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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.NamedLocationIdentity;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.ArrayLengthNode;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.word.LocationIdentity;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ObjectReferenceVisitor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ObjectVisitor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.ReferenceAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.InteriorObjRefWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.LayoutEncoding;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.HostedByteBufferPointer;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.PointerUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UnsignedUtils;

A card remembered set table is a remembered set that summarizes pointer stores into a region. A card is "dirty" if a pointer has been stored recently into the memory summarized by the card, or "clean" otherwise.

When looking for roots into the young space, the whole old space need not be searched for pointers, only the parts of the old space covered by dirty cards. (The card table works in concert with the FirstObjectTable to find objects that cross onto memory covered by a card.)

At each pointer store the card corresponding to the destination of the store is dirtied. At each collection, the dirty cards are scanned and the corresponding memory examined for pointers to the young space. When the memory has been scanned, the corresponding card is cleaned.

Implementation notes:

  • In theory, I only need "clean" and "dirty" values in the table, but since bit manipulations are expensive (particularly atomic bit manipulations), I trade space for time and make each entry a byte.
  • The "dirty" value is 0, since that makes dirtying a card a single "clearByte" instructions which is available in all the instruction set architectures I care about, whereas a "setByte" with a non-zero value takes more instruction space.
  • There are various proposals for other entry values since no one likes using a byte to hold one bit. For example, one could have a "pre-cleaning" thread that went over the memory and where it found only one interesting pointer, change the card from "dirty" to the offset of that pointer within the card. That feature is not in this version.
/** * A card remembered set table is a remembered set that summarizes pointer stores into a region. A * card is "dirty" if a pointer has been stored recently into the memory summarized by the card, or * "clean" otherwise. * <p> * When looking for roots into the young space, the whole old space need not be searched for * pointers, only the parts of the old space covered by dirty cards. (The card table works in * concert with the FirstObjectTable to find objects that cross onto memory covered by a card.) * <p> * At each pointer store the card corresponding to the destination of the store is dirtied. At each * collection, the dirty cards are scanned and the corresponding memory examined for pointers to the * young space. When the memory has been scanned, the corresponding card is cleaned. * <p> * Implementation notes: * <ul> * <li>In theory, I only need "clean" and "dirty" values in the table, but since bit manipulations * are expensive (particularly atomic bit manipulations), I trade space for time and make each entry * a byte.</li> * * <li>The "dirty" value is 0, since that makes dirtying a card a single "clearByte" instructions * which is available in all the instruction set architectures I care about, whereas a "setByte" * with a non-zero value takes more instruction space.</li> * * <li>There are various proposals for other entry values since no one likes using a byte to hold * one bit. For example, one could have a "pre-cleaning" thread that went over the memory and where * it found only one interesting pointer, change the card from "dirty" to the offset of that pointer * within the card. That feature is not in this version.</li> * </ul> */
public final class CardTable { private static final int BYTES_COVERED_BY_ENTRY = 512; private static final int ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES = 1; private static final int DIRTY_ENTRY = 0; private static final int CLEAN_ENTRY = 1;
A LocationIdentity to distinguish card locations from other locations.
/** A LocationIdentity to distinguish card locations from other locations. */
public static final LocationIdentity CARD_REMEMBERED_SET_LOCATION = NamedLocationIdentity.mutable("CardRememberedSet"); private CardTable() { } static void dirtyEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { table.writeByte(indexToTableOffset(index), (byte) DIRTY_ENTRY, CARD_REMEMBERED_SET_LOCATION); } static boolean isDirtyEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "Should only be called from the collector."; return isDirtyEntryAtIndexUnchecked(table, index); } static boolean isDirtyEntryAtIndexUnchecked(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { return isDirtyEntry(readEntryAtIndexUnchecked(table, index)); } static boolean containsReferenceToYoungSpace(Object obj) { ReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor referenceToYoungObjectVisitor = getReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor(); return referenceToYoungObjectVisitor.containsReferenceToYoungObject(obj); } static Pointer cleanTableToPointer(Pointer tableStart, Pointer tableLimit) { UnsignedWord tableOffset = tableLimit.subtract(tableStart); UnsignedWord indexLimit = CardTable.tableOffsetToIndex(tableOffset); return CardTable.cleanTableToIndex(tableStart, indexLimit); } static Pointer cleanTableToIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord indexLimit) { for (UnsignedWord index = WordFactory.unsigned(0); index.belowThan(indexLimit); index = index.add(1)) { cleanEntryAtIndex(table, index); } return table; } @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) static void cleanTableInBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int bufferTableOffset, UnsignedWord tableSize) { cleanTableToIndex(new HostedByteBufferPointer(buffer, bufferTableOffset), tableSize); } static void cleanEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { table.writeByte(indexToTableOffset(index), (byte) CLEAN_ENTRY, CARD_REMEMBERED_SET_LOCATION); } static int getBytesCoveredByEntry() { return BYTES_COVERED_BY_ENTRY; } static UnsignedWord tableSizeForMemorySize(UnsignedWord memorySize) { UnsignedWord maxIndex = indexLimitForMemorySize(memorySize); return maxIndex.multiply(ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES); } static UnsignedWord memoryOffsetToIndex(UnsignedWord offset) { return offset.unsignedDivide(BYTES_COVERED_BY_ENTRY); }
Return the memory address of the *start* of this indexed entry. If you want the limit on the memory address of this indexed entry, ask for the start of the *next* indexed entry.
/** * Return the memory address of the *start* of this indexed entry. If you want the limit on the * memory address of this indexed entry, ask for the start of the *next* indexed entry. */
static Pointer indexToMemoryPointer(Pointer memoryStart, UnsignedWord index) { UnsignedWord offset = index.multiply(BYTES_COVERED_BY_ENTRY); return memoryStart.add(offset); } static UnsignedWord indexLimitForMemorySize(UnsignedWord memorySize) { UnsignedWord roundedMemory = UnsignedUtils.roundUp(memorySize, WordFactory.unsigned(BYTES_COVERED_BY_ENTRY)); return CardTable.memoryOffsetToIndex(roundedMemory); }
Check that:
  • every clean card indicates an object with no pointers to young space.
  • that every object with a pointer to young space has a corresponding marked card.
I would like to check that every dirty card has a pointer to young space, but a card may be dirtied by the storing of a null, which doesn't point to young space. For extra credit, make getBytesCoveredByEntry 8 so there's at most one object per card to weed out ambiguous marked cards.
/** * Check that: * <ul> * <li>every clean card indicates an object with no pointers to young space.</li> * <li>that every object with a pointer to young space has a corresponding marked card.</li> * </ul> * I would like to check that every dirty card has a pointer to young space, but a card may be * dirtied by the storing of a null, which doesn't point to young space. For extra credit, make * {@link #getBytesCoveredByEntry} 8 so there's at most one object per card to weed out * ambiguous marked cards. */
static boolean verify(Pointer ctStart, Pointer fotStart, Pointer objectsStart, Pointer objectsLimit) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[CardTable.verify: "); trace.string(" ctStart: ").hex(ctStart).string(" fotStart: ").hex(fotStart).string(" objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string(" objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit).newline(); if (!verifyCleanCards(ctStart, fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit)) { Log verifyLog = Log.log().string("[CardTableTable.verify:"); verifyLog.string(" fails verifyCleanCards").string("]").newline(); return false; } if (!verifyDirtyCards(ctStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit)) { Log verifyLog = Log.log().string("[CardTable.verify:"); verifyLog.string(" fails verifyCleanCards").string("]").newline(); return false; } trace.string("]").newline(); return true; } private static int readEntryAtIndexUnchecked(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { return table.readByte(indexToTableOffset(index)); } private static int readEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { int result = readEntryAtIndexUnchecked(table, index); assert ((result == DIRTY_ENTRY) || (result == CLEAN_ENTRY)) : "Table entry out of range."; return result; } private static boolean isDirtyEntry(int entry) { return entry == DIRTY_ENTRY; } private static boolean isCleanEntry(int entry) { return entry == CLEAN_ENTRY; } private static boolean isCleanEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { return isCleanEntry(readEntryAtIndex(table, index)); } private static UnsignedWord tableOffsetToIndex(UnsignedWord offset) { return offset.unsignedDivide(ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES); } private static UnsignedWord indexToTableOffset(UnsignedWord index) { return index.multiply(ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES); } private static UnsignedWord memoryPointerToIndex(Pointer memoryStart, Pointer memoryLimit, Pointer memoryPointer) { assert memoryStart.belowOrEqual(memoryLimit) : "memoryStart.belowOrEqual(memoryLimit)"; assert memoryStart.belowOrEqual(memoryPointer) : "memoryStart.belowOrEqual(memoryPointer)"; assert memoryPointer.belowOrEqual(memoryLimit) : "memoryPointer.belowOrEqual(memoryLimit)"; UnsignedWord offset = memoryPointer.subtract(memoryStart); return memoryOffsetToIndex(offset); } private static boolean visitCards(Pointer table, UnsignedWord indexLimit, CardTable.Visitor visitor) { for (UnsignedWord index = WordFactory.unsigned(0); index.belowThan(indexLimit); index = index.add(1)) { int entry = readEntryAtIndex(table, index); if (!visitor.visitEntry(table, index, entry)) { return false; } } return true; } private static ReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor getReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor() { return HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor(); }
Check that every clean card indicates an object with no pointers to young space.
/** Check that every clean card indicates an object with no pointers to young space. */
private static boolean verifyCleanCards(Pointer ctStart, Pointer fotStart, Pointer objectsStart, Pointer objectsLimit) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[CardTable.verifyCleanCards:"); trace.string(" ctStart: ").hex(ctStart).string(" fotStart: ").hex(fotStart).string(" objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string(" objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit); /* Walk the remembered set entries. */ UnsignedWord indexLimit = FirstObjectTable.getTableSizeForMemoryRange(objectsStart, objectsLimit); for (UnsignedWord index = WordFactory.zero(); index.belowThan(indexLimit); index = index.add(1)) { trace.newline().string(" index: ").unsigned(index); if (FirstObjectTable.isUninitializedIndex(fotStart, index)) { Log failure = Log.log().string("[CardTable.verifyCleanCards: "); failure.string(" reached uninitialized first object table entry").string("]").newline(); return false; } boolean isClean = isCleanEntryAtIndex(ctStart, index); if (!isClean) { continue; } /* Find the imprecise bounds represented by the card. */ Pointer impreciseStart = FirstObjectTable.getImpreciseFirstObjectPointer(fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit, index); Pointer cardLimit = indexToMemoryPointer(objectsStart, index.add(1)); Pointer walkLimit = PointerUtils.min(cardLimit, objectsLimit); trace.string(" impreciseStart: ").hex(impreciseStart).string(" cardLimit: ").hex(cardLimit).string(" walkLimit: ").hex(walkLimit); /* * Walk the objects to the end of an object, even if that is past cardLimit, because * these are imprecise cards. */ Pointer ptr = impreciseStart; while (ptr.belowThan(walkLimit)) { trace.newline().string(" ").string(" ptr: ").hex(ptr); Object obj = ptr.toObject(); trace.string(" obj: ").object(obj); if (LayoutEncoding.isArray(obj)) { trace.string(" length: ").signed(ArrayLengthNode.arrayLength(obj)); } boolean containsYoung = getReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor().containsReferenceToYoungObject(obj); if (containsYoung) { final boolean witnessForDebugging = true; Log witness = (witnessForDebugging ? Log.log() : HeapVerifier.getTraceLog()); witness.string("[CardTable.verifyCleanCards:").string(" objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string(" objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit).string(" indexLimit: ").unsigned( indexLimit).newline(); witness.string(" index: ").unsigned(index); Pointer cardStart = indexToMemoryPointer(objectsStart, index); witness.string(" cardStart: ").hex(cardStart).string(" cardLimit: ").hex(cardLimit).string(" walkLimit: ").hex(walkLimit).string(" fotEntry: "); FirstObjectTable.TestingBackDoor.indexToLog(fotStart, witness, index); witness.string(" isClean: ").bool(isClean).newline(); Pointer crossingOntoPointer = FirstObjectTable.getPreciseFirstObjectPointer(fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit, index); Object crossingOntoObject = crossingOntoPointer.toObject(); witness.string(" crossingOntoObject: ").object(crossingOntoObject).string(" end: ").hex(LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(crossingOntoObject)); if (LayoutEncoding.isArray(crossingOntoObject)) { witness.string(" array length: ").signed(ArrayLengthNode.arrayLength(crossingOntoObject)); } witness.string(" impreciseStart: ").hex(impreciseStart).newline(); witness.string(" obj: ").object(obj).string(" end: ").hex(LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj)); if (LayoutEncoding.isArray(obj)) { witness.string(" array length: ").signed(ArrayLengthNode.arrayLength(obj)); } witness.newline(); HeapChunk.Header<?> objChunk = AlignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingChunk(obj); witness.string(" objChunk: ").hex(objChunk).string(" objChunk space: ").string(HeapChunk.getSpace(objChunk).getName()).string(" contains young: ").bool(containsYoung).newline(); /* Repeat the search for old-to-young references, this time as a witness. */ getReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor().witnessReferenceToYoungObject(obj); witness.string(" returns false for index: ").unsigned(index).string("]").newline(); return false; } ptr = LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj); } } trace.string("]").newline(); return true; }
Check that that every object with a pointer to young space has a corresponding dirty card.
/** * Check that that every object with a pointer to young space has a corresponding dirty card. */
private static boolean verifyDirtyCards(Pointer ctStart, Pointer objectsStart, Pointer objectsLimit) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[CardTable.verifyDirtyCards:"); trace.string(" ctStart: ").hex(ctStart).string(" objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string(" objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit); /* Walk the objects */ Pointer ptr = objectsStart; while (ptr.belowThan(objectsLimit)) { Object obj = ptr.toObject(); boolean containsYoung = containsReferenceToYoungSpace(obj); if (containsYoung) { UnsignedWord index = memoryPointerToIndex(objectsStart, objectsLimit, ptr); boolean isClean = isCleanEntryAtIndex(ctStart, index); if (isClean) { final boolean witnessForDebugging = true; Log witness = (witnessForDebugging ? Log.log() : HeapVerifier.getTraceLog()); witness.string("[CardTable.verifyDirtyCards:").string(" objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string(" objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit).newline(); witness.string(" obj: ").object(obj).string(" contains young: ").bool(containsYoung).string(" but index: ").unsigned(index).string(" is clean.").string(" returns false").string( "]").newline(); return false; } } ptr = LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj); } trace.string("]").newline(); return true; } static class ReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor implements ObjectVisitor { private final ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor visitor; ReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor(ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor visitor) { this.visitor = visitor; } @Override public boolean visitObject(Object obj) { Log trace = HeapVerifier.getTraceLog().string("[ReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor.visitObject:").string(" obj: ").object(obj).newline(); visitor.reset(); trace.string(" calling walkObject").newline(); if (!InteriorObjRefWalker.walkObject(obj, visitor)) { Log witness = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog(); witness.string("[[ReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor.visitObject:").string(" obj: ").object(obj).string(" fails InteriorObjRefWalker.walkObject").string("]").newline(); return false; } trace.string(" visitor.getFound(): ").bool(visitor.found).string(" returns true").string("]").newline(); return true; } private boolean containsReferenceToYoungObject(Object obj) { if (!visitObject(obj)) { Log witness = HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifier().getWitnessLog(); witness.string("[[ReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor.containsReferenceToYoungObject:").string(" obj: ").object(obj).string(" fails visitObject").string("]").newline(); } return visitor.found; } private boolean witnessReferenceToYoungObject(Object obj) { visitor.setWitnessForDebugging(true); visitObject(obj); visitor.setWitnessForDebugging(false); return visitor.found; } }
Visit an object reference and return false if it is a reference to the young space.
/** Visit an object reference and return false if it is a reference to the young space. */
static class ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor implements ObjectReferenceVisitor {
Have I found a reference to a young object yet?
/** Have I found a reference to a young object yet? */
private boolean found;
Should I act as a witness for debugging purposes?
/** Should I act as a witness for debugging purposes? */
private boolean witnessForDebugging; ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor() { } public void reset() { found = false; } @Override public boolean visitObjectReference(Pointer objRef, boolean compressed) { Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor.visitObjectReference: ").string(" objRef: ").hex(objRef).newline(); Pointer p = ReferenceAccess.singleton().readObjectAsUntrackedPointer(objRef, compressed); trace.string(" p: ").hex(p); if (p.isNull()) { trace.string(" null pointer returns true]").newline(); return true; } final boolean paranoid = true; if (paranoid) { UnsignedWord header = ObjectHeaderImpl.readHeaderFromPointer(p); if (ObjectHeaderImpl.isProducedHeapChunkZapped(header) || ObjectHeaderImpl.isConsumedHeapChunkZapped(header)) { Log paranoidLog = Log.log().string("[CardTable.ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor.visitObjectReference:"); paranoidLog.string(" objRef: ").hex(objRef).string(" p: ").hex(p).string(" points to zapped header: ").hex(header).string("]").newline(); } if (ObjectHeaderImpl.isForwardedHeader(header)) { Log paranoidLog = Log.log().string("[CardTable.ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor.visitObjectReference:"); paranoidLog.string(" objRef: ").hex(objRef).string(" p: ").hex(p).string(" points to header: ").hex(header).string("]").newline(); } } Object obj = p.toObject(); trace.string(" obj: ").object(obj).string(" ").object(obj); if (HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().isInImageHeap(obj)) { trace.string(" non-heap allocated returns true]").newline(); return true; } HeapChunk.Header<?> objChunk = HeapChunk.getEnclosingHeapChunk(obj); trace.string(" objChunk: ").hex(objChunk); if (objChunk.isNull()) { Log failure = Log.log().string("[CardTable.ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor.visitObjectReference:"); failure.string(" objRef: ").hex(objRef).string(" has no enclosing chunk").string("]").newline(); return false; } Space chunkSpace = HeapChunk.getSpace(objChunk); trace.string(" chunkSpace: ").object(chunkSpace).string(" ").string(chunkSpace.getName()); if (chunkSpace.isYoungSpace()) { found = true; if (witnessForDebugging) { Log witness = Log.log().string("[ReferenceToYoungObjectReferenceVisitor.visitObjectReference:").string(" witness").newline(); witness.string(" objRef: ").hex(objRef).string(" p: ").hex(p).string(" obj: ").object(obj).newline(); witness.string(" chunk: ").hex(objChunk).string(" chunk.getSpace(): ").string(HeapChunk.getSpace(objChunk).getName()) .string(" found: true returns false").string("]").newline(); } return true; } trace.string(" returns true]").newline(); return true; } private void setWitnessForDebugging(boolean value) { witnessForDebugging = value; } }
An interface for visitors to a card remembered set table.
/** An interface for visitors to a card remembered set table. */
public interface Visitor {
Called for each entry.
  • table – The table being visited.
  • index – The index of the entry being visited.
  • entry – The entry from the table at the index.
Returns:true if visiting should continue, false otherwise.
/** * Called for each entry. * * @param table The table being visited. * @param index The index of the entry being visited. * @param entry The entry from the table at the index. * @return true if visiting should continue, false otherwise. */
boolean visitEntry(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index, int entry); } public static final class TestingBackDoor { private TestingBackDoor() { } public static void dirtyEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { CardTable.dirtyEntryAtIndex(table, index); } public static boolean visitCards(Pointer table, UnsignedWord indexLimit, CardTable.Visitor visitor) { return CardTable.visitCards(table, indexLimit, visitor); } public static int readEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { return CardTable.readEntryAtIndex(table, index); } public static boolean isCleanEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { return CardTable.isCleanEntryAtIndex(table, index); } public static boolean isDirtyEntryAtIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord index) { /* Bypass VMOperation.inProgress check for testing. */ return CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndexUnchecked(table, index); } public static UnsignedWord getTableSize(UnsignedWord memorySize) { return CardTable.tableSizeForMemorySize(memorySize); } public static Pointer cleanTableToIndex(Pointer table, UnsignedWord maxIndex) { return CardTable.cleanTableToIndex(table, maxIndex); } } }