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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateGCOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.GCCause;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.PhysicalMemory;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ReferenceAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.UninterruptibleUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.XOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UnsignedUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;

HeapPolicy contains policies for the parameters and behaviors of the heap and collector.
/** HeapPolicy contains policies for the parameters and behaviors of the heap and collector. */
public final class HeapPolicy { static final long LARGE_ARRAY_THRESHOLD_SENTINEL_VALUE = 0; static final int ALIGNED_HEAP_CHUNK_FRACTION_FOR_LARGE_ARRAY_THRESHOLD = 8; @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) HeapPolicy() { if (!SubstrateUtil.isPowerOf2(getAlignedHeapChunkSize().rawValue())) { throw UserError.abort("AlignedHeapChunkSize (%d) should be a power of 2.", getAlignedHeapChunkSize().rawValue()); } if (!getLargeArrayThreshold().belowOrEqual(getAlignedHeapChunkSize())) { throw UserError.abort("LargeArrayThreshold (%d) should be below or equal to AlignedHeapChunkSize (%d).", getLargeArrayThreshold().rawValue(), getAlignedHeapChunkSize().rawValue()); } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static Word getProducedHeapChunkZapWord() { return (Word) producedHeapChunkZapWord; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static int getProducedHeapChunkZapInt() { return (int) producedHeapChunkZapInt.rawValue(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static Word getConsumedHeapChunkZapWord() { return (Word) consumedHeapChunkZapWord; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static int getConsumedHeapChunkZapInt() { return (int) consumedHeapChunkZapInt.rawValue(); } public static UnsignedWord m(long bytes) { assert 0 <= bytes; return WordFactory.unsigned(bytes).multiply(1024).multiply(1024); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static int getMaxSurvivorSpaces() { return HeapPolicyOptions.MaxSurvivorSpaces.getValue(); } /* * Memory configuration */ private static UnsignedWord maximumYoungGenerationSize; private static UnsignedWord minimumHeapSize; private static UnsignedWord maximumHeapSize; public static UnsignedWord getMaximumYoungGenerationSize() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[HeapPolicy.getMaximumYoungGenerationSize:"); if (maximumYoungGenerationSize.aboveThan(WordFactory.zero())) { trace.string(" returns maximumYoungGenerationSize: ").unsigned(maximumYoungGenerationSize).string(" ]").newline(); return maximumYoungGenerationSize; } XOptions.XFlag xmn = XOptions.getXmn(); if (xmn.getEpoch() > 0) { trace.string(" -Xmn.epoch: ").unsigned(xmn.getEpoch()).string(" -Xmn.value: ").unsigned(xmn.getValue()); setMaximumYoungGenerationSize(WordFactory.unsigned(xmn.getValue())); trace.string(" returns: ").unsigned(maximumYoungGenerationSize) .string(" ]").newline(); return maximumYoungGenerationSize; } long hostedValue = SubstrateGCOptions.MaxNewSize.getHostedValue(); if (hostedValue != 0) { trace.string(" returns maximumYoungGenerationSize: ").unsigned(hostedValue).string(" ]").newline(); return WordFactory.unsigned(hostedValue); } /* If none of those is set, use fraction of the maximum heap size. */ UnsignedWord maxHeapSize = getMaximumHeapSize(); UnsignedWord youngSizeAsFraction = maxHeapSize.unsignedDivide(100).multiply(getMaximumYoungGenerationSizePercent()); /* But not more than 256MB. */ UnsignedWord maxSize = m(256); UnsignedWord youngSize = (youngSizeAsFraction.belowOrEqual(maxSize) ? youngSizeAsFraction : maxSize); trace.string(" youngSize: ").unsigned(youngSize) .string(" ]").newline(); /* But do not cache the result as it is based on values that might change. */ return youngSize; } private static int getMaximumYoungGenerationSizePercent() { int result = HeapPolicyOptions.MaximumYoungGenerationSizePercent.getValue(); VMError.guarantee((result >= 0) && (result <= 100), "MaximumYoungGenerationSizePercent should be in [0 ..100]"); return result; }
Set the maximum young generation size, returning the previous value.
