 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.
package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.KnownIntrinsics.readCallerStackPointer;
import static com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.KnownIntrinsics.readReturnAddress;

import java.lang.ref.Reference;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.CurrentIsolate;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.IsolateThread;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.StackValue;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CodePointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.RawField;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.RawStructure;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.SizeOf;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature.FeatureAccess;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.MemoryUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.core.MemoryWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.RuntimeAssertionsSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateGCOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AlwaysInline;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.NeverInline;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RestrictHeapAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.NonmovableArray;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.CodeInfo;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.CodeInfoAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.CodeInfoQueryResult;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.CodeInfoTable;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.RuntimeCodeInfoAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.RuntimeCodeInfoMemory;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.DeoptimizationSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.DeoptimizedFrame;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.Deoptimizer;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.HeapChunk.Header;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.CodeReferenceMapDecoder;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.GC;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.GCCause;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.NoAllocationVerifier;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ObjectVisitor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ReferenceHandler;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.RuntimeCodeCacheCleaner;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.RuntimeSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.os.CommittedMemoryProvider;
import com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.ImplicitExceptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.KnownIntrinsics;
import com.oracle.svm.core.stack.JavaStackWalk;
import com.oracle.svm.core.stack.JavaStackWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.stack.ThreadStackPrinter;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.JavaThreads;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.JavaVMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.NativeVMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.NativeVMOperationData;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMThreads;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.TimeUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;

Garbage collector (incremental or complete) for HeapImpl.
/** * Garbage collector (incremental or complete) for {@link HeapImpl}. */
public final class GCImpl implements GC { private final RememberedSetConstructor rememberedSetConstructor = new RememberedSetConstructor(); private final GreyToBlackObjRefVisitor greyToBlackObjRefVisitor = new GreyToBlackObjRefVisitor(); private final GreyToBlackObjectVisitor greyToBlackObjectVisitor = new GreyToBlackObjectVisitor(greyToBlackObjRefVisitor); private final BlackenImageHeapRootsVisitor blackenImageHeapRootsVisitor = new BlackenImageHeapRootsVisitor(); private final RuntimeCodeCacheWalker runtimeCodeCacheWalker = new RuntimeCodeCacheWalker(greyToBlackObjRefVisitor); private final RuntimeCodeCacheCleaner runtimeCodeCacheCleaner = new RuntimeCodeCacheCleaner(); private final GCAccounting accounting = new GCAccounting(); private final Timers timers = new Timers(); private final CollectionVMOperation collectOperation = new CollectionVMOperation(); private final OutOfMemoryError oldGenerationSizeExceeded = new OutOfMemoryError("Garbage-collected heap size exceeded."); private final NoAllocationVerifier noAllocationVerifier = NoAllocationVerifier.factory("GCImpl.GCImpl()", false); private final ChunkReleaser chunkReleaser = new ChunkReleaser(); private CollectionPolicy policy; private boolean completeCollection = false; private UnsignedWord sizeBefore = WordFactory.zero(); private boolean collectionInProgress = false; private UnsignedWord collectionEpoch = WordFactory.zero(); @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) GCImpl(FeatureAccess access) { this.policy = CollectionPolicy.getInitialPolicy(access); RuntimeSupport.getRuntimeSupport().addShutdownHook(this::printGCSummary); } @Override public void collect(GCCause cause) { collect(cause, false); } private void collect(GCCause cause, boolean forceFullGC) { UnsignedWord requestingEpoch = possibleCollectionPrologue(); collectWithoutAllocating(cause, forceFullGC); possibleCollectionEpilogue(requestingEpoch); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Avoid races with other threads that also try to trigger a GC") @RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.NO_ALLOCATION, reason = "Must not allocate in the implementation of garbage collection.") void collectWithoutAllocating(GCCause cause, boolean forceFullGC) { int size = SizeOf.get(CollectionVMOperationData.class); CollectionVMOperationData data = StackValue.get(size); MemoryUtil.fillToMemoryAtomic((Pointer) data, WordFactory.unsigned(size), (byte) 0); data.setNativeVMOperation(collectOperation); data.setCauseId(cause.getId()); data.setRequestingEpoch(getCollectionEpoch()); data.setForceFullGC(forceFullGC); enqueueCollectOperation(data); if (data.getOutOfMemory()) { throw oldGenerationSizeExceeded; } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Used as a transition between uninterruptible and interruptible code", calleeMustBe = false) private void enqueueCollectOperation(CollectionVMOperationData data) { collectOperation.enqueue(data); }
The body of the VMOperation to do the collection.
