package io.ebeaninternal.server.type;

import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.timezone.DataTimeZone;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;

public class DataBind {

  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataBind.class);

  private final DataTimeZone dataTimeZone;

  private final PreparedStatement pstmt;

  private final Connection connection;

  private final StringBuilder bindLog = new StringBuilder();

  private List<InputStream> inputStreams;

  protected int pos;

  public DataBind(DataTimeZone dataTimeZone, PreparedStatement pstmt, Connection connection) {
    this.dataTimeZone = dataTimeZone;
    this.pstmt = pstmt;
    this.connection = connection;

Append an entry to the bind log.
/** * Append an entry to the bind log. */
public StringBuilder append(Object entry) { return bindLog.append(entry); }
Return the bind log.
/** * Return the bind log. */
public StringBuilder log() { return bindLog; }
Close the underlying prepared statement.
/** * Close the underlying prepared statement. */
public void close() throws SQLException { pstmt.close(); } public int currentPos() { return pos; } public void setObject(Object value) throws SQLException { pstmt.setObject(++pos, value); } public void setObject(Object value, int sqlType) throws SQLException { pstmt.setObject(++pos, value, sqlType); } public void setNull(int jdbcType) throws SQLException { pstmt.setNull(++pos, jdbcType); } public int nextPos() { return ++pos; } public void decrementPos() { --pos; } public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException { try { return pstmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { closeInputStreams(); } } private void closeInputStreams() { if (inputStreams != null) { for (InputStream inputStream : inputStreams) { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Error closing InputStream that was bound to PreparedStatement", e); } } inputStreams = null; } } public PreparedStatement getPstmt() { return pstmt; } public void setString(String s) throws SQLException { pstmt.setString(++pos, s); } public void setInt(int i) throws SQLException { pstmt.setInt(++pos, i); } public void setLong(long i) throws SQLException { pstmt.setLong(++pos, i); } public void setShort(short i) throws SQLException { pstmt.setShort(++pos, i); } public void setFloat(float i) throws SQLException { pstmt.setFloat(++pos, i); } public void setDouble(double i) throws SQLException { pstmt.setDouble(++pos, i); } public void setBigDecimal(BigDecimal v) throws SQLException { pstmt.setBigDecimal(++pos, v); } public void setDate(java.sql.Date v) throws SQLException { pstmt.setDate(++pos, v); } public void setTimestamp(Timestamp v) throws SQLException { Calendar timeZone = dataTimeZone.getTimeZone(); if (timeZone != null) { pstmt.setTimestamp(++pos, v, timeZone); } else { pstmt.setTimestamp(++pos, v); } } public void setTime(Time v) throws SQLException { pstmt.setTime(++pos, v); } public void setBoolean(boolean v) throws SQLException { pstmt.setBoolean(++pos, v); } public void setBytes(byte[] v) throws SQLException { pstmt.setBytes(++pos, v); } public void setByte(byte v) throws SQLException { pstmt.setByte(++pos, v); } public void setChar(char v) throws SQLException { pstmt.setString(++pos, String.valueOf(v)); }
Return any inputStreams that have been bound (and should be closed). This is used for batched statement execution only.
/** * Return any inputStreams that have been bound (and should be closed). * This is used for batched statement execution only. */
public List<InputStream> getInputStreams() { return inputStreams; } public void setBinaryStream(InputStream inputStream, long length) throws SQLException { if (inputStreams == null) { inputStreams = new ArrayList<>(); } inputStreams.add(inputStream); pstmt.setBinaryStream(++pos, inputStream, length); } public void setBlob(byte[] bytes) throws SQLException { ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); pstmt.setBinaryStream(++pos, is, bytes.length); } public void setClob(String content) throws SQLException { Reader reader = new StringReader(content); pstmt.setCharacterStream(++pos, reader, content.length()); } public void setArray(String arrayType, Object[] elements) throws SQLException { Array array = connection.createArrayOf(arrayType, elements); pstmt.setArray(++pos, array); } }