package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import io.ebean.BackgroundExecutor;
import io.ebean.Model;
import io.ebean.RawSqlBuilder;
import io.ebean.annotation.ConstraintMode;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.config.BeanNotEnhancedException;
import io.ebean.config.EncryptKey;
import io.ebean.config.EncryptKeyManager;
import io.ebean.config.NamingConvention;
import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbHistorySupport;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbIdentity;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.IdType;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.PlatformIdGenerator;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogFilter;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogListener;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogPrepare;
import io.ebean.event.changelog.ChangeLogRegister;
import io.ebean.meta.MetricVisitor;
import io.ebean.meta.QueryPlanRequest;
import io.ebean.plugin.BeanType;
import io.ebean.util.AnnotationUtil;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ConcurrencyMode;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.TransactionEventTable;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CacheChangeSet;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.SpiCacheManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.InternString;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.InternalConfiguration;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.Message;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.bootup.BootupClasses;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor.EntityType;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssoc;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanTable;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployOrderColumn;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployTableJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployBeanInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployCreateProperties;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployInherit;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployUtil;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.ReadAnnotations;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.TransientProperties;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.platform.MultiValueBind;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.CQueryPlan;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.ScalarType;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.ScalarTypeInteger;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.TypeManager;
import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmAliasMapping;
import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmColumnMapping;
import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmEbean;
import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmEntity;
import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmNamedQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.xmlmapping.model.XmRawSql;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreBeanAdapter;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

Creates BeanDescriptors.
/** * Creates BeanDescriptors. */
public class BeanDescriptorManager implements BeanDescriptorMap { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanDescriptorManager.class); private static final BeanDescComparator beanDescComparator = new BeanDescComparator(); private final ReadAnnotations readAnnotations; private final TransientProperties transientProperties;
Helper to derive inheritance information.
/** * Helper to derive inheritance information. */
private final DeployInherit deplyInherit; private final BeanPropertyAccess beanPropertyAccess = new EnhanceBeanPropertyAccess(); private final DeployUtil deployUtil; private final PersistControllerManager persistControllerManager; private final PostLoadManager postLoadManager; private final PostConstructManager postConstructManager; private final BeanFinderManager beanFinderManager; private final PersistListenerManager persistListenerManager; private final BeanQueryAdapterManager beanQueryAdapterManager; private final NamingConvention namingConvention; private final DeployCreateProperties createProperties; private final BeanManagerFactory beanManagerFactory; private final ServerConfig serverConfig; private final ChangeLogListener changeLogListener; private final ChangeLogRegister changeLogRegister; private final ChangeLogPrepare changeLogPrepare; private final DocStoreFactory docStoreFactory; private final MultiValueBind multiValueBind; private final TypeManager typeManager; private int entityBeanCount; private final boolean updateChangesOnly; private final BootupClasses bootupClasses; private final String serverName; private final Map<Class<?>, BeanTable> beanTableMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, BeanDescriptor<?>> descMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, BeanDescriptor<?>> descQueueMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, BeanManager<?>> beanManagerMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, List<BeanDescriptor<?>>> tableToDescMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, List<BeanDescriptor<?>>> tableToViewDescMap = new HashMap<>(); private List<BeanDescriptor<?>> immutableDescriptorList; private final DbIdentity dbIdentity; private final DataSource dataSource; private final DatabasePlatform databasePlatform; private final SpiCacheManager cacheManager; private final BackgroundExecutor backgroundExecutor; private final EncryptKeyManager encryptKeyManager; private final IdBinderFactory idBinderFactory; private final BeanLifecycleAdapterFactory beanLifecycleAdapterFactory; private final String asOfViewSuffix;
Map of base tables to 'with history views' used to support 'as of' queries.
/** * Map of base tables to 'with history views' used to support 'as of' queries. */
private final Map<String, String> asOfTableMap = new HashMap<>();
Map of base tables to 'draft' tables.
/** * Map of base tables to 'draft' tables. */
private final Map<String, String> draftTableMap = new HashMap<>(); private final int queryPlanTTLSeconds; // temporary collections used during startup and then cleared private Map<Class<?>, DeployBeanInfo<?>> deployInfoMap = new HashMap<>(); private Set<Class<?>> embeddedIdTypes = new HashSet<>(); private List<DeployBeanInfo<?>> embeddedBeans = new ArrayList<>();
Create for a given database dbConfig.
/** * Create for a given database dbConfig. */
public BeanDescriptorManager(InternalConfiguration config) { this.serverConfig = config.getServerConfig(); this.serverName = InternString.intern(serverConfig.getName()); this.cacheManager = config.getCacheManager(); this.docStoreFactory = config.getDocStoreFactory(); this.backgroundExecutor = config.getBackgroundExecutor(); this.dataSource = serverConfig.getDataSource(); this.encryptKeyManager = serverConfig.getEncryptKeyManager(); this.databasePlatform = serverConfig.getDatabasePlatform(); this.multiValueBind = config.getMultiValueBind(); this.idBinderFactory = new IdBinderFactory(databasePlatform.isIdInExpandedForm(), multiValueBind); this.queryPlanTTLSeconds = serverConfig.getQueryPlanTTLSeconds(); this.asOfViewSuffix = getAsOfViewSuffix(databasePlatform, serverConfig); String versionsBetweenSuffix = getVersionsBetweenSuffix(databasePlatform, serverConfig); this.readAnnotations = new ReadAnnotations(config.getGeneratedPropertyFactory(), asOfViewSuffix, versionsBetweenSuffix, serverConfig); this.bootupClasses = config.getBootupClasses(); this.createProperties = config.getDeployCreateProperties(); this.namingConvention = serverConfig.getNamingConvention(); this.dbIdentity = config.getDatabasePlatform().getDbIdentity(); this.deplyInherit = config.getDeployInherit(); this.deployUtil = config.getDeployUtil(); this.typeManager = deployUtil.getTypeManager(); this.beanManagerFactory = new BeanManagerFactory(config.getDatabasePlatform()); this.updateChangesOnly = serverConfig.isUpdateChangesOnly(); this.beanLifecycleAdapterFactory = new BeanLifecycleAdapterFactory(serverConfig); this.persistControllerManager = new PersistControllerManager(bootupClasses); this.postLoadManager = new PostLoadManager(bootupClasses); this.postConstructManager = new PostConstructManager(bootupClasses); this.persistListenerManager = new PersistListenerManager(bootupClasses); this.beanQueryAdapterManager = new BeanQueryAdapterManager(bootupClasses); this.beanFinderManager = new BeanFinderManager(bootupClasses); this.transientProperties = new TransientProperties(); this.changeLogPrepare = config.changeLogPrepare(bootupClasses.getChangeLogPrepare()); this.changeLogListener = config.changeLogListener(bootupClasses.getChangeLogListener()); this.changeLogRegister = config.changeLogRegister(bootupClasses.getChangeLogRegister()); }
Run periodic trim of query plans.
/** * Run periodic trim of query plans. */
public void scheduleBackgroundTrim() { backgroundExecutor.executePeriodically(this::trimQueryPlans, 30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } private void trimQueryPlans() { long lastUsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - (queryPlanTTLSeconds * 1000L); for (BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor : immutableDescriptorList) { if (!descriptor.isEmbedded()) { List<CQueryPlan> trimmedPlans = descriptor.trimQueryPlans(lastUsed); if (!trimmedPlans.isEmpty()) { logger.trace("trimmed {} query plans for type:{}", trimmedPlans.size(), descriptor.getName()); } } } } @Override public ScalarType<?> getScalarType(String cast) { return typeManager.getScalarType(cast); } @Override public ScalarType<?> getScalarType(int jdbcType) { return typeManager.getScalarType(jdbcType); }
Return the AsOfViewSuffix based on the DbHistorySupport.
/** * Return the AsOfViewSuffix based on the DbHistorySupport. */
private String getAsOfViewSuffix(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform, ServerConfig serverConfig) { DbHistorySupport historySupport = databasePlatform.getHistorySupport(); // with historySupport returns a simple view suffix or the sql2011 as of timestamp suffix return (historySupport == null) ? serverConfig.getAsOfViewSuffix() : historySupport.getAsOfViewSuffix(serverConfig.getAsOfViewSuffix()); }