/** The body of the VMOperation to do the collection. */
private boolean collectOperation(GCCause cause, UnsignedWord requestingEpoch, boolean forceFullGC) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.collectOperation:").newline() .string(" epoch: ").unsigned(getCollectionEpoch()) .string(" cause: ").string(cause.getName()) .string(" requestingEpoch: ").unsigned(requestingEpoch) .newline(); assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "Collection should be a VMOperation."; assert getCollectionEpoch().equal(requestingEpoch); timers.mutator.close(); startCollectionOrExit(); timers.resetAllExceptMutator(); collectionEpoch = collectionEpoch.add(1); /* Flush all TLAB chunks to eden. */ ThreadLocalAllocation.disableAndFlushForAllThreads(); printGCBefore(cause.getName()); boolean outOfMemory = collectImpl(cause.getName(), forceFullGC); HeapPolicy.setEdenAndYoungGenBytes(WordFactory.unsigned(0), accounting.getYoungChunkBytesAfter()); printGCAfter(cause.getName()); finishCollection(); timers.mutator.open(); trace.string("]").newline(); return outOfMemory; } private boolean collectImpl(String cause, boolean forceFullGC) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.collectImpl:").newline().string(" epoch: ").unsigned(getCollectionEpoch()).string(" cause: ").string(cause).newline(); boolean outOfMemory; precondition(); trace.string(" Begin collection: "); NoAllocationVerifier nav = noAllocationVerifier.open(); try { trace.string(" Verify before: "); Timer verifyBeforeTimer = timers.verifyBefore.open(); try { HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().verifyBeforeGC(cause, getCollectionEpoch()); } finally { verifyBeforeTimer.close(); } outOfMemory = doCollectImpl(forceFullGC); if (outOfMemory) { // Avoid running out of memory with a full GC that reclaims softly reachable objects ReferenceObjectProcessing.setSoftReferencesAreWeak(true); try { outOfMemory = doCollectImpl(true); } finally { ReferenceObjectProcessing.setSoftReferencesAreWeak(false); } } } finally { nav.close(); } trace.string(" Verify after: "); Timer verifyAfterTime = timers.verifyAfter.open(); try { HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().verifyAfterGC(cause, getCollectionEpoch()); } finally { verifyAfterTime.close(); } postcondition(); trace.string("]").newline(); return outOfMemory; } private boolean doCollectImpl(boolean forceFullGC) { CommittedMemoryProvider.get().beforeGarbageCollection(); accounting.beforeCollection(); Timer collectionTimer = timers.collection.open(); try { completeCollection = forceFullGC || policy.collectCompletely(); if (completeCollection) { if (HeapPolicyOptions.CollectYoungGenerationSeparately.getValue()) { scavenge(true); } scavenge(false); } else if (policy.collectIncrementally()) { scavenge(true); } } finally { collectionTimer.close(); } CommittedMemoryProvider.get().afterGarbageCollection(completeCollection); accounting.afterCollection(completeCollection, timers.collection); UnsignedWord maxBytes = HeapPolicy.getMaximumHeapSize(); UnsignedWord usedBytes = getChunkBytes(); boolean outOfMemory = usedBytes.aboveThan(maxBytes); ReferenceObjectProcessing.afterCollection(usedBytes, maxBytes); return outOfMemory; }
This value is only updated during a GC. Be careful when calling this method during a GC as it might wrongly include chunks that will be freed at the end of the GC.
/** * This value is only updated during a GC. Be careful when calling this method during a GC as it * might wrongly include chunks that will be freed at the end of the GC. */
public static UnsignedWord getChunkBytes() { UnsignedWord youngBytes = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getYoungGeneration().getChunkBytes(); UnsignedWord oldBytes = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getOldGeneration().getChunkBytes(); return youngBytes.add(oldBytes); } private void printGCBefore(String cause) { Log verboseGCLog = Log.log(); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); sizeBefore = ((SubstrateGCOptions.PrintGC.getValue() || HeapOptions.PrintHeapShape.getValue()) ? getChunkBytes() : WordFactory.zero()); if (SubstrateGCOptions.VerboseGC.getValue() && getCollectionEpoch().equal(1)) { verboseGCLog.string("[Heap policy parameters: ").newline(); verboseGCLog.string(" YoungGenerationSize: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getMaximumYoungGenerationSize()).newline(); verboseGCLog.string(" MaximumHeapSize: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getMaximumHeapSize()).newline(); verboseGCLog.string(" MinimumHeapSize: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getMinimumHeapSize()).newline(); verboseGCLog.string(" AlignedChunkSize: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getAlignedHeapChunkSize()).newline(); verboseGCLog.string(" LargeArrayThreshold: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getLargeArrayThreshold()).string("]").newline(); if (HeapOptions.PrintHeapShape.getValue()) { HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().logImageHeapPartitionBoundaries(verboseGCLog).newline(); } } if (SubstrateGCOptions.VerboseGC.getValue()) { verboseGCLog.string("["); verboseGCLog.string("["); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); if (HeapOptions.PrintGCTimeStamps.getValue()) { verboseGCLog.unsigned(TimeUtils.roundNanosToMillis(Timer.getTimeSinceFirstAllocation(startTime))).string(" msec: "); } else { verboseGCLog.unsigned(startTime); } verboseGCLog.string(" GC:").string(" before").string(" epoch: ").unsigned(getCollectionEpoch()).string(" cause: ").string(cause); if (HeapOptions.PrintHeapShape.getValue()) { heap.report(verboseGCLog); } verboseGCLog.string("]").newline(); } } private void printGCAfter(String cause) { Log verboseGCLog = Log.log(); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); if (SubstrateGCOptions.PrintGC.getValue() || SubstrateGCOptions.VerboseGC.getValue()) { if (SubstrateGCOptions.PrintGC.getValue()) { Log printGCLog = Log.log(); UnsignedWord sizeAfter = getChunkBytes(); printGCLog.string("["); if (HeapOptions.PrintGCTimeStamps.getValue()) { long finishNanos = timers.collection.getFinish(); printGCLog.unsigned(TimeUtils.roundNanosToMillis(Timer.getTimeSinceFirstAllocation(finishNanos))).string(" msec: "); } printGCLog.string(completeCollection ? "Full GC" : "Incremental GC"); printGCLog.string(" (").string(cause).string(") "); printGCLog.unsigned(sizeBefore.unsignedDivide(1024)); printGCLog.string("K->"); printGCLog.unsigned(sizeAfter.unsignedDivide(1024)).string("K, "); printGCLog.rational(timers.collection.getMeasuredNanos(), TimeUtils.nanosPerSecond, 7).string(" secs"); printGCLog.string("]").newline(); } if (SubstrateGCOptions.VerboseGC.getValue()) { verboseGCLog.string(" ["); long finishNanos = timers.collection.getFinish(); if (HeapOptions.PrintGCTimeStamps.getValue()) { verboseGCLog.unsigned(TimeUtils.roundNanosToMillis(Timer.getTimeSinceFirstAllocation(finishNanos))).string(" msec: "); } else { verboseGCLog.unsigned(finishNanos); } verboseGCLog.string(" GC:").string(" after ").string(" epoch: ").unsigned(getCollectionEpoch()).string(" cause: ").string(cause); verboseGCLog.string(" policy: "); verboseGCLog.string(getPolicy().getName()); verboseGCLog.string(" type: ").string(completeCollection ? "complete" : "incremental"); if (HeapOptions.PrintHeapShape.getValue()) { heap.report(verboseGCLog); } if (!HeapOptions.PrintGCTimes.getValue()) { verboseGCLog.newline(); verboseGCLog.string(" collection time: ").unsigned(timers.collection.getMeasuredNanos()).string(" nanoSeconds"); } else { timers.logAfterCollection(verboseGCLog); } verboseGCLog.string("]"); verboseGCLog.string("]").newline(); } } } private static void precondition() { OldGeneration oldGen = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getOldGeneration(); assert oldGen.getToSpace().isEmpty() : "oldGen.getToSpace() should be empty before a collection."; } private void postcondition() { HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); YoungGeneration youngGen = heap.getYoungGeneration(); OldGeneration oldGen = heap.getOldGeneration(); verbosePostCondition(); assert youngGen.getEden().isEmpty() : "youngGen.getEden() should be empty after a collection."; assert oldGen.getToSpace().isEmpty() : "oldGen.getToSpace() should be empty after a collection."; } private void verbosePostCondition() { HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); YoungGeneration youngGen = heap.getYoungGeneration(); OldGeneration oldGen = heap.getOldGeneration(); /* * Note to self: I can get output similar to this *all the time* by running with * -R:+VerboseGC -R:+PrintHeapShape -R:+TraceHeapChunks */ final boolean forceForTesting = false; if (runtimeAssertions() || forceForTesting) { Log witness = Log.log(); if ((!youngGen.getEden().isEmpty()) || forceForTesting) { witness.string("[GCImpl.postcondition: Eden space should be empty after a collection.").newline(); /* Print raw fields before trying to walk the chunk lists. */ witness.string(" These should all be 0:").newline(); witness.string(" Eden space first AlignedChunk: ").hex(youngGen.getEden().getFirstAlignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" Eden space last AlignedChunk: ").hex(youngGen.getEden().getLastAlignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" Eden space first UnalignedChunk: ").hex(youngGen.getEden().getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" Eden space last UnalignedChunk: ").hex(youngGen.getEden().getLastUnalignedHeapChunk()).newline(); youngGen.getEden().report(witness, true).newline(); witness.string(" verifying the heap:"); heap.verifyAfterGC("because Eden space is not empty", getCollectionEpoch()); witness.string("]").newline(); } for (int i = 0; i < HeapPolicy.getMaxSurvivorSpaces(); i++) { if ((!youngGen.getSurvivorToSpaceAt(i).isEmpty()) || forceForTesting) { witness.string("[GCImpl.postcondition: Survivor toSpace should be empty after a collection.").newline(); /* Print raw fields before trying to walk the chunk lists. */ witness.string(" These should all be 0:").newline(); witness.string(" Survivor space ").signed(i).string(" first AlignedChunk: ").hex(youngGen.getSurvivorToSpaceAt(i).getFirstAlignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" Survivor space ").signed(i).string(" last AlignedChunk: ").hex(youngGen.getSurvivorToSpaceAt(i).getLastAlignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" Survivor space ").signed(i).string(" first UnalignedChunk: ").hex(youngGen.getSurvivorToSpaceAt(i).getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" Survivor space ").signed(i).string(" last UnalignedChunk: ").hex(youngGen.getSurvivorToSpaceAt(i).getLastUnalignedHeapChunk()).newline(); youngGen.getSurvivorToSpaceAt(i).report(witness, true).newline(); witness.string(" verifying the heap:"); heap.verifyAfterGC("because Survivor toSpace is not empty", getCollectionEpoch()); witness.string("]").newline(); } } if ((!oldGen.getToSpace().isEmpty()) || forceForTesting) { witness.string("[GCImpl.postcondition: oldGen toSpace should be empty after a collection.").newline(); /* Print raw fields before trying to walk the chunk lists. */ witness.string(" These should all be 0:").newline(); witness.string(" oldGen toSpace first AlignedChunk: ").hex(oldGen.getToSpace().getFirstAlignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" oldGen toSpace last AlignedChunk: ").hex(oldGen.getToSpace().getLastAlignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" oldGen.toSpace first UnalignedChunk: ").hex(oldGen.getToSpace().getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk()).newline(); witness.string(" oldGen.toSpace last UnalignedChunk: ").hex(oldGen.getToSpace().getLastUnalignedHeapChunk()).newline(); oldGen.getToSpace().report(witness, true).newline(); oldGen.getFromSpace().report(witness, true).newline(); witness.string(" verifying the heap:"); heap.verifyAfterGC("because oldGen toSpace is not empty", getCollectionEpoch()); witness.string("]").newline(); } } } @Fold static boolean runtimeAssertions() { return RuntimeAssertionsSupport.singleton().desiredAssertionStatus(GCImpl.class); } @Fold public static GCImpl getGCImpl() { GCImpl gcImpl = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGCImpl(); assert gcImpl != null; return gcImpl; } @Override public void collectCompletely(GCCause cause) { collect(cause, true); } boolean isCompleteCollection() { return completeCollection; }
Scavenge, either from dirty roots or from all roots, and process discovered references.
