import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocOne;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.platform.MultiValueBind;
Creates the appropriate IdConvertSet depending on the type of Id property(s).
* Creates the appropriate IdConvertSet depending on the type of Id property(s).
public class IdBinderFactory {
private static final IdBinderEmpty EMPTY = new IdBinderEmpty();
private final boolean idInExpandedForm;
private final MultiValueBind multiValueBind;
public IdBinderFactory(boolean idInExpandedForm, MultiValueBind multiValueBind) {
this.idInExpandedForm = idInExpandedForm;
this.multiValueBind = multiValueBind;
Create the IdConvertSet for the given type of Id properties.
* Create the IdConvertSet for the given type of Id properties.
public IdBinder createIdBinder(BeanProperty id) {
if (id == null) {
// for report type beans that don't need an id
return EMPTY;
if (id.isEmbedded()) {
return new IdBinderEmbedded(idInExpandedForm, (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) id);
} else {
return new IdBinderSimple(id, multiValueBind);