Return the versions between timestamp suffix based on the DbHistorySupport.
/** * Return the versions between timestamp suffix based on the DbHistorySupport. */
private String getVersionsBetweenSuffix(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform, ServerConfig serverConfig) { DbHistorySupport historySupport = databasePlatform.getHistorySupport(); // with historySupport returns a simple view suffix or the sql2011 versions between timestamp suffix return (historySupport == null) ? serverConfig.getAsOfViewSuffix() : historySupport.getVersionsBetweenSuffix(serverConfig.getAsOfViewSuffix()); } @Override public boolean isMultiValueSupported() { return multiValueBind.isSupported(); } @Override public ServerConfig getServerConfig() { return serverConfig; } @Override public <T> DocStoreBeanAdapter<T> createDocStoreBeanAdapter(BeanDescriptor<T> descriptor, DeployBeanDescriptor<T> deploy) { return docStoreFactory.createAdapter(descriptor, deploy); } public BeanDescriptor<?> getBeanDescriptorByQueueId(String queueId) { return descQueueMap.get(queueId); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> BeanDescriptor<T> getBeanDescriptor(Class<T> entityType) { return (BeanDescriptor<T>) descMap.get(entityType.getName()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> BeanDescriptor<T> getBeanDescriptorByClassName(String entityClassName) { return (BeanDescriptor<T>) descMap.get(entityClassName); } @Override public String getServerName() { return serverName; } @Override public SpiCacheManager getCacheManager() { return cacheManager; } @Override public NamingConvention getNamingConvention() { return namingConvention; }
Set the internal EbeanServer instance to all BeanDescriptors.
/** * Set the internal EbeanServer instance to all BeanDescriptors. */
public void setEbeanServer(SpiEbeanServer internalEbean) { for (BeanDescriptor<?> desc : immutableDescriptorList) { desc.setEbeanServer(internalEbean); } } @Override public IdBinder createIdBinder(BeanProperty idProperty) { return idBinderFactory.createIdBinder(idProperty); }
Return the map of base tables to draft tables.
/** * Return the map of base tables to draft tables. */
public Map<String, String> getDraftTableMap() { return draftTableMap; }
Deploy returning the asOfTableMap (which is required by the SQL builders).
/** * Deploy returning the asOfTableMap (which is required by the SQL builders). */
public Map<String, String> deploy(List<XmEbean> mappings) { try { createListeners(); readEntityDeploymentInitial(); readXmlMapping(mappings); readEntityBeanTable(); readEntityDeploymentAssociations(); readInheritedIdGenerators(); setProfileIds(); // creates the BeanDescriptors readEntityRelationships(); List<BeanDescriptor<?>> list = new ArrayList<>(descMap.values()); list.sort(beanDescComparator); immutableDescriptorList = Collections.unmodifiableList(list); initialiseAll(); readForeignKeys(); readTableToDescriptor(); logStatus(); // clear collections we no longer need embeddedIdTypes = null; embeddedBeans = null; deployInfoMap = null; return asOfTableMap; } catch (BeanNotEnhancedException e) { throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error("Error in deployment", e); throw e; } } private void readXmlMapping(List<XmEbean> mappings) { if (mappings != null) { ClassLoader classLoader = serverConfig.getClassLoadConfig().getClassLoader(); for (XmEbean mapping : mappings) { List<XmEntity> entityDeploy = mapping.getEntity(); for (XmEntity deploy : entityDeploy) { readEntityMapping(classLoader, deploy); } } } } private void readEntityMapping(ClassLoader classLoader, XmEntity entityDeploy) { String entityClassName = entityDeploy.getClazz(); Class<?> entityClass; try { entityClass = Class.forName(entityClassName, false, classLoader); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not load entity bean class " + entityClassName + " for ebean.xml entry"); return; } DeployBeanInfo<?> info = deployInfoMap.get(entityClass); if (info == null) { logger.error("No entity bean for ebean.xml entry " + entityClassName); } else { for (XmRawSql sql : entityDeploy.getRawSql()) { RawSqlBuilder builder; try { builder = RawSqlBuilder.parse(sql.getQuery().getValue()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { builder = RawSqlBuilder.unparsed(sql.getQuery().getValue()); } for (XmColumnMapping columnMapping : sql.getColumnMapping()) { builder.columnMapping(columnMapping.getColumn(), columnMapping.getProperty()); } for (XmAliasMapping aliasMapping : sql.getAliasMapping()) { builder.tableAliasMapping(aliasMapping.getAlias(), aliasMapping.getProperty()); } info.addRawSql(sql.getName(), builder.create()); } for (XmNamedQuery namedQuery : entityDeploy.getNamedQuery()) { info.addNamedQuery(namedQuery.getName(), namedQuery.getQuery().getValue()); } } }
Return the Encrypt key given the table and column name.
/** * Return the Encrypt key given the table and column name. */
@Override public EncryptKey getEncryptKey(String tableName, String columnName) { return encryptKeyManager.getEncryptKey(tableName, columnName); }
For SQL based modifications we need to invalidate appropriate parts of the cache.
/** * For SQL based modifications we need to invalidate appropriate parts of the cache. */
public void cacheNotify(TransactionEventTable.TableIUD tableIUD, CacheChangeSet changeSet) { String tableName = tableIUD.getTableName().toLowerCase(); List<BeanDescriptor<?>> normalBeanTypes = tableToDescMap.get(tableName); if (normalBeanTypes != null) { // 'normal' entity beans based on a "base table" for (BeanDescriptor<?> normalBeanType : normalBeanTypes) { normalBeanType.cachePersistTableIUD(tableIUD, changeSet); } } List<BeanDescriptor<?>> viewBeans = tableToViewDescMap.get(tableName); if (viewBeans != null) { // entity beans based on a "view" for (BeanDescriptor<?> viewBean : viewBeans) { viewBean.cachePersistTableIUD(tableIUD, changeSet); } } }
Return the BeanDescriptors mapped to the table.
/** * Return the BeanDescriptors mapped to the table. */
public List<BeanDescriptor<?>> getBeanDescriptors(String tableName) { return tableToDescMap.get(tableName.toLowerCase()); }
Return the BeanDescriptors mapped to the table.
/** * Return the BeanDescriptors mapped to the table. */
public List<? extends BeanType<?>> getBeanTypes(String tableName) { return tableToDescMap.get(tableName.toLowerCase()); }
Invalidate entity beans based on views via their dependent tables.
/** * Invalidate entity beans based on views via their dependent tables. */
public void processViewInvalidation(Set<String> viewInvalidation) { for (String depTable : viewInvalidation) { List<BeanDescriptor<?>> list = tableToViewDescMap.get(depTable.toLowerCase()); if (list != null) { for (BeanDescriptor<?> desc : list) { desc.clearQueryCache(); } } } }
Build a map of table names to BeanDescriptors.

