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package com.oracle.truffle.api.interop;

import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.assertString;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.isInteropValue;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.validScope;
import static com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.violationInvariant;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary.Abstract;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary.DefaultExport;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.Library;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.LibraryFactory;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.LanguageInfo;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;

Node Library provides access to guest language information associated with a particular Node location. The receiver of this library must be an instrumentable Node that has a root node.
/** * Node Library provides access to guest language information associated with a particular * {@link Node} location. The receiver of this library must be an * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentableNode#isInstrumentable() * instrumentable} {@link Node} that has a {@link Node#getRootNode() root node}. * * @since 20.3 */
@DefaultExport(LegacyNodeExports.class) @GenerateLibrary(assertions = NodeLibrary.Asserts.class, receiverType = Node.class) public abstract class NodeLibrary extends Library { static final LibraryFactory<NodeLibrary> FACTORY = LibraryFactory.resolve(NodeLibrary.class);
/** * @since 20.3 */
protected NodeLibrary() { }
Returns true, if the node is in a scope containing local variables, else false.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also getScope(Object, Frame, boolean) must be implemented.

  • node – a Node, never null
  • frame – a Frame, can be null in case of lexical access.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code>, if the node is in a scope containing local variables, else * <code>false</code>. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getScope(Object, Frame, boolean)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never <code>null</code> * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be <code>null</code> in case of lexical access. * @see #getScope(Object, Frame, boolean) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "getScope") public boolean hasScope(Object node, Frame frame) { return false; }
Get an object representing a local scope containing variables visible at the node location. The returned object must respond true to InteropLibrary.isScope(Object). The scope object exposes all locally visible variables as flattened members, including all parent scopes (for example block, closure, lexical or dynamic scopes). Local scopes are associated with a Frame. See InteropLibrary.isScope(Object) for details.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also hasScope(Object, Frame) must be implemented.

  • node – a Node, never null
  • frame – a Frame, can be null in case of lexical access.
  • nodeEnter – when true, the location that determines scope variables is at the enter to the node execution, else false. Use true when called e.g. by instruments from onEnter.onEnter(VirtualFrame) and false when called e.g. from onReturnValue.onReturnValue(VirtualFrame, Object). This argument helps to determine visible variables in case that some variables are added during the node execution.
Returns:An interop object with InteropLibrary.isScope(Object) being true.
/** * Get an object representing a local scope containing variables visible at the node location. * The returned object must respond <code>true</code> to {@link InteropLibrary#isScope(Object)}. * The scope object exposes all locally visible variables as flattened * {@link InteropLibrary#getMembers(Object) members}, including all parent scopes (for example * block, closure, lexical or dynamic scopes). Local scopes are associated with a {@link Frame}. * See {@link InteropLibrary#isScope(Object)} for details. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasScope(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never <code>null</code> * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be <code>null</code> in case of lexical access. * @param nodeEnter when <code>true</code>, the location that determines scope variables is at * the enter to the node execution, else <code>false</code>. Use <code>true</code> * when called e.g. by instruments from * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.ExecutionEventNode#onEnter(VirtualFrame)} * and <code>false</code> when called e.g. from * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.ExecutionEventNode#onReturnValue(VirtualFrame, Object)}. * This argument helps to determine visible variables in case that some variables are * added during the node execution. * @return An interop object with {@link InteropLibrary#isScope(Object)} being true. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasScope(Object, Frame)} returns * <code>false</code> for the same node and frame. * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"hasScope", "getReceiverMember"}) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object getScope(Object node, Frame frame, boolean nodeEnter) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true, if there is a named receiver object, else false.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also getReceiverMember(Object, Frame) must be implemented.

  • node – a Node, never null
  • frame – a Frame, can be null in case of lexical access.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code>, if there is a named receiver object, else <code>false</code>. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getReceiverMember(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never <code>null</code> * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be <code>null</code> in case of lexical access. * @see #getReceiverMember(Object, Frame) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = {"getReceiverMember"}) public boolean hasReceiverMember(Object node, Frame frame) { return false; }
Returns an object that represents the receiver name when available. The returned value is guaranteed to return true for InteropLibrary.isString(Object). Examples for receiver names are this in Java or self in Ruby or Python. The value of the receiver object can be retrieved from the scope by converting the member to a string using InteropLibrary.isString(Object). The return value of this method is an Object intentionally to allow the member to have additional interop traits.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also hasReceiverMember(Object, Frame) must be implemented.

  • node – a Node, never null
  • frame – a Frame, can be null in case of lexical access.
See Also:
Returns:an interop string object.
/** * Returns an object that represents the receiver name when available. The returned value is * guaranteed to return true for {@link InteropLibrary#isString(Object)}. Examples for receiver * names are <code>this</code> in Java or </code>self</code> in Ruby or Python. The value of the * receiver object can be retrieved from the {@link #getScope(Object, Frame, boolean) scope} by * converting the member to a string using {@link InteropLibrary#isString(Object)}. The return * value of this method is an Object intentionally to allow the member to have additional * interop traits. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasReceiverMember(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never <code>null</code> * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be <code>null</code> in case of lexical access. * @return an {@link InteropLibrary#isString(Object) interop string object}. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasReceiverMember(Object, Frame)} * returns <code>false</code> for the same node and frame. * @see #hasReceiverMember(Object, Frame) * @see #getScope(Object, Frame, boolean) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "hasReceiverMember") public Object getReceiverMember(Object node, Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Returns true, if a current instance of the guest language representation of the root node (e.g. the enclosing guest language function) is available, else false.

Guest languages will likely require a context lookup to resolve the root instance object. This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also getRootInstance(Object, Frame) must be implemented.

  • node – a Node, never null
  • frame – a Frame, can be null in case of lexical access, in which case the instance would likely not be available.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code>, if a current instance of the guest language representation of the * root node (e.g. the enclosing guest language function) is available, else <code>false</code>. * <p> * Guest languages will likely require a context lookup to resolve the root instance object. * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getRootInstance(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never <code>null</code> * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be <code>null</code> in case of lexical access, in which * case the instance would likely not be available. * @see #getRootInstance(Object, Frame) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "getRootInstance") public boolean hasRootInstance(Object node, Frame frame) { return false; }
Returns the current instance of guest language representation of the root node (e.g. the enclosing guest language function), when available.

This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also hasRootInstance(Object, Frame) must be implemented.

  • node – a Node, never null
  • frame – a Frame, can be null in case of lexical access, in which case the instance would likely not be available.
See Also:
Returns:the root instance value which must be an interop and executable value.
/** * Returns the current instance of guest language representation of the root node (e.g. the * enclosing guest language function), when available. * <p> * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasRootInstance(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never <code>null</code> * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be <code>null</code> in case of lexical access, in which * case the instance would likely not be available. * @return the root instance value which must be an {@link InteropLibrary interop} and * {@link InteropLibrary#isExecutable(Object) executable} value. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasRootInstance(Object, Frame)} * returns <code>false</code> for the same node and frame. * @see #hasRootInstance(Object, Frame) * @since 20.3 */
@Abstract(ifExported = "hasRootInstance") public Object getRootInstance(Object node, Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); }
Wraps the value to filter or add scoping specific information for values associated with the current language and location in the code. Allows the language to augment the perspective tools have on values depending on location and frame. This may be useful to apply local specific visibility rules. By default this method does return the passed value, not applying any scope information to the value. If a language does not implement any scoping and/or has not concept of visibility then this method typically can stay without an implementation. A typical implementation of this method may do the following:
  • Apply visibility and scoping rules to the value hiding or removing members from the object.
  • Add or remove implicit members that are only available within this source location.

This method is only invoked with values that are associated with the current language. For values without language the language view is requested first before the scoped view is requested. If this method needs an implementation then TruffleLanguage.getLanguageView(Object, Object) should be implemented as well.

Scoped views may be implemented in a very similar way to language views. Please refer to the examples from this method.

  • node – the current source location. Guaranteed to be a node from a RootNode associated with this language. Never null.
  • frame – the current active frame. Guaranteed to be a frame from a RootNode associated with this language. Never null.
  • value – the value to provide scope information for. Never null. Always associated with this language.
See Also:
/** * Wraps the value to filter or add scoping specific information for values associated with the * current language and location in the code. Allows the language to augment the perspective * tools have on values depending on location and frame. This may be useful to apply local * specific visibility rules. By default this method does return the passed value, not applying * any scope information to the value. If a language does not implement any scoping and/or has * not concept of visibility then this method typically can stay without an implementation. A * typical implementation of this method may do the following: * <ul> * <li>Apply visibility and scoping rules to the value hiding or removing members from the * object. * <li>Add or remove implicit members that are only available within this source location. * </ul> * <p> * This method is only invoked with values that are associated with the current * {@link InteropLibrary#getLanguage(Object) language}. For values without language the * {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) language view} is requested first * before the scoped view is requested. If this method needs an implementation then * {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object)} should be implemented as well. * <p> * Scoped views may be implemented in a very similar way to * {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) language views}. Please refer to the * examples from this method. * * @param node the current source location. Guaranteed to be a node from a {@link RootNode} * associated with this language. Never <code>null</code>. * @param frame the current active frame. Guaranteed to be a frame from a {@link RootNode} * associated with this language. Never <code>null</code>. * @param value the value to provide scope information for. Never <code>null</code>. Always * associated with this language. * @see TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) * @since 20.3 */
public Object getView(Object node, Frame frame, Object value) { return value; }
Returns the library factory for the node library. Short-cut for ResolvedLibrary.resolve(NodeLibrary.class).
See Also:
/** * Returns the library factory for the node library. Short-cut for * {@link LibraryFactory#resolve(Class) ResolvedLibrary.resolve(NodeLibrary.class)}. * * @see LibraryFactory#resolve(Class) * @since 20.3 */
public static LibraryFactory<NodeLibrary> getFactory() { return FACTORY; }
Returns the uncached automatically dispatched version of the node library. This is a short-cut for calling NodeLibrary.getFactory().getUncached().
See Also:
  • getUncached.getUncached()
/** * Returns the uncached automatically dispatched version of the node library. This is a * short-cut for calling <code>NodeLibrary.getFactory().getUncached()</code>. * * @see LibraryFactory#getUncached() * @since 20.3 */
public static NodeLibrary getUncached() { return getFactory().getUncached(); }
Returns the uncached manually dispatched version of the node library. This is a short-cut for calling NodeLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(v).
See Also:
  • getUncached.getUncached(Object)
/** * Returns the uncached manually dispatched version of the node library. This is a short-cut for * calling <code>NodeLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(v)</code>. * * @see LibraryFactory#getUncached(Object) * @since 20.3 */
public static NodeLibrary getUncached(Object node) { return getFactory().getUncached(node); } static class Asserts extends NodeLibrary { @Child private NodeLibrary delegate; private final boolean isLegacyDelegate; Asserts(NodeLibrary delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; isLegacyDelegate = delegate.getClass().getName().startsWith("com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.LegacyNodeExportsGen$NodeLibraryExports"); } @Override public boolean accepts(Object receiver) { assert receiver instanceof Node; return delegate.accepts(receiver); } @Override public boolean hasScope(Object node, Frame frame) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.hasScope(node, frame); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean result = delegate.hasScope(node, frame); if (result) { try { assert validScope(delegate.getScope(node, frame, true)); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { delegate.getScope(node, frame, true); assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } } return result; } @Override public Object getScope(Object node, Frame frame, boolean nodeEnter) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getScope(node, frame, nodeEnter); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean hadScope = delegate.hasScope(node, frame); try { Object scope = delegate.getScope(node, frame, nodeEnter); assert hadScope : violationInvariant(node); assert validScope(scope); return scope; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(node); assert !hadScope : violationInvariant(node); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasReceiverMember(Object node, Frame frame) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.hasReceiverMember(node, frame); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean result = delegate.hasReceiverMember(node, frame); if (result) { try { assert assertString(node, delegate.getReceiverMember(node, frame)); } catch (InteropException | ClassCastException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { delegate.getReceiverMember(node, frame); assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } } return result; } @Override public Object getReceiverMember(Object node, Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getReceiverMember(node, frame); } boolean hadReceiver = delegate.hasReceiverMember(node, frame); try { Object name = delegate.getReceiverMember(node, frame); assert hadReceiver : violationInvariant(node); assert assertString(node, name); return name; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(node); assert !hadReceiver : violationInvariant(node); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasRootInstance(Object node, Frame frame) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.hasRootInstance(node, frame); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean result = delegate.hasRootInstance(node, frame); if (result) { try { Object instance = delegate.getRootInstance(node, frame); assertValidRootInstance(instance); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { delegate.getRootInstance(node, frame); assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } } return result; } @Override public Object getRootInstance(Object node, Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getRootInstance(node, frame); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean hadRootinstance = delegate.hasRootInstance(node, frame); try { Object instance = delegate.getRootInstance(node, frame); assert hadRootinstance : violationInvariant(node); assertValidRootInstance(instance); return instance; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(node); assert !hadRootinstance : violationInvariant(node); throw e; } } private static void assertValidRootInstance(Object instance) { assert isInteropValue(instance) : violationInvariant(instance); assert InteropLibrary.getUncached().isExecutable(instance) : String.format("The root instance '%s' is not executable.", instance); } @Override public Object getView(Object node, Frame frame, Object value) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getView(node, frame, value); } assert validReceiver(node); assert isInteropValue(value) : violationInvariant(value); Class<?> languageClass = validateLocationAndFrame((Node) node, frame, value); Object view = delegate.getView(node, frame, value); assert isInteropValue(view) : violationInvariant(view); InteropLibrary lib = InteropLibrary.getUncached(view); try { assert lib.hasLanguage(view) && lib.getLanguage(view) == languageClass : String.format("The returned scoped view of language '%s' must return the class '%s' for InteropLibrary.getLanguage." + "Fix the implementation of %s.getView to resolve this.", languageClass.getTypeName(), languageClass.getTypeName(), node.getClass().getTypeName()); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(e); } return view; } private static Class<?> validateLocationAndFrame(Node location, Frame frame, Object value) { InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getUncached(value); assert interop.hasLanguage(value) : String.format("The value '%s' is not associated with any language.", value); Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> valueLanguage; try { valueLanguage = interop.getLanguage(value); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(e); } RootNode rootNode = location.getRootNode(); assert rootNode != null : String.format("The location '%s' does not have a RootNode.", location); LanguageInfo nodeLanguageInfo = rootNode.getLanguageInfo(); assert nodeLanguageInfo != null : String.format("The location '%s' does not have a language associated.", location); Class<?> nodeLanguage = InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().getSPI(InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().getEnvForInstrument(nodeLanguageInfo)).getClass(); assert nodeLanguage == valueLanguage : String.format("The value language '%s' must match the language of the location %s.", valueLanguage, nodeLanguage); assert frame != null : "Frame argument must not be null."; assert rootNode.getFrameDescriptor().equals(frame.getFrameDescriptor()) : String.format("The frame provided does not originate from the location. " + "Expected frame descriptor '%s' but was '%s'.", rootNode.getFrameDescriptor(), frame.getFrameDescriptor()); return nodeLanguage; } private boolean validReceiver(Object nodeObject) { if (nodeObject == null) { throw new NullPointerException("A non-null receiver is required."); } assert nodeObject instanceof Node : String.format("The node '%s' does not extend Node.", nodeObject); Node node = (Node) nodeObject; assert node.getRootNode() != null : String.format("The node '%s' does not have a RootNode.", node); assert InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.instrumentSupport().isInstrumentable(node) || isLegacyDelegate : String.format( "The node '%s' is not instrumentable. Implement InstrumentableNode and return true from isInstrumentable()", node); return true; } } }