package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta;

import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorMap;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocOne;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyIdClass;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyOrderColumn;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertySimpleCollection;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.generatedproperty.GeneratedProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.ScalarTypeString;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;

Helper object to classify BeanProperties into appropriate lists.
/** * Helper object to classify BeanProperties into appropriate lists. */
public class DeployBeanPropertyLists { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeployBeanPropertyLists.class); private static final NoopSetter NOOP_SETTER = new NoopSetter(); private BeanProperty versionProperty; private BeanProperty unmappedJson; private BeanProperty draft; private BeanProperty draftDirty; private BeanProperty tenant; private final BeanDescriptor<?> desc; private final LinkedHashMap<String, BeanProperty> propertyMap; private BeanProperty id; private final List<BeanProperty> local = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanProperty> mutable = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>> manys = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanProperty> nonManys = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> ones = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> onesImported = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> embedded = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanProperty> baseScalar = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanProperty> transients = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanProperty> nonTransients = new ArrayList<>(); private final TableJoin[] tableJoins; private final BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> unidirectional; private final BeanProperty orderColumn; @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public DeployBeanPropertyLists(BeanDescriptorMap owner, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deploy) { this.desc = desc; DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> deployId = deploy.getIdClassProperty(); if (deployId != null) { = new BeanPropertyIdClass(owner, desc, deployId); setImportedPrimaryKeysFor(deploy, deployId); } else { setImportedPrimaryKeys(deploy); } DeployBeanProperty deployOrderColumn = deploy.getOrderColumn(); this.orderColumn = deployOrderColumn != null ? new BeanPropertyOrderColumn(desc, deployOrderColumn) : null; DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> deployUnidirectional = deploy.getUnidirectional(); this.unidirectional = deployUnidirectional == null ? null : new BeanPropertyAssocOne(owner, desc, deployUnidirectional); this.propertyMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // see if there is a discriminator property we should add String discriminatorColumn = null; BeanProperty discProperty = null; InheritInfo inheritInfo = deploy.getInheritInfo(); if (inheritInfo != null) { // Create a BeanProperty for the discriminator column to support // using RawSql queries with inheritance discriminatorColumn = inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorColumn(); DeployBeanProperty discDeployProp = new DeployBeanProperty(deploy, String.class, ScalarTypeString.INSTANCE, null); discDeployProp.setDiscriminator(); discDeployProp.setName(discriminatorColumn); discDeployProp.setDbColumn(discriminatorColumn); discDeployProp.setSetter(NOOP_SETTER); // only register it in the propertyMap. This might not be used if // an explicit property is mapped to the discriminator on the bean discProperty = new BeanProperty(desc, discDeployProp); } for (DeployBeanProperty prop : deploy.propertiesAll()) { if (discriminatorColumn != null && discriminatorColumn.equals(prop.getDbColumn())) { // we have an explicit property mapped to the discriminator column prop.setDiscriminator(); discProperty = null; } BeanProperty beanProp = createBeanProperty(owner, prop); propertyMap.put(beanProp.getName(), beanProp); } int order = 0; for (BeanProperty prop : propertyMap.values()) { prop.setDeployOrder(order++); allocateToList(prop); } if (orderColumn != null) { orderColumn.setDeployOrder(order++); allocateToList(orderColumn); propertyMap.put(orderColumn.getName(), orderColumn); } if (discProperty != null) { // put the discriminator property into the property map only // (after the real properties have been organised into their lists) propertyMap.put(discProperty.getName(), discProperty); } List<DeployTableJoin> deployTableJoins = deploy.getTableJoins(); tableJoins = new TableJoin[deployTableJoins.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < deployTableJoins.size(); i++) { tableJoins[i] = new TableJoin(deployTableJoins.get(i)); } }
Find and set imported primary keys.

This is where @ManyToOne properties maps to a PFK (Primary and foreign key). Perform the match by naming convention on property name and db column.

/** * Find and set imported primary keys. * <p> * This is where @ManyToOne properties maps to a PFK (Primary and foreign key). * Perform the match by naming convention on property name and db column. * </p> */
private void setImportedPrimaryKeys(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deploy) { DeployBeanProperty id = deploy.idProperty(); if (id instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) { setImportedPrimaryKeysFor(deploy, (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) id); } } private void setImportedPrimaryKeysFor(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deploy, DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> id) { for (DeployBeanProperty prop : id.getTargetDeploy().properties()) { DeployBeanProperty match = findImported(deploy, prop); if (match != null) { match.setImportedPrimaryKeyColumn(prop); } } } private DeployBeanProperty findImported(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deploy, DeployBeanProperty embeddedScalar) { // the logical name and db column we are looking for a match on String name = embeddedScalar.getName(); String dbColumn = embeddedScalar.getDbColumn(); DeployBeanProperty match = deploy.getBeanProperty(name); if (match != null) { return match; } // could look to match more by dbColumn for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> assocOne : deploy.propertiesAssocOne()) { if (name.equals(assocOne.getName()) || (dbColumn != null && dbColumn.equals(assocOne.getDbColumn()))) { return assocOne; } } return null; }
Return the unidirectional.
/** * Return the unidirectional. */
public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> getUnidirectional() { return unidirectional; }
Return the order column property.
/** * Return the order column property. */
public BeanProperty getOrderColumn() { return orderColumn; }
Allocate the property to a list.
/** * Allocate the property to a list. */
private void allocateToList(BeanProperty prop) { if (prop.isTransient()) { transients.add(prop); if (prop.isDraft()) { draft = prop; } if (prop.isUnmappedJson()) { unmappedJson = prop; } return; } if (prop.isId()) { if (id != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("More that one @Id property on " + desc.getFullName() + " ?"); } id = prop; return; } nonTransients.add(prop); if (prop.isMutableScalarType()) { mutable.add(prop); } if (desc.getInheritInfo() != null && prop.isLocal()) { local.add(prop); } if (prop instanceof BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) { manys.add((BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) prop); } else { nonManys.add(prop); if (prop.isTenantId()) { tenant = prop; } if (prop instanceof BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) { BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> assocOne = (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) prop; if (prop.isEmbedded()) { embedded.add(assocOne); } else { ones.add(assocOne); if (!assocOne.isOneToOneExported()) { onesImported.add(assocOne); } } } else { // its a "base" property... if (prop.isVersion()) { if (versionProperty == null) { versionProperty = prop; } else { logger.warn("Multiple @Version properties - property " + prop.getFullBeanName() + " not treated as a version property"); } } else if (prop.isDraftDirty()) { draftDirty = prop; } if (!prop.isAggregation()) { baseScalar.add(prop); } } } } public LinkedHashMap<String, BeanProperty> getPropertyMap() { return propertyMap; } public TableJoin[] getTableJoin() { return tableJoins; }
Return the base scalar properties (excludes Id and secondary table properties).