/** Scavenge, either from dirty roots or from all roots, and process discovered references. */
private void scavenge(boolean fromDirtyRoots) { GreyToBlackObjRefVisitor.Counters counters = greyToBlackObjRefVisitor.openCounters(); try { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.scavenge:").string(" fromDirtyRoots: ").bool(fromDirtyRoots).newline(); Timer rootScanTimer = timers.rootScan.open(); try { trace.string(" Cheney scan: "); if (fromDirtyRoots) { cheneyScanFromDirtyRoots(); } else { cheneyScanFromRoots(); } } finally { rootScanTimer.close(); } if (DeoptimizationSupport.enabled()) { Timer cleanCodeCacheTimer = timers.cleanCodeCache.open(); try { /* * Cleaning the code cache may invalidate code, which is a rather complex * operation. To avoid side-effects between the code cache cleaning and the GC * core, it is crucial that all the GC core work finished before. */ cleanRuntimeCodeCache(); } finally { cleanCodeCacheTimer.close(); } } trace.string(" Discovered references: "); Timer referenceObjectsTimer = timers.referenceObjects.open(); try { Reference<?> newlyPendingList = ReferenceObjectProcessing.processRememberedReferences(); HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().addToReferencePendingList(newlyPendingList); } finally { referenceObjectsTimer.close(); } trace.string(" Release spaces: "); Timer releaseSpacesTimer = timers.releaseSpaces.open(); try { assert chunkReleaser.isEmpty(); releaseSpaces(); chunkReleaser.release(); } finally { releaseSpacesTimer.close(); } trace.string(" Swap spaces: "); swapSpaces(); trace.string("]").newline(); } finally { counters.close(); } }
Visit all the memory that is reserved for runtime compiled code. References from the runtime compiled code to the Java heap must be consider as either strong or weak references, depending on whether the code is currently on the execution stack.
/** * Visit all the memory that is reserved for runtime compiled code. References from the runtime * compiled code to the Java heap must be consider as either strong or weak references, * depending on whether the code is currently on the execution stack. */
private void walkRuntimeCodeCache() { Timer walkRuntimeCodeCacheTimer = timers.walkRuntimeCodeCache.open(); try { RuntimeCodeInfoMemory.singleton().walkRuntimeMethodsDuringGC(runtimeCodeCacheWalker); } finally { walkRuntimeCodeCacheTimer.close(); } } private void cleanRuntimeCodeCache() { Timer cleanRuntimeCodeCacheTimer = timers.cleanRuntimeCodeCache.open(); try { RuntimeCodeInfoMemory.singleton().walkRuntimeMethodsDuringGC(runtimeCodeCacheCleaner); } finally { cleanRuntimeCodeCacheTimer.close(); } } private void cheneyScanFromRoots() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.cheneyScanFromRoots:").newline(); Timer cheneyScanFromRootsTimer = timers.cheneyScanFromRoots.open(); try { /* Take a snapshot of the heap so that I can visit all the promoted Objects. */ /* * Debugging tip: I could move the taking of the snapshot and the scanning of grey * Objects into each of the blackening methods, or even put them around individual * Object reference visits. */ prepareForPromotion(false); /* * Make sure all chunks with pinned objects are in toSpace, and any formerly pinned * objects are in fromSpace. */ promoteIndividualPinnedObjects(); /* * Stack references are grey at the beginning of a collection, so I need to blacken * them. */ blackenStackRoots(); /* Custom memory regions which contain object references. */ walkThreadLocals(); /* * Native image Objects are grey at the beginning of a collection, so I need to blacken * them. */ blackenImageHeapRoots(); /* Visit all the Objects promoted since the snapshot. */ scanGreyObjects(false); if (DeoptimizationSupport.enabled()) { /* Visit the runtime compiled code, now that we know all the reachable objects. */ walkRuntimeCodeCache(); /* Visit all objects that became reachable because of the compiled code. */ scanGreyObjects(false); } greyToBlackObjectVisitor.reset(); } finally { cheneyScanFromRootsTimer.close(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private void cheneyScanFromDirtyRoots() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.cheneyScanFromDirtyRoots:").newline(); Timer cheneyScanFromDirtyRootsTimer = timers.cheneyScanFromDirtyRoots.open(); try { /* * Move all the chunks in fromSpace to toSpace. That does not make those chunks grey, so * I have to use the dirty cards marks to blacken them, but that's what card marks are * for. */ OldGeneration oldGen = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getOldGeneration(); oldGen.emptyFromSpaceIntoToSpace(); /* Take