdgeEnabled) { if (horizontalFadingEdgeEnabled) { initScrollCache(); } mViewFlags ^= FADING_EDGE_HORIZONTAL; } }

Indicate whether the vertical edges are faded when the view is scrolled horizontally.

See Also:
Returns:true if the vertical edges should are faded on scroll, false otherwise
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge
/** * <p>Indicate whether the vertical edges are faded when the view is * scrolled horizontally.</p> * * @return true if the vertical edges should are faded on scroll, false * otherwise * * @see #setVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge */
public boolean isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & FADING_EDGE_VERTICAL) == FADING_EDGE_VERTICAL; }

Define whether the vertical edges should be faded when this view is scrolled vertically.

  • verticalFadingEdgeEnabled – true if the vertical edges should be faded when the view is scrolled vertically
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge
/** * <p>Define whether the vertical edges should be faded when this view * is scrolled vertically.</p> * * @param verticalFadingEdgeEnabled true if the vertical edges should * be faded when the view is scrolled * vertically * * @see #isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_requiresFadingEdge */
public void setVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean verticalFadingEdgeEnabled) { if (isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled() != verticalFadingEdgeEnabled) { if (verticalFadingEdgeEnabled) { initScrollCache(); } mViewFlags ^= FADING_EDGE_VERTICAL; } }
Returns the strength, or intensity, of the top faded edge. The strength is a value between 0.0 (no fade) and 1.0 (full fade). The default implementation returns 0.0 or 1.0 but no value in between. Subclasses should override this method to provide a smoother fade transition when scrolling occurs.
Returns:the intensity of the top fade as a float between 0.0f and 1.0f
/** * Returns the strength, or intensity, of the top faded edge. The strength is * a value between 0.0 (no fade) and 1.0 (full fade). The default implementation * returns 0.0 or 1.0 but no value in between. * * Subclasses should override this method to provide a smoother fade transition * when scrolling occurs. * * @return the intensity of the top fade as a float between 0.0f and 1.0f */
protected float getTopFadingEdgeStrength() { return computeVerticalScrollOffset() > 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f; }
Returns the strength, or intensity, of the bottom faded edge. The strength is a value between 0.0 (no fade) and 1.0 (full fade). The default implementation returns 0.0 or 1.0 but no value in between. Subclasses should override this method to provide a smoother fade transition when scrolling occurs.
Returns:the intensity of the bottom fade as a float between 0.0f and 1.0f
/** * Returns the strength, or intensity, of the bottom faded edge. The strength is * a value between 0.0 (no fade) and 1.0 (full fade). The default implementation * returns 0.0 or 1.0 but no value in between. * * Subclasses should override this method to provide a smoother fade transition * when scrolling occurs. * * @return the intensity of the bottom fade as a float between 0.0f and 1.0f */
protected float getBottomFadingEdgeStrength() { return computeVerticalScrollOffset() + computeVerticalScrollExtent() < computeVerticalScrollRange() ? 1.0f : 0.0f; }
Returns the strength, or intensity, of the left faded edge. The strength is a value between 0.0 (no fade) and 1.0 (full fade). The default implementation returns 0.0 or 1.0 but no value in between. Subclasses should override this method to provide a smoother fade transition when scrolling occurs.
Returns:the intensity of the left fade as a float between 0.0f and 1.0f
/** * Returns the strength, or intensity, of the left faded edge. The strength is * a value between 0.0 (no fade) and 1.0 (full fade). The default implementation * returns 0.0 or 1.0 but no value in between. * * Subclasses should override this method to provide a smoother fade transition * when scrolling occurs. * * @return the intensity of the left fade as a float between 0.0f and 1.0f */
protected float getLeftFadingEdgeStrength() { return computeHorizontalScrollOffset() > 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f; }
Returns the strength, or intensity, of the right faded edge. The strength is a value between 0.0 (no fade) and 1.0 (full fade). The default implementation returns 0.0 or 1.0 but no value in between. Subclasses should override this method to provide a smoother fade transition when scrolling occurs.
Returns:the intensity of the right fade as a float between 0.0f and 1.0f
/** * Returns the strength, or intensity, of the right faded edge. The strength is * a value between 0.0 (no fade) and 1.0 (full fade). The default implementation * returns 0.0 or 1.0 but no value in between. * * Subclasses should override this method to provide a smoother fade transition * when scrolling occurs. * * @return the intensity of the right fade as a float between 0.0f and 1.0f */
protected float getRightFadingEdgeStrength() { return computeHorizontalScrollOffset() + computeHorizontalScrollExtent() < computeHorizontalScrollRange() ? 1.0f : 0.0f; }

Indicate whether the horizontal scrollbar should be drawn or not. The scrollbar is not drawn by default.

See Also:
Returns:true if the horizontal scrollbar should be painted, false otherwise
/** * <p>Indicate whether the horizontal scrollbar should be drawn or not. The * scrollbar is not drawn by default.</p> * * @return true if the horizontal scrollbar should be painted, false * otherwise * * @see #setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(boolean) */
public boolean isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL) == SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL; }

Define whether the horizontal scrollbar should be drawn or not. The scrollbar is not drawn by default.

  • horizontalScrollBarEnabled – true if the horizontal scrollbar should be painted
See Also:
/** * <p>Define whether the horizontal scrollbar should be drawn or not. The * scrollbar is not drawn by default.</p> * * @param horizontalScrollBarEnabled true if the horizontal scrollbar should * be painted * * @see #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() */
public void setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(boolean horizontalScrollBarEnabled) { if (isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() != horizontalScrollBarEnabled) { mViewFlags ^= SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL; computeOpaqueFlags(); resolvePadding(); } }

Indicate whether the vertical scrollbar should be drawn or not. The scrollbar is not drawn by default.

See Also:
Returns:true if the vertical scrollbar should be painted, false otherwise
/** * <p>Indicate whether the vertical scrollbar should be drawn or not. The * scrollbar is not drawn by default.</p> * * @return true if the vertical scrollbar should be painted, false * otherwise * * @see #setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(boolean) */
public boolean isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL) == SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL; }

Define whether the vertical scrollbar should be drawn or not. The scrollbar is not drawn by default.

  • verticalScrollBarEnabled – true if the vertical scrollbar should be painted
See Also:
/** * <p>Define whether the vertical scrollbar should be drawn or not. The * scrollbar is not drawn by default.</p> * * @param verticalScrollBarEnabled true if the vertical scrollbar should * be painted * * @see #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() */
public void setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(boolean verticalScrollBarEnabled) { if (isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() != verticalScrollBarEnabled) { mViewFlags ^= SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL; computeOpaqueFlags(); resolvePadding(); } }
/** * @hide */
protected void recomputePadding() { internalSetPadding(mUserPaddingLeft, mPaddingTop, mUserPaddingRight, mUserPaddingBottom); }
Define whether scrollbars will fade when the view is not scrolling.
  • fadeScrollbars – whether to enable fading
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fadeScrollbars
/** * Define whether scrollbars will fade when the view is not scrolling. * * @param fadeScrollbars whether to enable fading * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fadeScrollbars */
public void setScrollbarFadingEnabled(boolean fadeScrollbars) { initScrollCache(); final ScrollabilityCache scrollabilityCache = mScrollCache; scrollabilityCache.fadeScrollBars = fadeScrollbars; if (fadeScrollbars) { scrollabilityCache.state = ScrollabilityCache.OFF; } else { scrollabilityCache.state = ScrollabilityCache.ON; } }
Returns true if scrollbars will fade when this view is not scrolling
Returns:true if scrollbar fading is enabled
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_fadeScrollbars
/** * * Returns true if scrollbars will fade when this view is not scrolling * * @return true if scrollbar fading is enabled * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_fadeScrollbars */
public boolean isScrollbarFadingEnabled() { return mScrollCache != null && mScrollCache.fadeScrollBars; }
Returns the delay before scrollbars fade.
Returns:the delay before scrollbars fade
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade
/** * * Returns the delay before scrollbars fade. * * @return the delay before scrollbars fade * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade */
public int getScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade() { return mScrollCache == null ? ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay() : mScrollCache.scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade; }
Define the delay before scrollbars fade.
  • scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade – - the delay before scrollbars fade
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade
/** * Define the delay before scrollbars fade. * * @param scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade - the delay before scrollbars fade * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade */
public void setScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade(int scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade) { getScrollCache().scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade = scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade; }
Returns the scrollbar fade duration.
Returns:the scrollbar fade duration, in milliseconds
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarFadeDuration
/** * * Returns the scrollbar fade duration. * * @return the scrollbar fade duration, in milliseconds * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarFadeDuration */
public int getScrollBarFadeDuration() { return mScrollCache == null ? ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() : mScrollCache.scrollBarFadeDuration; }
Define the scrollbar fade duration.
  • scrollBarFadeDuration – - the scrollbar fade duration, in milliseconds
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarFadeDuration
/** * Define the scrollbar fade duration. * * @param scrollBarFadeDuration - the scrollbar fade duration, in milliseconds * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarFadeDuration */
public void setScrollBarFadeDuration(int scrollBarFadeDuration) { getScrollCache().scrollBarFadeDuration = scrollBarFadeDuration; }
Returns the scrollbar size.
Returns:the scrollbar size
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarSize
/** * * Returns the scrollbar size. * * @return the scrollbar size * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarSize */
public int getScrollBarSize() { return mScrollCache == null ? ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledScrollBarSize() : mScrollCache.scrollBarSize; }
Define the scrollbar size.
  • scrollBarSize – - the scrollbar size
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarSize
/** * Define the scrollbar size. * * @param scrollBarSize - the scrollbar size * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarSize */
public void setScrollBarSize(int scrollBarSize) { getScrollCache().scrollBarSize = scrollBarSize; }

Specify the style of the scrollbars. The scrollbars can be overlaid or inset. When inset, they add to the padding of the view. And the scrollbars can be drawn inside the padding area or on the edge of the view. For example, if a view has a background drawable and you want to draw the scrollbars inside the padding specified by the drawable, you can use SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY or SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET. If you want them to appear at the edge of the view, ignoring the padding, then you can use SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY or SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_INSET.

See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarStyle
/** * <p>Specify the style of the scrollbars. The scrollbars can be overlaid or * inset. When inset, they add to the padding of the view. And the scrollbars * can be drawn inside the padding area or on the edge of the view. For example, * if a view has a background drawable and you want to draw the scrollbars * inside the padding specified by the drawable, you can use * SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY or SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET. If you want them to * appear at the edge of the view, ignoring the padding, then you can use * SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY or SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_INSET.</p> * @param style the style of the scrollbars. Should be one of * SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY, SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET, * SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY or SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_INSET. * @see #SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY * @see #SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET * @see #SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY * @see #SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_INSET * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarStyle */
public void setScrollBarStyle(@ScrollBarStyle int style) { if (style != (mViewFlags & SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK)) { mViewFlags = (mViewFlags & ~SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK) | (style & SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK); computeOpaqueFlags(); resolvePadding(); } }

Returns the current scrollbar style.

See Also:
Returns:the current scrollbar style
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarStyle
/** * <p>Returns the current scrollbar style.</p> * @return the current scrollbar style * @see #SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY * @see #SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET * @see #SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY * @see #SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_INSET * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_scrollbarStyle */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY, to = "INSIDE_OVERLAY"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET, to = "INSIDE_INSET"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY, to = "OUTSIDE_OVERLAY"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_INSET, to = "OUTSIDE_INSET") }) @ScrollBarStyle public int getScrollBarStyle() { return mViewFlags & SCROLLBARS_STYLE_MASK; }

Compute the horizontal range that the horizontal scrollbar represents.

The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the units used by computeHorizontalScrollExtent() and computeHorizontalScrollOffset().

The default range is the drawing width of this view.

See Also:
Returns:the total horizontal range represented by the horizontal scrollbar
/** * <p>Compute the horizontal range that the horizontal scrollbar * represents.</p> * * <p>The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the * units used by {@link #computeHorizontalScrollExtent()} and * {@link #computeHorizontalScrollOffset()}.</p> * * <p>The default range is the drawing width of this view.</p> * * @return the total horizontal range represented by the horizontal * scrollbar * * @see #computeHorizontalScrollExtent() * @see #computeHorizontalScrollOffset() * @see android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable */
protected int computeHorizontalScrollRange() { return getWidth(); }

Compute the horizontal offset of the horizontal scrollbar's thumb within the horizontal range. This value is used to compute the position of the thumb within the scrollbar's track.

The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the units used by computeHorizontalScrollRange() and computeHorizontalScrollExtent().

The default offset is the scroll offset of this view.

See Also:
Returns:the horizontal offset of the scrollbar's thumb
/** * <p>Compute the horizontal offset of the horizontal scrollbar's thumb * within the horizontal range. This value is used to compute the position * of the thumb within the scrollbar's track.</p> * * <p>The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the * units used by {@link #computeHorizontalScrollRange()} and * {@link #computeHorizontalScrollExtent()}.</p> * * <p>The default offset is the scroll offset of this view.</p> * * @return the horizontal offset of the scrollbar's thumb * * @see #computeHorizontalScrollRange() * @see #computeHorizontalScrollExtent() * @see android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable */
protected int computeHorizontalScrollOffset() { return mScrollX; }

Compute the horizontal extent of the horizontal scrollbar's thumb within the horizontal range. This value is used to compute the length of the thumb within the scrollbar's track.

The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the units used by computeHorizontalScrollRange() and computeHorizontalScrollOffset().

The default extent is the drawing width of this view.

See Also:
Returns:the horizontal extent of the scrollbar's thumb
/** * <p>Compute the horizontal extent of the horizontal scrollbar's thumb * within the horizontal range. This value is used to compute the length * of the thumb within the scrollbar's track.</p> * * <p>The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the * units used by {@link #computeHorizontalScrollRange()} and * {@link #computeHorizontalScrollOffset()}.</p> * * <p>The default extent is the drawing width of this view.</p> * * @return the horizontal extent of the scrollbar's thumb * * @see #computeHorizontalScrollRange() * @see #computeHorizontalScrollOffset() * @see android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable */
protected int computeHorizontalScrollExtent() { return getWidth(); }

Compute the vertical range that the vertical scrollbar represents.

The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the units used by computeVerticalScrollExtent() and computeVerticalScrollOffset().

See Also:
Returns:the total vertical range represented by the vertical scrollbar

The default range is the drawing height of this view.

/** * <p>Compute the vertical range that the vertical scrollbar represents.</p> * * <p>The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the * units used by {@link #computeVerticalScrollExtent()} and * {@link #computeVerticalScrollOffset()}.</p> * * @return the total vertical range represented by the vertical scrollbar * * <p>The default range is the drawing height of this view.</p> * * @see #computeVerticalScrollExtent() * @see #computeVerticalScrollOffset() * @see android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable */
protected int computeVerticalScrollRange() { return getHeight(); }

Compute the vertical offset of the vertical scrollbar's thumb within the horizontal range. This value is used to compute the position of the thumb within the scrollbar's track.

The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the units used by computeVerticalScrollRange() and computeVerticalScrollExtent().

The default offset is the scroll offset of this view.

See Also:
Returns:the vertical offset of the scrollbar's thumb
/** * <p>Compute the vertical offset of the vertical scrollbar's thumb * within the horizontal range. This value is used to compute the position * of the thumb within the scrollbar's track.</p> * * <p>The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the * units used by {@link #computeVerticalScrollRange()} and * {@link #computeVerticalScrollExtent()}.</p> * * <p>The default offset is the scroll offset of this view.</p> * * @return the vertical offset of the scrollbar's thumb * * @see #computeVerticalScrollRange() * @see #computeVerticalScrollExtent() * @see android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable */
protected int computeVerticalScrollOffset() { return mScrollY; }

Compute the vertical extent of the vertical scrollbar's thumb within the vertical range. This value is used to compute the length of the thumb within the scrollbar's track.

The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the units used by computeVerticalScrollRange() and computeVerticalScrollOffset().

The default extent is the drawing height of this view.

See Also:
Returns:the vertical extent of the scrollbar's thumb
/** * <p>Compute the vertical extent of the vertical scrollbar's thumb * within the vertical range. This value is used to compute the length * of the thumb within the scrollbar's track.</p> * * <p>The range is expressed in arbitrary units that must be the same as the * units used by {@link #computeVerticalScrollRange()} and * {@link #computeVerticalScrollOffset()}.</p> * * <p>The default extent is the drawing height of this view.</p> * * @return the vertical extent of the scrollbar's thumb * * @see #computeVerticalScrollRange() * @see #computeVerticalScrollOffset() * @see android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable */
protected int computeVerticalScrollExtent() { return getHeight(); }
Check if this view can be scrolled horizontally in a certain direction.
  • direction – Negative to check scrolling left, positive to check scrolling right.
Returns:true if this view can be scrolled in the specified direction, false otherwise.
/** * Check if this view can be scrolled horizontally in a certain direction. * * @param direction Negative to check scrolling left, positive to check scrolling right. * @return true if this view can be scrolled in the specified direction, false otherwise. */
public boolean canScrollHorizontally(int direction) { final int offset = computeHorizontalScrollOffset(); final int range = computeHorizontalScrollRange() - computeHorizontalScrollExtent(); if (range == 0) return false; if (direction < 0) { return offset > 0; } else { return offset < range - 1; } }
Check if this view can be scrolled vertically in a certain direction.
  • direction – Negative to check scrolling up, positive to check scrolling down.
Returns:true if this view can be scrolled in the specified direction, false otherwise.
/** * Check if this view can be scrolled vertically in a certain direction. * * @param direction Negative to check scrolling up, positive to check scrolling down. * @return true if this view can be scrolled in the specified direction, false otherwise. */
public boolean canScrollVertically(int direction) { final int offset = computeVerticalScrollOffset(); final int range = computeVerticalScrollRange() - computeVerticalScrollExtent(); if (range == 0) return false; if (direction < 0) { return offset > 0; } else { return offset < range - 1; } } void getScrollIndicatorBounds(@NonNull Rect out) { out.left = mScrollX; out.right = mScrollX + mRight - mLeft; out.top = mScrollY; out.bottom = mScrollY + mBottom - mTop; } private void onDrawScrollIndicators(Canvas c) { if ((mPrivateFlags3 & SCROLL_INDICATORS_PFLAG3_MASK) == 0) { // No scroll indicators enabled. return; } final Drawable dr = mScrollIndicatorDrawable; if (dr == null) { // Scroll indicators aren't supported here. return; } final int h = dr.getIntrinsicHeight(); final int w = dr.getIntrinsicWidth(); final Rect rect = mAttachInfo.mTmpInvalRect; getScrollIndicatorBounds(rect); if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP) != 0) { final boolean canScrollUp = canScrollVertically(-1); if (canScrollUp) { dr.setBounds(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.top + h); dr.draw(c); } } if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM) != 0) { final boolean canScrollDown = canScrollVertically(1); if (canScrollDown) { dr.setBounds(rect.left, rect.bottom - h, rect.right, rect.bottom); dr.draw(c); } } final int leftRtl; final int rightRtl; if (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) { leftRtl = PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_END; rightRtl = PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_START; } else { leftRtl = PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_START; rightRtl = PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_END; } final int leftMask = PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_LEFT | leftRtl; if ((mPrivateFlags3 & leftMask) != 0) { final boolean canScrollLeft = canScrollHorizontally(-1); if (canScrollLeft) { dr.setBounds(rect.left, rect.top, rect.left + w, rect.bottom); dr.draw(c); } } final int rightMask = PFLAG3_SCROLL_INDICATOR_RIGHT | rightRtl; if ((mPrivateFlags3 & rightMask) != 0) { final boolean canScrollRight = canScrollHorizontally(1); if (canScrollRight) { dr.setBounds(rect.right - w, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); dr.draw(c); } } } private void getHorizontalScrollBarBounds(@Nullable Rect drawBounds, @Nullable Rect touchBounds) { final Rect bounds = drawBounds != null ? drawBounds : touchBounds; if (bounds == null) { return; } final int inside = (mViewFlags & SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_MASK) == 0 ? ~0 : 0; final boolean drawVerticalScrollBar = isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() && !isVerticalScrollBarHidden(); final int size = getHorizontalScrollbarHeight(); final int verticalScrollBarGap = drawVerticalScrollBar ? getVerticalScrollbarWidth() : 0; final int width = mRight - mLeft; final int height = mBottom - mTop; bounds.top = mScrollY + height - size - (mUserPaddingBottom & inside); bounds.left = mScrollX + (mPaddingLeft & inside); bounds.right = mScrollX + width - (mUserPaddingRight & inside) - verticalScrollBarGap; bounds.bottom = bounds.top + size; if (touchBounds == null) { return; } if (touchBounds != bounds) { touchBounds.set(bounds); } final int minTouchTarget = mScrollCache.scrollBarMinTouchTarget; if (touchBounds.height() < minTouchTarget) { final int adjust = (minTouchTarget - touchBounds.height()) / 2; touchBounds.bottom = Math.min(touchBounds.bottom + adjust, mScrollY + height); touchBounds.top = touchBounds.bottom - minTouchTarget; } if (touchBounds.width() < minTouchTarget) { final int adjust = (minTouchTarget - touchBounds.width()) / 2; touchBounds.left -= adjust; touchBounds.right = touchBounds.left + minTouchTarget; } } private void getVerticalScrollBarBounds(@Nullable Rect bounds, @Nullable Rect touchBounds) { if (mRoundScrollbarRenderer == null) { getStraightVerticalScrollBarBounds(bounds, touchBounds); } else { getRoundVerticalScrollBarBounds(bounds != null ? bounds : touchBounds); } } private void getRoundVerticalScrollBarBounds(Rect bounds) { final int width = mRight - mLeft; final int height = mBottom - mTop; // Do not take padding into account as we always want the scrollbars // to hug the screen for round wearable devices. bounds.left = mScrollX; bounds.top = mScrollY; bounds.right = bounds.left + width; bounds.bottom = mScrollY + height; } private void getStraightVerticalScrollBarBounds(@Nullable Rect drawBounds, @Nullable Rect touchBounds) { final Rect bounds = drawBounds != null ? drawBounds : touchBounds; if (bounds == null) { return; } final int inside = (mViewFlags & SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_MASK) == 0 ? ~0 : 0; final int size = getVerticalScrollbarWidth(); int verticalScrollbarPosition = mVerticalScrollbarPosition; if (verticalScrollbarPosition == SCROLLBAR_POSITION_DEFAULT) { verticalScrollbarPosition = isLayoutRtl() ? SCROLLBAR_POSITION_LEFT : SCROLLBAR_POSITION_RIGHT; } final int width = mRight - mLeft; final int height = mBottom - mTop; switch (verticalScrollbarPosition) { default: case SCROLLBAR_POSITION_RIGHT: bounds.left = mScrollX + width - size - (mUserPaddingRight & inside); break; case SCROLLBAR_POSITION_LEFT: bounds.left = mScrollX + (mUserPaddingLeft & inside); break; } bounds.top = mScrollY + (mPaddingTop & inside); bounds.right = bounds.left + size; bounds.bottom = mScrollY + height - (mUserPaddingBottom & inside); if (touchBounds == null) { return; } if (touchBounds != bounds) { touchBounds.set(bounds); } final int minTouchTarget = mScrollCache.scrollBarMinTouchTarget; if (touchBounds.width() < minTouchTarget) { final int adjust = (minTouchTarget - touchBounds.width()) / 2; if (verticalScrollbarPosition == SCROLLBAR_POSITION_RIGHT) { touchBounds.right = Math.min(touchBounds.right + adjust, mScrollX + width); touchBounds.left = touchBounds.right - minTouchTarget; } else { touchBounds.left = Math.max(touchBounds.left + adjust, mScrollX); touchBounds.right = touchBounds.left + minTouchTarget; } } if (touchBounds.height() < minTouchTarget) { final int adjust = (minTouchTarget - touchBounds.height()) / 2; touchBounds.top -= adjust; touchBounds.bottom = touchBounds.top + minTouchTarget; } }

Request the drawing of the horizontal and the vertical scrollbar. The scrollbars are painted only if they have been awakened first.

  • canvas – the canvas on which to draw the scrollbars
See Also:
/** * <p>Request the drawing of the horizontal and the vertical scrollbar. The * scrollbars are painted only if they have been awakened first.</p> * * @param canvas the canvas on which to draw the scrollbars * * @see #awakenScrollBars(int) */
protected final void onDrawScrollBars(Canvas canvas) { // scrollbars are drawn only when the animation is running final ScrollabilityCache cache = mScrollCache; if (cache != null) { int state = cache.state; if (state == ScrollabilityCache.OFF) { return; } boolean invalidate = false; if (state == ScrollabilityCache.FADING) { // We're fading -- get our fade interpolation if (cache.interpolatorValues == null) { cache.interpolatorValues = new float[1]; } float[] values = cache.interpolatorValues; // Stops the animation if we're done if (cache.scrollBarInterpolator.timeToValues(values) == Interpolator.Result.FREEZE_END) { cache.state = ScrollabilityCache.OFF; } else { cache.scrollBar.mutate().setAlpha(Math.round(values[0])); } // This will make the scroll bars inval themselves after // drawing. We only want this when we're fading so that // we prevent excessive redraws invalidate = true; } else { // We're just on -- but we may have been fading before so // reset alpha cache.scrollBar.mutate().setAlpha(255); } final boolean drawHorizontalScrollBar = isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(); final boolean drawVerticalScrollBar = isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() && !isVerticalScrollBarHidden(); // Fork out the scroll bar drawing for round wearable devices. if (mRoundScrollbarRenderer != null) { if (drawVerticalScrollBar) { final Rect bounds = cache.mScrollBarBounds; getVerticalScrollBarBounds(bounds, null); mRoundScrollbarRenderer.drawRoundScrollbars( canvas, (float) cache.scrollBar.getAlpha() / 255f, bounds); if (invalidate) { invalidate(); } } // Do not draw horizontal scroll bars for round wearable devices. } else if (drawVerticalScrollBar || drawHorizontalScrollBar) { final ScrollBarDrawable scrollBar = cache.scrollBar; if (drawHorizontalScrollBar) { scrollBar.setParameters(computeHorizontalScrollRange(), computeHorizontalScrollOffset(), computeHorizontalScrollExtent(), false); final Rect bounds = cache.mScrollBarBounds; getHorizontalScrollBarBounds(bounds, null); onDrawHorizontalScrollBar(canvas, scrollBar, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); if (invalidate) { invalidate(bounds); } } if (drawVerticalScrollBar) { scrollBar.setParameters(computeVerticalScrollRange(), computeVerticalScrollOffset(), computeVerticalScrollExtent(), true); final Rect bounds = cache.mScrollBarBounds; getVerticalScrollBarBounds(bounds, null); onDrawVerticalScrollBar(canvas, scrollBar, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); if (invalidate) { invalidate(bounds); } } } } }
Override this if the vertical scrollbar needs to be hidden in a subclass, like when FastScroller is visible.
Returns:whether to temporarily hide the vertical scrollbar
/** * Override this if the vertical scrollbar needs to be hidden in a subclass, like when * FastScroller is visible. * @return whether to temporarily hide the vertical scrollbar * @hide */
protected boolean isVerticalScrollBarHidden() { return false; }

Draw the horizontal scrollbar if isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() returns true.

  • canvas – the canvas on which to draw the scrollbar
  • scrollBar – the scrollbar's drawable
See Also:
/** * <p>Draw the horizontal scrollbar if * {@link #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled()} returns true.</p> * * @param canvas the canvas on which to draw the scrollbar * @param scrollBar the scrollbar's drawable * * @see #isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() * @see #computeHorizontalScrollRange() * @see #computeHorizontalScrollExtent() * @see #computeHorizontalScrollOffset() * @see android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable * @hide */
protected void onDrawHorizontalScrollBar(Canvas canvas, Drawable scrollBar, int l, int t, int r, int b) { scrollBar.setBounds(l, t, r, b); scrollBar.draw(canvas); }

Draw the vertical scrollbar if isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() returns true.

  • canvas – the canvas on which to draw the scrollbar
  • scrollBar – the scrollbar's drawable
See Also:
/** * <p>Draw the vertical scrollbar if {@link #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled()} * returns true.</p> * * @param canvas the canvas on which to draw the scrollbar * @param scrollBar the scrollbar's drawable * * @see #isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() * @see #computeVerticalScrollRange() * @see #computeVerticalScrollExtent() * @see #computeVerticalScrollOffset() * @see android.widget.ScrollBarDrawable * @hide */
protected void onDrawVerticalScrollBar(Canvas canvas, Drawable scrollBar, int l, int t, int r, int b) { scrollBar.setBounds(l, t, r, b); scrollBar.draw(canvas); }
Implement this to do your drawing.
  • canvas – the canvas on which the background will be drawn
/** * Implement this to do your drawing. * * @param canvas the canvas on which the background will be drawn */
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { } /* * Caller is responsible for calling requestLayout if necessary. * (This allows addViewInLayout to not request a new layout.) */ void assignParent(ViewParent parent) { if (mParent == null) { mParent = parent; } else if (parent == null) { mParent = null; } else { throw new RuntimeException("view " + this + " being added, but" + " it already has a parent"); } }
This is called when the view is attached to a window. At this point it has a Surface and will start drawing. Note that this function is guaranteed to be called before onDraw(Canvas), however it may be called any time before the first onDraw -- including before or after onMeasure(int, int).
See Also:
/** * This is called when the view is attached to a window. At this point it * has a Surface and will start drawing. Note that this function is * guaranteed to be called before {@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)}, * however it may be called any time before the first onDraw -- including * before or after {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}. * * @see #onDetachedFromWindow() */
@CallSuper protected void onAttachedToWindow() { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_REQUEST_TRANSPARENT_REGIONS) != 0) { mParent.requestTransparentRegion(this); } mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_IS_LAID_OUT; jumpDrawablesToCurrentState(); resetSubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged(); // rebuild, since Outline not maintained while View is detached rebuildOutline(); if (isFocused()) { InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); if (imm != null) { imm.focusIn(this); } } }
Resolve all RTL related properties.
Returns:true if resolution of RTL properties has been done
/** * Resolve all RTL related properties. * * @return true if resolution of RTL properties has been done * * @hide */
public boolean resolveRtlPropertiesIfNeeded() { if (!needRtlPropertiesResolution()) return false; // Order is important here: LayoutDirection MUST be resolved first if (!isLayoutDirectionResolved()) { resolveLayoutDirection(); resolveLayoutParams(); } // ... then we can resolve the others properties depending on the resolved LayoutDirection. if (!isTextDirectionResolved()) { resolveTextDirection(); } if (!isTextAlignmentResolved()) { resolveTextAlignment(); } // Should resolve Drawables before Padding because we need the layout direction of the // Drawable to correctly resolve Padding. if (!areDrawablesResolved()) { resolveDrawables(); } if (!isPaddingResolved()) { resolvePadding(); } onRtlPropertiesChanged(getLayoutDirection()); return true; }
Reset resolution of all RTL related properties.
/** * Reset resolution of all RTL related properties. * * @hide */
public void resetRtlProperties() { resetResolvedLayoutDirection(); resetResolvedTextDirection(); resetResolvedTextAlignment(); resetResolvedPadding(); resetResolvedDrawables(); }
See Also:
  • onScreenStateChanged(int)
/** * @see #onScreenStateChanged(int) */
void dispatchScreenStateChanged(int screenState) { onScreenStateChanged(screenState); }
This method is called whenever the state of the screen this view is attached to changes. A state change will usually occurs when the screen turns on or off (whether it happens automatically or the user does it manually.)
/** * This method is called whenever the state of the screen this view is * attached to changes. A state change will usually occurs when the screen * turns on or off (whether it happens automatically or the user does it * manually.) * * @param screenState The new state of the screen. Can be either * {@link #SCREEN_STATE_ON} or {@link #SCREEN_STATE_OFF} */
public void onScreenStateChanged(int screenState) { }
See Also:
  • onMovedToDisplay(int, Configuration)
/** * @see #onMovedToDisplay(int, Configuration) */
void dispatchMovedToDisplay(Display display, Configuration config) { mAttachInfo.mDisplay = display; mAttachInfo.mDisplayState = display.getState(); onMovedToDisplay(display.getDisplayId(), config); }
Called by the system when the hosting activity is moved from one display to another without recreation. This means that the activity is declared to handle all changes to configuration that happened when it was switched to another display, so it wasn't destroyed and created again.

This call will be followed by onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) if the applied configuration actually changed. It is up to app developer to choose whether to handle the change in this method or in the following onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) call.

Use this callback to track changes to the displays if some functionality relies on an association with some display properties.

  • displayId – The id of the display to which the view was moved.
  • config – Configuration of the resources on new display after move.
See Also:
/** * Called by the system when the hosting activity is moved from one display to another without * recreation. This means that the activity is declared to handle all changes to configuration * that happened when it was switched to another display, so it wasn't destroyed and created * again. * * <p>This call will be followed by {@link #onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)} if the * applied configuration actually changed. It is up to app developer to choose whether to handle * the change in this method or in the following {@link #onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)} * call. * * <p>Use this callback to track changes to the displays if some functionality relies on an * association with some display properties. * * @param displayId The id of the display to which the view was moved. * @param config Configuration of the resources on new display after move. * * @see #onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) * @hide */
public void onMovedToDisplay(int displayId, Configuration config) { }
Return true if the application tag in the AndroidManifest has set "supportRtl" to true
/** * Return true if the application tag in the AndroidManifest has set "supportRtl" to true */
private boolean hasRtlSupport() { return mContext.getApplicationInfo().hasRtlSupport(); }
Return true if we are in RTL compatibility mode (either before Jelly Bean MR1 or RTL not supported)
/** * Return true if we are in RTL compatibility mode (either before Jelly Bean MR1 or * RTL not supported) */
private boolean isRtlCompatibilityMode() { final int targetSdkVersion = getContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion; return targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1 || !hasRtlSupport(); }
Returns:true if RTL properties need resolution.
/** * @return true if RTL properties need resolution. * */
private boolean needRtlPropertiesResolution() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & ALL_RTL_PROPERTIES_RESOLVED) != ALL_RTL_PROPERTIES_RESOLVED; }
Called when any RTL property (layout direction or text direction or text alignment) has been changed. Subclasses need to override this method to take care of cached information that depends on the resolved layout direction, or to inform child views that inherit their layout direction. The default implementation does nothing.
  • layoutDirection – the direction of the layout
See Also:
/** * Called when any RTL property (layout direction or text direction or text alignment) has * been changed. * * Subclasses need to override this method to take care of cached information that depends on the * resolved layout direction, or to inform child views that inherit their layout direction. * * The default implementation does nothing. * * @param layoutDirection the direction of the layout * * @see #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR * @see #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL */
public void onRtlPropertiesChanged(@ResolvedLayoutDir int layoutDirection) { }
Resolve and cache the layout direction. LTR is set initially. This is implicitly supposing that the parent directionality can and will be resolved before its children.
Returns:true if resolution has been done, false otherwise.
/** * Resolve and cache the layout direction. LTR is set initially. This is implicitly supposing * that the parent directionality can and will be resolved before its children. * * @return true if resolution has been done, false otherwise. * * @hide */
public boolean resolveLayoutDirection() { // Clear any previous layout direction resolution mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK; if (hasRtlSupport()) { // Set resolved depending on layout direction switch ((mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK) >> PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT) { case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT: // We cannot resolve yet. LTR is by default and let the resolution happen again // later to get the correct resolved value if (!canResolveLayoutDirection()) return false; // Parent has not yet resolved, LTR is still the default try { if (!mParent.isLayoutDirectionResolved()) return false; if (mParent.getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_RTL; } } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); } break; case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL: mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_RTL; break; case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE: if((LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL == TextUtils.getLayoutDirectionFromLocale(Locale.getDefault()))) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_RTL; } break; default: // Nothing to do, LTR by default } } // Set to resolved mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED; return true; }
Check if layout direction resolution can be done.
Returns:true if layout direction resolution can be done otherwise return false.
/** * Check if layout direction resolution can be done. * * @return true if layout direction resolution can be done otherwise return false. */
public boolean canResolveLayoutDirection() { switch (getRawLayoutDirection()) { case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT: if (mParent != null) { try { return mParent.canResolveLayoutDirection(); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); } } return false; default: return true; } }
Reset the resolved layout direction. Layout direction will be resolved during a call to onMeasure(int, int).
/** * Reset the resolved layout direction. Layout direction will be resolved during a call to * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}. * * @hide */
public void resetResolvedLayoutDirection() { // Reset the current resolved bits mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK; }
Returns:true if the layout direction is inherited.
/** * @return true if the layout direction is inherited. * * @hide */
public boolean isLayoutDirectionInherited() { return (getRawLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT); }
Returns:true if layout direction has been resolved.
/** * @return true if layout direction has been resolved. */
public boolean isLayoutDirectionResolved() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED) == PFLAG2_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED; }
Return if padding has been resolved
/** * Return if padding has been resolved * * @hide */
boolean isPaddingResolved() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_PADDING_RESOLVED) == PFLAG2_PADDING_RESOLVED; }
Resolves padding depending on layout direction, if applicable, and recomputes internal padding values to adjust for scroll bars.
/** * Resolves padding depending on layout direction, if applicable, and * recomputes internal padding values to adjust for scroll bars. * * @hide */
public void resolvePadding() { final int resolvedLayoutDirection = getLayoutDirection(); if (!isRtlCompatibilityMode()) { // Post Jelly Bean MR1 case: we need to take the resolved layout direction into account. // If start / end padding are defined, they will be resolved (hence overriding) to // left / right or right / left depending on the resolved layout direction. // If start / end padding are not defined, use the left / right ones. if (mBackground != null && (!mLeftPaddingDefined || !mRightPaddingDefined)) { Rect padding = sThreadLocal.get(); if (padding == null) { padding = new Rect(); sThreadLocal.set(padding); } mBackground.getPadding(padding); if (!mLeftPaddingDefined) { mUserPaddingLeftInitial = padding.left; } if (!mRightPaddingDefined) { mUserPaddingRightInitial = padding.right; } } switch (resolvedLayoutDirection) { case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL: if (mUserPaddingStart != UNDEFINED_PADDING) { mUserPaddingRight = mUserPaddingStart; } else { mUserPaddingRight = mUserPaddingRightInitial; } if (mUserPaddingEnd != UNDEFINED_PADDING) { mUserPaddingLeft = mUserPaddingEnd; } else { mUserPaddingLeft = mUserPaddingLeftInitial; } break; case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR: default: if (mUserPaddingStart != UNDEFINED_PADDING) { mUserPaddingLeft = mUserPaddingStart; } else { mUserPaddingLeft = mUserPaddingLeftInitial; } if (mUserPaddingEnd != UNDEFINED_PADDING) { mUserPaddingRight = mUserPaddingEnd; } else { mUserPaddingRight = mUserPaddingRightInitial; } } mUserPaddingBottom = (mUserPaddingBottom >= 0) ? mUserPaddingBottom : mPaddingBottom; } internalSetPadding(mUserPaddingLeft, mPaddingTop, mUserPaddingRight, mUserPaddingBottom); onRtlPropertiesChanged(resolvedLayoutDirection); mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_PADDING_RESOLVED; }
Reset the resolved layout direction.
/** * Reset the resolved layout direction. * * @hide */
public void resetResolvedPadding() { resetResolvedPaddingInternal(); }
Used when we only want to reset *this* view's padding and not trigger overrides in ViewGroup that reset children too.
/** * Used when we only want to reset *this* view's padding and not trigger overrides * in ViewGroup that reset children too. */
void resetResolvedPaddingInternal() { mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_PADDING_RESOLVED; }
This is called when the view is detached from a window. At this point it no longer has a surface for drawing.
See Also:
  • onAttachedToWindow()
/** * This is called when the view is detached from a window. At this point it * no longer has a surface for drawing. * * @see #onAttachedToWindow() */
@CallSuper protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { }
This is a framework-internal mirror of onDetachedFromWindow() that's called after onDetachedFromWindow(). If you override this you *MUST* call super.onDetachedFromWindowInternal()! The super method should be called at the end of the overridden method to ensure subclasses are destroyed first
/** * This is a framework-internal mirror of onDetachedFromWindow() that's called * after onDetachedFromWindow(). * * If you override this you *MUST* call super.onDetachedFromWindowInternal()! * The super method should be called at the end of the overridden method to ensure * subclasses are destroyed first * * @hide */
@CallSuper protected void onDetachedFromWindowInternal() { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_CANCEL_NEXT_UP_EVENT; mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_IS_LAID_OUT; mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_TEMPORARY_DETACH; removeUnsetPressCallback(); removeLongPressCallback(); removePerformClickCallback(); cancel(mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent); stopNestedScroll(); // Anything that started animating right before detach should already // be in its final state when re-attached. jumpDrawablesToCurrentState(); destroyDrawingCache(); cleanupDraw(); mCurrentAnimation = null; if ((mViewFlags & TOOLTIP) == TOOLTIP) { hideTooltip(); } } private void cleanupDraw() { resetDisplayList(); if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl.cancelInvalidate(this); } } void invalidateInheritedLayoutMode(int layoutModeOfRoot) { }
Returns:The number of times this view has been attached to a window
/** * @return The number of times this view has been attached to a window */
protected int getWindowAttachCount() { return mWindowAttachCount; }
Retrieve a unique token identifying the window this view is attached to.
Returns:Return the window's token for use in WindowManager.LayoutParams.token.
/** * Retrieve a unique token identifying the window this view is attached to. * @return Return the window's token for use in * {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#token WindowManager.LayoutParams.token}. */
public IBinder getWindowToken() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mWindowToken : null; }
Retrieve the WindowId for the window this view is currently attached to.
/** * Retrieve the {@link WindowId} for the window this view is * currently attached to. */
public WindowId getWindowId() { AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; if (ai == null) { return null; } if (ai.mWindowId == null) { try { ai.mIWindowId = ai.mSession.getWindowId(ai.mWindowToken); if (ai.mIWindowId != null) { ai.mWindowId = new WindowId(ai.mIWindowId); } } catch (RemoteException e) { } } return ai.mWindowId; }
Retrieve a unique token identifying the top-level "real" window of the window that this view is attached to. That is, this is like getWindowToken, except if the window this view in is a panel window (attached to another containing window), then the token of the containing window is returned instead.
Returns:Returns the associated window token, either getWindowToken() or the containing window's token.
/** * Retrieve a unique token identifying the top-level "real" window of * the window that this view is attached to. That is, this is like * {@link #getWindowToken}, except if the window this view in is a panel * window (attached to another containing window), then the token of * the containing window is returned instead. * * @return Returns the associated window token, either * {@link #getWindowToken()} or the containing window's token. */
public IBinder getApplicationWindowToken() { AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; if (ai != null) { IBinder appWindowToken = ai.mPanelParentWindowToken; if (appWindowToken == null) { appWindowToken = ai.mWindowToken; } return appWindowToken; } return null; }
Gets the logical display to which the view's window has been attached.
Returns:The logical display, or null if the view is not currently attached to a window.
/** * Gets the logical display to which the view's window has been attached. * * @return The logical display, or null if the view is not currently attached to a window. */
public Display getDisplay() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mDisplay : null; }
Retrieve private session object this view hierarchy is using to communicate with the window manager.
Returns:the session object to communicate with the window manager
/** * Retrieve private session object this view hierarchy is using to * communicate with the window manager. * @return the session object to communicate with the window manager */
/*package*/ IWindowSession getWindowSession() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mSession : null; }
Return the window this view is currently attached to. Used in ActivityView to communicate with WM.
/** * Return the window this view is currently attached to. Used in * {@link android.app.ActivityView} to communicate with WM. * @hide */
protected IWindow getWindow() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mWindow : null; }
Return the visibility value of the least visible component passed.
/** * Return the visibility value of the least visible component passed. */
int combineVisibility(int vis1, int vis2) { // This works because VISIBLE < INVISIBLE < GONE. return Math.max(vis1, vis2); }
  • info – the AttachInfo to associated with this view
/** * @param info the {@link android.view.View.AttachInfo} to associated with * this view */
void dispatchAttachedToWindow(AttachInfo info, int visibility) { mAttachInfo = info; if (mOverlay != null) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().dispatchAttachedToWindow(info, visibility); } mWindowAttachCount++; // We will need to evaluate the drawable state at least once. mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWABLE_STATE_DIRTY; if (mFloatingTreeObserver != null) { info.mTreeObserver.merge(mFloatingTreeObserver); mFloatingTreeObserver = null; } registerPendingFrameMetricsObservers(); if ((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER) != 0) { mAttachInfo.mScrollContainers.add(this); mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED; } // Transfer all pending runnables. if (mRunQueue != null) { mRunQueue.executeActions(info.mHandler); mRunQueue = null; } performCollectViewAttributes(mAttachInfo, visibility); onAttachedToWindow(); ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; final CopyOnWriteArrayList<OnAttachStateChangeListener> listeners = li != null ? li.mOnAttachStateChangeListeners : null; if (listeners != null && listeners.size() > 0) { // NOTE: because of the use of CopyOnWriteArrayList, we *must* use an iterator to // perform the dispatching. The iterator is a safe guard against listeners that // could mutate the list by calling the various add/remove methods. This prevents // the array from being modified while we iterate it. for (OnAttachStateChangeListener listener : listeners) { listener.onViewAttachedToWindow(this); } } int vis = info.mWindowVisibility; if (vis != GONE) { onWindowVisibilityChanged(vis); if (isShown()) { // Calling onVisibilityAggregated directly here since the subtree will also // receive dispatchAttachedToWindow and this same call onVisibilityAggregated(vis == VISIBLE); } } // Send onVisibilityChanged directly instead of dispatchVisibilityChanged. // As all views in the subtree will already receive dispatchAttachedToWindow // traversing the subtree again here is not desired. onVisibilityChanged(this, visibility); if ((mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_DRAWABLE_STATE_DIRTY) != 0) { // If nobody has evaluated the drawable state yet, then do it now. refreshDrawableState(); } needGlobalAttributesUpdate(false); notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(true); } void dispatchDetachedFromWindow() { AttachInfo info = mAttachInfo; if (info != null) { int vis = info.mWindowVisibility; if (vis != GONE) { onWindowVisibilityChanged(GONE); if (isShown()) { // Invoking onVisibilityAggregated directly here since the subtree // will also receive detached from window onVisibilityAggregated(false); } } } onDetachedFromWindow(); onDetachedFromWindowInternal(); InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); if (imm != null) { imm.onViewDetachedFromWindow(this); } ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; final CopyOnWriteArrayList<OnAttachStateChangeListener> listeners = li != null ? li.mOnAttachStateChangeListeners : null; if (listeners != null && listeners.size() > 0) { // NOTE: because of the use of CopyOnWriteArrayList, we *must* use an iterator to // perform the dispatching. The iterator is a safe guard against listeners that // could mutate the list by calling the various add/remove methods. This prevents // the array from being modified while we iterate it. for (OnAttachStateChangeListener listener : listeners) { listener.onViewDetachedFromWindow(this); } } if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED) != 0) { mAttachInfo.mScrollContainers.remove(this); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_SCROLL_CONTAINER_ADDED; } mAttachInfo = null; if (mOverlay != null) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().dispatchDetachedFromWindow(); } notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(false); }
Cancel any deferred high-level input events that were previously posted to the event queue.

Many views post high-level events such as click handlers to the event queue to run deferred in order to preserve a desired user experience - clearing visible pressed states before executing, etc. This method will abort any events of this nature that are currently in flight.

Custom views that generate their own high-level deferred input events should override onCancelPendingInputEvents() and remove those pending events from the queue.

This will also cancel pending input events for any child views.

Note that this may not be sufficient as a debouncing strategy for clicks in all cases. This will not impact newer events posted after this call that may occur as a result of lower-level input events still waiting in the queue. If you are trying to prevent double-submitted events for the duration of some sort of asynchronous transaction you should also take other steps to protect against unexpected double inputs e.g. calling setEnabled(false) and re-enabling the view when the transaction completes, tracking already submitted transaction IDs, etc.

/** * Cancel any deferred high-level input events that were previously posted to the event queue. * * <p>Many views post high-level events such as click handlers to the event queue * to run deferred in order to preserve a desired user experience - clearing visible * pressed states before executing, etc. This method will abort any events of this nature * that are currently in flight.</p> * * <p>Custom views that generate their own high-level deferred input events should override * {@link #onCancelPendingInputEvents()} and remove those pending events from the queue.</p> * * <p>This will also cancel pending input events for any child views.</p> * * <p>Note that this may not be sufficient as a debouncing strategy for clicks in all cases. * This will not impact newer events posted after this call that may occur as a result of * lower-level input events still waiting in the queue. If you are trying to prevent * double-submitted events for the duration of some sort of asynchronous transaction * you should also take other steps to protect against unexpected double inputs e.g. calling * {@link #setEnabled(boolean) setEnabled(false)} and re-enabling the view when * the transaction completes, tracking already submitted transaction IDs, etc.</p> */
public final void cancelPendingInputEvents() { dispatchCancelPendingInputEvents(); }
Called by cancelPendingInputEvents() to cancel input events in flight. Overridden by ViewGroup to dispatch. Package scoped to prevent app-side meddling.
/** * Called by {@link #cancelPendingInputEvents()} to cancel input events in flight. * Overridden by ViewGroup to dispatch. Package scoped to prevent app-side meddling. */
void dispatchCancelPendingInputEvents() { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_CALLED_SUPER; onCancelPendingInputEvents(); if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_CALLED_SUPER) != PFLAG3_CALLED_SUPER) { throw new SuperNotCalledException("View " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " did not call through to super.onCancelPendingInputEvents()"); } }
Called as the result of a call to cancelPendingInputEvents() on this view or a parent view.

This method is responsible for removing any pending high-level input events that were posted to the event queue to run later. Custom view classes that post their own deferred high-level events via post(Runnable), postDelayed(Runnable, long) or Handler should override this method, call super.onCancelPendingInputEvents() and remove those callbacks as appropriate.

/** * Called as the result of a call to {@link #cancelPendingInputEvents()} on this view or * a parent view. * * <p>This method is responsible for removing any pending high-level input events that were * posted to the event queue to run later. Custom view classes that post their own deferred * high-level events via {@link #post(Runnable)}, {@link #postDelayed(Runnable, long)} or * {@link android.os.Handler} should override this method, call * <code>super.onCancelPendingInputEvents()</code> and remove those callbacks as appropriate. * </p> */
public void onCancelPendingInputEvents() { removePerformClickCallback(); cancelLongPress(); mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_CALLED_SUPER; }
Store this view hierarchy's frozen state into the given container.
  • container – The SparseArray in which to save the view's state.
See Also:
/** * Store this view hierarchy's frozen state into the given container. * * @param container The SparseArray in which to save the view's state. * * @see #restoreHierarchyState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #dispatchSaveInstanceState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #onSaveInstanceState() */
public void saveHierarchyState(SparseArray<Parcelable> container) { dispatchSaveInstanceState(container); }
Called by saveHierarchyState(SparseArray<Parcelable>) to store the state for this view and its children. May be overridden to modify how freezing happens to a view's children; for example, some views may want to not store state for their children.
  • container – The SparseArray in which to save the view's state.
See Also:
/** * Called by {@link #saveHierarchyState(android.util.SparseArray)} to store the state for * this view and its children. May be overridden to modify how freezing happens to a * view's children; for example, some views may want to not store state for their children. * * @param container The SparseArray in which to save the view's state. * * @see #dispatchRestoreInstanceState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #saveHierarchyState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #onSaveInstanceState() */
protected void dispatchSaveInstanceState(SparseArray<Parcelable> container) { if (mID != NO_ID && (mViewFlags & SAVE_DISABLED_MASK) == 0) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_SAVE_STATE_CALLED; Parcelable state = onSaveInstanceState(); if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SAVE_STATE_CALLED) == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Derived class did not call super.onSaveInstanceState()"); } if (state != null) { // Log.i("View", "Freezing #" + Integer.toHexString(mID) // + ": " + state); container.put(mID, state); } } }
Hook allowing a view to generate a representation of its internal state that can later be used to create a new instance with that same state. This state should only contain information that is not persistent or can not be reconstructed later. For example, you will never store your current position on screen because that will be computed again when a new instance of the view is placed in its view hierarchy.

Some examples of things you may store here: the current cursor position in a text view (but usually not the text itself since that is stored in a content provider or other persistent storage), the currently selected item in a list view.

See Also:
Returns:Returns a Parcelable object containing the view's current dynamic state, or null if there is nothing interesting to save.
/** * Hook allowing a view to generate a representation of its internal state * that can later be used to create a new instance with that same state. * This state should only contain information that is not persistent or can * not be reconstructed later. For example, you will never store your * current position on screen because that will be computed again when a * new instance of the view is placed in its view hierarchy. * <p> * Some examples of things you may store here: the current cursor position * in a text view (but usually not the text itself since that is stored in a * content provider or other persistent storage), the currently selected * item in a list view. * * @return Returns a Parcelable object containing the view's current dynamic * state, or null if there is nothing interesting to save. * @see #onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable) * @see #saveHierarchyState(SparseArray) * @see #dispatchSaveInstanceState(SparseArray) * @see #setSaveEnabled(boolean) */
@CallSuper @Nullable protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SAVE_STATE_CALLED; if (mStartActivityRequestWho != null || isAutofilled() || mAutofillViewId > LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID) { BaseSavedState state = new BaseSavedState(AbsSavedState.EMPTY_STATE); if (mStartActivityRequestWho != null) { state.mSavedData |= BaseSavedState.START_ACTIVITY_REQUESTED_WHO_SAVED; } if (isAutofilled()) { state.mSavedData |= BaseSavedState.IS_AUTOFILLED; } if (mAutofillViewId > LAST_APP_AUTOFILL_ID) { state.mSavedData |= BaseSavedState.AUTOFILL_ID; } state.mStartActivityRequestWhoSaved = mStartActivityRequestWho; state.mIsAutofilled = isAutofilled(); state.mAutofillViewId = mAutofillViewId; return state; } return BaseSavedState.EMPTY_STATE; }
Restore this view hierarchy's frozen state from the given container.
  • container – The SparseArray which holds previously frozen states.
See Also:
/** * Restore this view hierarchy's frozen state from the given container. * * @param container The SparseArray which holds previously frozen states. * * @see #saveHierarchyState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #dispatchRestoreInstanceState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #onRestoreInstanceState(android.os.Parcelable) */
public void restoreHierarchyState(SparseArray<Parcelable> container) { dispatchRestoreInstanceState(container); }
Called by restoreHierarchyState(SparseArray<Parcelable>) to retrieve the state for this view and its children. May be overridden to modify how restoring happens to a view's children; for example, some views may want to not store state for their children.
  • container – The SparseArray which holds previously saved state.
See Also:
/** * Called by {@link #restoreHierarchyState(android.util.SparseArray)} to retrieve the * state for this view and its children. May be overridden to modify how restoring * happens to a view's children; for example, some views may want to not store state * for their children. * * @param container The SparseArray which holds previously saved state. * * @see #dispatchSaveInstanceState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #restoreHierarchyState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #onRestoreInstanceState(android.os.Parcelable) */
protected void dispatchRestoreInstanceState(SparseArray<Parcelable> container) { if (mID != NO_ID) { Parcelable state = container.get(mID); if (state != null) { // Log.i("View", "Restoreing #" + Integer.toHexString(mID) // + ": " + state); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_SAVE_STATE_CALLED; onRestoreInstanceState(state); if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SAVE_STATE_CALLED) == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Derived class did not call super.onRestoreInstanceState()"); } } } }
Hook allowing a view to re-apply a representation of its internal state that had previously been generated by onSaveInstanceState. This function will never be called with a null state.
See Also:
/** * Hook allowing a view to re-apply a representation of its internal state that had previously * been generated by {@link #onSaveInstanceState}. This function will never be called with a * null state. * * @param state The frozen state that had previously been returned by * {@link #onSaveInstanceState}. * * @see #onSaveInstanceState() * @see #restoreHierarchyState(android.util.SparseArray) * @see #dispatchRestoreInstanceState(android.util.SparseArray) */
@CallSuper protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SAVE_STATE_CALLED; if (state != null && !(state instanceof AbsSavedState)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong state class, expecting View State but " + "received " + state.getClass().toString() + " instead. This usually happens " + "when two views of different type have the same id in the same hierarchy. " + "This view's id is " + ViewDebug.resolveId(mContext, getId()) + ". Make sure " + "other views do not use the same id."); } if (state != null && state instanceof BaseSavedState) { BaseSavedState baseState = (BaseSavedState) state; if ((baseState.mSavedData & BaseSavedState.START_ACTIVITY_REQUESTED_WHO_SAVED) != 0) { mStartActivityRequestWho = baseState.mStartActivityRequestWhoSaved; } if ((baseState.mSavedData & BaseSavedState.IS_AUTOFILLED) != 0) { setAutofilled(baseState.mIsAutofilled); } if ((baseState.mSavedData & BaseSavedState.AUTOFILL_ID) != 0) { // It can happen that views have the same view id and the restoration path will not // be able to distinguish between them. The autofill id needs to be unique though. // Hence prevent the same autofill view id from being restored multiple times. ((BaseSavedState) state).mSavedData &= ~BaseSavedState.AUTOFILL_ID; if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_AUTOFILLID_EXPLICITLY_SET) != 0) { // Ignore when view already set it through setAutofillId(); if (android.view.autofill.Helper.sDebug) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "onRestoreInstanceState(): not setting autofillId to " + baseState.mAutofillViewId + " because view explicitly set it to " + mAutofillId); } } else { mAutofillViewId = baseState.mAutofillViewId; mAutofillId = null; // will be set on demand by getAutofillId() } } } }

Return the time at which the drawing of the view hierarchy started.

Returns:the drawing start time in milliseconds
/** * <p>Return the time at which the drawing of the view hierarchy started.</p> * * @return the drawing start time in milliseconds */
public long getDrawingTime() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mDrawingTime : 0; }

Enables or disables the duplication of the parent's state into this view. When duplication is enabled, this view gets its drawable state from its parent rather than from its own internal properties.

Note: in the current implementation, setting this property to true after the view was added to a ViewGroup might have no effect at all. This property should always be used from XML or set to true before adding this view to a ViewGroup.

Note: if this view's parent addStateFromChildren property is enabled and this property is enabled, an exception will be thrown.

Note: if the child view uses and updates additional states which are unknown to the parent, these states should not be affected by this method.

  • enabled – True to enable duplication of the parent's drawable state, false to disable it.
See Also:
/** * <p>Enables or disables the duplication of the parent's state into this view. When * duplication is enabled, this view gets its drawable state from its parent rather * than from its own internal properties.</p> * * <p>Note: in the current implementation, setting this property to true after the * view was added to a ViewGroup might have no effect at all. This property should * always be used from XML or set to true before adding this view to a ViewGroup.</p> * * <p>Note: if this view's parent addStateFromChildren property is enabled and this * property is enabled, an exception will be thrown.</p> * * <p>Note: if the child view uses and updates additional states which are unknown to the * parent, these states should not be affected by this method.</p> * * @param enabled True to enable duplication of the parent's drawable state, false * to disable it. * * @see #getDrawableState() * @see #isDuplicateParentStateEnabled() */
public void setDuplicateParentStateEnabled(boolean enabled) { setFlags(enabled ? DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE : 0, DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE); }

Indicates whether this duplicates its drawable state from its parent.

See Also:
Returns:True if this view's drawable state is duplicated from the parent, false otherwise
/** * <p>Indicates whether this duplicates its drawable state from its parent.</p> * * @return True if this view's drawable state is duplicated from the parent, * false otherwise * * @see #getDrawableState() * @see #setDuplicateParentStateEnabled(boolean) */
public boolean isDuplicateParentStateEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE) == DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE; }

Specifies the type of layer backing this view. The layer can be LAYER_TYPE_NONE, LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE or LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE.

A layer is associated with an optional Paint instance that controls how the layer is composed on screen. The following properties of the paint are taken into account when composing the layer:

If this view has an alpha value set to < 1.0 by calling setAlpha(float), the alpha value of the layer's paint is superseded by this view's alpha value.

Refer to the documentation of LAYER_TYPE_NONE, LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE and LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE for more information on when and how to use layers.

See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_layerType
/** * <p>Specifies the type of layer backing this view. The layer can be * {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE}, {@link #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE} or * {@link #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE}.</p> * * <p>A layer is associated with an optional {@link android.graphics.Paint} * instance that controls how the layer is composed on screen. The following * properties of the paint are taken into account when composing the layer:</p> * <ul> * <li>{@link android.graphics.Paint#getAlpha() Translucency (alpha)}</li> * <li>{@link android.graphics.Paint#getXfermode() Blending mode}</li> * <li>{@link android.graphics.Paint#getColorFilter() Color filter}</li> * </ul> * * <p>If this view has an alpha value set to < 1.0 by calling * {@link #setAlpha(float)}, the alpha value of the layer's paint is superseded * by this view's alpha value.</p> * * <p>Refer to the documentation of {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE}, * {@link #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE} and {@link #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE} * for more information on when and how to use layers.</p> * * @param layerType The type of layer to use with this view, must be one of * {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE}, {@link #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE} or * {@link #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE} * @param paint The paint used to compose the layer. This argument is optional * and can be null. It is ignored when the layer type is * {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE} * * @see #getLayerType() * @see #LAYER_TYPE_NONE * @see #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE * @see #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE * @see #setAlpha(float) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_layerType */
public void setLayerType(int layerType, @Nullable Paint paint) { if (layerType < LAYER_TYPE_NONE || layerType > LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layer type can only be one of: LAYER_TYPE_NONE, " + "LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE or LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE"); } boolean typeChanged = mRenderNode.setLayerType(layerType); if (!typeChanged) { setLayerPaint(paint); return; } if (layerType != LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE) { // Destroy any previous software drawing cache if present // NOTE: even if previous layer type is HW, we do this to ensure we've cleaned up // drawing cache created in View#draw when drawing to a SW canvas. destroyDrawingCache(); } mLayerType = layerType; mLayerPaint = mLayerType == LAYER_TYPE_NONE ? null : paint; mRenderNode.setLayerPaint(mLayerPaint); // draw() behaves differently if we are on a layer, so we need to // invalidate() here invalidateParentCaches(); invalidate(true); }
Updates the Paint object used with the current layer (used only if the current layer type is not set to LAYER_TYPE_NONE). Changed properties of the Paint provided to setLayerType(int, Paint) will be used the next time the View is redrawn, but setLayerPaint(Paint) must be called to ensure that the view gets redrawn immediately.

A layer is associated with an optional Paint instance that controls how the layer is composed on screen. The following properties of the paint are taken into account when composing the layer:

If this view has an alpha value set to < 1.0 by calling setAlpha(float), the alpha value of the layer's paint is superseded by this view's alpha value.

  • paint – The paint used to compose the layer. This argument is optional and can be null. It is ignored when the layer type is LAYER_TYPE_NONE
See Also:
/** * Updates the {@link Paint} object used with the current layer (used only if the current * layer type is not set to {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE}). Changed properties of the Paint * provided to {@link #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint)} will be used the next time * the View is redrawn, but {@link #setLayerPaint(android.graphics.Paint)} must be called to * ensure that the view gets redrawn immediately. * * <p>A layer is associated with an optional {@link android.graphics.Paint} * instance that controls how the layer is composed on screen. The following * properties of the paint are taken into account when composing the layer:</p> * <ul> * <li>{@link android.graphics.Paint#getAlpha() Translucency (alpha)}</li> * <li>{@link android.graphics.Paint#getXfermode() Blending mode}</li> * <li>{@link android.graphics.Paint#getColorFilter() Color filter}</li> * </ul> * * <p>If this view has an alpha value set to < 1.0 by calling {@link #setAlpha(float)}, the * alpha value of the layer's paint is superseded by this view's alpha value.</p> * * @param paint The paint used to compose the layer. This argument is optional * and can be null. It is ignored when the layer type is * {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE} * * @see #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) */
public void setLayerPaint(@Nullable Paint paint) { int layerType = getLayerType(); if (layerType != LAYER_TYPE_NONE) { mLayerPaint = paint; if (layerType == LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE) { if (mRenderNode.setLayerPaint(paint)) { invalidateViewProperty(false, false); } } else { invalidate(); } } }
Indicates what type of layer is currently associated with this view. By default a view does not have a layer, and the layer type is LAYER_TYPE_NONE. Refer to the documentation of setLayerType(int, Paint) for more information on the different types of layers.
See Also:
/** * Indicates what type of layer is currently associated with this view. By default * a view does not have a layer, and the layer type is {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE}. * Refer to the documentation of {@link #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint)} * for more information on the different types of layers. * * @return {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE}, {@link #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE} or * {@link #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE} * * @see #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) * @see #buildLayer() * @see #LAYER_TYPE_NONE * @see #LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE * @see #LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE */
public int getLayerType() { return mLayerType; }
Forces this view's layer to be created and this view to be rendered into its layer. If this view's layer type is set to LAYER_TYPE_NONE, invoking this method will have no effect. This method can for instance be used to render a view into its layer before starting an animation. If this view is complex, rendering into the layer before starting the animation will avoid skipping frames.
See Also:
/** * Forces this view's layer to be created and this view to be rendered * into its layer. If this view's layer type is set to {@link #LAYER_TYPE_NONE}, * invoking this method will have no effect. * * This method can for instance be used to render a view into its layer before * starting an animation. If this view is complex, rendering into the layer * before starting the animation will avoid skipping frames. * * @throws IllegalStateException If this view is not attached to a window * * @see #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) */
public void buildLayer() { if (mLayerType == LAYER_TYPE_NONE) return; final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (attachInfo == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("This view must be attached to a window first"); } if (getWidth() == 0 || getHeight() == 0) { return; } switch (mLayerType) { case LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE: updateDisplayListIfDirty(); if (attachInfo.mThreadedRenderer != null && mRenderNode.isValid()) { attachInfo.mThreadedRenderer.buildLayer(mRenderNode); } break; case LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE: buildDrawingCache(true); break; } }
Destroys all hardware rendering resources. This method is invoked when the system needs to reclaim resources. Upon execution of this method, you should free any OpenGL resources created by the view. Note: you must call super.destroyHardwareResources() when overriding this method.
/** * Destroys all hardware rendering resources. This method is invoked * when the system needs to reclaim resources. Upon execution of this * method, you should free any OpenGL resources created by the view. * * Note: you <strong>must</strong> call * <code>super.destroyHardwareResources()</code> when overriding * this method. * * @hide */
@CallSuper protected void destroyHardwareResources() { if (mOverlay != null) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().destroyHardwareResources(); } if (mGhostView != null) { mGhostView.destroyHardwareResources(); } }

Enables or disables the drawing cache. When the drawing cache is enabled, the next call to getDrawingCache() or buildDrawingCache() will draw the view in a bitmap. Calling draw(Canvas) will not draw from the cache when the cache is enabled. To benefit from the cache, you must request the drawing cache by calling getDrawingCache() and draw it on screen if the returned bitmap is not null.

Enabling the drawing cache is similar to setting a layer when hardware acceleration is turned off. When hardware acceleration is turned on, enabling the drawing cache has no effect on rendering because the system uses a different mechanism for acceleration which ignores the flag. If you want to use a Bitmap for the view, even when hardware acceleration is enabled, see setLayerType(int, Paint) for information on how to enable software and hardware layers.

This API can be used to manually generate a bitmap copy of this view, by setting the flag to true and calling getDrawingCache().

  • enabled – true to enable the drawing cache, false otherwise
See Also:
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Enables or disables the drawing cache. When the drawing cache is enabled, the next call * to {@link #getDrawingCache()} or {@link #buildDrawingCache()} will draw the view in a * bitmap. Calling {@link #draw(android.graphics.Canvas)} will not draw from the cache when * the cache is enabled. To benefit from the cache, you must request the drawing cache by * calling {@link #getDrawingCache()} and draw it on screen if the returned bitmap is not * null.</p> * * <p>Enabling the drawing cache is similar to * {@link #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) setting a layer} when hardware * acceleration is turned off. When hardware acceleration is turned on, enabling the * drawing cache has no effect on rendering because the system uses a different mechanism * for acceleration which ignores the flag. If you want to use a Bitmap for the view, even * when hardware acceleration is enabled, see {@link #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint)} * for information on how to enable software and hardware layers.</p> * * <p>This API can be used to manually generate * a bitmap copy of this view, by setting the flag to <code>true</code> and calling * {@link #getDrawingCache()}.</p> * * @param enabled true to enable the drawing cache, false otherwise * * @see #isDrawingCacheEnabled() * @see #getDrawingCache() * @see #buildDrawingCache() * @see #setLayerType(int, android.graphics.Paint) * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public void setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) { mCachingFailed = false; setFlags(enabled ? DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED : 0, DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED); }

Indicates whether the drawing cache is enabled for this view.

See Also:
Returns:true if the drawing cache is enabled
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Indicates whether the drawing cache is enabled for this view.</p> * * @return true if the drawing cache is enabled * * @see #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) * @see #getDrawingCache() * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public boolean isDrawingCacheEnabled() { return (mViewFlags & DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED) == DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED; }
Debugging utility which recursively outputs the dirty state of a view and its descendants.
/** * Debugging utility which recursively outputs the dirty state of a view and its * descendants. * * @hide */
@SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) public void outputDirtyFlags(String indent, boolean clear, int clearMask) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, indent + this + " DIRTY(" + (mPrivateFlags & View.PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) + ") DRAWN(" + (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAWN) + ")" + " CACHE_VALID(" + (mPrivateFlags & View.PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID) + ") INVALIDATED(" + (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_INVALIDATED) + ")"); if (clear) { mPrivateFlags &= clearMask; } if (this instanceof ViewGroup) { ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) this; final int count = parent.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final View child = parent.getChildAt(i); child.outputDirtyFlags(indent + " ", clear, clearMask); } } }
This method is used by ViewGroup to cause its children to restore or recreate their display lists. It is called by getDisplayList() when the parent ViewGroup does not need to recreate its own display list, which would happen if it went through the normal draw/dispatchDraw mechanisms.
/** * This method is used by ViewGroup to cause its children to restore or recreate their * display lists. It is called by getDisplayList() when the parent ViewGroup does not need * to recreate its own display list, which would happen if it went through the normal * draw/dispatchDraw mechanisms. * * @hide */
protected void dispatchGetDisplayList() {}
A view that is not attached or hardware accelerated cannot create a display list. This method checks these conditions and returns the appropriate result.
Returns:true if view has the ability to create a display list, false otherwise.
/** * A view that is not attached or hardware accelerated cannot create a display list. * This method checks these conditions and returns the appropriate result. * * @return true if view has the ability to create a display list, false otherwise. * * @hide */
public boolean canHaveDisplayList() { return !(mAttachInfo == null || mAttachInfo.mThreadedRenderer == null); }
Gets the RenderNode for the view, and updates its DisplayList (if needed and supported)
/** * Gets the RenderNode for the view, and updates its DisplayList (if needed and supported) * @hide */
@NonNull public RenderNode updateDisplayListIfDirty() { final RenderNode renderNode = mRenderNode; if (!canHaveDisplayList()) { // can't populate RenderNode, don't try return renderNode; } if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID) == 0 || !renderNode.isValid() || (mRecreateDisplayList)) { // Don't need to recreate the display list, just need to tell our // children to restore/recreate theirs if (renderNode.isValid() && !mRecreateDisplayList) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN | PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK; dispatchGetDisplayList(); return renderNode; // no work needed } // If we got here, we're recreating it. Mark it as such to ensure that // we copy in child display lists into ours in drawChild() mRecreateDisplayList = true; int width = mRight - mLeft; int height = mBottom - mTop; int layerType = getLayerType(); final DisplayListCanvas canvas = renderNode.start(width, height); try { if (layerType == LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE) { buildDrawingCache(true); Bitmap cache = getDrawingCache(true); if (cache != null) { canvas.drawBitmap(cache, 0, 0, mLayerPaint); } } else { computeScroll(); canvas.translate(-mScrollX, -mScrollY); mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN | PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK; // Fast path for layouts with no backgrounds if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) == PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) { dispatchDraw(canvas); drawAutofilledHighlight(canvas); if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().draw(canvas); } if (debugDraw()) { debugDrawFocus(canvas); } } else { draw(canvas); } } } finally { renderNode.end(canvas); setDisplayListProperties(renderNode); } } else { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN | PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK; } return renderNode; } private void resetDisplayList() { mRenderNode.discardDisplayList(); if (mBackgroundRenderNode != null) { mBackgroundRenderNode.discardDisplayList(); } }

Calling this method is equivalent to calling getDrawingCache(false).

See Also:
Returns:A non-scaled bitmap representing this view or null if cache is disabled.
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Calling this method is equivalent to calling <code>getDrawingCache(false)</code>.</p> * * @return A non-scaled bitmap representing this view or null if cache is disabled. * * @see #getDrawingCache(boolean) * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public Bitmap getDrawingCache() { return getDrawingCache(false); }

Returns the bitmap in which this view drawing is cached. The returned bitmap is null when caching is disabled. If caching is enabled and the cache is not ready, this method will create it. Calling draw(Canvas) will not draw from the cache when the cache is enabled. To benefit from the cache, you must request the drawing cache by calling this method and draw it on screen if the returned bitmap is not null.

Note about auto scaling in compatibility mode: When auto scaling is not enabled, this method will create a bitmap of the same size as this view. Because this bitmap will be drawn scaled by the parent ViewGroup, the result on screen might show scaling artifacts. To avoid such artifacts, you should call this method by setting the auto scaling to true. Doing so, however, will generate a bitmap of a different size than the view. This implies that your application must be able to handle this size.

  • autoScale – Indicates whether the generated bitmap should be scaled based on the current density of the screen when the application is in compatibility mode.
See Also:
Returns:A bitmap representing this view or null if cache is disabled.
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Returns the bitmap in which this view drawing is cached. The returned bitmap * is null when caching is disabled. If caching is enabled and the cache is not ready, * this method will create it. Calling {@link #draw(android.graphics.Canvas)} will not * draw from the cache when the cache is enabled. To benefit from the cache, you must * request the drawing cache by calling this method and draw it on screen if the * returned bitmap is not null.</p> * * <p>Note about auto scaling in compatibility mode: When auto scaling is not enabled, * this method will create a bitmap of the same size as this view. Because this bitmap * will be drawn scaled by the parent ViewGroup, the result on screen might show * scaling artifacts. To avoid such artifacts, you should call this method by setting * the auto scaling to true. Doing so, however, will generate a bitmap of a different * size than the view. This implies that your application must be able to handle this * size.</p> * * @param autoScale Indicates whether the generated bitmap should be scaled based on * the current density of the screen when the application is in compatibility * mode. * * @return A bitmap representing this view or null if cache is disabled. * * @see #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) * @see #isDrawingCacheEnabled() * @see #buildDrawingCache(boolean) * @see #destroyDrawingCache() * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public Bitmap getDrawingCache(boolean autoScale) { if ((mViewFlags & WILL_NOT_CACHE_DRAWING) == WILL_NOT_CACHE_DRAWING) { return null; } if ((mViewFlags & DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED) == DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED) { buildDrawingCache(autoScale); } return autoScale ? mDrawingCache : mUnscaledDrawingCache; }

Frees the resources used by the drawing cache. If you call buildDrawingCache() manually without calling setDrawingCacheEnabled(true), you should cleanup the cache with this method afterwards.

See Also:
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Frees the resources used by the drawing cache. If you call * {@link #buildDrawingCache()} manually without calling * {@link #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) setDrawingCacheEnabled(true)}, you * should cleanup the cache with this method afterwards.</p> * * @see #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) * @see #buildDrawingCache() * @see #getDrawingCache() * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public void destroyDrawingCache() { if (mDrawingCache != null) { mDrawingCache.recycle(); mDrawingCache = null; } if (mUnscaledDrawingCache != null) { mUnscaledDrawingCache.recycle(); mUnscaledDrawingCache = null; } }
Setting a solid background color for the drawing cache's bitmaps will improve performance and memory usage. Note, though that this should only be used if this view will always be drawn on top of a solid color.
  • color – The background color to use for the drawing cache's bitmap
See Also:
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * Setting a solid background color for the drawing cache's bitmaps will improve * performance and memory usage. Note, though that this should only be used if this * view will always be drawn on top of a solid color. * * @param color The background color to use for the drawing cache's bitmap * * @see #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) * @see #buildDrawingCache() * @see #getDrawingCache() * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public void setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int color) { if (color != mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor) { mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = color; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; } }
See Also:
  • setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(int)
Returns:The background color to used for the drawing cache's bitmap
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * @see #setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(int) * * @return The background color to used for the drawing cache's bitmap * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated @ColorInt public int getDrawingCacheBackgroundColor() { return mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor; }

Calling this method is equivalent to calling buildDrawingCache(false).

See Also:
  • buildDrawingCache(boolean)
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Calling this method is equivalent to calling <code>buildDrawingCache(false)</code>.</p> * * @see #buildDrawingCache(boolean) * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public void buildDrawingCache() { buildDrawingCache(false); }

Forces the drawing cache to be built if the drawing cache is invalid.

If you call buildDrawingCache() manually without calling setDrawingCacheEnabled(true), you should cleanup the cache by calling destroyDrawingCache() afterwards.

Note about auto scaling in compatibility mode: When auto scaling is not enabled, this method will create a bitmap of the same size as this view. Because this bitmap will be drawn scaled by the parent ViewGroup, the result on screen might show scaling artifacts. To avoid such artifacts, you should call this method by setting the auto scaling to true. Doing so, however, will generate a bitmap of a different size than the view. This implies that your application must be able to handle this size.

You should avoid calling this method when hardware acceleration is enabled. If you do not need the drawing cache bitmap, calling this method will increase memory usage and cause the view to be rendered in software once, thus negatively impacting performance.

See Also:
Deprecated:The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, such as for alpha animations, setLayerType(int, Paint) handles this with hardware rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or individual Views it is recommended to create a Canvas from either a Bitmap or Picture and call draw(Canvas) on the View. However these software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only rendering features such as Config.HARDWARE bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback reports or unit testing the PixelCopy API is recommended.
/** * <p>Forces the drawing cache to be built if the drawing cache is invalid.</p> * * <p>If you call {@link #buildDrawingCache()} manually without calling * {@link #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) setDrawingCacheEnabled(true)}, you * should cleanup the cache by calling {@link #destroyDrawingCache()} afterwards.</p> * * <p>Note about auto scaling in compatibility mode: When auto scaling is not enabled, * this method will create a bitmap of the same size as this view. Because this bitmap * will be drawn scaled by the parent ViewGroup, the result on screen might show * scaling artifacts. To avoid such artifacts, you should call this method by setting * the auto scaling to true. Doing so, however, will generate a bitmap of a different * size than the view. This implies that your application must be able to handle this * size.</p> * * <p>You should avoid calling this method when hardware acceleration is enabled. If * you do not need the drawing cache bitmap, calling this method will increase memory * usage and cause the view to be rendered in software once, thus negatively impacting * performance.</p> * * @see #getDrawingCache() * @see #destroyDrawingCache() * * @deprecated The view drawing cache was largely made obsolete with the introduction of * hardware-accelerated rendering in API 11. With hardware-acceleration, intermediate cache * layers are largely unnecessary and can easily result in a net loss in performance due to the * cost of creating and updating the layer. In the rare cases where caching layers are useful, * such as for alpha animations, {@link #setLayerType(int, Paint)} handles this with hardware * rendering. For software-rendered snapshots of a small part of the View hierarchy or * individual Views it is recommended to create a {@link Canvas} from either a {@link Bitmap} or * {@link android.graphics.Picture} and call {@link #draw(Canvas)} on the View. However these * software-rendered usages are discouraged and have compatibility issues with hardware-only * rendering features such as {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#HARDWARE Config.HARDWARE} * bitmaps, real-time shadows, and outline clipping. For screenshots of the UI for feedback * reports or unit testing the {@link PixelCopy} API is recommended. */
@Deprecated public void buildDrawingCache(boolean autoScale) { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID) == 0 || (autoScale ? mDrawingCache == null : mUnscaledDrawingCache == null)) { if (Trace.isTagEnabled(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW)) { Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "buildDrawingCache/SW Layer for " + getClass().getSimpleName()); } try { buildDrawingCacheImpl(autoScale); } finally { Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW); } } }
private, internal implementation of buildDrawingCache, used to enable tracing
/** * private, internal implementation of buildDrawingCache, used to enable tracing */
private void buildDrawingCacheImpl(boolean autoScale) { mCachingFailed = false; int width = mRight - mLeft; int height = mBottom - mTop; final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; final boolean scalingRequired = attachInfo != null && attachInfo.mScalingRequired; if (autoScale && scalingRequired) { width = (int) ((width * attachInfo.mApplicationScale) + 0.5f); height = (int) ((height * attachInfo.mApplicationScale) + 0.5f); } final int drawingCacheBackgroundColor = mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor; final boolean opaque = drawingCacheBackgroundColor != 0 || isOpaque(); final boolean use32BitCache = attachInfo != null && attachInfo.mUse32BitDrawingCache; final long projectedBitmapSize = width * height * (opaque && !use32BitCache ? 2 : 4); final long drawingCacheSize = ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledMaximumDrawingCacheSize(); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 || projectedBitmapSize > drawingCacheSize) { if (width > 0 && height > 0) { Log.w(VIEW_LOG_TAG, getClass().getSimpleName() + " not displayed because it is" + " too large to fit into a software layer (or drawing cache), needs " + projectedBitmapSize + " bytes, only " + drawingCacheSize + " available"); } destroyDrawingCache(); mCachingFailed = true; return; } boolean clear = true; Bitmap bitmap = autoScale ? mDrawingCache : mUnscaledDrawingCache; if (bitmap == null || bitmap.getWidth() != width || bitmap.getHeight() != height) { Bitmap.Config quality; if (!opaque) { // Never pick ARGB_4444 because it looks awful // Keep the DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_LOW flag just in case switch (mViewFlags & DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_MASK) { case DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_AUTO: case DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_LOW: case DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH: default: quality = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; break; } } else { // Optimization for translucent windows // If the window is translucent, use a 32 bits bitmap to benefit from memcpy() quality = use32BitCache ? Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 : Bitmap.Config.RGB_565; } // Try to cleanup memory if (bitmap != null) bitmap.recycle(); try { bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mResources.getDisplayMetrics(), width, height, quality); bitmap.setDensity(getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi); if (autoScale) { mDrawingCache = bitmap; } else { mUnscaledDrawingCache = bitmap; } if (opaque && use32BitCache) bitmap.setHasAlpha(false); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { // If there is not enough memory to create the bitmap cache, just // ignore the issue as bitmap caches are not required to draw the // view hierarchy if (autoScale) { mDrawingCache = null; } else { mUnscaledDrawingCache = null; } mCachingFailed = true; return; } clear = drawingCacheBackgroundColor != 0; } Canvas canvas; if (attachInfo != null) { canvas = attachInfo.mCanvas; if (canvas == null) { canvas = new Canvas(); } canvas.setBitmap(bitmap); // Temporarily clobber the cached Canvas in case one of our children // is also using a drawing cache. Without this, the children would // steal the canvas by attaching their own bitmap to it and bad, bad // thing would happen (invisible views, corrupted drawings, etc.) attachInfo.mCanvas = null; } else { // This case should hopefully never or seldom happen canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); } if (clear) { bitmap.eraseColor(drawingCacheBackgroundColor); } computeScroll(); final int restoreCount = canvas.save(); if (autoScale && scalingRequired) { final float scale = attachInfo.mApplicationScale; canvas.scale(scale, scale); } canvas.translate(-mScrollX, -mScrollY); mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; if (mAttachInfo == null || !mAttachInfo.mHardwareAccelerated || mLayerType != LAYER_TYPE_NONE) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWING_CACHE_VALID; } // Fast path for layouts with no backgrounds if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) == PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK; dispatchDraw(canvas); drawAutofilledHighlight(canvas); if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().draw(canvas); } } else { draw(canvas); } canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); canvas.setBitmap(null); if (attachInfo != null) { // Restore the cached Canvas for our siblings attachInfo.mCanvas = canvas; } }
Create a snapshot of the view into a bitmap. We should probably make some form of this public, but should think about the API.
/** * Create a snapshot of the view into a bitmap. We should probably make * some form of this public, but should think about the API. * * @hide */
public Bitmap createSnapshot(ViewDebug.CanvasProvider canvasProvider, boolean skipChildren) { int width = mRight - mLeft; int height = mBottom - mTop; final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; final float scale = attachInfo != null ? attachInfo.mApplicationScale : 1.0f; width = (int) ((width * scale) + 0.5f); height = (int) ((height * scale) + 0.5f); Canvas oldCanvas = null; try { Canvas canvas = canvasProvider.getCanvas(this, width > 0 ? width : 1, height > 0 ? height : 1); if (attachInfo != null) { oldCanvas = attachInfo.mCanvas; // Temporarily clobber the cached Canvas in case one of our children // is also using a drawing cache. Without this, the children would // steal the canvas by attaching their own bitmap to it and bad, bad // things would happen (invisible views, corrupted drawings, etc.) attachInfo.mCanvas = null; } computeScroll(); final int restoreCount = canvas.save(); canvas.scale(scale, scale); canvas.translate(-mScrollX, -mScrollY); // Temporarily remove the dirty mask int flags = mPrivateFlags; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK; // Fast path for layouts with no backgrounds if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) == PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) { dispatchDraw(canvas); drawAutofilledHighlight(canvas); if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().draw(canvas); } } else { draw(canvas); } mPrivateFlags = flags; canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); return canvasProvider.createBitmap(); } finally { if (oldCanvas != null) { attachInfo.mCanvas = oldCanvas; } } }
Indicates whether this View is currently in edit mode. A View is usually in edit mode when displayed within a developer tool. For instance, if this View is being drawn by a visual user interface builder, this method should return true. Subclasses should check the return value of this method to provide different behaviors if their normal behavior might interfere with the host environment. For instance: the class spawns a thread in its constructor, the drawing code relies on device-specific features, etc. This method is usually checked in the drawing code of custom widgets.
Returns:True if this View is in edit mode, false otherwise.
/** * Indicates whether this View is currently in edit mode. A View is usually * in edit mode when displayed within a developer tool. For instance, if * this View is being drawn by a visual user interface builder, this method * should return true. * * Subclasses should check the return value of this method to provide * different behaviors if their normal behavior might interfere with the * host environment. For instance: the class spawns a thread in its * constructor, the drawing code relies on device-specific features, etc. * * This method is usually checked in the drawing code of custom widgets. * * @return True if this View is in edit mode, false otherwise. */
public boolean isInEditMode() { return false; }
If the View draws content inside its padding and enables fading edges, it needs to support padding offsets. Padding offsets are added to the fading edges to extend the length of the fade so that it covers pixels drawn inside the padding. Subclasses of this class should override this method if they need to draw content inside the padding.
See Also:
Returns:True if padding offset must be applied, false otherwise.
/** * If the View draws content inside its padding and enables fading edges, * it needs to support padding offsets. Padding offsets are added to the * fading edges to extend the length of the fade so that it covers pixels * drawn inside the padding. * * Subclasses of this class should override this method if they need * to draw content inside the padding. * * @return True if padding offset must be applied, false otherwise. * * @see #getLeftPaddingOffset() * @see #getRightPaddingOffset() * @see #getTopPaddingOffset() * @see #getBottomPaddingOffset() * * @since CURRENT */
protected boolean isPaddingOffsetRequired() { return false; }
Amount by which to extend the left fading region. Called only when isPaddingOffsetRequired() returns true.
See Also:
Returns:The left padding offset in pixels.
/** * Amount by which to extend the left fading region. Called only when * {@link #isPaddingOffsetRequired()} returns true. * * @return The left padding offset in pixels. * * @see #isPaddingOffsetRequired() * * @since CURRENT */
protected int getLeftPaddingOffset() { return 0; }
Amount by which to extend the right fading region. Called only when isPaddingOffsetRequired() returns true.
See Also:
Returns:The right padding offset in pixels.
/** * Amount by which to extend the right fading region. Called only when * {@link #isPaddingOffsetRequired()} returns true. * * @return The right padding offset in pixels. * * @see #isPaddingOffsetRequired() * * @since CURRENT */
protected int getRightPaddingOffset() { return 0; }
Amount by which to extend the top fading region. Called only when isPaddingOffsetRequired() returns true.
See Also:
Returns:The top padding offset in pixels.
/** * Amount by which to extend the top fading region. Called only when * {@link #isPaddingOffsetRequired()} returns true. * * @return The top padding offset in pixels. * * @see #isPaddingOffsetRequired() * * @since CURRENT */
protected int getTopPaddingOffset() { return 0; }
Amount by which to extend the bottom fading region. Called only when isPaddingOffsetRequired() returns true.
See Also:
Returns:The bottom padding offset in pixels.
/** * Amount by which to extend the bottom fading region. Called only when * {@link #isPaddingOffsetRequired()} returns true. * * @return The bottom padding offset in pixels. * * @see #isPaddingOffsetRequired() * * @since CURRENT */
protected int getBottomPaddingOffset() { return 0; }
  • offsetRequired –
/** * @hide * @param offsetRequired */
protected int getFadeTop(boolean offsetRequired) { int top = mPaddingTop; if (offsetRequired) top += getTopPaddingOffset(); return top; }
  • offsetRequired –
/** * @hide * @param offsetRequired */
protected int getFadeHeight(boolean offsetRequired) { int padding = mPaddingTop; if (offsetRequired) padding += getTopPaddingOffset(); return mBottom - mTop - mPaddingBottom - padding; }

Indicates whether this view is attached to a hardware accelerated window or not.

