package io.ebeaninternal.server.rawsql;

import io.ebean.RawSql;
import io.ebean.util.CamelCaseHelper;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

Internal service API for Raw Sql.
/** * Internal service API for Raw Sql. */
public interface SpiRawSql extends RawSql {
Special property name assigned to a DB column that should be ignored.
/** * Special property name assigned to a DB column that should be ignored. */
String IGNORE_COLUMN = "$$_IGNORE_COLUMN_$$"; SpiRawSql.Sql getSql(); SpiRawSql.Key getKey(); ResultSet getResultSet(); SpiRawSql.ColumnMapping getColumnMapping();
Represents the sql part of the query. For parsed RawSql the sql is broken up so that Ebean can insert extra WHERE and HAVING expressions into the SQL.
/** * Represents the sql part of the query. For parsed RawSql the sql is broken * up so that Ebean can insert extra WHERE and HAVING expressions into the * SQL. */
final class Sql implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final boolean parsed; private final String unparsedSql; private final String preFrom; private final String preWhere; private final boolean andWhereExpr; private final String preHaving; private final boolean andHavingExpr; private final String orderByPrefix; private final String orderBy; private final boolean distinct;
Construct for unparsed SQL.
/** * Construct for unparsed SQL. */
protected Sql(String unparsedSql) { this.parsed = false; this.unparsedSql = unparsedSql; this.preFrom = null; this.preHaving = null; this.preWhere = null; this.andHavingExpr = false; this.andWhereExpr = false; this.orderByPrefix = null; this.orderBy = null; this.distinct = false; }
Construct for parsed SQL.
/** * Construct for parsed SQL. */
protected Sql(String unparsedSql, String preFrom, String preWhere, boolean andWhereExpr, String preHaving, boolean andHavingExpr, String orderByPrefix, String orderBy, boolean distinct) { this.unparsedSql = unparsedSql; this.parsed = true; this.preFrom = preFrom; this.preHaving = preHaving; this.preWhere = preWhere; this.andHavingExpr = andHavingExpr; this.andWhereExpr = andWhereExpr; this.orderByPrefix = orderByPrefix; this.orderBy = orderBy; this.distinct = distinct; } @Override public String toString() { if (!parsed) { return "unparsed[" + unparsedSql + "]"; } return "select[" + preFrom + "] preWhere[" + preWhere + "] preHaving[" + preHaving + "] orderBy[" + orderBy + "]"; } public boolean isDistinct() { return distinct; }
Return true if the SQL is left completely unmodified.

This means Ebean can't add WHERE or HAVING expressions into the query - it will be left completely unmodified.

