package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import java.util.Set;

Converts logical property names to database columns.
/** * Converts logical property names to database columns. */
public abstract class DeployParser {
used to identify sql literal.
/** * used to identify sql literal. */
protected static final char SINGLE_QUOTE = '\'';
used to identify query named parameters.
/** * used to identify query named parameters. */
protected static final char COLON = ':';
Used to determine when a column name terminates.
/** * Used to determine when a column name terminates. */
protected static final char UNDERSCORE = '_'; protected static final char OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET = '['; protected static final char CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET = ']'; protected static final char DOUBLE_QUOTE = '\"'; protected static final char BACK_QUOTE = '`';
Used to determine when a column name terminates.
/** * Used to determine when a column name terminates. */
protected static final char PERIOD = '.'; protected static final char OPEN_BRACKET = '('; protected boolean encrypted; protected String source; protected StringBuilder sb; protected int sourceLength; protected int pos; protected String priorWord; protected String word; protected char wordTerminator; private StringBuilder wordBuffer; protected abstract String convertWord(); public abstract String getDeployWord(String expression);
Return the join includes.
/** * Return the join includes. */
public abstract Set<String> getIncludes(); public void setEncrypted(boolean encrypted) { this.encrypted = encrypted; } public String parse(String source) { if (source == null) { return null; } pos = -1; this.source = source; this.sourceLength = source.length(); = new StringBuilder(source.length() + 20); while (nextWord()) { if (skipWordConvert()) { sb.append(word); priorWord = word; } else { String deployWord = convertWord(); sb.append(deployWord); priorWord = deployWord; } if (pos < sourceLength) { if (wordTerminator != OPEN_BRACKET) { sb.append(wordTerminator); } if (wordTerminator == SINGLE_QUOTE) { readLiteral(); } } } return sb.toString(); } protected boolean skipWordConvert() { return false; } private boolean nextWord() { if (!findWordStart()) { return false; } wordBuffer = new StringBuilder(); wordBuffer.append(source.charAt(pos)); while (++pos < sourceLength) { char ch = source.charAt(pos); if (isWordPart(ch)) { wordBuffer.append(ch); } else { wordTerminator = ch; break; } } word = wordBuffer.toString(); return true; } private boolean findWordStart() { while (++pos < sourceLength) { char ch = source.charAt(pos); if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) { // read a literal value and just // append to string builder sb.append(ch); readLiteral(); } else if (ch == COLON) { // read a named parameter // just append to string builder sb.append(ch); readNamedParameter(); } else if (isWordStart(ch)) { // its the start of a word that could // be translated return true; } else { sb.append(ch); } } return false; }
Read the rest of a literal value. These do not get translated so are just read and appended to the string builder.
/** * Read the rest of a literal value. These do not get translated so are just * read and appended to the string builder. */
private void readLiteral() { while (++pos < sourceLength) { char ch = source.charAt(pos); sb.append(ch); if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) { break; } } }
Read a named parameter. These are not translated. They will be replaced by positioned parameters later.
/** * Read a named parameter. These are not translated. They will be replaced * by positioned parameters later. */
private void readNamedParameter() { while (++pos < sourceLength) { char ch = source.charAt(pos); sb.append(ch); if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { break; } else if (ch == ',') { break; } } }
return true if the char is a letter, digit or underscore.
/** * return true if the char is a letter, digit or underscore. */
private boolean isWordPart(char ch) { if (ch == OPEN_BRACKET) { // include in the 'word' such that "count(" formula doesn't clash with property "count" wordBuffer.append(ch); return false; } return Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == UNDERSCORE || ch == PERIOD || ch == DOUBLE_QUOTE || ch == CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET || ch == BACK_QUOTE; } private boolean isWordStart(char ch) { return Character.isLetter(ch) || ch == UNDERSCORE || ch == DOUBLE_QUOTE || ch == OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET || ch == BACK_QUOTE; } }