a snapshot of the heap so that I can visit all the promoted Objects. */ /* * Debugging tip: I could move the taking of the snapshot and the scanning of grey * Objects into each of the blackening methods, or even put them around individual * Object reference visits. */ prepareForPromotion(true); /* * Make sure any released objects are in toSpace (because this is an incremental * collection). I do this before blackening any roots to make sure the chunks with * pinned objects are moved entirely, as opposed to promoting the objects individually * by roots. This makes the objects in those chunks grey. */ promoteIndividualPinnedObjects(); /* * Blacken Objects that are dirty roots. There are dirty cards in ToSpace. Do this early * so I don't have to walk the cards of individually promoted objects, which will be * visited by the grey object scanner. */ blackenDirtyCardRoots(); /* * Stack references are grey at the beginning of a collection, so I need to blacken * them. */ blackenStackRoots(); /* Custom memory regions which contain object references. */ walkThreadLocals(); /* * Native image Objects are grey at the beginning of a collection, so I need to blacken * them. */ blackenDirtyImageHeapRoots(); /* Visit all the Objects promoted since the snapshot, transitively. */ scanGreyObjects(true); if (DeoptimizationSupport.enabled()) { /* Visit the runtime compiled code, now that we know all the reachable objects. */ walkRuntimeCodeCache(); /* Visit all objects that became reachable because of the compiled code. */ scanGreyObjects(true); } greyToBlackObjectVisitor.reset(); } finally { cheneyScanFromDirtyRootsTimer.close(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private void promoteIndividualPinnedObjects() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.promoteIndividualPinnedObjects:").newline(); Timer promotePinnedObjectsTimer = timers.promotePinnedObjects.open(); try { PinnedObjectImpl rest = PinnedObjectImpl.claimPinnedObjectList(); while (rest != null) { PinnedObjectImpl first = rest; PinnedObjectImpl next = first.getNext(); if (first.isOpen()) { /* * Promote the chunk with the object, and put this PinnedObject on the new list * (which reverses the list). */ promotePinnedObject(first); PinnedObjectImpl.pushPinnedObject(first); } rest = next; } } finally { promotePinnedObjectsTimer.close(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } @NeverInline("Starting a stack walk in the caller frame. " + "Note that we could start the stack frame also further down the stack, because GC stack frames must not access any objects that are processed by the GC. " + "But we don't store stack frame information for the first frame we would need to process.") @Uninterruptible(reason = "Required by called JavaStackWalker methods. We are at a safepoint during GC, so it does not change anything for this method.", calleeMustBe = false) private void blackenStackRoots() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.blackenStackRoots:").newline(); Timer blackenStackRootsTimer = timers.blackenStackRoots.open(); try { Pointer sp = readCallerStackPointer(); trace.string("[blackenStackRoots:").string(" sp: ").hex(sp); CodePointer ip = readReturnAddress(); trace.string(" ip: ").hex(ip).newline(); JavaStackWalk walk = StackValue.get(JavaStackWalk.class); JavaStackWalker.initWalk(walk, sp, ip); walkStack(walk); if (SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue()) { /* * Scan the stacks of all the threads. Other threads will be blocked at a safepoint * (or in native code) so they will each have a JavaFrameAnchor in their VMThread. */ for (IsolateThread vmThread = VMThreads.firstThread(); vmThread.isNonNull(); vmThread = VMThreads.nextThread(vmThread)) { if (vmThread == CurrentIsolate.getCurrentThread()) { /* * The current thread is already scanned by code above, so we do not have to * do anything for it here. It might have a JavaFrameAnchor from earlier * Java-to-C transitions, but certainly not at the top of the stack since it * is running this code, so just this scan would be incomplete. */ continue; } if (JavaStackWalker.initWalk(walk, vmThread)) { walkStack(walk); } trace.newline(); } } trace.string("]").newline(); } finally { blackenStackRootsTimer.close(); } trace.string("]").newline(); }
This method inlines JavaStackWalker.continueWalk(JavaStackWalk, CodeInfo) and CodeInfoTable.visitObjectReferences. This avoids looking up the SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult twice per frame, and also ensures that there are no virtual calls to a stack frame visitor.
