 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation;

import static com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentAccessor.ENGINE;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;

import org.graalvm.options.OptionDescriptor;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionDescriptors;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionValues;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.io.MessageEndpoint;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.io.MessageTransport;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.Proxy;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.ContextLocal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.ContextThreadLocal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.InstrumentInfo;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Option;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleFile;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLogger;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleRuntime;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleStackTrace;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.MaterializedFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentationHandler.InstrumentClientInstrumenter;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedMessageException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ExecutableNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.LanguageInfo;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

The service provider interface (SPI) for Truffle instruments: clients of Truffle instrumentation that may observe and inject behavior into interpreters written using the Truffle framework.

Instrument implementation classes must use the Registration annotation to provide required metadata and to enable automatic discovery of the implementation.

An instrument is created if at least one instrument option was specified or if a service was looked up. The Instrumenter available in the provided environment allows the instrument instance to bind listeners for execution and source events, as well as node factories for code injection at guest language code locations.

An instrument is disposed when the associated polyglot engine is disposed. All active bindings created by a disposed instrument become disposed automatically. The Instrumenter instance available in the provided environment may not be used after disposal.

Example for a simple expression coverage instrument:

{@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.test.examples.CoverageExample}
/** * The service provider interface (SPI) for Truffle instruments: clients of Truffle instrumentation * that may observe and inject behavior into interpreters written using the Truffle framework. * <p> * Instrument implementation classes must use the {@link Registration} annotation to provide * required metadata and to enable automatic discovery of the implementation. * <p> * An instrument is {@link #onCreate(Env) created } if at least one instrument * {@link TruffleInstrument.Env#getOptions() option} was specified or if a * {@link TruffleInstrument.Env#registerService(Object) service} was looked up. The * {@link Instrumenter} available in the provided {@linkplain Env environment} allows the instrument * instance to bind listeners for {@linkplain ExecutionEventListener execution} and * {@linkplain LoadSourceListener source} events, as well as {@linkplain ExecutionEventNodeFactory * node factories} for code injection at guest language code locations. * <p> * An instrument is disposed when the associated polyglot {@linkplain Engine engine} is disposed. * All active bindings created by a disposed instrument become disposed automatically. The * {@link Instrumenter} instance available in the provided {@linkplain Env environment} may not be * used after disposal. * <p> * <h4>Example for a simple expression coverage instrument:</h4> * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.test.examples.CoverageExample} * * @since 0.12 */
public abstract class TruffleInstrument {
Constructor for subclasses.
/** * Constructor for subclasses. * * @since 0.12 */
protected TruffleInstrument() { } List<ContextThreadLocal<?>> contextThreadLocals; List<ContextLocal<?>> contextLocals;
Invoked once on each newly allocated TruffleInstrument instance.

The method may register additional services - e.g. objects to be exposed via lookup query. For example to expose a debugger one could define an abstract debugger controller:

{@codesnippet DebuggerController} and declare it as a service associated with the instrument, implement it, instantiate and register in own's instrument onCreate method: {@codesnippet DebuggerExample}

If this method throws an AbstractTruffleException the exception interop messages are executed without a context being entered.

  • env – environment information for the instrument
See Also:
/** * Invoked once on each newly allocated {@link TruffleInstrument} instance. * <p> * The method may {@link Env#registerService(java.lang.Object) register} additional * {@link Registration#services() services} - e.g. objects to be exposed via * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Instrument#lookup lookup query}. For example to expose a debugger * one could define an abstract debugger controller: * </p> * * {@codesnippet DebuggerController} * * and declare it as a {@link Registration#services() service} associated with the instrument, * implement it, instantiate and {@link Env#registerService(java.lang.Object) register} in own's * instrument {@link #onCreate(com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.TruffleInstrument.Env) * onCreate} method: * * {@codesnippet DebuggerExample} * <p> * If this method throws an {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException} * the exception interop messages are executed without a context being entered. * * @param env environment information for the instrument * * @see Env#getInstrumenter() * @since 0.12 */
protected abstract void onCreate(Env env);
Invoked once on an instance just before all instruments and languages are going to be disposed, possibly because the underlying engine is going to be closed. This method is called before onDispose(Env) and the instrument must remain usable after finalization. The instrument can prepare for disposal while still having other instruments not disposed yet.
  • env – environment information for the instrument
/** * Invoked once on an {@linkplain TruffleInstrument instance} just before all instruments and * languages are going to be disposed, possibly because the underlying * {@linkplain org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine engine} is going to be closed. This method is called * before {@link #onDispose(Env)} and the instrument must remain usable after finalization. The * instrument can prepare for disposal while still having other instruments not disposed yet. * * @param env environment information for the instrument * @since 19.0 */
protected void onFinalize(Env env) { // default implementation does nothing }
Invoked once on an instance when it becomes disabled, possibly because the underlying engine has been closed. A disposed instance is no longer usable. If the instrument is re-enabled, the engine will create a new instance.
  • env – environment information for the instrument
/** * Invoked once on an {@linkplain TruffleInstrument instance} when it becomes disabled, possibly * because the underlying {@linkplain org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine engine} has been closed. A * disposed instance is no longer usable. If the instrument is re-enabled, the engine will * create a new instance. * * @param env environment information for the instrument * @since 0.12 */
protected void onDispose(Env env) { // default implementation does nothing }
Returns a set of option descriptors that are supported by this instrument. Option values are accessible using the environment when the instrument is created. By default no options are available for an instrument. Options returned by this method must specify the instrument id as name prefix for each option. For example if the id of the instrument is "debugger" then a valid option name would be "debugger.Enabled". The instrument will automatically be created if one of the specified options was provided by the engine. To construct option descriptors from a list then OptionDescriptors.create(List<OptionDescriptor>) can be used.

By default option descriptors may only be specified per engine or bound engine, but option values may also be specified per context. In this case the context specific options can be specified with getContextOptionDescriptors() and the values can be accessed with Env.getOptions(TruffleContext).

See Also:
/** * Returns a set of option descriptors that are supported by this instrument. Option values are * accessible using the {@link Env#getOptions() environment} when the instrument is * {@link #onCreate(Env) created}. By default no options are available for an instrument. * Options returned by this method must specify the {@link Registration#id() instrument id} as * {@link OptionDescriptor#getName() name} prefix for each option. For example if the id of the * instrument is "debugger" then a valid option name would be "debugger.Enabled". The instrument * will automatically be {@link #onCreate(Env) created} if one of the specified options was * provided by the engine. To construct option descriptors from a list then * {@link OptionDescriptors#create(List)} can be used. * <p> * By default option descriptors may only be specified per engine or bound engine, but option * values may also be specified per context. In this case the context specific options can be * specified with {@link #getContextOptionDescriptors()} and the values can be accessed with * {@link Env#getOptions(TruffleContext)}. * * @see Option For an example of declaring the option descriptor using an annotation. * @since 0.27 */
protected OptionDescriptors getOptionDescriptors() { return OptionDescriptors.EMPTY; }
Returns a set of option descriptors for instrument options that can be specified per context. This can be specified in addition to options specified on the engine level, instruments may specify options for each context. Option descriptors specified per context must not overlap with option descriptors specified per instrument instance.

Example usage:

final class MyContext {
    @Option(category = OptionCategory.EXPERT, help = "Description...")
    static final OptionKey MyContextOption = new OptionKey<>(Boolean.FALSE);
class MyInstrument extends TruffleInstruement {
  static final OptionDescriptors CONTEXT_OPTIONS = new MyContextOptionDescriptors();
  protected OptionDescriptors getContextOptionDescriptors() {
     return CONTEXT_OPTIONS;
See Also:
  • to lookup the option values for a context.
/** * Returns a set of option descriptors for instrument options that can be specified per context. * This can be specified in addition to options specified on the engine level, instruments may * specify options for each context. Option descriptors specified per context must not overlap * with option descriptors specified per instrument instance. * <p> * Example usage: * * <pre> * * &#64;Option.Group(MyInstrument.ID) * final class MyContext { * * &#64;Option(category = OptionCategory.EXPERT, help = "Description...") * static final OptionKey<Boolean> MyContextOption = new OptionKey<>(Boolean.FALSE); * } * * &#64;Registration(...) * class MyInstrument extends TruffleInstruement { * * static final OptionDescriptors CONTEXT_OPTIONS = new MyContextOptionDescriptors(); * * //... * * protected OptionDescriptors getContextOptionDescriptors() { * return CONTEXT_OPTIONS; * } * } * </pre> * * @see Env#getOptions(TruffleContext) to lookup the option values for a context. * @since 20.3 */
protected OptionDescriptors getContextOptionDescriptors() { return OptionDescriptors.EMPTY; }
Creates a new context local reference for this instrument. Context locals for instruments allow to store additional top-level values for each context similar to language contexts. This enables instruments to use context local values just as languages using their language context. Context local factories are guaranteed to be invoked after the instrument is created.

Context local references must be created during the invocation in the TruffleInstrument constructor. Calling this method at a later point in time will throw an IllegalStateException. For each registered TruffleInstrument subclass it is required to always produce the same number of context local references. The values produced by the factory must not be null and use a stable exact value type for each instance of a registered instrument class. If the return value of the factory is not stable or null then an IllegalStateException is thrown. These restrictions allow the Truffle runtime to read the value more efficiently.

Usage example:

@TruffleInstrument.Registration(id = "example", name = "Example Instrument")
public static class ExampleInstrument extends TruffleInstrument {
    final ContextLocal local = createContextLocal(ExampleLocal::new);
    protected void onCreate(Env env) {
        ExecutionEventListener listener = new ExecutionEventListener() {
            public void onEnter(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) {
                ExampleLocal value = local.get();
                // use context local value;
            public void onReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) {
            public void onReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) {
    static class ExampleLocal {
        final TruffleContext context;
        ExampleLocal(TruffleContext context) {
            this.context = context;
/** * Creates a new context local reference for this instrument. Context locals for instruments * allow to store additional top-level values for each context similar to language contexts. * This enables instruments to use context local values just as languages using their language * context. Context local factories are guaranteed to be invoked after the instrument is * {@link #onCreate(Env) created}. * <p> * Context local references must be created during the invocation in the * {@link TruffleInstrument} constructor. Calling this method at a later point in time will * throw an {@link IllegalStateException}. For each registered {@link TruffleInstrument} * subclass it is required to always produce the same number of context local references. The * values produced by the factory must not be <code>null</code> and use a stable exact value * type for each instance of a registered instrument class. If the return value of the factory * is not stable or <code>null</code> then an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. These * restrictions allow the Truffle runtime to read the value more efficiently. * <p> * Usage example: * * <pre> * &#64;TruffleInstrument.Registration(id = "example", name = "Example Instrument") * public static class ExampleInstrument extends TruffleInstrument { * * final ContextLocal<ExampleLocal> local = createContextLocal(ExampleLocal::new); * * &#64;Override * protected void onCreate(Env env) { * ExecutionEventListener listener = new ExecutionEventListener() { * public void onEnter(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { * ExampleLocal value = local.get(); * // use context local value; * } * * public void onReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { * } * * public void onReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { * } * }; * * env.getInstrumenter().attachExecutionEventListener( * SourceSectionFilter.ANY, * listener); * } * * static class ExampleLocal { * * final TruffleContext context; * * ExampleLocal(TruffleContext context) { * this.context = context; * } * * } * * } * </pre> * * @since 20.3 */
protected final <T> ContextLocal<T> createContextLocal(ContextLocalFactory<T> factory) { ContextLocal<T> local = ENGINE.createInstrumentContextLocal(factory); if (contextLocals == null) { contextLocals = new ArrayList<>(); } try { contextLocals.add(local); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("The set of context locals is frozen. Context locals can only be created during construction of the TruffleInstrument subclass."); } return local; }
Creates a new context thread local reference for this Truffle language. Context thread locals for languages allow to store additional top-level values for each context and thread. The factory may be invoked on any thread other than the thread of the context thread local value. Context thread local factories are guaranteed to be invoked after the instrument is created.

Context thread local references must be created during the invocation in the TruffleLanguage constructor. Calling this method at a later point in time will throw an IllegalStateException. For each registered TruffleLanguage subclass it is required to always produce the same number of context thread local references. The values produces by the factory must not be null and use a stable exact value type for each instance of a registered language class. If the return value of the factory is not stable or null then an IllegalStateException is thrown. These restrictions allow the Truffle runtime to read the value more efficiently.

Context thread locals should not contain a strong reference to the provided thread. Use a weak reference instance for that purpose.

Usage example:

@TruffleInstrument.Registration(id = "example", name = "Example Instrument")
public static class ExampleInstrument extends TruffleInstrument {
    final ContextThreadLocal local = createContextThreadLocal(ExampleLocal::new);
    protected void onCreate(Env env) {
        ExecutionEventListener listener = new ExecutionEventListener() {
            public void onEnter(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) {
                ExampleLocal value = local.get();
                // use thread local value;
                assert value.thread.get() == Thread.currentThread();
            public void onReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) {
            public void onReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) {
    static class ExampleLocal {
        final TruffleContext context;
        final WeakReference thread;
        ExampleLocal(TruffleContext context, Thread thread) {
            this.context = context;
            this.thread = new WeakReference<>(thread);
/** * Creates a new context thread local reference for this Truffle language. Context thread locals * for languages allow to store additional top-level values for each context and thread. The * factory may be invoked on any thread other than the thread of the context thread local value. * Context thread local factories are guaranteed to be invoked after the instrument is * {@link #onCreate(Env) created}. * <p> * Context thread local references must be created during the invocation in the * {@link TruffleLanguage} constructor. Calling this method at a later point in time will throw * an {@link IllegalStateException}. For each registered {@link TruffleLanguage} subclass it is * required to always produce the same number of context thread local references. The values * produces by the factory must not be <code>null</code> and use a stable exact value type for * each instance of a registered language class. If the return value of the factory is not * stable or <code>null</code> then an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. These * restrictions allow the Truffle runtime to read the value more efficiently. * <p> * Context thread locals should not contain a strong reference to the provided thread. Use a * weak reference instance for that purpose. * <p> * Usage example: * * <pre> * &#64;TruffleInstrument.Registration(id = "example", name = "Example Instrument") * public static class ExampleInstrument extends TruffleInstrument { * * final ContextThreadLocal<ExampleLocal> local = createContextThreadLocal(ExampleLocal::new); * * &#64;Override * protected void onCreate(Env env) { * ExecutionEventListener listener = new ExecutionEventListener() { * public void onEnter(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { * ExampleLocal value = local.get(); * // use thread local value; * assert value.thread.get() == Thread.currentThread(); * } * * public void onReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { * } * * public void onReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { * } * }; * * env.getInstrumenter().attachExecutionEventListener( * SourceSectionFilter.ANY, * listener); * } * * static class ExampleLocal { * * final TruffleContext context; * final WeakReference<Thread> thread; * * ExampleLocal(TruffleContext context, Thread thread) { * this.context = context; * this.thread = new WeakReference<>(thread); * } * } * * } * </pre> * * @since 20.3 */
protected final <T> ContextThreadLocal<T> createContextThreadLocal(ContextThreadLocalFactory<T> factory) { ContextThreadLocal<T> local = ENGINE.createInstrumentContextThreadLocal(factory); if (contextThreadLocals == null) { contextThreadLocals = new ArrayList<>(); } try { contextThreadLocals.add(local); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("The set of context thread locals is frozen. Context thread locals can only be created during construction of the TruffleInstrument subclass."); } return local; }
Context local factory for Truffle instruments. Creates a new value per context.
/** * Context local factory for Truffle instruments. Creates a new value per context. * * @since 20.3 */
@FunctionalInterface protected interface ContextLocalFactory<T> {
Returns a new value for a context local of an instrument. The returned value must not be null and must return a stable and exact type per registered instrument. A thread local must always return the same class, even for multiple instances of the same TruffleInstrument. If this method throws an AbstractTruffleException the exception interop messages may be executed without a context being entered.
See Also:
/** * Returns a new value for a context local of an instrument. The returned value must not be * <code>null</code> and must return a stable and exact type per registered instrument. A * thread local must always return the same {@link Object#getClass() class}, even for * multiple instances of the same {@link TruffleInstrument}. If this method throws an * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException} the exception interop * messages may be executed without a context being entered. * * @see TruffleInstrument#createContextLocal(ContextLocalFactory) * @since 20.3 */
T create(TruffleContext context); }
Context local factory for Truffle instruments. Creates a new value per context and thread.
/** * Context local factory for Truffle instruments. Creates a new value per context and thread. * * @since 20.3 */
@FunctionalInterface protected interface ContextThreadLocalFactory<T> {
Returns a new value for a context thread local for a context and thread. The returned value must not be null and must return a stable and exact type per registered instrument. A thread local must always return the same class, even for multiple instances of the same TruffleInstrument. If this method throws an AbstractTruffleException the exception interop messages may be executed without a context being entered.
See Also:
/** * Returns a new value for a context thread local for a context and thread. The returned * value must not be <code>null</code> and must return a stable and exact type per * registered instrument. A thread local must always return the same * {@link Object#getClass() class}, even for multiple instances of the same * {@link TruffleInstrument}. If this method throws an * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException} the exception interop * messages may be executed without a context being entered. * * @see TruffleInstrument#createContextThreadLocal(ContextThreadLocalFactory) * @since 20.3 */
T create(TruffleContext context, Thread thread); }
Access to instrumentation services as well as input, output, and error streams.
/** * Access to instrumentation services as well as input, output, and error streams. * * @since 0.12 */
@SuppressWarnings("static-method") public static final class Env { private static final InteropLibrary INTEROP = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(); private final Object polyglotInstrument; private final InputStream in; private final OutputStream err; private final OutputStream out; private final MessageTransport messageTransport; OptionValues options; InstrumentClientInstrumenter instrumenter; private List<Object> services; Env(Object polyglotInstrument, OutputStream out, OutputStream err, InputStream in, MessageTransport messageInterceptor) { this.polyglotInstrument = polyglotInstrument; this.in = in; this.err = err; this.out = out; this.messageTransport = messageInterceptor != null ? new MessageTransportProxy(messageInterceptor) : null; } Object getPolyglotInstrument() { return polyglotInstrument; }
Returns the instrumenter which lets you instrument guest language ASTs.
See Also:
  • Instrumenter
/** * Returns the instrumenter which lets you instrument guest language ASTs. * * @see Instrumenter * @since 0.12 */
public Instrumenter getInstrumenter() { return instrumenter; }
Input associated with Engine this instrument is being executed in.
Returns:reader, never null
/** * Input associated with {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine} this {@link TruffleInstrument * instrument} is being executed in. * * @return reader, never <code>null</code> * @since 0.12 */
public InputStream in() { return in; }
Standard output writer for Engine this instrument is being executed in.
Returns:writer, never null
/** * Standard output writer for {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine} this * {@link TruffleInstrument instrument} is being executed in. * * @return writer, never <code>null</code> * @since 0.12 */
public OutputStream out() { return out; }
Standard error writer for Engine this instrument is being executed in.
Returns:writer, never null
/** * Standard error writer for {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine} this * {@link TruffleInstrument instrument} is being executed in. * * @return writer, never <code>null</code> * @since 0.12 */
public OutputStream err() { return err; }
Start a server at the provided URI via the MessageTransport service. Before an instrument creates a server endpoint for a message protocol, it needs to check the result of this method. When a virtual message transport is available, it blocks until a client connects and MessageEndpoint representing the peer endpoint is returned. Those endpoints need to be used instead of a direct creation of a server socket. If no virtual message transport is available at that URI, null is returned and the instrument needs to set up the server itself.

When VetoException is thrown, the server creation needs to be abandoned.

This method can be called concurrently from multiple threads. However, the MessageEndpoint ought to be called on one thread at a time, unless you're sure that the particular implementation can handle concurrent calls. The same holds true for the returned endpoint, it's called synchronously.

  • uri – the URI of the server endpoint
  • server – the handler of messages at the server side
  • VetoException – if creation of a server at that URI is not allowed
Returns:an implementation of MessageEndpoint call back representing the client side, or null when no virtual transport is available
/** * Start a server at the provided URI via the {@link MessageTransport} service. Before an * instrument creates a server endpoint for a message protocol, it needs to check the result * of this method. When a virtual message transport is available, it blocks until a client * connects and {@link MessageEndpoint} representing the peer endpoint is returned. Those * endpoints need to be used instead of a direct creation of a server socket. If no virtual * message transport is available at that URI, <code>null</code> is returned and the * instrument needs to set up the server itself. * <p> * When {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.io.MessageTransport.VetoException} is thrown, the server * creation needs to be abandoned. * <p> * This method can be called concurrently from multiple threads. However, the * {@link MessageEndpoint} ought to be called on one thread at a time, unless you're sure * that the particular implementation can handle concurrent calls. The same holds true for * the returned endpoint, it's called synchronously. * * @param uri the URI of the server endpoint * @param server the handler of messages at the server side * @return an implementation of {@link MessageEndpoint} call back representing the client * side, or <code>null</code> when no virtual transport is available * @throws MessageTransport.VetoException if creation of a server at that URI is not allowed * @since 19.0 */
public MessageEndpoint startServer(URI uri, MessageEndpoint server) throws IOException, MessageTransport.VetoException { if (messageTransport == null) { return null; } return messageTransport.open(uri, server); }
Registers additional service. This method can be called multiple time, but only during initialization of the instrument. These services are made available to users via Instrument.lookup query method. This method can only be called from TruffleInstrument.onCreate(Env) method - then the services are collected and cannot be changed anymore.
/** * Registers additional service. This method can be called multiple time, but only during * {@link #onCreate(com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.TruffleInstrument.Env) * initialization of the instrument}. These services are made available to users via * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Instrument#lookup} query method. * * This method can only be called from * {@link #onCreate(com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.TruffleInstrument.Env)} method - * then the services are collected and cannot be changed anymore. * * @param service a service to be returned from associated * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Instrument#lookup} * @throws IllegalStateException if the method is called later than from * {@link #onCreate(com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.TruffleInstrument.Env) } * method * @since 0.12 */
public void registerService(Object service) { if (services == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } services.add(service); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @TruffleBoundary static <T extends RuntimeException> RuntimeException engineToInstrumentException(Throwable t) { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().engineToInstrumentException(t); }
Queries a language implementation for a special service. The services can be provided by the language by directly implementing them when subclassing TruffleLanguage. The truffle language needs to be entered on the current Thread otherwise an AssertionError is thrown.
  • language – identification of the language to query
  • type – the class of the requested type
Type parameters:
  • <S> – the requested type
Returns:the registered service or null if none is found
/** * Queries a {@link TruffleLanguage language implementation} for a special service. The * services can be provided by the language by directly implementing them when subclassing * {@link TruffleLanguage}. The truffle language needs to be entered on the current Thread * otherwise an {@link AssertionError} is thrown. * * @param <S> the requested type * @param language identification of the language to query * @param type the class of the requested type * @return the registered service or <code>null</code> if none is found * @since 0.26 */
public <S> S lookup(LanguageInfo language, Class<S> type) { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().lookup(language, type); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns an additional service provided by this instrument, specified by type. If an instrument is not enabled, it will be enabled automatically by requesting a supported service. If the instrument does not provide a service for a given type it will not be enabled automatically. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if a service is looked up from the current instrument.
  • instrument – identification of the instrument to query
  • type – the class of the requested type
Type parameters:
  • <S> – the requested type
Returns:the registered service or null if none is found
/** * Returns an additional service provided by this instrument, specified by type. If an * instrument is not enabled, it will be enabled automatically by requesting a supported * service. If the instrument does not provide a service for a given type it will not be * enabled automatically. An {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown if a service is * looked up from the current instrument. * * @param <S> the requested type * @param instrument identification of the instrument to query * @param type the class of the requested type * @return the registered service or <code>null</code> if none is found * @since 0.26 */
public <S> S lookup(InstrumentInfo instrument, Class<S> type) { try { Object vm = InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().getPolyglotInstrument(instrument); if (vm == this.polyglotInstrument) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not allowed to lookup services from the currrent instrument."); } return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().lookup(instrument, type); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns a map language id to language info of all languages that are installed in the environment.
/** * Returns a map {@link LanguageInfo#getId() language id} to {@link LanguageInfo language * info} of all languages that are installed in the environment. * * @since 0.26 */
public Map<String, LanguageInfo> getLanguages() { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getInternalLanguages(polyglotInstrument); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns a map instrument id to instrument info of all instruments that are installed in the environment.
/** * Returns a map {@link InstrumentInfo#getId() instrument id} to {@link InstrumentInfo * instrument info} of all instruments that are installed in the environment. * * @since 0.26 */
public Map<String, InstrumentInfo> getInstruments() { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getInstruments(polyglotInstrument); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } } Object[] onCreate(TruffleInstrument instrument) { List<Object> arr = new ArrayList<>(); services = arr; try { instrument.onCreate(this); } finally { services = null; } return arr.toArray(); }
Returns the context independent option values for the options described in TruffleInstrument.getOptionDescriptors(). The returned options are never null.
See Also:
/** * Returns the context independent option values for the options described in * {@link TruffleInstrument#getOptionDescriptors()}. The returned options are never * <code>null</code>. * * @see #getOptions(TruffleContext) to return the context specific options for this * instrument. * @since 0.27 */
public OptionValues getOptions() { return options; }
Returns the context specific option values for the options described in TruffleInstrument.getContextOptionDescriptors() and TruffleInstrument.getOptionDescriptors(). Instrument context options can be different for each TruffleContext, whereas regular options cannot.
See Also:
/** * Returns the context specific option values for the options described in * {@link TruffleInstrument#getContextOptionDescriptors()} and * {@link TruffleInstrument#getOptionDescriptors()}. Instrument context options can be * different for each TruffleContext, whereas regular options cannot. * * @see #getOptions() to get the context independent options set for this instrument * @since 20.3 */
@TruffleBoundary public OptionValues getOptions(TruffleContext context) { Objects.requireNonNull(context); return InstrumentAccessor.ENGINE.getInstrumentContextOptions(polyglotInstrument, InstrumentAccessor.LANGUAGE.getPolyglotContext(context)); }
Evaluates source of (potentially different) language using the current context.The names of arguments are parameters for the resulting {#link CallTarget} that allow the source to reference the actual parameters passed to CallTarget.call(Object...).
  • source – the source to evaluate
  • argumentNames – the names of CallTarget.call(Object...) arguments that can be referenced from the source
Returns:the call target representing the parsed result
/** * Evaluates source of (potentially different) language using the current context.The names * of arguments are parameters for the resulting {#link CallTarget} that allow the * <code>source</code> to reference the actual parameters passed to * {@link CallTarget#call(java.lang.Object...)}. * * @param source the source to evaluate * @param argumentNames the names of {@link CallTarget#call(java.lang.Object...)} arguments * that can be referenced from the source * @return the call target representing the parsed result * @throws IOException if the parsing or evaluation fails for some reason * @throws SecurityException * @since 0.12 */
public CallTarget parse(Source source, String... argumentNames) throws IOException { try { TruffleLanguage.Env env = InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getEnvForInstrument(source.getLanguage(), source.getMimeType()); return InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().parse(env, source, null, argumentNames); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Parses source snippet of the node's language at the provided node location. The result is an AST fragment represented by ExecutableNode that accepts frames valid at the provided node location, or null when inline parsing is not supported by the language.
  • source – a source snippet to parse at the provided node location
  • node – a context location where the source is parsed at, must not be null
  • frame – a frame location where the source is parsed at, can be null
Returns:the executable fragment representing the parsed result, or null
/** * Parses source snippet of the node's language at the provided node location. The result is * an AST fragment represented by {@link ExecutableNode} that accepts frames valid at the * provided node location, or <code>null</code> when inline parsing is not supported by the * language. * * @param source a source snippet to parse at the provided node location * @param node a context location where the source is parsed at, must not be * <code>null</code> * @param frame a frame location where the source is parsed at, can be <code>null</code> * @return the executable fragment representing the parsed result, or <code>null</code> * @since 0.31 */
public ExecutableNode parseInline(Source source, Node node, MaterializedFrame frame) { try { if (node == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node must not be null."); } TruffleLanguage.Env env = InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getEnvForInstrument(source.getLanguage(), source.getMimeType()); // Assert that the languages match: assert InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().getLanguageInfo(env) == node.getRootNode().getLanguageInfo(); ExecutableNode fragment = InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().parseInline(env, source, node, frame); if (fragment != null) { TruffleLanguage<?> languageSPI = InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().getSPI(env); fragment = new GuardedExecutableNode(languageSPI, fragment, frame); } return fragment; } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns a TruffleFile for given path. This must be called on a context thread only.
  • path – the absolute or relative path to create TruffleFile for
/** * Returns a {@link TruffleFile} for given path. This must be called on a context thread * only. * * @param path the absolute or relative path to create {@link TruffleFile} for * @return {@link TruffleFile} * @since 19.0 */
public TruffleFile getTruffleFile(String path) { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getTruffleFile(path); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns a TruffleFile for given URI. This must be called on a context thread only.
/** * Returns a {@link TruffleFile} for given {@link URI}. This must be called on a context * thread only. * * @param uri the {@link URI} to create {@link TruffleFile} for * @return {@link TruffleFile} * @since 19.0 */
public TruffleFile getTruffleFile(URI uri) { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getTruffleFile(uri); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns the entered TruffleContext or null when no context is entered.
/** * Returns the entered {@link TruffleContext} or {@code null} when no context is entered. * * @since 20.3 */
public TruffleContext getEnteredContext() { return InstrumentAccessor.ENGINE.getCurrentCreatorTruffleContext(); } private static class GuardedExecutableNode extends ExecutableNode { private final FrameDescriptor frameDescriptor; @Child private ExecutableNode fragment; GuardedExecutableNode(TruffleLanguage<?> languageSPI, ExecutableNode fragment, MaterializedFrame frameLocation) { super(languageSPI); this.frameDescriptor = (frameLocation != null) ? frameLocation.getFrameDescriptor() : null; this.fragment = fragment; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { assert frameDescriptor == null || frameDescriptor == frame.getFrameDescriptor(); assureAdopted(); Object ret = fragment.execute(frame); assert checkNullOrInterop(ret); return ret; } private void assureAdopted() { if (getParent() == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new IllegalStateException("Needs to be inserted into the AST before execution."); } } } private static boolean checkNullOrInterop(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return true; } InstrumentAccessor.interopAccess().checkInteropType(obj); return true; }
Returns true if the given root node is considered an engine evaluation root for the current execution context. Multiple such root nodes can appear on stack frames returned by TruffleRuntime.iterateFrames(FrameInstanceVisitor<Object>). A debugger implementation might use this information to hide stack frames of other engines.
  • root – the root node to check
Returns:true if engine root else false
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the given root node is considered an engine evaluation root * for the current execution context. Multiple such root nodes can appear on stack frames * returned by * {@link TruffleRuntime#iterateFrames(com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameInstanceVisitor)}. * A debugger implementation might use this information to hide stack frames of other * engines. * * @param root the root node to check * @return <code>true</code> if engine root else <code>false</code> * @since 0.17 */
public boolean isEngineRoot(RootNode root) { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().isEvalRoot(root); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Request for languages to provide stack frames of scheduled asynchronous execution. Languages might not provide asynchronous stack frames by default for performance reasons. At most depth asynchronous stack frames are asked for. When multiple instruments call this method, the languages get a maximum depth of these calls and may therefore provide longer asynchronous stacks than requested. Also, languages may provide asynchronous stacks if it's of no performance penalty, or if requested by other options.

Asynchronous stacks can then be accessed via TruffleStackTrace.getAsynchronousStackTrace(CallTarget, Frame).
  • depth – the requested stack depth, 0 means no asynchronous stack frames are required.
See Also:
/** * Request for languages to provide stack frames of scheduled asynchronous execution. * Languages might not provide asynchronous stack frames by default for performance reasons. * At most <code>depth</code> asynchronous stack frames are asked for. When multiple * instruments call this method, the languages get a maximum depth of these calls and may * therefore provide longer asynchronous stacks than requested. Also, languages may provide * asynchronous stacks if it's of no performance penalty, or if requested by other options. * <p/> * Asynchronous stacks can then be accessed via * {@link TruffleStackTrace#getAsynchronousStackTrace(CallTarget, Frame)}. * * @param depth the requested stack depth, 0 means no asynchronous stack frames are * required. * @see TruffleStackTrace#getAsynchronousStackTrace(CallTarget, Frame) * @since 20.1.0 */
public void setAsynchronousStackDepth(int depth) { InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().setAsynchronousStackDepth(polyglotInstrument, depth); }
Returns the language info for a given language class if available. Language classes are typically obtained by invoking the InteropLibrary.getLanguage(Object) message. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the provided language is not registered. Note that languages may be returned that are not contained in getLanguages(). For example, values originating from the embedder like Java classes or polyglot proxies.
  • languageClass – the language class to convert
Returns:the associated language info
/** * Returns the {@link LanguageInfo language info} for a given language class if available. * Language classes are typically obtained by invoking the * {@link InteropLibrary#getLanguage(Object)} message. Throws an * {@link IllegalArgumentException} if the provided language is not registered. Note that * languages may be returned that are not contained in {@link #getLanguages()}. For example, * values originating from the embedder like Java classes or {@link Proxy polyglot proxies}. * * @param languageClass the language class to convert * @return the associated language info * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language class is not valid. * * @since 20.1 */
@TruffleBoundary public LanguageInfo getLanguageInfo(Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> languageClass) { try { Objects.requireNonNull(languageClass); return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getLanguageInfo(polyglotInstrument, languageClass); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Wraps the provided value to provide language specific information for primitive and foreign values. A typical implementation of a given language for this method does the following:
  • Return the current language as their associated language.
  • Provide a language specific display string for primitive and foreign values.
  • Return a language specific metaobject primitive or foreign values.
  • Add members to the object that would implicitly be available for all objects. For example, any JavaScript object is expected to have a prototype member. Foreign objects, even if they do not have such a member, are interpreted as if they have.
  • language – the language to provide the view for
  • value – the value to language specific information for.
See Also:
/** * Wraps the provided value to provide language specific information for primitive and * foreign values. A typical implementation of a given language for this method does the * following: * <ul> * <li>Return the current language as their associated * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary#getLanguage(Object) language}. * <li>Provide a language specific * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary#toDisplayString(Object) display * string} for primitive and foreign values. * <li>Return a language specific * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary#getMetaObject(Object) metaobject} * primitive or foreign values. * <li>Add members to the object that would implicitly be available for all objects. For * example, any JavaScript object is expected to have a prototype member. Foreign objects, * even if they do not have such a member, are interpreted as if they have. * </ul> * * @param language the language to provide the view for * @param value the value to language specific information for. * @see TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) * @since 20.1 */
@TruffleBoundary public Object getLanguageView(LanguageInfo language, Object value) { try { Objects.requireNonNull(language); return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getLanguageView(language, value); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns the scoped view of a value for a location in the AST. Allows the language to augment the perspective that tools have on values depending on location and frame. This may be useful to apply local specific visibility and accessibility rules. A typical implementation of this method may do the following:
  • Apply visiblity and scoping rules to the value hiding or removing members from the object.
  • Add or remove implicit members that are only available within this source location.

The provided language must match the language of the root node of the location provided. The frame must have the same FrameDescriptor associated as the RootNode of the provided location. The provided location must be instrumentable. If any of these pre-conditions are violated then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

If a value is not yet associated with the provided language, then a language view will be requested implicitly. Only interop messages should be used on the result of this method.

See Also:
Deprecated:in 20.3 for removal, use getLanguageView(LanguageInfo, Object) followed by NodeLibrary.getView(Object, Frame, Object) instead.
/** * Returns the scoped view of a value for a location in the AST. Allows the language to * augment the perspective that tools have on values depending on location and frame. This * may be useful to apply local specific visibility and accessibility rules. A typical * implementation of this method may do the following: * <ul> * <li>Apply visiblity and scoping rules to the value hiding or removing members from the * object. * <li>Add or remove implicit members that are only available within this source location. * </ul> * <p> * The provided language must match the language of the {@link Node#getRootNode() root node} * of the location provided. The frame must have the same {@link FrameDescriptor} associated * as the {@link RootNode} of the provided location. The provided location must be * {@link InstrumentableNode#isInstrumentable() instrumentable}. If any of these * pre-conditions are violated then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * <p> * If a value is not yet associated with the provided language, then a * {@link #getLanguageView(LanguageInfo, Object) language view} will be requested * implicitly. Only {@link InteropLibrary interop} messages should be used on the result of * this method. * * @param language the language must match the language * @param location the location to provide scope for. Never <code>null</code> and returns * <code>true</code> for {@link InstrumentableNode#isInstrumentable()}. E.g. any * location observed using {@link EventContext#getInstrumentedNode()}. * @param frame the frame of the current activation of the parent {@link RootNode}. * @param value the value to provide scope information for. * * @see com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.NodeLibrary#getView(Object, Frame, Object) * @since 20.1 * @deprecated in 20.3 for removal, use {@link #getLanguageView(LanguageInfo, Object)} * followed by * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.NodeLibrary#getView(Object, Frame, Object)} * instead. */
@Deprecated @TruffleBoundary public Object getScopedView(LanguageInfo language, Node location, Frame frame, Object value) { try { Objects.requireNonNull(language); return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getScopedView(language, location, frame, value); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Uses the provided language to print a string representation of this value. The behavior of this method is undefined if a type unknown to the language is passed as a value.
  • language – a language
  • value – a known value of that language, must be an interop type (i.e. either implementing TruffleObject or be a primitive value)
See Also:
Returns:a human readable string representation of the value.
Deprecated:in 20.1 for removal, use getLanguageView(LanguageInfo, Object) and InteropLibrary.toDisplayString(Object) instead.
/** * Uses the provided language to print a string representation of this value. The behavior * of this method is undefined if a type unknown to the language is passed as a value. * * @param language a language * @param value a known value of that language, must be an interop type (i.e. either * implementing TruffleObject or be a primitive value) * @return a human readable string representation of the value. * @see #findLanguage(java.lang.Object) * @since 0.27 * @deprecated in 20.1 for removal, use {@link #getLanguageView(LanguageInfo, Object)} and * {@link InteropLibrary#toDisplayString(Object)} instead. */
@Deprecated @TruffleBoundary public String toString(LanguageInfo language, Object value) { try { Object displayString = INTEROP.toDisplayString(getLanguageView(language, value)); try { return INTEROP.asString(displayString); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { throw new AssertionError("Message toDisplayResult does not return a value string."); } } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Uses the provided language to find a metaobject of a value, if any. The metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals it's kind and it's features. Some information that a metaobject might define includes the base object's type, interface, class, methods, attributes, etc. When no metaobject is known, null is returned. For the best results, use the value's language, if any.
  • language – a language
  • value – a value to find the metaobject of, must be an interop type (i.e. either implementing TruffleObject or be a primitive value)
See Also:
Returns:the metaobject, or null
Deprecated:in 20.1 for removal, use getLanguageView(LanguageInfo, Object) and InteropLibrary.getMetaObject(Object) instead.
/** * Uses the provided language to find a metaobject of a value, if any. The metaobject * represents a description of the object, reveals it's kind and it's features. Some * information that a metaobject might define includes the base object's type, interface, * class, methods, attributes, etc. When no metaobject is known, <code>null</code> is * returned. For the best results, use the {@link #findLanguage(java.lang.Object) value's * language}, if any. * * @param language a language * @param value a value to find the metaobject of, must be an interop type (i.e. either * implementing TruffleObject or be a primitive value) * @return the metaobject, or <code>null</code> * @see #findLanguage(java.lang.Object) * @since 0.27 * @deprecated in 20.1 for removal, use {@link #getLanguageView(LanguageInfo, Object)} and * {@link InteropLibrary#getMetaObject(Object)} instead. */
@Deprecated public Object findMetaObject(LanguageInfo language, Object value) { try { InstrumentAccessor.interopAccess().checkInteropType(value); try { return INTEROP.getMetaObject(getLanguageView(language, value)); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { return null; } } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Uses the provided language to find a source location where a value is declared, if any. For the best results, use the value's language, if any.
  • language – a language
  • value – a value to get the source location for, must be an interop type (i.e. either implementing TruffleObject or be a primitive value)
See Also:
Returns:a source location of the object, or null
Deprecated:in 20.1 for removal, use InteropLibrary.getSourceLocation(Object) instead.
/** * Uses the provided language to find a source location where a value is declared, if any. * For the best results, use the {@link #findLanguage(java.lang.Object) value's language}, * if any. * * @param language a language * @param value a value to get the source location for, must be an interop type (i.e. either * implementing TruffleObject or be a primitive value) * @return a source location of the object, or <code>null</code> * @see #findLanguage(java.lang.Object) * @since 0.27 * @deprecated in 20.1 for removal, use {@link InteropLibrary#getSourceLocation(Object)} * instead. */
@Deprecated public SourceSection findSourceLocation(LanguageInfo language, Object value) { try { try { Object view = getLanguageView(language, value); if (INTEROP.hasSourceLocation(view)) { return INTEROP.getSourceLocation(view); } } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } return null; } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Find a language that created the value, if any. This method will return null for values representing a primitive value, or objects that are not associated with any language.
  • value – the value to find a language of
Returns:the language, or null when there is no language associated with the value.
Deprecated:use InteropLibrary.getLanguage(Object) with getLanguageInfo(Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>>) instead.
/** * Find a language that created the value, if any. This method will return <code>null</code> * for values representing a primitive value, or objects that are not associated with any * language. * * @param value the value to find a language of * @return the language, or <code>null</code> when there is no language associated with the * value. * @since 0.27 * @deprecated use {@link InteropLibrary#getLanguage(Object)} with * {@link #getLanguageInfo(Class)} instead. */
@Deprecated public LanguageInfo findLanguage(Object value) { try { LanguageInfo language = null; if (INTEROP.hasLanguage(value)) { try { language = getLanguageInfo(INTEROP.getLanguage(value)); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new AssertionError(e); } } return language; } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns the polyglot scope - symbols explicitly exported by languages.
Returns:a read-only map of symbol names and their values
Deprecated:Use getPolyglotBindings() instead.
/** * Returns the polyglot scope - symbols explicitly exported by languages. * * @return a read-only map of symbol names and their values * @since 0.30 * @deprecated Use {@link #getPolyglotBindings()} instead. */
@Deprecated public Map<String, ? extends Object> getExportedSymbols() { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getExportedSymbols(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Returns the polyglot scope - symbols explicitly exported by languages. The polyglot bindings of the current entered context are returned.
Returns:an interop object having the symbol names as properties
/** * Returns the polyglot scope - symbols explicitly exported by languages. The polyglot * bindings of the current entered context are returned. * * @return an interop object having the symbol names as properties * @since 20.1 */
public Object getPolyglotBindings() { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getPolyglotBindingsObject(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Find a list of local scopes enclosing the given node. The scopes contain variables that are valid at the provided node and that have a relation to it. Unless the node is in a global scope, it is expected that there is at least one scope provided, that corresponds to the enclosing function. Global top scopes are provided by findTopScopes(String). The iteration order corresponds with the scope nesting, from the inner-most to the outer-most.

Scopes may depend on the information provided by the frame.
Lexical scopes are returned when frame argument is null.

  • node – a node to get the enclosing scopes for. The node needs to be inside a RootNode associated with a language.
  • frame – The current frame the node is in, or null for lexical access when the program is not running, or is not suspended at the node's location.
See Also:
Returns:an Iterable providing list of scopes from the inner-most to the outer-most.
Deprecated:in 20.3, use NodeLibrary instead.
/** * Find a list of local scopes enclosing the given {@link Node node}. The scopes contain * variables that are valid at the provided node and that have a relation to it. Unless the * node is in a global scope, it is expected that there is at least one scope provided, that * corresponds to the enclosing function. Global top scopes are provided by * {@link #findTopScopes(java.lang.String)}. The iteration order corresponds with the scope * nesting, from the inner-most to the outer-most. * <p> * Scopes may depend on the information provided by the frame. <br/> * Lexical scopes are returned when <code>frame</code> argument is <code>null</code>. * * @param node a node to get the enclosing scopes for. The node needs to be inside a * {@link RootNode} associated with a language. * @param frame The current frame the node is in, or <code>null</code> for lexical access * when the program is not running, or is not suspended at the node's location. * @return an {@link Iterable} providing list of scopes from the inner-most to the * outer-most. * @see TruffleLanguage#findLocalScopes(java.lang.Object, com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node, * com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame) * @since 0.30 * @deprecated in 20.3, use NodeLibrary instead. */
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Iterable<com.oracle.truffle.api.Scope> findLocalScopes(Node node, Frame frame) { try { RootNode rootNode = node.getRootNode(); if (rootNode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The node " + node + " does not have a RootNode."); } LanguageInfo languageInfo = rootNode.getLanguageInfo(); if (languageInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The root node " + rootNode + " does not have a language associated."); } Iterable<com.oracle.truffle.api.Scope> langScopes = InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().findLibraryLocalScopesToLegacy(node, frame); assert langScopes != null : languageInfo.getId(); return langScopes; } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Find a list of top scopes of a language. The iteration order corresponds with the scope nesting, from the inner-most to the outer-most.
  • languageId – a language id.
See Also:
Returns:a list of top scopes, can be empty when no top scopes are provided by the language
Deprecated:in 20.3, use getScope(LanguageInfo) instead.
/** * Find a list of top scopes of a language. The iteration order corresponds with the scope * nesting, from the inner-most to the outer-most. * * @param languageId a language id. * @return a list of top scopes, can be empty when no top scopes are provided by the * language * @see TruffleLanguage#findTopScopes(java.lang.Object) * @since 0.30 * @deprecated in 20.3, use {@link #getScope(LanguageInfo)} instead. */
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Iterable<com.oracle.truffle.api.Scope> findTopScopes(String languageId) { LanguageInfo languageInfo = getLanguages().get(languageId); if (languageInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown language: " + languageId + ". Known languages are: " + getLanguages().keySet()); } Object scope = getScope(languageInfo); return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().topScopesToLegacy(scope); }
Provides top scope object of the language, if any. Uses the current context to find the language scope associated with. The returned object is an interop scope object, or null.
  • language – a language
See Also:
Returns:the top scope, or null if the language does not support such concept
/** * Provides top scope object of the language, if any. Uses the current context to find the * language scope associated with. The returned object is an * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary#isScope(Object) interop scope * object}, or <code>null</code>. * * @param language a language * @return the top scope, or <code>null</code> if the language does not support such concept * @see TruffleLanguage#getScope(Object) * @since 20.3 */
public Object getScope(LanguageInfo language) { assert language != null; try { final TruffleLanguage.Env env = InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getEnvForInstrument(language); return InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().getScope(env); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Find or create an engine bound logger for an instrument. When a logging is required from a thread which entered a context the context's logging handler and options are used. Otherwise the engine's logging handler and options are used.

If a logger with given name already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is created.

Unlike loggers created by TruffleLogger.getLogger loggers created by this method are bound to engine, there may be more logger instances having the same name but each bound to different engine instance. Instruments should never store the returned logger into a static fields. A new logger must be always created in onCreate method.

  • loggerName – the the name of a TruffleLogger, if a loggerName is null or empty a root logger for language or instrument is returned
Returns:a TruffleLogger
/** * Find or create an engine bound logger for an instrument. When a logging is required from * a thread which entered a context the context's logging handler and options are used. * Otherwise the engine's logging handler and options are used. * <p> * If a logger with given name already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is * created. * <p> * Unlike loggers created by * {@link TruffleLogger#getLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) * TruffleLogger.getLogger} loggers created by this method are bound to engine, there may be * more logger instances having the same name but each bound to different engine instance. * Instruments should never store the returned logger into a static fields. A new logger * must be always created in * {@link TruffleInstrument#onCreate(com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.TruffleInstrument.Env) * onCreate} method. * * @param loggerName the the name of a {@link TruffleLogger}, if a {@code loggerName} is * null or empty a root logger for language or instrument is returned * @return a {@link TruffleLogger} * @since 19.0 */
public TruffleLogger getLogger(String loggerName) { try { return InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getLogger(polyglotInstrument, loggerName); } catch (Throwable t) { throw engineToInstrumentException(t); } }
Find or create an engine bound logger for an instrument. The engine bound loggers can be used by threads executing without any current context. When a logging is required from a thread which entered a context the context's logging handler and options are used. Otherwise the engine's logging handler and options are used.

If a logger for the class already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is created.

Unlike loggers created by TruffleLogger.getLogger loggers created by this method are bound to engine, there may be more logger instances having the same name but each bound to different engine instance. Instruments should never store the returned logger into a static fields. A new logger must be always created in onCreate method.

  • forClass – the Class to create a logger for
Returns:a TruffleLogger
/** * Find or create an engine bound logger for an instrument. The engine bound loggers can be * used by threads executing without any current context. When a logging is required from a * thread which entered a context the context's logging handler and options are used. * Otherwise the engine's logging handler and options are used. * <p> * If a logger for the class already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is * created. * <p> * Unlike loggers created by * {@link TruffleLogger#getLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) * TruffleLogger.getLogger} loggers created by this method are bound to engine, there may be * more logger instances having the same name but each bound to different engine instance. * Instruments should never store the returned logger into a static fields. A new logger * must be always created in * {@link TruffleInstrument#onCreate(com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.TruffleInstrument.Env) * onCreate} method. * * @param forClass the {@link Class} to create a logger for * @return a {@link TruffleLogger} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code forClass} is null * @since 19.0 */
public TruffleLogger getLogger(Class<?> forClass) { return getLogger(forClass.getName()); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") static Iterable<com.oracle.truffle.api.Scope> findTopScopes(TruffleLanguage.Env env) { Iterable<com.oracle.truffle.api.Scope> langScopes = InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().findTopScopes(env); assert langScopes != null : InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().getLanguageInfo(env).getId(); return langScopes; } private static class MessageTransportProxy implements MessageTransport { private final MessageTransport transport; MessageTransportProxy(MessageTransport transport) { this.transport = transport; } @Override public MessageEndpoint open(URI uri, MessageEndpoint peerEndpoint) throws IOException, VetoException { Objects.requireNonNull(peerEndpoint, "The peer endpoint must be non null."); MessageEndpoint openedEndpoint = transport.open(uri, new MessageEndpointProxy(peerEndpoint)); if (openedEndpoint == null) { return null; } return new MessageEndpointProxy(openedEndpoint); } private static class MessageEndpointProxy implements MessageEndpoint { private final MessageEndpoint endpoint; MessageEndpointProxy(MessageEndpoint endpoint) { this.endpoint = endpoint; } @Override public void sendText(String text) throws IOException { endpoint.sendText(text); } @Override public void sendBinary(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException { endpoint.sendBinary(data); } @Override public void sendPing(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException { endpoint.sendPing(data); } @Override public void sendPong(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException { endpoint.sendPong(data); } @Override public void sendClose() throws IOException { endpoint.sendClose(); } } } }
Annotation that registers an instrument implementations for automatic discovery.
/** * Annotation that registers an {@link TruffleInstrument instrument} implementations for * automatic discovery. * * @since 0.12 */
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) public @interface Registration {
A custom machine identifier for this instrument. If not defined then the fully qualified class name is used.
/** * A custom machine identifier for this instrument. If not defined then the fully qualified * class name is used. * * @since 0.12 */
String id() default "";
The name of the instrument in an arbitrary format for humans.
/** * The name of the instrument in an arbitrary format for humans. * * @since 0.12 */
String name() default "";
The version for instrument in an arbitrary format. It inherits from Engine.getVersion() by default.
/** * The version for instrument in an arbitrary format. It inherits from * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine#getVersion()} by default. * * @since 0.12 */
String version() default "inherit";
Specifies whether the instrument is accessible using the polyglot API. Internal instruments are only accessible from other instruments or guest languages.
/** * Specifies whether the instrument is accessible using the polyglot API. Internal * instruments are only accessible from other instruments or guest languages. * * @since 0.27 */
boolean internal() default false;
Declarative list of classes this instrument is known to provide. The instrument is supposed to override its onCreate method and instantiate and register all here in defined services.

Instruments automatically get created when their registered service is requested.

Returns:list of service types that this instrument can provide
/** * Declarative list of classes this instrument is known to provide. The instrument is * supposed to override its * {@link #onCreate(com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.TruffleInstrument.Env) onCreate} * method and instantiate and {@link Env#registerService(java.lang.Object) register} all * here in defined services. * <p> * Instruments automatically get created when their registered * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Instrument#lookup(java.lang.Class) service is requested}. * * @since 0.25 * @return list of service types that this instrument can provide */
Class<?>[] services() default { }; }
Used to register a TruffleInstrument using a ServiceLoader. This interface is not intended to be implemented directly by an instrument developer, rather the implementation is generated by the Truffle DSL. The generated implementation has to inherit the Registration annotations from the TruffleInstrument.
/** * Used to register a {@link TruffleInstrument} using a {@link ServiceLoader}. This interface is * not intended to be implemented directly by an instrument developer, rather the implementation * is generated by the Truffle DSL. The generated implementation has to inherit the * {@link Registration} annotations from the {@link TruffleInstrument}. * * @since 19.3.0 */
public interface Provider {
Returns the name of a class implementing the TruffleInstrument.
/** * Returns the name of a class implementing the {@link TruffleInstrument}. * * @since 19.3.0 */
String getInstrumentClassName();
Creates a new instance of a TruffleInstrument.
/** * Creates a new instance of a {@link TruffleInstrument}. * * @since 19.3.0 */
TruffleInstrument create();
Returns the class names of provided services.
/** * Returns the class names of provided services. * * @since 19.3.0 */
Collection<String> getServicesClassNames(); } static { try { // Instrument is loaded by Engine which should load InstrumentationHandler // this is important to load the accessors properly. Class.forName(InstrumentationHandler.class.getName(), true, InstrumentationHandler.class.getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } }