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package com.oracle.truffle.api.interop;

import static com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.assertString;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.preCondition;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.validArgument;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.validArguments;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.validNonInteropArgument;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.validReturn;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.validScope;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.violationInvariant;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.violationPost;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.zone.ZoneRules;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleStackTrace;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.Env;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.Registration;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleStackTraceElement;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.impl.Accessor.EngineSupport;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary.Asserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary.Abstract;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary.DefaultExport;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.Library;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.LibraryFactory;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ControlFlowException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ExplodeLoop;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.LanguageInfo;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.profiles.BranchProfile;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.utilities.TriState;

Represents the library that specifies the interoperability message protocol between Truffle languages, tools and embedders. Every method represents one message specified by the protocol. In the following text we will abbreviate interoperability with interop.

The interop API differentiates between the source and the target language. The source language is the language that implements/exports the message implementations. The implementations map types of the source language to the interop protocol as it is specified by the protocol. For example, language values that represent arrays or array like structures should implement the messages for array based access. This allows the target language to call the protocol without knowledge of the concrete source language. The target language embeds the interop protocol semantics as part of their existing language semantics. For example, language operations that access array elements in the target language should call array access messages for interop values.

The interop protocol only allows interop values to be used as receivers, return values or parameters of messages. Allowed Java types of interop values are:

Note that null is never a valid interop value. Instead, use a TruffleObject which implements isNull(Object) message.

The following type combinations are mutually exclusive and cannot return true for the type check message of the same receiver value:

All receiver values may have none, one or multiple of the following traits:
  • executable
  • instantiable
  • pointer
  • members
  • array elements
  • language
  • associated metaobject
  • declaring meta object
  • source location
  • identity
  • scope parent
  • executable name
  • exception message
  • exception cause
  • exception stack trace

      Naive and aware dates and times

      If a date or time value has a timezone then it is called aware , otherwise naive

      An aware time and date has sufficient knowledge of applicable algorithmic and political time adjustments, such as time zone and daylight saving time information, to locate itself relative to other aware objects. An aware object is used to represent a specific moment in time that is not open to interpretation.

      A naive time and date does not contain enough information to unambiguously locate itself relative to other date/time objects. Whether a naive object represents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), local time, or time in some other timezone is purely up to the program, just like it is up to the program whether a particular number represents metres, miles, or mass. Naive objects are easy to understand and to work with, at the cost of ignoring some aspects of reality.

      Interop messages throw checked exceptions to indicate error states. The target language is supposed to always catch those exceptions and translate them into guest language errors of the target language. Interop message contracts are verified only if assertions (-ea) are enabled.

See Also:
/** * Represents the library that specifies the interoperability message protocol between Truffle * languages, tools and embedders. Every method represents one message specified by the protocol. In * the following text we will abbreviate interoperability with interop. * <p> * The interop API differentiates between the source and the target language. The source language is * the language that implements/exports the message implementations. The implementations map types * of the source language to the interop protocol as it is specified by the protocol. For example, * language values that represent arrays or array like structures should implement the messages for * {@link #hasArrayElements(Object) array based access}. This allows the target language to call the * protocol without knowledge of the concrete source language. The target language embeds the * interop protocol semantics as part of their existing language semantics. For example, language * operations that access array elements in the target language should call * {@link #hasArrayElements(Object) array access} messages for interop values. * <p> * The interop protocol only allows <i>interop values</i> to be used as receivers, return values or * parameters of messages. Allowed Java types of interop values are: * <ul> * <li>{@link TruffleObject}: Any subclass of {@link TruffleObject} is interpreted depending on the * interop messages it {@link ExportLibrary exports}. Truffle objects are expected but not required * to export interop library messages. * <li>{@link String} and {@link Character} are interpreted as {@link #isString(Object) string} * value. * <li>{@link Boolean} is interpreted as {@link #isBoolean(Object) boolean} value. * <li>{@link Byte}, {@link Short}, {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} and {@link Double} * are interpreted as {@link #isNumber(Object) number} values. * </ul> * Note that {@code null} is <i>never</i> a valid interop value. Instead, use a * {@link TruffleObject} which implements {@link #isNull(Object)} message. * <p> * The following type combinations are mutually exclusive and cannot return <code>true</code> for * the type check message of the same receiver value: * <ul> * <li>{@link #isNull(Object) Null} * <li>{@link #isBoolean(Object) Boolean} * <li>{@link #isString(Object) String} * <li>{@link #isNumber(Object) Number} * <li>{@link #isDate(Object) Date}, {@link #isTime(Object) Time} or {@link #isTimeZone(Object) * TimeZone} * <li>{@link #isDuration(Object) Duration} * <li>{@link #isException(Object) Exception} * <li>{@link #isMetaObject(Object) Meta-Object} * </ul> * All receiver values may have none, one or multiple of the following traits: * <ul> * <li>{@link #isExecutable(Object) executable} * <li>{@link #isInstantiable(Object) instantiable} * <li>{@link #isPointer(Object) pointer} * <li>{@link #hasMembers(Object) members} * <li>{@link #hasArrayElements(Object) array elements} * <li>{@link #hasLanguage(Object) language} * <li>{@link #hasMetaObject(Object) associated metaobject} * <li>{@link #hasDeclaringMetaObject(Object) declaring meta object} * <li>{@link #hasSourceLocation(Object) source location} * <li>{@link #hasIdentity(Object) identity} * <li>{@link #hasScopeParent(Object) scope parent} * <li>{@link #hasExecutableName(Object) executable name} * <li>{@link #hasExceptionMessage(Object) exception message} * <li>{@link #hasExceptionCause(Object) exception cause} * <li>{@link #hasExceptionStackTrace(Object) exception stack trace} * <ul> * <p> * <h3>Naive and aware dates and times</h3> * <p> * If a date or time value has a {@link #isTimeZone(Object) timezone} then it is called <i>aware</i> * , otherwise <i>naive</i> * <p> * An aware time and date has sufficient knowledge of applicable algorithmic and political time * adjustments, such as time zone and daylight saving time information, to locate itself relative to * other aware objects. An aware object is used to represent a specific moment in time that is not * open to interpretation. * <p> * A naive time and date does not contain enough information to unambiguously locate itself relative * to other date/time objects. Whether a naive object represents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), * local time, or time in some other timezone is purely up to the program, just like it is up to the * program whether a particular number represents metres, miles, or mass. Naive objects are easy to * understand and to work with, at the cost of ignoring some aspects of reality. * <p> * Interop messages throw {@link InteropException checked exceptions} to indicate error states. The * target language is supposed to always catch those exceptions and translate them into guest * language errors of the target language. Interop message contracts are verified only if assertions * (-ea) are enabled. * * @see com.oracle.truffle.api.library Reference documentation of Truffle Libraries. * @since 19.0 */
@GenerateLibrary(assertions = Asserts.class, receiverType = TruffleObject.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultBooleanExports.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultIntegerExports.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultByteExports.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultShortExports.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultLongExports.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultFloatExports.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultDoubleExports.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultCharacterExports.class) @DefaultExport(DefaultStringExports.class) @SuppressWarnings("unused") public abstract class InteropLibrary extends Library {
/** * @since 19.0 */
protected InteropLibrary() { }
Returns true if the receiver represents a null like value, else false. Most object oriented languages have one or many values representing null values. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>null</code> like value, else * <code>false</code>. Most object oriented languages have one or many values representing null * values. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isNull(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns true if the receiver represents a boolean like value, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
  • asBoolean(Object)
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>boolean</code> like value, else * <code>false</code>. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #asBoolean(Object) * @since 19.0 */
// Boolean Messages @Abstract(ifExported = "asBoolean") public boolean isBoolean(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the Java boolean value if the receiver represents a boolean like value.
See Also:
/** * Returns the Java boolean value if the receiver represents a {@link #isBoolean(Object) * boolean} like value. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isBoolean(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @see #isBoolean(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isBoolean") public boolean asBoolean(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if the receiver represents an executable value, else false. Functions, methods or closures are common examples of executable values. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Note that receiver values which are executable might also be instantiable.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents an <code>executable</code> value, else * <code>false</code>. Functions, methods or closures are common examples of executable values. * Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Note that receiver values * which are {@link #isExecutable(Object) executable} might also be * {@link #isInstantiable(Object) instantiable}. * * @see #execute(Object, Object...) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "execute") public boolean isExecutable(Object receiver) { return false; }
Executes an executable value with the given arguments.
  • UnsupportedTypeException – if one of the arguments is not compatible to the executable signature. The exception is thrown on best effort basis, dynamic languages may throw their own exceptions if the arguments are wrong.
  • ArityException – if the number of expected arguments does not match the number of actual arguments.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – if and only if isExecutable(Object) returns false for the same receiver.
See Also:
/** * Executes an executable value with the given arguments. * * @throws UnsupportedTypeException if one of the arguments is not compatible to the executable * signature. The exception is thrown on best effort basis, dynamic languages may * throw their own exceptions if the arguments are wrong. * @throws ArityException if the number of expected arguments does not match the number of * actual arguments. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isExecutable(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @see #isExecutable(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isExecutable") public Object execute(Object receiver, Object... arguments) throws UnsupportedTypeException, ArityException, UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if the receiver has an executable name. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns {@code true} if the receiver has an executable name. Invoking this message does not * cause any observable side-effects. Returns {@code false} by default. * * @see #getExecutableName(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getExecutableName"}) public boolean hasExecutableName(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns executable name of the receiver. Throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver is has no executable name. The return value is an interop value that is guaranteed to return true for isString(Object).
See Also:
/** * Returns executable name of the receiver. Throws {@code UnsupportedMessageException} when the * receiver is has no {@link #hasExecutableName(Object) executable name}. The return value is an * interop value that is guaranteed to return <code>true</code> for {@link #isString(Object)}. * * @see #hasExecutableName(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasExecutableName"}) public Object getExecutableName(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if the receiver has a declaring meta object. The declaring meta object is the meta object of the executable or meta object that declares the receiver value. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns {@code true} if the receiver has a declaring meta object. The declaring meta object * is the meta object of the executable or meta object that declares the receiver value. * Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns {@code false} by * default. * * @see #getDeclaringMetaObject(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getDeclaringMetaObject"}) public boolean hasDeclaringMetaObject(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns declaring meta object. The declaring meta object is the meta object of declaring executable or meta object. Throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver is has no declaring meta object. The return value is an interop value that is guaranteed to return true for isMetaObject(Object).
See Also:
/** * Returns declaring meta object. The declaring meta object is the meta object of declaring * executable or meta object. Throws {@code UnsupportedMessageException} when the receiver is * has no {@link #hasDeclaringMetaObject(Object) declaring meta object}. The return value is an * interop value that is guaranteed to return <code>true</code> for * {@link #isMetaObject(Object)}. * * @see #hasDeclaringMetaObject(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasDeclaringMetaObject"}) public Object getDeclaringMetaObject(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } // Instantiable Messages
Returns true if the receiver represents an instantiable value, else false. Contructors or metaobjects are typical examples of instantiable values. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Note that receiver values which are executable might also be instantiable.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents an <code>instantiable</code> value, else * <code>false</code>. Contructors or {@link #isMetaObject(Object) metaobjects} are typical * examples of instantiable values. Invoking this message does not cause any observable * side-effects. Note that receiver values which are {@link #isExecutable(Object) executable} * might also be {@link #isInstantiable(Object) instantiable}. * * @see #instantiate(Object, Object...) * @see #isMetaObject(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "instantiate") public boolean isInstantiable(Object receiver) { return false; }
Instantiates the receiver value with the given arguments. The returned object must be initialized correctly according to the language specification (e.g. by calling the constructor or initialization routine).
See Also:
/** * Instantiates the receiver value with the given arguments. The returned object must be * initialized correctly according to the language specification (e.g. by calling the * constructor or initialization routine). * * @throws UnsupportedTypeException if one of the arguments is not compatible to the executable * signature * @throws ArityException if the number of expected arguments does not match the number of * actual arguments. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isInstantiable(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @see #isExecutable(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isInstantiable") public Object instantiate(Object receiver, Object... arguments) throws UnsupportedTypeException, ArityException, UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } // String Messages
Returns true if the receiver represents a string value, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
  • asString(Object)
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>string</code> value, else * <code>false</code>. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #asString(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "asString") public boolean isString(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the Java string value if the receiver represents a string like value.
See Also:
/** * Returns the Java string value if the receiver represents a {@link #isString(Object) string} * like value. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isString(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @see #isString(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isString") public String asString(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } // Number Messages
Returns true if the receiver represents a number value, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>number</code> value, else * <code>false</code>. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #fitsInByte(Object) * @see #fitsInShort(Object) * @see #fitsInInt(Object) * @see #fitsInLong(Object) * @see #fitsInFloat(Object) * @see #fitsInDouble(Object) * @see #asByte(Object) * @see #asShort(Object) * @see #asInt(Object) * @see #asLong(Object) * @see #asFloat(Object) * @see #asDouble(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"fitsInByte", "fitsInShort", "fitsInInt", "fitsInLong", "fitsInFloat", "fitsInDouble", "asByte", "asShort", "asInt", "asLong", "asFloat", "asDouble"}) public boolean isNumber(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns true if the receiver represents a number and its value fits in a Java byte primitive without loss of precision, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>number</code> and its value fits * in a Java byte primitive without loss of precision, else <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #asByte(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public boolean fitsInByte(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns true if the receiver represents a number and its value fits in a Java short primitive without loss of precision, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>number</code> and its value fits * in a Java short primitive without loss of precision, else <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #asShort(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public boolean fitsInShort(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns true if the receiver represents a number and its value fits in a Java int primitive without loss of precision, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>number</code> and its value fits * in a Java int primitive without loss of precision, else <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #asInt(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public boolean fitsInInt(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns true if the receiver represents a number and its value fits in a Java long primitive without loss of precision, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>number</code> and its value fits * in a Java long primitive without loss of precision, else <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #asLong(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public boolean fitsInLong(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns true if the receiver represents a number and its value fits in a Java float primitive without loss of precision, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>number</code> and its value fits * in a Java float primitive without loss of precision, else <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #asFloat(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public boolean fitsInFloat(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns true if the receiver represents a number and its value fits in a Java double primitive without loss of precision, else false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents a <code>number</code> and its value fits * in a Java double primitive without loss of precision, else <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #asDouble(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public boolean fitsInDouble(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the receiver value as Java byte primitive if the number fits without loss of precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – if and only if the receiver is not a isNumber(Object) or it does not fit without less of precision.
See Also:
/** * Returns the receiver value as Java byte primitive if the number fits without loss of * precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if the receiver is not a * {@link #isNumber(Object)} or it does not fit without less of precision. * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #fitsInByte(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public byte asByte(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns the receiver value as Java short primitive if the number fits without loss of precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – if and only if the receiver is not a isNumber(Object) or it does not fit without less of precision.
See Also:
/** * Returns the receiver value as Java short primitive if the number fits without loss of * precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if the receiver is not a * {@link #isNumber(Object)} or it does not fit without less of precision. * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #fitsInShort(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public short asShort(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns the receiver value as Java int primitive if the number fits without loss of precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – if and only if the receiver is not a isNumber(Object) or it does not fit without less of precision.
See Also:
/** * Returns the receiver value as Java int primitive if the number fits without loss of * precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if the receiver is not a * {@link #isNumber(Object)} or it does not fit without less of precision. * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #fitsInInt(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public int asInt(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns the receiver value as Java long primitive if the number fits without loss of precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – if and only if the receiver is not a isNumber(Object) or it does not fit without less of precision.
See Also:
/** * Returns the receiver value as Java long primitive if the number fits without loss of * precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if the receiver is not a * {@link #isNumber(Object)} or it does not fit without less of precision. * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #fitsInLong(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public long asLong(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns the receiver value as Java float primitive if the number fits without loss of precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – if and only if the receiver is not a isNumber(Object) or it does not fit without less of precision.
See Also:
/** * Returns the receiver value as Java float primitive if the number fits without loss of * precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if the receiver is not a * {@link #isNumber(Object)} or it does not fit without less of precision. * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #fitsInFloat(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public float asFloat(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns the receiver value as Java double primitive if the number fits without loss of precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – if and only if the receiver is not a isNumber(Object) or it does not fit without less of precision.
See Also:
/** * Returns the receiver value as Java double primitive if the number fits without loss of * precision. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if the receiver is not a * {@link #isNumber(Object)} or it does not fit without less of precision. * @see #isNumber(Object) * @see #fitsInDouble(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isNumber") public double asDouble(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } // Member Messages
Returns true if the receiver may have members. Therefore, at least one of readMember(Object, String), writeMember(Object, String, Object), removeMember(Object, String), invokeMember(Object, String, Object...) must not throw UnsupportedMessageException. Members are structural elements of a class. For example, a method or field is a member of a class. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver may have members. Therefore, at least one of * {@link #readMember(Object, String)}, {@link #writeMember(Object, String, Object)}, * {@link #removeMember(Object, String)}, {@link #invokeMember(Object, String, Object...)} must * not throw {@link UnsupportedMessageException}. Members are structural elements of a class. * For example, a method or field is a member of a class. Invoking this message does not cause * any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #getMembers(Object, boolean) * @see #isMemberReadable(Object, String) * @see #isMemberModifiable(Object, String) * @see #isMemberInvocable(Object, String) * @see #isMemberInsertable(Object, String) * @see #isMemberRemovable(Object, String) * @see #readMember(Object, String) * @see #writeMember(Object, String, Object) * @see #removeMember(Object, String) * @see #invokeMember(Object, String, Object...) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getMembers", "isMemberReadable", "readMember", "isMemberModifiable", "isMemberInsertable", "writeMember", "isMemberRemovable", "removeMember", "isMemberInvocable", "invokeMember", "isMemberInternal", "hasMemberReadSideEffects", "hasMemberWriteSideEffects", "isScope"}) public boolean hasMembers(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns an array of member name strings. The returned value must return true for hasArrayElements(Object) and every array element must be of type string. The member elements may also provide additional information like source location in case of scope variables, etc.

If the includeInternal argument is true then internal member names are returned as well. Internal members are implementation specific and should not be exposed to guest language application. An example of internal members are internal slots in ECMAScript.

See Also:
/** * Returns an array of member name strings. The returned value must return <code>true</code> for * {@link #hasArrayElements(Object)} and every array element must be of type * {@link #isString(Object) string}. The member elements may also provide additional information * like {@link #getSourceLocation(Object) source location} in case of {@link #isScope(Object) * scope} variables, etc. * <p> * If the includeInternal argument is <code>true</code> then internal member names are returned * as well. Internal members are implementation specific and should not be exposed to guest * language application. An example of internal members are internal slots in ECMAScript. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if the receiver does not have any * {@link #hasMembers(Object) members}. * @see #hasMembers(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasMembers", "isScope"}) public Object getMembers(Object receiver, boolean includeInternal) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Short-cut for getMembers(receiver, false). Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects.
See Also:
/** * Short-cut for {@link #getMembers(Object) getMembers(receiver, false)}. Invoking this message * does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if the receiver has no * {@link #hasMembers(Object) members}. * @see #getMembers(Object, boolean) * @since 19.0 */
public final Object getMembers(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { return getMembers(receiver, false); }
Returns true if a given member is readable. This method may only return true if hasMembers(Object) returns true as well and isMemberInsertable(Object, String) returns false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given member is {@link #readMember(Object, String) readable}. * This method may only return <code>true</code> if {@link #hasMembers(Object)} returns * <code>true</code> as well and {@link #isMemberInsertable(Object, String)} returns * <code>false</code>. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns * <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #readMember(Object, String) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "readMember") public boolean isMemberReadable(Object receiver, String member) { return false; }
Reads the value of a given member. If the member is readable and invocable then the result of reading the member is executable and is bound to this receiver. This method must have not observable side-effects unless hasMemberReadSideEffects(Object, String) returns true.
See Also:
/** * Reads the value of a given member. If the member is {@link #isMemberReadable(Object, String) * readable} and {@link #isMemberInvocable(Object, String) invocable} then the result of reading * the member is {@link #isExecutable(Object) executable} and is bound to this receiver. This * method must have not observable side-effects unless * {@link #hasMemberReadSideEffects(Object, String)} returns <code>true</code>. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if when the receiver does not support reading at all. An * empty receiver with no readable members supports the read operation (even though * there is nothing to read), therefore it throws {@link UnknownIdentifierException} * for all arguments instead. * @throws UnknownIdentifierException if the given member is not * {@link #isMemberReadable(Object, String) readable}, e.g. when the member with the * given name does not exist. * @see #hasMemberReadSideEffects(Object, String) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isMemberReadable") public Object readMember(Object receiver, String member) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if a given member is existing and writable. This method may only return true if hasMembers(Object) returns true as well and isMemberInsertable(Object, String) returns false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given member is existing and * {@link #writeMember(Object, String, Object) writable}. This method may only return * <code>true</code> if {@link #hasMembers(Object)} returns <code>true</code> as well and * {@link #isMemberInsertable(Object, String)} returns <code>false</code>. Invoking this message * does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #writeMember(Object, String, Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "writeMember") public boolean isMemberModifiable(Object receiver, String member) { return false; }
Returns true if a given member is not existing and writable. This method may only return true if hasMembers(Object) returns true as well and isMemberExisting(Object, String) returns false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given member is not existing and * {@link #writeMember(Object, String, Object) writable}. This method may only return * <code>true</code> if {@link #hasMembers(Object)} returns <code>true</code> as well and * {@link #isMemberExisting(Object, String)} returns <code>false</code>. Invoking this message * does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #writeMember(Object, String, Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "writeMember") public boolean isMemberInsertable(Object receiver, String member) { return false; }
Writes the value of a given member. Writing a member is allowed if is existing and modifiable, or not existing and insertable. This method must have not observable side-effects other than the changed member unless side-effects are allowed.
See Also:
/** * Writes the value of a given member. Writing a member is allowed if is existing and * {@link #isMemberModifiable(Object, String) modifiable}, or not existing and * {@link #isMemberInsertable(Object, String) insertable}. * * This method must have not observable side-effects other than the changed member unless * {@link #hasMemberWriteSideEffects(Object, String) side-effects} are allowed. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver does not support writing at all, e.g. * when it is immutable. * @throws UnknownIdentifierException if the given member is not * {@link #isMemberModifiable(Object, String) modifiable} nor * {@link #isMemberInsertable(Object, String) insertable}. * @throws UnsupportedTypeException if the provided value type is not allowed to be written. * @see #hasMemberWriteSideEffects(Object, String) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isMemberModifiable", "isMemberInsertable"}) public void writeMember(Object receiver, String member, Object value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if a given member is existing and removable. This method may only return true if hasMembers(Object) returns true as well and isMemberInsertable(Object, String) returns false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given member is existing and removable. This method may only * return <code>true</code> if {@link #hasMembers(Object)} returns <code>true</code> as well and * {@link #isMemberInsertable(Object, String)} returns <code>false</code>. Invoking this message * does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #removeMember(Object, String) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "removeMember") public boolean isMemberRemovable(Object receiver, String member) { return false; }
Removes a member from the receiver object. Removing member is allowed if is removable. This method does not have not observable side-effects other than the removed member.
See Also:
/** * Removes a member from the receiver object. Removing member is allowed if is * {@link #isMemberRemovable(Object, String) removable}. * * This method does not have not observable side-effects other than the removed member. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver does not support removing at all, e.g. * when it is immutable. * @throws UnknownIdentifierException if the given member is not * {@link #isMemberRemovable(Object, String)} removable}, e.g. the receiver does not * have a member with the given name. * @see #isMemberRemovable(Object, String) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isMemberRemovable") public void removeMember(Object receiver, String member) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if a given member is invocable. This method may only return true if hasMembers(Object) returns true as well and isMemberInsertable(Object, String) returns false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given member is invocable. This method may only return * <code>true</code> if {@link #hasMembers(Object)} returns <code>true</code> as well and * {@link #isMemberInsertable(Object, String)} returns <code>false</code>. Invoking this message * does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #invokeMember(Object, String, Object...) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "invokeMember") public boolean isMemberInvocable(Object receiver, String member) { return false; }
Invokes a member for a given receiver and arguments.
  • UnknownIdentifierException – if the given member does not exist or is not invocable.
  • UnsupportedTypeException – if one of the arguments is not compatible to the executable signature. The exception is thrown on best effort basis, dynamic languages may throw their own exceptions if the arguments are wrong.
  • ArityException – if the number of expected arguments does not match the number of actual arguments.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – when the receiver does not support invoking at all, e.g. when storing executable members is not allowed.
See Also:
/** * Invokes a member for a given receiver and arguments. * * @throws UnknownIdentifierException if the given member does not exist or is not * {@link #isMemberInvocable(Object, String) invocable}. * @throws UnsupportedTypeException if one of the arguments is not compatible to the executable * signature. The exception is thrown on best effort basis, dynamic languages may * throw their own exceptions if the arguments are wrong. * @throws ArityException if the number of expected arguments does not match the number of * actual arguments. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver does not support invoking at all, e.g. * when storing executable members is not allowed. * @see #isMemberInvocable(Object, String) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isMemberInvocable") public Object invokeMember(Object receiver, String member, Object... arguments) throws UnsupportedMessageException, ArityException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if a member is internal. Internal members are not enumerated by getMembers(Object, boolean) by default. Internal members are only relevant to guest language implementations and tools, but not to guest applications or embedders. An example of internal members are internal slots in ECMAScript. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns true if a member is internal. Internal members are not enumerated by * {@link #getMembers(Object, boolean)} by default. Internal members are only relevant to guest * language implementations and tools, but not to guest applications or embedders. An example of * internal members are internal slots in ECMAScript. Invoking this message does not cause any * observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #getMembers(Object, boolean) * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isMemberInternal(Object receiver, String member) { return false; }
Returns true if the member is modifiable or insertable.
/** * Returns true if the member is {@link #isMemberModifiable(Object, String) modifiable} or * {@link #isMemberInsertable(Object, String) insertable}. * * @since 19.0 */
public final boolean isMemberWritable(Object receiver, String member) { return isMemberModifiable(receiver, member) || isMemberInsertable(receiver, member); }
Returns true if the member is existing. A member is existing if it is modifiable, readable, removable or invocable.
/** * Returns true if the member is existing. A member is existing if it is * {@link #isMemberModifiable(Object, String) modifiable}, * {@link #isMemberReadable(Object, String) readable}, {@link #isMemberRemovable(Object, String) * removable} or {@link #isMemberInvocable(Object, String) invocable}. * * @since 19.0 */
public final boolean isMemberExisting(Object receiver, String member) { return isMemberReadable(receiver, member) || isMemberModifiable(receiver, member) || isMemberRemovable(receiver, member) || isMemberInvocable(receiver, member); }
Returns true if reading a member may cause a side-effect. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. A member read does not cause any side-effects by default.

For instance in JavaScript a property read may have side-effects if the property has a getter function.

See Also:
  • readMember(Object, String)
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if reading a member may cause a side-effect. Invoking this message * does not cause any observable side-effects. A member read does not cause any side-effects by * default. * <p> * For instance in JavaScript a property read may have side-effects if the property has a getter * function. * * @see #readMember(Object, String) * @since 19.0 */
public boolean hasMemberReadSideEffects(Object receiver, String member) { return false; }
Returns true if writing a member may cause a side-effect, besides the write operation of the member. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. A member write does not cause any side-effects by default.

For instance in JavaScript a property write may have side-effects if the property has a setter function.

See Also:
  • writeMember(Object, String, Object)
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if writing a member may cause a side-effect, besides the write * operation of the member. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. A * member write does not cause any side-effects by default. * <p> * For instance in JavaScript a property write may have side-effects if the property has a * setter function. * * @see #writeMember(Object, String, Object) * @since 19.0 */
public boolean hasMemberWriteSideEffects(Object receiver, String member) { return false; } // Array Messages
Returns true if the receiver may have array elements. Therefore, At least one of readArrayElement(Object, long), writeArrayElement(Object, long, Object), removeArrayElement(Object, long) must not throw {#link UnsupportedMessageException. For example, the contents of an array or list datastructure could be interpreted as array elements. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver may have array elements. Therefore, At least one of * {@link #readArrayElement(Object, long)}, {@link #writeArrayElement(Object, long, Object)}, * {@link #removeArrayElement(Object, long)} must not throw {#link * {@link UnsupportedMessageException}. For example, the contents of an array or list * datastructure could be interpreted as array elements. Invoking this message does not cause * any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #getArraySize(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"readArrayElement", "writeArrayElement", "removeArrayElement", "isArrayElementModifiable", "isArrayElementRemovable", "isArrayElementReadable", "getArraySize"}) public boolean hasArrayElements(Object receiver) { return false; }
Reads the value of an array element by index. This method must have not observable side-effect.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – when the receiver does not support reading at all. An empty receiver with no readable array elements supports the read operation (even though there is nothing to read), therefore it throws UnknownIdentifierException for all arguments instead.
  • InvalidArrayIndexException – if the given index is not readable, e.g. when the index is invalid or the index is out of bounds.
/** * Reads the value of an array element by index. This method must have not observable * side-effect. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver does not support reading at all. An * empty receiver with no readable array elements supports the read operation (even * though there is nothing to read), therefore it throws * {@link UnknownIdentifierException} for all arguments instead. * @throws InvalidArrayIndexException if the given index is not * {@link #isArrayElementReadable(Object, long) readable}, e.g. when the index is * invalid or the index is out of bounds. * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasArrayElements"}) public Object readArrayElement(Object receiver, long index) throws UnsupportedMessageException, InvalidArrayIndexException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns the array size of the receiver.
/** * Returns the array size of the receiver. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasArrayElements(Object)} returns * <code>false</code>. * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasArrayElements"}) public long getArraySize(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if a given array element is readable. This method may only return true if hasArrayElements(Object) returns true as well. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given array element is {@link #readArrayElement(Object, long) * readable}. This method may only return <code>true</code> if {@link #hasArrayElements(Object)} * returns <code>true</code> as well. Invoking this message does not cause any observable * side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #readArrayElement(Object, long) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasArrayElements"}) public boolean isArrayElementReadable(Object receiver, long index) { return false; }
Writes the value of an array element by index. Writing an array element is allowed if is existing and modifiable, or not existing and insertable. This method must have not observable side-effects other than the changed array element.
/** * Writes the value of an array element by index. Writing an array element is allowed if is * existing and {@link #isArrayElementModifiable(Object, long) modifiable}, or not existing and * {@link #isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long) insertable}. * * This method must have not observable side-effects other than the changed array element. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver does not support writing at all, e.g. * when it is immutable. * @throws InvalidArrayIndexException if the given index is not * {@link #isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long) insertable} nor * {@link #isArrayElementModifiable(Object, long) modifiable}, e.g. when the index * is invalid or the index is out of bounds and the array does not support growing. * @throws UnsupportedTypeException if the provided value type is not allowed to be written. * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isArrayElementModifiable", "isArrayElementInsertable"}) public void writeArrayElement(Object receiver, long index, Object value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnsupportedTypeException, InvalidArrayIndexException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Remove an array element from the receiver object. Removing member is allowed if the array element is removable. This method may only return true if hasArrayElements(Object) returns true as well and isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long) returns false. This method does not have observable side-effects other than the removed array element and shift of remaining elements. If shifting is not supported then the array might allow only removal of last element.
See Also:
/** * Remove an array element from the receiver object. Removing member is allowed if the array * element is {@link #isArrayElementRemovable(Object, long) removable}. This method may only * return <code>true</code> if {@link #hasArrayElements(Object)} returns <code>true</code> as * well and {@link #isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long)} returns <code>false</code>. * * This method does not have observable side-effects other than the removed array element and * shift of remaining elements. If shifting is not supported then the array might allow only * removal of last element. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver does not support removing at all, e.g. * when it is immutable. * @throws InvalidArrayIndexException if the given index is not * {@link #isArrayElementRemovable(Object, long) removable}, e.g. when the index is * invalid, the index is out of bounds, or the array does not support shifting of * remaining elements. * @see #isArrayElementRemovable(Object, long) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isArrayElementRemovable") public void removeArrayElement(Object receiver, long index) throws UnsupportedMessageException, InvalidArrayIndexException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if a given array element index is existing and writable. This method may only return true if hasArrayElements(Object) returns true as well and isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long) returns false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given array element index is existing and * {@link #writeArrayElement(Object, long, Object) writable}. This method may only return * <code>true</code> if {@link #hasArrayElements(Object)} returns <code>true</code> as well and * {@link #isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long)} returns <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #writeArrayElement(Object, long, Object) * @see #isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "writeArrayElement") public boolean isArrayElementModifiable(Object receiver, long index) { return false; }
Returns true if a given array element index is not existing and insertable. This method may only return true if hasArrayElements(Object) returns true as well and isArrayElementExisting(Object, long)} returns false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given array element index is not existing and * {@link #writeArrayElement(Object, long, Object) insertable}. This method may only return * <code>true</code> if {@link #hasArrayElements(Object)} returns <code>true</code> as well and * {@link #isArrayElementExisting(Object, long)}} returns <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #writeArrayElement(Object, long, Object) * @see #isArrayElementModifiable(Object, long) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "writeArrayElement") public boolean isArrayElementInsertable(Object receiver, long index) { return false; }
Returns true if a given array element index is existing and removable. This method may only return true if hasArrayElements(Object) returns true as well and isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long)} returns false. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given array element index is existing and * {@link #removeArrayElement(Object, long) removable}. This method may only return * <code>true</code> if {@link #hasArrayElements(Object)} returns <code>true</code> as well and * {@link #isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long)}} returns <code>false</code>. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * * @see #removeArrayElement(Object, long) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "removeArrayElement") public boolean isArrayElementRemovable(Object receiver, long index) { return false; }
Returns true if the array element is modifiable or insertable.
/** * Returns true if the array element is {@link #isArrayElementModifiable(Object, long) * modifiable} or {@link #isArrayElementInsertable(Object, long) insertable}. * * @since 19.0 */
public final boolean isArrayElementWritable(Object receiver, long index) { return isArrayElementModifiable(receiver, index) || isArrayElementInsertable(receiver, index); }
Returns true if the array element is existing. An array element is existing if it is, modifiable, readable or removable.
/** * Returns true if the array element is existing. An array element is existing if it is, * {@link #isArrayElementModifiable(Object, long) modifiable}, * {@link #isArrayElementReadable(Object, long) readable} or * {@link #isArrayElementRemovable(Object, long) removable}. * * @since 19.0 */
public final boolean isArrayElementExisting(Object receiver, long index) { return isArrayElementModifiable(receiver, index) || isArrayElementReadable(receiver, index) || isArrayElementRemovable(receiver, index); }
Returns true if the receiver value represents a native pointer. Native pointers are represented as 64 bit pointers. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.

It is expected that objects should only return true if the native pointer value corresponding to this object already exists, and obtaining it is a cheap operation. If an object can be transformed to a pointer representation, but this hasn't happened yet, the object is expected to return false with isPointer(Object), and wait for the toNative(Object) message to trigger the transformation.

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver value represents a native pointer. Native pointers * are represented as 64 bit pointers. Invoking this message does not cause any observable * side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * <p> * It is expected that objects should only return <code>true</code> if the native pointer value * corresponding to this object already exists, and obtaining it is a cheap operation. If an * object can be transformed to a pointer representation, but this hasn't happened yet, the * object is expected to return <code>false</code> with {@link #isPointer(Object)}, and wait for * the {@link #toNative(Object)} message to trigger the transformation. * * @see #asPointer(Object) * @see #toNative(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"asPointer"}) public boolean isPointer(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the pointer value as long value if the receiver represents a pointer like value.
  • UnsupportedMessageException – if and only if isPointer(Object) returns false for the same receiver.
See Also:
/** * Returns the pointer value as long value if the receiver represents a pointer like value. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isPointer(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @see #isPointer(Object) * @since 19.0 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isPointer"}) public long asPointer(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Attempts to transform a receiver to a value that represents a raw native pointer. After a successful transformation, the provided receiver returns true for isPointer(Object) and can be unwrapped using the asPointer(Object) message. If transformation cannot be done isPointer(Object) will keep returning false.
See Also:
/** * Attempts to transform a {@link TruffleObject receiver} to a value that represents a raw * native pointer. After a successful transformation, the provided receiver returns true for * {@link #isPointer(Object)} and can be unwrapped using the {@link #asPointer(Object)} message. * If transformation cannot be done {@link #isPointer(Object)} will keep returning false. * * @see #isPointer(Object) * @see #asPointer(Object) * @since 19.0 */
public void toNative(Object receiver) { }
Returns the receiver as instant if this object represents an instant. If a value is an instant then it is also a date, time and timezone. Using this method may be more efficient than reconstructing the timestamp from the date, time and timezone data.

Implementers should implement this method if they can provide a more efficient conversion to Instant than reconstructing it from date, time and timezone date. Implementers must ensure that the following Java code snippet always holds:

ZoneId zone = getTimeZone(receiver);
LocalDate date = getDate(receiver);
LocalTime time = getTime(receiver);
assert ZonedDateTime.of(date, time, zone).toInstant().equals(getInstant(receiver));
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns the receiver as instant if this object represents an {@link #isInstant(Object) * instant}. If a value is an instant then it is also a {@link #isDate(Object) date}, * {@link #isTime(Object) time} and {@link #isTimeZone(Object) timezone}. Using this method may * be more efficient than reconstructing the timestamp from the date, time and timezone data. * <p> * Implementers should implement this method if they can provide a more efficient conversion to * Instant than reconstructing it from date, time and timezone date. Implementers must ensure * that the following Java code snippet always holds: * * <pre> * ZoneId zone = getTimeZone(receiver); * LocalDate date = getDate(receiver); * LocalTime time = getTime(receiver); * assert ZonedDateTime.of(date, time, zone).toInstant().equals(getInstant(receiver)); * </pre> * * @see #isDate(Object) * @see #isTime(Object) * @see #isTimeZone(Object) * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isInstant(Object)} returns * <code>false</code>. * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
public Instant asInstant(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (isDate(receiver) && isTime(receiver) && isTimeZone(receiver)) { LocalDate date = asDate(receiver); LocalTime time = asTime(receiver); ZoneId zone = asTimeZone(receiver); return toInstant(date, time, zone); } throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } @TruffleBoundary private static Instant toInstant(LocalDate date, LocalTime time, ZoneId zone) { return ZonedDateTime.of(date, time, zone).toInstant(); }
Returns true if the receiver represents an instant. If a value is an instant then it is also a date, time and timezone. This method is short-hand for:
isDate(v) && isTime(v) && isTimeZone(v) 
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver represents an instant. If a value is an instant * then it is also a {@link #isDate(Object) date}, {@link #isTime(Object) time} and * {@link #isTimeZone(Object) timezone}. * * This method is short-hand for: * * <pre> * {@linkplain #isDate(Object) isDate}(v) && {@link #isTime(Object) isTime}(v) && {@link #isTimeZone(Object) isTimeZone}(v) * </pre> * * @see #isDate(Object) * @see #isTime(Object) * @see #isInstant(Object) * @see #asInstant(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
public final boolean isInstant(Object receiver) { return isDate(receiver) && isTime(receiver) && isTimeZone(receiver); }
Returns true if this object represents a timezone, else false. The interpretation of timezone objects may vary: Objects with only date information must not have timezone information attached and objects with only time information must have either none, or fixed zone only. If this rule is violated then an AssertionError is thrown if assertions are enabled.

If this method is implemented then also asTimeZone(Object) must be implemented.

See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a timezone, else <code>false</code>. The * interpretation of timezone objects may vary: * <ul> * <li>If {@link #isDate(Object)} and {@link #isTime(Object)} return <code>true</code>, then the * returned date or time information is aware of this timezone. * <li>If {@link #isDate(Object)} and {@link #isTime(Object)} returns <code>false</code>, then * it represents just timezone information. * </ul> * Objects with only date information must not have timezone information attached and objects * with only time information must have either none, or {@link ZoneRules#isFixedOffset() fixed * zone} only. If this rule is violated then an {@link AssertionError} is thrown if assertions * are enabled. * <p> * If this method is implemented then also {@link #asTimeZone(Object)} must be implemented. * * @see #asTimeZone(Object) * @see #asInstant(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"asTimeZone", "asInstant"}) public boolean isTimeZone(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the receiver as timestamp if this object represents a timezone.
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns the receiver as timestamp if this object represents a {@link #isTimeZone(Object) * timezone}. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isTimeZone(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> . * @see #isTimeZone(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isTimeZone", "asInstant"}) public ZoneId asTimeZone(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if this object represents a date, else false. If the receiver is also a timezone then the date is aware, otherwise it is naive.
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a date, else <code>false</code>. If the * receiver is also a {@link #isTimeZone(Object) timezone} then the date is aware, otherwise it * is naive. * * @see #asDate(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"asDate", "asInstant"}) public boolean isDate(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the receiver as date if this object represents a date. The returned date is either aware if the receiver has a timezone otherwise it is naive.
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns the receiver as date if this object represents a {@link #isDate(Object) date}. The * returned date is either aware if the receiver has a {@link #isTimeZone(Object) timezone} * otherwise it is naive. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isDate(Object)} returns * <code>false</code>. * @see #isDate(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isTime", "asInstant"}) public LocalDate asDate(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if this object represents a time, else false. If the receiver is also a timezone then the time is aware, otherwise it is naive.
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a time, else <code>false</code>. If the * receiver is also a {@link #isTimeZone(Object) timezone} then the time is aware, otherwise it * is naive. * * @see #asTime(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"asTime", "asInstant"}) public boolean isTime(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the receiver as time if this object represents a time. The returned time is either aware if the receiver has a timezone otherwise it is naive.
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns the receiver as time if this object represents a {@link #isTime(Object) time}. The * returned time is either aware if the receiver has a {@link #isTimeZone(Object) timezone} * otherwise it is naive. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isTime(Object)} returns * <code>false</code>. * @see #isTime(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isTime", "asInstant"}) public LocalTime asTime(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if this object represents a duration, else false.
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a duration, else <code>false</code>. * * @see Duration * @see #asDuration(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"asDuration"}) public boolean isDuration(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the receiver as duration if this object represents a duration.
See Also:
Since:20.0.0 beta 2
/** * Returns the receiver as duration if this object represents a {@link #isDuration(Object) * duration}. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isDuration(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> . * @see #isDuration(Object) * @since 20.0.0 beta 2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isDuration"}) public Duration asDuration(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if the receiver value represents a throwable exception/error}. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.

Objects must only return true if they support throwException as well. If this method is implemented then also throwException(Object) must be implemented. The following simplified TryCatchNode shows how the exceptions should be handled by languages. TryCatchNode

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver value represents a throwable exception/error}. * Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns <code>false</code> * by default. * <p> * Objects must only return <code>true</code> if they support {@link #throwException} as well. * If this method is implemented then also {@link #throwException(Object)} must be implemented. * * The following simplified {@code TryCatchNode} shows how the exceptions should be handled by * languages. * * {@link InteropLibrarySnippets.TryCatchNode} * * @see #throwException(Object) * @see com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException * @since 19.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"throwException"}) @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean isException(Object receiver) { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver) || LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver); }
Throws the receiver object as an exception of the source language, as if it was thrown by the source language itself. Allows rethrowing exceptions caught by another language. If this method is implemented then also isException(Object) must be implemented.

Any interop value can be an exception value and export throwException(Object). The exception thrown by this message must extend AbstractTruffleException. In future versions this contract will be enforced using an assertion.

For a sample TryCatchNode implementation see isException.

See Also:
/** * Throws the receiver object as an exception of the source language, as if it was thrown by the * source language itself. Allows rethrowing exceptions caught by another language. If this * method is implemented then also {@link #isException(Object)} must be implemented. * <p> * Any interop value can be an exception value and export {@link #throwException(Object)}. The * exception thrown by this message must extend * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException}. In future versions this * contract will be enforced using an assertion. * <p> * For a sample {@code TryCatchNode} implementation see {@link #isException(Object) * isException}. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isException(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @see #isException(Object) * @since 19.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isException"}) public RuntimeException throwException(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { throw InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.throwException(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { throw LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.throwException(receiver); } else { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } }
Returns exception type of the receiver. Throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver is not an exception.

For a sample TryCatchNode implementation see isException.

See Also:
/** * Returns {@link ExceptionType exception type} of the receiver. Throws * {@code UnsupportedMessageException} when the receiver is not an {@link #isException(Object) * exception}. * <p> * For a sample {@code TryCatchNode} implementation see {@link #isException(Object) * isException}. * * @see #isException(Object) * @see ExceptionType * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getExceptionExitStatus", "isExceptionIncompleteSource"}) public ExceptionType getExceptionType(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return (ExceptionType) InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.getExceptionType(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.getExceptionType(receiver); } else { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } }
Returns true if receiver value represents an incomplete source exception. Throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver is not an exception or the exception is not a ExceptionType.PARSE_ERROR.
See Also:
/** * Returns {@code true} if receiver value represents an incomplete source exception. Throws * {@code UnsupportedMessageException} when the receiver is not an {@link #isException(Object) * exception} or the exception is not a {@link ExceptionType#PARSE_ERROR}. * * @see #isException(Object) * @see #getExceptionType(Object) * @since 20.3 */
public boolean isExceptionIncompleteSource(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isExceptionIncompleteSource(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isExceptionIncompleteSource(receiver); } else { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } }
Returns exception exit status of the receiver. Throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver is not an exception of the exit type. A return value zero indicates that the execution of the application was successful, a non-zero value that it failed. The individual interpretation of non-zero values depends on the application.
See Also:
/** * Returns exception exit status of the receiver. Throws {@code UnsupportedMessageException} * when the receiver is not an {@link #isException(Object) exception} of the * {@link ExceptionType#EXIT exit type}. A return value zero indicates that the execution of the * application was successful, a non-zero value that it failed. The individual interpretation of * non-zero values depends on the application. * * @see #isException(Object) * @see #getExceptionType(Object) * @see ExceptionType * @since 20.3 */
public int getExceptionExitStatus(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.getExceptionExitStatus(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.getExceptionExitStatus(receiver); } else { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } }
Returns true if the receiver is an exception with an attached internal cause. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns {@code true} if the receiver is an exception with an attached internal cause. * Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns {@code false} by * default. * * @see #isException(Object) * @see #getExceptionCause(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getExceptionCause"}) public boolean hasExceptionCause(Object receiver) { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.hasExceptionCause(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.hasExceptionCause(receiver); } else { return false; } }
Returns the internal cause of the receiver. Throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver is not an exception or has no internal cause. The return value of this message is guaranteed to return true for isException(Object).
See Also:
/** * Returns the internal cause of the receiver. Throws {@code UnsupportedMessageException} when * the receiver is not an {@link #isException(Object) exception} or has no internal cause. The * return value of this message is guaranteed to return <code>true</code> for * {@link #isException(Object)}. * * * @see #isException(Object) * @see #hasExceptionCause(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasExceptionCause"}) public Object getExceptionCause(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.getExceptionCause(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.getExceptionCause(receiver); } else { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } }
Returns true if the receiver is an exception that has an exception message. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns {@code true} if the receiver is an exception that has an exception message. Invoking * this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns {@code false} by default. * * @see #isException(Object) * @see #getExceptionMessage(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getExceptionMessage"}) public boolean hasExceptionMessage(Object receiver) { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.hasExceptionMessage(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.hasExceptionMessage(receiver); } else { return false; } }
Returns exception message of the receiver. Throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver is not an exception or has no exception message. The return value of this message is guaranteed to return true for isString(Object).
See Also:
/** * Returns exception message of the receiver. Throws {@code UnsupportedMessageException} when * the receiver is not an {@link #isException(Object) exception} or has no exception message. * The return value of this message is guaranteed to return <code>true</code> for * {@link #isString(Object)}. * * @see #isException(Object) * @see #hasExceptionMessage(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasExceptionMessage"}) public Object getExceptionMessage(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.getExceptionMessage(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.getExceptionMessage(receiver); } else { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } }
Returns true if the receiver is an exception and has a stack trace. Invoking this message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns false by default.
See Also:
/** * Returns {@code true} if the receiver is an exception and has a stack trace. Invoking this * message does not cause any observable side-effects. Returns {@code false} by default. * * @see #isException(Object) * @see #getExceptionStackTrace(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getExceptionStackTrace"}) public boolean hasExceptionStackTrace(Object receiver) { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.hasExceptionStackTrace(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.hasExceptionStackTrace(receiver); } else { return false; } }
Returns the exception stack trace of the receiver that is of type exception. Returns an array of objects with potentially executable name, declaring meta object and source location of the caller. Throws UnsupportedMessageException when the receiver is not an exception or has no stack trace. Invoking this message or accessing the stack trace elements array must not cause any observable side-effects.

The default implementation of getExceptionStackTrace(Object) calls TruffleStackTrace.getStackTrace(Throwable) on the underlying exception object and TruffleStackTraceElement.getGuestObject() to access an interop capable object of the underlying stack trace element.

See Also:
/** * Returns the exception stack trace of the receiver that is of type exception. Returns an * {@link #hasArrayElements(Object) array} of objects with potentially * {@link #hasExecutableName(Object) executable name}, {@link #hasDeclaringMetaObject(Object) * declaring meta object} and {@link #hasSourceLocation(Object) source location} of the caller. * Throws {@code UnsupportedMessageException} when the receiver is not an * {@link #isException(Object) exception} or has no stack trace. Invoking this message or * accessing the stack trace elements array must not cause any observable side-effects. * <p> * The default implementation of {@link #getExceptionStackTrace(Object)} calls * {@link TruffleStackTrace#getStackTrace(Throwable)} on the underlying exception object and * {@link TruffleStackTraceElement#getGuestObject()} to access an interop capable object of the * underlying stack trace element. * * @see #isException(Object) * @see #hasExceptionStackTrace(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasExceptionStackTrace"}) public Object getExceptionStackTrace(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.getExceptionStackTrace(receiver); } else if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.getExceptionStackTrace(receiver); } else { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } }
Returns true if the receiver value has a declared source location attached, else false. Returning a source location for a value is optional and typically impacts the capabilities of tools like debuggers to jump to the declaration of a value.

Examples for values that may provide a source location:

  • Metaobjects like classes or types.
  • First class executables, like functions, closures or promises.
  • Allocation sites for instances. Note that in most languages it is very expensive to track the allocation site of an instance and it is therefore not recommended to support this feature by default, but ideally behind an optional language option.

      This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also getSourceLocation(Object) must be implemented.

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver value has a declared source location attached, else * <code>false</code>. Returning a source location for a value is optional and typically impacts * the capabilities of tools like debuggers to jump to the declaration of a value. * <p> * Examples for values that may provide a source location: * <ul> * <li>{@link #isMetaObject(Object) Metaobjects} like classes or types. * <li>First class {@link #isExecutable(Object) executables}, like functions, closures or * promises. * <li>Allocation sites for instances. Note that in most languages it is very expensive to track * the allocation site of an instance and it is therefore not recommended to support this * feature by default, but ideally behind an optional language option. * <ul> * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getSourceLocation(Object)} must be implemented. * * @see #getSourceLocation(Object) * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getSourceLocation"}) @TruffleBoundary public boolean hasSourceLocation(Object receiver) { Env env = getLegacyEnv(receiver, false); if (env != null) { SourceSection location = InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().legacyFindSourceLocation(env, receiver); if (location != null) { return true; } } // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.hasSourceLocation(receiver); } if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.hasSourceLocation(receiver); } return false; }
Returns the declared source location of the receiver value. Throws an UnsupportedMessageException if the value does not have a declared source location. See hasSourceLocation(Object) for further details on potential interpretations. Throws UnsupportedMessageException by default.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also hasSourceLocation(Object) must be implemented.

/** * Returns the declared source location of the receiver value. Throws an * {@link UnsupportedMessageException} if the value does not have a declared source location. * See {@link #hasSourceLocation(Object)} for further details on potential interpretations. * Throws {@link UnsupportedMessageException} by default. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasSourceLocation(Object)} must be implemented. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasSourceLocation(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasSourceLocation"}) @TruffleBoundary public SourceSection getSourceLocation(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { Env env = getLegacyEnv(receiver, false); if (env != null) { SourceSection location = InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().legacyFindSourceLocation(env, receiver); if (location != null) { return location; } } // A workaround for missing inheritance feature for default exports. if (InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.isException(receiver)) { return InteropAccessor.EXCEPTION.getSourceLocation(receiver); } if (LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isException(receiver)) { return LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.getSourceLocation(receiver); } throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if the receiver originates from a language, else false . Primitive values or other shared interop value representations that are not associated with a language may return false. Values that originate from a language should return true. Returns false by default.

The associated language allows tools to identify the original language of a value. If an instrument requests a language view then values that are already associated with a language will just return the same value. Otherwise TruffleLanguage.getLanguageView(Object, Object) will be invoked on the language. The returned language may be also exposed to embedders in the future.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also getLanguage(Object) and toDisplayString(Object, boolean) must be implemented.

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver originates from a language, else <code>false</code> * . Primitive values or other shared interop value representations that are not associated with * a language may return <code>false</code>. Values that originate from a language should return * <code>true</code>. Returns <code>false</code> by default. * <p> * The associated language allows tools to identify the original language of a value. If an * instrument requests a * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.TruffleInstrument.Env#getLanguageView(LanguageInfo, Object) * language view} then values that are already associated with a language will just return the * same value. Otherwise {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object)} will be invoked * on the language. The returned language may be also exposed to embedders in the future. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getLanguage(Object)} and {@link #toDisplayString(Object, boolean)} must be * implemented. * * @see #getLanguage(Object) * @see #toDisplayString(Object) * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getLanguage", "isScope"}) @TruffleBoundary public boolean hasLanguage(Object receiver) { return getLegacyEnv(receiver, false) != null; }
Returns the the original language of the receiver value. The returned language class must be non-null and represent a valid registered language class. For more details see hasLanguage(Object).

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also hasLanguage(Object) must be implemented.

/** * Returns the the original language of the receiver value. The returned language class must be * non-null and represent a valid {@link Registration registered} language class. For more * details see {@link #hasLanguage(Object)}. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasLanguage(Object)} must be implemented. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasLanguage(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @since 20.1 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Abstract(ifExported = {"hasLanguage"}) @TruffleBoundary public Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { Env env = getLegacyEnv(receiver, false); if (env != null) { return (Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>>) InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().getSPI(env).getClass(); } throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if the receiver value has a metaobject associated. The metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals its kind and its features. Some information that a metaobject might define includes the base object's type, interface, class, methods, attributes, etc. Should return false when no metaobject is known for this type. Returns false by default.

An example, for Java objects the returned metaobject is the class instance. In JavaScript this could be the function or class that is associated with the object.

Metaobjects for primitive values or values of other languages may be provided using language views. While an object is associated with a metaobject in one language, the metaobject might be a different when viewed from another language.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also getMetaObject(Object) must be implemented.

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver value has a metaobject associated. The metaobject * represents a description of the object, reveals its kind and its features. Some information * that a metaobject might define includes the base object's type, interface, class, methods, * attributes, etc. Should return <code>false</code> when no metaobject is known for this type. * Returns <code>false</code> by default. * <p> * An example, for Java objects the returned metaobject is the {@link Object#getClass() class} * instance. In JavaScript this could be the function or class that is associated with the * object. * <p> * Metaobjects for primitive values or values of other languages may be provided using * {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) language views}. While an object is * associated with a metaobject in one language, the metaobject might be a different when viewed * from another language. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getMetaObject(Object)} must be implemented. * * @see #getMetaObject(Object) * @see #isMetaObject(Object) * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getMetaObject"}) @TruffleBoundary public boolean hasMetaObject(Object receiver) { Env env = getLegacyEnv(receiver, false); if (env != null) { Object metaObject = InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().legacyFindMetaObject(env, receiver); if (metaObject != null) { return true; } } return false; }
Returns the metaobject that is associated with this value. The metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals its kind and its features. Some information that a metaobject might define includes the base object's type, interface, class, methods, attributes, etc. When no metaobject is known for this type. Throws UnsupportedMessageException by default.

The returned object must return true for isMetaObject(Object) and provide implementations for getMetaSimpleName(Object), getMetaQualifiedName(Object), and isMetaInstance(Object, Object). For all values with metaobjects it must at hold that isMetaInstance(getMetaObject(value), value) == true.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also hasMetaObject(Object) must be implemented.

See Also:
/** * Returns the metaobject that is associated with this value. The metaobject represents a * description of the object, reveals its kind and its features. Some information that a * metaobject might define includes the base object's type, interface, class, methods, * attributes, etc. When no metaobject is known for this type. Throws * {@link UnsupportedMessageException} by default. * <p> * The returned object must return <code>true</code> for {@link #isMetaObject(Object)} and * provide implementations for {@link #getMetaSimpleName(Object)}, * {@link #getMetaQualifiedName(Object)}, and {@link #isMetaInstance(Object, Object)}. For all * values with metaobjects it must at hold that * <code>isMetaInstance(getMetaObject(value), value) == * true</code>. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasMetaObject(Object)} must be implemented. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasMetaObject(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * * @see #hasMetaObject(Object) * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasMetaObject"}) @TruffleBoundary public Object getMetaObject(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { Env env = getLegacyEnv(receiver, false); if (env != null) { Object metaObject = InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().legacyFindMetaObject(env, receiver); if (metaObject != null) { return new LegacyMetaObjectWrapper(receiver, metaObject); } } throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Converts the receiver to a human readable string. Each language may have special formating conventions - even primitive values may not follow the traditional Java rules. The format of the returned string is intended to be interpreted by humans not machines and should therefore not be relied upon by machines. By default the receiver class name and its identity hash code is used as string representation.

String representations for primitive values or values of other languages may be provided using language views. It is common that languages provide different string representations for primitive and foreign values. To convert the result value to a Java string use asString(Object).

  • allowSideEffects – whether side-effects are allowed in the production of the string.
See Also:
/** * Converts the receiver to a human readable {@link #isString(Object) string}. Each language may * have special formating conventions - even primitive values may not follow the traditional * Java rules. The format of the returned string is intended to be interpreted by humans not * machines and should therefore not be relied upon by machines. By default the receiver class * name and its {@link System#identityHashCode(Object) identity hash code} is used as string * representation. * <p> * String representations for primitive values or values of other languages may be provided * using {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) language views}. It is common * that languages provide different string representations for primitive and foreign values. To * convert the result value to a Java string use {@link InteropLibrary#asString(Object)}. * * @param allowSideEffects whether side-effects are allowed in the production of the string. * @see TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasLanguage", "getLanguage", "isScope"}) @TruffleBoundary public Object toDisplayString(Object receiver, boolean allowSideEffects) { Env env = getLegacyEnv(receiver, false); if (env != null && allowSideEffects) { return InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().legacyToString(env, receiver); } else { return receiver.getClass().getTypeName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(receiver)); } } private static Env getLegacyEnv(Object receiver, boolean nullForhost) { return InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().getLegacyLanguageEnv(receiver, nullForhost); }
Converts the receiver to a human readable string of the language. Short-cut for toDisplayString(true).
See Also:
/** * Converts the receiver to a human readable {@link #isString(Object) string} of the language. * Short-cut for <code>{@link #toDisplayString(Object) toDisplayString}(true)</code>. * * @see #toDisplayString(Object, boolean) * @since 20.1 */
public final Object toDisplayString(Object receiver) { return toDisplayString(receiver, true); }
Returns true if the receiver value represents a metaobject. Metaobjects may be values that naturally occur in a language or they may be returned by getMetaObject(Object). A metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals its kind and its features. If a receiver is a metaobject it is often also instantiable, but this is not a requirement.

Sample interpretations: In Java an instance of the type Class is a metaobject. In JavaScript any function instance is a metaobject. For example, the metaobject of a JavaScript class is the associated constructor function.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also getMetaQualifiedName(Object), getMetaSimpleName(Object) and isMetaInstance(Object, Object) must be implemented as well.

/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the receiver value represents a metaobject. Metaobjects may be * values that naturally occur in a language or they may be returned by * {@link #getMetaObject(Object)}. A metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals * its kind and its features. If a receiver is a metaobject it is often also * {@link #isInstantiable(Object) instantiable}, but this is not a requirement. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> In Java an instance of the type {@link Class} is a metaobject. * In JavaScript any function instance is a metaobject. For example, the metaobject of a * JavaScript class is the associated constructor function. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getMetaQualifiedName(Object)}, {@link #getMetaSimpleName(Object)} and * {@link #isMetaInstance(Object, Object)} must be implemented as well. * * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getMetaQualifiedName", "getMetaSimpleName", "isMetaInstance"}) public boolean isMetaObject(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the qualified name of a metaobject as string.

Sample interpretations: The qualified name of a Java class includes the package name and its class name. JavaScript does not have the notion of qualified name and therefore returns the simple name instead.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also isMetaObject(Object) must be implemented as well.

/** * Returns the qualified name of a metaobject as {@link #isString(Object) string}. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> The qualified name of a Java class includes the package name * and its class name. JavaScript does not have the notion of qualified name and therefore * returns the {@link #getMetaSimpleName(Object) simple name} instead. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #isMetaObject(Object)} must be implemented as well. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isMetaObject"}) public Object getMetaQualifiedName(Object metaObject) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns the simple name of a metaobject as string.

Sample interpretations: The simple name of a Java class is the class name.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also isMetaObject(Object) must be implemented as well.

/** * Returns the simple name of a metaobject as {@link #isString(Object) string}. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> The simple name of a Java class is the class name. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #isMetaObject(Object)} must be implemented as well. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isMetaObject"}) public Object getMetaSimpleName(Object metaObject) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if the given instance is of the provided receiver metaobject, else false.

Sample interpretations: A Java object is an instance of its returned class.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also isMetaObject(Object) must be implemented as well.

  • instance – the instance object to check.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the given instance is of the provided receiver metaobject, else * <code>false</code>. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> A Java object is an instance of its returned * {@link Object#getClass() class}. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #isMetaObject(Object)} must be implemented as well. * * @param instance the instance object to check. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @since 20.1 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isMetaObject"}) public boolean isMetaInstance(Object receiver, Object instance) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns TRUE if the receiver is or FALSE if the receiver is not identical to the other value. Returns UNDEFINED if the operation is not specified.

Sample interpretations:

  • A Java object might be of the identical instance as another Java object. Typically compared using the == operator.

Any implementation, with the exception of an implementation that returns UNDEFINED unconditionally, must guarantee the following properties:

  • It is reflexive: for any value x, lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(x, x) always returns TRUE. This is necessary to ensure that the hasIdentity(Object) contract has reliable results.
  • It is symmetric: for any values x and y, lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(x, y) returns TRUE if and only if lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(y, x) returns TRUE.
  • It is transitive: for any values x, y, and z, if lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(x, y) returns TRUE and lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(y, z) returns TRUE, then lib.isIdentical(x, z, zLib) returns TRUE.
  • It is consistent: for any values x and y, multiple invocations of lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(x, y) consistently returns the same value.

Note that the target language identical semantics typically does not map directly to interop identical implementation. Instead target language identity is specified by the language operation, may take multiple other rules into account and may only fallback to interop identical for values without dedicated interop type. For example, in many languages primitives like numbers or strings may be identical, in the target language sense, still identity can only be exposed for objects and non-primitive values. Primitive values like Integer can never be interop identical to other boxed language integers as this would violate the symmetric property.

Example receiver class MyObject which uses an explicit identity field to compute whether two values are identical.

static class MyObject {
    final Object identity;
    MyObject(Object identity) {
        this.identity = identity;
    static final class IsIdenticalOrUndefined {
        static TriState doMyObject(MyObject receiver, MyObject other) {
            return receiver.identity == other.identity ? TriState.TRUE : TriState.FALSE;
        static TriState doOther(MyObject receiver, Object other) {
            return TriState.UNDEFINED;
    // ...

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also identityHashCode(Object) must be implemented.

  • other – the other value to compare to
/** * Returns {@link TriState#TRUE TRUE} if the receiver is or {@link TriState#FALSE FALSE} if the * receiver is not identical to the <code>other</code> value. Returns {@link TriState#UNDEFINED * UNDEFINED} if the operation is not specified. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> * <ul> * <li>A Java object might be of the identical instance as another Java object. Typically * compared using the <code>==</code> operator. * </ul> * <p> * Any implementation, with the exception of an implementation that returns * {@link TriState#UNDEFINED UNDEFINED} unconditionally, must guarantee the following * properties: * <ul> * <li>It is <i>reflexive</i>: for any value {@code x}, {@code lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(x, x)} * always returns {@link TriState#TRUE TRUE}. This is necessary to ensure that the * {@link #hasIdentity(Object)} contract has reliable results. * <li>It is <i>symmetric</i>: for any values {@code x} and {@code y}, * {@code lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(x, y)} returns {@link TriState#TRUE TRUE} if and only if * {@code lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(y, x)} returns {@link TriState#TRUE TRUE}. * <li>It is <i>transitive</i>: for any values {@code x}, {@code y}, and {@code z}, if * {@code lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(x, y)} returns {@link TriState#TRUE TRUE} and * {@code lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(y, z)} returns {@link TriState#TRUE TRUE}, then * {@code lib.isIdentical(x, z, zLib)} returns {@link TriState#TRUE TRUE}. * <li>It is <i>consistent</i>: for any values {@code x} and {@code y}, multiple invocations of * {@code lib.isIdenticalOrUndefined(x, y)} consistently returns the same value. * </ul> * <p> * Note that the target language identical semantics typically does not map directly to interop * identical implementation. Instead target language identity is specified by the language * operation, may take multiple other rules into account and may only fallback to interop * identical for values without dedicated interop type. For example, in many languages * primitives like numbers or strings may be identical, in the target language sense, still * identity can only be exposed for objects and non-primitive values. Primitive values like * {@link Integer} can never be interop identical to other boxed language integers as this would * violate the symmetric property. * <p> * Example receiver class MyObject which uses an explicit identity field to compute whether two * values are identical. * * <pre> * static class MyObject { * * final Object identity; * * MyObject(Object identity) { * this.identity = identity; * } * * &#64;ExportMessage * static final class IsIdenticalOrUndefined { * &#64;Specialization * static TriState doMyObject(MyObject receiver, MyObject other) { * return receiver.identity == other.identity ? TriState.TRUE : TriState.FALSE; * } * * &#64;Fallback * static TriState doOther(MyObject receiver, Object other) { * return TriState.UNDEFINED; * } * } * // ... * } * </pre> * * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #identityHashCode(Object)} must be implemented. * * @param other the other value to compare to * * @since 20.2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"isIdentical", "identityHashCode"}) protected TriState isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object receiver, Object other) { return TriState.UNDEFINED; }
Returns true if two values represent the the identical value, else false. Two values are identical if and only if they have specified identity semantics in the target language and refer to the identical instance.

By default, an interop value does not support identical comparisons, and will return false for any invocation of this method. Use hasIdentity(Object) to find out whether a receiver supports identity comparisons.

This method has the following properties:

  • It is not reflexive: for any value x, lib.isIdentical(x, x, lib) may return false if the object does not support identity, else true. This method is reflexive if x supports identity. A value supports identity if lib.isIdentical(x, x, lib) returns true. The method hasIdentity(Object) may be used to document this intent explicitly.
  • It is symmetric: for any values x and y, lib.isIdentical(x, y, yLib) returns true if and only if lib.isIdentical(y, x, xLib) returns true.
  • It is transitive: for any values x, y, and z, if lib.isIdentical(x, y, yLib) returns true and lib.isIdentical(y, z, zLib) returns true, then lib.isIdentical(x, z, zLib) returns true.
  • It is consistent: for any values x and y, multiple invocations of lib.isIdentical(x, y, yLib) consistently returns true or consistently return false.

Note that the target language identical semantics typically does not map directly to interop identical implementation. Instead target language identity is specified by the language operation, may take multiple other rules into account and may only fallback to interop identical for values without dedicated interop type. For example, in many languages primitives like numbers or strings may be identical, in the target language sense, still identity can only be exposed for objects and non-primitive values. Primitive values like Integer can never be interop identical to other boxed language integers as this would violate the symmetric property.

This method performs double dispatch by forwarding calls to isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object) with receiver and other value first and then with reversed parameters if the result was undefined. This allows the receiver and the other value to negotiate identity semantics. This method is supposed to be exported only if the receiver represents a wrapper that forwards messages. In such a case the isIdentical message should be forwarded to the delegate value. Otherwise, the isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object) should be exported instead.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects.

Cached usage example:

abstract class IsIdenticalUsage extends Node {
    abstract boolean execute(Object left, Object right);
    @Specialization(limit = "3")
    public boolean isIdentical(Object left, Object right,
                    @CachedLibrary("left") InteropLibrary leftInterop,
                    @CachedLibrary("right") InteropLibrary rightInterop) {
        return leftInterop.isIdentical(left, right, rightInterop);

Uncached usage example:

public static boolean isIdentical(Object left, Object right) {
    return InteropLibrary.getUncached(left).isIdentical(left, right,
For a full example please refer to the SLEqualNode of the SimpleLanguage example implementation.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if two values represent the the identical value, else * <code>false</code>. Two values are identical if and only if they have specified identity * semantics in the target language and refer to the identical instance. * <p> * By default, an interop value does not support identical comparisons, and will return * <code>false</code> for any invocation of this method. Use {@link #hasIdentity(Object)} to * find out whether a receiver supports identity comparisons. * <p> * This method has the following properties: * <ul> * <li>It is <b>not</b> <i>reflexive</i>: for any value {@code x}, * {@code lib.isIdentical(x, x, lib)} may return {@code false} if the object does not support * identity, else <code>true</code>. This method is reflexive if {@code x} supports identity. A * value supports identity if {@code lib.isIdentical(x, x, lib)} returns <code>true</code>. The * method {@link #hasIdentity(Object)} may be used to document this intent explicitly. * <li>It is <i>symmetric</i>: for any values {@code x} and {@code y}, * {@code lib.isIdentical(x, y, yLib)} returns {@code true} if and only if * {@code lib.isIdentical(y, x, xLib)} returns {@code true}. * <li>It is <i>transitive</i>: for any values {@code x}, {@code y}, and {@code z}, if * {@code lib.isIdentical(x, y, yLib)} returns {@code true} and * {@code lib.isIdentical(y, z, zLib)} returns {@code true}, then * {@code lib.isIdentical(x, z, zLib)} returns {@code true}. * <li>It is <i>consistent</i>: for any values {@code x} and {@code y}, multiple invocations of * {@code lib.isIdentical(x, y, yLib)} consistently returns {@code true} or consistently return * {@code false}. * </ul> * <p> * Note that the target language identical semantics typically does not map directly to interop * identical implementation. Instead target language identity is specified by the language * operation, may take multiple other rules into account and may only fallback to interop * identical for values without dedicated interop type. For example, in many languages * primitives like numbers or strings may be identical, in the target language sense, still * identity can only be exposed for objects and non-primitive values. Primitive values like * {@link Integer} can never be interop identical to other boxed language integers as this would * violate the symmetric property. * <p> * This method performs double dispatch by forwarding calls to * {@link #isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object)} with receiver and other value first and then * with reversed parameters if the result was {@link TriState#UNDEFINED undefined}. This allows * the receiver and the other value to negotiate identity semantics. This method is supposed to * be exported only if the receiver represents a wrapper that forwards messages. In such a case * the isIdentical message should be forwarded to the delegate value. Otherwise, the * {@link #isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object)} should be exported instead. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. * <p> * Cached usage example: * * <pre> * abstract class IsIdenticalUsage extends Node { * * abstract boolean execute(Object left, Object right); * * &#64;Specialization(limit = "3") * public boolean isIdentical(Object left, Object right, * &#64;CachedLibrary("left") InteropLibrary leftInterop, * &#64;CachedLibrary("right") InteropLibrary rightInterop) { * return leftInterop.isIdentical(left, right, rightInterop); * } * } * </pre> * <p> * Uncached usage example: * * <pre> * &#64;TruffleBoundary * public static boolean isIdentical(Object left, Object right) { * return InteropLibrary.getUncached(left).isIdentical(left, right, * InteropLibrary.getUncached(right)); * } * </pre> * * For a full example please refer to the SLEqualNode of the SimpleLanguage example * implementation. * * @since 20.2 */
public boolean isIdentical(Object receiver, Object other, InteropLibrary otherInterop) { TriState result = this.isIdenticalOrUndefined(receiver, other); if (result == TriState.UNDEFINED) { result = otherInterop.isIdenticalOrUndefined(other, receiver); } return result == TriState.TRUE; }
Returns true if and only if the receiver specifies identity, else false. This method is a short-cut for this.isIdentical(receiver, receiver, this) != TriState.UNDEFINED. This message cannot be exported. To add identity support to the receiver export isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object) instead.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if and only if the receiver specifies identity, else * <code>false</code>. This method is a short-cut for * <code>this.isIdentical(receiver, receiver, this) != TriState.UNDEFINED</code>. This message * cannot be exported. To add identity support to the receiver export * {@link #isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object)} instead. * * @see #isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object) * @since 20.2 */
public final boolean hasIdentity(Object receiver) { return this.isIdentical(receiver, receiver, this); }
Returns an identity hash code for the receiver if it has identity. If the receiver has no identity then an UnsupportedMessageException is thrown. The identity hash code may be used by languages to store foreign values with identity in an identity hash map.

  • Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a guest context, the identityHashCode method must consistently return the same integer. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution context of a guest application to another execution context of the same application.
  • If two objects are the same according to the isIdentical(Object, Object, InteropLibrary) message, then calling the identityHashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
  • As much as is reasonably practical, the identityHashCode message does return distinct integers for objects that are not the same.
This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object) must be implemented.
See Also:
/** * Returns an identity hash code for the receiver if it has {@link #hasIdentity(Object) * identity}. If the receiver has no identity then an {@link UnsupportedMessageException} is * thrown. The identity hash code may be used by languages to store foreign values with identity * in an identity hash map. * <p> * <ul> * <li>Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a guest * context, the identityHashCode method must consistently return the same integer. This integer * need not remain consistent from one execution context of a guest application to another * execution context of the same application. * <li>If two objects are the same according to the * {@link #isIdentical(Object, Object, InteropLibrary)} message, then calling the * identityHashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result. * <li>As much as is reasonably practical, the identityHashCode message does return distinct * integers for objects that are not the same. * </ul> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object)} must be implemented. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasIdentity(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @see #isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object, Object) * @see #isIdentical(Object, Object, InteropLibrary) * @since 20.2 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "isIdenticalOrUndefined") public int identityHashCode(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true if the value represents a scope object, else false. The scope object contains variables as members and has a scope display name. It needs to be associated with a language. The scope may return a source location that indicates the range of the scope in the source code. The scope may have parent scopes.

The members of a scope represent all visible flattened variables, including all parent scopes, if any. The variables of the current scope must be listed first in getMembers(Object). Variables of the parent scope must be listed afterwards, even if they contain duplicates. This allows to resolve which variables are redeclared in sub scopes.

Every member may not be just a String literal, but a string object that provides also a source location of its declaration. When different variables of the same name are in different scopes, they will be represented by different member elements providing the same name.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also hasMembers(Object) and toDisplayString(Object, boolean) must be implemented and hasSourceLocation(Object) is recommended.

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the value represents a scope object, else <code>false</code>. * The scope object contains variables as {@link #getMembers(Object) members} and has a * {@link InteropLibrary#toDisplayString(Object, boolean) scope display name}. It needs to be * associated with a {@link #getLanguage(Object) language}. The scope may return a * {@link InteropLibrary#getSourceLocation(Object) source location} that indicates the range of * the scope in the source code. The scope may have {@link #hasScopeParent(Object) parent * scopes}. * <p> * The {@link #getMembers(Object) members} of a scope represent all visible flattened variables, * including all parent scopes, if any. The variables of the current scope must be listed first * in {@link #getMembers(Object)}. Variables of the {@link InteropLibrary#getScopeParent(Object) * parent scope} must be listed afterwards, even if they contain duplicates. This allows to * resolve which variables are redeclared in sub scopes. * <p> * Every {@link #getMembers(Object) member} may not be just a String literal, but a * {@link #isString(Object) string object} that provides also a * {@link #getSourceLocation(Object) source location} of its declaration. When different * variables of the same name are in different scopes, they will be represented by different * member elements providing the same {@link #asString(Object) name}. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasMembers(Object)} and {@link #toDisplayString(Object, boolean)} must be * implemented and {@link #hasSourceLocation(Object)} is recommended. * * @see #getLanguage(Object) * @see #getMembers(Object) * @see #hasScopeParent(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "hasScopeParent") public boolean isScope(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns true if this scope has an enclosing parent scope, else false.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also isScope(Object) and getScopeParent(Object) must be implemented.

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this scope has an enclosing parent scope, else * <code>false</code>. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #isScope(Object)} and {@link #getScopeParent(Object)} must be implemented. * * @see #isScope(Object) * @see #getScopeParent(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "getScopeParent") public boolean hasScopeParent(Object receiver) { return false; }
Returns the parent scope object if it has the parent. The returned object must be a scope and must provide a reduced list of member variables, omitting all variables that are local to the current scope.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also isScope(Object) and getScopeParent(Object) must be implemented.

See Also:
/** * Returns the parent scope object if it {@link #hasScopeParent(Object) has the parent}. The * returned object must be a {@link #isScope(Object) scope} and must provide a reduced list of * {@link #getMembers(Object) member} variables, omitting all variables that are local to the * current scope. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #isScope(Object)} and {@link #getScopeParent(Object)} must be implemented. * * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasScopeParent(Object)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same receiver. * @see #isScope(Object) * @see #hasScopeParent(Object) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "hasScopeParent") public Object getScopeParent(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns the library factory for the interop library. Short-cut for ResolvedLibrary.resolve(InteropLibrary.class).
See Also:
/** * Returns the library factory for the interop library. Short-cut for * {@link LibraryFactory#resolve(Class) ResolvedLibrary.resolve(InteropLibrary.class)}. * * @see LibraryFactory#resolve(Class) * @since 19.0 */
public static LibraryFactory<InteropLibrary> getFactory() { return FACTORY; }
Returns the uncached automatically dispatched version of the interop library. This is a short-cut for calling InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached().
See Also:
  • getUncached.getUncached()
/** * Returns the uncached automatically dispatched version of the interop library. This is a * short-cut for calling <code>InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached()</code>. * * @see LibraryFactory#getUncached() * @since 20.2 */
public static InteropLibrary getUncached() { return UNCACHED; }
Returns the uncached manually dispatched version of the interop library. This is a short-cut for calling InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(v).
See Also:
  • getUncached.getUncached(Object)
/** * Returns the uncached manually dispatched version of the interop library. This is a short-cut * for calling <code>InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(v)</code>. * * @see LibraryFactory#getUncached(Object) * @since 20.2 */
public static InteropLibrary getUncached(Object v) { return FACTORY.getUncached(v); }
Utility for libraries to require adoption before cached versions of nodes can be executed. Only fails if assertions (-ea) are enabled.
/** * Utility for libraries to require adoption before cached versions of nodes can be executed. * Only fails if assertions (-ea) are enabled. * * @since 19.0 */
protected final boolean assertAdopted() { assert this.getRootNode() != null : "Invalid library usage. Cached library must be adopted by a RootNode before it is executed."; return true; } static final LibraryFactory<InteropLibrary> FACTORY = LibraryFactory.resolve(InteropLibrary.class); static final InteropLibrary UNCACHED = FACTORY.getUncached(); static class Asserts extends InteropLibrary { @Child private InteropLibrary delegate; public enum Type { NULL, BOOLEAN, DATE_TIME_ZONE, DURATION, STRING, NUMBER, POINTER, META_OBJECT; } Asserts(InteropLibrary delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } private static boolean isMultiThreaded(Object receiver) { EngineSupport engine = InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport(); if (engine == null) { return false; } return engine.isMultiThreaded(receiver); } @Override public boolean accepts(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); return delegate.accepts(receiver); } @Override public boolean isNull(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isNull(receiver); assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.NULL); return result; } private boolean notOtherType(Object receiver, Type type) { if (receiver instanceof LegacyMetaObjectWrapper) { // ignore other type assertions for legacy meta object wrapper return true; } assert type == Type.NULL || !delegate.isNull(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert type == Type.BOOLEAN || !delegate.isBoolean(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert type == Type.STRING || !delegate.isString(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert type == Type.NUMBER || !delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert type == Type.DATE_TIME_ZONE || (!delegate.isDate(receiver) && !delegate.isTime(receiver) && !delegate.isTimeZone(receiver)) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert type == Type.DURATION || !delegate.isDuration(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert type == Type.META_OBJECT || !delegate.isMetaObject(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return true; } @Override public boolean isBoolean(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.isBoolean(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isBoolean(receiver); if (result) { try { delegate.asBoolean(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.BOOLEAN); return result; } @Override public boolean asBoolean(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.asBoolean(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasBoolean = delegate.isBoolean(receiver); try { boolean result = delegate.asBoolean(receiver); assert wasBoolean : violationInvariant(receiver); assert notOtherType(receiver, Type.BOOLEAN); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasBoolean : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isExecutable(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isExecutable(receiver); return result; } @Override public Object execute(Object receiver, Object... arguments) throws UnsupportedTypeException, ArityException, UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.execute(receiver, arguments); } assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArguments(receiver, arguments); boolean wasExecutable = delegate.isExecutable(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.execute(receiver, arguments); assert wasExecutable : violationInvariant(receiver, arguments); assert validReturn(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof ArityException || e instanceof UnsupportedTypeException : violationInvariant(receiver, arguments); assert !(e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException) || !wasExecutable : violationInvariant(receiver, arguments); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isInstantiable(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isInstantiable(receiver); return result; } @Override public Object instantiate(Object receiver, Object... arguments) throws UnsupportedTypeException, ArityException, UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.instantiate(receiver, arguments); } assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArguments(receiver, arguments); boolean wasInstantiable = delegate.isInstantiable(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.instantiate(receiver, arguments); assert wasInstantiable : violationInvariant(receiver, arguments); assert validReturn(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof ArityException || e instanceof UnsupportedTypeException : violationInvariant(receiver, arguments); assert !(e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException) || !wasInstantiable : violationInvariant(receiver, arguments); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isString(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.isString(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isString(receiver); if (result) { try { delegate.asString(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.STRING); return result; } @Override public String asString(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.asString(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasString = delegate.isString(receiver); try { String result = delegate.asString(receiver); assert wasString : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasString : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isNumber(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isNumber(receiver); assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.NUMBER); return result; } @Override public boolean fitsInByte(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.fitsInByte(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean fits = delegate.fitsInByte(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInShort(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInInt(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInLong(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInFloat(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInDouble(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); if (fits) { try { delegate.asByte(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } assert !fits || notOtherType(receiver, Type.NUMBER); return fits; } @Override public boolean fitsInShort(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.fitsInShort(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean fits = delegate.fitsInShort(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInInt(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInLong(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInFloat(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInDouble(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); if (fits) { try { delegate.asShort(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } assert !fits || notOtherType(receiver, Type.NUMBER); return fits; } @Override public boolean fitsInInt(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.fitsInInt(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean fits = delegate.fitsInInt(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInLong(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.fitsInDouble(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); if (fits) { try { delegate.asInt(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } assert !fits || notOtherType(receiver, Type.NUMBER); return fits; } @Override public boolean fitsInLong(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.fitsInLong(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean fits = delegate.fitsInLong(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); if (fits) { try { delegate.asLong(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } assert !fits || notOtherType(receiver, Type.NUMBER); return fits; } @Override public boolean fitsInFloat(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.fitsInFloat(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean fits = delegate.fitsInFloat(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); if (fits) { try { delegate.asFloat(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } assert !fits || notOtherType(receiver, Type.NUMBER); return fits; } @Override public boolean fitsInDouble(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.fitsInDouble(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean fits = delegate.fitsInDouble(receiver); assert !fits || delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); if (fits) { try { delegate.asDouble(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } assert !fits || notOtherType(receiver, Type.NUMBER); return fits; } @Override public byte asByte(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); try { byte result = delegate.asByte(receiver); assert delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert delegate.fitsInByte(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asShort(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asInt(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asLong(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asFloat(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asDouble(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public short asShort(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); try { short result = delegate.asShort(receiver); assert delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert delegate.fitsInShort(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asInt(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asLong(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asFloat(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asDouble(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public int asInt(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); try { int result = delegate.asInt(receiver); assert delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert delegate.fitsInInt(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asLong(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result == delegate.asDouble(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public long asLong(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); try { long result = delegate.asLong(receiver); assert delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert delegate.fitsInLong(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public float asFloat(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); try { float result = delegate.asFloat(receiver); assert delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert delegate.fitsInFloat(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public double asDouble(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); try { double result = delegate.asDouble(receiver); assert delegate.isNumber(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert delegate.fitsInDouble(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasMembers(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); return delegate.hasMembers(receiver); } @Override public Object readMember(Object receiver, String identifier) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.readMember(receiver, identifier); } assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean wasReadable = delegate.isMemberReadable(receiver, identifier); try { Object result = delegate.readMember(receiver, identifier); assert delegate.hasMembers(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); assert wasReadable || isMultiThreaded(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); assert validReturn(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof UnknownIdentifierException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } @Override public void writeMember(Object receiver, String identifier, Object value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { delegate.writeMember(receiver, identifier, value); return; } assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); assert validArgument(receiver, value); boolean wasWritable = (delegate.isMemberModifiable(receiver, identifier) || delegate.isMemberInsertable(receiver, identifier)); try { delegate.writeMember(receiver, identifier, value); assert delegate.hasMembers(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); assert wasWritable || isMultiThreaded(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof UnknownIdentifierException || e instanceof UnsupportedTypeException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } @Override public void removeMember(Object receiver, String identifier) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { delegate.removeMember(receiver, identifier); return; } assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean wasRemovable = delegate.isMemberRemovable(receiver, identifier); try { delegate.removeMember(receiver, identifier); assert delegate.hasMembers(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); assert wasRemovable || isMultiThreaded(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof UnknownIdentifierException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } @Override public Object invokeMember(Object receiver, String identifier, Object... arguments) throws UnsupportedMessageException, ArityException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.invokeMember(receiver, identifier, arguments); } assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); assert validArguments(receiver, arguments); boolean wasInvocable = delegate.isMemberInvocable(receiver, identifier); try { Object result = delegate.invokeMember(receiver, identifier, arguments); assert delegate.hasMembers(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); assert wasInvocable || isMultiThreaded(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); assert validReturn(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof ArityException || e instanceof UnknownIdentifierException || e instanceof UnsupportedTypeException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } @Override public Object getMembers(Object receiver, boolean internal) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getMembers(receiver, internal); assert validReturn(receiver, result); assert isMultiThreaded(receiver) || assertMemberKeys(receiver, result, internal); assert !delegate.hasScopeParent(receiver) || assertScopeMembers(receiver, result, delegate.getMembers(delegate.getScopeParent(receiver), internal)); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } private static boolean assertMemberKeys(Object receiver, Object result, boolean internal) { assert result != null : violationPost(receiver, result); InteropLibrary uncached = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(result); assert uncached.hasArrayElements(result) : violationPost(receiver, result); long arraySize; try { arraySize = uncached.getArraySize(result); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationPost(receiver, e); return true; } for (long i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { assert uncached.isArrayElementReadable(result, i) : violationPost(receiver, result); Object element; try { element = uncached.readArrayElement(result, i); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException | InvalidArrayIndexException e) { assert false : violationPost(receiver, result); return true; } assert InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached().isString(element) : violationPost(receiver, element); try { InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached().asString(element); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(result, i); } } return true; } private static boolean assertScopeMembers(Object receiver, Object allMembers, Object parentMembers) { assert parentMembers != null : violationPost(receiver, parentMembers); InteropLibrary allUncached = InteropLibrary.getUncached(allMembers); InteropLibrary parentUncached = InteropLibrary.getUncached(parentMembers); assert allUncached.hasArrayElements(allMembers) : violationPost(receiver, allMembers); assert parentUncached.hasArrayElements(parentMembers) : violationPost(receiver, parentMembers); long allSize; long parentSize; try { allSize = allUncached.getArraySize(allMembers); parentSize = parentUncached.getArraySize(parentMembers); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationPost(receiver, e); return true; } assert AssertUtils.validScopeMemberLengths(allSize, parentSize, allMembers, parentMembers); long currentSize = allSize - parentSize; for (long i = 0; i < parentSize; i++) { assert allUncached.isArrayElementReadable(allMembers, i + currentSize) : violationPost(receiver, allMembers); assert parentUncached.isArrayElementReadable(parentMembers, i) : violationPost(receiver, parentMembers); Object allElement; Object parentElement; try { allElement = allUncached.readArrayElement(allMembers, i + currentSize); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException | InvalidArrayIndexException e) { assert false : violationPost(receiver, allMembers); return true; } try { parentElement = parentUncached.readArrayElement(parentMembers, i); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException | InvalidArrayIndexException e) { assert false : violationPost(receiver, parentMembers); return true; } assert InteropLibrary.getUncached().isString(allElement) : violationPost(receiver, allElement); assert InteropLibrary.getUncached().isString(parentElement) : violationPost(receiver, parentElement); String allElementName; String parentElementName; try { allElementName = InteropLibrary.getUncached().asString(allElement); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(allElement); return true; } try { parentElementName = InteropLibrary.getUncached().asString(parentElement); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(parentElement); return true; } assert AssertUtils.validScopeMemberNames(allElementName, parentElementName, allMembers, parentMembers, i + currentSize, i); } return true; } @Override public boolean hasMemberReadSideEffects(Object receiver, String identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean result = delegate.hasMemberReadSideEffects(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); assert !result || (delegate.isMemberReadable(receiver, identifier) || isMultiThreaded(receiver)) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean hasMemberWriteSideEffects(Object receiver, String identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean result = delegate.hasMemberWriteSideEffects(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); assert !result || (delegate.isMemberWritable(receiver, identifier) || isMultiThreaded(receiver)) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isMemberReadable(Object receiver, String identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean result = delegate.isMemberReadable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) && !delegate.isMemberInsertable(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isMemberModifiable(Object receiver, String identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean result = delegate.isMemberModifiable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) && !delegate.isMemberInsertable(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isMemberInsertable(Object receiver, String identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean result = delegate.isMemberInsertable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) && !delegate.isMemberExisting(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isMemberRemovable(Object receiver, String identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean result = delegate.isMemberRemovable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) && !delegate.isMemberInsertable(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isMemberInvocable(Object receiver, String identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean result = delegate.isMemberInvocable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) && !delegate.isMemberInsertable(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isMemberInternal(Object receiver, String identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, identifier); boolean result = delegate.isMemberInternal(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean hasArrayElements(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); return delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver); } @Override public Object readArrayElement(Object receiver, long index) throws UnsupportedMessageException, InvalidArrayIndexException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.readArrayElement(receiver, index); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasReadable = delegate.isArrayElementReadable(receiver, index); try { Object result = delegate.readArrayElement(receiver, index); assert delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, index); assert wasReadable || isMultiThreaded(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, index); assert validReturn(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof InvalidArrayIndexException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } @Override public void writeArrayElement(Object receiver, long index, Object value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnsupportedTypeException, InvalidArrayIndexException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { delegate.writeArrayElement(receiver, index, value); return; } assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, value); boolean wasWritable = delegate.isArrayElementModifiable(receiver, index) || delegate.isArrayElementInsertable(receiver, index); try { delegate.writeArrayElement(receiver, index, value); assert delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, index); assert wasWritable || isMultiThreaded(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, index); } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof UnsupportedTypeException || e instanceof InvalidArrayIndexException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } @Override public void removeArrayElement(Object receiver, long index) throws UnsupportedMessageException, InvalidArrayIndexException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { delegate.removeArrayElement(receiver, index); return; } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasRemovable = delegate.isArrayElementRemovable(receiver, index); try { delegate.removeArrayElement(receiver, index); assert delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, index); assert wasRemovable || isMultiThreaded(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver, index); } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException || e instanceof InvalidArrayIndexException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } @Override public long getArraySize(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); try { long result = delegate.getArraySize(receiver); assert delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationPost(receiver, e); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isArrayElementReadable(Object receiver, long identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isArrayElementReadable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver) && !delegate.isArrayElementInsertable(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isArrayElementModifiable(Object receiver, long identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isArrayElementModifiable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver) && !delegate.isArrayElementInsertable(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isArrayElementInsertable(Object receiver, long identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isArrayElementInsertable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver) && !delegate.isArrayElementExisting(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isArrayElementRemovable(Object receiver, long identifier) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isArrayElementRemovable(receiver, identifier); assert !result || delegate.hasArrayElements(receiver) && !delegate.isArrayElementInsertable(receiver, identifier) : violationInvariant(receiver, identifier); return result; } @Override public boolean isPointer(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isPointer(receiver); return result; } @Override public void toNative(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasPointer = delegate.isPointer(receiver); delegate.toNative(receiver); assert !wasPointer || delegate.isPointer(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); } @Override public long asPointer(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.asPointer(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasPointer = delegate.isPointer(receiver); try { long result = delegate.asPointer(receiver); assert wasPointer : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasPointer : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public LocalDate asDate(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.asDate(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean hasDate = delegate.isDate(receiver); try { LocalDate result = delegate.asDate(receiver); assert hasDate : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !delegate.isTimeZone(receiver) || delegate.isTime(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert notOtherType(receiver, Type.DATE_TIME_ZONE); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !hasDate : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !delegate.isTimeZone(receiver) || !delegate.isTime(receiver) || hasFixedTimeZone(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public LocalTime asTime(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.asTime(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean hasTime = delegate.isTime(receiver); try { LocalTime result = delegate.asTime(receiver); assert hasTime : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !delegate.isTimeZone(receiver) || delegate.isDate(receiver) || hasFixedTimeZone(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert notOtherType(receiver, Type.DATE_TIME_ZONE); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !hasTime : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !delegate.isTimeZone(receiver) || !delegate.isDate(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public ZoneId asTimeZone(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.asTimeZone(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean hasTimeZone = delegate.isTimeZone(receiver); try { ZoneId result = delegate.asTimeZone(receiver); assert hasTimeZone : violationInvariant(receiver); assert ((delegate.isDate(receiver) || result.getRules().isFixedOffset()) && delegate.isTime(receiver)) || (!delegate.isDate(receiver) && !delegate.isTime(receiver)) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert notOtherType(receiver, Type.DATE_TIME_ZONE); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !hasTimeZone : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } private boolean hasFixedTimeZone(Object receiver) { try { return delegate.asTimeZone(receiver).getRules().isFixedOffset(); } catch (InteropException e) { throw shouldNotReachHere(violationInvariant(receiver)); } } @Override public Duration asDuration(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.asDuration(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasDuration = delegate.isDuration(receiver); try { Duration result = delegate.asDuration(receiver); assert wasDuration : violationInvariant(receiver); assert notOtherType(receiver, Type.DURATION); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasDuration : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public Instant asInstant(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.asInstant(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean hasDateAndTime = delegate.isDate(receiver) && delegate.isTime(receiver) && delegate.isTimeZone(receiver); try { Instant result = delegate.asInstant(receiver); assert hasDateAndTime : violationInvariant(receiver); assert ZonedDateTime.of(delegate.asDate(receiver), delegate.asTime(receiver), delegate.asTimeZone(receiver)).// toInstant().equals(result) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert notOtherType(receiver, Type.DATE_TIME_ZONE); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !hasDateAndTime : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isDate(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isDate(receiver); assert !delegate.isTimeZone(receiver) || (delegate.isTime(receiver) && result) || ((!delegate.isTime(receiver) || hasFixedTimeZone(receiver)) && !result) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.DATE_TIME_ZONE); return result; } @Override public boolean isTime(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isTime(receiver); assert !delegate.isTimeZone(receiver) || ((delegate.isDate(receiver) || hasFixedTimeZone(receiver)) && result) || (!delegate.isDate(receiver) && !result) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.DATE_TIME_ZONE); return result; } @Override public boolean isTimeZone(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isTimeZone(receiver); assert !result || ((delegate.isDate(receiver) || hasFixedTimeZone(receiver)) && delegate.isTime(receiver)) || (!delegate.isDate(receiver) && !delegate.isTime(receiver)) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.DATE_TIME_ZONE); return result; } @Override public boolean isDuration(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isDuration(receiver); assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.DURATION); return result; } @Override public boolean isException(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isException(receiver); return result; } @Override public ExceptionType getExceptionType(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); ExceptionType result = delegate.getExceptionType(receiver); return result; } @Override public boolean isExceptionIncompleteSource(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.isExceptionIncompleteSource(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasParseError; try { wasParseError = delegate.getExceptionType(receiver) == ExceptionType.PARSE_ERROR; } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { wasParseError = false; } try { boolean result = delegate.isExceptionIncompleteSource(receiver); assert !result || wasParseError : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasParseError : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public int getExceptionExitStatus(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getExceptionExitStatus(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasExit; try { wasExit = delegate.getExceptionType(receiver) == ExceptionType.EXIT; } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { wasExit = false; } try { int result = delegate.getExceptionExitStatus(receiver); assert wasExit : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasExit : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public RuntimeException throwException(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.throwException(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasException = delegate.isException(receiver); boolean wasTruffleException = false; boolean unsupported = false; try { throw delegate.throwException(receiver); } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasException : violationInvariant(receiver); unsupported = true; throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { wasTruffleException = LegacyTruffleExceptionSupport.isTruffleException(e); throw e; } finally { if (!unsupported) { assert wasException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert wasTruffleException : violationInvariant(receiver); } } } @Override public boolean hasExceptionCause(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasExceptionCause(receiver); return result; } @Override public Object getExceptionCause(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getExceptionCause(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasHasExceptionCause = delegate.hasExceptionCause(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getExceptionCause(receiver); assert wasHasExceptionCause : violationInvariant(receiver); assert assertException(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasHasExceptionCause : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } private static boolean assertException(Object receiver, Object exception) { InteropLibrary uncached = InteropLibrary.getUncached(exception); assert uncached.isException(exception) : violationPost(receiver, exception); return true; } @Override public boolean hasExceptionMessage(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasExceptionMessage(receiver); return result; } @Override public Object getExceptionMessage(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getExceptionMessage(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasHasExceptionMessage = delegate.hasExceptionMessage(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getExceptionMessage(receiver); assert wasHasExceptionMessage : violationInvariant(receiver); assert assertString(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasHasExceptionMessage : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasExceptionStackTrace(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasExceptionStackTrace(receiver); return result; } @Override public Object getExceptionStackTrace(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getExceptionStackTrace(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasHasExceptionStackTrace = delegate.hasExceptionStackTrace(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getExceptionStackTrace(receiver); assert wasHasExceptionStackTrace : violationInvariant(receiver); assert verifyStackTrace(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasHasExceptionStackTrace : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } private static boolean verifyStackTrace(Object receiver, Object stackTrace) { assert stackTrace != null : violationPost(receiver, stackTrace); InteropLibrary stackTraceLib = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(stackTrace); assert stackTraceLib.hasArrayElements(stackTrace) : violationPost(receiver, stackTrace); return true; } @Override public boolean hasExecutableName(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasExecutableName(receiver); return result; } @Override public Object getExecutableName(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getExecutableName(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasHasExecutableName = delegate.hasExecutableName(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getExecutableName(receiver); assert wasHasExecutableName : violationInvariant(receiver); assert assertString(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasHasExecutableName : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasDeclaringMetaObject(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasDeclaringMetaObject(receiver); return result; } @Override public Object getDeclaringMetaObject(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getDeclaringMetaObject(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasHasDeclaringMetaObject = delegate.hasDeclaringMetaObject(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getDeclaringMetaObject(receiver); assert wasHasDeclaringMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); assert verifyDeclaringMetaObject(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasHasDeclaringMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } private static boolean verifyDeclaringMetaObject(Object receiver, Object meta) { assert meta != null : violationPost(receiver, meta); InteropLibrary metaLib = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(meta); assert metaLib.isMetaObject(meta) : violationPost(receiver, meta); try { assert metaLib.getMetaSimpleName(meta) != null : violationPost(receiver, meta); assert metaLib.getMetaQualifiedName(meta) != null : violationPost(receiver, meta); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationPost(receiver, meta); } return true; } @Override public Object toDisplayString(Object receiver, boolean allowSideEffects) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validNonInteropArgument(receiver, allowSideEffects); Object result = delegate.toDisplayString(receiver, allowSideEffects); assert assertString(receiver, result); return result; } @Override public boolean hasSourceLocation(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.hasSourceLocation(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasSourceLocation(receiver); if (result) { try { assert delegate.getSourceLocation(receiver) != null : violationPost(receiver, result); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { assert assertHasNoSourceSection(receiver); } return result; } private boolean assertHasNoSourceSection(Object receiver) { try { delegate.getSourceLocation(receiver); assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } return true; } @Override public SourceSection getSourceLocation(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getSourceLocation(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasHasSourceLocation = delegate.hasSourceLocation(receiver); try { SourceSection result = delegate.getSourceLocation(receiver); assert wasHasSourceLocation : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result != null : violationPost(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasHasSourceLocation : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasLanguage(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasLanguage(receiver); if (result) { try { assert delegate.getLanguage(receiver) != null : violationPost(receiver, result); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { assert assertHasNoLanguage(receiver); } return result; } private boolean assertHasNoLanguage(Object receiver) { try { delegate.getLanguage(receiver); assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } return true; } @Override public Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getLanguage(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasHasLanguage = delegate.hasLanguage(receiver); try { Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> result = delegate.getLanguage(receiver); assert wasHasLanguage : violationInvariant(receiver); assert result != null : violationPost(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasHasLanguage : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasMetaObject(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasMetaObject(receiver); if (result) { assert assertHasMetaObject(receiver, result); } else { assert assertHasNoMetaObject(receiver); } return result; } private boolean assertHasMetaObject(Object receiver, boolean result) { try { Object meta = delegate.getMetaObject(receiver); assert verifyMetaObject(receiver, meta); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (Exception e) { } return true; } private static boolean verifyMetaObject(Object receiver, Object meta) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert meta != null : violationPost(receiver, meta); InteropLibrary metaLib = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(meta); assert metaLib.isMetaObject(meta) : violationPost(receiver, meta); assert metaLib.isMetaInstance(meta, receiver) : violationPost(receiver, meta); assert metaLib.getMetaSimpleName(meta) != null : violationPost(receiver, meta); assert metaLib.getMetaQualifiedName(meta) != null : violationPost(receiver, meta); return true; } private boolean assertHasNoMetaObject(Object receiver) { try { delegate.getMetaObject(receiver); assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } return true; } @Override public Object getMetaObject(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getMetaObject(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasHasMetaObject = delegate.hasMetaObject(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getMetaObject(receiver); assert wasHasMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); assert verifyMetaObject(receiver, result); assert result != null : violationPost(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasHasMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isMetaObject(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isMetaObject(receiver); if (result) { assert assertMetaObject(receiver); } else { assert assertNoMetaObject(receiver); assert !result || notOtherType(receiver, Type.META_OBJECT); } return result; } private boolean assertNoMetaObject(Object receiver) { try { delegate.isMetaInstance(receiver, receiver); assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } try { delegate.getMetaSimpleName(receiver); assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } try { delegate.getMetaQualifiedName(receiver); assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } return true; } private boolean assertMetaObject(Object receiver) { try { delegate.isMetaInstance(receiver, receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } try { assert assertString(receiver, delegate.getMetaSimpleName(receiver)) : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } try { assert assertString(receiver, delegate.getMetaQualifiedName(receiver)) : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } return true; } @Override public Object getMetaQualifiedName(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getMetaQualifiedName(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasMetaObject = delegate.isMetaObject(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getMetaQualifiedName(receiver); assert wasMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); assert assertString(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public Object getMetaSimpleName(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getMetaSimpleName(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean wasMetaObject = delegate.isMetaObject(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getMetaSimpleName(receiver); assert wasMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); assert assertString(receiver, result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override public boolean isMetaInstance(Object receiver, Object instance) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.isMetaInstance(receiver, instance); } assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, instance); boolean wasMetaObject = delegate.isMetaObject(receiver); try { boolean result = delegate.isMetaInstance(receiver, instance); assert wasMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !wasMetaObject : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } @Override protected TriState isIdenticalOrUndefined(Object receiver, Object other) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, other); TriState result = delegate.isIdenticalOrUndefined(receiver, other); assert verifyIsSameOrUndefined(delegate, result, receiver, other); return result; } static boolean verifyIsSameOrUndefined(InteropLibrary library, TriState result, Object receiver, Object other) { if (result != TriState.UNDEFINED) { int hashCode = 0; try { hashCode = library.identityHashCode(receiver); } catch (Exception t) { throw shouldNotReachHere(t); } } return true; } @Override public int identityHashCode(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { assert preCondition(receiver); int result; try { result = delegate.identityHashCode(receiver); assert delegate.hasIdentity(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert !delegate.hasIdentity(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } return result; } @Override public boolean isIdentical(Object receiver, Object other, InteropLibrary otherInterop) { assert preCondition(receiver); assert validArgument(receiver, other); assert otherInterop != null; boolean result = delegate.isIdentical(receiver, other, otherInterop); assert verifyIsSame(result, receiver, other, otherInterop); return result; } boolean verifyIsSame(boolean result, Object receiver, Object other, InteropLibrary otherInterop) { try { InteropLibrary otherDelegate = otherInterop; if (otherInterop instanceof Asserts) { // avoid recursions otherDelegate = ((Asserts) otherInterop).delegate; } // verify symmetric property assert result == otherDelegate.isIdentical(other, receiver, delegate) : violationInvariant(receiver); if (result) { // if true identity hash code must be equal assert delegate.identityHashCode(receiver) == otherDelegate.identityHashCode(other) : violationInvariant(receiver); } // verify reflexivity TriState state = delegate.isIdenticalOrUndefined(receiver, other); if (state != TriState.UNDEFINED) { assert delegate.isIdentical(receiver, receiver, delegate) : violationInvariant(receiver); } // also check isIdenticalOrUndefined results as they would be skipped with the // isIdentical default implementation. verifyIsSameOrUndefined(delegate, state, receiver, other); verifyIsSameOrUndefined(otherDelegate, otherDelegate.isIdenticalOrUndefined(other, receiver), other, receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { throw shouldNotReachHere(e); } return true; } @Override public boolean isScope(Object receiver) { assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.isScope(receiver); assert !result || delegate.hasMembers(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !result || delegate.hasLanguage(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); return result; } @Override public boolean hasScopeParent(Object receiver) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.hasScopeParent(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean result = delegate.hasScopeParent(receiver); if (result) { assert delegate.isScope(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); try { assert validScope(delegate.getScopeParent(receiver)); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } } else { try { delegate.getScopeParent(receiver); assert false : violationInvariant(receiver); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } } return result; } @Override public Object getScopeParent(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getScopeParent(receiver); } assert preCondition(receiver); boolean hadScopeParent = delegate.hasScopeParent(receiver); try { Object result = delegate.getScopeParent(receiver); assert hadScopeParent : violationInvariant(receiver); assert delegate.isScope(receiver) : violationInvariant(receiver); assert validScope(result); return result; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(receiver); assert !hadScopeParent : violationInvariant(receiver); throw e; } } } } class InteropLibrarySnippets { abstract static class StatementNode extends Node { abstract void executeVoid(VirtualFrame frame); } static class BlockNode extends StatementNode { @Children private StatementNode[] children; BlockNode(StatementNode... children) { this.children = children; } @Override @ExplodeLoop void executeVoid(VirtualFrame frame) { for (StatementNode child : children) { child.executeVoid(frame); } } } // BEGIN: InteropLibrarySnippets.TryCatchNode static final class TryCatchNode extends StatementNode { @Node.Child private BlockNode block; @Node.Child private BlockNode catchBlock; @Node.Child private BlockNode finallyBlock; @Node.Child private InteropLibrary exceptions; private final BranchProfile exceptionProfile; TryCatchNode(BlockNode block, BlockNode catchBlock, BlockNode finallyBlock) { this.block = block; this.catchBlock = catchBlock; this.finallyBlock = finallyBlock; this.exceptions = InteropLibrary.getFactory().createDispatched(5); this.exceptionProfile = BranchProfile.create(); } @Override void executeVoid(VirtualFrame frame) { Throwable exception = null; try { block.executeVoid(frame); } catch (Throwable ex) { exception = executeCatchBlock(frame, ex, catchBlock); } // Java finally blocks that execute nodes are not allowed for // compilation as code in finally blocks is duplicated // by the Java bytecode compiler. This can lead to // exponential code growth in worst cases. if (finallyBlock != null) { finallyBlock.executeVoid(frame); } if (exception != null) { if (exception instanceof ControlFlowException) { throw (ControlFlowException) exception; } try { throw exceptions.throwException(exception); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException ie) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(ie); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends Throwable> Throwable executeCatchBlock( VirtualFrame frame, Throwable ex, BlockNode catchBlk) throws T { if (ex instanceof ControlFlowException) { // run finally blocks for control flow return ex; } exceptionProfile.enter(); if (exceptions.isException(ex)) { if (catchBlk != null) { try { catchBlk.executeVoid(frame); return null; } catch (Throwable catchEx) { return executeCatchBlock(frame, catchEx, null); } } else { // run finally blocks for any interop exception return ex; } } else { // do not run finally blocks for internal errors or unwinds throw (T) ex; } } } // END: InteropLibrarySnippets.TryCatchNode }