/** * This method inlines {@link JavaStackWalker#continueWalk(JavaStackWalk, CodeInfo)} and * {@link CodeInfoTable#visitObjectReferences}. This avoids looking up the * {@link SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult} twice per frame, and also ensures that there are no virtual * calls to a stack frame visitor. */
@Uninterruptible(reason = "Required by called JavaStackWalker methods. We are at a safepoint during GC, so it does not change anything for this method.", calleeMustBe = false) private void walkStack(JavaStackWalk walk) { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "This methods accesses a CodeInfo without a tether"; while (true) { SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult queryResult = StackValue.get(SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult.class); Pointer sp = walk.getSP(); CodePointer ip = walk.getPossiblyStaleIP(); /* We are during a GC, so tethering of the CodeInfo is not necessary. */ CodeInfo codeInfo = CodeInfoAccess.convert(walk.getIPCodeInfo()); DeoptimizedFrame deoptFrame = Deoptimizer.checkDeoptimized(sp); if (deoptFrame == null) { if (codeInfo.isNull()) { throw JavaStackWalker.reportUnknownFrameEncountered(sp, ip, deoptFrame); } CodeInfoAccess.lookupCodeInfo(codeInfo, CodeInfoAccess.relativeIP(codeInfo, ip), queryResult); assert Deoptimizer.checkDeoptimized(sp) == null : "We are at a safepoint, so no deoptimization can have happened even though looking up the code info is not uninterruptible"; NonmovableArray<Byte> referenceMapEncoding = CodeInfoAccess.getStackReferenceMapEncoding(codeInfo); long referenceMapIndex = queryResult.getReferenceMapIndex(); if (referenceMapIndex == CodeInfoQueryResult.NO_REFERENCE_MAP) { throw CodeInfoTable.reportNoReferenceMap(sp, ip, codeInfo); } CodeReferenceMapDecoder.walkOffsetsFromPointer(sp, referenceMapEncoding, referenceMapIndex, greyToBlackObjRefVisitor); } else { /* * This is a deoptimized frame. The DeoptimizedFrame object is stored in the frame, * but it is pinned so we do not need to visit references of the frame. */ } if (DeoptimizationSupport.enabled() && codeInfo != CodeInfoTable.getImageCodeInfo()) { /* * For runtime-compiled code that is currently on the stack, we need to treat all * the references to Java heap objects as strong references. It is important that we * really walk *all* those references here. Otherwise, RuntimeCodeCacheWalker might * decide to invalidate too much code, depending on the order in which the CodeInfo * objects are visited. */ RuntimeCodeInfoAccess.walkStrongReferences(codeInfo, greyToBlackObjRefVisitor); RuntimeCodeInfoAccess.walkWeakReferences(codeInfo, greyToBlackObjRefVisitor); } if (!JavaStackWalker.continueWalk(walk, queryResult, deoptFrame)) { /* No more caller frame found. */ return; } } } private void walkThreadLocals() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[walkRegisteredObjectReferences").string(":").newline(); if (SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue()) { Timer walkThreadLocalsTimer = timers.walkThreadLocals.open(); try { trace.string("[ThreadLocalsWalker:").newline(); ThreadLocalMTWalker.walk(greyToBlackObjRefVisitor); trace.string("]").newline(); } finally { walkThreadLocalsTimer.close(); } } trace.string("]").newline(); } private void blackenDirtyImageHeapRoots() { if (!HeapImpl.usesImageHeapCardMarking()) { blackenImageHeapRoots(); return; } Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[blackenDirtyImageHeapRoots:").newline(); Timer blackenImageHeapRootsTimer = timers.blackenImageHeapRoots.open(); try { ImageHeapInfo info = HeapImpl.getImageHeapInfo(); blackenDirtyImageHeapChunkRoots(asImageHeapChunk(info.offsetOfFirstAlignedChunkWithRememberedSet), asImageHeapChunk(info.offsetOfFirstUnalignedChunkWithRememberedSet)); if (AuxiliaryImageHeap.isPresent()) { ImageHeapInfo auxInfo = AuxiliaryImageHeap.singleton().getImageHeapInfo(); if (auxInfo != null) { blackenDirtyImageHeapChunkRoots(asImageHeapChunk(auxInfo.offsetOfFirstAlignedChunkWithRememberedSet), asImageHeapChunk(auxInfo.offsetOfFirstUnalignedChunkWithRememberedSet)); } } } finally { blackenImageHeapRootsTimer.close(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private void blackenDirtyImageHeapChunkRoots(AlignedHeader firstAligned, UnalignedHeader firstUnaligned) { AlignedHeader aligned = firstAligned; while (aligned.isNonNull()) { AlignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects(aligned, greyToBlackObjectVisitor, true); aligned = HeapChunk.getNext(aligned); } UnalignedHeader unaligned = firstUnaligned; while (unaligned.isNonNull()) { UnalignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects(unaligned, greyToBlackObjectVisitor, true); unaligned = HeapChunk.getNext(unaligned); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T extends HeapChunk.Header<T>> T asImageHeapChunk(long offsetInImageHeap) { if (offsetInImageHeap < 0) { return (T) WordFactory.nullPointer(); } UnsignedWord offset = WordFactory.unsigned(offsetInImageHeap); return (T) KnownIntrinsics.heapBase().add(offset); } private void blackenImageHeapRoots() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[blackenImageHeapRoots:").newline(); Timer blackenImageHeapRootsTimer = timers.blackenImageHeapRoots.open(); try { HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().walkNativeImageHeapRegions(blackenImageHeapRootsVisitor); } finally { blackenImageHeapRootsTimer.close(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private class BlackenImageHeapRootsVisitor implements MemoryWalker.ImageHeapRegionVisitor { @Override public <T> boolean visitNativeImageHeapRegion(T region, MemoryWalker.NativeImageHeapRegionAccess<T> access) { if (access.containsReferences(region) && access.isWritable(region)) { access.visitObjects(region, greyToBlackObjectVisitor); } return true; } } private void blackenDirtyCardRoots() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.blackenDirtyCardRoots:").newline(); Timer blackenDirtyCardRootsTimer = timers.blackenDirtyCardRoots.open(); try { /* * Walk To-Space looking for dirty cards, and within those for old-to-young pointers. * Promote any referenced young objects. */ HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); heap.getOldGeneration().walkDirtyObjects(greyToBlackObjectVisitor, true); } finally { blackenDirtyCardRootsTimer.close(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private static void prepareForPromotion(boolean isIncremental) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.prepareForPromotion:").newline(); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); OldGeneration oldGen = heap.getOldGeneration(); oldGen.prepareForPromotion(); if (isIncremental) { heap.getYoungGeneration().prepareForPromotion(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private void scanGreyObjects(boolean isIncremental) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.scanGreyObjects").newline(); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); OldGeneration oldGen = heap.getOldGeneration(); Timer scanGreyObjectsTimer = timers.scanGreyObjects.open(); try { if (isIncremental) { scanGreyObjectsLoop(); } else { oldGen.scanGreyObjects(); } } finally { scanGreyObjectsTimer.close(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private static void scanGreyObjectsLoop() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.scanGreyObjectsLoop").newline(); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); YoungGeneration youngGen = heap.getYoungGeneration(); OldGeneration oldGen = heap.getOldGeneration(); boolean hasGrey = true; while (hasGrey) { hasGrey = youngGen.scanGreyObjects(); hasGrey |= oldGen.scanGreyObjects(); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private static void promotePinnedObject(PinnedObjectImpl pinned) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.promotePinnedObject").string(" pinned: ").object(pinned); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); OldGeneration oldGen = heap.getOldGeneration(); /* Find the chunk the object is in, and if necessary, move it to To space. */ Object referent = pinned.getObject(); if (referent != null && !heap.isInImageHeap(referent)) { trace.string(" referent: ").object(referent); /* * The referent doesn't move, so I can ignore the result of the promotion because I * don't have to update any pointers to it. */ oldGen.promoteObjectChunk(referent); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private static void swapSpaces() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.swapSpaces:"); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); OldGeneration oldGen = heap.getOldGeneration(); heap.getYoungGeneration().swapSpaces(); oldGen.swapSpaces(); trace.string("]").newline(); } private void releaseSpaces() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[GCImpl.releaseSpaces:"); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); heap.getYoungGeneration().releaseSpaces(chunkReleaser); if (completeCollection) { heap.getOldGeneration().releaseSpaces(chunkReleaser); } trace.string("]").newline(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) boolean isCollectionInProgress() { return collectionInProgress; } private void startCollectionOrExit() { CollectionInProgressError.exitIf(collectionInProgress); collectionInProgress = true; } private void finishCollection() { assert collectionInProgress; collectionInProgress = false; } UnsignedWord possibleCollectionPrologue() { return getCollectionEpoch(); }
Do whatever is necessary if a collection occurred since the a call to possibleCollectionPrologue(). Note that this method may get called by several threads for the same collection.
/** * Do whatever is necessary if a collection occurred since the a call to * {@link #possibleCollectionPrologue()}. Note that this method may get called by several * threads for the same collection. */
void possibleCollectionEpilogue(UnsignedWord requestingEpoch) { if (requestingEpoch.aboveOrEqual(getCollectionEpoch())) { /* No GC happened, so do not run any epilogue. */ return; } else if (VMOperation.isInProgress()) { /* * We are inside a VMOperation where we are not allowed to do certain things, e.g., * perform a synchronization (because it can deadlock when a lock is held outside the * VMOperation). * * Note that the GC operation we are running the epilogue for is no longer in progress, * otherwise this check would always return. */ return; } else if (!JavaThreads.currentJavaThreadInitialized()) { /* * Too early in the attach sequence of a thread to do anything useful, e.g., perform a * synchronization. Probably the allocation slow path for the first allocation of that * thread caused this epilogue. */ return; } Timer refsTimer = new Timer("Enqueuing pending references and invoking internal cleaners"); Timer timer = refsTimer.open(); try { ReferenceHandler.maybeProcessCurrentlyPending(); } finally { timer.close(); } if (SubstrateGCOptions.VerboseGC.getValue() && HeapOptions.PrintGCTimes.getValue()) { Timers.logOneTimer(Log.log(), "[GC epilogue reference processing: ", refsTimer); Log.log().string("]"); } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public UnsignedWord getCollectionEpoch() { return collectionEpoch; } public GCAccounting getAccounting() { return accounting; } public CollectionPolicy getPolicy() { return policy; } GreyToBlackObjectVisitor getGreyToBlackObjectVisitor() { return greyToBlackObjectVisitor; } RememberedSetConstructor getRememberedSetConstructor() { return rememberedSetConstructor; } static class RememberedSetConstructor implements ObjectVisitor { private AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader chunk; @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) RememberedSetConstructor() { } public void initialize(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk) { this.chunk = aChunk; } @Override public boolean visitObject(Object o) { return visitObjectInline(o); } @Override @AlwaysInline("GC performance") public boolean visitObjectInline(Object o) { AlignedHeapChunk.setUpRememberedSetForObject(chunk, o); return true; } public void reset() { chunk = WordFactory.nullPointer(); } }
Signals that a collection is already in progress.
