package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta;

import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlJoinType;

import javax.persistence.CascadeType;

Property mapped to a joined bean.
/** * Property mapped to a joined bean. */
public class DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<T> extends DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<T> { private boolean oneToOne; private boolean oneToOneExported; private boolean primaryKeyJoin; private boolean primaryKeyExport; private DeployBeanEmbedded deployEmbedded; private String columnPrefix; private boolean orphanRemoval;
Create the property.
/** * Create the property. */
public DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc, Class<T> targetType) { super(desc, targetType); }
Return the deploy information specifically for the deployment of Embedded beans.
/** * Return the deploy information specifically for the deployment * of Embedded beans. */
public DeployBeanEmbedded getDeployEmbedded() { // deployment should be single threaded if (deployEmbedded == null) { deployEmbedded = new DeployBeanEmbedded(); } return deployEmbedded; }
Return true if this has multiple properties (expected for embedded id).
/** * Return true if this has multiple properties (expected for embedded id). */
public boolean isCompound() { // just checking for compound and not doing numeric check at this stage return getDeployEmbedded().getPropertyColumnMap().size() > 1; } @Override public String getDbColumn() { DeployTableJoinColumn[] columns = tableJoin.columns(); if (columns.length == 1) { return columns[0].getLocalDbColumn(); } return super.getDbColumn(); }
Return true if this a OneToOne property. Otherwise assumed ManyToOne.
/** * Return true if this a OneToOne property. Otherwise assumed ManyToOne. */
public boolean isOneToOne() { return oneToOne; }
Set to true if this is a OneToOne.
/** * Set to true if this is a OneToOne. */
public void setOneToOne() { this.oneToOne = true; }
Return true if this is the exported side of a OneToOne.
/** * Return true if this is the exported side of a OneToOne. */
public boolean isOneToOneExported() { return oneToOneExported; }
Set to true if this is the exported side of a OneToOne. This means it doesn't 'own' the foreign key column. A OneToMany without the many.
/** * Set to true if this is the exported side of a OneToOne. This means * it doesn't 'own' the foreign key column. A OneToMany without the many. */
public void setOneToOneExported() { this.oneToOneExported = true; }
Set to true if this is part of the primary key.
/** * Set to true if this is part of the primary key. */
@Override public void setImportedPrimaryKeyColumn(DeployBeanProperty primaryKey) { this.importedPrimaryKey = true; String dbColumn = primaryKey.getDbColumn(); if (dbColumn != null) { // change join db column if matched by property name tableJoin.setLocalColumn(dbColumn); } } @Override public void setSqlFormula(String formulaSelect, String formulaJoin) { super.setSqlFormula(formulaSelect, formulaJoin); DeployTableJoinColumn[] columns = tableJoin.columns(); if (columns.length == 1) { columns[0].setLocalSqlFormula(formulaSelect); } } public void setColumnPrefix(String columnPrefix) { this.columnPrefix = columnPrefix; } public String getColumnPrefix() { return columnPrefix; }
Mark as PrimaryKeyJoin (we don't know which side is the export side initially).
/** * Mark as PrimaryKeyJoin (we don't know which side is the export side initially). */
public void setPrimaryKeyJoin(boolean primaryKeyJoin) { this.primaryKeyJoin = primaryKeyJoin; } public boolean isPrimaryKeyJoin() { return primaryKeyJoin; } public boolean isPrimaryKeyExport() { return primaryKeyExport; }
Set as export side of OneToOne with PrimaryKeyJoin.
/** * Set as export side of OneToOne with PrimaryKeyJoin. */
public void setPrimaryKeyExport() { this.primaryKeyExport = true; this.oneToOneExported = true; if (!cascadeInfo.isSave()) { // we pretty much need to cascade save so turning that on automatically ... cascadeInfo.setType(CascadeType.ALL); } } public void setOrphanRemoval(boolean orphanRemoval) { this.orphanRemoval = orphanRemoval; } public boolean isOrphanRemoval() { return orphanRemoval; } public void setJoinType(boolean outerJoin) { tableJoin.setType(outerJoin ? SqlJoinType.OUTER : SqlJoinType.INNER); } public void setJoinColumns(DeployTableJoinColumn[] columns, boolean reverse) { tableJoin.setColumns(columns, reverse); } }