This is generally used to maintain caches from table names.

/** * Build a map of table names to BeanDescriptors. * <p> * This is generally used to maintain caches from table names. * </p> */
private void readTableToDescriptor() { for (BeanDescriptor<?> desc : descMap.values()) { String baseTable = desc.getBaseTable(); if (baseTable != null) { baseTable = baseTable.toLowerCase(); List<BeanDescriptor<?>> list = tableToDescMap.computeIfAbsent(baseTable, k -> new ArrayList<>(1)); list.add(desc); } if (desc.getEntityType() == EntityType.VIEW && desc.isQueryCaching()) { // build map of tables to view entities dependent on those tables // for the purpose of invalidating appropriate query caches String[] dependentTables = desc.getDependentTables(); if (dependentTables != null && dependentTables.length > 0) { for (String depTable : dependentTables) { depTable = depTable.toLowerCase(); List<BeanDescriptor<?>> list = tableToViewDescMap.computeIfAbsent(depTable, k -> new ArrayList<>(1)); list.add(desc); } } } } } private void readForeignKeys() { for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initialiseFkeys(); } }
Initialise all the BeanDescriptors.

This occurs after all the BeanDescriptors have been created. This resolves circular relationships between BeanDescriptors.

Also responsible for creating all the BeanManagers which contain the persister, listener etc.

/** * Initialise all the BeanDescriptors. * <p> * This occurs after all the BeanDescriptors have been created. This resolves * circular relationships between BeanDescriptors. * </p> * <p> * Also responsible for creating all the BeanManagers which contain the * persister, listener etc. * </p> */
private void initialiseAll() { // now that all the BeanDescriptors are in their map // we can initialise them which sorts out circular // dependencies for OneToMany and ManyToOne etc BeanDescriptorInitContext initContext = new BeanDescriptorInitContext(asOfTableMap, draftTableMap, asOfViewSuffix); // PASS 1: // initialise the ID properties of all the beans // first (as they are needed to initialise the // associated properties in the second pass). for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initialiseId(initContext); } // PASS 2: // now initialise all the inherit info for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initInheritInfo(); } // PASS 3: // now initialise all the associated properties for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { // also look for intersection tables with // associated history support and register them // into the asOfTableMap d.initialiseOther(initContext); } // PASS 4: // now initialise document mapping which needs target descriptors for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initialiseDocMapping(); } // create BeanManager for each non-embedded entity bean for (BeanDescriptor<?> d : descMap.values()) { d.initLast(); if (!d.isEmbedded()) { beanManagerMap.put(d.getFullName(), beanManagerFactory.create(d)); checkForValidEmbeddedId(d); } } } private void checkForValidEmbeddedId(BeanDescriptor<?> d) { IdBinder idBinder = d.getIdBinder(); if (idBinder instanceof IdBinderEmbedded) { IdBinderEmbedded embId = (IdBinderEmbedded) idBinder; BeanDescriptor<?> idBeanDescriptor = embId.getIdBeanDescriptor(); Class<?> idType = idBeanDescriptor.getBeanType(); try { idType.getDeclaredMethod("hashCode"); idType.getDeclaredMethod("equals", Object.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { checkMissingHashCodeOrEquals(e, idType, d.getBeanType()); } } } private void checkMissingHashCodeOrEquals(Exception source, Class<?> idType, Class<?> beanType) { String msg = "SERIOUS ERROR: The hashCode() and equals() methods *MUST* be implemented "; msg += "on Embedded bean " + idType + " as it is used as an Id for " + beanType; throw new PersistenceException(msg, source); }
Return true if there are 'view based entities' using l2 query caching and so need to be invalidated based on changes to dependent tables.
/** * Return true if there are 'view based entities' using l2 query caching and so need * to be invalidated based on changes to dependent tables. */
public boolean requiresViewEntityCacheInvalidation() { return !tableToViewDescMap.isEmpty(); }
Return an immutable list of all the BeanDescriptors.
/** * Return an immutable list of all the BeanDescriptors. */
public List<BeanDescriptor<?>> getBeanDescriptorList() { return immutableDescriptorList; } public BeanTable getBeanTable(Class<?> type) { return beanTableMap.get(type); }
Return a BeanTable for an ElementCollection.
/** * Return a BeanTable for an ElementCollection. */
public BeanTable createCollectionBeanTable(String fullTableName, Class<?> targetType) { return new BeanTable(this, fullTableName, targetType); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> BeanManager<T> getBeanManager(Class<T> entityType) { return (BeanManager<T>) getBeanManager(entityType.getName()); } public BeanManager<?> getBeanManager(String beanClassName) { return beanManagerMap.get(beanClassName); }
Create the BeanControllers, BeanFinders and BeanListeners.
/** * Create the BeanControllers, BeanFinders and BeanListeners. */
private void createListeners() { int qa = beanQueryAdapterManager.getRegisterCount(); int cc = persistControllerManager.getRegisterCount(); int pl = postLoadManager.getRegisterCount(); int pc = postConstructManager.getRegisterCount(); int lc = persistListenerManager.getRegisterCount(); int fc = beanFinderManager.getRegisterCount(); logger.debug("BeanPersistControllers[{}] BeanFinders[{}] BeanPersistListeners[{}] BeanQueryAdapters[{}] BeanPostLoaders[{}] BeanPostConstructors[{}]", cc, fc, lc, qa, pl, pc); } private void logStatus() { logger.debug("Entities[{}]", entityBeanCount); }
Return the bean deploy info for the given class.
/** * Return the bean deploy info for the given class. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> DeployBeanInfo<T> getDeploy(Class<T> cls) { return (DeployBeanInfo<T>) deployInfoMap.get(cls); } private void registerBeanDescriptor(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { BeanDescriptor desc = new BeanDescriptor<>(this, info.getDescriptor()); descMap.put(desc.getBeanType().getName(), desc); if (desc.isDocStoreMapped()) { descQueueMap.put(desc.getDocStoreQueueId(), desc); } }
Read the initial deployment information for the entities.