/** * Return true if the SQL is left completely unmodified. * <p> * This means Ebean can't add WHERE or HAVING expressions into the query - * it will be left completely unmodified. * </p> */
public boolean isParsed() { return parsed; }
Return the SQL when it is unparsed.
/** * Return the SQL when it is unparsed. */
public String getUnparsedSql() { return unparsedSql; }
Return the SQL prior to FROM clause.
/** * Return the SQL prior to FROM clause. */
public String getPreFrom() { return preFrom; }
Return the SQL prior to WHERE clause.
/** * Return the SQL prior to WHERE clause. */
public String getPreWhere() { return preWhere; }
Return true if there is already a WHERE clause and any extra where expressions start with AND.
/** * Return true if there is already a WHERE clause and any extra where * expressions start with AND. */
public boolean isAndWhereExpr() { return andWhereExpr; }
Return the SQL prior to HAVING clause.
/** * Return the SQL prior to HAVING clause. */
public String getPreHaving() { return preHaving; }
Return true if there is already a HAVING clause and any extra having expressions start with AND.
/** * Return true if there is already a HAVING clause and any extra having * expressions start with AND. */
public boolean isAndHavingExpr() { return andHavingExpr; }
Return the 'order by' keywords. This can contain additional keywords, for example 'order siblings by' as Oracle syntax.
/** * Return the 'order by' keywords. * This can contain additional keywords, for example 'order siblings by' as Oracle syntax. */
public String getOrderByPrefix() { return (orderByPrefix == null) ? "order by" : orderByPrefix; }
Return the SQL ORDER BY clause.
/** * Return the SQL ORDER BY clause. */
public String getOrderBy() { return orderBy; } }
Defines the column mapping for raw sql DB columns to bean properties.
/** * Defines the column mapping for raw sql DB columns to bean properties. */
final class ColumnMapping implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final LinkedHashMap<String, Column> dbColumnMap; private final Map<String, String> propertyMap; private final Map<String, Column> propertyColumnMap; private final boolean parsed; private final boolean immutable;
Construct from parsed sql where the columns have been identified.
/** * Construct from parsed sql where the columns have been identified. */
protected ColumnMapping(List<Column> columns) { this.immutable = false; this.parsed = true; this.propertyMap = null; this.propertyColumnMap = null; this.dbColumnMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Column c : columns) { dbColumnMap.put(c.getDbColumnKey(), c); } }
Construct for unparsed sql.
/** * Construct for unparsed sql. */
protected ColumnMapping() { this.immutable = false; this.parsed = false; this.propertyMap = null; this.propertyColumnMap = null; this.dbColumnMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); }
Construct for ResultSet use.
/** * Construct for ResultSet use. */
protected ColumnMapping(String... propertyNames) { this.immutable = false; this.parsed = false; this.propertyMap = null; this.dbColumnMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); int pos = 0; for (String prop : propertyNames) { dbColumnMap.put(prop, new Column(pos++, prop, null, prop)); } propertyColumnMap = dbColumnMap; }
Construct an immutable ColumnMapping based on collected information.
/** * Construct an immutable ColumnMapping based on collected information. */
protected ColumnMapping(boolean parsed, LinkedHashMap<String, Column> dbColumnMap) { this.immutable = true; this.parsed = parsed; this.dbColumnMap = dbColumnMap; HashMap<String, Column> pcMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, String> pMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Column c : dbColumnMap.values()) { pMap.put(c.getPropertyName(), c.getDbColumn()); pcMap.put(c.getPropertyName(), c); } this.propertyMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(pMap); this.propertyColumnMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(pcMap); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ColumnMapping that = (ColumnMapping) o; return dbColumnMap.equals(that.dbColumnMap); } @Override public int hashCode() { return dbColumnMap.hashCode(); }
Return true if the property is mapped.
/** * Return true if the property is mapped. */
public boolean contains(String property) { return this.propertyColumnMap.containsKey(property); }
Creates an immutable copy of this ColumnMapping.
  • IllegalStateException – when a propertyName has not been defined for a column.
/** * Creates an immutable copy of this ColumnMapping. * * @throws IllegalStateException when a propertyName has not been defined for a column. */
protected ColumnMapping createImmutableCopy() { for (Column c : dbColumnMap.values()) { c.checkMapping(); } return new ColumnMapping(parsed, dbColumnMap); } protected void columnMapping(String dbColumn, String propertyName) { if (immutable) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should never happen"); } if (!parsed) { int pos = dbColumnMap.size(); dbColumnMap.put(dbColumn, new Column(pos, dbColumn, null, propertyName)); } else { Column column = dbColumnMap.get(dbColumn); if (column == null) { String msg = "DB Column [" + dbColumn + "] not found in mapping. Expecting one of [" + dbColumnMap.keySet() + "]"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } column.setPropertyName(propertyName); } }
Returns true if the Columns where supplied by parsing the sql select clause.

In the case where the columns where parsed then we can do extra checks on the column mapping such as, is the column a valid one in the sql and whether all the columns in the sql have been mapped.

/** * Returns true if the Columns where supplied by parsing the sql select * clause. * <p> * In the case where the columns where parsed then we can do extra checks on * the column mapping such as, is the column a valid one in the sql and * whether all the columns in the sql have been mapped. * </p> */
public boolean isParsed() { return parsed; }
Return the number of columns in this column mapping.
/** * Return the number of columns in this column mapping. */
public int size() { return dbColumnMap.size(); }
Return the column mapping.
/** * Return the column mapping. */
protected Map<String, Column> mapping() { return dbColumnMap; }
Return the mapping by DB column.
/** * Return the mapping by DB column. */
public Map<String, String> getMapping() { return propertyMap; }
Return the index position by bean property name.
/** * Return the index position by bean property name. */
public int getIndexPosition(String property) { Column c = propertyColumnMap.get(property); return c == null ? -1 : c.getIndexPos(); }
Return an iterator of the Columns.
/** * Return an iterator of the Columns. */
public Iterator<Column> getColumns() { return dbColumnMap.values().iterator(); }
Modify any column mappings with the given table alias to have the path prefix.

