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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;

import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.RawField;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.RawStructure;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.UniqueLocationIdentity;
import org.graalvm.word.ComparableWord;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.PointerBase;
import org.graalvm.word.SignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.MemoryWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AlwaysInline;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.NeverInline;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.struct.PinnedObjectField;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ObjectVisitor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.LayoutEncoding;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.HostedOptionKey;

The common structure of the chunks of memory which make up the heap. HeapChunks are aggregated into spaces. A specific "subtype" of chunk should be accessed via its own accessor class, such as AlignedHeapChunk, which provides methods that are specific to the type of chunk and its layout. (Such classes intentionally do not subclass HeapChunk so to not directly expose its methods.)

A HeapChunk is raw memory with a Header on the beginning that stores bookkeeping information about the HeapChunk. HeapChunks do not have any instance methods: instead they have static methods that take the HeapChunk.Header as a parameter.

HeapChunks maintain offsets of the current allocation point (top) with them, and the limit (end) where Objects can be allocated. Subclasses of HeapChunks can add additional fields as needed.

HeapChunks maintain some fields that would otherwise have to be maintained in per-HeapChunk memory by the Space that contains them. For example, the fields for linking lists of HeapChunks in a Space is kept in each HeapChunk rather than in some storage outside the HeapChunk.

For fields that are maintained as more-specifically-typed offsets by leaf "sub-classes", HeapChunk defines the generic (Pointer) "get" methods, and only the "sub-classes" define "set" methods that store more-specifically-typed Pointers, for type safety.

In addition to the declared fields of a HeapChunk.Header, for example, a subtype keeps a card table for the write barrier, but because they are variable-sized, rather than declaring field in the Header, static methods are used to compute Pointers to those "fields".

HeapChunks are *not* examined for interior Object references by the collector, though the Objects allocated within the HeapChunk are examined by the collector.

