 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
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package com.oracle.truffle.api;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameInstance;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameInstance.FrameAccess;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameInstanceVisitor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.MaterializedFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ControlFlowException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;

import sun.misc.Unsafe;

Represents a guest language stack trace. A TruffleStackTrace is automatically added when a Throwable passes through a call target. ControlFlowException and PolyglotException do not get a TruffleStackTrace. Other Throwable are added a TruffleStackTrace, as long as there is a null cause available to insert the TruffleStackTrace.

A guest language stack trace element is automatically added by the Truffle runtime every time the Throwable passes through a call target. This is incremental and therefore efficient if the exception is later caught in the same compilation unit.

Note that if the Throwable is caught, its stack trace should be filled eagerly with fillIn(Throwable), unless it can be guaranteed to be re-thrown in the same call target, or that the stack trace will not be used.

See Also:
/** * Represents a guest language stack trace. * * A TruffleStackTrace is automatically added when a {@link Throwable} passes through a * {@link CallTarget call target}. {@link ControlFlowException} and {@link PolyglotException} do not * get a TruffleStackTrace. Other {@link Throwable} are added a TruffleStackTrace, as long as there * is a {@code null} {@link Throwable#getCause() cause} available to insert the TruffleStackTrace. * <p> * A guest language stack trace element is automatically added by the Truffle runtime every time the * {@link Throwable} passes through a {@link CallTarget call target}. This is incremental and * therefore efficient if the exception is later caught in the same compilation unit. * <p> * Note that if the Throwable is caught, its stack trace should be filled eagerly with * {@link #fillIn(Throwable)}, unless it can be guaranteed to be re-thrown in the same * {@link CallTarget call target}, or that the stack trace will not be used. * * @see #getStackTrace(Throwable) getStackTrace(Throwable) to retrieve the guest language stack * trace from a {@link Throwable}. * @since 19.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public final class TruffleStackTrace extends Exception { private static final long causeFieldIndex; private static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE; static { Unsafe unsafe; try { unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } catch (SecurityException e) { try { Field theUnsafeInstance = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); theUnsafeInstance.setAccessible(true); unsafe = (Unsafe) theUnsafeInstance.get(Unsafe.class); } catch (Exception e2) { throw new RuntimeException("exception while trying to get Unsafe.theUnsafe via reflection:", e2); } } UNSAFE = unsafe; try { Field causeField = Throwable.class.getDeclaredField("cause"); causeFieldIndex = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(causeField); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static Throwable getCause(Throwable t) { try { Throwable result = (Throwable) UNSAFE.getObject(t, causeFieldIndex); return result == t ? null : result; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static void initCause(Throwable t, Throwable value) { try { UNSAFE.putObject(t, causeFieldIndex, value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static final TruffleStackTrace EMPTY = new TruffleStackTrace(Collections.emptyList(), 0); private List<TruffleStackTraceElement> frames; private final int lazyFrames; // contains host exception frames private Exception materializedHostException; private TruffleStackTrace(List<TruffleStackTraceElement> frames, int lazyFrames) { this.frames = frames; this.lazyFrames = lazyFrames; } /* * Called when an exception leaves the guest boundary and is passed to the host language. This * requires us to capture the host stack frames to build a polyglot stack trace. This can be * done lazily because if an exception stays inside a guest language (is thrown and caught in * the guest language) there is no need to pay the price for host frames. If the error is a non * TruffleException internal error then the exception (e.g. NullPointerException) has already * captured the host stack trace and this host exception stack trace is not used. */ private void materializeHostException() { if (this.materializedHostException == null) { this.materializedHostException = new Exception(); } }
/** * @since 19.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("sync-override") @Override public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } StackTraceElement[] getInternalStackTrace() { Throwable hostException = this.materializedHostException; if (hostException == null) { hostException = this; } StackTraceElement[] hostFrames = hostException.getStackTrace(); if (lazyFrames == 0) { return hostFrames; } else { StackTraceElement[] extended = new StackTraceElement[hostFrames.length + lazyFrames]; System.arraycopy(hostFrames, 0, extended, lazyFrames, hostFrames.length); return extended; } }
/** * @since 19.0 */
@Override public String toString() { return "Attached Guest Language Frames (" + frames.size() + ")"; }
Returns the guest language frames that are stored in this throwable or null if no guest language frames can ever be stored in this throwable. This method fills in the stacktrace by calling fillIn(Throwable), so it is not necessary to call fillIn(Throwable) before. The returned list is not modifiable. The number of stack trace elements that are filled in can be customized by the stackTraceElementLimit parameter of the AbstractTruffleException constructor.
  • throwable – the throwable instance to look for guest language frames
/** * Returns the guest language frames that are stored in this throwable or <code>null</code> if * no guest language frames can ever be stored in this throwable. This method fills in the * stacktrace by calling {@link #fillIn(Throwable)}, so it is not necessary to call * {@link #fillIn(Throwable)} before. The returned list is not modifiable. The number of stack * trace elements that are filled in can be customized by the {@code stackTraceElementLimit} * parameter of the * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException#AbstractTruffleException(String, Throwable, int, Node) * AbstractTruffleException constructor}. * * @param throwable the throwable instance to look for guest language frames * @since 19.0 */
@TruffleBoundary public static List<TruffleStackTraceElement> getStackTrace(Throwable throwable) { TruffleStackTrace stack = fillIn(throwable); if (stack != null) { return stack.frames; } return null; }
Returns asynchronous guest language stack frames that led to the execution of given CallTarget on the given Frame. Returns null if no asynchronous stack is known. Call this with a context entered only.

Languages might not provide asynchronous stack frames by default for performance reasons. Instruments might need to instruct languages to provide the asynchronous stacks.

Returns:a list of asynchronous frames, or null.
/** * Returns asynchronous guest language stack frames that led to the execution of given * {@link CallTarget} on the given {@link Frame}. Returns <code>null</code> if no asynchronous * stack is known. Call this with a context entered only. * <p> * Languages might not provide asynchronous stack frames by default for performance reasons. * Instruments might need to instruct languages to provide the asynchronous stacks. * * @return a list of asynchronous frames, or <code>null</code>. * @since 20.1.0 */
@TruffleBoundary public static List<TruffleStackTraceElement> getAsynchronousStackTrace(CallTarget target, Frame frame) { Objects.requireNonNull(target, "CallTarget must not be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(frame, "Frame must not be null"); assert hasContext(target); return LanguageAccessor.ACCESSOR.nodeSupport().findAsynchronousFrames(target, frame); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static boolean hasContext(CallTarget target) { RootNode root = ((RootCallTarget) target).getRootNode(); Object polyglotLanguage = LanguageAccessor.ACCESSOR.nodeSupport().getPolyglotLanguage(root.getLanguageInfo()); return LanguageAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().getCurrentContextReference(polyglotLanguage).get() != null; } static void materializeHostFrames(Throwable t) { TruffleStackTrace stack = fillIn(t); if (stack != null) { stack.materializeHostException(); } } private static LazyStackTrace findImpl(Throwable t) { assert !(t instanceof ControlFlowException); Throwable cause = getCause(t); while (cause != null) { if (cause instanceof LazyStackTrace) { return ((LazyStackTrace) cause); } cause = getCause(cause); } return null; } private static Throwable findInsertCause(Throwable t) { Throwable lastException = t; while (lastException != null) { Throwable parentCause = getCause(lastException); if (parentCause == null) { break; } lastException = parentCause; } return lastException; } private static void insert(Throwable t, LazyStackTrace trace) { if (getCause(t) != null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); // if the cause is initialized to null we have no chance of attaching guest language // stack traces } else { initCause(t, trace); } }
Fills in the guest language stack frames from the current frames on the stack. If the stack was already filled before then this method has no effect. The implementation attaches a lightweight exception object to the last location in the cause chain of the exception. The number stack trace elements that are filled in can be customized by the stackTraceElementLimit parameter of the AbstractTruffleException constructor.
  • throwable – the Throwable to fill
/** * Fills in the guest language stack frames from the current frames on the stack. If the stack * was already filled before then this method has no effect. The implementation attaches a * lightweight exception object to the last location in the {@link Throwable#getCause() cause} * chain of the exception. The number stack trace elements that are filled in can be customized * by the {@code stackTraceElementLimit} parameter of the * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException#AbstractTruffleException(String, Throwable, int, Node) * AbstractTruffleException constructor}. * * @param throwable the Throwable to fill * @since 19.0 */
@TruffleBoundary @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static TruffleStackTrace fillIn(Throwable throwable) { if (throwable instanceof ControlFlowException) { return EMPTY; } LazyStackTrace lazy = getOrCreateLazyStackTrace(throwable); if (lazy.stackTrace != null) { // stack trace already exists return lazy.stackTrace; } int stackFrameLimit; Node topCallSite; if (throwable instanceof TruffleException) { TruffleException te = (TruffleException) throwable; topCallSite = te.getLocation(); stackFrameLimit = te.getStackTraceElementLimit(); } else { topCallSite = null; stackFrameLimit = -1; } // add the lazily captured stack frames above the manually queried ones ArrayList<TracebackElement> elements = new ArrayList<>(); TracebackElement currentElement = lazy.current; while (currentElement != null) { elements.add(currentElement); currentElement = currentElement.last; } Collections.reverse(elements); List<TruffleStackTraceElement> frames = new ArrayList<>(); for (TracebackElement element : elements) { if (element.root != null) { frames.add(new TruffleStackTraceElement(topCallSite, element.root, element.frame)); topCallSite = null; } if (element.callNode != null) { topCallSite = element.callNode; } } int lazyFrames = frames.size(); // attach the remaining stack trace elements addStackFrames(stackFrameLimit, lazyFrames, topCallSite, frames); lazy.stackTrace = new TruffleStackTrace(frames, lazyFrames); if (throwable.getStackTrace().length == 0) { lazy.stackTrace.materializeHostException(); } return lazy.stackTrace; } private static final class TracebackElement { private final TracebackElement last; private final Node callNode; private final RootCallTarget root; private final MaterializedFrame frame; TracebackElement(TracebackElement last, Node callNode, RootCallTarget root, MaterializedFrame frame) { this.last = last; this.callNode = callNode; this.root = root; this.frame = frame; } } static final class LazyStackTrace extends Throwable {
The root of a linked list of pieces of information about the stack trace of the exception. Only used, i.e., non-null, as long as the exception wasn't queried for the full stack trace.
/** * The root of a linked list of pieces of information about the stack trace of the * exception. Only used, i.e., non-null, as long as the exception wasn't queried for the * full stack trace. */
private TracebackElement current;
This field is initialized iff the full stack trace was queried.
/** * This field is initialized iff the full stack trace was queried. */
private TruffleStackTrace stackTrace;
The number of non-internal root nodes that was traversed so far.
/** * The number of non-internal root nodes that was traversed so far. */
public int frameCount; @SuppressWarnings("sync-override") @Override public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return null; } public TruffleStackTrace getInternalStackTrace() { return stackTrace; } @SuppressWarnings("sync-override") @Override public Throwable initCause(Throwable cause) { throw new IllegalAccessError("cannot change cause of TruffleException stacktrace"); } @Override public String toString() { return "Attached Guest Language Frames (" + (frameCount + (stackTrace != null ? stackTrace.frames.size() : 0)) + ")"; } } static void addStackFrameInfo(Node callNode, RootCallTarget root, Throwable t, Frame currentFrame) { if (t instanceof ControlFlowException) { // control flow exceptions should never have to get a stack trace. return; } if (t instanceof PolyglotException) { // Normally, polyglot exceptions should not even end up here, with the exception of // those thrown by Value call targets. In any case, we do not want to attach a cause. return; } boolean isTProfiled = CompilerDirectives.isPartialEvaluationConstant(t.getClass()); if (currentFrame != null && root.getRootNode().isCaptureFramesForTrace()) { callInnerAddStackFrameInfo(isTProfiled, callNode, root, t, currentFrame.materialize()); } else { callInnerAddStackFrameInfo(isTProfiled, callNode, root, t, null); } } private static void callInnerAddStackFrameInfo(boolean isTProfiled, Node callNode, RootCallTarget root, Throwable t, MaterializedFrame currentFrame) { if (isTProfiled) { innerAddStackFrameInfo(callNode, root, t, currentFrame); } else { innerAddStackFrameInfoBoundary(callNode, root, t, currentFrame); } } @TruffleBoundary private static void innerAddStackFrameInfoBoundary(Node callNode, RootCallTarget root, Throwable t, MaterializedFrame currentFrame) { innerAddStackFrameInfo(callNode, root, t, currentFrame); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static void innerAddStackFrameInfo(Node callNode, RootCallTarget root, Throwable t, MaterializedFrame currentFrame) { if (!(t instanceof TruffleException) || ((TruffleException) t).isInternalError()) { // capture as much information as possible for host and internal errors fillIn(t); return; } int stackTraceElementLimit = ((TruffleException) t).getStackTraceElementLimit(); LazyStackTrace lazy; if (LanguageAccessor.exceptionAccess().isException(t)) { lazy = (LazyStackTrace) LanguageAccessor.exceptionAccess().getLazyStackTrace(t); if (lazy == null) { lazy = new LazyStackTrace(); LanguageAccessor.exceptionAccess().setLazyStackTrace(t, lazy); } } else { Throwable cause = getCause(t); if (cause == null) { insert(t, lazy = new LazyStackTrace()); } else if (cause instanceof LazyStackTrace) { lazy = (LazyStackTrace) cause; } else { addStackFrameInfoSlowPath(callNode, root, cause, currentFrame, stackTraceElementLimit); return; } } appendLazyStackTrace(callNode, root, currentFrame, lazy, stackTraceElementLimit); } @TruffleBoundary private static void addStackFrameInfoSlowPath(Node callNode, RootCallTarget root, Throwable t, MaterializedFrame currentFrame, int stackTraceElementLimit) { LazyStackTrace lazy = getOrCreateLazyStackTrace(t); appendLazyStackTrace(callNode, root, currentFrame, lazy, stackTraceElementLimit); } private static LazyStackTrace getOrCreateLazyStackTrace(Throwable throwable) { LazyStackTrace lazy; if (LanguageAccessor.exceptionAccess().isException(throwable)) { lazy = (LazyStackTrace) LanguageAccessor.exceptionAccess().getLazyStackTrace(throwable); if (lazy == null) { lazy = new LazyStackTrace(); LanguageAccessor.exceptionAccess().setLazyStackTrace(throwable, lazy); } return lazy; } else { lazy = findImpl(throwable); if (lazy == null) { Throwable insertCause = findInsertCause(throwable); if (insertCause == null) { return null; } insert(insertCause, lazy = new LazyStackTrace()); } } return lazy; } private static void appendLazyStackTrace(Node callNode, RootCallTarget root, MaterializedFrame currentFrame, LazyStackTrace lazy, int stackTraceElementLimit) { if (lazy.stackTrace == null) { if (stackTraceElementLimit >= 0 && lazy.frameCount >= stackTraceElementLimit) { return; } lazy.current = new TracebackElement(lazy.current, callNode, root, currentFrame); if (root != null && !root.getRootNode().isInternal()) { lazy.frameCount++; } } } private static void addStackFrames(int stackFrameLimit, int lazyFrames, final Node topCallSite, List<TruffleStackTraceElement> frames) { if (stackFrameLimit >= 0 && lazyFrames >= stackFrameLimit) { // early exit: avoid costly iterateFrames call if enough frames have been recorded // lazily return; } Truffle.getRuntime().iterateFrames(new FrameInstanceVisitor<FrameInstance>() { boolean first = true; int stackFrameIndex = lazyFrames; @Override public FrameInstance visitFrame(FrameInstance frameInstance) { if (stackFrameLimit >= 0 && stackFrameIndex >= stackFrameLimit) { // no more frames to create return frameInstance; } Node location = frameInstance.getCallNode(); RootCallTarget target = (RootCallTarget) frameInstance.getCallTarget(); if (first) { location = topCallSite; first = false; } boolean captureFrames = target != null && target.getRootNode().isCaptureFramesForTrace(); Frame frame = captureFrames ? frameInstance.getFrame(FrameAccess.READ_ONLY) : null; frames.add(new TruffleStackTraceElement(location, target, frame)); first = false; if (target != null && !target.getRootNode().isInternal()) { stackFrameIndex++; } return null; } }); } }