package io.ebeaninternal.server.query;

Inner join, Outer join or automatic determination based on cardinality and optionality.
/** * Inner join, Outer join or automatic determination based on cardinality and optionality. */
public enum SqlJoinType {
It is an inner join.
/** * It is an inner join. */
It is an outer join.
/** * It is an outer join. */
OUTER("left join"),
It is automatically determined based on cardinality and optionality.
/** * It is automatically determined based on cardinality and optionality. */
AUTO("JOIN-TYPE-AUTO-LITERAL-NOT-USED"); final String literal; SqlJoinType(String literal) { this.literal = literal; }
Return the SQL join literal.
/** * Return the SQL join literal. */
public String getLiteral() { return literal; }
Return the actual SQL join literal taking into account the current join type and the 'default join type as per deployment cardinality and optionality'.
/** * Return the actual SQL join literal taking into account the current join type and the 'default * join type as per deployment cardinality and optionality'. */
public String getLiteral(SqlJoinType deploymentJoinType) { if (this == SqlJoinType.AUTO) { return deploymentJoinType.getLiteral(); } return this.getLiteral(); }
If this is an AUTO join set it to OUTER as we are joining to a Many.
/** * If this is an AUTO join set it to OUTER as we are joining to a Many. */
public SqlJoinType autoToOuter() { if (this == AUTO) { return OUTER; } else { return this; } }
If join is AUTO but deploymentJoinType is OUTER then go into OUTER join mode.
/** * If join is AUTO but deploymentJoinType is OUTER then go into OUTER join mode. */
public SqlJoinType autoToOuter(SqlJoinType deploymentJoinType) { if (this == AUTO && deploymentJoinType == OUTER) { return OUTER; } else { return this; } } }