package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta;

import io.ebean.annotation.Cache;
import io.ebean.annotation.DocStore;
import io.ebean.annotation.DocStoreMode;
import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import io.ebean.config.TableName;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.IdType;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.PlatformIdGenerator;
import io.ebean.event.BeanFindController;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPersistController;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPersistListener;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPostConstructListener;
import io.ebean.event.BeanPostLoad;
import io.ebean.event.BeanQueryAdapter;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogFilter;
import io.ebean.text.PathProperties;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ConcurrencyMode;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.CacheOptions;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor.EntityType;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.ChainedBeanPersistController;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.ChainedBeanPersistListener;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.ChainedBeanPostConstructListener;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.ChainedBeanPostLoad;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.ChainedBeanQueryAdapter;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DeployPropertyParserMap;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.IndexDefinition;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.PartitionMeta;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployBeanInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.idgen.UuidV1IdGenerator;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.idgen.UuidV1RndIdGenerator;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.idgen.UuidV4IdGenerator;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.rawsql.SpiRawSql;

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

Describes Beans including their deployment information.
/** * Describes Beans including their deployment information. */
public class DeployBeanDescriptor<T> { private static final Map<String, String> EMPTY_NAMED_QUERY = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map<String, SpiRawSql> EMPTY_RAW_MAP = new HashMap<>(); private static class PropOrder implements Comparator<DeployBeanProperty> { @Override public int compare(DeployBeanProperty o1, DeployBeanProperty o2) { return, o1.getSortOrder()); } } private static final PropOrder PROP_ORDER = new PropOrder(); private static final String I_SCALAOBJECT = "scala.ScalaObject"; private final ServerConfig serverConfig; private final BeanDescriptorManager manager;
Map of BeanProperty Linked so as to preserve order.
/** * Map of BeanProperty Linked so as to preserve order. */
private LinkedHashMap<String, DeployBeanProperty> propMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Map<String, SpiRawSql> namedRawSql; private Map<String, String> namedQuery; private EntityType entityType; private DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> unidirectional; private DeployBeanProperty orderColumn;
Type of Identity generation strategy used.
/** * Type of Identity generation strategy used. */
private IdType idType; private Class<?> idClass; private DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> idClassProperty;
Set to true if the identity is default for the platform.
/** * Set to true if the identity is default for the platform. */
private boolean idTypePlatformDefault;
The name of an IdGenerator (optional).
/** * The name of an IdGenerator (optional). */
private String idGeneratorName; private PlatformIdGenerator idGenerator;
Set true when explicit auto generated Id.
/** * Set true when explicit auto generated Id. */
private boolean idGeneratedValue;
The database sequence name (optional).
/** * The database sequence name (optional). */
private String sequenceName; private int sequenceInitialValue; private int sequenceAllocationSize = 50;
Used with Identity columns but no getGeneratedKeys support.
/** * Used with Identity columns but no getGeneratedKeys support. */
private String selectLastInsertedId; private String selectLastInsertedIdDraft;
The concurrency mode for beans of this type.
/** * The concurrency mode for beans of this type. */
private ConcurrencyMode concurrencyMode; private boolean updateChangesOnly; private List<IndexDefinition> indexDefinitions; private String storageEngine;
The base database table.
/** * The base database table. */
private String baseTable; private String baseTableAsOf; private String baseTableVersionsBetween; private String draftTable; private String[] dependentTables; private boolean historySupport; private boolean readAuditing; private boolean draftable; private boolean draftableElement; private TableName baseTableFull; private String[] properties;
The EntityBean type used to create new EntityBeans.
/** * The EntityBean type used to create new EntityBeans. */
private final Class<T> beanType; private final List<BeanPersistController> persistControllers = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanPersistListener> persistListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanQueryAdapter> queryAdapters = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanPostLoad> postLoaders = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<BeanPostConstructListener> postConstructListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private CacheOptions cacheOptions = CacheOptions.NO_CACHING;
If set overrides the find implementation. Server side only.
/** * If set overrides the find implementation. Server side only. */
private BeanFindController beanFinder;
The table joins for this bean. Server side only.
/** * The table joins for this bean. Server side only. */
private final ArrayList<DeployTableJoin> tableJoinList = new ArrayList<>(2);
Inheritance information. Server side only.