This stops short of reading relationship meta data until after the BeanTables have all been created.

/** * Read the initial deployment information for the entities. * <p> * This stops short of reading relationship meta data until after the * BeanTables have all been created. * </p> */
private void readEntityDeploymentInitial() { for (Class<?> entityClass : bootupClasses.getEntities()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> info = createDeployBeanInfo(entityClass); deployInfoMap.put(entityClass, info); Class<?> embeddedIdType = info.getEmbeddedIdType(); if (embeddedIdType != null){ embeddedIdTypes.add(embeddedIdType); } } for (Class<?> entityClass : bootupClasses.getEmbeddables()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> info = createDeployBeanInfo(entityClass); deployInfoMap.put(entityClass, info); if (embeddedIdTypes.contains(entityClass)) { // register embeddedId types early - scalar properties only // and needed for creating BeanTables (id properties) registerEmbeddedBean(info); } else { // delay register of other embedded beans until after // the BeanTables have been created to support ManyToOne embeddedBeans.add(info); } } } private void registerEmbeddedBean(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { readDeployAssociations(info); registerBeanDescriptor(info); }
Create the BeanTable information which has the base table and id.

This is determined prior to resolving relationship information.

/** * Create the BeanTable information which has the base table and id. * <p> * This is determined prior to resolving relationship information. * </p> */
private void readEntityBeanTable() { for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { BeanTable beanTable = createBeanTable(info); beanTableMap.put(beanTable.getBeanType(), beanTable); } // register non-id embedded beans (after bean tables are created) for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : embeddedBeans) { registerEmbeddedBean(info); } }
Create the BeanTable information which has the base table and id.

This is determined prior to resolving relationship information.

/** * Create the BeanTable information which has the base table and id. * <p> * This is determined prior to resolving relationship information. * </p> */
private void readEntityDeploymentAssociations() { for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { readDeployAssociations(info); } } private void readInheritedIdGenerators() { for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> descriptor = info.getDescriptor(); InheritInfo inheritInfo = descriptor.getInheritInfo(); if (inheritInfo != null && !inheritInfo.isRoot()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> rootBeanInfo = deployInfoMap.get(inheritInfo.getRoot().getType()); PlatformIdGenerator rootIdGen = rootBeanInfo.getDescriptor().getIdGenerator(); if (rootIdGen != null) { descriptor.setIdGenerator(rootIdGen); } } } }
Set profileIds based on descriptor full name order.
/** * Set profileIds based on descriptor full name order. */
private void setProfileIds() { List<? extends DeployBeanDescriptor<?>> deployDescriptors = deployInfoMap.values().stream() .map(DeployBeanInfo::getDescriptor) .collect(Collectors.toList()); deployDescriptors.sort(Comparator.comparing(DeployBeanDescriptor::getFullName)); short id = 0; for (DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc : deployDescriptors) { if (!desc.isEmbedded()) { desc.setProfileId(++id); } } }
Create the BeanTable from the deployment information gathered so far.
/** * Create the BeanTable from the deployment information gathered so far. */
private BeanTable createBeanTable(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deployDescriptor = info.getDescriptor(); DeployBeanTable beanTable = deployDescriptor.createDeployBeanTable(); return new BeanTable(beanTable, this); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void readEntityRelationships() { // We only perform 'circular' checks etc after we have // all the DeployBeanDescriptors created and in the map. List<DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> primaryKeyJoinCheck = new ArrayList<>(); for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { checkMappedBy(info, primaryKeyJoinCheck); } for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop : primaryKeyJoinCheck) { checkUniDirectionalPrimaryKeyJoin(prop); } for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { secondaryPropsJoins(info); } for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { setInheritanceInfo(info); } for (DeployBeanInfo<?> info : deployInfoMap.values()) { if (!info.isEmbedded()) { registerBeanDescriptor(info); } } }
Sets the inheritance info. ~EMG fix for join problem
  • info – the new inheritance info
/** * Sets the inheritance info. ~EMG fix for join problem * * @param info the new inheritance info */
private void setInheritanceInfo(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> oneProp : info.getDescriptor().propertiesAssocOne()) { if (!oneProp.isTransient()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> assoc = deployInfoMap.get(oneProp.getTargetType()); if (assoc != null) { oneProp.getTableJoin().setInheritInfo(assoc.getDescriptor().getInheritInfo()); } } } for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp : info.getDescriptor().propertiesAssocMany()) { if (!manyProp.isTransient()) { DeployBeanInfo<?> assoc = deployInfoMap.get(manyProp.getTargetType()); if (assoc != null) { manyProp.getTableJoin().setInheritInfo(assoc.getDescriptor().getInheritInfo()); } } } } private void secondaryPropsJoins(DeployBeanInfo<?> info) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> descriptor = info.getDescriptor(); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : descriptor.propertiesBase()) { if (prop.isSecondaryTable()) { String tableName = prop.getSecondaryTable(); // find a join to that table... DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> assocOne = descriptor.findJoinToTable(tableName); if (assocOne == null) { String msg = "Error with property " + prop.getFullBeanName() + ". Could not find a Relationship to table " + tableName + ". Perhaps you could use a @JoinColumn instead."; throw new RuntimeException(msg); } DeployTableJoin tableJoin = assocOne.getTableJoin(); prop.setSecondaryTableJoin(tableJoin, assocOne.getName()); } } }
Check the mappedBy attributes for properties on this descriptor.