/** Set the maximum young generation size, returning the previous value. */
public static UnsignedWord setMaximumYoungGenerationSize(UnsignedWord value) { UnsignedWord result = maximumYoungGenerationSize; maximumYoungGenerationSize = value; return result; } public static UnsignedWord getMaximumHeapSize() { if (maximumHeapSize.aboveThan(WordFactory.zero())) { return maximumHeapSize; } XOptions.XFlag xmx = XOptions.getXmx(); if (xmx.getEpoch() > 0) { HeapPolicy.setMaximumHeapSize(WordFactory.unsigned(xmx.getValue())); return maximumHeapSize; } long hostedValue = SubstrateGCOptions.MaxHeapSize.getHostedValue(); if (hostedValue != 0) { return WordFactory.unsigned(hostedValue); } /* * If the physical size is known yet, the maximum size of the heap is a fraction of the size * of the physical memory. */ UnsignedWord addressSpaceSize = getAddressSpaceSize(); if (PhysicalMemory.isInitialized()) { UnsignedWord physicalMemorySize = PhysicalMemory.getCachedSize(); int maximumHeapSizePercent = getMaximumHeapSizePercent(); /* Do not cache because `-Xmx` option parsing may not have happened yet. */ UnsignedWord result = physicalMemorySize.unsignedDivide(100).multiply(maximumHeapSizePercent); if (result.belowThan(addressSpaceSize)) { return result; } } return addressSpaceSize; } private static UnsignedWord getAddressSpaceSize() { int compressionShift = ReferenceAccess.singleton().getCompressEncoding().getShift(); if (compressionShift > 0) { int referenceSize = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getReferenceSize(); return WordFactory.unsigned(1L << (referenceSize * Byte.SIZE)).shiftLeft(compressionShift); } return UnsignedUtils.MAX_VALUE; } private static int getMaximumHeapSizePercent() { int result = HeapPolicyOptions.MaximumHeapSizePercent.getValue(); VMError.guarantee((result >= 0) && (result <= 100), "MaximumHeapSizePercent should be in [0 ..100]"); return result; }
Set the maximum heap size, returning the previous value.
/** Set the maximum heap size, returning the previous value. */
public static UnsignedWord setMaximumHeapSize(UnsignedWord value) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[HeapPolicy.setMaximumHeapSize:"); UnsignedWord result = maximumHeapSize; maximumHeapSize = value; trace.string(" old: ").unsigned(result).string(" new: ").unsigned(maximumHeapSize).string(" ]").newline(); return result; } public static UnsignedWord getMinimumHeapSize() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[HeapPolicy.getMinimumHeapSize:"); if (minimumHeapSize.aboveThan(WordFactory.zero())) { /* If someone has set the minimum heap size, use that value. */ trace.string(" returns: ").unsigned(minimumHeapSize).string(" ]").newline(); return minimumHeapSize; } XOptions.XFlag xms = XOptions.getXms(); if (xms.getEpoch() > 0) { /* If `-Xms` has been parsed from the command line, use that value. */ trace.string(" -Xms.epoch: ").unsigned(xms.getEpoch()).string(" -Xms.value: ").unsigned(xms.getValue()); setMinimumHeapSize(WordFactory.unsigned(xms.getValue())); trace.string(" returns: ").unsigned(minimumHeapSize).string(" ]").newline(); return minimumHeapSize; } long hostedValue = SubstrateGCOptions.MinHeapSize.getHostedValue(); if (hostedValue != 0) { trace.string(" returns: ").unsigned(hostedValue).string(" ]").newline(); return WordFactory.unsigned(hostedValue); } /* A default value chosen to delay the first full collection. */ UnsignedWord result = getMaximumYoungGenerationSize().multiply(2); /* But not larger than -Xmx. */ if (result.aboveThan(getMaximumHeapSize())) { result = getMaximumHeapSize(); } /* But do not cache the result as it is based on values that might change. */ trace.string(" returns: ").unsigned(result).string(" ]").newline(); return result; }
Set the minimum heap size, returning the previous value.
