 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.library;

import static com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleOptions;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.GeneratedBy;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.LibraryExport.DelegateExport;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.EncapsulatingNodeReference;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.NodeCost;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.utilities.FinalBitSet;

import sun.misc.Unsafe;

Library factories allow to create instances of libraries used to call library messages. A library factory for a library class can be looked up using the static method resolve(Class<Library>).

Library instances are either automatically dispatched or manually dispatched. Automatically dispatched libraries always return true for Library.accepts(Object) therefore they can be used with changing receiver values.

Manually dispatched libraries are created once for a receiver and are only valid as long as accepts returns true. Once accepts was checked for an individual value, it is guaranteed that the accepts continues to return true. It is therefore not necessary to call accepts again for multiple message invocations. To create automatically dispatched versions of libraries use either createDispatched(int) or getUncached(). For calling manually dispatched libraries it is recommended to use CachedLibrary instead using the factory manually.

Library instances are either cached or uncached. Cached instances are library instances designed to be used in ASTs. Cached instances are typically adoptable and store additional profiling information for the cached export. This allows to generate call-site specific profiling information for libray calls. Before a cached instance can be used it must be adopted by a parent node. Cached instances of libraries have a cost of NodeCost.MONOMORPHIC for each manually cached library.

Uncached versions are designed to be used from slow-path runtime methods or whenever call-site specific profiling is not desired. All uncached versions of a library are annotated with @TruffleBoundary. Uncached instances always return false for Node.isAdoptable(). Uncached instances of libraries have a cost of NodeCost.MEGAMORPHIC.

This class is intended to be sub-classed by generated code only. Do not sub-class LibraryFactory manually.

See Also:
/** * Library factories allow to create instances of libraries used to call library messages. A library * factory for a library class can be looked up using the static method {@link #resolve(Class)}. * <p> * Library instances are either <i>automatically dispatched</i> or <i>manually dispatched</i>. * Automatically dispatched libraries always return <code>true</code> for * {@link Library#accepts(Object)} therefore they can be used with changing receiver values. * <p> * Manually dispatched libraries are created once for a receiver and are only valid as long as * {@link Library#accepts(Object) accepts} returns <code>true</code>. Once accepts was checked for * an individual value, it is guaranteed that the accepts continues to return true. It is therefore * not necessary to call accepts again for multiple message invocations. To create automatically * dispatched versions of libraries use either {@link #createDispatched(int)} or * {@link #getUncached()}. For calling manually dispatched libraries it is recommended to use * {@link CachedLibrary} instead using the factory manually. * <p> * Library instances are either <i>cached</i> or <i>uncached</i>. Cached instances are library * instances designed to be used in ASTs. Cached instances are typically {@link Node#isAdoptable() * adoptable} and store additional profiling information for the cached export. This allows to * generate call-site specific profiling information for libray calls. Before a cached instance can * be used it must be {@link Node#insert(Node) adopted} by a parent node. Cached instances of * libraries have a {@link Node#getCost() cost} of {@link NodeCost#MONOMORPHIC} for each manually * cached library. * <p> * Uncached versions are designed to be used from slow-path runtime methods or whenever call-site * specific profiling is not desired. All uncached versions of a library are annotated with * {@linkplain TruffleBoundary @TruffleBoundary}. Uncached instances always return * <code>false</code> for {@link Node#isAdoptable()}. Uncached instances of libraries have a * {@link Node#getCost() cost} of {@link NodeCost#MEGAMORPHIC}. * <p> * This class is intended to be sub-classed by generated code only. Do not sub-class * {@link LibraryFactory} manually. * * @see Library * @see LibraryExport * @see CachedLibrary * @see Message * @since 19.0 */
public abstract class LibraryFactory<T extends Library> { private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, LibraryFactory<?>> LIBRARIES; private static final DefaultExportProvider[] EMPTY_DEFAULT_EXPORT_ARRAY = new DefaultExportProvider[0]; static { LIBRARIES = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); }
Reinitializes the state for native image generation. NOTE: this method is called reflectively by downstream projects.
/** * Reinitializes the state for native image generation. * * NOTE: this method is called reflectively by downstream projects. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void reinitializeNativeImageState() { for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, LibraryFactory<?>> entry : LIBRARIES.entrySet()) { LibraryFactory<?> libraryFactory = entry.getValue(); /* Trigger re-initialization of default exports. */ libraryFactory.initDefaultExports(); } }
Resets the state for native image generation. NOTE: this method is called reflectively by downstream projects.
  • imageClassLoader – class loader passed by the image builder.
/** * Resets the state for native image generation. * * NOTE: this method is called reflectively by downstream projects. * * @param imageClassLoader class loader passed by the image builder. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void resetNativeImageState(ClassLoader imageClassLoader) { assert TruffleOptions.AOT : "Only supported during image generation"; for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, LibraryFactory<?>> entry : LIBRARIES.entrySet()) { LibraryFactory<?> libraryFactory = entry.getValue(); removeClassesLoadedDuringImageBuild(libraryFactory.exportCache, imageClassLoader); removeClassesLoadedDuringImageBuild(libraryFactory.uncachedCache, imageClassLoader); removeClassesLoadedDuringImageBuild(libraryFactory.cachedCache, imageClassLoader); /* Reset the default exports. */ LibraryFactory.externalDefaultProviders = null; libraryFactory.afterBuiltinDefaultExports = null; libraryFactory.beforeBuiltinDefaultExports = null; } removeClassesLoadedDuringImageBuild(LIBRARIES, imageClassLoader); removeClassesLoadedDuringImageBuild(ResolvedDispatch.CACHE, imageClassLoader); removeClassesLoadedDuringImageBuild(ResolvedDispatch.REGISTRY, imageClassLoader); } private static void removeClassesLoadedDuringImageBuild(Map<Class<?>, ?> map, ClassLoader imageClassLoader) { Class<?>[] classes = map.keySet().toArray(new Class<?>[0]); for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { if (clazz.getClassLoader() == imageClassLoader) { map.remove(clazz); } } } private final Class<T> libraryClass; private final List<Message> messages; private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, LibraryExport<T>> exportCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, T> uncachedCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, T> cachedCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ProxyExports proxyExports = new ProxyExports(); final Map<String, Message> nameToMessages; @CompilationFinal private volatile T uncachedDispatch; final DynamicDispatchLibrary dispatchLibrary; DefaultExportProvider[] beforeBuiltinDefaultExports; DefaultExportProvider[] afterBuiltinDefaultExports;
Constructor for generated subclasses. Do not sub-class LibraryFactory manually.
/** * Constructor for generated subclasses. Do not sub-class {@link LibraryFactory} manually. * * @since 19.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected LibraryFactory(Class<T> libraryClass, List<Message> messages) { assert this.getClass().getName().endsWith(LibraryExport.GENERATED_CLASS_SUFFIX); assert this.getClass().getAnnotation(GeneratedBy.class) != null; assert this.getClass().getAnnotation(GeneratedBy.class).value() == libraryClass; this.libraryClass = libraryClass; this.messages = Collections.unmodifiableList(messages); Map<String, Message> messagesMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Message message : getMessages()) { assert message.library == null; message.library = (LibraryFactory<Library>) this; messagesMap.put(message.getSimpleName(), message); } this.nameToMessages = messagesMap; if (libraryClass == DynamicDispatchLibrary.class) { this.dispatchLibrary = null; } else { GenerateLibrary annotation = libraryClass.getAnnotation(GenerateLibrary.class); boolean dynamicDispatchEnabled = annotation == null || libraryClass.getAnnotation(GenerateLibrary.class).dynamicDispatchEnabled(); if (dynamicDispatchEnabled) { this.dispatchLibrary = LibraryFactory.resolve(DynamicDispatchLibrary.class).getUncached(); } else { this.dispatchLibrary = null; } } initDefaultExports(); }
Lazyily init the default exports data structures.
/** Lazyily init the default exports data structures. */
private void initDefaultExports() { List<DefaultExportProvider> providers = getExternalDefaultProviders().get(libraryClass.getName()); List<DefaultExportProvider> beforeBuiltin = null; List<DefaultExportProvider> afterBuiltin = null; if (providers != null && !providers.isEmpty()) { for (DefaultExportProvider provider : providers) { List<DefaultExportProvider> providerList = new ArrayList<>(); if (provider.getPriority() > 0) { if (beforeBuiltin == null) { beforeBuiltin = new ArrayList<>(); } providerList = beforeBuiltin; } else { if (afterBuiltin == null) { afterBuiltin = new ArrayList<>(); } providerList = afterBuiltin; } providerList.add(provider); } } if (beforeBuiltin != null) { beforeBuiltinDefaultExports = beforeBuiltin.toArray(new DefaultExportProvider[beforeBuiltin.size()]); } else { beforeBuiltinDefaultExports = EMPTY_DEFAULT_EXPORT_ARRAY; } if (afterBuiltin != null) { afterBuiltinDefaultExports = afterBuiltin.toArray(new DefaultExportProvider[afterBuiltin.size()]); } else { afterBuiltinDefaultExports = EMPTY_DEFAULT_EXPORT_ARRAY; } }
Creates a new cached and automatically dispatched library given a limit. The limit specifies the number of cached instances that will be automatically dispatched until the dispatched library rewrites itself to an uncached version of the library. If the limit is zero then the library will use an uncached version from the start. Negative values will throw an IllegalArgumentException. It is discouraged to use Integer.MAX_VALUE as parameter to this method. Reasonable values for the limit range from zero to ten.

If possible it is recommended to not use this method manually but to use CachedLibrary instead.

Whenever the limit is reached for a node and the uncached version is in use, the current enclosing node will be available to the uncached library export of the library using EncapsulatingNodeReference.

See Also:
/** * Creates a new cached and automatically dispatched library given a limit. The limit specifies * the number of cached instances that will be automatically dispatched until the dispatched * library rewrites itself to an uncached version of the library. If the limit is zero then the * library will use an uncached version from the start. Negative values will throw an * {@link IllegalArgumentException}. It is discouraged to use {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} as * parameter to this method. Reasonable values for the limit range from zero to ten. * <p> * If possible it is recommended to not use this method manually but to use * {@link CachedLibrary} instead. * <p> * Whenever the limit is reached for a node and the uncached version is in use, the current * enclosing node will be available to the uncached library export of the library using * {@link EncapsulatingNodeReference}. * * @see EncapsulatingNodeReference * @see CachedLibrary * @since 19.0 */
@TruffleBoundary public final T createDispatched(int limit) { if (limit <= 0) { return getUncached(); } else { ensureLibraryInitialized(); return createDispatchImpl(limit); } }
Creates a new manually dispatched cached library for a given receiver. The receiver must not be null. The returned library must be adopted before used. For calling manually dispatched libraries it is recommended to use CachedLibrary instead using the factory manually.
See Also:
/** * Creates a new manually dispatched cached library for a given receiver. The receiver must not * be <code>null</code>. The returned library must be adopted before used. For calling manually * dispatched libraries it is recommended to use {@link CachedLibrary} instead using the factory * manually. * * @see CachedLibrary * @since 19.0 */
@TruffleBoundary public final T create(Object receiver) { Class<?> dispatchClass = dispatch(receiver); T cached = cachedCache.get(dispatchClass); if (cached != null) { assert validateExport(receiver, dispatchClass, cached); return cached; } ensureLibraryInitialized(); LibraryExport<T> export = lookupExport(receiver, dispatchClass); cached = export.createCached(receiver); assert (cached = createAssertionsImpl(export, cached)) != null; if (!cached.isAdoptable()) { assert cached.accepts(receiver) : String.format("Invalid accepts implementation detected in '%s'", dispatchClass.getName()); T otherCached = cachedCache.putIfAbsent(dispatchClass, cached); if (otherCached != null) { return otherCached; } } return cached; }
Returns an uncached automatically dispatched version of the library. This is version of a library is used for slow-path calls.
/** * Returns an uncached automatically dispatched version of the library. This is version of a * library is used for slow-path calls. * * @since 19.0 */
public final T getUncached() { T dispatch = this.uncachedDispatch; if (dispatch == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); ensureLibraryInitialized(); dispatch = createUncachedDispatch(); T otherDispatch = this.uncachedDispatch; if (otherDispatch != null) { dispatch = otherDispatch; } else { this.uncachedDispatch = dispatch; } } return dispatch; } private void ensureLibraryInitialized() { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); /* * This is needed to enforce initialization order. This way the library class is always * initialized before any of the export subclasses. So this method must be invoked before * any instantiation of a library export. */ UNSAFE.ensureClassInitialized(libraryClass); }
Returns an uncached manually dispatched library for a given receiver. The receiver must not be null.
See Also:
  • CachedLibrary
/** * Returns an uncached manually dispatched library for a given receiver. The receiver must not * be <code>null</code>. * * @see CachedLibrary * @since 19.0 */
@TruffleBoundary public final T getUncached(Object receiver) { Class<?> dispatchClass = dispatch(receiver); T uncached = uncachedCache.get(dispatchClass); if (uncached != null) { assert validateExport(receiver, dispatchClass, uncached); return uncached; } ensureLibraryInitialized(); LibraryExport<T> export = lookupExport(receiver, dispatchClass); uncached = export.createUncached(receiver); assert validateExport(receiver, dispatchClass, uncached); assert uncached.accepts(receiver); assert (uncached = createAssertionsImpl(export, uncached)) != null; T otherUncached = uncachedCache.putIfAbsent(dispatchClass, uncached); if (otherUncached != null) { return otherUncached; } return uncached; } private static volatile Map<String, List<DefaultExportProvider>> externalDefaultProviders; private static Map<String, List<DefaultExportProvider>> getExternalDefaultProviders() { Map<String, List<DefaultExportProvider>> providers = externalDefaultProviders; if (providers == null) { synchronized (LibraryFactory.class) { providers = externalDefaultProviders; if (providers == null) { providers = loadExternalDefaultProviders(); } } } return providers; } private static Map<String, List<DefaultExportProvider>> loadExternalDefaultProviders() { Map<String, List<DefaultExportProvider>> providers; providers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (DefaultExportProvider provider : LibraryAccessor.engineAccessor().loadServices(DefaultExportProvider.class)) { String libraryClassName = provider.getLibraryClassName(); List<DefaultExportProvider> providerList = providers.get(libraryClassName); if (providerList == null) { providerList = new ArrayList<>(); providers.put(libraryClassName, providerList); } providerList.add(provider); } for (List<DefaultExportProvider> providerList : providers.values()) { Collections.sort(providerList, new Comparator<DefaultExportProvider>() { public int compare(DefaultExportProvider o1, DefaultExportProvider o2) { return Integer.compare(o2.getPriority(), o1.getPriority()); } }); } return providers; } final Class<T> getLibraryClass() { return libraryClass; } final List<Message> getMessages() { return messages; } private T createAssertionsImpl(LibraryExport<T> export, T cached) { if (needsAssertions(export)) { return createAssertions(cached); } else { return cached; } } private boolean needsAssertions(LibraryExport<T> export) { Class<?> registerClass = export.registerClass; if (export.isDefaultExport() && registerClass != null && registerClass.getName().equals("com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.DefaultTruffleObjectExports")) { return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean validateExport(Object receiver, Class<?> dispatchClass, T library) { validateExport(receiver, dispatchClass, lookupExport(receiver, dispatchClass)); // this last check should only be a sanity check and not trigger in practice assert library.accepts(receiver) : library.getClass().getName(); return true; } private Class<?> dispatch(Object receiver) { if (receiver == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null receiver values are not supported by libraries."); } if (dispatchLibrary == null) { return receiver.getClass(); } else { Class<?> dispatch = dispatchLibrary.dispatch(receiver); if (dispatch == null) { return receiver.getClass(); } return dispatch; } }
Creates a cached automatically dispatched version of this library. An implementation for this method is generated, do not implement or call manually.
/** * Creates a cached automatically dispatched version of this library. An implementation for this * method is generated, do not implement or call manually. * * @since 19.0 */
protected abstract T createDispatchImpl(int limit);
Creates a uncached automatically dispatched version of this library. An implementation for this method is generated, do not implement or call manually.
/*** * Creates a uncached automatically dispatched version of this library. An implementation for * this method is generated, do not implement or call manually. * * @since 19.0 */
protected abstract T createUncachedDispatch();
Creates a proxy version of this library. A proxy version is responsible for dispatching to reflective implementations of messages. An implementation for this method is generated, do not implement manually.
/** * Creates a proxy version of this library. A proxy version is responsible for dispatching to * reflective implementations of messages. An implementation for this method is generated, do * not implement manually. * * @since 19.0 */
protected abstract T createProxy(ReflectionLibrary lib);
Creates a delegate version of a library. May be used for cached or uncached versions of a library. Intended to be used by generated code only, do not use manually.
/** * Creates a delegate version of a library. May be used for cached or uncached versions of a * library. Intended to be used by generated code only, do not use manually. * * @since 20.0 */
protected T createDelegate(T original) { return original; }
Creates an assertion version of this library. An implementation for this method is generated, do not implement manually.
/** * Creates an assertion version of this library. An implementation for this method is generated, * do not implement manually. * * @since 19.0 */
protected T createAssertions(T delegate) { return delegate; }
Returns default exported used for a given receiver. An implementation for this method is generated, do not implement manually.
/** * Returns default exported used for a given receiver. An implementation for this method is * generated, do not implement manually. * * @since 19.0 */
protected abstract Class<?> getDefaultClass(Object receiver); private Class<?> getDefaultClassImpl(Object receiver) { for (DefaultExportProvider defaultExport : beforeBuiltinDefaultExports) { if (defaultExport.getReceiverClass().isInstance(receiver)) { return defaultExport.getDefaultExport(); } } Class<?> defaultClass = getDefaultClass(receiver); if (defaultClass != getLibraryClass()) { return defaultClass; } for (DefaultExportProvider defaultExport : afterBuiltinDefaultExports) { if (defaultExport.getReceiverClass().isInstance(receiver)) { return defaultExport.getDefaultExport(); } } return defaultClass; }
Performs a generic dispatch for this library. An implementation for this method is generated, do not implement manually.
/** * Performs a generic dispatch for this library. An implementation for this method is generated, * do not implement manually. * * @since 19.0 */
protected abstract Object genericDispatch(Library library, Object receiver, Message message, Object[] arguments, int parameterOffset) throws Exception;
Creates a final bitset of the given messages. Uses an internal index for the messages. An implementation for this method is generated, do not implement manually.
/** * Creates a final bitset of the given messages. Uses an internal index for the messages. An * implementation for this method is generated, do not implement manually. * * @since 20.0 */
protected FinalBitSet createMessageBitSet(@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "hiding"}) Message... enabledMessages) { throw shouldNotReachHere("should be generated"); }
Returns true if a message is delegated, otherwise false. Intended to be used by generated code only, do not use manually.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a message is delegated, otherwise <code>false</code>. Intended * to be used by generated code only, do not use manually. * * @since 20.0 */
protected static boolean isDelegated(Library lib, int index) { boolean result = ((DelegateExport) lib).getDelegateExportMessages().get(index); CompilerAsserts.partialEvaluationConstant(result); return !result; }
Reads the delegate for a receiver. Intended to be used by generated code only, do not use manually.
/** * Reads the delegate for a receiver. Intended to be used by generated code only, do not use * manually. * * @since 20.0 */
protected static Object readDelegate(Library lib, Object receiver) { return ((DelegateExport) lib).readDelegateExport(receiver); }
Returns the delegated library to use when messages are delegated. Intended to be used by generated code only, do not use manually.
/** * Returns the delegated library to use when messages are delegated. Intended to be used by * generated code only, do not use manually. * * @since 20.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static <T extends Library> T getDelegateLibrary(T lib, Object delegate) { return (T) ((DelegateExport) lib).getDelegateExportLibrary(delegate); } final LibraryExport<T> lookupExport(Object receiver, Class<?> dispatchedClass) { LibraryExport<T> lib = this.exportCache.get(dispatchedClass); if (lib != null) { return lib; } ResolvedDispatch resolvedLibrary = ResolvedDispatch.lookup(dispatchedClass); lib = resolvedLibrary.getLibrary(libraryClass); if (lib == null) { // dynamic dispatch cannot be reflected. it is not supported. if (libraryClass != DynamicDispatchLibrary.class && resolvedLibrary.getLibrary(ReflectionLibrary.class) != null) { lib = proxyExports; } else { Class<?> defaultClass = getDefaultClassImpl(receiver); lib = ResolvedDispatch.lookup(defaultClass).getLibrary(libraryClass); } } else { assert !lib.isDefaultExport() : String.format("Dynamic dispatch from receiver class '%s' to default export '%s' detected. " + "Use null instead to dispatch to a default export.", receiver.getClass().getName(), dispatchedClass.getName()); validateExport(receiver, dispatchedClass, lib); } LibraryExport<T> concurrent = this.exportCache.putIfAbsent(dispatchedClass, lib); return concurrent != null ? concurrent : lib; } private void validateExport(Object receiver, Class<?> dispatchedClass, LibraryExport<T> exports) throws AssertionError { if (!exports.getReceiverClass().isInstance(receiver)) { throw shouldNotReachHere( String.format("Receiver class %s was dynamically dispatched to incompatible exports %s. Expected receiver class %s.", receiver.getClass().getName(), dispatchedClass.getName(), exports.getReceiverClass().getName())); } }
Looks up the resolved library instance for a library class. If a library class was not yet loaded it will be initialized automatically. If the passed library class is not a valid library then a IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
See Also:
/** * Looks up the resolved library instance for a library class. If a library class was not yet * loaded it will be initialized automatically. If the passed library class is not a valid * library then a {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * * @see Library * @since 19.0 */
@TruffleBoundary public static <T extends Library> LibraryFactory<T> resolve(Class<T> library) { Objects.requireNonNull(library); return resolveImpl(library, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T extends Library> LibraryFactory<T> resolveImpl(Class<T> library, boolean fail) { LibraryFactory<?> lib = LIBRARIES.get(library); if (lib == null) { loadGeneratedClass(library); lib = LIBRARIES.get(library); if (lib == null) { if (fail) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Class '%s' is not a registered library. Truffle libraries must be annotated with @%s to be registered. Did the Truffle annotation processor run?", library.getName(), GenerateLibrary.class.getSimpleName())); } return null; } } return (LibraryFactory<T>) lib; } private static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE; static { Unsafe unsafe; try { unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } catch (SecurityException e) { try { Field theUnsafeInstance = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); theUnsafeInstance.setAccessible(true); unsafe = (Unsafe) theUnsafeInstance.get(Unsafe.class); } catch (Exception e2) { throw new RuntimeException("exception while trying to get Unsafe.theUnsafe via reflection:", e2); } } UNSAFE = unsafe; } static LibraryFactory<?> loadGeneratedClass(Class<?> libraryClass) { if (Library.class.isAssignableFrom(libraryClass)) { String generatedClassName = libraryClass.getPackage().getName() + "." + libraryClass.getSimpleName() + "Gen"; try { Class.forName(generatedClassName, true, libraryClass.getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } return LIBRARIES.get(libraryClass); } return null; } static Message resolveMessage(Class<? extends Library> library, String message, boolean fail) { Objects.requireNonNull(message); LibraryFactory<?> lib = resolveImpl(library, fail); if (lib == null) { assert !fail; return null; } return resolveLibraryMessage(lib, message, fail); } private static Message resolveLibraryMessage(LibraryFactory<?> lib, String message, boolean fail) { Message foundMessage = lib.nameToMessages.get(message); if (fail && foundMessage == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unknown message '%s' for library '%s' specified.", message, lib.getLibraryClass().getName())); } return foundMessage; }
/** * @since 19.0 */
protected static <T extends Library> void register(Class<T> libraryClass, LibraryFactory<T> library) { LibraryFactory<?> lib = LIBRARIES.putIfAbsent(libraryClass, library); if (lib != null) { throw shouldNotReachHere("Reflection cannot be installed for a library twice."); } }
/*** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */
@Override public String toString() { return "LibraryFactory [library=" + libraryClass.getName() + "]"; } final class ProxyExports extends LibraryExport<T> { protected ProxyExports() { super(libraryClass, Object.class, true); } @Override public T createUncached(Object receiver) { return createProxy(ReflectionLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(receiver)); } @Override protected T createCached(Object receiver) { return createProxy(ReflectionLibrary.getFactory().create(receiver)); } }
Helper class representing a single resolved receiver class that exports multiple libraries.
/** * Helper class representing a single resolved receiver class that exports multiple libraries. */
static final class ResolvedDispatch { private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, ResolvedDispatch> CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, LibraryExport<?>[]> REGISTRY = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // the root of every receiver class chain. private static final ResolvedDispatch OBJECT_RECEIVER = new ResolvedDispatch(null, Object.class); private final ResolvedDispatch parent; private final Class<?> dispatchClass; private final Map<Class<?>, LibraryExport<?>> libraries; @SuppressWarnings({"hiding", "unchecked"}) private ResolvedDispatch(ResolvedDispatch parent, Class<?> dispatchClass, LibraryExport<?>... libs) { this.parent = parent; this.dispatchClass = dispatchClass; Map<Class<?>, LibraryExport<?>> libraries = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (LibraryExport<?> lib : libs) { libraries.put(lib.getLibrary(), lib); } this.libraries = libraries; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") <T extends Library> LibraryExport<T> getLibrary(Class<T> libraryClass) { LibraryExport<?> lib = libraries.get(libraryClass); if (lib == null && parent != null) { lib = parent.getLibrary(libraryClass); } return (LibraryExport<T>) lib; }
NOTE: this method is called reflectively by downstream projects.
/** NOTE: this method is called reflectively by downstream projects. */
@TruffleBoundary static ResolvedDispatch lookup(Class<?> receiverClass) { ResolvedDispatch type = CACHE.get(receiverClass); if (type == null) { type = resolveClass(receiverClass); } return type; } static <T extends Library> void register(Class<?> receiverClass, LibraryExport<?>... libs) { for (LibraryExport<?> lib : libs) { lib.registerClass = receiverClass; } LibraryExport<?>[] prevLibs = REGISTRY.put(receiverClass, libs); if (prevLibs != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Receiver " + receiverClass + " is already registered."); } // eagerly resolve known receivers in AOT mode if (TruffleOptions.AOT) { lookup(receiverClass); } } @Override public String toString() { return "ResolvedDispatch[" + dispatchClass.getName() + "]"; } Set<Class<?>> getLibraries() { return libraries.keySet(); } private static boolean hasExports(Class<?> c) { return c.getAnnotationsByType(ExportLibrary.class).length > 0; } private static ResolvedDispatch resolveClass(Class<?> dispatchClass) { if (dispatchClass == null) { return OBJECT_RECEIVER; } ResolvedDispatch parent = resolveClass(dispatchClass.getSuperclass()); ResolvedDispatch resolved; LibraryExport<?>[] libs = REGISTRY.get(dispatchClass); if (libs == null && hasExports(dispatchClass)) { /* * We can omit loading classes in AOT mode as they are resolved eagerly using the * TruffleFeature. We can also omit if the type was already resolved. */ loadGeneratedClass(dispatchClass); libs = REGISTRY.get(dispatchClass); if (libs == null) { throw shouldNotReachHere(String.format("Libraries for class '%s' could not be resolved. Not registered?", dispatchClass.getName())); } } if (libs != null) { resolved = new ResolvedDispatch(parent, dispatchClass, libs); } else { resolved = parent; } ResolvedDispatch concurrent = CACHE.putIfAbsent(dispatchClass, resolved); if (concurrent != null) { return concurrent; } else { return resolved; } } static void loadGeneratedClass(Class<?> currentReceiverClass) { String generatedClassName = currentReceiverClass.getPackage().getName() + "." + currentReceiverClass.getSimpleName() + "Gen"; try { Class.forName(generatedClassName, true, currentReceiverClass.getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw shouldNotReachHere(String.format("Generated class '%s' for class '%s' not found. " + "Did the Truffle annotation processor run?", generatedClassName, currentReceiverClass.getName()), e); } } } }