 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
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 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerOptions;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.RootCallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.ContextReference;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.Env;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.ParsingRequest;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleRuntime;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleStackTraceElement;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.impl.DefaultCompilerOptions;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

Represents the root node in a Truffle AST. The root node is a node that allows to be executed using a frame instance created by the framework. Please note that the RootNode should not be executed directly but using CallTarget.call(Object...). The structure of the frame is provided by the frame descriptor passed in the constructor. A root node has always a null parent and cannot be replaced.


The root node can be constructed with a language implementation if it is available. The language implementation instance is obtainable while TruffleLanguage.createContext(Env) or TruffleLanguage.parse(ParsingRequest) is executed. If no language environment is available, then null can be passed. Please note that root nodes with null language are considered not instrumentable and don't have access to its public language information.


In order to execute a root node, a call target needs to be created using TruffleRuntime.createCallTarget(RootNode). This allows the runtime system to optimize the execution of the AST. The CallTarget can either be called directly from runtime code or direct and indirect call nodes can be created, inserted in a child field and called. The use of direct call nodes allows the framework to automatically inline and further optimize call sites based on heuristics.

After several calls to a call target or call node, the root node might get compiled using partial evaluation. The details of the compilation heuristic are unspecified, therefore the Truffle runtime system might decide to not compile at all.


One root node instance refers to other classes using the following cardinalities:


A root node can be instrumented if the following conditions apply:
  • A non-null language is passed in the root node constructor.
  • isInstrumentable() is overridden and returns true.
  • Node.getSourceSection() is overridden and returns a non-null value.
  • The AST contains at least one node that implements InstrumentableNode.
  • It is recommended that children of instrumentable root nodes are tagged with StandardTags.

Note: It is recommended to override Node.getSourceSection() and provide a source section if available. This allows for better testing/tracing/tooling. If no concrete source section is available please consider using Source.createUnavailableSection().

Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Represents the root node in a Truffle AST. The root node is a {@link Node node} that allows to be * {@link #execute(VirtualFrame) executed} using a {@link VirtualFrame frame} instance created by * the framework. Please note that the {@link RootNode} should not be executed directly but using * {@link CallTarget#call(Object...)}. The structure of the frame is provided by the * {@link FrameDescriptor frame descriptor} passed in the constructor. A root node has always a * <code>null</code> {@link #getParent() parent} and cannot be {@link #replace(Node) replaced}. * * <h4>Construction</h4> * * The root node can be constructed with a {@link TruffleLanguage language implementation} if it is * available. The language implementation instance is obtainable while * {@link TruffleLanguage#createContext(Env)} or {@link TruffleLanguage#parse(ParsingRequest)} is * executed. If no language environment is available, then <code>null</code> can be passed. Please * note that root nodes with <code>null</code> language are considered not instrumentable and don't * have access to its public {@link #getLanguageInfo() language information}. * * <h4>Execution</h4> * * In order to execute a root node, a call target needs to be created using * {@link TruffleRuntime#createCallTarget(RootNode)}. This allows the runtime system to optimize the * execution of the AST. The {@link CallTarget} can either be {@link CallTarget#call(Object...) * called} directly from runtime code or {@link DirectCallNode direct} and {@link IndirectCallNode * indirect} call nodes can be created, inserted in a child field and * {@link DirectCallNode#call(Object[]) called}. The use of direct call nodes allows the framework * to automatically inline and further optimize call sites based on heuristics. * <p> * After several calls to a call target or call node, the root node might get compiled using partial * evaluation. The details of the compilation heuristic are unspecified, therefore the Truffle * runtime system might decide to not compile at all. * * <h4>Cardinalities</h4> * * <i>One</i> root node instance refers to other classes using the following cardinalities: * <ul> * <li><i>one</i> {@link TruffleLanguage language} * <li><i>one</i> {@link CallTarget call target} * <li><i>many</i> {@link TruffleLanguage#createContext(Env) created} language contexts * </ul> * * <h4>Instrumentation</h4> * * A root node can be {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation instrumented} if the * following conditions apply: * <ul> * <li>A non-null {@link TruffleLanguage language} is passed in the root node constructor. * <li>{@link #isInstrumentable()} is overridden and returns <code>true</code>. * <li>{@link #getSourceSection()} is overridden and returns a non-null value. * <li>The AST contains at least one node that implements * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentableNode}. * <li>It is recommended that children of instrumentable root nodes are tagged with * <code>StandardTags</code>. * </ul> * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> It is recommended to override {@link #getSourceSection()} and provide a * source section if available. This allows for better testing/tracing/tooling. If no concrete * source section is available please consider using {@link Source#createUnavailableSection()}. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public abstract class RootNode extends ExecutableNode { private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<RootNode, ReentrantLock> LOCK_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(RootNode.class, ReentrantLock.class, "lock"); @CompilationFinal private volatile RootCallTarget callTarget; @CompilationFinal private FrameDescriptor frameDescriptor; private volatile ReentrantLock lock; volatile byte instrumentationBits;
Creates new root node with a given language instance. The language instance is obtainable while TruffleLanguage.createContext(Env) or TruffleLanguage.parse(ParsingRequest) is executed. If no language environment is available, then null can be passed. Please note that root nodes with null language are considered not instrumentable and don't have access to its public language information.
  • language – the language this root node is associated with
/** * Creates new root node with a given language instance. The language instance is obtainable * while {@link TruffleLanguage#createContext(Env)} or * {@link TruffleLanguage#parse(ParsingRequest)} is executed. If no language environment is * available, then <code>null</code> can be passed. Please note that root nodes with * <code>null</code> language are considered not instrumentable and don't have access to its * public {@link #getLanguageInfo() language information}. * * @param language the language this root node is associated with * @since 0.25 */
protected RootNode(TruffleLanguage<?> language) { this(language, null); }
Creates new root node given an language environment and frame descriptor. The language instance is obtainable while TruffleLanguage.createContext(Env) or TruffleLanguage.parse(ParsingRequest) is executed. If no language environment is available, then null can be passed. Please note that root nodes with null language are considered not instrumentable and don't have access to its public language information.
  • language – the language this root node is associated with
/** * Creates new root node given an language environment and frame descriptor. The language * instance is obtainable while {@link TruffleLanguage#createContext(Env)} or * {@link TruffleLanguage#parse(ParsingRequest)} is executed. If no language environment is * available, then <code>null</code> can be passed. Please note that root nodes with * <code>null</code> language are considered not instrumentable and don't have access to its * public {@link #getLanguageInfo() language information}. * * @param language the language this root node is associated with * @since 0.25 */
protected RootNode(TruffleLanguage<?> language, FrameDescriptor frameDescriptor) { super(language); CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); this.frameDescriptor = frameDescriptor == null ? new FrameDescriptor() : frameDescriptor; }
See Also:
  • getContextReference.getContextReference()
Deprecated:use Node.lookupContextReference(Class<TruffleLanguage<Object>>) instead.
/** * @see TruffleLanguage#getContextReference() * @since 0.27 * @deprecated use {@link #lookupContextReference(Class)} instead. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated public final <C, T extends TruffleLanguage<C>> C getCurrentContext(Class<T> languageClass) { if (getLanguage() == null) { return null; } return getLanguage(languageClass).getContextReference().get(); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Override public Node copy() { RootNode root = (RootNode) super.copy(); root.frameDescriptor = frameDescriptor; return root; }
Returns a qualified name of the AST that in the best case uniquely identifiers the method. If the qualified name is not specified by the root, then the name is used by default. A root node that represents a Java method could consist of the package name, the class name and the method name. E.g. mypackage.MyClass.myMethod
Since:20.0.0 beta 1
/** * Returns a qualified name of the AST that in the best case uniquely identifiers the method. If * the qualified name is not specified by the root, then the {@link #getName() name} is used by * default. A root node that represents a Java method could consist of the package name, the * class name and the method name. E.g. <code>mypackage.MyClass.myMethod</code> * * @since 20.0.0 beta 1 */
public String getQualifiedName() { return getName(); }
Returns a simple name of the AST (expected to be a method or procedure name in most languages) that identifies the AST for the benefit of guest language programmers using tools; it might appear, for example in the context of a stack dump or trace and is not expected to be called often. Can be called on any thread and without a language context. The name of a root node that represents a Java method could consist of the method name. E.g. myMethod

In some languages AST "compilation units" may have no intrinsic names. When no information is available, language implementations might simply use the first few characters of the code, followed by "...". Language implementations should assign a more helpful name whenever it becomes possible, for example when a functional value is assigned. This means that the name might not be stable over time.

Language execution semantics should not depend on either this name or the way that it is formatted. The name should be presented in the way expected to be most useful for programmers.

Returns:a name that helps guest language programmers identify code corresponding to the AST, possibly null if the language implementation is unable to provide any useful information.
/** * Returns a simple name of the AST (expected to be a method or procedure name in most * languages) that identifies the AST for the benefit of guest language programmers using tools; * it might appear, for example in the context of a stack dump or trace and is not expected to * be called often. Can be called on any thread and without a language context. The name of a * root node that represents a Java method could consist of the method name. E.g. * <code>myMethod</code> * <p> * In some languages AST "compilation units" may have no intrinsic names. When no information is * available, language implementations might simply use the first few characters of the code, * followed by "{@code ...}". Language implementations should assign a more helpful name * whenever it becomes possible, for example when a functional value is assigned. This means * that the name might not be stable over time. * <p> * Language execution semantics should not depend on either this name or the way that it is * formatted. The name should be presented in the way expected to be most useful for * programmers. * * @return a name that helps guest language programmers identify code corresponding to the AST, * possibly {@code null} if the language implementation is unable to provide any useful * information. * @since 0.15 */
public String getName() { return null; }
Returns true if this root node should be considered internal and not be shown to a guest language programmer. This method has effect on tools and guest language stack traces. By default a RootNode is internal if no language was passed in the constructor or if the root source section is set and points to an internal source. This method is intended to be overwritten by guest languages, when the node's source is internal, the implementation should respect that. Can be called on any thread and without a language context.

This method may be invoked on compiled code paths. It is recommended to implement this method such that it returns a compilation final constant.

/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this root node should be considered internal and not be shown to * a guest language programmer. This method has effect on tools and guest language stack traces. * By default a {@link RootNode} is internal if no language was passed in the constructor or if * the {@link #getSourceSection() root source section} is set and points to an internal source. * This method is intended to be overwritten by guest languages, when the node's source is * internal, the implementation should respect that. Can be called on any thread and without a * language context. * <p> * This method may be invoked on compiled code paths. It is recommended to implement this method * such that it returns a compilation final constant. * * @since 0.27 */
public boolean isInternal() { if (getLanguageInfo() == null) { return true; } SourceSection sc = materializeSourceSection(); if (sc != null) { return sc.getSource().isInternal(); } return false; } @TruffleBoundary private SourceSection materializeSourceSection() { return getSourceSection(); }
Returns true if a TruffleException leaving this node should capture Frame objects in its stack trace in addition to the default information. This is false by default to avoid the attached overhead. The captured frames are then accessible through TruffleStackTraceElement.getFrame()
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a TruffleException leaving this node should capture * {@link Frame} objects in its stack trace in addition to the default information. This is * <code>false</code> by default to avoid the attached overhead. The captured frames are then * accessible through {@link TruffleStackTraceElement#getFrame()} * * @since 0.31 */
public boolean isCaptureFramesForTrace() { return false; }
Returns true if this RootNode is allowed to be cloned. The runtime system might decide to create deep copies of the RootNode in order to gather context sensitive profiling feedback. The default implementation returns false. Guest language specific implementations may want to return true here to indicate that gathering call site specific profiling information might make sense for this RootNode .
Returns:true if cloning is allowed else false.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this {@link RootNode} is allowed to be cloned. The runtime * system might decide to create deep copies of the {@link RootNode} in order to gather context * sensitive profiling feedback. The default implementation returns <code>false</code>. Guest * language specific implementations may want to return <code>true</code> here to indicate that * gathering call site specific profiling information might make sense for this {@link RootNode} * . * * @return <code>true</code> if cloning is allowed else <code>false</code>. * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public boolean isCloningAllowed() { return false; }
Returns true if cloneUninitialized() can be used to create uninitialized copies of an already initialized / executed root node. By default, or if this method returns false, an optimizing Truffle runtime might need to copy the AST before it is executed for the first time to ensure it is able to create new uninitialized copies when needed. By returning true and therefore supporting uninitialized copies an optimizing runtime does not need to keep a reference to an uninitialized copy on its own and might therefore be able to save memory. The returned boolean needs to be immutable for a RootNode instance.
See Also:
Returns:true if calls to uninitialized copies are supported.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if {@link #cloneUninitialized()} can be used to create * uninitialized copies of an already initialized / executed root node. By default, or if this * method returns <code>false</code>, an optimizing Truffle runtime might need to copy the AST * before it is executed for the first time to ensure it is able to create new uninitialized * copies when needed. By returning <code>true</code> and therefore supporting uninitialized * copies an optimizing runtime does not need to keep a reference to an uninitialized copy on * its own and might therefore be able to save memory. The returned boolean needs to be * immutable for a {@link RootNode} instance. * * @return <code>true</code> if calls to {@link #cloneUninitialized() uninitialized copies} are * supported. * @see #cloneUninitialized() * @since 0.24 */
protected boolean isCloneUninitializedSupported() { return false; }
Creates an uninitialized copy of an already initialized/executed root node if it is supported. Throws an UnsupportedOperationException exception by default. By default, or if isCloneUninitializedSupported() returns false, an optimizing Truffle runtime might need to copy the root node before it is executed for the first time to ensure it is able to create new uninitialized copies when needed. By supporting uninitialized copies an optimizing runtime does not need to keep a reference to an uninitialized copy on its own and might therefore be able to save memory.

Two common strategies to implement cloneUninitialized() are:

  • Reparsing: Support it by keeping a reference to the original source code including the lexical scope and create the uninitialized copy of the root node by reparsing the source.
  • Resetting: Support it by traversing the Node tree and derive an uninitialized copy from each initialized node.
See Also:
Returns:an uninitialized copy of this root node if supported.
/** * Creates an uninitialized copy of an already initialized/executed root node if it is * {@link #isCloneUninitializedSupported() supported}. Throws an * {@link UnsupportedOperationException} exception by default. By default, or if * {@link #isCloneUninitializedSupported()} returns <code>false</code>, an optimizing Truffle * runtime might need to copy the root node before it is executed for the first time to ensure * it is able to create new uninitialized copies when needed. By supporting uninitialized copies * an optimizing runtime does not need to keep a reference to an uninitialized copy on its own * and might therefore be able to save memory. * * <p> * Two common strategies to implement {@link #cloneUninitialized()} are: * <ul> * <li><b>Reparsing:</b> Support it by keeping a reference to the original source code including * the lexical scope and create the uninitialized copy of the root node by reparsing the source. * <li><b>Resetting:</b> Support it by traversing the {@link Node} tree and derive an * uninitialized copy from each initialized node. * </ul> * * @return an uninitialized copy of this root node if supported. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if not supported * @see #isCloneUninitializedSupported() * @since 0.24 */
protected RootNode cloneUninitialized() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Executes this function using the specified frame and returns the result value.
  • frame – the frame of the currently executing guest language method
Returns:the value of the execution
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Executes this function using the specified frame and returns the result value. * * @param frame the frame of the currently executing guest language method * @return the value of the execution * @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Override public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame);
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public final RootCallTarget getCallTarget() { return callTarget; }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public final FrameDescriptor getFrameDescriptor() { return frameDescriptor; }
/** @since 19.0 */
protected final void setCallTarget(RootCallTarget callTarget) { this.callTarget = callTarget; }
Get compiler options specific to this RootNode.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Get compiler options specific to this <code>RootNode</code>. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public CompilerOptions getCompilerOptions() { return DefaultCompilerOptions.INSTANCE; }
Does this contain AST content that it is possible to instrument. Can be called on any thread and without a language context.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Does this contain AST content that it is possible to instrument. Can be called on any thread * and without a language context. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
protected boolean isInstrumentable() { return true; }
Is this root node to be considered trivial by the runtime. A trivial root node is defined as a root node that:
  1. Never increases code size when inlined, i.e. is always less complex then the call.
  2. Never performs guest language calls.
  3. Never contains loops.
  4. Is small (for a language-specific definition of small).
An good example of trivial root nodes would be getters and setters in java.
Returns:true if this root node should be considered trivial by the runtime. false otherwise.
/** * Is this root node to be considered trivial by the runtime. * * A trivial root node is defined as a root node that: * <ol> * <li>Never increases code size when inlined, i.e. is always less complex then the call.</li> * <li>Never performs guest language calls.</li> * <li>Never contains loops.</li> * <li>Is small (for a language-specific definition of small).</li> * </ol> * * An good example of trivial root nodes would be getters and setters in java. * * @since 20.3.0 * @return <code>true </code>if this root node should be considered trivial by the runtime. * <code>false</code> otherwise. */
protected boolean isTrivial() { return false; }
Provide a list of stack frames that led to a schedule of asynchronous execution of this root node on the provided frame. The asynchronous frames are expected to be found here when Env.getAsynchronousStackDepth() is positive. The language is free to provide asynchronous frames or longer list of frames when it's of no performance penalty, or if requested by other options. This method is invoked on slow-paths only and with a context entered.
  • frame – A frame, never null
See Also:
  • Env.getAsynchronousStackDepth()
Returns:a list of TruffleStackTraceElement, or null when no asynchronous stack is available.
/** * Provide a list of stack frames that led to a schedule of asynchronous execution of this root * node on the provided frame. The asynchronous frames are expected to be found here when * {@link Env#getAsynchronousStackDepth()} is positive. The language is free to provide * asynchronous frames or longer list of frames when it's of no performance penalty, or if * requested by other options. This method is invoked on slow-paths only and with a context * entered. * * @param frame A frame, never <code>null</code> * @return a list of {@link TruffleStackTraceElement}, or <code>null</code> when no asynchronous * stack is available. * @see Env#getAsynchronousStackDepth() * @since 20.1.0 */
protected List<TruffleStackTraceElement> findAsynchronousFrames(Frame frame) { return null; }
Translates the TruffleStackTraceElement into an interop object supporting the hasExecutableName and potentially hasDeclaringMetaObject and hasSourceLocation messages. An executable name must be provided, whereas the declaring meta object and source location is optional. Guest languages may typically return their function objects that typically already implement the required contracts.

The intention of this method is to provide a guest language object for other languages that they can inspect using interop. An implementation of this method is expected to not fail with a guest error. Implementations are allowed to do context reference lookups in the implementation of the method. This may be useful to access the function objects needed to resolve the stack trace element.

See Also:
/** * Translates the {@link TruffleStackTraceElement} into an interop object supporting the * {@code hasExecutableName} and potentially {@code hasDeclaringMetaObject} and * {@code hasSourceLocation} messages. An executable name must be provided, whereas the * declaring meta object and source location is optional. Guest languages may typically return * their function objects that typically already implement the required contracts. * <p> * The intention of this method is to provide a guest language object for other languages that * they can inspect using interop. An implementation of this method is expected to not fail with * a guest error. Implementations are allowed to do {@link ContextReference#get() context * reference lookups} in the implementation of the method. This may be useful to access the * function objects needed to resolve the stack trace element. * * @see TruffleStackTraceElement#getGuestObject() to access the guest object of a stack trace * element. * @since 20.3 */
protected Object translateStackTraceElement(TruffleStackTraceElement element) { Node location = element.getLocation(); return NodeAccessor.EXCEPTION.createDefaultStackTraceElementObject(element.getTarget().getRootNode(), location != null ? location.getEncapsulatingSourceSection() : null); }
Allows languages to perform actions before a root node is attempted to be compiled without prior call to execute(VirtualFrame). By default this method returns null to indicate that AOT compilation is not supported. Any non-null value indicates that compilation without execution is supported for this root node. This method is guaranteed to not be invoked prior to any calls to execute.

Common tasks that need to be performed by this method:

  • Initialize local variable types in the FrameDescriptor of the root node. Without that any access to the frame will invalidate the code on first execute.
  • Initialize specializing nodes with profiles that do not invalidate on first execution.
  • Compute the expected execution signature of a root node and return it.

If possible an execution signature should be returned for better call efficiency. If the argument and return profile is not available or cannot be derived the ExecutionSignature.GENERIC can be used to indicate that any value needs to be expected for as argument from or as return value of the method. To indicate that a type is unknown a null return or argument type should be used. The type Object type should not be used in that case.

This method is invoked when no context is currently entered therefore no guest application code must be executed. The execution might happen on any thread, even threads unknown to the guest language implementation. It is allowed to create new call targets during preparation of the root node or perform modifications to the language of this root node.

/** * Allows languages to perform actions before a root node is attempted to be compiled without * prior call to {@link #execute(VirtualFrame)}. By default this method returns * <code>null</code> to indicate that AOT compilation is not supported. Any non-null value * indicates that compilation without execution is supported for this root node. This method is * guaranteed to not be invoked prior to any calls to {@link #execute(VirtualFrame) execute}. * <p> * Common tasks that need to be performed by this method: * <ul> * <li>Initialize local variable types in the {@link FrameDescriptor} of the root node. Without * that any access to the frame will invalidate the code on first execute. * <li>Initialize specializing nodes with profiles that do not invalidate on first execution. * <li>Compute the expected execution signature of a root node and return it. * </ul> * <p> * If possible an {@link ExecutionSignature execution signature} should be returned for better * call efficiency. If the argument and return profile is not available or cannot be derived the * {@link ExecutionSignature#GENERIC} can be used to indicate that any value needs to be * expected for as argument from or as return value of the method. To indicate that a type is * unknown a <code>null</code> return or argument type should be used. The type * <code>Object</code> type should not be used in that case. * <p> * This method is invoked when no context is currently {@link TruffleContext#enter(Node) * entered} therefore no guest application code must be executed. The execution might happen on * any thread, even threads unknown to the guest language implementation. It is allowed to * create new {@link CallTarget call targets} during preparation of the root node or perform * modifications to the {@link TruffleLanguage language} of this root node. * * @since 20.3 */
protected ExecutionSignature prepareForAOT() { return null; }
Helper method to create a root node that always returns the same value. Certain operations (especially inter-operability API) require return of stable root nodes. To simplify creation of such nodes, here is a factory method that can create RootNode that returns always the same value.
  • constant – the constant to return
Returns:root node returning the constant
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Helper method to create a root node that always returns the same value. Certain operations * (especially {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.interop inter-operability} API) require return of * stable {@link RootNode root nodes}. To simplify creation of such nodes, here is a factory * method that can create {@link RootNode} that returns always the same value. * * @param constant the constant to return * @return root node returning the constant * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static RootNode createConstantNode(Object constant) { return new Constant(constant); } final ReentrantLock getLazyLock() { ReentrantLock l = this.lock; if (l == null) { l = initializeLock(); } return l; } private ReentrantLock initializeLock() { ReentrantLock l = new ReentrantLock(); if (!RootNode.LOCK_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, null, l)) { // if CAS failed, lock is already initialized; cannot be null after that. l = Objects.requireNonNull(this.lock); } return l; } private static final class Constant extends RootNode { private final Object value; Constant(Object value) { super(null); this.value = value; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { return value; } } }