 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
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 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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package org.graalvm.polyglot;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.impl.AbstractPolyglotImpl.AbstractContextImpl;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.io.FileSystem;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.io.MessageTransport;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.io.ProcessHandler;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.Proxy;

A polyglot context for Graal guest languages that allows to evaluate code. A polyglot context represents the global runtime state of all installed and permitted languages. Permitted languages are initialized lazily, when they are used for the first time. For many context operations, a language identifier needs to be specified. A language identifier is unique for each language.


A context allows to evaluate a guest language source code using eval(Source). This is possible by evaluating Source objects or a given language identifier and code String. The evaluation returns either the result value or throws a PolyglotException if a guest language error occurs.

Example for evaluation of a fragment of JavaScript code with a new context:

Context context = Context.create();
Value result = context.eval("js", "42");
assert result.asInt() == 42;
In this example:
  • First we create a new context with all permitted languages.
  • Next, we evaluate the expression "42" with language "js", which is the language identifier for JavaScript. Since this is the first time we access JavaScript, it automatically gets initialized.
  • Then, we assert the result value by converting the result value as primitive int .
  • Finally, if the context is no longer needed, it is necessary to close it to ensure that all resources are freed. Contexts are also AutoCloseable for use with the Java try-with-resources statement.


Contexts may be created either with default configuration using the create method or with custom configuration using the builder. Both methods allow to specify a subset of the installed languages as permitted languages. If no language is specified then all installed languages are permitted. Using the builder method input, error and output streams, options, and application arguments may be configured.

Options may be specified for languages, instruments, the engine and the compiler. For language options, the option key consists of the language id plus a dot followed by the option name (e.g. "js.Strict"). For most languages the option names start with an upper-case letter by convention. A list of available options may be received using Language.getOptions(). Instrument options are structured in the same way as language options but start with the instrument id instead.

If system properties are enabled, which they are by default, then all polyglot options maybe specified with the prefix "polyglot." (e.g. "-Dpolyglot.js.Strict=true"). The system properties are read only once when the context or engine instance is created. After that, changes to the system properties have no affect.

Each Graal language performs an initialization step before it can be used to execute code, after which it remains initialized for the lifetime of the context. Initialization is by default lazy and automatic, but initialization can be forced manually if needed.

Example for custom configuration using the context builder:

OutputStream myOut = new BufferedOutputStream()
Context context = Context.newBuilder("js", "R")
                         .option("js.Strict", "true")
context.eval("js", "42");
context.eval("R", "42");
In this example:
  • At first, we create a new context and specify permitted languages as parameters.
  • Secondly, we set the standard output stream to be used for the context.
  • Then, we specify an option for JavaScript language only, by structuring the option key with the language id followed by the option name;
  • With Builder.allowAllAccess(boolean) we grant a new context instance with the same access privileges as the host virtual machine.
  • Next, we evaluate the expression "42" with language "js", which is the language identifier for JavaScript. Since this is the first time we access JavaScript, it first gets initialized as well.
  • Similarly to the previous line, the R language expression gets evaluated.
  • Finally, we close the context, since it is no longer needed, to free all allocated resources. Contexts are also AutoCloseable for use with the Java try-with-resources statement.


The symbols of the top-most scope of a language can be accessed using the language bindings. Each language provides its own bindings object for a context. The bindings object may be used to read, modify, insert and delete members in the top-most scope of the language. Certain languages may not allow write access to the bindings object. See getBindings(String) for details.

A context instance also provides access to the polyglot bindings. The polyglot bindings are shared between languages and may be used to exchange values. See getPolyglotBindings() for details.

Examples using language bindings from JavaScript:

Context context = Context.create("js");
Value jsBindings = context.getBindings("js")
jsBindings.putMember("foo", 42);
assert context.eval("js", "foo").asInt() == 42;
context.eval("js", "var bar = 42");
assert jsBindings.getMember("bar").asInt() == 42;
assert jsBindings.getMember("Math")
                 .asInt() == 42;
In this example:
  • We create a new context with JavaScript as the only permitted language.
  • Next, we load the JavaScript bindings object and assign it to a local variable jsBindings.
  • Then, we insert a new member foo into to the bindings object and verify that the object is accessible within the language by reading from a global symbol with the same name.
  • After that, we declare a new global variable in JavaScript and verify that it is accessible as member of the language bindings object.
  • Next, we access we access a JavaScript builtin named Math.abs symbol and execute it with -42. This result is asserted to be 42.
  • Finally, we close the context to free all allocated resources.

Host Interoperability

It is often necessary to interact with values of the host runtime and Graal guest languages. Such objects are referred to as host objects. Every Java value that is passed to a Graal language is interpreted according to the specification described in asValue(Object). Also see Value.as(Class<Object>) for further details.

By default only public classes, methods, and fields that are annotated with @HostAccess.Export are accessible to the guest language. This policy can be customized using Builder.allowHostAccess(HostAccess) when constructing the context.

Example using a Java object from JavaScript:

public class JavaRecord {
    @HostAccess.Export public int x;
    public String name() {
        return "foo";
Context context = Context.create();
JavaRecord record = new JavaRecord();
context.getBindings("js").putMember("javaRecord", record);
context.eval("js", "javaRecord.x = 42");
assert record.x == 42;
context.eval("js", "javaRecord.name()").asString().equals("foo");

Error Handling

Program execution may fail when executing a guest language code or when accessing guest language object. Almost all methods in the Context and Value API throw a PolyglotException in case an error occurs. See PolyglotException for further details on error handling.


Each context is by default isolated from all other instances with respect to both language evaluation semantics and resource consumption. By default, a new context instance has no access to host resources, like threads, files or loading new host classes. To allow access to such resources either the individual access right must be granted or all access must be set to true.

Contexts can be configured to share certain system resources like ASTs or optimized code by specifying a single underlying engine. See Engine for more details about code sharing.


The proxy interfaces allow to mimic guest language objects, arrays, executables, primitives and native objects in Graal languages. Every Graal language will treat proxy instances like objects of that particular language. Multiple proxy interfaces can be implemented at the same time. For example, it is useful to provide proxy values that are objects with members and arrays at the same time.


It is safe to use a context instance from a single thread. It is also safe to use it with multiple threads if they do not access the context at the same time. Whether a single context instance may be used from multiple threads at the same time depends on if all initialized languages support it. If initialized languages support multi-threading, then the context instance may be used from multiple threads at the same time. If a context is used from multiple threads and the language does not fit, then an IllegalStateException is thrown by the accessing method.

Meta-data from the context's underlying engine can be retrieved safely by any thread at any time.

A context may be closed from any thread, but only if the context is not currently executing code. If the context is currently executing some code, a different thread may kill the running execution and close the context using close(boolean).


The context pre-initialization can be used to perform expensive builtin creation in the time of native compilation.

The context pre-initialization is enabled by setting the system property polyglot.image-build-time.PreinitializeContexts to a comma separated list of language ids which should be pre-initialized, for example: -Dpolyglot.image-build-time.PreinitializeContexts=js,python

See com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.patchContext(java.lang.Object, com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.Env) for details about pre-initialization for language implementers.

