package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import io.ebean.PersistenceContextScope;
import io.ebean.ProfileLocation;
import io.ebean.Query;
import io.ebean.SqlUpdate;
import io.ebean.Transaction;
import io.ebean.ValuePair;
import io.ebean.annotation.DocStoreMode;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBeanIntercept;
import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import io.ebean.cache.QueryCacheEntry;
import io.ebean.config.EncryptKey;
import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.IdType;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.PlatformIdGenerator;
import io.ebean.event.BeanFindController;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPersistController;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPersistListener;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPostConstructListener;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPostLoad;
import io.ebean.event.BeanQueryAdapter;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.BeanChange;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogFilter;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeType;
import io.ebean.event.readaudit.ReadAuditLogger;
import io.ebean.event.readaudit.ReadAuditPrepare;
import io.ebean.event.readaudit.ReadEvent;
import io.ebean.meta.MetricVisitor;
import io.ebean.meta.QueryPlanRequest;
import io.ebean.plugin.BeanDocType;
import io.ebean.plugin.BeanType;
import io.ebean.plugin.ExpressionPath;
import io.ebean.plugin.Property;
import io.ebean.util.SplitName;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.BeanCacheResult;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.CQueryPlanKey;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ConcurrencyMode;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadContext;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiUpdatePlan;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.TransactionEventTable.TableIUD;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.json.SpiJsonReader;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.json.SpiJsonWriter;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CacheChangeSet;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CachedBeanData;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CachedManyIds;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.CacheOptions;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.DefaultSqlUpdate;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.InternString;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyLists;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElComparator;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElComparatorCompound;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElComparatorNoop;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElComparatorProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyChainBuilder;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyDeploy;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyValue;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.DeleteMode;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.DmlUtil;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.CQueryPlan;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.ExtraJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.STreeProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.STreePropertyAssoc;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.STreePropertyAssocMany;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.STreePropertyAssocOne;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.STreeType;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlBeanLoad;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.DefaultOrmQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryDetail;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.rawsql.SpiRawSql;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.DataBind;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.ScalarType;
import io.ebeaninternal.util.SortByClause;
import io.ebeaninternal.util.SortByClauseParser;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreBeanAdapter;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreUpdateContext;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreUpdates;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocMappingBuilder;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocPropertyMapping;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocPropertyType;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocumentMapping;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

Describes Beans including their deployment information.
/** * Describes Beans including their deployment information. */
public class BeanDescriptor<T> implements BeanType<T>, STreeType { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanDescriptor.class); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, SpiUpdatePlan> updatePlanCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<CQueryPlanKey, CQueryPlan> queryPlanCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ElPropertyValue> elCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ElPropertyDeploy> elDeployCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ElComparator<T>> comparatorCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, STreeProperty> dynamicProperty = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<String, SpiRawSql> namedRawSql; private final Map<String, String> namedQuery; private final short profileBeanId; private final ProfileLocation locationById; private final ProfileLocation locationAll; private final boolean multiValueSupported; public enum EntityType { ORM, EMBEDDED, VIEW, SQL, DOC }
The EbeanServer name. Same as the plugin name.
/** * The EbeanServer name. Same as the plugin name. */
private final String serverName;
The nature/type of this bean.
/** * The nature/type of this bean. */
private final EntityType entityType;
Type of Identity generation strategy used.
/** * Type of Identity generation strategy used. */
private final IdType idType;
Set when Id property is marked with GeneratedValue annotation.
/** * Set when Id property is marked with GeneratedValue annotation. */
private final boolean idGeneratedValue; private final boolean idTypePlatformDefault; private final PlatformIdGenerator idGenerator;
The database sequence name (optional).
/** * The database sequence name (optional). */
private final String sequenceName; private final int sequenceInitialValue; private final int sequenceAllocationSize;
SQL used to return last inserted id. Used for Identity columns where getGeneratedKeys is not supported.
/** * SQL used to return last inserted id. Used for Identity columns where * getGeneratedKeys is not supported. */
private final String selectLastInsertedId; private final String selectLastInsertedIdDraft; private final boolean autoTunable;
The concurrency mode for beans of this type.
/** * The concurrency mode for beans of this type. */
private final ConcurrencyMode concurrencyMode; private final IndexDefinition[] indexDefinitions; private final String[] dependentTables;
The base database table.
/** * The base database table. */
private final String baseTable; private final String baseTableAsOf; private final String baseTableVersionsBetween; private final boolean historySupport; private final TableJoin primaryKeyJoin; private final BeanProperty softDeleteProperty; private final boolean softDelete; private final String draftTable; private final PartitionMeta partitionMeta; private final String storageEngine;
DB table comment.
/** * DB table comment. */
private final String dbComment;
Set to true if read auditing is on for this bean type.
/** * Set to true if read auditing is on for this bean type. */
private final boolean readAuditing; private final boolean draftable; private final boolean draftableElement; private final BeanProperty unmappedJson; private final BeanProperty tenant; private final BeanProperty draft; private final BeanProperty draftDirty;
Map of BeanProperty Linked so as to preserve order.
/** * Map of BeanProperty Linked so as to preserve order. */
protected final LinkedHashMap<String, BeanProperty> propMap;
Map of DB column to property path (for nativeSql mapping).
/** * Map of DB column to property path (for nativeSql mapping). */
private final Map<String, String> columnPath = new HashMap<>();
Map of related table to assoc property (for nativeSql mapping).
/** * Map of related table to assoc property (for nativeSql mapping). */
private final Map<String, BeanPropertyAssoc<?>> tablePath = new HashMap<>();
The type of bean this describes.
/** * The type of bean this describes. */
final Class<T> beanType; protected final Class<?> rootBeanType;
This is not sent to a remote client.
/** * This is not sent to a remote client. */
private final BeanDescriptorMap owner; final String[] properties;
Intercept pre post on insert,update, and delete .
/** * Intercept pre post on insert,update, and delete . */
private volatile BeanPersistController persistController; private final BeanPostLoad beanPostLoad; private final BeanPostConstructListener beanPostConstructListener;
Listens for post commit insert update and delete events.
/** * Listens for post commit insert update and delete events. */
private volatile BeanPersistListener persistListener; private final BeanQueryAdapter queryAdapter;
If set overrides the find implementation. Server side only.
/** * If set overrides the find implementation. Server side only. */
private final BeanFindController beanFinder;
Used for fine grain filtering for the change log.
/** * Used for fine grain filtering for the change log. */
private final ChangeLogFilter changeLogFilter;
The table joins for this bean.
/** * The table joins for this bean. */
private final TableJoin[] derivedTableJoins;
Inheritance information. Server side only.
/** * Inheritance information. Server side only. */
protected final InheritInfo inheritInfo; private final boolean abstractType;
Derived list of properties that make up the unique id.
/** * Derived list of properties that make up the unique id. */
protected final BeanProperty idProperty; private final int idPropertyIndex;
Derived list of properties that are used for version concurrency checking.
/** * Derived list of properties that are used for version concurrency checking. */
private final BeanProperty versionProperty; private final int versionPropertyIndex; private final BeanProperty whenModifiedProperty; private final BeanProperty whenCreatedProperty;
Properties that are initialised in the constructor need to be 'unloaded' to support partial object queries.
/** * Properties that are initialised in the constructor need to be 'unloaded' to support partial object queries. */
private final int[] unloadProperties;
Properties local to this type (not from a super type).
/** * Properties local to this type (not from a super type). */
private final BeanProperty[] propertiesLocal;
Scalar mutable properties (need to dirty check on update).
/** * Scalar mutable properties (need to dirty check on update). */
private final BeanProperty[] propertiesMutable; private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> unidirectional; private final BeanProperty orderColumn;
list of properties that are Lists/Sets/Maps (Derived).
/** * list of properties that are Lists/Sets/Maps (Derived). */
private final BeanProperty[] propertiesNonMany; private final BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] propertiesMany; private final BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] propertiesManySave; private final BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] propertiesManyDelete; private final BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] propertiesManyToMany;
list of properties that are associated beans and not embedded (Derived).
/** * list of properties that are associated beans and not embedded (Derived). */
private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOne; private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneImported; private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneImportedSave; private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneImportedDelete; //private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneExported; private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneExportedSave; private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneExportedDelete;
list of properties that are embedded beans.
/** * list of properties that are embedded beans. */
private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesEmbedded;
List of the scalar properties excluding id and secondary table properties.
/** * List of the scalar properties excluding id and secondary table properties. */
private final BeanProperty[] propertiesBaseScalar; private final BeanProperty[] propertiesTransient;
All non transient properties excluding the id properties.
/** * All non transient properties excluding the id properties. */
private final BeanProperty[] propertiesNonTransient; protected final BeanProperty[] propertiesIndex; private final BeanProperty[] propertiesGenInsert; private final BeanProperty[] propertiesGenUpdate; private final List<BeanProperty[]> propertiesUnique = new ArrayList<>();
The bean class name or the table name for MapBeans.
/** * The bean class name or the table name for MapBeans. */
private final String fullName;
Flag used to determine if saves can be skipped.
/** * Flag used to determine if saves can be skipped. */
private boolean saveRecurseSkippable;
Flag used to determine if deletes can be skipped.
/** * Flag used to determine if deletes can be skipped. */
private boolean deleteRecurseSkippable; private final EntityBean prototypeEntityBean; private final IdBinder idBinder; private String idBinderInLHSSql; private String idBinderIdSql; private String deleteByIdSql; private String deleteByIdInSql; private String whereIdInSql; private String softDeleteByIdSql; private String softDeleteByIdInSql; private final String name; private final String baseTableAlias;
If true then only changed properties get updated.
/** * If true then only changed properties get updated. */
private final boolean updateChangesOnly; private final boolean cacheSharableBeans; private final String docStoreQueueId; private final BeanDescriptorDraftHelp<T> draftHelp; private final BeanDescriptorCacheHelp<T> cacheHelp; final BeanDescriptorJsonHelp<T> jsonHelp; private DocStoreBeanAdapter<T> docStoreAdapter; private DocumentMapping docMapping; private boolean docStoreEmbeddedInvalidation; private final String defaultSelectClause; private SpiEbeanServer ebeanServer;
Construct the BeanDescriptor.
/** * Construct the BeanDescriptor. */
public BeanDescriptor(BeanDescriptorMap owner, DeployBeanDescriptor<T> deploy) { this.owner = owner; this.multiValueSupported = owner.isMultiValueSupported(); this.serverName = owner.getServerName(); this.entityType = deploy.getEntityType(); = deploy.getProperties(); = InternString.intern(deploy.getName()); this.baseTableAlias = "t0"; this.fullName = InternString.intern(deploy.getFullName()); this.locationById = ProfileLocation.createAt(fullName + ".byId"); this.locationAll = ProfileLocation.createAt(fullName + ".all"); this.profileBeanId = deploy.getProfileId(); this.beanType = deploy.getBeanType(); this.rootBeanType = PersistenceContextUtil.root(beanType); this.prototypeEntityBean = createPrototypeEntityBean(beanType); this.namedQuery = deploy.getNamedQuery(); this.namedRawSql = deploy.getNamedRawSql(); this.inheritInfo = deploy.getInheritInfo(); this.beanFinder = deploy.getBeanFinder(); this.persistController = deploy.getPersistController(); this.persistListener = deploy.getPersistListener(); this.beanPostConstructListener = deploy.getPostConstructListener(); this.beanPostLoad = deploy.getPostLoad(); this.queryAdapter = deploy.getQueryAdapter(); this.changeLogFilter = deploy.getChangeLogFilter(); this.defaultSelectClause = deploy.getDefaultSelectClause(); this.idType = deploy.getIdType(); this.idGeneratedValue = deploy.isIdGeneratedValue(); this.idTypePlatformDefault = deploy.isIdTypePlatformDefault(); this.idGenerator = deploy.getIdGenerator(); this.sequenceName = deploy.getSequenceName(); this.sequenceInitialValue = deploy.getSequenceInitialValue(); this.sequenceAllocationSize = deploy.getSequenceAllocationSize(); this.selectLastInsertedId = deploy.getSelectLastInsertedId(); this.selectLastInsertedIdDraft = deploy.getSelectLastInsertedIdDraft(); this.concurrencyMode = deploy.getConcurrencyMode(); this.updateChangesOnly = deploy.isUpdateChangesOnly(); this.indexDefinitions = deploy.getIndexDefinitions(); this.readAuditing = deploy.isReadAuditing(); this.draftable = deploy.isDraftable(); this.draftableElement = deploy.isDraftableElement(); this.historySupport = deploy.isHistorySupport(); this.draftTable = deploy.getDraftTable(); this.baseTable = InternString.intern(deploy.getBaseTable()); this.baseTableAsOf = deploy.getBaseTableAsOf(); this.primaryKeyJoin = deploy.getPrimaryKeyJoin(); this.baseTableVersionsBetween = deploy.getBaseTableVersionsBetween(); this.dependentTables = deploy.getDependentTables(); this.dbComment = deploy.getDbComment(); this.partitionMeta = deploy.getPartitionMeta(); this.storageEngine = deploy.getStorageEngine(); this.autoTunable = EntityType.ORM == entityType && (beanFinder == null); // helper object used to derive lists of properties DeployBeanPropertyLists listHelper = new DeployBeanPropertyLists(owner, this, deploy); this.softDeleteProperty = listHelper.getSoftDeleteProperty(); // if formula is set, the property is virtual only (there is no column in db) the formula must evaluate to true, // if there is a join to a deleted bean. Example: '@Formula(select = "${ta}.user_id is null")' // this is required to support markAsDelete on beans that may have no FK constraint. this.softDelete = (softDeleteProperty != null && !softDeleteProperty.isFormula()); this.idProperty = listHelper.getId(); this.versionProperty = listHelper.getVersionProperty(); this.unmappedJson = listHelper.getUnmappedJson(); this.tenant = listHelper.getTenant(); this.draft = listHelper.getDraft(); this.draftDirty = listHelper.getDraftDirty(); this.propMap = listHelper.getPropertyMap(); this.propertiesTransient = listHelper.getTransients(); this.propertiesNonTransient = listHelper.getNonTransients(); this.propertiesBaseScalar = listHelper.getBaseScalar(); this.propertiesEmbedded = listHelper.getEmbedded(); this.propertiesLocal = listHelper.getLocal(); this.propertiesMutable = listHelper.getMutable(); this.unidirectional = listHelper.getUnidirectional(); this.orderColumn = listHelper.getOrderColumn(); this.propertiesOne = listHelper.getOnes(); this.propertiesOneExportedSave = listHelper.getOneExportedSave(); this.propertiesOneExportedDelete = listHelper.getOneExportedDelete(); this.propertiesOneImported = listHelper.getOneImported(); this.propertiesOneImportedSave = listHelper.getOneImportedSave(); this.propertiesOneImportedDelete = listHelper.getOneImportedDelete(); this.propertiesMany = listHelper.getMany(); this.propertiesNonMany = listHelper.getNonMany(); this.propertiesManySave = listHelper.getManySave(); this.propertiesManyDelete = listHelper.getManyDelete(); this.propertiesManyToMany = listHelper.getManyToMany(); this.propertiesGenInsert = listHelper.getGeneratedInsert(); this.propertiesGenUpdate = listHelper.getGeneratedUpdate(); this.derivedTableJoins = listHelper.getTableJoin(); boolean noRelationships = propertiesOne.length + propertiesMany.length == 0; this.cacheSharableBeans = noRelationships && deploy.getCacheOptions().isReadOnly(); this.cacheHelp = new BeanDescriptorCacheHelp<>(this, owner.getCacheManager(), deploy.getCacheOptions(), cacheSharableBeans, propertiesOneImported); this.jsonHelp = new BeanDescriptorJsonHelp<>(this); this.draftHelp = new BeanDescriptorDraftHelp<>(this); this.docStoreAdapter = owner.createDocStoreBeanAdapter(this, deploy); this.docStoreQueueId = docStoreAdapter.getQueueId(); // Check if there are no cascade save associated beans ( subject to change // in initialiseOther()). Note that if we are in an inheritance hierarchy // then we also need to check every BeanDescriptors in the InheritInfo as // well. We do that later in initialiseOther(). saveRecurseSkippable = (0 == (propertiesOneExportedSave.length + propertiesOneImportedSave.length + propertiesManySave.length)); // Check if there are no cascade delete associated beans (also subject to // change in initialiseOther()). deleteRecurseSkippable = (0 == (propertiesOneExportedDelete.length + propertiesOneImportedDelete.length + propertiesManyDelete.length)); // object used to handle Id values this.idBinder = owner.createIdBinder(idProperty); this.whenModifiedProperty = findWhenModifiedProperty(); this.whenCreatedProperty = findWhenCreatedProperty(); // derive the index position of the Id and Version properties this.abstractType = Modifier.isAbstract(beanType.getModifiers()); if (abstractType) { this.idPropertyIndex = -1; this.versionPropertyIndex = -1; this.unloadProperties = new int[0]; this.propertiesIndex = new BeanProperty[0]; } else { EntityBeanIntercept ebi = prototypeEntityBean._ebean_getIntercept(); this.idPropertyIndex = (idProperty == null) ? -1 : ebi.findProperty(idProperty.getName()); this.versionPropertyIndex = (versionProperty == null) ? -1 : ebi.findProperty(versionProperty.getName()); this.unloadProperties = derivePropertiesToUnload(prototypeEntityBean); this.propertiesIndex = new BeanProperty[ebi.getPropertyLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < propertiesIndex.length; i++) { propertiesIndex[i] = propMap.get(ebi.getProperty(i)); } } }
Return a location for "find by id".
/** * Return a location for "find by id". */
public ProfileLocation profileLocationById() { return locationById; }
Return a location for "find all".
/** * Return a location for "find all". */
public ProfileLocation profileLocationAll() { return locationAll; }
Return the id used in profiling to identify the bean type.
/** * Return the id used in profiling to identify the bean type. */
@Override public short getProfileId() { return profileBeanId; }
Derive an array of property positions for properties that are initialised in the constructor. These properties need to be unloaded when populating beans for queries.
/** * Derive an array of property positions for properties that are initialised in the constructor. * These properties need to be unloaded when populating beans for queries. */
private int[] derivePropertiesToUnload(EntityBean prototypeEntityBean) { boolean[] loaded = prototypeEntityBean._ebean_getIntercept().getLoaded(); int[] props = new int[loaded.length]; int pos = 0; // collect the positions of the properties initialised in the default constructor. for (int i = 0; i < loaded.length; i++) { if (loaded[i]) { props[pos++] = i; } } if (pos == 0) { // nothing set in the constructor return new int[0]; } // populate a smaller/minimal array int[] unload = new int[pos]; System.arraycopy(props, 0, unload, 0, pos); return unload; }
Create an entity bean that is used as a prototype/factory to create new instances.
/** * Create an entity bean that is used as a prototype/factory to create new instances. */
protected EntityBean createPrototypeEntityBean(Class<T> beanType) { if (Modifier.isAbstract(beanType.getModifiers())) { return null; } try { return (EntityBean) beanType.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error trying to create the prototypeEntityBean for " + beanType, e); } }
Return the ServerConfig.
/** * Return the ServerConfig. */
public ServerConfig getServerConfig() { return owner.getServerConfig(); }
Set the server. Primarily so that the Many's can lazy load.
/** * Set the server. Primarily so that the Many's can lazy load. */
public void setEbeanServer(SpiEbeanServer ebeanServer) { this.ebeanServer = ebeanServer; for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> assocMany : propertiesMany) { // used for creating lazy loading lists etc assocMany.setEbeanServer(ebeanServer); } }
Return the EbeanServer instance that owns this BeanDescriptor.
/** * Return the EbeanServer instance that owns this BeanDescriptor. */
public SpiEbeanServer getEbeanServer() { return ebeanServer; }
Return true if this is an abstract type.
/** * Return true if this is an abstract type. */
public boolean isAbstractType() { return abstractType; }
Return true if this is a "Doc Store only" entity bean.
/** * Return true if this is a "Doc Store only" entity bean. */
@Override public boolean isDocStoreOnly() { return EntityType.DOC == entityType; }
Return the type of this domain object.
/** * Return the type of this domain object. */
public EntityType getEntityType() { return entityType; } public String[] getProperties() { return properties; } public BeanProperty propertyByIndex(int pos) { return propertiesIndex[pos]; }
Initialise the Id properties first.

These properties need to be initialised prior to the association properties as they are used to get the imported and exported properties.

/** * Initialise the Id properties first. * <p> * These properties need to be initialised prior to the association properties * as they are used to get the imported and exported properties. * </p> */
public void initialiseId(BeanDescriptorInitContext initContext) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("BeanDescriptor initialise " + fullName); } if (draftable) { initContext.addDraft(baseTable, draftTable); } if (historySupport) { // add mapping (used to swap out baseTable for asOf queries) initContext.addHistory(baseTable, baseTableAsOf); } if (inheritInfo != null) { inheritInfo.setDescriptor(this); } // initialise just the Id property only if (idProperty != null) { idProperty.initialise(initContext); } }
Initialise the exported and imported parts for associated properties.
/** * Initialise the exported and imported parts for associated properties. */
public void initialiseOther(BeanDescriptorInitContext initContext) { for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many : propertiesManyToMany) { // register associated draft table for M2M intersection many.registerDraftIntersectionTable(initContext); } if (historySupport) { // history support on this bean so check all associated intersection tables // and if they are not excluded register the associated 'with history' table for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> aPropertiesManyToMany : propertiesManyToMany) { // register associated history table for M2M intersection if (!aPropertiesManyToMany.isExcludedFromHistory()) { TableJoin intersectionTableJoin = aPropertiesManyToMany.getIntersectionTableJoin(); initContext.addHistoryIntersection(intersectionTableJoin.getTable()); } } } // initialise all the non-id properties for (BeanProperty prop : propertiesAll()) { if (!prop.isId()) { prop.initialise(initContext); } prop.registerColumn(this, null); } if (unidirectional != null) { unidirectional.initialise(initContext); } idBinder.initialise(); idBinderInLHSSql = idBinder.getBindIdInSql(baseTableAlias); idBinderIdSql = idBinder.getBindIdSql(baseTableAlias); String idBinderInLHSSqlNoAlias = idBinder.getBindIdInSql(null); String idEqualsSql = idBinder.getBindIdSql(null); deleteByIdSql = "delete from " + baseTable + " where " + idEqualsSql; whereIdInSql = " where " + idBinderInLHSSqlNoAlias + " "; deleteByIdInSql = "delete from " + baseTable + whereIdInSql; if (softDelete) { softDeleteByIdSql = "update " + baseTable + " set " + getSoftDeleteDbSet() + " where " + idEqualsSql; softDeleteByIdInSql = "update " + baseTable + " set " + getSoftDeleteDbSet() + " where " + idBinderInLHSSqlNoAlias + " "; } else { softDeleteByIdSql = null; softDeleteByIdInSql = null; } } void registerColumn(String dbColumn, String path) { String key = dbColumn.toLowerCase(); // check for clash with imported OneToOne PK if (!columnPath.containsKey(key)) { columnPath.put(key, path); } } void registerTable(String baseTable, BeanPropertyAssoc<?> assocProperty) { if (baseTable != null) { tablePath.put(baseTable.toLowerCase(), assocProperty); } }
Perform last initialisation for the descriptor.
/** * Perform last initialisation for the descriptor. */
public void initLast() { for (BeanProperty prop : propertiesNonTransient) { if (prop.isUnique()) { propertiesUnique.add(new BeanProperty[]{prop}); } } // convert unique columns to properties if (indexDefinitions != null) { for (IndexDefinition indexDef : indexDefinitions) { if (indexDef.isUnique()) { addUniqueColumns(indexDef); } } } docStoreEmbeddedInvalidation = docStoreAdapter.hasEmbeddedInvalidation(); } private void addUniqueColumns(IndexDefinition indexDef) { String[] cols = indexDef.getColumns(); BeanProperty[] props = new BeanProperty[cols.length]; for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { String propName = findBeanPath("", cols[i]); if (propName == null) { return; } props[i] = findProperty(propName); } if (props.length == 1) { for (BeanProperty[] inserted : propertiesUnique) { if (inserted.length == 1 && inserted[0].equals(props[0])) { return; // do not insert duplicates } } } propertiesUnique.add(props); }
Initialise the document mapping.
/** * Initialise the document mapping. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void initialiseDocMapping() { for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many : propertiesMany) { many.initialisePostTarget(); } for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> one : propertiesOne) { one.initialisePostTarget(); } if (inheritInfo != null && !inheritInfo.isRoot()) { docStoreAdapter = (DocStoreBeanAdapter<T>) inheritInfo.getRoot().desc().docStoreAdapter(); } docMapping = docStoreAdapter.createDocMapping(); docStoreAdapter.registerPaths(); cacheHelp.deriveNotifyFlags(); } public void initInheritInfo() { if (inheritInfo != null) { // need to check every BeanDescriptor in the inheritance hierarchy if (saveRecurseSkippable) { saveRecurseSkippable = inheritInfo.isSaveRecurseSkippable(); } if (deleteRecurseSkippable) { deleteRecurseSkippable = inheritInfo.isDeleteRecurseSkippable(); } } } public void merge(EntityBean bean, EntityBean existing) { EntityBeanIntercept fromEbi = bean._ebean_getIntercept(); EntityBeanIntercept toEbi = existing._ebean_getIntercept(); int propertyLength = toEbi.getPropertyLength(); String[] names = getProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < propertyLength; i++) { if (fromEbi.isLoadedProperty(i)) { BeanProperty property = getBeanProperty(names[i]); if (!toEbi.isLoadedProperty(i)) { Object val = property.getValue(bean); property.setValue(existing, val); } else if (property.isMany()) { property.merge(bean, existing); } } } }
Bind all the property values to the SqlUpdate.
/** * Bind all the property values to the SqlUpdate. */
public void bindElementValue(SqlUpdate insert, Object value) { EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) value; for (BeanProperty property : propertiesBaseScalar) { insert.setNextParameter(property.getValue(bean)); } }
Return the ReadAuditLogger for logging read audit events.
/** * Return the ReadAuditLogger for logging read audit events. */
public ReadAuditLogger getReadAuditLogger() { return ebeanServer.getReadAuditLogger(); }
Return the ReadAuditPrepare for preparing read audit events prior to logging.
/** * Return the ReadAuditPrepare for preparing read audit events prior to logging. */
public ReadAuditPrepare getReadAuditPrepare() { return ebeanServer.getReadAuditPrepare(); } public boolean isChangeLog() { return changeLogFilter != null; }
Return true if this request should be included in the change log.
/** * Return true if this request should be included in the change log. */
public BeanChange getChangeLogBean(PersistRequestBean<T> request) { switch (request.getType()) { case INSERT: return changeLogFilter.includeInsert(request) ? insertBeanChange(request) : null; case UPDATE: case DELETE_SOFT: return changeLogFilter.includeUpdate(request) ? updateBeanChange(request) : null; case DELETE: return changeLogFilter.includeDelete(request) ? deleteBeanChange(request) : null; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled request type " + request.getType()); } } private BeanChange beanChange(ChangeType type, Object id, String data, String oldData) { Object tenantId = ebeanServer.currentTenantId(); return new BeanChange(name, tenantId, id, type, data, oldData); }
Return the bean change for a delete.
/** * Return the bean change for a delete. */
private BeanChange deleteBeanChange(PersistRequestBean<T> request) { return beanChange(ChangeType.DELETE, request.getBeanId(), null, null); }
Return the bean change for an update generating 'new values' and 'old values' in JSON form.
/** * Return the bean change for an update generating 'new values' and 'old values' in JSON form. */
private BeanChange updateBeanChange(PersistRequestBean<T> request) { try { BeanChangeJson changeJson = new BeanChangeJson(this, request.isStatelessUpdate()); request.getEntityBeanIntercept().addDirtyPropertyValues(changeJson); changeJson.flush(); return beanChange(ChangeType.UPDATE, request.getBeanId(), changeJson.newJson(), changeJson.oldJson()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error("Failed to write ChangeLog entry for update", e); return null; } }
Return the bean change for an insert.
/** * Return the bean change for an insert. */
private BeanChange insertBeanChange(PersistRequestBean<T> request) { try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(200); SpiJsonWriter jsonWriter = createJsonWriter(writer); jsonWriteForInsert(jsonWriter, request.getEntityBean()); jsonWriter.flush(); return beanChange(ChangeType.INSERT, request.getBeanId(), writer.toString(), null); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to write ChangeLog entry for insert", e); return null; } } SpiJsonWriter createJsonWriter(StringWriter writer) { return ebeanServer.jsonExtended().createJsonWriter(writer); } SpiJsonReader createJsonReader(String json) { return ebeanServer.jsonExtended().createJsonRead(this, json); }
Populate the diff for inserts with flattened non-null property values.
/** * Populate the diff for inserts with flattened non-null property values. */
protected void jsonWriteForInsert(SpiJsonWriter jsonWriter, EntityBean newBean) throws IOException { jsonWriter.writeStartObject(); for (BeanProperty prop : propertiesBaseScalar) { prop.jsonWriteForInsert(jsonWriter, newBean); } for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : propertiesOne) { prop.jsonWriteForInsert(jsonWriter, newBean); } for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : propertiesEmbedded) { prop.jsonWriteForInsert(jsonWriter, newBean); } jsonWriter.writeEndObject(); } public SqlUpdate deleteById(Object id, List<Object> idList, DeleteMode mode) { if (id != null) { return deleteById(id, mode); } else { return deleteByIdList(idList, mode); } }
Return the "where id in" sql (for use with UpdateQuery).
/** * Return the "where id in" sql (for use with UpdateQuery). */
public String getWhereIdInSql() { return whereIdInSql; }
Return the "delete by id" sql.
/** * Return the "delete by id" sql. */
public String getDeleteByIdInSql() { return deleteByIdInSql; }
Return SQL that can be used to delete a list of Id's without any optimistic concurrency checking.
/** * Return SQL that can be used to delete a list of Id's without any optimistic * concurrency checking. */
private SqlUpdate deleteByIdList(List<Object> idList, DeleteMode mode) { String baseSql = mode.isHard() ? deleteByIdInSql : softDeleteByIdInSql; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(baseSql); String inClause = idBinder.getIdInValueExprDelete(idList.size()); sb.append(inClause); DefaultSqlUpdate delete = new DefaultSqlUpdate(sb.toString()); idBinder.addIdInBindValues(delete, idList); return delete; }
Return SQL that can be used to delete by Id without any optimistic concurrency checking.
/** * Return SQL that can be used to delete by Id without any optimistic * concurrency checking. */
private SqlUpdate deleteById(Object id, DeleteMode mode) { String baseSql = mode.isHard() ? deleteByIdSql : softDeleteByIdSql; DefaultSqlUpdate sqlDelete = new DefaultSqlUpdate(baseSql); Object[] bindValues = idBinder.getBindValues(id); for (Object bindValue : bindValues) { sqlDelete.setNextParameter(bindValue); } return sqlDelete; }
Add objects to ElPropertyDeploy etc. These are used so that expressions on foreign keys don't require an extra join.
/** * Add objects to ElPropertyDeploy etc. These are used so that expressions on * foreign keys don't require an extra join. */
public void add(BeanFkeyProperty fkey) { elDeployCache.put(fkey.getName(), fkey); } public void initialiseFkeys() { for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> aPropertiesOneImported : propertiesOneImported) { if (!aPropertiesOneImported.isFormula()) { aPropertiesOneImported.addFkey(); } } }
Return the cache options.
/** * Return the cache options. */
public CacheOptions getCacheOptions() { return cacheHelp.getCacheOptions(); }
Return the Encrypt key given the BeanProperty.
/** * Return the Encrypt key given the BeanProperty. */
public EncryptKey getEncryptKey(BeanProperty p) { return owner.getEncryptKey(baseTable, p.getDbColumn()); }
Return the Encrypt key given the table and column name.
/** * Return the Encrypt key given the table and column name. */
public EncryptKey getEncryptKey(String tableName, String columnName) { return owner.getEncryptKey(tableName, columnName); }
Return the Scalar type for the given JDBC type.
/** * Return the Scalar type for the given JDBC type. */
public ScalarType<?> getScalarType(int jdbcType) { return owner.getScalarType(jdbcType); } public ScalarType<?> getScalarType(String cast) { return owner.getScalarType(cast); }
Return true if this bean type has a default select clause that is not simply select all properties.
/** * Return true if this bean type has a default select clause that is not * simply select all properties. */
public boolean hasDefaultSelectClause() { return defaultSelectClause != null; }
Return the default select clause.
/** * Return the default select clause. */
public String getDefaultSelectClause() { return defaultSelectClause; }
Return true if this object is the root level object in its entity inheritance.
/** * Return true if this object is the root level object in its entity * inheritance. */
@Override public boolean isInheritanceRoot() { return inheritInfo == null || inheritInfo.isRoot(); }
Return true if this type maps to a root type of a doc store document (not embedded or ignored).
/** * Return true if this type maps to a root type of a doc store document (not embedded or ignored). */
@Override public boolean isDocStoreMapped() { return docStoreAdapter.isMapped(); }
Return true if this bean type has embedded doc store invalidation.
/** * Return true if this bean type has embedded doc store invalidation. */
public boolean isDocStoreEmbeddedInvalidation() { return docStoreEmbeddedInvalidation; }
Return the queueId used to uniquely identify this type when queuing an index updateAdd.
/** * Return the queueId used to uniquely identify this type when queuing an index updateAdd. */
@Override public String getDocStoreQueueId() { return docStoreQueueId; } @Override public DocumentMapping getDocMapping() { return docMapping; }
Return the doc store helper for this bean type.
/** * Return the doc store helper for this bean type. */
@Override public BeanDocType<T> docStore() { return docStoreAdapter; }
Return doc store adapter for internal use for processing persist requests.
/** * Return doc store adapter for internal use for processing persist requests. */
public DocStoreBeanAdapter<T> docStoreAdapter() { return docStoreAdapter; }
Build the Document mapping recursively with the given prefix relative to the root of the document.
/** * Build the Document mapping recursively with the given prefix relative to the root of the document. */
public void docStoreMapping(final DocMappingBuilder mapping, final String prefix) { if (prefix != null && idProperty != null) { // id property not included in the idProperty.docStoreMapping(mapping, prefix); } if (inheritInfo != null) { String discCol = inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorColumn(); if (Types.VARCHAR == inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorType()) { mapping.add(new DocPropertyMapping(discCol, DocPropertyType.ENUM)); } else { mapping.add(new DocPropertyMapping(discCol, DocPropertyType.INTEGER)); } } for (BeanProperty prop : propertiesNonTransient) { prop.docStoreMapping(mapping, prefix); } if (inheritInfo != null) { inheritInfo.visitChildren(inheritInfo1 -> { for (BeanProperty localProperty : inheritInfo1.localProperties()) { localProperty.docStoreMapping(mapping, prefix); } }); } }
Return the root bean type if part of inheritance hierarchy.
/** * Return the root bean type if part of inheritance hierarchy. */
@Override public BeanType<?> root() { if (inheritInfo != null && !inheritInfo.isRoot()) { return inheritInfo.getRoot().desc(); } return this; }
Return the full name taking into account inheritance.
/** * Return the full name taking into account inheritance. */
public String rootName() { if (inheritInfo != null && !inheritInfo.isRoot()) { return inheritInfo.getRoot().desc().getName(); } return name; }
Return the named ORM query.
/** * Return the named ORM query. */
public String getNamedQuery(String name) { return namedQuery.get(name); }
Return the named RawSql query.
/** * Return the named RawSql query. */
public SpiRawSql getNamedRawSql(String named) { return namedRawSql.get(named); }
Return the type of DocStoreMode that should occur for this type of persist request given the transactions requested mode.
/** * Return the type of DocStoreMode that should occur for this type of persist request * given the transactions requested mode. */
public DocStoreMode getDocStoreMode(PersistRequest.Type persistType, DocStoreMode txnMode) { return docStoreAdapter.getMode(persistType, txnMode); } public void docStoreInsert(Object idValue, PersistRequestBean<T> persistRequest, DocStoreUpdateContext bulkUpdate) throws IOException { docStoreAdapter.insert(idValue, persistRequest, bulkUpdate); } public void docStoreUpdate(Object idValue, PersistRequestBean<T> persistRequest, DocStoreUpdateContext bulkUpdate) throws IOException { docStoreAdapter.update(idValue, persistRequest, bulkUpdate); }
Check if this update invalidates an embedded part of a doc store document.
/** * Check if this update invalidates an embedded part of a doc store document. */
public void docStoreUpdateEmbedded(PersistRequestBean<T> request, DocStoreUpdates docStoreUpdates) { docStoreAdapter.updateEmbedded(request, docStoreUpdates); } public void docStoreDeleteById(Object idValue, DocStoreUpdateContext txn) throws IOException { docStoreAdapter.deleteById(idValue, txn); } public T publish(T draftBean, T liveBean) { return draftHelp.publish(draftBean, liveBean); }
Reset properties on the draft bean based on @DraftDirty and @DraftReset.
/** * Reset properties on the draft bean based on @DraftDirty and @DraftReset. */
public boolean draftReset(T draftBean) { return draftHelp.draftReset(draftBean); }
Return the draft dirty boolean property or null if there is not one assigned to this bean type.
/** * Return the draft dirty boolean property or null if there is not one assigned to this bean type. */
public BeanProperty getDraftDirty() { return draftDirty; }
Prepare the query for multi-tenancy check for document store only use.
/** * Prepare the query for multi-tenancy check for document store only use. */
public void prepareQuery(SpiQuery<T> query) { if (tenant != null && !query.isNativeSql()) { Object tenantId = ebeanServer.currentTenantId(); if (tenantId != null) { tenant.addTenant(query, tenantId); } } if (isDocStoreOnly()) { query.setUseDocStore(true); } }
Return the natural key properties.
/** * Return the natural key properties. */
public String[] getNaturalKey() { return cacheHelp.getNaturalKey(); }
Return true if there is bean or query caching for this type.
/** * Return true if there is bean or query caching for this type. */
public boolean isCaching() { return cacheHelp.isCaching(); }
Return true if there is currently bean caching for this type of bean.
/** * Return true if there is currently bean caching for this type of bean. */
@Override public boolean isBeanCaching() { return cacheHelp.isBeanCaching(); }
Return true if there is a natural key defined for this bean type.
/** * Return true if there is a natural key defined for this bean type. */
public boolean isNaturalKeyCaching() { return cacheHelp.isNaturalKeyCaching(); }
Return true if there is query caching for this type of bean.
/** * Return true if there is query caching for this type of bean. */
@Override public boolean isQueryCaching() { return cacheHelp.isQueryCaching(); } public boolean isManyPropCaching() { return isBeanCaching(); }
Return true if the persist request needs to notify the cache.
/** * Return true if the persist request needs to notify the cache. */
public boolean isCacheNotify(PersistRequest.Type type, boolean publish) { if (draftable && !publish) { // no caching when editing draft beans return false; } return cacheHelp.isCacheNotify(type); } @Override public void clearBeanCache() { cacheHelp.beanCacheClear(); }
Clear the query cache.
/** * Clear the query cache. */
@Override public void clearQueryCache() { cacheHelp.queryCacheClear(); }
Get a query result from the query cache.
/** * Get a query result from the query cache. */
public Object queryCacheGet(Object id) { return cacheHelp.queryCacheGet(id); }
Put a query result into the query cache.
/** * Put a query result into the query cache. */
public void queryCachePut(Object id, QueryCacheEntry entry) { cacheHelp.queryCachePut(id, entry); }
Try to load the beanCollection from cache return true if successful.
/** * Try to load the beanCollection from cache return true if successful. */
public boolean cacheManyPropLoad(BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, BeanCollection<?> bc, Object parentId, Boolean readOnly) { return cacheHelp.manyPropLoad(many, bc, parentId, readOnly); }
Put the beanCollection into the cache.
/** * Put the beanCollection into the cache. */
public void cacheManyPropPut(BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many, BeanCollection<?> bc, Object parentId) { cacheHelp.manyPropPut(many, bc, parentId); }
Update the bean collection entry in the cache.
/** * Update the bean collection entry in the cache. */
public void cacheManyPropPut(String name, Object parentId, CachedManyIds entry) { cacheHelp.cachePutManyIds(parentId, name, entry); } public void cacheManyPropRemove(String propertyName, Object parentId) { cacheHelp.manyPropRemove(propertyName, parentId); } public void cacheManyPropClear(String propertyName) { cacheHelp.manyPropClear(propertyName); }
Extract the raw cache data from the embedded bean.
/** * Extract the raw cache data from the embedded bean. */
public CachedBeanData cacheEmbeddedBeanExtract(EntityBean bean) { return cacheHelp.beanExtractData(this, bean); }
Load the embedded bean (taking into account inheritance).
/** * Load the embedded bean (taking into account inheritance). */
public EntityBean cacheEmbeddedBeanLoad(CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) { return cacheHelp.embeddedBeanLoad(data, context); }
Load the embedded bean as the root type.
/** * Load the embedded bean as the root type. */
EntityBean cacheEmbeddedBeanLoadDirect(CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) { return cacheHelp.embeddedBeanLoadDirect(data, context); }
Load the entity bean as the correct bean type.
/** * Load the entity bean as the correct bean type. */
EntityBean cacheBeanLoadDirect(Object id, Boolean readOnly, CachedBeanData data, PersistenceContext context) { return cacheHelp.loadBeanDirect(id, readOnly, data, context); }
Put the bean into the cache.
/** * Put the bean into the cache. */
public void cacheBeanPut(T bean) { cacheBeanPut((EntityBean) bean); }
Put a bean into the bean cache (taking into account inheritance).
/** * Put a bean into the bean cache (taking into account inheritance). */
public void cacheBeanPut(EntityBean bean) { cacheHelp.beanCachePut(bean); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void cacheBeanPutAll(Collection<?> beans) { if (!beans.isEmpty()) { cacheHelp.beanPutAll((Collection<EntityBean>) beans); } } void cacheBeanPutAllDirect(Collection<EntityBean> beans) { cacheHelp.beanCachePutAllDirect(beans); }
Put a bean into the cache as the correct type.
/** * Put a bean into the cache as the correct type. */
void cacheBeanPutDirect(EntityBean bean) { cacheHelp.beanCachePutDirect(bean); }
Return a bean from the bean cache (or null).
/** * Return a bean from the bean cache (or null). */
public T cacheBeanGet(Object id, Boolean readOnly, PersistenceContext context) { return cacheHelp.beanCacheGet(cacheKey(id), readOnly, context); }
Remove a collection of beans from the cache given the ids.
/** * Remove a collection of beans from the cache given the ids. */
public void cacheApplyInvalidate(Collection<Object> ids) { List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(ids.size()); for (Object id : ids) { keys.add(cacheKey(id)); } cacheHelp.beanCacheApplyInvalidate(keys); }
Hit the bean cache trying to load a list/batch of entities. Return the set of entities that were successfully loaded from L2 cache.
/** * Hit the bean cache trying to load a list/batch of entities. * Return the set of entities that were successfully loaded from L2 cache. */
public Set<EntityBeanIntercept> cacheBeanLoadAll(List<EntityBeanIntercept> list, PersistenceContext persistenceContext, int lazyLoadProperty, String propertyName) { return cacheHelp.beanCacheLoadAll(list, persistenceContext, lazyLoadProperty, propertyName); }
Returns true if it managed to populate/load the bean from the cache.
/** * Returns true if it managed to populate/load the bean from the cache. */
public boolean cacheBeanLoad(EntityBean bean, EntityBeanIntercept ebi, Object id, PersistenceContext context) { return cacheHelp.beanCacheLoad(bean, ebi, cacheKey(id), context); }
Use natural key lookup to hit the bean cache.
/** * Use natural key lookup to hit the bean cache. */
public BeanCacheResult<T> naturalKeyLookup(PersistenceContext context, Set<Object> keys) { return cacheHelp.naturalKeyLookup(context, keys); } public void cacheNaturalKeyPut(String key, String newKey) { cacheHelp.cacheNaturalKeyPut(key, newKey); }
Check if bulk update or delete query has a cache impact.
/** * Check if bulk update or delete query has a cache impact. */
public void cacheUpdateQuery(boolean update, SpiTransaction transaction) { cacheHelp.cacheUpdateQuery(update, transaction); }
Invalidate parts of cache due to SqlUpdate or external modification etc.
/** * Invalidate parts of cache due to SqlUpdate or external modification etc. */
public void cachePersistTableIUD(TableIUD tableIUD, CacheChangeSet changeSet) { cacheHelp.persistTableIUD(tableIUD, changeSet); }
Remove a bean from the cache given its Id.
/** * Remove a bean from the cache given its Id. */
public void cachePersistDeleteByIds(Collection<Object> ids, CacheChangeSet changeSet) { cacheHelp.persistDeleteIds(ids, changeSet); }
Remove a bean from the cache given its Id.
/** * Remove a bean from the cache given its Id. */
public void cachePersistDelete(Object id, PersistRequestBean<T> deleteRequest, CacheChangeSet changeSet) { cacheHelp.persistDelete(id, deleteRequest, changeSet); }
Add the insert changes to the changeSet.
/** * Add the insert changes to the changeSet. */
public void cachePersistInsert(PersistRequestBean<T> insertRequest, CacheChangeSet changeSet) { cacheHelp.persistInsert(insertRequest, changeSet); }
Add the update to the changeSet.
/** * Add the update to the changeSet. */
public void cachePersistUpdate(Object id, PersistRequestBean<T> updateRequest, CacheChangeSet changeSet) { cacheHelp.persistUpdate(id, updateRequest, changeSet); }
Apply the update to the cache.
/** * Apply the update to the cache. */
public void cacheApplyBeanUpdate(String key, Map<String, Object> changes, boolean updateNaturalKey, long version) { cacheHelp.cacheBeanUpdate(key, changes, updateNaturalKey, version); }
Prepare the read audit of a findFutureList() query.
/** * Prepare the read audit of a findFutureList() query. */
public void readAuditFutureList(SpiQuery<T> spiQuery) { if (isReadAuditing()) { ReadEvent event = new ReadEvent(fullName); // prepare in the foreground thread while we have the user context // information (query is processed/executed later in bg thread) readAuditPrepare(event); spiQuery.setFutureFetchAudit(event); } }
Write a bean read to the read audit log.
/** * Write a bean read to the read audit log. */
public void readAuditBean(String queryKey, String bindLog, Object bean) { ReadEvent event = new ReadEvent(fullName, queryKey, bindLog, getIdForJson(bean)); readAuditPrepare(event); getReadAuditLogger().auditBean(event); } private void readAuditPrepare(ReadEvent event) { ReadAuditPrepare prepare = getReadAuditPrepare(); if (prepare != null) { prepare.prepare(event); } }
Write a many bean read to the read audit log.
/** * Write a many bean read to the read audit log. */
public void readAuditMany(String queryKey, String bindLog, List<Object> ids) { ReadEvent event = new ReadEvent(fullName, queryKey, bindLog, ids); readAuditPrepare(event); getReadAuditLogger().auditMany(event); }
Write a futureList many read to the read audit log.
/** * Write a futureList many read to the read audit log. */
public void readAuditFutureMany(ReadEvent event) { // this has already been prepared (in foreground thread) getReadAuditLogger().auditMany(event); }
Return the base table alias. This is always the first letter of the bean name.
/** * Return the base table alias. This is always the first letter of the bean name. */
public String getBaseTableAlias() { return baseTableAlias; } public void preAllocateIds(int batchSize) { if (idGenerator != null) { idGenerator.preAllocateIds(batchSize); } } public Object nextId(Transaction t) { if (idGenerator != null) { return idGenerator.nextId(t); } else { return null; } } public DeployPropertyParser parser() { return new DeployPropertyParser(this); }
Convert the logical orm update statement into sql by converting the bean properties and bean name to database columns and table.
/** * Convert the logical orm update statement into sql by converting the bean * properties and bean name to database columns and table. */
public String convertOrmUpdateToSql(String ormUpdateStatement) { return new DeployUpdateParser(this).parse(ormUpdateStatement); } public void collectQueryPlans(QueryPlanRequest request) { for (CQueryPlan queryPlan : queryPlanCache.values()) { if (request.includeLabel(queryPlan.getLabel())) { queryPlan.collectQueryPlan(request); } } }
Visit all the ORM query plan metrics (includes UpdateQuery with updates and deletes).
/** * Visit all the ORM query plan metrics (includes UpdateQuery with updates and deletes). */
public void visitMetrics(MetricVisitor visitor) { for (CQueryPlan queryPlan : queryPlanCache.values()) { if (!queryPlan.isEmptyStats()) { visitor.visitOrmQuery(queryPlan.getSnapshot(visitor.isReset())); } } }
Reset the statistics on all the query plans.
/** * Reset the statistics on all the query plans. */
public void clearQueryStatistics() { for (CQueryPlan queryPlan : queryPlanCache.values()) { queryPlan.resetStatistics(); } }
Trim query plans not used since the passed in epoch time.
/** * Trim query plans not used since the passed in epoch time. */
public List<CQueryPlan> trimQueryPlans(long unusedSince) { List<CQueryPlan> list = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<CQueryPlan> it = queryPlanCache.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CQueryPlan queryPlan =; if (queryPlan.getLastQueryTime() < unusedSince) { it.remove(); list.add(queryPlan); } } return list; }
Execute the postLoad if a BeanPostLoad exists for this bean.
/** * Execute the postLoad if a BeanPostLoad exists for this bean. */
@Override public void postLoad(Object bean) { if (beanPostLoad != null) { beanPostLoad.postLoad(bean); } } public CQueryPlan getQueryPlan(CQueryPlanKey key) { return queryPlanCache.get(key); } public void putQueryPlan(CQueryPlanKey key, CQueryPlan plan) { queryPlanCache.put(key, plan); }
Get a UpdatePlan for a given hash.
/** * Get a UpdatePlan for a given hash. */
public SpiUpdatePlan getUpdatePlan(String key) { return updatePlanCache.get(key); }
Add a UpdatePlan to the cache with a given hash.
/** * Add a UpdatePlan to the cache with a given hash. */
public void putUpdatePlan(String key, SpiUpdatePlan plan) { updatePlanCache.put(key, plan); }
Return a Sql update statement to set the importedId value (deferred execution).
/** * Return a Sql update statement to set the importedId value (deferred execution). */
public String getUpdateImportedIdSql(ImportedId prop) { return "update " + baseTable + " set " + prop.importedIdClause() + " where " + idBinder.getBindIdSql(null); }
Return true if updates should only include changed properties. Otherwise all loaded properties are included in the update.
/** * Return true if updates should only include changed properties. Otherwise * all loaded properties are included in the update. */
public boolean isUpdateChangesOnly() { return updateChangesOnly; }
Return true if save does not recurse to other beans. That is return true if there are no assoc one or assoc many beans that cascade save.
/** * Return true if save does not recurse to other beans. That is return true if * there are no assoc one or assoc many beans that cascade save. */
public boolean isSaveRecurseSkippable() { return saveRecurseSkippable; }
Return true if delete does not recurse to other beans. That is return true if there are no assoc one or assoc many beans that cascade delete.
/** * Return true if delete does not recurse to other beans. That is return true * if there are no assoc one or assoc many beans that cascade delete. */
public boolean isDeleteRecurseSkippable() { return deleteRecurseSkippable; }
Return true if delete can use a single SQL statement.

This implies cascade delete does not continue depth wise and that this is no associated L2 bean caching.

/** * Return true if delete can use a single SQL statement. * <p> * This implies cascade delete does not continue depth wise and that this is no * associated L2 bean caching. */
public boolean isDeleteByStatement() { return persistListener == null && persistController == null && deleteRecurseSkippable && !isBeanCaching(); } public boolean isDeleteByBulk() { return persistListener == null && persistController == null && propertiesManyToMany.length == 0; }
Return the 'when modified' property if there is one defined.
/** * Return the 'when modified' property if there is one defined. */
@Override public BeanProperty getWhenModifiedProperty() { return whenModifiedProperty; }
Return the 'when created' property if there is one defined.
/** * Return the 'when created' property if there is one defined. */
@Override public BeanProperty getWhenCreatedProperty() { return whenCreatedProperty; }
Find a property annotated with @WhenCreated or @CreatedTimestamp.
/** * Find a property annotated with @WhenCreated or @CreatedTimestamp. */
private BeanProperty findWhenCreatedProperty() { for (BeanProperty aPropertiesBaseScalar : propertiesBaseScalar) { if (aPropertiesBaseScalar.isGeneratedWhenCreated()) { return aPropertiesBaseScalar; } } return null; }
Find a property annotated with @WhenModified or @UpdatedTimestamp.
/** * Find a property annotated with @WhenModified or @UpdatedTimestamp. */
private BeanProperty findWhenModifiedProperty() { for (BeanProperty aPropertiesBaseScalar : propertiesBaseScalar) { if (aPropertiesBaseScalar.isGeneratedWhenModified()) { return aPropertiesBaseScalar; } } return null; }
Return the many property included in the query or null if one is not.
/** * Return the many property included in the query or null if one is not. */
public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> getManyProperty(SpiQuery<?> query) { OrmQueryDetail detail = query.getDetail(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> aPropertiesMany : propertiesMany) { if (detail.includesPath(aPropertiesMany.getName())) { return aPropertiesMany; } } return null; }
Return a raw expression for 'where parent id in ...' clause.
/** * Return a raw expression for 'where parent id in ...' clause. */
public String getParentIdInExpr(int parentIdSize, String rawWhere) { String inClause = idBinder.getIdInValueExpr(false, parentIdSize); return idBinder.isIdInExpandedForm() ? inClause : rawWhere + inClause; }
Return the IdBinder which is helpful for handling the various types of Id.
/** * Return the IdBinder which is helpful for handling the various types of Id. */
@Override public IdBinder getIdBinder() { return idBinder; }
Return true if this bean type has a simple single Id property.
/** * Return true if this bean type has a simple single Id property. */
public boolean isSimpleId() { return idBinder instanceof IdBinderSimple; } @Override public boolean hasId() { return idProperty != null; }
Return true if this type has a simple Id and the platform supports mutli-value binding.
/** * Return true if this type has a simple Id and the platform supports mutli-value binding. */
public boolean isMultiValueIdSupported() { return multiValueSupported && isSimpleId(); }
Return the sql for binding an id. This is the columns with table alias that make up the id.
/** * Return the sql for binding an id. This is the columns with table alias that * make up the id. */
public String getIdBinderIdSql(String alias) { if (alias == null) { return idBinderIdSql; } else { return idBinder.getBindIdSql(alias); } }
Return the sql for binding id's using an IN clause.
/** * Return the sql for binding id's using an IN clause. */
public String getIdBinderInLHSSql() { return idBinderInLHSSql; }
Bind the idValue to the preparedStatement.

This takes care of the various id types such as embedded beans etc.

/** * Bind the idValue to the preparedStatement. * <p> * This takes care of the various id types such as embedded beans etc. * </p> */
public void bindId(DataBind dataBind, Object idValue) throws SQLException { idBinder.bindId(dataBind, idValue); }
Return the id as an array of scalar bindable values.

This 'flattens' any EmbeddedId or multiple Id property cases.

/** * Return the id as an array of scalar bindable values. * <p> * This 'flattens' any EmbeddedId or multiple Id property cases. * </p> */
public Object[] getBindIdValues(Object idValue) { return idBinder.getBindValues(idValue); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T createBean() { return (T) createEntityBean(true); }
Creates a new EntityBean. The parameter isNew controls either this is a new bean (then BeanPostConstructListener.postCreate(Object) will be invoked) or a reference (then BeanPostLoad.postLoad(Object) will be invoked on first access (lazy load) or immediately (eager load)
/** * Creates a new EntityBean. * The parameter <code>isNew</code> controls either this is a new bean (then * {@link BeanPostConstructListener#postCreate(Object)} will be invoked) or * a reference (then {@link BeanPostLoad#postLoad(Object)} will be invoked * on first access (lazy load) or immediately (eager load) */
public EntityBean createEntityBean(boolean isNew) { if (prototypeEntityBean == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot create entity bean for abstract entity " + getName()); } try { EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) prototypeEntityBean._ebean_newInstance(); if (beanPostConstructListener != null) { beanPostConstructListener.autowire(bean); // calls all registered listeners beanPostConstructListener.postConstruct(bean); // calls first the @PostConstruct method and then the listeners } if (unloadProperties.length > 0) { // 'unload' any properties initialised in the default constructor EntityBeanIntercept ebi = bean._ebean_getIntercept(); for (int unloadProperty : unloadProperties) { ebi.setPropertyUnloaded(unloadProperty); } } if (beanPostConstructListener != null && isNew) { beanPostConstructListener.postCreate(bean); // if bean is not new, postLoad will be executed later in the bean's lifecycle } return bean; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); } }
Creates a new entity bean without invoking BeanPostConstructListener.postCreate(Object)
/** * Creates a new entity bean without invoking {@link BeanPostConstructListener#postCreate(Object)} */
@Override public EntityBean createEntityBean() { return createEntityBean(false); }
Create an entity bean for JSON marshalling (which differs for the element collection case).
/** * Create an entity bean for JSON marshalling (which differs for the element collection case). */
public EntityBean createEntityBeanForJson() { return createEntityBean(); }
We actually need to do a query because we don't know the type without the discriminator value, just select the id property and discriminator column (auto added)
/** * We actually need to do a query because we don't know the type without the discriminator * value, just select the id property and discriminator column (auto added) */
private T findReferenceBean(Object id, PersistenceContext pc) { DefaultOrmQuery<T> query = new DefaultOrmQuery<>(this, ebeanServer, ebeanServer.getExpressionFactory()); query.setPersistenceContext(pc); return query // .select(getIdProperty().getName()) // we do not select the id because we // probably have to load the entire bean .setId(id).findOne(); }
Create a reference bean based on the id.
/** * Create a reference bean based on the id. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T createReference(Boolean readOnly, boolean disableLazyLoad, Object id, PersistenceContext pc) { if (cacheSharableBeans && !disableLazyLoad && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(readOnly)) { CachedBeanData d = cacheHelp.beanCacheGetData(cacheKey(id)); if (d != null) { Object shareableBean = d.getSharableBean(); if (shareableBean != null) { if (isReadAuditing()) { readAuditBean("ref", "", shareableBean); } return (T) shareableBean; } } } try { if (inheritInfo != null && !inheritInfo.isConcrete()) { return findReferenceBean(id, pc); } EntityBean eb = createEntityBean(); id = convertSetId(id, eb); EntityBeanIntercept ebi = eb._ebean_getIntercept(); if (disableLazyLoad) { ebi.setDisableLazyLoad(true); } else { ebi.setBeanLoader(ebeanServer); } ebi.setReference(idPropertyIndex); if (Boolean.TRUE == readOnly) { ebi.setReadOnly(true); } if (pc != null) { contextPut(pc, id, eb); ebi.setPersistenceContext(pc); } return (T) eb; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); } }
Create a non read only reference bean without checking cacheSharableBeans.
/** * Create a non read only reference bean without checking cacheSharableBeans. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T createReference(Object id, PersistenceContext pc) { try { if (inheritInfo != null && !inheritInfo.isConcrete()) { return findReferenceBean(id, pc); } EntityBean eb = createEntityBean(); id = convertSetId(id, eb); EntityBeanIntercept ebi = eb._ebean_getIntercept(); ebi.setBeanLoader(ebeanServer); ebi.setReference(idPropertyIndex); if (pc != null) { contextPut(pc, id, eb); ebi.setPersistenceContext(pc); } return (T) eb; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); } }
Return the bean property traversing the object graph and taking into account inheritance.
/** * Return the bean property traversing the object graph and taking into * account inheritance. */
@Override public BeanProperty findPropertyFromPath(String path) { BeanDescriptor<?> other = this; while (true) { String[] split = SplitName.splitBegin(path); if (split[1] == null) { return other._findBeanProperty(split[0]); } BeanPropertyAssoc<?> assocProp = (BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) other._findBeanProperty(split[0]); BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = assocProp.getTargetDescriptor(); path = split[1]; other = targetDesc; } } @Override public BeanType<?> getBeanTypeAtPath(String path) { return getBeanDescriptor(path); }
Return the BeanDescriptor for a given path of Associated One or Many beans.
/** * Return the BeanDescriptor for a given path of Associated One or Many beans. */
public BeanDescriptor<?> getBeanDescriptor(String path) { BeanDescriptor<?> result = this; while (true) { if (path == null) { return result; } String[] splitBegin = SplitName.splitBegin(path); BeanProperty beanProperty = result.findProperty(splitBegin[0]); if (beanProperty instanceof BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) { BeanPropertyAssoc<?> assocProp = (BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) beanProperty; path = splitBegin[1]; result = assocProp.getTargetDescriptor(); } else { throw new PersistenceException("Invalid path " + path + " from " + result.getFullName()); } } }
Return the BeanDescriptor of another bean type.
/** * Return the BeanDescriptor of another bean type. */
public <U> BeanDescriptor<U> getBeanDescriptor(Class<U> otherType) { return owner.getBeanDescriptor(otherType); }
Return the order column property.
/** * Return the order column property. */
public BeanProperty getOrderColumn() { return orderColumn; }
Return the "shadow" property to support unidirectional relationships.

For bidirectional this is a real property on the bean. For unidirectional relationships we have this 'shadow' property which is not externally visible.

/** * Return the "shadow" property to support unidirectional relationships. * <p> * For bidirectional this is a real property on the bean. For unidirectional * relationships we have this 'shadow' property which is not externally * visible. * </p> */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> getUnidirectional() { BeanDescriptor<?> other = this; while (true) { if (other.unidirectional != null) { return other.unidirectional; } if (other.inheritInfo != null && !other.inheritInfo.isRoot()) { other = other.inheritInfo.getParent().desc(); continue; } return null; } }
Get a property value from a bean of this type.
/** * Get a property value from a bean of this type. */
public Object getValue(EntityBean bean, String property) { return getBeanProperty(property).getValue(bean); }
Return true if this bean type should use IdGeneration.

If this is false and the Id is null it is assumed that a database auto increment feature is being used to populate the id.

/** * Return true if this bean type should use IdGeneration. * <p> * If this is false and the Id is null it is assumed that a database auto * increment feature is being used to populate the id. * </p> */
public boolean isUseIdGenerator() { return idGenerator != null; }
Return bean class name.
/** * Return bean class name. */
public String getDescriptorId() { return fullName; }
Return the class type this BeanDescriptor describes.
/** * Return the class type this BeanDescriptor describes. */
@Override public Class<T> getBeanType() { return beanType; }
Return the bean class name this descriptor is used for.

If this BeanDescriptor is for a table then this returns the table name instead.

/** * Return the bean class name this descriptor is used for. * <p> * If this BeanDescriptor is for a table then this returns the table name * instead. * </p> */
@Override public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
Return the short name of the entity bean.
/** * Return the short name of the entity bean. */
@Override public String getName() { return name; }
Summary description.
/** * Summary description. */
@Override public String toString() { return fullName; }
Get the bean from the persistence context.
/** * Get the bean from the persistence context. */
public Object contextGet(PersistenceContext pc, Object id) { return pc.get(rootBeanType, id); }
Get the bean from the persistence context with delete check option.
/** * Get the bean from the persistence context with delete check option. */
public PersistenceContext.WithOption contextGetWithOption(PersistenceContext pc, Object id) { return pc.getWithOption(rootBeanType, id); }
Put the bean into the persistence context.
/** * Put the bean into the persistence context. */
public void contextPut(PersistenceContext pc, Object id, Object bean) { pc.put(rootBeanType, id, bean); }
Put the bean into the persistence context if it is absent.
/** * Put the bean into the persistence context if it is absent. */
@Override public Object contextPutIfAbsent(PersistenceContext pc, Object id, EntityBean localBean) { return pc.putIfAbsent(rootBeanType, id, localBean); }
Create a reference bean and put it in the persistence context (and return it).
/** * Create a reference bean and put it in the persistence context (and return it). */
public Object contextRef(PersistenceContext pc, Boolean readOnly, boolean disableLazyLoad, Object id) { return createReference(readOnly, disableLazyLoad, id, pc); }
Clear a bean from the persistence context.
/** * Clear a bean from the persistence context. */
public void contextClear(PersistenceContext pc, Object idValue) { pc.clear(rootBeanType, idValue); }
Delete a bean from the persistence context (such that we don't fetch it in the same transaction).
/** * Delete a bean from the persistence context (such that we don't fetch it in the same transaction). */
public void contextDeleted(PersistenceContext pc, Object idValue) { pc.deleted(rootBeanType, idValue); }
Return the Id property name or null if no Id property exists.
/** * Return the Id property name or null if no Id property exists. */
public String getIdName() { return (idProperty == null) ? null : idProperty.getName(); }
Helper method to return the unique property. If only one property makes up the unique id then it's value is returned. If there is a concatenated unique id then a Map is built with the keys being the names of the properties that make up the unique id.
/** * Helper method to return the unique property. If only one property makes up * the unique id then it's value is returned. If there is a concatenated * unique id then a Map is built with the keys being the names of the * properties that make up the unique id. */
public Object getId(EntityBean bean) { return (idProperty == null) ? null : idProperty.getValueIntercept(bean); }
Return the cache key for the given bean (based on id value).
/** * Return the cache key for the given bean (based on id value). */
public String cacheKeyForBean(EntityBean bean) { return cacheKey(idProperty.getValue(bean)); }
Return the cache key for the given id value.
/** * Return the cache key for the given id value. */
public String cacheKey(Object id) { return idBinder.cacheKey(id); } @Override public Object beanId(Object bean) { return getId((EntityBean) bean); } @Override public Object getBeanId(T bean) { return getId((EntityBean) bean); }
Return the Id value for the bean with embeddedId beans converted into maps.

The usage is to provide simple id types for JSON processing (for embeddedId's).

/** * Return the Id value for the bean with embeddedId beans converted into maps. * <p> * The usage is to provide simple id types for JSON processing (for embeddedId's). * </p> */
public Object getIdForJson(Object bean) { return idBinder.getIdForJson((EntityBean) bean); }
Convert the idValue assuming embeddedId values are Maps.

The usage is to provide simple id types for JSON processing (for embeddedId's).

/** * Convert the idValue assuming embeddedId values are Maps. * <p> * The usage is to provide simple id types for JSON processing (for embeddedId's). * </p> */
public Object convertIdFromJson(Object idValue) { return idBinder.convertIdFromJson(idValue); }
Return the default order by that may need to be added if a many property is included in the query.
/** * Return the default order by that may need to be added if a many property is * included in the query. */
public String getDefaultOrderBy() { return idBinder.getDefaultOrderBy(); }
Convert the type of the idValue if required.
/** * Convert the type of the idValue if required. */
public Object convertId(Object idValue) { return idBinder.convertId(idValue); }
Set the bean id value converting if necessary.
/** * Set the bean id value converting if necessary. */
@Override public void setBeanId(T bean, Object idValue) { idBinder.convertSetId(idValue, (EntityBean) bean); }
Convert and set the id value.

If the bean is not null, the id value is set to the id property of the bean after it has been converted to the correct type.

/** * Convert and set the id value. * <p> * If the bean is not null, the id value is set to the id property of the bean * after it has been converted to the correct type. * </p> */
public Object convertSetId(Object idValue, EntityBean bean) { return idBinder.convertSetId(idValue, bean); } @Override public Property getProperty(String propName) { return findProperty(propName); }
Get a BeanProperty by its name.
/** * Get a BeanProperty by its name. */
public BeanProperty getBeanProperty(String propName) { return propMap.get(propName); } public void sort(List<T> list, String sortByClause) { ElComparator<T> comparator = getElComparator(sortByClause); list.sort(comparator); } public ElComparator<T> getElComparator(String propNameOrSortBy) { return comparatorCache.computeIfAbsent(propNameOrSortBy, this::createComparator); }
Register all the assoc many properties on this bean that are not populated with the load context.

This provides further lazy loading via the load context.

/** * Register all the assoc many properties on this bean that are not populated with the load context. * <p> * This provides further lazy loading via the load context. * </p> */
public void lazyLoadRegister(String prefix, EntityBeanIntercept ebi, EntityBean bean, LoadContext loadContext) { // load the List/Set/Map proxy objects (deferred fetching of lists) BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] manys = propertiesMany(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many : manys) { if (!ebi.isLoadedProperty(many.getPropertyIndex())) { BeanCollection<?> ref = many.createReferenceIfNull(bean); if (ref != null && !ref.isRegisteredWithLoadContext()) { String path = SplitName.add(prefix, many.getName()); loadContext.register(path, ref); } } } }
Return true if the lazy loading property is a Many in which case just define a Reference for the collection and not invoke a query.
/** * Return true if the lazy loading property is a Many in which case just * define a Reference for the collection and not invoke a query. */
public boolean lazyLoadMany(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { int lazyLoadProperty = ebi.getLazyLoadPropertyIndex(); if (lazyLoadProperty == -1) { return false; } if (inheritInfo != null) { return descOf(ebi.getOwner().getClass()).lazyLoadMany(ebi, lazyLoadProperty); } return lazyLoadMany(ebi, lazyLoadProperty); }
Return true if this is a generated property.
/** * Return true if this is a generated property. */
public boolean isGeneratedProperty(int propertyIndex) { return propertiesIndex[propertyIndex].isGenerated(); }
Check for lazy loading of many property.
/** * Check for lazy loading of many property. */
private boolean lazyLoadMany(EntityBeanIntercept ebi, int lazyLoadProperty) { BeanProperty lazyLoadBeanProp = propertiesIndex[lazyLoadProperty]; if (lazyLoadBeanProp instanceof BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) { BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp = (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) lazyLoadBeanProp; manyProp.createReference(ebi.getOwner()); ebi.setLoadedLazy(); return true; } return false; }
Return the correct BeanDescriptor based on the bean class type.
/** * Return the correct BeanDescriptor based on the bean class type. */
BeanDescriptor<?> descOf(Class<?> type) { return inheritInfo.readType(type).desc(); }
Return a Comparator for local sorting of lists.
  • sortByClause – list of property names with optional ASC or DESC suffix.
/** * Return a Comparator for local sorting of lists. * * @param sortByClause list of property names with optional ASC or DESC suffix. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ElComparator<T> createComparator(String sortByClause) { SortByClause sortBy = SortByClauseParser.parse(sortByClause); if (sortBy.size() == 1) { // simple comparator for a single property return createPropertyComparator(sortBy.getProperties().get(0)); } // create a compound comparator based on the list of properties ElComparator<T>[] comparators = new ElComparator[sortBy.size()]; List<SortByClause.Property> sortProps = sortBy.getProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < sortProps.size(); i++) { SortByClause.Property sortProperty = sortProps.get(i); comparators[i] = createPropertyComparator(sortProperty); } return new ElComparatorCompound<>(comparators); } private ElComparator<T> createPropertyComparator(SortByClause.Property sortProp) { ElPropertyValue elGetValue = getElGetValue(sortProp.getName()); if (elGetValue == null) { logger.error("Sort property [" + sortProp + "] not found in " + beanType + ". Cannot sort."); return new ElComparatorNoop<>(); } if (elGetValue.isAssocMany()) { logger.error("Sort property [" + sortProp + "] in " + beanType + " is a many-property. Cannot sort."); return new ElComparatorNoop<>(); } Boolean nullsHigh = sortProp.getNullsHigh(); if (nullsHigh == null) { nullsHigh = Boolean.TRUE; } return new ElComparatorProperty<>(elGetValue, sortProp.isAscending(), nullsHigh); } @Override public boolean isValidExpression(String propertyName) { try { return (getElGetValue(propertyName) != null); } catch (PersistenceException e) { return false; } }
Get an Expression language Value object.
/** * Get an Expression language Value object. */
public ElPropertyValue getElGetValue(String propName) { ElPropertyValue elGetValue = elCache.get(propName); if (elGetValue != null) { return elGetValue; } elGetValue = buildElGetValue(propName, null, false); if (elGetValue != null) { elCache.put(propName, elGetValue); } return elGetValue; } @Override public ExpressionPath getExpressionPath(String path) { return getElGetValue(path); }
Similar to ElPropertyValue but also uses foreign key shortcuts.

The foreign key shortcuts means we can avoid unnecessary joins.

/** * Similar to ElPropertyValue but also uses foreign key shortcuts. * <p> * The foreign key shortcuts means we can avoid unnecessary joins. * </p> */
public ElPropertyDeploy getElPropertyDeploy(String propName) { ElPropertyDeploy elProp = elDeployCache.get(propName); if (elProp != null) { return elProp; } if (!propName.contains(".")) { // No period means simple property and no need to look for // foreign key properties (in order to avoid an extra join) elProp = getElGetValue(propName); } else { elProp = buildElGetValue(propName, null, true); } if (elProp != null) { elDeployCache.put(propName, elProp); } return elProp; } protected ElPropertyValue buildElGetValue(String propName, ElPropertyChainBuilder chain, boolean propertyDeploy) { if (propertyDeploy && chain != null) { ElPropertyDeploy fk = elDeployCache.get(propName); if (fk instanceof BeanFkeyProperty) { // propertyDeploy chain for foreign key column return ((BeanFkeyProperty) fk).create(chain.getExpression(), chain.isContainsMany()); } } int basePos = propName.indexOf('.'); if (basePos > -1) { // nested or embedded property String baseName = propName.substring(0, basePos); BeanProperty assocProp = _findBeanProperty(baseName); if (assocProp == null) { return null; } String remainder = propName.substring(basePos + 1); return assocProp.buildElPropertyValue(propName, remainder, chain, propertyDeploy); } BeanProperty property = _findBeanProperty(propName); if (chain == null) { return property; } if (property == null) { throw new PersistenceException("No property found for [" + propName + "] in expression " + chain.getExpression()); } if (property.containsMany()) { chain.setContainsMany(); } return chain.add(property).build(); }
Return the property path given the db table and column.
/** * Return the property path given the db table and column. */
public String findBeanPath(String tableName, String columnName) { if (tableName.isEmpty() || tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(baseTable)) { return columnPath.get(columnName); } BeanPropertyAssoc<?> assocProperty = tablePath.get(tableName); if (assocProperty != null) { String relativePath = assocProperty.getTargetDescriptor().findBeanPath(tableName, columnName); if (relativePath != null) { return SplitName.add(assocProperty.getName(), relativePath); } } return null; }
Return a 'dynamic property' used to read a formula.
/** * Return a 'dynamic property' used to read a formula. */
private STreeProperty findSqlTreeFormula(String formula, String path) { String key = formula + "-" + path; return dynamicProperty.computeIfAbsent(key, (fullKey) -> new FormulaPropertyPath(this, formula, path).build()); }
Return a property that is part of the SQL tree.

The property can be a dynamic formula or a well known bean property.

/** * Return a property that is part of the SQL tree. * <p> * The property can be a dynamic formula or a well known bean property. */
@Override public STreeProperty findPropertyWithDynamic(String propName, String path) { if (propName.indexOf('(') > -1) { return findSqlTreeFormula(propName, path); } return _findBeanProperty(propName); }
Find a BeanProperty including searching the inheritance hierarchy.

This searches this BeanDescriptor and then searches further down the inheritance tree (not up).

/** * Find a BeanProperty including searching the inheritance hierarchy. * <p> * This searches this BeanDescriptor and then searches further down the * inheritance tree (not up). * </p> */
@Override public BeanProperty findProperty(String propName) { int basePos = propName.indexOf('.'); if (basePos > -1) { // embedded property String baseName = propName.substring(0, basePos); return _findBeanProperty(baseName); } return _findBeanProperty(propName); } BeanProperty _findBeanProperty(String propName) { BeanProperty prop = propMap.get(propName); if (prop == null && inheritInfo != null) { // search in sub types... return inheritInfo.findSubTypeProperty(propName); } return prop; }
Reset the many properties to empty state ready for reloading.
/** * Reset the many properties to empty state ready for reloading. */
public void resetManyProperties(Object dbBean) { EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) dbBean; for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> aPropertiesMany : propertiesMany) { if (aPropertiesMany.isCascadeRefresh()) { aPropertiesMany.resetMany(bean); } } }
Return the name of the server this BeanDescriptor belongs to.
/** * Return the name of the server this BeanDescriptor belongs to. */
public String getServerName() { return serverName; }
Return true if this bean can cache sharable instances.

This means is has no relationships and has readOnly=true in its cache options.

/** * Return true if this bean can cache sharable instances. * <p> * This means is has no relationships and has readOnly=true in its cache * options. * </p> */
public boolean isCacheSharableBeans() { return cacheSharableBeans; }
Return true if queries for beans of this type are auto tunable.
/** * Return true if queries for beans of this type are auto tunable. */
public boolean isAutoTunable() { return autoTunable; } @Override public boolean isElementType() { return false; }
Returns the Inheritance mapping information. This will be null if this type of bean is not involved in any ORM inheritance mapping.
/** * Returns the Inheritance mapping information. This will be null if this type * of bean is not involved in any ORM inheritance mapping. */
@Override public InheritInfo getInheritInfo() { return inheritInfo; } @Override public boolean hasInheritance() { return inheritInfo != null; } @Override public String getDiscColumn() { return inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorColumn(); }
Return the discriminator value for this bean type (or null when there is no inheritance).
/** * Return the discriminator value for this bean type (or null when there is no inheritance). */
public String getDiscValue() { return inheritInfo == null ? null : inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorStringValue(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T createBeanUsingDisc(Object discValue) { return (T) inheritInfo.getType(discValue.toString()).desc().createBean(); } @Override public void addInheritanceWhere(Query<?> query) { if (inheritInfo != null && !inheritInfo.isRoot()) { query.where().eq(inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorColumn(), inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorValue()); } }
Return true if this is an embedded bean.
/** * Return true if this is an embedded bean. */
public boolean isEmbedded() { return EntityType.EMBEDDED == entityType; }
Return the compound unique constraints.
/** * Return the compound unique constraints. */
public IndexDefinition[] getIndexDefinitions() { return indexDefinitions; }
Return the beanListener.
/** * Return the beanListener. */
@Override public BeanPersistListener getPersistListener() { return persistListener; }
Return the beanFinder (Migrate over to getFindController).
/** * Return the beanFinder (Migrate over to getFindController). */
public BeanFindController getBeanFinder() { return beanFinder; }
Return the find controller (SPI interface).
/** * Return the find controller (SPI interface). */
@Override public BeanFindController getFindController() { return beanFinder; }
Return the BeanQueryAdapter or null if none is defined.
/** * Return the BeanQueryAdapter or null if none is defined. */
@Override public BeanQueryAdapter getQueryAdapter() { return queryAdapter; }
De-register the BeanPersistListener.
/** * De-register the BeanPersistListener. */
public void deregister(BeanPersistListener listener) { // volatile read... BeanPersistListener currentListener = persistListener; if (currentListener != null) { if (currentListener instanceof ChainedBeanPersistListener) { // remove it from the existing chain persistListener = ((ChainedBeanPersistListener) currentListener).deregister(listener); } else if (currentListener.equals(listener)) { persistListener = null; } } }
De-register the BeanPersistController.
/** * De-register the BeanPersistController. */
public void deregister(BeanPersistController controller) { // volatile read... BeanPersistController currentController = persistController; if (currentController != null) { if (currentController instanceof ChainedBeanPersistController) { // remove it from the existing chain persistController = ((ChainedBeanPersistController) currentController).deregister(controller); } else if (currentController.equals(controller)) { persistController = null; } } }
Register the new BeanPersistController.
/** * Register the new BeanPersistController. */
public void register(BeanPersistListener newPersistListener) { if (newPersistListener.isRegisterFor(beanType)) { // volatile read... BeanPersistListener currentListener = persistListener; if (currentListener == null) { persistListener = newPersistListener; } else { if (currentListener instanceof ChainedBeanPersistListener) { // add it to the existing chain persistListener = ((ChainedBeanPersistListener) currentListener).register(newPersistListener); } else { // build new chain of the 2 persistListener = new ChainedBeanPersistListener(currentListener, newPersistListener); } } } }
Register the new BeanPersistController.
/** * Register the new BeanPersistController. */
public void register(BeanPersistController newController) { if (newController.isRegisterFor(beanType)) { // volatile read... BeanPersistController currentController = persistController; if (currentController == null) { persistController = newController; } else { if (currentController instanceof ChainedBeanPersistController) { // add it to the existing chain persistController = ((ChainedBeanPersistController) currentController).register(newController); } else { // build new chain of the 2 persistController = new ChainedBeanPersistController(currentController, newController); } } } }
Return the Controller.
/** * Return the Controller. */
@Override public BeanPersistController getPersistController() { return persistController; }
Returns true if this bean is based on RawSql.
/** * Returns true if this bean is based on RawSql. */
@Override public boolean isRawSqlBased() { return EntityType.SQL == entityType; }
Return the DB comment for the base table.
/** * Return the DB comment for the base table. */
public String getDbComment() { return dbComment; }
Return true if foreign keys to the base table should be suppressed.
/** * Return true if foreign keys to the base table should be suppressed. */
public boolean suppressForeignKey() { return partitionMeta != null; }
Return the partition details of the bean.
/** * Return the partition details of the bean. */
public PartitionMeta getPartitionMeta() { return partitionMeta; }
Return the storage engine.
/** * Return the storage engine. */
public String getStorageEngine() { return storageEngine; }
Return the dependent tables for a view based entity.

These tables

/** * Return the dependent tables for a view based entity. * <p> * These tables * </p> */
public String[] getDependentTables() { return dependentTables; }
Return the base table. Only properties mapped to the base table are by default persisted.
/** * Return the base table. Only properties mapped to the base table are by * default persisted. */
@Override public String getBaseTable() { return baseTable; }
Return true if this type is a base table entity type.
/** * Return true if this type is a base table entity type. */
public boolean isBaseTable() { return baseTable != null && entityType == EntityType.ORM; }
Return the base table to use given the query temporal mode.
/** * Return the base table to use given the query temporal mode. */
@Override public String getBaseTable(SpiQuery.TemporalMode mode) { switch (mode) { case DRAFT: return draftTable; case VERSIONS: return baseTableVersionsBetween; case AS_OF: return baseTableAsOf; default: return baseTable; } }
Return the associated draft table.
/** * Return the associated draft table. */
public String getDraftTable() { return draftTable; }
Return true if read auditing is on this entity bean.
/** * Return true if read auditing is on this entity bean. */
public boolean isReadAuditing() { return readAuditing; } @Override public boolean isSoftDelete() { return softDelete; } public void setSoftDeleteValue(EntityBean bean) { softDeleteProperty.setSoftDeleteValue(bean); } public String getSoftDeleteDbSet() { return softDeleteProperty.getSoftDeleteDbSet(); } @Override public String getSoftDeletePredicate(String tableAlias) { return softDeleteProperty.getSoftDeleteDbPredicate(tableAlias); } @Override public void markAsDeleted(EntityBean bean) { if (softDeleteProperty == null) { Object id = getId(bean);"(Lazy) loading unsuccessful for type:{} id:{} - expecting when bean has been deleted", getName(), id); bean._ebean_getIntercept().setLazyLoadFailure(id); } else { setSoftDeleteValue(bean); bean._ebean_getIntercept().setLoaded(); setAllLoaded(bean); } }
Return true if this entity type is draftable.
/** * Return true if this entity type is draftable. */
public boolean isDraftable() { return draftable; }
Return true if this entity type is a draftable element (child).
/** * Return true if this entity type is a draftable element (child). */
public boolean isDraftableElement() { return draftableElement; } @Override public boolean isEmbeddedPath(String propertyPath) { ElPropertyDeploy elProp = getElPropertyDeploy(propertyPath); if (elProp == null) { throw new PersistenceException("Invalid path " + propertyPath + " from " + getFullName()); } return elProp.getBeanProperty().isEmbedded(); } @Override public ExtraJoin extraJoin(String propertyPath) { ElPropertyValue elGetValue = getElGetValue(propertyPath); if (elGetValue != null) { BeanProperty beanProperty = elGetValue.getBeanProperty(); if (beanProperty instanceof BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) { BeanPropertyAssoc<?> assocProp = (BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) beanProperty; if (!assocProp.isEmbedded()) { return new ExtraJoin(assocProp, elGetValue.containsMany()); } } } return null; } @Override public void inheritanceLoad(SqlBeanLoad sqlBeanLoad, STreeProperty property, DbReadContext ctx) { BeanProperty p = getBeanProperty(property.getName()); if (p != null) { p.load(sqlBeanLoad); } else { property.loadIgnore(ctx); } } public void setUnmappedJson(EntityBean bean, Map<String, Object> unmappedProperties) { if (unmappedJson != null) { unmappedJson.setValueIntercept(bean, unmappedProperties); } }
Set the Tenant Id value to the bean.
/** * Set the Tenant Id value to the bean. */
public void setTenantId(EntityBean entityBean, Object tenantId) { if (tenant != null) { tenant.setTenantValue(entityBean, tenantId); } }
Set the draft to true for this entity bean instance. This bean is being loaded via asDraft() query.
/** * Set the draft to true for this entity bean instance. * This bean is being loaded via asDraft() query. */
@Override public void setDraft(EntityBean entityBean) { if (draft != null) { draft.setValue(entityBean, true); } }
Return true if the bean is considered a 'draft' instance (not 'live').
/** * Return true if the bean is considered a 'draft' instance (not 'live'). */
public boolean isDraftInstance(EntityBean entityBean) { if (draft != null) { return Boolean.TRUE == draft.getValue(entityBean); } // no draft property - so return false return false; }
Return true if the bean is draftable and considered a 'live' instance.
/** * Return true if the bean is draftable and considered a 'live' instance. */
public boolean isLiveInstance(EntityBean entityBean) { if (draft != null) { return Boolean.FALSE == draft.getValue(entityBean); } // no draft property - so return false return false; }
If there is a @DraftDirty property set it's value on the bean.
/** * If there is a @DraftDirty property set it's value on the bean. */
public void setDraftDirty(EntityBean entityBean, boolean value) { if (draftDirty != null) { // check to see if the dirty property has already // been set and if so do not set the value if (!entityBean._ebean_getIntercept().isChangedProperty(draftDirty.getPropertyIndex())) { draftDirty.setValueIntercept(entityBean, value); } } }
Optimise the draft query fetching any draftable element relationships.
/** * Optimise the draft query fetching any draftable element relationships. */
public void draftQueryOptimise(Query<T> query) { // use per query PersistenceContext to ensure fresh beans loaded query.setPersistenceContextScope(PersistenceContextScope.QUERY); draftHelp.draftQueryOptimise(query); }
Return true if this entity bean has history support.
/** * Return true if this entity bean has history support. */
@Override public boolean isHistorySupport() { return historySupport; }
Return the identity generation type.
/** * Return the identity generation type. */
@Override public IdType getIdType() { return idType; }
Return true if the Id value is marked as a @GeneratedValue.
/** * Return true if the Id value is marked as a <code>@GeneratedValue</code>. */
public boolean isIdGeneratedValue() { return idGeneratedValue; }
Return true if the identity is the platform default (not explicitly set).
/** * Return true if the identity is the platform default (not explicitly set). */
public boolean isIdTypePlatformDefault() { return idTypePlatformDefault; }
Return the sequence name.
/** * Return the sequence name. */
@Override public String getSequenceName() { return sequenceName; }
Return the sequence initial value.
/** * Return the sequence initial value. */
public int getSequenceInitialValue() { return sequenceInitialValue; }
Return the sequence allocation size.
/** * Return the sequence allocation size. */
public int getSequenceAllocationSize() { return sequenceAllocationSize; }
Return the SQL used to return the last inserted id.

This is only used with Identity columns and getGeneratedKeys is not supported.

/** * Return the SQL used to return the last inserted id. * <p> * This is only used with Identity columns and getGeneratedKeys is not * supported. * </p> */
public String getSelectLastInsertedId(boolean publish) { return publish ? selectLastInsertedId : selectLastInsertedIdDraft; }
Return true if this bean uses a SQL select to fetch the last inserted id value.
/** * Return true if this bean uses a SQL select to fetch the last inserted id value. */
public boolean supportsSelectLastInsertedId() { return selectLastInsertedId != null; } @Override public Collection<? extends Property> allProperties() { return propertiesAll(); }
Return a collection of all BeanProperty. This includes transient properties.
/** * Return a collection of all BeanProperty. This includes transient properties. */
public Collection<BeanProperty> propertiesAll() { return propMap.values(); }
Return the property that holds unmapped JSON content.
/** * Return the property that holds unmapped JSON content. */
public BeanProperty propertyUnmappedJson() { return unmappedJson; }
Return the non transient non id properties.
/** * Return the non transient non id properties. */
public BeanProperty[] propertiesNonTransient() { return propertiesNonTransient; }
Return the transient properties.
/** * Return the transient properties. */
public BeanProperty[] propertiesTransient() { return propertiesTransient; }
Return the beans that are embedded. These share the base table with the owner bean.
/** * Return the beans that are embedded. These share the base table with the * owner bean. */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesEmbedded() { return propertiesEmbedded; }
Set all properties to be loaded (recurse to embedded beans).
/** * Set all properties to be loaded (recurse to embedded beans). */
public void setAllLoaded(EntityBean bean) { bean._ebean_getIntercept().setLoadedPropertyAll(); for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> embedded : propertiesEmbedded) { embedded.setAllLoadedEmbedded(bean); } } public TableJoin getPrimaryKeyJoin() { return primaryKeyJoin; } @Override public BeanProperty getIdProperty() { return idProperty; }
Return true if this bean should be inserted rather than updated.
  • ebi – The entity bean intercept
  • insertMode – true if the 'root request' was an insert rather than an update
/** * Return true if this bean should be inserted rather than updated. * * @param ebi The entity bean intercept * @param insertMode true if the 'root request' was an insert rather than an update */
public boolean isInsertMode(EntityBeanIntercept ebi, boolean insertMode) { if (ebi.isLoaded()) { // must be an update as the bean is loaded return false; } if (idProperty.isEmbedded()) { // not using Id generator so just base on isLoaded() return !ebi.isLoaded(); } if (!hasIdValue(ebi.getOwner())) { // No Id property means it must be an insert return true; } // same as the 'root request' return insertMode; } public boolean isReference(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { return ebi.isReference() || hasIdPropertyOnly(ebi); } public boolean hasIdPropertyOnly(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { return ebi.hasIdOnly(idPropertyIndex); } public boolean isIdLoaded(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { return ebi.isLoadedProperty(idPropertyIndex); } public boolean hasIdValue(EntityBean bean) { return (idProperty != null && !DmlUtil.isNullOrZero(idProperty.getValue(bean))); } public boolean hasVersionProperty(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { return versionPropertyIndex > -1 && ebi.isLoadedProperty(versionPropertyIndex); }
Set the version value returning it in primitive long form.
/** * Set the version value returning it in primitive long form. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long setVersion(EntityBean entityBean, Object versionValue) { versionProperty.setValueIntercept(entityBean, versionValue); return versionProperty.scalarType.asVersion(versionValue); }
Return the version value in primitive long form (if exists and set).
/** * Return the version value in primitive long form (if exists and set). */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long getVersion(EntityBean entityBean) { if (versionProperty == null) { return 0; } Object value = versionProperty.getValue(entityBean); return value == null ? 0 : versionProperty.scalarType.asVersion(value); }
Check for mutable scalar types and mark as dirty if necessary.
/** * Check for mutable scalar types and mark as dirty if necessary. */
public void checkMutableProperties(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { for (BeanProperty beanProperty : propertiesMutable) { int propertyIndex = beanProperty.getPropertyIndex(); if (!ebi.isDirtyProperty(propertyIndex) && ebi.isLoadedProperty(propertyIndex)) { Object value = beanProperty.getValue(ebi.getOwner()); if (value == null || beanProperty.isDirtyValue(value)) { // mutable scalar value which is considered dirty so mark // it as such so that it is included in an update ebi.markPropertyAsChanged(propertyIndex); } } } } public ConcurrencyMode getConcurrencyMode(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { if (!hasVersionProperty(ebi)) { return ConcurrencyMode.NONE; } else { return concurrencyMode; } }
Return the diff comparing the bean values.
/** * Return the diff comparing the bean values. */
public Map<String, ValuePair> diff(EntityBean newBean, EntityBean oldBean) { Map<String, ValuePair> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); diff(null, map, newBean, oldBean); return map; }
Populate the diff for updates with flattened non-null property values.
/** * Populate the diff for updates with flattened non-null property values. */
public void diff(String prefix, Map<String, ValuePair> map, EntityBean newBean, EntityBean oldBean) { for (BeanProperty aPropertiesBaseScalar : propertiesBaseScalar) { aPropertiesBaseScalar.diff(prefix, map, newBean, oldBean); } for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> aPropertiesOne : propertiesOne) { aPropertiesOne.diff(prefix, map, newBean, oldBean); } for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> aPropertiesEmbedded : propertiesEmbedded) { aPropertiesEmbedded.diff(prefix, map, newBean, oldBean); } }
Appends the Id property to the OrderBy clause if it is not believed to be already contained in the order by.

This is primarily used for paging queries to ensure that an order by clause is provided and that the order by provides unique ordering of the rows (so that the paging is predicable).

/** * Appends the Id property to the OrderBy clause if it is not believed * to be already contained in the order by. * <p> * This is primarily used for paging queries to ensure that an order by clause is provided and that the order by * provides unique ordering of the rows (so that the paging is predicable). * </p> */
public void appendOrderById(SpiQuery<T> query) { if (idProperty != null && !idProperty.isEmbedded() && !query.order().containsProperty(idProperty.getName())) { query.order().asc(idProperty.getName()); } } @Override public STreeProperty[] propsBaseScalar() { return propertiesBaseScalar; } @Override public STreePropertyAssoc[] propsEmbedded() { return propertiesEmbedded; } @Override public STreePropertyAssocOne[] propsOne() { return propertiesOne; } @Override public STreePropertyAssocMany[] propsMany() { return propertiesMany; }
All the BeanPropertyAssocOne that are not embedded. These are effectively joined beans. For ManyToOne and OneToOne associations.
/** * All the BeanPropertyAssocOne that are not embedded. These are effectively * joined beans. For ManyToOne and OneToOne associations. */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOne() { return propertiesOne; }
Returns ManyToOnes and OneToOnes on the imported owning side.

Excludes OneToOnes on the exported side.

/** * Returns ManyToOnes and OneToOnes on the imported owning side. * <p> * Excludes OneToOnes on the exported side. * </p> */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneImported() { return propertiesOneImported; }
Imported Assoc Ones with cascade save true.
/** * Imported Assoc Ones with cascade save true. */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneImportedSave() { return propertiesOneImportedSave; }
Imported Assoc Ones with cascade delete true.
/** * Imported Assoc Ones with cascade delete true. */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneImportedDelete() { return propertiesOneImportedDelete; }
Exported assoc ones with cascade save.
/** * Exported assoc ones with cascade save. */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneExportedSave() { return propertiesOneExportedSave; }
Exported assoc ones with delete cascade.
/** * Exported assoc ones with delete cascade. */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOneExportedDelete() { return propertiesOneExportedDelete; }
All Non Assoc Many's for this descriptor.
/** * All Non Assoc Many's for this descriptor. */
public BeanProperty[] propertiesNonMany() { return propertiesNonMany; }
All Assoc Many's for this descriptor.
/** * All Assoc Many's for this descriptor. */
public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] propertiesMany() { return propertiesMany; }
Assoc Many's with save cascade.
/** * Assoc Many's with save cascade. */
public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] propertiesManySave() { return propertiesManySave; }
Assoc Many's with delete cascade.
/** * Assoc Many's with delete cascade. */
public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] propertiesManyDelete() { return propertiesManyDelete; }
Assoc ManyToMany's.
/** * Assoc ManyToMany's. */
public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] propertiesManyToMany() { return propertiesManyToMany; }
Return the first version property that exists on the bean. Returns null if no version property exists on the bean.

Note that this DOES NOT find a version property on an embedded bean.

/** * Return the first version property that exists on the bean. Returns null if * no version property exists on the bean. * <p> * Note that this DOES NOT find a version property on an embedded bean. * </p> */
public BeanProperty getVersionProperty() { return versionProperty; }
Return true if this type is tenant aware.
/** * Return true if this type is tenant aware. */
public boolean isMultiTenant() { return tenant != null; }
Return the tenant property when multi-tenant partitioning support is used.
/** * Return the tenant property when multi-tenant partitioning support is used. */
public BeanProperty getTenantProperty() { return tenant; }
Scalar properties without the unique id or secondary table properties.
/** * Scalar properties without the unique id or secondary table properties. */
public BeanProperty[] propertiesBaseScalar() { return propertiesBaseScalar; }
Return the properties local to this type for inheritance.
/** * Return the properties local to this type for inheritance. */
public BeanProperty[] propertiesLocal() { return propertiesLocal; }
Return the properties set as generated values on insert.
/** * Return the properties set as generated values on insert. */
public BeanProperty[] propertiesGenInsert() { return propertiesGenInsert; }
Return the properties set as generated values on update.
/** * Return the properties set as generated values on update. */
public BeanProperty[] propertiesGenUpdate() { return propertiesGenUpdate; } public void jsonWriteDirty(SpiJsonWriter writeJson, EntityBean bean, boolean[] dirtyProps) throws IOException { jsonHelp.jsonWriteDirty(writeJson, bean, dirtyProps); } protected void jsonWriteDirtyProperties(SpiJsonWriter writeJson, EntityBean bean, boolean[] dirtyProps) throws IOException { jsonHelp.jsonWriteDirtyProperties(writeJson, bean, dirtyProps); } public void jsonWriteMapEntry(SpiJsonWriter ctx, Map.Entry<?, ?> entry) throws IOException { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected - expect Element override"); } public void jsonWriteElement(SpiJsonWriter ctx, Object element) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected - expect Element override"); } public Object jsonReadCollection(SpiJsonReader readJson, EntityBean parentBean) throws IOException { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected - expect Element override"); } public void jsonWrite(SpiJsonWriter writeJson, EntityBean bean) throws IOException { jsonHelp.jsonWrite(writeJson, bean, null); } public void jsonWrite(SpiJsonWriter writeJson, EntityBean bean, String key) throws IOException { jsonHelp.jsonWrite(writeJson, bean, key); } protected void jsonWriteProperties(SpiJsonWriter writeJson, EntityBean bean) throws IOException { jsonHelp.jsonWriteProperties(writeJson, bean); } public T jsonRead(SpiJsonReader jsonRead, String path) throws IOException { return jsonHelp.jsonRead(jsonRead, path, true); } public T jsonReadObject(SpiJsonReader jsonRead, String path) throws IOException { return jsonHelp.jsonRead(jsonRead, path, false); } public List<BeanProperty[]> getUniqueProps() { return propertiesUnique; } @Override public List<BeanType<?>> getInheritanceChildren() { if (hasInheritance()) { return getInheritInfo().getChildren() .stream() .map(InheritInfo::desc) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public BeanType<?> getInheritanceParent() { return getInheritInfo() == null ? null : getInheritInfo().getParent().desc(); } @Override public void visitAllInheritanceChildren(Consumer<BeanType<?>> visitor) { if (hasInheritance()) { getInheritInfo().visitChildren(info -> visitor.accept(info.desc())); } } }