/** * Inheritance information. Server side only. */
private InheritInfo inheritInfo; private String name; private ChangeLogFilter changeLogFilter; private String dbComment; private PartitionMeta partitionMeta;
/** * One of NONE, INDEX or EMBEDDED. */
private boolean docStoreMapped; private DocStore docStore; private PathProperties docStorePathProperties; private String docStoreQueueId; private String docStoreIndexName; private String docStoreIndexType; private DocStoreMode docStorePersist; private DocStoreMode docStoreInsert; private DocStoreMode docStoreUpdate; private DocStoreMode docStoreDelete; private DeployBeanProperty idProperty; private TableJoin primaryKeyJoin; private short profileId; private Object jacksonAnnotatedClass;
Construct the BeanDescriptor.
/** * Construct the BeanDescriptor. */
public DeployBeanDescriptor(BeanDescriptorManager manager, Class<T> beanType, ServerConfig serverConfig) { this.manager = manager; this.serverConfig = serverConfig; this.beanType = beanType; }
Set the IdClass to use.
/** * Set the IdClass to use. */
public void setIdClass(Class idClass) { this.idClass = idClass; }
Return true if there is a IdClass set.
/** * Return true if there is a IdClass set. */
public boolean isIdClass() { return idClass != null; }
PK is also a FK.
/** * PK is also a FK. */
public void setPrimaryKeyJoin(TableJoin join) { this.primaryKeyJoin = join; this.idType = IdType.EXTERNAL; this.idGeneratorName = null; this.idGenerator = null; } public TableJoin getPrimaryKeyJoin() { return primaryKeyJoin; }
Return the DeployBeanInfo for the given bean class.
/** * Return the DeployBeanInfo for the given bean class. */
DeployBeanInfo<?> getDeploy(Class<?> cls) { return manager.getDeploy(cls); }
Return true if this beanType is an abstract class.
/** * Return true if this beanType is an abstract class. */
public boolean isAbstract() { return Modifier.isAbstract(beanType.getModifiers()); } public void setStorageEngine(String storageEngine) { this.storageEngine = storageEngine; } public String getStorageEngine() { return storageEngine; }
Set to true for @History entity beans that have history.
/** * Set to true for @History entity beans that have history. */
public void setHistorySupport() { this.historySupport = true; }
Return true if this is an @History entity bean.
/** * Return true if this is an @History entity bean. */
public boolean isHistorySupport() { return historySupport; }
Set read auditing on for this entity bean.
/** * Set read auditing on for this entity bean. */
public void setReadAuditing() { readAuditing = true; }
Return true if read auditing is on for this entity bean.
/** * Return true if read auditing is on for this entity bean. */
public boolean isReadAuditing() { return readAuditing; } public void setDbComment(String dbComment) { this.dbComment = dbComment; } public String getDbComment() { return dbComment; } public void setPartitionMeta(PartitionMeta partitionMeta) { this.partitionMeta = partitionMeta; } public PartitionMeta getPartitionMeta() { if (partitionMeta != null) { DeployBeanProperty beanProperty = getBeanProperty(partitionMeta.getProperty()); if (beanProperty != null) { partitionMeta.setProperty(beanProperty.getDbColumn()); } } return partitionMeta; } public void setDraftable() { draftable = true; } public boolean isDraftable() { return draftable; } public void setDraftableElement() { draftable = true; draftableElement = true; } public boolean isDraftableElement() { return draftableElement; }
Read the top level doc store deployment information.
/** * Read the top level doc store deployment information. */
public void readDocStore(DocStore docStore) { this.docStore = docStore; docStoreMapped = true; docStoreQueueId = docStore.queueId(); docStoreIndexName = docStore.indexName(); docStoreIndexType = docStore.indexType(); docStorePersist = docStore.persist(); docStoreInsert = docStore.insert(); docStoreUpdate = docStore.update(); docStoreDelete = docStore.delete(); String doc = docStore.doc(); if (!doc.isEmpty()) { docStorePathProperties = PathProperties.parse(doc); } } public boolean isScalaObject() { Class<?>[] interfaces = beanType.getInterfaces(); for (Class<?> anInterface : interfaces) { String iname = anInterface.getName(); if (I_SCALAOBJECT.equals(iname)) { return true; } } return false; } public DeployBeanTable createDeployBeanTable() { DeployBeanTable beanTable = new DeployBeanTable(getBeanType()); beanTable.setBaseTable(baseTable); beanTable.setIdProperty(idProperty()); return beanTable; } public void setEntityType(EntityType entityType) { this.entityType = entityType; } public boolean isEmbedded() { return EntityType.EMBEDDED == entityType; } public boolean isBaseTableType() { EntityType et = getEntityType(); return EntityType.ORM == et; } public boolean isDocStoreOnly() { return EntityType.DOC == entityType; } public EntityType getEntityType() { if (entityType == null) { entityType = EntityType.ORM; } return entityType; } public void setSequenceInitialValue(int sequenceInitialValue) { this.sequenceInitialValue = sequenceInitialValue; } public void setSequenceAllocationSize(int sequenceAllocationSize) { this.sequenceAllocationSize = sequenceAllocationSize; } public int getSequenceInitialValue() { return sequenceInitialValue; } public int getSequenceAllocationSize() { return sequenceAllocationSize; } public String[] getProperties() { return properties; } public void setProperties(String[] props) { = props; }
Return the class type this BeanDescriptor describes.
