 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.
package com.oracle.svm.core;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.TrackNodeSourcePosition;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.SpectrePHTMitigations.None;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.SpectrePHTMitigations.Options.SpectrePHTBarriers;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType.Expert;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType.User;

import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

import org.graalvm.collections.EconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.collections.UnmodifiableEconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionStability;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.JavaVersionUtil;

import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.JavaNetSubstitutions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.APIOption;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.APIOptionGroup;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.HostedOptionKey;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.OptionUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.RuntimeOptionKey;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.XOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError;

public class SubstrateOptions {

    @Option(help = "Class containing the default entry point method. Optional if --shared is used.", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> Class = new HostedOptionKey<>("");

    @Option(help = "Name of the main entry point method. Optional if --shared is used.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> Method = new HostedOptionKey<>("main");

    @Option(help = "Name of the output file to be generated", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> Name = new HostedOptionKey<>("");

    @APIOption(name = "shared")//
    @Option(help = "Build shared library")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> SharedLibrary = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @APIOption(name = "static")//
    @Option(help = "Build statically linked executable (requires static libc and zlib)")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> StaticExecutable = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @APIOption(name = "target")//
    @Option(help = "Selects native-image compilation target (in <OS>-<architecture> format). Defaults to host's OS-architecture pair.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> TargetPlatform = new HostedOptionKey<>("");

    @Option(help = "Builds a statically linked executable with libc dynamically linked", type = Expert, stability = OptionStability.EXPERIMENTAL)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> StaticExecutableWithDynamicLibC = new HostedOptionKey<Boolean>(false) {
        protected void onValueUpdate(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
            StaticExecutable.update(values, true);
            super.onValueUpdate(values, oldValue, newValue);

    public static final int ForceFallback = 10;
    public static final int Automatic = 5;
    public static final int NoFallback = 0;

    public static final String OptionNameForceFallback = "force-fallback";
    public static final String OptionNameAutoFallback = "auto-fallback";
    public static final String OptionNameNoFallback = "no-fallback";

    @APIOption(name = OptionNameForceFallback, fixedValue = "" + ForceFallback, customHelp = "force building of fallback image") //
    @APIOption(name = OptionNameAutoFallback, fixedValue = "" + Automatic, customHelp = "build stand-alone image if possible") //
    @APIOption(name = OptionNameNoFallback, fixedValue = "" + NoFallback, customHelp = "build stand-alone image or report failure") //
    @Option(help = "Define when fallback-image generation should be used.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> FallbackThreshold = new HostedOptionKey<>(Automatic);

    public static final String IMAGE_CLASSPATH_PREFIX = "-imagecp";
    public static final String WATCHPID_PREFIX = "-watchpid";
    private static ValueUpdateHandler optimizeValueUpdateHandler;
    private static ValueUpdateHandler debugInfoValueUpdateHandler = SubstrateOptions::defaultDebugInfoValueUpdateHandler;

    @Option(help = "Show available options based on comma-separated option-types (allowed categories: User, Expert, Debug).")//
    public static final OptionKey<String> PrintFlags = new OptionKey<>(null);

    @Option(help = "Print extra help, if available, based on comma-separated option names. Pass * to show all options that contain extra help.")//
    public static final OptionKey<String> PrintFlagsWithExtraHelp = new OptionKey<>(null);

    @Option(help = "Control native-image code optimizations: 0 - no optimizations, 1 - basic optimizations, 2 - aggressive optimizations.", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> Optimize = new HostedOptionKey<Integer>(2) {
        protected void onValueUpdate(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue) {
            SubstrateOptions.IncludeNodeSourcePositions.update(values, newValue < 1);
            SubstrateOptions.AOTInline.update(values, newValue > 0);
            SubstrateOptions.AOTTrivialInline.update(values, newValue > 0);
            if (optimizeValueUpdateHandler != null) {
                optimizeValueUpdateHandler.onValueUpdate(values, oldValue, newValue);

    public interface ValueUpdateHandler {
        void onValueUpdate(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue);

    public static void setOptimizeValueUpdateHandler(ValueUpdateHandler updateHandler) {
        SubstrateOptions.optimizeValueUpdateHandler = updateHandler;

    public static void setDebugInfoValueUpdateHandler(ValueUpdateHandler updateHandler) {
        SubstrateOptions.debugInfoValueUpdateHandler = updateHandler;

    @Option(help = "Track NodeSourcePositions during runtime-compilation")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> IncludeNodeSourcePositions = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "Search path for C libraries passed to the linker (list of comma-separated directories)")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String[]> CLibraryPath = new HostedOptionKey<>(null);

    @Option(help = "Path passed to the linker as the -rpath (list of comma-separated directories)")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String[]> LinkerRPath = new HostedOptionKey<>(null);

    @Option(help = "String which would be appended to the linker call")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> AdditionalLinkerOptions = new HostedOptionKey<>("");

    @Option(help = "Directory of the image file to be generated", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> Path = new HostedOptionKey<>(null);

    public static final class GCGroup implements APIOptionGroup {
        public String name() {
            return "gc";

        public String helpText() {
            return "Select native-image garbage collector implementation.";

    @APIOption(name = "serial", group = GCGroup.class, customHelp = "Serial garbage collector")//
    @Option(help = "Use a card remembered set heap for GC")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> UseCardRememberedSetHeap = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "The size of each thread stack at run-time, in bytes.", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Long> StackSize = new RuntimeOptionKey<Long>(0L) {
        protected void onValueUpdate(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, Long oldValue, Long newValue) {
            if (!SubstrateUtil.HOSTED) {

    @Option(help = "The maximum number of lines in the stack trace for Java exceptions (0 means all)", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Integer> MaxJavaStackTraceDepth = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(1024);

    /* Same option name and specification as the Java HotSpot VM. */
    @Option(help = "Maximum total size of NIO direct-buffer allocations")//
    public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Long> MaxDirectMemorySize = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(0L);

    @Option(help = "Verify naming conventions during image construction.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> VerifyNamingConventions = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "Enable support for threads and and thread-local variables (disable for single-threaded implementation)")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> MultiThreaded = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Use only a writable native image heap (requires ld.gold linker)")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> ForceNoROSectionRelocations = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "Support multiple isolates.") //
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> SpawnIsolates = new HostedOptionKey<Boolean>(null) {
        public Boolean getValueOrDefault(UnmodifiableEconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values) {
            if (!values.containsKey(this)) {
                 * With the LLVM backend, isolate support has a significant performance cost, so we
                 * disable it unless it is explicitly enabled.
                return !useLLVMBackend();
            return (Boolean) values.get(this);

        public Boolean getValue(OptionValues values) {
            assert checkDescriptorExists();
            return getValueOrDefault(values.getMap());

    @Option(help = "Trace VMOperation execution.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> TraceVMOperations = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @APIOption(name = "trace-class-initialization")//
    @Option(help = "Comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names that class initialization is traced for.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> TraceClassInitialization = new HostedOptionKey<>("");

    @APIOption(name = "trace-object-instantiation")//
    @Option(help = "Comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names that object instantiation is traced for.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> TraceObjectInstantiation = new HostedOptionKey<>("");

    @Option(help = "Trace all native tool invocations as part of image building", type = User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> TraceNativeToolUsage = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "Prefix that is added to the names of entry point methods.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> EntryPointNamePrefix = new HostedOptionKey<>("");

    @Option(help = "Prefix that is added to the names of API functions.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> APIFunctionPrefix = new HostedOptionKey<>("graal_");

    @APIOption(name = "enable-http", fixedValue = "http", customHelp = "enable http support in the generated image")//
    @APIOption(name = "enable-https", fixedValue = "https", customHelp = "enable https support in the generated image")//
    @APIOption(name = "enable-url-protocols")//
    @Option(help = "List of comma separated URL protocols to enable.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String[]> EnableURLProtocols = new HostedOptionKey<String[]>(null) {
        protected void onValueUpdate(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, String[] oldValue, String[] newValue) {
            for (String protocol : OptionUtils.flatten(",", newValue)) {
                if (protocol.equals(JavaNetSubstitutions.HTTPS_PROTOCOL)) {
                    EnableAllSecurityServices.update(values, true);

    @APIOption(name = "enable-all-security-services")//
    @Option(help = "Add all security service classes to the generated image.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> EnableAllSecurityServices = new HostedOptionKey<Boolean>(false) {
        protected void onValueUpdate(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
            if (newValue) {
                 * Some providers like SunEC and SunSASL are implemented in native libs. These
                 * providers are added to the image when EnableAllSecurityServices is set. If they
                 * are actually used at runtime the user must provide and load the native libs.
                JNI.update(values, true);

    @Option(help = "Enable Java Native Interface (JNI) support.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> JNI = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Report information about known JNI elements when lookup fails", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> JNIVerboseLookupErrors = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "Export Invocation API symbols.", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> JNIExportSymbols = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Alignment of AOT and JIT compiled code in bytes.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> CodeAlignment = new HostedOptionKey<>(16);

     * Object and array allocation options.
    @Option(help = "Number of cache lines to load after the array allocation using prefetch instructions.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> AllocatePrefetchLines = new HostedOptionKey<>(3);

    @Option(help = "Number of cache lines to load after the object address using prefetch instructions.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> AllocateInstancePrefetchLines = new HostedOptionKey<>(1);

    @Option(help = "Generated code style for prefetch instructions: for 0 or less no prefetch instructions are generated and for 1 or more prefetch instructions are introduced after each allocation.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> AllocatePrefetchStyle = new HostedOptionKey<>(1);

    @Option(help = "Sets the prefetch instruction to prefetch ahead of the allocation pointer. Possible values are from 0 to 3. The actual instructions behind the values depend on the platform.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> AllocatePrefetchInstr = new HostedOptionKey<>(0);

     * Isolate tear down options.

    @Option(help = "The number of nanoseconds before and between which tearing down an isolate gives a warning message.  0 implies no warning.")//
    public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Long> TearDownWarningNanos = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(0L);

    @Option(help = "The number of nanoseconds before tearing down an isolate gives a failure message.  0 implies no message.")//
    public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Long> TearDownFailureNanos = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(0L);

    public static final long getTearDownWarningNanos() {
        return TearDownWarningNanos.getValue().longValue();

    public static final long getTearDownFailureNanos() {
        return TearDownFailureNanos.getValue().longValue();

     * The default value is derived by taking the common value from HotSpot configs.
    @Option(help = "Sets the size (in bytes) of the prefetch distance for object allocation. " +
                    "Memory about to be written with the value of new objects is prefetched up to this distance starting from the address of the last allocated object. " +
                    "Each Java thread has its own allocation point.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> AllocatePrefetchDistance = new HostedOptionKey<>(256);

    @Option(help = "Sets the step size (in bytes) for sequential prefetch instructions.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> AllocatePrefetchStepSize = new HostedOptionKey<>(16);

    @Option(help = "Define the maximum number of stores for which the loop that zeroes out objects is unrolled.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> MaxUnrolledObjectZeroingStores = new HostedOptionKey<>(8);

    @Option(help = "Provide method names for stack traces.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> StackTrace = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Parse and consume standard options and system properties from the command line arguments when the VM is created.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> ParseRuntimeOptions = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Perform method inlining in the AOT compiled native image")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> AOTInline = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Perform trivial method inlining in the AOT compiled native image")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> AOTTrivialInline = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "file:doc-files/NeverInlineHelp.txt", type = OptionType.Debug)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String[]> NeverInline = new HostedOptionKey<>(null);

    @Option(help = "Maximum number of nodes in a method so that it is considered trivial.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> MaxNodesInTrivialMethod = new HostedOptionKey<>(20);

    @Option(help = "Maximum number of invokes in a method so that it is considered trivial (for testing only).")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> MaxInvokesInTrivialMethod = new HostedOptionKey<>(1);

    @Option(help = "Maximum number of nodes in a method so that it is considered trivial, if it does not have any invokes.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> MaxNodesInTrivialLeafMethod = new HostedOptionKey<>(40);

    @Option(help = "Saves stack base pointer on the stack on method entry.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> PreserveFramePointer = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "Use callee saved registers to reduce spilling for low-frequency calls to stubs (if callee saved registers are supported by the architecture)")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> UseCalleeSavedRegisters = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Report error if <typename>[:<UsageKind>{,<UsageKind>}] is discovered during analysis (valid values for UsageKind: InHeap, Allocated, Reachable).", type = OptionType.Debug)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String[]> ReportAnalysisForbiddenType = new HostedOptionKey<>(new String[0]);

    @Option(help = "Backend used by the compiler", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> CompilerBackend = new HostedOptionKey<String>("lir") {
        protected void onValueUpdate(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, String oldValue, String newValue) {
            if ("llvm".equals(newValue)) {
                if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC > 8) {
                    EmitStringEncodingSubstitutions.update(values, false);
                 * The code information is filled before linking, which means that stripping dead
                 * functions makes it incoherent with the executable.
                RemoveUnusedSymbols.update(values, false);
                 * The LLVM backend doesn't support speculative execution attack mitigation
                SpectrePHTBarriers.update(values, None);

    public static boolean useLLVMBackend() {
        return "llvm".equals(CompilerBackend.getValue());

    @Option(help = "Emit substitutions for UTF16 and latin1 compression", type = OptionType.Debug)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> EmitStringEncodingSubstitutions = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Determines if VM operations should be executed in a dedicated thread.", type = OptionType.Expert)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> UseDedicatedVMOperationThread = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "Use linker option to prevent unreferenced symbols in image.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> RemoveUnusedSymbols = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);
    @Option(help = "Use linker option to remove all local symbols from image.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> DeleteLocalSymbols = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @Option(help = "Common prefix used by method symbols in image.")//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> ImageSymbolsPrefix = new HostedOptionKey<>("");

    @Option(help = "Fold SecurityManager getter.", stability = OptionStability.EXPERIMENTAL, type = OptionType.Expert) //
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> FoldSecurityManagerGetter = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @APIOption(name = "native-compiler-path")//
    @Option(help = "Provide custom path to C compiler used for query code compilation and linking.", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String> CCompilerPath = new HostedOptionKey<>(null);
    @APIOption(name = "native-compiler-options")//
    @Option(help = "Provide custom C compiler option used for query code compilation.", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<String[]> CCompilerOption = new HostedOptionKey<>(new String[0]);

    @Option(help = "Use strict checks when performing query code compilation.", type = OptionType.User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> StrictQueryCodeCompilation = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @APIOption(name = "native-image-info")//
    @Option(help = "Show native-toolchain information and image-build settings", type = User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> DumpTargetInfo = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "Check if native-toolchain is known to work with native-image", type = Expert)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> CheckToolchain = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

    @APIOption(name = "install-exit-handlers")//
    @Option(help = "Provide java.lang.Terminator exit handlers for executable images", type = User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> InstallExitHandlers = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "When set to true, the image generator verifies that the image heap does not contain a home directory as a substring", type = User)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> DetectUserDirectoriesInImageHeap = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

    @Option(help = "The interval in minutes between watchdog checks (0 disables the watchdog)", type = OptionType.Expert)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> DeadlockWatchdogInterval = new HostedOptionKey<>(10);
    @Option(help = "Exit the image builder VM after printing call stacks", type = OptionType.Expert)//
    public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> DeadlockWatchdogExitOnTimeout = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