/** Signals that a collection is already in progress. */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") static final class CollectionInProgressError extends Error { static void exitIf(boolean state) { if (state) { /* Throw an error to capture the stack backtrace. */ Log failure = Log.log(); failure.string("[CollectionInProgressError:"); failure.newline(); ThreadStackPrinter.printBacktrace(); failure.string("]").newline(); throw CollectionInProgressError.SINGLETON; } } private CollectionInProgressError() { } private static final CollectionInProgressError SINGLETON = new CollectionInProgressError(); } private static class CollectionVMOperation extends NativeVMOperation { CollectionVMOperation() { super("Garbage collection", SystemEffect.SAFEPOINT); } @Override @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) protected boolean isGC() { return true; } @Override @RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.NO_ALLOCATION, reason = "Must not allocate while collecting") protected void operate(NativeVMOperationData data) { /* * Exceptions during collections are fatal. The heap is likely in an inconsistent state. * The GC must also be allocation free, i.e., we cannot allocate exception stack traces * while in the GC. This is bad for diagnosing errors in the GC. To improve the * situation a bit, we switch on the flag to make implicit exceptions such as * NullPointerExceptions fatal errors. This ensures that we fail early at the place * where the fatal error reporting can still dump the full stack trace. */ ImplicitExceptions.activateImplicitExceptionsAreFatal(); try { CollectionVMOperationData d = (CollectionVMOperationData) data; boolean outOfMemory = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGCImpl().collectOperation(GCCause.fromId(d.getCauseId()), d.getRequestingEpoch(), d.getForceFullGC()); d.setOutOfMemory(outOfMemory); } catch (Throwable t) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(t); } finally { ImplicitExceptions.deactivateImplicitExceptionsAreFatal(); } } @Override protected boolean hasWork(NativeVMOperationData data) { CollectionVMOperationData d = (CollectionVMOperationData) data; return HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGCImpl().getCollectionEpoch().equal(d.getRequestingEpoch()); } } @RawStructure private interface CollectionVMOperationData extends NativeVMOperationData { @RawField int getCauseId(); @RawField void setCauseId(int value); @RawField UnsignedWord getRequestingEpoch(); @RawField void setRequestingEpoch(UnsignedWord value); @RawField boolean getForceFullGC(); @RawField void setForceFullGC(boolean value); @RawField boolean getOutOfMemory(); @RawField void setOutOfMemory(boolean value); } public static class ChunkReleaser { private AlignedHeader firstAligned; private UnalignedHeader firstUnaligned; @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) ChunkReleaser() { } public boolean isEmpty() { return firstAligned.isNull() && firstUnaligned.isNull(); } public void add(AlignedHeader chunks) { if (chunks.isNonNull()) { assert HeapChunk.getPrevious(chunks).isNull() : "prev must be null"; if (firstAligned.isNonNull()) { AlignedHeader lastNewChunk = getLast(chunks); HeapChunk.setNext(lastNewChunk, firstAligned); HeapChunk.setPrevious(firstAligned, lastNewChunk); } firstAligned = chunks; } } public void add(UnalignedHeader chunks) { if (chunks.isNonNull()) { assert HeapChunk.getPrevious(chunks).isNull() : "prev must be null"; if (firstUnaligned.isNonNull()) { UnalignedHeader lastNewChunk = getLast(chunks); HeapChunk.setNext(lastNewChunk, firstUnaligned); HeapChunk.setPrevious(firstUnaligned, lastNewChunk); } firstUnaligned = chunks; } } void release() { if (firstAligned.isNonNull()) { HeapImpl.getChunkProvider().consumeAlignedChunks(firstAligned); firstAligned = WordFactory.nullPointer(); } if (firstUnaligned.isNonNull()) { HeapChunkProvider.consumeUnalignedChunks(firstUnaligned); firstUnaligned = WordFactory.nullPointer(); } } private static <T extends Header<T>> T getLast(T chunks) { T prev = chunks; T next = HeapChunk.getNext(prev); while (next.isNonNull()) { prev = next; next = HeapChunk.getNext(prev); } return prev; } } private void printGCSummary() { if (!HeapOptions.PrintGCSummary.getValue()) { return; } Log log = Log.log(); final String prefix = "PrintGCSummary: "; log.string(prefix).string("YoungGenerationSize: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getMaximumYoungGenerationSize()).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("MinimumHeapSize: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getMinimumHeapSize()).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("MaximumHeapSize: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getMaximumHeapSize()).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("AlignedChunkSize: ").unsigned(HeapPolicy.getAlignedHeapChunkSize()).newline(); JavaVMOperation.enqueueBlockingSafepoint("PrintGCSummaryShutdownHook", ThreadLocalAllocation::disableAndFlushForAllThreads); HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); Space edenSpace = heap.getYoungGeneration().getEden(); UnsignedWord youngChunkBytes = edenSpace.getChunkBytes(); UnsignedWord youngObjectBytes = edenSpace.computeObjectBytes(); UnsignedWord allocatedChunkBytes = accounting.getAllocatedChunkBytes().add(youngChunkBytes); UnsignedWord allocatedObjectBytes = accounting.getAllocatedObjectBytes().add(youngObjectBytes); log.string(prefix).string("CollectedTotalChunkBytes: ").signed(accounting.getCollectedTotalChunkBytes()).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("CollectedTotalObjectBytes: ").signed(accounting.getCollectedTotalObjectBytes()).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("AllocatedNormalChunkBytes: ").signed(allocatedChunkBytes).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("AllocatedNormalObjectBytes: ").signed(allocatedObjectBytes).newline(); long incrementalNanos = accounting.getIncrementalCollectionTotalNanos(); log.string(prefix).string("IncrementalGCCount: ").signed(accounting.getIncrementalCollectionCount()).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("IncrementalGCNanos: ").signed(incrementalNanos).newline(); long completeNanos = accounting.getCompleteCollectionTotalNanos(); log.string(prefix).string("CompleteGCCount: ").signed(accounting.getCompleteCollectionCount()).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("CompleteGCNanos: ").signed(completeNanos).newline(); long gcNanos = incrementalNanos + completeNanos; long mutatorNanos = timers.mutator.getMeasuredNanos(); long totalNanos = gcNanos + mutatorNanos; long roundedGCLoad = (0 < totalNanos ? TimeUtils.roundedDivide(100 * gcNanos, totalNanos) : 0); log.string(prefix).string("GCNanos: ").signed(gcNanos).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("TotalNanos: ").signed(totalNanos).newline(); log.string(prefix).string("GCLoadPercent: ").signed(roundedGCLoad).newline(); } }