Even if this method returns true, it does not mean that every call to draw(Canvas) will be made with an hardware accelerated Canvas. For instance, if this view is drawn onto an offscreen Bitmap and its window is hardware accelerated, Canvas.isHardwareAccelerated() will likely return false, and this method will return true.

Returns:True if the view is attached to a window and the window is hardware accelerated; false in any other case.
/** * <p>Indicates whether this view is attached to a hardware accelerated * window or not.</p> * * <p>Even if this method returns true, it does not mean that every call * to {@link #draw(android.graphics.Canvas)} will be made with an hardware * accelerated {@link android.graphics.Canvas}. For instance, if this view * is drawn onto an offscreen {@link android.graphics.Bitmap} and its * window is hardware accelerated, * {@link android.graphics.Canvas#isHardwareAccelerated()} will likely * return false, and this method will return true.</p> * * @return True if the view is attached to a window and the window is * hardware accelerated; false in any other case. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") public boolean isHardwareAccelerated() { return mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mHardwareAccelerated; }
Sets a rectangular area on this view to which the view will be clipped when it is drawn. Setting the value to null will remove the clip bounds and the view will draw normally, using its full bounds.
  • clipBounds – The rectangular area, in the local coordinates of this view, to which future drawing operations will be clipped.
/** * Sets a rectangular area on this view to which the view will be clipped * when it is drawn. Setting the value to null will remove the clip bounds * and the view will draw normally, using its full bounds. * * @param clipBounds The rectangular area, in the local coordinates of * this view, to which future drawing operations will be clipped. */
public void setClipBounds(Rect clipBounds) { if (clipBounds == mClipBounds || (clipBounds != null && clipBounds.equals(mClipBounds))) { return; } if (clipBounds != null) { if (mClipBounds == null) { mClipBounds = new Rect(clipBounds); } else { mClipBounds.set(clipBounds); } } else { mClipBounds = null; } mRenderNode.setClipBounds(mClipBounds); invalidateViewProperty(false, false); }
Returns a copy of the current clipBounds.
Returns:A copy of the current clip bounds if clip bounds are set, otherwise null.
/** * Returns a copy of the current {@link #setClipBounds(Rect) clipBounds}. * * @return A copy of the current clip bounds if clip bounds are set, * otherwise null. */
public Rect getClipBounds() { return (mClipBounds != null) ? new Rect(mClipBounds) : null; }
Populates an output rectangle with the clip bounds of the view, returning true if successful or false if the view's clip bounds are null.
  • outRect – rectangle in which to place the clip bounds of the view
Returns:true if successful or false if the view's clip bounds are null
/** * Populates an output rectangle with the clip bounds of the view, * returning {@code true} if successful or {@code false} if the view's * clip bounds are {@code null}. * * @param outRect rectangle in which to place the clip bounds of the view * @return {@code true} if successful or {@code false} if the view's * clip bounds are {@code null} */
public boolean getClipBounds(Rect outRect) { if (mClipBounds != null) { outRect.set(mClipBounds); return true; } return false; }
Utility function, called by draw(canvas, parent, drawingTime) to handle the less common case of an active Animation being run on the view.
/** * Utility function, called by draw(canvas, parent, drawingTime) to handle the less common * case of an active Animation being run on the view. */
private boolean applyLegacyAnimation(ViewGroup parent, long drawingTime, Animation a, boolean scalingRequired) { Transformation invalidationTransform; final int flags = parent.mGroupFlags; final boolean initialized = a.isInitialized(); if (!initialized) { a.initialize(mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop, parent.getWidth(), parent.getHeight()); a.initializeInvalidateRegion(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop); if (mAttachInfo != null) a.setListenerHandler(mAttachInfo.mHandler); onAnimationStart(); } final Transformation t = parent.getChildTransformation(); boolean more = a.getTransformation(drawingTime, t, 1f); if (scalingRequired && mAttachInfo.mApplicationScale != 1f) { if (parent.mInvalidationTransformation == null) { parent.mInvalidationTransformation = new Transformation(); } invalidationTransform = parent.mInvalidationTransformation; a.getTransformation(drawingTime, invalidationTransform, 1f); } else { invalidationTransform = t; } if (more) { if (!a.willChangeBounds()) { if ((flags & (ViewGroup.FLAG_OPTIMIZE_INVALIDATE | ViewGroup.FLAG_ANIMATION_DONE)) == ViewGroup.FLAG_OPTIMIZE_INVALIDATE) { parent.mGroupFlags |= ViewGroup.FLAG_INVALIDATE_REQUIRED; } else if ((flags & ViewGroup.FLAG_INVALIDATE_REQUIRED) == 0) { // The child need to draw an animation, potentially offscreen, so // make sure we do not cancel invalidate requests parent.mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAW_ANIMATION; parent.invalidate(mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom); } } else { if (parent.mInvalidateRegion == null) { parent.mInvalidateRegion = new RectF(); } final RectF region = parent.mInvalidateRegion; a.getInvalidateRegion(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop, region, invalidationTransform); // The child need to draw an animation, potentially offscreen, so // make sure we do not cancel invalidate requests parent.mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAW_ANIMATION; final int left = mLeft + (int) region.left; final int top = mTop + (int) region.top; parent.invalidate(left, top, left + (int) (region.width() + .5f), top + (int) (region.height() + .5f)); } } return more; }
This method is called by getDisplayList() when a display list is recorded for a View. It pushes any properties to the RenderNode that aren't managed by the RenderNode.
/** * This method is called by getDisplayList() when a display list is recorded for a View. * It pushes any properties to the RenderNode that aren't managed by the RenderNode. */
void setDisplayListProperties(RenderNode renderNode) { if (renderNode != null) { renderNode.setHasOverlappingRendering(getHasOverlappingRendering()); renderNode.setClipToBounds(mParent instanceof ViewGroup && ((ViewGroup) mParent).getClipChildren()); float alpha = 1; if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup && (((ViewGroup) mParent).mGroupFlags & ViewGroup.FLAG_SUPPORT_STATIC_TRANSFORMATIONS) != 0) { ViewGroup parentVG = (ViewGroup) mParent; final Transformation t = parentVG.getChildTransformation(); if (parentVG.getChildStaticTransformation(this, t)) { final int transformType = t.getTransformationType(); if (transformType != Transformation.TYPE_IDENTITY) { if ((transformType & Transformation.TYPE_ALPHA) != 0) { alpha = t.getAlpha(); } if ((transformType & Transformation.TYPE_MATRIX) != 0) { renderNode.setStaticMatrix(t.getMatrix()); } } } } if (mTransformationInfo != null) { alpha *= getFinalAlpha(); if (alpha < 1) { final int multipliedAlpha = (int) (255 * alpha); if (onSetAlpha(multipliedAlpha)) { alpha = 1; } } renderNode.setAlpha(alpha); } else if (alpha < 1) { renderNode.setAlpha(alpha); } } }
This method is called by ViewGroup.drawChild() to have each child view draw itself. This is where the View specializes rendering behavior based on layer type, and hardware acceleration.
/** * This method is called by ViewGroup.drawChild() to have each child view draw itself. * * This is where the View specializes rendering behavior based on layer type, * and hardware acceleration. */
boolean draw(Canvas canvas, ViewGroup parent, long drawingTime) { final boolean hardwareAcceleratedCanvas = canvas.isHardwareAccelerated(); /* If an attached view draws to a HW canvas, it may use its RenderNode + DisplayList. * * If a view is dettached, its DisplayList shouldn't exist. If the canvas isn't * HW accelerated, it can't handle drawing RenderNodes. */ boolean drawingWithRenderNode = mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mHardwareAccelerated && hardwareAcceleratedCanvas; boolean more = false; final boolean childHasIdentityMatrix = hasIdentityMatrix(); final int parentFlags = parent.mGroupFlags; if ((parentFlags & ViewGroup.FLAG_CLEAR_TRANSFORMATION) != 0) { parent.getChildTransformation().clear(); parent.mGroupFlags &= ~ViewGroup.FLAG_CLEAR_TRANSFORMATION; } Transformation transformToApply = null; boolean concatMatrix = false; final boolean scalingRequired = mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mScalingRequired; final Animation a = getAnimation(); if (a != null) { more = applyLegacyAnimation(parent, drawingTime, a, scalingRequired); concatMatrix = a.willChangeTransformationMatrix(); if (concatMatrix) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_TRANSFORM; } transformToApply = parent.getChildTransformation(); } else { if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_TRANSFORM) != 0) { // No longer animating: clear out old animation matrix mRenderNode.setAnimationMatrix(null); mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_TRANSFORM; } if (!drawingWithRenderNode && (parentFlags & ViewGroup.FLAG_SUPPORT_STATIC_TRANSFORMATIONS) != 0) { final Transformation t = parent.getChildTransformation(); final boolean hasTransform = parent.getChildStaticTransformation(this, t); if (hasTransform) { final int transformType = t.getTransformationType(); transformToApply = transformType != Transformation.TYPE_IDENTITY ? t : null; concatMatrix = (transformType & Transformation.TYPE_MATRIX) != 0; } } } concatMatrix |= !childHasIdentityMatrix; // Sets the flag as early as possible to allow draw() implementations // to call invalidate() successfully when doing animations mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; if (!concatMatrix && (parentFlags & (ViewGroup.FLAG_SUPPORT_STATIC_TRANSFORMATIONS | ViewGroup.FLAG_CLIP_CHILDREN)) == ViewGroup.FLAG_CLIP_CHILDREN && canvas.quickReject(mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom, Canvas.EdgeType.BW) && (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAW_ANIMATION) == 0) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED; return more; } mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_VIEW_QUICK_REJECTED; if (hardwareAcceleratedCanvas) { // Clear INVALIDATED flag to allow invalidation to occur during rendering, but // retain the flag's value temporarily in the mRecreateDisplayList flag mRecreateDisplayList = (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_INVALIDATED) != 0; mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_INVALIDATED; } RenderNode renderNode = null; Bitmap cache = null; int layerType = getLayerType(); // TODO: signify cache state with just 'cache' local if (layerType == LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE || !drawingWithRenderNode) { if (layerType != LAYER_TYPE_NONE) { // If not drawing with RenderNode, treat HW layers as SW layerType = LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE; buildDrawingCache(true); } cache = getDrawingCache(true); } if (drawingWithRenderNode) { // Delay getting the display list until animation-driven alpha values are // set up and possibly passed on to the view renderNode = updateDisplayListIfDirty(); if (!renderNode.isValid()) { // Uncommon, but possible. If a view is removed from the hierarchy during the call // to getDisplayList(), the display list will be marked invalid and we should not // try to use it again. renderNode = null; drawingWithRenderNode = false; } } int sx = 0; int sy = 0; if (!drawingWithRenderNode) { computeScroll(); sx = mScrollX; sy = mScrollY; } final boolean drawingWithDrawingCache = cache != null && !drawingWithRenderNode; final boolean offsetForScroll = cache == null && !drawingWithRenderNode; int restoreTo = -1; if (!drawingWithRenderNode || transformToApply != null) { restoreTo = canvas.save(); } if (offsetForScroll) { canvas.translate(mLeft - sx, mTop - sy); } else { if (!drawingWithRenderNode) { canvas.translate(mLeft, mTop); } if (scalingRequired) { if (drawingWithRenderNode) { // TODO: Might not need this if we put everything inside the DL restoreTo = canvas.save(); } // mAttachInfo cannot be null, otherwise scalingRequired == false final float scale = 1.0f / mAttachInfo.mApplicationScale; canvas.scale(scale, scale); } } float alpha = drawingWithRenderNode ? 1 : (getAlpha() * getTransitionAlpha()); if (transformToApply != null || alpha < 1 || !hasIdentityMatrix() || (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_ALPHA) != 0) { if (transformToApply != null || !childHasIdentityMatrix) { int transX = 0; int transY = 0; if (offsetForScroll) { transX = -sx; transY = -sy; } if (transformToApply != null) { if (concatMatrix) { if (drawingWithRenderNode) { renderNode.setAnimationMatrix(transformToApply.getMatrix()); } else { // Undo the scroll translation, apply the transformation matrix, // then redo the scroll translate to get the correct result. canvas.translate(-transX, -transY); canvas.concat(transformToApply.getMatrix()); canvas.translate(transX, transY); } parent.mGroupFlags |= ViewGroup.FLAG_CLEAR_TRANSFORMATION; } float transformAlpha = transformToApply.getAlpha(); if (transformAlpha < 1) { alpha *= transformAlpha; parent.mGroupFlags |= ViewGroup.FLAG_CLEAR_TRANSFORMATION; } } if (!childHasIdentityMatrix && !drawingWithRenderNode) { canvas.translate(-transX, -transY); canvas.concat(getMatrix()); canvas.translate(transX, transY); } } // Deal with alpha if it is or used to be <1 if (alpha < 1 || (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_ALPHA) != 0) { if (alpha < 1) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_ALPHA; } else { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_VIEW_IS_ANIMATING_ALPHA; } parent.mGroupFlags |= ViewGroup.FLAG_CLEAR_TRANSFORMATION; if (!drawingWithDrawingCache) { final int multipliedAlpha = (int) (255 * alpha); if (!onSetAlpha(multipliedAlpha)) { if (drawingWithRenderNode) { renderNode.setAlpha(alpha * getAlpha() * getTransitionAlpha()); } else if (layerType == LAYER_TYPE_NONE) { canvas.saveLayerAlpha(sx, sy, sx + getWidth(), sy + getHeight(), multipliedAlpha); } } else { // Alpha is handled by the child directly, clobber the layer's alpha mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_ALPHA_SET; } } } } else if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_ALPHA_SET) == PFLAG_ALPHA_SET) { onSetAlpha(255); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_ALPHA_SET; } if (!drawingWithRenderNode) { // apply clips directly, since RenderNode won't do it for this draw if ((parentFlags & ViewGroup.FLAG_CLIP_CHILDREN) != 0 && cache == null) { if (offsetForScroll) { canvas.clipRect(sx, sy, sx + getWidth(), sy + getHeight()); } else { if (!scalingRequired || cache == null) { canvas.clipRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } else { canvas.clipRect(0, 0, cache.getWidth(), cache.getHeight()); } } } if (mClipBounds != null) { // clip bounds ignore scroll canvas.clipRect(mClipBounds); } } if (!drawingWithDrawingCache) { if (drawingWithRenderNode) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK; ((DisplayListCanvas) canvas).drawRenderNode(renderNode); } else { // Fast path for layouts with no backgrounds if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) == PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK; dispatchDraw(canvas); } else { draw(canvas); } } } else if (cache != null) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK; if (layerType == LAYER_TYPE_NONE || mLayerPaint == null) { // no layer paint, use temporary paint to draw bitmap Paint cachePaint = parent.mCachePaint; if (cachePaint == null) { cachePaint = new Paint(); cachePaint.setDither(false); parent.mCachePaint = cachePaint; } cachePaint.setAlpha((int) (alpha * 255)); canvas.drawBitmap(cache, 0.0f, 0.0f, cachePaint); } else { // use layer paint to draw the bitmap, merging the two alphas, but also restore int layerPaintAlpha = mLayerPaint.getAlpha(); if (alpha < 1) { mLayerPaint.setAlpha((int) (alpha * layerPaintAlpha)); } canvas.drawBitmap(cache, 0.0f, 0.0f, mLayerPaint); if (alpha < 1) { mLayerPaint.setAlpha(layerPaintAlpha); } } } if (restoreTo >= 0) { canvas.restoreToCount(restoreTo); } if (a != null && !more) { if (!hardwareAcceleratedCanvas && !a.getFillAfter()) { onSetAlpha(255); } parent.finishAnimatingView(this, a); } if (more && hardwareAcceleratedCanvas) { if (a.hasAlpha() && (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_ALPHA_SET) == PFLAG_ALPHA_SET) { // alpha animations should cause the child to recreate its display list invalidate(true); } } mRecreateDisplayList = false; return more; } static Paint getDebugPaint() { if (sDebugPaint == null) { sDebugPaint = new Paint(); sDebugPaint.setAntiAlias(false); } return sDebugPaint; } final int dipsToPixels(int dips) { float scale = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; return (int) (dips * scale + 0.5f); } final private void debugDrawFocus(Canvas canvas) { if (isFocused()) { final int cornerSquareSize = dipsToPixels(DEBUG_CORNERS_SIZE_DIP); final int l = mScrollX; final int r = l + mRight - mLeft; final int t = mScrollY; final int b = t + mBottom - mTop; final Paint paint = getDebugPaint(); paint.setColor(DEBUG_CORNERS_COLOR); // Draw squares in corners. paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); canvas.drawRect(l, t, l + cornerSquareSize, t + cornerSquareSize, paint); canvas.drawRect(r - cornerSquareSize, t, r, t + cornerSquareSize, paint); canvas.drawRect(l, b - cornerSquareSize, l + cornerSquareSize, b, paint); canvas.drawRect(r - cornerSquareSize, b - cornerSquareSize, r, b, paint); // Draw big X across the view. paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); canvas.drawLine(l, t, r, b, paint); canvas.drawLine(l, b, r, t, paint); } }
Manually render this view (and all of its children) to the given Canvas. The view must have already done a full layout before this function is called. When implementing a view, implement onDraw(Canvas) instead of overriding this method. If you do need to override this method, call the superclass version.
  • canvas – The Canvas to which the View is rendered.
/** * Manually render this view (and all of its children) to the given Canvas. * The view must have already done a full layout before this function is * called. When implementing a view, implement * {@link #onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas)} instead of overriding this method. * If you do need to override this method, call the superclass version. * * @param canvas The Canvas to which the View is rendered. */
@CallSuper public void draw(Canvas canvas) { final int privateFlags = mPrivateFlags; final boolean dirtyOpaque = (privateFlags & PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) == PFLAG_DIRTY_OPAQUE && (mAttachInfo == null || !mAttachInfo.mIgnoreDirtyState); mPrivateFlags = (privateFlags & ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) | PFLAG_DRAWN; /* * Draw traversal performs several drawing steps which must be executed * in the appropriate order: * * 1. Draw the background * 2. If necessary, save the canvas' layers to prepare for fading * 3. Draw view's content * 4. Draw children * 5. If necessary, draw the fading edges and restore layers * 6. Draw decorations (scrollbars for instance) */ // Step 1, draw the background, if needed int saveCount; if (!dirtyOpaque) { drawBackground(canvas); } // skip step 2 & 5 if possible (common case) final int viewFlags = mViewFlags; boolean horizontalEdges = (viewFlags & FADING_EDGE_HORIZONTAL) != 0; boolean verticalEdges = (viewFlags & FADING_EDGE_VERTICAL) != 0; if (!verticalEdges && !horizontalEdges) { // Step 3, draw the content if (!dirtyOpaque) onDraw(canvas); // Step 4, draw the children dispatchDraw(canvas); drawAutofilledHighlight(canvas); // Overlay is part of the content and draws beneath Foreground if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().dispatchDraw(canvas); } // Step 6, draw decorations (foreground, scrollbars) onDrawForeground(canvas); // Step 7, draw the default focus highlight drawDefaultFocusHighlight(canvas); if (debugDraw()) { debugDrawFocus(canvas); } // we're done... return; } /* * Here we do the full fledged routine... * (this is an uncommon case where speed matters less, * this is why we repeat some of the tests that have been * done above) */ boolean drawTop = false; boolean drawBottom = false; boolean drawLeft = false; boolean drawRight = false; float topFadeStrength = 0.0f; float bottomFadeStrength = 0.0f; float leftFadeStrength = 0.0f; float rightFadeStrength = 0.0f; // Step 2, save the canvas' layers int paddingLeft = mPaddingLeft; final boolean offsetRequired = isPaddingOffsetRequired(); if (offsetRequired) { paddingLeft += getLeftPaddingOffset(); } int left = mScrollX + paddingLeft; int right = left + mRight - mLeft - mPaddingRight - paddingLeft; int top = mScrollY + getFadeTop(offsetRequired); int bottom = top + getFadeHeight(offsetRequired); if (offsetRequired) { right += getRightPaddingOffset(); bottom += getBottomPaddingOffset(); } final ScrollabilityCache scrollabilityCache = mScrollCache; final float fadeHeight = scrollabilityCache.fadingEdgeLength; int length = (int) fadeHeight; // clip the fade length if top and bottom fades overlap // overlapping fades produce odd-looking artifacts if (verticalEdges && (top + length > bottom - length)) { length = (bottom - top) / 2; } // also clip horizontal fades if necessary if (horizontalEdges && (left + length > right - length)) { length = (right - left) / 2; } if (verticalEdges) { topFadeStrength = Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(1.0f, getTopFadingEdgeStrength())); drawTop = topFadeStrength * fadeHeight > 1.0f; bottomFadeStrength = Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(1.0f, getBottomFadingEdgeStrength())); drawBottom = bottomFadeStrength * fadeHeight > 1.0f; } if (horizontalEdges) { leftFadeStrength = Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(1.0f, getLeftFadingEdgeStrength())); drawLeft = leftFadeStrength * fadeHeight > 1.0f; rightFadeStrength = Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(1.0f, getRightFadingEdgeStrength())); drawRight = rightFadeStrength * fadeHeight > 1.0f; } saveCount = canvas.getSaveCount(); int solidColor = getSolidColor(); if (solidColor == 0) { if (drawTop) { canvas.saveUnclippedLayer(left, top, right, top + length); } if (drawBottom) { canvas.saveUnclippedLayer(left, bottom - length, right, bottom); } if (drawLeft) { canvas.saveUnclippedLayer(left, top, left + length, bottom); } if (drawRight) { canvas.saveUnclippedLayer(right - length, top, right, bottom); } } else { scrollabilityCache.setFadeColor(solidColor); } // Step 3, draw the content if (!dirtyOpaque) onDraw(canvas); // Step 4, draw the children dispatchDraw(canvas); // Step 5, draw the fade effect and restore layers final Paint p = scrollabilityCache.paint; final Matrix matrix = scrollabilityCache.matrix; final Shader fade = scrollabilityCache.shader; if (drawTop) { matrix.setScale(1, fadeHeight * topFadeStrength); matrix.postTranslate(left, top); fade.setLocalMatrix(matrix); p.setShader(fade); canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, top + length, p); } if (drawBottom) { matrix.setScale(1, fadeHeight * bottomFadeStrength); matrix.postRotate(180); matrix.postTranslate(left, bottom); fade.setLocalMatrix(matrix); p.setShader(fade); canvas.drawRect(left, bottom - length, right, bottom, p); } if (drawLeft) { matrix.setScale(1, fadeHeight * leftFadeStrength); matrix.postRotate(-90); matrix.postTranslate(left, top); fade.setLocalMatrix(matrix); p.setShader(fade); canvas.drawRect(left, top, left + length, bottom, p); } if (drawRight) { matrix.setScale(1, fadeHeight * rightFadeStrength); matrix.postRotate(90); matrix.postTranslate(right, top); fade.setLocalMatrix(matrix); p.setShader(fade); canvas.drawRect(right - length, top, right, bottom, p); } canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); drawAutofilledHighlight(canvas); // Overlay is part of the content and draws beneath Foreground if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().dispatchDraw(canvas); } // Step 6, draw decorations (foreground, scrollbars) onDrawForeground(canvas); if (debugDraw()) { debugDrawFocus(canvas); } }
Draws the background onto the specified canvas.
  • canvas – Canvas on which to draw the background
/** * Draws the background onto the specified canvas. * * @param canvas Canvas on which to draw the background */
private void drawBackground(Canvas canvas) { final Drawable background = mBackground; if (background == null) { return; } setBackgroundBounds(); // Attempt to use a display list if requested. if (canvas.isHardwareAccelerated() && mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mThreadedRenderer != null) { mBackgroundRenderNode = getDrawableRenderNode(background, mBackgroundRenderNode); final RenderNode renderNode = mBackgroundRenderNode; if (renderNode != null && renderNode.isValid()) { setBackgroundRenderNodeProperties(renderNode); ((DisplayListCanvas) canvas).drawRenderNode(renderNode); return; } } final int scrollX = mScrollX; final int scrollY = mScrollY; if ((scrollX | scrollY) == 0) { background.draw(canvas); } else { canvas.translate(scrollX, scrollY); background.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(-scrollX, -scrollY); } }
Sets the correct background bounds and rebuilds the outline, if needed.

This is called by LayoutLib.
/** * Sets the correct background bounds and rebuilds the outline, if needed. * <p/> * This is called by LayoutLib. */
void setBackgroundBounds() { if (mBackgroundSizeChanged && mBackground != null) { mBackground.setBounds(0, 0, mRight - mLeft, mBottom - mTop); mBackgroundSizeChanged = false; rebuildOutline(); } } private void setBackgroundRenderNodeProperties(RenderNode renderNode) { renderNode.setTranslationX(mScrollX); renderNode.setTranslationY(mScrollY); }
Creates a new display list or updates the existing display list for the specified Drawable.
  • drawable – Drawable for which to create a display list
  • renderNode – Existing RenderNode, or null
Returns:A valid display list for the specified drawable
/** * Creates a new display list or updates the existing display list for the * specified Drawable. * * @param drawable Drawable for which to create a display list * @param renderNode Existing RenderNode, or {@code null} * @return A valid display list for the specified drawable */
private RenderNode getDrawableRenderNode(Drawable drawable, RenderNode renderNode) { if (renderNode == null) { renderNode = RenderNode.create(drawable.getClass().getName(), this); } final Rect bounds = drawable.getBounds(); final int width = bounds.width(); final int height = bounds.height(); final DisplayListCanvas canvas = renderNode.start(width, height); // Reverse left/top translation done by drawable canvas, which will // instead be applied by rendernode's LTRB bounds below. This way, the // drawable's bounds match with its rendernode bounds and its content // will lie within those bounds in the rendernode tree. canvas.translate(-bounds.left, -bounds.top); try { drawable.draw(canvas); } finally { renderNode.end(canvas); } // Set up drawable properties that are view-independent. renderNode.setLeftTopRightBottom(bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); renderNode.setProjectBackwards(drawable.isProjected()); renderNode.setProjectionReceiver(true); renderNode.setClipToBounds(false); return renderNode; }
Returns the overlay for this view, creating it if it does not yet exist. Adding drawables to the overlay will cause them to be displayed whenever the view itself is redrawn. Objects in the overlay should be actively managed: remove them when they should not be displayed anymore. The overlay will always have the same size as its host view.

Note: Overlays do not currently work correctly with SurfaceView or TextureView; contents in overlays for these types of views may not display correctly.

See Also:
Returns:The ViewOverlay object for this view.
/** * Returns the overlay for this view, creating it if it does not yet exist. * Adding drawables to the overlay will cause them to be displayed whenever * the view itself is redrawn. Objects in the overlay should be actively * managed: remove them when they should not be displayed anymore. The * overlay will always have the same size as its host view. * * <p>Note: Overlays do not currently work correctly with {@link * SurfaceView} or {@link TextureView}; contents in overlays for these * types of views may not display correctly.</p> * * @return The ViewOverlay object for this view. * @see ViewOverlay */
public ViewOverlay getOverlay() { if (mOverlay == null) { mOverlay = new ViewOverlay(mContext, this); } return mOverlay; }
Override this if your view is known to always be drawn on top of a solid color background, and needs to draw fading edges. Returning a non-zero color enables the view system to optimize the drawing of the fading edges. If you do return a non-zero color, the alpha should be set to 0xFF.
See Also:
Returns:The known solid color background for this view, or 0 if the color may vary
/** * Override this if your view is known to always be drawn on top of a solid color background, * and needs to draw fading edges. Returning a non-zero color enables the view system to * optimize the drawing of the fading edges. If you do return a non-zero color, the alpha * should be set to 0xFF. * * @see #setVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean) * @see #setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(boolean) * * @return The known solid color background for this view, or 0 if the color may vary */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "drawing") @ColorInt public int getSolidColor() { return 0; }
Build a human readable string representation of the specified view flags.
  • flags – the view flags to convert to a string
Returns:a String representing the supplied flags
/** * Build a human readable string representation of the specified view flags. * * @param flags the view flags to convert to a string * @return a String representing the supplied flags */
private static String printFlags(int flags) { String output = ""; int numFlags = 0; if ((flags & FOCUSABLE) == FOCUSABLE) { output += "TAKES_FOCUS"; numFlags++; } switch (flags & VISIBILITY_MASK) { case INVISIBLE: if (numFlags > 0) { output += " "; } output += "INVISIBLE"; // USELESS HERE numFlags++; break; case GONE: if (numFlags > 0) { output += " "; } output += "GONE"; // USELESS HERE numFlags++; break; default: break; } return output; }
Build a human readable string representation of the specified private view flags.
  • privateFlags – the private view flags to convert to a string
Returns:a String representing the supplied flags
/** * Build a human readable string representation of the specified private * view flags. * * @param privateFlags the private view flags to convert to a string * @return a String representing the supplied flags */
private static String printPrivateFlags(int privateFlags) { String output = ""; int numFlags = 0; if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS) == PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS) { output += "WANTS_FOCUS"; numFlags++; } if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) == PFLAG_FOCUSED) { if (numFlags > 0) { output += " "; } output += "FOCUSED"; numFlags++; } if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_SELECTED) == PFLAG_SELECTED) { if (numFlags > 0) { output += " "; } output += "SELECTED"; numFlags++; } if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE) == PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE) { if (numFlags > 0) { output += " "; } output += "IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE"; numFlags++; } if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS) == PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS) { if (numFlags > 0) { output += " "; } output += "HAS_BOUNDS"; numFlags++; } if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_DRAWN) == PFLAG_DRAWN) { if (numFlags > 0) { output += " "; } output += "DRAWN"; // USELESS HERE numFlags++; } return output; }

Indicates whether or not this view's layout will be requested during the next hierarchy layout pass.

Returns:true if the layout will be forced during next layout pass
/** * <p>Indicates whether or not this view's layout will be requested during * the next hierarchy layout pass.</p> * * @return true if the layout will be forced during next layout pass */
public boolean isLayoutRequested() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) == PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT; }
Return true if o is a ViewGroup that is laying out using optical bounds.
/** * Return true if o is a ViewGroup that is laying out using optical bounds. * @hide */
public static boolean isLayoutModeOptical(Object o) { return o instanceof ViewGroup && ((ViewGroup) o).isLayoutModeOptical(); } private boolean setOpticalFrame(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { Insets parentInsets = mParent instanceof View ? ((View) mParent).getOpticalInsets() : Insets.NONE; Insets childInsets = getOpticalInsets(); return setFrame( left + parentInsets.left - childInsets.left, top + parentInsets.top - childInsets.top, right + parentInsets.left + childInsets.right, bottom + parentInsets.top + childInsets.bottom); }
Assign a size and position to a view and all of its descendants

This is the second phase of the layout mechanism. (The first is measuring). In this phase, each parent calls layout on all of its children to position them. This is typically done using the child measurements that were stored in the measure pass().

Derived classes should not override this method. Derived classes with children should override onLayout. In that method, they should call layout on each of their children.

  • l – Left position, relative to parent
  • t – Top position, relative to parent
  • r – Right position, relative to parent
  • b – Bottom position, relative to parent
/** * Assign a size and position to a view and all of its * descendants * * <p>This is the second phase of the layout mechanism. * (The first is measuring). In this phase, each parent calls * layout on all of its children to position them. * This is typically done using the child measurements * that were stored in the measure pass().</p> * * <p>Derived classes should not override this method. * Derived classes with children should override * onLayout. In that method, they should * call layout on each of their children.</p> * * @param l Left position, relative to parent * @param t Top position, relative to parent * @param r Right position, relative to parent * @param b Bottom position, relative to parent */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public void layout(int l, int t, int r, int b) { if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT) != 0) { onMeasure(mOldWidthMeasureSpec, mOldHeightMeasureSpec); mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT; } int oldL = mLeft; int oldT = mTop; int oldB = mBottom; int oldR = mRight; boolean changed = isLayoutModeOptical(mParent) ? setOpticalFrame(l, t, r, b) : setFrame(l, t, r, b); if (changed || (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED) == PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED) { onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b); if (shouldDrawRoundScrollbar()) { if(mRoundScrollbarRenderer == null) { mRoundScrollbarRenderer = new RoundScrollbarRenderer(this); } } else { mRoundScrollbarRenderer = null; } mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED; ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnLayoutChangeListeners != null) { ArrayList<OnLayoutChangeListener> listenersCopy = (ArrayList<OnLayoutChangeListener>)li.mOnLayoutChangeListeners.clone(); int numListeners = listenersCopy.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) { listenersCopy.get(i).onLayoutChange(this, l, t, r, b, oldL, oldT, oldR, oldB); } } } final boolean wasLayoutValid = isLayoutValid(); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT; mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_IS_LAID_OUT; if (!wasLayoutValid && isFocused()) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS; if (canTakeFocus()) { // We have a robust focus, so parents should no longer be wanting focus. clearParentsWantFocus(); } else if (getViewRootImpl() == null || !getViewRootImpl().isInLayout()) { // This is a weird case. Most-likely the user, rather than ViewRootImpl, called // layout. In this case, there's no guarantee that parent layouts will be evaluated // and thus the safest action is to clear focus here. clearFocusInternal(null, /* propagate */ true, /* refocus */ false); clearParentsWantFocus(); } else if (!hasParentWantsFocus()) { // original requestFocus was likely on this view directly, so just clear focus clearFocusInternal(null, /* propagate */ true, /* refocus */ false); } // otherwise, we let parents handle re-assigning focus during their layout passes. } else if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS) != 0) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS; View focused = findFocus(); if (focused != null) { // Try to restore focus as close as possible to our starting focus. if (!restoreDefaultFocus() && !hasParentWantsFocus()) { // Give up and clear focus once we've reached the top-most parent which wants // focus. focused.clearFocusInternal(null, /* propagate */ true, /* refocus */ false); } } } if ((mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_ENTER_ON_LAYOUT) != 0) { mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_NOTIFY_AUTOFILL_ENTER_ON_LAYOUT; notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(true); } } private boolean hasParentWantsFocus() { ViewParent parent = mParent; while (parent instanceof ViewGroup) { ViewGroup pv = (ViewGroup) parent; if ((pv.mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_WANTS_FOCUS) != 0) { return true; } parent = pv.mParent; } return false; }
Called from layout when this view should assign a size and position to each of its children. Derived classes with children should override this method and call layout on each of their children.
  • changed – This is a new size or position for this view
  • left – Left position, relative to parent
  • top – Top position, relative to parent
  • right – Right position, relative to parent
  • bottom – Bottom position, relative to parent
/** * Called from layout when this view should * assign a size and position to each of its children. * * Derived classes with children should override * this method and call layout on each of * their children. * @param changed This is a new size or position for this view * @param left Left position, relative to parent * @param top Top position, relative to parent * @param right Right position, relative to parent * @param bottom Bottom position, relative to parent */
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { }
Assign a size and position to this view. This is called from layout.
  • left – Left position, relative to parent
  • top – Top position, relative to parent
  • right – Right position, relative to parent
  • bottom – Bottom position, relative to parent
Returns:true if the new size and position are different than the previous ones {@hide}
/** * Assign a size and position to this view. * * This is called from layout. * * @param left Left position, relative to parent * @param top Top position, relative to parent * @param right Right position, relative to parent * @param bottom Bottom position, relative to parent * @return true if the new size and position are different than the * previous ones * {@hide} */
protected boolean setFrame(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { boolean changed = false; if (DBG) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, this + " View.setFrame(" + left + "," + top + "," + right + "," + bottom + ")"); } if (mLeft != left || mRight != right || mTop != top || mBottom != bottom) { changed = true; // Remember our drawn bit int drawn = mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAWN; int oldWidth = mRight - mLeft; int oldHeight = mBottom - mTop; int newWidth = right - left; int newHeight = bottom - top; boolean sizeChanged = (newWidth != oldWidth) || (newHeight != oldHeight); // Invalidate our old position invalidate(sizeChanged); mLeft = left; mTop = top; mRight = right; mBottom = bottom; mRenderNode.setLeftTopRightBottom(mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom); mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_HAS_BOUNDS; if (sizeChanged) { sizeChange(newWidth, newHeight, oldWidth, oldHeight); } if ((mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == VISIBLE || mGhostView != null) { // If we are visible, force the DRAWN bit to on so that // this invalidate will go through (at least to our parent). // This is because someone may have invalidated this view // before this call to setFrame came in, thereby clearing // the DRAWN bit. mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWN; invalidate(sizeChanged); // parent display list may need to be recreated based on a change in the bounds // of any child invalidateParentCaches(); } // Reset drawn bit to original value (invalidate turns it off) mPrivateFlags |= drawn; mBackgroundSizeChanged = true; mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true; if (mForegroundInfo != null) { mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true; } notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } return changed; }
Same as setFrame, but public and hidden. For use in ChangeBounds.
/** * Same as setFrame, but public and hidden. For use in {@link android.transition.ChangeBounds}. * @hide */
public void setLeftTopRightBottom(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { setFrame(left, top, right, bottom); } private void sizeChange(int newWidth, int newHeight, int oldWidth, int oldHeight) { onSizeChanged(newWidth, newHeight, oldWidth, oldHeight); if (mOverlay != null) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().setRight(newWidth); mOverlay.getOverlayView().setBottom(newHeight); } // If this isn't laid out yet, focus assignment will be handled during the "deferment/ // backtracking" of requestFocus during layout, so don't touch focus here. if (!sCanFocusZeroSized && isLayoutValid() // Don't touch focus if animating && !(mParent instanceof ViewGroup && ((ViewGroup) mParent).isLayoutSuppressed())) { if (newWidth <= 0 || newHeight <= 0) { if (hasFocus()) { clearFocus(); if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).clearFocusedInCluster(); } } clearAccessibilityFocus(); } else if (oldWidth <= 0 || oldHeight <= 0) { if (mParent != null && canTakeFocus()) { mParent.focusableViewAvailable(this); } } } rebuildOutline(); }
Finalize inflating a view from XML. This is called as the last phase of inflation, after all child views have been added.

Even if the subclass overrides onFinishInflate, they should always be sure to call the super method, so that we get called.

/** * Finalize inflating a view from XML. This is called as the last phase * of inflation, after all child views have been added. * * <p>Even if the subclass overrides onFinishInflate, they should always be * sure to call the super method, so that we get called. */
@CallSuper protected void onFinishInflate() { }
Returns the resources associated with this view.
Returns:Resources object.
/** * Returns the resources associated with this view. * * @return Resources object. */
public Resources getResources() { return mResources; }
Invalidates the specified Drawable.
  • drawable – the drawable to invalidate
/** * Invalidates the specified Drawable. * * @param drawable the drawable to invalidate */
@Override public void invalidateDrawable(@NonNull Drawable drawable) { if (verifyDrawable(drawable)) { final Rect dirty = drawable.getDirtyBounds(); final int scrollX = mScrollX; final int scrollY = mScrollY; invalidate(dirty.left + scrollX, dirty.top + scrollY, dirty.right + scrollX, dirty.bottom + scrollY); rebuildOutline(); } }
Schedules an action on a drawable to occur at a specified time.
  • who – the recipient of the action
  • what – the action to run on the drawable
  • when – the time at which the action must occur. Uses the SystemClock.uptimeMillis timebase.
/** * Schedules an action on a drawable to occur at a specified time. * * @param who the recipient of the action * @param what the action to run on the drawable * @param when the time at which the action must occur. Uses the * {@link SystemClock#uptimeMillis} timebase. */
@Override public void scheduleDrawable(@NonNull Drawable who, @NonNull Runnable what, long when) { if (verifyDrawable(who) && what != null) { final long delay = when - SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mChoreographer.postCallbackDelayed( Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, what, who, Choreographer.subtractFrameDelay(delay)); } else { // Postpone the runnable until we know // on which thread it needs to run. getRunQueue().postDelayed(what, delay); } } }
Cancels a scheduled action on a drawable.
  • who – the recipient of the action
  • what – the action to cancel
/** * Cancels a scheduled action on a drawable. * * @param who the recipient of the action * @param what the action to cancel */
@Override public void unscheduleDrawable(@NonNull Drawable who, @NonNull Runnable what) { if (verifyDrawable(who) && what != null) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mChoreographer.removeCallbacks( Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, what, who); } getRunQueue().removeCallbacks(what); } }
Unschedule any events associated with the given Drawable. This can be used when selecting a new Drawable into a view, so that the previous one is completely unscheduled.
  • who – The Drawable to unschedule.
See Also:
/** * Unschedule any events associated with the given Drawable. This can be * used when selecting a new Drawable into a view, so that the previous * one is completely unscheduled. * * @param who The Drawable to unschedule. * * @see #drawableStateChanged */
public void unscheduleDrawable(Drawable who) { if (mAttachInfo != null && who != null) { mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl.mChoreographer.removeCallbacks( Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, null, who); } }
Resolve the Drawables depending on the layout direction. This is implicitly supposing that the View directionality can and will be resolved before its Drawables. Will call onResolveDrawables when resolution is done.
/** * Resolve the Drawables depending on the layout direction. This is implicitly supposing * that the View directionality can and will be resolved before its Drawables. * * Will call {@link View#onResolveDrawables} when resolution is done. * * @hide */
protected void resolveDrawables() { // Drawables resolution may need to happen before resolving the layout direction (which is // done only during the measure() call). // If the layout direction is not resolved yet, we cannot resolve the Drawables except in // one case: when the raw layout direction has not been defined as LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT. // So, if the raw layout direction is LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR or LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL or // LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE, we can "cheat" and we don't need to wait for the layout // direction to be resolved as its resolved value will be the same as its raw value. if (!isLayoutDirectionResolved() && getRawLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT) { return; } final int layoutDirection = isLayoutDirectionResolved() ? getLayoutDirection() : getRawLayoutDirection(); if (mBackground != null) { mBackground.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection); } if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null) { mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection); } if (mDefaultFocusHighlight != null) { mDefaultFocusHighlight.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection); } mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_DRAWABLE_RESOLVED; onResolveDrawables(layoutDirection); } boolean areDrawablesResolved() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_DRAWABLE_RESOLVED) == PFLAG2_DRAWABLE_RESOLVED; }
Called when layout direction has been resolved. The default implementation does nothing.
  • layoutDirection – The resolved layout direction.
See Also:
/** * Called when layout direction has been resolved. * * The default implementation does nothing. * * @param layoutDirection The resolved layout direction. * * @see #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR * @see #LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL * * @hide */
public void onResolveDrawables(@ResolvedLayoutDir int layoutDirection) { }
/** * @hide */
protected void resetResolvedDrawables() { resetResolvedDrawablesInternal(); } void resetResolvedDrawablesInternal() { mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_DRAWABLE_RESOLVED; }
If your view subclass is displaying its own Drawable objects, it should override this function and return true for any Drawable it is displaying. This allows animations for those drawables to be scheduled.

Be sure to call through to the super class when overriding this function.

  • who – The Drawable to verify. Return true if it is one you are displaying, else return the result of calling through to the super class.
See Also:
Returns:boolean If true than the Drawable is being displayed in the view; else false and it is not allowed to animate.
/** * If your view subclass is displaying its own Drawable objects, it should * override this function and return true for any Drawable it is * displaying. This allows animations for those drawables to be * scheduled. * * <p>Be sure to call through to the super class when overriding this * function. * * @param who The Drawable to verify. Return true if it is one you are * displaying, else return the result of calling through to the * super class. * * @return boolean If true than the Drawable is being displayed in the * view; else false and it is not allowed to animate. * * @see #unscheduleDrawable(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) * @see #drawableStateChanged() */
@CallSuper protected boolean verifyDrawable(@NonNull Drawable who) { // Avoid verifying the scroll bar drawable so that we don't end up in // an invalidation loop. This effectively prevents the scroll bar // drawable from triggering invalidations and scheduling runnables. return who == mBackground || (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable == who) || (mDefaultFocusHighlight == who); }
This function is called whenever the state of the view changes in such a way that it impacts the state of drawables being shown.

If the View has a StateListAnimator, it will also be called to run necessary state change animations.

Be sure to call through to the superclass when overriding this function.

See Also:
  • setState.setState(int[])
/** * This function is called whenever the state of the view changes in such * a way that it impacts the state of drawables being shown. * <p> * If the View has a StateListAnimator, it will also be called to run necessary state * change animations. * <p> * Be sure to call through to the superclass when overriding this function. * * @see Drawable#setState(int[]) */
@CallSuper protected void drawableStateChanged() { final int[] state = getDrawableState(); boolean changed = false; final Drawable bg = mBackground; if (bg != null && bg.isStateful()) { changed |= bg.setState(state); } final Drawable hl = mDefaultFocusHighlight; if (hl != null && hl.isStateful()) { changed |= hl.setState(state); } final Drawable fg = mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null; if (fg != null && fg.isStateful()) { changed |= fg.setState(state); } if (mScrollCache != null) { final Drawable scrollBar = mScrollCache.scrollBar; if (scrollBar != null && scrollBar.isStateful()) { changed |= scrollBar.setState(state) && mScrollCache.state != ScrollabilityCache.OFF; } } if (mStateListAnimator != null) { mStateListAnimator.setState(state); } if (changed) { invalidate(); } }
This function is called whenever the view hotspot changes and needs to be propagated to drawables or child views managed by the view.

