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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.nodes.AssertionNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.RawStructure;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.SizeOf;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.MemoryWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AlwaysInline;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AutomaticFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ObjectVisitor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.LayoutEncoding;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UnsignedUtils;

An UnalignedHeapChunk holds exactly one Object.

An UnalignedHeapChunk does not have a way to map from a Pointer to (or into) the Object they contain to the UnalignedHeapChunk that contains them.

An Object in a UnalignedHeapChunk needs to have a bit set in its DynamicHub to identify it as an Object in a UnalignedHeapChunk, so things like write-barriers don't try to update meta-data. Also so things like the getEnclosingHeapChunk(Object) can tell that the object is in an UnalignedHeapChunk.

Only a slow-path allocation method is available for UnalignedHeapChunks. This is acceptable because UnalignedHeapChunks are for large objects, so the cost of initializing the object dwarfs the cost of slow-path allocation.

The Object in an UnalignedHeapChunk can be promoted from one Space to another by moving the UnalignedHeapChunk from one Space to the other, rather than copying the Object out of the HeapChunk in one Space and into a destination HeapChunk in the other Space. That saves some amount of copying cost for these large objects. An UnalignedHeapChunk is laid out:

| UnalignedHeader | Card  | Object                              |
| Fields          | Table |                                     |
The HeapChunk fields can be accessed as declared fields, but the card "table" and the location of the Object are just computed as Pointers. In this implementation, I am only implementing precise card remembered sets, so I only need one entry for the whole Object. But for consistency I am treating it as a 1-element table.
/** * An UnalignedHeapChunk holds exactly one Object. * <p> * An UnalignedHeapChunk does not have a way to map from a Pointer to (or into) the Object they * contain to the UnalignedHeapChunk that contains them. * <p> * An Object in a UnalignedHeapChunk needs to have a bit set in its DynamicHub to identify it as an * Object in a UnalignedHeapChunk, so things like write-barriers don't try to update meta-data. Also * so things like the getEnclosingHeapChunk(Object) can tell that the object is in an * UnalignedHeapChunk. * <p> * Only a slow-path allocation method is available for UnalignedHeapChunks. This is acceptable * because UnalignedHeapChunks are for large objects, so the cost of initializing the object dwarfs * the cost of slow-path allocation. * <p> * The Object in an UnalignedHeapChunk can be promoted from one Space to another by moving the * UnalignedHeapChunk from one Space to the other, rather than copying the Object out of the * HeapChunk in one Space and into a destination HeapChunk in the other Space. That saves some * amount of copying cost for these large objects. * * An UnalignedHeapChunk is laid out: * * <pre> * +=================+-------+-------------------------------------+ * | UnalignedHeader | Card | Object | * | Fields | Table | | * +=================+-------+-------------------------------------+ * </pre> * * The HeapChunk fields can be accessed as declared fields, but the card "table" and the location of * the Object are just computed as Pointers. * * In this implementation, I am only implementing precise card remembered sets, so I only need one * entry for the whole Object. But for consistency I am treating it as a 1-element table. */
public final class UnalignedHeapChunk { private UnalignedHeapChunk() { // all static }
Additional fields beyond what is in Header. This does not include the card remembered set table and certainly does not include the object. Those fields are accessed via Pointers that are computed below.
/** * Additional fields beyond what is in {@link HeapChunk.Header}. * * This does <em>not</em> include the card remembered set table and certainly does not include * the object. Those fields are accessed via Pointers that are computed below. */
@RawStructure public interface UnalignedHeader extends HeapChunk.Header<UnalignedHeader> { } static Pointer getCardTableStart(UnalignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.asPointer(that).add(getCardTableStartOffset()); } static Pointer getCardTableLimit(UnalignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.asPointer(that).add(getCardTableLimitOffset()); } static Pointer getObjectStart(UnalignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.asPointer(that).add(getObjectStartOffset()); } public static UnsignedWord getOverhead() { return getObjectStartOffset(); } static UnsignedWord getChunkSizeForObject(UnsignedWord objectSize) { UnsignedWord objectStart = getObjectStartOffset(); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(objectStart.add(objectSize), alignment); }
