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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.BranchProbabilityNode.FREQUENT_PROBABILITY;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.BranchProbabilityNode.LUDICROUSLY_SLOW_PATH_PROBABILITY;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.BranchProbabilityNode.probability;

import org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.MemoryWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.GCImpl.ChunkReleaser;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ObjectVisitor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.LayoutEncoding;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMThreads;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;

A Space is a collection of HeapChunks. Each Space keeps two collections: one of AlignedHeapChunk and one of UnalignedHeapChunk. The Space for the YoungGeneration is special because it keeps Pointers to the "top" and "end" of the current aligned allocation chunk for fast-path allocation without any indirections. The complication is the "top" pointer has to be flushed back to the chunk to make the heap parsable.
/** * A Space is a collection of HeapChunks. * * Each Space keeps two collections: one of {@link AlignedHeapChunk} and one of * {@link UnalignedHeapChunk}. * * The Space for the YoungGeneration is special because it keeps Pointers to the "top" and "end" of * the current aligned allocation chunk for fast-path allocation without any indirections. The * complication is the "top" pointer has to be flushed back to the chunk to make the heap parsable. */
final class Space { private final String name; private final boolean isFromSpace; private final int age; private final SpaceAccounting accounting; /* Heads and tails of the HeapChunk lists. */ private AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader firstAlignedHeapChunk; private AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader lastAlignedHeapChunk; private UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader firstUnalignedHeapChunk; private UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader lastUnalignedHeapChunk;
Space creation is HOSTED_ONLY because all Spaces must be constructed during native image generation so they end up in the native image heap because they need to be accessed during collections so they should not move.
/** * Space creation is HOSTED_ONLY because all Spaces must be constructed during native image * generation so they end up in the native image heap because they need to be accessed during * collections so they should not move. */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) Space(String name, boolean isFromSpace, int age) { this.name = name; assert name != null : "Space name should not be null."; this.isFromSpace = isFromSpace; this.age = age; this.accounting = new SpaceAccounting(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public String getName() { return name; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (getFirstAlignedHeapChunk().isNull() && getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk().isNull()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) void tearDown() { HeapChunkProvider.freeAlignedChunkList(getFirstAlignedHeapChunk()); HeapChunkProvider.freeUnalignedChunkList(getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) boolean isEdenSpace() { return age == 0; } boolean isYoungSpace() { return age <= HeapPolicy.getMaxSurvivorSpaces(); } boolean isSurvivorSpace() { return age > 0 && age <= HeapPolicy.getMaxSurvivorSpaces(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) boolean isOldSpace() { return age == (HeapPolicy.getMaxSurvivorSpaces() + 1); } int getAge() { return age; } int getNextAgeForPromotion() { return age + 1; } boolean isFromSpace() { return isFromSpace; } public boolean walkObjects(ObjectVisitor visitor) { AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = getFirstAlignedHeapChunk(); while (aChunk.isNonNull()) { if (!AlignedHeapChunk.walkObjects(aChunk, visitor)) { return false; } aChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk); } UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk = getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(); while (uChunk.isNonNull()) { if (!UnalignedHeapChunk.walkObjects(uChunk, visitor)) { return false; } uChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(uChunk); } return true; } public boolean walkDirtyObjects(ObjectVisitor visitor, boolean clean) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[Space.walkDirtyObjects:"); trace.string(" space: ").string(getName()).string(" clean: ").bool(clean); AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = getFirstAlignedHeapChunk(); while (aChunk.isNonNull()) { trace.newline().string(" aChunk: ").hex(aChunk); if (!AlignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects(aChunk, visitor, clean)) { Log failureLog = Log.log().string("[Space.walkDirtyObjects:"); failureLog.string(" aChunk.walkDirtyObjects fails").string("]").newline(); return false; } aChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk); } UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk = getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(); while (uChunk.isNonNull()) { trace.newline().string(" uChunk: ").hex(uChunk); if (!UnalignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects(uChunk, visitor, clean)) { Log failureLog = Log.log().string("[Space.walkDirtyObjects:"); failureLog.string(" uChunk.walkDirtyObjects fails").string("]").newline(); return false; } uChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(uChunk); } trace.string("]").newline(); return true; }
Report some statistics about this Space.
/** Report some statistics about this Space. */
public Log report(Log log, boolean traceHeapChunks) { log.string("[").string(getName()).string(":").indent(true); accounting.report(log); if (traceHeapChunks) { if (getFirstAlignedHeapChunk().isNonNull()) { log.newline().string("aligned chunks:").redent(true); for (AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = getFirstAlignedHeapChunk(); aChunk.isNonNull(); aChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk)) { log.newline().hex(aChunk).string(" (").hex(AlignedHeapChunk.getObjectsStart(aChunk)).string("-").hex(HeapChunk.getTopPointer(aChunk)).string(")"); } log.redent(false); } if (getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk().isNonNull()) { log.newline().string("unaligned chunks:").redent(true); for (UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk = getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(); uChunk.isNonNull(); uChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(uChunk)) { log.newline().hex(uChunk).string(" (").hex(UnalignedHeapChunk.getObjectStart(uChunk)).string("-").hex(HeapChunk.getTopPointer(uChunk)).string(")"); } log.redent(false); } } log.redent(false).string("]"); return log; }
Allocate memory from an AlignedHeapChunk in this Space. This is "slow-path" memory allocation.
/** * Allocate memory from an AlignedHeapChunk in this Space. * * This is "slow-path" memory allocation. */
private Pointer allocateMemory(UnsignedWord objectSize) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[Space.allocateMemory:").string(" space: ").string(getName()).string(" size: ").unsigned(objectSize).newline(); Pointer result = WordFactory.nullPointer(); /* First try allocating in the last chunk. */ AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader oldChunk = getLastAlignedHeapChunk(); trace.string(" oldChunk: ").hex(oldChunk); if (oldChunk.isNonNull()) { result = AlignedHeapChunk.allocateMemory(oldChunk, objectSize); trace.string(" oldChunk provides: ").hex(result); } /* If oldChunk did not provide, try allocating a new chunk for the requested memory. */ if (result.isNull()) { AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader newChunk = requestAlignedHeapChunk(); trace.string(" newChunk: ").hex(newChunk); if (newChunk.isNonNull()) { /* Allocate the Object within the new chunk. */ result = AlignedHeapChunk.allocateMemory(newChunk, objectSize); if (isSurvivorSpace()) { trace.string(" newSurvivorChunk provides: ").hex(result); } else { trace.string(" newChunk provides: ").hex(result); } } } trace.string(" returns: ").hex(result).string("]").newline(); return result; }
Promote the HeapChunk containing an Object from its original space to this Space. This turns all the Objects in the chunk from white to grey: the objects are in this Space, but have not yet had their interior pointers visited.
/** * Promote the HeapChunk containing an Object from its original space to this Space. * * This turns all the Objects in the chunk from white to grey: the objects are in this Space, * but have not yet had their interior pointers visited. */
void promoteObjectChunk(Object original) { if (ObjectHeaderImpl.isAlignedObject(original)) { AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = AlignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingChunk(original); Space originalSpace = HeapChunk.getSpace(aChunk); if (originalSpace.isFromSpace()) { promoteAlignedHeapChunk(aChunk, originalSpace); } } else { assert ObjectHeaderImpl.isUnalignedObject(original); UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk = UnalignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingChunk(original); Space originalSpace = HeapChunk.getSpace(uChunk); if (originalSpace.isFromSpace()) { promoteUnalignedHeapChunk(uChunk, originalSpace); } } } public void releaseChunks(ChunkReleaser chunkReleaser) { chunkReleaser.add(firstAlignedHeapChunk); chunkReleaser.add(firstUnalignedHeapChunk); firstAlignedHeapChunk = WordFactory.nullPointer(); lastAlignedHeapChunk = WordFactory.nullPointer(); firstUnalignedHeapChunk = WordFactory.nullPointer(); lastUnalignedHeapChunk = WordFactory.nullPointer(); accounting.reset(); } void cleanRememberedSet() { cleanRememberedSetAlignedHeapChunks(); cleanRememberedSetUnalignedHeapChunks(); } private void cleanRememberedSetAlignedHeapChunks() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[Space.cleanRememberedSetAlignedHeapChunks:").string(" space: ").string(getName()); AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = getFirstAlignedHeapChunk(); while (aChunk.isNonNull()) { trace.newline().string(" aChunk: ").hex(aChunk); AlignedHeapChunk.cleanRememberedSet(aChunk); aChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk); } trace.string("]").newline(); } private void cleanRememberedSetUnalignedHeapChunks() { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[Space.cleanRememberedSetUnalignedHeapChunks:").string(" space: ").string(getName()); UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk = getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(); while (uChunk.isNonNull()) { trace.newline().string(" uChunk: ").hex(uChunk); UnalignedHeapChunk.cleanRememberedSet(uChunk); uChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(uChunk); } trace.string("]").newline(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) void appendAlignedHeapChunk(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk) { /* * This method is used from {@link PosixJavaThreads#detachThread(VMThread)}, so it can not * guarantee that it is inside a VMOperation, only that there is some mutual exclusion. */ if (SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue()) { VMThreads.guaranteeOwnsThreadMutex("Trying to append an aligned heap chunk but no mutual exclusion."); } appendAlignedHeapChunkUninterruptibly(aChunk); accounting.noteAlignedHeapChunk(aChunk); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Must not interact with garbage collections.") private void appendAlignedHeapChunkUninterruptibly(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk) { AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader oldLast = getLastAlignedHeapChunk(); HeapChunk.setSpace(aChunk, this); HeapChunk.setPrevious(aChunk, oldLast); HeapChunk.setNext(aChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); if (oldLast.isNonNull()) { HeapChunk.setNext(oldLast, aChunk); } setLastAlignedHeapChunk(aChunk); if (getFirstAlignedHeapChunk().isNull()) { setFirstAlignedHeapChunk(aChunk); } } void extractAlignedHeapChunk(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk) { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "Should only be called by the collector."; extractAlignedHeapChunkUninterruptibly(aChunk); accounting.unnoteAlignedHeapChunk(aChunk); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Must not interact with garbage collections.") private void extractAlignedHeapChunkUninterruptibly(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk) { AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader chunkNext = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk); AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader chunkPrev = HeapChunk.getPrevious(aChunk); if (chunkPrev.isNonNull()) { HeapChunk.setNext(chunkPrev, chunkNext); } else { setFirstAlignedHeapChunk(chunkNext); } if (chunkNext.isNonNull()) { HeapChunk.setPrevious(chunkNext, chunkPrev); } else { setLastAlignedHeapChunk(chunkPrev); } HeapChunk.setNext(aChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); HeapChunk.setPrevious(aChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); HeapChunk.setSpace(aChunk, null); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) void appendUnalignedHeapChunk(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk) { /* * This method is used from {@link PosixJavaThreads#detachThread(VMThread)}, so it can not * guarantee that it is inside a VMOperation, only that there is some mutual exclusion. */ if (SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue()) { VMThreads.guaranteeOwnsThreadMutex("Trying to append an unaligned chunk but no mutual exclusion."); } appendUnalignedHeapChunkUninterruptibly(uChunk); accounting.noteUnalignedHeapChunk(uChunk); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Must not interact with garbage collections.") private void appendUnalignedHeapChunkUninterruptibly(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk) { UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader oldLast = getLastUnalignedHeapChunk(); HeapChunk.setSpace(uChunk, this); HeapChunk.setPrevious(uChunk, oldLast); HeapChunk.setNext(uChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); if (oldLast.isNonNull()) { HeapChunk.setNext(oldLast, uChunk); } setLastUnalignedHeapChunk(uChunk); if (getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk().isNull()) { setFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(uChunk); } } void extractUnalignedHeapChunk(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk) { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "Trying to extract an unaligned chunk but not in a VMOperation."; extractUnalignedHeapChunkUninterruptibly(uChunk); accounting.unnoteUnalignedHeapChunk(uChunk); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Must not interact with garbage collections.") private void extractUnalignedHeapChunkUninterruptibly(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk) { UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader chunkNext = HeapChunk.getNext(uChunk); UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader chunkPrev = HeapChunk.getPrevious(uChunk); if (chunkPrev.isNonNull()) { HeapChunk.setNext(chunkPrev, chunkNext); } else { setFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(chunkNext); } if (chunkNext.isNonNull()) { HeapChunk.setPrevious(chunkNext, chunkPrev); } else { setLastUnalignedHeapChunk(chunkPrev); } /* Reset the fields that the result chunk keeps for Space. */ HeapChunk.setNext(uChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); HeapChunk.setPrevious(uChunk, WordFactory.nullPointer()); HeapChunk.setSpace(uChunk, null); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader getFirstAlignedHeapChunk() { return firstAlignedHeapChunk; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) private void setFirstAlignedHeapChunk(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader chunk) { firstAlignedHeapChunk = chunk; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader getLastAlignedHeapChunk() { return lastAlignedHeapChunk; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) private void setLastAlignedHeapChunk(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader chunk) { lastAlignedHeapChunk = chunk; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk() { return firstUnalignedHeapChunk; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) private void setFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader chunk) { this.firstUnalignedHeapChunk = chunk; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader getLastUnalignedHeapChunk() { return lastUnalignedHeapChunk; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) private void setLastUnalignedHeapChunk(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader chunk) { lastUnalignedHeapChunk = chunk; }
Promote an aligned Object to this Space.
/** Promote an aligned Object to this Space. */
Object promoteAlignedObject(Object original, Space originalSpace) { assert ObjectHeaderImpl.isAlignedObject(original); assert this != originalSpace && originalSpace.isFromSpace(); if (HeapOptions.TraceObjectPromotion.getValue()) { Log.log().string("[promoteAlignedObject:").string(" obj: ").object(original).string(" fromSpace: ").string(originalSpace.getName()).string(" toSpace: ").string(this.getName()) .string(" size: ").unsigned(LayoutEncoding.getSizeFromObject(original)).string("]").newline(); } Object copy = copyAlignedObject(original); ObjectHeaderImpl.installForwardingPointer(original, copy); return copy; } private Object copyAlignedObject(Object originalObj) { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress(); assert ObjectHeaderImpl.isAlignedObject(originalObj); UnsignedWord size = LayoutEncoding.getSizeFromObject(originalObj); Pointer copyMemory = allocateMemory(size); if (probability(LUDICROUSLY_SLOW_PATH_PROBABILITY, copyMemory.isNull())) { Log failureLog = Log.log().string("[! Space.copyAlignedObject:").indent(true); failureLog.string(" failure to allocate ").unsigned(size).string(" bytes").newline(); failureLog.string(" object to be promoted: ").object(originalObj).string(" header ").hex(ObjectHeaderImpl.readHeaderFromObject(originalObj)).newline(); failureLog.string(" !]").indent(false); throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Promotion failure"); } Pointer originalMemory = Word.objectToUntrackedPointer(originalObj); UnsignedWord offset = WordFactory.zero(); while (probability(FREQUENT_PROBABILITY, offset.belowThan(size))) { /* * This copies words, without regard to whether they are pointers and so need to dirty * remembered sets, etc. That's okay, because when the dust settles, anything the copy * references will be in the old Space, so any card remembered sets for the object can * be "clean". This writes the hub from the original over the hub installed by the * allocateArray or allocateObject. That shouldn't be an issue, here. */ copyMemory.writeWord(offset, originalMemory.readWord(offset)); offset = offset.add(ConfigurationValues.getTarget().wordSize); } // If the object was promoted to the old gen, we need to take care of the remembered set. Object copy = copyMemory.toObject(); AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader copyChunk = AlignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingChunk(copy); // We pretty much always need to update the first object table. Even when doing a full GC // that copies from old to old. if (HeapChunk.getSpace(copyChunk).isOldSpace()) { AlignedHeapChunk.setUpRememberedSetForObject(copyChunk, copy); } return copy; }
Promote an AlignedHeapChunk by moving it to this space.
/** Promote an AlignedHeapChunk by moving it to this space. */
private void promoteAlignedHeapChunk(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader chunk, Space originalSpace) { assert this != originalSpace && originalSpace.isFromSpace(); if (HeapOptions.TraceObjectPromotion.getValue()) { Log.log().string("[promoteAlignedHeapChunk:").string(" chunk: ").hex(chunk).string(" fromSpace: ").string(originalSpace.getName()).string(" toSpace: ").string(this.getName()) .string("]").newline(); } originalSpace.extractAlignedHeapChunk(chunk); appendAlignedHeapChunk(chunk); if (isOldSpace() && originalSpace.isYoungSpace()) { AlignedHeapChunk.constructRememberedSet(chunk); } }
Promote an UnalignedHeapChunk by moving it to this Space.
/** Promote an UnalignedHeapChunk by moving it to this Space. */
void promoteUnalignedHeapChunk(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader chunk, Space originalSpace) { assert this != originalSpace && originalSpace.isFromSpace(); if (HeapOptions.TraceObjectPromotion.getValue()) { Log.log().string("[promoteUnalignedHeapChunk:").string(" chunk: ").hex(chunk).string(" fromSpace: ").string(originalSpace.getName()).string(" toSpace: ").string(this.getName()) .string("]").newline(); } originalSpace.extractUnalignedHeapChunk(chunk); appendUnalignedHeapChunk(chunk); if (this.isOldSpace()) { UnalignedHeapChunk.setUpRememberedSet(chunk); } } private AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader requestAlignedHeapChunk() { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "Should only be called from the collector."; Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[Space.requestAlignedHeapChunk:").string(" space: ").string(getName()).newline(); AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = HeapImpl.getChunkProvider().produceAlignedChunk(); trace.string(" aChunk: ").hex(aChunk); if (aChunk.isNonNull()) { appendAlignedHeapChunk(aChunk); } trace.string(" Space.requestAlignedHeapChunk returns: ").hex(aChunk).string("]").newline(); return aChunk; } void absorb(Space src) { /* * Absorb the chunks of a source into this Space. I cannot just copy the lists, because each * HeapChunk has a reference to the Space it is in, so I have to touch them all. */ AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = src.getFirstAlignedHeapChunk(); while (aChunk.isNonNull()) { AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader next = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk); src.extractAlignedHeapChunk(aChunk); appendAlignedHeapChunk(aChunk); aChunk = next; } UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk = src.getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(); while (uChunk.isNonNull()) { UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader next = HeapChunk.getNext(uChunk); src.extractUnalignedHeapChunk(uChunk); appendUnalignedHeapChunk(uChunk); uChunk = next; } } boolean walkHeapChunks(MemoryWalker.Visitor visitor) { boolean continueVisiting = true; AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = getFirstAlignedHeapChunk(); while (continueVisiting && aChunk.isNonNull()) { continueVisiting = visitor.visitHeapChunk(aChunk, AlignedHeapChunk.getMemoryWalkerAccess()); aChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk); } UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk = getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(); while (continueVisiting && uChunk.isNonNull()) { continueVisiting = visitor.visitHeapChunk(uChunk, UnalignedHeapChunk.getMemoryWalkerAccess()); uChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(uChunk); } return continueVisiting; }
This value is only updated during a GC. Be careful when calling this method during a GC as it might wrongly include chunks that will be freed at the end of the GC.
/** * This value is only updated during a GC. Be careful when calling this method during a GC as it * might wrongly include chunks that will be freed at the end of the GC. */
@Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) UnsignedWord getChunkBytes() { assert !isEdenSpace() || VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "eden data is only accurate during a GC"; return accounting.getAlignedChunkBytes().add(accounting.getUnalignedChunkBytes()); } UnsignedWord computeObjectBytes() { assert !isEdenSpace() || VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "eden data is only accurate during a GC"; return computeAlignedObjectBytes().add(computeUnalignedObjectBytes()); } private UnsignedWord computeAlignedObjectBytes() { UnsignedWord result = WordFactory.zero(); AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = getFirstAlignedHeapChunk(); while (aChunk.isNonNull()) { UnsignedWord allocatedBytes = HeapChunk.getTopOffset(aChunk).subtract(AlignedHeapChunk.getObjectsStartOffset()); result = result.add(allocatedBytes); aChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk); } return result; } private UnsignedWord computeUnalignedObjectBytes() { UnsignedWord result = WordFactory.zero(); UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader uChunk = getFirstUnalignedHeapChunk(); while (uChunk.isNonNull()) { UnsignedWord allocatedBytes = HeapChunk.getTopOffset(uChunk).subtract(UnalignedHeapChunk.getObjectStartOffset()); result = result.add(allocatedBytes); uChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(uChunk); } return result; } public void verifyDirtyCards() { AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader aChunk = getFirstAlignedHeapChunk(); while (aChunk.isNonNull()) { if (!CardTable.verify(AlignedHeapChunk.getCardTableStart(aChunk), AlignedHeapChunk.getFirstObjectTableStart(aChunk), AlignedHeapChunk.getObjectsStart(aChunk), HeapChunk.getTopPointer(aChunk))) { Log.log().string("AlignedChunk card verification failed!").newline(); Log.log().flush(); } aChunk = HeapChunk.getNext(aChunk); } } }
Accounting for a Space. For the eden space, the values are inaccurate outside of a GC (see HeapPolicy.getYoungUsedBytes() and HeapPolicy.getEdenUsedBytes().
/** * Accounting for a {@link Space}. For the eden space, the values are inaccurate outside of a GC * (see {@link HeapPolicy#getYoungUsedBytes()} and {@link HeapPolicy#getEdenUsedBytes()}. */
final class SpaceAccounting { private long alignedCount; private UnsignedWord alignedChunkBytes; private long unalignedCount; private UnsignedWord unalignedChunkBytes; @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) SpaceAccounting() { reset(); } public void reset() { alignedCount = 0L; alignedChunkBytes = WordFactory.zero(); unalignedCount = 0L; unalignedChunkBytes = WordFactory.zero(); } public UnsignedWord getChunkBytes() { return getAlignedChunkBytes().add(getUnalignedChunkBytes()); } public long getAlignedChunkCount() { return alignedCount; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public UnsignedWord getAlignedChunkBytes() { return alignedChunkBytes; } public long getUnalignedChunkCount() { return unalignedCount; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public UnsignedWord getUnalignedChunkBytes() { return unalignedChunkBytes; } void report(Log reportLog) { reportLog.string("aligned: ").unsigned(alignedChunkBytes).string("/").unsigned(alignedCount); reportLog.string(" "); reportLog.string("unaligned: ").unsigned(unalignedChunkBytes).string("/").unsigned(unalignedCount); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) void noteAlignedHeapChunk(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader chunk) { UnsignedWord size = AlignedHeapChunk.getCommittedObjectMemory(chunk); alignedCount += 1; alignedChunkBytes = alignedChunkBytes.add(size); } void unnoteAlignedHeapChunk(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader chunk) { UnsignedWord size = AlignedHeapChunk.getCommittedObjectMemory(chunk); alignedCount -= 1; alignedChunkBytes = alignedChunkBytes.subtract(size); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) void noteUnalignedHeapChunk(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader chunk) { UnsignedWord size = UnalignedHeapChunk.getCommittedObjectMemory(chunk); unalignedCount += 1; unalignedChunkBytes = unalignedChunkBytes.add(size); } void unnoteUnalignedHeapChunk(UnalignedHeapChunk.UnalignedHeader chunk) { UnsignedWord size = UnalignedHeapChunk.getCommittedObjectMemory(chunk); unalignedCount -= 1; unalignedChunkBytes = unalignedChunkBytes.subtract(size); } }