/** * A polyglot context for Graal guest languages that allows to {@link #eval(Source) evaluate} code. * A polyglot context represents the global runtime state of all {@link Engine#getLanguages() * installed} and {@link #newBuilder(String...) permitted} languages. Permitted languages are * {@link #initialize(String) initialized} lazily, when they are used for the first time. For many * context operations, a <i>language identifier</i> needs to be specified. A language identifier is * unique for each language. * * <h3>Evaluation</h3> * * A context allows to evaluate a guest language source code using {@link #eval(Source)}. This is * possible by evaluating {@link Source} objects or a given language identifier and code * {@link String}. The {@link #eval(Source) evaluation} returns either the result value or throws a * {@link PolyglotException} if a guest language error occurs. * <p> * <b>Example</b> for evaluation of a fragment of JavaScript code with a new context: * * <pre> * Context context = Context.create(); * Value result = context.eval("js", "42"); * assert result.asInt() == 42; * context.close(); * </pre> * * In this example: * <ul> * <li>First we create a new context with all permitted languages. * <li>Next, we evaluate the expression "42" with language "js", which is the language identifier * for JavaScript. Since this is the first time we access JavaScript, it automatically gets * {@link #initialize(String) initialized}. * <li>Then, we assert the result value by converting the result value as primitive <code>int</code> * . * <li>Finally, if the context is no longer needed, it is necessary to close it to ensure that all * resources are freed. Contexts are also {@link AutoCloseable} for use with the Java * {@code try-with-resources} statement. * </ul> * * <h3>Configuration</h3> * <p> * Contexts may be created either with default configuration using the {@link #create(String...) * create method} or with custom configuration using the {@link #newBuilder(String...) builder}. * Both methods allow to specify a subset of the installed languages as permitted languages. If no * language is specified then all installed languages are permitted. Using the builder method * {@link Builder#in(InputStream) input}, {@link Builder#err(OutputStream) error} and * {@link Builder#out(OutputStream) output} streams, {@link Builder#option(String, String) options}, * and {@link Builder#arguments(String, String[]) application arguments} may be configured. * <p> * Options may be specified for {@link Engine#getLanguages() languages}, * {@link Engine#getInstruments() instruments}, the {@link Engine#getOptions() engine} and the * {@link Engine#getOptions() compiler}. For {@link Language#getOptions() language options}, the * option key consists of the {@link Language#getId() language id} plus a dot followed by the option * name (e.g. "js.Strict"). For most languages the option names start with an upper-case letter by * convention. A list of available options may be received using {@link Language#getOptions()}. * {@link Instrument#getOptions() Instrument options} are structured in the same way as language * options but start with the {@link Instrument#getId() instrument id} instead. * <p> * If system properties are {@link Engine.Builder#useSystemProperties(boolean) enabled}, which they * are by default, then all polyglot options maybe specified with the prefix "polyglot." (e.g. * "-Dpolyglot.js.Strict=true"). The system properties are read only once when the context or engine * instance is created. After that, changes to the system properties have no affect. * <p> * Each Graal language performs an initialization step before it can be used to execute code, after * which it remains initialized for the lifetime of the context. Initialization is by default lazy * and automatic, but initialization can be forced {@link Context#initialize(String) manually} if * needed. * <p> * <b>Example</b> for custom configuration using the context builder: * * <pre> * OutputStream myOut = new BufferedOutputStream() * Context context = Context.newBuilder("js", "R") * .out(myOut) * .option("js.Strict", "true") * .allowAllAccess(true) * .build(); * context.eval("js", "42"); * context.eval("R", "42"); * context.close(); * </pre> * * In this example: * <ul> * <li>At first, we create a new context and specify permitted languages as parameters. * <li>Secondly, we set the standard output stream to be used for the context. * <li>Then, we specify an option for JavaScript language only, by structuring the option key with * the language id followed by the option name; * <li>With {@link Builder#allowAllAccess(boolean)} we grant a new context instance with the same * access privileges as the host virtual machine. * <li>Next, we evaluate the expression "42" with language "js", which is the language identifier * for JavaScript. Since this is the first time we access JavaScript, it first gets * {@link #initialize(String) initialized} as well. * <li>Similarly to the previous line, the R language expression gets evaluated. * <li>Finally, we close the context, since it is no longer needed, to free all allocated resources. * Contexts are also {@link AutoCloseable} for use with the Java {@code try-with-resources} * statement. * </ul> * * <h3>Bindings</h3> * * The symbols of the top-most scope of a language can be accessed using the * {@link #getBindings(String) language bindings}. Each language provides its own bindings object * for a context. The bindings object may be used to read, modify, insert and delete members in the * top-most scope of the language. Certain languages may not allow write access to the bindings * object. See {@link #getBindings(String)} for details. * <p> * A context instance also provides access to the {@link #getPolyglotBindings() polyglot} bindings. * The polyglot bindings are shared between languages and may be used to exchange values. See * {@link #getPolyglotBindings()} for details. * <p> * <b>Examples</b> using language bindings from JavaScript: * * <pre> * Context context = Context.create("js"); * Value jsBindings = context.getBindings("js") * * jsBindings.putMember("foo", 42); * assert context.eval("js", "foo").asInt() == 42; * * context.eval("js", "var bar = 42"); * assert jsBindings.getMember("bar").asInt() == 42; * * assert jsBindings.getMember("Math") * .getMember("abs") * .execute(-42) * .asInt() == 42; * context.close(); * </pre> * * In this example: * <ul> * <li>We create a new context with JavaScript as the only permitted language. * <li>Next, we load the JavaScript bindings object and assign it to a local variable * <code>jsBindings</code>. * <li>Then, we insert a new member <code>foo</code> into to the bindings object and verify that the * object is accessible within the language by reading from a global symbol with the same name. * <li>After that, we declare a new global variable in JavaScript and verify that it is accessible * as member of the language bindings object. * <li>Next, we access we access a JavaScript builtin named <code>Math.abs</code> symbol and execute * it with -42. This result is asserted to be 42. * <li>Finally, we close the context to free all allocated resources. * </ul> * * <h3>Host Interoperability</h3> * * It is often necessary to interact with values of the host runtime and Graal guest languages. Such * objects are referred to as <i>host objects</i>. Every Java value that is passed to a Graal * language is interpreted according to the specification described in {@link #asValue(Object)}. * Also see {@link Value#as(Class)} for further details. * <p> * By default only public classes, methods, and fields that are annotated with * {@link HostAccess.Export @HostAccess.Export} are accessible to the guest language. This policy * can be customized using {@link Builder#allowHostAccess(HostAccess)} when constructing the * context. * * <p> * <b>Example</b> using a Java object from JavaScript: * * <pre> * public class JavaRecord { * &#64;HostAccess.Export public int x; * * &#64;HostAccess.Export * public String name() { * return "foo"; * } * } * Context context = Context.create(); * * JavaRecord record = new JavaRecord(); * context.getBindings("js").putMember("javaRecord", record); * * context.eval("js", "javaRecord.x = 42"); * assert record.x == 42; * * context.eval("js", "javaRecord.name()").asString().equals("foo"); * </pre> * * <h3>Error Handling</h3> * * Program execution may fail when executing a guest language code or when accessing guest language * object. Almost all methods in the {@link Context} and {@link Value} API throw a * {@link PolyglotException} in case an error occurs. See {@link PolyglotException} for further * details on error handling. * * <h3>Isolation</h3> * * Each context is by default isolated from all other instances with respect to both language * evaluation semantics and resource consumption. By default, a new context instance has no access * to host resources, like threads, files or loading new host classes. To allow access to such * resources either the individual access right must be granted or * {@link Builder#allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} must be set to <code>true</code>. * * <p> * Contexts can be {@linkplain Builder#engine(Engine) configured} to share certain system resources * like ASTs or optimized code by specifying a single underlying engine. See {@link Engine} for more * details about code sharing. * * <h3>Proxies</h3> * * The {@link Proxy proxy interfaces} allow to mimic guest language objects, arrays, executables, * primitives and native objects in Graal languages. Every Graal language will treat proxy instances * like objects of that particular language. Multiple proxy interfaces can be implemented at the * same time. For example, it is useful to provide proxy values that are objects with members and * arrays at the same time. * * <h3>Thread-Safety</h3> * * It is safe to use a context instance from a single thread. It is also safe to use it with * multiple threads if they do not access the context at the same time. Whether a single context * instance may be used from multiple threads at the same time depends on if all initialized * languages support it. If initialized languages support multi-threading, then the context instance * may be used from multiple threads at the same time. If a context is used from multiple threads * and the language does not fit, then an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown by the accessing * method. * <p> * Meta-data from the context's underlying {@link #getEngine() engine} can be retrieved safely by * any thread at any time. * <p> * A context may be {@linkplain #close() closed} from any thread, but only if the context is not * currently executing code. If the context is currently executing some code, a different thread may * kill the running execution and close the context using {@link #close(boolean)}. * * <h3>Pre-Initialization</h3> * * The context pre-initialization can be used to perform expensive builtin creation in the time of * native compilation. * <p> * The context pre-initialization is enabled by setting the system property * {@code polyglot.image-build-time.PreinitializeContexts} to a comma separated list of language ids * which should be pre-initialized, for example: * {@code -Dpolyglot.image-build-time.PreinitializeContexts=js,python} * <p> * See * {@code com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.patchContext(java.lang.Object, com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.Env)} * for details about pre-initialization for language implementers. * * @since 19.0 */
public final class Context implements AutoCloseable { final AbstractContextImpl impl; Context(AbstractContextImpl impl) { this.impl = impl; }
Provides access to meta-data about the underlying Graal engine.
Returns:Graal Engine being used by this context
/** * Provides access to meta-data about the underlying Graal {@linkplain Engine engine}. * * @return Graal {@link Engine} being used by this context * @since 19.0 */
public Engine getEngine() { return impl.getEngineImpl(this); }
Evaluates a source object by using the language specified in the source. The result is accessible as value and never returns null. The first time a source is evaluated, it will be parsed. Consecutive invocations of eval with the same source will only execute the already parsed code.

Basic Example:

try (Context context = Context.create()) {
    Source source = Source.newBuilder("js", "42", "mysource.js").build();
    Value result = context.eval(source);
    assert result.asInt() == 42;
  • source – a source object to evaluate
Returns:the evaluation result. The returned instance is never null, but the result might represent a null value.
/** * Evaluates a source object by using the {@linkplain Source#getLanguage() language} specified * in the source. The result is accessible as {@link Value value} and never returns * <code>null</code>. The first time a source is evaluated, it will be parsed. Consecutive * invocations of eval with the same source will only execute the already parsed code. * <p> * <b>Basic Example:</b> * * <pre> * try (Context context = Context.create()) { * Source source = Source.newBuilder("js", "42", "mysource.js").build(); * Value result = context.eval(source); * assert result.asInt() == 42; * } * </pre> * * @param source a source object to evaluate * @throws PolyglotException in case the guest language code parsing or evaluation failed. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed and the current thread is not * allowed to access it. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language of the given source is not installed or the * {@link Source#getMimeType() MIME type} is not supported with the language. * @return the evaluation result. The returned instance is never <code>null</code>, but the * result might represent a {@link Value#isNull() null} value. * @since 19.0 */
public Value eval(Source source) { return impl.eval(source.getLanguage(), source.impl); }
Evaluates a guest language code literal, using a provided language id. The result is accessible as value and never returns null. The provided CharSequence must represent an immutable String.

Basic Example:

try (Context context = Context.create()) {
    Value result = context.eval("js", "42");
    assert result.asInt() == 42;
  • PolyglotException – in case the guest language code parsing or evaluation failed.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if the language does not exist or is not accessible.
  • IllegalStateException – if the context is already closed and the current thread is not allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed.
Returns:the evaluation result. The returned instance is never null, but the result might represent a null value.
/** * Evaluates a guest language code literal, using a provided {@link Language#getId() language * id}. The result is accessible as {@link Value value} and never returns <code>null</code>. The * provided {@link CharSequence} must represent an immutable String. * <p> * <b>Basic Example:</b> * * <pre> * try (Context context = Context.create()) { * Value result = context.eval("js", "42"); * assert result.asInt() == 42; * } * </pre> * * @throws PolyglotException in case the guest language code parsing or evaluation failed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed and the current thread is not * allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed. * @return the evaluation result. The returned instance is never <code>null</code>, but the * result might represent a {@link Value#isNull() null} value. * @since 19.0 */
public Value eval(String languageId, CharSequence source) { return eval(Source.create(languageId, source)); }
Parses but does not evaluate a given source by using the language specified in the source and returns a value that can be executed. If a parsing fails, e.g. due to a syntax error in the source, then a PolyglotException will be thrown. In case of a syntax error the PolyglotException.isSyntaxError() will return true. There is no guarantee that only syntax errors will be thrown by this method. Any other guest language exception might be thrown. If the validation succeeds then the method completes without throwing an exception.

The result value only supports an empty set of arguments to execute. If executed repeatedly then the source is evaluated multiple times. Interactive sources will print their result for each execution of the parsing result to the output stream.

