 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
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 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.api;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;

Support for logging in Truffle languages and instruments.

The logger's Level configuration is done using the Context's options. The level option key has the following format: log.languageId.className.level or log.instrumentId.className.level. The value is either the name of pre-defined Level constant or a numeric Level value. If not explicitly set in Context's options the level is inherited from the parent logger.

The TruffleLogger supports message parameters of primitive types and strings. The object parameters are converted into string value before they are passed to the Handler.

The TruffleLogger instances are safe to be used on compiled code paths as well as from multiple-threads.

/** * Support for logging in Truffle languages and instruments. * <p> * The logger's {@link Level} configuration is done using the * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.Builder#options(java.util.Map) Context's options}. The level * option key has the following format: {@code log.languageId.className.level} or * {@code log.instrumentId.className.level}. The value is either the name of pre-defined * {@link Level} constant or a numeric {@link Level} value. If not explicitly set in * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.Builder#options(java.util.Map) Context's options} the level * is inherited from the parent logger. * <p> * The {@link TruffleLogger} supports {@link LogRecord#getParameters() message parameters} of * primitive types and strings. The object parameters are converted into string value before they * are passed to the {@link Handler}. * <p> * The {@link TruffleLogger} instances are safe to be used on compiled code paths as well as from * multiple-threads. * * @since 19.0 */
public final class TruffleLogger { private static final String ROOT_NAME = ""; private static final int MAX_CLEANED_REFS = 100; private static final int OFF_VALUE = Level.OFF.intValue(); private static final int DEFAULT_VALUE = Level.INFO.intValue(); private static final ReferenceQueue<TruffleLogger> loggersRefQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>(); private static final Object childrenLock = new Object(); private final String name; private final LoggerCache loggerCache; @CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal private volatile int levelNum; @CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal private volatile Assumption levelNumStable; private volatile Level levelObj; private volatile TruffleLogger parent; private Collection<ChildLoggerRef> children; private TruffleLogger(final String loggerName, final LoggerCache loggerCache) { this.name = loggerName; this.loggerCache = loggerCache; this.levelNum = DEFAULT_VALUE; this.levelNumStable = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Log Level Value stable for: " + loggerName); } private TruffleLogger(LoggerCache loggerCache) { this(ROOT_NAME, loggerCache); }
Find or create a root logger for a given language or instrument. If the root logger for given language or instrument already exists it's returned, otherwise a new root logger is created.
  • id – the unique id of language or instrument
Returns:a TruffleLogger
/** * Find or create a root logger for a given language or instrument. If the root logger for given * language or instrument already exists it's returned, otherwise a new root logger is created. * * @param id the unique id of language or instrument * @return a {@link TruffleLogger} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code id} is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is not a valid language or instrument id. * @since 19.0 */
public static TruffleLogger getLogger(final String id) { return getLogger(id, null, LoggerCache.getInstance()); }
Find or create a logger for a given language or instrument class. If a logger for the class already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is created.
  • id – the unique id of language or instrument
  • forClass – the Class to create a logger for
Returns:a TruffleLogger
/** * Find or create a logger for a given language or instrument class. If a logger for the class * already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is created. * * @param id the unique id of language or instrument * @param forClass the {@link Class} to create a logger for * @return a {@link TruffleLogger} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code id} or {@code forClass} is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is not a valid language or instrument id. * @since 19.0 */
public static TruffleLogger getLogger(final String id, final Class<?> forClass) { Objects.requireNonNull(forClass, "Class must be non null."); return getLogger(id, forClass.getName()); }
Find or create a logger for a given language or instrument. If a logger with given name already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is created.
  • id – the unique id of language or instrument
  • loggerName – the the name of a TruffleLogger, if a loggerName is null or empty a root logger for language or instrument is returned
Returns:a TruffleLogger
/** * Find or create a logger for a given language or instrument. If a logger with given name * already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is created. * * @param id the unique id of language or instrument * @param loggerName the the name of a {@link TruffleLogger}, if a {@code loggerName} is null or * empty a root logger for language or instrument is returned * @return a {@link TruffleLogger} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code id} is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is not a valid language or instrument id. * @since 19.0 */
public static TruffleLogger getLogger(final String id, final String loggerName) { return getLogger(id, loggerName, LoggerCache.getInstance()); } static TruffleLogger getLogger(String id, String loggerName, LoggerCache loggerCache) { Objects.requireNonNull(id, "LanguageId must be non null."); return loggerCache.getOrCreateLogger(id, loggerName); } static LoggerCache createLoggerCache(Object loggerCache, Map<String, Level> logLevels) { LoggerCache cache = new LoggerCache(loggerCache); if (!logLevels.isEmpty()) { Object vmObject = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLoggerOwner(loggerCache); assert vmObject != null; cache.addLogLevelsForContext(vmObject, logLevels); } return cache; }
Logs a message with config level.

