
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.DefaultSqlUpdate;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DbReadContext;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DbSqlContext;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.STreeProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.DataBind;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

Binds id values to prepared statements.
/** * Binds id values to prepared statements. */
public interface IdBinder {
Initialise the binder.
/** * Initialise the binder. */
void initialise();
Return true if this is a compound key and must use expanded and or form.
/** * Return true if this is a compound key and must use expanded and or form. */
boolean isIdInExpandedForm();
Write the Id value to binary DataOuput.
/** * Write the Id value to binary DataOuput. */
void writeData(DataOutput dataOutput, Object idValue) throws IOException;
Read the Id value from the binary DataInput.
/** * Read the Id value from the binary DataInput. */
Object readData(DataInput dataInput) throws IOException;
Return the name(s) of the Id property(s). Comma delimited if there is more than one.

This can be used to include in a query.

/** * Return the name(s) of the Id property(s). Comma delimited if there is more * than one. * <p> * This can be used to include in a query. * </p> */
String getIdProperty();
Return the Id BeanProperty.
/** * Return the Id BeanProperty. */
STreeProperty getBeanProperty();
Find a BeanProperty that is mapped to the database column.
/** * Find a BeanProperty that is mapped to the database column. */
BeanProperty findBeanProperty(String dbColumnName);
Return false if the id is a simple scalar and false if it is embedded or concatenated.
/** * Return false if the id is a simple scalar and false if it is embedded or * concatenated. */
boolean isComplexId();
Return the default order by that may need to be used if the query includes a many property.
/** * Return the default order by that may need to be used if the query includes * a many property. */
String getDefaultOrderBy(); String getOrderBy(String pathPrefix, boolean ascending);
Return the values as an array of scalar bindable values.

For concatenated keys that use an Embedded bean or multiple id properties this determines the field values are returns them as an Object array.

Added primarily for Query.addWhere().add(Expr.idEq()) support.

/** * Return the values as an array of scalar bindable values. * <p> * For concatenated keys that use an Embedded bean or multiple id properties * this determines the field values are returns them as an Object array. * </p> * <p> * Added primarily for Query.addWhere().add(Expr.idEq()) support. * </p> */
Object[] getBindValues(Object idValue);
For EmbeddedId convert the idValue into a simple map. Otherwise the idValue is just returned as is.

This is used to provide a simple JSON serializable version of the id value.

/** * For EmbeddedId convert the idValue into a simple map. * Otherwise the idValue is just returned as is. * <p> * This is used to provide a simple JSON serializable version of the id value. * </p> */
Object getIdForJson(EntityBean idValue);
For EmbeddedId the value is assumed to be a Map and this is takes the values from the map and builds an embedded id bean.

For other simple id's this just returns the value (no conversion required).

This is used to provide a simple JSON serializable version of the id value.

/** * For EmbeddedId the value is assumed to be a Map and this is * takes the values from the map and builds an embedded id bean. * <p> * For other simple id's this just returns the value (no conversion required). * </p> * <p> * This is used to provide a simple JSON serializable version of the id value. * </p> */
Object convertIdFromJson(Object value);
Return the id values for a given bean.
/** * Return the id values for a given bean. */
Object[] getIdValues(EntityBean bean);
Build a string of the logical expressions.

Typically used to build a id = ? string.

/** * Build a string of the logical expressions. * <p> * Typically used to build a id = ? string. * </p> */
String getAssocOneIdExpr(String prefix, String operator);
Return the logical id in expression taking into account embedded id's.
/** * Return the logical id in expression taking into account embedded id's. */
String getAssocIdInExpr(String prefix);
Binds an id value to a prepared statement.
/** * Binds an id value to a prepared statement. */
void bindId(DataBind dataBind, Object value) throws SQLException;
Bind the id value to a SqlUpdate statement.
/** * Bind the id value to a SqlUpdate statement. */
void bindId(DefaultSqlUpdate sqlUpdate, Object value);
Binds multiple id value to an update.
/** * Binds multiple id value to an update. */
void addIdInBindValues(DefaultSqlUpdate sqlUpdate, Collection<?> ids);
Binds multiple id value to a request.
/** * Binds multiple id value to a request. */
void addIdInBindValues(SpiExpressionRequest request, Collection<?> ids);
Return the sql for binding the id using an IN clause.
/** * Return the sql for binding the id using an IN clause. */
String getBindIdInSql(String baseTableAlias);
Return the binding expression (like "?" or "(?,?)")for the Id.
/** * Return the binding expression (like "?" or "(?,?)")for the Id. */
String getIdInValueExpr(boolean not, int size);
Same as getIdInValueExpr but for delete by id.
/** * Same as getIdInValueExpr but for delete by id. */
String getIdInValueExprDelete(int size); void buildRawSqlSelectChain(String prefix, List<String> selectChain);
Read the id value from the result set and set it to the bean also returning it.
/** * Read the id value from the result set and set it to the bean also returning * it. */
Object readSet(DbReadContext ctx, EntityBean bean) throws SQLException;
Ignore the appropriate number of scalar properties for this id.
/** * Ignore the appropriate number of scalar properties for this id. */
void loadIgnore(DbReadContext ctx);
Read the id value from the result set and return it.
/** * Read the id value from the result set and return it. */
Object read(DbReadContext ctx) throws SQLException;
Append to the select clause.
/** * Append to the select clause. */
void appendSelect(DbSqlContext ctx, boolean subQuery);
Return the sql for binding the id to. This includes table alias and columns that make up the id.
/** * Return the sql for binding the id to. This includes table alias and columns * that make up the id. */
String getBindIdSql(String baseTableAlias);
Cast or convert the Id value if necessary and optionally set it.

The Id value is not assumed to be the correct type so it is converted to the correct type. Typically this is because we could get a Integer, Long or BigDecimal depending on the JDBC driver and situation.

If the bean is not null, then the value is set to the bean.

/** * Cast or convert the Id value if necessary and optionally set it. * <p> * The Id value is not assumed to be the correct type so it is converted to * the correct type. Typically this is because we could get a Integer, Long or * BigDecimal depending on the JDBC driver and situation. * </p> * <p> * If the bean is not null, then the value is set to the bean. * </p> */
Object convertSetId(Object idValue, EntityBean bean);
Cast or convert the Id value if necessary.
/** * Cast or convert the Id value if necessary. */
Object convertId(Object idValue);
Return a key to use for bean caches given the id value.
/** * Return a key to use for bean caches given the id value. */
String cacheKey(Object idValue); }