If the parsing succeeds and the source is cached then the result will automatically be reused for consecutive calls to parse(Source) or eval(Source). If the validation should be performed for each invocation or the result should not be remembered then cached can be set to false. By default sources are cached.

Basic Example:

try (Context context = Context.create()) {
    Source source = Source.create("js", "42");
    Value value;
    try {
        value = context.parse(source);
        // parsing succeeded
    } catch (PolyglotException e) {
        if (e.isSyntaxError()) {
            SourceSection location = e.getSourceLocation();
            // syntax error detected at location
        } else {
            // other guest error detected
        throw e;
    // evaluate the parsed script
  • source – a source object to parse
  • PolyglotException – in case the guest language code parsing or validation failed.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if the language does not exist or is not accessible.
  • IllegalStateException – if the context is already closed and the current thread is not allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed.
/** * Parses but does not evaluate a given source by using the {@linkplain Source#getLanguage() * language} specified in the source and returns a {@link Value value} that can be * {@link Value#execute(Object...) executed}. If a parsing fails, e.g. due to a syntax error in * the source, then a {@link PolyglotException} will be thrown. In case of a syntax error the * {@link PolyglotException#isSyntaxError()} will return <code>true</code>. There is no * guarantee that only syntax errors will be thrown by this method. Any other guest language * exception might be thrown. If the validation succeeds then the method completes without * throwing an exception. * <p> * The result value only supports an empty set of arguments to {@link Value#execute(Object...) * execute}. If executed repeatedly then the source is evaluated multiple times. * {@link Source.Builder#interactive(boolean) Interactive} sources will print their result for * each execution of the parsing result to the {@link Builder#out(OutputStream) output} stream. * <p> * If the parsing succeeds and the source is {@link Source.Builder#cached(boolean) cached} then * the result will automatically be reused for consecutive calls to {@link #parse(Source)} or * {@link #eval(Source)}. If the validation should be performed for each invocation or the * result should not be remembered then {@link Source.Builder#cached(boolean) cached} can be set * to <code>false</code>. By default sources are cached. * <p> * <b>Basic Example:</b> * * <pre> * try (Context context = Context.create()) { * Source source = Source.create("js", "42"); * Value value; * try { * value = context.parse(source); * // parsing succeeded * } catch (PolyglotException e) { * if (e.isSyntaxError()) { * SourceSection location = e.getSourceLocation(); * // syntax error detected at location * } else { * // other guest error detected * } * throw e; * } * // evaluate the parsed script * value.execute(); * } * </pre> * * @param source a source object to parse * @throws PolyglotException in case the guest language code parsing or validation failed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed and the current thread is not * allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed. * @since 20.2 */
public Value parse(Source source) throws PolyglotException { return impl.parse(source.getLanguage(), source.impl); }
Parses but does not evaluate a guest language code literal using a provided language id and character sequence and returns a value that can be executed. The provided CharSequence must represent an immutable String. This method represents a short-hand for parse(Source) .

The result value only supports an empty set of arguments to execute. If executed repeatedly then the source is evaluated multiple times. Interactive sources will print their result for each execution of the parsing result to the output stream.

try (Context context = Context.create()) {
    Value value;
    try {
        value = context.parse("js", "42");
        // parsing succeeded
    } catch (PolyglotException e) {
        if (e.isSyntaxError()) {
            SourceSection location = e.getSourceLocation();
            // syntax error detected at location
        } else {
            // other guest error detected
        throw e;
    // evaluate the parsed script
  • PolyglotException – in case the guest language code parsing or evaluation failed.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if the language does not exist or is not accessible.
  • IllegalStateException – if the context is already closed and the current thread is not allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed.
/** * Parses but does not evaluate a guest language code literal using a provided * {@link Language#getId() language id} and character sequence and returns a {@link Value value} * that can be {@link Value#execute(Object...) executed}. The provided {@link CharSequence} must * represent an immutable String. This method represents a short-hand for {@link #parse(Source)} * . * <p> * The result value only supports an empty set of arguments to {@link Value#execute(Object...) * execute}. If executed repeatedly then the source is evaluated multiple times. * {@link Source.Builder#interactive(boolean) Interactive} sources will print their result for * each execution of the parsing result to the {@link Builder#out(OutputStream) output} stream. * <p> * * <pre> * try (Context context = Context.create()) { * Value value; * try { * value = context.parse("js", "42"); * // parsing succeeded * } catch (PolyglotException e) { * if (e.isSyntaxError()) { * SourceSection location = e.getSourceLocation(); * // syntax error detected at location * } else { * // other guest error detected * } * throw e; * } * // evaluate the parsed script * value.execute(); * } * </pre> * * @throws PolyglotException in case the guest language code parsing or evaluation failed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed and the current thread is not * allowed to access it, or if the given language is not installed. * @since 20.2 */
public Value parse(String languageId, CharSequence source) { return parse(Source.create(languageId, source)); }
Returns polyglot bindings that may be used to exchange symbols between the host and guest languages. All languages have unrestricted access to the polyglot bindings. The returned bindings object always has members and its members are readable, writable and removable.

Guest languages may put and get members through language specific APIs. For example, in JavaScript, symbols of the polyglot bindings can be accessed using Polyglot.import("name") and set using Polyglot.export("name", value). Please see the individual language reference on how to access these symbols.

/** * Returns polyglot bindings that may be used to exchange symbols between the host and guest * languages. All languages have unrestricted access to the polyglot bindings. The returned * bindings object always has {@link Value#hasMembers() members} and its members are * {@link Value#getMember(String) readable}, {@link Value#putMember(String, Object) writable} * and {@link Value#removeMember(String) removable}. * <p> * Guest languages may put and get members through language specific APIs. For example, in * JavaScript, symbols of the polyglot bindings can be accessed using * <code>Polyglot.import("name")</code> and set using * <code>Polyglot.export("name", value)</code>. Please see the individual language reference on * how to access these symbols. * * @throws IllegalStateException if context is already closed. * @since 19.0 */
public Value getPolyglotBindings() { return impl.getPolyglotBindings(); }
Returns a value that represents the top-most bindings of a language. The top most bindings of the language returns a member for a symbol in the scope. Languages may allow modifications of members of the returned bindings object at the language's discretion. If the language has not been initialized yet, it will be initialized when the bindings are requested.
/** * Returns a value that represents the top-most bindings of a language. The top most bindings of * the language returns a {@link Value#getMember(String) member} for a symbol in the scope. * Languages may allow modifications of members of the returned bindings object at the * language's discretion. If the language has not been {@link #initialize(String) initialized} * yet, it will be initialized when the bindings are requested. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException in case the lazy initialization failed due to a guest language * error. * @since 19.0 */
public Value getBindings(String languageId) { return impl.getBindings(languageId); }
Forces the initialization of a language. It is not necessary to explicitly initialize a language, it will be initialized the first time it is used.
  • languageId – the identifier of the language to initialize.
Returns:true if the language was initialized. Returns false if it was already initialized.
/** * Forces the initialization of a language. It is not necessary to explicitly initialize a * language, it will be initialized the first time it is used. * * @param languageId the identifier of the language to initialize. * @return <code>true</code> if the language was initialized. Returns <code>false</code> if it * was already initialized. * @throws PolyglotException in case the initialization failed due to a guest language error. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the language does not exist or is not accessible. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean initialize(String languageId) { return impl.initializeLanguage(languageId); }
Resets all accumulators of resource limits for the associated context to zero.
/** * Resets all accumulators of resource limits for the associated context to zero. * * @since 19.3 */
public void resetLimits() { impl.resetLimits(); }
Converts a host value to a polyglot value representation. This conversion is applied implicitly whenever execution or instantiation arguments are provided, members and array elements are set or when a value is returned by a polyglot proxy. It is not required nor efficient to explicitly convert to polyglot values before performing these operations. This method is useful to convert a mapped host value back to a polyglot value while preserving the identity.

When a host value is converted to a polyglot value the following rules apply:

  1. If the hostValue is null, then it will be interpreted as polyglot null.
  2. If the hostValue is already a polyglot value, then it will be cast to Value.
  3. If the hostValue is an instance of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float or Double, then it will be interpreted as polyglot number. Other subclasses of Number will be interpreted as host object (see later).
  4. If the hostValue is an instance of Character or String, then it will be interpreted as polyglot string.
  5. If the hostValue is an instance of Boolean, then it will be interpreted as polyglot boolean.
  6. If the hostValue is a polyglot proxy, then it will be interpreted according to the behavior specified by the proxy. See the javadoc of the proxy subclass for further details.
  7. If the hostValue is a non-primitive mapped Java value, then the original value will be restored. For example, if a guest language object was mapped to Map, then the original object identity will be preserved when converting back to a polyglot value.
  8. Any other hostValue will be interpreted as host object. Host objects expose all their public java fields and methods as members. In addition, Java arrays and subtypes of List will be interpreted as a value with array elements and single method interfaces annotated with FunctionalInterface are executable directly. Java Class instances are interpreted as instantiable, but they do not expose Class methods as members.

Basic Examples: The following assertion statements always hold:

Context context = Context.create();
assert context.asValue(null).isNull();
assert context.asValue(42).isNumber();
assert context.asValue("42").isString();
assert context.asValue('c').isString();
assert context.asValue(new String[0]).hasArrayElements();
assert context.asValue(new ArrayList<>()).isHostObject();
assert context.asValue(new ArrayList<>()).hasArrayElements();
assert context.asValue((Supplier) () -> 42).execute().asInt() == 42;

Mapping to Java methods and fields

When Java host objects are passed to guest languages, their public methods and fields are provided as members. Methods and fields are grouped by name, so only one member is exposed for each name.

Class objects have a member named static referring to the class's companion object containing the static methods of the class. Likewise, the companion object has a member named class that points back to the class object.

When an argument value needs to be mapped to match a required Java method parameter type, then the semantics of host value mapping is used. The result of the mapping is equivalent of calling Value.as(Class<Object>) with the parameter type. Therefore, a ClassCastException or NullPointerException is thrown if a parameter value cannot be cast to the required parameter type.