This will read join information defined on the 'owning/other' side of the relationship. It also does some extra work for unidirectional relationships.

/** * Check the mappedBy attributes for properties on this descriptor. * <p> * This will read join information defined on the 'owning/other' side of the * relationship. It also does some extra work for unidirectional * relationships. * </p> */
private void checkMappedBy(DeployBeanInfo<?> info, List<DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> primaryKeyJoinCheck) { for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> oneProp : info.getDescriptor().propertiesAssocOne()) { if (!oneProp.isTransient()) { if (oneProp.getMappedBy() != null) { checkMappedByOneToOne(oneProp); } else if (oneProp.isPrimaryKeyJoin()) { primaryKeyJoinCheck.add(oneProp); } } } for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp : info.getDescriptor().propertiesAssocMany()) { if (!manyProp.isTransient()) { if (manyProp.isManyToMany()) { checkMappedByManyToMany(manyProp); } else { checkMappedByOneToMany(info, manyProp); } } } } private DeployBeanDescriptor<?> getTargetDescriptor(DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<?> prop) { Class<?> targetType = prop.getTargetType(); DeployBeanInfo<?> info = deployInfoMap.get(targetType); if (info == null) { String msg = "Can not find descriptor [" + targetType + "] for " + prop.getFullBeanName(); throw new PersistenceException(msg); } return info.getDescriptor(); }
Check that the many property has either an implied mappedBy property or mark it as unidirectional.
/** * Check that the many property has either an implied mappedBy property or * mark it as unidirectional. */
private boolean findMappedBy(DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { // this is the entity bean type - that owns this property Class<?> owningType = prop.getOwningType(); Set<String> matchSet = new HashSet<>(); // get the bean descriptor that holds the mappedBy property DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(prop); List<DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>> ones = targetDesc.propertiesAssocOne(); for (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> possibleMappedBy : ones) { Class<?> possibleMappedByType = possibleMappedBy.getTargetType(); if (possibleMappedByType.equals(owningType)) { prop.setMappedBy(possibleMappedBy.getName()); matchSet.add(possibleMappedBy.getName()); } } if (matchSet.isEmpty()) { // this is a unidirectional relationship // ... that is no matching property on the 'detail' bean return false; } if (matchSet.size() == 1) { // all right with the world return true; } if (matchSet.size() == 2) { // try to find a match implicitly using a common naming convention // e.g. List<Bug> loggedBugs; ... search for "logged" in matchSet String name = prop.getName(); // get the target type short name String targetType = prop.getTargetType().getName(); String shortTypeName = targetType.substring(targetType.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); // name includes (probably ends with) the target type short name? int p = name.indexOf(shortTypeName); if (p > 1) { // ok, get the 'interesting' part of the property name // That is the name without the target type String searchName = name.substring(0, p).toLowerCase(); // search for this in the possible matches for (String possibleMappedBy : matchSet) { String possibleLower = possibleMappedBy.toLowerCase(); if (possibleLower.contains(searchName)) { // we have a match.. prop.setMappedBy(possibleMappedBy); String m = "Implicitly found mappedBy for " + targetDesc + "." + prop; m += " by searching for [" + searchName + "] against " + matchSet; logger.debug(m); return true; } } } } // multiple options so should specify mappedBy property String msg = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName() + " missing mappedBy."; msg += " There are [" + matchSet.size() + "] possible properties in " + targetDesc; msg += " that this association could be mapped to. Please specify one using "; msg += "the mappedBy attribute on @OneToMany."; throw new PersistenceException(msg); } private void makeOrderColumn(DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> oneToMany) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(oneToMany); DeployOrderColumn orderColumn = oneToMany.getOrderColumn(); DeployBeanProperty orderProperty = new DeployBeanProperty(targetDesc, Integer.class, ScalarTypeInteger.INSTANCE, null); orderProperty.setName(DeployOrderColumn.LOGICAL_NAME); orderProperty.setDbColumn(orderColumn.getName()); orderProperty.setNullable(orderColumn.isNullable()); orderProperty.setDbInsertable(orderColumn.isInsertable()); orderProperty.setDbUpdateable(orderColumn.isUpdatable()); orderProperty.setDbRead(true); targetDesc.setOrderColumn(orderProperty); }
A OneToMany with no matching mappedBy property in the target so must be unidirectional.

This means that inserts MUST cascade for this property.

Create a "Shadow"/Unidirectional property on the target. It is used with inserts to set the foreign key value (e.g. inserts the foreign key value into the order_id column on the order_lines table).

/** * A OneToMany with no matching mappedBy property in the target so must be * unidirectional. * <p> * This means that inserts MUST cascade for this property. * </p> * <p> * Create a "Shadow"/Unidirectional property on the target. It is used with * inserts to set the foreign key value (e.g. inserts the foreign key value * into the order_id column on the order_lines table). * </p> */
private void makeUnidirectional(DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> oneToMany) { DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(oneToMany); Class<?> owningType = oneToMany.getOwningType(); if (!oneToMany.getCascadeInfo().isSave()) { // The property MUST have persist cascading so that inserts work. Class<?> targetType = oneToMany.getTargetType(); String msg = "Error on " + oneToMany.getFullBeanName() + ". @OneToMany MUST have "; msg += "Cascade.PERSIST or Cascade.ALL because this is a unidirectional "; msg += "relationship. That is, there is no property of type " + owningType + " on " + targetType; throw new PersistenceException(msg); } // mark this property as unidirectional oneToMany.setUnidirectional(); // specify table and table alias... BeanTable beanTable = getBeanTable(owningType); // define the TableJoin DeployTableJoin oneToManyJoin = oneToMany.getTableJoin(); if (!oneToManyJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { throw new RuntimeException("No join columns"); } createUnidirectional(targetDesc, owningType, beanTable, oneToManyJoin); }
Create and add a Unidirectional property (for ElementCollection) which maps to the foreign key.
/** * Create and add a Unidirectional property (for ElementCollection) which maps to the foreign key. */
public <A> void createUnidirectional(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc, Class<A> targetType, BeanTable beanTable, DeployTableJoin oneToManyJoin) { // create the 'shadow' unidirectional property // which is put on the target descriptor DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<A> unidirectional = new DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<>(targetDesc, targetType); unidirectional.setUndirectionalShadow(); unidirectional.setNullable(false); unidirectional.setDbRead(true); unidirectional.setDbInsertable(true); unidirectional.setDbUpdateable(false); unidirectional.setBeanTable(beanTable); unidirectional.setName(beanTable.getBaseTable()); unidirectional.setJoinType(true); unidirectional.setJoinColumns(oneToManyJoin.columns(), true); targetDesc.setUnidirectional(unidirectional); } private void checkMappedByOneToOne(DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop) { // check that the mappedBy property is valid and read // its associated join information if it is available String mappedBy = prop.getMappedBy(); // get the mappedBy property DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(prop); DeployBeanProperty mappedProp = targetDesc.getBeanProperty(mappedBy); if (mappedProp == null) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += " Can not find mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "] "; throw new PersistenceException(m); } if (!(mappedProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>)) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "]is not a OneToOne?"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> mappedAssocOne = (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) mappedProp; if (!mappedAssocOne.isOneToOne()) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "]is not a OneToOne?"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } DeployTableJoin tableJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); if (!tableJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { // define Join as the inverse of the mappedBy property DeployTableJoin otherTableJoin = mappedAssocOne.getTableJoin(); otherTableJoin.copyWithoutType(tableJoin, true, tableJoin.getTable()); } if (mappedAssocOne.isPrimaryKeyJoin()) { // bi-directional PrimaryKeyJoin ... mappedAssocOne.setPrimaryKeyJoin(false); prop.setPrimaryKeyExport(); addPrimaryKeyJoin(prop); } } private void checkUniDirectionalPrimaryKeyJoin(DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop) { if (prop.isPrimaryKeyJoin()) { // uni-directional PrimaryKeyJoin ... prop.setPrimaryKeyExport(); addPrimaryKeyJoin(prop); } }
If the property has mappedBy set then do two things. Make sure the mappedBy property exists, and secondly read its join information.