Dispatching to child views is handled by dispatchDrawableHotspotChanged(float, float).

Be sure to call through to the superclass when overriding this function.

  • x – hotspot x coordinate
  • y – hotspot y coordinate
/** * This function is called whenever the view hotspot changes and needs to * be propagated to drawables or child views managed by the view. * <p> * Dispatching to child views is handled by * {@link #dispatchDrawableHotspotChanged(float, float)}. * <p> * Be sure to call through to the superclass when overriding this function. * * @param x hotspot x coordinate * @param y hotspot y coordinate */
@CallSuper public void drawableHotspotChanged(float x, float y) { if (mBackground != null) { mBackground.setHotspot(x, y); } if (mDefaultFocusHighlight != null) { mDefaultFocusHighlight.setHotspot(x, y); } if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null) { mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setHotspot(x, y); } dispatchDrawableHotspotChanged(x, y); }
Dispatches drawableHotspotChanged to all of this View's children.
  • x – hotspot x coordinate
  • y – hotspot y coordinate
See Also:
/** * Dispatches drawableHotspotChanged to all of this View's children. * * @param x hotspot x coordinate * @param y hotspot y coordinate * @see #drawableHotspotChanged(float, float) */
public void dispatchDrawableHotspotChanged(float x, float y) { }
Call this to force a view to update its drawable state. This will cause drawableStateChanged to be called on this view. Views that are interested in the new state should call getDrawableState.
See Also:
/** * Call this to force a view to update its drawable state. This will cause * drawableStateChanged to be called on this view. Views that are interested * in the new state should call getDrawableState. * * @see #drawableStateChanged * @see #getDrawableState */
public void refreshDrawableState() { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_DRAWABLE_STATE_DIRTY; drawableStateChanged(); ViewParent parent = mParent; if (parent != null) { parent.childDrawableStateChanged(this); } }
Create a default focus highlight if it doesn't exist.
Returns:a default focus highlight.
/** * Create a default focus highlight if it doesn't exist. * @return a default focus highlight. */
private Drawable getDefaultFocusHighlightDrawable() { if (mDefaultFocusHighlightCache == null) { if (mContext != null) { final int[] attrs = new int[] { android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground }; final TypedArray ta = mContext.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs); mDefaultFocusHighlightCache = ta.getDrawable(0); ta.recycle(); } } return mDefaultFocusHighlightCache; }
Set the current default focus highlight.
  • highlight – the highlight drawable, or null if it's no longer needed.
/** * Set the current default focus highlight. * @param highlight the highlight drawable, or {@code null} if it's no longer needed. */
private void setDefaultFocusHighlight(Drawable highlight) { mDefaultFocusHighlight = highlight; mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true; if (highlight != null) { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) != 0) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; } highlight.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection()); if (highlight.isStateful()) { highlight.setState(getDrawableState()); } if (isAttachedToWindow()) { highlight.setVisible(getWindowVisibility() == VISIBLE && isShown(), false); } // Set callback last, since the view may still be initializing. highlight.setCallback(this); } else if ((mViewFlags & WILL_NOT_DRAW) != 0 && mBackground == null && (mForegroundInfo == null || mForegroundInfo.mDrawable == null)) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; } invalidate(); }
Check whether we need to draw a default focus highlight when this view gets focused, which requires:
  • In both background and foreground, state_focused.state_focused is not defined.
  • This view is not in touch mode.
  • This view doesn't opt out for a default focus highlight, via setDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled(boolean).
  • This view is attached to window.
Returns:true if a default focus highlight is needed.
/** * Check whether we need to draw a default focus highlight when this view gets focused, * which requires: * <ul> * <li>In both background and foreground, {@link android.R.attr#state_focused} * is not defined.</li> * <li>This view is not in touch mode.</li> * <li>This view doesn't opt out for a default focus highlight, via * {@link #setDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled(boolean)}.</li> * <li>This view is attached to window.</li> * </ul> * @return {@code true} if a default focus highlight is needed. * @hide */
@TestApi public boolean isDefaultFocusHighlightNeeded(Drawable background, Drawable foreground) { final boolean lackFocusState = (background == null || !background.isStateful() || !background.hasFocusStateSpecified()) && (foreground == null || !foreground.isStateful() || !foreground.hasFocusStateSpecified()); return !isInTouchMode() && getDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled() && lackFocusState && isAttachedToWindow() && sUseDefaultFocusHighlight; }
When this view is focused, switches on/off the default focused highlight.

This always happens when this view is focused, and only at this moment the default focus highlight can be visible.

/** * When this view is focused, switches on/off the default focused highlight. * <p> * This always happens when this view is focused, and only at this moment the default focus * highlight can be visible. */
private void switchDefaultFocusHighlight() { if (isFocused()) { final boolean needed = isDefaultFocusHighlightNeeded(mBackground, mForegroundInfo == null ? null : mForegroundInfo.mDrawable); final boolean active = mDefaultFocusHighlight != null; if (needed && !active) { setDefaultFocusHighlight(getDefaultFocusHighlightDrawable()); } else if (!needed && active) { // The highlight is no longer needed, so tear it down. setDefaultFocusHighlight(null); } } }
Draw the default focus highlight onto the canvas.
  • canvas – the canvas where we're drawing the highlight.
/** * Draw the default focus highlight onto the canvas. * @param canvas the canvas where we're drawing the highlight. */
private void drawDefaultFocusHighlight(Canvas canvas) { if (mDefaultFocusHighlight != null) { if (mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged) { mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = false; final int l = mScrollX; final int r = l + mRight - mLeft; final int t = mScrollY; final int b = t + mBottom - mTop; mDefaultFocusHighlight.setBounds(l, t, r, b); } mDefaultFocusHighlight.draw(canvas); } }
Return an array of resource IDs of the drawable states representing the current state of the view.
See Also:
Returns:The current drawable state
/** * Return an array of resource IDs of the drawable states representing the * current state of the view. * * @return The current drawable state * * @see Drawable#setState(int[]) * @see #drawableStateChanged() * @see #onCreateDrawableState(int) */
public final int[] getDrawableState() { if ((mDrawableState != null) && ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_DRAWABLE_STATE_DIRTY) == 0)) { return mDrawableState; } else { mDrawableState = onCreateDrawableState(0); mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_DRAWABLE_STATE_DIRTY; return mDrawableState; } }
Generate the new Drawable state for this view. This is called by the view system when the cached Drawable state is determined to be invalid. To retrieve the current state, you should use getDrawableState.
  • extraSpace – if non-zero, this is the number of extra entries you would like in the returned array in which you can place your own states.
See Also:
Returns:Returns an array holding the current Drawable state of the view.
/** * Generate the new {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} state for * this view. This is called by the view * system when the cached Drawable state is determined to be invalid. To * retrieve the current state, you should use {@link #getDrawableState}. * * @param extraSpace if non-zero, this is the number of extra entries you * would like in the returned array in which you can place your own * states. * * @return Returns an array holding the current {@link Drawable} state of * the view. * * @see #mergeDrawableStates(int[], int[]) */
protected int[] onCreateDrawableState(int extraSpace) { if ((mViewFlags & DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE) == DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE && mParent instanceof View) { return ((View) mParent).onCreateDrawableState(extraSpace); } int[] drawableState; int privateFlags = mPrivateFlags; int viewStateIndex = 0; if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_PRESSED) != 0) viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_PRESSED; if ((mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED) viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_ENABLED; if (isFocused()) viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_FOCUSED; if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_SELECTED) != 0) viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_SELECTED; if (hasWindowFocus()) viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_WINDOW_FOCUSED; if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_ACTIVATED) != 0) viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_ACTIVATED; if (mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mHardwareAccelerationRequested && ThreadedRenderer.isAvailable()) { // This is set if HW acceleration is requested, even if the current // process doesn't allow it. This is just to allow app preview // windows to better match their app. viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_ACCELERATED; } if ((privateFlags & PFLAG_HOVERED) != 0) viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_HOVERED; final int privateFlags2 = mPrivateFlags2; if ((privateFlags2 & PFLAG2_DRAG_CAN_ACCEPT) != 0) { viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_DRAG_CAN_ACCEPT; } if ((privateFlags2 & PFLAG2_DRAG_HOVERED) != 0) { viewStateIndex |= StateSet.VIEW_STATE_DRAG_HOVERED; } drawableState = StateSet.get(viewStateIndex); //noinspection ConstantIfStatement if (false) { Log.i("View", "drawableStateIndex=" + viewStateIndex); Log.i("View", toString() + " pressed=" + ((privateFlags & PFLAG_PRESSED) != 0) + " en=" + ((mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED) + " fo=" + hasFocus() + " sl=" + ((privateFlags & PFLAG_SELECTED) != 0) + " wf=" + hasWindowFocus() + ": " + Arrays.toString(drawableState)); } if (extraSpace == 0) { return drawableState; } final int[] fullState; if (drawableState != null) { fullState = new int[drawableState.length + extraSpace]; System.arraycopy(drawableState, 0, fullState, 0, drawableState.length); } else { fullState = new int[extraSpace]; } return fullState; }
Merge your own state values in additionalState into the base state values baseState that were returned by onCreateDrawableState(int).
  • baseState – The base state values returned by onCreateDrawableState(int), which will be modified to also hold your own additional state values.
  • additionalState – The additional state values you would like added to baseState; this array is not modified.
See Also:
Returns:As a convenience, the baseState array you originally passed into the function is returned.
/** * Merge your own state values in <var>additionalState</var> into the base * state values <var>baseState</var> that were returned by * {@link #onCreateDrawableState(int)}. * * @param baseState The base state values returned by * {@link #onCreateDrawableState(int)}, which will be modified to also hold your * own additional state values. * * @param additionalState The additional state values you would like * added to <var>baseState</var>; this array is not modified. * * @return As a convenience, the <var>baseState</var> array you originally * passed into the function is returned. * * @see #onCreateDrawableState(int) */
protected static int[] mergeDrawableStates(int[] baseState, int[] additionalState) { final int N = baseState.length; int i = N - 1; while (i >= 0 && baseState[i] == 0) { i--; } System.arraycopy(additionalState, 0, baseState, i + 1, additionalState.length); return baseState; }
Call Drawable.jumpToCurrentState() on all Drawable objects associated with this view.

Also calls StateListAnimator.jumpToCurrentState() if there is a StateListAnimator attached to this view.

/** * Call {@link Drawable#jumpToCurrentState() Drawable.jumpToCurrentState()} * on all Drawable objects associated with this view. * <p> * Also calls {@link StateListAnimator#jumpToCurrentState()} if there is a StateListAnimator * attached to this view. */
@CallSuper public void jumpDrawablesToCurrentState() { if (mBackground != null) { mBackground.jumpToCurrentState(); } if (mStateListAnimator != null) { mStateListAnimator.jumpToCurrentState(); } if (mDefaultFocusHighlight != null) { mDefaultFocusHighlight.jumpToCurrentState(); } if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null) { mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.jumpToCurrentState(); } }
Sets the background color for this view.
  • color – the color of the background
/** * Sets the background color for this view. * @param color the color of the background */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int color) { if (mBackground instanceof ColorDrawable) { ((ColorDrawable) mBackground.mutate()).setColor(color); computeOpaqueFlags(); mBackgroundResource = 0; } else { setBackground(new ColorDrawable(color)); } }
Set the background to a given resource. The resource should refer to a Drawable object or 0 to remove the background.
  • resid – The identifier of the resource.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_background
/** * Set the background to a given resource. The resource should refer to * a Drawable object or 0 to remove the background. * @param resid The identifier of the resource. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_background */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setBackgroundResource(@DrawableRes int resid) { if (resid != 0 && resid == mBackgroundResource) { return; } Drawable d = null; if (resid != 0) { d = mContext.getDrawable(resid); } setBackground(d); mBackgroundResource = resid; }
Set the background to a given Drawable, or remove the background. If the background has padding, this View's padding is set to the background's padding. However, when a background is removed, this View's padding isn't touched. If setting the padding is desired, please use setPadding(int, int, int, int).
  • background – The Drawable to use as the background, or null to remove the background
/** * Set the background to a given Drawable, or remove the background. If the * background has padding, this View's padding is set to the background's * padding. However, when a background is removed, this View's padding isn't * touched. If setting the padding is desired, please use * {@link #setPadding(int, int, int, int)}. * * @param background The Drawable to use as the background, or null to remove the * background */
public void setBackground(Drawable background) { //noinspection deprecation setBackgroundDrawable(background); }
Deprecated:use setBackground(Drawable) instead
/** * @deprecated use {@link #setBackground(Drawable)} instead */
@Deprecated public void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable background) { computeOpaqueFlags(); if (background == mBackground) { return; } boolean requestLayout = false; mBackgroundResource = 0; /* * Regardless of whether we're setting a new background or not, we want * to clear the previous drawable. setVisible first while we still have the callback set. */ if (mBackground != null) { if (isAttachedToWindow()) { mBackground.setVisible(false, false); } mBackground.setCallback(null); unscheduleDrawable(mBackground); } if (background != null) { Rect padding = sThreadLocal.get(); if (padding == null) { padding = new Rect(); sThreadLocal.set(padding); } resetResolvedDrawablesInternal(); background.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection()); if (background.getPadding(padding)) { resetResolvedPaddingInternal(); switch (background.getLayoutDirection()) { case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL: mUserPaddingLeftInitial = padding.right; mUserPaddingRightInitial = padding.left; internalSetPadding(padding.right, padding.top, padding.left, padding.bottom); break; case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR: default: mUserPaddingLeftInitial = padding.left; mUserPaddingRightInitial = padding.right; internalSetPadding(padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom); } mLeftPaddingDefined = false; mRightPaddingDefined = false; } // Compare the minimum sizes of the old Drawable and the new. If there isn't an old or // if it has a different minimum size, we should layout again if (mBackground == null || mBackground.getMinimumHeight() != background.getMinimumHeight() || mBackground.getMinimumWidth() != background.getMinimumWidth()) { requestLayout = true; } // Set mBackground before we set this as the callback and start making other // background drawable state change calls. In particular, the setVisible call below // can result in drawables attempting to start animations or otherwise invalidate, // which requires the view set as the callback (us) to recognize the drawable as // belonging to it as per verifyDrawable. mBackground = background; if (background.isStateful()) { background.setState(getDrawableState()); } if (isAttachedToWindow()) { background.setVisible(getWindowVisibility() == VISIBLE && isShown(), false); } applyBackgroundTint(); // Set callback last, since the view may still be initializing. background.setCallback(this); if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) != 0) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; requestLayout = true; } } else { /* Remove the background */ mBackground = null; if ((mViewFlags & WILL_NOT_DRAW) != 0 && (mDefaultFocusHighlight == null) && (mForegroundInfo == null || mForegroundInfo.mDrawable == null)) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; } /* * When the background is set, we try to apply its padding to this * View. When the background is removed, we don't touch this View's * padding. This is noted in the Javadocs. Hence, we don't need to * requestLayout(), the invalidate() below is sufficient. */ // The old background's minimum size could have affected this // View's layout, so let's requestLayout requestLayout = true; } computeOpaqueFlags(); if (requestLayout) { requestLayout(); } mBackgroundSizeChanged = true; invalidate(true); invalidateOutline(); }
Gets the background drawable
See Also:
Returns:The drawable used as the background for this view, if any.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_background
/** * Gets the background drawable * * @return The drawable used as the background for this view, if any. * * @see #setBackground(Drawable) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_background */
public Drawable getBackground() { return mBackground; }
Applies a tint to the background drawable. Does not modify the current tint mode, which is Mode.SRC_IN by default.

Subsequent calls to setBackground(Drawable) will automatically mutate the drawable and apply the specified tint and tint mode using Drawable.setTintList(ColorStateList).

  • tint – the tint to apply, may be null to clear tint
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_backgroundTint
/** * Applies a tint to the background drawable. Does not modify the current tint * mode, which is {@link PorterDuff.Mode#SRC_IN} by default. * <p> * Subsequent calls to {@link #setBackground(Drawable)} will automatically * mutate the drawable and apply the specified tint and tint mode using * {@link Drawable#setTintList(ColorStateList)}. * * @param tint the tint to apply, may be {@code null} to clear tint * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_backgroundTint * @see #getBackgroundTintList() * @see Drawable#setTintList(ColorStateList) */
public void setBackgroundTintList(@Nullable ColorStateList tint) { if (mBackgroundTint == null) { mBackgroundTint = new TintInfo(); } mBackgroundTint.mTintList = tint; mBackgroundTint.mHasTintList = true; applyBackgroundTint(); }
Return the tint applied to the background drawable, if specified.
See Also:
Returns:the tint applied to the background drawable
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_backgroundTint
/** * Return the tint applied to the background drawable, if specified. * * @return the tint applied to the background drawable * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_backgroundTint * @see #setBackgroundTintList(ColorStateList) */
@Nullable public ColorStateList getBackgroundTintList() { return mBackgroundTint != null ? mBackgroundTint.mTintList : null; }
Specifies the blending mode used to apply the tint specified by setBackgroundTintList(ColorStateList)} to the background drawable. The default mode is Mode.SRC_IN.
  • tintMode – the blending mode used to apply the tint, may be null to clear tint
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_backgroundTintMode
/** * Specifies the blending mode used to apply the tint specified by * {@link #setBackgroundTintList(ColorStateList)}} to the background * drawable. The default mode is {@link PorterDuff.Mode#SRC_IN}. * * @param tintMode the blending mode used to apply the tint, may be * {@code null} to clear tint * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_backgroundTintMode * @see #getBackgroundTintMode() * @see Drawable#setTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode) */
public void setBackgroundTintMode(@Nullable PorterDuff.Mode tintMode) { if (mBackgroundTint == null) { mBackgroundTint = new TintInfo(); } mBackgroundTint.mTintMode = tintMode; mBackgroundTint.mHasTintMode = true; applyBackgroundTint(); }
Return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the background drawable, if specified.
See Also:
Returns:the blending mode used to apply the tint to the background drawable
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_backgroundTintMode
/** * Return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the background * drawable, if specified. * * @return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the background * drawable * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_backgroundTintMode * @see #setBackgroundTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode) */
@Nullable public PorterDuff.Mode getBackgroundTintMode() { return mBackgroundTint != null ? mBackgroundTint.mTintMode : null; } private void applyBackgroundTint() { if (mBackground != null && mBackgroundTint != null) { final TintInfo tintInfo = mBackgroundTint; if (tintInfo.mHasTintList || tintInfo.mHasTintMode) { mBackground = mBackground.mutate(); if (tintInfo.mHasTintList) { mBackground.setTintList(tintInfo.mTintList); } if (tintInfo.mHasTintMode) { mBackground.setTintMode(tintInfo.mTintMode); } // The drawable (or one of its children) may not have been // stateful before applying the tint, so let's try again. if (mBackground.isStateful()) { mBackground.setState(getDrawableState()); } } } }
Returns the drawable used as the foreground of this View. The foreground drawable, if non-null, is always drawn on top of the view's content.
See Also:
Returns:a Drawable or null if no foreground was set
/** * Returns the drawable used as the foreground of this View. The * foreground drawable, if non-null, is always drawn on top of the view's content. * * @return a Drawable or null if no foreground was set * * @see #onDrawForeground(Canvas) */
public Drawable getForeground() { return mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null; }
Supply a Drawable that is to be rendered on top of all of the content in the view.
  • foreground – the Drawable to be drawn on top of the children
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_foreground
/** * Supply a Drawable that is to be rendered on top of all of the content in the view. * * @param foreground the Drawable to be drawn on top of the children * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foreground */
public void setForeground(Drawable foreground) { if (mForegroundInfo == null) { if (foreground == null) { // Nothing to do. return; } mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo(); } if (foreground == mForegroundInfo.mDrawable) { // Nothing to do return; } if (mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null) { if (isAttachedToWindow()) { mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setVisible(false, false); } mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setCallback(null); unscheduleDrawable(mForegroundInfo.mDrawable); } mForegroundInfo.mDrawable = foreground; mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = true; if (foreground != null) { if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) != 0) { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; } foreground.setLayoutDirection(getLayoutDirection()); if (foreground.isStateful()) { foreground.setState(getDrawableState()); } applyForegroundTint(); if (isAttachedToWindow()) { foreground.setVisible(getWindowVisibility() == VISIBLE && isShown(), false); } // Set callback last, since the view may still be initializing. foreground.setCallback(this); } else if ((mViewFlags & WILL_NOT_DRAW) != 0 && mBackground == null && (mDefaultFocusHighlight == null)) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW; } requestLayout(); invalidate(); }
Magic bit used to support features of framework-internal window decor implementation details. This used to live exclusively in FrameLayout.
Returns:true if the foreground should draw inside the padding region or false if it should draw inset by the view's padding
@hideinternal use only; only used by FrameLayout and internal screen layouts.
/** * Magic bit used to support features of framework-internal window decor implementation details. * This used to live exclusively in FrameLayout. * * @return true if the foreground should draw inside the padding region or false * if it should draw inset by the view's padding * @hide internal use only; only used by FrameLayout and internal screen layouts. */
public boolean isForegroundInsidePadding() { return mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mInsidePadding : true; }
Describes how the foreground is positioned.
See Also:
Returns:foreground gravity.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundGravity
/** * Describes how the foreground is positioned. * * @return foreground gravity. * * @see #setForegroundGravity(int) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundGravity */
public int getForegroundGravity() { return mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mGravity : Gravity.START | Gravity.TOP; }
Describes how the foreground is positioned. Defaults to START and TOP.
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundGravity
/** * Describes how the foreground is positioned. Defaults to START and TOP. * * @param gravity see {@link android.view.Gravity} * * @see #getForegroundGravity() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundGravity */
public void setForegroundGravity(int gravity) { if (mForegroundInfo == null) { mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo(); } if (mForegroundInfo.mGravity != gravity) { if ((gravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == 0) { gravity |= Gravity.START; } if ((gravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == 0) { gravity |= Gravity.TOP; } mForegroundInfo.mGravity = gravity; requestLayout(); } }
Applies a tint to the foreground drawable. Does not modify the current tint mode, which is Mode.SRC_IN by default.

Subsequent calls to setForeground(Drawable) will automatically mutate the drawable and apply the specified tint and tint mode using Drawable.setTintList(ColorStateList).

  • tint – the tint to apply, may be null to clear tint
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTint
/** * Applies a tint to the foreground drawable. Does not modify the current tint * mode, which is {@link PorterDuff.Mode#SRC_IN} by default. * <p> * Subsequent calls to {@link #setForeground(Drawable)} will automatically * mutate the drawable and apply the specified tint and tint mode using * {@link Drawable#setTintList(ColorStateList)}. * * @param tint the tint to apply, may be {@code null} to clear tint * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTint * @see #getForegroundTintList() * @see Drawable#setTintList(ColorStateList) */
public void setForegroundTintList(@Nullable ColorStateList tint) { if (mForegroundInfo == null) { mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo(); } if (mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo == null) { mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo = new TintInfo(); } mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mTintList = tint; mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mHasTintList = true; applyForegroundTint(); }
Return the tint applied to the foreground drawable, if specified.
See Also:
Returns:the tint applied to the foreground drawable
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTint
/** * Return the tint applied to the foreground drawable, if specified. * * @return the tint applied to the foreground drawable * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTint * @see #setForegroundTintList(ColorStateList) */
@Nullable public ColorStateList getForegroundTintList() { return mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mTintList : null; }
Specifies the blending mode used to apply the tint specified by setForegroundTintList(ColorStateList)} to the background drawable. The default mode is Mode.SRC_IN.
  • tintMode – the blending mode used to apply the tint, may be null to clear tint
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTintMode
/** * Specifies the blending mode used to apply the tint specified by * {@link #setForegroundTintList(ColorStateList)}} to the background * drawable. The default mode is {@link PorterDuff.Mode#SRC_IN}. * * @param tintMode the blending mode used to apply the tint, may be * {@code null} to clear tint * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTintMode * @see #getForegroundTintMode() * @see Drawable#setTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode) */
public void setForegroundTintMode(@Nullable PorterDuff.Mode tintMode) { if (mForegroundInfo == null) { mForegroundInfo = new ForegroundInfo(); } if (mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo == null) { mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo = new TintInfo(); } mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mTintMode = tintMode; mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mHasTintMode = true; applyForegroundTint(); }
Return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the foreground drawable, if specified.
See Also:
Returns:the blending mode used to apply the tint to the foreground drawable
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTintMode
/** * Return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the foreground * drawable, if specified. * * @return the blending mode used to apply the tint to the foreground * drawable * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundTintMode * @see #setForegroundTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode) */
@Nullable public PorterDuff.Mode getForegroundTintMode() { return mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo.mTintMode : null; } private void applyForegroundTint() { if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null && mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo != null) { final TintInfo tintInfo = mForegroundInfo.mTintInfo; if (tintInfo.mHasTintList || tintInfo.mHasTintMode) { mForegroundInfo.mDrawable = mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.mutate(); if (tintInfo.mHasTintList) { mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setTintList(tintInfo.mTintList); } if (tintInfo.mHasTintMode) { mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setTintMode(tintInfo.mTintMode); } // The drawable (or one of its children) may not have been // stateful before applying the tint, so let's try again. if (mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.isStateful()) { mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.setState(getDrawableState()); } } } }
Get the drawable to be overlayed when a view is autofilled
Returns:The drawable
/** * Get the drawable to be overlayed when a view is autofilled * * @return The drawable * * @throws IllegalStateException if the drawable could not be found. */
@Nullable private Drawable getAutofilledDrawable() { if (mAttachInfo == null) { return null; } // Lazily load the isAutofilled drawable. if (mAttachInfo.mAutofilledDrawable == null) { Context rootContext = getRootView().getContext(); TypedArray a = rootContext.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(AUTOFILL_HIGHLIGHT_ATTR); int attributeResourceId = a.getResourceId(0, 0); mAttachInfo.mAutofilledDrawable = rootContext.getDrawable(attributeResourceId); a.recycle(); } return mAttachInfo.mAutofilledDrawable; }
Draw isAutofilled() highlight over view if the view is autofilled.
  • canvas – The canvas to draw on
/** * Draw {@link View#isAutofilled()} highlight over view if the view is autofilled. * * @param canvas The canvas to draw on */
private void drawAutofilledHighlight(@NonNull Canvas canvas) { if (isAutofilled()) { Drawable autofilledHighlight = getAutofilledDrawable(); if (autofilledHighlight != null) { autofilledHighlight.setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); autofilledHighlight.draw(canvas); } } }
Draw any foreground content for this view.

Foreground content may consist of scroll bars, a foreground drawable or other view-specific decorations. The foreground is drawn on top of the primary view content.

  • canvas – canvas to draw into
/** * Draw any foreground content for this view. * * <p>Foreground content may consist of scroll bars, a {@link #setForeground foreground} * drawable or other view-specific decorations. The foreground is drawn on top of the * primary view content.</p> * * @param canvas canvas to draw into */
public void onDrawForeground(Canvas canvas) { onDrawScrollIndicators(canvas); onDrawScrollBars(canvas); final Drawable foreground = mForegroundInfo != null ? mForegroundInfo.mDrawable : null; if (foreground != null) { if (mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged) { mForegroundInfo.mBoundsChanged = false; final Rect selfBounds = mForegroundInfo.mSelfBounds; final Rect overlayBounds = mForegroundInfo.mOverlayBounds; if (mForegroundInfo.mInsidePadding) { selfBounds.set(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } else { selfBounds.set(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(), getWidth() - getPaddingRight(), getHeight() - getPaddingBottom()); } final int ld = getLayoutDirection(); Gravity.apply(mForegroundInfo.mGravity, foreground.getIntrinsicWidth(), foreground.getIntrinsicHeight(), selfBounds, overlayBounds, ld); foreground.setBounds(overlayBounds); } foreground.draw(canvas); } }
Sets the padding. The view may add on the space required to display the scrollbars, depending on the style and visibility of the scrollbars. So the values returned from getPaddingLeft, getPaddingTop, getPaddingRight and getPaddingBottom may be different from the values set in this call.
  • left – the left padding in pixels
  • top – the top padding in pixels
  • right – the right padding in pixels
  • bottom – the bottom padding in pixels
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_padding
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingBottom
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingLeft
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingRight
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingTop
/** * Sets the padding. The view may add on the space required to display * the scrollbars, depending on the style and visibility of the scrollbars. * So the values returned from {@link #getPaddingLeft}, {@link #getPaddingTop}, * {@link #getPaddingRight} and {@link #getPaddingBottom} may be different * from the values set in this call. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_padding * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingBottom * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingLeft * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingRight * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingTop * @param left the left padding in pixels * @param top the top padding in pixels * @param right the right padding in pixels * @param bottom the bottom padding in pixels */
public void setPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { resetResolvedPaddingInternal(); mUserPaddingStart = UNDEFINED_PADDING; mUserPaddingEnd = UNDEFINED_PADDING; mUserPaddingLeftInitial = left; mUserPaddingRightInitial = right; mLeftPaddingDefined = true; mRightPaddingDefined = true; internalSetPadding(left, top, right, bottom); }
/** * @hide */
protected void internalSetPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { mUserPaddingLeft = left; mUserPaddingRight = right; mUserPaddingBottom = bottom; final int viewFlags = mViewFlags; boolean changed = false; // Common case is there are no scroll bars. if ((viewFlags & (SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL|SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL)) != 0) { if ((viewFlags & SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL) != 0) { final int offset = (viewFlags & SCROLLBARS_INSET_MASK) == 0 ? 0 : getVerticalScrollbarWidth(); switch (mVerticalScrollbarPosition) { case SCROLLBAR_POSITION_DEFAULT: if (isLayoutRtl()) { left += offset; } else { right += offset; } break; case SCROLLBAR_POSITION_RIGHT: right += offset; break; case SCROLLBAR_POSITION_LEFT: left += offset; break; } } if ((viewFlags & SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL) != 0) { bottom += (viewFlags & SCROLLBARS_INSET_MASK) == 0 ? 0 : getHorizontalScrollbarHeight(); } } if (mPaddingLeft != left) { changed = true; mPaddingLeft = left; } if (mPaddingTop != top) { changed = true; mPaddingTop = top; } if (mPaddingRight != right) { changed = true; mPaddingRight = right; } if (mPaddingBottom != bottom) { changed = true; mPaddingBottom = bottom; } if (changed) { requestLayout(); invalidateOutline(); } }
Sets the relative padding. The view may add on the space required to display the scrollbars, depending on the style and visibility of the scrollbars. So the values returned from getPaddingStart, getPaddingTop, getPaddingEnd and getPaddingBottom may be different from the values set in this call.
  • start – the start padding in pixels
  • top – the top padding in pixels
  • end – the end padding in pixels
  • bottom – the bottom padding in pixels
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_padding
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingBottom
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingStart
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingEnd
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingTop
/** * Sets the relative padding. The view may add on the space required to display * the scrollbars, depending on the style and visibility of the scrollbars. * So the values returned from {@link #getPaddingStart}, {@link #getPaddingTop}, * {@link #getPaddingEnd} and {@link #getPaddingBottom} may be different * from the values set in this call. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_padding * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingBottom * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingStart * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingEnd * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingTop * @param start the start padding in pixels * @param top the top padding in pixels * @param end the end padding in pixels * @param bottom the bottom padding in pixels */
public void setPaddingRelative(int start, int top, int end, int bottom) { resetResolvedPaddingInternal(); mUserPaddingStart = start; mUserPaddingEnd = end; mLeftPaddingDefined = true; mRightPaddingDefined = true; switch(getLayoutDirection()) { case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL: mUserPaddingLeftInitial = end; mUserPaddingRightInitial = start; internalSetPadding(end, top, start, bottom); break; case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR: default: mUserPaddingLeftInitial = start; mUserPaddingRightInitial = end; internalSetPadding(start, top, end, bottom); } }
Returns the top padding of this view.
Returns:the top padding in pixels
/** * Returns the top padding of this view. * * @return the top padding in pixels */
public int getPaddingTop() { return mPaddingTop; }
Returns the bottom padding of this view. If there are inset and enabled scrollbars, this value may include the space required to display the scrollbars as well.
Returns:the bottom padding in pixels
/** * Returns the bottom padding of this view. If there are inset and enabled * scrollbars, this value may include the space required to display the * scrollbars as well. * * @return the bottom padding in pixels */
public int getPaddingBottom() { return mPaddingBottom; }
Returns the left padding of this view. If there are inset and enabled scrollbars, this value may include the space required to display the scrollbars as well.
Returns:the left padding in pixels
/** * Returns the left padding of this view. If there are inset and enabled * scrollbars, this value may include the space required to display the * scrollbars as well. * * @return the left padding in pixels */
public int getPaddingLeft() { if (!isPaddingResolved()) { resolvePadding(); } return mPaddingLeft; }
Returns the start padding of this view depending on its resolved layout direction. If there are inset and enabled scrollbars, this value may include the space required to display the scrollbars as well.
Returns:the start padding in pixels
/** * Returns the start padding of this view depending on its resolved layout direction. * If there are inset and enabled scrollbars, this value may include the space * required to display the scrollbars as well. * * @return the start padding in pixels */
public int getPaddingStart() { if (!isPaddingResolved()) { resolvePadding(); } return (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) ? mPaddingRight : mPaddingLeft; }
Returns the right padding of this view. If there are inset and enabled scrollbars, this value may include the space required to display the scrollbars as well.
Returns:the right padding in pixels
/** * Returns the right padding of this view. If there are inset and enabled * scrollbars, this value may include the space required to display the * scrollbars as well. * * @return the right padding in pixels */
public int getPaddingRight() { if (!isPaddingResolved()) { resolvePadding(); } return mPaddingRight; }
Returns the end padding of this view depending on its resolved layout direction. If there are inset and enabled scrollbars, this value may include the space required to display the scrollbars as well.
Returns:the end padding in pixels
/** * Returns the end padding of this view depending on its resolved layout direction. * If there are inset and enabled scrollbars, this value may include the space * required to display the scrollbars as well. * * @return the end padding in pixels */
public int getPaddingEnd() { if (!isPaddingResolved()) { resolvePadding(); } return (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) ? mPaddingLeft : mPaddingRight; }
Return if the padding has been set through relative values setPaddingRelative(int, int, int, int) or through
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingStart or
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_paddingEnd
Returns:true if the padding is relative or false if it is not.
/** * Return if the padding has been set through relative values * {@link #setPaddingRelative(int, int, int, int)} or through * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingStart or * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_paddingEnd * * @return true if the padding is relative or false if it is not. */
public boolean isPaddingRelative() { return (mUserPaddingStart != UNDEFINED_PADDING || mUserPaddingEnd != UNDEFINED_PADDING); } Insets computeOpticalInsets() { return (mBackground == null) ? Insets.NONE : mBackground.getOpticalInsets(); }
/** * @hide */
public void resetPaddingToInitialValues() { if (isRtlCompatibilityMode()) { mPaddingLeft = mUserPaddingLeftInitial; mPaddingRight = mUserPaddingRightInitial; return; } if (isLayoutRtl()) { mPaddingLeft = (mUserPaddingEnd >= 0) ? mUserPaddingEnd : mUserPaddingLeftInitial; mPaddingRight = (mUserPaddingStart >= 0) ? mUserPaddingStart : mUserPaddingRightInitial; } else { mPaddingLeft = (mUserPaddingStart >= 0) ? mUserPaddingStart : mUserPaddingLeftInitial; mPaddingRight = (mUserPaddingEnd >= 0) ? mUserPaddingEnd : mUserPaddingRightInitial; } }
/** * @hide */
public Insets getOpticalInsets() { if (mLayoutInsets == null) { mLayoutInsets = computeOpticalInsets(); } return mLayoutInsets; }
Set this view's optical insets.

This method should be treated similarly to setMeasuredDimension and not as a general property. Views that compute their own optical insets should call it as part of measurement. This method does not request layout. If you are setting optical insets outside of measure/layout itself you will want to call requestLayout() yourself.

/** * Set this view's optical insets. * * <p>This method should be treated similarly to setMeasuredDimension and not as a general * property. Views that compute their own optical insets should call it as part of measurement. * This method does not request layout. If you are setting optical insets outside of * measure/layout itself you will want to call requestLayout() yourself. * </p> * @hide */
public void setOpticalInsets(Insets insets) { mLayoutInsets = insets; }
Changes the selection state of this view. A view can be selected or not. Note that selection is not the same as focus. Views are typically selected in the context of an AdapterView like ListView or GridView; the selected view is the view that is highlighted.
  • selected – true if the view must be selected, false otherwise
/** * Changes the selection state of this view. A view can be selected or not. * Note that selection is not the same as focus. Views are typically * selected in the context of an AdapterView like ListView or GridView; * the selected view is the view that is highlighted. * * @param selected true if the view must be selected, false otherwise */
public void setSelected(boolean selected) { //noinspection DoubleNegation if (((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SELECTED) != 0) != selected) { mPrivateFlags = (mPrivateFlags & ~PFLAG_SELECTED) | (selected ? PFLAG_SELECTED : 0); if (!selected) resetPressedState(); invalidate(true); refreshDrawableState(); dispatchSetSelected(selected); if (selected) { sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SELECTED); } else { notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded( AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } } }
Dispatch setSelected to all of this View's children.
  • selected – The new selected state
See Also:
  • setSelected(boolean)
/** * Dispatch setSelected to all of this View's children. * * @see #setSelected(boolean) * * @param selected The new selected state */
protected void dispatchSetSelected(boolean selected) { }
Indicates the selection state of this view.
Returns:true if the view is selected, false otherwise
/** * Indicates the selection state of this view. * * @return true if the view is selected, false otherwise */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isSelected() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_SELECTED) != 0; }
Changes the activated state of this view. A view can be activated or not. Note that activation is not the same as selection. Selection is a transient property, representing the view (hierarchy) the user is currently interacting with. Activation is a longer-term state that the user can move views in and out of. For example, in a list view with single or multiple selection enabled, the views in the current selection set are activated. (Um, yeah, we are deeply sorry about the terminology here.) The activated state is propagated down to children of the view it is set on.
  • activated – true if the view must be activated, false otherwise
/** * Changes the activated state of this view. A view can be activated or not. * Note that activation is not the same as selection. Selection is * a transient property, representing the view (hierarchy) the user is * currently interacting with. Activation is a longer-term state that the * user can move views in and out of. For example, in a list view with * single or multiple selection enabled, the views in the current selection * set are activated. (Um, yeah, we are deeply sorry about the terminology * here.) The activated state is propagated down to children of the view it * is set on. * * @param activated true if the view must be activated, false otherwise */
public void setActivated(boolean activated) { //noinspection DoubleNegation if (((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_ACTIVATED) != 0) != activated) { mPrivateFlags = (mPrivateFlags & ~PFLAG_ACTIVATED) | (activated ? PFLAG_ACTIVATED : 0); invalidate(true); refreshDrawableState(); dispatchSetActivated(activated); } }
Dispatch setActivated to all of this View's children.
  • activated – The new activated state
See Also:
  • setActivated(boolean)
/** * Dispatch setActivated to all of this View's children. * * @see #setActivated(boolean) * * @param activated The new activated state */
protected void dispatchSetActivated(boolean activated) { }
Indicates the activation state of this view.
Returns:true if the view is activated, false otherwise
/** * Indicates the activation state of this view. * * @return true if the view is activated, false otherwise */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public boolean isActivated() { return (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_ACTIVATED) != 0; }
Returns the ViewTreeObserver for this view's hierarchy. The view tree observer can be used to get notifications when global events, like layout, happen. The returned ViewTreeObserver observer is not guaranteed to remain valid for the lifetime of this View. If the caller of this method keeps a long-lived reference to ViewTreeObserver, it should always check for the return value of ViewTreeObserver.isAlive().
Returns:The ViewTreeObserver for this view's hierarchy.
/** * Returns the ViewTreeObserver for this view's hierarchy. The view tree * observer can be used to get notifications when global events, like * layout, happen. * * The returned ViewTreeObserver observer is not guaranteed to remain * valid for the lifetime of this View. If the caller of this method keeps * a long-lived reference to ViewTreeObserver, it should always check for * the return value of {@link ViewTreeObserver#isAlive()}. * * @return The ViewTreeObserver for this view's hierarchy. */
public ViewTreeObserver getViewTreeObserver() { if (mAttachInfo != null) { return mAttachInfo.mTreeObserver; } if (mFloatingTreeObserver == null) { mFloatingTreeObserver = new ViewTreeObserver(mContext); } return mFloatingTreeObserver; }

Finds the topmost view in the current view hierarchy.

Returns:the topmost view containing this view
/** * <p>Finds the topmost view in the current view hierarchy.</p> * * @return the topmost view containing this view */
public View getRootView() { if (mAttachInfo != null) { final View v = mAttachInfo.mRootView; if (v != null) { return v; } } View parent = this; while (parent.mParent != null && parent.mParent instanceof View) { parent = (View) parent.mParent; } return parent; }
Transforms a motion event from view-local coordinates to on-screen coordinates.
  • ev – the view-local motion event
Returns:false if the transformation could not be applied
/** * Transforms a motion event from view-local coordinates to on-screen * coordinates. * * @param ev the view-local motion event * @return false if the transformation could not be applied * @hide */
public boolean toGlobalMotionEvent(MotionEvent ev) { final AttachInfo info = mAttachInfo; if (info == null) { return false; } final Matrix m = info.mTmpMatrix; m.set(Matrix.IDENTITY_MATRIX); transformMatrixToGlobal(m); ev.transform(m); return true; }
Transforms a motion event from on-screen coordinates to view-local coordinates.
  • ev – the on-screen motion event
Returns:false if the transformation could not be applied
/** * Transforms a motion event from on-screen coordinates to view-local * coordinates. * * @param ev the on-screen motion event * @return false if the transformation could not be applied * @hide */
public boolean toLocalMotionEvent(MotionEvent ev) { final AttachInfo info = mAttachInfo; if (info == null) { return false; } final Matrix m = info.mTmpMatrix; m.set(Matrix.IDENTITY_MATRIX); transformMatrixToLocal(m); ev.transform(m); return true; }
Modifies the input matrix such that it maps view-local coordinates to on-screen coordinates.
  • m – input matrix to modify
/** * Modifies the input matrix such that it maps view-local coordinates to * on-screen coordinates. * * @param m input matrix to modify * @hide */
public void transformMatrixToGlobal(Matrix m) { final ViewParent parent = mParent; if (parent instanceof View) { final View vp = (View) parent; vp.transformMatrixToGlobal(m); m.preTranslate(-vp.mScrollX, -vp.mScrollY); } else if (parent instanceof ViewRootImpl) { final ViewRootImpl vr = (ViewRootImpl) parent; vr.transformMatrixToGlobal(m); m.preTranslate(0, -vr.mCurScrollY); } m.preTranslate(mLeft, mTop); if (!hasIdentityMatrix()) { m.preConcat(getMatrix()); } }
Modifies the input matrix such that it maps on-screen coordinates to view-local coordinates.
  • m – input matrix to modify
/** * Modifies the input matrix such that it maps on-screen coordinates to * view-local coordinates. * * @param m input matrix to modify * @hide */
public void transformMatrixToLocal(Matrix m) { final ViewParent parent = mParent; if (parent instanceof View) { final View vp = (View) parent; vp.transformMatrixToLocal(m); m.postTranslate(vp.mScrollX, vp.mScrollY); } else if (parent instanceof ViewRootImpl) { final ViewRootImpl vr = (ViewRootImpl) parent; vr.transformMatrixToLocal(m); m.postTranslate(0, vr.mCurScrollY); } m.postTranslate(-mLeft, -mTop); if (!hasIdentityMatrix()) { m.postConcat(getInverseMatrix()); } }
/** * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout", indexMapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = 0, to = "x"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = 1, to = "y") }) public int[] getLocationOnScreen() { int[] location = new int[2]; getLocationOnScreen(location); return location; }

Computes the coordinates of this view on the screen. The argument must be an array of two integers. After the method returns, the array contains the x and y location in that order.

  • outLocation – an array of two integers in which to hold the coordinates
/** * <p>Computes the coordinates of this view on the screen. The argument * must be an array of two integers. After the method returns, the array * contains the x and y location in that order.</p> * * @param outLocation an array of two integers in which to hold the coordinates */
public void getLocationOnScreen(@Size(2) int[] outLocation) { getLocationInWindow(outLocation); final AttachInfo info = mAttachInfo; if (info != null) { outLocation[0] += info.mWindowLeft; outLocation[1] += info.mWindowTop; } }

Computes the coordinates of this view in its window. The argument must be an array of two integers. After the method returns, the array contains the x and y location in that order.

  • outLocation – an array of two integers in which to hold the coordinates
/** * <p>Computes the coordinates of this view in its window. The argument * must be an array of two integers. After the method returns, the array * contains the x and y location in that order.</p> * * @param outLocation an array of two integers in which to hold the coordinates */
public void getLocationInWindow(@Size(2) int[] outLocation) { if (outLocation == null || outLocation.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("outLocation must be an array of two integers"); } outLocation[0] = 0; outLocation[1] = 0; transformFromViewToWindowSpace(outLocation); }
/** @hide */
public void transformFromViewToWindowSpace(@Size(2) int[] inOutLocation) { if (inOutLocation == null || inOutLocation.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("inOutLocation must be an array of two integers"); } if (mAttachInfo == null) { // When the view is not attached to a window, this method does not make sense inOutLocation[0] = inOutLocation[1] = 0; return; } float position[] = mAttachInfo.mTmpTransformLocation; position[0] = inOutLocation[0]; position[1] = inOutLocation[1]; if (!hasIdentityMatrix()) { getMatrix().mapPoints(position); } position[0] += mLeft; position[1] += mTop; ViewParent viewParent = mParent; while (viewParent instanceof View) { final View view = (View) viewParent; position[0] -= view.mScrollX; position[1] -= view.mScrollY; if (!view.hasIdentityMatrix()) { view.getMatrix().mapPoints(position); } position[0] += view.mLeft; position[1] += view.mTop; viewParent = view.mParent; } if (viewParent instanceof ViewRootImpl) { // *cough* final ViewRootImpl vr = (ViewRootImpl) viewParent; position[1] -= vr.mCurScrollY; } inOutLocation[0] = Math.round(position[0]); inOutLocation[1] = Math.round(position[1]); }
  • id – the id of the view to be found
Returns:the view of the specified id, null if cannot be found
/** * @param id the id of the view to be found * @return the view of the specified id, null if cannot be found * @hide */
protected <T extends View> T findViewTraversal(@IdRes int id) { if (id == mID) { return (T) this; } return null; }
  • tag – the tag of the view to be found
Returns:the view of specified tag, null if cannot be found
/** * @param tag the tag of the view to be found * @return the view of specified tag, null if cannot be found * @hide */
protected <T extends View> T findViewWithTagTraversal(Object tag) { if (tag != null && tag.equals(mTag)) { return (T) this; } return null; }
  • predicate – The predicate to evaluate.
  • childToSkip – If not null, ignores this child during the recursive traversal.
Returns:The first view that matches the predicate or null.
/** * @param predicate The predicate to evaluate. * @param childToSkip If not null, ignores this child during the recursive traversal. * @return The first view that matches the predicate or null. * @hide */
protected <T extends View> T findViewByPredicateTraversal(Predicate<View> predicate, View childToSkip) { if (predicate.test(this)) { return (T) this; } return null; }
Finds the first descendant view with the given ID, the view itself if the ID matches getId(), or null if the ID is invalid (< 0) or there is no matching view in the hierarchy.

Note: In most cases -- depending on compiler support -- the resulting view is automatically cast to the target class type. If the target class type is unconstrained, an explicit cast may be necessary.

  • id – the ID to search for
See Also:
Returns:a view with given ID if found, or null otherwise
/** * Finds the first descendant view with the given ID, the view itself if * the ID matches {@link #getId()}, or {@code null} if the ID is invalid * (< 0) or there is no matching view in the hierarchy. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> In most cases -- depending on compiler support -- * the resulting view is automatically cast to the target class type. If * the target class type is unconstrained, an explicit cast may be * necessary. * * @param id the ID to search for * @return a view with given ID if found, or {@code null} otherwise * @see View#requireViewById(int) */
@Nullable public final <T extends View> T findViewById(@IdRes int id) { if (id == NO_ID) { return null; } return findViewTraversal(id); }
Finds the first descendant view with the given ID, the view itself if the ID matches getId(), or throws an IllegalArgumentException if the ID is invalid or there is no matching view in the hierarchy.

Note: In most cases -- depending on compiler support -- the resulting view is automatically cast to the target class type. If the target class type is unconstrained, an explicit cast may be necessary.

  • id – the ID to search for
See Also:
Returns:a view with given ID
/** * Finds the first descendant view with the given ID, the view itself if the ID matches * {@link #getId()}, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if the ID is invalid or there is no * matching view in the hierarchy. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> In most cases -- depending on compiler support -- * the resulting view is automatically cast to the target class type. If * the target class type is unconstrained, an explicit cast may be * necessary. * * @param id the ID to search for * @return a view with given ID * @see View#findViewById(int) */
@NonNull public final <T extends View> T requireViewById(@IdRes int id) { T view = findViewById(id); if (view == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ID does not reference a View inside this View"); } return view; }
Finds a view by its unuque and stable accessibility id.
  • accessibilityId – The searched accessibility id.
Returns:The found view.
/** * Finds a view by its unuque and stable accessibility id. * * @param accessibilityId The searched accessibility id. * @return The found view. */
final <T extends View> T findViewByAccessibilityId(int accessibilityId) { if (accessibilityId < 0) { return null; } T view = findViewByAccessibilityIdTraversal(accessibilityId); if (view != null) { return view.includeForAccessibility() ? view : null; } return null; }
Performs the traversal to find a view by its unique and stable accessibility id. Note:This method does not stop at the root namespace boundary since the user can touch the screen at an arbitrary location potentially crossing the root namespace boundary which will send an accessibility event to accessibility services and they should be able to obtain the event source. Also accessibility ids are guaranteed to be unique in the window.
  • accessibilityId – The accessibility id.
Returns:The found view.
/** * Performs the traversal to find a view by its unique and stable accessibility id. * * <strong>Note:</strong>This method does not stop at the root namespace * boundary since the user can touch the screen at an arbitrary location * potentially crossing the root namespace boundary which will send an * accessibility event to accessibility services and they should be able * to obtain the event source. Also accessibility ids are guaranteed to be * unique in the window. * * @param accessibilityId The accessibility id. * @return The found view. * @hide */
public <T extends View> T findViewByAccessibilityIdTraversal(int accessibilityId) { if (getAccessibilityViewId() == accessibilityId) { return (T) this; } return null; }
Performs the traversal to find a view by its autofill id. Note:This method does not stop at the root namespace boundary.
  • autofillId – The autofill id.
Returns:The found view.
/** * Performs the traversal to find a view by its autofill id. * * <strong>Note:</strong>This method does not stop at the root namespace * boundary. * * @param autofillId The autofill id. * @return The found view. * @hide */
public <T extends View> T findViewByAutofillIdTraversal(int autofillId) { if (getAutofillViewId() == autofillId) { return (T) this; } return null; }
Look for a child view with the given tag. If this view has the given tag, return this view.
  • tag – The tag to search for, using "tag.equals(getTag())".
Returns:The View that has the given tag in the hierarchy or null
/** * Look for a child view with the given tag. If this view has the given * tag, return this view. * * @param tag The tag to search for, using "tag.equals(getTag())". * @return The View that has the given tag in the hierarchy or null */
public final <T extends View> T findViewWithTag(Object tag) { if (tag == null) { return null; } return findViewWithTagTraversal(tag); }
Look for a child view that matches the specified predicate. If this view matches the predicate, return this view.
  • predicate – The predicate to evaluate.
Returns:The first view that matches the predicate or null.
/** * Look for a child view that matches the specified predicate. * If this view matches the predicate, return this view. * * @param predicate The predicate to evaluate. * @return The first view that matches the predicate or null. * @hide */
public final <T extends View> T findViewByPredicate(Predicate<View> predicate) { return findViewByPredicateTraversal(predicate, null); }
Look for a child view that matches the specified predicate, starting with the specified view and its descendents and then recusively searching the ancestors and siblings of that view until this view is reached. This method is useful in cases where the predicate does not match a single unique view (perhaps multiple views use the same id) and we are trying to find the view that is "closest" in scope to the starting view.
  • start – The view to start from.
  • predicate – The predicate to evaluate.
Returns:The first view that matches the predicate or null.
/** * Look for a child view that matches the specified predicate, * starting with the specified view and its descendents and then * recusively searching the ancestors and siblings of that view * until this view is reached. * * This method is useful in cases where the predicate does not match * a single unique view (perhaps multiple views use the same id) * and we are trying to find the view that is "closest" in scope to the * starting view. * * @param start The view to start from. * @param predicate The predicate to evaluate. * @return The first view that matches the predicate or null. * @hide */
public final <T extends View> T findViewByPredicateInsideOut( View start, Predicate<View> predicate) { View childToSkip = null; for (;;) { T view = start.findViewByPredicateTraversal(predicate, childToSkip); if (view != null || start == this) { return view; } ViewParent parent = start.getParent(); if (parent == null || !(parent instanceof View)) { return null; } childToSkip = start; start = (View) parent; } }
Sets the identifier for this view. The identifier does not have to be unique in this view's hierarchy. The identifier should be a positive number.
  • id – a number used to identify the view
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_id
/** * Sets the identifier for this view. The identifier does not have to be * unique in this view's hierarchy. The identifier should be a positive * number. * * @see #NO_ID * @see #getId() * @see #findViewById(int) * * @param id a number used to identify the view * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_id */
public void setId(@IdRes int id) { mID = id; if (mID == View.NO_ID && mLabelForId != View.NO_ID) { mID = generateViewId(); } }
  • isRoot – true if the view belongs to the root namespace, false otherwise
/** * {@hide} * * @param isRoot true if the view belongs to the root namespace, false * otherwise */
public void setIsRootNamespace(boolean isRoot) { if (isRoot) { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE; } else { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE; } }
Returns:true if the view belongs to the root namespace, false otherwise
/** * {@hide} * * @return true if the view belongs to the root namespace, false otherwise */
public boolean isRootNamespace() { return (mPrivateFlags&PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE) != 0; }
Returns this view's identifier.
See Also:
Returns:a positive integer used to identify the view or NO_ID if the view has no ID
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_id
/** * Returns this view's identifier. * * @return a positive integer used to identify the view or {@link #NO_ID} * if the view has no ID * * @see #setId(int) * @see #findViewById(int) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_id */
@IdRes @ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty public int getId() { return mID; }
Returns this view's tag.
See Also:
Returns:the Object stored in this view as a tag, or null if not set
/** * Returns this view's tag. * * @return the Object stored in this view as a tag, or {@code null} if not * set * * @see #setTag(Object) * @see #getTag(int) */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public Object getTag() { return mTag; }
Sets the tag associated with this view. A tag can be used to mark a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique within the hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within a view without resorting to another data structure.
  • tag – an Object to tag the view with
See Also:
/** * Sets the tag associated with this view. A tag can be used to mark * a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique within the * hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within a view without * resorting to another data structure. * * @param tag an Object to tag the view with * * @see #getTag() * @see #setTag(int, Object) */
public void setTag(final Object tag) { mTag = tag; }
Returns the tag associated with this view and the specified key.
  • key – The key identifying the tag
See Also:
Returns:the Object stored in this view as a tag, or null if not set
/** * Returns the tag associated with this view and the specified key. * * @param key The key identifying the tag * * @return the Object stored in this view as a tag, or {@code null} if not * set * * @see #setTag(int, Object) * @see #getTag() */
public Object getTag(int key) { if (mKeyedTags != null) return mKeyedTags.get(key); return null; }
Sets a tag associated with this view and a key. A tag can be used to mark a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique within the hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within a view without resorting to another data structure. The specified key should be an id declared in the resources of the application to ensure it is unique (see the ID resource type). Keys identified as belonging to the Android framework or not associated with any package will cause an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown.
  • key – The key identifying the tag
  • tag – An Object to tag the view with
See Also:
/** * Sets a tag associated with this view and a key. A tag can be used * to mark a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique within * the hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within a view * without resorting to another data structure. * * The specified key should be an id declared in the resources of the * application to ensure it is unique (see the <a * href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/more-resources.html#Id">ID resource type</a>). * Keys identified as belonging to * the Android framework or not associated with any package will cause * an {@link IllegalArgumentException} to be thrown. * * @param key The key identifying the tag * @param tag An Object to tag the view with * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If they specified key is not valid * * @see #setTag(Object) * @see #getTag(int) */
public void setTag(int key, final Object tag) { // If the package id is 0x00 or 0x01, it's either an undefined package // or a framework id if ((key >>> 24) < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The key must be an application-specific " + "resource id."); } setKeyedTag(key, tag); }
Variation of setTag(int, Object) that enforces the key to be a framework id.
/** * Variation of {@link #setTag(int, Object)} that enforces the key to be a * framework id. * * @hide */
public void setTagInternal(int key, Object tag) { if ((key >>> 24) != 0x1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The key must be a framework-specific " + "resource id."); } setKeyedTag(key, tag); } private void setKeyedTag(int key, Object tag) { if (mKeyedTags == null) { mKeyedTags = new SparseArray<Object>(2); } mKeyedTags.put(key, tag); }
Prints information about this view in the log output, with the tag VIEW_LOG_TAG.
/** * Prints information about this view in the log output, with the tag * {@link #VIEW_LOG_TAG}. * * @hide */
public void debug() { debug(0); }
Prints information about this view in the log output, with the tag VIEW_LOG_TAG. Each line in the output is preceded with an indentation defined by the depth.
  • depth – the indentation level
/** * Prints information about this view in the log output, with the tag * {@link #VIEW_LOG_TAG}. Each line in the output is preceded with an * indentation defined by the <code>depth</code>. * * @param depth the indentation level * * @hide */
protected void debug(int depth) { String output = debugIndent(depth - 1); output += "+ " + this; int id = getId(); if (id != -1) { output += " (id=" + id + ")"; } Object tag = getTag(); if (tag != null) { output += " (tag=" + tag + ")"; } Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output); if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0) { output = debugIndent(depth) + " FOCUSED"; Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output); } output = debugIndent(depth); output += "frame={" + mLeft + ", " + mTop + ", " + mRight + ", " + mBottom + "} scroll={" + mScrollX + ", " + mScrollY + "} "; Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output); if (mPaddingLeft != 0 || mPaddingTop != 0 || mPaddingRight != 0 || mPaddingBottom != 0) { output = debugIndent(depth); output += "padding={" + mPaddingLeft + ", " + mPaddingTop + ", " + mPaddingRight + ", " + mPaddingBottom + "}"; Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output); } output = debugIndent(depth); output += "mMeasureWidth=" + mMeasuredWidth + " mMeasureHeight=" + mMeasuredHeight; Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output); output = debugIndent(depth); if (mLayoutParams == null) { output += "BAD! no layout params"; } else { output = mLayoutParams.debug(output); } Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output); output = debugIndent(depth); output += "flags={"; output += View.printFlags(mViewFlags); output += "}"; Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output); output = debugIndent(depth); output += "privateFlags={"; output += View.printPrivateFlags(mPrivateFlags); output += "}"; Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output); }
Creates a string of whitespaces used for indentation.
  • depth – the indentation level
Returns:a String containing (depth * 2 + 3) * 2 white spaces
/** * Creates a string of whitespaces used for indentation. * * @param depth the indentation level * @return a String containing (depth * 2 + 3) * 2 white spaces * * @hide */
protected static String debugIndent(int depth) { StringBuilder spaces = new StringBuilder((depth * 2 + 3) * 2); for (int i = 0; i < (depth * 2) + 3; i++) { spaces.append(' ').append(' '); } return spaces.toString(); }

Return the offset of the widget's text baseline from the widget's top boundary. If this widget does not support baseline alignment, this method returns -1.

Returns:the offset of the baseline within the widget's bounds or -1 if baseline alignment is not supported
/** * <p>Return the offset of the widget's text baseline from the widget's top * boundary. If this widget does not support baseline alignment, this * method returns -1. </p> * * @return the offset of the baseline within the widget's bounds or -1 * if baseline alignment is not supported */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "layout") public int getBaseline() { return -1; }
Returns whether the view hierarchy is currently undergoing a layout pass. This information is useful to avoid situations such as calling requestLayout() during a layout pass.
Returns:whether the view hierarchy is currently undergoing a layout pass
/** * Returns whether the view hierarchy is currently undergoing a layout pass. This * information is useful to avoid situations such as calling {@link #requestLayout()} during * a layout pass. * * @return whether the view hierarchy is currently undergoing a layout pass */
public boolean isInLayout() { ViewRootImpl viewRoot = getViewRootImpl(); return (viewRoot != null && viewRoot.isInLayout()); }
Call this when something has changed which has invalidated the layout of this view. This will schedule a layout pass of the view tree. This should not be called while the view hierarchy is currently in a layout pass (isInLayout(). If layout is happening, the request may be honored at the end of the current layout pass (and then layout will run again) or after the current frame is drawn and the next layout occurs.

Subclasses which override this method should call the superclass method to handle possible request-during-layout errors correctly.

/** * Call this when something has changed which has invalidated the * layout of this view. This will schedule a layout pass of the view * tree. This should not be called while the view hierarchy is currently in a layout * pass ({@link #isInLayout()}. If layout is happening, the request may be honored at the * end of the current layout pass (and then layout will run again) or after the current * frame is drawn and the next layout occurs. * * <p>Subclasses which override this method should call the superclass method to * handle possible request-during-layout errors correctly.</p> */
@CallSuper public void requestLayout() { if (mMeasureCache != null) mMeasureCache.clear(); if (mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mViewRequestingLayout == null) { // Only trigger request-during-layout logic if this is the view requesting it, // not the views in its parent hierarchy ViewRootImpl viewRoot = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRoot != null && viewRoot.isInLayout()) { if (!viewRoot.requestLayoutDuringLayout(this)) { return; } } mAttachInfo.mViewRequestingLayout = this; } mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT; mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; if (mParent != null && !mParent.isLayoutRequested()) { mParent.requestLayout(); } if (mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mViewRequestingLayout == this) { mAttachInfo.mViewRequestingLayout = null; } }
Forces this view to be laid out during the next layout pass. This method does not call requestLayout() or forceLayout() on the parent.
/** * Forces this view to be laid out during the next layout pass. * This method does not call requestLayout() or forceLayout() * on the parent. */
public void forceLayout() { if (mMeasureCache != null) mMeasureCache.clear(); mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT; mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_INVALIDATED; }

This is called to find out how big a view should be. The parent supplies constraint information in the width and height parameters.

The actual measurement work of a view is performed in onMeasure(int, int), called by this method. Therefore, only onMeasure(int, int) can and must be overridden by subclasses.

  • widthMeasureSpec – Horizontal space requirements as imposed by the parent
  • heightMeasureSpec – Vertical space requirements as imposed by the parent
See Also:
/** * <p> * This is called to find out how big a view should be. The parent * supplies constraint information in the width and height parameters. * </p> * * <p> * The actual measurement work of a view is performed in * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}, called by this method. Therefore, only * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)} can and must be overridden by subclasses. * </p> * * * @param widthMeasureSpec Horizontal space requirements as imposed by the * parent * @param heightMeasureSpec Vertical space requirements as imposed by the * parent * * @see #onMeasure(int, int) */
public final void measure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { boolean optical = isLayoutModeOptical(this); if (optical != isLayoutModeOptical(mParent)) { Insets insets = getOpticalInsets(); int oWidth = insets.left + insets.right; int oHeight = insets.top + insets.bottom; widthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.adjust(widthMeasureSpec, optical ? -oWidth : oWidth); heightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.adjust(heightMeasureSpec, optical ? -oHeight : oHeight); } // Suppress sign extension for the low bytes long key = (long) widthMeasureSpec << 32 | (long) heightMeasureSpec & 0xffffffffL; if (mMeasureCache == null) mMeasureCache = new LongSparseLongArray(2); final boolean forceLayout = (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) == PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT; // Optimize layout by avoiding an extra EXACTLY pass when the view is // already measured as the correct size. In API 23 and below, this // extra pass is required to make LinearLayout re-distribute weight. final boolean specChanged = widthMeasureSpec != mOldWidthMeasureSpec || heightMeasureSpec != mOldHeightMeasureSpec; final boolean isSpecExactly = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec) == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY && MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec) == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; final boolean matchesSpecSize = getMeasuredWidth() == MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec) && getMeasuredHeight() == MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); final boolean needsLayout = specChanged && (sAlwaysRemeasureExactly || !isSpecExactly || !matchesSpecSize); if (forceLayout || needsLayout) { // first clears the measured dimension flag mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET; resolveRtlPropertiesIfNeeded(); int cacheIndex = forceLayout ? -1 : mMeasureCache.indexOfKey(key); if (cacheIndex < 0 || sIgnoreMeasureCache) { // measure ourselves, this should set the measured dimension flag back onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT; } else { long value = mMeasureCache.valueAt(cacheIndex); // Casting a long to int drops the high 32 bits, no mask needed setMeasuredDimensionRaw((int) (value >> 32), (int) value); mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT; } // flag not set, setMeasuredDimension() was not invoked, we raise // an exception to warn the developer if ((mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET) != PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET) { throw new IllegalStateException("View with id " + getId() + ": " + getClass().getName() + "#onMeasure() did not set the" + " measured dimension by calling" + " setMeasuredDimension()"); } mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED; } mOldWidthMeasureSpec = widthMeasureSpec; mOldHeightMeasureSpec = heightMeasureSpec; mMeasureCache.put(key, ((long) mMeasuredWidth) << 32 | (long) mMeasuredHeight & 0xffffffffL); // suppress sign extension }

Measure the view and its content to determine the measured width and the measured height. This method is invoked by measure(int, int) and should be overridden by subclasses to provide accurate and efficient measurement of their contents.

CONTRACT: When overriding this method, you must call setMeasuredDimension(int, int) to store the measured width and height of this view. Failure to do so will trigger an IllegalStateException, thrown by measure(int, int). Calling the superclass' onMeasure(int, int) is a valid use.

The base class implementation of measure defaults to the background size, unless a larger size is allowed by the MeasureSpec. Subclasses should override onMeasure(int, int) to provide better measurements of their content.

If this method is overridden, it is the subclass's responsibility to make sure the measured height and width are at least the view's minimum height and width (getSuggestedMinimumHeight() and getSuggestedMinimumWidth()).

  • widthMeasureSpec – horizontal space requirements as imposed by the parent. The requirements are encoded with MeasureSpec.
  • heightMeasureSpec – vertical space requirements as imposed by the parent. The requirements are encoded with MeasureSpec.
See Also:
/** * <p> * Measure the view and its content to determine the measured width and the * measured height. This method is invoked by {@link #measure(int, int)} and * should be overridden by subclasses to provide accurate and efficient * measurement of their contents. * </p> * * <p> * <strong>CONTRACT:</strong> When overriding this method, you * <em>must</em> call {@link #setMeasuredDimension(int, int)} to store the * measured width and height of this view. Failure to do so will trigger an * <code>IllegalStateException</code>, thrown by * {@link #measure(int, int)}. Calling the superclass' * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)} is a valid use. * </p> * * <p> * The base class implementation of measure defaults to the background size, * unless a larger size is allowed by the MeasureSpec. Subclasses should * override {@link #onMeasure(int, int)} to provide better measurements of * their content. * </p> * * <p> * If this method is overridden, it is the subclass's responsibility to make * sure the measured height and width are at least the view's minimum height * and width ({@link #getSuggestedMinimumHeight()} and * {@link #getSuggestedMinimumWidth()}). * </p> * * @param widthMeasureSpec horizontal space requirements as imposed by the parent. * The requirements are encoded with * {@link android.view.View.MeasureSpec}. * @param heightMeasureSpec vertical space requirements as imposed by the parent. * The requirements are encoded with * {@link android.view.View.MeasureSpec}. * * @see #getMeasuredWidth() * @see #getMeasuredHeight() * @see #setMeasuredDimension(int, int) * @see #getSuggestedMinimumHeight() * @see #getSuggestedMinimumWidth() * @see android.view.View.MeasureSpec#getMode(int) * @see android.view.View.MeasureSpec#getSize(int) */
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { setMeasuredDimension(getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumWidth(), widthMeasureSpec), getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumHeight(), heightMeasureSpec)); }

This method must be called by onMeasure(int, int) to store the measured width and measured height. Failing to do so will trigger an exception at measurement time.

/** * <p>This method must be called by {@link #onMeasure(int, int)} to store the * measured width and measured height. Failing to do so will trigger an * exception at measurement time.</p> * * @param measuredWidth The measured width of this view. May be a complex * bit mask as defined by {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} and * {@link #MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL}. * @param measuredHeight The measured height of this view. May be a complex * bit mask as defined by {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} and * {@link #MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL}. */
protected final void setMeasuredDimension(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) { boolean optical = isLayoutModeOptical(this); if (optical != isLayoutModeOptical(mParent)) { Insets insets = getOpticalInsets(); int opticalWidth = insets.left + insets.right; int opticalHeight = insets.top + insets.bottom; measuredWidth += optical ? opticalWidth : -opticalWidth; measuredHeight += optical ? opticalHeight : -opticalHeight; } setMeasuredDimensionRaw(measuredWidth, measuredHeight); }
Sets the measured dimension without extra processing for things like optical bounds. Useful for reapplying consistent values that have already been cooked with adjustments for optical bounds, etc. such as those from the measurement cache.
/** * Sets the measured dimension without extra processing for things like optical bounds. * Useful for reapplying consistent values that have already been cooked with adjustments * for optical bounds, etc. such as those from the measurement cache. * * @param measuredWidth The measured width of this view. May be a complex * bit mask as defined by {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} and * {@link #MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL}. * @param measuredHeight The measured height of this view. May be a complex * bit mask as defined by {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} and * {@link #MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL}. */
private void setMeasuredDimensionRaw(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) { mMeasuredWidth = measuredWidth; mMeasuredHeight = measuredHeight; mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET; }
Merge two states as returned by getMeasuredState().
  • curState – The current state as returned from a view or the result of combining multiple views.
  • newState – The new view state to combine.
Returns:Returns a new integer reflecting the combination of the two states.
/** * Merge two states as returned by {@link #getMeasuredState()}. * @param curState The current state as returned from a view or the result * of combining multiple views. * @param newState The new view state to combine. * @return Returns a new integer reflecting the combination of the two * states. */
public static int combineMeasuredStates(int curState, int newState) { return curState | newState; }
Version of resolveSizeAndState(int, int, int) returning only the MEASURED_SIZE_MASK bits of the result.
/** * Version of {@link #resolveSizeAndState(int, int, int)} * returning only the {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} bits of the result. */
public static int resolveSize(int size, int measureSpec) { return resolveSizeAndState(size, measureSpec, 0) & MEASURED_SIZE_MASK; }
Utility to reconcile a desired size and state, with constraints imposed by a MeasureSpec. Will take the desired size, unless a different size is imposed by the constraints. The returned value is a compound integer, with the resolved size in the MEASURED_SIZE_MASK bits and optionally the bit MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL set if the resulting size is smaller than the size the view wants to be.
  • size – How big the view wants to be.
  • measureSpec – Constraints imposed by the parent.
  • childMeasuredState – Size information bit mask for the view's children.
Returns:Size information bit mask as defined by MEASURED_SIZE_MASK and MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL.
/** * Utility to reconcile a desired size and state, with constraints imposed * by a MeasureSpec. Will take the desired size, unless a different size * is imposed by the constraints. The returned value is a compound integer, * with the resolved size in the {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} bits and * optionally the bit {@link #MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL} set if the * resulting size is smaller than the size the view wants to be. * * @param size How big the view wants to be. * @param measureSpec Constraints imposed by the parent. * @param childMeasuredState Size information bit mask for the view's * children. * @return Size information bit mask as defined by * {@link #MEASURED_SIZE_MASK} and * {@link #MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL}. */
public static int resolveSizeAndState(int size, int measureSpec, int childMeasuredState) { final int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec); final int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec); final int result; switch (specMode) { case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: if (specSize < size) { result = specSize | MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL; } else { result = size; } break; case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: result = specSize; break; case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED: default: result = size; } return result | (childMeasuredState & MEASURED_STATE_MASK); }
Utility to return a default size. Uses the supplied size if the MeasureSpec imposed no constraints. Will get larger if allowed by the MeasureSpec.
  • size – Default size for this view
  • measureSpec – Constraints imposed by the parent
Returns:The size this view should be.
/** * Utility to return a default size. Uses the supplied size if the * MeasureSpec imposed no constraints. Will get larger if allowed * by the MeasureSpec. * * @param size Default size for this view * @param measureSpec Constraints imposed by the parent * @return The size this view should be. */
public static int getDefaultSize(int size, int measureSpec) { int result = size; int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec); int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec); switch (specMode) { case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED: result = size; break; case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: result = specSize; break; } return result; }
Returns the suggested minimum height that the view should use. This returns the maximum of the view's minimum height and the background's minimum height (Drawable.getMinimumHeight()).

When being used in onMeasure(int, int), the caller should still ensure the returned height is within the requirements of the parent.

Returns:The suggested minimum height of the view.
/** * Returns the suggested minimum height that the view should use. This * returns the maximum of the view's minimum height * and the background's minimum height * ({@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable#getMinimumHeight()}). * <p> * When being used in {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}, the caller should still * ensure the returned height is within the requirements of the parent. * * @return The suggested minimum height of the view. */
protected int getSuggestedMinimumHeight() { return (mBackground == null) ? mMinHeight : max(mMinHeight, mBackground.getMinimumHeight()); }
Returns the suggested minimum width that the view should use. This returns the maximum of the view's minimum width and the background's minimum width (Drawable.getMinimumWidth()).

When being used in onMeasure(int, int), the caller should still ensure the returned width is within the requirements of the parent.

Returns:The suggested minimum width of the view.
/** * Returns the suggested minimum width that the view should use. This * returns the maximum of the view's minimum width * and the background's minimum width * ({@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable#getMinimumWidth()}). * <p> * When being used in {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}, the caller should still * ensure the returned width is within the requirements of the parent. * * @return The suggested minimum width of the view. */
protected int getSuggestedMinimumWidth() { return (mBackground == null) ? mMinWidth : max(mMinWidth, mBackground.getMinimumWidth()); }
Returns the minimum height of the view.
See Also:
Returns:the minimum height the view will try to be, in pixels
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_minHeight
/** * Returns the minimum height of the view. * * @return the minimum height the view will try to be, in pixels * * @see #setMinimumHeight(int) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_minHeight */
public int getMinimumHeight() { return mMinHeight; }
Sets the minimum height of the view. It is not guaranteed the view will be able to achieve this minimum height (for example, if its parent layout constrains it with less available height).
  • minHeight – The minimum height the view will try to be, in pixels
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_minHeight
/** * Sets the minimum height of the view. It is not guaranteed the view will * be able to achieve this minimum height (for example, if its parent layout * constrains it with less available height). * * @param minHeight The minimum height the view will try to be, in pixels * * @see #getMinimumHeight() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_minHeight */
@RemotableViewMethod public void setMinimumHeight(int minHeight) { mMinHeight = minHeight; requestLayout(); }
Returns the minimum width of the view.
See Also:
Returns:the minimum width the view will try to be, in pixels
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_minWidth
/** * Returns the minimum width of the view. * * @return the minimum width the view will try to be, in pixels * * @see #setMinimumWidth(int) * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_minWidth */
public int getMinimumWidth() { return mMinWidth; }
Sets the minimum width of the view. It is not guaranteed the view will be able to achieve this minimum width (for example, if its parent layout constrains it with less available width).
  • minWidth – The minimum width the view will try to be, in pixels
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_minWidth
/** * Sets the minimum width of the view. It is not guaranteed the view will * be able to achieve this minimum width (for example, if its parent layout * constrains it with less available width). * * @param minWidth The minimum width the view will try to be, in pixels * * @see #getMinimumWidth() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_minWidth */
public void setMinimumWidth(int minWidth) { mMinWidth = minWidth; requestLayout(); }
Get the animation currently associated with this view.
Returns:The animation that is currently playing or scheduled to play for this view.
/** * Get the animation currently associated with this view. * * @return The animation that is currently playing or * scheduled to play for this view. */
public Animation getAnimation() { return mCurrentAnimation; }
Start the specified animation now.
  • animation – the animation to start now
/** * Start the specified animation now. * * @param animation the animation to start now */
public void startAnimation(Animation animation) { animation.setStartTime(Animation.START_ON_FIRST_FRAME); setAnimation(animation); invalidateParentCaches(); invalidate(true); }
Cancels any animations for this view.
/** * Cancels any animations for this view. */
public void clearAnimation() { if (mCurrentAnimation != null) { mCurrentAnimation.detach(); } mCurrentAnimation = null; invalidateParentIfNeeded(); }
Sets the next animation to play for this view. If you want the animation to play immediately, use startAnimation(Animation) instead. This method provides allows fine-grained control over the start time and invalidation, but you must make sure that 1) the animation has a start time set, and 2) the view's parent (which controls animations on its children) will be invalidated when the animation is supposed to start.
  • animation – The next animation, or null.
/** * Sets the next animation to play for this view. * If you want the animation to play immediately, use * {@link #startAnimation(android.view.animation.Animation)} instead. * This method provides allows fine-grained * control over the start time and invalidation, but you * must make sure that 1) the animation has a start time set, and * 2) the view's parent (which controls animations on its children) * will be invalidated when the animation is supposed to * start. * * @param animation The next animation, or null. */
public void setAnimation(Animation animation) { mCurrentAnimation = animation; if (animation != null) { // If the screen is off assume the animation start time is now instead of // the next frame we draw. Keeping the START_ON_FIRST_FRAME start time // would cause the animation to start when the screen turns back on if (mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mDisplayState == Display.STATE_OFF && animation.getStartTime() == Animation.START_ON_FIRST_FRAME) { animation.setStartTime(AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis()); } animation.reset(); } }
Invoked by a parent ViewGroup to notify the start of the animation currently associated with this view. If you override this method, always call super.onAnimationStart();
See Also:
/** * Invoked by a parent ViewGroup to notify the start of the animation * currently associated with this view. If you override this method, * always call super.onAnimationStart(); * * @see #setAnimation(android.view.animation.Animation) * @see #getAnimation() */
@CallSuper protected void onAnimationStart() { mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_ANIMATION_STARTED; }
Invoked by a parent ViewGroup to notify the end of the animation currently associated with this view. If you override this method, always call super.onAnimationEnd();
See Also:
/** * Invoked by a parent ViewGroup to notify the end of the animation * currently associated with this view. If you override this method, * always call super.onAnimationEnd(); * * @see #setAnimation(android.view.animation.Animation) * @see #getAnimation() */
@CallSuper protected void onAnimationEnd() { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_ANIMATION_STARTED; }
Invoked if there is a Transform that involves alpha. Subclass that can draw themselves with the specified alpha should return true, and then respect that alpha when their onDraw() is called. If this returns false then the view may be redirected to draw into an offscreen buffer to fulfill the request, which will look fine, but may be slower than if the subclass handles it internally. The default implementation returns false.
  • alpha – The alpha (0..255) to apply to the view's drawing
Returns:true if the view can draw with the specified alpha.
/** * Invoked if there is a Transform that involves alpha. Subclass that can * draw themselves with the specified alpha should return true, and then * respect that alpha when their onDraw() is called. If this returns false * then the view may be redirected to draw into an offscreen buffer to * fulfill the request, which will look fine, but may be slower than if the * subclass handles it internally. The default implementation returns false. * * @param alpha The alpha (0..255) to apply to the view's drawing * @return true if the view can draw with the specified alpha. */
protected boolean onSetAlpha(int alpha) { return false; }
This is used by the RootView to perform an optimization when the view hierarchy contains one or several SurfaceView. SurfaceView is always considered transparent, but its children are not, therefore all View objects remove themselves from the global transparent region (passed as a parameter to this function).
  • region – The transparent region for this ViewAncestor (window).
Returns:Returns true if the effective visibility of the view at this point is opaque, regardless of the transparent region; returns false if it is possible for underlying windows to be seen behind the view. {@hide}
/** * This is used by the RootView to perform an optimization when * the view hierarchy contains one or several SurfaceView. * SurfaceView is always considered transparent, but its children are not, * therefore all View objects remove themselves from the global transparent * region (passed as a parameter to this function). * * @param region The transparent region for this ViewAncestor (window). * * @return Returns true if the effective visibility of the view at this * point is opaque, regardless of the transparent region; returns false * if it is possible for underlying windows to be seen behind the view. * * {@hide} */
public boolean gatherTransparentRegion(Region region) { final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (region != null && attachInfo != null) { final int pflags = mPrivateFlags; if ((pflags & PFLAG_SKIP_DRAW) == 0) { // The SKIP_DRAW flag IS NOT set, so this view draws. We need to // remove it from the transparent region. final int[] location = attachInfo.mTransparentLocation; getLocationInWindow(location); // When a view has Z value, then it will be better to leave some area below the view // for drawing shadow. The shadow outset is proportional to the Z value. Note that // the bottom part needs more offset than the left, top and right parts due to the // spot light effects. int shadowOffset = getZ() > 0 ? (int) getZ() : 0; region.op(location[0] - shadowOffset, location[1] - shadowOffset, location[0] + mRight - mLeft + shadowOffset, location[1] + mBottom - mTop + (shadowOffset * 3), Region.Op.DIFFERENCE); } else { if (mBackground != null && mBackground.getOpacity() != PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT) { // The SKIP_DRAW flag IS set and the background drawable exists, we remove // the background drawable's non-transparent parts from this transparent region. applyDrawableToTransparentRegion(mBackground, region); } if (mForegroundInfo != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable != null && mForegroundInfo.mDrawable.getOpacity() != PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT) { // Similarly, we remove the foreground drawable's non-transparent parts. applyDrawableToTransparentRegion(mForegroundInfo.mDrawable, region); } if (mDefaultFocusHighlight != null && mDefaultFocusHighlight.getOpacity() != PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT) { // Similarly, we remove the default focus highlight's non-transparent parts. applyDrawableToTransparentRegion(mDefaultFocusHighlight, region); } } } return true; }
Play a sound effect for this view.

The framework will play sound effects for some built in actions, such as clicking, but you may wish to play these effects in your widget, for instance, for internal navigation.

The sound effect will only be played if sound effects are enabled by the user, and isSoundEffectsEnabled() is true.

/** * Play a sound effect for this view. * * <p>The framework will play sound effects for some built in actions, such as * clicking, but you may wish to play these effects in your widget, * for instance, for internal navigation. * * <p>The sound effect will only be played if sound effects are enabled by the user, and * {@link #isSoundEffectsEnabled()} is true. * * @param soundConstant One of the constants defined in {@link SoundEffectConstants} */
public void playSoundEffect(int soundConstant) { if (mAttachInfo == null || mAttachInfo.mRootCallbacks == null || !isSoundEffectsEnabled()) { return; } mAttachInfo.mRootCallbacks.playSoundEffect(soundConstant); }

Provide haptic feedback to the user for this view.

The framework will provide haptic feedback for some built in actions, such as long presses, but you may wish to provide feedback for your own widget.

The feedback will only be performed if isHapticFeedbackEnabled() is true.

/** * BZZZTT!!1! * * <p>Provide haptic feedback to the user for this view. * * <p>The framework will provide haptic feedback for some built in actions, * such as long presses, but you may wish to provide feedback for your * own widget. * * <p>The feedback will only be performed if * {@link #isHapticFeedbackEnabled()} is true. * * @param feedbackConstant One of the constants defined in * {@link HapticFeedbackConstants} */
public boolean performHapticFeedback(int feedbackConstant) { return performHapticFeedback(feedbackConstant, 0); }

Like performHapticFeedback(int), with additional options.

/** * BZZZTT!!1! * * <p>Like {@link #performHapticFeedback(int)}, with additional options. * * @param feedbackConstant One of the constants defined in * {@link HapticFeedbackConstants} * @param flags Additional flags as per {@link HapticFeedbackConstants}. */
public boolean performHapticFeedback(int feedbackConstant, int flags) { if (mAttachInfo == null) { return false; } //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement if ((flags & HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_VIEW_SETTING) == 0 && !isHapticFeedbackEnabled()) { return false; } return mAttachInfo.mRootCallbacks.performHapticFeedback(feedbackConstant, (flags & HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_GLOBAL_SETTING) != 0); }
Request that the visibility of the status bar or other screen/window decorations be changed.

This method is used to put the over device UI into temporary modes where the user's attention is focused more on the application content, by dimming or hiding surrounding system affordances. This is typically used in conjunction with Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY, allowing the applications content to be placed behind the action bar (and with these flags other system affordances) so that smooth transitions between hiding and showing them can be done.

Two representative examples of the use of system UI visibility is implementing a content browsing application (like a magazine reader) and a video playing application.

The first code shows a typical implementation of a View in a content browsing application. In this implementation, the application goes into a content-oriented mode by hiding the status bar and action bar, and putting the navigation elements into lights out mode. The user can then interact with content while in this mode. Such an application should provide an easy way for the user to toggle out of the mode (such as to check information in the status bar or access notifications). In the implementation here, this is done simply by tapping on the content. {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/ContentBrowserActivity.java content}

This second code sample shows a typical implementation of a View in a video playing application. In this situation, while the video is playing the application would like to go into a complete full-screen mode, to use as much of the display as possible for the video. When in this state the user can not interact with the application; the system intercepts touching on the screen to pop the UI out of full screen mode. See fitSystemWindows(Rect) for a sample layout that goes with this code. {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/VideoPlayerActivity.java content}

/** * Request that the visibility of the status bar or other screen/window * decorations be changed. * * <p>This method is used to put the over device UI into temporary modes * where the user's attention is focused more on the application content, * by dimming or hiding surrounding system affordances. This is typically * used in conjunction with {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY * Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY}, allowing the applications content * to be placed behind the action bar (and with these flags other system * affordances) so that smooth transitions between hiding and showing them * can be done. * * <p>Two representative examples of the use of system UI visibility is * implementing a content browsing application (like a magazine reader) * and a video playing application. * * <p>The first code shows a typical implementation of a View in a content * browsing application. In this implementation, the application goes * into a content-oriented mode by hiding the status bar and action bar, * and putting the navigation elements into lights out mode. The user can * then interact with content while in this mode. Such an application should * provide an easy way for the user to toggle out of the mode (such as to * check information in the status bar or access notifications). In the * implementation here, this is done simply by tapping on the content. * * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/ContentBrowserActivity.java * content} * * <p>This second code sample shows a typical implementation of a View * in a video playing application. In this situation, while the video is * playing the application would like to go into a complete full-screen mode, * to use as much of the display as possible for the video. When in this state * the user can not interact with the application; the system intercepts * touching on the screen to pop the UI out of full screen mode. See * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} for a sample layout that goes with this code. * * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/VideoPlayerActivity.java * content} * * @param visibility Bitwise-or of flags {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE}, * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN}, * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE}, {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN}, {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE}, * and {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY}. */
public void setSystemUiVisibility(int visibility) { if (visibility != mSystemUiVisibility) { mSystemUiVisibility = visibility; if (mParent != null && mAttachInfo != null && !mAttachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes) { mParent.recomputeViewAttributes(this); } } }
Returns the last setSystemUiVisibility(int) that this view has requested.
/** * Returns the last {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)} that this view has requested. * @return Bitwise-or of flags {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE}, * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN}, * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE}, {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN}, {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE}, * and {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY}. */
public int getSystemUiVisibility() { return mSystemUiVisibility; }
Returns the current system UI visibility that is currently set for the entire window. This is the combination of the setSystemUiVisibility(int) values supplied by all of the views in the window.
/** * Returns the current system UI visibility that is currently set for * the entire window. This is the combination of the * {@link #setSystemUiVisibility(int)} values supplied by all of the * views in the window. */
public int getWindowSystemUiVisibility() { return mAttachInfo != null ? mAttachInfo.mSystemUiVisibility : 0; }
Override to find out when the window's requested system UI visibility has changed, that is the value returned by getWindowSystemUiVisibility(). This is different from the callbacks received through setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener) in that this is only telling you about the local request of the window, not the actual values applied by the system.
/** * Override to find out when the window's requested system UI visibility * has changed, that is the value returned by {@link #getWindowSystemUiVisibility()}. * This is different from the callbacks received through * {@link #setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener)} * in that this is only telling you about the local request of the window, * not the actual values applied by the system. */
public void onWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged(int visible) { }
Dispatch callbacks to onWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged(int) down the view hierarchy.
/** * Dispatch callbacks to {@link #onWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged(int)} down * the view hierarchy. */
public void dispatchWindowSystemUiVisiblityChanged(int visible) { onWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged(visible); }
Set a listener to receive callbacks when the visibility of the system bar changes.
/** * Set a listener to receive callbacks when the visibility of the system bar changes. * @param l The {@link OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener} to receive callbacks. */
public void setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener = l; if (mParent != null && mAttachInfo != null && !mAttachInfo.mRecomputeGlobalAttributes) { mParent.recomputeViewAttributes(this); } }
Dispatch callbacks to setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener down the view hierarchy.
/** * Dispatch callbacks to {@link #setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener} down * the view hierarchy. */
public void dispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged(int visibility) { ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; if (li != null && li.mOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener != null) { li.mOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener.onSystemUiVisibilityChange( visibility & PUBLIC_STATUS_BAR_VISIBILITY_MASK); } } boolean updateLocalSystemUiVisibility(int localValue, int localChanges) { int val = (mSystemUiVisibility&~localChanges) | (localValue&localChanges); if (val != mSystemUiVisibility) { setSystemUiVisibility(val); return true; } return false; }
/** @hide */
public void setDisabledSystemUiVisibility(int flags) { if (mAttachInfo != null) { if (mAttachInfo.mDisabledSystemUiVisibility != flags) { mAttachInfo.mDisabledSystemUiVisibility = flags; if (mParent != null) { mParent.recomputeViewAttributes(this); } } } }
Creates an image that the system displays during the drag and drop operation. This is called a "drag shadow". The default implementation for a DragShadowBuilder based on a View returns an image that has exactly the same appearance as the given View. The default also positions the center of the drag shadow directly under the touch point. If no View is provided (the constructor with no parameters is used), and onProvideShadowMetrics() and onDrawShadow() are not overridden, then the default is an invisible drag shadow.

You are not required to use the View you provide to the constructor as the basis of the drag shadow. The onDrawShadow() method allows you to draw anything you want as the drag shadow.

You pass a DragShadowBuilder object to the system when you start the drag. The system calls onProvideShadowMetrics() to get the size and position of the drag shadow. It uses this data to construct a Canvas object, then it calls onDrawShadow() so that your application can draw the shadow image in the Canvas.

Developer Guides

For a guide to implementing drag and drop features, read the Drag and Drop developer guide.

/** * Creates an image that the system displays during the drag and drop * operation. This is called a &quot;drag shadow&quot;. The default implementation * for a DragShadowBuilder based on a View returns an image that has exactly the same * appearance as the given View. The default also positions the center of the drag shadow * directly under the touch point. If no View is provided (the constructor with no parameters * is used), and {@link #onProvideShadowMetrics(Point,Point) onProvideShadowMetrics()} and * {@link #onDrawShadow(Canvas) onDrawShadow()} are not overridden, then the * default is an invisible drag shadow. * <p> * You are not required to use the View you provide to the constructor as the basis of the * drag shadow. The {@link #onDrawShadow(Canvas) onDrawShadow()} method allows you to draw * anything you want as the drag shadow. * </p> * <p> * You pass a DragShadowBuilder object to the system when you start the drag. The system * calls {@link #onProvideShadowMetrics(Point,Point) onProvideShadowMetrics()} to get the * size and position of the drag shadow. It uses this data to construct a * {@link android.graphics.Canvas} object, then it calls {@link #onDrawShadow(Canvas) onDrawShadow()} * so that your application can draw the shadow image in the Canvas. * </p> * * <div class="special reference"> * <h3>Developer Guides</h3> * <p>For a guide to implementing drag and drop features, read the * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/drag-drop.html">Drag and Drop</a> developer guide.</p> * </div> */
public static class DragShadowBuilder { private final WeakReference<View> mView;
Constructs a shadow image builder based on a View. By default, the resulting drag shadow will have the same appearance and dimensions as the View, with the touch point over the center of the View.
  • view – A View. Any View in scope can be used.
/** * Constructs a shadow image builder based on a View. By default, the resulting drag * shadow will have the same appearance and dimensions as the View, with the touch point * over the center of the View. * @param view A View. Any View in scope can be used. */
public DragShadowBuilder(View view) { mView = new WeakReference<View>(view); }
Construct a shadow builder object with no associated View. This constructor variant is only useful when the onProvideShadowMetrics(Point, Point) and onDrawShadow(Canvas) methods are also overridden in order to supply the drag shadow's dimensions and appearance without reference to any View object.
/** * Construct a shadow builder object with no associated View. This * constructor variant is only useful when the {@link #onProvideShadowMetrics(Point, Point)} * and {@link #onDrawShadow(Canvas)} methods are also overridden in order * to supply the drag shadow's dimensions and appearance without * reference to any View object. */
public DragShadowBuilder() { mView = new WeakReference<View>(null); }
Returns the View object that had been passed to the DragShadowBuilder(View) constructor. If that View parameter was null or if the DragShadowBuilder() constructor was used to instantiate the builder object, this method will return null.
Returns:The View object associate with this builder object.
/** * Returns the View object that had been passed to the * {@link #View.DragShadowBuilder(View)} * constructor. If that View parameter was {@code null} or if the * {@link #View.DragShadowBuilder()} * constructor was used to instantiate the builder object, this method will return * null. * * @return The View object associate with this builder object. */
@SuppressWarnings({"JavadocReference"}) final public View getView() { return mView.get(); }
Provides the metrics for the shadow image. These include the dimensions of the shadow image, and the point within that shadow that should be centered under the touch location while dragging.

The default implementation sets the dimensions of the shadow to be the same as the dimensions of the View itself and centers the shadow under the touch point.

  • outShadowSize – A Point containing the width and height of the shadow image. Your application must set Point.x to the desired width and must set Point.y to the desired height of the image.
  • outShadowTouchPoint – A Point for the position within the shadow image that should be underneath the touch point during the drag and drop operation. Your application must set Point.x to the X coordinate and Point.y to the Y coordinate of this position.
/** * Provides the metrics for the shadow image. These include the dimensions of * the shadow image, and the point within that shadow that should * be centered under the touch location while dragging. * <p> * The default implementation sets the dimensions of the shadow to be the * same as the dimensions of the View itself and centers the shadow under * the touch point. * </p> * * @param outShadowSize A {@link android.graphics.Point} containing the width and height * of the shadow image. Your application must set {@link android.graphics.Point#x} to the * desired width and must set {@link android.graphics.Point#y} to the desired height of the * image. * * @param outShadowTouchPoint A {@link android.graphics.Point} for the position within the * shadow image that should be underneath the touch point during the drag and drop * operation. Your application must set {@link android.graphics.Point#x} to the * X coordinate and {@link android.graphics.Point#y} to the Y coordinate of this position. */
public void onProvideShadowMetrics(Point outShadowSize, Point outShadowTouchPoint) { final View view = mView.get(); if (view != null) { outShadowSize.set(view.getWidth(), view.getHeight()); outShadowTouchPoint.set(outShadowSize.x / 2, outShadowSize.y / 2); } else { Log.e(View.VIEW_LOG_TAG, "Asked for drag thumb metrics but no view"); } }
Draws the shadow image. The system creates the Canvas object based on the dimensions it received from the onProvideShadowMetrics(Point, Point) callback.
  • canvas – A Canvas object in which to draw the shadow image.
/** * Draws the shadow image. The system creates the {@link android.graphics.Canvas} object * based on the dimensions it received from the * {@link #onProvideShadowMetrics(Point, Point)} callback. * * @param canvas A {@link android.graphics.Canvas} object in which to draw the shadow image. */
public void onDrawShadow(Canvas canvas) { final View view = mView.get(); if (view != null) { view.draw(canvas); } else { Log.e(View.VIEW_LOG_TAG, "Asked to draw drag shadow but no view"); } } }
Deprecated:Use startDragAndDrop() for newer platform versions.
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #startDragAndDrop(ClipData, DragShadowBuilder, Object, int) * startDragAndDrop()} for newer platform versions. */
@Deprecated public final boolean startDrag(ClipData data, DragShadowBuilder shadowBuilder, Object myLocalState, int flags) { return startDragAndDrop(data, shadowBuilder, myLocalState, flags); }
Starts a drag and drop operation. When your application calls this method, it passes a DragShadowBuilder object to the system. The system calls this object's DragShadowBuilder.onProvideShadowMetrics(Point, Point) to get metrics for the drag shadow, and then calls the object's DragShadowBuilder.onDrawShadow(Canvas) to draw the drag shadow itself.

Once the system has the drag shadow, it begins the drag and drop operation by sending drag events to all the View objects in your application that are currently visible. It does this either by calling the View object's drag listener (an implementation of onDrag() or by calling the View object's onDragEvent() method. Both are passed a DragEvent object that has a DragEvent.getAction() value of DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED.

Your application can invoke startDragAndDrop() on any attached View object. The View object does not need to be the one used in DragShadowBuilder, nor does it need to be related to the View the user selected for dragging.

Returns:true if the method completes successfully, or false if it fails anywhere. Returning false means the system was unable to do a drag, and so no drag operation is in progress.
/** * Starts a drag and drop operation. When your application calls this method, it passes a * {@link android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder} object to the system. The * system calls this object's {@link DragShadowBuilder#onProvideShadowMetrics(Point, Point)} * to get metrics for the drag shadow, and then calls the object's * {@link DragShadowBuilder#onDrawShadow(Canvas)} to draw the drag shadow itself. * <p> * Once the system has the drag shadow, it begins the drag and drop operation by sending * drag events to all the View objects in your application that are currently visible. It does * this either by calling the View object's drag listener (an implementation of * {@link android.view.View.OnDragListener#onDrag(View,DragEvent) onDrag()} or by calling the * View object's {@link android.view.View#onDragEvent(DragEvent) onDragEvent()} method. * Both are passed a {@link android.view.DragEvent} object that has a * {@link android.view.DragEvent#getAction()} value of * {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_STARTED}. * </p> * <p> * Your application can invoke {@link #startDragAndDrop(ClipData, DragShadowBuilder, Object, * int) startDragAndDrop()} on any attached View object. The View object does not need to be * the one used in {@link android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder}, nor does it need to be related * to the View the user selected for dragging. * </p> * @param data A {@link android.content.ClipData} object pointing to the data to be * transferred by the drag and drop operation. * @param shadowBuilder A {@link android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder} object for building the * drag shadow. * @param myLocalState An {@link java.lang.Object} containing local data about the drag and * drop operation. When dispatching drag events to views in the same activity this object * will be available through {@link android.view.DragEvent#getLocalState()}. Views in other * activities will not have access to this data ({@link android.view.DragEvent#getLocalState()} * will return null). * <p> * myLocalState is a lightweight mechanism for the sending information from the dragged View * to the target Views. For example, it can contain flags that differentiate between a * a copy operation and a move operation. * </p> * @param flags Flags that control the drag and drop operation. This can be set to 0 for no * flags, or any combination of the following: * <ul> * <li>{@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL}</li> * <li>{@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION}</li> * <li>{@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION}</li> * <li>{@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_READ}</li> * <li>{@link #DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_WRITE}</li> * <li>{@link #DRAG_FLAG_OPAQUE}</li> * </ul> * @return {@code true} if the method completes successfully, or * {@code false} if it fails anywhere. Returning {@code false} means the system was unable to * do a drag, and so no drag operation is in progress. */
public final boolean startDragAndDrop(ClipData data, DragShadowBuilder shadowBuilder, Object myLocalState, int flags) { if (ViewDebug.DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "startDragAndDrop: data=" + data + " flags=" + flags); } if (mAttachInfo == null) { Log.w(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "startDragAndDrop called on a detached view."); return false; } if (data != null) { data.prepareToLeaveProcess((flags & View.DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL) != 0); } Point shadowSize = new Point(); Point shadowTouchPoint = new Point(); shadowBuilder.onProvideShadowMetrics(shadowSize, shadowTouchPoint); if ((shadowSize.x < 0) || (shadowSize.y < 0) || (shadowTouchPoint.x < 0) || (shadowTouchPoint.y < 0)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Drag shadow dimensions must not be negative"); } // Create 1x1 surface when zero surface size is specified because SurfaceControl.Builder // does not accept zero size surface. if (shadowSize.x == 0 || shadowSize.y == 0) { if (!sAcceptZeroSizeDragShadow) { throw new IllegalStateException("Drag shadow dimensions must be positive"); } shadowSize.x = 1; shadowSize.y = 1; } if (ViewDebug.DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "drag shadow: width=" + shadowSize.x + " height=" + shadowSize.y + " shadowX=" + shadowTouchPoint.x + " shadowY=" + shadowTouchPoint.y); } if (mAttachInfo.mDragSurface != null) { mAttachInfo.mDragSurface.release(); } mAttachInfo.mDragSurface = new Surface(); mAttachInfo.mDragToken = null; final ViewRootImpl root = mAttachInfo.mViewRootImpl; final SurfaceSession session = new SurfaceSession(root.mSurface); final SurfaceControl surface = new SurfaceControl.Builder(session) .setName("drag surface") .setSize(shadowSize.x, shadowSize.y) .setFormat(PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT) .build(); try { mAttachInfo.mDragSurface.copyFrom(surface); final Canvas canvas = mAttachInfo.mDragSurface.lockCanvas(null); try { canvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); shadowBuilder.onDrawShadow(canvas); } finally { mAttachInfo.mDragSurface.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas); } // Cache the local state object for delivery with DragEvents root.setLocalDragState(myLocalState); // repurpose 'shadowSize' for the last touch point root.getLastTouchPoint(shadowSize); mAttachInfo.mDragToken = mAttachInfo.mSession.performDrag( mAttachInfo.mWindow, flags, surface, root.getLastTouchSource(), shadowSize.x, shadowSize.y, shadowTouchPoint.x, shadowTouchPoint.y, data); if (ViewDebug.DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "performDrag returned " + mAttachInfo.mDragToken); } return mAttachInfo.mDragToken != null; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "Unable to initiate drag", e); return false; } finally { if (mAttachInfo.mDragToken == null) { mAttachInfo.mDragSurface.destroy(); mAttachInfo.mDragSurface = null; root.setLocalDragState(null); } session.kill(); } }
Cancels an ongoing drag and drop operation.

A DragEvent object with DragEvent.getAction() value of DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED and DragEvent.getResult() value of false will be sent to every View that received DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED even if they are not currently visible.

This method can be called on any View in the same window as the View on which startDragAndDrop was called.

/** * Cancels an ongoing drag and drop operation. * <p> * A {@link android.view.DragEvent} object with * {@link android.view.DragEvent#getAction()} value of * {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_ENDED} and * {@link android.view.DragEvent#getResult()} value of {@code false} * will be sent to every * View that received {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_STARTED} * even if they are not currently visible. * </p> * <p> * This method can be called on any View in the same window as the View on which * {@link #startDragAndDrop(ClipData, DragShadowBuilder, Object, int) startDragAndDrop} * was called. * </p> */
public final void cancelDragAndDrop() { if (ViewDebug.DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "cancelDragAndDrop"); } if (mAttachInfo == null) { Log.w(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "cancelDragAndDrop called on a detached view."); return; } if (mAttachInfo.mDragToken != null) { try { mAttachInfo.mSession.cancelDragAndDrop(mAttachInfo.mDragToken); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "Unable to cancel drag", e); } mAttachInfo.mDragToken = null; } else { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "No active drag to cancel"); } }
Updates the drag shadow for the ongoing drag and drop operation.
/** * Updates the drag shadow for the ongoing drag and drop operation. * * @param shadowBuilder A {@link android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder} object for building the * new drag shadow. */
public final void updateDragShadow(DragShadowBuilder shadowBuilder) { if (ViewDebug.DEBUG_DRAG) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "updateDragShadow"); } if (mAttachInfo == null) { Log.w(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "updateDragShadow called on a detached view."); return; } if (mAttachInfo.mDragToken != null) { try { Canvas canvas = mAttachInfo.mDragSurface.lockCanvas(null); try { canvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); shadowBuilder.onDrawShadow(canvas); } finally { mAttachInfo.mDragSurface.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "Unable to update drag shadow", e); } } else { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "No active drag"); } }
Starts a move from {startX, startY}, the amount of the movement will be the offset between {startX, startY} and the new cursor positon.
  • startX – horizontal coordinate where the move started.
  • startY – vertical coordinate where the move started.
Returns:whether moving was started successfully.
/** * Starts a move from {startX, startY}, the amount of the movement will be the offset * between {startX, startY} and the new cursor positon. * @param startX horizontal coordinate where the move started. * @param startY vertical coordinate where the move started. * @return whether moving was started successfully. * @hide */
public final boolean startMovingTask(float startX, float startY) { if (ViewDebug.DEBUG_POSITIONING) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "startMovingTask: {" + startX + "," + startY + "}"); } try { return mAttachInfo.mSession.startMovingTask(mAttachInfo.mWindow, startX, startY); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "Unable to start moving", e); } return false; }
Handles drag events sent by the system following a call to startDragAndDrop().

When the system calls this method, it passes a DragEvent object. A call to DragEvent.getAction() returns one of the action type constants defined in DragEvent. The method uses these to determine what is happening in the drag and drop operation.

  • event – The DragEvent sent by the system. The DragEvent.getAction() method returns an action type constant defined in DragEvent, indicating the type of drag event represented by this object.
Returns:true if the method was successful, otherwise false.

The method should return true in response to an action type of DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED to receive drag events for the current operation.

The method should also return true in response to an action type of DragEvent.ACTION_DROP if it consumed the drop, or false if it didn't.

For all other events, the return value is ignored.

/** * Handles drag events sent by the system following a call to * {@link android.view.View#startDragAndDrop(ClipData,DragShadowBuilder,Object,int) * startDragAndDrop()}. *<p> * When the system calls this method, it passes a * {@link android.view.DragEvent} object. A call to * {@link android.view.DragEvent#getAction()} returns one of the action type constants defined * in DragEvent. The method uses these to determine what is happening in the drag and drop * operation. * @param event The {@link android.view.DragEvent} sent by the system. * The {@link android.view.DragEvent#getAction()} method returns an action type constant defined * in DragEvent, indicating the type of drag event represented by this object. * @return {@code true} if the method was successful, otherwise {@code false}. * <p> * The method should return {@code true} in response to an action type of * {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_STARTED} to receive drag events for the current * operation. * </p> * <p> * The method should also return {@code true} in response to an action type of * {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DROP} if it consumed the drop, or * {@code false} if it didn't. * </p> * <p> * For all other events, the return value is ignored. * </p> */
public boolean onDragEvent(DragEvent event) { return false; } // Dispatches ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED and ACTION_DRAG_EXITED events for pre-Nougat apps. boolean dispatchDragEnterExitInPreN(DragEvent event) { return callDragEventHandler(event); }
Detects if this View is enabled and has a drag event listener. If both are true, then it calls the drag event listener with the DragEvent it received. If the drag event listener returns true, then dispatchDragEvent() returns true.

For all other cases, the method calls the onDragEvent() drag event handler method and returns its result.

This ensures that a drag event is always consumed, even if the View does not have a drag event listener. However, if the View has a listener and the listener returns true, then onDragEvent() is not called.

/** * Detects if this View is enabled and has a drag event listener. * If both are true, then it calls the drag event listener with the * {@link android.view.DragEvent} it received. If the drag event listener returns * {@code true}, then dispatchDragEvent() returns {@code true}. * <p> * For all other cases, the method calls the * {@link android.view.View#onDragEvent(DragEvent) onDragEvent()} drag event handler * method and returns its result. * </p> * <p> * This ensures that a drag event is always consumed, even if the View does not have a drag * event listener. However, if the View has a listener and the listener returns true, then * onDragEvent() is not called. * </p> */
public boolean dispatchDragEvent(DragEvent event) { event.mEventHandlerWasCalled = true; if (event.mAction == DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION || event.mAction == DragEvent.ACTION_DROP) { // About to deliver an event with coordinates to this view. Notify that now this view // has drag focus. This will send exit/enter events as needed. getViewRootImpl().setDragFocus(this, event); } return callDragEventHandler(event); } final boolean callDragEventHandler(DragEvent event) { final boolean result; ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo; //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement if (li != null && li.mOnDragListener != null && (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED && li.mOnDragListener.onDrag(this, event)) { result = true; } else { result = onDragEvent(event); } switch (event.mAction) { case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED: { mPrivateFlags2 |= View.PFLAG2_DRAG_HOVERED; refreshDrawableState(); } break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED: { mPrivateFlags2 &= ~View.PFLAG2_DRAG_HOVERED; refreshDrawableState(); } break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED: { mPrivateFlags2 &= ~View.DRAG_MASK; refreshDrawableState(); } break; } return result; } boolean canAcceptDrag() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_DRAG_CAN_ACCEPT) != 0; }
This needs to be a better API (NOT ON VIEW) before it is exposed. If it is ever exposed at all.
/** * This needs to be a better API (NOT ON VIEW) before it is exposed. If * it is ever exposed at all. * @hide */
public void onCloseSystemDialogs(String reason) { }
Given a Drawable whose bounds have been set to draw into this view, update a Region being computed for gatherTransparentRegion(Region) so that any non-transparent parts of the Drawable are removed from the given transparent region.
  • dr – The Drawable whose transparency is to be applied to the region.
  • region – A Region holding the current transparency information, where any parts of the region that are set are considered to be transparent. On return, this region will be modified to have the transparency information reduced by the corresponding parts of the Drawable that are not transparent. {@hide}
/** * Given a Drawable whose bounds have been set to draw into this view, * update a Region being computed for * {@link #gatherTransparentRegion(android.graphics.Region)} so * that any non-transparent parts of the Drawable are removed from the * given transparent region. * * @param dr The Drawable whose transparency is to be applied to the region. * @param region A Region holding the current transparency information, * where any parts of the region that are set are considered to be * transparent. On return, this region will be modified to have the * transparency information reduced by the corresponding parts of the * Drawable that are not transparent. * {@hide} */
public void applyDrawableToTransparentRegion(Drawable dr, Region region) { if (DBG) { Log.i("View", "Getting transparent region for: " + this); } final Region r = dr.getTransparentRegion(); final Rect db = dr.getBounds(); final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; if (r != null && attachInfo != null) { final int w = getRight()-getLeft(); final int h = getBottom()-getTop(); if (db.left > 0) { //Log.i("VIEW", "Drawable left " + db.left + " > view 0"); r.op(0, 0, db.left, h, Region.Op.UNION); } if (db.right < w) { //Log.i("VIEW", "Drawable right " + db.right + " < view " + w); r.op(db.right, 0, w, h, Region.Op.UNION); } if (db.top > 0) { //Log.i("VIEW", "Drawable top " + db.top + " > view 0"); r.op(0, 0, w, db.top, Region.Op.UNION); } if (db.bottom < h) { //Log.i("VIEW", "Drawable bottom " + db.bottom + " < view " + h); r.op(0, db.bottom, w, h, Region.Op.UNION); } final int[] location = attachInfo.mTransparentLocation; getLocationInWindow(location); r.translate(location[0], location[1]); region.op(r, Region.Op.INTERSECT); } else { region.op(db, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE); } } private void checkForLongClick(int delayOffset, float x, float y) { if ((mViewFlags & LONG_CLICKABLE) == LONG_CLICKABLE || (mViewFlags & TOOLTIP) == TOOLTIP) { mHasPerformedLongPress = false; if (mPendingCheckForLongPress == null) { mPendingCheckForLongPress = new CheckForLongPress(); } mPendingCheckForLongPress.setAnchor(x, y); mPendingCheckForLongPress.rememberWindowAttachCount(); mPendingCheckForLongPress.rememberPressedState(); postDelayed(mPendingCheckForLongPress, ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout() - delayOffset); } }
Inflate a view from an XML resource. This convenience method wraps the LayoutInflater class, which provides a full range of options for view inflation.
  • context – The Context object for your activity or application.
  • resource – The resource ID to inflate
  • root – A view group that will be the parent. Used to properly inflate the layout_* parameters.
See Also:
/** * Inflate a view from an XML resource. This convenience method wraps the {@link * LayoutInflater} class, which provides a full range of options for view inflation. * * @param context The Context object for your activity or application. * @param resource The resource ID to inflate * @param root A view group that will be the parent. Used to properly inflate the * layout_* parameters. * @see LayoutInflater */
public static View inflate(Context context, @LayoutRes int resource, ViewGroup root) { LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from(context); return factory.inflate(resource, root); }
Scroll the view with standard behavior for scrolling beyond the normal content boundaries. Views that call this method should override onOverScrolled(int, int, boolean, boolean) to respond to the results of an over-scroll operation. Views can use this method to handle any touch or fling-based scrolling.
  • deltaX – Change in X in pixels
  • deltaY – Change in Y in pixels
  • scrollX – Current X scroll value in pixels before applying deltaX
  • scrollY – Current Y scroll value in pixels before applying deltaY
  • scrollRangeX – Maximum content scroll range along the X axis
  • scrollRangeY – Maximum content scroll range along the Y axis
  • maxOverScrollX – Number of pixels to overscroll by in either direction along the X axis.
  • maxOverScrollY – Number of pixels to overscroll by in either direction along the Y axis.
  • isTouchEvent – true if this scroll operation is the result of a touch event.
Returns:true if scrolling was clamped to an over-scroll boundary along either axis, false otherwise.
/** * Scroll the view with standard behavior for scrolling beyond the normal * content boundaries. Views that call this method should override * {@link #onOverScrolled(int, int, boolean, boolean)} to respond to the * results of an over-scroll operation. * * Views can use this method to handle any touch or fling-based scrolling. * * @param deltaX Change in X in pixels * @param deltaY Change in Y in pixels * @param scrollX Current X scroll value in pixels before applying deltaX * @param scrollY Current Y scroll value in pixels before applying deltaY * @param scrollRangeX Maximum content scroll range along the X axis * @param scrollRangeY Maximum content scroll range along the Y axis * @param maxOverScrollX Number of pixels to overscroll by in either direction * along the X axis. * @param maxOverScrollY Number of pixels to overscroll by in either direction * along the Y axis. * @param isTouchEvent true if this scroll operation is the result of a touch event. * @return true if scrolling was clamped to an over-scroll boundary along either * axis, false otherwise. */
@SuppressWarnings({"UnusedParameters"}) protected boolean overScrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, int scrollX, int scrollY, int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY, int maxOverScrollX, int maxOverScrollY, boolean isTouchEvent) { final int overScrollMode = mOverScrollMode; final boolean canScrollHorizontal = computeHorizontalScrollRange() > computeHorizontalScrollExtent(); final boolean canScrollVertical = computeVerticalScrollRange() > computeVerticalScrollExtent(); final boolean overScrollHorizontal = overScrollMode == OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS || (overScrollMode == OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && canScrollHorizontal); final boolean overScrollVertical = overScrollMode == OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS || (overScrollMode == OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && canScrollVertical); int newScrollX = scrollX + deltaX; if (!overScrollHorizontal) { maxOverScrollX = 0; } int newScrollY = scrollY + deltaY; if (!overScrollVertical) { maxOverScrollY = 0; } // Clamp values if at the limits and record final int left = -maxOverScrollX; final int right = maxOverScrollX + scrollRangeX; final int top = -maxOverScrollY; final int bottom = maxOverScrollY + scrollRangeY; boolean clampedX = false; if (newScrollX > right) { newScrollX = right; clampedX = true; } else if (newScrollX < left) { newScrollX = left; clampedX = true; } boolean clampedY = false; if (newScrollY > bottom) { newScrollY = bottom; clampedY = true; } else if (newScrollY < top) { newScrollY = top; clampedY = true; } onOverScrolled(newScrollX, newScrollY, clampedX, clampedY); return clampedX || clampedY; }
Called by overScrollBy(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) to respond to the results of an over-scroll operation.
  • scrollX – New X scroll value in pixels
  • scrollY – New Y scroll value in pixels
  • clampedX – True if scrollX was clamped to an over-scroll boundary
  • clampedY – True if scrollY was clamped to an over-scroll boundary
/** * Called by {@link #overScrollBy(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean)} to * respond to the results of an over-scroll operation. * * @param scrollX New X scroll value in pixels * @param scrollY New Y scroll value in pixels * @param clampedX True if scrollX was clamped to an over-scroll boundary * @param clampedY True if scrollY was clamped to an over-scroll boundary */
protected void onOverScrolled(int scrollX, int scrollY, boolean clampedX, boolean clampedY) { // Intentionally empty. }
Returns the over-scroll mode for this view. The result will be one of OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS (default), OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS (allow over-scrolling only if the view content is larger than the container), or OVER_SCROLL_NEVER.
Returns:This view's over-scroll mode.
/** * Returns the over-scroll mode for this view. The result will be * one of {@link #OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS} (default), {@link #OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS} * (allow over-scrolling only if the view content is larger than the container), * or {@link #OVER_SCROLL_NEVER}. * * @return This view's over-scroll mode. */
public int getOverScrollMode() { return mOverScrollMode; }
Set the over-scroll mode for this view. Valid over-scroll modes are OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS (default), OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS (allow over-scrolling only if the view content is larger than the container), or OVER_SCROLL_NEVER. Setting the over-scroll mode of a view will have an effect only if the view is capable of scrolling.
  • overScrollMode – The new over-scroll mode for this view.
/** * Set the over-scroll mode for this view. Valid over-scroll modes are * {@link #OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS} (default), {@link #OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS} * (allow over-scrolling only if the view content is larger than the container), * or {@link #OVER_SCROLL_NEVER}. * * Setting the over-scroll mode of a view will have an effect only if the * view is capable of scrolling. * * @param overScrollMode The new over-scroll mode for this view. */
public void setOverScrollMode(int overScrollMode) { if (overScrollMode != OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS && overScrollMode != OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && overScrollMode != OVER_SCROLL_NEVER) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid overscroll mode " + overScrollMode); } mOverScrollMode = overScrollMode; }
Enable or disable nested scrolling for this view.

If this property is set to true the view will be permitted to initiate nested scrolling operations with a compatible parent view in the current hierarchy. If this view does not implement nested scrolling this will have no effect. Disabling nested scrolling while a nested scroll is in progress has the effect of stopping the nested scroll.

  • enabled – true to enable nested scrolling, false to disable
See Also:
/** * Enable or disable nested scrolling for this view. * * <p>If this property is set to true the view will be permitted to initiate nested * scrolling operations with a compatible parent view in the current hierarchy. If this * view does not implement nested scrolling this will have no effect. Disabling nested scrolling * while a nested scroll is in progress has the effect of {@link #stopNestedScroll() stopping} * the nested scroll.</p> * * @param enabled true to enable nested scrolling, false to disable * * @see #isNestedScrollingEnabled() */
public void setNestedScrollingEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (enabled) { mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_NESTED_SCROLLING_ENABLED; } else { stopNestedScroll(); mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_NESTED_SCROLLING_ENABLED; } }
Returns true if nested scrolling is enabled for this view.

If nested scrolling is enabled and this View class implementation supports it, this view will act as a nested scrolling child view when applicable, forwarding data about the scroll operation in progress to a compatible and cooperating nested scrolling parent.

See Also:
Returns:true if nested scrolling is enabled
/** * Returns true if nested scrolling is enabled for this view. * * <p>If nested scrolling is enabled and this View class implementation supports it, * this view will act as a nested scrolling child view when applicable, forwarding data * about the scroll operation in progress to a compatible and cooperating nested scrolling * parent.</p> * * @return true if nested scrolling is enabled * * @see #setNestedScrollingEnabled(boolean) */
public boolean isNestedScrollingEnabled() { return (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_NESTED_SCROLLING_ENABLED) == PFLAG3_NESTED_SCROLLING_ENABLED; }
Begin a nestable scroll operation along the given axes.

A view starting a nested scroll promises to abide by the following contract:

The view will call startNestedScroll upon initiating a scroll operation. In the case of a touch scroll this corresponds to the initial MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN. In the case of touch scrolling the nested scroll will be terminated automatically in the same manner as ViewParent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean). In the event of programmatic scrolling the caller must explicitly call stopNestedScroll() to indicate the end of the nested scroll.

If startNestedScroll returns true, a cooperative parent was found. If it returns false the caller may ignore the rest of this contract until the next scroll. Calling startNestedScroll while a nested scroll is already in progress will return true.

At each incremental step of the scroll the caller should invoke dispatchNestedPreScroll once it has calculated the requested scrolling delta. If it returns true the nested scrolling parent at least partially consumed the scroll and the caller should adjust the amount it scrolls by.

After applying the remainder of the scroll delta the caller should invoke dispatchNestedScroll, passing both the delta consumed and the delta unconsumed. A nested scrolling parent may treat these values differently. See ViewParent.onNestedScroll(View, int, int, int, int).

See Also:
Returns:true if a cooperative parent was found and nested scrolling has been enabled for the current gesture.
/** * Begin a nestable scroll operation along the given axes. * * <p>A view starting a nested scroll promises to abide by the following contract:</p> * * <p>The view will call startNestedScroll upon initiating a scroll operation. In the case * of a touch scroll this corresponds to the initial {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_DOWN}. * In the case of touch scrolling the nested scroll will be terminated automatically in * the same manner as {@link ViewParent#requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean)}. * In the event of programmatic scrolling the caller must explicitly call * {@link #stopNestedScroll()} to indicate the end of the nested scroll.</p> * * <p>If <code>startNestedScroll</code> returns true, a cooperative parent was found. * If it returns false the caller may ignore the rest of this contract until the next scroll. * Calling startNestedScroll while a nested scroll is already in progress will return true.</p> * * <p>At each incremental step of the scroll the caller should invoke * {@link #dispatchNestedPreScroll(int, int, int[], int[]) dispatchNestedPreScroll} * once it has calculated the requested scrolling delta. If it returns true the nested scrolling * parent at least partially consumed the scroll and the caller should adjust the amount it * scrolls by.</p> * * <p>After applying the remainder of the scroll delta the caller should invoke * {@link #dispatchNestedScroll(int, int, int, int, int[]) dispatchNestedScroll}, passing * both the delta consumed and the delta unconsumed. A nested scrolling parent may treat * these values differently. See {@link ViewParent#onNestedScroll(View, int, int, int, int)}. * </p> * * @param axes Flags consisting of a combination of {@link #SCROLL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL} and/or * {@link #SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL}. * @return true if a cooperative parent was found and nested scrolling has been enabled for * the current gesture. * * @see #stopNestedScroll() * @see #dispatchNestedPreScroll(int, int, int[], int[]) * @see #dispatchNestedScroll(int, int, int, int, int[]) */
public boolean startNestedScroll(int axes) { if (hasNestedScrollingParent()) { // Already in progress return true; } if (isNestedScrollingEnabled()) { ViewParent p = getParent(); View child = this; while (p != null) { try { if (p.onStartNestedScroll(child, this, axes)) { mNestedScrollingParent = p; p.onNestedScrollAccepted(child, this, axes); return true; } } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "ViewParent " + p + " does not implement interface " + "method onStartNestedScroll", e); // Allow the search upward to continue } if (p instanceof View) { child = (View) p; } p = p.getParent(); } } return false; }
Stop a nested scroll in progress.

Calling this method when a nested scroll is not currently in progress is harmless.

See Also:
  • startNestedScroll(int)
/** * Stop a nested scroll in progress. * * <p>Calling this method when a nested scroll is not currently in progress is harmless.</p> * * @see #startNestedScroll(int) */
public void stopNestedScroll() { if (mNestedScrollingParent != null) { mNestedScrollingParent.onStopNestedScroll(this); mNestedScrollingParent = null; } }
Returns true if this view has a nested scrolling parent.

The presence of a nested scrolling parent indicates that this view has initiated a nested scroll and it was accepted by an ancestor view further up the view hierarchy.

Returns:whether this view has a nested scrolling parent
/** * Returns true if this view has a nested scrolling parent. * * <p>The presence of a nested scrolling parent indicates that this view has initiated * a nested scroll and it was accepted by an ancestor view further up the view hierarchy.</p> * * @return whether this view has a nested scrolling parent */
public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent() { return mNestedScrollingParent != null; }
Dispatch one step of a nested scroll in progress.

Implementations of views that support nested scrolling should call this to report info about a scroll in progress to the current nested scrolling parent. If a nested scroll is not currently in progress or nested scrolling is not enabled for this view this method does nothing.

Compatible View implementations should also call dispatchNestedPreScroll before consuming a component of the scroll event themselves.

  • dxConsumed – Horizontal distance in pixels consumed by this view during this scroll step
  • dyConsumed – Vertical distance in pixels consumed by this view during this scroll step
  • dxUnconsumed – Horizontal scroll distance in pixels not consumed by this view
  • dyUnconsumed – Horizontal scroll distance in pixels not consumed by this view
  • offsetInWindow – Optional. If not null, on return this will contain the offset in local view coordinates of this view from before this operation to after it completes. View implementations may use this to adjust expected input coordinate tracking.
See Also:
Returns:true if the event was dispatched, false if it could not be dispatched.
/** * Dispatch one step of a nested scroll in progress. * * <p>Implementations of views that support nested scrolling should call this to report * info about a scroll in progress to the current nested scrolling parent. If a nested scroll * is not currently in progress or nested scrolling is not * {@link #isNestedScrollingEnabled() enabled} for this view this method does nothing.</p> * * <p>Compatible View implementations should also call * {@link #dispatchNestedPreScroll(int, int, int[], int[]) dispatchNestedPreScroll} before * consuming a component of the scroll event themselves.</p> * * @param dxConsumed Horizontal distance in pixels consumed by this view during this scroll step * @param dyConsumed Vertical distance in pixels consumed by this view during this scroll step * @param dxUnconsumed Horizontal scroll distance in pixels not consumed by this view * @param dyUnconsumed Horizontal scroll distance in pixels not consumed by this view * @param offsetInWindow Optional. If not null, on return this will contain the offset * in local view coordinates of this view from before this operation * to after it completes. View implementations may use this to adjust * expected input coordinate tracking. * @return true if the event was dispatched, false if it could not be dispatched. * @see #dispatchNestedPreScroll(int, int, int[], int[]) */
public boolean dispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, @Nullable @Size(2) int[] offsetInWindow) { if (isNestedScrollingEnabled() && mNestedScrollingParent != null) { if (dxConsumed != 0 || dyConsumed != 0 || dxUnconsumed != 0 || dyUnconsumed != 0) { int startX = 0; int startY = 0; if (offsetInWindow != null) { getLocationInWindow(offsetInWindow); startX = offsetInWindow[0]; startY = offsetInWindow[1]; } mNestedScrollingParent.onNestedScroll(this, dxConsumed, dyConsumed, dxUnconsumed, dyUnconsumed); if (offsetInWindow != null) { getLocationInWindow(offsetInWindow); offsetInWindow[0] -= startX; offsetInWindow[1] -= startY; } return true; } else if (offsetInWindow != null) { // No motion, no dispatch. Keep offsetInWindow up to date. offsetInWindow[0] = 0; offsetInWindow[1] = 0; } } return false; }
Dispatch one step of a nested scroll in progress before this view consumes any portion of it.

Nested pre-scroll events are to nested scroll events what touch intercept is to touch. dispatchNestedPreScroll offers an opportunity for the parent view in a nested scrolling operation to consume some or all of the scroll operation before the child view consumes it.

  • dx – Horizontal scroll distance in pixels
  • dy – Vertical scroll distance in pixels
  • consumed – Output. If not null, consumed[0] will contain the consumed component of dx and consumed[1] the consumed dy.
  • offsetInWindow – Optional. If not null, on return this will contain the offset in local view coordinates of this view from before this operation to after it completes. View implementations may use this to adjust expected input coordinate tracking.
See Also:
Returns:true if the parent consumed some or all of the scroll delta
/** * Dispatch one step of a nested scroll in progress before this view consumes any portion of it. * * <p>Nested pre-scroll events are to nested scroll events what touch intercept is to touch. * <code>dispatchNestedPreScroll</code> offers an opportunity for the parent view in a nested * scrolling operation to consume some or all of the scroll operation before the child view * consumes it.</p> * * @param dx Horizontal scroll distance in pixels * @param dy Vertical scroll distance in pixels * @param consumed Output. If not null, consumed[0] will contain the consumed component of dx * and consumed[1] the consumed dy. * @param offsetInWindow Optional. If not null, on return this will contain the offset * in local view coordinates of this view from before this operation * to after it completes. View implementations may use this to adjust * expected input coordinate tracking. * @return true if the parent consumed some or all of the scroll delta * @see #dispatchNestedScroll(int, int, int, int, int[]) */
public boolean dispatchNestedPreScroll(int dx, int dy, @Nullable @Size(2) int[] consumed, @Nullable @Size(2) int[] offsetInWindow) { if (isNestedScrollingEnabled() && mNestedScrollingParent != null) { if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { int startX = 0; int startY = 0; if (offsetInWindow != null) { getLocationInWindow(offsetInWindow); startX = offsetInWindow[0]; startY = offsetInWindow[1]; } if (consumed == null) { if (mTempNestedScrollConsumed == null) { mTempNestedScrollConsumed = new int[2]; } consumed = mTempNestedScrollConsumed; } consumed[0] = 0; consumed[1] = 0; mNestedScrollingParent.onNestedPreScroll(this, dx, dy, consumed); if (offsetInWindow != null) { getLocationInWindow(offsetInWindow); offsetInWindow[0] -= startX; offsetInWindow[1] -= startY; } return consumed[0] != 0 || consumed[1] != 0; } else if (offsetInWindow != null) { offsetInWindow[0] = 0; offsetInWindow[1] = 0; } } return false; }
Dispatch a fling to a nested scrolling parent.

This method should be used to indicate that a nested scrolling child has detected suitable conditions for a fling. Generally this means that a touch scroll has ended with a velocity in the direction of scrolling that meets or exceeds the minimum fling velocity along a scrollable axis.

If a nested scrolling child view would normally fling but it is at the edge of its own content, it can use this method to delegate the fling to its nested scrolling parent instead. The parent may optionally consume the fling or observe a child fling.

  • velocityX – Horizontal fling velocity in pixels per second
  • velocityY – Vertical fling velocity in pixels per second
  • consumed – true if the child consumed the fling, false otherwise
Returns:true if the nested scrolling parent consumed or otherwise reacted to the fling
/** * Dispatch a fling to a nested scrolling parent. * * <p>This method should be used to indicate that a nested scrolling child has detected * suitable conditions for a fling. Generally this means that a touch scroll has ended with a * {@link VelocityTracker velocity} in the direction of scrolling that meets or exceeds * the {@link ViewConfiguration#getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity() minimum fling velocity} * along a scrollable axis.</p> * * <p>If a nested scrolling child view would normally fling but it is at the edge of * its own content, it can use this method to delegate the fling to its nested scrolling * parent instead. The parent may optionally consume the fling or observe a child fling.</p> * * @param velocityX Horizontal fling velocity in pixels per second * @param velocityY Vertical fling velocity in pixels per second * @param consumed true if the child consumed the fling, false otherwise * @return true if the nested scrolling parent consumed or otherwise reacted to the fling */
public boolean dispatchNestedFling(float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed) { if (isNestedScrollingEnabled() && mNestedScrollingParent != null) { return mNestedScrollingParent.onNestedFling(this, velocityX, velocityY, consumed); } return false; }
Dispatch a fling to a nested scrolling parent before it is processed by this view.

Nested pre-fling events are to nested fling events what touch intercept is to touch and what nested pre-scroll is to nested scroll. dispatchNestedPreFling offsets an opportunity for the parent view in a nested fling to fully consume the fling before the child view consumes it. If this method returns true, a nested parent view consumed the fling and this view should not scroll as a result.

For a better user experience, only one view in a nested scrolling chain should consume the fling at a time. If a parent view consumed the fling this method will return false. Custom view implementations should account for this in two ways:

  • If a custom view is paged and needs to settle to a fixed page-point, do not call dispatchNestedPreFling; consume the fling and settle to a valid position regardless.
  • If a nested parent does consume the fling, this view should not scroll at all, even to settle back to a valid idle position.

Views should also not offer fling velocities to nested parent views along an axis where scrolling is not currently supported; a ScrollView should not offer a horizontal fling velocity to its parents since scrolling along that axis is not permitted and carrying velocity along that motion does not make sense.

