package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.InternString;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanTable;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployTableJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployTableJoinColumn;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

Used for associated beans in place of a BeanDescriptor. This is done to avoid recursion issues due to the potentially bi-directional and circular relationships between beans.

It holds the main deployment information and not all the detail that is held in a BeanDescriptor.

/** * Used for associated beans in place of a BeanDescriptor. This is done to avoid * recursion issues due to the potentially bi-directional and circular * relationships between beans. * <p> * It holds the main deployment information and not all the detail that is held * in a BeanDescriptor. * </p> */
public class BeanTable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanTable.class); private final BeanDescriptorMap owner; private final Class<?> beanType;
The base table.
/** * The base table. */
private final String baseTable; private final BeanProperty idProperty;
Create the BeanTable.
/** * Create the BeanTable. */
public BeanTable(DeployBeanTable mutable, BeanDescriptorMap owner) { this.owner = owner; this.beanType = mutable.getBeanType(); this.baseTable = InternString.intern(mutable.getBaseTable()); this.idProperty = mutable.createIdProperty(owner); }
Construct for element collection.
/** * Construct for element collection. */
public BeanTable(BeanDescriptorMap owner, String tableName, Class<?> beanType) { this.owner = owner; this.beanType = beanType; this.baseTable = tableName; this.idProperty = null; } @Override public String toString() { return baseTable; }
Return the base table for this BeanTable. This is used to determine the join information for associations.
/** * Return the base table for this BeanTable. * This is used to determine the join information * for associations. */
public String getBaseTable() { return baseTable; }
Gets the unqualified base table.
Returns:the unqualified base table
/** * Gets the unqualified base table. * * @return the unqualified base table */
public String getUnqualifiedBaseTable() { final String[] chunks = baseTable.split("\\."); return chunks.length == 2 ? chunks[1] : chunks[0]; }
Return the Id properties.
/** * Return the Id properties. */
public BeanProperty getIdProperty() { return idProperty; }
Return the class for this beanTable.
/** * Return the class for this beanTable. */
public Class<?> getBeanType() { return beanType; } public void createJoinColumn(String foreignKeyPrefix, DeployTableJoin join, boolean reverse, String sqlFormulaSelect) { if (idProperty == null) { return; } if (idProperty instanceof BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) { BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> assocOne = (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) idProperty; BeanProperty[] props = assocOne.getProperties(); for (BeanProperty prop : props) { addToJoin(foreignKeyPrefix, join, reverse, sqlFormulaSelect, true, prop); } } else { addToJoin(foreignKeyPrefix, join, reverse, sqlFormulaSelect, false, idProperty); } } private void addToJoin(String foreignKeyPrefix, DeployTableJoin join, boolean reverse, String sqlFormulaSelect, boolean complexKey, BeanProperty prop) { String lc = prop.getDbColumn(); String fk = lc; if (foreignKeyPrefix != null) { fk = owner.getNamingConvention().getForeignKey(foreignKeyPrefix, fk); } if (complexKey) { // just to copy the column name rather than prefix with the foreignKeyPrefix. // I think that with complex keys this is the more common approach. logger.debug("On table[{}] foreign key column [{}]", baseTable, lc); fk = lc; } if (sqlFormulaSelect != null) { fk = sqlFormulaSelect; } DeployTableJoinColumn joinCol = new DeployTableJoinColumn(lc, fk); joinCol.setForeignSqlFormula(sqlFormulaSelect); if (reverse) { joinCol = joinCol.reverse(); } join.addJoinColumn(joinCol); }
Return the primary key DB column.
/** * Return the primary key DB column. */
public String getIdColumn() { return idProperty.dbColumn; } }