We can use the join information from the mappedBy property and reverse it for using in the OneToMany direction.

/** * If the property has mappedBy set then do two things. Make sure the mappedBy * property exists, and secondly read its join information. * <p> * We can use the join information from the mappedBy property and reverse it * for using in the OneToMany direction. * </p> */
private void checkMappedByOneToMany(DeployBeanInfo<?> info, DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { if (prop.isElementCollection()) { // skip mapping check return; } DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(prop); if (targetDesc.isDraftableElement()) { // automatically turning on orphan removal and CascadeType.ALL prop.setModifyListenMode(BeanCollection.ModifyListenMode.REMOVALS); prop.getCascadeInfo().setSaveDelete(true, true); } if (prop.hasOrderColumn()) { makeOrderColumn(prop); } if (prop.getMappedBy() == null) { // if we are doc store only we are done // this allows the use of @OneToMany in @DocStore - Entities if (info.getDescriptor().isDocStoreOnly()) { prop.setUnidirectional(); return; } if (!findMappedBy(prop)) { if (!prop.isO2mJoinTable()) { makeUnidirectional(prop); } return; } } // check that the mappedBy property is valid and read // its associated join information if it is available String mappedBy = prop.getMappedBy(); // get the mappedBy property DeployBeanProperty mappedProp = targetDesc.getBeanProperty(mappedBy); if (mappedProp == null) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += " Can not find mappedBy property [" + mappedBy + "] "; m += "in [" + targetDesc + "]"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } if (!(mappedProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>)) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + mappedBy + "]is not a ManyToOne?"; m += "in [" + targetDesc + "]"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> mappedAssocOne = (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) mappedProp; DeployTableJoin tableJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); if (!tableJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { // define Join as the inverse of the mappedBy property DeployTableJoin otherTableJoin = mappedAssocOne.getTableJoin(); otherTableJoin.copyTo(tableJoin, true, tableJoin.getTable()); } PropertyForeignKey foreignKey = mappedAssocOne.getForeignKey(); if (foreignKey != null) { ConstraintMode onDelete = foreignKey.getOnDelete(); switch (onDelete) { case SET_DEFAULT: case SET_NULL: case CASCADE: { // turn off cascade delete when we are using the foreign // key constraint to cascade the delete or set null prop.getCascadeInfo().setDelete(false); } } } }
For mappedBy copy the joins from the other side.
/** * For mappedBy copy the joins from the other side. */
private void checkMappedByManyToMany(DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { // get the bean descriptor that holds the mappedBy property String mappedBy = prop.getMappedBy(); if (mappedBy == null) { if (getTargetDescriptor(prop).isDraftable()) { prop.setIntersectionDraftTable(); } return; } // get the mappedBy property DeployBeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = getTargetDescriptor(prop); DeployBeanProperty mappedProp = targetDesc.getBeanProperty(mappedBy); if (mappedProp == null) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += " Can not find mappedBy property [" + mappedBy + "] "; m += "in [" + targetDesc + "]"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } if (!(mappedProp instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>)) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "] is not a ManyToMany?"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> mappedAssocMany = (DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) mappedProp; if (!mappedAssocMany.isManyToMany()) { String m = "Error on " + prop.getFullBeanName(); m += ". mappedBy property [" + targetDesc + "." + mappedBy + "] is not a ManyToMany?"; throw new PersistenceException(m); } // define the relationships/joins on this side as the // reverse of the other mappedBy side ... // DeployTableJoin mappedJoin = mappedAssocMany.getTableJoin(); DeployTableJoin mappedIntJoin = mappedAssocMany.getIntersectionJoin(); DeployTableJoin mappendInverseJoin = mappedAssocMany.getInverseJoin(); String intTableName = mappedIntJoin.getTable(); DeployTableJoin tableJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); mappedIntJoin.copyTo(tableJoin, true, targetDesc.getBaseTable()); DeployTableJoin intJoin = new DeployTableJoin(); mappendInverseJoin.copyTo(intJoin, false, intTableName); prop.setIntersectionJoin(intJoin); DeployTableJoin inverseJoin = new DeployTableJoin(); mappedIntJoin.copyTo(inverseJoin, false, intTableName); prop.setInverseJoin(inverseJoin); if (targetDesc.isDraftable()) { prop.setIntersectionDraftTable(); } } private <T> void setBeanControllerFinderListener(DeployBeanDescriptor<T> descriptor) { persistControllerManager.addPersistControllers(descriptor); postLoadManager.addPostLoad(descriptor); postConstructManager.addPostConstructListeners(descriptor); persistListenerManager.addPersistListeners(descriptor); beanQueryAdapterManager.addQueryAdapter(descriptor); beanFinderManager.addFindControllers(descriptor); if (changeLogRegister != null) { ChangeLogFilter changeFilter = changeLogRegister.getChangeFilter(descriptor.getBeanType()); if (changeFilter != null) { descriptor.setChangeLogFilter(changeFilter); } } }
Read the initial deployment information for a given bean type.
/** * Read the initial deployment information for a given bean type. */
private <T> DeployBeanInfo<T> createDeployBeanInfo(Class<T> beanClass) { DeployBeanDescriptor<T> desc = new DeployBeanDescriptor<>(this, beanClass, serverConfig); desc.setUpdateChangesOnly(updateChangesOnly); beanLifecycleAdapterFactory.addLifecycleMethods(desc); // set bean controller, finder and listener setBeanControllerFinderListener(desc); deplyInherit.process(desc); desc.checkInheritanceMapping(); createProperties.createProperties(desc); DeployBeanInfo<T> info = new DeployBeanInfo<>(deployUtil, desc); readAnnotations.readInitial(info); return info; } private <T> void readDeployAssociations(DeployBeanInfo<T> info) { DeployBeanDescriptor<T> desc = info.getDescriptor(); readAnnotations.readAssociations(info, this); if (EntityType.SQL == desc.getEntityType()) { desc.setBaseTable(null, null, null); } // mark transient properties transientProperties.process(desc); setScalarType(desc); if (!desc.isEmbedded()) { // Set IdGenerator or use DB Identity setIdGeneration(desc); // find the appropriate default concurrency mode setConcurrencyMode(desc); } // generate the byte code createByteCode(desc); }
Set the Identity generation mechanism.
/** * Set the Identity generation mechanism. */
private <T> void setIdGeneration(DeployBeanDescriptor<T> desc) { if (desc.getIdGenerator() != null) { // already assigned (So custom or UUID) return; } if (desc.idProperty() == null) { // bean doesn't have an Id property if (desc.isBaseTableType() && desc.getBeanFinder() == null) { // expecting an id property logger.debug(Message.msg("deploy.nouid", desc.getFullName())); } return; } if (IdType.SEQUENCE == desc.getIdType() && !dbIdentity.isSupportsSequence()) { // explicit sequence but not supported by the DatabasePlatform"Explicit sequence on " + desc.getFullName() + " but not supported by DB Platform - ignored"); desc.setIdType(null); } if (IdType.IDENTITY == desc.getIdType() && !dbIdentity.isSupportsIdentity()) { // explicit identity but not supported by the DatabasePlatform"Explicit Identity on " + desc.getFullName() + " but not supported by DB Platform - ignored"); desc.setIdType(null); } if (desc.getIdType() == null) { if (desc.isPrimaryKeyCompoundOrNonNumeric()) { // assuming that this is a user supplied key like ISO country code or ISO currency code or lookup table code logger.debug("Expecting user defined identity on {} - not using db sequence or autoincrement", desc.getFullName()); desc.setIdType(IdType.EXTERNAL); return; } if (desc.isIdGeneratedValue() || serverConfig.isIdGeneratorAutomatic()) { // use IDENTITY or SEQUENCE based on platform desc.setIdType(dbIdentity.getIdType()); desc.setIdTypePlatformDefault(); } else { // externally/application supplied Id values desc.setIdType(IdType.EXTERNAL); return; } } if (desc.getBaseTable() == null) { // no base table so not going to set Identity // of sequence information return; } if (IdType.IDENTITY == desc.getIdType()) { // used when getGeneratedKeys is not supported (SQL Server 2000, SAP Hana) String selectLastInsertedId = dbIdentity.getSelectLastInsertedId(desc.getBaseTable()); String selectLastInsertedIdDraft = (!desc.isDraftable()) ? selectLastInsertedId : dbIdentity.getSelectLastInsertedId(desc.getDraftTable()); desc.setSelectLastInsertedId(selectLastInsertedId, selectLastInsertedIdDraft); return; } if (IdType.SEQUENCE == desc.getIdType()) { String seqName = desc.getIdGeneratorName(); if (seqName != null) { logger.debug("explicit sequence {} on {}", seqName, desc.getFullName()); } else { String primaryKeyColumn = desc.getSinglePrimaryKeyColumn(); // use namingConvention to define sequence name seqName = namingConvention.getSequenceName(desc.getBaseTable(), primaryKeyColumn); } if (databasePlatform.isSequenceBatchMode()) { // use sequence next step 1 as we are going to batch fetch them instead desc.setSequenceAllocationSize(1); } int stepSize = desc.getSequenceAllocationSize(); desc.setIdGenerator(createSequenceIdGenerator(seqName, stepSize)); } } private PlatformIdGenerator createSequenceIdGenerator(String seqName, int stepSize) { return databasePlatform.createSequenceIdGenerator(backgroundExecutor, dataSource, stepSize, seqName); } private void createByteCode(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deploy) { // check to see if the bean supports EntityBean interface // generate a subclass if required setEntityBeanClass(deploy); // use Code generation or Standard reflection to support // getter and setter methods setBeanReflect(deploy); }
Set the Scalar Types on all the simple types. This is done AFTER transients have been identified. This is because a non-transient field MUST have a ScalarType. It is useful for transients to have ScalarTypes because then they can be used in a SqlSelect query.

