 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
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 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.api;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

Directives that influence the optimizations of the Truffle compiler. All of the operations have no effect when executed in the Truffle interpreter.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Directives that influence the optimizations of the Truffle compiler. All of the operations have * no effect when executed in the Truffle interpreter. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public final class CompilerDirectives { private CompilerDirectives() { }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static final double LIKELY_PROBABILITY = 0.75;
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static final double UNLIKELY_PROBABILITY = 1.0 - LIKELY_PROBABILITY;
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static final double SLOWPATH_PROBABILITY = 0.0001;
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static final double FASTPATH_PROBABILITY = 1.0 - SLOWPATH_PROBABILITY;
Directive for the compiler to discontinue compilation at this code position and instead insert a transfer to the interpreter.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Directive for the compiler to discontinue compilation at this code position and instead * insert a transfer to the interpreter. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static void transferToInterpreter() { if (inInterpreter()) { Truffle.getRuntime().notifyTransferToInterpreter(); } }
Directive for the compiler to discontinue compilation at this code position and instead insert a transfer to the interpreter, invalidating the currently executing machine code.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Directive for the compiler to discontinue compilation at this code position and instead * insert a transfer to the interpreter, invalidating the currently executing machine code. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static void transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate() { if (inInterpreter()) { Truffle.getRuntime().notifyTransferToInterpreter(); } }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the method is executed in the interpreter.
Returns:true when executed in the interpreter, false in compiled code.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the method is executed in the interpreter. * * @return {@code true} when executed in the interpreter, {@code false} in compiled code. * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static boolean inInterpreter() { return true; }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the method is executed in the compiled code.
Returns:false when executed in the interpreter, true in compiled code.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the method is executed in the compiled code. * * @return {@code false} when executed in the interpreter, {@code true} in compiled code. * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static boolean inCompiledCode() { return false; }
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the method is executed in the root of a Truffle compilation.
Returns:false when executed in the interpreter or in an inlined CallTarget, true when in non-inlined compiled code.
Since:0.28 or earlier
/** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the method is executed in the root of a Truffle * compilation. * * @return {@code false} when executed in the interpreter or in an inlined {@link CallTarget}, * {@code true} when in non-inlined compiled code. * @since 0.28 or earlier */
public static boolean inCompilationRoot() { return false; }
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a given value is seen as constant in optimized code. If this method is called in the interpreter this method will always return true. Note that optimizations that a compiler will apply to code that is conditional on isCompilationConstant may be limited. For this reason isCompilationConstant is not recommended for use to select between alternate implementations of functionality depending on whether a value is constant. Instead, it is intended for use as a diagnostic mechanism.
  • value –
Returns:true when given value is seen as compilation constant, false if not compilation constant.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a given value is seen as constant in optimized * code. If this method is called in the interpreter this method will always return * <code>true</code>. * * Note that optimizations that a compiler will apply to code that is conditional on * <code>isCompilationConstant</code> may be limited. For this reason * <code>isCompilationConstant</code> is not recommended for use to select between alternate * implementations of functionality depending on whether a value is constant. Instead, it is * intended for use as a diagnostic mechanism. * * @param value * @return {@code true} when given value is seen as compilation constant, {@code false} if not * compilation constant. * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static boolean isCompilationConstant(Object value) { return CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter(); }
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a given value is seen as constant during the initial partial evaluation phase. If this method is called in the interpreter this method will always return true.
  • value –
Returns:true when given value is seen as compilation constant, false if not compilation constant.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a given value is seen as constant during the * initial partial evaluation phase. If this method is called in the interpreter this method * will always return <code>true</code>. * * @param value * @return {@code true} when given value is seen as compilation constant, {@code false} if not * compilation constant. * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static boolean isPartialEvaluationConstant(Object value) { return CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter(); }
Directive for the compiler that the given runnable should only be executed in the interpreter and ignored in the compiled code.
  • runnable – the closure that should only be executed in the interpreter
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Directive for the compiler that the given runnable should only be executed in the interpreter * and ignored in the compiled code. * * @param runnable the closure that should only be executed in the interpreter * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static void interpreterOnly(Runnable runnable) { runnable.run(); }
Directive for the compiler that the given callable should only be executed in the interpreter.
  • callable – the closure that should only be executed in the interpreter
  • Exception – If the closure throws an exception when executed in the interpreter.
Returns:the result of executing the closure in the interpreter and null in the compiled code
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Directive for the compiler that the given callable should only be executed in the * interpreter. * * @param callable the closure that should only be executed in the interpreter * @return the result of executing the closure in the interpreter and null in the compiled code * @throws Exception If the closure throws an exception when executed in the interpreter. * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static <T> T interpreterOnly(Callable<T> callable) throws Exception { return callable.call(); }
Injects a probability for the given condition into the probability information of the immediately succeeding branch instruction for the condition. The probability must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). The condition should not be a combined condition. Example usage immediately before an if statement (it specifies that the likelihood for a to be greater than b is 90%): if (injectBranchProbability(0.9, a > b)) { // ... } Example usage for a combined condition (it specifies that the likelihood for a to be greater than b is 90% and under the assumption that this is true, the likelihood for a being 0 is 10%): if (injectBranchProbability(0.9, a > b) && injectBranchProbability(0.1, a == 0)) { // ... } There are predefined constants for commonly used probabilities (see LIKELY_PROBABILITY , UNLIKELY_PROBABILITY, SLOWPATH_PROBABILITY, FASTPATH_PROBABILITY ).
  • probability – the probability value between 0.0 and 1.0 that should be injected
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Injects a probability for the given condition into the probability information of the * immediately succeeding branch instruction for the condition. The probability must be a value * between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). The condition should not be a combined condition. * * Example usage immediately before an if statement (it specifies that the likelihood for a to * be greater than b is 90%): * * <code> * if (injectBranchProbability(0.9, a &gt; b)) { * // ... * } * </code> * * Example usage for a combined condition (it specifies that the likelihood for a to be greater * than b is 90% and under the assumption that this is true, the likelihood for a being 0 is * 10%): * * <code> * if (injectBranchProbability(0.9, a &gt; b) &amp;&amp; injectBranchProbability(0.1, a == 0)) { * // ... * } * </code> * * There are predefined constants for commonly used probabilities (see * {@link #LIKELY_PROBABILITY} , {@link #UNLIKELY_PROBABILITY}, {@link #SLOWPATH_PROBABILITY}, * {@link #FASTPATH_PROBABILITY} ). * * @param probability the probability value between 0.0 and 1.0 that should be injected * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static boolean injectBranchProbability(double probability, boolean condition) { assert probability >= 0.0 && probability <= 1.0; return condition; }
Bails out of a compilation (e.g., for guest language features that should never be compiled).
  • reason – the reason for the bailout
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Bails out of a compilation (e.g., for guest language features that should never be compiled). * * @param reason the reason for the bailout * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static void bailout(String reason) { }
Marks fields that should be considered final for a Truffle compilation although they are not final while executing in the interpreter. If the field type is an array type, the compiler considers reads with a constant index as constants.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Marks fields that should be considered final for a Truffle compilation although they are not * final while executing in the interpreter. If the field type is an array type, the compiler * considers reads with a constant index as constants. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.FIELD}) public @interface CompilationFinal {
Specifies the number of array dimensions to be marked as compilation final. This value should be specified for all array-typed compilation-final fields and should be left unspecified for other field types for which it has no meaning. The allowed range is from 0 to the number of declared array dimensions (inclusive). Specifically, a dimensions value of 0 marks only the reference to the (outermost) array as final but not its elements, a value of 1 marks the outermost array and all its elements as final but not the elements of any nested arrays. For compatibility reasons, array-typed fields without an explicit dimensions parameter default to the number of array dimensions declared in the field type.
/** * Specifies the number of array dimensions to be marked as compilation final. * * This value should be specified for all array-typed compilation-final fields and should be * left unspecified for other field types for which it has no meaning. * * The allowed range is from 0 to the number of declared array dimensions (inclusive). * Specifically, a {@code dimensions} value of 0 marks only the reference to the (outermost) * array as final but not its elements, a value of 1 marks the outermost array and all its * elements as final but not the elements of any nested arrays. * * For compatibility reasons, array-typed fields without an explicit {@code dimensions} * parameter default to the number of array dimensions declared in the field type. * * @since 0.14 */
int dimensions() default -1; }
Marks a method that it is considered as a boundary for Truffle partial evaluation.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Marks a method that it is considered as a boundary for Truffle partial evaluation. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR}) public @interface TruffleBoundary {
Determines whether execution should be transferred to the interpreter if an exception is thrown across this boundary, in which case the caller's compiled code is invalidated and will not transfer to the interpreter on exceptions for this method again.
/** * Determines whether execution should be transferred to the interpreter if an exception is * thrown across this boundary, in which case the caller's compiled code is invalidated and * will not transfer to the interpreter on exceptions for this method again. * * @since 0.28 */
boolean transferToInterpreterOnException() default true;
Considers this Truffle boundary invoke as an inlining candidate. Partial evaluation cannot inline a boundary, but a later inlining pass can.
/** * Considers this Truffle boundary invoke as an inlining candidate. * * Partial evaluation cannot inline a boundary, but a later inlining pass can. * * @since 0.27 */
boolean allowInlining() default false; }
Marks classes as value types. Reference comparisons (==) between instances of those classes have undefined semantics and can either return true or false.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Marks classes as value types. Reference comparisons (==) between instances of those classes * have undefined semantics and can either return true or false. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.TYPE}) public @interface ValueType { }
Ensures that the given object is not virtual, i.e., not removed by Escape Analysis at the point of this call.
  • obj – the object to exclude from Escape Analysis
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Ensures that the given object is not virtual, i.e., not removed by Escape Analysis at the * point of this call. * * @param obj the object to exclude from Escape Analysis * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static void materialize(Object obj) { }
Ensures that the given object will be virtual (escape analyzed) at all points that are dominated by the current position.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Ensures that the given object will be virtual (escape analyzed) at all points that are * dominated by the current position. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static void ensureVirtualized(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Object object) { }
Ensures that the given object will be virtual at the current position.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Ensures that the given object will be virtual at the current position. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static void ensureVirtualizedHere(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Object object) { }
Casts the given object to the exact class represented by clazz. The cast succeeds only if object == null || object.getClass() == clazz and thus fails for any subclass.
  • object – the object to be cast
  • clazz – the class to check against, must not be null
See Also:
Returns:the object after casting
/** * Casts the given object to the exact class represented by {@code clazz}. The cast succeeds * only if {@code object == null || object.getClass() == clazz} and thus fails for any subclass. * * @param object the object to be cast * @param clazz the class to check against, must not be null * @return the object after casting * @throws ClassCastException if the object is non-null and not exactly of the given class * @throws NullPointerException if the class argument is null * @since 0.33 * @see Class#cast(Object) */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T castExact(Object object, Class<T> clazz) { Objects.requireNonNull(clazz); if (object == null || object.getClass() == clazz) { return (T) object; } else { throw new ClassCastException(); } }
Indicates a code path that is not supposed to be reached during compilation or interpretation. Reaching this method is considered a fatal internal error and execution should not continue. Transfers to interpreter and invalidates the compiled code and always throws an AssertionError when invoked.

This method returns a runtime exception to be conveniently used in combination with Java throw statements, for example:

if (expectedCondition) {
    return 42;
} else {
    throw shouldNotReachHere();
/** * Indicates a code path that is not supposed to be reached during compilation or * interpretation. Reaching this method is considered a fatal internal error and execution * should not continue. Transfers to interpreter and * {@link CompilerDirectives#transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate() invalidates} the compiled code * and always throws an {@link AssertionError} when invoked. * <p> * This method returns a runtime exception to be conveniently used in combination with Java * throw statements, for example: * * <pre> * if (expectedCondition) { * return 42; * } else { * throw shouldNotReachHere(); * } * </pre> * * @since 20.2 */
public static RuntimeException shouldNotReachHere() { transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw shouldNotReachHere(null, null); }
Indicates a code path that is not supposed to be reached during compilation or interpretation. Reaching this method is considered a fatal internal error and execution should not continue. Transfers to interpreter and invalidates the compiled code and always throws an AssertionError when invoked.

This method returns a runtime exception to be conveniently used in combination with Java throw statements, for example:

if (expectedCondition) {
    return 42;
} else {
    throw shouldNotReachHere("Additional message");
  • message – an additional message for the exception thrown.
/** * Indicates a code path that is not supposed to be reached during compilation or * interpretation. Reaching this method is considered a fatal internal error and execution * should not continue. Transfers to interpreter and * {@link CompilerDirectives#transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate() invalidates} the compiled code * and always throws an {@link AssertionError} when invoked. * <p> * This method returns a runtime exception to be conveniently used in combination with Java * throw statements, for example: * * <pre> * if (expectedCondition) { * return 42; * } else { * throw shouldNotReachHere("Additional message"); * } * </pre> * * @param message an additional message for the exception thrown. * @since 20.2 */
public static RuntimeException shouldNotReachHere(String message) { transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw shouldNotReachHere(message, null); }
Indicates a code path that is not supposed to be reached during compilation or interpretation. Reaching this method is considered a fatal internal error and execution should not continue. Transfers to interpreter and invalidates the compiled code and always throws an AssertionError when invoked.

This method returns a runtime exception to be conveniently used in combination with Java throw statements, for example:

if (expectedCondition) {
    return 42;
} else {
    throw shouldNotReachHere("Additional message");
  • cause – the cause if an exception was responsible for the unexpected case.
/** * Indicates a code path that is not supposed to be reached during compilation or * interpretation. Reaching this method is considered a fatal internal error and execution * should not continue. Transfers to interpreter and * {@link CompilerDirectives#transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate() invalidates} the compiled code * and always throws an {@link AssertionError} when invoked. * <p> * This method returns a runtime exception to be conveniently used in combination with Java * throw statements, for example: * * <pre> * if (expectedCondition) { * return 42; * } else { * throw shouldNotReachHere("Additional message"); * } * </pre> * * @param cause the cause if an exception was responsible for the unexpected case. * @since 20.2 */
public static RuntimeException shouldNotReachHere(Throwable cause) { transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw shouldNotReachHere(null, cause); }
Indicates a code path that is not supposed to be reached during compilation or interpretation. Reaching this method is considered a fatal internal error and execution should not continue. Transfers to interpreter and invalidates the compiled code and always throws an AssertionError when invoked.

This method returns a runtime exception to be conveniently used in combination with Java throw statements, for example:

if (expectedCondition) {
    return 42;
} else {
    throw shouldNotReachHere("Additional message");
  • message – an additional message for the exception thrown.
  • cause – the cause if an exception was responsible for the unexpected case.
/** * Indicates a code path that is not supposed to be reached during compilation or * interpretation. Reaching this method is considered a fatal internal error and execution * should not continue. Transfers to interpreter and * {@link CompilerDirectives#transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate() invalidates} the compiled code * and always throws an {@link AssertionError} when invoked. * <p> * This method returns a runtime exception to be conveniently used in combination with Java * throw statements, for example: * * <pre> * if (expectedCondition) { * return 42; * } else { * throw shouldNotReachHere("Additional message"); * } * </pre> * * @param message an additional message for the exception thrown. * @param cause the cause if an exception was responsible for the unexpected case. * * @since 20.2 */
public static RuntimeException shouldNotReachHere(String message, Throwable cause) { transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new ShouldNotReachHere(message, cause); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static final class ShouldNotReachHere extends AssertionError { ShouldNotReachHere(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } }