 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
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 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.test;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.RootCallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Truffle;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.Env;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.Registration;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleStackTraceElement;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Cached.Shared;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameInstance;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameInstanceVisitor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlot;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlotTypeException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.AllocationReporter;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.GenerateWrapper;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentableNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.ProbeNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.ProvidedTags;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.StandardTags;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.StandardTags.ExpressionTag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.StandardTags.RootBodyTag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.StandardTags.RootTag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.StandardTags.StatementTag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.Tag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.Tag.Identifier;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.test.InstrumentationTestLanguage.BlockTag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.test.InstrumentationTestLanguage.ConstantTag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.test.InstrumentationTestLanguage.DefineTag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.test.InstrumentationTestLanguage.FunctionsObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.test.InstrumentationTestLanguage.LoopTag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.ExceptionType;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InvalidArrayIndexException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.NodeLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.TruffleObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnknownIdentifierException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedMessageException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedTypeException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.CachedLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportMessage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportMessage.Ignore;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ReflectionLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.DirectCallNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ExecutableNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ExplodeLoop;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.LoopNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RepeatingNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.UnexpectedResultException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

Minimal test language for instrumentation that enables to define a hierarchy of nodes with one or multiple source section tags. If the DEFINE tag is used then the first argument is an identifier and all following arguments are contents of a function. If CALL is used then the first argument is used as identifier for a previously defined target. For the tag LOOP the first argument is used for the number of iterations all body nodes should get executed.

Can eval expressions with the following syntax:

Statement ::= ident {":" ident} ["(" Statement {"," Statement} ")"

Example for calling to a defined function 'foo' that loops 100 times over a statement with two sub expressions:


Other statements are:

  • ARGUMENT(name) - copies a frame argument to the named slot
  • VARIABLE(name, value) - defines a variable
  • CONSTANT(value) - defines a constant value
  • PRINT(OUT, text) or PRINT(ERR, text) - prints a text to standard output resp. error output.
  • SPAWN(<function>) - calls the function in a new thread
  • JOIN() - waits for all spawned threads

The language uses shared context policy, because of the CONTEXT statement that creates and enters inner context. The code executed in the inner context is parsed in the outer context, so the context cannot be stored in the nodes, because the nodes can be shared by may different contexts.

/** * <p> * Minimal test language for instrumentation that enables to define a hierarchy of nodes with one or * multiple {@link SourceSection#getTags() source section tags}. If the DEFINE tag is used then the * first argument is an identifier and all following arguments are contents of a function. If CALL * is used then the first argument is used as identifier for a previously defined target. For the * tag LOOP the first argument is used for the number of iterations all body nodes should get * executed. * </p> * * <p> * Can eval expressions with the following syntax: * </p> * <code> * Statement ::= ident {":" ident} ["(" Statement {"," Statement} ")" * </code> * * <p> * Example for calling to a defined function 'foo' that loops 100 times over a statement with two * sub expressions: * </p> * <code> * ROOT( * DEFINE(foo, * LOOP(100, STATEMENT(EXPRESSION,EXPRESSION)) * ), * STATEMENT:CALL(foo) * ) * </code> * <p> * Other statements are: * <ul> * <li><code>ARGUMENT(name)</code> - copies a frame argument to the named slot</li> * <li><code>VARIABLE(name, value)</code> - defines a variable</li> * <li><code>CONSTANT(value)</code> - defines a constant value</li> * <li><code>PRINT(OUT, text)</code> or <code>PRINT(ERR, text)</code> - prints a text to standard * output resp. error output.</li> * <li><code>SPAWN(&lt;function&gt;)</code> - calls the function in a new thread</li> * <li><code>JOIN()</code> - waits for all spawned threads</li> * </ul> * </p> * <p> * The language uses shared context policy, because of the CONTEXT statement that creates and enters * inner context. The code executed in the inner context is parsed in the outer context, so the * context cannot be stored in the nodes, because the nodes can be shared by may different contexts. * </p> */
@Registration(id = InstrumentationTestLanguage.ID, name = InstrumentationTestLanguage.NAME, version = "2.0", services = {SpecialService.class}, contextPolicy = TruffleLanguage.ContextPolicy.SHARED) @ProvidedTags({StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class, DefineTag.class, LoopTag.class, StandardTags.StatementTag.class, StandardTags.CallTag.class, StandardTags.RootTag.class, StandardTags.RootBodyTag.class, StandardTags.TryBlockTag.class, BlockTag.class, ConstantTag.class}) public class InstrumentationTestLanguage extends TruffleLanguage<InstrumentContext> { public static final String ID = "instrumentation-test-language"; public static final String NAME = "Instrumentation Test Language"; public static final String FILENAME_EXTENSION = ".titl"; @Identifier("DEFINE") static class DefineTag extends Tag { } @Identifier("LOOP") static class LoopTag extends Tag { } @Identifier("BLOCK") static class BlockTag extends Tag { } @Identifier("CONSTANT") static class ConstantTag extends Tag { } public static final Class<? extends Tag> EXPRESSION = StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> DEFINE = DefineTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> LOOP = LoopTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> STATEMENT = StandardTags.StatementTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> CALL = StandardTags.CallTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> ROOT_BODY = StandardTags.RootBodyTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> ROOT = StandardTags.RootTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> BLOCK = BlockTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> CONSTANT = ConstantTag.class; public static final Class<? extends Tag> TRY_CATCH = StandardTags.TryBlockTag.class; public static final Class<?>[] TAGS = new Class<?>[]{EXPRESSION, DEFINE, LOOP, STATEMENT, CALL, BLOCK, ROOT_BODY, ROOT, CONSTANT, TRY_CATCH}; public static final String[] TAG_NAMES = new String[]{"EXPRESSION", "DEFINE", "CONTEXT", "LOOP", "STATEMENT", "CALL", "RECURSIVE_CALL", "CALL_WITH", "BLOCK", "ROOT_BODY", "ROOT", "CONSTANT", "VARIABLE", "ARGUMENT", "READ_VAR", "PRINT", "ALLOCATION", "SLEEP", "SPAWN", "JOIN", "INVALIDATE", "INTERNAL", "INNER_FRAME", "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_EXPRESSION", "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_STMT_AND_EXPR", "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_STMT_AND_EXPR_NC", "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_STMT_AND_EXPR_SEPARATELY", "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_STATEMENT", "BLOCK_NO_SOURCE_SECTION", "TRY", "CATCH", "THROW", "UNEXPECTED_RESULT", "MULTIPLE"}; // used to test that no getSourceSection calls happen in certain situations private static int rootSourceSectionQueryCount; public InstrumentationTestLanguage() { }
Set configuration data to the language. Possible values are:
  • KEY.KEY with a ReturnLanguageEnv value,
  • "initSource" with a Source value,
  • "runInitAfterExec" with a Boolean value.
/** * Set configuration data to the language. Possible values are: * <ul> * <li>{@link ReturnLanguageEnv#KEY} with a {@link ReturnLanguageEnv} value,</li> * <li>"initSource" with a {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Source} value,</li> * <li>"runInitAfterExec" with a {@link Boolean} value.</li> * </ul> */
public static Map<String, Object> envConfig = new HashMap<>(); @Override protected InstrumentContext createContext(TruffleLanguage.Env env) { Source initSource = null; Boolean runInitAfterExec = null; if (envConfig != null) { org.graalvm.polyglot.Source initPolyglotSource = (org.graalvm.polyglot.Source) envConfig.get("initSource"); if (initPolyglotSource != null) { initSource = AbstractInstrumentationTest.sourceToImpl(initPolyglotSource); } runInitAfterExec = (Boolean) envConfig.get("runInitAfterExec"); } env.registerService(new SpecialServiceImpl()); return new InstrumentContext(env, initSource, runInitAfterExec); } private CallTarget lastParsed; public static CallTarget getLastParsedCalltarget() { return getCurrentLanguage(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).lastParsed; } @Override protected void initializeContext(InstrumentContext context) throws Exception { super.initializeContext(context); Source code = context.initSource; if (code != null) { SourceSection outer = code.createSection(0, code.getLength()); BaseNode node = parse(code); RootCallTarget rct = Truffle.getRuntime().createCallTarget(new InstrumentationTestRootNode(this, "", outer, node)); rct.call(); if (context.runInitAfterExec) { context.afterTarget = rct; } } } @Override protected boolean isThreadAccessAllowed(Thread thread, boolean singleThreaded) { return true; } @Override protected CallTarget parse(ParsingRequest request) throws Exception { Source code = request.getSource(); SourceSection outer = code.createSection(0, code.getLength()); BaseNode node; try { node = parse(code); } catch (LanguageError e) { throw new IOException(e); } RootCallTarget afterTarget = getCurrentContext(getClass()).afterTarget; return lastParsed = Truffle.getRuntime().createCallTarget(new InstrumentationTestRootNode(this, "", outer, afterTarget, node)); } public static RootNode parse(String code) { InstrumentationTestLanguage testLanguage = getCurrentLanguage(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class); Source source = Source.newBuilder(ID, code, "test").build(); SourceSection outer = source.createSection(0, source.getLength()); BaseNode base = testLanguage.parse(source); return new InstrumentationTestRootNode(testLanguage, "", outer, base); } @Override protected ExecutableNode parse(InlineParsingRequest request) throws Exception { Source code = request.getSource(); Node location = request.getLocation(); if (location == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Location must not be null."); } BaseNode node; try { node = parse(code); } catch (LanguageError e) { throw new IOException(e); } return new InlineExecutableNode(this, node); } public static InstrumentationTestLanguage current() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.getCurrentLanguage(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class); } public static Env currentEnv() { return getCurrentContext(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).env; } protected final ExecutableNode parseOriginal(InlineParsingRequest request) throws Exception { return super.parse(request); } private static class InlineExecutableNode extends ExecutableNode { @Child private BaseNode node; InlineExecutableNode(TruffleLanguage<?> language, BaseNode node) { super(language); this.node = node; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { assert getParent() != null; return node.execute(frame); } } public BaseNode parse(Source code) { return new Parser(this, code).parse(); } private static final class Parser { private static final char EOF = (char) -1; private final InstrumentationTestLanguage lang; private final Source source; private final String code; private int current; private int argumentIndex = 0; Parser(InstrumentationTestLanguage lang, Source source) { this.lang = lang; this.source = source; this.code = source.getCharacters().toString(); } public BaseNode parse() { BaseNode statement = statement(); if (follows() != EOF) { error("eof expected"); } return statement; } private BaseNode statement() { skipWhiteSpace(); int startIndex = current; if (current() == EOF) { return null; } skipWhiteSpace(); String tag = ident().trim().intern(); if (!isValidTag(tag)) { throw new LanguageError(String.format("Illegal tag \"%s\".", tag)); } int numberOfIdents = 0; if (tag.equals("DEFINE") || tag.equals("ARGUMENT") || tag.equals("READ_VAR") || tag.equals("CALL") || tag.equals("LOOP") || tag.equals("CONSTANT") || tag.equals("UNEXPECTED_RESULT") || tag.equals("SLEEP") || tag.equals("SPAWN") | tag.equals("CATCH")) { numberOfIdents = 1; } else if (tag.equals("VARIABLE") || tag.equals("RECURSIVE_CALL") || tag.equals("CALL_WITH") || tag.equals("PRINT") || tag.equals("THROW")) { numberOfIdents = 2; } int stringLiteralIndex = -1; if (tag.equals("PRINT")) { stringLiteralIndex = 1; } List<String> multipleTags = null; if (tag.equals("MULTIPLE")) { multipleTags = multipleTags(); } String[] idents = new String[numberOfIdents]; List<BaseNode> children = new ArrayList<>(); if (follows() == '(') { skipWhiteSpace(); if (current() == '(') { next(); skipWhiteSpace(); int argIndex = 0; while (current() != ')') { if (argIndex < numberOfIdents) { skipWhiteSpace(); idents[argIndex] = (argIndex == stringLiteralIndex) ? stringLiteral() : ident(); } else { children.add(statement()); } skipWhiteSpace(); if (current() != ',') { break; } next(); argIndex++; } if (current() != ')') { error("missing closing bracket"); } next(); } } for (String ident : idents) { if (ident == null) { throw new LanguageError(numberOfIdents + " non-child parameters required for " + tag); } } SourceSection sourceSection = source.createSection(startIndex, current - startIndex); BaseNode[] childArray = children.toArray(new BaseNode[children.size()]); BaseNode node = createNode(tag, idents, sourceSection, childArray, multipleTags); if (tag.equals("DEFINE")) { argumentIndex = 0; } else if (tag.equals("ARGUMENT")) { ((ArgumentNode) node).setIndex(argumentIndex++); } node.setSourceSection(sourceSection); return node; } private List<String> multipleTags() { List<String> multipleTags = new ArrayList<>(); if (follows() == '[') { skipWhiteSpace(); if (current() == '[') { next(); skipWhiteSpace(); while (current() != ']') { skipWhiteSpace(); multipleTags.add(ident()); skipWhiteSpace(); if (current() != ',') { break; } next(); } if (current() != ']') { error("missing closing bracket"); } next(); } } return multipleTags; } private static boolean isValidTag(String tag) { for (int i = 0; i < TAG_NAMES.length; i++) { String allowedTag = TAG_NAMES[i]; if (tag == allowedTag) { return true; } } return false; } private BaseNode createNode(String tag, String[] idents, SourceSection sourceSection, BaseNode[] childArray, List<String> multipleTags) throws AssertionError { switch (tag) { case "DEFINE": return new DefineNode(lang, idents[0], sourceSection, childArray); case "CONTEXT": return new ContextNode(childArray); case "ARGUMENT": return new ArgumentNode(idents[0], childArray); case "CALL": return new CallNode(idents[0], childArray); case "RECURSIVE_CALL": return new RecursiveCallNode(idents[0], (Integer) parseIdent(idents[1]), childArray); case "CALL_WITH": return new CallWithNode(idents[0], parseIdent(idents[1]), childArray); case "LOOP": return new WhileLoopNode(parseIdent(idents[0]), childArray); case "BLOCK": return new BlockNode(childArray); case "BLOCK_NO_SOURCE_SECTION": return new BlockNoSourceSectionNode(childArray); case "EXPRESSION": return new ExpressionNode(childArray); case "ROOT": return new FunctionRootNode(childArray); case "ROOT_BODY": return new FunctionBodyNode(childArray); case "STATEMENT": return new StatementNode(childArray); case "INTERNAL": return new InternalNode(childArray); case "CONSTANT": return new ConstantNode(idents[0], childArray); case "VARIABLE": return new VariableNode(idents[0], idents[1], childArray, currentEnv().lookup(AllocationReporter.class)); case "READ_VAR": return new ReadVariableNode(idents[0], childArray); case "PRINT": return new PrintNode(idents[0], idents[1], childArray); case "ALLOCATION": return new AllocationNode(new BaseNode[0]); case "SLEEP": return new SleepNode(parseIdent(idents[0]), new BaseNode[0]); case "SPAWN": return new SpawnNode(idents[0], childArray); case "JOIN": return new JoinNode(childArray); case "INVALIDATE": return new InvalidateNode(childArray); case "INNER_FRAME": return new InnerFrameNode(childArray); case "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_EXPRESSION": return new MaterializeChildExpressionNode(childArray); case "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_STATEMENT": return new MaterializeChildStatementNode(childArray); case "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_STMT_AND_EXPR": return new MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionNode(childArray); case "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_STMT_AND_EXPR_NC": return new MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionNode(childArray, false); case "MATERIALIZE_CHILD_STMT_AND_EXPR_SEPARATELY": return new MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(childArray); case "TRY": return new TryCatchNode(childArray); case "CATCH": return new CatchNode(idents[0], childArray); case "THROW": return new ThrowNode(idents[0], idents[1]); case "UNEXPECTED_RESULT": return new UnexpectedResultNode(idents[0]); case "MULTIPLE": return new MultipleNode(childArray, multipleTags); default: throw new AssertionError(); } } private void error(String message) { throw new LanguageError(String.format("error at %s. char %s: %s", current, current(), message)); } private String ident() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); char c; while ((c = current()) != EOF && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) { builder.append(c); next(); } if (builder.length() == 0) { error("expected ident"); } return builder.toString(); } private String stringLiteral() { char c = current(); if (c != '"') { return ident(); } next(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while ((c = current()) != EOF && c != '"') { builder.append(c); next(); } next(); return builder.toString(); } private void skipWhiteSpace() { while (Character.isWhitespace(current())) { next(); } } private char follows() { for (int i = current; i < code.length(); i++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(code.charAt(i))) { return code.charAt(i); } } return EOF; } private void next() { current++; } private char current() { if (current >= code.length()) { return EOF; } return code.charAt(current); } } private static class InstrumentationTestRootNode extends RootNode { private final String name; private final SourceSection sourceSection; private final RootCallTarget afterTarget; @Child private InstrumentedNode functionRoot; protected InstrumentationTestRootNode(InstrumentationTestLanguage lang, String name, SourceSection sourceSection, BaseNode... expressions) { this(lang, name, sourceSection, null, expressions); } protected InstrumentationTestRootNode(InstrumentationTestLanguage lang, String name, SourceSection sourceSection, RootCallTarget afterTarget, BaseNode... expressions) { super(lang); this.name = name; this.sourceSection = sourceSection; this.afterTarget = afterTarget; if (expressions.length == 1 && expressions[0] instanceof FunctionRootNode) { // It contains just a ROOT this.functionRoot = (FunctionRootNode) expressions[0]; } else { this.functionRoot = new FunctionRootNode(expressions); } this.functionRoot.setSourceSection(sourceSection); } @Override public SourceSection getSourceSection() { rootSourceSectionQueryCount++; return sourceSection; } @Override @ExplodeLoop public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { Object returnValue = Null.INSTANCE; returnValue = functionRoot.execute(frame); if (afterTarget != null) { afterTarget.call(); } return returnValue; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override protected List<TruffleStackTraceElement> findAsynchronousFrames(Frame frame) { Object[] arguments = frame.getArguments(); if (arguments.length == 0 || !(arguments[0] instanceof AsyncStackInfo)) { return null; } AsyncStackInfo asyncInfo = (AsyncStackInfo) arguments[0]; return asyncInfo.createStackTraceElements(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Root[" + name + "]"; } } static class ExpressionNode extends InstrumentedNode { ExpressionNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("("); if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { BaseNode child = children[i]; Object value = Null.INSTANCE; if (child != null) { value = child.execute(frame); } if (i > 0) { b.append("+"); } b.append(InstrumentationTestLanguage.toString(value)); } } b.append(")"); return InstrumentationTestLanguage.toString(b); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new ExpressionNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } @Override String getShortId() { return "E"; } static boolean isExpressionNode(BaseNode node) { return node instanceof ExpressionNode || (node instanceof WrapperNode && ((WrapperNode) node).getDelegateNode() instanceof ExpressionNode); } } static class BlockNoSourceSectionNode extends BlockNode { BlockNoSourceSectionNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override public boolean isInstrumentable() { return true; } @Override public SourceSection getSourceSection() { return null; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new BlockNoSourceSectionNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } @GenerateWrapper @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) @ExportLibrary(NodeLibrary.class) @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public abstract static class InstrumentedNode extends BaseNode implements InstrumentableNode, TruffleObject { private static final String THIS = "THIS"; @Children final BaseNode[] children; public InstrumentedNode() { this.children = null; } public InstrumentedNode(BaseNode[] children) { this.children = children; } @Override public boolean isInstrumentable() { return getSourceSection() != null; } @Override @ExplodeLoop @Ignore public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { Object returnValue = Null.INSTANCE; for (BaseNode child : children) { if (child != null) { Object value = child.execute(frame); if (value != null && value != Null.INSTANCE) { returnValue = value; } } } return returnValue; } @ExportMessage boolean hasMembers() { return true; } @ExportMessage final Object getMembers(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean includeInternal) { if (this instanceof ConstantNode) { return new KeysObject(new String[]{"simpleName", "constant"}); } else { return new KeysObject(new String[]{"simpleName"}); } } @ExportMessage final boolean isMemberReadable(@SuppressWarnings("unused") String member) { return true; } @ExportMessage Object readMember(String key) throws UnknownIdentifierException { switch (key) { case "simpleName": return getClass().getSimpleName(); } if (this instanceof ConstantNode) { switch (key) { case "constant": return ((ConstantNode) this).constant; } } throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(key); } @Override public InstrumentableNode.WrapperNode createWrapper(ProbeNode probe) { return new InstrumentedNodeWrapper(this, probe); } @Override public boolean hasTag(Class<? extends Tag> tag) { if (tag == StandardTags.RootTag.class) { return this instanceof FunctionRootNode; } else if (tag == StandardTags.RootBodyTag.class) { return this instanceof FunctionBodyNode || (this instanceof FunctionRootNode && !((FunctionRootNode) this).hasBodyNode); } else if (tag == StandardTags.CallTag.class) { return this instanceof CallNode || this instanceof RecursiveCallNode || this instanceof CallWithNode; } else if (tag == StandardTags.StatementTag.class) { return this instanceof StatementNode; } else if (tag == StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class) { return this instanceof ExpressionNode; } else if (tag == StandardTags.TryBlockTag.class) { return this instanceof TryNode; } else if (tag == LOOP) { return this instanceof WhileLoopNode; } else if (tag == BLOCK) { return this instanceof BlockNode; } else if (tag == DEFINE) { return this instanceof DefineNode; } else if (tag == CONSTANT) { return this instanceof ConstantNode; } return false; } @Override public Object getNodeObject() { return this; } public static boolean isInstance(TruffleObject o) { return o instanceof InstrumentedNode; } // NodeLibrary @ExportMessage final boolean hasScope(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Frame frame) { return true; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final Object getScope(Frame frame, @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean nodeEnter) { // Delegates to the default implementation if (this instanceof FunctionRootNode) { // has RootTag, is at function root, provide arguments Object[] arguments; if (frame != null) { arguments = frame.getArguments(); if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof ThisArg) { arguments = Arrays.copyOf(arguments, arguments.length); arguments[0] = ((ThisArg) arguments[0]).thisElement; } } else { arguments = new Object[0]; } return AbstractInstrumentationTest.TestAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineAccess().getDefaultArguments(arguments, InstrumentationTestLanguage.class); } else { Object variables = AbstractInstrumentationTest.TestAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineAccess().getDefaultVariables(getRootNode(), frame, InstrumentationTestLanguage.class); Object[] arguments; if (frame != null && (arguments = frame.getArguments()) != null && arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof ThisArg) { variables = new VariablesWithThis(variables, ((ThisArg) arguments[0]).thisElement); } return variables; } } @ExportMessage() final boolean hasReceiverMember(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Frame frame) { if (frame == null) { return false; } Object[] args = frame.getArguments(); return args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof ThisArg; } @ExportMessage final Object getReceiverMember(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (frame != null) { Object[] args = frame.getArguments(); if (args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof ThisArg) { return THIS; } } throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } @ExportMessage final boolean hasRootInstance(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Frame frame) { return true; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final Object getRootInstance(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Frame frame) { InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); return context.callFunctions.findFunction(getRootNode().getName()); } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) static final class VariablesWithThis implements TruffleObject { private final Object variables; private final Object receiver; VariablesWithThis(Object variables, Object receiver) { this.variables = variables; this.receiver = receiver; } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings("static-method") boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings("static-method") Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings("static-method") boolean isScope() { return true; } @ExportMessage boolean hasScopeParent(@Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) { return interopLibrary.hasScopeParent(variables); } @ExportMessage Object getScopeParent(@Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) throws UnsupportedMessageException { return interopLibrary.getScopeParent(variables); } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings("static-method") boolean hasMembers() { return true; } @ExportMessage Object getMembers(boolean includeInternal, @Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) throws UnsupportedMessageException { return new MembersWithReceiver(interopLibrary.getMembers(variables, includeInternal)); } @ExportMessage Object readMember(String member, @Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) throws UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedMessageException { if (THIS.equals(member)) { return receiver; } return interopLibrary.readMember(variables, member); } @ExportMessage boolean isMemberReadable(String member, @Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) { if (THIS.equals(member)) { assert !interopLibrary.isMemberReadable(variables, member); return true; } return interopLibrary.isMemberReadable(variables, member); } @ExportMessage void writeMember(String member, Object value, @Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) throws UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException, UnsupportedMessageException { if (THIS.equals(member)) { throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(member); } interopLibrary.writeMember(variables, member, value); } @ExportMessage boolean isMemberModifiable(String member, @Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) { if (THIS.equals(member)) { return false; } return interopLibrary.isMemberModifiable(variables, member); } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings({"static-method", "unused"}) boolean isMemberInsertable(String member) { return false; } @ExportMessage Object toDisplayString(boolean allowSideEffects, @Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) { return interopLibrary.toDisplayString(variables, allowSideEffects); } @ExportMessage boolean hasSourceLocation(@Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) { return interopLibrary.hasSourceLocation(variables); } @ExportMessage SourceSection getSourceLocation(@Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) throws UnsupportedMessageException { return interopLibrary.getSourceLocation(variables); } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) final class MembersWithReceiver implements TruffleObject { private final Object members; private MembersWithReceiver(Object members) { this.members = members; } @ExportMessage boolean hasArrayElements() { return true; } @ExportMessage Object readArrayElement(long index, @Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) throws UnsupportedMessageException, InvalidArrayIndexException { if (index == 0) { return THIS; } else { return interopLibrary.readArrayElement(members, index - 1); } } @ExportMessage long getArraySize(@Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) throws UnsupportedMessageException { return 1 + interopLibrary.getArraySize(members); } @ExportMessage boolean isArrayElementReadable(long index, @Shared("interop") @CachedLibrary(limit = "1") InteropLibrary interopLibrary) { if (index == 0) { return true; } else { return interopLibrary.isArrayElementReadable(members, index - 1); } } } } } static class BlockNode extends InstrumentedNode { BlockNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new BlockNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } @Override String getShortId() { return "BL"; } } static class TryCatchNode extends InstrumentedNode { @Child InstrumentedNode tryNode; @Children private final CatchNode[] catchNodes; @Child InteropLibrary interop; TryCatchNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(); BaseNode[] tryNodes = selectTryBlock(children); int tn = tryNodes.length; int cn = children.length - tn; catchNodes = new CatchNode[cn]; System.arraycopy(children, tn, catchNodes, 0, cn); tryNode = new TryNode(tryNodes, catchNodes); interop = InteropLibrary.getFactory().createDispatched(5); } @Override public void setSourceSection(SourceSection sourceSection) { super.setSourceSection(sourceSection); int start = sourceSection.getCharIndex(); int end = catchNodes.length > 0 ? catchNodes[0].getSourceSection().getCharIndex() : sourceSection.getCharEndIndex(); SourceSection trySection = sourceSection.getSource().createSection(start, end - start); CharSequence characters = trySection.getCharacters(); int lastChar = trySection.getCharLength() - 1; char c; while (Character.isWhitespace(c = characters.charAt(lastChar)) || c == ',') { lastChar--; } trySection = sourceSection.getSource().createSection(start, lastChar + 1); tryNode.setSourceSection(trySection); } static BaseNode[] selectTryBlock(BaseNode[] children) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i] instanceof CatchNode) { BaseNode[] tryBlock = new BaseNode[i]; System.arraycopy(children, 0, tryBlock, 0, i); return tryBlock; } } return children; } @Override @ExplodeLoop public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { try { return tryNode.execute(frame); } catch (Exception ex) { if (interop.isException(ex) && interop.isString(ex)) { String type; try { type = interop.asString(ex); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException ume) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(ume); } for (CatchNode cn : catchNodes) { if (type.startsWith(cn.getExceptionName())) { return cn.execute(frame); } } } throw ex; } } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new TryCatchNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class TryNode extends BlockNode { private final TruffleObject catchesInfoNode; TryNode(BaseNode[] children, CatchNode[] catches) { super(children); this.catchesInfoNode = new CatchesInfoObject(catches); } @Override public Object getNodeObject() { return catchesInfoNode; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) static class CatchesInfoObject implements TruffleObject { private final CatchNode[] catches; CatchesInfoObject(CatchNode[] catches) { this.catches = catches; } public static boolean isInstance(TruffleObject obj) { return obj instanceof CatchesInfoObject; } @ExportMessage boolean hasMembers() { return true; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final Object getMembers(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean includeInternal) { return new KeysObject(new String[]{"catches"}); } @ExportMessage final boolean isMemberInvocable(@SuppressWarnings("unused") String member) { return "catches".equals(member); } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final Object invokeMember(String member, Object[] arguments) throws UnknownIdentifierException { if ("catches".equals(member)) { InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getUncached(); if (interop.isString(arguments[0])) { String type; try { type = interop.asString(arguments[0]); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException ume) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(ume); } for (CatchNode c : catches) { if (type.startsWith(c.getExceptionName())) { return true; } } } return false; } else { throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(member); } } } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new TryNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags), cloneUninitialized(((CatchesInfoObject) catchesInfoNode).catches, materializedTags)); } } @GenerateWrapper static class CatchNode extends BlockNode { private final String exceptionName; CatchNode(String exceptionName, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.exceptionName = exceptionName; } CatchNode() { super(null); this.exceptionName = null; } String getExceptionName() { return exceptionName; } @Override public WrapperNode createWrapper(ProbeNode probe) { return new CatchNodeWrapper(this, probe); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new CatchNode(exceptionName, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MultipleNode extends BlockNode { private final Set<Class<? extends Tag>> resolvedTags; MultipleNode(BaseNode[] children, List<String> tags) { super(children); this.resolvedTags = new HashSet<>(); for (String tag : tags) { // add support for more tags as needed switch (tag) { case "EXPRESSION": resolvedTags.add(ExpressionTag.class); break; case "STATEMENT": resolvedTags.add(StatementTag.class); break; case "ROOT": resolvedTags.add(RootTag.class); break; case "ROOT_BODY": resolvedTags.add(RootBodyTag.class); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tag " + tag); } } } MultipleNode(BaseNode[] children, Collection<Class<? extends Tag>> tags) { super(children); this.resolvedTags = new HashSet<>(tags); } @Override public boolean hasTag(Class<? extends Tag> tag) { return resolvedTags.contains(tag); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MultipleNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags), resolvedTags); } } public static class ThrowNode extends InstrumentedNode { private final String type; private final String message; ThrowNode(String exceptionType, String message) { this.type = exceptionType; this.message = message; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { throw createException(); } @TruffleBoundary private RuntimeException createException() { // Internal exceptions are normal Java exception for which the // InteropLibrary#isException returns false return "internal".equals(type) ? new RuntimeException(message) : new TestLanguageException(type, message, this); } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) public static class TestLanguageException extends AbstractTruffleException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2709459650157465163L; private final String type; TestLanguageException(String type, String message, ThrowNode throwNode) { super(message, throwNode); this.type = type; } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage ExceptionType getExceptionType() { return ExceptionType.RUNTIME_ERROR; } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings("unused") Object toDisplayString(boolean allowSideEffects) { return asString(); } @ExportMessage boolean isString() { return true; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary String asString() { return type + ": " + getMessage(); } } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new ThrowNode(type, message); } } private static final class FunctionRootNode extends InstrumentedNode { final boolean hasBodyNode; FunctionRootNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); hasBodyNode = hasBodyNode(children); } private static boolean hasBodyNode(BaseNode[] children) { if (children == null) { return false; } for (BaseNode node : children) { if (node instanceof FunctionBodyNode || node instanceof InstrumentedNode && hasBodyNode(((InstrumentedNode) node).children)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override String getShortId() { return "R"; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new FunctionRootNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static final class FunctionBodyNode extends InstrumentedNode { FunctionBodyNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new FunctionBodyNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class StatementNode extends InstrumentedNode { StatementNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override String getShortId() { return "S"; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new StatementNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class DefineNode extends InstrumentedNode { private final InstrumentationTestLanguage language; private final String identifier; private final RootCallTarget target; DefineNode(InstrumentationTestLanguage lang, String identifier, SourceSection source, BaseNode[] children) { this.language = lang; this.identifier = identifier; String code = source.getCharacters().toString(); int index = code.indexOf('(') + 1; index = code.indexOf(',', index) + 1; SourceSection functionSection = source.getSource().createSection(source.getCharIndex() + index, source.getCharLength() - index - 1); this.target = Truffle.getRuntime().createCallTarget(new InstrumentationTestRootNode(lang, identifier, functionSection, children)); } @Override public boolean isInstrumentable() { return false; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { defineFunction(); return Null.INSTANCE; } @TruffleBoundary private void defineFunction() { InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); if (context.callFunctions.callTargets.containsKey(identifier)) { if (context.callFunctions.callTargets.get(identifier) != target) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Identifier redefinition not supported."); } } context.callFunctions.callTargets.put(this.identifier, target); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { InstrumentationTestRootNode rootNode = (InstrumentationTestRootNode) target.getRootNode(); return new DefineNode(language, identifier, rootNode.getSourceSection(), new BaseNode[]{cloneUninitialized(rootNode.functionRoot, materializedTags)}); } } static class ContextNode extends BaseNode { @Children private final BaseNode[] children; ContextNode(BaseNode[] children) { this.children = children; } @Override @ExplodeLoop public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { Object returnValue = Null.INSTANCE; TruffleContext inner = createInnerContext(); Object prev = inner.enter(this); try { for (BaseNode child : children) { if (child != null) { returnValue = child.execute(frame); } } } finally { inner.leave(this, prev); inner.close(); } return returnValue; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new ContextNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } @TruffleBoundary private TruffleContext createInnerContext() { InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); return context.env.newContextBuilder().build(); } } private static class CallNode extends InstrumentedNode { @Child private DirectCallNode callNode; private final String identifier; CallNode(String identifier, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.identifier = identifier; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (callNode == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); CallTarget target = context.callFunctions.callTargets.get(identifier); callNode = insert(Truffle.getRuntime().createDirectCallNode(target)); } Object[] arguments = new Object[children.length]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { arguments[i] = children[i].execute(frame); } return callNode.call(arguments); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new CallNode(identifier, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static class SpawnNode extends InstrumentedNode { @Child private DirectCallNode callNode; private final String identifier; SpawnNode(String identifier, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.identifier = identifier; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (callNode == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); CallTarget target = context.callFunctions.callTargets.get(identifier); callNode = insert(Truffle.getRuntime().createDirectCallNode(target)); } spawnCall(); return Null.INSTANCE; } @TruffleBoundary private void spawnCall() { InstrumentationTestLanguage language = lookupLanguageReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); int asyncDepth = language.getAsynchronousStackDepth(); AsyncStackInfo asyncInfo; if (asyncDepth > 0) { asyncInfo = new AsyncStackInfo(); asyncInfo.addCall(this, null); if (asyncDepth > 1) { Truffle.getRuntime().iterateFrames(new FrameInstanceVisitor<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean visitFrame(FrameInstance frameInstance) { Node node = frameInstance.getCallNode(); if (node == null) { return null; } Frame frame = frameInstance.getFrame(FrameInstance.FrameAccess.READ_ONLY); asyncInfo.addCall(node, frame); if (asyncInfo.callNodes.size() < asyncDepth) { return null; } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } }); } } else { asyncInfo = null; } InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); Thread t = context.env.createThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (asyncInfo != null) { callNode.call(new Object[]{asyncInfo}); } else { callNode.call(new Object[0]); } } }); synchronized (context.spawnedThreads) { context.spawnedThreads.add(t); } t.start(); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new SpawnNode(identifier, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static final class AsyncStackInfo { private final List<Node> callNodes = new ArrayList<>(); private AsyncStackInfo previous; AsyncStackInfo() { } private void addCall(Node callNode, Frame frame) { assert callNode != null; this.callNodes.add(callNode); if (frame != null) { Object[] arguments = frame.getArguments(); if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof AsyncStackInfo) { previous = (AsyncStackInfo) arguments[0]; } } } private List<TruffleStackTraceElement> createStackTraceElements() { List<TruffleStackTraceElement> elements = new ArrayList<>(callNodes.size()); for (Node callNode : callNodes) { RootCallTarget callTarget = callNode.getRootNode().getCallTarget(); Frame frame; if (previous != null) { frame = Truffle.getRuntime().createMaterializedFrame(new Object[]{previous}); } else { frame = null; } elements.add(TruffleStackTraceElement.create(callNode, callTarget, frame)); } return elements; } } private static class JoinNode extends InstrumentedNode { JoinNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { joinSpawnedThreads(); return Null.INSTANCE; } @TruffleBoundary private void joinSpawnedThreads() { InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); InstrumentationTestLanguage.joinSpawnedThreads(context, false); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new JoinNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static void joinSpawnedThreads(InstrumentContext context, boolean noInterrupt) { List<Thread> threads; do { threads = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (context.spawnedThreads) { for (Thread t : context.spawnedThreads) { if (t.isAlive()) { threads.add(t); } } } for (Thread t : threads) { try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { if (!noInterrupt) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } } while (!threads.isEmpty()); } private static class RecursiveCallNode extends InstrumentedNode { @Child private DirectCallNode callNode; private final String identifier; private final int depth; private int currentDepth = 0; RecursiveCallNode(String identifier, int depth, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.identifier = identifier; this.depth = depth; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (currentDepth < depth) { currentDepth++; if (callNode == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); CallTarget target = context.callFunctions.callTargets.get(identifier); callNode = insert(Truffle.getRuntime().createDirectCallNode(target)); } Object retval = callNode.call(new Object[0]); currentDepth--; return retval; } else { return null; } } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new RecursiveCallNode(identifier, depth, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static final class ThisArg { final Object thisElement; ThisArg(Object thisElement) { this.thisElement = thisElement; } } private static class CallWithNode extends InstrumentedNode { @Child private DirectCallNode callNode; private final String identifier; @CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) private final Object[] thisArg; CallWithNode(String identifier, Object thisObj, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.identifier = identifier; this.thisArg = new Object[]{new ThisArg(thisObj)}; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (callNode == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); CallTarget target = context.callFunctions.callTargets.get(identifier); callNode = insert(Truffle.getRuntime().createDirectCallNode(target)); } Object[] arguments; if (children.length == 0) { arguments = thisArg; } else { arguments = new Object[1 + children.length]; arguments[0] = thisArg[0]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { arguments[i + 1] = children[i].execute(frame); } } Object retval = callNode.call(arguments); return retval; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new CallWithNode(identifier, ((ThisArg) thisArg[0]).thisElement, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) static class AllocatedObject implements TruffleObject { final Object metaObject; AllocatedObject(String name) { this.metaObject = new InstrumentationMetaObject(this, name); } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage Object toDisplayString(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean config) { return "AllocatedObject"; } @ExportMessage boolean hasMetaObject() { return true; } @ExportMessage Object getMetaObject() { return metaObject; } } private static class AllocationNode extends InstrumentedNode { AllocationNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { AllocationReporter reporter = getCurrentContext(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).allocationReporter; Object allocatedObject = new AllocatedObject("Integer"); reporter.onEnter(null, 0, 1); reporter.onReturnValue(allocatedObject, 0, 1); return allocatedObject; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new AllocationNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static class SleepNode extends InstrumentedNode { private final int timeToSleep; SleepNode(Object timeToSleep, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.timeToSleep = (Integer) timeToSleep; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { sleep(); return null; } @TruffleBoundary private void sleep() { try { Thread.sleep(timeToSleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new SleepNode(timeToSleep, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static class ConstantNode extends InstrumentedNode { private final Object constant; ConstantNode(String identifier, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.constant = parseIdent(identifier); } ConstantNode(Object constant, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.constant = constant; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { return constant; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new ConstantNode(constant, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } @Override String getShortId() { return "C"; } } private static class InvalidateNode extends InstrumentedNode { InvalidateNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); } return 1; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new InvalidateNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } @GenerateWrapper public static class TypeSpecializedNode extends InstrumentedNode implements InstrumentableNode { private String value; public TypeSpecializedNode() { super(null); } public TypeSpecializedNode(String value) { super(null); this.value = value; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public int executeInt(VirtualFrame frame) throws UnexpectedResultException { throw new UnexpectedResultException(value); } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new AssertionError(); } @Override public InstrumentableNode.WrapperNode createWrapper(ProbeNode probe) { return new TypeSpecializedNodeWrapper(this, probe); } @Override public final boolean hasTag(Class<? extends Tag> tag) { if (tag.equals(StandardTags.StatementTag.class)) { return true; } return super.hasTag(tag); } @Override public SourceSection getSourceSection() { return Source.newBuilder(ID, "UnexpectedResultException(" + value + ")", "unexpected").build().createSection(1); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new TypeSpecializedNode(value); } } private static class UnexpectedResultNode extends InstrumentedNode { UnexpectedResultNode(String value) { super(new BaseNode[]{new TypeSpecializedNode(value)}); } UnexpectedResultNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { try { return ((TypeSpecializedNode) children[0]).executeInt(frame); } catch (UnexpectedResultException e) { return e.getResult(); } } @Override public final boolean hasTag(Class<? extends Tag> tag) { if (tag.equals(StandardTags.StatementTag.class)) { return true; } return super.hasTag(tag); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new UnexpectedResultNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializeChildExpressionNode extends StatementNode { MaterializeChildExpressionNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } public InstrumentableNode materializeInstrumentableNodes(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { if (materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class)) { MaterializedChildExpressionNode materializedNode = new MaterializedChildExpressionNode(getSourceSection(), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); materializedNode.setSourceSection(getSourceSection()); return materializedNode; } return this; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializeChildExpressionNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializedChildExpressionNode extends StatementNode { @Child private InstrumentedNode expressionNode; MaterializedChildExpressionNode(SourceSection sourceSection, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.expressionNode = new ExpressionNode(null); this.expressionNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); } MaterializedChildExpressionNode(InstrumentedNode expressionNode, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.expressionNode = expressionNode; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { expressionNode.execute(frame); return super.execute(frame); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializedChildExpressionNode(cloneUninitialized(expressionNode, materializedTags), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializeChildStatementNode extends StatementNode { MaterializeChildStatementNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } public InstrumentableNode materializeInstrumentableNodes(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { if (materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.StatementTag.class)) { MaterializedChildStatementNode materializedNode = new MaterializedChildStatementNode(getSourceSection(), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); materializedNode.setSourceSection(getSourceSection()); return materializedNode; } return this; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializeChildStatementNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializedChildStatementNode extends StatementNode { @Child private InstrumentedNode statementNode; MaterializedChildStatementNode(SourceSection sourceSection, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.statementNode = new StatementNode(new BaseNode[0]); this.statementNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); } MaterializedChildStatementNode(InstrumentedNode statementNode, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.statementNode = statementNode; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { statementNode.execute(frame); return super.execute(frame); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializedChildStatementNode(cloneUninitialized(statementNode, materializedTags), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode extends StatementNode { MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } public InstrumentableNode materializeInstrumentableNodes(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { InstrumentedNode materializedNode = this; if (materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.StatementTag.class) && materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class)) { materializedNode = new MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(getSourceSection(), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } else if (materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.StatementTag.class)) { materializedNode = new MaterializedChildStatementMaterializeChildExpressionNode(getSourceSection(), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } else if (materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class)) { materializedNode = new MaterializedChildExpressionMaterializeChildStatementNode(getSourceSection(), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } if (materializedNode != this) { materializedNode.setSourceSection(getSourceSection()); } return materializedNode; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializeChildExpressionNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializedChildStatementMaterializeChildExpressionNode extends StatementNode { @Child private InstrumentedNode statementNode; MaterializedChildStatementMaterializeChildExpressionNode(SourceSection sourceSection, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.statementNode = new StatementNode(new BaseNode[0]); this.statementNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); } MaterializedChildStatementMaterializeChildExpressionNode(InstrumentedNode statementNode, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.statementNode = statementNode; } @Override public InstrumentableNode materializeInstrumentableNodes(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { if (materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class)) { MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode materializedNode = new MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(getSourceSection(), statementNode, true, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); materializedNode.setSourceSection(getSourceSection()); return materializedNode; } return this; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { statementNode.execute(frame); return super.execute(frame); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializedChildStatementMaterializeChildExpressionNode(cloneUninitialized(statementNode, materializedTags), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializedChildExpressionMaterializeChildStatementNode extends StatementNode { @Child private InstrumentedNode expressionNode; MaterializedChildExpressionMaterializeChildStatementNode(SourceSection sourceSection, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.expressionNode = new ExpressionNode(null); this.expressionNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); } MaterializedChildExpressionMaterializeChildStatementNode(InstrumentedNode expressionNode, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.expressionNode = expressionNode; } @Override public InstrumentableNode materializeInstrumentableNodes(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { if (materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.StatementTag.class)) { MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode materializedNode = new MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(getSourceSection(), expressionNode, false, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); materializedNode.setSourceSection(getSourceSection()); return materializedNode; } return this; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { expressionNode.execute(frame); return super.execute(frame); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializedChildExpressionMaterializeChildStatementNode(cloneUninitialized(expressionNode, materializedTags), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode extends StatementNode { @Child private InstrumentedNode statementNode; @Child private InstrumentedNode expressionNode; MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(SourceSection sourceSection, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.statementNode = new StatementNode(new BaseNode[0]); this.statementNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); this.expressionNode = new ExpressionNode(null); this.expressionNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); } MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(InstrumentedNode statemetNode, InstrumentedNode expressionNode, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.statementNode = statemetNode; this.expressionNode = expressionNode; } MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(SourceSection sourceSection, InstrumentedNode statemetOrExpressionNode, boolean isStatement, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); if (isStatement) { this.statementNode = statemetOrExpressionNode; this.expressionNode = new ExpressionNode(null); this.expressionNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); } else { this.statementNode = new StatementNode(new BaseNode[0]); this.statementNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); this.expressionNode = statemetOrExpressionNode; } } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { statementNode.execute(frame); expressionNode.execute(frame); return super.execute(frame); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionSeparatelyNode(cloneUninitialized(statementNode, materializedTags), cloneUninitialized(expressionNode, materializedTags), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionNode extends StatementNode { private final boolean cloneSubTreeOnMaterialization; MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionNode(BaseNode[] children) { this(children, true); } MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionNode(BaseNode[] children, boolean cloneSubTreeOnMaterialization) { super(children); this.cloneSubTreeOnMaterialization = cloneSubTreeOnMaterialization; } public InstrumentableNode materializeInstrumentableNodes(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { if (materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.ExpressionTag.class) || materializedTags.contains(StandardTags.StatementTag.class)) { BaseNode[] newChildren = children != null ? new BaseNode[children.length] : null; int skippedExpressionsCount = 0; if (newChildren != null) { for (int i = 0; i < newChildren.length; i++) { if (children[i] instanceof ExpressionNode) { ExpressionNode expr = (ExpressionNode) children[i]; if (expr.children != null && expr.children.length == 1 && ExpressionNode.isExpressionNode(expr.children[0])) { // use nested expression newChildren[i] = expr.children[0]; skippedExpressionsCount++; } } else { newChildren[i] = children[i]; } } } BaseNode[] replacementForSkippedExpressions = new BaseNode[skippedExpressionsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < skippedExpressionsCount; i++) { replacementForSkippedExpressions[i] = new ExpressionNode(null); replacementForSkippedExpressions[i].setSourceSection(getSourceSection()); } MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionNode materializedNode = new MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionNode(getSourceSection(), replacementForSkippedExpressions, cloneSubTreeOnMaterialization ? cloneUninitialized(newChildren, materializedTags) : newChildren); materializedNode.setSourceSection(getSourceSection()); return materializedNode; } return this; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializeChildStatementAndExpressionNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionNode extends StatementNode { @Child private InstrumentedNode statementNode; MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionNode(SourceSection sourceSection, BaseNode[] expressions, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.statementNode = new StatementNode(expressions); this.statementNode.setSourceSection(sourceSection); } MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionNode(InstrumentedNode statementNode, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.statementNode = statementNode; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { statementNode.execute(frame); return super.execute(frame); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new MaterializedChildStatementAndExpressionNode(cloneUninitialized(statementNode, materializedTags), cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static class InnerFrameNode extends InstrumentedNode { private final FrameDescriptor innerFrameDescriptor = new FrameDescriptor(); InnerFrameNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override public SourceSection getSourceSection() { return null; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { return super.execute(Truffle.getRuntime().createVirtualFrame(frame.getArguments(), innerFrameDescriptor)); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new InnerFrameNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } private static Object parseIdent(String identifier) { if (identifier.equals("infinity")) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } if (identifier.equals("true")) { return true; } else if (identifier.equals("false")) { return false; } return Integer.parseInt(identifier); } private static final class VariableNode extends InstrumentedNode { private final String name; private final Object value; @CompilationFinal private FrameSlot slot; final AllocationReporter allocationReporter; private VariableNode(String name, String identifier, BaseNode[] children, AllocationReporter allocationReporter) { super(children); this.name = name; this.value = parseIdent(identifier); this.allocationReporter = allocationReporter; } private VariableNode(String name, Object value, BaseNode[] children, AllocationReporter allocationReporter) { super(children); this.name = name; this.value = value; this.allocationReporter = allocationReporter; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (allocationReporter.isActive()) { // Pretend we're allocating the value, for tests allocationReporter.onEnter(null, 0, getValueSize()); } if (slot == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); slot = frame.getFrameDescriptor().findOrAddFrameSlot(name); } frame.setObject(slot, value); if (allocationReporter.isActive()) { allocationReporter.onReturnValue(value, 0, getValueSize()); } super.execute(frame); return value; } private long getValueSize() { if (value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Boolean) { return 1; } if (value instanceof Character) { return 2; } if (value instanceof Short) { return 2; } if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Float) { return 4; } if (value instanceof Long || value instanceof Double) { return 8; } return AllocationReporter.SIZE_UNKNOWN; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new VariableNode(name, value, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags), allocationReporter); } } private static final class ReadVariableNode extends InstrumentedNode { private final String name; @CompilationFinal private FrameSlot slot; private ReadVariableNode(String name, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.name = name; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (slot == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); slot = frame.getFrameDescriptor().findFrameSlot(name); if (slot == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown variable " + name); } } super.execute(frame); return frame.getValue(slot); } } private static class ArgumentNode extends InstrumentedNode { private final String name; @CompilationFinal private FrameSlot slot; @CompilationFinal private int index; ArgumentNode(String name, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.name = name; } void setIndex(int index) { this.index = index; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (slot == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); slot = frame.getFrameDescriptor().findOrAddFrameSlot(name); } Object[] args = frame.getArguments(); Object value; if (args.length <= index) { value = Null.INSTANCE; } else { if (args[0] instanceof ThisArg) { value = args[index + 1]; } else { value = args[index]; } } frame.setObject(slot, value); super.execute(frame); return value; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new ArgumentNode(name, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static final class WhileLoopNode extends InstrumentedNode { @Child private LoopNode loop; @CompilationFinal FrameSlot loopIndexSlot; @CompilationFinal FrameSlot loopResultSlot; WhileLoopNode(Object loopCount, BaseNode[] children) { this.loop = Truffle.getRuntime().createLoopNode(new LoopConditionNode(loopCount, children)); } WhileLoopNode(int loopCount, boolean infinite, BaseNode[] children) { this.loop = Truffle.getRuntime().createLoopNode(new LoopConditionNode(loopCount, infinite, children)); } FrameSlot getLoopIndex() { if (loopIndexSlot == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); loopIndexSlot = getRootNode().getFrameDescriptor().findOrAddFrameSlot("loopIndex" + getLoopDepth()); } return loopIndexSlot; } FrameSlot getResult() { if (loopResultSlot == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); loopResultSlot = getRootNode().getFrameDescriptor().findOrAddFrameSlot("loopResult" + getLoopDepth()); } return loopResultSlot; } private int getLoopDepth() { Node node = getParent(); int count = 0; while (node != null) { if (node instanceof WhileLoopNode) { count++; } node = node.getParent(); } return count; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { frame.setObject(getResult(), Null.INSTANCE); frame.setInt(getLoopIndex(), 0); loop.execute(frame); try { return frame.getObject(loopResultSlot); } catch (FrameSlotTypeException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new AssertionError(e); } } @Override String getShortId() { return "L"; } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { LoopConditionNode repeatingNode = (LoopConditionNode) loop.getRepeatingNode(); return new WhileLoopNode(repeatingNode.loopCount, repeatingNode.infinite, cloneUninitialized(repeatingNode.children, materializedTags)); } final class LoopConditionNode extends InstrumentedNode implements RepeatingNode { private final int loopCount; private final boolean infinite; LoopConditionNode(Object loopCount, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); boolean inf = false; if (loopCount instanceof Double) { if (((Double) loopCount).isInfinite()) { inf = true; } this.loopCount = ((Double) loopCount).intValue(); } else if (loopCount instanceof Integer) { this.loopCount = (int) loopCount; } else { throw new LanguageError("Invalid loop count " + loopCount); } this.infinite = inf; } LoopConditionNode(int loopCount, boolean infinite, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.loopCount = loopCount; this.infinite = infinite; } @Override public boolean isInstrumentable() { return false; } public boolean executeRepeating(VirtualFrame frame) { int i; try { i = frame.getInt(loopIndexSlot); } catch (FrameSlotTypeException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new AssertionError(e); } if (infinite || i < loopCount) { Object resultValue = super.execute(frame); frame.setInt(loopIndexSlot, i + 1); frame.setObject(loopResultSlot, resultValue); return true; } else { return false; } } } } static final class InternalNode extends InstrumentedNode { InternalNode(BaseNode[] children) { super(children); } @Override public SourceSection getSourceSection() { return null; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { return super.execute(frame); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new InternalNode(cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } static class PrintNode extends InstrumentedNode { enum Output { OUT, ERR } private final Output where; private final String what; @CompilationFinal private PrintWriter writer; PrintNode(String where, String what, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); if (what == null) { this.where = Output.OUT; this.what = where; } else { this.where = Output.valueOf(where); this.what = what; } } PrintNode(Output where, String what, BaseNode[] children) { super(children); this.where = where; this.what = what; } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { if (writer == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); InstrumentContext context = lookupContextReference(InstrumentationTestLanguage.class).get(); switch (where) { case OUT: writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(context.out)); break; case ERR: writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(context.err)); break; default: throw new AssertionError(where); } } writeAndFlush(writer, what); return Null.INSTANCE; } @TruffleBoundary private static void writeAndFlush(PrintWriter writer, String what) { writer.write(what); writer.flush(); } @Override protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { return new PrintNode(where, what, cloneUninitialized(children, materializedTags)); } } public abstract static class BaseNode extends Node { private SourceSection sourceSection; private int index; public void setSourceSection(SourceSection sourceSection) { this.sourceSection = sourceSection; } public int getIndex() { return index; } @Override public SourceSection getSourceSection() { return sourceSection; } public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame); String getShortId() { return "BS"; } protected BaseNode copyUninitialized(Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { if (this instanceof InstrumentableNode.WrapperNode) { InstrumentableNode.WrapperNode wrapperNode = (InstrumentableNode.WrapperNode) this; return cloneUninitialized((BaseNode) wrapperNode.getDelegateNode(), materializedTags); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends BaseNode> T cloneUninitialized(T node, Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { if (node == null) { return null; } else { T copy = node; if (node instanceof InstrumentableNode && ((InstrumentableNode) node).isInstrumentable() && materializedTags != null) { copy = (T) ((InstrumentableNode) node).materializeInstrumentableNodes(materializedTags); } if (node == copy) { copy = (T) node.copyUninitialized(materializedTags); if (copy.getSourceSection() == null && node.getSourceSection() != null) { copy.setSourceSection(node.getSourceSection()); } } return copy; } } public static <T extends BaseNode> T[] cloneUninitialized(T[] nodeArray, Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializedTags) { if (nodeArray == null) { return null; } else { T[] copy = nodeArray.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++) { copy[i] = cloneUninitialized(copy[i], materializedTags); } return copy; } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static class LanguageError extends RuntimeException { LanguageError(String format) { super(format); } } @Override protected Object getScope(InstrumentContext context) { return context.callFunctions; } @Override protected Object getLanguageView(InstrumentContext context, Object value) { return new InstrumentationLanguageView(value); } public static int getRootSourceSectionQueryCount() { return rootSourceSectionQueryCount; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) static final class Function implements TruffleObject { private final CallTarget ct; Function(CallTarget ct) { this.ct = ct; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportMessage boolean isExecutable() { return true; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary Object execute(Object[] arguments) { return ct.call(arguments); } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary boolean hasSourceLocation() { return ((RootCallTarget) ct).getRootNode().getSourceSection() != null; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary SourceSection getSourceLocation() { return ((RootCallTarget) ct).getRootNode().getSourceSection(); } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary Object toDisplayString(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean config) { return "Function:" + ct; } @ExportMessage boolean hasMetaObject() { return true; } @ExportMessage Object getMetaObject() { return new InstrumentationMetaObject(this, "Function"); } } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public static final class Null implements TruffleObject { public static final Null INSTANCE = new Null(); private Null() { } public static boolean isInstance(TruffleObject obj) { return obj instanceof Null; } @Override public String toString() { return "Null"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportMessage boolean isNull() { return true; } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary Object toDisplayString(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean config) { return "Null"; } } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) static class FunctionsObject implements TruffleObject { final Map<String, CallTarget> callTargets = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map<String, TruffleObject> functions = new HashMap<>(); FunctionsObject() { } TruffleObject findFunction(String name) { TruffleObject functionObject = functions.get(name); if (functionObject == null) { CallTarget ct = callTargets.get(name); if (ct == null) { return null; } functionObject = new Function(ct); functions.put(name, functionObject); } return functionObject; } @ExportMessage boolean isScope() { return true; } @ExportMessage boolean hasMembers() { return true; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final Object getMembers(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean includeInternal) { return new KeysObject(callTargets.keySet().toArray(new String[0])); } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final boolean isMemberReadable(@SuppressWarnings("unused") String member) { return callTargets.containsKey(member); } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary Object readMember(String key) { return findFunction(key); } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary Object toDisplayString(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean config) { return "global"; } } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) static class KeysObject implements TruffleObject { private final String[] keys; KeysObject(String[] keys) { this.keys = keys; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportMessage boolean hasArrayElements() { return true; } @ExportMessage boolean isArrayElementReadable(long index) { return index >= 0 && index < keys.length; } @ExportMessage long getArraySize() { return keys.length; } @ExportMessage Object readArrayElement(long index) throws InvalidArrayIndexException { try { return keys[(int) index]; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw InvalidArrayIndexException.create(index); } } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary Object toDisplayString(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean config) { return "Keys" + Arrays.toString(keys); } } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) @SuppressWarnings("static-method") static final class InstrumentationMetaObject implements TruffleObject { private final Object original; private final String name; InstrumentationMetaObject(Object original, String name) { this.original = original; this.name = name; } @ExportMessage boolean isMetaObject() { return true; } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage Object getMetaQualifiedName() { return name; } @ExportMessage Object getMetaSimpleName() { return name; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary boolean isMetaInstance(Object instance) { return instance.equals(original) || (original instanceof InstrumentationLanguageView && instance.equals(((InstrumentationLanguageView) original).delegate)); } @ExportMessage Object toDisplayString(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean config) { return name; } }
Default implementation for the instrumentation view in TruffleLanguage. Should be removed with deprecated methods in TruffleLanguage.
/** * Default implementation for the instrumentation view in {@link TruffleLanguage}. Should be * removed with deprecated methods in {@link TruffleLanguage}. */
@ExportLibrary(value = InteropLibrary.class, delegateTo = "delegate") @ExportLibrary(value = ReflectionLibrary.class, delegateTo = "delegate") @SuppressWarnings("static-method") static final class InstrumentationLanguageView implements TruffleObject { protected final Object delegate; InstrumentationLanguageView(Object delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return InstrumentationTestLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary boolean hasSourceLocation() { if (delegate instanceof Integer || delegate instanceof Long) { return true; } else if (delegate instanceof Boolean) { return true; } else if (delegate != null && delegate.equals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) { return true; } return false; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary SourceSection getSourceLocation() throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (delegate instanceof Integer || delegate instanceof Long) { return Source.newBuilder(ID, "source integer", "integer").build().createSection(1); } else if (delegate instanceof Boolean) { return Source.newBuilder(ID, "source boolean", "boolean").build().createSection(1); } else if (delegate != null && delegate.equals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) { return Source.newBuilder(ID, "source infinity", "double").build().createSection(1); } throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary Object toDisplayString(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean config) { return Objects.toString(delegate); } @ExportMessage boolean hasMetaObject() { return true; } @TruffleBoundary private String getTypeName() { if (delegate instanceof Integer || delegate instanceof Long) { return "Integer"; } if (delegate instanceof Boolean) { return "Boolean"; } if (delegate.equals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) { return "Infinity"; } return null; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary Object getMetaObject() { return new InstrumentationMetaObject(this, getTypeName()); } } @TruffleBoundary private static String toString(Object object) { return object.toString(); } public static final class SpecialServiceImpl implements SpecialService { @Override public String fileExtension() { return FILENAME_EXTENSION; } } @Override protected void finalizeContext(InstrumentContext context) { joinSpawnedThreads(context, true); } @Override protected void initializeThread(InstrumentContext context, Thread thread) { Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler currentHandler = thread.getUncaughtExceptionHandler(); if (currentHandler != null && "com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotLanguageContext$PolyglotUncaughtExceptionHandler".equals(currentHandler.getClass().getName())) { thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler((t, e) -> { InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getUncached(); boolean interrupted; boolean cancelled = false; if (interop.isException(e)) { try { ExceptionType exceptionType = interop.getExceptionType(e); interrupted = exceptionType == ExceptionType.INTERRUPT; } catch (UnsupportedMessageException ume) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(ume); } } else { interrupted = e != null && e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException; cancelled = e != null && "com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotEngineImpl$CancelExecution".equals(e.getClass().getName()); } if (!interrupted && !cancelled) { Env currentEnv = context.env; try { e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(currentEnv.err())); } catch (Throwable exc) { // Still show the original error if printing on Env.err() fails for some // reason e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } } } class InstrumentContext { final FunctionsObject callFunctions = new FunctionsObject(); final Env env; final OutputStream out; final OutputStream err; final AllocationReporter allocationReporter; final Source initSource; final boolean runInitAfterExec; RootCallTarget afterTarget; final Set<Thread> spawnedThreads = new WeakSet<>(); InstrumentContext(Env env, Source initSource, Boolean runInitAfterExec) { this.env = env; this.out = env.out(); this.err = env.err(); this.allocationReporter = env.lookup(AllocationReporter.class); this.initSource = initSource; this.runInitAfterExec = runInitAfterExec != null && runInitAfterExec; } private static class WeakSet<T> extends AbstractSet<T> { private final Map<T, Void> map = new WeakHashMap<>(); @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return map.keySet().iterator(); } @Override public synchronized int size() { return map.size(); } @Override public synchronized boolean add(T e) { return map.put(e, null) == null; } @Override public synchronized void clear() { map.clear(); } } }