Overloaded java methods are selected based on the provided arguments. In case multiple mapped Java methods with the same name are applicable for executions or instantiations, then the method with the most concrete method with applicable arguments will be called.

The following parameter type hierarchy is used for a method resolution. Left-most parameter types are prioritized over types to their right.

  • Boolean values: boolean, Boolean, Object
  • String values: char, Character, String, CharSequence, Object
  • Number values: byte, Byte, short, Short, int, Integer, long, Long, float, Float, double, Double, Number, Object
  • Other values are resolved based on their Java type hierarchy.
If there are multiple concrete methods or too many arguments provided, then an illegal argument type error will be raised.

Advanced Example: This example first creates a new instance of the Java class Record and inspects it using the polyglot value API. Later, a host value is converted to a polyglot value using JavaScript guest language.

In the following examples all assertions hold.

class JavaRecord {
  public int x = 42;
  public double y = 42.0;
  public String name() {
    return "foo";
Context context = Context.create();
Value record = context.asValue(new JavaRecord());
assert record.getMember("x").asInt() == 42;
assert record.getMember("y").asDouble() == 42.0d;
assert record.getMember("name").execute().asString().equals("foo");
assert context.eval("js", "(function(record) record.x)")
              .execute(record).asInt() == 42;
assert context.eval("js", "(function(record) record.y)")
              .execute(record).asDouble() == 42.0d;
assert context.eval("js", "(function(record) record.name())")
  • hostValue – the host value to convert to a polyglot value.
See Also:
Returns:the polyglot value.
/** * Converts a host value to a polyglot {@link Value value} representation. This conversion is * applied implicitly whenever {@link Value#execute(Object...) execution} or * {@link Value#newInstance(Object...) instantiation} arguments are provided, * {@link Value#putMember(String, Object) members} and * {@link Value#setArrayElement(long, Object) array elements} are set or when a value is * returned by a {@link Proxy polyglot proxy}. It is not required nor efficient to explicitly * convert to polyglot values before performing these operations. This method is useful to * convert a {@link Value#as(Class) mapped} host value back to a polyglot value while preserving * the identity. * <p> * When a host value is converted to a polyglot value the following rules apply: * <ol> * <li>If the <code>hostValue</code> is <code>null</code>, then it will be interpreted as * polyglot {@link Value#isNull() null}. * <li>If the <code>hostValue</code> is already a {@link Value polyglot value}, then it will be * cast to {@link Value}. * <li>If the <code>hostValue</code> is an instance of {@link Byte}, {@link Short}, * {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}, then it will be interpreted * as polyglot {@link Value#isNumber() number}. Other subclasses of {@link Number} will be * interpreted as {@link Value#isHostObject() host object} (see later). * <li>If the <code>hostValue</code> is an instance of {@link Character} or {@link String}, then * it will be interpreted as polyglot {@link Value#isString() string}. * <li>If the <code>hostValue</code> is an instance of {@link Boolean}, then it will be * interpreted as polyglot {@link Value#isBoolean() boolean}. * <li>If the <code>hostValue</code> is a {@link Proxy polyglot proxy}, then it will be * interpreted according to the behavior specified by the proxy. See the javadoc of the proxy * subclass for further details. * <li>If the <code>hostValue</code> is a non-primitive {@link Value#as(Class) mapped Java * value}, then the original value will be restored. For example, if a guest language object was * mapped to {@link Map}, then the original object identity will be preserved when converting * back to a polyglot value. * <li>Any other <code>hostValue</code> will be interpreted as {@link Value#isHostObject() host * object}. Host objects expose all their public java fields and methods as * {@link Value#getMember(String) members}. In addition, Java arrays and subtypes of * {@link List} will be interpreted as a value with {@link Value#hasArrayElements() array * elements} and single method interfaces annotated with {@link FunctionalInterface} are * {@link Value#execute(Object...) executable} directly. Java {@link Class} instances are * interpreted as {@link Value#canInstantiate() instantiable}, but they do not expose Class * methods as members. * </ol> * <p> * <b>Basic Examples:</b> * * The following assertion statements always hold: * * <pre> * Context context = Context.create(); * assert context.asValue(null).isNull(); * assert context.asValue(42).isNumber(); * assert context.asValue("42").isString(); * assert context.asValue('c').isString(); * assert context.asValue(new String[0]).hasArrayElements(); * assert context.asValue(new ArrayList<>()).isHostObject(); * assert context.asValue(new ArrayList<>()).hasArrayElements(); * assert context.asValue((Supplier<Integer>) () -> 42).execute().asInt() == 42; * </pre> * * <h1>Mapping to Java methods and fields</h1> * * When Java host objects are passed to guest languages, their public methods and fields are * provided as {@link Value#getMember(String) members}. Methods and fields are grouped by name, * so only one member is exposed for each name. * <p> * {@link Class} objects have a member named {@code static} referring to the class's companion * object containing the static methods of the class. Likewise, the companion object has a * member named {@code class} that points back to the class object. * <p> * When an argument value needs to be mapped to match a required Java method parameter type, * then the semantics of {@link Value#as(Class) host value mapping} is used. The result of the * mapping is equivalent of calling {@link Value#as(Class)} with the parameter type. Therefore, * a {@link ClassCastException} or {@link NullPointerException} is thrown if a parameter value * cannot be cast to the required parameter type. * <p> * Overloaded java methods are selected based on the provided arguments. In case multiple mapped * Java methods with the same name are applicable for {@link Value#execute(Object...) * executions} or {@link Value#newInstance(Object...) instantiations}, then the method with the * most concrete method with applicable arguments will be called. * <p> * The following parameter type hierarchy is used for a method resolution. Left-most parameter * types are prioritized over types to their right. * <ul> * <li>{@link Value#isBoolean() Boolean} values: boolean, Boolean, Object * <li>String values: char, Character, String, CharSequence, Object * <li>Number values: byte, Byte, short, Short, int, Integer, long, Long, float, Float, double, * Double, Number, Object * <li>Other values are resolved based on their Java type hierarchy. * </ul> * If there are multiple concrete methods or too many arguments provided, then an illegal * argument type error will be raised. * <p> * <b>Advanced Example:</b> * * This example first creates a new instance of the Java class <code>Record</code> and inspects * it using the polyglot value API. Later, a host value is converted to a polyglot value using * JavaScript guest language. * <p> * In the following examples all assertions hold. * * <pre> * <b>class</b> JavaRecord { * <b>public int</b> x = 42; * <b>public double</b> y = 42.0; * <b>public</b> String name() { * <b>return</b> "foo"; * } * } * Context context = Context.create(); * Value record = context.asValue(new JavaRecord()); * assert record.getMember("x").asInt() == 42; * assert record.getMember("y").asDouble() == 42.0d; * assert record.getMember("name").execute().asString().equals("foo"); * * assert context.eval("js", "(function(record) record.x)") * .execute(record).asInt() == 42; * assert context.eval("js", "(function(record) record.y)") * .execute(record).asDouble() == 42.0d; * assert context.eval("js", "(function(record) record.name())") * .execute(record).asString().equals("foo"); * </pre> * * @see Value#as(Class) * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed * @param hostValue the host value to convert to a polyglot value. * @return the polyglot value. * @since 19.0 */
public Value asValue(Object hostValue) { return impl.asValue(hostValue); }
Explicitly enters the context on the current thread. A context needs to be entered and left for any operation to be performed. For example, before and after invoking the execute method. This can be inefficient if a very high number of simple operations needs to be performed. By entering and leaving once explicitly, the overhead for entering/leaving the context for each operation can be eliminated. Contexts can be entered multiple times on the same thread.
See Also:
/** * Explicitly enters the context on the current thread. A context needs to be entered and left * for any operation to be performed. For example, before and after invoking the * {@link Value#execute(Object...) execute} method. This can be inefficient if a very high * number of simple operations needs to be performed. By {@link #enter() entering} and * {@link #leave() leaving} once explicitly, the overhead for entering/leaving the context for * each operation can be eliminated. Contexts can be entered multiple times on the same thread. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link #close() closed}. * @throws PolyglotException if a language has denied execution on the current thread. * @see #leave() leave a context. * @since 19.0 */
public void enter() { impl.explicitEnter(this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Context) { Context other = ((Context) obj); return impl.equals(other.impl); } return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */
@Override public int hashCode() { return impl.hashCode(); }
Explicitly leaves the context on the current thread. The context must be entered before calling this method.
See Also:
/** * Explicitly leaves the context on the current thread. The context must be {@link #enter() * entered} before calling this method. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed or if the context was not * {@link #enter() entered} on the current thread. * @see #enter() enter a context. * @since 19.0 */
public void leave() { impl.explicitLeave(this); }
Closes the context and frees up potentially allocated native resources. A context cannot free all native resources allocated automatically. For this reason it is necessary to close contexts after use. If a context is cancelled, then the executing thread will throw a PolyglotException. The exception indicates that it was cancelled. Please note, canceling a single context can negatively affect the performance of other executing contexts constructed with the same engine.

If internal errors occur during context closing, then they are printed to the configured error output stream. If a context was closed, then its methods will throw an IllegalStateException when invoked. If an attempt to close a context was successful, then consecutive calls to close have no effect.

See Also:
/** * Closes the context and frees up potentially allocated native resources. A context cannot free * all native resources allocated automatically. For this reason it is necessary to close * contexts after use. If a context is cancelled, then the executing thread will throw a * {@link PolyglotException}. The exception indicates that it was * {@link PolyglotException#isCancelled() cancelled}. Please note, canceling a single context * can negatively affect the performance of other executing contexts constructed with the same * engine. * <p> * If internal errors occur during context closing, then they are printed to the configured * {@link Builder#err(OutputStream) error output stream}. If a context was closed, then its * methods will throw an {@link IllegalStateException} when invoked. If an attempt to close a * context was successful, then consecutive calls to close have no effect. * * @param cancelIfExecuting if <code>true</code> then currently executing contexts will be * {@link PolyglotException#isCancelled() cancelled}, else an * {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. * @see Engine#close() close an engine. * @throws PolyglotException in case the close failed due to a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is still running and cancelIfExecuting is * <code>false</code> * @since 19.0 */
public void close(boolean cancelIfExecuting) { impl.close(this, cancelIfExecuting); }
Closes this context and frees up potentially allocated native resources. A context may not free all native resources allocated automatically. For this reason it is recommended to close contexts after use. If the context is currently being executed on another thread, then an IllegalStateException is thrown. To close concurrently executing contexts see close(boolean).

If internal errors occur during the context closure, then they are printed to the configured error output stream. If a context was closed, then its methods will throw an IllegalStateException, when invoked. If an attempt to close a context was successful, then consecutive calls to close have no effect.

See Also:
/** * Closes this context and frees up potentially allocated native resources. A context may not * free all native resources allocated automatically. For this reason it is recommended to close * contexts after use. If the context is currently being executed on another thread, then an * {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. To close concurrently executing contexts see * {@link #close(boolean)}. * <p> * If internal errors occur during the context closure, then they are printed to the configured * {@link Builder#err(OutputStream) error output stream}. If a context was closed, then its * methods will throw an {@link IllegalStateException}, when invoked. If an attempt to close a * context was successful, then consecutive calls to close have no effect. * * @throws PolyglotException in case the close failed due to a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is currently executing on another thread. * @see Engine#close() close an engine. * @since 19.0 */
public void close() { close(false); }
Use this method to interrupt this context. The interruption is non-destructive meaning the context is still usable after this method finishes. Please note that guest finally blocks are executed during interrupt. A context thread may not be interruptiple if it uses non-interruptible waiting or executes non-interruptible host code. This method may be used as a "soft exit", meaning that it can be used before close(true) is executed.
  • timeout – specifies the duration the interrupt method will wait for the active threads of the context to be finished. Setting the duration to 0 means wait indefinitely.
  • IllegalStateException – in case the context is entered in the current thread.
  • TimeoutException – in case the interrupt was not successful, i.e., not all threads were finished within the specified time limit.
/** * Use this method to interrupt this context. The interruption is non-destructive meaning the * context is still usable after this method finishes. Please note that guest finally blocks are * executed during interrupt. A context thread may not be interruptiple if it uses * non-interruptible waiting or executes non-interruptible host code. * * This method may be used as a "soft exit", meaning that it can be used before * {@link #close(boolean) close(true)} is executed. * * @param timeout specifies the duration the interrupt method will wait for the active threads * of the context to be finished. Setting the duration to {@link Duration#ZERO 0} * means wait indefinitely. * @throws IllegalStateException in case the context is entered in the current thread. * @throws TimeoutException in case the interrupt was not successful, i.e., not all threads were * finished within the specified time limit. * * @since 20.3 */
public void interrupt(Duration timeout) throws TimeoutException { if (!impl.interrupt(this, timeout)) { throw new TimeoutException("Interrupt timed out."); } }
Returns the currently entered polyglot context. A context will be entered if the current executing Java method is called by a Graal guest language or if a context is entered explicitly using enter() on the current thread. The returned context may be used to:

The returned context can not be used to enter , leave or close the context or engine. Invoking such methods will cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown. This ensures that only the creator of a context is allowed to enter, leave or close a context.

The current entered context may change. It is therefore required to call getCurrent every time a context is needed. The current entered context should not be cached in static fields.

/** * Returns the currently entered polyglot context. A context will be entered if the current * executing Java method is called by a Graal guest language or if a context is entered * explicitly using {@link Context#enter()} on the current thread. The returned context may be * used to: * <ul> * <li>Evaluate guest language code from {@link #eval(String, CharSequence) string literals} or * {@link #eval(Source) file} sources. * <li>{@link #asValue(Object) Convert} Java values to {@link Value polyglot values}. * <li>Access top-level {@link #getBindings(String) bindings} of other languages. * <li>Access {@link #getPolyglotBindings() polyglot bindings}. * <li>Access meta-data like available {@link Engine#getLanguages() languages} or * {@link Engine#getOptions() options} of the {@link #getEngine() engine}. * </ul> * <p> * The returned context can <b>not</b> be used to {@link #enter() enter} , {@link #leave() * leave} or {@link #close() close} the context or {@link #getEngine() engine}. Invoking such * methods will cause an {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown. This ensures that only the * {@link #create(String...) creator} of a context is allowed to enter, leave or close a * context. * <p> * The current entered context may change. It is therefore required to call {@link #getCurrent() * getCurrent} every time a context is needed. The current entered context should not be cached * in static fields. * * @throws IllegalStateException if no context is currently entered. * @since 19.0 */
public static Context getCurrent() { return Engine.getImpl().getCurrentContext(); }
Creates a context with default configuration.
  • permittedLanguages – names of languages permitted in this context. If no languages are provided, then all installed languages will be permitted.
Returns:a new context
/** * Creates a context with default configuration. * * @param permittedLanguages names of languages permitted in this context. If no languages are * provided, then all installed languages will be permitted. * @return a new context * @since 19.0 */
public static Context create(String... permittedLanguages) { return newBuilder(permittedLanguages).build(); }
Creates a builder for constructing a context with custom configuration.
  • permittedLanguages – names of languages permitted in the context. If no languages are provided, then all installed languages will be permitted.
Returns:a builder that can create a context
/** * Creates a builder for constructing a context with custom configuration. * * @param permittedLanguages names of languages permitted in the context. If no languages are * provided, then all installed languages will be permitted. * @return a builder that can create a context * @since 19.0 */
public static Builder newBuilder(String... permittedLanguages) { return EMPTY.new Builder(permittedLanguages); } private static final Context EMPTY = new Context(null); static final Predicate<String> UNSET_HOST_LOOKUP = new Predicate<String>() { public boolean test(String t) { return false; } }; static final Predicate<String> NO_HOST_CLASSES = new Predicate<String>() { public boolean test(String t) { return false; } }; static final Predicate<String> ALL_HOST_CLASSES = new Predicate<String>() { public boolean test(String t) { return true; } };
Builder class to construct Context instances. A builder instance is not thread-safe and must not be used from multiple threads at the same time.
See Also:
/** * Builder class to construct {@link Context} instances. A builder instance is not thread-safe * and must not be used from multiple threads at the same time. * * @see Context * @since 19.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("hiding") public final class Builder { private Engine sharedEngine; private String[] onlyLanguages; private OutputStream out; private OutputStream err; private InputStream in; private Map<String, String> options; private Map<String, String[]> arguments; private Predicate<String> hostClassFilter = UNSET_HOST_LOOKUP; private Boolean allowNativeAccess; private Boolean allowCreateThread; private boolean allowAllAccess; private Boolean allowIO; private Boolean allowHostClassLoading; private Boolean allowExperimentalOptions; private Boolean allowHostAccess; private PolyglotAccess polyglotAccess; private HostAccess hostAccess; private FileSystem customFileSystem; private MessageTransport messageTransport; private Object customLogHandler; private Boolean allowCreateProcess; private ProcessHandler processHandler; private EnvironmentAccess environmentAccess; private ResourceLimits resourceLimits; private Map<String, String> environment; private ZoneId zone; private Path currentWorkingDirectory; private ClassLoader hostClassLoader; Builder(String... onlyLanguages) { Objects.requireNonNull(onlyLanguages); for (String onlyLanguage : onlyLanguages) { Objects.requireNonNull(onlyLanguage); } this.onlyLanguages = onlyLanguages; }
Explicitly sets the underlying engine to use. By default, every context has its own isolated engine. If multiple contexts are created from one engine, then they may share/cache certain system resources like ASTs or optimized code by specifying a single underlying engine. See Engine for more details about system resource sharing.
/** * Explicitly sets the underlying engine to use. By default, every context has its own * isolated engine. If multiple contexts are created from one engine, then they may * share/cache certain system resources like ASTs or optimized code by specifying a single * underlying engine. See {@link Engine} for more details about system resource sharing. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder engine(Engine engine) { Objects.requireNonNull(engine); this.sharedEngine = engine; return this; }
Sets the standard output stream to be used for the context. If not set, then the standard output stream configured for the engine or standard error stream is used.
/** * Sets the standard output stream to be used for the context. If not set, then the standard * output stream configured for the {@link #engine(Engine) engine} or standard error stream * is used. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder out(OutputStream out) { Objects.requireNonNull(out); this.out = out; return this; }
Sets the error output stream to be used for the context. If not set, then either the error stream configured for the engine or standard error stream is used.
/** * Sets the error output stream to be used for the context. If not set, then either the * error stream configured for the {@link #engine(Engine) engine} or standard error stream * is used. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder err(OutputStream err) { Objects.requireNonNull(err); this.err = err; return this; }
Sets the input stream to be used for the context. If not set, then either the input stream configured for the engine or standard in stream is used.
/** * Sets the input stream to be used for the context. If not set, then either the input * stream configured for the {@link #engine(Engine) engine} or standard in stream is used. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder in(InputStream in) { Objects.requireNonNull(in); this.in = in; return this; }
Allows guest languages to access the host language by loading new classes. Default is false. If all access is set to true, then host access is enabled if not disallowed explicitly.
Deprecated:use allowHostAccess(HostAccess) or allowHostClassLookup(Predicate<String>) instead.
/** * Allows guest languages to access the host language by loading new classes. Default is * <code>false</code>. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is set to * <code>true</code>, then host access is enabled if not disallowed explicitly. * * @since 19.0 * @deprecated use {@link #allowHostAccess(HostAccess)} or * {@link #allowHostClassLookup(Predicate)} instead. */
@Deprecated public Builder allowHostAccess(boolean enabled) { this.allowHostAccess = enabled; return this; }
Configures which public constructors, methods or fields of public classes are accessible by guest applications. By default if allowAllAccess(boolean) is false the HostAccess.EXPLICIT policy will be used, otherwise HostAccess.ALL.
See Also:
/** * Configures which public constructors, methods or fields of public classes are accessible * by guest applications. By default if {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean)} is * <code>false</code> the {@link HostAccess#EXPLICIT} policy will be used, otherwise * {@link HostAccess#ALL}. * * @see HostAccess#EXPLICIT EXPLICIT - to allow explicitly annotated constructors, methods * or fields. * @see HostAccess#ALL ALL - to allow unrestricted access (use only for trusted guest * applications) * @see HostAccess#NONE NONE - to not allow any access * @see HostAccess#newBuilder() newBuilder() - to create a custom configuration. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowHostAccess(HostAccess config) { this.hostAccess = config; return this; }
Allows guest languages to access the native interface.
/** * Allows guest languages to access the native interface. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowNativeAccess(boolean enabled) { this.allowNativeAccess = enabled; return this; }
If true, allows guest languages to create new threads. Default is false. If all access is set to true, then the creation of threads is enabled if not allowed explicitly. Threads created by guest languages are closed, when the context is closed.
/** * If <code>true</code>, allows guest languages to create new threads. Default is * <code>false</code>. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is set to * <code>true</code>, then the creation of threads is enabled if not allowed explicitly. * Threads created by guest languages are closed, when the context is {@link Context#close() * closed}. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowCreateThread(boolean enabled) { this.allowCreateThread = enabled; return this; }
Sets the default value for all privileges. If not explicitly specified, then all access is false. If all access is enabled then certain privileges may still be disabled by configuring it explicitly using the builder (either before or after the call to allowAllAccess()). Allowing all access should only be set if the guest application is fully trusted.

If true, grants the context the same access privileges as the host virtual machine. If the host VM runs without a security manager enabled, then enabling all access gives the guest languages full control over the host process. Otherwise, Java security manager is in control of restricting the privileges of the polyglot context. If new privilege restrictions are added to the polyglot API, then they will default to full access.

Grants full access to the following privileges by default:

  • enabled – true for all access by default.
/** * Sets the default value for all privileges. If not explicitly specified, then all access * is <code>false</code>. If all access is enabled then certain privileges may still be * disabled by configuring it explicitly using the builder (either before or after the call * to {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) allowAllAccess()}). Allowing all access should only be * set if the guest application is fully trusted. * <p> * If <code>true</code>, grants the context the same access privileges as the host virtual * machine. If the host VM runs without a {@link SecurityManager security manager} enabled, * then enabling all access gives the guest languages full control over the host process. * Otherwise, Java {@link SecurityManager security manager} is in control of restricting the * privileges of the polyglot context. If new privilege restrictions are added to the * polyglot API, then they will default to full access. * <p> * Grants full access to the following privileges by default: * <ul> * <li>The {@link #allowCreateThread(boolean) creation} and use of new threads. * <li>The access to public {@link #allowHostAccess(HostAccess) host classes}. * <li>The loading of new {@link #allowHostClassLoading(boolean) host classes} by adding * entries to the class path. * <li>Exporting new members into the polyglot {@link Context#getPolyglotBindings() * bindings}. * <li>Unrestricted {@link #allowIO(boolean) IO operations} on host system. * <li>Passing {@link #allowExperimentalOptions(boolean) experimental options}. * <li>The {@link #allowCreateProcess(boolean) creation} and use of new sub-processes. * <li>The {@link #allowEnvironmentAccess(org.graalvm.polyglot.EnvironmentAccess) access} to * process environment variables. * </ul> * * @param enabled <code>true</code> for all access by default. * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowAllAccess(boolean enabled) { this.allowAllAccess = enabled; return this; }
If host class loading is enabled, then the guest language is allowed to load new host classes via jar or class files. If all access is set to true, then the host class loading is enabled if it is not disallowed explicitly. For host class loading to be useful, IO operations host class lookup, and the host access policy needs to be configured as well.
See Also:
/** * If host class loading is enabled, then the guest language is allowed to load new host * classes via jar or class files. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is set to * <code>true</code>, then the host class loading is enabled if it is not disallowed * explicitly. For host class loading to be useful, {@link #allowIO(boolean) IO} operations * {@link #allowHostClassLookup(Predicate) host class lookup}, and the * {@link #allowHostAccess(org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess) host access policy} needs to be * configured as well. * * @see #allowHostAccess(HostAccess) * @see #allowHostClassLookup(Predicate) * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowHostClassLoading(boolean enabled) { this.allowHostClassLoading = enabled; return this; }
Sets a filter that specifies the Java host classes that can be looked up by the guest application. If set to null then no class lookup is allowed and relevant language builtins are not available (e.g. Java.type in JavaScript). If the classFilter parameter is set to a filter predicate, then language builtins are available and classes can be looked up if the filter predicate returns true for the fully qualified class name. If the filter returns false, then the class cannot be looked up and as a result throws a guest language error when accessed. By default and if all access is false, host class lookup is disabled. By default and if all access is true, then all classes may be looked up by the guest application.

In order to access class members looked up by the guest application a host access policy needs to be set or all access needs to be set to true.

To load new classes the context uses the hostClassLoader if specified or the context class loader that will be captured when the context is built. If an explicit engine was specified, then the context class loader at engine build-time will be used instead. When the Java module system is available (>= JDK 9) then only classes are accessible that are exported to the unnamed module of the captured class loader.

Example usage with JavaScript:

public class MyClass {
    public int accessibleMethod() {
        return 42;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (Context context = Context.newBuilder() //
                        .allowHostClassLookup(c -> c.equals("myPackage.MyClass")) //
                        .build()) {
            int result = context.eval("js", "" +
                            "var MyClass = Java.type('myPackage.MyClass');" +
                            "new MyClass().accessibleMethod()").asInt();
            assert result == 42;

In this example:

  • We create a new context with the permission to look up the class myPackage.MyClass in the guest language application.
  • We evaluate a JavaScript code snippet that accesses the Java class myPackage.MyClass using the Java.type builtin provided by the JavaScript language implementation. Other classes can only be looked up if the provided class filter returns true for their name.
  • We create a new instance of the Java class MyClass by using the JavaScript new keyword.
  • We call the method accessibleMethod which returns 42. The method is accessible to the guest language because because the enclosing class and the declared method are public, as well as annotated with the @HostAccess.Export annotation. Which Java members of classes are accessible can be configured using the host access policy.
  • classFilter – a predicate that returns true or false for a qualified Java class name or null to disable host class lookup.
See Also:
/** * Sets a filter that specifies the Java host classes that can be looked up by the guest * application. If set to <code>null</code> then no class lookup is allowed and relevant * language builtins are not available (e.g. <code>Java.type</code> in JavaScript). If the * <code>classFilter</code> parameter is set to a filter predicate, then language builtins * are available and classes can be looked up if the filter predicate returns * <code>true</code> for the fully qualified class name. If the filter returns * <code>false</code>, then the class cannot be looked up and as a result throws a guest * language error when accessed. By default and if {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all * access} is <code>false</code>, host class lookup is disabled. By default and if * {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is <code>true</code>, then all classes may be * looked up by the guest application. * <p> * In order to access class members looked up by the guest application a * {@link #allowHostAccess(org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess) host access policy} needs to be * set or {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} needs to be set to <code>true</code>. * <p> * To load new classes the context uses the * {@link Context.Builder#hostClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) hostClassLoader} if * specified or the {@link Thread#getContextClassLoader() context class loader} that will be * captured when the context is {@link #build() built}. If an explicit * {@link #engine(Engine) engine} was specified, then the context class loader at engine * {@link Engine.Builder#build() build-time} will be used instead. When the Java module * system is available (>= JDK 9) then only classes are accessible that are exported to the * unnamed module of the captured class loader. * <p> * <h3>Example usage with JavaScript:</h3> * * <pre> * public class MyClass { * &#64;HostAccess.Export * public int accessibleMethod() { * return 42; * } * * public static void main(String[] args) { * try (Context context = Context.newBuilder() // * .allowHostClassLookup(c -> c.equals("myPackage.MyClass")) // * .build()) { * int result = context.eval("js", "" + * "var MyClass = Java.type('myPackage.MyClass');" + * "new MyClass().accessibleMethod()").asInt(); * assert result == 42; * } * } * } * </pre> * * <h4>In this example:</h4> * <ul> * <li>We create a new context with the {@link Builder#allowHostClassLookup(Predicate) * permission} to look up the class <code>myPackage.MyClass</code> in the guest language * application. * <li>We evaluate a JavaScript code snippet that accesses the Java class * <code>myPackage.MyClass</code> using the <code>Java.type</code> builtin provided by the * JavaScript language implementation. Other classes can only be looked up if the provided * class filter returns <code>true</code> for their name. * <li>We create a new instance of the Java class <code>MyClass</code> by using the * JavaScript <code>new</code> keyword. * <li>We call the method <code>accessibleMethod</code> which returns <code>42</code>. The * method is accessible to the guest language because because the enclosing class and the * declared method are public, as well as annotated with the * {@link HostAccess.Export @HostAccess.Export} annotation. Which Java members of classes * are accessible can be configured using the {@link #allowHostAccess(HostAccess) host * access policy}. * </ul> * * @param classFilter a predicate that returns <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> for a * qualified Java class name or <code>null</code> to disable host class lookup. * @see #allowHostClassLoading(boolean) allowHostClassLoading - to allow loading of classes. * @see #allowHostAccess(HostAccess) allowHostAccess - to configure the access policy of * host values for guest languages. * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowHostClassLookup(Predicate<String> classFilter) { this.hostClassFilter = classFilter; return this; }
Allow experimental options to be used for language options. Do not use experimental options in production environments. If set to false (the default), then passing an experimental option results in an IllegalArgumentException when the context is built.

Alternatively Builder.allowExperimentalOptions(boolean) may be used when constructing the context using an explicit engine.

/** * Allow experimental options to be used for language options. Do not use experimental * options in production environments. If set to {@code false} (the default), then passing * an experimental option results in an {@link IllegalArgumentException} when the context is * built. * <p> * Alternatively {@link Engine.Builder#allowExperimentalOptions(boolean)} may be used when * constructing the context using an {@link #engine(Engine) explicit engine}. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowExperimentalOptions(boolean enabled) { this.allowExperimentalOptions = enabled; return this; }
Allow polyglot access using the provided policy. If all access is true then the default polyglot access policy is PolyglotAccess.ALL, otherwise PolyglotAccess.NONE. The provided access policy must not be null.
/** * Allow polyglot access using the provided policy. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all * access} is <code>true</code> then the default polyglot access policy is * {@link PolyglotAccess#ALL}, otherwise {@link PolyglotAccess#NONE}. The provided access * policy must not be <code>null</code>. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowPolyglotAccess(PolyglotAccess accessPolicy) { Objects.requireNonNull(accessPolicy); this.polyglotAccess = accessPolicy; return this; }
Sets a class filter that allows to limit the classes that are allowed to be loaded by guest languages. If the filter returns true, then the class is accessible, otherwise it is not accessible and throws a guest language error when accessed. In order to have an effect, allowHostAccess(HostAccess) or allowAllAccess(boolean) needs to be set to true.
  • classFilter – a predicate that returns true or false for a java qualified class name.
Deprecated:use allowHostClassLookup(Predicate<String>) instead.
/** * Sets a class filter that allows to limit the classes that are allowed to be loaded by * guest languages. If the filter returns <code>true</code>, then the class is accessible, * otherwise it is not accessible and throws a guest language error when accessed. In order * to have an effect, {@link #allowHostAccess(org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess)} or * {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean)} needs to be set to <code>true</code>. * * @param classFilter a predicate that returns <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> for a * java qualified class name. * @since 19.0 * @deprecated use {@link #allowHostClassLookup(Predicate)} instead. */
@Deprecated public Builder hostClassFilter(Predicate<String> classFilter) { Objects.requireNonNull(classFilter); this.hostClassFilter = classFilter; return this; }
Sets an option for this context. By default, any options for the engine, language or instrument can be set for a context. If an explicit engine is set for the context, then only language options can be set. Instrument and engine options can be set exclusively on the explicit engine instance. If a language option is set for the context and the engine, then the option of the context is going to take precedence.

If one of the set option keys or values is invalid, then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown when the context is built. The given key and value must not be null.

See Also:
/** * Sets an option for this {@link Context context}. By default, any options for the * {@link Engine#getOptions() engine}, {@link Language#getOptions() language} or * {@link Instrument#getOptions() instrument} can be set for a context. If an * {@link #engine(Engine) explicit engine} is set for the context, then only language * options can be set. Instrument and engine options can be set exclusively on the explicit * engine instance. If a language option is set for the context and the engine, then the * option of the context is going to take precedence. * <p> * If one of the set option keys or values is invalid, then an * {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown when the context is {@link #build() built}. * The given key and value must not be <code>null</code>. * * @see Engine.Builder#option(String, String) To specify an option for the engine. * @since 19.0 */
public Builder option(String key, String value) { Objects.requireNonNull(key); Objects.requireNonNull(value); if (this.options == null) { this.options = new HashMap<>(); } this.options.put(key, value); return this; }
Shortcut for setting multiple options using a map. All values of the provided map must be non-null.
  • options – a map options.
See Also:
/** * Shortcut for setting multiple {@link #option(String, String) options} using a map. All * values of the provided map must be non-null. * * @param options a map options. * @see #option(String, String) To set a single option. * @since 19.0 */
public Builder options(Map<String, String> options) { for (String key : options.keySet()) { option(key, options.get(key)); } return this; }
Sets the guest language application arguments for a language context. Application arguments are typically made available to guest language implementations. It depends on the language if and how they are accessible within the evaluated guest language scripts. Passing no arguments to a language is equivalent to providing an empty arguments array.
  • language – the language id of the primary language.
  • args – an array of arguments passed to the guest language program.
/** * Sets the guest language application arguments for a language {@link Context context}. * Application arguments are typically made available to guest language implementations. It * depends on the language if and how they are accessible within the * {@link Context#eval(Source) evaluated} guest language scripts. Passing no arguments to a * language is equivalent to providing an empty arguments array. * * @param language the language id of the primary language. * @param args an array of arguments passed to the guest language program. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid language id was specified. * @since 19.0 */
public Builder arguments(String language, String[] args) { Objects.requireNonNull(language); Objects.requireNonNull(args); String[] newArgs = args; if (args.length > 0) { newArgs = new String[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // defensive copy newArgs[i] = Objects.requireNonNull(args[i]); } } if (arguments == null) { arguments = new HashMap<>(); } arguments.put(language, newArgs); return this; }
If true, allows guest language to perform unrestricted IO operations on host system. Default is false. If all access is set to true, then IO is enabled if not allowed explicitly.
  • enabled – true to enable Input/Output
Returns:the Builder
/** * If <code>true</code>, allows guest language to perform unrestricted IO operations on host * system. Default is <code>false</code>. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is * set to <code>true</code>, then IO is enabled if not allowed explicitly. * * @param enabled {@code true} to enable Input/Output * @return the {@link Builder} * @since 19.0 */
public Builder allowIO(final boolean enabled) { allowIO = enabled; return this; }
Installs a new FileSystem.
  • fileSystem – the file system to be installed
Returns:the Builder
/** * Installs a new {@link FileSystem}. * * @param fileSystem the file system to be installed * @return the {@link Builder} * @since 19.0 */
public Builder fileSystem(final FileSystem fileSystem) { Objects.requireNonNull(fileSystem, "FileSystem must be non null."); this.customFileSystem = fileSystem; return this; }
Take over the transport of messages communication with a server peer. Provide an implementation of MessageTransport to virtualize a transport of messages to a server endpoint. MessageTransport.open(URI, MessageEndpoint) corresponds to accept of a server socket.
  • serverTransport – an implementation of message transport interceptor
See Also:
/** * Take over the transport of messages communication with a server peer. Provide an * implementation of {@link MessageTransport} to virtualize a transport of messages to a * server endpoint. * {@link MessageTransport#open(java.net.URI, org.graalvm.polyglot.io.MessageEndpoint)} * corresponds to accept of a server socket. * * @param serverTransport an implementation of message transport interceptor * @see MessageTransport * @since 19.0 */
public Builder serverTransport(final MessageTransport serverTransport) { Objects.requireNonNull(serverTransport, "MessageTransport must be non null."); this.messageTransport = serverTransport; return this; }
Installs a new logging Handler. The logger's Level configuration is done using the Context's options. The level option key has the following format: log.languageId.loggerName.level or log.instrumentId.loggerName.level. The value is either the name of a pre-defined Level constant or a numeric Level value. If not explicitly set in options, the level is inherited from the parent logger.

Examples of setting log level options:
builder.option("log.level","FINE"); sets the FINE level to all TruffleLoggers.
builder.option("log.js.level","FINE"); sets the FINE level to JavaScript TruffleLoggers.
builder.option("log.js.com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.JavaScriptLanguage.level","FINE"); sets the FINE level to TruffleLogger for the JavaScriptLanguage class.

If the logHandler is not set on Engine nor on Context, the log messages are printed to Context's error output stream.

  • logHandler – the Handler to use for logging in built Context. The passed logHandler is closed when the context is closed.
Returns:the Builder
/** * Installs a new logging {@link Handler}. The logger's {@link Level} configuration is done * using the {@link #options(java.util.Map) Context's options}. The level option key has the * following format: {@code log.languageId.loggerName.level} or * {@code log.instrumentId.loggerName.level}. The value is either the name of a pre-defined * {@link Level} constant or a numeric {@link Level} value. If not explicitly set in * options, the level is inherited from the parent logger. * <p> * <b>Examples</b> of setting log level options:<br> * {@code builder.option("log.level","FINE");} sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to all * {@code TruffleLogger}s.<br> * {@code builder.option("log.js.level","FINE");} sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to * JavaScript {@code TruffleLogger}s.<br> * {@code builder.option("log.js.com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.JavaScriptLanguage.level","FINE");} * sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to {@code TruffleLogger} for the * {@code JavaScriptLanguage} class.<br> * <p> * If the {@code logHandler} is not set on {@link Engine} nor on {@link Context}, the log * messages are printed to {@link #err(java.io.OutputStream) Context's error output stream}. * * @param logHandler the {@link Handler} to use for logging in built {@link Context}. The * passed {@code logHandler} is closed when the context is {@link Context#close() * closed}. * @return the {@link Builder} * @since 19.0 */
public Builder logHandler(final Handler logHandler) { Objects.requireNonNull(logHandler, "Handler must be non null."); this.customLogHandler = logHandler; return this; }
Sets the default time zone to be used for this context. If not set, or explicitly set to null then the system default zone will be used.
See Also:
Returns:the Builder
/** * Sets the default time zone to be used for this context. If not set, or explicitly set to * <code>null</code> then the {@link ZoneId#systemDefault() system default} zone will be * used. * * @return the {@link Builder} * @see ZoneId#systemDefault() * @since 19.2.0 */
public Builder timeZone(final ZoneId zone) { this.zone = zone; return this; }
Installs a new logging Handler using given OutputStream. The logger's Level configuration is done using the Context's options. The level option key has the following format: log.languageId.loggerName.level or log.instrumentId.loggerName.level. The value is either the name of pre-defined Level constant or a numeric Level value. If not explicitly set in options the level is inherited from the parent logger.

Examples of setting log level options:
builder.option("log.level","FINE"); sets the FINE level to all TruffleLoggers.
builder.option("log.js.level","FINE"); sets the FINE level to JavaScript TruffleLoggers.
builder.option("log.js.com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.JavaScriptLanguage.level","FINE"); sets the FINE level to TruffleLogger for the JavaScriptLanguage class.

If the logHandler is not set on Engine nor on Context the log messages are printed to Context's standard output stream.

  • logOut – the OutputStream to use for logging in built Context. The passed logOut stream is closed when the context is closed.
Returns:the Builder
/** * Installs a new logging {@link Handler} using given {@link OutputStream}. The logger's * {@link Level} configuration is done using the {@link #options(java.util.Map) Context's * options}. The level option key has the following format: * {@code log.languageId.loggerName.level} or {@code log.instrumentId.loggerName.level}. The * value is either the name of pre-defined {@link Level} constant or a numeric {@link Level} * value. If not explicitly set in options the level is inherited from the parent logger. * <p> * <b>Examples</b> of setting log level options:<br> * {@code builder.option("log.level","FINE");} sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to all * {@code TruffleLogger}s.<br> * {@code builder.option("log.js.level","FINE");} sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to * JavaScript {@code TruffleLogger}s.<br> * {@code builder.option("log.js.com.oracle.truffle.js.parser.JavaScriptLanguage.level","FINE");} * sets the {@link Level#FINE FINE level} to {@code TruffleLogger} for the * {@code JavaScriptLanguage} class.<br> * <p> * If the {@code logHandler} is not set on {@link Engine} nor on {@link Context} the log * messages are printed to {@link #out(java.io.OutputStream) Context's standard output * stream}. * * @param logOut the {@link OutputStream} to use for logging in built {@link Context}. The * passed {@code logOut} stream is closed when the context is * {@link Context#close() closed}. * @return the {@link Builder} * @since 19.0 */
public Builder logHandler(final OutputStream logOut) { Objects.requireNonNull(logOut, "LogOut must be non null."); this.customLogHandler = logOut; return this; }
If true, allows guest language to execute external processes. Default is false. If all access is set to true, then process creation is enabled if not denied explicitly.
  • enabled – true to enable external process creation
/** * If <code>true</code>, allows guest language to execute external processes. Default is * <code>false</code>. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) all access} is set to * <code>true</code>, then process creation is enabled if not denied explicitly. * * @param enabled {@code true} to enable external process creation * @since 19.1.0 */
public Builder allowCreateProcess(boolean enabled) { this.allowCreateProcess = enabled; return this; }
Installs a ProcessHandler responsible for external process creation.
  • handler – the handler to be installed
/** * Installs a {@link ProcessHandler} responsible for external process creation. * * @param handler the handler to be installed * @since 19.1.0 */
public Builder processHandler(ProcessHandler handler) { Objects.requireNonNull(handler, "Handler must be non null."); this.processHandler = handler; return this; }
Assigns resource limit configuration to a context. By default no resource limits are assigned. The limits will be enabled for all contexts created using this builder. Assigning a limit may have performance impact of all contexts that run with the same engine.
See Also:
  • for usage examples
/** * Assigns resource limit configuration to a context. By default no resource limits are * assigned. The limits will be enabled for all contexts created using this builder. * Assigning a limit may have performance impact of all contexts that run with the same * engine. * * @see ResourceLimits for usage examples * @since 19.3.0 */
public Builder resourceLimits(ResourceLimits limits) { this.resourceLimits = limits; return this; }
Allow environment access using the provided policy. If all access is true then the default environment access policy is EnvironmentAccess.INHERIT, otherwise EnvironmentAccess.NONE. The provided access policy must not be null.
/** * Allow environment access using the provided policy. If {@link #allowAllAccess(boolean) * all access} is {@code true} then the default environment access policy is * {@link EnvironmentAccess#INHERIT}, otherwise {@link EnvironmentAccess#NONE}. The provided * access policy must not be {@code null}. * * @param accessPolicy the {@link EnvironmentAccess environment access policy} * @since 19.1.0 */
public Builder allowEnvironmentAccess(EnvironmentAccess accessPolicy) { Objects.requireNonNull(accessPolicy, "AccessPolicy must be non null."); this.environmentAccess = accessPolicy; return this; }
Sets an environment variable.
  • name – the environment variable name
  • value – the environment variable value
/** * Sets an environment variable. * * @param name the environment variable name * @param value the environment variable value * @since 19.1.0 */
public Builder environment(String name, String value) { Objects.requireNonNull(name, "Name must be non null."); Objects.requireNonNull(value, "Value must be non null."); if (this.environment == null) { this.environment = new HashMap<>(); } this.environment.put(name, value); return this; }
Shortcut for setting multiple environment variables using a map. All values of the provided map must be non-null.
  • env – environment variables
See Also:
/** * Shortcut for setting multiple {@link #environment(String, String) environment variables} * using a map. All values of the provided map must be non-null. * * @param env environment variables * @see #environment(String, String) To set a single environment variable. * @since 19.1.0 */
public Builder environment(Map<String, String> env) { Objects.requireNonNull(env, "Env must be non null."); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : env.entrySet()) { environment(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } return this; }
Sets the current working directory used by the guest application to resolve relative paths. When the Context is built, the given directory is set as the current working directory on the Context's file system using the FileSystem.setCurrentWorkingDirectory method.
  • workingDirectory – the new current working directory
/** * Sets the current working directory used by the guest application to resolve relative * paths. When the Context is built, the given directory is set as the current working * directory on the Context's file system using the * {@link FileSystem#setCurrentWorkingDirectory(java.nio.file.Path) * FileSystem.setCurrentWorkingDirectory} method. * * @param workingDirectory the new current working directory * @throws NullPointerException when {@code workingDirectory} is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException when {@code workingDirectory} is a relative path * @since 20.0.0 */
public Builder currentWorkingDirectory(Path workingDirectory) { Objects.requireNonNull(workingDirectory, "WorkingDirectory must be non null."); if (!workingDirectory.isAbsolute()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("WorkingDirectory must be an absolute path."); } this.currentWorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; return this; }
Sets a host class loader. If set the given classLoader is used to load host classes and it's also set as a context ClassLoader during code execution. Otherwise the ClassLoader that was captured when the context was built is used to to load host classes and the context ClassLoader is not set during code execution. Setting the hostClassLoader has a negative effect on enter and leave performance.
  • classLoader – the host class loader
/** * Sets a host class loader. If set the given {@code classLoader} is used to load host * classes and it's also set as a {@link Thread#setContextClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) * context ClassLoader} during code execution. Otherwise the ClassLoader that was captured * when the context was {@link #build() built} is used to to load host classes and the * {@link Thread#setContextClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) context ClassLoader} is not * set during code execution. Setting the hostClassLoader has a negative effect on enter and * leave performance. * * @param classLoader the host class loader * @since 20.1.0 */
public Builder hostClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { Objects.requireNonNull(classLoader, "ClassLoader must be non null."); this.hostClassLoader = classLoader; return this; }
Creates a new context instance from the configuration provided in the builder. The same context builder can be used to create multiple context instances.
/** * Creates a new context instance from the configuration provided in the builder. The same * context builder can be used to create multiple context instances. * * @since 19.0 */
public Context build() { boolean nativeAccess = orAllAccess(allowNativeAccess); boolean createThread = orAllAccess(allowCreateThread); boolean io = orAllAccess(allowIO); boolean hostClassLoading = orAllAccess(allowHostClassLoading); boolean experimentalOptions = orAllAccess(allowExperimentalOptions); if (this.allowHostAccess != null && this.hostAccess != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The method allowHostAccess with boolean and with HostAccess are mutually exclusive."); } Predicate<String> localHostLookupFilter = this.hostClassFilter; HostAccess hostAccess = this.hostAccess; if (this.allowHostAccess != null && this.allowHostAccess) { if (localHostLookupFilter == UNSET_HOST_LOOKUP) { // legacy behavior support localHostLookupFilter = ALL_HOST_CLASSES; } // legacy behavior support hostAccess = HostAccess.ALL; } if (hostAccess == null) { hostAccess = this.allowAllAccess ? HostAccess.ALL : HostAccess.EXPLICIT; } PolyglotAccess polyglotAccess = this.polyglotAccess; if (polyglotAccess == null) { polyglotAccess = this.allowAllAccess ? PolyglotAccess.ALL : PolyglotAccess.NONE; } if (localHostLookupFilter == UNSET_HOST_LOOKUP) { if (allowAllAccess) { localHostLookupFilter = ALL_HOST_CLASSES; } else { localHostLookupFilter = null; } } boolean hostClassLookupEnabled = localHostLookupFilter != null; if (localHostLookupFilter == null) { localHostLookupFilter = NO_HOST_CLASSES; } boolean createProcess = orAllAccess(allowCreateProcess); if (environmentAccess == null) { environmentAccess = this.allowAllAccess ? EnvironmentAccess.INHERIT : EnvironmentAccess.NONE; } Object limits; if (resourceLimits != null) { limits = resourceLimits.impl; } else { limits = null; } if (!io && customFileSystem != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot install custom FileSystem when IO is disabled."); } String localCurrentWorkingDirectory = currentWorkingDirectory == null ? null : currentWorkingDirectory.toString(); Engine engine = this.sharedEngine; if (engine == null) { org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine.Builder engineBuilder = Engine.newBuilder().options(options == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : options); if (out != null) { engineBuilder.out(out); } if (err != null) { engineBuilder.err(err); } if (in != null) { engineBuilder.in(in); } if (messageTransport != null) { engineBuilder.serverTransport(messageTransport); } if (customLogHandler instanceof Handler) { engineBuilder.logHandler((Handler) customLogHandler); } else if (customLogHandler instanceof OutputStream) { engineBuilder.logHandler((OutputStream) customLogHandler); } engineBuilder.allowExperimentalOptions(experimentalOptions); engineBuilder.setBoundEngine(true); engine = engineBuilder.build(); Context ctx = engine.impl.createContext(null, null, null, hostClassLookupEnabled, hostAccess, polyglotAccess, nativeAccess, createThread, io, hostClassLoading, experimentalOptions, localHostLookupFilter, Collections.emptyMap(), arguments == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : arguments, onlyLanguages, customFileSystem, customLogHandler, createProcess, processHandler, environmentAccess, environment, zone, limits, localCurrentWorkingDirectory, hostClassLoader); return ctx; } else { if (messageTransport != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use MessageTransport in a context that shares an Engine."); } return engine.impl.createContext(out, err, in, hostClassLookupEnabled, hostAccess, polyglotAccess, nativeAccess, createThread, io, hostClassLoading, experimentalOptions, localHostLookupFilter, options == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : options, arguments == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : arguments, onlyLanguages, customFileSystem, customLogHandler, createProcess, processHandler, environmentAccess, environment, zone, limits, localCurrentWorkingDirectory, hostClassLoader); } } private boolean orAllAccess(Boolean optionalBoolean) { return optionalBoolean != null ? optionalBoolean : allowAllAccess; } } }