Allocate uninitialized memory within this AlignedHeapChunk.
/** Allocate uninitialized memory within this AlignedHeapChunk. */
@Uninterruptible(reason = "Returns uninitialized memory.", callerMustBe = true) public static Pointer allocateMemory(UnalignedHeader that, UnsignedWord size) { UnsignedWord available = HeapChunk.availableObjectMemory(that); Pointer result = WordFactory.nullPointer(); if (size.belowOrEqual(available)) { result = HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that); Pointer newTop = result.add(size); HeapChunk.setTopPointerCarefully(that, newTop); } return result; } static UnalignedHeader getEnclosingChunk(Object obj) { Pointer objPointer = Word.objectToUntrackedPointer(obj); return getEnclosingChunkFromObjectPointer(objPointer); } static UnalignedHeader getEnclosingChunkFromObjectPointer(Pointer objPointer) { Pointer chunkPointer = objPointer.subtract(getObjectStartOffset()); return (UnalignedHeader) chunkPointer; } public static boolean walkObjects(UnalignedHeader that, ObjectVisitor visitor) { return HeapChunk.walkObjectsFrom(that, getObjectStart(that), visitor); } @AlwaysInline("GC performance") public static boolean walkObjectsInline(UnalignedHeader that, ObjectVisitor visitor) { return HeapChunk.walkObjectsFromInline(that, getObjectStart(that), visitor); } public static void dirtyCardForObject(Object obj, boolean verifyOnly) { UnalignedHeader chunk = getEnclosingChunk(obj); Pointer cardTableStart = getCardTableStart(chunk); UnsignedWord objectIndex = getObjectIndex(); if (verifyOnly) { AssertionNode.assertion(false, CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndexUnchecked(cardTableStart, objectIndex), "card must be dirty", "", "", 0L, 0L); } else { CardTable.dirtyEntryAtIndex(cardTableStart, objectIndex); } } static boolean verifyOnlyCleanCards(UnalignedHeader that) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.verifyOnlyCleanCards:"); trace.string(" that: ").hex(that); boolean result = true; Pointer rememberedSetStart = getCardTableStart(that); UnsignedWord objectIndex = getObjectIndex(); if (CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndex(rememberedSetStart, objectIndex)) { result = false; Log witness = Log.log().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.verifyOnlyCleanCards:"); witness.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" dirty card at index: ").unsigned(objectIndex).string("]").newline(); } trace.string(" returns: ").bool(result).string("]").newline(); return result; } public static boolean walkDirtyObjects(UnalignedHeader that, ObjectVisitor visitor, boolean clean) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects:"); trace.string(" clean: ").bool(clean).string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" "); boolean result = true; Pointer rememberedSetStart = getCardTableStart(that); UnsignedWord objectIndex = getObjectIndex(); trace.string(" rememberedSetStart: ").hex(rememberedSetStart).string(" objectIndex: ").unsigned(objectIndex); if (CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndex(rememberedSetStart, objectIndex)) { if (clean) { CardTable.cleanEntryAtIndex(rememberedSetStart, objectIndex); } Pointer objectsStart = getObjectStart(that); Object obj = objectsStart.toObject(); trace.string(" obj: ").object(obj); if (!visitor.visitObjectInline(obj)) { result = false; } } trace.string(" returns: ").bool(result).string("]").newline(); return result; } static void cleanRememberedSet(UnalignedHeader that) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.cleanRememberedSet:").newline(); trace.string(" that: ").hex(that); CardTable.cleanTableToPointer(getCardTableStart(that), getCardTableLimit(that)); trace.string("]").newline(); } static void setUpRememberedSet(UnalignedHeader that) { Object obj = getObjectStart(that).toObject(); ObjectHeaderImpl.setRememberedSetBit(obj); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getCardTableStartOffset() { UnsignedWord headerSize = WordFactory.unsigned(SizeOf.get(UnalignedHeader.class)); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(headerSize, alignment); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getCardTableSize() { UnsignedWord requiredSize = CardTable.tableSizeForMemorySize(WordFactory.unsigned(1)); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(requiredSize, alignment); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getCardTableLimitOffset() { UnsignedWord tableStart = getCardTableStartOffset(); UnsignedWord tableSize = getCardTableSize(); UnsignedWord tableLimit = tableStart.add(tableSize); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(tableLimit, alignment); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getObjectStartOffset() { UnsignedWord cardTableLimitOffset = getCardTableLimitOffset(); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(cardTableLimitOffset, alignment); } private static UnsignedWord getObjectIndex() { return WordFactory.zero(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static UnsignedWord getCommittedObjectMemory(UnalignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.getEndOffset(that).subtract(getObjectStartOffset()); } static boolean verify(UnalignedHeader that) { return verify(that, getObjectStart(that)); } private static boolean verify(UnalignedHeader that, Pointer start) { VMOperation.guaranteeInProgress("Should only be called as a VMOperation."); Log trace = HeapVerifier.getTraceLog().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.verify"); trace.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" start: ").hex(start).string(" top: ").hex(HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that)).string(" end: ").hex(HeapChunk.getEndPointer(that)).newline(); UnsignedWord objHeader = ObjectHeaderImpl.readHeaderFromPointer(start); if (ObjectHeaderImpl.isForwardedHeader(objHeader)) { Log witness = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.verify:"); witness.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" start: ").hex(start).string(" top: ").hex(HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that)).string(" end: ").hex(HeapChunk.getEndPointer(that)); witness.string(" space: ").string(HeapChunk.getSpace(that).getName()); witness.string(" should not be forwarded").string("]").newline(); return false; } if (!ObjectHeaderImpl.isUnalignedHeader(start, objHeader)) { Log witness = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.verify:"); witness.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" start: ").hex(start).string(" end: ").hex(HeapChunk.getEndPointer(that)); witness.string(" space: ").string(HeapChunk.getSpace(that).getName()); witness.string(" obj: ").hex(start).string(" objHeader: ").hex(objHeader); witness.string(" does not have an unaligned header").string("]").newline(); return false; } Object obj = start.toObject(); Pointer objEnd = LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj); if (objEnd.notEqual(HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that))) { Log witness = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.verify:"); witness.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" start: ").hex(start).string(" end: ").hex(HeapChunk.getEndPointer(that)); witness.string(" space: ").string(HeapChunk.getSpace(that).getName()); witness.string(" obj: ").object(obj).string(" objEnd: ").hex(objEnd); witness.string(" should be the only object in the chunk").string("]").newline(); return false; } if (!verifyRememberedSet(that)) { Log witnessLog = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[UnalignedHeadChunk remembered set fails to verify"); witnessLog.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" remembered set fails to verify.").string("]").newline(); } boolean result = HeapChunk.verifyObjects(that, start); trace.string(" returns: ").bool(result).string("]").newline(); return result; } private static boolean verifyRememberedSet(UnalignedHeader that) { // Only chunks in the old from space have a remembered set. OldGeneration oldGen = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getOldGeneration(); if (HeapChunk.getSpace(that) == oldGen.getFromSpace()) { // Check if there are cross-generational pointers ... Pointer objStart = getObjectStart(that); Object obj = objStart.toObject(); boolean containsYoungReferences = CardTable.containsReferenceToYoungSpace(obj); // ... and if so, that the chunk is marked as dirty. if (containsYoungReferences) { Pointer rememberedSet = getCardTableStart(that); UnsignedWord objectIndex = getObjectIndex(); boolean isDirty = CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndex(rememberedSet, objectIndex); if (!isDirty) { Log witness = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[UnalignedHeapChunk.verify:"); witness.string(" that: ").hex(that); witness.string(" containsYoungReferences implies isDirty").string("]").newline(); return false; } } } return true; } @Fold public static MemoryWalker.HeapChunkAccess<UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader> getMemoryWalkerAccess() { return ImageSingletons.lookup(UnalignedHeapChunk.MemoryWalkerAccessImpl.class); } static final class MemoryWalkerAccessImpl extends HeapChunk.MemoryWalkerAccessImpl<UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader> { @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) MemoryWalkerAccessImpl() { } @Override public boolean isAligned(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader heapChunk) { return false; } @Override public UnsignedWord getAllocationStart(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader heapChunk) { return getObjectStart(heapChunk); } } public static final class TestingBackDoor { private TestingBackDoor() { } public static UnsignedWord getCardTableStartOffset() { return UnalignedHeapChunk.getCardTableStartOffset(); } public static UnsignedWord getObjectStartOffset() { return UnalignedHeapChunk.getObjectStartOffset(); } } } @AutomaticFeature class UnalignedHeapChunkMemoryWalkerAccessFeature implements Feature { @Override public boolean isInConfiguration(IsInConfigurationAccess access) { return SubstrateOptions.UseCardRememberedSetHeap.getValue(); } @Override public void afterRegistration(AfterRegistrationAccess access) { ImageSingletons.add(UnalignedHeapChunk.MemoryWalkerAccessImpl.class, new UnalignedHeapChunk.MemoryWalkerAccessImpl()); } }