package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import io.ebean.Query;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

Helper for BeanDescriptor that manages draft entity beans.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The entity bean type
/** * Helper for BeanDescriptor that manages draft entity beans. * * @param <T> The entity bean type */
public final class BeanDescriptorDraftHelp<T> { private final BeanDescriptor<T> desc; private final BeanProperty draftDirty; private final BeanProperty[] resetProperties; public BeanDescriptorDraftHelp(BeanDescriptor<T> desc) { this.desc = desc; this.draftDirty = desc.getDraftDirty(); this.resetProperties = resetProperties(); }
Return the properties that are reset on draft beans after publish.
/** * Return the properties that are reset on draft beans after publish. */
private BeanProperty[] resetProperties() { List<BeanProperty> list = new ArrayList<>(); BeanProperty[] props = desc.propertiesNonMany(); for (BeanProperty prop : props) { if (prop.isDraftReset()) { list.add(prop); } } return list.toArray(new BeanProperty[list.size()]); }
Set the value of all the 'reset properties' to null on the draft bean.
/** * Set the value of all the 'reset properties' to null on the draft bean. */
public boolean draftReset(T draftBean) { EntityBean draftEntityBean = (EntityBean) draftBean; if (draftDirty != null) { // set @DraftDirty property to false draftDirty.setValueIntercept(draftEntityBean, false); } // set to null on all @DraftReset properties for (BeanProperty resetProperty : resetProperties) { resetProperty.setValueIntercept(draftEntityBean, null); } // return true if the bean is dirty (and should be persisted) return draftEntityBean._ebean_getIntercept().isDirty(); }
Transfer the values from the draftBean to the liveBean.

This will recursive transfer values to all @DraftableElement properties.

/** * Transfer the values from the draftBean to the liveBean. * <p> * This will recursive transfer values to all @DraftableElement properties. * </p> */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T publish(T draftBean, T liveBean) { if (liveBean == null) { liveBean = (T) desc.createEntityBean(); } EntityBean draft = (EntityBean) draftBean; EntityBean live = (EntityBean) liveBean; BeanProperty idProperty = desc.getIdProperty(); if (idProperty != null) { idProperty.publish(draft, live); } BeanProperty[] props = desc.propertiesNonMany(); for (BeanProperty prop : props) { prop.publish(draft, live); } BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] many = desc.propertiesMany(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> aMany : many) { if (aMany.getTargetDescriptor().isDraftable()) { aMany.publishMany(draft, live); } } return liveBean; }
Fetch draftable element relationships.
/** * Fetch draftable element relationships. */
public void draftQueryOptimise(Query<T> query) { BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] one = desc.propertiesOne(); for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> anOne : one) { if (anOne.getTargetDescriptor().isDraftableElement()) { query.fetch(anOne.getName()); } } BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] many = desc.propertiesMany(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> aMany : many) { if (aMany.getTargetDescriptor().isDraftableElement()) { query.fetch(aMany.getName()); } } } }