If the logger is enabled for the config level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#CONFIG config level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#CONFIG config level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void config(final String message) { log(Level.CONFIG, message); }
Logs a message with config level. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the config level.

If the logger is enabled for the config level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#CONFIG config level}. The message is constructed only when * the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#CONFIG config level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#CONFIG config level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void config(final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { log(Level.CONFIG, messageSupplier); }
Logs entry into method.

This method can be used to log entry into a method. A LogRecord with message "ENTRY" and the given sourceMethod and sourceClass is logged with finer level.

  • sourceClass – the entered class
  • sourceMethod – the entered method
/** * Logs entry into method. * <p> * This method can be used to log entry into a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message "ENTRY" * and the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} is logged with {@link Level#FINER * finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the entered class * @param sourceMethod the entered method * @since 19.0 */
public void entering(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "ENTRY"); }
Logs entry into method with single parameter.

This method can be used to log entry into a method. A LogRecord with message "ENTRY", the given sourceMethod and sourceClass and given parameter is logged with finer level.

  • sourceClass – the entered class
  • sourceMethod – the entered method
  • parameter – the method parameter
/** * Logs entry into method with single parameter. * <p> * This method can be used to log entry into a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message "ENTRY", * the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} and given parameter is logged with * {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the entered class * @param sourceMethod the entered method * @param parameter the method parameter * @since 19.0 */
public void entering(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Object parameter) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "ENTRY {0}", parameter); }
Logs entry into method with multiple parameters.

This method can be used to log entry into a method. A LogRecord with message "ENTRY", the given sourceMethod and sourceClass and given parameters is logged with finer level.

  • sourceClass – the entered class
  • sourceMethod – the entered method
  • parameters – the method parameters
/** * Logs entry into method with multiple parameters. * <p> * This method can be used to log entry into a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message "ENTRY", * the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} and given parameters is logged with * {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the entered class * @param sourceMethod the entered method * @param parameters the method parameters * @since 19.0 */
public void entering(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Object[] parameters) { String msg = "ENTRY"; if (parameters == null) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, msg); return; } if (!isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { msg = msg + " {" + i + "}"; } logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, msg, parameters); }
Logs a return from method.

This method can be used to log return from a method. A LogRecord with message "RETURN" and the given sourceMethod and sourceClass is logged with finer level.

  • sourceClass – the exiting class
  • sourceMethod – the exiting method
/** * Logs a return from method. * <p> * This method can be used to log return from a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message * "RETURN" and the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} is logged with * {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the exiting class * @param sourceMethod the exiting method * @since 19.0 */
public void exiting(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "RETURN"); }
Logs a return from method with result.

This method can be used to log return from a method. A LogRecord with message "RETURN", the given sourceMethod and sourceClass and method result is logged with finer level.

  • sourceClass – the exiting class
  • sourceMethod – the exiting method
  • result – the return value
/** * Logs a return from method with result. * <p> * This method can be used to log return from a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message * "RETURN", the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} and method result is logged * with {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the exiting class * @param sourceMethod the exiting method * @param result the return value * @since 19.0 */
public void exiting(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Object result) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "RETURN {0}", result); }
Logs a message with fine level.

If the logger is enabled for the fine level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINE fine level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINE fine level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void fine(final String message) { log(Level.FINE, message); }
Logs a message with fine level. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the fine level.

If the logger is enabled for the fine level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINE fine level}. The message is constructed only when the * logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINE fine level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINE fine level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void fine(final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { log(Level.FINE, messageSupplier); }
Logs a message with finer level.

If the logger is enabled for the finer level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINER finer level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void finer(final String message) { log(Level.FINER, message); }
Logs a message with finer level. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the finer level.

If the logger is enabled for the finer level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINER finer level}. The message is constructed only when the * logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINER finer level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void finer(final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { log(Level.FINER, messageSupplier); }
Logs a message with finest level.

If the logger is enabled for the finest level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINEST finest level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINEST finest level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void finest(final String message) { log(Level.FINEST, message); }
Logs a message with finest level. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the finest level.

If the logger is enabled for the finest level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINEST finest level}. The message is constructed only when * the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINEST finest level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINEST finest level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void finest(final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { log(Level.FINEST, messageSupplier); }
Logs a message with info level.

If the logger is enabled for the info level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#INFO info level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#INFO info level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void info(final String message) { log(Level.INFO, message); }
Logs a message with info level. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the info level.

If the logger is enabled for the info level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#INFO info level}. The message is constructed only when the * logger is enabled for the {@link Level#INFO info level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#INFO info level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void info(final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { log(Level.INFO, messageSupplier); }
Logs a message with severe level.

If the logger is enabled for the severe level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#SEVERE severe level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#SEVERE severe level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void severe(final String message) { log(Level.SEVERE, message); }
Logs a message with severe level. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the severe level.

If the logger is enabled for the severe level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#SEVERE severe level}. The message is constructed only when * the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#SEVERE severe level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#SEVERE severe level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void severe(final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { log(Level.SEVERE, messageSupplier); }
Logs throwing an exception.

This method can be used to log exception thrown from a method. A LogRecord with message "THROW",the given sourceMethod and sourceClass and thrown is logged with finer level.

  • sourceClass – the class throwing an exception
  • sourceMethod – the method throwing an exception
  • thrown – the thrown exception
/** * Logs throwing an exception. * <p> * This method can be used to log exception thrown from a method. A {@link LogRecord} with * message "THROW",the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} and {@code thrown} is * logged with {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the class throwing an exception * @param sourceMethod the method throwing an exception * @param thrown the thrown exception * @since 19.0 */
public <T extends Throwable> T throwing(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final T thrown) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "THROW", thrown); return thrown; }
Logs a message with warning level.

If the logger is enabled for the warning level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#WARNING warning level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#WARNING warning level} the message is sent to * the {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void warning(final String message) { log(Level.WARNING, message); }
Logs a message with warning level. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the warning level.

If the logger is enabled for the warning level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with {@link Level#WARNING warning level}. The message is constructed only when * the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#WARNING warning level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#WARNING warning level} the message is sent to * the {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void warning(final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { log(Level.WARNING, messageSupplier); }
Logs a message.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void log(final Level level, final String message) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, null, null, (Object) null); }
Logs a message. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the given level.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the given * {@code level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void log(final Level level, final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, messageSupplier, null, null, (Object) null); }
Logs a message with single parameter.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • message – the message to log
  • parameter – the log message parameter
/** * Logs a message with single parameter. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param message the message to log * @param parameter the log message parameter * @since 19.0 */
public void log(final Level level, final String message, final Object parameter) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, null, null, parameter); }
Logs a message with multiple parameters.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • message – the message to log
  • parameters – the log message parameters
/** * Logs a message with multiple parameters. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param message the message to log * @param parameters the log message parameters * @since 19.0 */
public void log(final Level level, final String message, final Object[] parameters) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, null, null, parameters); }
Logs a message with an exception.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • message – the message to log
  • thrown – the exception to log
/** * Logs a message with an exception. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param message the message to log * @param thrown the exception to log * @since 19.0 */
public void log(final Level level, final String message, final Throwable thrown) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, null, null, thrown); }
Logs a message with an exception. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the given level.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • thrown – the exception to log
  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with an exception. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled * for the given {@code level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param thrown the exception to log * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void log(final Level level, final Throwable thrown, final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, messageSupplier, null, null, thrown); }
Logs a message, specifying source class and source method.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • sourceClass – the class issued the logging request
  • sourceMethod – the method issued the logging request
  • message – the message to log
/** * Logs a message, specifying source class and source method. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final String message) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, sourceClass, sourceMethod, (Object) null); }
Logs a message, specifying source class and source method. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the given level.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • sourceClass – the class issued the logging request
  • sourceMethod – the method issued the logging request
  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message, specifying source class and source method. The message is constructed only * when the logger is enabled for the given {@code level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, messageSupplier, sourceClass, sourceMethod, (Object) null); }
Logs a message with single parameter, specifying source class and source method.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • sourceClass – the class issued the logging request
  • sourceMethod – the method issued the logging request
  • message – the message to log
  • parameter – the log message parameter
/** * Logs a message with single parameter, specifying source class and source method. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param message the message to log * @param parameter the log message parameter * @since 19.0 */
public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final String message, final Object parameter) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, sourceClass, sourceMethod, parameter); }
Log a message with multiple parameters, specifying source class and source method.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • sourceClass – the class issued the logging request
  • sourceMethod – the method issued the logging request
  • message – the message to log
  • parameters – the log message parameters
/** * Log a message with multiple parameters, specifying source class and source method. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param message the message to log * @param parameters the log message parameters * @since 19.0 */
public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final String message, Object[] parameters) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, sourceClass, sourceMethod, parameters); }
Logs a message with an exception, specifying source class and source method.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • sourceClass – the class issued the logging request
  • sourceMethod – the method issued the logging request
  • message – the message to log
  • thrown – the exception to log
/** * Logs a message with an exception, specifying source class and source method. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param message the message to log * @param thrown the exception to log * @since 19.0 */
public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final String message, final Throwable thrown) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, sourceClass, sourceMethod, thrown); }
Logs a message with an exception, specifying source class and source method. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the given level.

If the logger is enabled for the given level the message is sent to the Handler registered in the current Context.

  • level – the required Level
  • sourceClass – the class issued the logging request
  • sourceMethod – the method issued the logging request
  • thrown – the exception to log
  • messageSupplier – the Supplier called to produce the message to log
/** * Logs a message with an exception, specifying source class and source method. The message is * constructed only when the logger is enabled for the given {@code level}. * <p> * If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param thrown the exception to log * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */
public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Throwable thrown, final Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, messageSupplier, sourceClass, sourceMethod, thrown); }
Returns the name of the logger.
Returns:the logger name
/** * Returns the name of the logger. * * @return the logger name * @since 19.0 */
public String getName() { return name; }
Returns the parent TruffleLogger.
Returns:the parent TruffleLogger or null when the TruffleLogger has no parent.
/** * Returns the parent {@link TruffleLogger}. * * @return the parent {@link TruffleLogger} or null when the {@link TruffleLogger} has no * parent. * @since 19.0 */
public TruffleLogger getParent() { return parent; }
Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by this logger.
  • level – the required logging level
Returns:true if message is loggable by this logger
/** * Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by this logger. * * @param level the required logging level * @return true if message is loggable by this logger * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isLoggable(final Level level) { int value = getLevelNum(); if (level.intValue() < value || value == OFF_VALUE) { return false; } return isLoggableSlowPath(level); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private boolean isLoggableSlowPath(final Level level) { return loggerCache.isLoggable(getName(), level); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final String message, final String className, final String methodName, final Object param) { doLog(level, message, className, methodName, new Object[]{param}); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final String message, final String className, final String methodName, final Object[] params) { final LogRecord logRecord = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().createLogRecord( loggerCache.getSPI(), level, getName(), message, className, methodName, params, null); callHandlers(logRecord); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final String message, final String className, final String methodName, final Throwable thrown) { final LogRecord logRecord = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().createLogRecord( loggerCache.getSPI(), level, getName(), message, className, methodName, null, thrown); callHandlers(logRecord); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final Supplier<String> messageSupplier, final String className, final String methodName, final Object param) { doLog(level, messageSupplier.get(), className, methodName, new Object[]{param}); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final Supplier<String> messageSupplier, final String className, final String methodName, final Throwable thrown) { doLog(level, messageSupplier.get(), className, methodName, thrown); } private void callHandlers(final LogRecord record) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation("Log handler should never be called from compiled code."); for (TruffleLogger current = this; current != null; current = current.getParent()) { if (current == loggerCache.polyglotRootLogger) { LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLogHandler(loggerCache.getSPI()).publish(record); } } } private void removeChild(final ChildLoggerRef child) { synchronized (childrenLock) { if (children != null) { for (Iterator<ChildLoggerRef> it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { if (it.next() == child) { it.remove(); return; } } } } } private void updateLevelNum(boolean singleContext) { int value; if (levelObj != null) { value = levelObj.intValue(); if (parent != null && !singleContext) { value = Math.min(value, parent.getLevelNum()); } } else if (parent != null) { value = parent.getLevelNum(); } else { value = DEFAULT_VALUE; } setLevelNum(value); if (children != null) { for (ChildLoggerRef ref : children) { final TruffleLogger logger = ref.get(); if (logger != null) { logger.updateLevelNum(singleContext); } } } } private int getLevelNum() { if (!levelNumStable.isValid()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); } return levelNum; } private boolean setLevelNum(final int value) { if (this.levelNum != value) { this.levelNum = value; final Assumption currentAssumtion = levelNumStable; levelNumStable = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Log Level Value stable for: " + getName()); currentAssumtion.invalidate(); return true; } return false; } private void setLevel(final Level level, final boolean singleContext) { synchronized (childrenLock) { this.levelObj = level; updateLevelNum(singleContext); } } private void setParent(final TruffleLogger newParent, final boolean singleContext) { Objects.requireNonNull(newParent, "Parent must be non null."); synchronized (childrenLock) { ChildLoggerRef found = null; if (parent != null) { for (Iterator<ChildLoggerRef> it = parent.children.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final ChildLoggerRef childRef = it.next(); final TruffleLogger childLogger = childRef.get(); if (childLogger == this) { found = childRef; it.remove(); break; } } } this.parent = newParent; if (found == null) { found = new ChildLoggerRef(this); } found.setParent(parent); if (parent.children == null) { parent.children = new ArrayList<>(2); } parent.children.add(found); updateLevelNum(singleContext); } } private static void cleanupFreedReferences() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLEANED_REFS; i++) { final AbstractLoggerRef ref = (AbstractLoggerRef) loggersRefQueue.poll(); if (ref == null) { break; } ref.close(); } } private abstract static class AbstractLoggerRef extends WeakReference<TruffleLogger> implements Closeable { private final AtomicBoolean closed; AbstractLoggerRef(final TruffleLogger logger) { super(logger, loggersRefQueue); this.closed = new AtomicBoolean(); } @Override public abstract void close(); boolean shouldClose() { return !closed.getAndSet(true); } } private static final class ChildLoggerRef extends AbstractLoggerRef { private volatile Reference<TruffleLogger> parent; ChildLoggerRef(final TruffleLogger logger) { super(logger); } void setParent(TruffleLogger parent) { this.parent = new WeakReference<>(parent); } @Override public void close() { if (shouldClose()) { final Reference<TruffleLogger> p = parent; if (p != null) { TruffleLogger parentLogger = p.get(); if (parentLogger != null) { parentLogger.removeChild(this); } parent = null; } } } } static final class LoggerCache { private static final ReferenceQueue<Object> contextsRefQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>(); private static final LoggerCache INSTANCE = new LoggerCache(LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().createDefaultLoggerCache()); private final Object loggerCache; // an instance of // com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotLoggers.LoggerCache private final TruffleLogger polyglotRootLogger; private final Map<String, NamedLoggerRef> loggers; private final LoggerNode root; private final Set<ContextWeakReference> activeContexts; private Map<String, Level> effectiveLevels; private volatile Set<String> knownIds; private LoggerCache(Object loggerCacheSpi) { Objects.requireNonNull(loggerCacheSpi); this.loggerCache = loggerCacheSpi; this.polyglotRootLogger = new TruffleLogger(this); this.loggers = new HashMap<>(); this.loggers.put(ROOT_NAME, new NamedLoggerRef(this.polyglotRootLogger, ROOT_NAME)); this.root = new LoggerNode(null, new NamedLoggerRef(this.polyglotRootLogger, ROOT_NAME)); this.activeContexts = new HashSet<>(); this.effectiveLevels = Collections.emptyMap(); } synchronized void addLogLevelsForContext(final Object spi, final Map<String, Level> addedLevels) { activeContexts.add(new ContextWeakReference(spi, contextsRefQueue, addedLevels)); final Set<String> toRemove = collectRemovedLevels(); reconfigure(addedLevels, toRemove); } synchronized void removeLogLevelsForContext(final Object context) { Set<String> toRemove = removeContext(context); reconfigure(Collections.emptyMap(), toRemove); } synchronized void close() { Object owner = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLoggerOwner(loggerCache); if (owner == null) { return; } Set<String> toRemove = removeContext(owner); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { reconfigure(Collections.emptyMap(), toRemove); } } synchronized boolean isLoggable(final String loggerName, final Level level) { final Set<String> toRemove = collectRemovedLevels(); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { reconfigure(Collections.emptyMap(), toRemove); // Logger's effective level may changed return getLogger(loggerName).isLoggable(level); } final Map<String, Level> current = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLogLevels(getSPI()); if (current == null) { return noContext(); } if (current.isEmpty()) { final int currentLevel = DEFAULT_VALUE; return level.intValue() >= currentLevel && currentLevel != OFF_VALUE; } if (activeContexts.size() == 1) { return true; } final int currentLevel = computeLevel(loggerName, current); return level.intValue() >= currentLevel && currentLevel != OFF_VALUE; } @SuppressWarnings("all") private static boolean noContext() { boolean assertionsEnabled = false; assert assertionsEnabled = true; if (assertionsEnabled) { throw new IllegalStateException("Thread using TruffleLogger has to have a current context or the TruffleLogger has to be bound to an engine."); } return false; } private static int computeLevel(String loggeName, final Map<String, Level> levels) { for (String currentName = loggeName; currentName != null;) { final Level l = levels.get(currentName); if (l != null) { return l.intValue(); } if (currentName.isEmpty()) { currentName = null; } else { final int index = currentName.lastIndexOf('.'); currentName = index == -1 ? "" : currentName.substring(0, index); } } return DEFAULT_VALUE; } private TruffleLogger getOrCreateLogger(final String loggerName) { TruffleLogger found = getLogger(loggerName); if (found == null) { for (final TruffleLogger logger = new TruffleLogger(loggerName, this); found == null;) { if (addLogger(logger)) { found = logger; break; } found = getLogger(loggerName); } } return found; } private TruffleLogger getOrCreateLogger(final String id, final String loggerName) { Set<String> ids = getKnownIds(); if (!ids.contains(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown language or instrument id " + id + ", known ids: " + String.join(", ", ids)); } final String globalLoggerId = loggerName == null || loggerName.isEmpty() ? id : id + '.' + loggerName; return getOrCreateLogger(globalLoggerId); } private Set<String> getKnownIds() { Set<String> result = knownIds; if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<>(); result.addAll(LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getInternalIds()); result.addAll(LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLanguageIds()); result.addAll(LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getInstrumentIds()); knownIds = result; } return result; } private Object getSPI() { return this.loggerCache; } private synchronized TruffleLogger getLogger(final String loggerName) { TruffleLogger res = null; final NamedLoggerRef ref = loggers.get(loggerName); if (ref != null) { res = ref.get(); if (res == null) { ref.close(); } } return res; } private boolean addLogger(final TruffleLogger logger) { final String loggerName = logger.getName(); if (loggerName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Logger must have non null name."); } cleanupFreedReferences(); synchronized (this) { NamedLoggerRef ref = loggers.get(loggerName); if (ref != null) { final TruffleLogger loggerInstance = ref.get(); if (loggerInstance != null) { return false; } else { ref.close(); } } ref = new NamedLoggerRef(logger, loggerName); loggers.put(loggerName, ref); setLoggerLevel(logger, loggerName, activeContexts.size() <= 1); createParents(loggerName); final LoggerNode node = findLoggerNode(loggerName); node.setLoggerRef(ref); final TruffleLogger parentLogger = node.findParentLogger(); if (parentLogger != null) { logger.setParent(parentLogger, activeContexts.size() <= 1); } node.updateChildParents(); ref.setNode(node); return true; } } private Level getEffectiveLevel(final String loggerName) { return effectiveLevels.get(loggerName); } private Set<String> removeContext(Object vmObject) { final Set<String> toRemove = collectRemovedLevels(); for (Iterator<ContextWeakReference> it = activeContexts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final ContextWeakReference ref = it.next(); final Object active = ref.get(); if (vmObject.equals(active)) { toRemove.addAll(ref.configuredLoggers.keySet()); it.remove(); break; } } return toRemove; } private Set<String> collectRemovedLevels() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); final Set<String> toRemove = new HashSet<>(); ContextWeakReference ref; while ((ref = (ContextWeakReference) contextsRefQueue.poll()) != null) { activeContexts.remove(ref); toRemove.addAll(ref.configuredLoggers.keySet()); } return toRemove; } private void reconfigure(final Map<String, Level> addedLevels, final Set<String> toRemove) { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); assert !addedLevels.isEmpty() || !toRemove.isEmpty(); final Collection<String> loggersWithRemovedLevels = new HashSet<>(); final Collection<String> loggersWithChangedLevels = new HashSet<>(); effectiveLevels = computeEffectiveLevels( effectiveLevels, toRemove, addedLevels, activeContexts, loggersWithRemovedLevels, loggersWithChangedLevels); boolean singleContext = activeContexts.size() <= 1; for (String loggerName : loggersWithRemovedLevels) { final TruffleLogger logger = getLogger(loggerName); if (logger != null) { logger.setLevel(null, singleContext); } } for (String loggerName : loggersWithChangedLevels) { final TruffleLogger logger = getLogger(loggerName); if (logger != null) { setLoggerLevel(logger, loggerName, singleContext); createParents(loggerName); } else { getOrCreateLogger(loggerName); } } } private void setLoggerLevel(final TruffleLogger logger, final String loggerName, final boolean singleContext) { final Level l = getEffectiveLevel(loggerName); if (l != null) { logger.setLevel(l, singleContext); } } private void createParents(final String loggerName) { int index = -1; for (int start = 1;; start = index + 1) { index = loggerName.indexOf('.', start); if (index < 0) { break; } final String parentName = loggerName.substring(0, index); if (getEffectiveLevel(parentName) != null) { getOrCreateLogger(parentName); } } } private LoggerNode findLoggerNode(final String loggerName) { LoggerNode node = root; String currentName = loggerName; while (!currentName.isEmpty()) { int index = currentName.indexOf('.'); String currentNameCompoment; if (index > 0) { currentNameCompoment = currentName.substring(0, index); currentName = currentName.substring(index + 1); } else { currentNameCompoment = currentName; currentName = ""; } if (node.children == null) { node.children = new HashMap<>(); } LoggerNode child = node.children.get(currentNameCompoment); if (child == null) { child = new LoggerNode(node, null); node.children.put(currentNameCompoment, child); } node = child; } return node; } static LoggerCache getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } private static Map<String, Level> computeEffectiveLevels( final Map<String, Level> currentEffectiveLevels, final Set<String> removed, final Map<String, Level> added, final Collection<? extends ContextWeakReference> contexts, final Collection<? super String> removedLevels, final Collection<? super String> changedLevels) { final Map<String, Level> newEffectiveLevels = new HashMap<>(currentEffectiveLevels); for (String loggerName : removed) { final Level level = findMinLevel(loggerName, contexts); if (level == null) { newEffectiveLevels.remove(loggerName); removedLevels.add(loggerName); } else { final Level currentLevel = newEffectiveLevels.get(loggerName); if (currentLevel != level) { newEffectiveLevels.put(loggerName, level); changedLevels.add(loggerName); } } } for (Map.Entry<String, Level> addedLevel : added.entrySet()) { final String loggerName = addedLevel.getKey(); final Level loggerLevel = addedLevel.getValue(); final Level currentLevel = newEffectiveLevels.get(loggerName); if (currentLevel == null || min(loggerLevel, currentLevel) != currentLevel) { newEffectiveLevels.put(loggerName, loggerLevel); changedLevels.add(loggerName); } } return newEffectiveLevels; } private static Level findMinLevel(final String loggerName, final Collection<? extends ContextWeakReference> contexts) { Level min = null; for (ContextWeakReference contextRef : contexts) { final Object context = contextRef.get(); final Level level = context == null ? null : contextRef.configuredLoggers.get(loggerName); if (level == null) { continue; } if (min == null) { min = level; } else { min = min(min, level); } } return min; } private static Level min(final Level l1, final Level l2) { return l1.intValue() < l2.intValue() ? l1 : l2; } private final class NamedLoggerRef extends AbstractLoggerRef { private final String loggerName; private LoggerNode node; NamedLoggerRef(final TruffleLogger logger, final String loggerName) { super(logger); this.loggerName = loggerName; } void setNode(final LoggerNode node) { assert Thread.holdsLock(LoggerCache.this); this.node = node; } @Override public void close() { if (shouldClose()) { synchronized (LoggerCache.this) { if (node != null) { if (node.loggerRef == this) { LoggerCache.this.loggers.remove(loggerName); node.loggerRef = null; } node = null; } } } } } private final class LoggerNode { final LoggerNode parent; Map<String, LoggerNode> children; private NamedLoggerRef loggerRef; LoggerNode(final LoggerNode parent, final NamedLoggerRef loggerRef) { this.parent = parent; this.loggerRef = loggerRef; } void setLoggerRef(final NamedLoggerRef loggerRef) { this.loggerRef = loggerRef; } void updateChildParents() { final TruffleLogger logger = loggerRef.get(); updateChildParentsImpl(logger); } TruffleLogger findParentLogger() { if (parent == null) { return null; } TruffleLogger logger; if (parent.loggerRef != null && (logger = parent.loggerRef.get()) != null) { return logger; } return parent.findParentLogger(); } private void updateChildParentsImpl(final TruffleLogger parentLogger) { if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) { return; } for (LoggerNode child : children.values()) { TruffleLogger childLogger = child.loggerRef != null ? child.loggerRef.get() : null; if (childLogger != null) { childLogger.setParent(parentLogger, activeContexts.size() <= 1); } else { child.updateChildParentsImpl(parentLogger); } } } } private static final class ContextWeakReference extends WeakReference<Object> { private final Map<String, Level> configuredLoggers; ContextWeakReference(final Object context, final ReferenceQueue<Object> referenceQueue, final Map<String, Level> logLevels) { super(context, referenceQueue); configuredLoggers = logLevels; } } } }