/** * Return the base scalar properties (excludes Id and secondary table * properties). */
public BeanProperty[] getBaseScalar() { return baseScalar.toArray(new BeanProperty[baseScalar.size()]); } public BeanProperty getId() { return id; } public BeanProperty[] getNonTransients() { return nonTransients.toArray(new BeanProperty[nonTransients.size()]); } public BeanProperty[] getTransients() { return transients.toArray(new BeanProperty[transients.size()]); } public BeanProperty getVersionProperty() { return versionProperty; } public BeanProperty[] getLocal() { return local.toArray(new BeanProperty[local.size()]); } public BeanProperty[] getMutable() { return mutable.toArray(new BeanProperty[mutable.size()]); } public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] getEmbedded() { return embedded.toArray(new BeanPropertyAssocOne[embedded.size()]); } public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] getOneImported() { return onesImported.toArray(new BeanPropertyAssocOne[onesImported.size()]); } public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] getOnes() { return ones.toArray(new BeanPropertyAssocOne[ones.size()]); } public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] getOneExportedSave() { return getOne(false, Mode.Save); } public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] getOneExportedDelete() { return getOne(false, Mode.Delete); } public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] getOneImportedSave() { return getOne(true, Mode.Save); } public BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] getOneImportedDelete() { return getOne(true, Mode.Delete); } public BeanProperty[] getNonMany() { return nonManys.toArray(new BeanProperty[nonManys.size()]); } public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] getMany() { return manys.toArray(new BeanPropertyAssocMany[manys.size()]); } public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] getManySave() { return getMany(Mode.Save); } public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] getManyDelete() { return getMany(Mode.Delete); } public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] getManyToMany() { return getMany2Many(); } public BeanProperty getDraftDirty() { return draftDirty; } public BeanProperty getUnmappedJson() { return unmappedJson; } public BeanProperty getDraft() { return draft; } public BeanProperty getSoftDeleteProperty() { for (BeanProperty prop : nonManys) { if (prop.isSoftDelete()) { return prop; } } return null; } public BeanProperty getTenant() { return tenant; }
Return the properties set via generated values on insert.
/** * Return the properties set via generated values on insert. */
public BeanProperty[] getGeneratedInsert() { List<BeanProperty> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (BeanProperty prop : nonTransients) { GeneratedProperty gen = prop.getGeneratedProperty(); if (gen != null && gen.includeInInsert()) { list.add(prop); } } return list.toArray(new BeanProperty[list.size()]); }
Return the properties set via generated values on update.
/** * Return the properties set via generated values on update. */
public BeanProperty[] getGeneratedUpdate() { List<BeanProperty> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (BeanProperty prop : nonTransients) { GeneratedProperty gen = prop.getGeneratedProperty(); if (gen != null && gen.includeInUpdate()) { list.add(prop); } } return list.toArray(new BeanProperty[list.size()]); }
Mode used to determine which BeanPropertyAssoc to include.
/** * Mode used to determine which BeanPropertyAssoc to include. */
private enum Mode { Save, Delete } private BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] getOne(boolean imported, Mode mode) { ArrayList<BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : ones) { if (imported != prop.isOneToOneExported()) { switch (mode) { case Save: if (prop.getCascadeInfo().isSave()) { list.add(prop); } break; case Delete: if (prop.getCascadeInfo().isDelete()) { list.add(prop); } break; default: break; } } } return (BeanPropertyAssocOne[]) list.toArray(new BeanPropertyAssocOne[list.size()]); } private BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] getMany2Many() { ArrayList<BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop : manys) { if (prop.isManyToMany()) { list.add(prop); } } return (BeanPropertyAssocMany[]) list.toArray(new BeanPropertyAssocMany[list.size()]); } private BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] getMany(Mode mode) { ArrayList<BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop : manys) { switch (mode) { case Save: if (prop.isIncludeCascadeSave()) { list.add(prop); } break; case Delete: if (prop.isIncludeCascadeDelete()) { list.add(prop); } break; default: break; } } return (BeanPropertyAssocMany[]) list.toArray(new BeanPropertyAssocMany[list.size()]); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private BeanProperty createBeanProperty(BeanDescriptorMap owner, DeployBeanProperty deployProp) { if (deployProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne) { return new BeanPropertyAssocOne(owner, desc, (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne) deployProp); } if (deployProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertySimpleCollection<?>) { return new BeanPropertySimpleCollection(desc, (DeployBeanPropertySimpleCollection) deployProp); } if (deployProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany) { return new BeanPropertyAssocMany(desc, (DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany) deployProp); } return new BeanProperty(desc, deployProp); } private static class NoopSetter implements BeanPropertySetter { @Override public void set(EntityBean bean, Object value) { // do nothing } @Override public void setIntercept(EntityBean bean, Object value) { // do nothing } } }