/** * The common structure of the chunks of memory which make up the heap. HeapChunks are aggregated * into {@linkplain Space spaces}. A specific "subtype" of chunk should be accessed via its own * accessor class, such as {@link AlignedHeapChunk}, which provides methods that are specific to the * type of chunk and its layout. (Such classes intentionally do not subclass {@link HeapChunk} so to * not directly expose its methods.) * <p> * A HeapChunk is raw memory with a {@linkplain Header} on the beginning that stores bookkeeping * information about the HeapChunk. HeapChunks do not have any instance methods: instead they have * static methods that take the HeapChunk.Header as a parameter. * <p> * HeapChunks maintain offsets of the current allocation point (top) with them, and the limit (end) * where Objects can be allocated. Subclasses of HeapChunks can add additional fields as needed. * <p> * HeapChunks maintain some fields that would otherwise have to be maintained in per-HeapChunk * memory by the Space that contains them. For example, the fields for linking lists of HeapChunks * in a Space is kept in each HeapChunk rather than in some storage outside the HeapChunk. * <p> * For fields that are maintained as more-specifically-typed offsets by leaf "sub-classes", * HeapChunk defines the generic (Pointer) "get" methods, and only the "sub-classes" define "set" * methods that store more-specifically-typed Pointers, for type safety. * <p> * In addition to the declared fields of a HeapChunk.Header, for example, a subtype keeps a card * table for the write barrier, but because they are variable-sized, rather than declaring field in * the Header, static methods are used to compute Pointers to those "fields". * <p> * HeapChunks are *not* examined for interior Object references by the collector, though the Objects * allocated within the HeapChunk are examined by the collector. */
final class HeapChunk { private HeapChunk() { // all static } static class Options { @Option(help = "Number of bytes at the beginning of each heap chunk that are not used for payload data, i.e., can be freely used as metadata by the heap chunk provider.") // public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> HeapChunkHeaderPadding = new HostedOptionKey<>(0); } static class HeaderPaddingSizeProvider implements IntUnaryOperator { @Override public int applyAsInt(int operand) { assert operand == 0 : "padding structure does not declare any fields"; return Options.HeapChunkHeaderPadding.getValue(); } } @RawStructure(sizeProvider = HeaderPaddingSizeProvider.class) private interface HeaderPadding extends PointerBase { }
The header of a chunk. All locations are given as offsets relative to the start of this chunk, including the links to the previous and next chunk in the linked list in which this chunk is inserted. This is necessary because the runtime addresses are not yet known for the chunks in the image heap, and relocations need to be avoided.
/** * The header of a chunk. All locations are given as offsets relative to the start of this * chunk, including the links to the previous and next chunk in the linked list in which this * chunk is inserted. This is necessary because the runtime addresses are not yet known for the * chunks in the image heap, and relocations need to be avoided. */
@RawStructure public interface Header<T extends Header<T>> extends HeaderPadding {
Offset of the memory available for allocation, i.e., the end of the last allocated object in the chunk.
/** * Offset of the memory available for allocation, i.e., the end of the last allocated object * in the chunk. */
@RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity UnsignedWord getTopOffset(); @RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity void setTopOffset(UnsignedWord newTop);
Offset of the limit of memory available for allocation.
/** Offset of the limit of memory available for allocation. */
@RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity UnsignedWord getEndOffset(); @RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity void setEndOffset(UnsignedWord newEnd);
The Space this HeapChunk is part of. All Space instances are in the native image heap, so it is safe to have a reference to a Java object that the GC does not see.
/** * The Space this HeapChunk is part of. * * All Space instances are in the native image heap, so it is safe to have a reference to a * Java object that the GC does not see. */
@RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity @PinnedObjectField Space getSpace(); @RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity @PinnedObjectField void setSpace(Space newSpace);
Address offset of the previous HeapChunk relative to this chunk's address in a doubly-linked list of chunks.
/** * Address offset of the previous HeapChunk relative to this chunk's address in a * doubly-linked list of chunks. */
@RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity SignedWord getOffsetToPreviousChunk(); @RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity void setOffsetToPreviousChunk(SignedWord newPrevious);
Address offset of the next HeapChunk relative to this chunk's address in a doubly-linked list of chunks.
/** * Address offset of the next HeapChunk relative to this chunk's address in a doubly-linked * list of chunks. */
@RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity SignedWord getOffsetToNextChunk(); @RawField @UniqueLocationIdentity void setOffsetToNextChunk(SignedWord newNext); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static UnsignedWord getTopOffset(Header<?> that) { assert getTopPointer(that).isNonNull() : "Not safe: top currently points to NULL."; return that.getTopOffset(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static Pointer getTopPointer(Header<?> that) { return asPointer(that).add(that.getTopOffset()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static void setTopPointer(Header<?> that, Pointer newTop) { // Note that the address arithmetic also works for newTop == NULL, e.g. in TLAB allocation that.setTopOffset(newTop.subtract(asPointer(that))); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) static void setTopPointerCarefully(Header<?> that, Pointer newTop) { assert getTopPointer(that).isNonNull() : "Not safe: top currently points to NULL."; assert getTopPointer(that).belowOrEqual(newTop) : "newTop too low."; assert newTop.belowOrEqual(getEndPointer(that)) : "newTop too high."; setTopPointer(that, newTop); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static UnsignedWord getEndOffset(Header<?> that) { return that.getEndOffset(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static Pointer getEndPointer(Header<?> that) { return asPointer(that).add(getEndOffset(that)); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static void setEndOffset(Header<?> that, UnsignedWord newEnd) { that.setEndOffset(newEnd); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static Space getSpace(Header<?> that) { return that.getSpace(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static void setSpace(Header<?> that, Space newSpace) { that.setSpace(newSpace); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static <T extends Header<T>> T getPrevious(Header<T> that) { return pointerFromOffset(that, that.getOffsetToPreviousChunk()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static <T extends Header<T>> void setPrevious(Header<T> that, T newPrevious) { that.setOffsetToPreviousChunk(offsetFromPointer(that, newPrevious)); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static <T extends Header<T>> T getNext(Header<T> that) { return pointerFromOffset(that, that.getOffsetToNextChunk()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static <T extends Header<T>> void setNext(Header<T> that, T newNext) { that.setOffsetToNextChunk(offsetFromPointer(that, newNext)); }
Converts from an offset to a pointer, where a zero offset translates to NULL. This is necessary for treating image heap chunks, where addresses at runtime are not yet known.
/** * Converts from an offset to a pointer, where a zero offset translates to {@code NULL}. This is * necessary for treating image heap chunks, where addresses at runtime are not yet known. */
@Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T extends PointerBase> T pointerFromOffset(Header<?> that, ComparableWord offset) { T pointer = WordFactory.nullPointer(); if (offset.notEqual(WordFactory.zero())) { pointer = (T) ((SignedWord) that).add((SignedWord) offset); } return pointer; }
Converts from a pointer to an offset, where NULL translates to zero. This method is used only at runtime and in contexts where technically, special treatment of NULL is not necessary because it would be covered by the arithmetic, but it is done for consistency.
/** * Converts from a pointer to an offset, where {@code NULL} translates to zero. This method is * used only at runtime and in contexts where technically, special treatment of {@code NULL} is * not necessary because it would be covered by the arithmetic, but it is done for consistency. */
@Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) private static SignedWord offsetFromPointer(Header<?> that, PointerBase pointer) { SignedWord offset = WordFactory.zero(); if (pointer.isNonNull()) { offset = ((SignedWord) pointer).subtract((SignedWord) that); } return offset; } @NeverInline("Not performance critical") public static boolean walkObjectsFrom(Header<?> that, Pointer offset, ObjectVisitor visitor) { return walkObjectsFromInline(that, offset, visitor); } @AlwaysInline("GC performance") public static boolean walkObjectsFromInline(Header<?> that, Pointer startOffset, ObjectVisitor visitor) { Pointer offset = startOffset; while (offset.belowThan(getTopPointer(that))) { // crucial: top can move, so always re-read Object obj = offset.toObject(); if (!visitor.visitObjectInline(obj)) { return false; } offset = offset.add(LayoutEncoding.getSizeFromObject(obj)); } return true; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public static UnsignedWord availableObjectMemory(Header<?> that) { return that.getEndOffset().subtract(that.getTopOffset()); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) static Pointer asPointer(Header<?> that) { return (Pointer) that; } public static HeapChunk.Header<?> getEnclosingHeapChunk(Object obj) { assert !HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().isInImageHeap(obj) : "Must be checked before calling this method"; assert !ObjectHeaderImpl.isPointerToForwardedObject(Word.objectToUntrackedPointer(obj)) : "Forwarded objects must be a pointer and not an object"; if (ObjectHeaderImpl.isAlignedObject(obj)) { return AlignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingChunk(obj); } else { assert ObjectHeaderImpl.isUnalignedObject(obj); return UnalignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingChunk(obj); } } public static HeapChunk.Header<?> getEnclosingHeapChunk(Pointer ptrToObj, UnsignedWord header) { if (ObjectHeaderImpl.isAlignedHeader(ptrToObj, header)) { return AlignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingChunkFromObjectPointer(ptrToObj); } else { return UnalignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingChunkFromObjectPointer(ptrToObj); } } abstract static class MemoryWalkerAccessImpl<T extends HeapChunk.Header<?>> implements MemoryWalker.HeapChunkAccess<T> { @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) MemoryWalkerAccessImpl() { } @Override public UnsignedWord getStart(T heapChunk) { return (UnsignedWord) heapChunk; } @Override public UnsignedWord getSize(T heapChunk) { return HeapChunk.getEndOffset(heapChunk); } @Override public UnsignedWord getAllocationEnd(T heapChunk) { return HeapChunk.getTopPointer(heapChunk); } @Override public String getRegion(T heapChunk) { /* This method knows too much about spaces, especially the "free" space. */ Space space = getSpace(heapChunk); String result; if (space == null) { result = "free"; } else if (space.isYoungSpace()) { result = "young"; } else { result = "old"; } return result; } } static boolean verifyObjects(Header<?> that, Pointer start) { Log trace = HeapVerifier.getTraceLog().string("[HeapChunk.verify:"); trace.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" start: ").hex(start).string(" top: ").hex(getTopPointer(that)).string(" end: ").hex(getEndPointer(that)); Pointer p = start; while (p.belowThan(getTopPointer(that))) { if (!HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().verifyObjectAt(p)) { Log witness = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[HeapChunk.verify:"); witness.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" start: ").hex(start).string(" top: ").hex(getTopPointer(that)).string(" end: ").hex(getEndPointer(that)); witness.string(" space: ").string(getSpace(that).getName()); witness.string(" object at p: ").hex(p).string(" fails to verify").string("]").newline(); trace.string(" returns false]").newline(); return false; } /* Step carefully over the object. */ UnsignedWord header = ObjectHeaderImpl.readHeaderFromPointerCarefully(p); Object o; if (ObjectHeaderImpl.isForwardedHeaderCarefully(header)) { o = ObjectHeaderImpl.getForwardedObject(p); } else { o = p.toObject(); } p = p.add(LayoutEncoding.getSizeFromObject(o)); } trace.string(" returns true]").newline(); return true; } }