package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;
import io.ebean.Query;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.text.PathProperties;
import io.ebean.util.SplitName;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.DefaultSqlUpdate;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.InternString;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssoc;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyChainBuilder;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyValue;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.MultiValueWrapper;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.STreePropertyAssoc;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.STreeType;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlJoinType;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.DefaultOrmQuery;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocMappingBuilder;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocPropertyMapping;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocPropertyType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
Abstract base for properties mapped to an associated bean, list, set or map.
* Abstract base for properties mapped to an associated bean, list, set or map.
public abstract class BeanPropertyAssoc<T> extends BeanProperty implements STreePropertyAssoc {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanPropertyAssoc.class);
The descriptor of the target. This MUST be initialised after construction
so as to avoid a dependency loop between BeanDescriptors.
* The descriptor of the target. This MUST be initialised after construction
* so as to avoid a dependency loop between BeanDescriptors.
BeanDescriptor<T> targetDescriptor;
IdBinder targetIdBinder;
InheritInfo targetInheritInfo;
String targetIdProperty;
Derived list of exported property and matching foreignKey
* Derived list of exported property and matching foreignKey
protected ExportedProperty[] exportedProperties;
Persist settings.
* Persist settings.
final BeanCascadeInfo cascadeInfo;
Join between the beans.
* Join between the beans.
final TableJoin tableJoin;
final PropertyForeignKey foreignKey;
The type of the joined bean.
* The type of the joined bean.
final Class<T> targetType;
The join table information.
* The join table information.
final BeanTable beanTable;
final String mappedBy;
final String docStoreDoc;
final String extraWhere;
final int fetchPreference;
boolean saveRecurseSkippable;
Construct the property.
* Construct the property.
public BeanPropertyAssoc(BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<T> deploy) {
super(descriptor, deploy);
this.foreignKey = deploy.getForeignKey();
this.extraWhere = InternString.intern(deploy.getExtraWhere());
this.beanTable = deploy.getBeanTable();
this.mappedBy = InternString.intern(deploy.getMappedBy());
this.docStoreDoc = deploy.getDocStoreDoc();
this.tableJoin = new TableJoin(deploy.getTableJoin());
this.targetType = deploy.getTargetType();
this.cascadeInfo = deploy.getCascadeInfo();
this.fetchPreference = deploy.getFetchPreference();
Copy constructor for ManyToOne inside Embeddable.
* Copy constructor for ManyToOne inside Embeddable.
public BeanPropertyAssoc(BeanPropertyAssoc source, BeanPropertyOverride override) {
super(source, override);
foreignKey = source.foreignKey;
extraWhere = source.extraWhere;
beanTable = source.beanTable;
mappedBy = source.mappedBy;
docStoreDoc = source.docStoreDoc;
targetType = source.targetType;
cascadeInfo = source.cascadeInfo;
fetchPreference = source.fetchPreference;
tableJoin = source.tableJoin.withOverrideColumn(override.getDbColumn());
Initialise post construction.
* Initialise post construction.
public void initialise(BeanDescriptorInitContext initContext) {
// this *MUST* execute after the BeanDescriptor is
// put into the map to stop infinite recursion
void initialiseTargetDescriptor(BeanDescriptorInitContext initContext) {
targetDescriptor = descriptor.getBeanDescriptor(targetType);
if (!isTransient) {
targetIdBinder = targetDescriptor.getIdBinder();
targetInheritInfo = targetDescriptor.getInheritInfo();
saveRecurseSkippable = targetDescriptor.isSaveRecurseSkippable();
if (!targetIdBinder.isComplexId()) {
targetIdProperty = targetIdBinder.getIdProperty();
public int getFetchPreference() {
return fetchPreference;
Return the extra configuration for the foreign key.
* Return the extra configuration for the foreign key.
public PropertyForeignKey getForeignKey() {
return foreignKey;
Create a ElPropertyValue for a *ToOne or *ToMany.
* Create a ElPropertyValue for a *ToOne or *ToMany.
protected ElPropertyValue createElPropertyValue(String propName, String remainder, ElPropertyChainBuilder chain, boolean propertyDeploy) {
// associated or embedded bean
BeanDescriptor<?> embDesc = getTargetDescriptor();
if (chain == null) {
chain = new ElPropertyChainBuilder(isEmbedded(), propName);
if (containsMany()) {
return embDesc.buildElGetValue(remainder, chain, propertyDeploy);
Add table join with table alias based on prefix.
* Add table join with table alias based on prefix.
public SqlJoinType addJoin(SqlJoinType joinType, String prefix, DbSqlContext ctx) {
return tableJoin.addJoin(joinType, prefix, ctx);
Add table join with explicit table alias.
* Add table join with explicit table alias.
public SqlJoinType addJoin(SqlJoinType joinType, String a1, String a2, DbSqlContext ctx) {
return tableJoin.addJoin(joinType, a1, a2, ctx);
Return false.
* Return false.
public boolean isScalar() {
return false;
Return the mappedBy property.
This will be null on the owning side.
* Return the mappedBy property.
* This will be null on the owning side.
public String getMappedBy() {
return mappedBy;
Return the Id property of the target entity type.
This will return null for multiple Id properties.
* Return the Id property of the target entity type.
* <p>
* This will return null for multiple Id properties.
* </p>
public String getTargetIdProperty() {
return targetIdProperty;
Return the BeanDescriptor of the target.
* Return the BeanDescriptor of the target.
public BeanDescriptor<T> getTargetDescriptor() {
return targetDescriptor;
SpiEbeanServer server() {
return descriptor.getEbeanServer();
Create a new query for the target type.
We use target descriptor rather than target property type to support ElementCollection.
* Create a new query for the target type.
* We use target descriptor rather than target property type to support ElementCollection.
public SpiQuery<T> newQuery(SpiEbeanServer server) {
return new DefaultOrmQuery<>(targetDescriptor, server, server.getExpressionFactory());
public IdBinder getIdBinder() {
return descriptor.getIdBinder();
public STreeType target() {
return targetDescriptor;
Return true if the target side has soft delete.
* Return true if the target side has soft delete.
public boolean isTargetSoftDelete() {
return targetDescriptor.isSoftDelete();
Return true if REFRESH should cascade.
* Return true if REFRESH should cascade.
public boolean isCascadeRefresh() {
return cascadeInfo.isRefresh();
public boolean isSaveRecurseSkippable(Object bean) {
return saveRecurseSkippable && bean instanceof EntityBean && !((EntityBean) bean)._ebean_getIntercept().isNewOrDirty();
Return true if save can be skipped for unmodified bean(s) of this
That is, if a bean of this property is unmodified we don't need to
saveRecurse because none of its associated beans have cascade save set to
* Return true if save can be skipped for unmodified bean(s) of this
* property.
* <p>
* That is, if a bean of this property is unmodified we don't need to
* saveRecurse because none of its associated beans have cascade save set to
* true.
* </p>
public boolean isSaveRecurseSkippable() {
return saveRecurseSkippable;
Return true if the unique id properties are all not null for this bean.
* Return true if the unique id properties are all not null for this bean.
public boolean hasId(EntityBean bean) {
BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor();
BeanProperty idProp = targetDesc.getIdProperty();
if (idProp != null) {
Object value = idProp.getValue(bean);
if (value == null) {
return false;
// all the unique properties are non-null
return true;
Return the type of the target.
This is the class of the associated bean, or beans contained in a list,
set or map.
* Return the type of the target.
* <p>
* This is the class of the associated bean, or beans contained in a list,
* set or map.
* </p>
public Class<?> getTargetType() {
return targetType;
Return an extra clause to add to the query for loading or joining
to this bean type.
* Return an extra clause to add to the query for loading or joining
* to this bean type.
public String getExtraWhere() {
return extraWhere;
Return the elastic search doc for this embedded property.
* Return the elastic search doc for this embedded property.
public String getDocStoreDoc() {
return docStoreDoc;
Determine if and how the associated bean is included in the doc store document.
* Determine if and how the associated bean is included in the doc store document.
public void docStoreInclude(boolean includeByDefault, DocStructure docStructure) {
String embeddedDoc = getDocStoreDoc();
if (embeddedDoc == null) {
// not annotated so use include by default
// which is *ToOne included and *ToMany excluded
if (includeByDefault) {
} else {
// explicitly annotated to be included
if (embeddedDoc.isEmpty()) {
embeddedDoc = "*";
// add in a nested way
PathProperties embDoc = PathProperties.parse(embeddedDoc);
docStructure.addNested(name, embDoc);
Include the property in the document store by default.
* Include the property in the document store by default.
protected void docStoreIncludeByDefault(PathProperties pathProps) {
pathProps.addToPath(null, name);
public void docStoreMapping(DocMappingBuilder mapping, String prefix) {
if (mapping.includesPath(prefix, name)) {
String fullName = SplitName.add(prefix, name);
DocPropertyType type = isMany() ? DocPropertyType.LIST : DocPropertyType.OBJECT;
DocPropertyMapping nested = new DocPropertyMapping(name, type);
targetDescriptor.docStoreMapping(mapping, fullName);
if (!nested.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
Return true if this association is updateable.
* Return true if this association is updateable.
public boolean isUpdateable() {
TableJoinColumn[] columns = tableJoin.columns();
if (columns.length <= 0) {
return true;
for (TableJoinColumn column : columns) {
if (column.isUpdateable()) {
// at least 1 is updatable
return true;
return false;
Return true if this association is insertable.
* Return true if this association is insertable.
public boolean isInsertable() {
TableJoinColumn[] columns = tableJoin.columns();
if (columns.length <= 0) {
return true;
for (TableJoinColumn column : columns) {
if (column.isInsertable()) {
// at least 1 is insertable
return true;
return false;
Return the underlying BeanTable for this property.
* Return the underlying BeanTable for this property.
public BeanTable getBeanTable() {
return beanTable;
return the join to use for the bean.
* return the join to use for the bean.
public TableJoin getTableJoin() {
return tableJoin;
Get the persist info.
* Get the persist info.
public BeanCascadeInfo getCascadeInfo() {
return cascadeInfo;
Build the list of imported property. Matches BeanProperty from the target
descriptor back to local database columns in the TableJoin.
* Build the list of imported property. Matches BeanProperty from the target
* descriptor back to local database columns in the TableJoin.
protected ImportedId createImportedId(BeanPropertyAssoc<?> owner, BeanDescriptor<?> target, TableJoin join) {
BeanProperty idProp = target.getIdProperty();
BeanProperty[] others = target.propertiesBaseScalar();
if (descriptor.isRawSqlBased()) {
String dbColumn = owner.getDbColumn();
return new ImportedIdSimple(owner, dbColumn, null, idProp, 0);
TableJoinColumn[] cols = join.columns();
if (idProp == null) {
return null;
if (!idProp.isEmbedded()) {
// simple single scalar id
if (cols.length != 1) {
String msg = "No Imported Id column for [" + idProp + "] in table [" + join.getTable() + "]";
return null;
} else {
BeanProperty[] idProps = {idProp};
return createImportedScalar(owner, cols[0], idProps, others);
} else {
// embedded id
BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> embProp = (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) idProp;
BeanProperty[] embBaseProps = embProp.getTargetDescriptor().propertiesBaseScalar();
ImportedIdSimple[] scalars = createImportedList(owner, cols, embBaseProps, others);
return new ImportedIdEmbedded(owner, embProp, scalars);
private ImportedIdSimple[] createImportedList(BeanPropertyAssoc<?> owner, TableJoinColumn[] cols, BeanProperty[] props, BeanProperty[] others) {
ArrayList<ImportedIdSimple> list = new ArrayList<>(cols.length);
for (TableJoinColumn col : cols) {
list.add(createImportedScalar(owner, col, props, others));
return ImportedIdSimple.sort(list);
private ImportedIdSimple createImportedScalar(BeanPropertyAssoc<?> owner, TableJoinColumn col, BeanProperty[] props, BeanProperty[] others) {
String matchColumn = col.getForeignDbColumn();
String localColumn = col.getLocalDbColumn();
String localSqlFormula = col.getLocalSqlFormula();
boolean insertable = col.isInsertable();
boolean updateable = col.isUpdateable();
for (int j = 0; j < props.length; j++) {
if (props[j].getDbColumn().equalsIgnoreCase(matchColumn)) {
return new ImportedIdSimple(owner, localColumn, localSqlFormula, props[j], j, insertable, updateable);
for (int j = 0; j < others.length; j++) {
if (others[j].getDbColumn().equalsIgnoreCase(matchColumn)) {
return new ImportedIdSimple(owner, localColumn, localSqlFormula, others[j], j + props.length, insertable, updateable);
String msg = "Error with the Join on [" + getFullBeanName()
+ "]. Could not find the local match for [" + matchColumn + "] "//in table["+searchTable+"]?"
+ " Perhaps an error in a @JoinColumn";
throw new PersistenceException(msg);
private List<Object> flattenParentIds(List<Object> parentIds) {
List<Object> bindValues = new ArrayList<>(parentIds.size() * 3);
for (Object parentId : parentIds) {
flatten(bindValues, parentId);
return bindValues;
private List<Object> flattenParentId(Object parentId) {
List<Object> bindValues = new ArrayList<>();
flatten(bindValues, parentId);
return bindValues;
private void flatten(List<Object> bindValues, Object parentId) {
if (isExportedSimple()) {
} else {
EntityBean parent = (EntityBean) parentId;
for (ExportedProperty exportedProperty : exportedProperties) {
void bindParentIds(DefaultSqlUpdate delete, List<Object> parentIds) {
if (isExportedSimple()) {
delete.setNextParameter(new MultiValueWrapper(parentIds));
} else {
// embedded ids etc
List<Object> bindValues = flattenParentIds(parentIds);
for (Object bindValue : bindValues) {
void bindParentId(DefaultSqlUpdate sqlUpd, Object parentId) {
if (isExportedSimple()) {
EntityBean parent = (EntityBean) parentId;
for (ExportedProperty exportedProperty : exportedProperties) {
void bindParentIdEq(String expr, Object parentId, Query<?> q) {
if (isExportedSimple()) {
q.where().raw(expr, parentId);
} else {
// embedded ids etc
List<Object> bindValues = flattenParentId(parentId);
q.where().raw(expr, bindValues.toArray());
void bindParentIdsIn(String expr, List<Object> parentIds, Query<?> q) {
if (isExportedSimple()) {
q.where().raw(expr, new MultiValueWrapper(parentIds));
} else {
// embedded ids etc
List<Object> bindValues = flattenParentIds(parentIds);
q.where().raw(expr, bindValues.toArray());
private boolean isExportedSimple() {
return exportedProperties.length == 1;
Find and return the exported property matching to this property.
* Find and return the exported property matching to this property.
ExportedProperty findMatch(boolean embedded, BeanProperty prop, String matchColumn, TableJoin tableJoin) {
String searchTable = tableJoin.getTable();
for (TableJoinColumn column : tableJoin.columns()) {
String matchTo = column.getLocalDbColumn();
if (matchColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(matchTo)) {
String foreignCol = column.getForeignDbColumn();
return new ExportedProperty(embedded, foreignCol, prop);
String msg = "Error with the Join on [" + getFullBeanName()
+ "]. Could not find the matching foreign key for [" + matchColumn + "] in table[" + searchTable + "]?"
+ " Perhaps using a @JoinColumn with the name/referencedColumnName attributes swapped?";
throw new PersistenceException(msg);