The alignment for AOT and JIT compiled methods. The value is constant folded during image generation, i.e., cannot be changed at run time, so that it can be used in uninterruptible code.
/** * The alignment for AOT and JIT compiled methods. The value is constant folded during image * generation, i.e., cannot be changed at run time, so that it can be used in uninterruptible * code. */
@Fold public static int codeAlignment() { return CodeAlignment.getValue(); } @Option(help = "Populate reference queues in a separate thread rather than after a garbage collection.", type = OptionType.Expert) // public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> UseReferenceHandlerThread = new HostedOptionKey<>(false); @APIOption(name = "-g", fixedValue = "2", customHelp = "generate debugging information")// @Option(help = "Insert debug info into the generated native image or library")// public static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> GenerateDebugInfo = new HostedOptionKey<Integer>(0) { @Override protected void onValueUpdate(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue) { debugInfoValueUpdateHandler.onValueUpdate(values, oldValue, newValue); } }; private static void defaultDebugInfoValueUpdateHandler(EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values, @SuppressWarnings("unused") Integer oldValue, Integer newValue) { // force update of TrackNodeSourcePosition and DeleteLocalSymbols TrackNodeSourcePosition.update(values, newValue > 0); DeleteLocalSymbols.update(values, newValue == 0); } @Option(help = "Search path for source files for Application or GraalVM classes (list of comma-separated directories or jar files)")// public static final HostedOptionKey<String[]> DebugInfoSourceSearchPath = new HostedOptionKey<String[]>(null) { }; @Option(help = "Directory under which to create source file cache for Application or GraalVM classes")// public static final HostedOptionKey<String> DebugInfoSourceCacheRoot = new HostedOptionKey<>("sources"); public static Path getDebugInfoSourceCacheRoot() { try { Path sourceRoot = Paths.get(DebugInfoSourceCacheRoot.getValue()); return sourceRoot; } catch (InvalidPathException ipe) { throw UserError.abort("Invalid path provided for option DebugInfoSourceCacheRoot %s", DebugInfoSourceCacheRoot.getValue()); } }
Command line option to disable image build server.
/** Command line option to disable image build server. */
public static final String NO_SERVER = "--no-server"; @Fold public static boolean supportCompileInIsolates() { UserError.guarantee(!ConcealedOptions.SupportCompileInIsolates.getValue() || SpawnIsolates.getValue(), "Option %s must be enabled to support isolated compilations through option %s", SpawnIsolates.getName(), ConcealedOptions.SupportCompileInIsolates.getName()); return ConcealedOptions.SupportCompileInIsolates.getValue(); } public static boolean shouldCompileInIsolates() { /* * If SupportCompileInIsolates is unset, CompileInIsolates becomes unreachable because this * expression is folded, and cannot be used at runtime. */ return supportCompileInIsolates() && ConcealedOptions.CompileInIsolates.getValue(); } @Option(help = "Size of the reserved address space of each compilation isolate (0: default for new isolates).") // public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Long> CompilationIsolateAddressSpaceSize = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(0L);
Query these options only through an appropriate method.
/** Query these options only through an appropriate method. */
public static class ConcealedOptions { @Option(help = "Support runtime compilation in separate isolates (enable at runtime with option CompileInIsolates).") // public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> SupportCompileInIsolates = new HostedOptionKey<Boolean>(null) { @Override public Boolean getValueOrDefault(UnmodifiableEconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> values) { if (!values.containsKey(this)) { return SpawnIsolates.getValueOrDefault(values); } return super.getValueOrDefault(values); } @Override public Boolean getValue(OptionValues values) { return getValueOrDefault(values.getMap()); } }; @Option(help = "Activate runtime compilation in separate isolates (enable support during image build with option SupportCompileInIsolates).") // public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Boolean> CompileInIsolates = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(true); } @Option(help = "Overwrites the available number of processors provided by the OS. Any value <= 0 means using the processor count from the OS.")// public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Integer> ActiveProcessorCount = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(-1); }