/** * Return the class type this BeanDescriptor describes. */
public Class<T> getBeanType() { return beanType; } public void setChangeLogFilter(ChangeLogFilter changeLogFilter) { this.changeLogFilter = changeLogFilter; } public ChangeLogFilter getChangeLogFilter() { return changeLogFilter; }
Returns the Inheritance mapping information. This will be null if this type of bean is not involved in any ORM inheritance mapping.
/** * Returns the Inheritance mapping information. This will be null if this type * of bean is not involved in any ORM inheritance mapping. */
public InheritInfo getInheritInfo() { return inheritInfo; }
Set the ORM inheritance mapping information.
/** * Set the ORM inheritance mapping information. */
public void setInheritInfo(InheritInfo inheritInfo) { this.inheritInfo = inheritInfo; }
Set that this type invalidates query caches.
/** * Set that this type invalidates query caches. */
public void setInvalidateQueryCache() { this.cacheOptions = CacheOptions.INVALIDATE_QUERY_CACHE; }
Enable L2 bean and query caching based on Cache annotation.
/** * Enable L2 bean and query caching based on Cache annotation. */
public void setCache(Cache cache) { String[] properties = cache.naturalKey(); for (String property : properties) { DeployBeanProperty beanProperty = getBeanProperty(property); if (beanProperty != null) { beanProperty.setNaturalKey(); } } if (properties.length == 0) { properties = null; } this.cacheOptions = new CacheOptions(cache, properties); }
Return the cache options.
/** * Return the cache options. */
public CacheOptions getCacheOptions() { return cacheOptions; } public DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> getIdClassProperty() { return idClassProperty; } public DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> getUnidirectional() { return unidirectional; } public void setUnidirectional(DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> unidirectional) { this.unidirectional = unidirectional; } public void setOrderColumn(DeployBeanProperty orderColumn) { this.orderColumn = orderColumn; } public DeployBeanProperty getOrderColumn() { return orderColumn; }
Return the concurrency mode used for beans of this type.
/** * Return the concurrency mode used for beans of this type. */
public ConcurrencyMode getConcurrencyMode() { return concurrencyMode; }
Set the concurrency mode used for beans of this type.
/** * Set the concurrency mode used for beans of this type. */
public void setConcurrencyMode(ConcurrencyMode concurrencyMode) { this.concurrencyMode = concurrencyMode; } public boolean isUpdateChangesOnly() { return updateChangesOnly; } public void setUpdateChangesOnly(boolean updateChangesOnly) { this.updateChangesOnly = updateChangesOnly; }
Add a compound unique constraint.
/** * Add a compound unique constraint. */
public void addIndex(IndexDefinition c) { if (indexDefinitions == null) { indexDefinitions = new ArrayList<>(); } indexDefinitions.add(c); }
Return the compound unique constraints (can be null).
/** * Return the compound unique constraints (can be null). */
public IndexDefinition[] getIndexDefinitions() { if (indexDefinitions == null) { return null; } else { return indexDefinitions.toArray(new IndexDefinition[indexDefinitions.size()]); } }
Return the beanFinder. Usually null unless overriding the finder.
/** * Return the beanFinder. Usually null unless overriding the finder. */
public BeanFindController getBeanFinder() { return beanFinder; }
Set the BeanFinder to use for beans of this type. This is set to override the finding from the default.
/** * Set the BeanFinder to use for beans of this type. This is set to override * the finding from the default. */
public void setBeanFinder(BeanFindController beanFinder) { this.beanFinder = beanFinder; }
Return the BeanPersistController (could be a chain of them, 1 or null).
/** * Return the BeanPersistController (could be a chain of them, 1 or null). */
public BeanPersistController getPersistController() { if (persistControllers.isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (persistControllers.size() == 1) { return persistControllers.get(0); } else { return new ChainedBeanPersistController(persistControllers); } }
Return the BeanPersistListener (could be a chain of them, 1 or null).
/** * Return the BeanPersistListener (could be a chain of them, 1 or null). */
public BeanPersistListener getPersistListener() { if (persistListeners.isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (persistListeners.size() == 1) { return persistListeners.get(0); } else { return new ChainedBeanPersistListener(persistListeners); } } public BeanQueryAdapter getQueryAdapter() { if (queryAdapters.isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (queryAdapters.size() == 1) { return queryAdapters.get(0); } else { return new ChainedBeanQueryAdapter(queryAdapters); } }
Return the BeanPostLoad (could be a chain of them, 1 or null).
/** * Return the BeanPostLoad (could be a chain of them, 1 or null). */
public BeanPostLoad getPostLoad() { if (postLoaders.isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (postLoaders.size() == 1) { return postLoaders.get(0); } else { return new ChainedBeanPostLoad(postLoaders); } }
Return the BeanPostCreate(could be a chain of them, 1 or null).
/** * Return the BeanPostCreate(could be a chain of them, 1 or null). */
public BeanPostConstructListener getPostConstructListener() { if (postConstructListeners.isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (postConstructListeners.size() == 1) { return postConstructListeners.get(0); } else { return new ChainedBeanPostConstructListener(postConstructListeners); } } public void addPersistController(BeanPersistController controller) { persistControllers.add(controller); } public void addPersistListener(BeanPersistListener listener) { persistListeners.add(listener); } public void addQueryAdapter(BeanQueryAdapter queryAdapter) { queryAdapters.add(queryAdapter); } public void addPostLoad(BeanPostLoad postLoad) { postLoaders.add(postLoad); } public void addPostConstructListener(BeanPostConstructListener postConstructListener) { postConstructListeners.add(postConstructListener); } public String getDraftTable() { return draftTable; }
For view based entity return the dependant tables.
/** * For view based entity return the dependant tables. */
public String[] getDependentTables() { return dependentTables; }
Return the base table. Only properties mapped to the base table are by default persisted.
/** * Return the base table. Only properties mapped to the base table are by * default persisted. */
public String getBaseTable() { return baseTable; }
Return the base table with as of suffix.
/** * Return the base table with as of suffix. */
public String getBaseTableAsOf() { return historySupport ? baseTableAsOf : baseTable; }
Return the base table with versions between suffix.
/** * Return the base table with versions between suffix. */
public String getBaseTableVersionsBetween() { return baseTableVersionsBetween; }
Return the base table with full structure.
/** * Return the base table with full structure. */
public TableName getBaseTableFull() { return baseTableFull; }
Set when entity is based on a view.
/** * Set when entity is based on a view. */
public void setView(String viewName, String[] dependentTables) { this.entityType = EntityType.VIEW; this.dependentTables = dependentTables; setBaseTable(new TableName(viewName), "", ""); }
Set the profileId to identity this bean type.
/** * Set the profileId to identity this bean type. */
public void setProfileId(short profileId) { this.profileId = profileId; }
Return the profileId to identify this bean type.
/** * Return the profileId to identify this bean type. */
public short getProfileId() { return profileId; }
Set the base table. Only properties mapped to the base table are by default persisted.
/** * Set the base table. Only properties mapped to the base table are by default persisted. */
public void setBaseTable(TableName baseTableFull, String asOfSuffix, String versionsBetweenSuffix) { this.baseTableFull = baseTableFull; this.baseTable = baseTableFull == null ? null : baseTableFull.getQualifiedName(); this.baseTableAsOf = baseTable + asOfSuffix; this.baseTableVersionsBetween = baseTable + versionsBetweenSuffix; this.draftTable = (draftable) ? baseTable + "_draft" : baseTable; } public void sortProperties() { ArrayList<DeployBeanProperty> list = new ArrayList<>(propMap.values()); list.sort(PROP_ORDER); propMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(list.size()); for (DeployBeanProperty aList : list) { addBeanProperty(aList); } } public void postAnnotations() { if (idClass != null) { idClassProperty = new DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<>(this, idClass); idClassProperty.setName("_idClass"); idClassProperty.setEmbedded(); idClassProperty.setNullable(false); } }
Add a bean property.
/** * Add a bean property. */
public DeployBeanProperty addBeanProperty(DeployBeanProperty prop) { return propMap.put(prop.getName(), prop); } public Collection<DeployBeanProperty> properties() { return propMap.values(); }
Get a BeanProperty by its name.
/** * Get a BeanProperty by its name. */
public DeployBeanProperty getBeanProperty(String propName) { return propMap.get(propName); }
Return the bean class name this descriptor is used for.

If this BeanDescriptor is for a table then this returns the table name instead.

/** * Return the bean class name this descriptor is used for. * <p> * If this BeanDescriptor is for a table then this returns the table name * instead. * </p> */
public String getFullName() { return beanType.getName(); }
Return the bean short name.
/** * Return the bean short name. */
public String getName() { return name; }
Set the bean shortName.
/** * Set the bean shortName. */
public void setName(String name) { = name; }
Return the identity generation type.
/** * Return the identity generation type. */
public IdType getIdType() { return idType; }
Set the identity generation type.
/** * Set the identity generation type. */
public void setIdType(IdType idType) { this.idType = idType; }
Set when the identity type is the platform default.
/** * Set when the identity type is the platform default. */
public void setIdTypePlatformDefault() { this.idTypePlatformDefault = true; }
Return true when the identity is the platform default.
/** * Return true when the identity is the platform default. */
public boolean isIdTypePlatformDefault() { return idTypePlatformDefault; }
Return the DB sequence name (can be null).
/** * Return the DB sequence name (can be null). */
public String getSequenceName() { return sequenceName; }
Set the DB sequence name.
/** * Set the DB sequence name. */
private void setSequenceName(String sequenceName) { this.sequenceName = sequenceName; }
Return the SQL used to return the last inserted Id.

Used with Identity columns where getGeneratedKeys is not supported.

/** * Return the SQL used to return the last inserted Id. * <p> * Used with Identity columns where getGeneratedKeys is not supported. * </p> */
public String getSelectLastInsertedId() { return selectLastInsertedId; } public String getSelectLastInsertedIdDraft() { return selectLastInsertedIdDraft; }
Set the SQL used to return the last inserted Id.
/** * Set the SQL used to return the last inserted Id. */
public void setSelectLastInsertedId(String selectLastInsertedId, String selectLastInsertedIdDraft) { this.selectLastInsertedId = selectLastInsertedId; this.selectLastInsertedIdDraft = selectLastInsertedIdDraft; }
Return the name of the IdGenerator that should be used with this type of bean. A null value could be used to specify the 'default' IdGenerator.
/** * Return the name of the IdGenerator that should be used with this type of * bean. A null value could be used to specify the 'default' IdGenerator. */
public String getIdGeneratorName() { return idGeneratorName; }
Set the name of the IdGenerator that should be used with this type of bean.
/** * Set the name of the IdGenerator that should be used with this type of bean. */
public void setIdGeneratorName(String idGeneratorName) { this.idGeneratorName = idGeneratorName; }
Return the actual IdGenerator for this bean type (can be null).
/** * Return the actual IdGenerator for this bean type (can be null). */
public PlatformIdGenerator getIdGenerator() { return idGenerator; }
Set the actual IdGenerator for this bean type.
/** * Set the actual IdGenerator for this bean type. */
public void setIdGenerator(PlatformIdGenerator idGenerator) { this.idGenerator = idGenerator; if (idGenerator != null && idGenerator.isDbSequence()) { setSequenceName(idGenerator.getName()); } }
Return true for automatic Id generation strategy.
/** * Return true for automatic Id generation strategy. */
public boolean isIdGeneratedValue() { return idGeneratedValue; }
Set when GeneratedValue explicitly mapped on Id property.
/** * Set when GeneratedValue explicitly mapped on Id property. */
public void setIdGeneratedValue() { this.idGeneratedValue = true; }
Assign the standard UUID generator.
/** * Assign the standard UUID generator. */
public void setUuidGenerator() { this.idType = IdType.EXTERNAL; this.idGeneratorName = PlatformIdGenerator.AUTO_UUID; switch (serverConfig.getUuidVersion()) { case VERSION1: this.idGenerator = UuidV1IdGenerator.getInstance(serverConfig.getUuidStateFile()); break; case VERSION1RND: this.idGenerator = UuidV1RndIdGenerator.INSTANCE; break; case VERSION4: default: this.idGenerator = UuidV4IdGenerator.INSTANCE; break; } }
Assign a custom external IdGenerator.
/** * Assign a custom external IdGenerator. */
public void setCustomIdGenerator(PlatformIdGenerator idGenerator) { this.idType = IdType.EXTERNAL; this.idGeneratorName = idGenerator.getName(); this.idGenerator = idGenerator; }
Summary description.
/** * Summary description. */
@Override public String toString() { return getFullName(); }
Add a TableJoin to this type of bean. For Secondary table properties.
/** * Add a TableJoin to this type of bean. For Secondary table properties. */
public void addTableJoin(DeployTableJoin join) { tableJoinList.add(join); } List<DeployTableJoin> getTableJoins() { return tableJoinList; }
Return a collection of all BeanProperty deployment information.
/** * Return a collection of all BeanProperty deployment information. */
public Collection<DeployBeanProperty> propertiesAll() { return propMap.values(); }
Return the defaultSelectClause using FetchType.LAZY and FetchType.EAGER.
/** * Return the defaultSelectClause using FetchType.LAZY and FetchType.EAGER. */
public String getDefaultSelectClause() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean hasLazyFetch = false; for (DeployBeanProperty prop : propMap.values()) { if (!prop.isTransient() && !(prop instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>)) { if (prop.isFetchEager()) { sb.append(prop.getName()).append(","); } else { hasLazyFetch = true; } } } if (!hasLazyFetch) { return null; } String selectClause = sb.toString(); if (selectClause.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Bean " + getFullName() + " has no properties?"); } return selectClause.substring(0, selectClause.length() - 1); }
Return true if the primary key is a compound key or if it's database type is non-numeric (and hence not suitable for db identity or sequence.
/** * Return true if the primary key is a compound key or if it's database type * is non-numeric (and hence not suitable for db identity or sequence. */
public boolean isPrimaryKeyCompoundOrNonNumeric() { DeployBeanProperty id = idProperty(); if (id == null) { return false; } if (id instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) { return ((DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) id).isCompound(); } else { return !id.isDbNumberType(); } }
Return the Primary Key column assuming it is a single column (not compound). This is for the purpose of defining a sequence name.
/** * Return the Primary Key column assuming it is a single column (not * compound). This is for the purpose of defining a sequence name. */
public String getSinglePrimaryKeyColumn() { DeployBeanProperty id = idProperty(); if (id != null) { if (id instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<?>) { // its a compound primary key return null; } else { return id.getDbColumn(); } } return null; }
Return the BeanProperty that is the Id.
/** * Return the BeanProperty that is the Id. */
public DeployBeanProperty idProperty() { if (idProperty != null) { return idProperty; } for (DeployBeanProperty prop : propMap.values()) { if (prop.isId()) { idProperty = prop; return idProperty; } } return null; } public DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> findJoinToTable(String tableName) { List<DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> assocOne = propertiesAssocOne(); for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : assocOne) { DeployTableJoin tableJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); if (tableJoin != null && tableJoin.getTable().equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { return prop; } } return null; }
Return an Iterator of BeanPropertyAssocOne that are not embedded. These are effectively joined beans. For ManyToOne and OneToOne associations.
/** * Return an Iterator of BeanPropertyAssocOne that are not embedded. These are * effectively joined beans. For ManyToOne and OneToOne associations. */
public List<DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> propertiesAssocOne() { ArrayList<DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : propMap.values()) { if (prop instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) { if (!prop.isEmbedded()) { list.add((DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) prop); } } } return list; }
Return BeanPropertyAssocMany for this descriptor.
/** * Return BeanPropertyAssocMany for this descriptor. */
public List<DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>> propertiesAssocMany() { ArrayList<DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : propMap.values()) { if (prop instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) { list.add((DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) prop); } } return list; }
base properties without the unique id properties.
/** * base properties without the unique id properties. */
public List<DeployBeanProperty> propertiesBase() { ArrayList<DeployBeanProperty> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : propMap.values()) { if (!(prop instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<?>) && !prop.isId()) { list.add(prop); } } return list; }
Check the mapping for class inheritance
/** * Check the mapping for class inheritance */
public void checkInheritanceMapping() { if (inheritInfo == null) { checkInheritance(getBeanType()); } }
Check valid mapping annotations on the class hierarchy.
/** * Check valid mapping annotations on the class hierarchy. */
private void checkInheritance(Class<?> beanType) { Class<?> parent = beanType.getSuperclass(); if (parent == null || Object.class.equals(parent)) { // all good return; } if (parent.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) { String msg = "Checking " + getBeanType() + " and found " + parent + " that has @Entity annotation rather than MappedSuperclass?"; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } if (parent.isAnnotationPresent(MappedSuperclass.class)) { // continue checking checkInheritance(parent); } } public PathProperties getDocStorePathProperties() { return docStorePathProperties; }
Return true if this type is mapped for a doc store.
/** * Return true if this type is mapped for a doc store. */
public boolean isDocStoreMapped() { return docStoreMapped; } public String getDocStoreQueueId() { return docStoreQueueId; } public String getDocStoreIndexName() { return docStoreIndexName; } public String getDocStoreIndexType() { return docStoreIndexType; } public DocStore getDocStore() { return docStore; }
Return the DocStore index behavior for bean inserts.
/** * Return the DocStore index behavior for bean inserts. */
public DocStoreMode getDocStoreInsertEvent() { return getDocStoreIndexEvent(docStoreInsert); }
Return the DocStore index behavior for bean updates.
/** * Return the DocStore index behavior for bean updates. */
public DocStoreMode getDocStoreUpdateEvent() { return getDocStoreIndexEvent(docStoreUpdate); }
Return the DocStore index behavior for bean deletes.
/** * Return the DocStore index behavior for bean deletes. */
public DocStoreMode getDocStoreDeleteEvent() { return getDocStoreIndexEvent(docStoreDelete); } private DocStoreMode getDocStoreIndexEvent(DocStoreMode mostSpecific) { if (!docStoreMapped) { return DocStoreMode.IGNORE; } if (mostSpecific != DocStoreMode.DEFAULT) return mostSpecific; if (docStorePersist != DocStoreMode.DEFAULT) return docStorePersist; return serverConfig.getDocStoreConfig().getPersist(); }
Return the named ORM queries.
/** * Return the named ORM queries. */
public Map<String, String> getNamedQuery() { return (namedQuery != null) ? namedQuery : EMPTY_NAMED_QUERY; }
Add a named query.
/** * Add a named query. */
public void addNamedQuery(String name, String query) { if (namedQuery == null) { namedQuery = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } namedQuery.put(name, query); }
Return the named RawSql queries.
/** * Return the named RawSql queries. */
public Map<String, SpiRawSql> getNamedRawSql() { return (namedRawSql != null) ? namedRawSql : EMPTY_RAW_MAP; }
Add a named RawSql from ebean.xml file.
/** * Add a named RawSql from ebean.xml file. */
public void addRawSql(String name, SpiRawSql rawSql) { if (namedRawSql == null) { namedRawSql = new HashMap<>(); } namedRawSql.put(name, rawSql); }
Parse the aggregation formula into expressions with table alias placeholders.
/** * Parse the aggregation formula into expressions with table alias placeholders. */
public String parse(String aggregation) { return new Parser(this).parse(aggregation); }
Parser for top level properties into EL expressions (table alias placeholders).
/** * Parser for top level properties into EL expressions (table alias placeholders). */
private static class Parser extends DeployPropertyParserMap { private final DeployBeanDescriptor<?> descriptor; Parser(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> descriptor) { super(null); this.descriptor = descriptor; } @Override public String getDeployWord(String expression) { return descriptor.getDeployWord(expression); } } private String getDeployWord(String expression) { if (expression.charAt(expression.length() - 1) == '(') { return null; } // use 'current' table alias - refer BeanProperty appendSelect() for aggregation DeployBeanProperty property = propMap.get(expression); return (property == null) ? null : "${ta}." + property.getDbColumn(); }
Returns the jackson annotated class, if jackson is present.
/** * Returns the jackson annotated class, if jackson is present. */
public Object /*AnnotatedClass*/ getJacksonAnnotatedClass() { if (jacksonAnnotatedClass == null) { jacksonAnnotatedClass = new DeployBeanObtainJackson(serverConfig, beanType).obtain(); } return jacksonAnnotatedClass; } }