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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.ArrayLengthNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.nodes.AssertionNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.RawStructure;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.SizeOf;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.MemoryWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AlwaysInline;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AutomaticFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RestrictHeapAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ObjectVisitor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.LayoutEncoding;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.PointerUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UnsignedUtils;

An AlignedHeapChunk can hold many Objects.

This is the key to the chunk-allocated heap: Because these chunks are allocated on aligned boundaries, I can map from a Pointer to (or into) an Object to the AlignedChunk that contains it. From there I can get to the meta-data the AlignedChunk contains, without a table lookup on the Pointer.

Most allocation within a AlignedHeapChunk is via fast-path allocation snippets, but a slow-path allocation method is available.

Objects in a AlignedHeapChunk have to be promoted by copying from their current HeapChunk to a destination HeapChunk.

An AlignedHeapChunk is laid out:

| AlignedHeader | Card  | First  | Object ...           |
| Fields        | Table | Object |                      |
|               |       | Table  |                      |
The CardTable and the FirstObjectTable and the start of the Objects are just computed addresses. The two tables each need the same fraction of the size of the space for Objects. I conservatively compute them as a fraction of the size of the entire chunk.
/** * An AlignedHeapChunk can hold many Objects. * <p> * This is the key to the chunk-allocated heap: Because these chunks are allocated on aligned * boundaries, I can map from a Pointer to (or into) an Object to the AlignedChunk that contains it. * From there I can get to the meta-data the AlignedChunk contains, without a table lookup on the * Pointer. * <p> * Most allocation within a AlignedHeapChunk is via fast-path allocation snippets, but a slow-path * allocation method is available. * <p> * Objects in a AlignedHeapChunk have to be promoted by copying from their current HeapChunk to a * destination HeapChunk. * <p> * An AlignedHeapChunk is laid out: * * <pre> * +===============+-------+--------+----------------------+ * | AlignedHeader | Card | First | Object ... | * | Fields | Table | Object | | * | | | Table | | * +===============+-------+--------+----------------------+ * </pre> * * The CardTable and the FirstObjectTable and the start of the Objects are just computed addresses. * The two tables each need the same fraction of the size of the space for Objects. I conservatively * compute them as a fraction of the size of the entire chunk. */
public final class AlignedHeapChunk { private AlignedHeapChunk() { // all static }
Additional fields beyond what is in Header. This does not include the card table, or the first object table, and certainly does not include the objects. Those fields are accessed via Pointers that are computed below.
/** * Additional fields beyond what is in {@link HeapChunk.Header}. * * This does <em>not</em> include the card table, or the first object table, and certainly does * not include the objects. Those fields are accessed via Pointers that are computed below. */
@RawStructure public interface AlignedHeader extends HeapChunk.Header<AlignedHeader> { } static Pointer getCardTableStart(AlignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.asPointer(that).add(getCardTableStartOffset()); } static Pointer getCardTableLimit(AlignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.asPointer(that).add(getCardTableLimitOffset()); } static Pointer getFirstObjectTableStart(AlignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.asPointer(that).add(getFirstObjectTableStartOffset()); } static Pointer getFirstObjectTableLimit(AlignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.asPointer(that).add(getFirstObjectTableLimitOffset()); } static Pointer getObjectsStart(AlignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.asPointer(that).add(getObjectsStartOffset()); }
Allocate uninitialized memory within this AlignedHeapChunk.
/** Allocate uninitialized memory within this AlignedHeapChunk. */
static Pointer allocateMemory(AlignedHeader that, UnsignedWord size) { Pointer result = WordFactory.nullPointer(); UnsignedWord available = HeapChunk.availableObjectMemory(that); if (size.belowOrEqual(available)) { result = HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that); Pointer newTop = result.add(size); HeapChunk.setTopPointerCarefully(that, newTop); } return result; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) static UnsignedWord getCommittedObjectMemory(AlignedHeader that) { return HeapChunk.getEndOffset(that).subtract(getObjectsStartOffset()); } static AlignedHeader getEnclosingChunk(Object obj) { Pointer ptr = Word.objectToUntrackedPointer(obj); return getEnclosingChunkFromObjectPointer(ptr); } static AlignedHeader getEnclosingChunkFromObjectPointer(Pointer ptr) { return (AlignedHeader) PointerUtils.roundDown(ptr, HeapPolicy.getAlignedHeapChunkAlignment()); } static void cleanRememberedSet(AlignedHeader that) { Pointer cardTableStart = getCardTableStart(that); UnsignedWord indexLimit = getCardTableIndexLimitForCurrentTop(that); CardTable.cleanTableToIndex(cardTableStart, indexLimit); } private static UnsignedWord getCardTableIndexLimitForCurrentTop(AlignedHeader that) { UnsignedWord memorySize = HeapChunk.getTopOffset(that).subtract(getObjectsStartOffset()); return CardTable.indexLimitForMemorySize(memorySize); } @AlwaysInline("GC performance") static void setUpRememberedSetForObject(AlignedHeader that, Object obj) { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "Should only be called from the collector."; assert !HeapChunk.getSpace(that).isYoungSpace(); /* * The card remembered set table should already be clean, but the first object table needs * to be set up. */ Pointer fotStart = getFirstObjectTableStart(that); Pointer memoryStart = getObjectsStart(that); Pointer objStart = Word.objectToUntrackedPointer(obj); Pointer objEnd = LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj); FirstObjectTable.setTableForObject(fotStart, memoryStart, objStart, objEnd); ObjectHeaderImpl.setRememberedSetBit(obj); }
Construct the remembered set for all the objects in this chunk.
/** Construct the remembered set for all the objects in this chunk. */
/* * This method must not allocate because I might be in the middle of a collection, or in the * middle of detaching a thread, but the @RestrictHeapAccess checker can not prove that because * I use an ObjectVisitor which, in other cases, might allocate. Therefore, I whitelist this * method. */ @RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.UNRESTRICTED, overridesCallers = true, reason = "Whitelisted because other ObjectVisitors are allowed to allocate.") static void constructRememberedSet(AlignedHeader that) { GCImpl.RememberedSetConstructor constructor = GCImpl.getGCImpl().getRememberedSetConstructor(); constructor.initialize(that); HeapChunk.walkObjectsFromInline(that, getObjectsStart(that), constructor); constructor.reset(); }
Dirty the card corresponding to the given Object. This has to be fast, because it is used by the post-write barrier.
/** * Dirty the card corresponding to the given Object. This has to be fast, because it is used by * the post-write barrier. */
public static void dirtyCardForObject(Object object, boolean verifyOnly) { Pointer objectPointer = Word.objectToUntrackedPointer(object); AlignedHeader chunk = getEnclosingChunkFromObjectPointer(objectPointer); Pointer cardTableStart = getCardTableStart(chunk); UnsignedWord index = getObjectIndex(chunk, objectPointer); if (verifyOnly) { AssertionNode.assertion(false, CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndexUnchecked(cardTableStart, index), "card must be dirty", "", "", 0L, 0L); } else { CardTable.dirtyEntryAtIndex(cardTableStart, index); } }
Return the offset of an object within the objects part of a chunk.
/** Return the offset of an object within the objects part of a chunk. */
private static UnsignedWord getObjectOffset(AlignedHeader that, Pointer objectPointer) { Pointer objectsStart = getObjectsStart(that); return objectPointer.subtract(objectsStart); }
Return the index of an object within the tables of a chunk.
/** Return the index of an object within the tables of a chunk. */
private static UnsignedWord getObjectIndex(AlignedHeader that, Pointer objectPointer) { UnsignedWord offset = getObjectOffset(that, objectPointer); return CardTable.memoryOffsetToIndex(offset); } static boolean walkObjects(AlignedHeader that, ObjectVisitor visitor) { return HeapChunk.walkObjectsFrom(that, getObjectsStart(that), visitor); } @AlwaysInline("GC performance") static boolean walkObjectsInline(AlignedHeader that, ObjectVisitor visitor) { return HeapChunk.walkObjectsFromInline(that, getObjectsStart(that), visitor); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getHeaderSize() { return WordFactory.unsigned(SizeOf.get(AlignedHeader.class)); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getCardTableStartOffset() { UnsignedWord headerSize = getHeaderSize(); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(headerSize, alignment); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getCardTableSize() { UnsignedWord headerSize = getHeaderSize(); UnsignedWord available = HeapPolicy.getAlignedHeapChunkSize().subtract(headerSize); UnsignedWord requiredSize = CardTable.tableSizeForMemorySize(available); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(requiredSize, alignment); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getCardTableLimitOffset() { UnsignedWord tableStart = getCardTableStartOffset(); UnsignedWord tableSize = getCardTableSize(); UnsignedWord tableLimit = tableStart.add(tableSize); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(tableLimit, alignment); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getFirstObjectTableStartOffset() { UnsignedWord cardTableLimit = getCardTableLimitOffset(); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(cardTableLimit, alignment); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getFirstObjectTableSize() { return getCardTableSize(); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getFirstObjectTableLimitOffset() { UnsignedWord fotStart = getFirstObjectTableStartOffset(); UnsignedWord fotSize = getFirstObjectTableSize(); UnsignedWord fotLimit = fotStart.add(fotSize); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(fotLimit, alignment); } @Fold static UnsignedWord getObjectsStartOffset() { UnsignedWord fotLimit = getFirstObjectTableLimitOffset(); UnsignedWord alignment = WordFactory.unsigned(ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getAlignment()); return UnsignedUtils.roundUp(fotLimit, alignment); } static boolean verify(AlignedHeader that) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verify:"); trace.string(" that: ").hex(that); boolean result = true; if (result && !HeapChunk.verifyObjects(that, getObjectsStart(that))) { result = false; Log verifyLog = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verify:"); verifyLog.string(" identifier: ").hex(that).string(" superclass fails to verify]").newline(); } if (result && !verifyObjectHeaders(that)) { result = false; Log verifyLog = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verify:"); verifyLog.string(" identifier: ").hex(that).string(" object headers fail to verify.]").newline(); } if (result && !verifyRememberedSet(that)) { result = false; Log verifyLog = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verify:"); verifyLog.string(" identifier: ").hex(that).string(" remembered set fails to verify]").newline(); } trace.string(" returns: ").bool(result); trace.string("]").newline(); return result; }
Verify that all the objects have headers that say they are aligned.
/** Verify that all the objects have headers that say they are aligned. */
private static boolean verifyObjectHeaders(AlignedHeader that) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verifyObjectHeaders: ").string(" that: ").hex(that); Pointer current = getObjectsStart(that); while (current.belowThan(HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that))) { trace.newline().string(" current: ").hex(current); UnsignedWord header = ObjectHeaderImpl.readHeaderFromPointer(current); if (!ObjectHeaderImpl.isAlignedHeader(current, header)) { trace.string(" does not have an aligned header: ").hex(header).string(" returns: false").string("]").newline(); return false; } /* * Step over the object. This does not deal with forwarded objects, but I have already * checked that the header is an aligned header. */ current = LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(current.toObject()); } trace.string(" returns: true]").newline(); return true; } private static boolean verifyRememberedSet(AlignedHeader that) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verifyRememberedSet:").string(" that: ").hex(that); /* Only chunks in the old from space have a remembered set. */ HeapImpl heap = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl(); OldGeneration oldGen = heap.getOldGeneration(); if (HeapChunk.getSpace(that) == oldGen.getFromSpace()) { if (!CardTable.verify(getCardTableStart(that), getFirstObjectTableStart(that), getObjectsStart(that), HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that))) { Log verifyLog = heap.getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verifyRememberedSet:"); verifyLog.string(" card table fails to verify").string("]").newline(); return false; } if (!FirstObjectTable.verify(getFirstObjectTableStart(that), getObjectsStart(that), HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that))) { Log verifyLog = heap.getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verifyRememberedSet:"); verifyLog.string(" first object table fails to verify").string("]").newline(); return false; } } trace.string("]").newline(); return true; } static boolean walkDirtyObjects(AlignedHeader that, ObjectVisitor visitor, boolean clean) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects:"); trace.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" clean: ").bool(clean); /* Iterate through the cards looking for dirty cards. */ Pointer cardTableStart = getCardTableStart(that); Pointer fotStart = getFirstObjectTableStart(that); Pointer objectsStart = getObjectsStart(that); Pointer objectsLimit = HeapChunk.getTopPointer(that); UnsignedWord memorySize = objectsLimit.subtract(objectsStart); UnsignedWord indexLimit = CardTable.indexLimitForMemorySize(memorySize); trace.string(" objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string(" objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit).string(" indexLimit: ").unsigned(indexLimit); for (UnsignedWord index = WordFactory.zero(); index.belowThan(indexLimit); index = index.add(1)) { trace.newline().string(" ").string(" index: ").unsigned(index); /* If the card is dirty, visit the objects it covers. */ if (CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndex(cardTableStart, index)) { if (clean) { CardTable.cleanEntryAtIndex(cardTableStart, index); } Pointer cardLimit = CardTable.indexToMemoryPointer(objectsStart, index.add(1)); Pointer crossingOntoPointer = FirstObjectTable.getPreciseFirstObjectPointer(fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit, index); Object crossingOntoObject = crossingOntoPointer.toObject(); if (trace.isEnabled()) { Pointer cardStart = CardTable.indexToMemoryPointer(objectsStart, index); trace.string(" ").string(" cardStart: ").hex(cardStart); trace.string(" cardLimit: ").hex(cardLimit); trace.string(" crossingOntoObject: ").object(crossingOntoObject); trace.string(" end: ").hex(LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(crossingOntoObject)); if (LayoutEncoding.isArray(crossingOntoObject)) { trace.string(" array length: ").signed(ArrayLengthNode.arrayLength(crossingOntoObject)); } } trace.newline(); /* * Iterate through the objects on that card. Find the start of the * imprecisely-marked card. */ Pointer impreciseStart = FirstObjectTable.getImpreciseFirstObjectPointer(fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit, index); /* * Walk the objects to the end of an object, even if that is past cardLimit, because * these are imprecise cards. */ Pointer ptr = impreciseStart; Pointer walkLimit = PointerUtils.min(cardLimit, objectsLimit); trace.string(" "); trace.string(" impreciseStart: ").hex(impreciseStart); trace.string(" walkLimit: ").hex(walkLimit); while (ptr.belowThan(walkLimit)) { trace.newline().string(" "); trace.string(" ptr: ").hex(ptr); Object obj = ptr.toObject(); Pointer objEnd = LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj); trace.string(" obj: ").object(obj); trace.string(" objEnd: ").hex(objEnd); if (!visitor.visitObjectInline(obj)) { Log failureLog = Log.log().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects:"); failureLog.string(" visitor.visitObject fails").string(" obj: ").object(obj).string("]").newline(); return false; } ptr = objEnd; } } } trace.string("]").newline(); return true; } static boolean verifyOnlyCleanCards(AlignedHeader that) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verifyOnlyCleanCards:"); trace.string(" that: ").hex(that); boolean result = true; Pointer cardTableStart = getCardTableStart(that); UnsignedWord indexLimit = getCardTableIndexLimitForCurrentTop(that); for (UnsignedWord index = WordFactory.zero(); index.belowThan(indexLimit); index = index.add(1)) { if (CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndex(cardTableStart, index)) { result = false; Log witness = Log.log().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.verifyOnlyCleanCards:"); witness.string(" that: ").hex(that).string(" dirty card at index: ").unsigned(index).string("]").newline(); } } trace.string(" returns: ").bool(result).string("]").newline(); return result; } @Fold static MemoryWalker.HeapChunkAccess<AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader> getMemoryWalkerAccess() { return ImageSingletons.lookup(AlignedHeapChunk.MemoryWalkerAccessImpl.class); }
Methods for a MemoryWalker to access an aligned heap chunk.
/** Methods for a {@link MemoryWalker} to access an aligned heap chunk. */
static final class MemoryWalkerAccessImpl extends HeapChunk.MemoryWalkerAccessImpl<AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader> { @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) MemoryWalkerAccessImpl() { } @Override public boolean isAligned(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader heapChunk) { return true; } @Override public UnsignedWord getAllocationStart(AlignedHeapChunk.AlignedHeader heapChunk) { return getObjectsStart(heapChunk); } } public static final class TestingBackDoor { private TestingBackDoor() { } public static UnsignedWord getFirstObjectTableStartOffset() { return AlignedHeapChunk.getFirstObjectTableStartOffset(); } public static UnsignedWord getCardTableStartOffset() { return AlignedHeapChunk.getCardTableStartOffset(); } public static UnsignedWord getObjectsStartOffset() { return AlignedHeapChunk.getObjectsStartOffset(); } } } @AutomaticFeature class AlignedHeapChunkMemoryWalkerAccessFeature implements Feature { @Override public boolean isInConfiguration(IsInConfigurationAccess access) { return SubstrateOptions.UseCardRememberedSetHeap.getValue(); } @Override public void afterRegistration(AfterRegistrationAccess access) { ImageSingletons.add(AlignedHeapChunk.MemoryWalkerAccessImpl.class, new AlignedHeapChunk.MemoryWalkerAccessImpl()); } }