  • velocityX – Horizontal fling velocity in pixels per second
  • velocityY – Vertical fling velocity in pixels per second
Returns:true if a nested scrolling parent consumed the fling
/** * Dispatch a fling to a nested scrolling parent before it is processed by this view. * * <p>Nested pre-fling events are to nested fling events what touch intercept is to touch * and what nested pre-scroll is to nested scroll. <code>dispatchNestedPreFling</code> * offsets an opportunity for the parent view in a nested fling to fully consume the fling * before the child view consumes it. If this method returns <code>true</code>, a nested * parent view consumed the fling and this view should not scroll as a result.</p> * * <p>For a better user experience, only one view in a nested scrolling chain should consume * the fling at a time. If a parent view consumed the fling this method will return false. * Custom view implementations should account for this in two ways:</p> * * <ul> * <li>If a custom view is paged and needs to settle to a fixed page-point, do not * call <code>dispatchNestedPreFling</code>; consume the fling and settle to a valid * position regardless.</li> * <li>If a nested parent does consume the fling, this view should not scroll at all, * even to settle back to a valid idle position.</li> * </ul> * * <p>Views should also not offer fling velocities to nested parent views along an axis * where scrolling is not currently supported; a {@link android.widget.ScrollView ScrollView} * should not offer a horizontal fling velocity to its parents since scrolling along that * axis is not permitted and carrying velocity along that motion does not make sense.</p> * * @param velocityX Horizontal fling velocity in pixels per second * @param velocityY Vertical fling velocity in pixels per second * @return true if a nested scrolling parent consumed the fling */
public boolean dispatchNestedPreFling(float velocityX, float velocityY) { if (isNestedScrollingEnabled() && mNestedScrollingParent != null) { return mNestedScrollingParent.onNestedPreFling(this, velocityX, velocityY); } return false; }
Gets a scale factor that determines the distance the view should scroll vertically in response to MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL.
Returns:The vertical scroll scale factor.
/** * Gets a scale factor that determines the distance the view should scroll * vertically in response to {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_SCROLL}. * @return The vertical scroll scale factor. * @hide */
protected float getVerticalScrollFactor() { if (mVerticalScrollFactor == 0) { TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue(); if (!mContext.getTheme().resolveAttribute( com.android.internal.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight, outValue, true)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Expected theme to define listPreferredItemHeight."); } mVerticalScrollFactor = outValue.getDimension( mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); } return mVerticalScrollFactor; }
Gets a scale factor that determines the distance the view should scroll horizontally in response to MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL.
Returns:The horizontal scroll scale factor.
/** * Gets a scale factor that determines the distance the view should scroll * horizontally in response to {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_SCROLL}. * @return The horizontal scroll scale factor. * @hide */
protected float getHorizontalScrollFactor() { // TODO: Should use something else. return getVerticalScrollFactor(); }
Return the value specifying the text direction or policy that was set with setTextDirection(int).
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_textDirection
/** * Return the value specifying the text direction or policy that was set with * {@link #setTextDirection(int)}. * * @return the defined text direction. It can be one of: * * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL} * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_textDirection * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT, to = "INHERIT"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG, to = "FIRST_STRONG"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL, to = "ANY_RTL"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR, to = "LTR"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL, to = "RTL"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE, to = "LOCALE"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR, to = "FIRST_STRONG_LTR"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL, to = "FIRST_STRONG_RTL") }) public int getRawTextDirection() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK) >> PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT; }
Set the text direction.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_textDirection
/** * Set the text direction. * * @param textDirection the direction to set. Should be one of: * * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE} * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL}, * * Resolution will be done if the value is set to TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT. The resolution * proceeds up the parent chain of the view to get the value. If there is no parent, then it will * return the default {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_textDirection */
public void setTextDirection(int textDirection) { if (getRawTextDirection() != textDirection) { // Reset the current text direction and the resolved one mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK; resetResolvedTextDirection(); // Set the new text direction mPrivateFlags2 |= ((textDirection << PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK_SHIFT) & PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_MASK); // Do resolution resolveTextDirection(); // Notify change onRtlPropertiesChanged(getLayoutDirection()); // Refresh requestLayout(); invalidate(true); } }
Return the resolved text direction.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_textDirection
/** * Return the resolved text direction. * * @return the resolved text direction. Returns one of: * * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR}, * {@link #TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL} * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_textDirection */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT, to = "INHERIT"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG, to = "FIRST_STRONG"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL, to = "ANY_RTL"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR, to = "LTR"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL, to = "RTL"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE, to = "LOCALE"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR, to = "FIRST_STRONG_LTR"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL, to = "FIRST_STRONG_RTL") }) public int getTextDirection() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK) >> PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK_SHIFT; }
Resolve the text direction.
Returns:true if resolution has been done, false otherwise.
/** * Resolve the text direction. * * @return true if resolution has been done, false otherwise. * * @hide */
public boolean resolveTextDirection() { // Reset any previous text direction resolution mPrivateFlags2 &= ~(PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED | PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK); if (hasRtlSupport()) { // Set resolved text direction flag depending on text direction flag final int textDirection = getRawTextDirection(); switch(textDirection) { case TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT: if (!canResolveTextDirection()) { // We cannot do the resolution if there is no parent, so use the default one mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; // Resolution will need to happen again later return false; } // Parent has not yet resolved, so we still return the default try { if (!mParent.isTextDirectionResolved()) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; // Resolution will need to happen again later return false; } } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED | PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; return true; } // Set current resolved direction to the same value as the parent's one int parentResolvedDirection; try { parentResolvedDirection = mParent.getTextDirection(); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); parentResolvedDirection = TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR; } switch (parentResolvedDirection) { case TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG: case TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL: case TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR: case TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL: case TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE: case TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR: case TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL: mPrivateFlags2 |= (parentResolvedDirection << PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK_SHIFT); break; default: // Default resolved direction is "first strong" heuristic mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; } break; case TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG: case TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL: case TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR: case TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL: case TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE: case TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR: case TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL: // Resolved direction is the same as text direction mPrivateFlags2 |= (textDirection << PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK_SHIFT); break; default: // Default resolved direction is "first strong" heuristic mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; } } else { // Default resolved direction is "first strong" heuristic mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; } // Set to resolved mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED; return true; }
Check if text direction resolution can be done.
Returns:true if text direction resolution can be done otherwise return false.
/** * Check if text direction resolution can be done. * * @return true if text direction resolution can be done otherwise return false. */
public boolean canResolveTextDirection() { switch (getRawTextDirection()) { case TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT: if (mParent != null) { try { return mParent.canResolveTextDirection(); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); } } return false; default: return true; } }
Reset resolved text direction. Text direction will be resolved during a call to onMeasure(int, int).
/** * Reset resolved text direction. Text direction will be resolved during a call to * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}. * * @hide */
public void resetResolvedTextDirection() { // Reset any previous text direction resolution mPrivateFlags2 &= ~(PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED | PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_MASK); // Set to default value mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; }
Returns:true if text direction is inherited.
/** * @return true if text direction is inherited. * * @hide */
public boolean isTextDirectionInherited() { return (getRawTextDirection() == TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT); }
Returns:true if text direction is resolved.
/** * @return true if text direction is resolved. */
public boolean isTextDirectionResolved() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED) == PFLAG2_TEXT_DIRECTION_RESOLVED; }
Return the value specifying the text alignment or policy that was set with setTextAlignment(int).
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_textAlignment
/** * Return the value specifying the text alignment or policy that was set with * {@link #setTextAlignment(int)}. * * @return the defined text alignment. It can be one of: * * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END} * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_textAlignment * * @hide */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT, to = "INHERIT"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY, to = "GRAVITY"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START, to = "TEXT_START"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END, to = "TEXT_END"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, to = "CENTER"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START, to = "VIEW_START"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END, to = "VIEW_END") }) @TextAlignment public int getRawTextAlignment() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_MASK) >> PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_MASK_SHIFT; }
Set the text alignment.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_textAlignment
/** * Set the text alignment. * * @param textAlignment The text alignment to set. Should be one of * * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END} * * Resolution will be done if the value is set to TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT. The resolution * proceeds up the parent chain of the view to get the value. If there is no parent, then it * will return the default {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY}. * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_textAlignment */
public void setTextAlignment(@TextAlignment int textAlignment) { if (textAlignment != getRawTextAlignment()) { // Reset the current and resolved text alignment mPrivateFlags2 &= ~PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_MASK; resetResolvedTextAlignment(); // Set the new text alignment mPrivateFlags2 |= ((textAlignment << PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_MASK_SHIFT) & PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_MASK); // Do resolution resolveTextAlignment(); // Notify change onRtlPropertiesChanged(getLayoutDirection()); // Refresh requestLayout(); invalidate(true); } }
Return the resolved text alignment.
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_textAlignment
/** * Return the resolved text alignment. * * @return the resolved text alignment. Returns one of: * * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START}, * {@link #TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END} * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_textAlignment */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT, to = "INHERIT"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY, to = "GRAVITY"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START, to = "TEXT_START"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END, to = "TEXT_END"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, to = "CENTER"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START, to = "VIEW_START"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END, to = "VIEW_END") }) @TextAlignment public int getTextAlignment() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_MASK) >> PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_MASK_SHIFT; }
Resolve the text alignment.
Returns:true if resolution has been done, false otherwise.
/** * Resolve the text alignment. * * @return true if resolution has been done, false otherwise. * * @hide */
public boolean resolveTextAlignment() { // Reset any previous text alignment resolution mPrivateFlags2 &= ~(PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED | PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_MASK); if (hasRtlSupport()) { // Set resolved text alignment flag depending on text alignment flag final int textAlignment = getRawTextAlignment(); switch (textAlignment) { case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT: // Check if we can resolve the text alignment if (!canResolveTextAlignment()) { // We cannot do the resolution if there is no parent so use the default mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; // Resolution will need to happen again later return false; } // Parent has not yet resolved, so we still return the default try { if (!mParent.isTextAlignmentResolved()) { mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; // Resolution will need to happen again later return false; } } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED | PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; return true; } int parentResolvedTextAlignment; try { parentResolvedTextAlignment = mParent.getTextAlignment(); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); parentResolvedTextAlignment = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY; } switch (parentResolvedTextAlignment) { case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END: // Resolved text alignment is the same as the parent resolved // text alignment mPrivateFlags2 |= (parentResolvedTextAlignment << PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_MASK_SHIFT); break; default: // Use default resolved text alignment mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; } break; case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START: case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END: // Resolved text alignment is the same as text alignment mPrivateFlags2 |= (textAlignment << PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_MASK_SHIFT); break; default: // Use default resolved text alignment mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; } } else { // Use default resolved text alignment mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; } // Set the resolved mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED; return true; }
Check if text alignment resolution can be done.
Returns:true if text alignment resolution can be done otherwise return false.
/** * Check if text alignment resolution can be done. * * @return true if text alignment resolution can be done otherwise return false. */
public boolean canResolveTextAlignment() { switch (getRawTextAlignment()) { case TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT: if (mParent != null) { try { return mParent.canResolveTextAlignment(); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, mParent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " does not fully implement ViewParent", e); } } return false; default: return true; } }
Reset resolved text alignment. Text alignment will be resolved during a call to onMeasure(int, int).
/** * Reset resolved text alignment. Text alignment will be resolved during a call to * {@link #onMeasure(int, int)}. * * @hide */
public void resetResolvedTextAlignment() { // Reset any previous text alignment resolution mPrivateFlags2 &= ~(PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED | PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_MASK); // Set to default mPrivateFlags2 |= PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED_DEFAULT; }
Returns:true if text alignment is inherited.
/** * @return true if text alignment is inherited. * * @hide */
public boolean isTextAlignmentInherited() { return (getRawTextAlignment() == TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT); }
Returns:true if text alignment is resolved.
/** * @return true if text alignment is resolved. */
public boolean isTextAlignmentResolved() { return (mPrivateFlags2 & PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED) == PFLAG2_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RESOLVED; }
Generate a value suitable for use in setId(int). This value will not collide with ID values generated at build time by aapt for R.id.
Returns:a generated ID value
/** * Generate a value suitable for use in {@link #setId(int)}. * This value will not collide with ID values generated at build time by aapt for R.id. * * @return a generated ID value */
public static int generateViewId() { for (;;) { final int result = sNextGeneratedId.get(); // aapt-generated IDs have the high byte nonzero; clamp to the range under that. int newValue = result + 1; if (newValue > 0x00FFFFFF) newValue = 1; // Roll over to 1, not 0. if (sNextGeneratedId.compareAndSet(result, newValue)) { return result; } } } private static boolean isViewIdGenerated(int id) { return (id & 0xFF000000) == 0 && (id & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0; }
Gets the Views in the hierarchy affected by entering and exiting Activity Scene transitions.
  • transitioningViews – This View will be added to transitioningViews if it is VISIBLE and a normal View or a ViewGroup with ViewGroup.isTransitionGroup() true.
/** * Gets the Views in the hierarchy affected by entering and exiting Activity Scene transitions. * @param transitioningViews This View will be added to transitioningViews if it is VISIBLE and * a normal View or a ViewGroup with * {@link android.view.ViewGroup#isTransitionGroup()} true. * @hide */
public void captureTransitioningViews(List<View> transitioningViews) { if (getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { transitioningViews.add(this); } }
Adds all Views that have getTransitionName() non-null to namedElements.
  • namedElements – Will contain all Views in the hierarchy having a transitionName.
/** * Adds all Views that have {@link #getTransitionName()} non-null to namedElements. * @param namedElements Will contain all Views in the hierarchy having a transitionName. * @hide */
public void findNamedViews(Map<String, View> namedElements) { if (getVisibility() == VISIBLE || mGhostView != null) { String transitionName = getTransitionName(); if (transitionName != null) { namedElements.put(transitionName, this); } } }
Returns the pointer icon for the motion event, or null if it doesn't specify the icon. The default implementation does not care the location or event types, but some subclasses may use it (such as WebViews).
See Also:
/** * Returns the pointer icon for the motion event, or null if it doesn't specify the icon. * The default implementation does not care the location or event types, but some subclasses * may use it (such as WebViews). * @param event The MotionEvent from a mouse * @param pointerIndex The index of the pointer for which to retrieve the {@link PointerIcon}. * This will be between 0 and {@link MotionEvent#getPointerCount()}. * @see PointerIcon */
public PointerIcon onResolvePointerIcon(MotionEvent event, int pointerIndex) { final float x = event.getX(pointerIndex); final float y = event.getY(pointerIndex); if (isDraggingScrollBar() || isOnScrollbarThumb(x, y)) { return PointerIcon.getSystemIcon(mContext, PointerIcon.TYPE_ARROW); } return mPointerIcon; }
Set the pointer icon for the current view. Passing null will restore the pointer icon to its default value.
  • pointerIcon – A PointerIcon instance which will be shown when the mouse hovers.
/** * Set the pointer icon for the current view. * Passing {@code null} will restore the pointer icon to its default value. * @param pointerIcon A PointerIcon instance which will be shown when the mouse hovers. */
public void setPointerIcon(PointerIcon pointerIcon) { mPointerIcon = pointerIcon; if (mAttachInfo == null || mAttachInfo.mHandlingPointerEvent) { return; } try { mAttachInfo.mSession.updatePointerIcon(mAttachInfo.mWindow); } catch (RemoteException e) { } }
Gets the pointer icon for the current view.
/** * Gets the pointer icon for the current view. */
public PointerIcon getPointerIcon() { return mPointerIcon; }
Checks pointer capture status.
See Also:
Returns:true if the view has pointer capture.
/** * Checks pointer capture status. * * @return true if the view has pointer capture. * @see #requestPointerCapture() * @see #hasPointerCapture() */
public boolean hasPointerCapture() { final ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRootImpl == null) { return false; } return viewRootImpl.hasPointerCapture(); }
Requests pointer capture mode.

When the window has pointer capture, the mouse pointer icon will disappear and will not change its position. Further mouse will be dispatched with the source InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE, and relative position changes will be available through MotionEvent.getX and MotionEvent.getY. Non-mouse events (touchscreens, or stylus) will not be affected.

If the window already has pointer capture, this call does nothing.

The capture may be released through releasePointerCapture(), or will be lost automatically when the window loses focus.

See Also:
/** * Requests pointer capture mode. * <p> * When the window has pointer capture, the mouse pointer icon will disappear and will not * change its position. Further mouse will be dispatched with the source * {@link InputDevice#SOURCE_MOUSE_RELATIVE}, and relative position changes will be available * through {@link MotionEvent#getX} and {@link MotionEvent#getY}. Non-mouse events * (touchscreens, or stylus) will not be affected. * <p> * If the window already has pointer capture, this call does nothing. * <p> * The capture may be released through {@link #releasePointerCapture()}, or will be lost * automatically when the window loses focus. * * @see #releasePointerCapture() * @see #hasPointerCapture() */
public void requestPointerCapture() { final ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRootImpl != null) { viewRootImpl.requestPointerCapture(true); } }
Releases the pointer capture.

If the window does not have pointer capture, this call will do nothing.

See Also:
/** * Releases the pointer capture. * <p> * If the window does not have pointer capture, this call will do nothing. * @see #requestPointerCapture() * @see #hasPointerCapture() */
public void releasePointerCapture() { final ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl(); if (viewRootImpl != null) { viewRootImpl.requestPointerCapture(false); } }
Called when the window has just acquired or lost pointer capture.
  • hasCapture – True if the view now has pointerCapture, false otherwise.
/** * Called when the window has just acquired or lost pointer capture. * * @param hasCapture True if the view now has pointerCapture, false otherwise. */
@CallSuper public void onPointerCaptureChange(boolean hasCapture) { }
See Also:
  • onPointerCaptureChange
/** * @see #onPointerCaptureChange */
public void dispatchPointerCaptureChanged(boolean hasCapture) { onPointerCaptureChange(hasCapture); }
Implement this method to handle captured pointer events
  • event – The captured pointer event.
See Also:
Returns:True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
/** * Implement this method to handle captured pointer events * * @param event The captured pointer event. * @return True if the event was handled, false otherwise. * @see #requestPointerCapture() */
public boolean onCapturedPointerEvent(MotionEvent event) { return false; }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a captured pointer event is being dispatched this view. The callback will be invoked before the event is given to the view.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a captured pointer event * is being dispatched this view. The callback will be invoked before the event is * given to the view. */
public interface OnCapturedPointerListener {
Called when a captured pointer event is dispatched to a view.
  • view – The view this event has been dispatched to.
  • event – The captured event.
Returns:True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise.
/** * Called when a captured pointer event is dispatched to a view. * @param view The view this event has been dispatched to. * @param event The captured event. * @return True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise. */
boolean onCapturedPointer(View view, MotionEvent event); }
Set a listener to receive callbacks when the pointer capture state of a view changes.
/** * Set a listener to receive callbacks when the pointer capture state of a view changes. * @param l The {@link OnCapturedPointerListener} to receive callbacks. */
public void setOnCapturedPointerListener(OnCapturedPointerListener l) { getListenerInfo().mOnCapturedPointerListener = l; } // Properties //
A Property wrapper around the alpha functionality handled by the setAlpha(float) and getAlpha() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>alpha</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setAlpha(float)} and {@link View#getAlpha()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> ALPHA = new FloatProperty<View>("alpha") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setAlpha(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getAlpha(); } };
A Property wrapper around the translationX functionality handled by the setTranslationX(float) and getTranslationX() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>translationX</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setTranslationX(float)} and {@link View#getTranslationX()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> TRANSLATION_X = new FloatProperty<View>("translationX") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setTranslationX(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getTranslationX(); } };
A Property wrapper around the translationY functionality handled by the setTranslationY(float) and getTranslationY() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>translationY</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setTranslationY(float)} and {@link View#getTranslationY()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> TRANSLATION_Y = new FloatProperty<View>("translationY") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setTranslationY(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getTranslationY(); } };
A Property wrapper around the translationZ functionality handled by the setTranslationZ(float) and getTranslationZ() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>translationZ</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setTranslationZ(float)} and {@link View#getTranslationZ()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> TRANSLATION_Z = new FloatProperty<View>("translationZ") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setTranslationZ(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getTranslationZ(); } };
A Property wrapper around the x functionality handled by the setX(float) and getX() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>x</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setX(float)} and {@link View#getX()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> X = new FloatProperty<View>("x") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setX(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getX(); } };
A Property wrapper around the y functionality handled by the setY(float) and getY() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>y</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setY(float)} and {@link View#getY()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> Y = new FloatProperty<View>("y") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setY(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getY(); } };
A Property wrapper around the z functionality handled by the setZ(float) and getZ() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>z</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setZ(float)} and {@link View#getZ()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> Z = new FloatProperty<View>("z") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setZ(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getZ(); } };
A Property wrapper around the rotation functionality handled by the setRotation(float) and getRotation() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>rotation</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setRotation(float)} and {@link View#getRotation()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> ROTATION = new FloatProperty<View>("rotation") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setRotation(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getRotation(); } };
A Property wrapper around the rotationX functionality handled by the setRotationX(float) and getRotationX() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>rotationX</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setRotationX(float)} and {@link View#getRotationX()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> ROTATION_X = new FloatProperty<View>("rotationX") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setRotationX(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getRotationX(); } };
A Property wrapper around the rotationY functionality handled by the setRotationY(float) and getRotationY() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>rotationY</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setRotationY(float)} and {@link View#getRotationY()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> ROTATION_Y = new FloatProperty<View>("rotationY") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setRotationY(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getRotationY(); } };
A Property wrapper around the scaleX functionality handled by the setScaleX(float) and getScaleX() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>scaleX</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setScaleX(float)} and {@link View#getScaleX()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> SCALE_X = new FloatProperty<View>("scaleX") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setScaleX(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getScaleX(); } };
A Property wrapper around the scaleY functionality handled by the setScaleY(float) and getScaleY() methods.
/** * A Property wrapper around the <code>scaleY</code> functionality handled by the * {@link View#setScaleY(float)} and {@link View#getScaleY()} methods. */
public static final Property<View, Float> SCALE_Y = new FloatProperty<View>("scaleY") { @Override public void setValue(View object, float value) { object.setScaleY(value); } @Override public Float get(View object) { return object.getScaleY(); } };
A MeasureSpec encapsulates the layout requirements passed from parent to child. Each MeasureSpec represents a requirement for either the width or the height. A MeasureSpec is comprised of a size and a mode. There are three possible modes:
The parent has not imposed any constraint on the child. It can be whatever size it wants.
The parent has determined an exact size for the child. The child is going to be given those bounds regardless of how big it wants to be.
The child can be as large as it wants up to the specified size.
MeasureSpecs are implemented as ints to reduce object allocation. This class is provided to pack and unpack the <size, mode> tuple into the int.
/** * A MeasureSpec encapsulates the layout requirements passed from parent to child. * Each MeasureSpec represents a requirement for either the width or the height. * A MeasureSpec is comprised of a size and a mode. There are three possible * modes: * <dl> * <dt>UNSPECIFIED</dt> * <dd> * The parent has not imposed any constraint on the child. It can be whatever size * it wants. * </dd> * * <dt>EXACTLY</dt> * <dd> * The parent has determined an exact size for the child. The child is going to be * given those bounds regardless of how big it wants to be. * </dd> * * <dt>AT_MOST</dt> * <dd> * The child can be as large as it wants up to the specified size. * </dd> * </dl> * * MeasureSpecs are implemented as ints to reduce object allocation. This class * is provided to pack and unpack the &lt;size, mode&gt; tuple into the int. */
public static class MeasureSpec { private static final int MODE_SHIFT = 30; private static final int MODE_MASK = 0x3 << MODE_SHIFT;
/** @hide */
@IntDef({UNSPECIFIED, EXACTLY, AT_MOST}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface MeasureSpecMode {}
Measure specification mode: The parent has not imposed any constraint on the child. It can be whatever size it wants.
/** * Measure specification mode: The parent has not imposed any constraint * on the child. It can be whatever size it wants. */
public static final int UNSPECIFIED = 0 << MODE_SHIFT;
Measure specification mode: The parent has determined an exact size for the child. The child is going to be given those bounds regardless of how big it wants to be.
/** * Measure specification mode: The parent has determined an exact size * for the child. The child is going to be given those bounds regardless * of how big it wants to be. */
public static final int EXACTLY = 1 << MODE_SHIFT;
Measure specification mode: The child can be as large as it wants up to the specified size.
/** * Measure specification mode: The child can be as large as it wants up * to the specified size. */
public static final int AT_MOST = 2 << MODE_SHIFT;
Creates a measure specification based on the supplied size and mode. The mode must always be one of the following:

Note: On API level 17 and lower, makeMeasureSpec's implementation was such that the order of arguments did not matter and overflow in either value could impact the resulting MeasureSpec. RelativeLayout was affected by this bug. Apps targeting API levels greater than 17 will get the fixed, more strict behavior.

  • size – the size of the measure specification
  • mode – the mode of the measure specification
Returns:the measure specification based on size and mode
/** * Creates a measure specification based on the supplied size and mode. * * The mode must always be one of the following: * <ul> * <li>{@link android.view.View.MeasureSpec#UNSPECIFIED}</li> * <li>{@link android.view.View.MeasureSpec#EXACTLY}</li> * <li>{@link android.view.View.MeasureSpec#AT_MOST}</li> * </ul> * * <p><strong>Note:</strong> On API level 17 and lower, makeMeasureSpec's * implementation was such that the order of arguments did not matter * and overflow in either value could impact the resulting MeasureSpec. * {@link android.widget.RelativeLayout} was affected by this bug. * Apps targeting API levels greater than 17 will get the fixed, more strict * behavior.</p> * * @param size the size of the measure specification * @param mode the mode of the measure specification * @return the measure specification based on size and mode */
public static int makeMeasureSpec(@IntRange(from = 0, to = (1 << MeasureSpec.MODE_SHIFT) - 1) int size, @MeasureSpecMode int mode) { if (sUseBrokenMakeMeasureSpec) { return size + mode; } else { return (size & ~MODE_MASK) | (mode & MODE_MASK); } }
Like makeMeasureSpec(int, int), but any spec with a mode of UNSPECIFIED will automatically get a size of 0. Older apps expect this.
@hideinternal use only for compatibility with system widgets and older apps
/** * Like {@link #makeMeasureSpec(int, int)}, but any spec with a mode of UNSPECIFIED * will automatically get a size of 0. Older apps expect this. * * @hide internal use only for compatibility with system widgets and older apps */
public static int makeSafeMeasureSpec(int size, int mode) { if (sUseZeroUnspecifiedMeasureSpec && mode == UNSPECIFIED) { return 0; } return makeMeasureSpec(size, mode); }
Extracts the mode from the supplied measure specification.
  • measureSpec – the measure specification to extract the mode from
/** * Extracts the mode from the supplied measure specification. * * @param measureSpec the measure specification to extract the mode from * @return {@link android.view.View.MeasureSpec#UNSPECIFIED}, * {@link android.view.View.MeasureSpec#AT_MOST} or * {@link android.view.View.MeasureSpec#EXACTLY} */
@MeasureSpecMode public static int getMode(int measureSpec) { //noinspection ResourceType return (measureSpec & MODE_MASK); }
Extracts the size from the supplied measure specification.
  • measureSpec – the measure specification to extract the size from
Returns:the size in pixels defined in the supplied measure specification
/** * Extracts the size from the supplied measure specification. * * @param measureSpec the measure specification to extract the size from * @return the size in pixels defined in the supplied measure specification */
public static int getSize(int measureSpec) { return (measureSpec & ~MODE_MASK); } static int adjust(int measureSpec, int delta) { final int mode = getMode(measureSpec); int size = getSize(measureSpec); if (mode == UNSPECIFIED) { // No need to adjust size for UNSPECIFIED mode. return makeMeasureSpec(size, UNSPECIFIED); } size += delta; if (size < 0) { Log.e(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "MeasureSpec.adjust: new size would be negative! (" + size + ") spec: " + toString(measureSpec) + " delta: " + delta); size = 0; } return makeMeasureSpec(size, mode); }
Returns a String representation of the specified measure specification.
  • measureSpec – the measure specification to convert to a String
Returns:a String with the following format: "MeasureSpec: MODE SIZE"
/** * Returns a String representation of the specified measure * specification. * * @param measureSpec the measure specification to convert to a String * @return a String with the following format: "MeasureSpec: MODE SIZE" */
public static String toString(int measureSpec) { int mode = getMode(measureSpec); int size = getSize(measureSpec); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("MeasureSpec: "); if (mode == UNSPECIFIED) sb.append("UNSPECIFIED "); else if (mode == EXACTLY) sb.append("EXACTLY "); else if (mode == AT_MOST) sb.append("AT_MOST "); else sb.append(mode).append(" "); sb.append(size); return sb.toString(); } } private final class CheckForLongPress implements Runnable { private int mOriginalWindowAttachCount; private float mX; private float mY; private boolean mOriginalPressedState; @Override public void run() { if ((mOriginalPressedState == isPressed()) && (mParent != null) && mOriginalWindowAttachCount == mWindowAttachCount) { if (performLongClick(mX, mY)) { mHasPerformedLongPress = true; } } } public void setAnchor(float x, float y) { mX = x; mY = y; } public void rememberWindowAttachCount() { mOriginalWindowAttachCount = mWindowAttachCount; } public void rememberPressedState() { mOriginalPressedState = isPressed(); } } private final class CheckForTap implements Runnable { public float x; public float y; @Override public void run() { mPrivateFlags &= ~PFLAG_PREPRESSED; setPressed(true, x, y); checkForLongClick(ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout(), x, y); } } private final class PerformClick implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { performClickInternal(); } }
This method returns a ViewPropertyAnimator object, which can be used to animate specific properties on this View.
Returns:ViewPropertyAnimator The ViewPropertyAnimator associated with this View.
/** * This method returns a ViewPropertyAnimator object, which can be used to animate * specific properties on this View. * * @return ViewPropertyAnimator The ViewPropertyAnimator associated with this View. */
public ViewPropertyAnimator animate() { if (mAnimator == null) { mAnimator = new ViewPropertyAnimator(this); } return mAnimator; }
Sets the name of the View to be used to identify Views in Transitions. Names should be unique in the View hierarchy.
  • transitionName – The name of the View to uniquely identify it for Transitions.
/** * Sets the name of the View to be used to identify Views in Transitions. * Names should be unique in the View hierarchy. * * @param transitionName The name of the View to uniquely identify it for Transitions. */
public final void setTransitionName(String transitionName) { mTransitionName = transitionName; }
Returns the name of the View to be used to identify Views in Transitions. Names should be unique in the View hierarchy.

This returns null if the View has not been given a name.

Returns:The name used of the View to be used to identify Views in Transitions or null if no name has been given.
/** * Returns the name of the View to be used to identify Views in Transitions. * Names should be unique in the View hierarchy. * * <p>This returns null if the View has not been given a name.</p> * * @return The name used of the View to be used to identify Views in Transitions or null * if no name has been given. */
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty public String getTransitionName() { return mTransitionName; }
/** * @hide */
public void requestKeyboardShortcuts(List<KeyboardShortcutGroup> data, int deviceId) { // Do nothing. }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a hardware key event is dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the key event is given to the view. This is only useful for hardware keyboards; a software input method has no obligation to trigger this listener.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a hardware key event is * dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the key event is * given to the view. This is only useful for hardware keyboards; a software input * method has no obligation to trigger this listener. */
public interface OnKeyListener {
Called when a hardware key is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to get a chance to respond before the target view.

Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this method, although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not assume a software input method has to be key-based; even if it is, it may use key presses in a different way than you expect, so there is no way to reliably catch soft input key presses.

  • v – The view the key has been dispatched to.
  • keyCode – The code for the physical key that was pressed
  • event – The KeyEvent object containing full information about the event.
Returns:True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise.
/** * Called when a hardware key is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to * get a chance to respond before the target view. * <p>Key presses in software keyboards will generally NOT trigger this method, * although some may elect to do so in some situations. Do not assume a * software input method has to be key-based; even if it is, it may use key presses * in a different way than you expect, so there is no way to reliably catch soft * input key presses. * * @param v The view the key has been dispatched to. * @param keyCode The code for the physical key that was pressed * @param event The KeyEvent object containing full information about * the event. * @return True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise. */
boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a hardware key event hasn't been handled by the view hierarchy.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a hardware key event hasn't * been handled by the view hierarchy. */
public interface OnUnhandledKeyEventListener {
Called when a hardware key is dispatched to a view after being unhandled during normal KeyEvent dispatch.
  • v – The view the key has been dispatched to.
  • event – The KeyEvent object containing information about the event.
Returns:true if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise.
/** * Called when a hardware key is dispatched to a view after being unhandled during normal * {@link KeyEvent} dispatch. * * @param v The view the key has been dispatched to. * @param event The KeyEvent object containing information about the event. * @return {@code true} if the listener has consumed the event, {@code false} otherwise. */
boolean onUnhandledKeyEvent(View v, KeyEvent event); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the touch event is given to the view.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is * dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the touch * event is given to the view. */
public interface OnTouchListener {
Called when a touch event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to get a chance to respond before the target view.
  • v – The view the touch event has been dispatched to.
  • event – The MotionEvent object containing full information about the event.
Returns:True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise.
/** * Called when a touch event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to * get a chance to respond before the target view. * * @param v The view the touch event has been dispatched to. * @param event The MotionEvent object containing full information about * the event. * @return True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise. */
boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a hover event is dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the hover event is given to the view.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a hover event is * dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the hover * event is given to the view. */
public interface OnHoverListener {
Called when a hover event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to get a chance to respond before the target view.
  • v – The view the hover event has been dispatched to.
  • event – The MotionEvent object containing full information about the event.
Returns:True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise.
/** * Called when a hover event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to * get a chance to respond before the target view. * * @param v The view the hover event has been dispatched to. * @param event The MotionEvent object containing full information about * the event. * @return True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise. */
boolean onHover(View v, MotionEvent event); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a generic motion event is dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the generic motion event is given to the view.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a generic motion event is * dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the generic motion * event is given to the view. */
public interface OnGenericMotionListener {
Called when a generic motion event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to get a chance to respond before the target view.
  • v – The view the generic motion event has been dispatched to.
  • event – The MotionEvent object containing full information about the event.
Returns:True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise.
/** * Called when a generic motion event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to * get a chance to respond before the target view. * * @param v The view the generic motion event has been dispatched to. * @param event The MotionEvent object containing full information about * the event. * @return True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise. */
boolean onGenericMotion(View v, MotionEvent event); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a view has been clicked and held.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a view has been clicked and held. */
public interface OnLongClickListener {
Called when a view has been clicked and held.
  • v – The view that was clicked and held.
Returns:true if the callback consumed the long click, false otherwise.
/** * Called when a view has been clicked and held. * * @param v The view that was clicked and held. * * @return true if the callback consumed the long click, false otherwise. */
boolean onLongClick(View v); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a drag is being dispatched to this view. The callback will be invoked before the hosting view's own onDrag(event) method. If the listener wants to fall back to the hosting view's onDrag(event) behavior, it should return 'false' from this callback.

Developer Guides

For a guide to implementing drag and drop features, read the Drag and Drop developer guide.

/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a drag is being dispatched * to this view. The callback will be invoked before the hosting view's own * onDrag(event) method. If the listener wants to fall back to the hosting view's * onDrag(event) behavior, it should return 'false' from this callback. * * <div class="special reference"> * <h3>Developer Guides</h3> * <p>For a guide to implementing drag and drop features, read the * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/drag-drop.html">Drag and Drop</a> developer guide.</p> * </div> */
public interface OnDragListener {
Called when a drag event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners to get a chance to override base View behavior.
  • v – The View that received the drag event.
  • event – The DragEvent object for the drag event.
Returns:true if the drag event was handled successfully, or false if the drag event was not handled. Note that false will trigger the View to call its onDragEvent() handler.
/** * Called when a drag event is dispatched to a view. This allows listeners * to get a chance to override base View behavior. * * @param v The View that received the drag event. * @param event The {@link android.view.DragEvent} object for the drag event. * @return {@code true} if the drag event was handled successfully, or {@code false} * if the drag event was not handled. Note that {@code false} will trigger the View * to call its {@link #onDragEvent(DragEvent) onDragEvent()} handler. */
boolean onDrag(View v, DragEvent event); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the focus state of a view changed.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the focus state of * a view changed. */
public interface OnFocusChangeListener {
Called when the focus state of a view has changed.
  • v – The view whose state has changed.
  • hasFocus – The new focus state of v.
/** * Called when the focus state of a view has changed. * * @param v The view whose state has changed. * @param hasFocus The new focus state of v. */
void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a view is clicked.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a view is clicked. */
public interface OnClickListener {
Called when a view has been clicked.
  • v – The view that was clicked.
/** * Called when a view has been clicked. * * @param v The view that was clicked. */
void onClick(View v); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a view is context clicked.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a view is context clicked. */
public interface OnContextClickListener {
Called when a view is context clicked.
  • v – The view that has been context clicked.
Returns:true if the callback consumed the context click, false otherwise.
/** * Called when a view is context clicked. * * @param v The view that has been context clicked. * @return true if the callback consumed the context click, false otherwise. */
boolean onContextClick(View v); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the context menu for this view is being built.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the context menu * for this view is being built. */
public interface OnCreateContextMenuListener {
Called when the context menu for this view is being built. It is not safe to hold onto the menu after this method returns.
  • menu – The context menu that is being built
  • v – The view for which the context menu is being built
  • menuInfo – Extra information about the item for which the context menu should be shown. This information will vary depending on the class of v.
/** * Called when the context menu for this view is being built. It is not * safe to hold onto the menu after this method returns. * * @param menu The context menu that is being built * @param v The view for which the context menu is being built * @param menuInfo Extra information about the item for which the * context menu should be shown. This information will vary * depending on the class of v. */
void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the status bar changes visibility. This reports global changes to the system UI state, not what the application is requesting.
See Also:
  • setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener.setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener)
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the status bar changes * visibility. This reports <strong>global</strong> changes to the system UI * state, not what the application is requesting. * * @see View#setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(android.view.View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener) */
public interface OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener {
Called when the status bar changes visibility because of a call to View.setSystemUiVisibility(int).
/** * Called when the status bar changes visibility because of a call to * {@link View#setSystemUiVisibility(int)}. * * @param visibility Bitwise-or of flags {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE}, * {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, and {@link #SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN}. * This tells you the <strong>global</strong> state of these UI visibility * flags, not what your app is currently applying. */
public void onSystemUiVisibilityChange(int visibility); }
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when this view is attached or detached from its window.
/** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when this view is attached * or detached from its window. */
public interface OnAttachStateChangeListener {
Called when the view is attached to a window.
  • v – The view that was attached
/** * Called when the view is attached to a window. * @param v The view that was attached */
public void onViewAttachedToWindow(View v);
Called when the view is detached from a window.
  • v – The view that was detached
/** * Called when the view is detached from a window. * @param v The view that was detached */
public void onViewDetachedFromWindow(View v); }
Listener for applying window insets on a view in a custom way.

Apps may choose to implement this interface if they want to apply custom policy to the way that window insets are treated for a view. If an OnApplyWindowInsetsListener is set, its onApplyWindowInsets method will be called instead of the View's own onApplyWindowInsets method. The listener may optionally call the parameter View's onApplyWindowInsets method to apply the View's normal behavior as part of its own.

/** * Listener for applying window insets on a view in a custom way. * * <p>Apps may choose to implement this interface if they want to apply custom policy * to the way that window insets are treated for a view. If an OnApplyWindowInsetsListener * is set, its * {@link OnApplyWindowInsetsListener#onApplyWindowInsets(View, WindowInsets) onApplyWindowInsets} * method will be called instead of the View's own * {@link #onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) onApplyWindowInsets} method. The listener * may optionally call the parameter View's <code>onApplyWindowInsets</code> method to apply * the View's normal behavior as part of its own.</p> */
public interface OnApplyWindowInsetsListener {
When set on a View, this listener method will be called instead of the view's own onApplyWindowInsets method.
  • v – The view applying window insets
  • insets – The insets to apply
Returns:The insets supplied, minus any insets that were consumed
/** * When {@link View#setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener) set} * on a View, this listener method will be called instead of the view's own * {@link View#onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) onApplyWindowInsets} method. * * @param v The view applying window insets * @param insets The insets to apply * @return The insets supplied, minus any insets that were consumed */
public WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(View v, WindowInsets insets); } private final class UnsetPressedState implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { setPressed(false); } }
When a view becomes invisible checks if autofill considers the view invisible too. This happens after the regular removal operation to make sure the operation is finished by the time this is called.
/** * When a view becomes invisible checks if autofill considers the view invisible too. This * happens after the regular removal operation to make sure the operation is finished by the * time this is called. */
private static class VisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler extends Handler { private final AutofillManager mAfm; private final View mView; private VisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler(@NonNull AutofillManager afm, @NonNull View view) { mAfm = afm; mView = view; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { mAfm.notifyViewVisibilityChanged(mView, mView.isShown()); } }
Base class for derived classes that want to save and restore their own state in View.onSaveInstanceState().
/** * Base class for derived classes that want to save and restore their own * state in {@link android.view.View#onSaveInstanceState()}. */
public static class BaseSavedState extends AbsSavedState { static final int START_ACTIVITY_REQUESTED_WHO_SAVED = 0b1; static final int IS_AUTOFILLED = 0b10; static final int AUTOFILL_ID = 0b100; // Flags that describe what data in this state is valid int mSavedData; String mStartActivityRequestWhoSaved; boolean mIsAutofilled; int mAutofillViewId;
Constructor used when reading from a parcel. Reads the state of the superclass.
  • source – parcel to read from
/** * Constructor used when reading from a parcel. Reads the state of the superclass. * * @param source parcel to read from */
public BaseSavedState(Parcel source) { this(source, null); }
Constructor used when reading from a parcel using a given class loader. Reads the state of the superclass.
  • source – parcel to read from
  • loader – ClassLoader to use for reading
/** * Constructor used when reading from a parcel using a given class loader. * Reads the state of the superclass. * * @param source parcel to read from * @param loader ClassLoader to use for reading */
public BaseSavedState(Parcel source, ClassLoader loader) { super(source, loader); mSavedData = source.readInt(); mStartActivityRequestWhoSaved = source.readString(); mIsAutofilled = source.readBoolean(); mAutofillViewId = source.readInt(); }
Constructor called by derived classes when creating their SavedState objects
  • superState – The state of the superclass of this view
/** * Constructor called by derived classes when creating their SavedState objects * * @param superState The state of the superclass of this view */
public BaseSavedState(Parcelable superState) { super(superState); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(out, flags); out.writeInt(mSavedData); out.writeString(mStartActivityRequestWhoSaved); out.writeBoolean(mIsAutofilled); out.writeInt(mAutofillViewId); } public static final Parcelable.Creator<BaseSavedState> CREATOR = new Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<BaseSavedState>() { @Override public BaseSavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new BaseSavedState(in); } @Override public BaseSavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in, ClassLoader loader) { return new BaseSavedState(in, loader); } @Override public BaseSavedState[] newArray(int size) { return new BaseSavedState[size]; } }; }
A set of information given to a view when it is attached to its parent window.
/** * A set of information given to a view when it is attached to its parent * window. */
final static class AttachInfo { interface Callbacks { void playSoundEffect(int effectId); boolean performHapticFeedback(int effectId, boolean always); }
InvalidateInfo is used to post invalidate(int, int, int, int) messages to a Handler. This class contains the target (View) to invalidate and the coordinates of the dirty rectangle. For performance purposes, this class also implements a pool of up to POOL_LIMIT objects that get reused. This reduces memory allocations whenever possible.
/** * InvalidateInfo is used to post invalidate(int, int, int, int) messages * to a Handler. This class contains the target (View) to invalidate and * the coordinates of the dirty rectangle. * * For performance purposes, this class also implements a pool of up to * POOL_LIMIT objects that get reused. This reduces memory allocations * whenever possible. */
static class InvalidateInfo { private static final int POOL_LIMIT = 10; private static final SynchronizedPool<InvalidateInfo> sPool = new SynchronizedPool<InvalidateInfo>(POOL_LIMIT); View target; int left; int top; int right; int bottom; public static InvalidateInfo obtain() { InvalidateInfo instance = sPool.acquire(); return (instance != null) ? instance : new InvalidateInfo(); } public void recycle() { target = null; sPool.release(this); } } final IWindowSession mSession; final IWindow mWindow; final IBinder mWindowToken; Display mDisplay; final Callbacks mRootCallbacks; IWindowId mIWindowId; WindowId mWindowId;
The top view of the hierarchy.
/** * The top view of the hierarchy. */
View mRootView; IBinder mPanelParentWindowToken; boolean mHardwareAccelerated; boolean mHardwareAccelerationRequested; ThreadedRenderer mThreadedRenderer; List<RenderNode> mPendingAnimatingRenderNodes;
The state of the display to which the window is attached, as reported by Display.getState(). Note that the display state constants declared by Display do not exactly line up with the screen state constants declared by View (there are more display states than screen states).
/** * The state of the display to which the window is attached, as reported * by {@link Display#getState()}. Note that the display state constants * declared by {@link Display} do not exactly line up with the screen state * constants declared by {@link View} (there are more display states than * screen states). */
int mDisplayState = Display.STATE_UNKNOWN;
Scale factor used by the compatibility mode
/** * Scale factor used by the compatibility mode */
float mApplicationScale;
Indicates whether the application is in compatibility mode
/** * Indicates whether the application is in compatibility mode */
boolean mScalingRequired;
Left position of this view's window
/** * Left position of this view's window */
int mWindowLeft;
Top position of this view's window
/** * Top position of this view's window */
int mWindowTop;
Indicates whether views need to use 32-bit drawing caches
/** * Indicates whether views need to use 32-bit drawing caches */
boolean mUse32BitDrawingCache;
For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside of the screen areas, these are the current insets to appear inside the overscan area of the display.
/** * For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside * of the screen areas, these are the current insets to appear inside * the overscan area of the display. */
final Rect mOverscanInsets = new Rect();
For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside of the screen decorations, these are the current insets for the content of the window.
/** * For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside * of the screen decorations, these are the current insets for the * content of the window. */
final Rect mContentInsets = new Rect();
For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside of the screen decorations, these are the current insets for the actual visible parts of the window.
/** * For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside * of the screen decorations, these are the current insets for the * actual visible parts of the window. */
final Rect mVisibleInsets = new Rect();
For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside of the screen decorations, these are the current insets for the stable system windows.
/** * For windows that are full-screen but using insets to layout inside * of the screen decorations, these are the current insets for the * stable system windows. */
final Rect mStableInsets = new Rect(); final DisplayCutout.ParcelableWrapper mDisplayCutout = new DisplayCutout.ParcelableWrapper(DisplayCutout.NO_CUTOUT);
For windows that include areas that are not covered by real surface these are the outsets for real surface.
/** * For windows that include areas that are not covered by real surface these are the outsets * for real surface. */
final Rect mOutsets = new Rect();
In multi-window we force show the navigation bar. Because we don't want that the surface size changes in this mode, we instead have a flag whether the navigation bar size should always be consumed, so the app is treated like there is no virtual navigation bar at all.
/** * In multi-window we force show the navigation bar. Because we don't want that the surface * size changes in this mode, we instead have a flag whether the navigation bar size should * always be consumed, so the app is treated like there is no virtual navigation bar at all. */
boolean mAlwaysConsumeNavBar;
The internal insets given by this window. This value is supplied by the client (through OnComputeInternalInsetsListener) and will be given to the window manager when changed to be used in laying out windows behind it.
/** * The internal insets given by this window. This value is * supplied by the client (through * {@link ViewTreeObserver.OnComputeInternalInsetsListener}) and will * be given to the window manager when changed to be used in laying * out windows behind it. */
final ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo mGivenInternalInsets = new ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo();
Set to true when mGivenInternalInsets is non-empty.
/** * Set to true when mGivenInternalInsets is non-empty. */
boolean mHasNonEmptyGivenInternalInsets;
All views in the window's hierarchy that serve as scroll containers, used to determine if the window can be resized or must be panned to adjust for a soft input area.
/** * All views in the window's hierarchy that serve as scroll containers, * used to determine if the window can be resized or must be panned * to adjust for a soft input area. */
final ArrayList<View> mScrollContainers = new ArrayList<View>(); final KeyEvent.DispatcherState mKeyDispatchState = new KeyEvent.DispatcherState();
Indicates whether the view's window currently has the focus.
/** * Indicates whether the view's window currently has the focus. */
boolean mHasWindowFocus;
The current visibility of the window.
/** * The current visibility of the window. */
int mWindowVisibility;
Indicates the time at which drawing started to occur.
/** * Indicates the time at which drawing started to occur. */
long mDrawingTime;
Indicates whether or not ignoring the DIRTY_MASK flags.
/** * Indicates whether or not ignoring the DIRTY_MASK flags. */
boolean mIgnoreDirtyState;
This flag tracks when the mIgnoreDirtyState flag is set during draw(), to avoid clearing that flag prematurely.
/** * This flag tracks when the mIgnoreDirtyState flag is set during draw(), * to avoid clearing that flag prematurely. */
boolean mSetIgnoreDirtyState = false;
Indicates whether the view's window is currently in touch mode.
/** * Indicates whether the view's window is currently in touch mode. */
boolean mInTouchMode;
Indicates whether the view has requested unbuffered input dispatching for the current event stream.
/** * Indicates whether the view has requested unbuffered input dispatching for the current * event stream. */
boolean mUnbufferedDispatchRequested;
Indicates that ViewAncestor should trigger a global layout change the next time it performs a traversal
/** * Indicates that ViewAncestor should trigger a global layout change * the next time it performs a traversal */
boolean mRecomputeGlobalAttributes;
Always report new attributes at next traversal.
/** * Always report new attributes at next traversal. */
boolean mForceReportNewAttributes;
Set during a traveral if any views want to keep the screen on.
/** * Set during a traveral if any views want to keep the screen on. */
boolean mKeepScreenOn;
Set during a traveral if the light center needs to be updated.
/** * Set during a traveral if the light center needs to be updated. */
boolean mNeedsUpdateLightCenter;
Bitwise-or of all of the values that views have passed to setSystemUiVisibility().
/** * Bitwise-or of all of the values that views have passed to setSystemUiVisibility(). */
int mSystemUiVisibility;
Hack to force certain system UI visibility flags to be cleared.
/** * Hack to force certain system UI visibility flags to be cleared. */
int mDisabledSystemUiVisibility;
Last global system UI visibility reported by the window manager.
/** * Last global system UI visibility reported by the window manager. */
int mGlobalSystemUiVisibility = -1;
True if a view in this hierarchy has an OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener attached.
/** * True if a view in this hierarchy has an OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener * attached. */
boolean mHasSystemUiListeners;
Set if the window has requested to extend into the overscan region via WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN.
/** * Set if the window has requested to extend into the overscan region * via WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN. */
boolean mOverscanRequested;
Set if the visibility of any views has changed.
/** * Set if the visibility of any views has changed. */
boolean mViewVisibilityChanged;
Set to true if a view has been scrolled.
/** * Set to true if a view has been scrolled. */
boolean mViewScrollChanged;
Set to true if a pointer event is currently being handled.
/** * Set to true if a pointer event is currently being handled. */
boolean mHandlingPointerEvent;
Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with x/y points in the transparent region computations.
/** * Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with * x/y points in the transparent region computations. */
final int[] mTransparentLocation = new int[2];
Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with x/y points in the ViewGroup.invalidateChild implementation.
/** * Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with * x/y points in the ViewGroup.invalidateChild implementation. */
final int[] mInvalidateChildLocation = new int[2];
Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with computing absolute on-screen location.
/** * Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with * computing absolute on-screen location. */
final int[] mTmpLocation = new int[2];
Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with x/y location when view is transformed.
/** * Global to the view hierarchy used as a temporary for dealing with * x/y location when view is transformed. */
final float[] mTmpTransformLocation = new float[2];
The view tree observer used to dispatch global events like layout, pre-draw, touch mode change, etc.
/** * The view tree observer used to dispatch global events like * layout, pre-draw, touch mode change, etc. */
final ViewTreeObserver mTreeObserver;
A Canvas used by the view hierarchy to perform bitmap caching.
/** * A Canvas used by the view hierarchy to perform bitmap caching. */
Canvas mCanvas;
The view root impl.
/** * The view root impl. */
final ViewRootImpl mViewRootImpl;
A Handler supplied by a view's ViewRootImpl. This handler can be used to pump events in the UI events queue.
/** * A Handler supplied by a view's {@link android.view.ViewRootImpl}. This * handler can be used to pump events in the UI events queue. */
final Handler mHandler;
Temporary for use in computing invalidate rectangles while calling up the hierarchy.
/** * Temporary for use in computing invalidate rectangles while * calling up the hierarchy. */
final Rect mTmpInvalRect = new Rect();
Temporary for use in computing hit areas with transformed views
/** * Temporary for use in computing hit areas with transformed views */
final RectF mTmpTransformRect = new RectF();
Temporary for use in computing hit areas with transformed views
/** * Temporary for use in computing hit areas with transformed views */
final RectF mTmpTransformRect1 = new RectF();
Temporary list of rectanges.
/** * Temporary list of rectanges. */
final List<RectF> mTmpRectList = new ArrayList<>();
Temporary for use in transforming invalidation rect
/** * Temporary for use in transforming invalidation rect */
final Matrix mTmpMatrix = new Matrix();
Temporary for use in transforming invalidation rect
/** * Temporary for use in transforming invalidation rect */
final Transformation mTmpTransformation = new Transformation();
Temporary for use in querying outlines from OutlineProviders
/** * Temporary for use in querying outlines from OutlineProviders */
final Outline mTmpOutline = new Outline();
Temporary list for use in collecting focusable descendents of a view.
/** * Temporary list for use in collecting focusable descendents of a view. */
final ArrayList<View> mTempArrayList = new ArrayList<View>(24);
The id of the window for accessibility purposes.
/** * The id of the window for accessibility purposes. */
int mAccessibilityWindowId = AccessibilityWindowInfo.UNDEFINED_WINDOW_ID;
Flags related to accessibility processing.
See Also:
/** * Flags related to accessibility processing. * * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#FLAG_REPORT_VIEW_IDS */
int mAccessibilityFetchFlags;
The drawable for highlighting accessibility focus.
/** * The drawable for highlighting accessibility focus. */
Drawable mAccessibilityFocusDrawable;
The drawable for highlighting autofilled views.
See Also:
  • isAutofilled()
/** * The drawable for highlighting autofilled views. * * @see #isAutofilled() */
Drawable mAutofilledDrawable;
Show where the margins, bounds and layout bounds are for each view.
/** * Show where the margins, bounds and layout bounds are for each view. */
boolean mDebugLayout = SystemProperties.getBoolean(DEBUG_LAYOUT_PROPERTY, false);
Point used to compute visible regions.
/** * Point used to compute visible regions. */
final Point mPoint = new Point();
Used to track which View originated a requestLayout() call, used when requestLayout() is called during layout.
/** * Used to track which View originated a requestLayout() call, used when * requestLayout() is called during layout. */
View mViewRequestingLayout;
Used to track views that need (at least) a partial relayout at their current size during the next traversal.
/** * Used to track views that need (at least) a partial relayout at their current size * during the next traversal. */
List<View> mPartialLayoutViews = new ArrayList<>();
Swapped with mPartialLayoutViews during layout to avoid concurrent modification. Lazily assigned during ViewRootImpl layout.
/** * Swapped with mPartialLayoutViews during layout to avoid concurrent * modification. Lazily assigned during ViewRootImpl layout. */
List<View> mEmptyPartialLayoutViews;
Used to track the identity of the current drag operation.
/** * Used to track the identity of the current drag operation. */
IBinder mDragToken;
The drag shadow surface for the current drag operation.
/** * The drag shadow surface for the current drag operation. */
public Surface mDragSurface;
The view that currently has a tooltip displayed.
/** * The view that currently has a tooltip displayed. */
View mTooltipHost;
Creates a new set of attachment information with the specified events handler and thread.
  • handler – the events handler the view must use
/** * Creates a new set of attachment information with the specified * events handler and thread. * * @param handler the events handler the view must use */
AttachInfo(IWindowSession session, IWindow window, Display display, ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl, Handler handler, Callbacks effectPlayer, Context context) { mSession = session; mWindow = window; mWindowToken = window.asBinder(); mDisplay = display; mViewRootImpl = viewRootImpl; mHandler = handler; mRootCallbacks = effectPlayer; mTreeObserver = new ViewTreeObserver(context); } }

ScrollabilityCache holds various fields used by a View when scrolling is supported. This avoids keeping too many unused fields in most instances of View.

/** * <p>ScrollabilityCache holds various fields used by a View when scrolling * is supported. This avoids keeping too many unused fields in most * instances of View.</p> */
private static class ScrollabilityCache implements Runnable {
Scrollbars are not visible
/** * Scrollbars are not visible */
public static final int OFF = 0;
Scrollbars are visible
/** * Scrollbars are visible */
public static final int ON = 1;
Scrollbars are fading away
/** * Scrollbars are fading away */
public static final int FADING = 2; public boolean fadeScrollBars; public int fadingEdgeLength; public int scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade; public int scrollBarFadeDuration; public int scrollBarSize; public int scrollBarMinTouchTarget; public ScrollBarDrawable scrollBar; public float[] interpolatorValues; public View host; public final Paint paint; public final Matrix matrix; public Shader shader; public final Interpolator scrollBarInterpolator = new Interpolator(1, 2); private static final float[] OPAQUE = { 255 }; private static final float[] TRANSPARENT = { 0.0f };
When fading should start. This time moves into the future every time a new scroll happens. Measured based on SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
/** * When fading should start. This time moves into the future every time * a new scroll happens. Measured based on SystemClock.uptimeMillis() */
public long fadeStartTime;
The current state of the scrollbars: ON, OFF, or FADING
/** * The current state of the scrollbars: ON, OFF, or FADING */
public int state = OFF; private int mLastColor; public final Rect mScrollBarBounds = new Rect(); public final Rect mScrollBarTouchBounds = new Rect(); public static final int NOT_DRAGGING = 0; public static final int DRAGGING_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR = 1; public static final int DRAGGING_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR = 2; public int mScrollBarDraggingState = NOT_DRAGGING; public float mScrollBarDraggingPos = 0; public ScrollabilityCache(ViewConfiguration configuration, View host) { fadingEdgeLength = configuration.getScaledFadingEdgeLength(); scrollBarSize = configuration.getScaledScrollBarSize(); scrollBarMinTouchTarget = configuration.getScaledMinScrollbarTouchTarget(); scrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade = ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay(); scrollBarFadeDuration = ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration(); paint = new Paint(); matrix = new Matrix(); // use use a height of 1, and then wack the matrix each time we // actually use it. shader = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, 0xFF000000, 0, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); paint.setShader(shader); paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OUT)); this.host = host; } public void setFadeColor(int color) { if (color != mLastColor) { mLastColor = color; if (color != 0) { shader = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, color | 0xFF000000, color & 0x00FFFFFF, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); paint.setShader(shader); // Restore the default transfer mode (src_over) paint.setXfermode(null); } else { shader = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, 0xFF000000, 0, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); paint.setShader(shader); paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OUT)); } } } public void run() { long now = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis(); if (now >= fadeStartTime) { // the animation fades the scrollbars out by changing // the opacity (alpha) from fully opaque to fully // transparent int nextFrame = (int) now; int framesCount = 0; Interpolator interpolator = scrollBarInterpolator; // Start opaque interpolator.setKeyFrame(framesCount++, nextFrame, OPAQUE); // End transparent nextFrame += scrollBarFadeDuration; interpolator.setKeyFrame(framesCount, nextFrame, TRANSPARENT); state = FADING; // Kick off the fade animation host.invalidate(true); } } }
Resuable callback for sending AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED accessibility event.
/** * Resuable callback for sending * {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED} accessibility event. */
private class SendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent implements Runnable { public volatile boolean mIsPending; public int mDeltaX; public int mDeltaY; public void post(int dx, int dy) { mDeltaX += dx; mDeltaY += dy; if (!mIsPending) { mIsPending = true; postDelayed(this, ViewConfiguration.getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval()); } } @Override public void run() { if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled()) { AccessibilityEvent event = AccessibilityEvent.obtain( AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED); event.setScrollDeltaX(mDeltaX); event.setScrollDeltaY(mDeltaY); sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(event); } reset(); } private void reset() { mIsPending = false; mDeltaX = 0; mDeltaY = 0; } }
Remove the pending callback for sending a AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED accessibility event.
/** * Remove the pending callback for sending a * {@link AccessibilityEvent#TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED} accessibility event. */
private void cancel(@Nullable SendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent callback) { if (callback == null || !callback.mIsPending) return; removeCallbacks(callback); callback.reset(); }

This class represents a delegate that can be registered in a View to enhance accessibility support via composition rather via inheritance. It is specifically targeted to widget developers that extend basic View classes i.e. classes in package android.view, that would like their applications to be backwards compatible.

Developer Guides

For more information about making applications accessible, read the Accessibility developer guide.

A scenario in which a developer would like to use an accessibility delegate is overriding a method introduced in a later API version than the minimal API version supported by the application. For example, the method View.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) is not available in API version 4 when the accessibility APIs were first introduced. If a developer would like their application to run on API version 4 devices (assuming all other APIs used by the application are version 4 or lower) and take advantage of this method, instead of overriding the method which would break the application's backwards compatibility, they can override the corresponding method in this delegate and register the delegate in the target View if the API version of the system is high enough, i.e. the API version is the same as or higher than the API version that introduced View.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo).

Here is an example implementation:

if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) { // If the API version is equal of higher than the version in // which onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo was introduced we // register a delegate with a customized implementation. View view = findViewById(R.id.view_id); view.setAccessibilityDelegate(new AccessibilityDelegate() { public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View host, AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { // Let the default implementation populate the info. super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(host, info); // Set some other information. info.setEnabled(host.isEnabled()); } }); }

This delegate contains methods that correspond to the accessibility methods in View. If a delegate has been specified the implementation in View hands off handling to the corresponding method in this delegate. The default implementation the delegate methods behaves exactly as the corresponding method in View for the case of no accessibility delegate been set. Hence, to customize the behavior of a View method, clients can override only the corresponding delegate method without altering the behavior of the rest accessibility related methods of the host view.

Note: On platform versions prior to API 23, delegate methods on views in the android.widget.* package are called before host methods. This prevents certain properties such as class name from being modified by overriding onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View, AccessibilityNodeInfo), as any changes will be overwritten by the host class.

Starting in API 23, delegate methods are called after host methods, which all properties to be modified without being overwritten by the host class.

/** * <p> * This class represents a delegate that can be registered in a {@link View} * to enhance accessibility support via composition rather via inheritance. * It is specifically targeted to widget developers that extend basic View * classes i.e. classes in package android.view, that would like their * applications to be backwards compatible. * </p> * <div class="special reference"> * <h3>Developer Guides</h3> * <p>For more information about making applications accessible, read the * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/accessibility/index.html">Accessibility</a> * developer guide.</p> * </div> * <p> * A scenario in which a developer would like to use an accessibility delegate * is overriding a method introduced in a later API version than the minimal API * version supported by the application. For example, the method * {@link View#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo)} is not available * in API version 4 when the accessibility APIs were first introduced. If a * developer would like their application to run on API version 4 devices (assuming * all other APIs used by the application are version 4 or lower) and take advantage * of this method, instead of overriding the method which would break the application's * backwards compatibility, they can override the corresponding method in this * delegate and register the delegate in the target View if the API version of * the system is high enough, i.e. the API version is the same as or higher than the API * version that introduced * {@link View#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo)}. * </p> * <p> * Here is an example implementation: * </p> * <code><pre><p> * if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) { * // If the API version is equal of higher than the version in * // which onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo was introduced we * // register a delegate with a customized implementation. * View view = findViewById(R.id.view_id); * view.setAccessibilityDelegate(new AccessibilityDelegate() { * public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View host, * AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { * // Let the default implementation populate the info. * super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(host, info); * // Set some other information. * info.setEnabled(host.isEnabled()); * } * }); * } * </code></pre></p> * <p> * This delegate contains methods that correspond to the accessibility methods * in View. If a delegate has been specified the implementation in View hands * off handling to the corresponding method in this delegate. The default * implementation the delegate methods behaves exactly as the corresponding * method in View for the case of no accessibility delegate been set. Hence, * to customize the behavior of a View method, clients can override only the * corresponding delegate method without altering the behavior of the rest * accessibility related methods of the host view. * </p> * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> On platform versions prior to * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M API 23}, delegate methods on * views in the {@code android.widget.*} package are called <i>before</i> * host methods. This prevents certain properties such as class name from * being modified by overriding * {@link AccessibilityDelegate#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View, AccessibilityNodeInfo)}, * as any changes will be overwritten by the host class. * <p> * Starting in {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M API 23}, delegate * methods are called <i>after</i> host methods, which all properties to be * modified without being overwritten by the host class. */
public static class AccessibilityDelegate {
Sends an accessibility event of the given type. If accessibility is not enabled this method has no effect.

The default implementation behaves as View#sendAccessibilityEvent(int) for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

  • host – The View hosting the delegate.
  • eventType – The type of the event to send.
See Also:
/** * Sends an accessibility event of the given type. If accessibility is not * enabled this method has no effect. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as {@link View#sendAccessibilityEvent(int) * View#sendAccessibilityEvent(int)} for the case of no accessibility delegate * been set. * </p> * * @param host The View hosting the delegate. * @param eventType The type of the event to send. * * @see View#sendAccessibilityEvent(int) View#sendAccessibilityEvent(int) */
public void sendAccessibilityEvent(View host, int eventType) { host.sendAccessibilityEventInternal(eventType); }
Performs the specified accessibility action on the view. For possible accessibility actions look at AccessibilityNodeInfo.

The default implementation behaves as View#performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle) for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

  • action – The action to perform.
See Also:
Returns:Whether the action was performed.
/** * Performs the specified accessibility action on the view. For * possible accessibility actions look at {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle) * View#performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle)} for the case of * no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * * @param action The action to perform. * @return Whether the action was performed. * * @see View#performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle) * View#performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle) */
public boolean performAccessibilityAction(View host, int action, Bundle args) { return host.performAccessibilityActionInternal(action, args); }
Sends an accessibility event. This method behaves exactly as sendAccessibilityEvent(View, int) but takes as an argument an empty AccessibilityEvent and does not perform a check whether accessibility is enabled.

The default implementation behaves as View#sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent) for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

  • host – The View hosting the delegate.
  • event – The event to send.
See Also:
/** * Sends an accessibility event. This method behaves exactly as * {@link #sendAccessibilityEvent(View, int)} but takes as an argument an * empty {@link AccessibilityEvent} and does not perform a check whether * accessibility is enabled. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent) * View#sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent)} for * the case of no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * * @param host The View hosting the delegate. * @param event The event to send. * * @see View#sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent) * View#sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent) */
public void sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(View host, AccessibilityEvent event) { host.sendAccessibilityEventUncheckedInternal(event); }
Dispatches an AccessibilityEvent to the host View first and then to its children for adding their text content to the event.

The default implementation behaves as View#dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

  • host – The View hosting the delegate.
  • event – The event.
See Also:
Returns:True if the event population was completed.
/** * Dispatches an {@link AccessibilityEvent} to the host {@link View} first and then * to its children for adding their text content to the event. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * View#dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)} for * the case of no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * * @param host The View hosting the delegate. * @param event The event. * @return True if the event population was completed. * * @see View#dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * View#dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) */
public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View host, AccessibilityEvent event) { return host.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEventInternal(event); }
Gives a chance to the host View to populate the accessibility event with its text content.

The default implementation behaves as View#onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

  • host – The View hosting the delegate.
  • event – The accessibility event which to populate.
See Also:
/** * Gives a chance to the host View to populate the accessibility event with its * text content. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * View#onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)} for * the case of no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * * @param host The View hosting the delegate. * @param event The accessibility event which to populate. * * @see View#onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * View#onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) */
public void onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View host, AccessibilityEvent event) { host.onPopulateAccessibilityEventInternal(event); }
Initializes an AccessibilityEvent with information about the the host View which is the event source.

The default implementation behaves as View#onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

  • host – The View hosting the delegate.
  • event – The event to initialize.
See Also:
/** * Initializes an {@link AccessibilityEvent} with information about the * the host View which is the event source. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * View#onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent)} for * the case of no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * * @param host The View hosting the delegate. * @param event The event to initialize. * * @see View#onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) * View#onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) */
public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(View host, AccessibilityEvent event) { host.onInitializeAccessibilityEventInternal(event); }
Initializes an AccessibilityNodeInfo with information about the host view.

The default implementation behaves as View#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

  • host – The View hosting the delegate.
  • info – The instance to initialize.
See Also:
/** * Initializes an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} with information about the host view. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) * View#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo)} for * the case of no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * * @param host The View hosting the delegate. * @param info The instance to initialize. * * @see View#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) * View#onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) */
public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View host, AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { host.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(info); }
Adds extra data to an AccessibilityNodeInfo based on an explicit request for the additional data.

This method only needs to be implemented if the View offers to provide additional data.

The default implementation behaves as for the case where no accessibility delegate is set.

  • host – The View hosting the delegate. Never null.
  • info – The info to which to add the extra data. Never null.
  • extraDataKey – A key specifying the type of extra data to add to the info. The extra data should be added to the Bundle returned by the info's AccessibilityNodeInfo.getExtras method. Never null.
  • arguments – A Bundle holding any arguments relevant for this request. May be null if the if the service provided no arguments.
See Also:
  • AccessibilityNodeInfo.setExtraAvailableData
/** * Adds extra data to an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} based on an explicit request for the * additional data. * <p> * This method only needs to be implemented if the View offers to provide additional data. * </p> * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#addExtraDataToAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo, String, Bundle) * for the case where no accessibility delegate is set. * </p> * * @param host The View hosting the delegate. Never {@code null}. * @param info The info to which to add the extra data. Never {@code null}. * @param extraDataKey A key specifying the type of extra data to add to the info. The * extra data should be added to the {@link Bundle} returned by * the info's {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#getExtras} method. Never * {@code null}. * @param arguments A {@link Bundle} holding any arguments relevant for this request. * May be {@code null} if the if the service provided no arguments. * * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo#setExtraAvailableData */
public void addExtraDataToAccessibilityNodeInfo(@NonNull View host, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo info, @NonNull String extraDataKey, @Nullable Bundle arguments) { host.addExtraDataToAccessibilityNodeInfo(info, extraDataKey, arguments); }
Called when a child of the host View has requested sending an AccessibilityEvent and gives an opportunity to the parent (the host) to augment the event.

The default implementation behaves as ViewGroup#onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

  • host – The View hosting the delegate.
  • child – The child which requests sending the event.
  • event – The event to be sent.
See Also:
Returns:True if the event should be sent
/** * Called when a child of the host View has requested sending an * {@link AccessibilityEvent} and gives an opportunity to the parent (the host) * to augment the event. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link ViewGroup#onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) * ViewGroup#onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent)} for * the case of no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * * @param host The View hosting the delegate. * @param child The child which requests sending the event. * @param event The event to be sent. * @return True if the event should be sent * * @see ViewGroup#onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) * ViewGroup#onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) */
public boolean onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(ViewGroup host, View child, AccessibilityEvent event) { return host.onRequestSendAccessibilityEventInternal(child, event); }
Gets the provider for managing a virtual view hierarchy rooted at this View and reported to AccessibilityServices that explore the window content.

The default implementation behaves as View#getAccessibilityNodeProvider() for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

See Also:
Returns:The provider.
/** * Gets the provider for managing a virtual view hierarchy rooted at this View * and reported to {@link android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService}s * that explore the window content. * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#getAccessibilityNodeProvider() View#getAccessibilityNodeProvider()} for * the case of no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * * @return The provider. * * @see AccessibilityNodeProvider */
public AccessibilityNodeProvider getAccessibilityNodeProvider(View host) { return null; }
Returns an AccessibilityNodeInfo representing the host view from the point of view of an AccessibilityService. This method is responsible for obtaining an accessibility node info from a pool of reusable instances and calling View.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) on the host view to initialize the former.

Note: The client is responsible for recycling the obtained instance by calling AccessibilityNodeInfo.recycle() to minimize object creation.

The default implementation behaves as View#createAccessibilityNodeInfo() for the case of no accessibility delegate been set.

See Also:
Returns:A populated AccessibilityNodeInfo.
/** * Returns an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} representing the host view from the * point of view of an {@link android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService}. * This method is responsible for obtaining an accessibility node info from a * pool of reusable instances and calling * {@link #onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo)} on the host * view to initialize the former. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> The client is responsible for recycling the obtained * instance by calling {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#recycle()} to minimize object * creation. * </p> * <p> * The default implementation behaves as * {@link View#createAccessibilityNodeInfo() View#createAccessibilityNodeInfo()} for * the case of no accessibility delegate been set. * </p> * @return A populated {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. * * @see AccessibilityNodeInfo * * @hide */
public AccessibilityNodeInfo createAccessibilityNodeInfo(View host) { return host.createAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(); } } private static class MatchIdPredicate implements Predicate<View> { public int mId; @Override public boolean test(View view) { return (view.mID == mId); } } private static class MatchLabelForPredicate implements Predicate<View> { private int mLabeledId; @Override public boolean test(View view) { return (view.mLabelForId == mLabeledId); } }
Dump all private flags in readable format, useful for documentation and sanity checking.
/** * Dump all private flags in readable format, useful for documentation and * sanity checking. */
private static void dumpFlags() { final HashMap<String, String> found = Maps.newHashMap(); try { for (Field field : View.class.getDeclaredFields()) { final int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)) { if (field.getType().equals(int.class)) { final int value = field.getInt(null); dumpFlag(found, field.getName(), value); } else if (field.getType().equals(int[].class)) { final int[] values = (int[]) field.get(null); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { dumpFlag(found, field.getName() + "[" + i + "]", values[i]); } } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } final ArrayList<String> keys = Lists.newArrayList(); keys.addAll(found.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys); for (String key : keys) { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, found.get(key)); } } private static void dumpFlag(HashMap<String, String> found, String name, int value) { // Sort flags by prefix, then by bits, always keeping unique keys final String bits = String.format("%32s", Integer.toBinaryString(value)).replace('0', ' '); final int prefix = name.indexOf('_'); final String key = (prefix > 0 ? name.substring(0, prefix) : name) + bits + name; final String output = bits + " " + name; found.put(key, output); }
/** {@hide} */
public void encode(@NonNull ViewHierarchyEncoder stream) { stream.beginObject(this); encodeProperties(stream); stream.endObject(); }
/** {@hide} */
@CallSuper protected void encodeProperties(@NonNull ViewHierarchyEncoder stream) { Object resolveId = ViewDebug.resolveId(getContext(), mID); if (resolveId instanceof String) { stream.addProperty("id", (String) resolveId); } else { stream.addProperty("id", mID); } stream.addProperty("misc:transformation.alpha", mTransformationInfo != null ? mTransformationInfo.mAlpha : 0); stream.addProperty("misc:transitionName", getTransitionName()); // layout stream.addProperty("layout:left", mLeft); stream.addProperty("layout:right", mRight); stream.addProperty("layout:top", mTop); stream.addProperty("layout:bottom", mBottom); stream.addProperty("layout:width", getWidth()); stream.addProperty("layout:height", getHeight()); stream.addProperty("layout:layoutDirection", getLayoutDirection()); stream.addProperty("layout:layoutRtl", isLayoutRtl()); stream.addProperty("layout:hasTransientState", hasTransientState()); stream.addProperty("layout:baseline", getBaseline()); // layout params ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = getLayoutParams(); if (layoutParams != null) { stream.addPropertyKey("layoutParams"); layoutParams.encode(stream); } // scrolling stream.addProperty("scrolling:scrollX", mScrollX); stream.addProperty("scrolling:scrollY", mScrollY); // padding stream.addProperty("padding:paddingLeft", mPaddingLeft); stream.addProperty("padding:paddingRight", mPaddingRight); stream.addProperty("padding:paddingTop", mPaddingTop); stream.addProperty("padding:paddingBottom", mPaddingBottom); stream.addProperty("padding:userPaddingRight", mUserPaddingRight); stream.addProperty("padding:userPaddingLeft", mUserPaddingLeft); stream.addProperty("padding:userPaddingBottom", mUserPaddingBottom); stream.addProperty("padding:userPaddingStart", mUserPaddingStart); stream.addProperty("padding:userPaddingEnd", mUserPaddingEnd); // measurement stream.addProperty("measurement:minHeight", mMinHeight); stream.addProperty("measurement:minWidth", mMinWidth); stream.addProperty("measurement:measuredWidth", mMeasuredWidth); stream.addProperty("measurement:measuredHeight", mMeasuredHeight); // drawing stream.addProperty("drawing:elevation", getElevation()); stream.addProperty("drawing:translationX", getTranslationX()); stream.addProperty("drawing:translationY", getTranslationY()); stream.addProperty("drawing:translationZ", getTranslationZ()); stream.addProperty("drawing:rotation", getRotation()); stream.addProperty("drawing:rotationX", getRotationX()); stream.addProperty("drawing:rotationY", getRotationY()); stream.addProperty("drawing:scaleX", getScaleX()); stream.addProperty("drawing:scaleY", getScaleY()); stream.addProperty("drawing:pivotX", getPivotX()); stream.addProperty("drawing:pivotY", getPivotY()); stream.addProperty("drawing:clipBounds", mClipBounds == null ? null : mClipBounds.toString()); stream.addProperty("drawing:opaque", isOpaque()); stream.addProperty("drawing:alpha", getAlpha()); stream.addProperty("drawing:transitionAlpha", getTransitionAlpha()); stream.addProperty("drawing:shadow", hasShadow()); stream.addProperty("drawing:solidColor", getSolidColor()); stream.addProperty("drawing:layerType", mLayerType); stream.addProperty("drawing:willNotDraw", willNotDraw()); stream.addProperty("drawing:hardwareAccelerated", isHardwareAccelerated()); stream.addProperty("drawing:willNotCacheDrawing", willNotCacheDrawing()); stream.addProperty("drawing:drawingCacheEnabled", isDrawingCacheEnabled()); stream.addProperty("drawing:overlappingRendering", hasOverlappingRendering()); stream.addProperty("drawing:outlineAmbientShadowColor", getOutlineAmbientShadowColor()); stream.addProperty("drawing:outlineSpotShadowColor", getOutlineSpotShadowColor()); // focus stream.addProperty("focus:hasFocus", hasFocus()); stream.addProperty("focus:isFocused", isFocused()); stream.addProperty("focus:focusable", getFocusable()); stream.addProperty("focus:isFocusable", isFocusable()); stream.addProperty("focus:isFocusableInTouchMode", isFocusableInTouchMode()); stream.addProperty("misc:clickable", isClickable()); stream.addProperty("misc:pressed", isPressed()); stream.addProperty("misc:selected", isSelected()); stream.addProperty("misc:touchMode", isInTouchMode()); stream.addProperty("misc:hovered", isHovered()); stream.addProperty("misc:activated", isActivated()); stream.addProperty("misc:visibility", getVisibility()); stream.addProperty("misc:fitsSystemWindows", getFitsSystemWindows()); stream.addProperty("misc:filterTouchesWhenObscured", getFilterTouchesWhenObscured()); stream.addProperty("misc:enabled", isEnabled()); stream.addProperty("misc:soundEffectsEnabled", isSoundEffectsEnabled()); stream.addProperty("misc:hapticFeedbackEnabled", isHapticFeedbackEnabled()); // theme attributes Resources.Theme theme = getContext().getTheme(); if (theme != null) { stream.addPropertyKey("theme"); theme.encode(stream); } // view attribute information int n = mAttributes != null ? mAttributes.length : 0; stream.addProperty("meta:__attrCount__", n/2); for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { stream.addProperty("meta:__attr__" + mAttributes[i], mAttributes[i+1]); } stream.addProperty("misc:scrollBarStyle", getScrollBarStyle()); // text stream.addProperty("text:textDirection", getTextDirection()); stream.addProperty("text:textAlignment", getTextAlignment()); // accessibility CharSequence contentDescription = getContentDescription(); stream.addProperty("accessibility:contentDescription", contentDescription == null ? "" : contentDescription.toString()); stream.addProperty("accessibility:labelFor", getLabelFor()); stream.addProperty("accessibility:importantForAccessibility", getImportantForAccessibility()); }
Determine if this view is rendered on a round wearable device and is the main view on the screen.
/** * Determine if this view is rendered on a round wearable device and is the main view * on the screen. */
boolean shouldDrawRoundScrollbar() { if (!mResources.getConfiguration().isScreenRound() || mAttachInfo == null) { return false; } final View rootView = getRootView(); final WindowInsets insets = getRootWindowInsets(); int height = getHeight(); int width = getWidth(); int displayHeight = rootView.getHeight(); int displayWidth = rootView.getWidth(); if (height != displayHeight || width != displayWidth) { return false; } getLocationInWindow(mAttachInfo.mTmpLocation); return mAttachInfo.mTmpLocation[0] == insets.getStableInsetLeft() && mAttachInfo.mTmpLocation[1] == insets.getStableInsetTop(); }
Sets the tooltip text which will be displayed in a small popup next to the view.

The tooltip will be displayed:

  • On long click, unless it is handled otherwise (by OnLongClickListener or a context menu).
  • On hover, after a brief delay since the pointer has stopped moving

Note: Do not override this method, as it will have no effect on the text displayed in the tooltip.

  • tooltipText – the tooltip text, or null if no tooltip is required
See Also:
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_tooltipText
/** * Sets the tooltip text which will be displayed in a small popup next to the view. * <p> * The tooltip will be displayed: * <ul> * <li>On long click, unless it is handled otherwise (by OnLongClickListener or a context * menu). </li> * <li>On hover, after a brief delay since the pointer has stopped moving </li> * </ul> * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> Do not override this method, as it will have no * effect on the text displayed in the tooltip. * * @param tooltipText the tooltip text, or null if no tooltip is required * @see #getTooltipText() * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_tooltipText */
public void setTooltipText(@Nullable CharSequence tooltipText) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(tooltipText)) { setFlags(0, TOOLTIP); hideTooltip(); mTooltipInfo = null; } else { setFlags(TOOLTIP, TOOLTIP); if (mTooltipInfo == null) { mTooltipInfo = new TooltipInfo(); mTooltipInfo.mShowTooltipRunnable = this::showHoverTooltip; mTooltipInfo.mHideTooltipRunnable = this::hideTooltip; mTooltipInfo.mHoverSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledHoverSlop(); mTooltipInfo.clearAnchorPos(); } mTooltipInfo.mTooltipText = tooltipText; } }
@hideBinary compatibility stub. To be removed when we finalize O APIs.
/** * @hide Binary compatibility stub. To be removed when we finalize O APIs. */
public void setTooltip(@Nullable CharSequence tooltipText) { setTooltipText(tooltipText); }
Returns the view's tooltip text. Note: Do not override this method, as it will have no effect on the text displayed in the tooltip. You must call setTooltipText(CharSequence) to modify the tooltip text.
See Also:
Returns:the tooltip text
@attrref android.R.styleable#View_tooltipText
/** * Returns the view's tooltip text. * * <strong>Note:</strong> Do not override this method, as it will have no * effect on the text displayed in the tooltip. You must call * {@link #setTooltipText(CharSequence)} to modify the tooltip text. * * @return the tooltip text * @see #setTooltipText(CharSequence) * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_tooltipText */
@Nullable public CharSequence getTooltipText() { return mTooltipInfo != null ? mTooltipInfo.mTooltipText : null; }
@hideBinary compatibility stub. To be removed when we finalize O APIs.
/** * @hide Binary compatibility stub. To be removed when we finalize O APIs. */
@Nullable public CharSequence getTooltip() { return getTooltipText(); } private boolean showTooltip(int x, int y, boolean fromLongClick) { if (mAttachInfo == null || mTooltipInfo == null) { return false; } if (fromLongClick && (mViewFlags & ENABLED_MASK) != ENABLED) { return false; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mTooltipInfo.mTooltipText)) { return false; } hideTooltip(); mTooltipInfo.mTooltipFromLongClick = fromLongClick; mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup = new TooltipPopup(getContext()); final boolean fromTouch = (mPrivateFlags3 & PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN) == PFLAG3_FINGER_DOWN; mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup.show(this, x, y, fromTouch, mTooltipInfo.mTooltipText); mAttachInfo.mTooltipHost = this; // The available accessibility actions have changed notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); return true; } void hideTooltip() { if (mTooltipInfo == null) { return; } removeCallbacks(mTooltipInfo.mShowTooltipRunnable); if (mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup == null) { return; } mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup.hide(); mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup = null; mTooltipInfo.mTooltipFromLongClick = false; mTooltipInfo.clearAnchorPos(); if (mAttachInfo != null) { mAttachInfo.mTooltipHost = null; } // The available accessibility actions have changed notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } private boolean showLongClickTooltip(int x, int y) { removeCallbacks(mTooltipInfo.mShowTooltipRunnable); removeCallbacks(mTooltipInfo.mHideTooltipRunnable); return showTooltip(x, y, true); } private boolean showHoverTooltip() { return showTooltip(mTooltipInfo.mAnchorX, mTooltipInfo.mAnchorY, false); } boolean dispatchTooltipHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (mTooltipInfo == null) { return false; } switch(event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE: if ((mViewFlags & TOOLTIP) != TOOLTIP) { break; } if (!mTooltipInfo.mTooltipFromLongClick && mTooltipInfo.updateAnchorPos(event)) { if (mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup == null) { // Schedule showing the tooltip after a timeout. removeCallbacks(mTooltipInfo.mShowTooltipRunnable); postDelayed(mTooltipInfo.mShowTooltipRunnable, ViewConfiguration.getHoverTooltipShowTimeout()); } // Hide hover-triggered tooltip after a period of inactivity. // Match the timeout used by NativeInputManager to hide the mouse pointer // (depends on SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE being set). final int timeout; if ((getWindowSystemUiVisibility() & SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE) == SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE) { timeout = ViewConfiguration.getHoverTooltipHideShortTimeout(); } else { timeout = ViewConfiguration.getHoverTooltipHideTimeout(); } removeCallbacks(mTooltipInfo.mHideTooltipRunnable); postDelayed(mTooltipInfo.mHideTooltipRunnable, timeout); } return true; case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT: mTooltipInfo.clearAnchorPos(); if (!mTooltipInfo.mTooltipFromLongClick) { hideTooltip(); } break; } return false; } void handleTooltipKey(KeyEvent event) { switch (event.getAction()) { case KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN: if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { hideTooltip(); } break; case KeyEvent.ACTION_UP: handleTooltipUp(); break; } } private void handleTooltipUp() { if (mTooltipInfo == null || mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup == null) { return; } removeCallbacks(mTooltipInfo.mHideTooltipRunnable); postDelayed(mTooltipInfo.mHideTooltipRunnable, ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTooltipHideTimeout()); } private int getFocusableAttribute(TypedArray attributes) { TypedValue val = new TypedValue(); if (attributes.getValue(com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_focusable, val)) { if (val.type == TypedValue.TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN) { return (val.data == 0 ? NOT_FOCUSABLE : FOCUSABLE); } else { return val.data; } } else { return FOCUSABLE_AUTO; } }
Returns:The content view of the tooltip popup currently being shown, or null if the tooltip is not showing.
/** * @return The content view of the tooltip popup currently being shown, or null if the tooltip * is not showing. * @hide */
@TestApi public View getTooltipView() { if (mTooltipInfo == null || mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup == null) { return null; } return mTooltipInfo.mTooltipPopup.getContentView(); }
Returns:true if the default focus highlight is enabled, false otherwies.
/** * @return {@code true} if the default focus highlight is enabled, {@code false} otherwies. * @hide */
@TestApi public static boolean isDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled() { return sUseDefaultFocusHighlight; }
Dispatch a previously unhandled KeyEvent to this view. Unlike normal key dispatch, this dispatches to ALL child views until it is consumed. The dispatch order is z-order (visually on-top views first).
  • evt – the previously unhandled KeyEvent.
Returns:the View which consumed the event or null if not consumed.
/** * Dispatch a previously unhandled {@link KeyEvent} to this view. Unlike normal key dispatch, * this dispatches to ALL child views until it is consumed. The dispatch order is z-order * (visually on-top views first). * * @param evt the previously unhandled {@link KeyEvent}. * @return the {@link View} which consumed the event or {@code null} if not consumed. */
View dispatchUnhandledKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt) { if (onUnhandledKeyEvent(evt)) { return this; } return null; }
Allows this view to handle KeyEvents which weren't handled by normal dispatch. This occurs after the normal view hierarchy dispatch, but before the window callback. By default, this will dispatch into all the listeners registered via addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener(OnUnhandledKeyEventListener) in last-in-first-out order (most recently added will receive events first).
  • event – An unhandled event.
See Also:
Returns:true if the event was handled, false otherwise.
/** * Allows this view to handle {@link KeyEvent}s which weren't handled by normal dispatch. This * occurs after the normal view hierarchy dispatch, but before the window callback. By default, * this will dispatch into all the listeners registered via * {@link #addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener(OnUnhandledKeyEventListener)} in last-in-first-out * order (most recently added will receive events first). * * @param event An unhandled event. * @return {@code true} if the event was handled, {@code false} otherwise. * @see #addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener */
boolean onUnhandledKeyEvent(@NonNull KeyEvent event) { if (mListenerInfo != null && mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners != null) { for (int i = mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners.get(i).onUnhandledKeyEvent(this, event)) { return true; } } } return false; } boolean hasUnhandledKeyListener() { return (mListenerInfo != null && mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners != null && !mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners.isEmpty()); }
Adds a listener which will receive unhandled KeyEvents. This must be called on the UI thread.
  • listener – a receiver of unhandled KeyEvents.
See Also:
/** * Adds a listener which will receive unhandled {@link KeyEvent}s. This must be called on the * UI thread. * * @param listener a receiver of unhandled {@link KeyEvent}s. * @see #removeOnUnhandledKeyEventListener */
public void addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener(OnUnhandledKeyEventListener listener) { ArrayList<OnUnhandledKeyEventListener> listeners = getListenerInfo().mUnhandledKeyListeners; if (listeners == null) { listeners = new ArrayList<>(); getListenerInfo().mUnhandledKeyListeners = listeners; } listeners.add(listener); if (listeners.size() == 1 && mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).incrementChildUnhandledKeyListeners(); } }
Removes a listener which will receive unhandled KeyEvents. This must be called on the UI thread.
  • listener – a receiver of unhandled KeyEvents.
See Also:
/** * Removes a listener which will receive unhandled {@link KeyEvent}s. This must be called on the * UI thread. * * @param listener a receiver of unhandled {@link KeyEvent}s. * @see #addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener */
public void removeOnUnhandledKeyEventListener(OnUnhandledKeyEventListener listener) { if (mListenerInfo != null) { if (mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners != null && !mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners.isEmpty()) { mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners.remove(listener); if (mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners.isEmpty()) { mListenerInfo.mUnhandledKeyListeners = null; if (mParent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) mParent).decrementChildUnhandledKeyListeners(); } } } } } }