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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.graal.snippets.SubstrateAllocationSnippets.TLAB_END_IDENTITY;
import static com.oracle.svm.core.graal.snippets.SubstrateAllocationSnippets.TLAB_TOP_IDENTITY;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.IsolateThread;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.RawField;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.RawStructure;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.SizeOf;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.UniqueLocationIdentity;
import org.graalvm.word.LocationIdentity;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.PointerBase;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RestrictHeapAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.graal.nodes.FormatArrayNode;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.graal.nodes.FormatObjectNode;
import com.oracle.svm.core.graal.snippets.DeoptTester;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.DynamicHub;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.LayoutEncoding;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.KnownIntrinsics;
import com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.SubstrateForeignCallTarget;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMThreads;
import com.oracle.svm.core.threadlocal.FastThreadLocal;
import com.oracle.svm.core.threadlocal.FastThreadLocalBytes;
import com.oracle.svm.core.threadlocal.FastThreadLocalFactory;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;

Bump-pointer allocation from thread-local top and end Pointers. Many of these methods are called from allocation snippets, so they can not do anything fancy.
/** * Bump-pointer allocation from thread-local top and end Pointers. * * Many of these methods are called from allocation snippets, so they can not do anything fancy. */
public final class ThreadLocalAllocation { @RawStructure public interface Descriptor extends PointerBase {
Current allocation chunk, and also the head of the list of aligned chunks that were allocated by the current thread (since the last collection, typically).
/** * Current allocation chunk, and also the head of the list of aligned chunks that were * allocated by the current thread (since the last collection, typically). */
@RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity AlignedHeader getAlignedChunk(); @RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity void setAlignedChunk(AlignedHeader chunk);
List of unaligned chunks which have been allocated by the current thread (since the last collection, typically).
/** * List of unaligned chunks which have been allocated by the current thread (since the last * collection, typically). */
@RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity UnalignedHeader getUnalignedChunk(); @RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity void setUnalignedChunk(UnalignedHeader chunk); @RawField Word getAllocationTop(LocationIdentity topIdentity); @RawField void setAllocationTop(Pointer top, LocationIdentity topIdentity); @RawField Word getAllocationEnd(LocationIdentity endIdentity); @RawField void setAllocationEnd(Pointer end, LocationIdentity endIdentity); }
Don't read this value directly, use the Uninterruptible accessor methods instead. This is necessary to avoid races between the GC and code that accesses or modifies the TLAB.
/** * Don't read this value directly, use the {@link Uninterruptible} accessor methods instead. * This is necessary to avoid races between the GC and code that accesses or modifies the TLAB. */
private static final FastThreadLocalBytes<Descriptor> regularTLAB = FastThreadLocalFactory.createBytes(ThreadLocalAllocation::getRegularTLABSize).setMaxOffset(FastThreadLocal.BYTE_OFFSET); private ThreadLocalAllocation() { } @Fold static Log log() { return Log.noopLog(); } @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) private static int getRegularTLABSize() { return SizeOf.get(Descriptor.class); } public static Word getTlabAddress() { return (Word) regularTLAB.getAddress(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Accesses TLAB", callerMustBe = true) private static Descriptor getTlab(IsolateThread vmThread) { return regularTLAB.getAddress(vmThread); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Accesses TLAB", callerMustBe = true) private static Descriptor getTlab() { return regularTLAB.getAddress(); } @SubstrateForeignCallTarget(stubCallingConvention = false) private static Object slowPathNewInstance(Word objectHeader) { DynamicHub hub = ObjectHeaderImpl.getObjectHeaderImpl().dynamicHubFromObjectHeader(objectHeader); UnsignedWord gcEpoch = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGCImpl().possibleCollectionPrologue(); Object result = slowPathNewInstanceWithoutAllocating(hub); /* If a collection happened, do follow-up tasks now that allocation, etc., is allowed. */ HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGCImpl().possibleCollectionEpilogue(gcEpoch); runSlowPathHooks(); return result; }
Use the end of slow-path allocation as a place to run periodic hook code.
/** Use the end of slow-path allocation as a place to run periodic hook code. */
private static void runSlowPathHooks() { HeapPolicy.samplePhysicalMemorySize(); } @RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.NO_ALLOCATION, reason = "Must not allocate in the implementation of allocation.") private static Object slowPathNewInstanceWithoutAllocating(DynamicHub hub) { DeoptTester.disableDeoptTesting(); try { HeapImpl.exitIfAllocationDisallowed("ThreadLocalAllocation.allocateNewInstance", DynamicHub.toClass(hub).getName()); HeapPolicy.maybeCollectOnAllocation(); AlignedHeader newTlab = HeapImpl.getChunkProvider().produceAlignedChunk(); return allocateInstanceInNewTlab(hub, newTlab); } finally { DeoptTester.enableDeoptTesting(); } } @SubstrateForeignCallTarget(stubCallingConvention = false) private static Object slowPathNewArray(Word objectHeader, int length) { if (length < 0) { // must be done before allocation-restricted code throw new NegativeArraySizeException(); } DynamicHub hub = ObjectHeaderImpl.getObjectHeaderImpl().dynamicHubFromObjectHeader(objectHeader); UnsignedWord size = LayoutEncoding.getArraySize(hub.getLayoutEncoding(), length); /* * Check if the array is too big. This is an optimistic check because the heap probably has * other objects in it, and the next collection could throw an OutOfMemoryError if this * object is allocated and survives. */ if (size.aboveOrEqual(HeapPolicy.getMaximumHeapSize())) { throw new OutOfMemoryError("Array allocation too large."); } UnsignedWord gcEpoch = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGCImpl().possibleCollectionPrologue(); Object result = slowPathNewArrayWithoutAllocating(hub, length, size); /* If a collection happened, do follow-up tasks now that allocation, etc., is allowed. */ HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getGCImpl().possibleCollectionEpilogue(gcEpoch); runSlowPathHooks(); return result; } @RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.NO_ALLOCATION, reason = "Must not allocate in the implementation of allocation.") private static Object slowPathNewArrayWithoutAllocating(DynamicHub hub, int length, UnsignedWord size) { DeoptTester.disableDeoptTesting(); try { HeapImpl.exitIfAllocationDisallowed("Heap.allocateNewArray", DynamicHub.toClass(hub).getName()); HeapPolicy.maybeCollectOnAllocation(); if (size.aboveOrEqual(HeapPolicy.getLargeArrayThreshold())) { /* Large arrays go into their own unaligned chunk. */ UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader newTlabChunk = HeapImpl.getChunkProvider().produceUnalignedChunk(size); return allocateLargeArrayInNewTlab(hub, length, size, newTlabChunk); } else { /* Small arrays go into the regular aligned chunk. */ AlignedHeader newTlabChunk = HeapImpl.getChunkProvider().produceAlignedChunk(); return allocateSmallArrayInNewTlab(hub, length, size, newTlabChunk); } } finally { DeoptTester.enableDeoptTesting(); } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Holds uninitialized memory.") private static Object allocateInstanceInNewTlab(DynamicHub hub, AlignedHeader newTlabChunk) { UnsignedWord size = LayoutEncoding.getInstanceSize(hub.getLayoutEncoding()); Pointer memory = allocateRawMemoryInNewTlab(size, newTlabChunk); return FormatObjectNode.formatObject(memory, DynamicHub.toClass(hub), false, true, true); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Holds uninitialized memory.") private static Object allocateSmallArrayInNewTlab(DynamicHub hub, int length, UnsignedWord size, AlignedHeader newTlabChunk) { Pointer memory = allocateRawMemoryInNewTlab(size, newTlabChunk); return FormatArrayNode.formatArray(memory, DynamicHub.toClass(hub), length, false, false, true, true); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Holds uninitialized memory, modifies TLAB") private static Object allocateLargeArrayInNewTlab(DynamicHub hub, int length, UnsignedWord size, UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader newTlabChunk) { ThreadLocalAllocation.Descriptor tlab = getTlab(); HeapChunk.setNext(newTlabChunk, tlab.getUnalignedChunk()); tlab.setUnalignedChunk(newTlabChunk); Pointer memory = UnalignedHeapChunk.allocateMemory(newTlabChunk, size); assert memory.isNonNull(); /* Install the DynamicHub and length, and zero the elements. */ return FormatArrayNode.formatArray(memory, DynamicHub.toClass(hub), length, false, true, true, true); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Returns uninitialized memory, modifies TLAB", callerMustBe = true) private static Pointer allocateRawMemoryInNewTlab(UnsignedWord size, AlignedHeader newTlabChunk) { ThreadLocalAllocation.Descriptor tlab = getTlab(); assert DeoptTester.enabled() || availableTlabMemory(tlab).belowThan(size) : "Slowpath allocation was used even though TLAB had sufficient space"; retireCurrentAllocationChunk(tlab); registerNewAllocationChunk(tlab, newTlabChunk); assert size.belowOrEqual(availableTlabMemory(tlab)) : "Not enough TLAB space for allocation"; // We just registered a new chunk, so TLAB top cannot be null. Pointer top = KnownIntrinsics.nonNullPointer(tlab.getAllocationTop(TLAB_TOP_IDENTITY)); tlab.setAllocationTop(top.add(size), TLAB_TOP_IDENTITY); return top; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Accesses TLAB") private static UnsignedWord availableTlabMemory(Descriptor allocator) { Pointer top = allocator.getAllocationTop(TLAB_TOP_IDENTITY); Pointer end = allocator.getAllocationEnd(TLAB_END_IDENTITY); assert top.belowOrEqual(end); if (top.isNull() || end.isNull()) { return WordFactory.unsigned(0); } return end.subtract(top); } static boolean isThreadLocalAllocationSpace(Space space) { return (space == HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getYoungGeneration().getEden()); } static void disableAndFlushForAllThreads() { VMOperation.guaranteeInProgress("ThreadLocalAllocation.disableAndFlushForAllThreads"); if (SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue()) { for (IsolateThread vmThread = VMThreads.firstThread(); vmThread.isNonNull(); vmThread = VMThreads.nextThread(vmThread)) { disableAndFlushForThread(vmThread); } } else { disableAndFlushForThread(WordFactory.nullPointer()); } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Accesses TLAB") static void disableAndFlushForThread(IsolateThread vmThread) { retireToSpace(getTlab(vmThread), HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getYoungGeneration().getEden()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) static void tearDown() { IsolateThread thread = WordFactory.nullPointer(); if (SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue()) { // no other thread is alive, so it is always safe to access the first thread thread = VMThreads.firstThreadUnsafe(); VMError.guarantee(VMThreads.nextThread(thread).isNull(), "Other isolate threads are still active"); } freeHeapChunks(getTlab(thread)); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) private static void freeHeapChunks(Descriptor tlab) { HeapChunkProvider.freeAlignedChunkList(tlab.getAlignedChunk()); HeapChunkProvider.freeUnalignedChunkList(tlab.getUnalignedChunk()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Accesses TLAB") static void suspendInCurrentThread() { retireCurrentAllocationChunk(getTlab()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Accesses TLAB") static void resumeInCurrentThread() { resumeAllocationInCurrentChunk(getTlab()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Accesses TLAB") static void retireToSpace(Descriptor tlab, Space space) { VMThreads.guaranteeOwnsThreadMutex("Otherwise, we wouldn't be allowed to access the space."); assert !space.isOldSpace() : "must not be moved to the old gen - otherwise a remembered set would have to be constructed"; retireCurrentAllocationChunk(tlab); AlignedHeader alignedChunk = tlab.getAlignedChunk(); UnalignedHeader unalignedChunk = tlab.getUnalignedChunk(); tlab.setAlignedChunk(WordFactory.nullPointer()); tlab.setUnalignedChunk(WordFactory.nullPointer()); while (alignedChunk.isNonNull()) { AlignedHeader next = HeapChunk.getNext(alignedChunk); HeapChunk.setNext(alignedChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); space.appendAlignedHeapChunk(alignedChunk); alignedChunk = next; } while (unalignedChunk.isNonNull()) { UnalignedHeader next = HeapChunk.getNext(unalignedChunk); HeapChunk.setNext(unalignedChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); space.appendUnalignedHeapChunk(unalignedChunk); unalignedChunk = next; } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Modifies TLAB") private static void registerNewAllocationChunk(Descriptor tlab, AlignedHeader newChunk) { HeapChunk.setNext(newChunk, tlab.getAlignedChunk()); tlab.setAlignedChunk(newChunk); resumeAllocationInCurrentChunk(tlab); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Modifies TLAB") private static void retireCurrentAllocationChunk(Descriptor tlab) { Pointer allocationTop = tlab.getAllocationTop(TLAB_TOP_IDENTITY); if (allocationTop.isNonNull()) { AlignedHeader alignedChunk = tlab.getAlignedChunk(); assert HeapChunk.getTopPointer(alignedChunk).isNull(); assert HeapChunk.getEndPointer(alignedChunk).equal(tlab.getAllocationEnd(TLAB_END_IDENTITY)); /* * While the aligned chunk is the allocation chunk its top value is always 'null' and it * doesn't reflect the upper limit of allocated memory. The 'top' is stored in the TLAB * and only set in the top aligned chunk when it is retired. */ HeapChunk.setTopPointer(alignedChunk, allocationTop); tlab.setAllocationTop(WordFactory.nullPointer(), TLAB_TOP_IDENTITY); tlab.setAllocationEnd(WordFactory.nullPointer(), TLAB_END_IDENTITY); } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Modifies TLAB.") static void resumeAllocationInCurrentChunk(Descriptor tlab) { assert tlab.getAllocationTop(TLAB_TOP_IDENTITY).isNull(); assert tlab.getAllocationEnd(TLAB_END_IDENTITY).isNull(); AlignedHeader alignedChunk = tlab.getAlignedChunk(); if (alignedChunk.isNonNull()) { tlab.setAllocationTop(HeapChunk.getTopPointer(alignedChunk), TLAB_TOP_IDENTITY); /* * It happens that prefetch instructions access memory outside the TLAB. At the moment, * this is not an issue as we only support architectures where the prefetch instructions * never cause a segfault, even if they try to access memory that is not accessible. */ tlab.setAllocationEnd(HeapChunk.getEndPointer(alignedChunk), TLAB_END_IDENTITY); HeapChunk.setTopPointer(alignedChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); } } }