For example modify all mappings with table alias "c" to have the path prefix "customer".

For the "Root type" you don't need to specify a tableAliasMapping.

/** * Modify any column mappings with the given table alias to have the path prefix. * <p> * For example modify all mappings with table alias "c" to have the path prefix "customer". * </p> * <p> * For the "Root type" you don't need to specify a tableAliasMapping. * </p> */
public void tableAliasMapping(String tableAlias, String path) { String startMatch = tableAlias + "."; for (Map.Entry<String, Column> entry : dbColumnMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().startsWith(startMatch)) { entry.getValue().tableAliasMapping(path); } } }
A Column of the RawSql that is mapped to a bean property (or ignored).
/** * A Column of the RawSql that is mapped to a bean property (or ignored). */
public static class Column implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final int indexPos; private final String dbColumn; private final String dbAlias; private String propertyName;
Construct a Column.
/** * Construct a Column. */
public Column(int indexPos, String dbColumn, String dbAlias) { this(indexPos, dbColumn, dbAlias, derivePropertyName(dbAlias, dbColumn)); } private Column(int indexPos, String dbColumn, String dbAlias, String propertyName) { this.indexPos = indexPos; this.dbColumn = dbColumn; this.dbAlias = dbAlias; if (propertyName == null && dbAlias != null) { this.propertyName = dbAlias; } else { this.propertyName = propertyName; } } protected static String derivePropertyName(String dbAlias, String dbColumn) { if (dbAlias != null) { return CamelCaseHelper.toCamelFromUnderscore(dbAlias); } int dotPos = dbColumn.indexOf('.'); if (dotPos > -1) { dbColumn = dbColumn.substring(dotPos + 1); } return CamelCaseHelper.toCamelFromUnderscore(dbColumn); } private void checkMapping() { if (propertyName == null) { String msg = "No propertyName defined (Column mapping) for dbColumn [" + dbColumn + "]"; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Column that = (Column) o; if (indexPos != that.indexPos) return false; if (!dbColumn.equals(that.dbColumn)) return false; if (dbAlias != null ? !dbAlias.equals(that.dbAlias) : that.dbAlias != null) return false; return propertyName != null ? propertyName.equals(that.propertyName) : that.propertyName == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = indexPos; result = 92821 * result + dbColumn.hashCode(); result = 92821 * result + (dbAlias != null ? dbAlias.hashCode() : 0); result = 92821 * result + (propertyName != null ? propertyName.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return dbColumn + "->" + propertyName; }
Return the index position of this column.
/** * Return the index position of this column. */
public int getIndexPos() { return indexPos; }
Return the DB column alias if specified otherwise DB column. This is used as the key for mapping a column to a logical property.
/** * Return the DB column alias if specified otherwise DB column. * This is used as the key for mapping a column to a logical property. */
public String getDbColumnKey() { return (dbAlias != null) ? dbAlias : dbColumn; }
Return the DB column name including table alias (if it has one).
/** * Return the DB column name including table alias (if it has one). */
public String getDbColumn() { return dbColumn; }
Return the bean property this column is mapped to.
/** * Return the bean property this column is mapped to. */
public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; }
Set the property name mapped to this db column.
/** * Set the property name mapped to this db column. */
private void setPropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; }
Prepend the path to the property name.

For example if path is "customer" then "name" becomes "".
/** * Prepend the path to the property name. * <p/> * For example if path is "customer" then "name" becomes "". */
public void tableAliasMapping(String path) { if (path != null) { propertyName = path + "." + propertyName; } } } }
A key for the RawSql object using for the query plan.
/** * A key for the RawSql object using for the query plan. */
final class Key { private final boolean parsed; private final ColumnMapping columnMapping; private final String unParsedSql; Key(boolean parsed, String unParsedSql, ColumnMapping columnMapping) { this.parsed = parsed; this.unParsedSql = unParsedSql; this.columnMapping = columnMapping; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Key that = (Key) o; return parsed == that.parsed && columnMapping.equals(that.columnMapping) && unParsedSql.equals(that.unParsedSql); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = (parsed ? 1 : 0); result = 92821 * result + columnMapping.hashCode(); result = 92821 * result + unParsedSql.hashCode(); return result; } } }