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package com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge;

import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;

A single wall-clock stopwatch that can be repeatedly started and stopped.
/** * A single wall-clock stopwatch that can be repeatedly {@linkplain #open started} and * {@linkplain #close() stopped}. */
final class Timer implements AutoCloseable { private final String name; private long openNanos; private long closeNanos; private long collectedNanos; Timer(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public Timer open() { openNanos = System.nanoTime(); closeNanos = 0L; return this; } @Override public void close() { /* If a timer was not opened, pretend it was opened at the start of the VM. */ if (openNanos == 0L) { openNanos = HeapImpl.getChunkProvider().getFirstAllocationTime(); } closeNanos = System.nanoTime(); collectedNanos += closeNanos - openNanos; } public void reset() { openNanos = 0L; closeNanos = 0L; collectedNanos = 0L; } public long getFinish() { assert closeNanos > 0L : "Should have closed timer"; return closeNanos; }
Get all the nanoseconds collected between open/close pairs since the last reset.
/** Get all the nanoseconds collected between open/close pairs since the last reset. */
long getMeasuredNanos() { return collectedNanos; }
Get the nanoseconds collected by the most recent open/close pair.
/** Get the nanoseconds collected by the most recent open/close pair. */
long getLastIntervalNanos() { assert openNanos > 0L : "Should have opened timer"; assert closeNanos > 0L : "Should have closed timer"; return closeNanos - openNanos; } static long getTimeSinceFirstAllocation(long nanos) { return nanos - HeapImpl.getChunkProvider().getFirstAllocationTime(); } }
Collection timers primarily for GCImpl.
/** Collection timers primarily for {@link GCImpl}. */
final class Timers { final Timer blackenImageHeapRoots = new Timer("blackenImageHeapRoots"); final Timer blackenDirtyCardRoots = new Timer("blackenDirtyCardRoots"); final Timer blackenStackRoots = new Timer("blackenStackRoots"); final Timer cheneyScanFromRoots = new Timer("cheneyScanFromRoots"); final Timer cheneyScanFromDirtyRoots = new Timer("cheneyScanFromDirtyRoots"); final Timer collection = new Timer("collection"); final Timer cleanCodeCache = new Timer("cleanCodeCache"); final Timer referenceObjects = new Timer("referenceObjects"); final Timer promotePinnedObjects = new Timer("promotePinnedObjects"); final Timer rootScan = new Timer("rootScan"); final Timer scanGreyObjects = new Timer("scanGreyObjects"); final Timer releaseSpaces = new Timer("releaseSpaces"); final Timer verifyAfter = new Timer("verifyAfter"); final Timer verifyBefore = new Timer("verifyBefore"); final Timer walkThreadLocals = new Timer("walkThreadLocals"); final Timer walkRuntimeCodeCache = new Timer("walkRuntimeCodeCache"); final Timer cleanRuntimeCodeCache = new Timer("cleanRuntimeCodeCache"); final Timer mutator = new Timer("mutator"); Timers() { } void resetAllExceptMutator() { Log trace = Log.noopLog(); trace.string("[Timers.resetAllExceptMutator:"); verifyBefore.reset(); collection.reset(); rootScan.reset(); cheneyScanFromRoots.reset(); cheneyScanFromDirtyRoots.reset(); promotePinnedObjects.reset(); blackenStackRoots.reset(); walkThreadLocals.reset(); walkRuntimeCodeCache.reset(); cleanRuntimeCodeCache.reset(); blackenImageHeapRoots.reset(); blackenDirtyCardRoots.reset(); scanGreyObjects.reset(); cleanCodeCache.reset(); referenceObjects.reset(); releaseSpaces.reset(); verifyAfter.reset(); /* The mutator timer is *not* reset here. */ trace.string("]").newline(); } void logAfterCollection(Log log) { if (log.isEnabled()) { log.newline(); log.string(" [GC nanoseconds:"); logOneTimer(log, " ", verifyBefore); logOneTimer(log, " ", collection); logOneTimer(log, " ", rootScan); logOneTimer(log, " ", cheneyScanFromRoots); logOneTimer(log, " ", cheneyScanFromDirtyRoots); logOneTimer(log, " ", promotePinnedObjects); logOneTimer(log, " ", blackenStackRoots); logOneTimer(log, " ", walkThreadLocals); logOneTimer(log, " ", walkRuntimeCodeCache); logOneTimer(log, " ", cleanRuntimeCodeCache); logOneTimer(log, " ", blackenImageHeapRoots); logOneTimer(log, " ", blackenDirtyCardRoots); logOneTimer(log, " ", scanGreyObjects); logOneTimer(log, " ", cleanCodeCache); logOneTimer(log, " ", referenceObjects); logOneTimer(log, " ", releaseSpaces); logOneTimer(log, " ", verifyAfter); logGCLoad(log, " ", "GCLoad", collection, mutator); log.string("]"); } } static void logOneTimer(Log log, String prefix, Timer timer) { if (timer.getMeasuredNanos() > 0) { log.newline().string(prefix).string(timer.getName()).string(": ").signed(timer.getMeasuredNanos()); } }
Log the "GC load" for the past collection as the collection time divided by the sum of the previous mutator interval plus the collection time. This method uses wall-time, and so does not take in to account that the collector is single-threaded, while the mutator might be multi-threaded.
/** * Log the "GC load" for the past collection as the collection time divided by the sum of the * previous mutator interval plus the collection time. This method uses wall-time, and so does * not take in to account that the collector is single-threaded, while the mutator might be * multi-threaded. */
private static void logGCLoad(Log log, String prefix, String label, Timer cTimer, Timer mTimer) { long collectionNanos = cTimer.getLastIntervalNanos(); long mutatorNanos = mTimer.getLastIntervalNanos(); long intervalNanos = mutatorNanos + collectionNanos; long intervalGCPercent = (((100 * collectionNanos) + (intervalNanos / 2)) / intervalNanos); log.newline().string(prefix).string(label).string(": ").signed(intervalGCPercent).string("%"); } }