/** Set the minimum heap size, returning the previous value. */
public static UnsignedWord setMinimumHeapSize(UnsignedWord value) { UnsignedWord result = minimumHeapSize; minimumHeapSize = value; return result; } @Fold public static UnsignedWord getAlignedHeapChunkSize() { return WordFactory.unsigned(HeapPolicyOptions.AlignedHeapChunkSize.getValue()); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getAlignedHeapChunkAlignment() { return getAlignedHeapChunkSize(); } @Fold public static UnsignedWord getLargeArrayThreshold() { long largeArrayThreshold = HeapPolicyOptions.LargeArrayThreshold.getValue(); if (LARGE_ARRAY_THRESHOLD_SENTINEL_VALUE == largeArrayThreshold) { return getAlignedHeapChunkSize().unsignedDivide(ALIGNED_HEAP_CHUNK_FRACTION_FOR_LARGE_ARRAY_THRESHOLD); } else { return WordFactory.unsigned(HeapPolicyOptions.LargeArrayThreshold.getValue()); } } /* * Zapping */ public static boolean getZapProducedHeapChunks() { return HeapPolicyOptions.ZapChunks.getValue() || HeapPolicyOptions.ZapProducedHeapChunks.getValue(); } public static boolean getZapConsumedHeapChunks() { return HeapPolicyOptions.ZapChunks.getValue() || HeapPolicyOptions.ZapConsumedHeapChunks.getValue(); } static { Word.ensureInitialized(); } private static final UnsignedWord producedHeapChunkZapInt = WordFactory.unsigned(0xbaadbeef); private static final UnsignedWord producedHeapChunkZapWord = producedHeapChunkZapInt.shiftLeft(32).or(producedHeapChunkZapInt); private static final UnsignedWord consumedHeapChunkZapInt = WordFactory.unsigned(0xdeadbeef); private static final UnsignedWord consumedHeapChunkZapWord = consumedHeapChunkZapInt.shiftLeft(32).or(consumedHeapChunkZapInt); /* * Collection-triggering Policies */ private static final UninterruptibleUtils.AtomicUnsigned edenUsedBytes = new UninterruptibleUtils.AtomicUnsigned(); private static final UninterruptibleUtils.AtomicUnsigned youngUsedBytes = new UninterruptibleUtils.AtomicUnsigned(); public static void setEdenAndYoungGenBytes(UnsignedWord edenBytes, UnsignedWord youngBytes) { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "would cause races otherwise"; youngUsedBytes.set(youngBytes); edenUsedBytes.set(edenBytes); } public static void increaseEdenUsedBytes(UnsignedWord value) { youngUsedBytes.addAndGet(value); edenUsedBytes.addAndGet(value); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static UnsignedWord getYoungUsedBytes() { assert !VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "value is incorrect during a GC"; return youngUsedBytes.get(); } public static UnsignedWord getEdenUsedBytes() { assert !VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "value is incorrect during a GC"; return edenUsedBytes.get(); } private static UnsignedWord getAllocationBeforePhysicalMemorySize() { return WordFactory.unsigned(HeapPolicyOptions.AllocationBeforePhysicalMemorySize.getValue()); } public static void maybeCollectOnAllocation() { UnsignedWord maxYoungSize = getMaximumYoungGenerationSize(); maybeCollectOnAllocation(maxYoungSize); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Avoid races with other threads that also try to trigger a GC") private static void maybeCollectOnAllocation(UnsignedWord maxYoungSize) { if (youngUsedBytes.get().aboveOrEqual(maxYoungSize)) { GCImpl.getGCImpl().collectWithoutAllocating(GenScavengeGCCause.OnAllocation, false); } } public static void maybeCauseUserRequestedCollection() { if (!SubstrateGCOptions.DisableExplicitGC.getValue()) { HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGC().collectCompletely(GCCause.JavaLangSystemGC); } } public static final class TestingBackDoor { private TestingBackDoor() { }
The size, in bytes, of what qualifies as a "large" array.
/** The size, in bytes, of what qualifies as a "large" array. */
public static long getUnalignedObjectSize() { return HeapPolicy.getLargeArrayThreshold().rawValue(); } } /* * Periodic tasks */
Sample the physical memory size, before the first collection but after some allocation.
/** Sample the physical memory size, before the first collection but after some allocation. */
static void samplePhysicalMemorySize() { if (HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGCImpl().getCollectionEpoch().equal(WordFactory.zero()) && getYoungUsedBytes().aboveThan(getAllocationBeforePhysicalMemorySize())) { PhysicalMemory.tryInitialize(); } } }