Enums are treated a bit differently in that they always have a ScalarType as one is built for them.

/** * Set the Scalar Types on all the simple types. This is done AFTER transients * have been identified. This is because a non-transient field MUST have a * ScalarType. It is useful for transients to have ScalarTypes because then * they can be used in a SqlSelect query. * <p> * Enums are treated a bit differently in that they always have a ScalarType * as one is built for them. * </p> */
private void setScalarType(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> deployDesc) { for (DeployBeanProperty prop : deployDesc.propertiesAll()) { if (!(prop instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<?>)) { deployUtil.setScalarType(prop); } } }
Set BeanReflect BeanReflectGetter and BeanReflectSetter properties.

This sets the implementation of constructing entity beans and the setting and getting of properties. It is generally faster to use code generation rather than reflection to do this.

/** * Set BeanReflect BeanReflectGetter and BeanReflectSetter properties. * <p> * This sets the implementation of constructing entity beans and the setting * and getting of properties. It is generally faster to use code generation * rather than reflection to do this. * </p> */
private void setBeanReflect(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc) { // Set the BeanReflectGetter and BeanReflectSetter that typically // use generated code. NB: Due to Bug 166 so now doing this for // abstract classes as well. BeanPropertiesReader reflectProps = new BeanPropertiesReader(desc.getBeanType()); desc.setProperties(reflectProps.getProperties()); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : desc.propertiesAll()) { String propName = prop.getName(); Integer pos = reflectProps.getPropertyIndex(propName); if (pos == null) { if (isPersistentField(prop)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "If you are running in an IDE with enhancement plugin try a Build -> Rebuild Project to recompile and enhance all entity beans. " + "Error - property " + propName + " not found in " + reflectProps + " for type " + desc.getBeanType()); } } else { final int propertyIndex = pos; prop.setPropertyIndex(propertyIndex); prop.setGetter(beanPropertyAccess.getGetter(propertyIndex)); prop.setSetter(beanPropertyAccess.getSetter(propertyIndex)); if (prop.isAggregation()) { prop.setAggregationPrefix(DetermineAggPath.manyPath(prop.getRawAggregation(), desc)); } } } }
Return true if this is a persistent field (not transient or static).
/** * Return true if this is a persistent field (not transient or static). */
private boolean isPersistentField(DeployBeanProperty prop) { Field field = prop.getField(); if (field == null) { return false; } int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); return !(Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) && !field.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class); }
DevNote: It is assumed that Embedded can contain version properties. It is also assumed that Embedded beans do NOT themselves contain Embedded beans which contain version properties.
/** * DevNote: It is assumed that Embedded can contain version properties. It is * also assumed that Embedded beans do NOT themselves contain Embedded beans * which contain version properties. */
private void setConcurrencyMode(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc) { if (desc.getConcurrencyMode() != null) { // concurrency mode explicitly set during deployment return; } if (checkForVersionProperties(desc)) { desc.setConcurrencyMode(ConcurrencyMode.VERSION); } else { desc.setConcurrencyMode(ConcurrencyMode.NONE); } }
Search for version properties also including embedded beans.
/** * Search for version properties also including embedded beans. */
private boolean checkForVersionProperties(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc) { boolean hasVersionProperty = false; List<DeployBeanProperty> props = desc.propertiesBase(); for (DeployBeanProperty prop : props) { if (prop.isVersionColumn()) { hasVersionProperty = true; } } return hasVersionProperty; } private boolean hasEntityBeanInterface(Class<?> beanClass) { Class<?>[] interfaces = beanClass.getInterfaces(); for (Class<?> anInterface : interfaces) { if (anInterface.equals(EntityBean.class)) { return true; } } return false; }
Test the bean type to see if it implements EntityBean interface already.
/** * Test the bean type to see if it implements EntityBean interface already. */
private void setEntityBeanClass(DeployBeanDescriptor<?> desc) { Class<?> beanClass = desc.getBeanType(); if (!hasEntityBeanInterface(beanClass)) { String msg = "Bean " + beanClass + " is not enhanced? Check packages specified in If you are running in IDEA or " + "Eclipse check that the enhancement plugin is installed. See"; throw new BeanNotEnhancedException(msg); } // the bean already implements EntityBean checkInheritedClasses(beanClass); entityBeanCount++; }
Check that the inherited classes are the same as the entity bean (aka all enhanced or all dynamically subclassed).
/** * Check that the inherited classes are the same as the entity bean (aka all * enhanced or all dynamically subclassed). */
private void checkInheritedClasses(Class<?> beanClass) { Class<?> superclass = beanClass.getSuperclass(); if (Object.class.equals(superclass)) { // we got to the top of the inheritance return; } if (Model.class.equals(superclass)) { // top of the inheritance. Not enhancing Model at this stage return; } if (!EntityBean.class.isAssignableFrom(superclass)) { if (isMappedSuperWithNoProperties(superclass)) { // ok to stop and treat just the same as Object.class return; } throw new BeanNotEnhancedException("Super type " + superclass + " is not enhanced? Check the packages specified in See"); } // recursively continue up the inheritance hierarchy checkInheritedClasses(superclass); }
Return true if this is a MappedSuperclass bean with no persistent properties. If so it is ok for it not to be enhanced.
/** * Return true if this is a MappedSuperclass bean with no persistent properties. * If so it is ok for it not to be enhanced. */
private boolean isMappedSuperWithNoProperties(Class<?> beanClass) { // do not search recursive here MappedSuperclass annotation = AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(beanClass, MappedSuperclass.class); if (annotation == null) { return false; } Field[] fields = beanClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) && !field.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class)) { return false; } } return true; }
Return the changeLogPrepare (for setting user context into the ChangeSet in the foreground thread).
/** * Return the changeLogPrepare (for setting user context into the ChangeSet * in the foreground thread). */
public ChangeLogPrepare getChangeLogPrepare() { return changeLogPrepare; }
Return the changeLogListener (that actually does the logging).
/** * Return the changeLogListener (that actually does the logging). */
public ChangeLogListener getChangeLogListener() { return changeLogListener; } public void addPrimaryKeyJoin(DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop) { String baseTable = prop.getDesc().getBaseTable(); DeployTableJoin inverse = prop.getTableJoin().createInverse(baseTable); TableJoin inverseJoin = new TableJoin(inverse); DeployBeanInfo<?> target = deployInfoMap.get(prop.getTargetType()); target.setPrimaryKeyJoin(inverseJoin); }
Create a DeployBeanDescriptor for an ElementCollection target.
/** * Create a DeployBeanDescriptor for an ElementCollection target. */
public <A> DeployBeanDescriptor<A> createDeployDescriptor(Class<A> targetType) { return new DeployBeanDescriptor<>(this, targetType, serverConfig); }
Create a BeanDescriptor for an ElementCollection target.
/** * Create a BeanDescriptor for an ElementCollection target. */
public <A> BeanDescriptor<A> createElementDescriptor(DeployBeanDescriptor<A> elementDescriptor, ManyType manyType, boolean scalar) { ElementHelp elementHelp = elementHelper(manyType); if (manyType.isMap()) { if (scalar) { return new BeanDescriptorElementScalarMap<>(this, elementDescriptor, elementHelp); } else { return new BeanDescriptorElementEmbeddedMap<>(this, elementDescriptor, elementHelp); } } if (scalar) { return new BeanDescriptorElementScalar<>(this, elementDescriptor, elementHelp); } else { return new BeanDescriptorElementEmbedded<>(this, elementDescriptor, elementHelp); } } private ElementHelp elementHelper(ManyType manyType) { switch (manyType) { case LIST: return new ElementHelpList(); case SET: return new ElementHelpSet(); case MAP: return new ElementHelpMap(); default: throw new IllegalStateException("manyType unexpected " + manyType); } } public void visitMetrics(MetricVisitor visitor) { for (BeanDescriptor<?> desc : immutableDescriptorList) { desc.visitMetrics(visitor); } } public void collectQueryPlans(QueryPlanRequest request) { for (BeanDescriptor<?> desc : immutableDescriptorList) { if (request.includeType(desc.getBeanType())) { desc.collectQueryPlans(request); } } }
Comparator to sort the BeanDescriptors by name.
/** * Comparator to sort the BeanDescriptors by name. */
private static final class BeanDescComparator implements Comparator<BeanDescriptor<?>>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public int compare(BeanDescriptor<?> o1, BeanDescriptor<?> o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } } }